How to prepare a preschooler for school where to start. Preparing a child for school: hard work or an exciting game? Learn to read, learn letters and the alphabet on your own

The main question that parents of future first-graders address to teachers training centers- how to prepare a child for school, how to make sure that he successfully enters the chosen educational institution?

In order for the preparation for school not to turn into a state of stress, achieved by many parents in the process of preparatory classes, it is necessary to clearly know the list of requirements that are necessary for admission to the chosen educational institution. Knowing these requirements will help parents of prospective students to understand whether their child is ready to enter the school.

Parents often believe that the preparation of children for school should be carried out in preschool educational institutions under the supervision of professional teachers. However, as practice shows, the level of preparation for school in kindergartens leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to the independent preparation of the child for entering school.

Preparing the child for school

Sometimes parents fear that, not being professional educators they won't be able to handle self-training to schooling. However, these fears are unfounded, since recently a huge number of manuals have appeared that tell how to prepare a child for school, exactly how a child can get the skills he needs - be it reading, writing, or learning to count.

Basic Skills

Learn to read, learn letters and the alphabet on your own

Helpers: primers and albums for the development of speech

To date, the following manuals are considered popular and well-tested methods: primer N.S. Zhukova, primer E.N. Bakhtina and primer Kosinova E.M. (speech therapy). The methods are slightly different, which makes it possible to choose the one that is more suitable for your children.

The following manuals will be good helpers during classes: “Album for the Development of Speech” by Volodina V.S. and "Album on the development of speech for the smallest" Batyaeva S.V. These albums are distinguished by a systematic approach to the development of coherent speech skills, as well as the presence of tasks that facilitate the teaching of children with speech therapy problems.


To enter school, a child must be able to read by syllables, distinguish them in words, count the number of sounds. It is also necessary that he distinguishes vowels from consonants, and has the skills of coherent speech (he could describe the proposed picture, retell the text from 3-5 simple sentences).

We comprehend the basics of counting, elementary mathematical operations

At the age of 6-7 years, the child should confidently count up to 10, while it is important not to mechanically repeat the digital series, but to understand the category of countability, that is, the quantitative value that is hidden behind the name of the number.

The most correct technique and the simplest mathematical operations are exercises that allow you to analyze the numerical composition of a number. That is, the baby must understand that the number 2=1+1, 5=2+3. Good helpers in this technique will be visual aids that are easily recalculated. It can be cubes, beads, balls, designer elements. They need to be the same color, shape and size.

Using these elements, it is quite easy to demonstrate to kids the principles of mathematical operations - addition (adding) and subtracting (subtracting).

Mathematics Parent Assistant

Good help for parents teaching aids, developed by L.G. Peterson and E.E. Kochemasova - "Player. Mathematics for children. These manuals are remarkable in that they include not only visual didactic material for classes, but also explanations for parents exactly how to conduct a particular lesson. Moreover, the allowance consists of several parts: 3–4 years, 4–5, 5–6, and 6–7 years. Each of the periods is entitled to a separate methodical notebook with tasks, thus fully covering the entire mathematical education of a preschooler.


Your child confidently counts from 1 to 10, easily determines the place of a number in a series of numbers (5 comes after 4, or before the number 6), solves simple tasks based on operations.

Preparation for writing. Children will learn how to write already at school, but it is advisable to prepare them a little for this lesson. It is necessary that parents teach the child to confidently draw clear lines, without using a ruler, to shade drawings or geometric shapes along the contour.

Skills responsible for the general level of intellectual development

In addition to the practical skills already listed above, it is necessary to pay attention common development baby: memory training and, and. A universal way to train almost all of the above aspects of intellectual development is reading books. At the preschool stage, this is most likely to be shared reading.

However, parents should read books to their child often, discussing and analyzing the content. You need to ask questions on the text, learn to draw conclusions. Welcome the child's reasoning on the topic read, be prepared to answer any, the most unexpected questions. A kid who loves reading is distinguished not only by a good memory and observation, but also by a developed imagination, the ability to think in images.

What books contribute to the intellectual development of the child

In addition to the well-known and beloved works of children's fiction, it is necessary to use encyclopedias, if possible, choosing the most visual publications. Also, children will certainly be interested in collections of puzzles, charades and riddles on topics of interest to them. If you find it difficult to come up with tasks for creative lessons- you can purchase special albums with already developed tasks for appliqué, drawing and making crafts.

