Documents for the appeal of the exam. What to do if you do not agree with the exam scores or how to file an appeal correctly. Violation of the procedure for conducting the exam


    Please note that the conflict committee does not consider appeals on the content and structure of tasks, evaluation of the results of tasks with a short answer, incorrect design examination work. Also, the commission does not consider drafts of the USE participant as materials of appeal.

    How to file an appeal for a violation of the established procedure for the Unified State Exam-2017

    In the event that a GIA participant wants to file an appeal for a violation of the exam procedure, he must do the following:

  • After the end of the exam, without leaving the USE point, take from the organizer in the audience 2 copies of the form on which the appeal is drawn up;
  • hand over the documents to an authorized representative of the exam, who must certify the appeal with his signature and hand over one copy to the GIA participant, and the other to the conflict commission;
  • obtain the necessary information about the time and place of consideration by the conflict commission.

After the conflict commission receives an appeal, a check is made with the participation of the organizers who were not involved in the audience, technical specialists, and public observers. The conflict commission considers the appeal within no more than 2 working days and makes one of two decisions: rejection of the appeal or its satisfaction. If the appeal is satisfied, then the participant's USE result is annulled, and he takes the exam on another day.

How to file an appeal for disagreement with the results of the Unified State Exam-2017

An appeal of disagreement with the points given is submitted within 2 working days after the official announcement of the individual exam results and familiarization of the GIA participant with them.

If the GIA participant wants to file an appeal about disagreement with the results of the USE-2017, then he must do the following:

  • At the place of registration for the exam or from the responsible secretary of the conflict commission, take the appeal form (two copies);
  • draw up an appeal in 2 copies;
  • transfer both copies to the above persons;
  • obtain the necessary information about the time and place of consideration by the conflict commission
  • come to the procedure for considering appeals to the conflict commission, having a passport and a pass with the stamp “Unified State Examination Forms passed”.

How a complaint is handled

After the USE participant has submitted an application, he must come to the indicated place of the appeal. The complaint procedure takes place in the presence of the examiner. It is necessary to have a passport and a document with you, which confirms the fact of passing the exam. If the applicant is under the age of 18, then his parents or legal representatives may be present with him.

The conflict commission considers the appeal no more than four days from the date of its filing. According to the results of the decision, the number of points can be changed both upwards and downwards. A decrease in points is possible when the members of the commission, during the re-examination of the work on the USE, find additional errors, which leads to a decrease in the mark.

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On the personal page, they show scores for all exams passed, scans of answer forms and recognition results of the first part. The tasks themselves and drafts are not posted, and only points are shown for speaking, without audio recordings.

Exam results can be challenged by appeal. It can be of two types: about violation of the order of the exam and about disagreement with the scores.

In the tab with primary scores, you can see what and how the experts assessed. Evaluation is a criterion with a score. For example, according to the fourteenth criterion - the quality of the social facts and examples given - I was given one point out of two possible. You can decipher the criterion using the demo versions of the exam. One point is given for one source, two points for two or more.

Types of Appeal

Appeal for violation of the order of conduct

To file an appeal for a violation of the procedure for conducting an exam, you must write a statement to a member of the state examination committee. He works at every point of the exam - PES. Contact any organizer: during the exam, one of them is always sitting in the corridor and will be able to take you to the right person.

The commission will review the recordings from surveillance cameras and interview the organizers. If there are no surveillance cameras or they do not work, this is also a reason for appeal.

If the commission recognizes your correctness, the work will be canceled, and the exam will be allowed to be retaken. The retake usually takes place two weeks after the exam, at the end of June or early July. This reserve days when the USE is taken by graduates of previous years. If the appeal is rejected, the submitted work will not be allowed to be completed, so it is better to complete it despite the noise and other circumstances.

An appeal for violation of the order of conduct must be filed before going beyond the boundaries of the PES. The border is the frame of the metal detector or the place where the guard sits, usually in the hallway after the cloakroom and hallway.

Exam violation appeals are very rare and even rarer. When I was preparing for the appeal, I read 15 reports of subject commissions on the USE in 2015 and 2016. Usually there are no such appeals, or they are rejected - and the reasons are written in general terms. Therefore, it is worth filing an appeal for violation of the exam procedure only if you are completely sure that you are right.

Most often, in emergency situations, the exam is canceled without appeal. For example, my friend USE time a fire broke out in the school, and the exam was postponed to a reserve day, in two weeks. The printer in my classroom broke down and the organizers couldn't print the assignments. The exam was supposed to start at 10:45, and the papers were printed at 10:42.

