Essay on social studies exam philosophy. Material for preparing for the exam (GIA) in social studies (Grade 11) on the topic: an example of an essay in social studies. Secrets of a good mini-essay

To begin with, you always need to refer to the criteria for evaluating the task that we are analyzing. Download it and keep reading:

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Highlighting a problem

So, let's take a look at the very last pages of the document that you have uploaded and take a look at points K1-K3, trying to extract from this the formula for a good essay that will be judged by experts

First, you need to directly understand the statement: highlight the problem, reveal its meaning and highlight aspects of the problem. A number of cliches will help you here, because the exam is traditionally built on templates and this helps in preparing

What are the problems in the exam? From my own experience, I can identify 6 main “flanks” on which you need to try on your aphorism:

  • Essence problem...
  • The problem of inconsistency...
  • Role problem...
  • Relationship problem...
  • Relationship problem...
  • Unity problem...

What does it mean to reveal meaning? In general, I tell my students that essays should be translated “from Russian into Russian”, in fact, from literary to scientific language, based on the block in which you write your work. You can end everything with a “reason for increasing the score”: look at the problem from different angles. This will be the structure of the first part of the essay.

Theoretical reasoning

Now let's move on to the second criterion, which involves argumentation based on theory. What does this mean and what parts should your essay include?
Naturally, these are terms. Hence, if you are an applicant who is preparing on his own, ALWAYS study this or that topic in the context of any concepts from the field that you are studying

Also, you must clearly, clearly and consistently formulate your statements and conclusions from what you stated in the thesis of your essay - this is a very important element, pay attention to it. In addition, it is necessary to cite various principles and approaches as an example, prove your position and reveal the causes and consequences of the events referred to in the formulation of the assignment.

Factual Argument

As a fact, you must prove the theoretical material mentioned above with the help of media reports, materials subjects(usually humanitarian), facts from social experience and their own reasoning. The most interesting thing is that you need to give 2 ARGUMENTS factual nature, and both of them cannot be from media reports, or history, political life ... This is important to understand, otherwise the expert will lower your score

Well, in the end, you make a qualitative conclusion based on the thesis, simply writing it down in other words, with a “tinge” of completeness. That's all you need to know from theory on how to write social studies task 29

Speech by T. Liskova - Features of the solution of the second part at the Unified State Exam-2017

The video of her performance is attached below.

Finished essays

Now let's look at the structure. Below I attach 4 very first works of my students on politics. I suggest you review them, highlight the constituent elements, find errors, if any, and unsubscribe about them in the comments.

First essay

“Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely” (J. Acton)

In his statement, the American historian and politician J. Acton raises the question of the influence of power on the behavior of a person who possesses it. This statement can be interpreted as follows: the more a person is given power, the more often he begins to go beyond the boundaries of what is permitted and act only in his own interests. This problem has not lost its relevance for many centuries and history knows many cases when the unlimited power of the ruler led the country to ruin.

Disclosure of the theoretical part

So what is power and why does it exist? Power is the ability and ability to influence the behavior of people regardless of their desire to do so. In any state, power is primarily aimed at maintaining order and monitoring compliance with laws, but often the more unlimited power becomes, the more it corrupts a person and ceases to be a guarantor of justice, which is why I fully support the opinion of J. Acton.

Examples for disclosure K3

The ruler, endowed with great power, ceases to care about the welfare of the entire people and tries even more to strengthen his position. Let's take, for example, the first Russian Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible: striving for unlimited autocracy, he introduced the oprichnina in the camp, which consisted in mass terror, violence, and the elimination of not only the discontented boyars, but also any opposition. So, on suspicion of treason, many innocent people were executed, which ultimately led the country to a crisis, the ruin of cities and the death of a huge number of people.

My family also faced the consequences of unlimited power during the reign of I.V. Stalin. During dispossession, my grandmother's family was repressed, her father was sent to the Gulag, and six children were forced to live in a barracks with the same repressed families. Stalin's policy was aimed at equalizing the strata of the population, but the number of dispossessed kulaks during the years of his rule significantly exceeded the number of real kulaks, which is a clear violation of human rights and freedoms.

Thus, one can come to the conclusion that unlimited power corrupts people and brings not so much good as ruin and a fall in the standard of living of the population. In modern society, absolute power no longer dominates in most countries, which makes their inhabitants more free and independent.

