Another mother of platons is the main one. What proverbs fit Platonov's story "Still Mom"

The story "Still Mom" ​​is studied in primary school, and the program edited by G. I. Belenky recommends it for independent reading in the 5th grade. I also suggest reading the story “Still Mom” in the 5th grade, and consider it in the aspect of the socialization of the individual. The image of Artyom, who for the first time left the care of his mother, is important for understanding the path of becoming a personality from little Nikita ("Nikita"), who knows the world, to Vasya Rubtsov - a "full man" ("Cow").

Plato's hero discovers the horizon of all people, going "for the first time to the first class." In order to understand the author's intention, we compare the heroes of the stories "Still Mom" ​​and "Nikita", based on the idea of ​​a single context of the writer's works.

The story reveals an important image of the mother in the writer's artistic system. Having started working on it while studying the story “Still Mom”, we will return to this image in the 6th grade (the story “The Cow”), as well as in the 8th grade (the story “Everyday business”). To identify the features of the style of A. Platonov, we propose to compare the stories “Still Mom” by A. Platonov and “Filipok” by L. N. Tolstoy, and also recall the story “Dry Bread” by A. Platonov studied in elementary school.

We begin the conversation in the lesson by clarifying the initial impression of the story.

Did you like the story?

What is the main idea of ​​the piece?

Why is the story called "Still Mom"?

What is common and what is the difference between Artyom and Nikita, Artyom and Filipko?

Students love the writer's work. The fifth graders see the meaning of the title of the story in Artyom's meeting with the teacher Apollinaria Nikolaevna, who became "still a mother" for Artyom. This event they consider the main thing in the work. Speaking about the heroes of A. Platonov Nikita and Artyom, the students note the rich fantasy of the boys, which is played out when the heroes are left alone.

From the initial impression, we move to comprehend the ideas of the work, the features of the writer's style. The story "Still Mom", despite the small volume, is quite deep in content, in terms of the problems that are touched upon in it. Let's start by answering the questions.

What event is depicted by the writer in the story?

How does Artyom perceive the school? Why doesn't he want to go to school?

To answer this question, we suggest that students read Artyom's dialogue with his mother in roles. The main goal of working with dialogue is to help fifth-graders to penetrate the psychology of the characters, to arouse interest in the problem raised in the work.

Before students start reading by roles, they have to determine the boundaries of the dialogue, its main idea, choose the performers of the readers, and exchange opinions about the characters. But the most important thing for students in preparatory work- compose a kind of "score" of the characters' feelings at each moment of the conversation, supplementing with explanations the remarks of the mother and son in the dialogue. As a result, students create a dramatization of one of the parts of the story. The work is guided by the following questions.

Why does the mother agree with her son's statement that he will not go to school? At what point did mother's soft hand become hard? What does A. Platonov emphasize with this detail in the character of the mother?

Why did Artyom change his mind and go to school?

What is the purpose of Artyom talking to his mother about death?

“- No, she won’t be for you,” Artyom said quietly. "She's a stranger." How does the hero perceive the world?

Replace the neutrally colored word “said” with expressive words. What is the tone of the dialogue between the characters?

The conversation between Artyom and his mother, for all its outward insignificance, is full of feelings of love. The mother, not wanting to traumatize her son prematurely, gently agrees with his statement that he will not go to school. However, when the time comes, she leads her son to school with firmness. The son dutifully agrees to go, not wanting to offend his mother. On the way, Artyom seriously, like an adult, punishes his mother so that she does not die while he is studying. These words of a boy who is afraid of an unknown and mysterious school have a double meaning: they simultaneously express the son's touching concern for his mother and hide a trick and cunning in themselves: what if the mother takes pity and does not lead to school. And of course, Artyom's words make his mother smile.

After this preliminary work Role Reading Achieves its goal. Schoolchildren understand that the writer is concerned about deeply human problems. Artyom's unwillingness to study is connected not with a whim or negligence, but with a feeling of deep affection for his mother, a fear of being separated from her, of losing her. Artyom is still too small. He is afraid to break the original emotional connection with his mother, he wants to remain under the wing of maternal protection and guardianship. Comparison of the attitude towards the school of Filipko (L. N. Tolstoy. “Filipok”) and Artyom makes it possible to understand that Artyom is much younger than Filipko, who has already broken away from his mother and rushed to the world.

