All-Russian test on the history of the Great Patriotic War. test). What is the "Road of Life"? The commander of the ROA was

TEST on the history of the Great Patriotic War

(preparation for the All-Russian action "Test on the history of the Great Patriotic War")

Work instructions

The test consists of two parts, including 30 tasks. You have 40 minutes to complete the work. Part 1 contains 25 short answer tasks. Answers to tasks 1-25 are written as a single letter, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Only one correct answer can be given for each question. Part 2 contains 5 matching tasks.

The system for evaluating the performance of individual tasks and the entire work as a whole:

Part 1. For the correct answer to each task of part 1, 1 point is given.

Part 2. Each of the tasks is evaluated according to the following principle: 2 points - no errors; 1 point - one mistake was made; 0 points - two or more errors were made.

Maximum primary score – 35.

I wish you success!

Part 1.

    Name a hero city that has never been captured by enemy troops in the entire history of its existence: A) Leningrad; B) Odessa; B) Sevastopol.

    Before this battle, the German command concentrated significant forces, consisting primarily of armored divisions equipped with tanks of modern models "Tiger" and "Panther": A) Stalingradskaya; B) Kursk;C) the battle for Moscow.

    On the ice of which lake did the "Road of Life" pass, laid to supply the besieged Leningrad: A) Chudskoye; B) Ladoga; B) Baikal.

    On which river did Soviet and American soldiers meet in 1945: A) the Dnieper; B) Danube; B) Elba

    The culmination of the Victory Parade on 06/24/1945 was the march of 200 standard-bearers, throwing fascist banners onto a special platform at the foot of the Mausoleum. What element of the uniform of the standard-bearers after the parade was burned along with this platform: A) gloves; B) cap; B) belt

    The Russian army will be saved by three “s”: A) fat, alcohol, crackers; B) herring, lard, salt; C) crackers, lard, moonshine.

    What is the name of the soldier's monument to which stands in Bulgaria: A) Seryozha; B) Alyosha; B) Sasha

    Who owns the words: “Great Russia! And there is nowhere to retreat, Moscow is behind”: A) Captain Vasily Klochkov; B) I.V. Stalin; B) Alexey Maresyev.

    Operation of partisans to undermine enemy echelons: A) "Bagration"; B) rail war; B) Typhoon.

    The name of the village where the famous tank battle during the Battle of Kursk: A) Fili; B) Prokhorovka; B) Shabolovka.

    What are the losses of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War: A) more than 64 million people; B) more than 34 thousand people; C) more than 27 million people

    What included order No. 227 of July 23, 1942: A) “Everything for the front, everything for victory!”; B) "Our cause is right! The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!» ; C) "Not a step back!".

    Richard Sorge: A) Soviet spy; B) one of the five young guards; B) a pilot

    What was the name of the highest military commander's order of the period of the Great Patriotic War: A)Order of "Victory"; B) Order of the Patriotic War; B) courage.

    What number does the symphony written by Shostakovich in besieged Leningrad have: A) Symphony No. 5; B) Symphony No. 9; C) Symphony No. 7.

    What was the name of the Soviet multiple rocket launcher during the Second World War: A) Katyusha; B) daddy; B) Vanyusha.

    During which battle of the Second World War there were battles for Mamaev Kurgan: A) Stalingrad;B) Kursk; C) the battle for Moscow.

    Which city in Russia during the Second World War withstood the 900-day siege of the Germans:A) Leningrad; B) Odessa; B) Sevastopol.

    Which city was defended for 250 days: A) Odessa; B) Sevastopol; B) Leningrad.

    Firstborder battles: A) Brest Fortress, Zastava Lieutenant Lopatin; B) Khanko peninsula, Brest Fortress; IN) Brest Fortress, Zastava Lieutenant Lopatin, Khanko Peninsula.

    “Everything should be beautiful in a person: both the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts,” these Chekhov’s words were entered into her notebook by the heroine of the Second World War, a Komsomol member - a partisan. As a pioneer, she read about the feat of the war heroine Tatyana Salomakhina. Having fallen into the hands of the Nazis, the young partisan named herself after her: A) Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya; B) Lyubov Shevtsova; C) Ulyana Gromova.

    Having lost both legs after being wounded, this pilot returned to duty and shot down 11 more enemy aircraft: A) V. Talalikhin; B) A. Maresyev; C) N. Gastello.

    What are the directions of the offensive of the fascist troops of the Army Group "Center": A) Minsk, Smolensk, Moscow; B)Ukraine, Crimea, Caucasus;IN)Baltic, Leningrad.

    To which commander did the people assign honorary title"Marshal of Victory": A) K.K. Rokossovsky; B) G.K. Zhukov; TO YOU. Vasilevsky.

