What does a responsible person mean? Perseverance, prudence, intelligence - all this is important, but without optimism, all your undertakings will not reach the goal. Enthusiasm, on the other hand, turns troubles into challenges and infects other people. What do you want to be: winner

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Responsibility- one of the most main human qualities. People endowed with this property are more likely to be hired, it is more pleasant not only to communicate with them, but in general to have at least some contact, because without the responsible person- this is an adult child, you cannot wait for help from him, he is eccentric and not able to answer for his actions and words.

How to become a responsible person?

Having become responsible for his life, a person gains freedom, begins to build his own happiness on his own, overcomes obstacles and achieves his goals.

  • The first rule is plan your day

Many large companies carry out time management training. It allows you to effectively distribute your time in such a way that it is enough for everything.

Americans and Germans are famous workaholics, but by Friday night everyone is on the golf courses. None of them stay up late at work and take work home. And all why? Because they have sing to do everything during working hours.

The theory of time management is suitable even for a housewife. With it, any person begins to truly value his time, learn to distribute it correctly, and not waste a single minute.

  • Train your memory

Always pay attention to the little things for which your consciousness can cling. At first it will be difficult, but then you can easily remember what you ate last Monday and whether you really turned off the iron.

The ability to memorize a large amount of information is a very useful skill in life. After all, a good memory helps to track down your mistakes in order to take them into account in the future.

  • Don't throw words to the wind

The responsible person first thinks can he complete the task? or comply the necessary conditions, and only then promises something. If you are not confident in your abilities, then you can say that you will simply try or you will not be able to guarantee 100% compliance with the conditions.

  • Write down your plans and tasks because you can't remember everything

Then you never forget about a very important meeting or about serious negotiations. By the way, organizers were invented for these purposes.

  • Practice more organizational work

It does not matter what it will be - a picnic, a holiday or a school trip to another city. Take care of everything! The more events you arrange, the easier and faster you will get it, and the easier it will become for you to manage your life.

  • Never say phrases: “If it weren’t for work/weather/friends…”, “the leadership/government/doctors/oligarchs are to blame for everything…” and so on

Man is the master of his own life! He is able, if not to change his conditions of existence, then to change them. Every morning, repeat as a mantra: “I am the master of my life. I alone am responsible for what happens to me.” Believe what is said, because it is true!

  • Find a soul mate and develop with it in unison

It's easier to change together than alone. After all, even on a diet it is easier to sit if someone supports you. Share successes, recipes for overcoming difficulties, and compete in increasing your responsibility. This is the best way to motivate both of you.

In this case, it will be possible to tell a friend that yesterday you organized an excursion for 40 five-graders to the zoo, and the interlocutor will tell that she took on a complex project at work, and has almost completed it.

  • Always - act

Even in the most difficult situation do not lose yourself and look for ways out of the crisis. And if you seem to have no problems and everything is going smoothly, then do not stop there, but think about the next goal. Go ahead and aim for it.

  • change

Do not think that with age it is impossible to change. Amazing transformations happen even at 70. People are changing their lives become really happy and free. Therefore, it is not necessary to attribute failures to fate. All or almost all problems are a consequence of our actions and mistakes that need to be analyzed and corrected.

Increasing responsibility means getting out of your comfort zones. And on this path, you will have to step over yourself more than once.

But you definitely need to overpower and take this step in order to reach a new level of quality of life with increased responsibility!

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The Complete Guide to Responsibility: what is responsibility, what does it mean to be a responsible person, why is it important to be responsible, how to become a more responsible person? How to avoid feelings of guilt and anxiety due to excessive or hyper-responsibility? Learn the difference between responsibility and guilt. Also in this article we will tell you about what social responsibility is.

Responsibility: Complete Guide

Have you ever thought about what responsibility and irresponsibility are? What do we mean by responsibility? If you start thinking about it, pictures from your childhood will surely pop up before your eyes. Children, when deciding whether they will obey their parents or not, and especially if they want to "defy authorities" (mom and dad), may hear in response: "You must be responsible."

If you ask a child what it means to be responsible, he will answer you with something like “do everything well”, “obey mom and dad”, “do homework”. Adults use this term - "responsibility" - so that children understand and accept that they should behave well and do what their parents tell them.

