Training work in chemistry exam. The duration of the exam in chemistry

USE 2017 Chemistry Typical test tasks Medvedev

M.: 2017. - 120 p.

Typical test tasks in chemistry contain 10 options for sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified state exam in 2017. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of KIM 2017 in chemistry, the degree of difficulty of tasks. The collection contains answers to all test options and provides solutions to all tasks of one of the options. In addition, examples of forms used in the exam are given to record answers and decisions. The author of the tasks is a leading scientist, teacher and methodologist, who is directly involved in the development of control measuring instruments. USE materials. The manual is intended for teachers to prepare students for the exam in chemistry, as well as for high school students and graduates - for self-training and self-control.

Format: pdf

Size: 1.5 MB


Preface 4
Work instructions 5
Part 1 8
Part 2, 15
Part 1 17
Part 2 24
Part 1 26
Part 2 33
Part 1 35
Part 2 41
Part 1 43
Part 2 49
Part 1 51
Part 2 57
Part 1 59
Part 2 65
Part 1 67
Part 2 73
Part 1 75
Part 2 81
OPTION 10 83
Part 1 83
Part 2 89
Answers to the tasks of part 1 91
Solutions and answers to tasks of part 2 93
Solution of tasks of option 10 99
Part 1 99
Part 2 113

The present tutorial is a collection of tasks to prepare for the Unified State Exam (USE) in chemistry, which is like a final exam for the course high school as well as university entrance exams. The structure of the manual reflects modern requirements for the procedure passing the exam in chemistry, which will allow you to better prepare for new forms of final certification and for admission to universities.
The manual consists of 10 options for tasks, which in form and content are close to USE demos and do not go beyond the content of the course of chemistry, normatively determined by the Federal component state standard general education. Chemistry (Order of the Ministry of Education No. 1089 dated March 5, 2004).
Content Presentation Level educational material in tasks it is correlated with the requirements of the state standard for the preparation of graduates of a secondary (complete) school in chemistry.
Three types of tasks are used in the control measuring materials of the Unified State Exam:
- tasks basic level Difficulties with short answers
- tasks advanced level Difficulties with short answers
- tasks high level Difficulties with a detailed answer.
Each option examination work built according to a single plan. The work consists of two parts, including a total of 34 tasks. Part 1 contains 29 short answer items, including 20 basic difficulty items and 9 advanced difficulty items. Part 2 contains 5 tasks of a high level of complexity, with a detailed answer (tasks numbered 30-34).
In tasks of a high level of complexity, the text of the solution is written on a special form. Tasks of this type make up the bulk of the written work in chemistry at the entrance exams to universities.

IN KIMah USE In 2017, the following changes will be made:

1. The approach to structuring part 1 of the examination paper will be fundamentally changed. It is assumed that, unlike the examination model of previous years, the structure of part 1 of the work will include several thematic blocks, each of which will contain tasks of both basic and advanced levels of complexity. Within each thematic block, tasks will be arranged in ascending order of the number of actions that are necessary to complete them. Thus, the structure of part 1 of the examination paper will be more consistent with the structure of the chemistry course itself. Such structuring of Part 1 of the KIM will help the examinees during their work to more effectively focus their attention on the use of what knowledge, concepts and laws of chemistry and in what relationship will require the performance of tasks that check the assimilation of the educational material of a certain section of the chemistry course.

2. There will be noticeable changes in the approaches to designing tasks of a basic level of complexity. These can be tasks with a single context, with the choice of two correct answers out of five, three out of six, tasks “to establish a correspondence between the positions of two sets”, as well as calculation tasks.

3. Increasing the differentiating ability of tasks makes it objective to raise the question of reducing the total number of tasks in the examination paper. It is planned to reduce the total number of tasks in the examination paper from 40 to 34. This will be done mainly by streamlining the optimal number of those tasks, the implementation of which involved the use of similar activities. An example of such tasks, in particular, are tasks focused on checking chemical properties salts, acids, bases, conditions for ion exchange reactions.

4. A change in the format of tasks and their number will inevitably be associated with an adjustment in the grading scale for some tasks, which, in turn, will cause a change in the initial total score for the performance of the work as a whole, presumably in the range from 58 to 60 (instead of the previous 64 points).

The planned changes in the examination model as a whole should result in an increase in the objectivity of testing the formation of a number of subject and meta-subject skills, which are an important indicator of the success of mastering the subject. We are talking, in particular, about such skills as: apply knowledge in the system, combine knowledge about chemical processes with an understanding of the mathematical relationship between various physical quantities, independently assess the correctness of the implementation of the educational and educational-practical task, etc.

The result of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry not lower than the minimum set number of points gives the right to enter universities for specialties where the list of entrance examinations includes the subject of chemistry.

Universities do not have the right to set a minimum threshold for chemistry below 36 points. Prestigious universities tend to set their minimum threshold much higher. Because in order to study there, first-year students must have very good knowledge.

