Feeling of emptiness. Inner emptiness. Sometimes the emptiness feels like an inner void, vacuum, or black hole.

There is no energy vampirism. Revised the views expressed in the text.

Everything is simpler, and is explained through the psychology of the unconscious. Suppose there is a certain person, after communication with whom we always feel empty. Or - when living together with whom for some reason we have no strength. No, that's all, even getting off the couch. For example, I did not have the strength to type texts. I spoke into the recorder, and the ideas seem to be not bad, but when you think that you need to sit down at the computer and start typing - just like sick.

This is usually explained by the fact that our partner is an energy vampire who, in some unknown way, sucked our spiritual strength out of us.

I guess that's nonsense. No one sucks any energy from anyone. Everything is easier. We have some subconscious thought. We don't want to admit to ourselves. And _n_a_sh_i_ spiritual forces go to prevent it from breaking through to the surface of consciousness. Because super-values ​​come into play here. Like what we did big mistake. Let's say we married a man who doesn't love us, had a bunch of children with him, and we don't want to admit that he doesn't love us. And we can't. The mistake was too big. So all the strength goes into not admitting to oneself. Hence - both weakness and devastation in the presence of this person. And vice versa - a feeling of lightness and some kind of wings, an inner tone, when we do not see it for a long time.

The same thing happens in the professional field. Sometimes we do not want to admit that the specialty we have chosen does not fit the structure of our soul. And therefore we feel exhausted after communicating with the boss who gives us instructions. Meanwhile, it's not about the boss at all. And in ourselves, who do not want to look for another job or receive another education.

Of course, this simple examples, life situations may be much more complex. But in any case, the devastation and lack of strength are connected with the work of the _n_a_sh_e_g_o_ of the unconscious, and not with the fact that someone there is sucking some mystical energies out of us.

Now the practical question: what to do in this situation? It is clear that further we will be more and more exhausted. Some prefer to "jam" unpleasant experiences to everything, and therefore they lose in two directions at once: they harm both the soul and the figure. I guess the first step should be to establish that "there is something wrong in my life. There is a problem that I do not want to admit to myself." Then you should outline the whole range of possible problems. Then start analyzing one by one. For example, to admit to ourselves that they do not like us, and try to change life for the better. "In a good relationship, partners simply remove the opportunity for self-condemnation from each other - and spiritual forces are released for something else" ( iced_beard ). You need to find "your person" in order to feel lightness, inspiration and excess of vitality in his presence. The reverse is also true: if we do not have strength next to this person, most likely he is not suitable for us. Despite the fact that he swears in love, he strives in every possible way to please, gives gifts, and so on and so forth. As soon as we recognize the existence of a problem, as soon as it floats to the surface of consciousness, we will immediately be released. We will immediately feel better. I.S. Turgenev noted that "only that is strong in us that remains in us a semi-suspicious truth."

Additions from readers.

D. Green: "perhaps (communication weakens) with such acquaintances with whom relationships are connected, events that subconsciously or consciously burden you."

iced_beard : "If you give a person the impression that he is guilty (while he does not consider himself as such), then he will be devastated by attempts to understand where he is so guilty."

comprachikos : "Drains the strength of everything that we do not want to do, but are forced to."

mungojerrie86 : "It happens that you get tired of communicating, and even just being in the company of a person. This person is burdensome, one way or another. You feel out of place, or something.
There can be many reasons for this, but I think that the main one is the need to behave in an unusual way, i.e. pretend, lie, hold back, or something like that. This is what forces are spent on - analysis, guesswork, attempts to meet (a person or his expectations, a moment, some own ideas about how to behave, etc.) "

Waking up in the morning with the feeling that there is no reason to get up and face a new day? From time to time, every person feels a feeling of emptiness, it is not easy to get rid of it. If this feeling is persistent, then it may be a sign of an illness that is based on depression, and if you almost always feel empty, you should seek the help of a qualified psychologist. But there are means by which you can overcome the occasional manifestations of this feeling, such as keeping a diary, learning something new and making new friends. Read on to learn more about how to deal with feelings of emptiness.


Fill your life with love

    Spend time with those who love you. It could be your family or some of your closest friends. Time spent with those who truly know you and love you for who you are is a cure for feeling empty. Concentrate on building and strengthening your connections with these people. You can find meaning in just spending time with loved ones who feel good around you. Also, time spent with family and friends can reduce stress and give you a better sense of connection.

    • Spend less time with those people who put you down, even if they don't seem to be. If you are obligated to spend time around someone who harms your self-esteem or makes you feel helpless, then limit the time of these meetings.
  1. Make new friends or start a romantic relationship. The pleasure of meeting someone with whom you form a mental connection, and the possibility that this relationship will grow into something unexpected, is a terrific antidote to feeling empty. A new friend or love interest can help you experience new experiences and show that you're an interesting person to love. Suddenly, the world may seem to you as if there is much more to it than you previously thought. Making new friendships can also help you feel a deeper sense of purpose and connection with those around you.

    • Sometimes it can be difficult to make new friends and meet people, especially in mature years when you have finished school. Participating in clubs, working out in groups, or spending time at your favorite haunt are great ways to meet new people.
    • Try to be more generous with your time and say yes when you are invited to do something. If you feel that you do not have time for a new relationship, they will not appear.
  2. Adopt an animal. Research has shown that having a pet can make life more fulfilling, more meaningful. Those people who have their own pets suffer less from depression and can benefit from the presence of a pet in their home for their health. If you have a pet that depends on you and your care, then this will help you see your life as more meaningful. Consider adopting a local shelter cat or dog to reduce your feelings of emptiness.