    In which German city did the trial of the main fascist criminals take place: A) Nuremberg; B) Hamburg; C) Duisburg.

Part 2.

    Establish a correspondence between events and the names of operations to which they relate: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.


    Counteroffensive near Stalingrad. A) "Bagration"

    Offensive to Moscow in 1941. B) "Typhoon"

    The operation of the Soviet troops to liberate Belarus. B) Barbarossa

    Pplan of the German invasion of the USSRD) "Uranus"


    Establish a correspondence between events and dates: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.


    Set a match.


    Soviet heavy tank "KV"A) Klim Voroshilov

    Soviet tank "IS"b) IN AND. Lebedev-Kumach

    The song "Victory Day" brought this composer

well-deserved fame and recognition.c) Joseph Stalin

    "Holy war"G) Tukhmanov D.F.

    Set match:

    The highest body of state power in the USSR a) M. Jalil

during the Great Patriotic War.


about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War?

    Tatar poet - Hero of the Soviet Union, d) State Committee

who died in a fascist prison in 1944. defense

Assessment criteria for the test:

Score in points

% completed


28 – 35

80 – 100%


25 – 27

71 – 79%


15 – 24

50 – 70%


less than 15

0 – 49

Not satisfactory



1-G, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C


1– d) 2 – a) 3 – b) 4 – c)


1 - c)

2 - a)

3 - b)

4 - d)











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"Ust-Volchikhinsky high school»

Volchikhinsky district

Altai region

Control testing on the topic: ""The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

Made by history teacher

Safronov A.P.


Control testing on the topic ""The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

1. Second World War started

2. An inscription made by an unknown defender of the Brest Fortress reads:

A) "Wait for me, and I will return to all deaths in spite"

B) "Not a step back!"

C) "Death to the fascist invaders!"

D) “I’m dying, but I don’t give up! Farewell, Motherland!

3. What was the name of the plan for the physical extermination of the peoples of the USSR and Eastern Europe, declared "racially inferior"?

A) the Typhoon plan, B) the Ost plan,

C) plan "Barbarossa" D) plan "Bagration",

4. For the first time in the Second World War, German troops were forced to go on the defensive in battle:

D) near Moscow in November 1941,

5. Which of the following statements do not correspond to historical truth?

A) the Soviet leadership knew about the date of the German attack on the USSR,

B) all border districts were notified of the date of the attack and put on high alert in advance,

C) the German plan of attack on Moscow was called "Typhoon",

D) German troops managed to immediately capture Sevastopol

6. Set the correct match:

a) V.G. Klochkov 1. Heroic Defense Stalingrad

b) N.F. Gastello 2. Heroic battles on the outskirts of Moscow

c) Ya.F. Pavlov 3. The heroic defense of Sevastopol

d) A.N. Saburov 4. Air ram

5. Partisan movement

7. The biggest tank battle happened:

8. A radical change during the Great Patriotic War occurred in:

A) 1942-1943, B) 1941-1942,

C) 1943-1944, D) 1944-1945

9. During the hostilities near Stalingrad, the 6th German Army commanded:

A) Guderian, B) F. Paulus,

C) G. Goth, D) V. List.

10. The operation "Bagration" was led by the commanderfront:

A) I.Kh. Bagramyan B) I.D. Chernyakhovsky

C) K.K. Rokossovsky V) I.S. Konev

11. For the first time, Soviet troops entered the statethe frontier of the USSR in:

A) December 1943 B) February 1944

C) March 1944 D) April 1944

A) the liberation of Kharkov, B) the liberation of Orel and Belgorod.

C) breaking the blockade of Leningrad. D) victory at Stalingrad

13 . To the final operations of the Red Army in Evrope include:

A) liberation of Prague B) liberation of Vienna

C) storming of Berlin D) East Pomeranian operation

14. At the Potsdam Conference, the followingblowing solutions:

A) about the date of entry of the USSR into the war with Japan

B) on the transfer of the USSR of the city of Koenigsberg and the area adjacent to it

B) about the management of post-war Germany

D) about reparations from Germany

15. At the Tehran Conference of the Heads of Government of the USSR, Great Britain and the USA, following solutions:

A) about the opening of a second front in Europe,

B) on the entry of the USSR into the war with Japan no later than three months after the end of the war in Europe,

C) about the landing of the allies in the Balkans,

D) about the landing of the USSR expeditionary force in Africa,

D) on the recognition of Soviet claims to a part East Prussia.