On the official website of FIPI, versions of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry are published every year: demonstration, early period. It is these options that give an idea of ​​the structure of the future exam and the level of complexity of tasks and are sources of reliable information in preparing for the exam.

Early version of the exam in chemistry 2017

Year Download early version
2017 variantpo himii
2016 download

Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry 2017 from FIPI

Task variant + answers Download demo
Specification demo variant himiya ege
Codifier codifier

IN USE options in chemistry in 2017 there are changes compared to the KIM of the last 2016, so it is advisable to train according to the current version, and for the diverse development of graduates, use the options from previous years.

Additional materials and equipment

For each version of the exam USE work In chemistry, the following materials are attached:

periodic system chemical elements DI. Mendeleev;

− table of solubility of salts, acids and bases in water;

− electrochemical series of voltages of metals.

It is allowed to use a non-programmable calculator during the examination work. The list of additional devices and materials, the use of which is allowed for the Unified State Examination, is approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

For those who want to continue their education at a university, the choice of subjects should depend on the list of entrance tests in the chosen specialty
(direction of training).

The list of entrance examinations in universities for all specialties (training areas) is determined by the order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Each university chooses from this list those or other subjects that are indicated in its admission rules. You need to familiarize yourself with this information on the websites of selected universities before applying for participation in the Unified State Examination with a list of selected subjects.

USE 2017 Chemistry Typical test tasks Medvedev

M.: 2017. - 120 p.

Typical test tasks in chemistry contain 10 options for sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2017. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of KIM 2017 in chemistry, the degree of difficulty of tasks. The collection contains answers to all test options and provides solutions to all tasks of one of the options. In addition, examples of forms used in the exam are given to record answers and decisions. The author of the tasks is a leading scientist, teacher and methodologist, who is directly involved in the development of control measuring materials for the exam. The manual is intended for teachers to prepare students for the exam in chemistry, as well as for high school students and graduates - for self-training and self-control.

Format: pdf

Size: 1.5 MB


Preface 4
Work instructions 5
Part 1 8
Part 2, 15
Part 1 17
Part 2 24
Part 1 26
Part 2 33
Part 1 35
Part 2 41
Part 1 43
Part 2 49
Part 1 51
Part 2 57
Part 1 59
Part 2 65
Part 1 67
Part 2 73
Part 1 75
Part 2 81
OPTION 10 83
Part 1 83
Part 2 89
Answers to the tasks of part 1 91
Solutions and answers to tasks of part 2 93
Solution of tasks of option 10 99
Part 1 99
Part 2 113

This textbook is a collection of tasks to prepare for the Unified State Exam (USE) in chemistry, which is both a final exam for a high school course and an entrance exam to a university. The structure of the manual reflects the modern requirements for the procedure for passing the exam in chemistry, which will allow you to better prepare for new forms of final certification and for admission to universities.
The manual consists of 10 options for tasks, which in form and content are close to the demo version of the Unified State Examination and do not go beyond the content of the chemistry course, which is normatively determined by the Federal Component of the State Standard for General Education. Chemistry (Order of the Ministry of Education No. 1089 dated March 5, 2004).
The level of presentation of the content of the educational material in the assignments is correlated with the requirements of the state standard for the preparation of graduates of a secondary (complete) school in chemistry.
Three types of tasks are used in the control measuring materials of the Unified State Exam:
- tasks of the basic level of complexity with a short answer,
- tasks of an increased level of complexity with a short answer,
- tasks of a high level of complexity with a detailed answer.
Each version of the examination paper is built according to a single plan. The work consists of two parts, including a total of 34 tasks. Part 1 contains 29 short answer items, including 20 basic difficulty items and 9 advanced difficulty items. Part 2 contains 5 tasks of a high level of complexity, with a detailed answer (tasks numbered 30-34).
In tasks of a high level of complexity, the text of the solution is written on a special form. Tasks of this type make up the bulk of the written work in chemistry at the entrance exams to universities.

Sodium nitride weighing 8.3 g reacted with sulfuric acid with a mass fraction of 20% and a mass of 490 g. Then crystalline soda weighing 57.2 g was added to the resulting solution. Find the mass fraction (%) of the acid in the final solution. Write down the reaction equations that are indicated in the condition of the problem, give all the necessary calculations (indicate the units of measurement of the desired physical quantities). Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Real USE 2017. Task 34.

The cyclic substance A (does not contain oxygen and substituents) is oxidized with a ring break to substance B weighing 20.8 g, the combustion products of which are carbon dioxide with a volume of 13.44 liters and water with a mass of 7.2 g. Based on the given conditions of the assignment: 1) perform the calculations necessary to establish the molecular formula organic matter B; 2) write down molecular formulas organic substances A and B; 3) compose structural formulas organic substances A and B, which unambiguously reflect the order of bonding of atoms in a molecule; 4) write the equation for the reaction of oxidation of substance A with potassium permanganate sulfate solution to form substance B. In the answer for the site, indicate the sum of all atoms in one molecule of the original organic substance A.