Types of Appeal

Score Disagreement Appeal

Another appeal option is to challenge the exam results after they have been announced. It happens that the computer does not recognize the form - then in personal account it is not there or in its place is a blank slate. It happens that the computer does not recognize some answers correctly. Experts can be wrong too. If you disagree with the results, this is a reason to contact the conflict commission so that the work is re-evaluated.

I filed an appeal against the results of the exam in social studies - in the second part I did not agree with the deducted score. The essay had to give examples from at least two sources, and the experts decided that Theresa May, Adolf Hitler and Orwell's 1984 were one and the same.

How the commission checks the work

The conflict commission checks the work completely, even if you disagree with one issue. Remember that points can not only increase, but also decrease, so file an appeal only if you are completely sure that you are right. To reduce the risk, first consult with a teacher or tutor and retell them all the tasks as accurately as possible.

Tatyana Yakhontova

former member of the appeals committee

It is useless to complain about the structure and content of tasks and about the assessment of the first part, if it is not a recognition error. If the exam was not credited due to incorrect paperwork or bad behavior, this also cannot be challenged. Also, during the exam, you cannot write your first and last name on the form: the answers will not be checked and the appeal will not be accepted. But you can ask to explain each point.

If you want to prove to the commission that you are right, you need serious sources: laws, scientific works and textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education. Therefore, it is usually pointless to refer to Baranov's reference book on social science, and a school textbook on history or the Constitution of the Russian Federation will do.

How to file an appeal

Score disagreement appeals are accepted within two days after the official date of publication of the results, excluding Sundays and holidays. Most often, the results are posted earlier, but the days are still counted from the official date. For example, in 2018, the results of the exam in literature and physics appeared on the second of July, and the fourth was the official date. The appeal could have been filed on the fifth or sixth.

An application for appeal can be written directly to the commission, or you can ask the school for help. Before the exam, they gave me the phone number of an employee who works with the conflict commission. When I decided to appeal, it turned out that she had gone on vacation. So I went to the head teacher. He gave me the address of the commission and offered to come with me, but I decided that I could handle it myself.

The commission registered the application, appointed the day and time of the appeal, told about the procedure, signed my copy. I was also asked to choose the form of the appeal: in the presence of the appellant, in the presence of a legal representative, or in absentia. It was explained to me that a parent or teacher could come in with the appellant and help him prove his case. I did not take advantage of this opportunity, because the error of the experts seemed obvious.

The appeal is considered for four business days, during which time it can be withdrawn. On the fifth day there is usually a meeting.

How is the meeting

My appeal was considered in the same place where the application was accepted. Before the meeting, you need to register and find an audience, so it’s worth arriving ten to fifteen minutes before the appointed time. Don't forget your passport. If you are late, the appeal will be considered as soon as possible. free time, do not come - in absentia. The results will appear on the website with the results of the exam.

Under the rules, each appellant is given 20 minutes to prove their case. But in my experience, if you don't meet that deadline, you're unlikely to be kicked out: the man in front of me spoke to the commission for almost half an hour. Therefore, it may turn out that you have to wait a bit. How lucky: everyone is assigned exact time consideration, but I waited for my turn for almost half an hour. At the same time, I myself and another person in front of me kept within 10 minutes.

The head of the commission called me into the audience. They checked my passport again, showed printouts of my forms and asked if they were mine. After that, they were asked to check the forms that were evaluated by the computer. This is a formality, but I carefully compared the answers anyway - and found that in one of them the computer read "15" instead of "25". Unfortunately, the computer error fell on the wrong answer, so this did not add points to me.

With another mistake, it was easier: the commission admitted that the experts got excited with the sources, and returned the deducted score.

Both corrections were included in the protocol. The chairman of the commission read the decision and asked to sign it. The signature in the decision of the commission confirms your presence, and not agreement with the outcome of the appeal. If you refuse, the commission will draw up an act, and the decision will still come into force.

If you disagree with the conflict commission, its decision can be challenged in Moscow. The terms and conditions are the same: an application must be submitted within two working days, and it will be considered within four. I didn't dispute anything, and my exam results were updated two days after the meeting.

The conflict commission works with the primary USE scores - these are preliminary scores that are obtained by simply adding the scores for the correct answers. Primary scores are converted into test scores - this is the final result of the exam, which is published on websites and accepted at universities.

