Melnikov here was higher I read online. Alexey Pokhabov: Man of knowledge. Here was the higher I (compilation). Alexey Pokhabov Four castes. Who you are

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Alexey Pokhabov, Sergey Melnikov
Man of knowledge. There Was a Higher Self (compilation)

Alexey Pokhabov
man of knowledge


On the path of development, I was lucky to meet an excellent fellow traveler - Alexei Pokhabov. We've been walking together for over ten years now. First as a teacher and student, then as colleagues and friends. His successes in self-knowledge, self-realization inspire me.

Perhaps one of his most outstanding qualities is the ability to implement, apply his abilities in social environment without compromising connection with the Spirit. He has helped and continues to help many people. And now most people know me precisely as the teacher of the winner of the 7th battle of psychics, as Aleksey positions me in his books and statements. Without the light of his power, which he generously shares with fellow travelers, I would be much less manifest in this world.

People sometimes write to me: “Make me like Alexey”, “Teach me like him”, believing that in working with him I used some special technique that contributed to his rapid development, different from the methods that I used for the rest. That he was originally a chosen student with whom I constantly worked and "made someone out of him." In reality, I used exactly the same techniques as for everyone else. I did not make any exceptions for him, did not pay much attention. This he gave Special attention Ways that allowed him to understand something more important than techniques, through me and other teachers, to draw the necessary lessons from situations. He learned to hear the voice of the Spirit behind the voices of the world and embody this voice. And this is another remarkable quality of Alexei: the ability to perceive and learn from the main guru - the Higher Self. Spirit sometimes shows something to him through me, sometimes something to me through him, guiding him along similar paths. This is what brought us closer. Therefore, our friendship and cooperation has continued to improve for many years. And I am sure that the knowledge that Alexey shares is worthy of special attention.

Sergey Melnikov


“Alexey, you are in such great shape! Share, please, your secret,” a participant of the next traveling seminar asked me. It was a one-day meeting, and I no longer remember what we talked about and what I said to that woman. But I remember her question. And all because, although I looked good on the outside, I knew the true state of my affairs. And the situation was terrible. I was absolutely exhausted energetically. I had been tormented by depression for a year now, I could not get enough sleep, no matter how much I slept. Nothing made me happy. I walked in constant tension, and my thoughts were in chaos. The only thing I was good at was my job. But I didn't want to work either.

My body resembled that of an old man. Not outside, but inside. My joints hurt, my back ached every morning, and my head felt like it was in a fog. I couldn't concentrate properly. And every evening he came home and languished from loneliness. All my huge potential was lost in the depths of the subconscious, and the conscious part of me only wanted to sleep and rest, although I had nothing to get tired of.

After that meeting, the woman's phrase never left my mind. More precisely, the realization of the true state of affairs began. I got on a plane to fly to Moscow, and never stopped thinking why I was in such a state. And what to do to get out of it? I don’t remember how long I was in this endless questioning of myself, but the answer was insanely obvious: “I know!!! I know how to solve all these problems.” I have knowledge. I pull people out of these life situations for several years now. They come to me and say, "I don't know what to do." Well, I do know. And all you need is to start living in accordance with your knowledge. And just such a person can only be called a Man of Knowledge.

Castaneda fans will be disappointed if they buy this book. After all, the expression "Man of Knowledge" belongs to him, and this term means the one who defeated his natural enemies: fear, clarity, strength and old age. But I like this phrase so much that I will use it on the pages of my book, as if hinting that a person who can live in accordance with what he knows will sooner or later defeat the listed enemies.

And it's not about the title. I don't call myself a Knowledge Man. I don't like these name prefixes at all. Time itself will tell about me, and these are my deeds. I just want to involve the reader in the idea that the way out of any situation is KNOWLEDGE. And the funny thing is that we are stuffed to capacity with all sorts of useful knowledge, information, recommendations. And we ourselves can give brilliant advice to anyone on any issue. Then why, having everything we need, we drag out a miserable existence? After all, all you need is to act in accordance with your knowledge.

This book is my knowledge that helped me change my life and make it a little stronger from a weak one. I don't have any previous problems. There are others. But the most important thing is the key. It is important not just to know something.

It is important that knowledge constitutes a single picture of the world. That's the only way to find a way out.

Also keep in mind that I am walking the path of Magic. Magic is a way to live. He is no better, but no worse than others. The knowledge described here is not suitable for everyone. But if after reading you feel a surge of energy in yourself, a slight feeling of happiness, as if you have found something that you have been looking for for a long time, then this road can be useful to you. After all, not all knowledge is useful. After all, what's the point of this or that information if it doesn't make you happy.

This is my happiness. My life. My way. And with infinite joy I am ready to share it with everyone who wishes to walk along it with me.

Chapter 1
Model of the world order

If you take a closer look at any knowledge, you will see that it is inextricably linked with the ideological paradigm, the model within which this knowledge is embedded. That is, there is no knowledge, at least no knowledge that can be spoken of, outside the model.

For example, speech itself serves as a way for us to convey the meaning that we put into words. And the mode of transmission has a model, a structure. All Russian speech consists of 33 letters, but we cannot pronounce them in random order, otherwise there will simply be no meaning. So it is with knowledge. When we simply take some idea as knowledge and want to practice it, we fail if we do not understand the model on the basis of which this knowledge was formulated. Therefore, before moving on to recommendations in the “do this and that” style, we need to create in our mind a platform, a foundation, from which we will continue to build. We can say that this foundation is all we need.

If we assimilate the model of the world, then knowledge will fall on us by itself.

Let's take electricity as an example. You can study various electrical appliances and try to benefit from them, or you can understand the nature of electricity itself. In this case, we ourselves become the inventors of electrical appliances and can create what we need at the moment. Not understanding the picture of the world of electricity, a person will stick appliances into the outlet one by one in search of an answer. More precisely, he will not even guess that these devices need to be plugged somewhere.

In my book The Four Castes, I wrote that there are only three basic pictures of the world. Religious, scientific and magical. I will not describe them again, but will focus your attention on the advantages of one or another picture of the world.

For example, a person decided to study the topic of health. By the way, a good topic, which for some reason the majority ignores until it is pressed. It would seem that this topic lies in the field of medicine and, as a result, it is part of the scientific model. Scientists really know a lot about health. Doctors are even more so. But if you look at them yourself, you can often see very sick people. They catch colds, often fall victim to cancer, are overweight, which leads to a huge list of health complications. They wear glasses, which indicates problems with vision. And very few of them die own death i.e. old age. Mostly they die from a disease that the old body cannot bear.

All these arguments make me think that doctors and researchers do not know everything about health. However, they do not hide it. A scientist is a scientist to learn all his life.

However, if a person chooses a scientific picture of the world in terms of health, then he falls into the trap that this scientific model itself creates.

Modern medicine, which we can observe in specialized institutions, came out of the 20th century. Ages of developing materialism. The knowledge taught today in medical schools, for the most part, they rely precisely on the materialistic laws that reigned then in science. And despite the fact that science has generated a huge number of currents, their representatives cannot agree among themselves.

The difficulty lies in the fact that as soon as a student receives a picture of the world from a teacher, he inherits not only knowledge, but also faith in the steadfastness of this knowledge. Doctors brought up on the idea of ​​the benefits of animal protein, which gained its popularity in late XIX century, blind to modern discoveries that animal protein contributes to the development of cancerous tumors. However, as soon as this idea takes root in the mind of a person, he will immediately forget about the psychosomatic causes of cancer. And a person who is carried away by psychology will deny the impact of harmful substances on the body, believing that all troubles are from the mind. There is no end to these disputes in scientific circles. And that's why it's rare to find a truly healthy scientist these days.

In my opinion, people who profess a scientific model of the world order are limited by this model itself. Namely, the concept of matter. It's no secret that a good doctor in our time views the body solely as a three-dimensional body. One has only to hint at the energies, as nausea sets in. It is useless to convince him of something. His picture of the world is stable and supported by all the knowledge he knows about the body. And in modern science there is no knowledge about any energies yet. At least in official science.