Second essay

“When a tyrant rules, the people are silent and the laws do not work” (Saadi)

I see the meaning of Saadi's statement in the fact that the rule of law is the basis for building a democratic state, while tyranny opposes the public good and is aimed only at achieving one's own interests. This statement expresses two aspects: the participation of citizens in the life of the state under different political regimes and the attitude of the government to generally accepted laws.

Disclosure of the theoretical part

Tyranny is often inherent in states with the unlimited power of one ruler; for the most part, these are countries with a totalitarian regime. Its main difference from democracy - a political regime, which is characterized by the equality of all people before the law and the belonging of power to the people, is the concentration of all power in the hands of one ruler (party) and control over all spheres of society. With unlimited power, the ruler can interpret the laws in his own favor, or even rewrite them, while the people do not have the right to express their own opinion, which absolutely does not meet the principle of legality. It is impossible not to agree with the opinion of Saadi, and history knows many confirmations of this.

Examples for disclosure K3

Italy during the reign of B. Mussolini can serve as an example of tyranny. Having suppressed rights and freedoms in the country, Mussolini established a totalitarian regime, applied political repression. As head of seven ministries and as prime minister at the same time, he eliminated virtually all restrictions on his power, thus building a police state.

A. Solzhenitsyn speaks about the lawlessness of the totalitarian regime in the story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”. The work shows the life of a former soldier who, like many others, ended up in prison after the front. Solzhenitsyn described the situation of people during the reign of I.V. Stalin, when soldiers who managed to escape from German captivity were declared enemies of the people and, instead of getting to their relatives, were forced to work in a colony for decades.

Having considered these examples, we can conclude that under the rule of a tyrant, human rights do not have any weight, and the people do not have the right to openly express their opinion, as they are constantly in fear for their lives.

Third essay

In his statement, P. Sir expressed his attitude to the problem of the characteristic features and peculiarities of power. The author argues that any decisions that a person in power will ever have to make must be carefully thought out and analyzed from all sides. These words can be considered from two points of view: positive and negative influence power over society.

Disclosure of the theoretical part

P. Syr's statement does not lose its relevance to this day, because all the time rash actions led to bad consequences both for the leaders themselves and for those who obey them. That is why I fully share the author's point of view regarding this problem. In order to confirm the relevance of this, it is first worth considering it from the point of view of theory.

It’s worth starting with the simplest: what is power? As we know, power is the ability to influence the actions and decisions of people against their will. Usually this happens both through persuasion and propaganda, and through the use of violence. Power is an essential attribute of any organization and human group, because without it, order and organization simply cannot form. As the main sources of power, one can single out both the personal attitude of each subordinate to the leader, and the level of his authority, material condition, level of education and strength.

Examples for disclosure K3

To confirm the relevance of P. Syr's statement, we can give an example from history. As ill-conceived actions, the monetary reform carried out by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, which replaced silver money with copper, can act. Due to the lack of coins from the latter material in the treasury, it was the silversmiths who collected taxes, which soon led to the almost complete depreciation of the coppers. The reform, which did not suggest such a scenario, did not allow to correct the situation, which led to the Copper Riot of 1662. The result of the uprising was the withdrawal of copper coins from circulation. This example clearly illustrates the lack of thoughtfulness and logic in the actions of a politician who had to cancel the transformation he had carried out in order to calm the angry people.

As a second example, this time of successful and planned transformations, one can cite events from recent history. It's about politics Russian Federation carried out since the beginning of its existence. Thoughtful, systematic reforms were able to strengthen the disintegrated country. Also, the effect of these transformations was the strengthening of the state and its positions in the international economic and political arena. This example shows us that a policy that involves not sudden and thoughtless changes, but structured and consistent reforms can lead to an improvement in the situation in the state.

Summing up, we can say that the problem of the peculiarities of power and its characteristic features will never cease to be one of the most important issues, on the solution of which the destinies of states depend and will continue to depend. Especially now, in the post-industrial age, which is characterized by globalization, incorrectly implemented reforms can affect not individual countries, but all powers together.