    Be kinder. Doing unplanned acts of kindness can help you feel more important as your focus is on others. Look for those little things that you can use to demonstrate your kindness to other people. These acts of kindness you do will make other people feel joyful, which will help you feel meaningful.

    Understand why you feel empty

    1. Talk to a friend you trust about your feelings. Keeping your feelings to yourself will harm you over time. Sometimes just talking about it can belittle them or drive them away. Talk to someone who understands and cares about you, or at least someone you trust; it can make a big difference.

      Start journaling and keep track of your feelings and thoughts. Keeping a journal can help you better understand your feelings of emptiness, and it's also the best way to relieve stress. To start journaling, choose a comfortable place and plan to spend about 20 minutes each day writing. You can start journaling by writing about your feelings or thoughts, or you can use a prompt. The following guiding questions can serve as clues:

      • When did you first notice your emptiness? How long did this feeling last? How long do you feel empty?
      • What emotions do you experience when you are in a state of inner emptiness?
      • Do you tend to feel empty at certain times or in certain places? What do you notice about your surroundings when you are in the most intense state of emptiness?
      • What thoughts come to you when you feel empty?
    2. Watch for signs of depression. People experience depression in different ways, but low mood and feelings of emptiness or worthlessness are very common symptoms. Depression can come in waves when you feel fine for a while and then be in a bad mood for weeks or even months, or it can be stable. Depression is very common among people: in the US, for example, about 6.7% of adults experience major depressive disorder. Women are 70% more likely than men to experience depression. If you think you have depression, then you are not alone in this. Seek treatment from your psychologist or psychiatrist if you experience any of the following symptoms of depression:

      • Constant feeling of sadness, anxiety, or "emptiness"
      • Pessimism and hopelessness
      • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
      • Unusual irritability or restlessness
      • Changes in mood or behavior
      • Loss of interest in things you used to love
      • Fatigue
      • Changing sleep patterns
      • Weight change
      • Thought of hurting yourself or others
      • Pain that does not respond to medication
    3. Decide if addiction could be a problem. Another reason for feeling empty is certain substances. Substances such as alcohol, drugs, and prescription drug abuse can cause physical dependence on them. This can have a serious impact on your mood, thoughts and behavior. Often people use these substances to fill a "hole" in their lives. If you think that you have such a problem, then you are not alone in this: in 2012, about 7.2% of the US population suffered from alcohol dependence (AD). Many others are addicted to mental active substances such as marijuana, stimulants like cocaine or methamphetamine, hallucinogens like LSD, drugs like heroin. If you are worried that you have such a problem, ask yourself next questions. Behind Last year You:

      Examine your behavior to see if you have borderline personality disorder (BPD). People suffering from BPD often report feelings of emptiness. People with borderline personality disorder experience compulsive patterns of unstable emotions and behaviors that cause exhaustion or social distress. People with BPD have difficulty regulating their behavior and thoughts. They are prone to reckless behavior and cannot contain their impulses. Their relationships with other people become unstable. Approximately 1.6% of US adults are diagnosed with BPD in any given year. BPD is successfully treated under professional guidance. If you are experiencing all or some of the following signs of BPD, then you should see a psychiatrist:

      • You go to great lengths to avoid rejection, whether real or imagined. You often believe that you will be abandoned or separated from your loved one. You react negatively, such as becoming extremely angry or fearful, even when you are temporarily apart (for example, your spouse is going to work). You are very afraid of being alone.
      • You alternate between idealization and a state of obsession with the people with whom you maintain relationships. People with BPD often start their relationship by putting the other person on a pedestal, seeing them as perfect or ideal. After a while, you begin to think that this person does not care enough about you or participate in your relationship. Your relationship becomes unstable.
      • You have an unstable sense of your own identity. People with BPD begin to struggle with maintaining a stable sense of themselves, their identity, and self-worth.
      • You are very reckless or impulsive. This is especially true when it comes to suicide. You may do reckless things such as drunk driving, gambling, drug abuse, or risky sexual behavior.
      • You often contemplate harming yourself and attempt suicide. You may injure yourself such as cuts, scrapes, or burns. Or you may threaten to harm yourself to draw attention to yourself.
      • You often experience extreme mood swings. These swings occur frequently and are very pronounced, for example, from joy to despair.
      • You are constantly feeling empty. You often feel empty, or longing, or feeling like you need to do something.
      • You have trouble controlling your anger. Many things provoke your anger, and you react with outbursts, which may include bitterness, sarcasm, or verbal outbursts of emotion. Be especially angry if you think that someone is indifferent.
      • Sometimes you are paranoid, or you feel the "unreality" of the world around you.
    4. Engage in meditation and explore your feelings of emptiness. Meditation can help you get in touch with your feelings of emptiness and understand them better. Studies have shown that 30 minutes of meditation a day can help change the behavior and activity of the brain. To start meditating, sit in a quiet place, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. To help yourself improve your understanding of your wholeness.