Test scores usually higher than the primary one and a half to two times. The one primary score I returned on appeal added two points to the official exam result, and instead of 83 points, I got 85.

Unfortunately, this was still not enough to enter my university on a budget. But at least I tried.

Briefly: how to appeal the results of the exam

  1. If something prevents you from taking the exam, you can file an appeal about the violation of the procedure for conducting the exam. This must be done before leaving the PES, but it is better to turn in the work first: if the appeal is rejected, it will not be possible to complete it.
  2. If you disagree with the scores, you can file a score disagreement appeal. This must be done within two days after the official announcement of the exam results. The application is accepted by the conflict commission.
  3. The application is considered for four days. During this time, you can still change your mind.
  4. The meeting takes 20 minutes. During this time, the commission will check the forms, listen to you and announce a decision. It can be challenged in Moscow by filing a second appeal.
  5. If you have to prove your case, it is better to rely on textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education - or call a teacher with you.

Worked on the material

Author - Viktor Ershov, editor - Petr Ryabikov, production editor - Marina Safonova, photo editor - Maxim Koposov, information designer - Zhenya Sofronov, editor - Anna Lesnykh, proofreader - Alexander Salita, layout designer - Evgenia Izotova

In case of disagreement with the points set for the exam, the annulment of the assessment results, the illegal removal of the child from the exam, the parents - and the student himself - can file an appeal.

Let's consider what is the procedure for appealing scoring results, when and how you can challenge the received document. You will also learn what the practice of the Russian courts is on this issue - and which side the judges take.

In what cases can an appeal be filed for the exam - deadlines for filing an appeal

A student undergoing the Unified State Exam procedure can challenge the decision of the commission, but the deadlines for applying and filing an appeal are different.

We list when and in what cases a student can appeal a decision.

Cases of appealing the results of the exam


Time limit for filing an appeal

Violation of the procedure for conducting the exam

The student was illegally kicked out of the exam.

The USE participant was thrown a cheat sheet, he did not use it. The commission had no evidence of violations.

Member admission committee I found a phone next to the student that did not belong to the child.

The child or his teacher, legal representative must write an appeal without leaving the school where he took the exam on the same day - the day the exam was taken.

As soon as the student submits the form, he can write an appeal. You can't pull!

Disagreement with the scores

The student knows and remembers that he put the correct answer on the form, and the members of the commission, due to inattention or mistakenly, indicated the wrong result.

It will be possible to file an appeal within 2 days, not from the moment of the exam, but from the moment the results are announced.

Recall , that the student should have been informed 2 weeks before the exam about how the passing procedure will take place, in what time it will be possible to appeal the decision, in what place.

There is no way to challenge the decision of the commission if the student or parent wants to emphasize the wrong content. test items, incorrectness by the child of filling out the forms, non-compliance by the student with the requirements set by the members of the commission.

The procedure for appealing the USE in case of violation of the rules for conducting the Unified State Exam - instructions

In order to challenge the decision of the commission, if the child was illegally kicked out of the exam - or the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam was violated for some other reason, you must follow the instructions:

Step 1. After submitting the forms, going out into the corridor, the student must contact the organizer.

Step 2 Explain that you want to appeal, state the reason.

Step 3 Ask for an application form. If the organizers will stand their ground - to persuade you not to write an appeal, do not listen to them. If you think you have been illegally kicked out of passing the exam, then it is better to write an appeal immediately. Then it will not be considered.

Step 4 Write a statement. In it, be sure to indicate for what reason the USE procedure was violated. Prepare two copies of the application.

Step 5 Give the organizer one copy of the application and keep the other for yourself, but only ask the teacher to sign it. This will serve as proof of your appeal.

Step 6 Wait for the results of the commission - they will be ready within 2 days. The student and parents may be invited to the meeting of the commission. You should have your passport with you.

Results of the conflict commission can be obtained at the school where the child is studying.

The decision must be written in the documentation, as well as the date and time of the retake of the exam.

How to challenge the results of the exam in case of disagreement with the points obtained for the exam - instructions

To challenge the points already received, parents, or the student himself, must follow the following instructions:

Step 1. Contact the school where you are studying.

Step 2 Ask for an appeal form.

Step 3 Write a statement. It must be in the name of the director.

Step 4 Ask to sign the document. One option the parent or student must keep for themselves in order to have proof of their conversion. The other one should be given to the director.