Do you think responsibility is a little more than obligations? What comes to your mind when we talk about responsibility?

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What is responsibility? Definition

If we turn to the etymology of the word "responsibility", we will see that it does not come from "obligation" at all. Russian word"responsibility" comes from "answer, decision"; V European languages also - from the word "promise".

Becoming a responsible person means learning to make conscious decisions, to apply behaviors that allow you to become better or help others to become better. And most importantly a responsible person understands and accepts the consequences of their own actions and decisions.

In dictionary Spanish RAE Royal Academy of the Spanish Language responsibility is defined as "the existing ability of any active subject of law to recognize and accept the consequences of the voluntary action taken".

This definition emphasizes the need for a person to take responsibility for the possible negative consequences of their actions.

Being responsible: what does it give us?

Responsibility is very useful, it is not for nothing that they say that "a responsible person is a free person." A sense of responsibility can help you achieve your goals in any area of ​​life. Responsibility allows you to create your own value and take the reins of your life into your own hands. Responsibility helps:

  • Be more honest and decent: When we are inclined to tell the truth and keep our promises, people around us believe us, considering us honest and decent people.
  • Be more independent: Accepting the consequences of our actions will help us make better decisions.
  • Have great confidence: People trust a responsible person more. But more importantly, we begin to trust ourselves more. We feel better when we do something right. And even in the event of a mistake, we are satisfied because we know that in this or that situation we did our best.

Responsibility as a value

Responsibility is taught from childhood. Both in the family and in the school, children need to be taught values.

Of course, everyone wants their partner to be decent and responsible, children to be able to take responsibility and not get into unpleasant stories, parents and teachers to be responsible and take care of children, specialists to do their work with responsibility. Why do we think that a person should be responsible?

Because the presence of such people around gives us a feeling of confidence and security. We think: “Yes, he is responsible, he will do everything right.” The sense of security is one of basic needs according to Maslow's pyramid.

This is one of the reasons why responsibility is valued so favorably in our society - because it gives us security, trust and a certain stability.

How to become more responsible?

There is no magic formula for becoming more responsible. However, it is possible to “train” and bring up responsibility.

If you want to achieve something, fulfill your promises and obligations, you need, first of all, a predisposition and. Since you have already read the article up to this point, you already have all this. I will give you some additional tips and tricks. So how do you develop a sense of responsibility?

  1. Set goals: It is important to understand why you are doing something. Understanding the meaning and direction of actions helps us consciously continue to fulfill our responsibilities. If you think your goal is too long-term, set small goals for yourself to achieve it. I recommend writing them down. It may sound silly, but written down goals become real. Writing down your goals can help you become more responsible!
  2. Be objective: What is up to me and what is not? Write a list of what is up to you and what you can control. Your attention must be directed to these aspects, as you cannot be held responsible for something that is beyond your control.
  3. form good habits: If you find it difficult to "pull yourself together", try to organize your daily routine. For example, plan that every day for exactly one hour before watching a movie, you will study. This will help you, in addition, you will know for sure that the classes will take only an hour before watching, for example, your favorite series.
  4. Reward yourself: Your inner ambitions are important here. If you have achieved your goal, why not acknowledge it? This is your moment of success, praise and treat yourself!
  5. Be honest with yourself: You are mistaken? The result depended only on you, but you failed? Take responsibility, admit it. Analyze: why did something go wrong, how could you have done differently to achieve what you wanted?
  6. Share your plans: No, no, this is not about publicly sharing your plans on social networks. I mean your loved ones. Best friend, mother, brother or sister. Tell them what you have in mind and how you will do it. You will be able to receive support from the closest relatives and friends. In addition, it will already be embarrassing for you to turn off the intended path.
  7. Act: What you can take responsibility for is your actions. For example, clean your room, turn in your work on time, cook dinner, etc. This is specific behavior that you can take responsibility for, but you Not you can take responsibility for the consequences. For example, no matter how well you prepare for a lesson, it does not guarantee you the highest mark from the teacher, and if you tried hard all day and prepared dinner, this does not mean that your food will definitely please your guests. It's not up to you. Therefore, just outline the action plan and tasks that you want to accomplish and have all the resources necessary for this, and act!

