A vital skill. Skills and abilities for a resume example - instructions for writing a resume. Catch up on lost knowledge

In previous articles, I talked about3 most important skills and about 8 ever-relevant skills what you need to master to be successful in 2019.

In this article, I will talk about the top skills that, according to a survey in Skill Up your Life want to master most people. I divided each skill into several sub-skills that will be easier to master, plus I picked up useful resources

Skip skills that you are not interested in. Bookmark this article so you can come back to it in the future.

In the apps and I have compiled unique tips that will come in handy for any of these 10 skills.

#10. Paint

My definition: Be able to illustrate an idea.

Drawing is an art that takes many years to master in order to achieve perfection. Fortunately, this is a very broad skill that can be easily broken down into “sub-skills”. Each small sub-skill can be mastered fairly quickly.


  • sketching techniques (on paper or in software)
  • line drawing (on paper or in a program)
  • color matching techniques (on paper or in software)
  • using tools (Photoshop, Illustrator)
  • how to hold a pencil
  • how to control line weight
  • faces, people, creatures, objects, landscapes
  • shadow drawing techniques
  • realistic, cartoon, caricature style
  • technical drawing (architecture, electrical engineering, engineering, scientific fields, etc.)
  • and much more!

My drawing story

Drawing was the first skill I decided to master the SkillUp method . And I was always sure that it was drawing that I could not master, so I wanted to prove to myself that this was not so. And I proved.

I trained for 30 minutes every day for a month: I mostly studied on YouTube. I learned sketching, hatching and color matching in Photoshop.

The results exceeded my expectations.

How to learn to draw?

Since drawing is a very broad skill, I recommend learning the basics of any sub-skill (from the list) to begin with, giving it 5 hours of practice (30 minutes per day). You'll be surprised how quickly you can master most sub-skills if you don't skip classes and have good learning materials.



  • Youtube.com
  • We hammer in the search engine: “how<введите поднавык>” or “how to quickly learn<введите поднавык>”

#9. Be more productive

My definition: Make the most of 24 hours of each day.

This is a rather ambiguous skill, since productivity itself is a rather abstract concept. The key progress metric here is time saved, as well as the quality and quantity of results achieved.

Being more productive is not about work. This is about activities that are important to you: time with family, meeting friends, work, entertainment.


  • clearly define your passion/purpose
  • clearly define your values
  • do the installation on personal growth
  • develop introspection
  • concentrate
  • enter the flow state
  • achieve the "infinity effect"
  • create SMART goals
  • really understand the Pareto principle (the 80/20 rule)
  • use the eisenhower matrix
  • plan a career
  • master time management
  • learn to learn
  • have KPIs
  • master the maximum speed of the mouse / trackpad
  • faster typing on a computer or phone
  • and much more!

My productivity story

After 13 years of professional software development, I have acquired a number of skills that have made me more productive on a computer than most people.

Years later, when I immersed myself in introspection, I realized that I had these skills and began to use them even more actively. That's when I decided to start writing on Medium. My first article was dedicated specifically to productivity tips.

How to learn to be productive?

I suggest starting with those sub-skills that will help develop introspection. Learn to identify your values ​​/ passions / goals, take a course on personal growth, master the Eisenhower matrix. Why is it important? An excellent answer to this is given by Peter Drucker:

“There is nothing more useless than effectively doing something that should not be done at all” - Peter Drucker

Looking back, I can say that this is the best advice.

Now that you have the basic skills to speed up productivity, you can move on to the specifics.

If you often work on a computer:

  • Learn to use your mouse/trackpad at maximum speed
  • Learn to type quickly
  • Learn the key hotkeys in your operating system, as well as in programs that you often use.

At first, it will seem that you are working even more slowly, but in just a week you will enter the rhythm. Thanks to these skills alone, I work on a computer 2-3 times faster than 90% of people. It is worth investing time and effort into this.



  • Article: 34 Quick Tips for a More Productive 2019
  • Article: Completely and Consistently Smash Your Goals with The Limitless Effect
  • Tool: Limitless Calendar
  • Article: Smart Goals
  • Article: Eisenhower Matrix
  • Course: Learning to Learn (Free)
  • Book: How We Learn (referral link)
  • Article: Pareto Principle
  • Article: How To Move Around Your Mac At The Speed ​​Of Light

#8. To play guitar

Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash

My definition: Learn to play a musical instrument.

The most popular instrument that SkillUp your Life participants want to learn to play is the guitar. You can sing so many songs with the guitar! And isn't it cool to take and play at family gatherings or in the company of friends? And there is such a variety of guitars that finding the right instrument is not difficult.

In addition, once you learn to play the guitar, you can quickly master most stringed instruments.


  • Terminology
  • Guitar types
  • Guitar playing styles
  • How to read music
  • How to hold a guitar correctly
  • How to place and move your fingers correctly
  • The main types of guitar fighting
  • 4 most popular chords
  • Play one song
  • Play in the same style
  • And much more!

My guitar story

Oh my god, it's embarrassing to even say...

I have wanted to learn the guitar for many years. To be honest, I've had two guitars in my life. One even still lies somewhere in Colombia. I never had the patience to learn how to play. When I was younger, I tried to learn guitar on my own, but back then there weren't as many learning resources as there are now. I had to either hire a teacher or work hard on my own by downloading chords over a super slow internet connection.

When I met my future wife at the age of 17, it seemed to me that the guitar made me cooler. Of course, I couldn’t play, but she didn’t know that - so I was still “cool” 🙂

How to learn to play the guitar?

Since I never learned to play the guitar, I wrote this section based on research and my observations. If there are pros among the readers, please correct me in the comments!

Actually, I would start by mastering the basic sub-skills that I listed above, in order.