Psychological readiness for school

An important moment in preparing a child for school is the creation of a positive attitude towards these rather serious changes in his life. Moreover, it is very important that by the time of entering an educational institution, he not only possesses the necessary practical skills, but also has a pronounced desire to study at school.

When sending a six-year-old kid to school, many mothers later face a number of problems: he does not observe discipline, behaves in class as he likes, does not pay attention to the teacher's remarks.

This is not at all because the little schoolboy is poorly educated or wants to deliberately disrupt the lesson, no - he simply does not understand the value of the learning process. At the age of seven, his attitude can change dramatically, so analyze well, think about how to prepare the child for school, at what age it is better for him to go to school.

We conduct classes on our own: important points

  • Each activity that you spend with your child at home should not take more than 25-30 minutes. A six year old will have a hard time concentrating for a longer period of time.
  • Alternate activities and loads. After doing math, it is better to give the child a creative task - you can draw, do applique, make crafts. Do not forget that for many modern children it is quite difficult to sit for 25-30 minutes in a row without moving. Therefore, be sure to make “mobile” pauses between classes, giving the young student the opportunity to move. For this purpose, you can pick up a few simple physical exercises.
  • Never scold a child if he does not understand something. In no case do not tell him the following: “well, nothing, they will teach you at school, the teacher will be strict there, you will learn right away!”. Or: “oh you, but at school all the children can already do ... (something), and you are so clumsy ...”, etc. Trying to stimulate the child's eagerness during classes in this way, you will achieve a completely different result - he will be afraid of the future admission to school, fearing that he will be worse than others in some way.

Remember that preparation for school should not begin two or three months before the start of classes, but at least six months. It is not very difficult to prepare a child for school on their own, the main thing is that the parents organize the classes correctly, and the child will study them with pleasure. Then going to school will not be stressful for him, and the upcoming education will not be a source of fear.

Lecturer, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena

Psychologists and teachers tell how to prepare a child for school:

Entering school is quite an exciting time for any parent, because their child is moving to a new stage of development and socialization! How exactly will everything go? Will the little one manage to cope with school subjects? Will he be able to adapt to the new environment?

To make everything go smoothly, you can prepare your child for school in advance. Let's take a closer look at when you need to start classes, what exactly they should be, and whether it is worth sending the baby to preparation or you can do it yourself at home.

When to start preparing?

Psychologists say that you can start preparing for school as early as 3.5-4 years old, especially since you have most likely already taken the first steps towards education: you started teaching your baby to read and count.

It is at 3.5-4 years that a bright personality is formed in the child. Of course, he still doesn’t know how much and doesn’t know about everything in the world, bombarding you with questions: “Why?” And How?".

But right now it is actively developing the logical and spatial thinking and memory is activated, therefore it is extremely undesirable to miss this fertile period.

Psychological readiness

Any child should be prepared for school not only mentally, but also from the point of view of psychology. This means that everything in it must be in balance, namely:

  • personal and social readiness;
  • volitional sphere;
  • clear motivation for learning.

In other words, the young student should strive to go to school consciously. He must be willing to receive new information, think about this stage of growing up and want to learn how to build relationships in a new team.

What a miracle - school?

First of all, it is worth explaining to the kid what a school is, how it differs from a kindergarten, what the mysterious word “lessons” means in practice, and why it is so important to listen to what the teacher says.

An attempt at visualization

Need to understand inner feelings child and find out how he relates to school. To do this, ask him to draw her in detail and talk about how she is.

What are the lessons at the school? Are there big changes? Do students get grades and enjoy being there? Let the child tell you what kind of teacher works there - strict or kind, whether he likes her or not.

During the story, you will get answers to your questions: what is the child afraid of, why is he worried, what is he afraid of. All these points should be discussed with him after the story and play out options for getting out of different situations.

You can't be scared!

Do not put pressure on the child psychologically, do not scare him with strict discipline or by scolding him for bad grades. This clearly does not stimulate him to a good perception of the new place of study.

It is better to tell the child that he has to learn a lot of interesting things about the world, and if during this period he encounters difficulties, he can always count on you.

What is school for?

Explain to the kid that his main task will not be to get good grades (although this is important), but to gain new knowledge, which he will use in the future for his own benefit.

For example, can get a job, get wages and buy what you want - that is, to become a truly adult.

All at once?