Therefore, if a person chooses the path to health through the picture of the world of medicine, his knowledge will be limited. He will still face health problems, and he will begin to solve them with the help of various medicines. And I'm not saying it's bad. It's just the facts.

And now imagine the same person who chooses a magical model in matters of health. First, he does not deny what scientists know. But he also does not deny the known Magam. In addition to the well-known recommendations: eat right, exercise physical education, drink clean water and breathe clean air, a world of energies, altered states of consciousness, subtle plans and much more opens up to his gaze. Having fallen ill, he can find both a scientific justification and a justification, for example, a shamanic one: illness is a consequence of the influence of some spirit. And if this explanation works, then you can cure yourself without resorting to drugs that give a lot of side effects. And in the future, you can not allow this spirit to yourself so that the disease does not return.

I do not at all call for abandoning medicine in favor of shamanism, especially since a real seeing shaman in our time cannot be found in the daytime with fire. And I'm not saying that shamans understand health better than doctors. But I only affirm that there is another approach, another explanation, another way to live. And this applies not only to the topic of health, but also to everything around. Not that this way is better or worse. He's just different. And if we are already talking about health, then I will note that I met people who were over 70 years old, and they were healthier than me. And among them were doctors. And they all had one thing in common - SPIRITUAL PRACTICE. That is, they followed something else besides a materialistic view of themselves and the world. And draw your own conclusions.

Magic model of the world

I want to make an attempt to describe the world. I will say right away that people who have more knowledge in the field of quantum mechanics can argue with my description. But I do not claim to be infallible. But I will only describe the template we need to further assimilate the knowledge with which we can change our lives.

So. A magical model is a model that explains the world, its structure, its laws, based on the experience of Mages. Such experience could be obtained in various ways. From rituals with sacrifices to the use of psychotropic plants. In any case, the magical model serves not so much to explain the various phenomena of this world, but as an attempt to show the road along which a person can go. For example, it is argued that spirits exist, but not in order to believe in them (as in a religious model), but in order to gain one's own experience related to spirits. The magician studies the picture of the world with an eye to his own awareness of this or that fact. If we are talking about the subtle plane, then for the Magician this means that he can be seen or somehow get into him. Therefore, as you read on, keep in your mind the idea that this is not just a story, but a map. A path that you can go through with your own perception and become a witness to another reality. Only in this way does this model turn into knowledge, and does not remain an intellectual paradigm.

Linear approach

In almost all esoteric traditions of various peoples of the world there are legends about other worlds. So, in the Christian concept, we know two other worlds besides ours: the world of hell, where all sinners go, and the world of paradise, which accepts all the righteous. In the religious beliefs of the Scandinavians there is a myth of Valhalla (Valhalla) 1
A very large palace of the supreme god Odin in the heavenly country, Asgard. - Note. ed.

A place of rest for brave warriors, where every Viking dreamed of getting. Hinduism tells about the worlds of gods and demigods, Slavic traditions tell about the world of ancestors. However, to be in these worlds, you must die.

But there are also worlds where you can go during life. So, in Buddhism there is a world without illusions - nirvana, shamanic traditions speak of the worlds of spirits, and don Juan told Carlos about the seven worlds that a person can see by shifting the "assembly point".

In other words, legends about other worlds go hand in hand with humanity throughout its history. You can, of course, blame the ancient people for their poor knowledge of the surrounding reality and primitive thinking, but we remember that the Magicians treat everything not from the position of faith, but from the position of their own experience. If there is a description of any worlds, then somewhere there is a description of how to see them.

But now it is more important for us not to find out whether these worlds really exist, but to try to give a modern explanation for ancient legends and myths. And the first way to do this is a linear approach.

The name is modern, and the approach itself is more like a scientific one than a magical one. And the essence of this approach is as follows ...

The universe in which we live is multidimensional. That is, it can be measured in many different ways.

An ordinary person measures reality with his senses, which broadcast to him the world like three dimensional.

These three dimensions are more commonly known as length, width and height. More precisely, this is how our sense organs are shown to us, while these three dimensions include much more physical laws that we can feel.

Yes, these three coordinates are not the only ones that exist in our Universe. So, for example, the fourth coordinate - time, describes space in terms of extension in time. And it is very difficult to understand this, although at first glance everything seems to be clear.

Our conception of space is exclusively three-dimensional. The laws of physics say that one object cannot be in two different places at the same unit of time. Or there can't be two different objects at the same point in space. And our senses tell us the same thing. You are now where you are, and there is no one else in this place but you. And all this will be an infallible truth, but exactly until we add the fourth coordinate. And this is where the brain starts to boil.

The fact is that time does not exist without an object. Time is not a space that you can poke your finger into. We do not see time, we cannot touch it, but only register it, and not even time itself, but its effect on the object. We can see how a young object becomes old over time. Therefore, it can be assumed that time affects objects, wearing them out. But one person uses the object carefully, and the object lasts a long time, while the other wears it out very quickly, which means that time acts differently on these two objects. If so, then who determines the speed of the flow of time and its impact on the object? And this is where Her Majesty enters the stage. quantum mechanics, which states: it depends on the observer.

You have probably noticed that some hours fly by like minutes, while other minutes last like hours. We think that time passes as the second hand on the clock shows, but in fact, everyone has their own time and it affects everyone in their own way. We can say that time is a product of consciousness, and without an observer, its existence is impossible. For example, delta dreams. Dreamless dreams. We are not aware of anything, not even ourselves. Well? And does time exist at this moment? No. We fell asleep, and in a moment it was already morning.

And then there is the question of the observer. Scientists, brought up on the classical laws of physics, consider their body as an observer. That is, such concepts as "I" and "body", from their point of view, are identical. And they are wrong. "I" is not the body, and we will easily see this when we get to the practice. Theoretically, this is also not difficult to understand, because the distortion in the perception of time is a mental product. Of course, the psyche is affected by the release of hormones and other substances, but hormones do not affect the properties of time. That is, if we introduce these substances, say, into a metal object, then the corrosion of the object will not occur sooner or later. The speed of the flow of an object in time will remain the same for the same reason: the object does not have a psyche, that is, an observer.

Let's go back to "I". We are aware of ourselves as a body only because the speed of mental activity coincides with the speed of vibrations of our material body. If you change the speed of consciousness, then it will begin to perceive itself as something else. That is, the observer will be able to observe both himself and the world around him with other properties, including other properties of time. It is the perception of time that regulates the frequency of vibrations of consciousness. It is no coincidence that frequency comes from the word "often".

Reflecting on this, we will understand the legends of other worlds. You can really get there if you change the frequency of consciousness. That is, it is the observer who moves through the worlds, while the body remains in place. But, from the point of view of the observer, the body is also in another world with him. This is for those who have remained at the same frequencies, it is seen that the body of the observer is still in the physical world.

And here we got to the main problem that fetters the minds of novice Mages. What's more real? The experience experienced by the observer, or what is seen from the outside? This dilemma is beautifully described in the first book of Castaneda, which tells how, while under the influence of plants of power, Carlos experienced the feeling of flying in the air. But upon his return, he could not believe in the reality of his own experience. And all his disbelief boiled down to the question: "Did my body fly?"

And here's my latest "brain explosion".

The physical body, as well as the physical world, does NOT EXIST in reality.

You will understand this if you start thinking about the properties of time. The expression “I am a body” is only partially true, provided that the speed of our perception has the same oscillation frequency as physical matter. And since the act of perception is an act of creation, physical matter is actually created by the observer. We can say that our world has hundreds of different dimensions, that is, interpretations. Probably, all these worlds from the legends of mankind exist. We do not know only how to accelerate the speed of consciousness and what speed those worlds have.

Let's try to explain the existence of other worlds with the help of physics. This is possible if we add additional dimensions to our concept of space and time. As soon as the fourth coordinate appears, our familiar world changes beyond recognition, just as the two-dimensional world (a map of the area) changes when height is added (the terrain itself in its usual form).