16. On what basis is the series formed?

Koenigsberg with the region; Transcarpathian Ukraine; South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands

17. Military operations against Japan Red Army:

A) only A is true B) both A and B are true

C) only B is true D) both judgments are wrong

18. The act of unconditional surrender of Japan was signed:

A) aboard the USS Missouri;

C) in the American city of Portsmouth;

C) on one of the warships in the Soviet port of Nakhodka;

D) in the German town of Potts

19. Arrange the events of the Great Patriotic War in chronological order:

a) the liberation of Belarus

b) counteroffensive near Stalingrad

V) East Prussian operation

d) complete lifting of the blockade of Leningrad

e) creation of the Central headquarters of the partisan movement

20 . The Victory Parade took place in Moscow in 1945.:

21. Describe the life of the population in the Soviet rear during the Second World War.

22. There is a point of view that the victory of the USSR in the Second World War was achieved only due to a careless attitude towards human lives from the side of the Soviet command (“the Germans were filled with corpses”), and Soviet army until the end of the war, it was lower in its fighting qualities than the German one. What other point of view do you know? Which point of view do you find more convincing? Give facts and arguments Period of the Second World War "1941-1945.

Key to the test: 1-A; 2-D; 3-B; 4-A; 5 GB; 6-a2;b4;c1;d5; 7-B; 8-A; 9-B; 10-B; 11-B; 12-B; 13-B; 14V; 15-AB; 16-territories ceded to the USSR; 17-B; 18-A; 19-DGBAV; 20B;

Option I

A1. Indicate the names of the great commanders of the Great Patriotic War.

1) Skobelev, Rumyantsev 2) Tukhachevsky, Frunze

3) Stalin, Budyonny 4) Zhukov, Vasilevsky

A2. What was created for the strategic leadership of the armed forces on June 23, 1941?

1) Headquarters of the Supreme High Command 2) Council of Fronts

3) Military Committee 4) Comintern

A3. After what battle did the strategic initiative finally pass into the hands of the Red Army?

1) near Moscow 2) near Leningrad 3) near Kursk 4) half of Smolensk

A4. The results of what events are mentioned in the excerpt from the work of a modern historian?

During the battle for the Dnieper on November 6, Kyiv was liberated. Thus, the summer-autumn campaign of the Red Army was brilliantly completed.

1) a radical fracture in the chole of the Great Patriotic War

2) the final stage of World War 2

3) the beginning of the Second World War

) Brusilov breakthrough

A5. Why in 1943 during the Second World War there was a radical change?

4) Japan pulled out of the war

A6. The main significance of the battle for Moscow is that in the course of it:

1) the offensive initiative finally passed to the Red Army

2) a radical change in the Second World War ended

3) Hitler's plan of "blitzkrieg" was thwarted

4) the army of General Paulus was captured

A7. The following list refers to the events of which WWII battle: July, "Citadel", "Tiger", Prokhorovka?

A8. Which event during the Second World War occurred earlier than others?

A9. What is the name of the destruction of military installations and the prohibition of having military bases and troops?

A10. What was one of the reasons for the defeat of Nazi Germany in the war against the USSR?

1) Hitler's calculation for the collapse of the multinational Soviet state did not materialize

2) in the USSR it was created nuclear weapon

3) the second front opened only in 1944.

4) Italy and Romania refused to enter the war on the side of Germany

A11. What was the reason for creating anti-Hitler coalition?

1) Stalin's threat to send troops to the territory of Great Britain

2) the threat to Great Britain and the United States posed by the countries participating in the Anti-Comintern Pact

3) the exit of the Red Army to the state border of the USSR

4) Japanese attack on the USSR

A12. As a result of World War II:

1) Germany lost its independence

3) Fascist regimes survived in Japan and Bulgaria

4) The USSR lost part of the territories in the east and west

IN 1.

1. "Barbarossa" 2. "Ost" 3. "Typhoon"

A. The implementation of the offensive of the German troops of the Center group in the direction of Orel-Tula-Moscow

B. Plan for the colonization and Germanization of the occupied territories

C. Carrying out a strategic offensive operation of German troops in the area of ​​the Kursk salient

G. waging a "blitzkrieg" against the USSR

AT 2. Name the main stages of the Great Patriotic War.

Option II

A1. Indicate the names of the great commanders of the Great Patriotic War.

1) Brusilov, Kornilov 2) Molotov, Kalinin

3) Stalin, Budyonny 4) Konev, Rokossovsky

A2. What was created for the operational management of hostilities on June 30, 1941?

1) Military Committee 2) Comintern

3) State Defense Committee 4) Workers' and Peasants' Defense Council

A3. Which city withstood the blockade of the Nazi troops during the Second World War?

1) Sevastopol 2) Odessa 3) Murmansk 4) Leningrad

A4. Summer events of what year are assessed in the work of a modern historian?

The main reason for the failure of the summer campaign ... was the wrong decision Supreme Commander“hang” numerous private offensive operations from strategic defense ... As a result of the retreat of Soviet troops to the banks of the Volga and the foothills of the Caucasus, more than 80 million people turned out to be in the territory temporarily occupied by the Nazis.