I don't want to deceive you. Becoming a responsible person takes time, desire and effort.

Remember that persistence is the key to success. Concentrate on your goal and you will succeed.

You can write your most important goals in capital letters, and sub-goals or mini-goals in normal letters just below. Start gradually, step by step, taking responsibility for certain actions or tasks.

Remember to be responsible for all your actions. If you don't succeed, don't punish yourself. Analyze the causes, correct the path, recognize the difficulties and start again.

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Responsibility and guilt

Guilt and responsibility are not the same thing. Being responsible for something does not mean being guilty. Be honest, how many times have you had to make excuses by saying "It's not my fault!" in situations that you actually had no control over?

I will tell you a story that you may find familiar. Imagine that early in the morning at home you saw a message on your phone from your boss with the following content: “The project urgently needs to be handed over by 13:00. The client will arrive early. Everything has to be perfect. And do not try to be late, this client is very important for our company and he will not wait.”

All morning you rush to finish the project and leave the house on time, even with a margin of time so as not to be late. You take the train, but the train constantly stops between stations and is late. You start scolding yourself: “I should have left earlier.” You understand that you are already late for about five minutes. Next, you exit the platform and stumble upon some kind of rally. The street is blocked, it is simply impossible to go directly, and you are forced to change the route, as a result of which you are late for another 15 minutes, thinking: “Well, why did all this happen today?” Finally, you arrive at the office, waiting for the elevator... You are 20 minutes late. “The client has probably already left, the boss will “kill” me, you think. And then your dialogue with the boss:

  • “I told you it was important to arrive on time! Look at the clock! Because of you, the client left just furious! It's entirely your fault!"
  • "Do you think I'm on purpose? It's not my fault that the train was very late, and half of the district was blocked because of the demonstration.

Let's see what's going on here.

You did everything you could. They showed understanding, made an effort, were interested in a successful result. However, various external factors prevented you from arriving on time for the meeting. Let's evaluate this story.

  • Q: What was your real responsibility? Answer: present the completed project to the client at 13:00. Did you manage? No.
  • Question: Who is responsible for the fact that the client is angry? Answer: only the client himself, since we cannot control the emotions of other people. Are you responsible for this? No.

Being responsible for something and being guilty of something are not the same thing. What does guilt mean?

  • Voluntary action: In order for someone to be guilty of something, this person must actively strive for a certain result.
  • This result is negative.. If you are guilty of something, this result carries a negative context.
  • Guilt makes us think about causal connections. Not everything in this life happens according to the “cause and effect” scheme. A given situation can be influenced by many various factors, as in the example above. Moreover, even if we manage to somehow influence these factors, this does not mean at all that the result will be positive. In the example above, a person could get stuck in a traffic jam or a subway strike, which would also prevent him from arriving on time for a meeting. Or a person could do some unintentional actions that could lead to a negative result (for example, accidentally deleting a finished project from a computer).

It is very important to understand that we often take responsibility for what we cannot control or change with any of our efforts, feeling guilty for situations beyond our control, which puts us in despair, worsens our mood and even makes us angry.

The same thing happens if we are accused of something. It seems unfair to us, because what happened was not included in our plans either. Before blaming someone, consider whether the person did it on purpose or not. Make sure first that he did everything for which he was responsible in this situation.

Why is it bad to be irresponsible?

In social psychology, there is a theory of Weiner, the so-called "attribution theory". Attribution is the attribution of characteristics to oneself or another person. Attribution theory is the study of how people interpret events, their causes and motives, and how this affects their thinking and behavior. By observing the behavior of another person, we try to understand the reasons for such behavior. Attributions affect how we think and interact with others, and of course, situations where responsibility is judged.

Attributions are divided into:

  1. External attributions: when we are looking for an explanation / reason in the external environment. Those. a person behaves this way because of the situation in which he finds himself. He is not responsible for this. For example, when we say " don't make me nervous“We seem to be unable to control the situation and it is inevitable. Many people use external attributions to avoid liability. Another example of such expressions: "I was not lucky". By using this phrase, we thereby want to convey the idea that despite the fact that we have all the resources and abilities to achieve the optimal result, it so happened by chance that the result turned out to be negative = we are not responsible for this.
  2. Internal attributions: when we are looking for an explanation/reason within ourselves. Those. we explain human behavior by its internal properties, character, worldview, etc. For example, when we achieve success, we say: "It's all thanks to me", "I did it". But also at negative consequences for the other person, we also use internal attributions, thereby recognizing that we somehow influenced the situation: “I’m very sorry”, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you”.