To date, research is underway to scientifically confirm the existence of other dimensions. As part of one of the experiments, a hadron collider was created. Scientists are trying to disperse the particles in a special way so that they disappear. If this happens, there will be evidence of the existence of other dimensions (worlds). However, from the point of view of Magic, scientists are a little mistaken.

Magicians speak of other worlds not as other spaces, but as the same space, but with different coordinates.

Scientists believe that material objects exist only in the three-dimensional world, and in order to send an object to another world, it needs to disappear here. But sorcerers say that man exists simultaneously in all dimensions, in all worlds, only his consciousness is locked in the world of matter. Therefore, moving to other worlds is not connected with the physical aspect, but with the mental one.

This procedure is called consciousness expansion. As soon as a person expands his consciousness to four dimensions, he is transferred from the three-dimensional world to a new world. But this movement is not a movement in space. physical body. It's just that in the four-dimensional world a person receives a four-dimensional body, which is called ethereal in esoteric traditions. It's not like someone gave him that body. Everyone has it right now, people just don't realize it. Practices for the development of ethereal sensitivity are not practices of awareness. One can truly realize the properties of the etheric body only by expanding one's consciousness.

The first conscious inclusion in the four-dimensional world, as a rule, looks like uncontrolled hallucinations, in which the observer is powerless. This impotence is due to the fact that although the etheric body exists from birth, man has not developed it, and therefore he does not know its properties.

However, reliving this experience again and again, a person acquires an awareness of the four-dimensional world, as a result of which his consciousness acquires a fourth coordinate for measuring his perception. There were length, width and height, and now another one has been added - time. Don't even try to imagine what it's like, it's not like anything you know. Since everything with which we can compare is within the framework of our usual three dimensions. The new coordinate changes everything. And it is truly an exciting feeling.

A good example of this perception in a creature with a different number of senses is described in the book Shaman's Laughter. There we are talking about a caterpillar: if a person takes it with two fingers, then for her it will be only a sensation of touch on the body on the left and right. The caterpillar itself, in all its fullness, is not only able to understand, but even cannot perceive.

People in this sense are also not the crown of creation. We know that there are organisms of a lower order. First comes the world of minerals, then the world of plants, then animal world, and behind it the world of people. But it doesn't end with people. There are higher organisms both in terms of the level of consciousness and the level of perception. Their descriptions are in various myths. They differ in that their nature includes large quantity measurements, which means that they move in time at a different speed, and therefore are not perceived by our senses.

By developing our energy sensitivity, we can, like that caterpillar, feel these beings with our energy body, but it is possible to realize them only by expanding our consciousness.

So. The essence of the linear approach in Magic is the description of the world as a multidimensional space. The practice of this approach is various techniques by which a person learns to expand his consciousness in order to experience being in more dimensions than three. Staying in such states, a person develops the ability to perceive, think, move and other properties in this new world for himself. Having reached a certain experience, such a person begins to see all the creatures around from the position of this new coordinate and, as a result, gets the opportunity to influence this coordinate. For a three-dimensional consciousness, such an impact looks like a “miracle”, which does not understand how it works. But for the Magician, this is the natural state of affairs. After all, if we pick up a stone from the ground, then the ant, in front of which this stone lay, may perceive what is happening as a miracle, but for us there will be nothing unusual in this.

On the path of development, I was lucky to meet an excellent fellow traveler - Alexei Pokhabov. We've been walking together for over ten years now. First as a teacher and student, then as colleagues and friends. His successes in self-knowledge, self-realization inspire me.

Perhaps one of his most outstanding qualities is his ability to realize, to use his abilities in a social environment without compromising connection with the Spirit. He has helped and continues to help many people. And now most people know me precisely as the teacher of the winner of the 7th battle of psychics, as Aleksey positions me in his books and statements. Without the light of his power, which he generously shares with fellow travelers, I would be much less manifest in this world.

People sometimes write to me: “Make me like Alexey”, “Teach me like him”, believing that in working with him I used some special technique that contributed to his rapid development, different from the methods that I used for others. That he was originally a chosen student with whom I constantly worked and "made someone out of him." In reality, I used exactly the same techniques as for everyone else. I did not make any exceptions for him, did not pay much attention. It was he who paid special attention to the Way, which allowed him to comprehend something more important than techniques, through me and other teachers, to draw the necessary lessons from situations. He learned to hear the voice of the Spirit behind the voices of the world and embody this voice. And this is another remarkable quality of Alexei: the ability to perceive and learn from the main guru - the Higher Self. Spirit sometimes shows something to him through me, sometimes something to me through him, guiding him along similar paths. This is what brought us closer. Therefore, our friendship and cooperation has continued to improve for many years. And I am sure that the knowledge that Alexey shares is worthy of special attention.

Sergey Melnikov


“Alexey, you are in such great shape! Share, please, your secret,” a participant of the next traveling seminar asked me. It was a one-day meeting, and I no longer remember what we talked about and what I said to that woman. But I remember her question. And all because, although I looked good on the outside, I knew the true state of my affairs. And the situation was terrible. I was absolutely exhausted energetically. I had been tormented by depression for a year now, I could not get enough sleep, no matter how much I slept. Nothing made me happy. I walked in constant tension, and my thoughts were in chaos. The only thing I was good at was my job. But I didn't want to work either.

My body resembled that of an old man. Not outside, but inside. My joints hurt, my back ached every morning, and my head felt like it was in a fog. I couldn't concentrate properly. And every evening he came home and languished from loneliness. All my huge potential was lost in the depths of the subconscious, and the conscious part of me only wanted to sleep and rest, although I had nothing to get tired of.

After that meeting, the woman's phrase never left my mind. More precisely, the realization of the true state of affairs began. I got on a plane to fly to Moscow, and never stopped thinking why I was in such a state. And what to do to get out of it? I don’t remember how long I was in this endless questioning of myself, but the answer was insanely obvious: “I know!!! I know how to solve all these problems.” I have knowledge. I've been pulling people out of similar life situations for several years now. They come to me and say, "I don't know what to do." Well, I do know. And all you need is to start living in accordance with your knowledge. And just such a person can only be called a Man of Knowledge.

Castaneda fans will be disappointed if they buy this book. After all, the expression "Man of Knowledge" belongs to him, and this term means the one who defeated his natural enemies: fear, clarity, strength and old age. But I like this phrase so much that I will use it on the pages of my book, as if hinting that a person who can live in accordance with what he knows will sooner or later defeat the listed enemies.

And it's not about the title. I don't call myself a Knowledge Man. I don't like these name prefixes at all. Time itself will tell about me, and these are my deeds. I just want to involve the reader in the idea that the way out of any situation is KNOWLEDGE. And the funny thing is that we are stuffed to capacity with all sorts of useful knowledge, information, recommendations. And we ourselves can give brilliant advice to anyone on any issue. Then why, having everything we need, we drag out a miserable existence? After all, all you need is to act in accordance with your knowledge.

This book is my knowledge that helped me change my life and make it a little stronger from a weak one. I don't have any previous problems. There are others. But the most important thing is the key. It is important not just to know something.

It is important that knowledge constitutes a single picture of the world. That's the only way to find a way out.

Also keep in mind that I am walking the path of Magic. Magic is a way to live. He is no better, but no worse than others. The knowledge described here is not suitable for everyone. But if after reading you feel a surge of energy in yourself, a slight feeling of happiness, as if you have found something that you have been looking for for a long time, then this road can be useful to you. After all, not all knowledge is useful. After all, what's the point of this or that information if it doesn't make you happy.

This is my happiness. My life. My way. And with infinite joy I am ready to share it with everyone who wishes to walk along it with me.

Model of the world order

If you take a closer look at any knowledge, you will see that it is inextricably linked with the ideological paradigm, the model within which this knowledge is embedded. That is, there is no knowledge, at least no knowledge that can be spoken of, outside the model.

For example, speech itself serves as a way for us to convey the meaning that we put into words. And the mode of transmission has a model, a structure. All Russian speech consists of 33 letters, but we cannot pronounce them in random order, otherwise there will simply be no meaning. So it is with knowledge. When we simply take some idea as knowledge and want to practice it, we fail if we do not understand the model on the basis of which this knowledge was formulated. Therefore, before moving on to recommendations in the “do this and that” style, we need to create in our mind a platform, a foundation, from which we will continue to build. We can say that this foundation is all we need.