Fearing to upset his mother, out of love for her, Artyom goes to school; this is how a new quality of a person is born - courage. And this is a very important idea of ​​the story. Artyom's behavior is completely determined by his love for his mother, moreover, through the prism of this feeling, the whole world is refracted, evaluated, perceived.

The conversation could be continued teacher's word. Its purpose is to show the autobiographical basis of the work. It is necessary to draw the attention of students to the originality of the children's images of the writer. Sympathy and compassion for someone else's misfortune, someone else's grief, experienced as one's own, is characteristic of the heroes of A. Platonov. Children are especially sensitive to the world. In the image of the writer, children are some kind of small adults, serious and preoccupied, constantly thinking about how to ease the hard life of not only their loved ones - father, mother, brothers and sisters, but also distant, “strangers” (“Dry bread”, "Cow", "Still Mom").

The origins of such a kindred attitude towards people lie in the difficult working childhood of the writer.

A. Platonov in childhood knew so much grief that it did not let him go until the end of his days. In childhood, he had to beg (at one time the family reached ten people, and only his father worked), to experience the bitterness of irretrievable losses (little brothers and sisters died of starvation). The eldest son in a large family, he was forced to start working at the age of fourteen to help his parents raise their children. A tender feeling of love for mother Marya Vasilyevna carried A. Platonov through his whole life.

Not only his parents, but also the first teacher, Apollinaria Nikolaevna, had a great influence on his formation. “Then the time came for me to study - they sent me to a parochial school. The teacher Apollinaria Nikolaevna was there, I will never forget her, because through her I learned that there is a fairy tale sung by the heart about a Man born to “every breath”, grass, beast. A declaration of love for the closest people is A. Platonov's story "Mom More".

The analysis of the story continues by identifying the main Plot elements(exposure, tie-ins, climaxes and denouements), drawing up a plan for the work.

Conversation on the episodes of the work allows students to understand the author's intention. The plot of the work is the hero's independent path to school, the culmination of the work is the episode of salvation from the bull and the denouement is a conversation with his mother.

Story plan"Still Mom" ​​reflects its main plot elements.

1. Artyom's conversation with his mother.

2. Way to school.

3. Studying at school.

4. Conversation with mother.

However, the third point requires clarification: we draw up a complex plan with students. Studying at school is divided into the following episodes:

A) the conversation of smart children in the school yard;

B) getting to know the teacher;

C) the first lesson;

D) Apollinaria Nikolaevna's maternal care for Artyom;

D) calligraphy lesson;

E) salvation from the bull;

G) acquaintance with the old driver;

H) “Our entire homeland is still your mother.”

Analysis of the work Goes to the following questions.

Who does Artyom meet on the way to school? Why does he take the Beetle for a wolf, and the geese for eagles? How can you explain the hero's fears and the hostility of the world around him?

Why did Artyom, having heard the conversation of the children in the school yard, want to go home?

How did the teacher Apollinaria Nikolaevna react to Artyom?

How does Artyom behave at school?

What is Artyom thinking about in class? How do these thoughts of the boy characterize him?

How was Apollinaria Nikolaevna able to interest the boy in studies?

At what point does the bull appear and then the old driver?

How does the teacher behave in the episode with the bull?

Which of the episodes (the episode with the bull or the episode with the old driver) can be considered the culmination of the story? What did this situation help Artyom understand?

Why has Artyom's attitude to studies, to school, changed?

In the dialogue between Artyom and his mother, at the beginning of the story, the word “bored” sounds, at the end of the work, in a dialogue with his mother, Artyom says that the teacher missed him. What meaning does the author put into the word "bored"?

How does Artyom feel about his mother? To the people around?

- “The love of one person can bring to life a talent in another person, or at least awaken him to action” (A. Platonov). How is this thought of the writer confirmed in the story?

Who is “still a mother” to Artyom? What is the meaning of the story's title?

Which artistic technique underlies the work? What is the story idea?