I would spend a maximum of a week on theory (the first 4 sub-skills): this is enough to remember everything you need (apps like Anki help a lot). At the same time, I would easily go over the basics of guitar handling: how to hold the instrument and how to move the fingers.

In the next week, I would consolidate these skills, and also learn the 4 most popular chords and basic techniques fight.

Further, I would try to hone what I learned earlier as well as possible. I would start looking for songs under 4 chords I know. Most likely, I would not dive into the notes yet - I would just watch the video and use the tablature.

After that, I would start to gradually learn different songs.




  • Course: Guitareo
  • Website: Tabs by Ultimate Guitar

#7. Photograph

This is me taking a portrait of my wife in Nepal

My definition: Learning how to use a camera to take great pictures.

Photography, like drawing, is a very broad skill. With the proliferation of smartphones and SLR cameras, more and more people are showing interest in photography. Luckily, it's now very easy to learn the basics of photography and start taking beautiful shots.


  • Terminology
  • framing
  • Rule of thirds
  • Composition
  • How to read a histogram
  • Camera types
  • Understanding the basic principles: shutter speed, aperture, ISO
  • Portrait photography (includes many sub-skills)
  • Landscape photography (includes many sub-skills)
  • Product photography (includes many sub-skills)
  • Photography of moving objects (includes many sub-skills)
  • macro photography
  • Long exposure photography
  • Processing photos in Camera Raw
  • Photo manipulation in Photoshop
  • Photo editing in Lightroom
  • and many many others!

My photography story

Before, I had no interest in photography at all. A more or less high-quality camera first appeared to me when I bought the iPhone 6. I started shooting and experimenting with processing through different applications. The process captured me.

Going on a trip to Iceland, I decided to definitely upgrade my skills in order to bring worthwhile pictures from the trip. I spent quite a bit of time researching the issue - and the result was not long in coming: I started shooting quite well.

Then I traveled the world for a year. On that trip, I took about 15,000 photographs. I was already doing great - people even thought I was a photographer. Therefore, in India, I decided to buy my first DSLR and continued my journey with it. Learned a lot of new things!

Later I filmed several events to order. Sundara and opening of a new branch We Work in Bangalore, India.

Now I am mastering portrait photography and will train on these beautiful models: Carla Diaz , Diana Jabba, And Kevin Nguyen.

How to learn to photograph?

To begin with, I advise you to master the rule of thirds: these will be the very 20% of the efforts that will give 80% of the result. The rule of thirds can be mastered in 5 minutes, and the pictures will immediately become at least twice as good.

The rule of thirds is one of many framing techniques. By the way, the rest are also worth exploring. Amateur photos are often successful, but due to poor framing, they do not look very good. This can be corrected by cropping the photo during processing.

Another important aspect is exposure. Learn what ideal exposure looks like and what underexposure/overexposure is. Learn to read a histogram. Learn how to use these techniques to create the effect you want.

Framing and exposure help you take beautiful pictures even with inexpensive equipment. Yes, the SLR camera “helps” with the exposure, but the phone can also correctly expose the picture.

For a month, practice taking photos in a certain style. I started with landscape photography. Now I understand that it is in landscape photography that, perhaps, the most difficult thing is to learn how to take really cool pictures.

When you're ready to buy a camera, choose a lens for the style you want to shoot. With experience, you will realize that in most cases, the quality of photos is determined by the lens, and not by the "body" of the camera.

I advise you to master no more than one style per month. This focused approach allows you to hone each skill fairly well.



  • Article: 25 Common Photography Terms All Beginners Need to Know
  • Article: Rule of Thirds
  • Article: Top 10 Photography Composition Rules
  • Video: How to read a camera histogram
  • Article: A Simple Guide to the Different Types of Digital Cameras
  • Video: If You're Serious About Taking Better Portraits, Watch This
  • Article: 14 portrait photography tips you'll never want to forget
  • Article: Lightroom Crash Course: Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Lightroom


  • Book: Scott Kelby's Digital Photography Boxed Set, Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (The lion's share of what I know, I gleaned from the books of Scott Kelby).
  • Book: Mastering Exposure in Digital Photography

#6. meditate

Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

My definition: Learn to control the “quality” of the mind.

Many successful people in the world practice meditation daily. This is perhaps the most The best way clear your mind.

Meditation helps you fall asleep faster, stress less, make better decisions, and more.


  • Understand the 7 basic types of meditation
  • Breathing Techniques
  • Compassion and Love
  • Awareness of your body
  • Relaxation
  • Ability to not judge
  • Mantras (include many sub-skills)
  • and much more!

My Meditation Story

I thought I could never learn to meditate.

My mistake was that I didn't see meditation as a skill that could be developed.

It seemed to me that meditation is when you do not think about anything. Therefore, as soon as a thought appeared in my head, I got upset.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who was so wrong. But this is fundamentally wrong.

In September, I tried meditation with a friend in Cambodia and failed miserably. It wasn't until 4 months later that I got up the courage to try meditation again. As soon as I got the right attitude and began to devote time to constant practice, things started to go.

How to learn to meditate?

I myself am new to this business, so I strongly advise you to start by meditating with an instructor. Links to resources that were useful to me, I will leave below.

The advantage of meditation with an instructor is that he teaches you not to be upset by the thoughts that arise in your head and helps you move towards clearing your mind - and this is the whole point of meditation.

You learn to be aware of how your body and your mind feel. You learn to relax even in situations where it seems impossible.

Many people don't realize that meditation takes time to master. Don't quit after the first failed attempt. Meditate at least once a day for 10 minutes.

You will experience different emotions. For example, I really wanted to laugh when I was told to count my inhalations and exhalations. And sometimes frustration strikes. But whatever feelings you have, don't take them into your head. You can control it. And the more you practice, the easier it will be to do it.