If we assimilate the model of the world, then knowledge will fall on us by itself.

Let's take electricity as an example. You can study various electrical appliances and try to benefit from them, or you can understand the nature of electricity itself. In this case, we ourselves become the inventors of electrical appliances and can create what we need at the moment. Not understanding the picture of the world of electricity, a person will stick appliances into the outlet one by one in search of an answer. More precisely, he will not even guess that these devices need to be plugged somewhere.

In my book The Four Castes, I wrote that there are only three basic pictures of the world. Religious, scientific and magical. I will not describe them again, but will focus your attention on the advantages of one or another picture of the world.

For example, a person decided to study the topic of health. By the way, a good topic, which for some reason the majority ignores until it is pressed. It would seem that this topic lies in the field of medicine and, as a result, it is part of the scientific model. Scientists really know a lot about health. Doctors are even more so. But if you look at them yourself, you can often see very sick people. They catch colds, often fall victim to cancer, are overweight, which leads to a huge list of health complications. They wear glasses, which indicates problems with vision. And very few of them die of their own death, that is, of old age. Mostly they die from a disease that the old body cannot bear.

Alexey Pokhabov

man of knowledge


On the path of development, I was lucky to meet an excellent fellow traveler - Alexei Pokhabov. We've been walking together for over ten years now. First as a teacher and student, then as colleagues and friends. His successes in self-knowledge, self-realization inspire me.

Perhaps one of his most outstanding qualities is his ability to realize, to use his abilities in a social environment without compromising connection with the Spirit. He has helped and continues to help many people. And now most people know me precisely as the teacher of the winner of the 7th battle of psychics, as Aleksey positions me in his books and statements. Without the light of his power, which he generously shares with fellow travelers, I would be much less manifest in this world.

People sometimes write to me: “Make me like Alexey”, “Teach me like him”, believing that in working with him I used some special technique that contributed to his rapid development, different from the methods that I used for others. That he was originally a chosen student with whom I constantly worked and "made someone out of him." In reality, I used exactly the same techniques as for everyone else. I did not make any exceptions for him, did not pay much attention. It was he who paid special attention to the Way, which allowed him to comprehend something more important than techniques, through me and other teachers, to draw the necessary lessons from situations. He learned to hear the voice of the Spirit behind the voices of the world and embody this voice. And this is another remarkable quality of Alexei: the ability to perceive and learn from the main guru - the Higher Self. Spirit sometimes shows something to him through me, sometimes something to me through him, guiding him along similar paths. This is what brought us closer. Therefore, our friendship and cooperation has continued to improve for many years. And I am sure that the knowledge that Alexey shares is worthy of special attention.

Sergey Melnikov


“Alexey, you are in such great shape! Share, please, your secret,” a participant of the next traveling seminar asked me. It was a one-day meeting, and I no longer remember what we talked about and what I said to that woman. But I remember her question. And all because, although I looked good on the outside, I knew the true state of my affairs. And the situation was terrible. I was absolutely exhausted energetically. I had been tormented by depression for a year now, I could not get enough sleep, no matter how much I slept. Nothing made me happy. I walked in constant tension, and my thoughts were in chaos. The only thing I was good at was my job. But I didn't want to work either.

My body resembled that of an old man. Not outside, but inside. My joints hurt, my back ached every morning, and my head felt like it was in a fog. I couldn't concentrate properly. And every evening he came home and languished from loneliness. All my huge potential was lost in the depths of the subconscious, and the conscious part of me only wanted to sleep and rest, although I had nothing to get tired of.

After that meeting, the woman's phrase never left my mind. More precisely, the realization of the true state of affairs began. I got on a plane to fly to Moscow, and never stopped thinking why I was in such a state. And what to do to get out of it? I don’t remember how long I was in this endless questioning of myself, but the answer was insanely obvious: “I know!!! I know how to solve all these problems.” I have knowledge. I've been pulling people out of similar life situations for several years now. They come to me and say, "I don't know what to do." Well, I do know. And all you need is to start living in accordance with your knowledge. And just such a person can only be called a Man of Knowledge.

Castaneda fans will be disappointed if they buy this book. After all, the expression "Man of Knowledge" belongs to him, and this term means the one who defeated his natural enemies: fear, clarity, strength and old age. But I like this phrase so much that I will use it on the pages of my book, as if hinting that a person who can live in accordance with what he knows will sooner or later defeat the listed enemies.

And it's not about the title. I don't call myself a Knowledge Man. I don't like these name prefixes at all. Time itself will tell about me, and these are my deeds. I just want to involve the reader in the idea that the way out of any situation is KNOWLEDGE. And the funny thing is that we are stuffed to capacity with all sorts of useful knowledge, information, recommendations. And we ourselves can give brilliant advice to anyone on any issue. Then why, having everything we need, we drag out a miserable existence? After all, all you need is to act in accordance with your knowledge.

Current page: 1 (total book has 15 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 9 pages]

Alexey Pokhabov
Four castes. Who you are?

Extrasensory perception. gift or skill

My name is Alexey Pokhabov. I am a psychic and I am the winner of the TV project "Battle of Psychics". But this book is not about me, but about how I see the world and how people like me see it. You have probably read many books on esotericism, magic, and perhaps, holding this book in your hands, you think, they say, this is another one in which it will be written: "Do this and that, and you will become a psychic." No, you won't find anything like it. This book is the extreme of your perception. That is, either it will turn your life upside down, or it will not touch you at all. Average is not given. I will try to convey to your consciousness some features of the structure of the world and the keys to seeing it all with your own eyes. The information in it is not for a wide range of readers. Although I will try to describe everything in as much detail as possible, only a few will be able to draw real knowledge from it. And I know for sure that this book will fall into the hands of those who are ready for this knowledge. I myself collected this knowledge for eight years in this incarnation and the devil knows how many years in the previous ones. The skills I acquired during my training have brought concrete results both in my life and in the lives of those whom I helped. For more than two years I have been teaching people to develop in themselves the ability for subtle perception, called extrasensory perception. And since the results of my students are impressive, I believe that I have every right to talk about how to make magic out of ordinary consciousness, that is, consciousness with the properties of a Magician - a person whose instrument in life is thought, not the body.

This book is dedicated to my teacher Sergey Melnikov. And also to Magician Boris Monosov, who is the author of the training system partially described in this book and without whom I would hardly have written it at all. It is an honor for me to be acquainted with you.

Part 1
Basic model for the development of psychic abilities

Chapter 1
Three pictures of the world

Psychic. What a popular word, isn't it? .. The main thing is how it sounds ... And there have been too many of them lately. Although if you translate this word, you get "hypersensitive." Then it becomes clear why there are so many of them. But what is "hypersensitivity"? Perhaps crying at the sight of how DiCaprio drowns in the Titanic is hypersensitivity? After all, he is in pain, cold, and he is about to die ... Of course not. Extrasensory perception is special property consciousness to perceive what is beyond the five well-known senses. But let's not rush into terminology.

Let's take a closer look at the Mages. I will use the word "Magician" more than "psychic", because by this I pay tribute to an ancient tradition and also hint that the Magician and the psychic are no different from each other.

When dealing with such people, the first thought is normal person looks like a desire to call people in white coats, since he belongs next to "Napoleon" and "Stalin" in "Ward No. 6". However, with a longer contact, a slight bewilderment arises. It seems to speak mother tongue, like not a psycho, but he talks about what they didn’t tell us about at school, nor parents, friends didn’t use such terms either. And what is most interesting, these people describe the world in a different way. And there is no such description either in religions or in science. Neither textbooks nor scriptures. In other words, it becomes clear to us that these people know something that we do not know. They behave strangely, they have strange desires and goals, and what’s funny is that after getting to know the Magician, the idea will quickly appear to call people in white coats for themselves, because even against our will next to them we start to go crazy. But as long as it is in place, we ask ourselves: “How do they know this? Why do they describe the surrounding reality differently than we do? Who gave them this knowledge and where do the legs of this devilry grow from? The first opinion on this matter is books. Or the Internet. After all, we live in the age of information freedom. You can find any book, download it, print it, and then make a smart face, put on a hoodie, put a pentagram on your chest - and here you have a modern magician. But seriously, is it really that simple? Where did the authors get their knowledge? How far can we go back in time in these footsteps? Where is the original source? But before answering this question, let's look at the existing pictures of the world, the models that are the fulcrum for describing the world, the whales on which all points of view stand. And, as the ancients said, there are really three of these whales.