Do not try to stuff your baby with an abundance of information and give him everything at once: knowing a lot does not mean loving to learn. Better develop curiosity and the ability to approach lessons creatively. As a result, the kid will understand that learning is quite exciting and not scary at all.

Independence is the head of everything!

It is very important that the baby mastered such important qualities as responsibility and independence. There is no need to conduct special training for this - this is not an army! It is enough to trust the child with simple tasks and give a chance to cope independently with what he can do.

You can, for example, entrust him with the care of flowers that you buy with him. Discuss with the baby the rules and features of caring for plants and explain what will happen to the flower if it is not watered or hilled.

To keep your little one from forgetting to do this, attach a reminder paper to the fridge.

Praise is the best blessing

Be sure to praise the baby for success, emphasizing the fact that he already knows a lot. Just in no case do not cite other, more “developed” children as an example, so that the baby does not feel not too successful against the background of their achievements.

He must know that if he fails something, he needs to try to do it again.

Going for knowledge: class schedule

So, psychological preparation baby is in full swing, it's time to take on educational process. To do this, develop in your child perseverance, the ability to live according to a schedule and strict discipline.

Actually, the lessons should be held 5 days a week, and the next two days to rest and frolic.

The class schedule could be, for example:

  1. Monday: spelling and reading;
  2. Tuesday: drawing and mathematics;
  3. Wednesday: math again, spelling again and, as a bonus, an application;
  4. Thursday: reading, English (or other foreign language) and modeling;
  5. Friday: reading and foreign.

How much to do?

Closer to the age of five, classes in such difficult subjects as mathematics or English should take no more than 20 minutes at home. For other lessons, you can take a little more time - 25 minutes.

At the same time, breaks between lessons need to be reduced: if at first they are large - for an hour, then then it is worth making them twenty minutes. This will help the child learn the material well, without experiencing the stress of restructuring for a new life.

Teaching methodology: how to conduct lessons?

Let's figure out how exactly it is worth teaching a child. Tips for homeschooling toddlers for convenience are illustrated by examples of especially meaningful lessons.

Reading lessons

Once your child has learned the letters and syllables, you can move on to reading so that the entire further preparation process is more successful.

The study of letters should be carried out in alphabetical order, and reading - from acquaintance with small tales. To begin with, the kid can find already studied letters in the text.

Retell what you read to him and ask him to repeat it again, but on his own. To help with the presentation - 3 questions that the baby should briefly answer.

Spelling lessons

Spelling lessons are best done in the same order as reading, so that the assimilation of what has been passed is more successful. As you become familiar with the material, you can move on to reading simple syllables, so that later you can try to write them.

If you stick to these teaching principles, by the age of 5 your child will be able to read and write quite well. A prerequisite is that the child works with notebooks for writing in a ruler, and for mathematics - in a cage.

Math lessons

Learning to count is best done with candy, toys, and family members, but you should first learn whole numbers. Simple tasks in mathematics are also better given on visual material - on the same sweets.

You can also learn numbers in pairs at once: 3 and 4, 5 and 6. The child should not only memorize them, but also try to write them afterwards. Be sure to repeat the material covered the next day, but not for very long - no more than five minutes.

It is better to learn various geometric shapes using the example of the same cookie, which is now available in a variety of forms. Gradually, you will move from "food" to the outline of figures in a notebook.

art lessons

Drawing lessons are an outlet for a child, so they must be carried out. It can be not only creativity in albums, but also appliqué and modeling.

Here you can study geometric shapes, which we talked about above, and draw them in the album.

Teach your child to use paints so that the pictures do not look like blotters of an incomprehensible color. Show how you can shade a drawing with a pencil or master the technique of drawing with crayons.

Foreign language lessons

The key to success in learning a language is the use of vivid pictures and illustrations. It is best if you start learning the language that you yourself studied at school, otherwise you will have to use the services of a tutor.

The lesson can last about 15 minutes, during which you must speak with the baby in a foreign language, accompanying your words with actions. This form of education is considered the most effective for preschool age.

As soon as the lesson comes to an end, reinforce what you have learned by showing a cartoon in a foreign language.

Never, and this is very important, do not prepare the baby for school "out of the blue." Do I need to explain that this will not lead to anything good in the end?

Let's play school

Interest the child, and even better, create a whole educational team around him. For example, invite children of the same age to visit and play school.

schedule requirements

As soon as you see that the baby has achieved some success, gently begin to demand results from him - at first unobtrusively, then more actively. This approach to learning will benefit the baby.