Step 5 Wait for the committee's decision. The director must submit the application-appeal to the conflict commission. The date of the event can be communicated to the student if his presence is required.

As a rule, the application is considered quickly - within 1 week. After receiving the documentation, the student will either be assigned a retake day, or will increase / decrease the score results, or retain the existing scores.

The procedure for considering an appeal to the exam and terms

The procedure for considering applications for appealing the results of the exam is as follows:

  1. The organizers must accept the student's appeal.
  2. The application is submitted to the conflict commission, which does not include members of the subject commission.
  3. If necessary, the participants of the conflict committee send a request to the RCOI of a certain object of the Russian Federation to provide information about the student passing the exam. Videos, audio recordings, copies of protocols and other paper documentation may be submitted for consideration.
  4. The conflict commission must check how the student's examination work was assessed, according to all the requirements, and make a decision.

IMPORTANT: Parents or students may be invited to the meeting. They may be provided with an answer sheet filled out by the graduate to confirm that it was the applicant who did the work. Also, members of the subject committee may be invited to the meeting to establish the correctness of the assessment of the student.

The student will be able to receive the decision of the commission within 4 days at the school where he is studying.

Judicial practice of appealing the results of the exam - how and when can you file a lawsuit?

After contacting the conflict commission, if the decision is not satisfactory, the student or his legal representatives can file a claim with the court.

Terms for applying not defined by law.

Of course, the sooner the claim is filed, the better. The child will have time to retake the exam this year.

In practice, judges do not always take the side of the students.

Here are a few examples where the court agreed with the decision of the conflict commission:

Example 1 Petrov was kicked out of the exam due to cheating. Violations have been proven.

Example 2 Sokolova used a wrist watch with the function of receiving and transmitting data.

Example 3 Ivanov's cheat sheet fell out, but he was not caught cheating. Later, a video was sent, which showed how Ivanov was cheating.

And here are examples when parents and a graduate achieved recognition of their innocence:

Example 1 Sidorov was next to someone else's phone - he was lying on the floor when the student went to the toilet. The organizer demanded to pick up his phone, but Sidorov refused - he said that it was not his device. The organizer expelled the graduate from the exam - thus, he was wrong.

Students have the right to file an application-appeal to review the points received and retake it to the conflict commission or to the court. In 2018, the application form does not change - the appeal forms are provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

We will consider what statements a student or his legal representative can issue, and also determine how a lawsuit is drawn up in court.

Appeal form for the exam and a sample of filling out the document

Depending on the circumstances of the appeal, the appeal forms may be different.

We list what documents can be issued.

Sample appeal form for disagreement with the USE scores

A ready-made appeal form for disagreement with the USE scores can be free

An example of a completed application-appeal about disagreement with the points received

Appeal form for violation of the established procedure for conducting the exam

A ready-made appeal form for violation of the established procedure for conducting the exam can be free

In order for you to write the application correctly, follow these rules:

  1. The item code should be written in numbers. You will learn it when you take the exam.
  2. Enter the place of the exam, the date in the indicated fields provided for this.
  3. If it is necessary to indicate the number of the audience where the Unified state exam, point of holding, then indicate. This applies to the application for violation of the order of the exam.
  4. Information about the USE participant must be indicated such as in the passport. Any altered or misspelled letter will be considered an error.
  5. Passport details indicate in the appropriate boxes. Mandatory - series and number, other information can be omitted.
  6. This is followed by your appeal, in which you must state the essence of the requirements and requests. For example, in the first application-appeal, it will be written that you are asking the commission to review the points given, as they are processed incorrectly. And in the second appeal, you should specify the circumstances that occurred, for what reason the points were canceled (possibly due to illegal removal from the exam), and also in this part you should ask for a retake of the subject.
  7. If there is a choice of how the application will be considered, then it is worth putting a cross or a tick in front of the appropriate option. In a score disagreement appeal, there is such a choice. The student may choose to have the application reviewed in his presence or in the presence of his legal representative, or without him at all. But in another form there is no choice, since the appeal will definitely be considered in the presence of the student or his parents.
  8. You can also leave a phone number so that you are aware of the progress of the application.
  9. The student must put his signature when he submits the document.

In confirmation of the acceptance of the appeal, the student is given notification. The organizer must put on it the exact time when he accepted the application, and his initials, signature.

Statement of claim in court when appealing the results of the exam - rules for writing a document and examples

Pupils and their parents/legal representatives may challenge the decision of the conflict committee through the courts. To do this, you need to file an administrative claim.