Obviously, the style of attribution used by a person can greatly affect his self-image and even his happiness. For example, if a person, because of modesty, is shy or does not recognize his successes, he will have lowered self-esteem and he will think that his achievements do not depend on him. Conversely, a person who constantly takes credit for themselves will come across as an arrogant narcissist.

What happens if you use internal attribution for negative results and external - for positive? Exactly the same.

Therefore, you need to be consistent and objective. It is important to understand and take responsibility for what we do poorly, but we must also enjoy our own successes. This will give us emotional balance and a positive effect on self-esteem.

Responsibility as a social value

Speaking of social values, we mean specific specific principles established in certain society, the correct and conflict-free observance of which contributes to well-being.

Responsibility as a social value affects relationships with others, as well as with oneself:


One aspect of responsibility as a social value is agreement. We are constantly negotiating. At home, at work, with friends, with family. To negotiate means to make promises and keep them.

It is curious, but often we fail to agree with ourselves. For example, we promise ourselves: “From Monday I go on a diet and start playing sports”, “Today I am busy, and tomorrow I will go to school”. “I will go to the gym three times a week, without passes.” Surely you are familiar with this and also probably you promised yourself this, but you never did. Don't you think this is strange? Why does it happen that we do not even do what we promised ourselves? Are we so loyal to ourselves that we forgive ourselves for it? Imagine what would happen if:

  • "Grandma, I'll come on Monday and help you." But you don't come.
  • "Today I'm working, and tomorrow, son, I'll help you with your homework." But you are not helping.
  • "I'll do three classes at the gym." But you don't show up.

Does responsibility to others seem more important to you than responsibility to yourself?


The next aspect of responsibility as a social value is obligations. We already mentioned the topic of obligations at the beginning of the article. This is what we are taught from childhood. At every stage of life, every year, we have to learn and take on certain obligations and responsibilities to the society in which we live and develop.

Very often, such obligations are not voiced, they are accepted as if by themselves. Surely this has happened to you: if you do some housework, for example, because you decided to do it at some point, other family members begin to think that you will always do this? For example: mom always loads the washing machine, dad does the shopping, my brother walks the dog, I set the table.”

What happens if one day mom comes home late from work? - There will be no clean linen.

What happens if a brother forgets to walk the dog? She will write in the house.

What happens if the father can't buy groceries? We will be left without food.

Of course, these examples may seem extreme, because, as a rule, such household duties alternate. But sometimes it happens, and it starts: “Mom, I don’t have a clean T-shirt”, “Dad, you didn’t buy my favorite cookie”, “Ivan, you are punished today because the dog wrote in the house!”. Think of similar situations in your life.

Strength of will

Willpower can be defined as the ability to make efforts and sacrifice something for a certain period of time in order to achieve a goal, the realization of which will bring us great pleasure.

If the goal is short-term, it is much easier to exercise willpower. Therefore, to maintain willpower, it is useful to break the main goal into several subgoals, so it will be easier to maintain willpower for a long period of time.

Also remember to ask yourself: why? Why am I doing this? Do I still want to achieve this? What do I need to do to achieve my goal? Answering these questions will give you the strength and support you need to move on. Only forward!

Thank you for reading this article. As always, we welcome questions and comments. What do you think about responsibility? What do you think irresponsibility is? Are you a responsible person? What are you doing to be responsible? Share with us.

Translation by Anna Inozemtseva

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The Austrian psychologist, philosopher and humanist Viktor Frankl once subtly noted that responsibility is the basis of human existence. Indeed, for any adult, responsibility is a strictly mandatory quality, unless, of course, he wants to be independent, successful and happy. We will talk about how to become more responsible in this material.

Responsibility: why is it important?