Should I send my child to preparatory courses?

Many parents whose children are approaching the wonderful school time are constantly thinking about how to prepare their child for school at home. Wouldn't it be better to give it to preparatory classes?

Calm down, because you yourself can do it - there would only be a desire!

What kind of kids should be given to the courses?

The group of exceptions for which courses will be preferable to home preparation for school include:

  1. Toddlers who did not go to kindergarten, mini-centers and any other preschool institutions, since social adaptation has not even begun for them yet.
  2. Shy children, and especially when the preparatory classes are taught by the same teachers who in the future will teach them subjects in elementary school.
  3. Children who have few friends. In the preparatory lessons, the kids will find real comrades for themselves and, when moving to school, will be able to avoid possible stresses.

If your child is perfectly adapted to society, you can not resort to help preparatory groups. Moreover, nowadays in all kindergartens they begin to prepare children for school long before they enter.

Your lessons at home will be a good help for the baby, which will help him prepare for school slowly, interestingly and very effectively.

Parents of toddlers who attend kindergarten You don't have to worry about getting your child ready for school. This is done by educators and specially trained specialists. And what about adults whose children do not attend preschool institutions? Is it possible to independently prepare the crumbs for school life, and how to do it right?

When should you start preparing your child for school?

Inexperienced parents believe that if the baby goes to school at the age of 6, then it is enough to work out with him from the age of five, and in a year the child will master, so to speak, the course of a young fighter. In fact, this is a clear misconception.

Psychologists say that the most favorable age to start preparing for school is 3.5-4 years.

By the age of 3, your beloved little man has formed as a person. Little why with great interest learns the world, and questions pour out of him, as from a cornucopia. We need to seize the moment, and just direct his curiosity in the right direction. .

By the age of three, a child develops spatial and logical thinking, the memory is activated. He not only wants to get answers to his questions, but also to remember them. Therefore, do not be angry with the baby if he asks the same question several times.

What do you need to prepare your child for school?

Classes with a child should in no case be episodic. Make a clear plan for yourself, similar to a school schedule. Break down all the information that you need to convey to the crumbs into separate topics.

At the same time, keep in mind that until the baby reaches the age of 4.5-5 years, one lesson should not exceed fifteen minutes. Disclosure of one topic should fit into this period of time.

After each lesson, take a break for 15-20 minutes. So that the baby does not get tired and does not lose interest in learning, spend no more than 3 classes a day. Do not scold the child if he does not succeed. You need to deal with it calmly and patiently.

Equip a comfortable place for classes, give him a shelf in the closet, where your child will store all the school supplies. From the first days, teach him to keep his workplace in order, do not scatter pens, notebooks or books on the table.

Sometimes it is not so difficult to instill handwriting skills or the ability to count, how to accustom a child to perseverance and adherence to the daily routine that awaits him at school.

What classes are needed to prepare for school?

The preparation of the baby includes such activities as:

  • reading;
  • calligraphy;
  • mathematics;
  • creative activities (sculpting, drawing, appliqué);
  • one of foreign languages.


This item comes first. The faster the baby masters the letters and learns to put them first into syllables, and then into words, the faster the whole process of obtaining new knowledge will go. You have to go from simple to complex. Any word consists of letters, so the initial task of parents is to learn the alphabet with their child.

Find poems about letters on the Internet or in children's books. Listening to the description of each letter in poetic form, the baby will remember them faster. In addition, he will try to repeat certain phrases from the verse.

Here are some good poems by Boris Zakhoder:

Everyone knows the letter A
The letter is very nice.
Yes, besides, the letter A
Main in the alphabet.

Here is an example of a quatrain by another author:

B looks like a pipe
That buzzes "Boo-boo, boo-boo",
And a little on the iron
My best friend says.

Agree that in this form it will be very interesting to teach letters to a little inquisitive little man.

After the kid has mastered the letters, show him how syllables are made up of them. Name the consonants the way the sound is pronounced, that is, not “me” or “be”, but “m” and “b”. Otherwise, the word mom, composed of letters, the baby can pronounce mea-mea.

Get a gorgeous colorful alphabet poster from the bookstore. Hang it above your baby's desk. When a child's gaze encounters an image, his passive memory is activated. Looking at familiar letters, he will remember them better.