1) 1941 2) 1942 3) 1943 4) 1944

A5. What allowed in 1941-1942. to carry out a rapid restructuring of the country's economy on a military footing?

1) all prisoners of the Gulag were sent to the front

2) the industry of the USSR was reorganized on a war footing

3) the allies opened a second front

4) Japan pulled out of the war

A6. What was the significance of the victory of the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad?

1) the offensive strategic initiative passed to the Soviet troops

2) the plan of "blitzkrieg" of the Nazi command was thwarted

3) The Red Army defeated the Germans for the first time

4) an anti-Hitler coalition was created

A7. The following list refers to the events of which WWII battle: "Typhoon", Vyazma, Panfilov, December?

1) Moscow 2) Stalingrad 3) Kursk 4) in Belarus

A8. What event during the Second World War occurred later than others?

1) Battle of Stalingrad 2) Battle of Kursk

3) Moscow battle 4) "Ten Stalinist blows"

A9. What is the name of the measures to cleanse the state, socio-political and economic life of the country from the consequences of the domination of the fascist regime in order to carry out democratic reforms?

1) denazification 2) deportation 3) demilitarization 4) denunciation

A10. What caused the growth national movements during the war years?

1) signing the United Nations Declaration

2) tightening national policy on the eve of the war

3) the evacuation of industry to the east of the country.

4) the policy of indigenization carried out during the war years

A11. Why did the opening of the second front in Europe take place only in 1944?

1) the allies were waiting for the establishment of favorable weather in France

2) the allies counted on the weakening of the USSR during the war

3) Stalin refused to send to the Western Front soviet tanks and planes

4) German troops occupied British territory

A12. As a result of World War II:

1) Fascist regimes survived in Italy and Romania

2) The United States is the world's only superpower

3) the borders of European states remained unchanged

4) two superpowers appeared

IN 1. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. One element of the left column corresponds to an element of the right column.

Title of the document, Main content of the military plan

1. "Bagration"

2. "Citadel

3. "Ost" V. waging a "blitzkrieg" against the USSR

A. Implementation of the offensive of the Red Army in Belarus

B. Conducting a strategic offensive operation of German troops in the area of ​​the Kursk salient

B. waging a "blitzkrieg" against the USSR

D. Plan for the colonization and Germanization of the occupied territories

AT 2. What are the main results (at least three) of the radical change in the Great Patriotic War.


1 option: A1-4; A2-1; A3-3; A4-1; A5-2; A6-3; A7-3; A8-3; A9-3; A10-1; A11-2; A-12-2.

Option 2: A1-4; A2-3; A3-4; A4-2; A5-4; A6-1; A7-1; A8-4; A9-1; A10-2; A11-2; A12-4.

V1-1A, 2B, 3D; B2- AGVB.

C1. The radical turning point in the course of the Second World War covers the period from the beginning of the counteroffensive of the Red Army near Stalingrad in November 1942 to until the end of the Battle of Kursk and the Battle of the Dnieper in December 1943. As a result of a radical change, the strategic initiative went over to the side of the Red Army. Significant territories previously occupied by fascist troops were liberated: North Caucasus, Donbass, Crimea, the territory of Eastern and Central Ukraine, etc. A large number of Nazi divisions located on Eastern Front. The radical change led to the intensification of the actions of the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition. An agreement was reached at the Tehran Conference on the opening of a second front in France.

C2. There are three main stages in the history of the Second World War:

1) the first stage - the disruption of Hitler's plan of "blitzkrieg" and the creation of conditions for a radical change (June 22, 1941 - November 19, 1942);

2) the second stage - the beginning of the counter-offensive near Stalingrad until the crossing of the Dnieper and the liberation of Kyiv - a radical turning point in the course of the war (November 19, 1942 - the end of 1943)

3) The third stage is the complete expulsion of the fascist invaders from Soviet soil, the liberation of the countries of Central and southeast Europe, the final defeat and surrender of Nazi Germany (end of 1943 - May 9, 1945).

Correct test answer

1). The secret protocol of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact regulated:

A). Economic interaction between the III Reich and the USSR

B). Delimitation of spheres of influence in Europe +

IN). Exchange of technical documentation on armaments

2). The USSR entered World War II:

3). What kind of troops Soviet Union was in a state of combat readiness at the time of 4 am on June 22, 1941?

IN). Border Troops

4). The German Army Group "Center" produced the movement:

A). Via Minsk to Moscow +

B). Through the Caucasus to Stalingrad

IN). To Leningrad

5). What was the code name for the German plan for the economic management of the occupied territories?