IN modern world, many people, unfortunately, absolutely do not want to grow up. Having reached the age of majority or later, they still continue to sit on the neck of their parents, the state, or even their spouse - husband or wife. They play computer games, spend time on the Internet or in bad company on the street and completely forget that their role in life is also to find a decent job, get a good salary and provide for a family.

To achieve these goals, to become a respected and worthy person in all respects, only a responsible person can. A responsible person understands that in each individual situation he has a huge variety of options, knows how to make decisions and knows that his life time is limited. Such an individual appreciates every free minute, tries to use it for his own benefit and never shifts responsibility for his actions, feelings and thoughts to other people or circumstances. He does not blame others for his failures and mistakes and knows that in order to change something, you need to start with yourself and change yourself.

Let us return to Frankl, who, by the way, developed a whole theory dedicated to the meaning of life and responsibility, calling it logotherapy (from the Greek “logos”, which means “meaning”). According to the famous Austrian doctor, responsibility is what life itself puts a person in front of and what many of us strive to avoid. He often compared responsibility to an abyss, very deep and frightening, but at the same time very majestic.

A prominent psychologist notes that our future and the future of other people depend entirely on us. After all, every second only we make a choice and make a single decision, implement or, conversely, miss the opportunity that is available at a given moment in time. And on what decision we make, depends not only our behavior, but also the behavior, as well as the attitude of others towards us.

About overly responsible people

But there is another extreme - excessive responsibility, which, by the way, is characteristic of quite a few people. For example, people with a shy character often suffer from it. Individuals who lack self-confidence and low self-esteem often project their fears into the future. Suppose they are often afraid to call or take the first step before meeting an interesting person, because they are set up to refuse and think that a potential interlocutor will not communicate with them due to being busy, unwilling to build relationships and communicate with them. Thus, they take responsibility for the feelings, thoughts and actions of other people in advance, thereby programming themselves for failure.

If we talk about excessive responsibility in general, then in essence, this is actually the same as irresponsible behavior, since a person thinks about others, but stops thinking about himself, taking care of himself and his needs.

How to become more responsible?

For those wishing to get rid of excessive responsibility and control, two books can be recommended for reading: Henry Cloud - "Barriers" and Susan Jeffers - "Fear, but act!" In the first of the proposed works, it is well explained what exactly we ourselves are responsible for, and what other people are responsible for. In particular, we are responsible to others and to ourselves. Along the way, the book will teach you to set personal boundaries, to make right choice, despite the manipulations and emerging feelings of the interlocutor, to say "No" in various life situations etc.

The second book is a popular bestseller from a specialist in the field of positive psychology. The study of this creation, by the way, will be very helpful for those people who suffer from shyness, indecision and various fears.

Take responsibility for your life. In other words, realize that in every single situation you have thousands of possibilities and choices. But this choice is made by you, and not by anyone else.

Remember the finiteness of our life. Appreciate every free minute and do not forget that in every single moment you also make a choice. Some decisions are up, others are down.

Try not to shift responsibility to others or external circumstances. Many people often attribute failures to an unhappy childhood, psychological trauma and blame others (parents, spouses, etc.). This is an unconstructive position. To become more responsible, you need to gradually remove yourself from the place of a child and take the position of an adult who is responsible for everything in his life himself.

In relationships with other people, divide the responsibility in half. Remember that any relationship (business, personal, etc.) must be equal. Equal responsibility - does not mean that your companion, business partner or leader should behave the same way as you. This means that each of us has his own burden and duty to fulfill properly. You are responsible only for your side and do not climb into someone else's territory.

Get rid of the Inner Talker, which Susan Jeffers writes about in a book. The Inner Talker is that monologue that you carry on with yourself, preventing you from overcoming your fears and taking responsibility for what is happening. In other words, this is a negative thinking and it should be gradually replaced with a positive one.

Learn to say "No" to the people around you. Start small, for example, in order to refuse sellers in stores. When saying “No” to your interlocutor, it is important to remember that your interlocutor may have negative feelings - anger, resentment, etc. They can be used as manipulation to get you to agree with the persuader. Therefore, in spite of them, firmly stand your ground. For example, when breaking up with a man who is not suitable for you, do not make contact. A person needs to endure the bitterness of loss, pain is a manifestation of love for him, since it passes with time.