And further important point: during meditation, no one should distract you. I advise beginners to meditate in a quiet place. Some people advise to meditate while sitting, but I started in a lying position - otherwise I simply could not relax enough to concentrate on the process.

You can try different body positions, but in my opinion, the most important thing in this case is comfort, especially if you are just learning.



  • Article: 7 Types of Meditation
  • Article: UCLA's Guided Meditations
  • App: Insight Timer


  • App: Headspace

#5. Learn Spanish

My definition: Learn to use Spanish in different forms.

Did you know that Spanish is the 4th most spoken language in the world?after Mandarin, English and Hindustani )?

And what's even more interesting, for most Spanish speakers - native language: according to this indicator, Spanish is the second largest language in the world after Mandarin. In fact, according to these statistics, the universal world languages ​​should be Mandarin and Spanish.

Spanish - official language in 22 countries, so it makes sense to learn it.


  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary (includes many sub-skills)
  • Pronunciation
  • Verb tenses (includes many sub-skills)
  • listening
  • Reading
  • Speech
  • Letter

My Spanish Story

In college, I studied Spanish remotely. From this video it is clear that I learned especially well:

It is clear that this was of little use.

A few years later, I switched my phone to Spanish and started studying at Duolingo. I learned a lot. Literally 2 years later, I spoke Spanish at work. It pushed me to master tenses and learn a lot of technical terms.

Then I moved to Spain and spoke the language with my friends every day. I trained well. Three months later, I was already able to carry on a conversation quite well.

Now I live in Colombia and I speak Spanish every day.

How to learn it?

The best way to learn a language is to practice all of the above sub-skills in combination: listening, reading, writing and speaking. And by the way, about “talking”: many people are embarrassed to talk because they don't want to make a mistake, but that's when we learn.

  1. Switch your phone to Spanish. You know the phone interface by heart, so you can easily learn a dozen other words.
  2. Stick stickers with Spanish words on objects around you. For example, stick "mesa" on the kitchen table.
  3. Daily 15-minute classes at Duolingo are a great way to expand lexicon and practice all 4 sub-skills. Spaced repetition principles are also built into the app's algorithm, so you'll be constantly refreshing what you've learned so far.
  4. To improve your speaking skills, communicate with foreigners or go to language courses. There are plenty of resources on the Internet for this (see below). The essence of this practice is that you are not afraid to make mistakes.
  5. Try to learn at least one new phrase every day, ideally from the list of most used phrases (see below).

Doing these five things, I literally spoke in a couple of weeks. Of course, these were not the most intense conversations, but I practiced and every day I spoke better and better.



  • App: Duolingo
  • App: Memrise
  • Article: Top 100 short phrases
  • Video: 100 phrases to know (more complete list)
  • Video: 100 phrases to know (fun list)
  • Website: freespanishtutorials.net
  • Website: Language Exchange (I used to have cool results)


  • Course: Pimsleur for Castilian
  • Course: Pimsleur for Latin American
  • Spanish schools
  • Spanish teachers

#4. Programming

Photo by Dlanor S on Unsplash

My definition: Learn to write code to create software and computer hardware.

Programming is among the most popular skills for a reason. Many people want to learn how to create something from scratch, and programming provides such an opportunity. Programming is useful both in creating software and in developing computer equipment.

If you are not at all familiar with programming, this is the art of writing commands so that the “machine” does what we need. Without programming, there would be no computers.

Sub-skills (and each breaks down into many smaller sub-skills)

  • Web development
  • Backend development
  • Game development
  • Application Development
  • Robotics
  • Artificial intelligence
  • augmented reality
  • A virtual reality
  • Data analysis
  • Scripting
  • Programming languages
  • and much more!

Almost all of the above sub-skills can be broken down into the following components:

  • variables
  • cycles
  • functions
  • object-oriented programming (OOP)
  • universal modeling language (UML)
  • file systems
  • databases (many sub-skills)
  • and much more!

My programming story

For those who do not know me: I am a programmer by profession. Now I am developing video games.

I have been interested in programming since childhood - I started playing video games before I could walk. This is no surprise today, but back then it was rare.

When I got my first computer at the age of 13, I started developing video games in RPG Maker 1995. There was no programming involved, but I learned the concepts of logic and variables.

A few years later, I started using the BYOND (Build Your Own Dream) program and created the MMO game Final Fantasy Arena. Everything was written in code, which I did not really know then. The game became popular because people thought it was from the creators of Final Fantasy. Shortly after that, I was thrown out of the portal…damn.

You know the rest.

How to learn to program?

Programming can seem daunting at first. Many beginners give up quickly.

If you want to learn programming, you need to do it consciously. What do you want to create? Answer this question and everything will make sense. It will be difficult, but you will have strong motivation. When you create a working product, you will be so proud of yourself that your motivation will skyrocket.

Take my story. If it wasn't for my passion for making games, I probably would have given up. Learning sub-skills and their components is very boring (and difficult). But when there is a dream, everything seems easier.

I suggest you just do what you want to do. Look for tutorials online and implement immediately. In the field of game development, the Unity tutorials (see below) are very helpful.

And to be honest, now best time to learn programming. You have access to so many cool resources - and it's completely free! But it's not even about resources, but about the fact that you can go to your goal and learn everything you need right along the way.



  • Website: Code Academy
  • Website: Khan Academy
  • Website: Free Code Camp
  • Website: Unity Learn
  • Article: 71 of the Best Places to Learn To Code For Free
  • Website: StackOverflow (programmer's best friend)


  • Website/Course: Lambda School

#3. Public speaking

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

My definition: Learning how to perform in front of a crowd of people with ease.