Fourth essay

“The state is something without which it is impossible to achieve either order, or justice, or external security.” (M. Debre)

In his statement, M. Debre expressed his attitude to the main functions of the state and their importance. According to the author, it is the state apparatus that plays a decisive role in the life of society, controlling the norms and rules of its behavior, regulating the basic laws, and also being responsible for protecting the country's borders and maintaining the safety of its population. This issue can be considered from two sides: the importance of the role of the state in the life of society and the ways in which the first influences the second.

The words of M. Debre do not lose their relevance to this day, because regardless of the chronological period, the state has always played a key role in people's lives. That is why I fully share the author's point of view. In order to confirm these words, it is first worth considering them from the point of view of theory.

Disclosure of the theoretical part

What is the state itself? As we know from the course of political science, the state can be called any organization of political power, which has a mechanism for managing society, ensuring the normal activity of the latter. The functions of the state are not limited to any one sphere of life, but affect their entirety. In addition to internal functions, there are also external ones, the most important of which is the process of ensuring the defense of the territory of the state and the establishment of international cooperation.

Examples for disclosure K3

For the first example, let's look at ancient history. The states of all peoples began to form for similar reasons, but in this case, we will consider this process and its consequences using the example of the East Slavic tribes. One of the main prerequisites for the formation Old Russian state was the need for protection from an external enemy - the Khazar Khaganate. The scattered and warring tribes could not cope with the enemy alone, but after the formation of the state, victory over the nomads became only a matter of time. This clearly illustrates the operation of one of the most important functions of the state - defensive.

The following example, illustrating the impact of the state on society, can be taken from new history. As you know, in 1861 Alexander II carried out peasant reform which resulted in the abolition of serfdom. This phenomenon had a great impact on the life of Russian people, because most of the population Russian Empire at that time were none other than serfs. By granting them freedom, the state greatly expanded the rights and obligations of the liberated peasants. The abolition of serfdom resulted in the formation of a new social stratum, a change in the foundations and customs that had developed over several centuries. This example shows us the consequences of the reform carried out by the state, which affected the entire population of the country.

Summing up, we can say that the importance of the role of the state and the need for the functions it performs have been tested by time. Without an impact, exerting any influence on the citizens of the country, the state apparatus simply cannot exist, and the changes it carries out can be perceived differently by citizens

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An example of an essay on the topic:
A political party is a union of people who have united in order to
to get the laws they want. (Ilyin).

Political Party - public organization fighting for power or for participation in the exercise of power, the purpose of which, ultimately, is to take seats in parliament and pass laws,
determining the policy of the country.
In addition to the struggle for power, any political party performs a number of other functions: expressing the interests of certain segments of the population, training and nominating political personnel, participating in election campaigns, educating loyal members, and shaping the political culture of citizens.
characteristic feature democratic state is a multi-party system. There can be two parties, as in England or America, or many, as in Russia. This is determined by the traditions of the country. Parties can differ in organizational principle, in ideology, in relation to power, in the type of membership, in the mode of activity and in the scale of the political spectrum. The party is a union of like-minded people, which is the bearer of a certain ideology and which is aimed at gaining power. To express interests as best as possible more voters, parties form factions. The backbone of the party is the electorate - voters who regularly cast their votes for this party in elections.
As a result of the elections, the party receives a certain number of seats in the country's parliament. The more seats in parliament, the more opportunity the party has to justify the trust of its voters and influence the adoption of laws in the country. An important role for voters is played by the personality of the party leader, because many voters, when voting, are guided not only by the party program, but also associate their expectations with the charisma of a particular leader. Representatives of political parties constitute the country's political elite - a group of people with influence, prestige, directly involved in decision-making related to political power.
With the collapse of the totalitarian regime in the USSR and the abolition of Article 6 of the Constitution, a multi-party system began to take shape in the Russian Federation. The 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaimed ideological diversity.
The modern political parties in Russia are United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party, the Patriots of Russia, Just Russia, Just Cause, the RODP "Yabloko". The ruling party is United Russia, which for a number of years has been adopting laws in parliament that, in my opinion, contribute to the stabilization of the state and the consolidation of democratic social forces.
Extremist political parties are banned in our state.
I am not yet a member of any political party, but I like the program of the United Russia party, so I'm going to support this organization in the elections.
A political party, having come to power, adopts the laws it needs, but ordinary voters help the party come to power, so everyone should take an active life position.

An example of an essay on the topic:
Progress is a movement in a circle, but faster and faster. L. Levinson.