Don't be afraid to take responsibility. Expand your comfort zone. Start with small tasks, then move on to bigger ones. For example, sign up for training courses and get a new profession. Take on a new work order and do the assigned task "100%". All of this will help you build your self-confidence.

Keep a diary. In it, mark both victories and mistakes, which you should pay attention to next time so as not to make the wrong choice. Review your notes regularly so that you don't forget what you once did.

Formulate your life goals and proceed to consistently achieve them. Take responsibility for setting these goals for yourself. On the correct setting of goals on our website there is a separate one.

Realize the benefits that gives you loose behavior, irresponsibility. This is a difficult to implement, but very important point. Many do not understand that it is beneficial for them to remain small children, get sick or avoid something, because. such behavior attracts a lot of attention in relation to oneself, sympathy and support. Over time, you must learn to act and accept independent solutions regardless of whether others approve of them or treat them negatively.

The losers are in control of life, the winners are in control of their lives.

What are the characteristics of a responsible person?

1. A responsible person expresses gratitude to people, develops a sense of gratitude in himself.

Stop thinking that everyone around you is obligated to provide you with various services, and learn to sincerely thank you. It doesn't have to be something material. Give the person your sincere feeling of gratitude, write a letter or postcard, visit the person or call him.

2. A responsible person gives sincere compliments.

Tell the person sincerely something good that you noticed in himself or in the environment that he created. Say what you think, because our body never lies, and your sincerity or deceit will be sure to be “read” in your eyes, tone of voice, facial expression. Rudeness, on the contrary, is an imitation of strength on the part of a weak person. Strong man not afraid to notice the good and talk about it!

3. A responsible person is genuinely interested in other people.

Observant people are always able to tell how much you are given to them during the conversation, even if it's a phone conversation. When shaking hands, do not let the person think that he is holding a dead fish in his hands. Look the person you are talking to in the eye. Try to remember names and surnames. Be true to yourself man good character, which is the result of our life path. Keep your word firmly.

4. A responsible person is friendly.

They say that without real friends, even a millionaire is a beggar. Genuine friendship is worth the time and effort, but it's worth the effort.

5. A responsible person is optimistic, full of enthusiasm.

Perseverance, prudence, intelligence - all this is important, but without optimism, all your undertakings will not reach the goal. Enthusiasm, on the other hand, turns troubles into challenges and infects other people. What do you want to be: a winner or a loser? Then accept this motto: winners do not retreat!

6. A responsible person behaves naturally and smiles easily, because he lives in a world of joy.

There is no point in pretending, because any lie will be revealed sooner or later. It is better to train your mind to be in a world of joyful wonder at life in all its manifestations.

7. A responsible person looks well-groomed.

It does not matter how old you are and whether or not you have wrinkles, false teeth or a bald head. Your looks work for you if you take care of yourself, and your looks work against you if you don't. Uncleaned shoes, dirty broken nails, unwashed hair cannot be overlooked. When you look good, you also feel good, smile more easily and enter into business contacts more boldly.

8. A responsible person is punctual, rational and balanced.

Balance is a very important quality in the life of a business person. Leave your whims and bad mood. I wanted to write: for myself, but no - and for yourself you do not need them. Calm people are so attractive that you want to communicate with them and establish long-term relationships. Respect your time and the time of other people, because the days are evil, the most valuable earthly gift - time - can flow through your fingers like water. A well-thought-out schedule helps to manage time well.

9. A responsible person is ready for action.

Opportunities knock on our doors much more often than we open them to pursue them. Remember your unrealized opportunities and figure out what your life would be like if you were ready for real actions and start them then. Prepare your mind for each such situation, bring it into a state of readiness to act, and then it will notice the paths open before you.

10. A responsible person feels the needs of other people.

Egoism is one of the most important problems our society. We live in a country where there is no need to look for those who need our help. If you live with a constant thought: “What will I get from this? ” then you won’t be able to live according to the Gospel commandments: “give, and it will be given to you.”

If you want to succeed, you willy-nilly have to become a responsible person. And if you want it, then become a conscious concreteness, and not a traveler wandering in the dark and DO it right away. “For only I know the intentions that I have for you, says the Lord, intentions for good, and not for evil, to give you a future and hope.”