The application is drawn up in accordance with Article 125 of the CAS RF and in accordance with the following rules:

  1. The document must be submitted in writing.
  2. Text content should be legible and understandable.
  3. The application must include a heading. It contains the name of the body to which the application is submitted, information about the plaintiff and the defendant. As a rule, the student himself, his parents, representatives, teacher, classroom teacher, director educational institution. In as a defendant in court will be a representative of the conflict commission, the organizers.
  4. Write down all contact information in the "header" of the document. It can be not only a phone number, but also the name of an email, fax.
  5. In the main part of the claim, indicate what rights and interests were violated, for what reason you are going to court.
  6. Be sure to tell us that you appealed to the conflict commission with an appeal and tried to resolve the problem out of court.
  7. The content requirements must be substantiated. Refer to legal acts, attach evidence, indicate witnesses.
  8. At the end of the claim, you can draw up a list of documents that you attach to the application.
  9. Put a signature. If the applicant is a student, then he must put his signature. If its representatives file a claim, they sign it.
  10. The date must be set when you submit the document to the court, not earlier, the document will not be accepted “backdating”.

In order to protect the rights of exam participants during the GIA, a conflict commission (hereinafter referred to as the CC) is created, which is designed to resolve controversial issues not only in assessing the examination work, but also in compliance with the requirements of the GIA procedure.

The GIA participant has the right to appeal to the CC in writing:

  • on violation of the established procedure for conducting the exam in the relevant subject;
  • about disagreement with the points.

The Conflict Commission does not consider appeals on:

The student submits an appeal about violation of the established procedure for conducting the GIA on the day of the exam in the relevant academic subject to an authorized representative of the SEC, without leaving the PES.

In order to verify the information contained in the appeal about the violation of the established procedure for conducting the GIA, an authorized representative of the SEC organizes an inspection with the participation of the organizers, technical specialists working with software, specialists in briefing and providing laboratory work not involved in the classroom in which the student took the exam, public observers, law enforcement officers, medical workers, as well as assistants providing the necessary technical assistance to students with handicapped health.

The results of the audit are drawn up in the form of a conclusion. The appeal and the conclusion on the results of the audit are transmitted on the same day by the authorized representative of the SEC to the conflict commission.

When considering an appeal on a violation of the established procedure for conducting a GIA, the conflict commission considers the appeal, a conclusion on the results of the audit and makes one of the following decisions:

  • to dismiss the appeal;
  • on the appeal.

If the appeal is satisfied, the result of the exam, according to which the students filed an appeal, is canceled and the student is given the opportunity to take the exam in the corresponding academic subject on another day, provided for by the GIA schedule.

An appeal of disagreement with the points given, including the results of rechecking the examination work, is filed by the participants of the State Examination Examination or their parents (legal representatives) on the basis of identity documents, within two working days following the official day of the announcement of the results of the State Examination in the corresponding academic subject , directly to the conflict commission or to the educational organization in which they were admitted to the GIA. The head of the educational organization, who accepted the appeal, sends it to the conflict commission within one working day after receiving it.

Students and their parents (legal representatives) are informed in advance about the time and place of consideration of appeals.

When considering an appeal of disagreement with the points given, the conflict commission requests to the RCOI printed images of the examination paper, electronic media containing files with digital audio recordings of the student's oral answers, copies of the protocols for checking the examination paper by the subject committee and examination materials performed by the student who filed the appeal.

These materials are presented to the student (with his participation in the consideration of the appeal).

The student (for students under the age of 14, in the presence of parents (legal representatives) confirms in writing that he has been presented with images of the examination paper he completed, files with a digital audio recording of his oral answer (if he participates in the consideration of the appeal).

Based on the results of the consideration of the appeal of disagreement with the scores, the conflict commission decides to reject the appeal and retain the scores, or to satisfy the appeal and change the scores. At the same time, if the appeal is satisfied, the number of points previously awarded may change both upwards and downwards in the number of points. Consideration of an appeal of disagreement with the points assigned is carried out within four working days following the day of its receipt by the conflict commission.

In case of detection of errors in the processing and (or) verification of the examination paper, the conflict committee transmits the relevant information to the RCSC in order to recalculate the results of the State Examination.

After approval, the results of the GIA are transferred to educational organizations, local governments, foreign institutions and founders to familiarize students with the results they have received.