Humanity is in constant motion. Science, technology, the human mind are developing, and if we compare the primitive and our days, it is clear that human society is progressing.
From the primitive herd we came to the state, from primitive tools to perfect technology, and if earlier man could not explain such natural phenomena, like a thunderstorm or a change of year, by now he has already mastered space. Based on these considerations, I cannot agree with L. Levinson's point of view on progress as a cyclical movement. In my opinion, such an understanding of history means marking time without moving forward, constant repetition.
Time will never turn back, no matter what factors contribute to the regression. Man will always solve any problem and will not allow his kind to die out.
Of course, there have always been ups and downs in history, and therefore I believe that the graph of human progress is an upward broken line, in which ups prevail in magnitude over downs, but not a straight line or a circle. This can be seen by recalling some historical or life facts.
In the first place, downturns in the progress graph create wars. For example, Rus' began its history as a powerful state, able to outstrip any other in its development. But as a result Tatar-Mongol invasion it lagged behind for many years, there was a decline in culture, the development of the country's life. But, despite everything, Rus' stood up and continued to move forward.
Secondly, the progress of society is hindered by such a form of organization of power as a dictatorship. In the absence of freedom, society cannot progress; a person turns from a thinking being into a tool in the hands of a dictator. This can be seen in the example of fascist Germany: Hitler's regime of power for decades slowed down political progress, the development of freedom and human rights, and democratic institutions of power.
Thirdly, oddly enough, but sometimes recessions in the development of society occur through the fault of the person himself, i.e. associated with scientific and technological progress. Many people now prefer communication with machines to human communication.
As a result, the level of humanity is falling. Invention nuclear reactors- this, of course, is a great discovery that allows you to save natural energy resources, but after all, in addition to nuclear power plants, it was also created nuclear weapon, which brought incalculable troubles to people and nature. An example of this is the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the explosion in Chernobyl. Nevertheless, humanity has come to its senses, realizing the real threat of such weapons: many countries now have a moratorium on the production of nuclear weapons.
Thus, the progress of the human mind and society as a whole and the predominance in history of the positive actions of people over their mistakes are obvious. It is also obvious that social progress is not an endless movement in a circle, which, in principle, cannot be considered progress,
but moving forward and only forward.

An example of an essay on the topic:
Religion is one, but in a hundred guises. B. Show.

Among the proposed statements, I drew attention to the words of B. Shaw that "Religion is one, but in a hundred guises." In understanding this issue, I agree with the author.
It is impossible to give a precise definition of religion. There are many such formulations in science.
They depend on the worldview (representation of the world) of the scientists who form them.
If you ask any person what religion is, then in most cases he will answer: "faith in God."
The word "religion" literally means binding, re-addressing (to something). Religion can be viewed from different angles: from the side of human psychology, historical, social, but the definition of this concept depends to a decisive extent on the recognition of the existence or non-existence of higher forces,
i.e. God and Gods.
Man is a spiritual being, therefore, era occupies a very important place in his life. Since ancient times, man has deified the forces of nature, plants and animals surrounding him, believing that through them higher power affect his life. The magical attitude to the word and movement forced a person to strive for the development of his aesthetic (sensual) perception.
Over time, human society developed, and paganism (heterogeneity) was replaced by more developed forms of beliefs. There are many religions in the world. The question arises: why are there so many of them? And in whom to believe?
The answer to this question is obvious: people are different, they live in different conditions and different parts of the planet, they perceive the environment differently. So different are their ideas about God or Gods, about what a cult (religious veneration of any objects) should be, many provisions of different beliefs, moral standards and rules of worship among different peoples somewhat similar. I think this is caused by borrowing the cultures of peoples from each other.
If we consider the historical path of mankind, we can classify religions into: tribal ancient beliefs, national-state (they form the basis of the religious life of individual peoples and nations) and world (that have gone beyond nations and states, but having a huge number of followers in the world).
These are the three religions: Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. Also, beliefs can be divided into monotheistic (belief in one God) and polytheistic (worship of many gods).
Drawing a conclusion from the above - faith has always been necessary for a person somehow spirituality which allowed him to rise above the ordinary. The choice of faith should be free and conscious for each person, because, no matter how different religions are, they are all just different forms of one thing - the elevation of the human soul.