So that learning to fold syllables does not drag on for a long time, buy a magnetic alphabet for your baby. Kids love to move colorful letters around the board. Your task is to help the baby choose from them those that are needed to fold this or that syllable or word. Turn the process of learning the alphabet and learning to read into an exciting game .

There is a huge amount of colorful reading material on the market today. These can be cubes, cards or puzzles with individual letters or syllables. Look for pictures that clearly show how letters are combined into syllables. There is a lot of such information on the Internet, in children's books and colorful didactic materials.

Calligraphy training

At the age of 3.5-4 years, the baby is still not quite confident in holding a pencil or pen in his hands. Therefore, it is not worth expecting that the child will quickly learn to write well. At this age, only sticks and small hooks are subject to him. Giving the crumbs simple tasks, look at school copybooks. Even first-graders do not start writing letters right away. Teaching a child to write letters is better from the age of five . In this case, you need to start with printed letters.

You do not need to immediately demand good results from the baby. The inclinations for learning a particular subject are different for all children. If a child's fine motor skills are lame, it will be difficult to teach him to write beautifully. First you need to show the baby how to hold the pen correctly.

Handwriting can also be influenced by the pose in which the baby is poring over his task. Make sure your child's posture is correct when he or she is doing calligraphy. His back should be straightened, and the table should be at chest level. The baby's elbows should be on the table.

Pay attention to the location of the notebook on the table. It should be placed slightly at an angle, and the lower left corner should lie in the center of the child's chest.

Learning Math

By the time of entering school, the future first-grader should be able to fluently count up to 10 back and forth, add and subtract within these numbers.

Where to start teaching crumbs?

  • First, the baby must learn such quantitative concepts like less, more, equal. Teach him to compare 2 groups of objects with each other. For example, lay out on the table different amount machines and cubes. The baby must figure out which items are more and which are fewer and what needs to be done to make them even. Thus, the child will get acquainted with terms such as add and subtract.
  • In addition, he must learn to operate with such concepts as close - far, high - low . Even before getting to know the numbers, the baby needs to be told about geometric shapes, taught to distinguish a circle from an oval, a square from a rectangle or triangle.
  • At the next stage, with the help of small toys, pencils or counting sticks, the child learns numbers . Take one cube and show the little student the number 1. Then add another cube and introduce the baby to the number 2.

At the same time, do not overload the child with information. For one day, it is enough to get acquainted with two numbers.

When the baby remembers what all the numbers look like, and knows that next to the number 3 you need to put 3 sticks, and with the number 5 - exactly 5 sticks, you can move on to teaching the crumbs addition and subtraction.

All classes must be carried out in game form. To do math, it is not entirely necessary to seat the baby at the table. You can count anything - trees on the street, cars in the parking lot, kids on the playground. The first thing babies start counting is their fingers. The main thing is not to overload the child with a large amount of information. . For example, if you are going somewhere, do not force him to count all the items that come across on the way. It is enough to hear 2-3 answers from the baby and move on to another topic, for example, remember any rhyme.

studying new material, do not forget to repeat with the baby what he has learned before.

We do fine art

In the lessons of creativity, you can consolidate the material covered in other subjects. Buy a coloring book with letters and numbers for your kid, teach him to draw geometric shapes. Help your little one learn how to use a ruler to draw straight lines.

When a child draws, pay attention to the fact that the sun looks like a circle, and the roof of the house looks like a triangle. Teach him to color the drawings carefully so that the paint does not go beyond the outline of the drawing. In the meantime, explain to your child that the sky is blue and the grass is green.

No need to force a little artist to draw what you want. Let the child show his imagination, let him express his feelings and emotions through his drawings.

Learning a foreign language

If you decide to teach your child a foreign language before school, start learning with a colorful alphabet with pictures. Do not be upset if you yourself do not know one of the foreign languages ​​perfectly. For a kid who goes to a regular school, without in-depth study English, French or another language, it is enough to know the alphabet well and have a small lexicon.

Learn a few short verses with your child and repeat them during a walk or during home games. Watch your child's pronunciation. If he gets used to speaking foreign words incorrectly, it will be difficult to retrain him at school.

As you prepare your child for school on your own, be patient. Do not scold the little student if something does not work out for him. If the kid is tired and inattentive in class, postpone the lesson. Learning should bring joy to the child, otherwise you can discourage him from learning for a long time, which will affect his knowledge at school.