The lesson is Working on a portrait of a teacher. The leading methods of work are “picking up” a “dispersed portrait” (selective reading); comparison ( psychological portraits heroines); work with means of expression. You can ask the children the following questions.

How does Artyom see the teacher? What does he see in her eyes? What helped Artyom to see “more mother” in the teacher? Watch how Apollinaria Nikolaevna turns into a “still mother”. With the help of what techniques does A. Platonov draw this transformation?

What does Artyom consider “his” and what is “alien”?

What role do smells play in the work? Compare the smells in the stories "Nikita" and "Still Mom". How does this comparison help to understand the author's attitude towards the heroine?

Students come to the conclusion that in the portrait of the heroine A. Platonov highlights the eyes. Attention to them is not accidental: for a writer, the inner content of a person is important. “Her eyes looked at him cheerfully, as if she wanted to play with him like a little one” - this is how Artyom sees the teacher for the first time. He notes her childish look, “like a little one,” and this already disposes Artyom to the teacher.

Need to be given Special attention phrase: “The unfamiliar eyes that looked closely at him were not angry, as if they had been familiar for a long time. "It's not scary," thought Artyom. This phrase shows the gradual transformation of the teacher into “still a mother”. “Unfamiliar eyes” become “familiar” (mother’s), and the child calms down, being with a loved one, with “his own”, fear disappears, he “clung” to the teacher’s chest, who carries him in her arms like a mother. As a mother, Apollinaria Nikolaevna also follows Artyom's progress with “rejoicing eyes”.

To create portraits of the heroine, the author uses comparisons (“like a little one”, “as if she had been known for a long time”): after all, the portraits of the heroine are given through the perception of little Artyom, who constantly compares the teacher with his mother and concludes: “It’s not scary, it means he’s his own.”

For the hero of the story “Still Mom”, “the whole world” is still limited by the narrow framework of the family circle, where his father and mother, grandfather and grandmother, brothers and sisters live, as well as the house as a settled, developed space. Around this familiar, "one's own" stretches the mysterious world of other, "foreign" people, creatures and objects. “The whole world” is perceived, evaluated, considered through the opposition “own - alien”, “native - non-native”, “familiar - unfamiliar”, “good - not good”. All that surrounded on all sides native home, garden, yard and garden, causes anxiety, inspires fear. Having created an acutely dramatic situation in the exposition of the story, A. Platonov shows step by step how a child who perceives the world through the opposition “one’s own - another’s” gradually becomes convinced that where he expected to meet a hostile attitude towards himself from “strangers”, on the contrary, it meets the good, the maternal. By removing the opposition “one's own - someone else's”, the writer from episode to episode leads the hero to the idea that there is no such opposition, that there is one pair of identical concepts “one's own - one's own”.

Smells play important role in the literary system of the writer. With their help, he often creates portraits of heroes. To understand the author's position, we invite students to compare the smells in the works "Still Mom" ​​and "Nikita".

When Artyom first meets Apollinaria Nikolaevna, she takes him in her arms, and the boy feels that “she smelled” just like her mother, “ Warm bread and dry grass ”(italics hereinafter ours. -E.V.). The second time, again in the hands of the teacher, Artyom “felt the same Quiet and kind The smell he felt around his mother.” In the story “Nikita”, the boy smells his father: “The soldier smelled warmth, something Kind AND Humble, bread and earth", - and calms down, like little Artyom. Bread, earth, mother, father - Platonov puts these concepts on a par, because without this a person cannot live.

Match the path to school between Filipko and Artyom. Why do writers introduce obstacles on the way to school and the realities of rural life into their works?

What is the form of narration in A. Platonov's story "Still Mom" ​​and L. N. Tolstoy "Filipok"? How does the form of the narrative reveal the intent of the authors?

A. Platonov, depicting the hero's path to school, pursues a different goal than L. N. Tolstoy. L. N. Tolstoy draws the realities of rural life and obstacles on the path of Filipko to school in order to depict the will of the hero, the desire for knowledge, the high spiritual inclinations inherent in the soul of a Russian person. A. Platonov depicts in all its completeness and reliability inner world hero. This goal is also served by the forms of speech organization of works. Filipka is narrated in the third person. In the story "Still Mom", the narrative is driven by a dialogue in which the hero reveals himself. The narrator appears in remarks, mostly neutral in content ( Said - answered), and in extra-plot elements (portraits, interiors), which are given through the eyes of the boy Artyom.