You have a unique opportunity to register for daily recommendations. Agree that who is warned is armed. In our version, armed with knowledge. What actions will bring maximum benefit on a particular day, many want to know. And you will have such an opportunity.

The Problem of Responsibility


Snezhana Ivanova

Responsibility is an important link in the formation and development of any personality. Responsibility means...

Responsibility is an important link in the formation and development of any personality. Responsibility is understood as the conscious fulfillment of the requirements that are imposed on a person. The implementation of specific tasks occurs through volitional effort, intentional focus on the result of a particular activity. A responsible person always worries about the consequences of his decisions and is guided in his activities by a rational approach. No matter how external conditions develop, a person who takes full responsibility for what is happening will always act for the good of the situation and the people around him, while not forgetting himself.

The concept of responsibility

The concept of responsibility is familiar to each of us from childhood. Parents always strive to teach their child the right behavior in society, so they try from the very early age instill in him the rules of dignified behavior. We live in society, and whether we like it or not, we are forced to contact it daily. Other people are not always polite, they do not always understand us. The responsibility that is assigned in this case to each of the participants in the interaction is individual and specific in its own way. Let's say if a student at school has not prepared homework, he must understand that the consequence of his act may be a bad assessment. If an adult commits a rash act that is contrary to public morality and his own moral values, then he will answer both to people and to his own conscience. The concept of responsibility includes the following components.

Personal responsibility

It implies following individual attitudes, implementing plans and aspirations. In this case, the person himself determines what he will be responsible for, what exactly is his task. Personal responsibility can also be expressed in the fact that a person takes on a certain role in society and sets himself a goal that he is going to achieve in a timely manner. In this case, he is personally responsible for taking actions to improve or develop a particular situation. A man gives his word and remains true to it. Otherwise, he may lose his positive reputation.

Collective responsibility

It implies that a separate individual is included in the social system in advance. He is a link in a huge chain that creates movement towards the chosen goal. Collective responsibility imposes equal rights and obligations on each member of society. A specific person becomes an active mechanism in such a system, although he can lead it in individual cases. Here it is possible to “erasure” the boundaries between the individuality of its participants, since the effectiveness of the efforts made for a socially useful cause comes to the fore.

How responsibility is formed

Each person gets into the team early enough. From childhood we are taught that we cannot live outside of society. Sometimes it becomes especially dangerous to have one's own opinion if it goes against the principles of public morality and attitudes about how a person should be. A person, getting into society, from the very beginning learns to live according to its rules, gradually learning what is good and what is bad. Accordingly, the behavior of the individual also changes: he can no longer behave as freely as he used to, but is forced to adapt to the requirements of the team, to take on the appropriate role. Responsibility in this case is to adequately fit into society and not lose their individuality.

The Problem of Responsibility

The problem of responsibility occupies an extremely important position in the psychology of personality. In terms of significance, it affects the deep aspects of the formation and development of the individual. This problem includes several structural components.

Why Not Everyone Takes Responsibility

If under responsibility we consider a conscious desire to fulfill one's obligations to society and oneself, then it turns out that at first an individual needs to cultivate a strong will in himself. Only that person can not retreat from responsibility, who knows and understands its true value. It is much easier to try to avoid imposing all sorts of obligations than to bear the burden of responsibility. This quality of character brings additional anxieties and obligations to the individual. However, at the same time, responsibility helps to become a disciplined person, to cultivate firmness and the right qualities of character.

If it is still excusable for a child not to fulfill this promise, then an adult will be asked much more severely for his misconduct, and the consequences of such a mistake can be more serious. A person who does not want to take responsibility cannot be considered fully mature and independent in society. Such people are more likely than others to be condemned from the outside, to reject actions and actions. In society, there is an unspoken rule that the one who makes a mistake must certainly come to the realization of his wrong.

What is the true responsibility of the individual?

People often confuse responsibility with blind adherence to someone else's will, complete submission to the team and the loss of their opinion. This is an absolute fallacy. A responsible person will never commit an act that is contrary to social norms, but he himself will not remain at a loss. Responsibility involves the assumption of certain obligations with the subsequent preservation of oneself, one's essence in these circumstances. There are such concepts as freedom of choice, responsibility to oneself and other people. The first includes the ability to act according to your inner attitudes and beliefs. The second concept is based on being able to make decisions that would help develop and improve one's own personality. Finally, the third concept is associated with the ability to make decisions regarding interaction with others, to correct one's actions. True responsibility always presupposes the presence of a sound mind and the ability to quickly find a way out of difficult situations.