How to write a social studies essay and get a perfect score

Practical Tips for Writing a Social Studies Essay

  • The most important thing is to regularly practice writing essays, submitting them to the teacher for verification, and paying attention to working through his comments.
  • Follow the logical sequence of presentation, do not jump from one to another example.
  • Do not write the whole essay on a draft: sketch out only the outline and main ideas.
  • Give an example for each theoretical postulate.
  • Learn to adequately and objectively evaluate both your own and other people's essays.
  • Familiarize yourself with the criteria for grading an essay in social studies and pay attention to each item in the writing process.
  • Do not get confused in the concepts and terms of social science.
  • Train to reveal the meaning of the statement on any aphorisms.
  • Watch the news, memorize examples from the lessons that you can use as evidence of your position.

Criteria for evaluating essays on the exam in 2018

essay how to creative essay, from other methods of knowledge control, is distinguished by the ability to diagnose the ability of students to analyze information, correctly interpret it, build reasoning and give arguments in the form of correctly selected facts, formulate their own opinion and defend their position.

An example of an essay on social studies at the exam

Thus, in order to effectively prepare for a social studies essay, you should practice writing them as often as possible, following the above tips and adhering to the required structure. This is the only way to “fill your hand” and go to the exam with confidence.

How to write an essay on social studies and get the maximum score for the exam updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Essay structure 1. Quote. 2. The problem raised by the author; its relevance. 3. The meaning of the statement. 4. Own point of view. 5. Argumentation at the theoretical level. 6. At least two examples from social practice, history and / or literature, confirming the correctness of the statements made. 7. Conclusion.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

1. Choice of statement When choosing statements for an essay, you must be sure that you own the basic concepts of the basic science to which it refers; clearly understand the meaning of the statement; you can express your own opinion (fully or partially agree with the statement or refute it); know the social science terms necessary for a competent justification of a personal position at a theoretical level (at the same time, the terms and concepts used must clearly correspond to the topic of the essay and not go beyond it); be able to give examples from social practice, history, literature, as well as personal life experience to support your own opinion.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

2. Definition of the problem of the statement After the formulation of the problem, it is necessary to indicate the relevance of the problem in modern conditions. To do this, you can use cliché phrases: This problem is relevant in the context of... ...globalization of public relations; ...formation of a single information, educational, economic space; ... exacerbation of global problems of our time; ... the special controversial nature of scientific discoveries and inventions; ... the development of international integration; ...modern market economy;

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Development and overcoming the global economic crisis; ... rigid differentiation of society; open social structure modern society; ...formation of the rule of law; ... overcoming the spiritual, moral crisis; ...dialogue of cultures; ...the need to preserve their own identity, traditional spiritual values. The problem must be periodically returned throughout the entire process of writing an essay. This is necessary in order to correctly reveal its content, and also not to accidentally go beyond the scope of the problem and not get carried away by reasoning that is not related to the meaning of this statement (this is one of the most common mistakes in many exam essays).

6 slide

Description of the slide:

3. Formulation of the main idea of ​​the statement Next, you need to reveal the meaning of the statement, but you should not repeat the statement verbatim. In this case, the following cliches can be used: “The meaning of this statement is that ...” “The author draws our attention to the fact that ...” “The author is convinced that ...”

7 slide

Description of the slide:

4. Determining your position on the statement Here you can agree with the author completely, you can partially, refuting a certain part of the statement, or argue with the author, expressing the opposite opinion. In this case, you can use cliché phrases: “I agree with the author that...” “One cannot disagree with the author of this statement about...” view, the author quite clearly reflected in his statement the picture modern Russia(modern society ... the situation that has developed in society ... one of the problems of our time) "" I allow myself to disagree with the author's opinion that ... "" In part, I adhere to the author's point of view about ..., but with... I can't agree" "Have you thought about the fact that...?"

8 slide

Description of the slide:

5-6. Arguing your own opinion Next, you should justify your own opinion on this issue. To do this, it is necessary to select arguments (evidence), that is, to recall the basic terms, theoretical provisions. Argumentation should be carried out at two levels: 1. Theoretical level - its basis is social science knowledge (concepts, terms, contradictions, directions of scientific thought, interconnections, as well as the opinions of scientists, thinkers). 2. Empirical level- two options are possible here: a) using examples from history, literature and events in society; b) appeal to personal experience. When selecting facts, examples from public life and personal social experience, mentally answer the following questions: 1. Do they confirm my opinion? 2. Could they be interpreted differently? 3. Do they contradict my thesis? 4. Are they persuasive? The proposed form will allow you to strictly control the adequacy of the arguments presented and prevent "going off topic".