The most ancient model of the world, from the point of view of our civilization, is the religious picture of the world. We will not disassemble all religions into bones, but it is enough for us to understand that all these movements are united by one property - faith. In other words, all a follower of one religion or another needs is simply to believe in his holy book. He simply believes that everything was, is and will be exactly as written in his holy book, and sees this truth in every piece of his life. And the essence of such a picture is that God exists. The creator, the creator of all things, who did everything at his own discretion. However, the disadvantage of this system is that too many questions remain unanswered. How did God do all this? What for? What does it look like and does it even have a shape? Who is he anyway? And no one, including the Pope, knows the true answers. And all you'll hear is that you just have to believe.

The science

But the scientific picture of the world rejects the principle of faith, since the meaning of the life of scientists is to look for answers to these and other questions. They believe only in what they see with their own eyes, only in what can be verified experimentally. But this model also has its drawbacks. And the most important of them is the level of civilization. Our civilization from this point of view is paradoxical. On the one hand, our technologies are developing, but on the other hand, they are also a brake on science. For example, the internal combustion engine was outdated in the middle of the 20th century, but because of the oil magnates, we cannot introduce more powerful and more environmentally friendly technologies into production. And this, in turn, hinders the search for answers to questions and, as a result, hinders the development of all mankind and man individually.


But there is another picture of the world. Magical, or, as it is also called, occult or esoteric. Like any model, it describes the world around it from its own angle. For example, let's take history. There is a history of the world, described in the sacred writings. For example, the creation of man in Christianity, his descendants, according to which it can be calculated that mankind lives for about seven thousand years. Science is not so prosaic, but the theories of the creation of the world in it are also more reminiscent of a fairy tale than reality - the origin of man from a monkey, the theory big bang and the like (a fairy tale, because it cannot be repeated). And there are also plenty of black spots in the evolution of mankind and its history. And although the history of mankind, from the point of view of the Mages, is not supported by any facts, we will rely on it.

magical legend

History from the point of view of magic in tradition is called legend. And according to this legend, magic as a system of knowledge has no author. Everything that is described by this or that Mage is the product of an entire civilization that existed on our planet long before ours. Today we call it Atlantis.

This civilization died about 65 thousand years ago. And now it makes no sense for us to figure out why, because knowing the reason will not come to us, will not decrease. However, what the Magicians know about life itself in Atlantis will be very useful for understanding what follows. As the Magicians say, the Atlanteans built their civilization on the basis of biotechnologies, unlike us, who follow the technogenic path. It is difficult to imagine biotechnology with our minds. Well, try to imagine living clothes. The suit, which consists of living tissues that give your body everything it needs - warmth, nutrients. Something like a biosuit. But if this is still imaginable, then how to imagine a living machine or a living house? It is not surprising that we do not find any traces (more precisely, we find, it is just that this is not said to the masses). But if the Atlanteans created living organisms, then like any living organism combined with another, it enters into symbiosis with it, and therefore an interface is needed that could manage this symbiosis.

For example, what is the pinnacle of our civilization? What technology is the main fulcrum of people? This is a computer. Not your laptop, but a computer as an interface through which a person controls all other technologies. Flights into space, nanotechnologies... Everything is controlled through a computer with a simple push of a button. So in Atlantis, the top of technology was machines that accelerated the evolution of a single person. As a result, they received a special consciousness, which was the interface that controls global processes. The control of the weather, the migration of animals, the population... This consciousness was so powerful that the control was due to thought. Convenient, isn't it. Modern scientists say that even the most modern computer can not be compared with the brain of a snail. Imagine what the human brain is then capable of, pumped to 100% of its capabilities. It was this kind of consciousness that was later called magical consciousness, and its carrier - the Magus.

But Atlantis is dead. Those machines no longer exist, and now the evolution of the individual takes place in a natural way, which can be accelerated through certain work.

The super-technological civilization has gone down in history, but the Mages have remained. Of course, they died physically, but the magical consciousness had one property, which was later described in all occult teachings as a great mystery. And the essence of this great mystery is that such a consciousness possessed a complete memory. Solid consciousness, as we call it, had the ability to retain memory during rebirth. This is due to the connection of consciousness and subconsciousness, which are the two halves of our personality. This procedure was later called "initiation". According to what Magicians know about the structure of a person's personality, information about past incarnations is stored in the subconscious. Reincarnation is a fact for us, not a topic for discussion and debate. And unlike ordinary people, who in subsequent incarnations each time has a new personality, dedicated Mages retained the memory of technology, history, and, more importantly, the ability to restore their power of consciousness. However, it was very difficult for them to do this, because before this power was provided by machines, and now there is nothing left of them. Of course, some technologies survived and later became myths, but there was a need to restore power on their own. This is how magic appeared - a system of techniques and spiritual practices that allow you to include consciousness in other modes of operation, in which experience is gained that is inaccessible in the usual state. Due to this, the evolution of personality is accelerated.

So, the Magicians preserved the surviving knowledge, created systems for training consciousness and became fighters of the invisible front in the progress of human civilization. They were credited with unusual properties, miraculous abilities, etc. But they are not alone in this regard. So, the founders of religions, saints, also had the same abilities. Jesus, Buddha, Moses... Even scientists have superpowers. Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla gave such parameters of the brain that you and I can only dream. Saints founded religions, scientists founded scientific movements, like physics, chemistry, mathematics. And what was founded by the Mages of antiquity? After all, they could not tell the savage mankind about the structure of the world, since an unprepared person would either turn it into a religion, or go crazy. Therefore, the transfer of ancient knowledge had to be carried out pointwise, choosing from the general crowd of more or less ready-made individuals. This is how secret societies were founded. Some of them are known to us: the Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Order of the Knights Templar or the Order of Malta… At their base stood the Great Magicians of Atlantis, because there is no other way to explain their enormous power in their time. So knowledge was passed from teacher to student and passed on secretly, hence the term "occultism", i.e. "secret".

One way or another, the line of transmission of knowledge has survived to this day. And those who believe that you can get all the necessary knowledge in books are deeply mistaken. Try to learn boxing from a book, and then test yourself in a real fight. And you will understand that it is not so simple.

I am a student of Magicians who inherited the European tradition of secret knowledge and who were able to pass it on to me. Now I am the conductor of this tradition. I have reached a level where I can include other students in it. Do not take this book as a gateway to it. One can really become a conductor of tradition only through personal interaction with the teacher. I'll explain with an example. Imagine that you are standing outside the castle and you need to get inside. No matter what books you read, no matter what prayers you shout, you can really get through if the gates are opened to you from the inside. Hence the term "esoteric", i.e. "internal". Here it is said that only inside traditions, it is possible to comprehend knowledge and take it into service, only inside the castle you will see its real parameters. Outside, any fantasies on this topic will remain fantasies. Why this is so, I will describe later.

So, magic is a system of knowledge that allows a person to influence the surrounding reality through thought, and not at the expense of the body, as happens with ordinary people. And this system is very ancient and still remains a secret teaching. And all the literature that is in the public domain, for the most part, is just rubbish. And for those who are not ready for this knowledge, my book will be the same rubbish.

Chapter 2
extrasensory perception

The first stage in the development of personality in magic is extrasensory perception. After all, the ability to feel or see energy gives a person the opportunity to work with it. Otherwise, the description of the world in the energy aspect, as it is said in magic, will remain a description, and for a person who does not own this ability, it will be just an empty philosophy. You can arbitrarily quote the same Castaneda and his visions of human cocoons, energy lines, etc., but if you yourself do not see this, it means that you are simply shaking the air with empty chatter. Later you will understand what I mean.