      • Pay attention to how you feel at the moment. Do you feel empty or missing, such as lack of value, dignity, clarity, or lack of peace or love? Accept the fact that this feeling exists.
      • Notice how empty you feel. Where in your body do you feel it? And how much space does it take up?
      • Think about your emptiness. Does it come from memories of the past? What emotions come up when you notice this emptiness?
    5. Seek help from a qualified psychiatrist. Talking to your doctor about how you feel can help you understand and begin to deal with this emptiness. Your feeling of emptiness may be indicative of depression or some other underlying condition. You should definitely seek the help of a psychiatrist if you have signs of depression, substance abuse, or BPD.

    Finding meaning in everyday life

      Practice awareness. Awareness means that you are fully aware of your thoughts, emotions, and current events without judgment. Research has shown significant benefits of mindfulness, including easing stress and issues with anxious feelings. Awareness can even rewire your brain's response to stress and help you interact more fully with others. Learning to be aware of your thoughts and feelings and acknowledge them without judging those emotions or yourself can help you become more calm, empathetic, and content. You can practice mindfulness at home, through meditation, or by attending a class. Here is an exercise to get you started:

      Do something new. If you feel empty every day, then you may be stuck in a rut. What routine things and schemes can pull you down? Find a way to bring new energy into your life. Changing your daily routine, or setting aside half an hour a day for something new, can help fill that void.

      • For example, if it's frustrating to get up and go to school or work every day, consider how you can make the process more interesting. Find yourself a new extracurricular activity to re-energize the thought of school, or start working for voluntary in a new project at work.
      • Try something that is a little outside of your comfort zone. Improvement in new area give you something to think about and help build self-confidence.
      • Even small changes can make a big difference. Try a dish from a cuisine you don't know, ride your bike to work instead of driving, or start doing yoga in the morning before school.
      • A change in your personal space can also help. Replace your gray curtains in the bedroom with something brighter, paint the walls a different color, clean up and bring creativity to the decor.
    1. Follow the goals and interests that are important to you. To feel the meaning of life, you should work towards achieving those goals and interests that mean a lot to you. Don't let others control what goals you set and what interests you choose. If you're trying to achieve something that doesn't really interest you, then you may need to readjust your aspirations to make sure you've chosen the right path.

      • If you're studying, consider whether you're studying what you want to study, or if it was just your parents' choice.
      • Other types of external pressure can also have a negative effect on the decisions we make. Decide if you're doing what you want to do or if it's just to look more impressive to others.
      • If you find that there are forces or people preventing you from living independently, take steps to change the situation. As you gain more control over your circumstances, you may find that feeling of emptiness subsides.
    2. Look for meaning in every day of your life. If life seems dull and monotonous, then it can help to see the beauty and meaning in small, everyday things. What makes you content and full of life? When you find something that you feel lifts you up, make it an integral part of your life. Here are some ideas on how to bring meaning to your daily routine:

    3. Take care of yourself. Exercise, healthy food, rest and relaxation are important components of life, full of meaning. When you take care of yourself, you send signals to your brain that you are worthy of care and that your life has value. Remember to make sure you make enough time to meet your basic needs for exercise, nutrition, sleep, and relaxation.

      • Set a goal to exercise for half an hour each day.
      • Eat a balanced diet of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats.
      • Sleep 8 hours a day.
      • Set aside at least 15 minutes a day for yoga, deep breathing exercises, or meditation.

I think many in their lives experience a feeling of emptiness, inner emptiness. Some experience it often and are aware of it, while others do not so clearly, perhaps they were not even aware of it in themselves, but, one way or another, everyone is familiar with this state.

Stay with yourself

This state frightens us, a person tries his best to avoid it, not to be in it. There are people who can't be alone with themselves, it frightens them, although they do not even admit to themselves the fear itself. Characteristic signs of fear of being alone with yourself - a person turns on music, TV, or just reads a book. But there is a small but, some do it at will, that is, they want to read, watch, listen. They are easily left alone with themselves if they wish, this is normal. But there is another option, when a person begins to worry, toss, nervousness in silence.

What does a person feel when he is in a state of emptiness? The first and one of the brightest feelings - this feeling meaninglessness of life, it seems to a person that everything that surrounds him is meaningless and brings nothing but disappointments, everything that a person has created seems so small and insignificant. At this moment, all the goals that a person had lose their meaning. A person feels empty, useless, not significant in this world. Few people like this state and the mind begins to look for evidence that this is not so. A person has an internal conflict, he sees his uselessness and does not agree with it.

Man always strives to fill the void

A struggle, disagreement wakes up in a person, and naturally, he begins to look for manifestations of his significance, fill this void with external signs, or by cultivating internal spiritual qualities. Some start fill your world with things and by this they show their significance, value, others try to become spiritual or just kind people - this is their value. They evaluate themselves in this way, it doesn’t matter if it happens consciously or even the person does not realize that he sets his price himself, with things belonging to him, the position he holds, or internal qualities.

Why do we not want to be what we are, at what point did the person himself, his soul, lose value? Perhaps because somewhere deep down we believe that we cannot lose ourselves, the soul. Our mind understands that the soul can be bright or defiled, but it will not go anywhere, it will still be with us. A person does not experience fear of losing himself, I do not mean now to lose himself in life, I am now talking about myself as an object that really exists in our world. After all most human fears are associated with losses, man is afraid of death not because he may lose himself, he is afraid because he may lose his life. Or rather, not even so - we are afraid of losing what we have: a job, a position, a loved one, a car, health, the significance of our knowledge, experience, we can lose a lot of other things and hide life behind a word.