Oratory includes a bunch of skills! No wonder so many people struggle with public speaking! To some extent, this requires an ideal command of speech.

In addition, public speaking is associated with many fears: for example, fear of crowds or fear of failure.


  • Pitch
  • Volume
  • Lexicon
  • Definition
  • Introductions
  • Conclusions
  • Storytelling
  • Speech rate
  • self-presentation
  • Language of the body
  • Interaction with the audience
  • Creating visual support
  • Control over fears and nerves
  • and much more!

My public speaking story

I am an introvert and have never rushed to perform in front of an audience. At school, in an attempt to get rid of my shyness, I pretended to be confident in myself - and it worked!

In fact, I still use this technique today. When I have to speak in front of a large audience, I pretend to be Tony Robbins.

Really, is there anyone more relaxed in front of a large audience than Tony Robbins?

Even before I started writing, I took two courses: storytelling and oratory. Then I did not suspect that both skills would be useful to me when writing texts.

How to learn to speak in front of an audience?

Take every opportunity to speak in front of a group of people.

First, speak in front of loved ones: family members and friends. Talk about what you are very passionate about. When you talk about your favorite things in the circle of your favorite people, fears will not get to you.

Accept the fact that your first story won't be perfect. Notice people's non-verbal reactions. Watch how the level of interest changes from offer to offer.

The whole point of public speaking is to constantly improve your stories.

When you're ready, go to a Toastmasters meeting, speak to your peers, take part in TEDx Talks. There is no limit to perfection!



  • Article: An Introvert's Top Tips on How to Be a Great Storyteller
  • Website: Toastmasters


  • Book: The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking

#2. Learn to learn

Photographed by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

My definition: Learn how learning happens in our brains.

Many people think they know how to learn, and most of them are wrong. We have never been taught how to study properly - as a result, mastering some complex skills is given to us with great difficulty.

Before I started using the SkillUp method, I was terribly disorganized and had no motivation to learn new things. I always felt like I was moving slower than I should. But I did not give up - and soon learned that there are ways to learn faster and better.


  • Subsequence
  • Know what to study next
  • Feel when you know enough
  • build curiosity
  • Time and frequency of exercises - to increase memorability
  • How to use habits to your advantage
  • Memory techniques (includes many sub-skills)
  • Fight against procrastination
  • Visualization techniques (includes many sub-skills)
  • Spaced repetitions
  • Testing principles
  • Understanding how it all manifests itself in the brain
  • and much more!

My story about learning to learn

When I first started learning to learn, I did not understand at all where I was going. Over time, I realized how important it is to know the principles of how the brain works. Today I can learn something new much easier than before.

From the outside it may seem that it takes me 100% of the time to acquire a new skill, but in fact I train only 30 minutes every day. Usually, 15 hours of deliberate practice is enough for me to master the necessary skill and feel quite confident in it.

How to learn it?

It would take a whole book to teach you how to learn. To fit into the format of the article, I will give you a link to one of my stories. There I described in detail the key aspects of the ability to learn: How We Learn

#1. Write

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

My definition: Learning how to express ideas in the form of text.

For centuries, writing has been one of the most important skills. It is believed that this is the most effective method transmission of ideas from person to person.

Transmitting your thoughts through text is not as easy as it seems. The thing is that “on paper” there is no context (which complements and reveals our thoughts in the physical world). The author must be able to convey not only the idea, but also the accompanying details. Is the character sad, happy, or angry? It takes years of practice to learn how to convey all this in the text clearly and concisely.


  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Brevity
  • Organization (how to structure ideas intelligibly)
  • Formatting
  • Composition of headings
  • Using illustrations to better convey ideas
  • Storytelling
  • Reading (yes-yes)
  • Notes
  • Fiction (includes many sub-skills)
  • Nonfiction (many sub-skills included)
  • Blog posts
  • Novels
  • Emails
  • and much more!

My writing story

I never intended to write. If you had asked me a year ago what I thought about writing, I would have said: “This is not for me.” I am a computer programmer. I only write code - and I love it.

But then, in January 2018, I decided it was time to pump up my writing skills - after all, this is such a powerful way to communicate both in life and in business.

I started writing, and literally on the fifth day I was published on The Startup . After another 23 days, I hit the top 7 categories. I got a bunch of comments from readers and started to enjoy the process.

I was going to pee for 30 days and stop this practice, but everything went so well that I decided to continue. And it's been 12 months sincemy first post on Medium while I am writing this article.

How to learn to write?

As with any other skill, we learn through action. But here's my advice: write publicly.

Learning is more effective when people see your work. This encourages you to dig deeper and try harder. There is responsibility. You get feedback from readers and improve your skills.

Create a blog and post there regularly. Publish posts at least once a day, even if you are unhappy with the result. You don't force anyone to read.

First 8 hours:

Write 300 words a day for 30-45 minutes a day for 12-16 days. Publish what you have written.



  • Article:

    Below I have collected universal tips to help you master any of the skills. Start learning each skill by mastering the sub-skill that you find most useful. Use resources from the list or find them yourself.

    I also want to emphasize that mastering new skills does not have to be boring and time-consuming. And you will be surprised how much you can learn in literally 15-20 hours of conscious practice!

    Here I am dancing salsa after 18 hours of practice:

    Learning all these skills has completely turned my life around. I am no longer shy. I became more open and interesting. I communicate on a deeper level. I earn more. I became healthier and happier.

    And I wish you the same. So start your journey now. Be who you want to be. It all starts with learning one simple skill. Welcome to our club!

    You will definitely succeed!