9 slide

Description of the slide:

7. Conclusion Finally, we need to formulate a conclusion. The conclusion should not verbatim coincide with the judgment given for justification: it brings together the main ideas of the arguments in one or two sentences and sums up the reasoning, confirming the correctness or incorrectness of the judgment that was the topic of the essay. To formulate a problematic conclusion, cliché phrases can be used: “Thus, we can conclude ...” “Summing up, I would like to note that ...”

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Essay design It must be remembered that the essay - short essay, which is notable for its semantic unity. Therefore, a coherent text is compiled, linking words are used, attention is paid to the correct spelling of social science terms. It is desirable to break the text of the essay into paragraphs, each of which will express a separate thought. In this case, the red line must be observed.

11 slide

Description of the slide:

In addition, an additional advantage of the essay is the inclusion of brief information about the author of the statement (for example, “outstanding French philosopher-educator”, “great Russian thinker Silver Age”, “famous existentialist philosopher”, “founder of the idealistic trend in philosophy”, etc.); descriptions of different points of view on the problem or different approaches to its solution; indications of the ambiguity of the concepts and terms used with the rationale for the meaning in which they are used in the essay; pointers to alternative solutions to the problem.

12 slide

Description of the slide:

Essay structure 1. Quote. 2. The problem raised by the author; its relevance. 3. The meaning of the statement. 4. Own point of view. 5. Argumentation at the theoretical level. 6. At least two examples from social practice, history and / or literature, confirming the correctness of the statements made. 7. Conclusion. “Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him.” (VG Belinsky) "The freedom of one person ends where the freedom of another begins." (M. Bakunin) "Where the great sages have power, the subjects do not notice their existence." (Lao Tzu)

13 slide

Description of the slide:

1. Quote "The freedom of one person ends where the freedom of another begins." (M.Bakunin) 2. The problem raised by the author, its relevance The problem of individual freedom in society is relevant in the context of the formation of a rule of law state. 3. The meaning of the statement The author argues that there can be no absolute freedom in society. 4. For argumentation at the theoretical level, it is necessary to disclose theses and concepts: The concept of freedom. Limits of freedom. Freedom and responsibility. Social guarantees of freedom. Law as a restrictor of freedom in a legal state. 5. Examples 1. The right to listen to loud music, engage in creative work (the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation introduces a restriction until 23.00) should not interfere with the exercise of the right to rest of other people. 2. The freedom of the entrepreneur in the field of food production is limited by the requirements for compliance with certain sanitary standards established by law

14 slide

Description of the slide:

1. Quote "Nature creates a person, but develops and forms his society." (VG Belinsky) 2. The problem raised by the author, its relevance The problem of the biosocial essence of man, the mechanisms of socialization. 3. The meaning of the statement The author argues that a person has a dual essence, which includes a biological basis and a social component. Belinsky defines the leading role of society in the formation of the individual. 4. For argumentation at the theoretical level, it is necessary to disclose theses and concepts: Man is a living organism, biological needs biologically inherited traits. The concept of socialization, its stages, mechanisms, directions. agents of socialization. Role social control in the formation of personality. 5. Examples 1. Prolonged lack of sleep in a person destroys his ability to cognitive activity, to adequate behavior, self-control. 2. The facts of the existence of Mowgli children.

15 slide

Description of the slide:

1. Quote "Where the great sages have power, the subjects do not notice their existence." (Lao Tzu) 2. The problem raised by the author, its relevance The problem of the nature of the relationship between the state and citizens, the degree of legitimacy of state power is relevant in the conditions of modern political processes taking place in the world. 3. Meaning of the statement The author argues that the degree of respect and readiness of the population to obey state power depend primarily on personal qualities rulers, their professionalism, means and methods of influencing society. 4. For argumentation at the theoretical level, it is necessary to reveal theses and concepts: What qualities do rulers have - great sages? Under what conditions does state power not irritate society? The state must express the interests of the whole society so that there are no oppressed. It must implement the principle of social justice. The predominant method should be persuasion, not coercion. The moral, moral character of the rulers, their devotion to the cause, strict observance of the law. 5. Examples 1. Implementation of the idea of ​​social partnership in modern Sweden, Denmark, Austria, based on the consent and mutual responsibility of business, government, employees. Denmark has the highest taxes in the world, and the inhabitants of this country consider themselves the most happy people. 2. The opposite example is fascist Germany: Hitler's discriminatory, aggressive policy led to a split in German society, numerous victims and the collapse of the state, which placed a heavy burden on the shoulders of ordinary citizens.