Fear of loss

It turns out that we are afraid of everything, everything that we can lose, and the more we have, the more terrible it becomes to live. But in the life of people Sheep, everything is given only for a while. Fear, in turn, causes discontent, disagreement, conflict. Now imagine how much everything surrounds us, what we can lose, everything, everything that surrounds us, to one degree or another, we consider that it belongs to us, even the air on the city street to some extent we consider our property, do not believe it ?

Don't believe that you consider the air yours? Imagine your outrage when you are told that some company has bought all the air on the planet and now everyone who breathes must give half of their income for the use of air. Now such a turn of events seems absurd and impossible, but the point is not in this, the point is in the reaction that will occur in us when this fact appears.

The fact is that we are afraid of losing everything that there is information in our memory, all this causes conflicts and discontent in us, we are always filled with them almost every moment of our life, but we have become accustomed to these states to such an extent that we simply do not notice many of them in ourselves. We are filled with these fears, discontents, struggles. If a person is filled with these feelings, what can he sow into the world around him? Only what he is filled with, and given that almost every person is in this state for most of his life, it is not surprising that we live in all this every day.

It turns out a vicious circle - we ourselves generate fear, conflict, discontent, sow it into the world, then we stumble upon the same thing, sown by someone else, and this gives rise to a new conflict, discontent in us, and so continuously in every event that occurs in life . Even if a person is aware of this situation and does not want to sow negativity into the world, restrains himself, he thereby also generates disagreement with what is. And disagreement with what already exists gives rise to violence - internal violence against oneself, and the result is the same thing, but under a different name.

Imagine a situation where you are struggling with feelings of emptiness and purposelessness. Although you know a little about what you like and what you want to achieve in the future, nevertheless, episodes of loneliness still plague you. When you say, "I feel empty inside," what does it mean?

The feeling of emptiness inside is caused by the lack of love.

According to Dr. Margaret Paul, feeling empty inside is a state of mind caused by a lack of love. When you don't love yourself, ignore your feelings, and are always trying to get the attention and approval of others, you can feel like you don't want anything in life, and there's an emptiness inside.

All people are full of potential, but not all of them use this potential and thus waste time and energy. Then they try to fill the void with food, relationships, work, and things that should divert their attention.

The feeling of emptiness encourages us to become more aware of our inner feelings.

To understand why there is emptiness inside, we must learn to define it. Let's take a look at the most common symptoms of emptiness:

  • You do not understand who you are and what is your purpose in life;
  • You are full of negative thoughts;
  • You always seek approval from family and friends;
  • You don't know how to explain your feelings.

Sometimes the emptiness feels like an inner void, a vacuum, or a black hole.

It is very important to realize that emptiness is a state of lack. I will tell you that most of the people who struggle with chronic feelings of emptiness have had parents with whom they could not form close relationships. If you don't get enough love and attention as a child, you will start believing that you are not good enough. This means that the real cause of inner emptiness is the lack of love.

As a result, this feeling can haunt us all our lives. Lack of belonging becomes a traumatic imprint that becomes so uncomfortable that we are willing to do whatever it takes to get away from this feeling.

Feeling empty can lead to depression.

While this feeling is not uncommon for many people, if left unattended, it can lead to a chronic disorder such as depression. In addition, people tend to get rid of this feeling with the help of alcohol and drugs, which increases the likelihood of addiction. That's why understanding what is really important to you will help you find out why there is emptiness inside.

What to do if you don’t want anything in life, but there is emptiness inside

Here are some tips from leading experts on how to recognize and deal with inner emptiness.

  1. Balance yourself.

According to family therapist Caitlin Slate, we need to focus on ourselves and spend more time thinking about our desires.

To bring your body and mind into a positive state, you can spend a few minutes meditating or exercising.

The easiest way to balance yourself emotionally and physically is to take a warm bath. Many studies have shown that bathing has many benefits, including pain relief, increased mobility, and improved psychological well-being.

  1. Satisfying your needs with the help of others.

Everyone has needs, but when we think we can't get what we need, it makes needs painful. We believe that we should satisfy our own need, but sometimes it's important to take action to get up and find someone to fill that need for us. Asking for help can solve many problems in life and can be the first step towards meeting your needs. For example, if you need a company, you don't have to spend your time figuring out how to start your own company. Just find a company.

  1. Appreciate what you have.

Another way to feel empty inside is gratitude. Research suggests that gratitude is a very important positive emotion that allows people to expand their worldview and perspective on life, which further leads to better social relationships and skills.

This means that people who feel grateful are more satisfied with their relationships with friends and family, and are less stressed and much happier. Try to appreciate what is around you, noticing all the good things that we take for granted.

  1. Never stop learning something new.

Neuroscientists have found that learning something new has a dopamine-like motivational effect, leading to emotional arousal. So every time you review information you previously knew, learn a couple of new facts. Another good tip is to change your environment. Even small things like changing the lighting or the temperature in your room can have a positive effect on your emotional state.

  1. Ask for professional help if necessary.

Many people cannot determine why there is an emptiness inside, no matter how long they analyze themselves and look for a problem. The main thing is not to give up and find a good therapist who will help you find the cause of the inner emptiness in order to become whole again.

Finding the cause of inner emptiness can be a complex and lengthy process. But instead of distracting yourself by filling that void with things like shopping, food, alcohol, and drugs, you better get to know what makes you feel empty in order to restore your happiness.

Morning routine to get rid of the feeling of emptiness inside yourself.