    1. When watching a video, take advantage of the rewind: you can go back or skip an uninteresting part. Skip through the introductions and conclusions if you like. Skip off-topic content.
    2. If your teacher is unclear, find another. Nothing personal. This is your time and your money.
    3. Don't forget to adjust the playback speed and use subtitles.
    4. Never forget Pareto principle (80/20 rule).
    5. Always break down skills into smaller sub-skills.
    6. Always keep track of your progress and save the resources you used for learning - this will come in handy in the future.
    7. Keep notes of what you learned and what you did.
    8. Be consistent. Practice a little every day.
    9. Diversify your practice. Don't do the same exercise over and over again.
    10. Use spaced repetition techniques . In a sense, do not repeat randomly - systematize.
    11. Try to practice with the other person as much as possible. First, it increases responsibility. Secondly, learning benefits both of you.
    12. Share your successes with others or online. This also adds responsibility, plus this is how we strive for great results.
    13. Most effective learning- with the help of a mentor. Find someone who is willing to teach you one on one.
    14. Try to study what you are really interested in. This is how you stay motivated.

    Appendix B: Resources to help you master any skill

    • Course: Learning to Learn (free)
    • Book: How We Learn (referral link)
    • Community: SkillUp your Life
    • Mentors: Magnifi.io
    • Website: Skillshare.com
    • Website: Masterclass.com
    • Website: LinkedInLearning

    If you have a great article in mind about UX and more, send us the link and we'll be happy to work on it.

It is never too late to develop and become better. There are a huge number of skills that can be mastered at any time and used to your advantage.

“I want to learn how to draw, play the guitar, speak French…”, all this can be heard from the lips of a large number of people. At the same time, everyone has an excuse why they did not master the desired skill. In fact, everything is simple, the main thing is to want, and maybe the time has come to learn something new.

1. Develop your creativity.

The ability to draw or photograph has long grown from a hobby into a way to make money. Few can create beautiful paintings or take worthwhile photographs, and you have a chance to join their company, the main thing is to have a creative start. In many cities there are schools and courses where you can learn the basics of the chosen direction and become a true professional. It is important to practice every day, devoting at least half an hour to developing the skill.

2. Catch up on lost knowledge.

During school and university it is impossible to master everything, and as often happens, a person chooses a job that may not at all relate to the education received. It is never too late to fill in the gaps and learn new things, for example, the basics of accounting, law, and so on. You can study with a tutor, online or on your own, with the help of books and study guides.

3. Culinary masterpieces in the home kitchen.

The ability to cook is useful not only for women, but also for men. Believe me, if you can do something more than banal fried potatoes or meatballs, then this is a huge plus. There are a huge number of restaurant recipes on the network that you can master at home. Cooking skills are useful at any age. If you want to surprise your relatives and friends, then prepare something unexpected and very tasty for them.

4. Do-it-yourself minor home repairs.

The ability to repair a cabinet door or attach a baseboard will be useful to many, since it is a shame to call a master on such trifles. The training will take place at home, since you can find a huge number of videos on the network explaining in detail how to carry out simple repairs. Heroism should not be shown even in case of serious breakdowns, it is better to contact a specialist.

5. No language anywhere.

One of the most useful skills modern man- Fluency foreign languages. It's never too late to learn, the main thing is to set a goal. There are many options for obtaining knowledge: special group courses, individual lessons with a tutor, self-study and online learning.

6. You need to be able to protect yourself.

Unfortunately, the crime rate is constantly growing and no one is safe from attack, so even minimal self-defense skills can save a life. You can learn simple tricks on your own by watching a video that talks about pain points and shows the technique, and if you want to hit the offender in full, then it's better to attend lessons from a trainer.

7. Learn the skills of a designer.

Of course, no one says that you need to devote your whole life to this, but everyone can know the general principles in decorating rooms and develop style skills in themselves. It is recommended to get acquainted with the main color types and combinations, to understand the main features of each style. With this minimal knowledge, you can transform your home and workplace.

8. Realize musical dreams.

We have long wanted to master the guitar or the piano, but there was simply no time for this, perhaps it has finally come, and it is worth making the idea a reality. The main thing is to buy an instrument, and you can practice at home using numerous training sites, programs and videos. There are people who teach private lessons on various instruments. A few lessons and you will be able to amaze your friends by playing your favorite instrument.

9. Subtleties of human psychology.

That's what will never be superfluous is the ability to understand and understand people and yourself. Thanks to this, you can build good friendships and love relationships, avoid set-ups and other problems. You can study psychology throughout your life by reading useful books.

10. Now only successful negotiations.

A very useful skill for people building their career or business. There are many useful books that will help you understand how to build relationships with people around you, how to negotiate in order to get benefits and not let others manipulate you.

Do you want to know what is taught at school and what will definitely come in handy in life?
Of course, the following is taught in schools, but it is from school that you can begin to independently study the laws of life and success.

Peter Drucker- business guru, believed that the possession of true power is associated with the selection and comprehension of large amounts of information, and then transforming them into action.

Action is the key. We offer you the most effective directions of self-development.

1. Master financial literacy

Apply the rules of working with money in your life. Learn how to start your own business and manage your money.

Read books first:
- Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
- Yuri Moroz "Business. Manual for geniuses";
- Robert Allen "Multiple Sources of Income".

2. Learn to think

There are special techniques of thinking. Learn them from books:
- Edward de Bono
- and the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ).

3. Learn how human memory works

Read the book by Vladimir Kozarenko "Textbook of mnemonics". If you have children, then they will become excellent students in school simply by applying memorization techniques.

4. Learn to read quickly

One month of training and you will read 2 times faster. Complete all the exercises from Oleg Andreev's book "Learn to read quickly."

5. Master touch typing

Practice 2 weeks for 15 minutes a day with the Stamina program. And you can surprise your friends by touch typing. And most importantly, save yourself time in the future on typing.