A). "Barbarossa"

IN). "Oldenburg" +

6). In the event of an attack by Nazi Germany on the USSR, the leadership of the Soviet state counted on:

A). Withdrawal to the borders before 1939 and trench warfare

B). War "with little blood and on the territory of the enemy" +

IN). The speedy conclusion of a separate peace

7). Determine the three main directions for the German offensive in the summer-autumn of 1941:

A). Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv +

B). Sevastopol, Stalingrad, Arkhangelsk

IN). Frontier of the Ural Mountains

9). Head of the USSR General Staff at the start of the war:

A). G. K. Zhukov +

B). B. M. Shaposhnikov

IN). I. V. Stalin

10). The defense of the Brest Fortress lasted during the period:

B). December 1941 - January 1942

IN). June to November 1941

eleven). During which of the battles depicted on the maps, the German blitzkrieg was thwarted?



12). The offensive along the entire front in 1942 ended for the Red Army:

1). Access to the state border of the USSR in 1939

2). The defeat and breakthroughs of the Germans to Rostov-on-Don, Stalingrad and the Caucasus +

3). The cleansing of the territory of the USSR from the Wehrmacht troops

13). Finnish troops under the command of K. G. Mannerheim nominally helped the Germans:

1). On the offensive in the Caucasus

2). At the Rzhev-Vyazemsky border

3). Surrounded by Leningrad +

14). What is GKO?

A). Economic and financial authority

B). During the war - the highest body of political, military and economic power in the USSR +

IN). Branch of the General Staff of the USSR

15). Lend-Lease is:

A). Branch of the US Army

B). German plan for the exploitation of the occupied territories

IN). The system of external state loans of the USSR in the form of finished products for military needs +

16). The defense of Leningrad continued:

17). Which of the following events took place during the North Caucasian defensive operation?

A). Battle of Prokhorovka

B). Defense of Novorossiysk +

IN). Operation Typhoon

18). After the occupation of the Wehrmacht units of Sevastopol:

A). The opportunity to threaten the seizure of oil fields in Romania was lost +

B). Black Sea Fleet ceased to exist

IN). The Red Army organized open resistance to the Germans in the Crimea

19). The formation of the anti-Hitler coalition ended in:

A). July 1941

B). April 1942

IN). July 1942 +

20 - test). What is the "Road of Life"?

A). Shipping canal on the Volga during the defense of Stalingrad

B). The path across Lake Ladoga, through which besieged Leningrad had a connection with outside world +

IN). Air communication via North Pole with USA

21). From the row below, choose the pilots who became famous during the Second World War:

A). I. N. Kozhedub, A. I. Pokryshkin, N. F. Gastello

B). Ya. F. Pavlov, A. M. Matrosov, I. V. Panfilov

IN). I. Kh. Bagramyan, N. S. Khrushchev, L. I. Brezhnev

21). Indicate on the photo the commander of the 6th Army of the Wehrmacht:




22). Determine in which row are the dates associated with the key events of the Battle of Stalingrad:

23). What was the code name for the operation to encircle German troops near Stalingrad?

A). "Citadel"

B). "Ring" +

IN). "Bagration"

Test - 24). Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad issued:

A). The beginning of the "radical change" during the Second World War +

B). Another local failure of the Germans

IN). Opportunity for Soviet troops to move to a layered defense in front of the Volga

25). In Western historiography, the Battle of Stalingrad is equated in importance:

A). To the Battle of Midway Atoll

B). To the landing operation of the British US troops in Sicily

IN). To the Battle of El Alamein +

26). The final consolidation of the "radical change" occurred in the course of:

A). Battle of Kursk +

B). Liberation of Sevastopol

IN). Battles on the "Small Land"

27). The most famous foreign formation of the USSR Air Force was called:

A). "Night Witches"

B). "Valkyries"

IN). "Normandie-Neman" +

28). The battle for the Dnieper took place:

29). The terms "Rail war", "Operation Concert" are related to:

A). Defensive battles near Moscow

B). partisan movement +

IN). The encirclement of the Germans near Kyiv

thirty). Name the operation that was included in the so-called. "Ten Stalinist blows":

A). Lviv-Sandomierz +

B). Belgrade

IN). "Uranus"

31). What is KONR?

A). One of the departments of the Soviet counterintelligence

B). Propaganda Department of the Red Army

IN). Political and military organization Russians who fought on the side of the Wehrmacht +

32). In which row are the names of the Russian contingents of the Wehrmacht?

A). Windhund, Totenkopf, Viking

B). "Idel-Ural", "Don", "Terek" +

IN). Division them. Dzerzhinsky, 1st Guards Army, "Dmitry Donskoy"

33. Test. The commander of the ROA was:

A). A. V. Turkul

B). A. A. Vlasov +

IN). P. N. Krasnov

34). The territory of which country was not liberated by the Soviet units?