So how do you develop the ability to feel what others do not feel? Here it is necessary to turn to the description of the world from the point of view of the Mages. They believe that the whole world is energy. Indeed, we know that matter consists of molecules, molecules - of atoms, and atoms - of elementary particles: neutrons, protons, electrons. A elementary particles, according to the latest data of quantum physics, is frozen light (which vibrates, thereby generating wave theory structures of the world). What is light? This is energy. Radiation in its original form. It’s just that it is frozen thanks to the Klippoths (as in Kabbalah they call the structure of matter, which bends the primary light, due to which the form of this light appears). Therefore, the whole world is light, and therefore energy. This energy generates waves, which means that it has its own frequency (speed of movement in time). Our body, in turn, is equipped with sensory organs that pick up these signals at a certain frequency. Then they transmit these signals through the nervous system to the brain, where they are processed and a picture of the world is produced. At the same time, we know that the sense organs themselves are only transmitters. For example, the eyes do not see. They pick up the reflection of light, encode this signal and send it through a ray tube to the brain. This suggests the conclusion: if you send such a signal directly to the brain, bypassing the eyes, then the brain will see. And there are people who read books with their eyes closed, see internal organs, etc., in the world.

So what is extrasensory perception? Extrasensory perception is the perception of information directly by the brain, bypassing the senses. This is the only way to explain this phenomenon. Because the sense organs are not capable of it. Magicians learn to step further, that is, to see the world as energy itself. And how does this even happen? - you ask.

Let's imagine that our planet in the energy sense is a ball with a certain amount of energy. The little ball inside is us, because we live inside the planet. There is our energy mass, and there is the mass of the surrounding world. From the laws of physics, we know that the greater the mass, the greater its force of attraction and, as a result, the force of influence on a lighter object. Hence the question arises: “Why does not the mass of the outside world overwrite our personality?” Before answering it, a small digression. Our personality is the result of accumulated experience gained by collecting information about the outside world. The collection of information itself occurs through the senses. This information is processed in the most important nerve node of our body - the brain.

And, returning to our question, we understand that there are radio waves, ultrawaves, electromagnetic radiation around us ... Yes, there is nothing around us! Nevertheless, we remain autonomous individuals, and the outside world, despite all its mass, does not overwrite us. If you again ask the question “why”, then different answers may come to mind, one of which will be the one that says that our brain has a natural biological protection, or shielding in the form of a cranium, brain fluids and tissues. Such screening allows us to take only the information that is sharpened for the senses. Consequently, our brain does not catch a different frequency range, allowing us to accumulate experience and grow a personality. However, as we found out above, psychics directly catch this information with their brains. It turns out some kind of contradiction. On the one hand, I say that the brain is shielded, and on the other hand, that psychics look at it directly. But in fact there is no contradiction. Let's take a look at the drawing of the brain.

In its central part is the pituitary gland, which regulates the hormonal system of the body. And hormones are letters that contain information about how the cells of our body need to multiply. In other words, the structure of our body, its appearance and structure depend on them. The pituitary gland has an individual program that our parents wrote down for us. And this program says that we must be born, grow up, have some kind of body, grow old and die. Moreover, the pituitary gland itself also has a protective screening (energy), which allows it not to deviate from this program even a step (that's why we often look like parents). I'm hinting that the density of your body tissues depends on the work of the pituitary gland. How long does it take for us to have a new body? How many years does an organism need to completely replace the cells in its body with new ones? Approximately 7 to 12 years (in adults). The longest, as you understand, cell division occurs in the hardest tissues: bones, joints, etc.

So how does the third eye open? Magicians use meditative techniques, with the help of which they enter the so-called high-frequency modes of the brain. These are modes when a greater amount of energy of a certain quality passes through it, due to which the shielding from the pituitary gland is removed (for the duration of meditation). From this, the pituitary gland begins to glow and the signals of the outside world begin to cling to it. And we remember that the outside world is much heavier than us. Through simple logical conclusions, we understand that the program of the pituitary gland is beginning to change, to be reprogrammed. And this, in turn, leads to a violation of the hormonal background, which in turn leads to a decrease in the density of craniocerebral tissues, due to which the brain becomes receptive to external information that comes directly. And we remember that cell renewal, especially bones in an adult, takes from 7 to 12 years. And the answer to the question: "How long does it take to open the third eye?" - resolved by itself: from 7 to 12 years, being in a high-frequency state 24 hours a day. That is, you have to sit in meditation all these years, and only then it will be possible to say that you have completely opened your third eye. But you yourself understand that this is impossible. Therefore, the procedure for opening the third eye is distributed not only for life, but also for several incarnations. And when you see an ad like "I will open my third eye in two sessions," then be careful. After all, if this person is not lying, then he clearly wields a hammer and chisel and breaks a path to the third eye directly through your skull. Hopefully, after this explanation, you will be more sober about such statements.

By the way, in some Tibetan traditions, this is the method used. They drill the frontal bone between the eyebrows with a thin needle, thereby directly breaking the path to clairvoyance. Or maybe in truth go to learn to be a surgeon and open the third eye to everyone just like that? Believe me, it's not that simple.

In the same Tibet, before this is done to a student, he is taught for decades and only the most prepared are screened in this way. This suggests that the student must be prepared for this. Journalists once attributed to me such a phrase, they say, I believe that everyone is able to develop extrasensory abilities in themselves. It's a lie, I don't think so. More precisely, something can be done with everyone, and everyone will be able to see something, but not everyone will remain in a sober mind and solid memory. And to understand this, let's turn to the laws of physics. External world, as mentioned above, is much heavier than our personality. And if we remove the screening, then the same thing will happen to us as with a floppy disk, if we present a magnet to it. Imagine that you are a glass of water that has been placed under an open faucet. If the tap is not turned off in time, the water will overflow the glass and begin to displace the old liquid, replacing it with a new one. So it becomes clear to us what will happen to our personality if we open the third eye, provided that we are not ready for this. Therefore, this procedure is done with those whose personality has matured. And the readiness for such changes is assessed by the person who can close this flow of incoming energy. I hope now you understand why not everyone can become psychics. Those who are not ready will simply go crazy. And as confirmation - take a walk to psychiatric hospitals. There, every second person is treated for Magic. Therefore, this path is dangerous, and not everyone will master it.

In addition to the usual hallucinations that a person can see with the third eye open, the properties of these visions also cause danger. The fact is that the signals entering the brain touch not only the lateral areas responsible for perception, but also the deep levels responsible for the internal state, for well-being. If you watched the “Battle of Psychics”, you could see how many people felt bad during the tests, they started screaming, throwing up, crying, asking to stop the test ... And all because these signals are felt and nervous system. Imagine that you are looking at a photograph of a person who is currently successfully decomposing in a coffin. You will begin to feel the decomposition of tissues on your own skin. The brain, as it were, will give the order to the cells to decompose. The immune system will not agree and will give out a huge portion of energy to maintain the body. These signals will be mixed up, and, believe me, you will be very, to put it mildly, unpleasant. Therefore, when people come up to me on the street and say: “You, Alexey, you probably see right through me, my past, present, future ...”, then I answer that I have nothing more to do than to “watch” you. It's annoying and I won't do it again. Therefore, when you hear in the media that some psychic lives badly because he constantly sees everything, this is a lie, in a constant mode the psyche cannot withstand such a load (following the example with a glass of water), and all other ranting about that extrasensory perception is a heavy cross, then compare the blind and the sighted with each other. Who is in a better position? That's it.

So, what conclusions can be drawn from all this? One must be ready for magical practices and their consequences in the form of the ability to feel the world directly with the brain. And you probably have a question in your head: “How do I know if I’m ready or not?”


On the path of development, I was lucky to meet an excellent fellow traveler - Alexei Pokhabov. We've been walking together for over ten years now. First as a teacher and student, then as colleagues and friends. His successes in self-knowledge, self-realization inspire me.