Okay, now great news. Morning routine can help relieve feelings of emptiness. This is what you must do.

So you wake up. You can have a good day or a bad day, either way, right now you should do the following:

10 minutes of flexible exercise

This is a short set of exercises that will help your body get rid of stress hormones and give your healthy neurotransmitters a recharge. Remember that exercise is stressful for the body, so they can increase cortisol and adrenaline. They will give the body the opportunity to adapt to stress, therefore, reduce the amount of stress hormones, which will help get rid of the feeling of emptiness.

Write two positive predictions

A positive prediction for your day or future. It could be anything, like what could happen, positive emotions, the person you expect to see, the goal you want to achieve, etc.

No matter how big or small the prediction is, write it down. If you feel particularly empty, take a look at the text. This will help create a positive outlook for your future.

Eat a set breakfast

I know what you're thinking. "Yes, breakfast may make my stomach less empty, but it won't make me emotionally less empty."

I understand you, let me explain...

In principle, the perfect breakfast will help your body balance the scale of hormone harmony and thereby relieve you of feelings of emotional emptiness.

So what is a combo breakfast? I'm sure you really want to know.

Well, there are two key ingredients to a breakfast complex that help fuel your brain for optimal mental health.

  • Factor 1 - a good balance of all three macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates and proteins). When the body gets the right balance of all three elements, it ensures that your brain has a constant supply of energy.
  • Factor 2 - Include high micronutrient foods that will help balance your hormone scale. Foods high in magnesium, zinc, and tryptophan will do just that.

Make your routine a habit

Consistency is your biggest friend in this life. Try to do this every day. It usually takes 6 weeks to create such a habit.

But you have to start somewhere, so what matters is what you do right now, at this very moment, while you have motivational energy. So, I want you to get up, take a deep breath, exhale, then quickly plan your routine for tomorrow and write it down. Do it!

Once this routine becomes a habit, your perspective will become clearer and the feeling of emptiness will begin to disappear.

If you are experiencing empty feeling then know that you are not alone in this.

Feeling empty experienced by many people, but most of them do not correctly understand the cause of this feeling. How do they explain it to themselves?

I feel empty because:

  • I don't get enough love and attention from my loved one
  • I don't have anyone, I'm a lonely person
  • I'm bored because my the person I love is NOT trying to fill my life
  • My work does not satisfy me
  • I am not a successful person
  • I don't have enough money
  • I have no one to play with on the weekend
  • I don't care about anything in life, life is boring
  • I don't get enough love, attention and approval from other people
  • I don't get enough sex

None of these statements indicate true the cause of the feeling of inner emptiness.

What do you usually do to fill your inner void and fill your life? Perhaps you are trying to fill the void in the following ways:

  • Drink alcohol, smoke, take drugs, overeat or eat sugary foods
  • Watch TV, have sex, play computer games, work, go shopping, spend money, gamble, talk a lot on the phone, chat online
  • Manipulate other people in a variety of ways: get angry, blame, tell stories, show concern for your own purposes.

There are many ways in which people try to fill their inner emptiness. The feeling of emptiness may recede, but only for a while. Soon, it comes back into your life and you are looking for new ways to fill your black hole.

The problem with all these methods is that with their help, people try to SUPPRESS in themselves empty feeling, instead of acting on the true cause of this feeling.

The true cause of inner emptiness

The only thing that can fill the void in your soul is love. The only thing that can make you empty feeling is the absence of love.

But it is not the lack of love of another person for us that can make us feel empty, but the lack of love for ourselves. – that is the true cause of this feeling.

Feeling empty arises due to a lack of connection with your spiritual principle. You have closed yourself off from Divine love and therefore cannot love yourself through knowing the truth and taking care of yourself.

A small child experiences a feeling of emptiness if left unattended. Your inner child feels the same if you don't give him your love. You will experience a feeling of emptiness until you stop indulging in self-forgetfulness. Self-forgetfulness can be expressed in different ways. You can self-flagellate, ignore own feelings, find activities to drown out unpleasant experiences, shift responsibility for your feelings to other people, drink, smoke or take drugs. Thus, you yourself are the cause of your inner emptiness when you choose self-forgetfulness.

Your ego is filled with false beliefs about who you are. It may see you as inferior, unworthy, unattractive, weak, selfish, bad, wrong person. Your ego is driven by deep shame that you are inherently inferior.

False beliefs can affect your entire life. If you believe that you are unattractive, you try to call out to other people or try to divert your attention in order to feel good and fill the void caused by self-forgetfulness.

To fill your inner void, learn to love yourself!

Who are you really? The truth lies in your higher "I", in your spiritual beginning. If you are open to spiritual self-knowledge, to knowing what is positive for you and for other people, then you are open to the Divine love that comes into your heart and fills the inner emptiness.

This happens when you, instead of resisting unpleasant experiences and trying to avoid responsibility for yourself through dependent and controlling behavior choose spiritual knowledge of what is positive for you and for other people.

Today, choose spiritual self-knowledge and self-love (even if you don't believe "There's something out there to answer you") and see what happens. You can feel how love fills your heart!

Breaking away from the memories of my three-year-old depression, I begin to return gradually to life. All these years I didn't think about how to get rid of depression- I didn’t even know that I had it - I just felt bad, but who in this life feels good? One could take any easy online depression test to get such a diagnosis, and it would not surprise me at all. Apathy and Depression, so what? I was tormented by something else - my spiritual emptiness: I felt very empty, I tried to listen to this emptiness, to find answers to my questions. After all, they say - all the answers are inside. But I couldn't find them.