A). France +

B). Yugoslavia

IN). Poland

35). "Meeting on the Elbe" took place:

39). The assault on Berlin was carried out by troops:

A). 1st Ukrainian Front +

B). 2nd Ukrainian Front

IN). 1st Belorussian Front

40). World War II ended:

The Great Patriotic War. 1941-1945

First option

1. Going on the offensive on the front stretching from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea, non-Fascist troops:

A. They fettered the ground forces of the Red Army, primarily tanks

B. Gained dominance at sea

a) the unwillingness of Soviet soldiers to fight for the Stalinist regime

b) lack of experienced command personnel

c) the lack of bringing troops into combat readiness

d) the surprise of the German attack for the Soviet state and military leadership

3. The State Defense Committee headed:

a) S.K. Timoshenko b) G.K. Zhukov c) I.V. Stalin d) V.M. Molotov

4. The significance of the Smolensk battle was as follows:

A. For the first time, the command of the Wehrmacht ordered the transition to defense in the main strategic direction

B. A major blow was dealt to the Blitz Krieg plan

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

5. In 1941, Soviet troops successfully carried out:

a) Kyiv operation (July - September)

b) the battle of Yelnya (August - September)

c) the battle of Vyazma (October)

d) battle near Bryansk (October)

6. The main (s) result (s) of the battle for Moscow:

A. The blitzkrieg plan was thwarted B. A second front was opened in Europe

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

a) V.G. Klochkov 1. The heroic defense of Stalingrad

b) N.F. Gastello 2. Heroic battles on the outskirts of Moscow

c) Ya.F. Pavlov 3. The heroic defense of Sevastopol

d) A.N. Saburov 4. Air ram

5. Partisan movement

A. Concentration of the main forces on the central direction in order to

Resist the general German offensive on Moscow

B. Preparation of conditions for the subsequent offensive of the Red Army

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

9. The successes of the Soviet troops in 1942 include:

A. Kharkov operation

B. Kerch operation

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

10. The USSR surpassed Germany in the production of military products in:

a) late 1942 b) mid 1943 c) early 1944 d) late 1944

11. The main provisions of the plan of the Soviet counter-offensive near Stalingrad:

a) the transition to a major offensive in the Caucasus in order to pull the German troops away from Stalingrad and prepare the conditions for the encirclement of the Stalingrad enemy grouping

b) the transition to the frontal offensive of the troops defending Stalingrad

c) defeat the troops covering the flanks of the Stalingrad group with strikes from the Southwestern and Stalingrad fronts

d) surround and destroy the main forces of the German group operating in the Stalingrad direction

12. Set the correct match:

a) A.I. Eremenko 1. Commander of the South Western Front

b) K.K. Rokossovsky 2. Commander of the 62nd Army

c) N.F. Vatutin 3. Commander of the Reserve Front

d) V.I. Chuikov 4. Commander of the Stalingrad Front

5. Commander of the Don Front

13. The significance of the victory of the Soviet troops in Battle of Kursk consisted in

A. The final transfer of the strategic initiative into the hands of the Soviet command

B. Creation of conditions for the liberation of the Left-bank Ukraine and access to the Dnieper

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

14. Main issues discussed at the Tehran conference:

a) ensuring security in the post-war world

b) opening a second front in Europe

c) the question of the post-war borders of Poland

d) assistance to Allied aviation in ensuring dominance in the airspace during the crossing of the Dnieper by the troops of the Red Army

a) A.A. Deineka b) B.E. Efimov c) I.M. Toidze d) P.N. Krylov

16. The Seventh Symphony was:

A. Written by D.D. Shostakovich

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

17. The following changes took place in the confessional policy of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War:

a) the activity of priests at the front is allowed

b) the law on the separation of church and state was repealed

c) the patriarchate was restored

d) dioceses restored, churches opened

a) M.V. Kupriyanov c) P.N. Krylov

b) A.A. Surkov d) N.A. Sokolov

19. For the first time, Soviet troops reached the state border of the USSR in:

a) December 1943 b) February 1944 c) March 1944 d) April 1944

20. The main content of the plan of operation "Bagration" was:

A. The advance of Soviet troops in the Baltics and in the southwestern direction in order to encircle the Byelorussian enemy grouping

B. Delivering powerful converging strikes on the flanks of the Belorussian salient

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

21. The front commanders participated in the operation "Bagration":

a) I.Kh. Bagramyan b) I.D. Chernyakhovsky

c) K.K. Rokossovsky d) I.S. Konev

22. To countries liberated from Nazi power as a result of joint actions of Soviet troops and forces anti-fascist resistance, relate:

a) Hungary b) Bulgaria c) Romania d) Finland

23. The following decisions were taken at the Yalta Conference:

a) the return to Poland of the territories seized by the USSR in 1939.