Perhaps one of his most outstanding qualities is his ability to realize, to use his abilities in a social environment without compromising connection with the Spirit. He has helped and continues to help many people. And now most people know me precisely as the teacher of the winner of the 7th battle of psychics, as Aleksey positions me in his books and statements. Without the light of his power, which he generously shares with fellow travelers, I would be much less manifest in this world.

People sometimes write to me: “Make me like Alexey”, “Teach me like him”, believing that in working with him I used some special technique that contributed to his rapid development, different from the methods that I used for others. That he was originally a chosen student with whom I constantly worked and "made someone out of him." In reality, I used exactly the same techniques as for everyone else. I did not make any exceptions for him, did not pay much attention. It was he who paid special attention to the Way, which allowed him to comprehend something more important than techniques, through me and other teachers, to draw the necessary lessons from situations. He learned to hear the voice of the Spirit behind the voices of the world and embody this voice. And this is another remarkable quality of Alexei: the ability to perceive and learn from the main guru - the Higher Self. Spirit sometimes shows something to him through me, sometimes something to me through him, guiding him along similar paths. This is what brought us closer. Therefore, our friendship and cooperation has continued to improve for many years. And I am sure that the knowledge that Alexey shares is worthy of special attention.

Sergey Melnikov


“Alexey, you are in such great shape! Share, please, your secret,” a participant of the next traveling seminar asked me. It was a one-day meeting, and I no longer remember what we talked about and what I said to that woman. But I remember her question. And all because, although I looked good on the outside, I knew the true state of my affairs. And the situation was terrible. I was absolutely exhausted energetically. I had been tormented by depression for a year now, I could not get enough sleep, no matter how much I slept. Nothing made me happy. I walked in constant tension, and my thoughts were in chaos. The only thing I was good at was my job. But I didn't want to work either.

My body resembled that of an old man. Not outside, but inside. My joints hurt, my back ached every morning, and my head felt like it was in a fog. I couldn't concentrate properly. And every evening he came home and languished from loneliness.

All my huge potential was lost in the depths of the subconscious, and the conscious part of me only wanted to sleep and rest, although I had nothing to get tired of.

After that meeting, the woman's phrase never left my mind. More precisely, the realization of the true state of affairs began. I got on a plane to fly to Moscow, and never stopped thinking why I was in such a state. And what to do to get out of it? I don’t remember how long I was in this endless questioning of myself, but the answer was insanely obvious: “I know!!! I know how to solve all these problems.” I have knowledge. I've been pulling people out of similar life situations for several years now. They come to me and say, "I don't know what to do." Well, I do know. And all you need is to start living in accordance with your knowledge. And just such a person can only be called a Man of Knowledge.

Castaneda fans will be disappointed if they buy this book. After all, the expression "Man of Knowledge" belongs to him, and this term means the one who defeated his natural enemies: fear, clarity, strength and old age. But I like this phrase so much that I will use it on the pages of my book, as if hinting that a person who can live in accordance with what he knows will sooner or later defeat the listed enemies.

And it's not about the title. I don't call myself a Knowledge Man. I don't like these name prefixes at all. Time itself will tell about me, and these are my deeds. I just want to involve the reader in the idea that the way out of any situation is KNOWLEDGE. And the funny thing is that we are stuffed to capacity with all sorts of useful knowledge, information, recommendations. And we ourselves can give brilliant advice to anyone on any issue. Then why, having everything we need, we drag out a miserable existence? After all, all you need is to act in accordance with your knowledge.

This book is my knowledge that helped me change my life and make it a little stronger from a weak one. I don't have any previous problems. There are others. But the most important thing is the key. It is important not just to know something.

It is important that knowledge constitutes a single picture of the world. That's the only way to find a way out.

Also keep in mind that I am walking the path of Magic. Magic is a way to live. He is no better, but no worse than others. The knowledge described here is not suitable for everyone. But if after reading you feel a surge of energy in yourself, a slight feeling of happiness, as if you have found something that you have been looking for for a long time, then this road can be useful to you. After all, not all knowledge is useful. After all, what's the point of this or that information if it doesn't make you happy.

This is my happiness. My life. My way. And with infinite joy I am ready to share it with everyone who wishes to walk along it with me.

Chapter 1
Model of the world order

If you take a closer look at any knowledge, you will see that it is inextricably linked with the ideological paradigm, the model within which this knowledge is embedded. That is, there is no knowledge, at least no knowledge that can be spoken of, outside the model.

For example, speech itself serves as a way for us to convey the meaning that we put into words. And the mode of transmission has a model, a structure. All Russian speech consists of 33 letters, but we cannot pronounce them in random order, otherwise there will simply be no meaning. So it is with knowledge. When we simply take some idea as knowledge and want to practice it, we fail if we do not understand the model on the basis of which this knowledge was formulated. Therefore, before moving on to recommendations in the “do this and that” style, we need to create in our mind a platform, a foundation, from which we will continue to build. We can say that this foundation is all we need.

If we assimilate the model of the world, then knowledge will fall on us by itself.

Let's take electricity as an example. You can study various electrical appliances and try to benefit from them, or you can understand the nature of electricity itself. In this case, we ourselves become the inventors of electrical appliances and can create what we need at the moment. Not understanding the picture of the world of electricity, a person will stick appliances into the outlet one by one in search of an answer. More precisely, he will not even guess that these devices need to be plugged somewhere.

In my book The Four Castes, I wrote that there are only three basic pictures of the world. Religious, scientific and magical. I will not describe them again, but will focus your attention on the advantages of one or another picture of the world.

For example, a person decided to study the topic of health. By the way, a good topic, which for some reason the majority ignores until it is pressed. It would seem that this topic lies in the field of medicine and, as a result, it is part of the scientific model. Scientists really know a lot about health. Doctors are even more so. But if you look at them yourself, you can often see very sick people. They catch colds, often fall victim to cancer, are overweight, which leads to a huge list of health complications. They wear glasses, which indicates problems with vision. And very few of them die of their own death, that is, of old age. Mostly they die from a disease that the old body cannot bear.

All these arguments make me think that doctors and researchers do not know everything about health. However, they do not hide it. A scientist is a scientist to learn all his life.

However, if a person chooses a scientific picture of the world in terms of health, then he falls into the trap that this scientific model itself creates.

Modern medicine, which we can observe in specialized institutions, came out of the 20th century. Ages of developing materialism. The knowledge that is taught today in medical schools, for the most part, is based precisely on the materialistic laws that reigned then in science. And despite the fact that science has generated a huge number of currents, their representatives cannot agree among themselves.

The difficulty lies in the fact that as soon as a student receives a picture of the world from a teacher, he inherits not only knowledge, but also faith in the steadfastness of this knowledge. Physicians raised on the idea of ​​the benefits of animal protein, which became widespread in the late 19th century, are blind to modern discoveries that animal protein contributes to the development of cancerous tumors. However, as soon as this idea takes root in the mind of a person, he will immediately forget about the psychosomatic causes of cancer. And a person who is carried away by psychology will deny the impact of harmful substances on the body, believing that all troubles are from the mind. There is no end to these disputes in scientific circles. And that's why it's rare to find a truly healthy scientist these days.

In my opinion, people who profess a scientific model of the world order are limited by this model itself. Namely, the concept of matter. It's no secret that a good doctor in our time views the body solely as a three-dimensional body. One has only to hint at the energies, as nausea sets in. It is useless to convince him of something. His picture of the world is stable and supported by all the knowledge he knows about the body. And in modern science there is no knowledge about any energies yet. At least in official science.

Therefore, if a person chooses the path to health through the picture of the world of medicine, his knowledge will be limited. He will still face health problems, and he will begin to solve them with the help of various medicines. And I'm not saying it's bad. It's just the facts.

And now imagine the same person who chooses a magical model in matters of health. First, he does not deny what scientists know. But he also does not deny the known Magam. In addition to the well-known recommendations: eat right, exercise, drink clean water and breathe clean air, a world of energies, altered states of consciousness, subtle plans and much more opens up to his eyes. Having fallen ill, he can find both a scientific justification and a justification, for example, a shamanic one: illness is a consequence of the influence of some spirit. And if this explanation works, then you can cure yourself without resorting to drugs that give a lot of side effects. And in the future, you can not allow this spirit to yourself so that the disease does not return.