Esotericism, mysticism, Eckhart Tolle's "New Earth" and other books are, of course, interesting, but all these are drops, how can they fill my ocean of inner emptiness? I feel bad now, I don’t want anything, I’m even shrouded in fear that I live, what am I really looking for in this world? Thoughts in my head are strange - what is happening to me? What should I do? I slide further and further away from the everyday reality of this world. Why can't anyone understand me? Why do I need all this? How to survive depression ? What should I fill spiritual emptiness? If you are depressed, feel bad and do not want to live, know that you are not alone. There are many of us. These are people with a sound vector. What separates us from other people? Sound engineers are capable of learning, have a deep inner world, and of course very sensitive to sounds! They do not like this noise of the city - the scream of children, the screech of brakes, and the abuse of parents is, in general, horror. A squeaky bus, barking dogs or a shout from the authorities - and a headache is guaranteed. Gotta defend against it rough world, and very often sound engineers find salvation in music, they include it for the background. Someone puts on headphones in the subway, and someone puts on a tap with water at home, just not to hear the noise. Silence is another matter, in the evening at our favorite monitor at the table or on the sofa with a laptop. Nightlife in silence is for sound people: surf the Internet, watch movies, distracting yourself from this noisy and wild life. Monitor light and three stars in the sky - that's happiness for sound engineers.

How to get yourself out of depression?

At some point, the Internet no longer fills us, and this makes it especially bad. The question of the meaning of life is tormenting, but there is no answer, and I no longer want to wait. The entire Internet has been read, and posts from the series “ how to deal with depression at home” do not bear fruit. It feels like no one knows, no one can help. Heartache and loneliness is a very difficult condition. Thoughts come (on their own) about suicide, drugs - about anything, anything, just to drown out this pain. In this state, a person is ready for almost everything that is offered to him, if only it becomes easier. There is an immersion in oneself more and more, thereby moving away from everyday life, friends, studies, work - this no longer fills, does not interest. It would be better to stay at home all the time or sleep for 12 hours. Sometimes you just want to lie down and not move - to feel almost dead and feel some kind of eternal depth inside yourself. Unfortunately, from this emptiness, depression intensifies and this is important to understand, otherwise depression cannot be defeated.

How to get rid of depression? To answer this question, you need to know a little about what depression is and where it comes from. Apathy for life and depression are very similar and here are the reasons for this.

People from sound vector very deep in nature. They are capable of learning, and neither school nor work is a big deal. Sound people feel special, or even geniuses from birth. And it really happens - someone studies for 2 hours and understands everything, and someone for 20 hours and cannot understand anything. Often the surrounding physical world seems too simple to the sound engineer, it weakly fills and does not satisfy the sound desires. They feel that there is something else beyond the earthly - a kind of subtle feeling of something more significant and strong, unknown, pushing us in search of it. Some secret meaning - we feel it and want to reveal it. There is an interest in super abilities, mysticism, in the hope that this can give an answer to an internal question. Is it so? Will it help with depression? Rushing about in search of the meaning of life and not finding it, the thread breaks and again comes complete apathy to everything.

Getting rid of depression

All problems from childhood?

How did our parents influence us as children? Constantly screaming? Did you always yell in your ear at school? Was there constant noise around you? There was no place to sit quietly in silence? Someone pulled by the hand, shouted, called the brakes. I remember that I sometimes curled up in a ball and covered my ears because of mental pain: I could not stand this noise. I wanted to hide deep, deep in my inner world. Body temperature immediately rose, I wanted to disappear for a while from this world. And I wanted to be in inner silence - it is desirable to stay there forever ...

But thank God, during puberty, at 12-16 years old, hormones play inside, and we develop thanks to the lower vectors (anal, skin, muscle and urethral): and sound pressure has little chance of dampening libido. Although there are especially difficult cases when life becomes completely unbearable, and a person plunges into himself already irrevocably, and without going out into the world outside - the material world.

“I have depression” - what is the reason for this condition?

The inner world is metaphysical, and the outer world is physical, material. All people on earth balance between them, but due to the noise of the external environment, it is much more pleasant for sound engineers to be in themselves - to think over some idea or concentrate on their feelings, than to look and notice external changes, as the audience likes to do. Even when asked about the color of a T-shirt or trousers on an interlocutor, they are not able to definitely answer! This is how the whole life is lived inside! And the ears, a particularly sensitive organ in a sound engineer, are arranged the other way around, to listen to the outside world.

Over stress can accumulate gradually or collapse suddenly: a sharp cry in the ears, a quarrel with someone. Stress is a word that has been taken to heart. Very often, a quarrel or scandal between parents hits especially hard when the little sound guy hears it. And it becomes bad - there is a subconscious realization that the world outside is bad: suffering, noise, pain, anxiety, and inside - silence, peace, comfort, security. This is how the choice is made: I want to stay inside because it HURTS so much to go OUT. This is how we withdraw into ourselves, gradually and not always immediately. And that's how depression sets in.