Parents of future first graders will find answers to the following questions:

What does the concept of “child readiness for school” mean?

What should a child know and be able to enter the school.

How to prepare your child for school.

Do I need to teach my child to read before starting school?

With the help of the proposed test “Is the child ready to go to school”, parents will be able to determine the level of school readiness of their child. The content of the questions that you answered in the negative will tell you the topics for further studies with the future student.



How to prepare your child for school?

Previously, a child with a certain amount of knowledge was considered ready for school. Now psychologists and educators say that knowledge is not a goal, but a means of a child's development.

The main thing is not knowledge itself, but the ability to use it, independently obtain it, analyze it.

That's why The most important element in preparing a child for school is the formation of the ability to learn.Teach your child to consciously subordinate his actions to a general rule (for example, read a book while sitting, keeping a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes to the book), listen carefully to the speaker and accurately complete this task, show independence, initiative, creativity in any kind of activity.

Expand and deepen your child's understanding of the world.If you do not brush aside the questions that arise in the child, you will not fence him off from the environment. adult life- preparation for school will go naturally and without tension.

Develop the oral speech of the future student.Read children's literature to your child as often as possible; talk with him about the works you read; more often ask your child to retell a fairy tale he just heard or tell about what he saw interesting during a walk.

Turn everyday requests into developmental tasks more often. For example, for a better orientation of a child in space, the following tasks are effective:

Give me, please, a cup, which is to the right of the plate.

Find the third book on the top shelf, counting from right to left.

Say what is in the room behind the chest of drawers, between the chair and the sofa, behind the TV.

Develop fine motor skills using modeling, drawing, shading, designing from various parts

lei. The better the hand is developed, the easier it is for the child to learn to write, the faster his intellect develops.

Teach the future first grader to the school regime- Go to bed early and wake up early. Instill in him the habit of observing elementary sanitary and hygienic skills: use a public toilet; wash hands before eating, etc. Teach him to dress himself, fold his things neatly, and keep order.

Encourage your child to have a positive attitude towards school. Try to create a "romantic environment" around school life, where there will be new friends, a wise teacher and a whole range of new experiences and emotions.

Never bully your child with school:“Here you go to school, they will quickly bring you up!”

To make the child feel that he is entering a new phase of life, radically change his life: rearrange the child’s room, come up with new household chores for him, etc.


Should children be taught to read before starting school?

NECESSARY! The earlier a child begins to read, the more he likes to do it and the better he copes with reading.

Scientists give a number of reasons why a child should be taught to read, starting not even from preschool age, but from early childhood:

1. Children are hyperactive, inquisitive. If a child of 3-7 years old is given the opportunity to quench his thirst for knowledge, hyperactivity will decrease, which will protect him from injury and allow him to study the world around him more successfully.

2. Almost all children aged “two to five” have unique abilities, including the ability to absorb knowledge. Everyone knows the ease with which young children memorize new and sometimes even incomprehensible information.

3. Having learned to read at an early age, the child will be able to master much more information,than those of his peers who were deprived of such an opportunity. If he learned to read early, then in the 1st grade he will be able to do the material that is usually given to children aged 8-12.

4. Children who learn to read early have a much better ability to understand.By the time they enter school, they no longer read by syllables, not understanding the meaning of what they read, but expressively, in whole words.

5. The child who learned to read early loves to read.Many parents think that children who can already read will be bored in 1st grade. To say that the more children know, the more bored they will be, is the same as to say that children who know nothing will be interested in everything and forget about boredom. If the class is not interesting, then everyone will be bored. If it is interesting, then only those who are not able to understand anything will get bored.

And one more curious fact: when a child is taught to read at home, success is one hundred percent, regardless of the method used.


Test "Is the child ready to go to school?"

School psychologists have developed special methods to determine the level of readiness of the child for school.

Try to answer ("yes" or "no") to the questions of this test. It will help you understand if your child is ready for school.

1. Is your child able to do something on his own that requires 25-30 minutes of concentration (like jigsaw puzzles)?

2. Does your child say that he wants to go to school because there he will learn a lot of new and interesting things, will find new friends?

3. Can your child independently compose a story from the picture, including at least 5 sentences?

4. Does your child know a few poems by heart?

5. Is it true that your child behaves at ease in the presence of strangers, is not shy?

6. Does your child know how to change a noun by numbers (for example: frame - frames, ear - ears, man - people, child - children)!