I do not at all call for abandoning medicine in favor of shamanism, especially since a real seeing shaman in our time cannot be found in the daytime with fire. And I'm not saying that shamans understand health better than doctors. But I only affirm that there is another approach, another explanation, another way to live. And this applies not only to the topic of health, but also to everything around. Not that this way is better or worse. He's just different. And if we are already talking about health, then I will note that I met people who were over 70 years old, and they were healthier than me. And among them were doctors. And they all had one thing in common - SPIRITUAL PRACTICE. That is, they followed something else besides a materialistic view of themselves and the world. And draw your own conclusions.

Magic model of the world

I want to make an attempt to describe the world. I will say right away that people who have more knowledge in the field of quantum mechanics can argue with my description. But I do not claim to be infallible. But I will only describe the template we need to further assimilate the knowledge with which we can change our lives.

So. A magical model is a model that explains the world, its structure, its laws, based on the experience of Mages. Such experience could be obtained in various ways. From rituals with sacrifices to the use of psychotropic plants. In any case, the magical model serves not so much to explain the various phenomena of this world, but as an attempt to show the road along which a person can go. For example, it is argued that spirits exist, but not in order to believe in them (as in a religious model), but in order to gain one's own experience related to spirits. The magician studies the picture of the world with an eye to his own awareness of this or that fact. If we are talking about the subtle plane, then for the Magician this means that he can be seen or somehow get into him. Therefore, as you read on, keep in your mind the idea that this is not just a story, but a map. A path that you can go through with your own perception and become a witness to another reality. Only in this way does this model turn into knowledge, and does not remain an intellectual paradigm.

Linear approach

In almost all esoteric traditions of various peoples of the world there are legends about other worlds. So, in the Christian concept, we know two other worlds besides ours: the world of hell, where all sinners go, and the world of paradise, which accepts all the righteous. In the religious beliefs of the Scandinavians there is a myth of Valhalla (Valhalla) 1
A very large palace of the supreme god Odin in the heavenly country, Asgard. - Note. ed.

A place of rest for brave warriors, where every Viking dreamed of getting. Hinduism tells about the worlds of gods and demigods, Slavic traditions tell about the world of ancestors. However, to be in these worlds, you must die.

But there are also worlds where you can go during life. So, in Buddhism there is a world without illusions - nirvana, shamanic traditions speak of the worlds of spirits, and don Juan told Carlos about the seven worlds that a person can see by shifting the "assembly point".

In other words, legends about other worlds go hand in hand with humanity throughout its history. You can, of course, blame the ancient people for their poor knowledge of the surrounding reality and primitive thinking, but we remember that the Magicians treat everything not from the position of faith, but from the position of their own experience. If there is a description of any worlds, then somewhere there is a description of how to see them.

But now it is more important for us not to find out whether these worlds really exist, but to try to give a modern explanation for ancient legends and myths. And the first way to do this is a linear approach.

The name is modern, and the approach itself is more like a scientific one than a magical one. And the essence of this approach is as follows ...

The universe in which we live is multidimensional. That is, it can be measured in many different ways.

An ordinary person measures reality with his sense organs, which transmit to him the world around him as three-dimensional.

These three dimensions are more commonly known as length, width and height. More precisely, this is how our senses show us, while these three dimensions include many more physical laws that we can feel.

Yes, these three coordinates are not the only ones that exist in our Universe. So, for example, the fourth coordinate - time, describes space in terms of extension in time. And it is very difficult to understand this, although at first glance everything seems to be clear.

Our conception of space is exclusively three-dimensional. The laws of physics say that one object cannot be in two different places at the same unit of time. Or there can't be two different objects at the same point in space. And our senses tell us the same thing. You are now where you are, and there is no one else in this place but you. And all this will be an infallible truth, but exactly until we add the fourth coordinate. And this is where the brain starts to boil.

The fact is that time does not exist without an object. Time is not a space that you can poke your finger into. We do not see time, we cannot touch it, but only register it, and not even time itself, but its effect on the object. We can see how a young object becomes old over time. Therefore, it can be assumed that time affects objects, wearing them out. But one person uses the object carefully, and the object lasts a long time, while the other wears it out very quickly, which means that time acts differently on these two objects. If so, then who determines the speed of the flow of time and its impact on the object? And here Her Majesty quantum mechanics enters the scene, which claims: it depends on the observer.

You have probably noticed that some hours fly by like minutes, while other minutes last like hours. We think that time passes as the second hand on the clock shows, but in fact, everyone has their own time and it affects everyone in their own way. We can say that time is a product of consciousness, and without an observer, its existence is impossible. For example, delta dreams. Dreamless dreams. We are not aware of anything, not even ourselves. Well? And does time exist at this moment? No. We fell asleep, and in a moment it was already morning.

And then there is the question of the observer. Scientists, brought up on the classical laws of physics, consider their body as an observer. That is, such concepts as "I" and "body", from their point of view, are identical. And they are wrong. "I" is not the body, and we will easily see this when we get to the practice. Theoretically, this is also not difficult to understand, because the distortion in the perception of time is a mental product. Of course, the psyche is affected by the release of hormones and other substances, but hormones do not affect the properties of time. That is, if we introduce these substances, say, into a metal object, then the corrosion of the object will not occur sooner or later. The speed of the flow of an object in time will remain the same for the same reason: the object does not have a psyche, that is, an observer.

Let's go back to "I". We are aware of ourselves as a body only because the speed of mental activity coincides with the speed of vibrations of our material body. If you change the speed of consciousness, then it will begin to perceive itself as something else. That is, the observer will be able to observe both himself and the world around him with other properties, including other properties of time. It is the perception of time that regulates the frequency of vibrations of consciousness. It is no coincidence that frequency comes from the word "often".

Reflecting on this, we will understand the legends of other worlds. You can really get there if you change the frequency of consciousness. That is, it is the observer who moves through the worlds, while the body remains in place. But, from the point of view of the observer, the body is also in another world with him. This is for those who have remained at the same frequencies, it is seen that the body of the observer is still in the physical world.

And here we got to the main problem that fetters the minds of novice Mages. What's more real? The experience experienced by the observer, or what is seen from the outside? This dilemma is beautifully described in the first book of Castaneda, which tells how, while under the influence of plants of power, Carlos experienced the feeling of flying in the air. But upon his return, he could not believe in the reality of his own experience. And all his disbelief boiled down to the question: "Did my body fly?"

And here's my latest "brain explosion".

The physical body, as well as the physical world, does NOT EXIST in reality.

You will understand this if you start thinking about the properties of time. The expression “I am a body” is only partially true, provided that the speed of our perception has the same oscillation frequency as physical matter. And since the act of perception is an act of creation, physical matter is actually created by the observer. We can say that our world has hundreds of different dimensions, that is, interpretations. Probably, all these worlds from the legends of mankind exist. We do not know only how to accelerate the speed of consciousness and what speed those worlds have.

Let's try to explain the existence of other worlds with the help of physics. This is possible if we add additional dimensions to our concept of space and time. As soon as the fourth coordinate appears, our familiar world changes beyond recognition, just as the two-dimensional world (a map of the area) changes when height is added (the terrain itself in its usual form).

To date, research is underway to scientifically confirm the existence of other dimensions. As part of one of the experiments, a hadron collider was created. Scientists are trying to disperse the particles in a special way so that they disappear. If this happens, there will be evidence of the existence of other dimensions (worlds). However, from the point of view of Magic, scientists are a little mistaken.

Magicians speak of other worlds not as other spaces, but as the same space, but with different coordinates.

Scientists believe that material objects exist only in the three-dimensional world, and in order to send an object to another world, it needs to disappear here. But sorcerers say that man exists simultaneously in all dimensions, in all worlds, only his consciousness is locked in the world of matter. Therefore, moving to other worlds is not connected with the physical aspect, but with the mental one.