6. Manage your dreams

By learning to control your dreams, you will open access to your creative abilities. Take the Lucid Dreaming in 7 Days course or read books on dreams. Lucid dreams are exciting adventures, they are like 3D films with your own participation.

7. Learn the Laws of Success

Successful people know things that others don't. There are secrets of success, applying which, you can achieve what you want. The most complete collection of working materials about success is collected in the collection "Magic of Success".

8. Work through your emotions. Control sexual energy.

Most milestone development. Namely, unrealized emotions create an obstacle in self-development.
Read books:
- Alexander Lowen "Psychology of the body";
- Stanislav Grof "Holotropic consciousness";
- Mantek Chia books.

Every man learns in life what he believes will be useful to him personally. Something important and irreplaceable. But at the same time, there are useful skills that could also be mastered, because these skills usually remain on the sidelines, but can be in demand at any time by the people around him. So that if suddenly some local apocalypse, emergency or just difficult situation, they said about such a man: “There is a real man among us, he will do everything!” And this “do” can be about anything from the very basics of survival, finding water and providing first aid, to cooking, buying clothes and fixing a car.

Therefore, here are 50 skills that are extremely useful and necessary for every man to learn ...

1. Carpentry

Carpentry is one of the oldest and most useful human skills. We can say that this is one of the reasons for the existence of our civilization. Carpentry has been around for thousands of years, and is more than relevant today. You don't have to be able to build a house from scratch, but some common things like sawing, planing and drilling, using power tools, hammering nails, driving screws, assembling and disassembling furniture, building something as simple as a shelf, or even a birdhouse. - it is simply necessary to know and be able to.

2. First aid

After obtaining water, first aid is the most important survival skill. Fortunately, in our time, the ability to provide first aid is not something that will be required of you every day, but if you know how to treat a wound and stop the bleeding, sooner or later it will save your life or someone else. Simply that knowing the basics of first aid means knowing your limits. If you're not a doctor, you don't need to try to put a broken bone back in place, because in the end, this attempt will lead to more damage or even rupture of large blood vessels, and, ultimately, death ...

3. Building a fire

The skill of building a fire is suitable for survival situations, as well as for hiking and camping. It is important to remember that the guarantee of a good flame and a “tenacious” fire is its breathing, that is, the flow of oxygen. Still need to know the advantages and disadvantages various kinds wood while burning, and "kindling" options for a fire (for example, freshly cut branches will be too wet to start a fire). Creating fire is a very slow process if done right. This is not a bunch of dry branches at the bottom of the barbecue, which you need to douse with lighter fluid and throw a burning match there. Here you have to actually coax the fire into life, slowly feed it and grow it in order to get the maximum benefit later.

4. Construction of a hut or any other shelter

We hope that you will never have to spend the night in the wild in a situation where you have never planned and never wanted to. But, if this happens, you will have to build a shelter from the weather and wild animals. Any design will do - from a simple hut to a more advanced shelter. However, remember that it is not enough to simply build a pile of branches and spruce branches, it is more important to think about bedding that insulates you from the cold ground when you sleep, and how such a design can protect you from rain, wind and predators. And one more thing - choose wisely and the area itself. A survival shelter set up in a riverbed or on a wildlife trail can do more harm than good.

5. Buying a suit

You might think that an event like buying a suit is something simple and not very necessary. But here you are mistaken, this is a very complex and useful skill. Buying a good suit is more like buying a car. To commit good shopping you will not only have to learn to distinguish between style, cut and cut, but also be well versed in pricing, to distinguish good offers from divorce. Most the best option here - turn to a professional tailor or atelier to ultimately get a suit that will perfectly fit your figure. In this it is not a shame to go to an interview, to a wedding best friend or any other formal event requiring respectability in appearance.

6. Fishing

There is a saying: “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish - he will be fed all his life! A hackneyed phrase, but that's the way it is. Fishing is a useful skill and a great way to get the essential protein, whether you're on a river, stranded on a desert island, or just love sushi and rolls. Fishing is also a great opportunity to relax in nature, relaxing and enjoying the great weather. There are several ways to fish, look, study, maybe something specific will suit your taste.

7. Changing a wheel on a car

According to statistics, every man at least once in his life punctures a tire on a wheel, even if he does not drive a car =)

The vast majority of cars have a spare tire in the trunk, on the roof or on the tailgate. IN emergency when you have a flat tire on your car, you should be able to replace it with a spare. At the very least, this will save time, because instead of waiting for someone to come to the rescue - and will they? - you will change the wheel and return to the intended route.

8. Engine oil change

Changing the oil in your car's engine is undoubtedly more important and responsible than changing a wheel. If you "kill a tire" - buying a new one is not difficult, and it's not that expensive. But an irregular oil change or no oil change at all will lead to engine breakdown - its repair will be much more expensive, by an order of magnitude. Hint: knowing how to change your oil saves you time and money - you will pay much more in a car service than just buying oil and a filter. Of course, you don't always have to change the oil yourself, but you can save money and learn something new if you decide to do it yourself.

9. Photographing

Aimed the lens and pressed the shutter button, what could be easier? But seriously, it's much more complicated. It takes a lot more time and attention to take a good photo than just pressing a button. It is necessary to take into account the location of both the subject and secondary objects, find a good background, catch the necessary focus, lighting. Ideally, get confused with depth of field and shutter speed. This is a useful skill, because even if you are just photographing relatives for a family album, you will have great photos as a keepsake.

10 CPR

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can be seen as a necessary addition to basic first aid skills. We have taken this useful skill separately, since it involves saving the life of another person, and not your own. CPR techniques are constantly evolving, and the theses of 20 years ago are very different from modern methods, mainly due to research and practice. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a skill that needs to be practiced regularly - if you ever learned how to do CPR, it does not mean that you will do everything right today. And you probably won't even. Remember, this knowledge has saved as many lives as ignorance has ruined.