Indeed, not every applicant has literary talents and can fully demonstrate their creative abilities in a limited time in the right place - here and now! See our social studies essay example.

Let us remember that on USE exam in social science, according to , assigned almost four hours. We take at least 0.5 hours to work with a clean copy of part 1, at least 1 hour to work with a draft, at least 1 hour to work with part 2. What remains? Only 1.5 hours for CREATIVITY. Therefore, having received a quote, you need to work accurately and clearly, fulfilling the CRITERIA of verification!

Only 1 hour to create!
Knowing the pattern and real examples is the key to success!Get ready today!

Those who know different approaches to essays win!

Criterion 1 (K1) - The meaning of the statement is revealed. The expert sees your understanding of the thought expressed by the author. If this criterion is not met, your essay is not checked!

Criterion 2 (K2) - The chosen topic is revealed based on the relevant concepts, theoretical provisions and conclusions. In your essay, you use

Criterion 3 (K3) - The quality of the argumentation of one's point of view. You have a point of view on the problem raised by the author, and justify it with the help of examples from your life, social facts, media information, knowledge from

We have already covered one of the essay writing templates in . Let's bring another one today. The more templates you have in stock, the greater your chances of successfully completing this USE task! Consider another example of an essay on social studies.

Here is the problematic statement being discussed today:

If a person has a “why” to live, he can withstand any “how” (F. Nietzsche)

We fulfill the criteria right away!

Criterion 1 (K1) - The meaning of the statement is revealed:

The great German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche in his statement expresses his attitude to the value of human life. He believes that the conditions of life are secondary, the main thing is the desire for the goal.

We show our INTELLIGENCE. This is one of those thinkers whose phrases are most often provided for discussion (along with Churchill, Aristotle, Voltaire, Franklin, Pushkin). It seems that you need to know some information about this figure.

The great German philosopher, composer of the 19th century, author of the works "Thus Spoke Zarathustra", "Human, Too Human", the theory of SUPERMAN.
One of the most controversial thinkers in history.

In the light of the conditions of Nietzsche's life, his influence on the philosophical and political thought of modernity, as well as historical events XIX century, this phrase seems very relevant to me.

We demonstrate our attention to history, the interest shown in the quote. Then, we go through the knowledge of the identity of the author:

Nietzsche entered the history of philosophy as the great Blind Man. All his life he suffered from a gradual loss of vision. He ended his life in terrible pain, completely blind. This did not prevent him from writing a number of outstanding philosophical works, for example, Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

From the course of social science it is known that a person is a biosocial creature that has thinking and speech. Life is a form of activity of any being, manifested in man in activity. Human activity, unlike other animals, is purposeful, not instinctive. Therefore, asking the question of “why” a person should live, he means the purpose of his life.

We reveal the meaning of the quote using a historical example - the living conditions are terrible (pain, blindness), but the goal has been achieved! We show the knowledge of the basic social science terms necessary for reasoning on this quote - (go to criterion 2).

The key idea of ​​Nietzsche's writings is the idea of ​​the "superman". This is a political giant, a leader who challenges the base interests of the crowd. He puts high spiritual ideals before her, subjugates her, leads her after him. Many see the works of Nietzsche as a philosophical justification for the formation of totalitarian ideologies and states.XX century, fascism.

  • Frizzle Fraz 2

    The longer the sentence, the better, according to some candidates. However, this is far from the truth. Long phrases do not yet prove the correctness of the author, and short sentences often have a greater effect. It is best when in an essay long phrases alternate with short ones. Try reading the essay aloud. If you feel like you are out of breath, break the paragraph into smaller paragraphs.

  • Vlad

    Fabulous!!! Thank you, you are great!!!

  • Diana