It is often said about sound engineers that they are “out of this world” - everyone always walks in their thoughts and does not notice anyone. Someone loves physics, someone likes mathematics - and someone doesn't care at all. They live without even knowing why. Some people can live like this for the rest of their lives. Apathy for life may seem like a natural state, as it comes on gradually. I don't want anything, I don't know what to do. Nothing pleases. What to do? And why? You can have a house, and a car, and money, but really I don’t care. No desire means no enjoyment. The outside world brings suffering! And someone does not stand it, and ends his physical life, making a big mistake, not reaching half a step to the internal answer.

How to get rid of depression? There is a way out of this state.

When our thoughts are directed not inward, not to ourselves, but to the world outside, we do not have depression. As you remember, it was the NOISE from the outside that led to apathy and depression, which forced the consciousness to focus inside and not go outside, into the external physical world.

The simplest characteristic of depression: I don’t want anything, life doesn’t please me, I want to rejoice, but I can’t. And unconsciously I choose the inner world, because there is no suffering there .... everything would be fine if the body did not chain to the material world - in which actions must also be performed.

The secret lies in our attention. While watching movies or through a game, it becomes much easier, because we move all our attention from ourselves, outward to the heroes of the movie or game. When attention is removed from oneself, then internal emptiness ceases to be felt. Have you ever noticed that very often after watching a movie, you immediately want to go for a walk - do something? Desires awaken.

Lethargy, apathy, low spirits - is it worth going to a psychotherapist for the meaning of life?

How to get rid of depression? Psychotherapy for depression

I went, the reception is led by a very emotional woman, she tries to listen to me: I say that I have depression. Encourages, gives advice. He says that more sessions are needed, and preferably several at once. They don't cost a lot of money. I find it hard to believe her, of course, it has become easier - at least some contact with the outside world, but how can she give me advice if I feel that I am smarter than her? She cannot contain my depth in herself. What advice can she give if she is unable to understand me? She says what is written in the university book, which I read a long time ago. That she'll give me pills that will stupefy me and bring me closer to death and turn off my brain. No. Thank you. The best that a psychologist can give is to help adapt in society or support, but we can only understand ourselves, no one can do it for us. Units in millions of psychologists can help. Unfortunately, modern psychology cannot provide answers to these questions, and people suffer in large numbers.

Society or loneliness?

Let me remind you that we can only be happy in society. As a single organism, working for the common good, where everyone performs his role. The sound engineer has a preference for being alone due to subconscious fear - pressure on the ears, and by nature, sound people are very adapted to this. Very often, sound engineers even get married and get married because of the partner's voice. To remove this subconscious fear - to surround yourself with pleasant voices, quiet background music - is a good ecology for every sound engineer, especially in childhood.

From the point of view of system-vector psychology, the specific role of a sound engineer is to develop neural connections, develop your brain. This happens during concentration on external objects. In the days of primitive society - a night guard of the flock, focused on disturbing sounds from the outside, but now - penetration into the laws of the world order, the meaning of life, knowledge of one's mentality. Insomnia, headaches - these are symptoms that the sound engineer is not doing his job, so nature directs him with a whip to find answers and fulfill his role.

You can, of course, wait for the end of the world, which the spectators have promised us soon, and hope that everything will end in one fell swoop, and nothing will have to be done. But you can start taking the first steps in knowing yourself and get out of depression, and feel the joy of life right now. The choice is yours...

The article is based on the materials of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology...

P.S.. If you feel very bad right now. - go outside or onto the balcony - and look at the stars for 10-15 minutes and I promise you your soul will become much easier ...

P.S. S."How to get rid of depression?" November 17, 2014 A little less than two years have passed since I wrote this article, and the answer to the question not found by many. In society, there is more and more loneliness in the eyes of people, the distance between each other is growing, the inner emptiness is increasing. The sound people are also in apathy and depression, they suffer alone, and only one step is missing to realize themselves. Understand and discover for yourself that the outside world is just a projection of the inner perception. When concentration occurs inside, for the reasons listed above, then the emptiness grows, loneliness grows, and the world outside seems empty, and in order to get out of this state, you need to focus outside, on outside world. It's not difficult, the answer to the question "How to get rid of depression?" simple. You need to start focusing on the people around you, using a systemic understanding of a person to understand him. We must not allow the past and traumas to limit our life, the purpose of which is the disclosure and knowledge of ourselves. These steps are simple, but difficult to do, I understand, I have been there myself, and I want to say that it is worth every effort.

Emptiness is when you feel deprived of something very important. I felt especially empty when I stopped using drugs.

I don't want to live this feeling because I feel hurt and left out. And I think that this feeling greatly influenced the fact that I started using again.

Trying to run away from this feeling, I tried to drown it out with some material values, the acquisition of necessary and valuable things, clothes. But these actions did not give satisfaction.

I don’t want to live this feeling, but I will try to live it with the help of other people who are interesting to me. It seems to me that this is also a kind of escape, which for a while gives a feeling of a certain fullness.

Emptiness is when everything that happens suddenly ceases to matter. There are no thoughts and feelings, there is inner silence, which can result both in despair and depression, and in violent fanatical activity. Or not pour out into anything, but just pass.

I want to live this feeling from time to time because I think that it is productive and contributes to a sober attitude towards life. The very fact of detachment and inner silence is good for me.

I see a danger for myself in the fact that from this feeling you can slip unnoticed to where I don’t want to at all (apathy, longing, denial, rejection of myself).

In emptiness, I relax and enjoy. Partly from self-pity, partly from the knowledge that everything no longer matters.