b) the need to bring military and Nazi criminals to the court of an international tribunal was confirmed

c) the conditions were agreed on under which the allies agreed to open a second front in Europe

d) about the reparations that Germany had to pay to the countries that suffered from its occupation

24. The Soviet command began the Vistula-Oder operation ahead of schedule due to:

a) the defeat of the allies in Alsace

b) W. Churchill's appeals with a request to speed up the offensive of the Soviet troops

c) the offensive of German troops in the Budapest area

d) favorable meteorological conditions

25. Troops participated in the Berlin operation:

a) 1st Ukrainian Front b) 2nd Ukrainian Front

c) 1st Belorussian Front d) 2nd Belorussian Front

26. Set the correct match:

5. Meeting of Soviet and Anglo-American troops on the Elbe

27. By what principle is a series formed?

G.K. Zhukov; A. Tedder; K. Spaats; Delattre de Tassigny

28. The final operations of the Red Army in Europe include:

a) liberation of Prague b) liberation of Vienna

c) storming of Berlin d) East Pomeranian operation

29. The following decisions were taken at the Potsdam Conference:

a) about the date of entry of the USSR into the war with Japan

b) on the transfer of the USSR of the city of Koenigsberg and the area adjacent to it

c) about the management of post-war Germany

d) about reparations from Germany

30. Victory Parade:

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

a) Battle of Kursk

b) Smolensk battle

c) Iasi-Kishinev operation

d) the liberation of the Crimea from the Nazi invaders

e) East Pomeranian operation

Second option

1. On the Southwestern Front:

A. Commanded by General of the Army D.G. Pavlov

B. The largest Soviet forces were concentrated

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

2. The reasons for the failures of the Red Army in the first month of the Great Patriotic War were:

a) the surprise of the German attack for the Soviet state and military leadership

b) the numerical superiority of the German army in people and equipment over the Red Army

c) putting out of action a significant part of Soviet aviation already on the first day of the war

d) lack of communication between troops and command

3. The extraordinary state body of the USSR, which concentrated all power during the Great Patriotic War and coordinated the actions of the front and rear:

a) Headquarters of the Supreme High Command

b) State Defense Committee

c) Labor and Defense Council

d) Evacuation Council

4. Defensive battles for Kyiv in 1941 ended:

A. Surrounding the main forces of the Southwestern Front.

B. Breakthrough of German troops to the middle reaches of the Don

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

6. The Typhoon operation plan is:

a) the plan of the Soviet counter-offensive in the battle for Moscow

b) the plan of the German command to capture Moscow

c) the plan of the German command to take Smolensk

d) the plan of the Soviet counter-offensive near Yelnya

6. Soviet troops launched a counteroffensive near Moscow:

7. Set the correct match:

a) S.K. Timoshenko 1. Commander of the Reserve Front

b) D.G. Pavlov 2. Commander of the Western Front (June 1941)

c) M.P. Kirponos 3. Commander of the Southwestern Front

d) G.K. Zhukov 4. Commander of the Western Front (October 1941 -

August 1942)

5. Commander of the Western Front (July -

September 1941)

8. The combat plan of the Soviet command in the summer campaign of 1942 provided for:

A. Going over to the counteroffensive in all decisive directions

B. Concentration of the main forces in the southwestern direction in order to resist the main attack of the German army on the Caucasus and in the Lower Volga region

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

9. In 1942, Soviet troops:

A. Destroyed the Rzhev-Vyazma grouping of the enemy

B. Break through the blockade of Leningrad

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

10. The plan of the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad had the code name

a) Mars b) Citadel c) Uranus d) Iskra

11. The significance of the victory of the Soviet troops in Battle of Stalingrad consisted of the following:

A. Marked the completion of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War

B. Germany was forced to withdraw its forces from the Caucasus

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

12. The main provisions of the Soviet plan of military operations on the Oryol-Kursk Bulge:

a) wide offensive in the southwest direction in June 1943.

b) transition to deliberate defense

c) exhausting the enemy during defensive operations

d) launching a counteroffensive with fresh forces after exhausting the enemy

13. The significance of the victory of the Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk was that:

A. The Red Army temporarily seized the strategic initiative

B. Wehrmacht suffered huge losses in people and military equipment

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

14. Tehran Conference took place in:

a) late February 1943 b) September 1943

c) late November - early December 1943 d) late May - early July 1944

a) V.P. Solovyov-Sedoi b) A.V. Alexandrov

c) N.V. Bogoslovsky d) T.N. Khrennikov

16. The director of the film "She Defends the Motherland" was:

a) I.A. Pyryev b) L.Z. Trauberg

c) A.B. Stolper d) F.M. Ermler

17. During the Great Patriotic War, the attitude of the authorities towards the Russian Orthodox Church changed:
A. In 1944, the patriarchate was restored