11. Making cocktails

Whiskey and cola is not a real cocktail. Sorry, but it's true =)

Real alcoholic cocktails require a little more knowledge and the ability to select ingredients and their quantities. And especially if you have your own home bar and want to really enjoy your drinks, you'd do well to learn at least a few really good cocktail recipes. You can start with simple and time-tested flavors, and then, when you feel confident, move on to more modern alcoholic cocktails.

12. Critical thinking and situational awareness

Noticing everything around you and reacting correctly is one of those things that is much easier said than done. It's hard to learn, and it's easy to "jump off" this way of behaving. Nevertheless, if you can devote at least a little time to development every day, you will see that at any moment you can easily look from the outside as your own. own life, and on your surroundings and everything that concerns you. This is called critical thinking, one of those qualities that will help you excel at practicing all the other skills on this list.

13. Dancing

Perhaps you don't always have rock and roll in your head and you're not ready to start dancing at the first notes of tango. However, there is much more dancing in our society than we would like to think. This happens especially often at weddings, for example - there dancing is generally a mandatory phenomenon. Therefore, learn at least one popular dance - at least you will not lose your face, and if circumstances coincide, you will win the heart the best girl at a party just by dancing with her.

14. Playing cards

Have you been to Las Vegas? This city is unforgettable, and one of the reasons is that playing cards is elevated to an absolute art there. And even if you never intend to visit Sin City, you can always have a good time playing cards with friends. There are many card games that you can and should learn. From the American classics, of course, this is Texas Poker, Blackjack and Rummy. We are closer to such old men as Preference, Brizhd, Goat and of course the Fool.

15. Ability to dress "for the occasion"

Do not wear jeans to a formal meeting. Don't wear a tuxedo to a pool party. Don't wear your favorite band's T-shirt to an interview. These cases are greatly exaggerated, but nevertheless they give a good idea of ​​what clothes, where and how to wear. Whoever thinks, but the ability to dress properly for the occasion is akin to an art, often in addition to experience, it requires highly developed intuition, and sometimes even luck.

16. Driving in bad weather

Wherever there are roads, there are difficult driving conditions dictated by bad weather - heavy rain, snowstorm or even a storm. Driving safely in bad weather is not just about continuing to drive, but also about providing a safe environment for other road users. Some of our advice is simple - for example, don't brake hard on wet roads, avoid hydroplaning, don't steer in strong crosswinds. Be careful, and you will save yourself and your car from trouble.

17. Driving a car with a manual transmission

At first glance, it may seem that the era of manual transmission cars is coming to an end. And here is nothing like that, partly thanks to lovers of extreme driving. Believe me - far from always you will be able to travel by car with a gun. Therefore, the ability to control a mechanical gear lever is in demand and necessary - master this useful skill if you have not already done so! Moreover, with a manual “box”, the car is much better controlled and felt on the road or track. Well, and another - an important plus - you simply will not have free hands to be distracted by a smartphone while driving.

18. Driving with a trailer

Imagine that you decide to move, or you just need to transport a few things from your house to the country. Maybe you want to go on a cross-country trip with a motorhome attached to your pickup truck. In any case, you should know that driving with a trailer is fundamentally different from driving a car or even a truck. Driving with a trailer is much more difficult - this applies to accelerating, braking, turning and turning, and especially reversing and maintaining stability on the road at speed. And it takes practice and more practice.

19. Felling trees

To fell a tree, you will simply chop and chop the wood with an ax until a crack is heard, after which you will yell “Be afraid! Tree!"? Not really an option. Chopping and felling trees requires a lot more knowledge than "picking up an ax and felling a fucking tree." By using correct technique felling, you save the lion's share of your strength, and set the direction where the tree will fall. And this will ensure the safety of you and the people around you, as well as convenience in subsequent processing.

20. Search and purification of water

As we said, getting water is the most important and useful survival skill. Lost in the wilderness, in the steppe or in the desert, you can live for weeks without food, but die in a matter of days without water. At a minimum, learn how to find and extract water - and this will save your life. Developing a skill involves studying options when water cannot be consumed, or you can - but after careful disinfection and filtration. For example, stagnant water is almost guaranteed to cause acute poisoning, and then dehydration will come much earlier.

21. Elimination of leaks

A leaking pipe, faucet, or hose is a fairly common occurrence within city limits. In addition to the fact that this is a waste and can generally damage the floor, walls and ceilings, constantly dripping water causes irritation. And calling a plumber can be expensive. Therefore, be patient and try to fix everything yourself, you will save time and money. And, yes, buy the appropriate set of tools to get started.

22. Gardening

Historically, gardening has been a purely male occupation, no matter how strange it may sound. According to sources, it was men who were more likely to agriculture. Perhaps this is due to the fact that initially fruits and vegetables were grown in gardens for survival and, in general, autonomous existence. So gardening does not mean growing flowers, but cultivating food.

23. Cooking and frying meat

Barbecue or barbecue in the backyard, on the beach and in the park is one of our favorite activities, because it combines two beautiful things: food and nature. However, you need to understand and comprehend the basics of frying meat - marinating barbecue, cooking methods, what kind of firewood, coal, how to grill meat on a barbecue (here, by the way, a whole layer of science, including the safety of handling propane). In the end, thanks to this useful skill, you can cook delicious kebabs, fry killer steaks and juicy burgers whenever your heart desires.