Example: I decided to commit suicide, thought everything through and calculated. My plan has acquired completeness and an achievable goal. At that moment, I sank into emptiness like a soft mattress and relaxed. And after a while he changed his mind.

If people do not matter, then the meaning of confessions disappears. Confess to yourself in the emptiness? I think yes. I usually understand what is happening to me at this time. I don't want to be led by my feelings. I don't want to take hasty action. I want to understand what is happening to me and what caused it. And I don't want to feel lonely.

Emptiness is sadness about the past, what happened, long lived.

Sometimes I like to live this feeling.

It happens that sometimes sadness can surf unexpectedly for no particular apparent reason.

This is a feeling that I do not drown out and do not run away from it, this is a feeling that I easily talk about and love to talk about.

Yes, I confess. Rare case. Thinking about it now, I understand that the way I live today is the way I should live, that is, I don’t want to change anything.

I usually feel empty when I was scammed or my personal information was used without permission. This feeling manifests itself in me as distrust of people, caution, depressive states, for example, I become more withdrawn.

I rarely feel empty.

I do not want to live this feeling, which is connected with my desire to trust people. And I am very unpleasant and insulting when situations occur to me that cause emptiness.

I don't run away and drown this feeling. I just say everything that makes me feel annoyed, and I live on.

I think that in order to the best way to live the feeling of emptiness in a new way, you need to pronounce it. You can trust people, you just need to be careful.

Sometimes, you get so tired of constantly worrying, suffering, experiencing emotions that a cold, emptiness appears in your soul. Psychologists do not consider this feeling normal, it may indicate a serious mental disorder. The feeling is strange, because you seem to live and not. Where does the abyss come from? How to get rid of the terrible emptiness and feel happy again?


Often a person himself does not notice when he has a crisis period, in which the entire inner world begins to collapse, forming a black hole. People around often do not notice how bad it is for a person who seems to be living an ordinary life, but in fact it is dark and “damp” inside. Factors leading to this condition can be identified:

  • Strong. Constant routine, eternal fuss lead to moral exhaustion. Unbeknownst to everyone, spiritual strength begins to dry up.
  • Stress. After a serious loss, sudden life changes, it is very difficult to recover, therefore it appears, which eventually leads to emptiness.
  • Shock. Despite the fact that this condition is similar to stress, do not confuse it. A person is going through shocks due to treason, betrayal, when a beautiful fairy-tale world, like a fragile constructor, collapses in one moment.
  • Lack of purpose. If the completed tasks are not replaced by others, it becomes very difficult. Probably, everyone had to experience such a feeling when you reach a goal (no matter how difficult it is), after that life becomes boring and less interesting.
  • acute period. When a lot of things fall on a person at once, after a while you can feel emptiness, emotional burnout.

What causes spiritual emptiness?

Unfortunately, everything ends with melancholy, indifference, depression, apathy. The man seems to be living in hopelessness. If timely action is not taken, everything can end in suicide.

Emotional emptiness leads to the fact that a person is indifferent to everything - he is not interested in the world around him, closes in himself, stops contacting people. Due to the devastation of the soul, he launches his appearance, home, he is often abandoned by friends. In order to prevent tragedy, it is important to understand that the soul was burned by experiences that, it would seem, are already in the past, but do not go anywhere, interfere with life.

What to do?

Gradually, you need to fill the void. Of course, this is quite difficult to do, but if there is a desire to live fully again, then it is possible. Think that it is better to be a soulless creature or a real person who knows how to rejoice, cry, sincerely love. You need to overpower yourself, get angry and fill the empty space.

Follow these steps:

  • Don't be afraid to complain. Surely you have relatives, friends, you don’t need to keep everything in yourself, cry, speak out.
  • Learn to trust. Close people will not wish you harm, they will always console, listen, give valuable advice, and understand.
  • Understand the reason. Perhaps you need to change locations, move away from all the fuss. Sometimes it is enough to think alone, in a new environment. A house outside the city helps a lot. Here you can cut trees, plant flowers, get rid of dry grass. Doing all these works, you will begin to notice how you cleanse your soul, draw pain out of it.
  • Gotta rock your emotions, for this you can go in for an extreme sport that will raise the level of adrenaline. You can read a heartbreaking book, watch a melodrama. And it is enough for someone to enjoy the beautiful nature, sunrise or just fall in love.

How to fill the spiritual emptiness?

It is important to understand that emptiness concerns different aspects of life. Therefore, it is necessary to act correctly. In your soul should re-populate:

  • The world of feelings, personal life. A person cannot fully live without tenderness and passion. Do not be afraid to start a new relationship, even if the previous experience was unsuccessful. Open your soul, maybe you will find your true loved one, with whom you will feel happy again.
  • Relationships with loved ones. Sometimes the daily hustle and bustle leads to the fact that a person does not have enough time to communicate with loved ones. Do not give up on relatives - visit your grandparents, parents, brother, sister, talk heart to heart. These people truly love you, they will be able to stir you up.
  • Job. Often a person is saved by a favorite activity. If earlier work did not bring happiness to you, find yourself, do what you have long wanted to do. Don't look at work hard labour approach it creatively. It motivates you.
  • Hobbies. Don't hesitate to attend different events. Find a hobby that will get you hooked. Thus, you will get fresh emotions.

It turns out that to fill the void in the soul, you just need to gather strength, learn to enjoy life, enjoy it. You must do everything so that your life is filled with bright colors, feelings, then harmony will appear in your soul.