B. Metropolitan Sergius was elected Patriarch of All Rus'

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

18. Who is extra in a row?

a) L.O. Utyosov b) K.I. Shulzhenko c) Yu.B. Levitan d) L.A. Ruslanova

19. The offensive Belarusian operation, developed by the Soviet command, had the code name:

a) "Kutuzov" b) "Bagration"

c) "Commander Rumyantsev" d) "Ring"

20. One of the largest operations to liberate Right-Bank Ukraine was:

a) Rivne-Lutsk b) Zhytomyr-Berdychiv

c) Nikopol-Krivoy Rog d) Korsun-Shevchenkovskaya

21. The plan of the offensive Belarusian operation, developed by the Soviet command, assumed:

a) flank attack from north to southwest,

b) elimination of enemy flank groupings
in the regions of Vitebsk and Bobruisk

c) the development of the offensive in converging directions on Minsk

d) breakthrough of the front in six sectors

22. The significance of the Iasi-Kishinev operation was:

a) the withdrawal of Soviet troops to the Carpathians and the border with Czechoslovakia

b) liberation of Poland c) liberation of Moldova

D) the liberation of Romania

23. Soviet troops liberated the capitals of the following states:

a) Hungary b) Belgium c) Romania d) Poland

24. The following decisions were taken at the Yalta Conference:

a) the plan for the Berlin operation was agreed

b) the conditions for the entry of the USSR into the war against Japan were worked out

c) agreed plans for the final defeat of the armed forces of Germany and the conditions for its unconditional surrender

d) the date of the opening of the second front in Europe was approved

25. The Vistula-Oder operation, developed by the Soviet command, began ahead of schedule due to the fact that:

a) favorable meteorological conditions have arisen

b) the preparation of the operation was completed ahead of the scheduled time

c) the allies made persistent requests to speed up the offensive

d) was timed to coincide with the offensive of the Anglo-American troops

26. Front commanders in the Berlin operation were:

a) A.M. Vasilevsky b) G.K. Zhukov

c) I.S. Konev d) K.K. Rokossovsky

27. Specify the chronological framework of the Berlin operation:

28. The following decisions were taken at the Potsdam Conference:

a) a new Polish-German border was defined

b) the transfer of part of East Prussia to the USSR was confirmed

c) an obligation was given to the USSR to enter the war with Japan after the defeat of Germany

d) the general principles of policy towards Germany are defined

29. Military operations against Japan Red Army:

B. Completed on September 2, 1945, with the signing by Japan of the act of unconditional surrender

a) only A is true c) both A and B are true

b) only B is true d) both judgments are wrong

30. By what principle is a series formed?

Koenigsberg with the region; Transcarpathian Ukraine; South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands

31. Arrange the events of the Great Patriotic War in chronological order:

a) the liberation of Belarus

b) counteroffensive near Stalingrad

c) East Prussian operation

d) complete lifting of the blockade of Leningrad

e) creation of the Central Headquarters of the partisan movement


First option

1: a; 2: b, c, d; 3: in; 4: in; 5 B; 6: a; 7: a - 2; b - 4; in 1; g -5; 8: d; 9: d; 10: a; 11: c, d; 12: a - 4, b - 5, c - 1, d - 2; 13: in; 14: a, b, c; 15: in; 16: a; 17: c, d; 18: b; 19: in; 20: b; 21: a, b, c;22: b, c; 23: b, d; 24: b; 25: a, c, d; 26: a - 3, b - 5, c - 1, d - 2;

27: Plenipotentiaries of the Allies who signed the German Surrender Act;

28: a, c; 29: b, c, d; 30: g; 31: b, a, d, c, e.

Second option

1: b; 2: a, c, d; 3: b; 4: a; 5 B; 6: in; 7: a - 5, b - 2, c - 3, d -4; 8: a; 9: d; 10: in; 11: b; 12: b, c, d; 13: b; 14: in; 15: b; 16:g; 17: b; 18: in; 19: b; 20: g; 21: b, c, d; 22: c, d; 23: a, c, d; 24: b, c; 25: in; 26: b, c, d; 27:d; 28: a, b, d; 29: b; 30: Territories ceded to the USSR after the end of World War II; 31: e, b, d, a, c.

P.A. Baranov. Tests on the history of Russia XX - early XXI

To the textbook by N.V. Zagladin, S.I. Kozlenko, S.T.Minakova, Yu.A.Petrova

"The history of homeland. XX-beginning XXI century. Grade 11.

Publishing house "Exam", Moscow, 2007