24. Ability to write by hand

We live in a digital world - and this is kind of a sad fact, because in this way we will soon completely forget how to write by hand. So don't let that happen and practice whenever you can. Believe it or not, but if you write something down on paper, and not drive it into a tablet or smartphone, then it will take root in our memory much more reliably. Sometimes writing something by hand in a notebook will turn out even faster than typing in a laptop. In any case, you will be happy that you can write beautifully and quickly, if suddenly digital technology fails ...

25. Ability to hang something anywhere

Why is this simple case given a place in our article? Imagine, here, too, not everything is simple. Hanging a picture on a nail hammered into a wooden wall does not require any special skill. And if the wall is brick, concrete? And then how to check if the picture hangs exactly? Here you need, for example, a level ... Excuse me, what?

But, let's say, you have to hang something heavy on a plaster wall - here you will need a completely different level of this kind of simple skill. Rest assured, you will soon find out what are anchor fasteners, stainless steel profiles, drywall dowels, and so on and so forth. Therefore - at least buy a drill, dowels and a few anchors. And the level.

We. Publishing house life

What You Can Learn in a Week: 24 Skills You Can Learn in 7 Days

Do you think seven days is too short a time to learn something new? I also thought so, until we gathered as a content landing and remembered what each of us managed to learn in a week. At least once. It turned out to be quite a list. Browse, choose activities to your liking and act, of course.

1. Learn the alphabet of a foreign language

By allocating 10-20 minutes every day to memorize and repeat the alphabet of a language - Swahili, French or Bulgarian - you can learn it by heart in a week.

2. Learn to play one song on the ukulele

Proven by Sergey Kaplichny. The ukulele is a Hawaiian musical instrument that resembles a small guitar. And it will be possible to master it even for someone who is far from music, but close to bears, who tend to step on the ears of anyone. You will play a simple melody in a week.

3. Talk about yourself in Spanish

And Tanya Burtseva put this in the "piggy bank of ideas". In just a week, she learned to talk to herself quite tolerably in Spanish: “Hi! How are you? My name is Tanya. I'm 29. I'm from Russia, and you? I like to travel and I really like to sleep. And I also have two cats.

Rather, yes. Hola. ¿Como estas? Me llamo Tanya. Tengo 29 anos. Soy de Russia. Y tu? Me gusta viajar y me gusta mucho dormir. Tengo dos gatos.

4. Make a real video.

If you didn't imagine yourself as a cameraman and video editor even in your wildest dreams, it's time to act. The impossible is possible - it's true. Completely unable - at first - to handle "movie makers" and other programs with no less terrible names, this year the videos were made Sergei Kaplichny , Larisa Parfentieva And Tanya Burtseva. Take ten minutes to see how cool they turned out.

5. Ride a bike without hands

Of course, if you know how to ride with your hands 🙂

6. Juggle

Helpful Hint: It will work only if you have it on hand good instruction.

7. Paint Gradient With Watercolor

Yulia Bayandina will soon be recognized in stores in Perm, where everything for creativity is sold. This year, she learned how to draw a gradient and a real rose beautifully (it didn’t turn out the way you wanted the first time, but a week is enough for you to learn how to draw flowers almost with your eyes closed).

8. Cook falafel

Since Sergei Kaplichny moved to Moscow, he has been organizing falafel parties on Thursdays (in fact, they have been in China and in Yekaterinburg), where a variety of - and very interesting - people come. Well, their name speaks for itself. Here is falafel made by SKaplichniy.

9. Run 15 minutes non-stop

Remember the physical education lessons at school? “Five laps around the stadium! Don't hide behind a pillar - I can see you. Forgot your uniform at home? Have you forgotten your head? Run in what you came! Even if you still wake up in a sweat from the cry of a physical teacher, this is no reason not to run. Just a week - and you can feel like an athlete with a capital "A", as Yulia Bayandina did.

Confirmation of what has been said 🙂

10. Make origami

The indefatigable Sergey Kaplichny - I suspect that his secret is in the Lifelist - said that origami can also be mastered. So think about what figure you want to fold out of paper, and get started.

11. Prepare a delicious cocktail

Or five cocktails. Take a shaker, Google and everything you need to eat (and “drink”) for cooking, and start the experiment.

12. Learn card tricks

Of course, one cannot become a Copperfield in a week, but one or two tricks can definitely be mastered.

13. Plank for two minutes

If you find it hard to tear yourself off the floor today, in a week you will do it once or twice. Particularly stubborn will master

14. Spin the hoop

There is nothing to explain here. We take a round object that can be climbed into and vigorously rotate the hips.

15. Ride a bike, scooter, skateboard, hoverboard

Who likes what. While summer (at least until there is no snow), you can work out.

16. Find a way to get rid of stress

Every day - new way. So in a week you will definitely find one that works better than others. Here are a few articles to get inspiration from (and these very ways):

17. Keep a sleep schedule

Complaining about bad sleep? Follow the regimen for seven days, and you will, but wake up like a rested adult.

18. Plan a budget

Okay, at least get started. Of course, this will not turn into a habit in a week, but you will get used to writing down income and expenses. I’ve been doing this for three years already - it’s convenient: you see where the money goes, where you spent more than you should have, and in the next months you can adjust your spending. Download the application on your smartphone (try a few to understand which one you like best), think about the categories and write down everything, even a hundred rubles.

I can see at any time when and on what I spent the money.

I take out my phone right at the checkout in the store and write down the exact amount that the cashier calls. I usually have time to do this even before the money is debited from the card. It's faster than you think.

19. Become more confident in yourself ...

…if you pass . The seven-day challenge is another test of strength. Many MYTHs have been through Hell Week (check out the reports: one, two, and three), and I can say for myself: we are able to do much more and much cooler than we imagine. Every person has potential waiting to be unpacked. And Hell Week is the first step in that direction. Just be sure to get ready to get the most out of this difficult - really difficult - week (but it will leave impressions for a long time).