9. Can your child solve addition and subtraction problems within ten?

10. Can your child solve problems for finding the sum or difference (for example: “There are 3 apples and 2 pears in a vase. How many fruits are in the vase?”; “There were 10 sweets in the vase. 3 sweets were eaten. How much is left?”)?

11. Can your child repeat the sentence exactly (for example:"Bunny, jump on a stump!")?

12. Does your child like to color pictures, draw, sculpt from plasticine?

13. Does your child know how to use scissors and glue (for example, to make an application)?

14. Can your child generalize concepts (for example, name in one word (namely: furniture) table, sofa, chair, armchair)?

15. Can your child compare two objects, that is, name the similarities and differences between them (for example, a pen and a pencil, a tree and a bush)?

16. Does your child know the names of the seasons, months, days of the week, their sequence?

17. Can your child understand and follow verbal instructions accurately?

Evaluation of the result.

15 - 17 questions, you can assume thatyour child is quite ready for school.You did not study with him in vain, and school difficulties, if they arise, will be easily overcome.

If you answered yes to 10 - 14 questions, so your child has learned a lot.The content of the questions to which you answered in the negative will tell you the topics for further studies.

If you answered yes to9 (or less) questions,so you should, firstly,read special literature Secondly, try to devote more time to activities with the child, Thirdly, seek help from specialists.


What should a child know and be able to enter school?

We offer an approximate list of knowledge and skills of the future first grader.

The child must know:

Your name, patronymic, surname;

Your age and date of birth;

Your home address and phone number;

The name of your city, its main attractions;

The name of the country in which he lives;

Surnames, names, patronymics of parents, their professions;

Names of the seasons and months (their sequence, the main signs of each season, riddles and poems about the seasons);

Names of domestic animals and their cubs;

Names of some wild animals and their cubs;

Names of wintering and migratory birds;

Names of vegetables, fruits and berries;

Names of means of transport: land, water, air.

The child must be able to:

Distinguish between clothing, shoes and hats;

Retell Russian folk tales;

Distinguish and correctly name planar geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval;

Freely navigate in space and on a sheet of paper (right-left side, top-bottom, etc.);

Completely and consistently retell the listened or read story, compose (invent) a story from the picture;

Remember and name 6-10 objects, words;

Distinguish between vowels and consonants;

Divide words into syllables with the help of claps, steps, by the number of vowels;

Determine the number and sequence of sounds in words like poppy, house, whale;

It is good to use scissors (cut out strips, squares, circles, rectangles from paper, cut along the contour of the figure);

Own a pencil: draw vertical and horizontal lines without a ruler; - draw geometric shapes; carefully paint over, hatch, without going beyond the contours of objects;

listen carefully, without being distracted (30-35 minutes);

Maintain a straight, good posture, especially when sitting.


What does the concept of “child readiness for school” mean?

Child psychologists identify several criteria for a child's readiness for school.

Physical readiness.Studying at school is associated with great physical and psychological stress. Filling out a child's medical record before entering school, you can easily navigate this issue and get advice from specialist doctors. If your child has serious health problems and you are recommended special shapes training or special school, do not neglect the advice of doctors.

Intellectual readiness.It includes the knowledge base of the child, the presence of special skills and abilities (the ability to compare, generalize, reproduce a given sample; the development of fine motor skills; concentration of attention, etc.). Intellectual readiness is not only the ability to read and write, but also the development of speech (the ability to answer a question, ask a question, retell the text), the ability to reason and think logically.

social readiness.This is the child's need to communicate with peers and the ability to subordinate their behavior to the laws of children's groups, as well as the ability to play the role of a student in a situation of schooling.

Psychological readiness.From this point of view, a child is ready for schooling, whom the school attracts not only with its external side (a wonderful satchel, beautiful student uniform), but also with the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills. A school-ready child wants to learn, both because he wants to take a certain position in society that opens access to the world of adults, and because he has a cognitive need that he cannot satisfy at home.

Once a child is five years old, home schooling can become interesting game. The child likes to learn, his cognitive interest is growing every day, and the main activity continues to be a game.

Today it is so easy to help your child get ready for school without resorting to the help of teachers or special courses, because a preschooler cannot be “taught”. You have to play with him. Let's try to figure out together how to organize a child's home preparation, involving the interior of the children's room in the process:

1. Decide what to develop. By the first grade, a child should be able to read, count within ten, think logically and have a good vocabulary. Other important point there will be a setting of the hand, as a propaedeutic of writing skills.