How is responsibility related to freedom?

Many philosophers since ancient times have asked this difficult question. They pondered what freedom is, can a person be free to the end, or is it just the deepest delusion, appearance?

Responsibility helps develop discipline. Anyone who is aimed at achieving any result, as a rule, does not retreat in the face of difficulties, does not look for easy ways. Freedom in this case acts as a kind of motivating link, an attitude that helps to act in accordance with given direction. A person takes the necessary steps of his own free will, and realizes the importance and significance of this decision. Even if at the moment he doesn’t feel like doing something at all, he will take his will into a fist and focus on the task at hand. It is not uncommon for people with a high temperature or poor health to show up at work because they were unable to take sick leave. They were aware of a great degree of responsibility to society and strove to be useful. If a person decides to develop his best qualities character, talents and abilities - this can also be called freedom and responsibility. Any responsibility presupposes the presence of a conscious desire for any activity, the formation of motivation and attitude towards its implementation.

How to develop responsibility

There is no need to prove why responsibility is so important in life. No specialist can do without responsibility if he considers his activity to be at least somewhat serious and is going to engage in it. long time. What steps need to be taken in order to cultivate a huge willpower in oneself, to train the desire to be useful to oneself and society as a whole? The following recommendations will allow you to form responsibility for a certain time period.

Awareness of a strong need

Nothing is more stimulating than knowing that no one else will take responsibility for you. You are responsible for your own life and you can both waste it in vain and make it as useful as possible in all respects. Things won't get done on their own if you don't put any effort into it. When a clear understanding comes that we ourselves are responsible for our actions and partly for the events taking place, we don’t want to look for someone to blame. A mature person will not shirk responsibility. Usually, one who has realized the need for something is already ready to go all the way to victorious accomplishments. On this stage and there is the formation of individuality, personal development and self-improvement.

Activity planning

Whatever you do, any activity requires a responsible and disciplined approach. You can not work carelessly, just to get rid of an unpleasant duty. Every activity must be carefully planned. If the volume of work is too large, then it is necessary to break it into smaller components. It is much easier to do volumetric work in parts than in whole. But for this you need to competently approach the planning process.

Try to immediately clearly identify the time frame in which you are going to work. If the boundaries are too short, then you will have to work harder every day. It is better that you have two or three additional free days. In the event of unforeseen circumstances (and they can happen at the most unexpected moment), you will know that everything is in time. And this is important, believe me, especially when it comes to urgent and serious work.

Never put everything off until the last day. Believe me, after three days or even a week you will not have the mood to complete the project you started. Plus, nervous tension will be added to everything and you will worry that you do not have time. Leaving the most difficult for the last day is like embarrassing yourself, and even making it an intention. Such experiences take a lot of strength and energy from a person, after which it will take time to recover from mental stress. Do everything in advance, and you will not have to be nervous again.

Predicting results

Responsibility implies the ability to build a future perspective in activities. A disciplined person, one way or another, foresees certain results of his work. Therefore, it is not very difficult to calculate the amount of activity for each day. The ability to foresee the ultimate goal helps to prevent possible errors that may occur if a person relies on a favorable opportunity. Forecasting the results will help to gather at the moment when fatigue overcomes, release the forces that are in reserve in order to use them. Taking responsibility for everything that happens, a person learns to analyze his work and improve.

Don't deviate from the goal

Sometimes it happens that a certain task causes numerous difficulties. In this case, it is necessary to study all existing aspects as soon as possible in order to prevent a possible mistake. If you have started an activity with which you are bound by certain obligations, never back down. In the most difficult situations, ask for help, but do not avoid solving the problem. The way you choose to behave will determine your further activities. The feeling of victory brings with it confidence in one's own abilities.

Thus, responsibility is closely related to the self-awareness of the individual, the ability to overcome difficulties, and determination. Reaching certain heights in a particular matter, a person trains the will.