2. Remember that a child of 5-10 years old is dominated by visual-figurative thinking, which means that the material that we will give him needs vivid illustrations. You can do something yourself, you will have to buy something, it is easy to do it on the Internet.

3. The child learns by playing! Therefore, the game is the basis of the basics in home preparation for school.

Learning to count and think logically

A child begins to learn to count literally from birth. First, he distinguishes between objects, then he orients himself in terms of "more", "less". Even if you don’t specifically teach numbers with him, don’t train his mathematical abilities, by the age of five the child will learn the simplest mathematical operations

Our target , develop the skill so that the child can count to ten and back, add and subtract within ten.

First, let's talk about board games. Dominoes, lotto, or other games with a mathematical bias can be used to teach counting.

You will find a large selection of such games or. By the way, the last site has a lot of interesting visual material that is perfect for daily use.

The number line is the foundation of learning to count. It may look and be the same size as a ruler. It can be large, with "inhabitants" of houses - numbers.

When learning numbers and numbers, it will help your child understand that there are only 10 numbers, and the numbers that the numbers form can be any number. The number line will help with the study of the concept of "More", "Less", subtract or add. In general, today this is the most necessary subject in learning to count!

We can arrange it on special boards, we can draw it for each lesson, we can even depict it in the form of a treasure map. We don't teach, we play!

See more visual aids here: Here you can buy "houses" of numbers, which we hang around the number line, and get acquainted with their inhabitants in the course of study.

It will be difficult for a child to remember everything, therefore, the more pictures and games, the better.

Together with the study of numbers, we learn the shapes of geometric shapes, using squares, circles, triangles when playing addition and subtraction. Each figure has its own story, fun, understandable to the child, easy to remember.

It is very good to work with the child in notebooks like “One step, two steps” to consolidate the knowledge gained.

Learn to read and expand vocabulary

What is a child's vocabulary? This is knowledge of the main logical groups, such as "clothes", "food", "transport", "tools" and much more. Vocabulary involves not just knowledge of a certain word, but its use in correct form, in the right context.

A good vocabulary makes it easier to learn to read. For its development, we acquire pictures with groups of words, for example, here: We build a magnetic board, or buy a ready-made one.

We play card games like "Lion", "Erudite" or "Guess the letter". We play theatrical performances about a word, about a group of words.

Start learning to read. Don't forget about the difference between letters and sounds. Here are the "sound" can settle in your children's room:

Attach them to a stand, stick them over your child's desk, or over a magnetic board.

Remember that the organization of home preparation for school is taking place effortlessly in conditions that are comfortable for the baby. Seat the dolls in a row, set a timer, say that the dolls really want to hear a fairy tale. Record his "reading" on a tape recorder.

Praise your child with all your might!

And then, five to ten minutes later, in another game, casually ask what he was reading about today. By the way, the most successful primer is Zhukova's Primer. In addition to tasks for the child, it contains footnotes with step by step instructions for parents.

We put a hand, the elements of the letter

The most difficult thing in preparing for school is to put your hand up and develop fine motor skills. This is what we do with early age child. Special attention we devote to applied labor, modeling and creativity.

They will teach him to write beautifully at school, our task is to train his hand so that at school, from a long load, fatigue does not give off trembling and pain in the wrist and fingers.

The simplest is drawing and designing. Buy Lego, puzzles, models of houses or planes. You can knit with girls, collect beads. You can even try embroidery or batik. Colored paper cutting, origami folding, modeling from plasticine, clay, salt dough, coloring according to the model. All this is necessary for the full development of fine motor skills.

For the first practical lessons in writing, I recommend the Solar Steps notebooks, By the way, their website has a lot of useful materials for preparing for school.

Solar steps. Preschooler's portfolio. 5-7 years. A set of notebooks.

My son and I did the following exercises: we tore paper into shreds, then we broke the foam plastic, and then we glued mosaic pictures from the resulting pieces and painted them with the spraying technique.

In general, turn on your imagination. Buy cards, draw and draw, create puppet shows. Turn any piece of furniture into a learning piece. A chair - in the chair of a scientist, a table - in a testing ground, a globe - in a pathfinder map. Be imaginative, and organizing home preparation for school will be a fun game for your child!