Working on the speech organization of the work, we analyze the image of the hero, in addition, students consolidate the skill of working with indirect speech in the work, obtained by studying the story "Nikita".

Follow the speech of the hero in the work. How does Artyom's speech characterize him? Highlight in the speech of the hero “signals of colloquialism” ( Sirotinin O. pp. 160–163). What are they talking about? What is the inner world of the hero?

- “Artyom did not listen to what the teacher said in the lesson. He looked at a distant white cloud, it floated across the sky to where his mother lived in their native hut. Is she alive? Didn't she die for some reason - Grandma Daria died at once in the spring, they didn’t look forward, they didn’t guess. Or maybe the hut caught fire without him, because Artyom left the house a long time ago, you never know what happens. From what perspective is the story being told in this passage? What feeling is imbued with the thoughts of the hero? What do they reveal in the character of the boy? Prove that these are the thoughts of Artyom. Pay attention to colloquial vocabulary. What is she talking about?

An analysis of the speech organization allows us to single out the main feeling of the child - the feeling of love for the mother, through the image of which he tries to comprehend and accumulate all the diversity of the world.

In the feeling of love for the mother, according to Platonov, lie the origins of the spirituality of man. Little Nikita, overcoming fear, tries to propitiate imaginary snakes and protect his mother. Artyom, not wanting to upset his mother, out of love for her, overcoming the fear of "strangers", goes to school. Mitya works alone in the field in the heat, helping the bread grow. To the suggestion of the teacher to go on an excursion to the forest with the children, he replies: “I love my mother all the time, it’s not boring for me to work. Bread is dying, we have no time.” In the name of the mother, the child puts the good of all people above his own. Overcoming the egocentrism inherent in the age of early childhood, and reaching the horizon of all people, the awareness of “life with everyone and for everyone”, the process of changing a child under the influence of mother and father into a “spiritualized” personality - this movement interests the writer.

The growth of "spirituality" in a person under the influence of the mother. How does this happen? “Mother smiled at him, and from her, from mother, everything suddenly became kind around: snuffling sweaty oxen, gray earth, a blade of grass trembling in the hot wind, and an unfamiliar old man wandering along the boundary. Mitya looked around, and it seemed to him that kind, loving eyes were looking at him from everywhere, and his heart shuddered with joy.

Mother! Mitya exclaimed. - What should I do? And then I love you!” ("Dry bread"). A caring attitude to the world is born from the love and care of a mother.

“Artyom picked up the beetle, put it on the burdock.

It was you who fell on me from the wind. Live now, live soon, otherwise winter will come. From these lines of a caring attitude towards all living things, the image of Vasya Rubtsov (“The Cow”) grows. These lines serve as a kind of roll call between the images of the characters.

Attentive attitude to the world, grown out of a feeling of motherly love, pushes the horizon little man. The author focuses on the image of the complex process of human socialization. A. Platonov shows how a person in a tense struggle with his age egocentrism hard and difficult to overcome psychological barriers, rethinks both himself and his place in the world. We see how the hero, “entering into life”, for the first time leaves the care and protection of his mother, crosses the border of the family space and enters the big social world of his people and homeland. Before us is a kind of act of the initial introduction of man to life. This initiation occurs both through fellow students and through the assimilation mother tongue, and through “still mom” - a spiritual mentor and teacher. The whole unhurried and attentive to the smallest details course of narration and story is a gradual realization of a simple and capacious concept of a mother: from a mother to a “still mother” - a teacher, and then to a universal mother - the motherland.

“Do I also have a mother? - Asked Artyom. - Far far away, somewhere?

Yes, the teacher replied. - You have a lot of them.

Why so many?

And then, so that the bull does not gore you. Our entire homeland is still your mother.”

The theme of the path “from the horizon of one to the horizon of all people” sounded especially bright in one of the final episodes of the story.

“An old man with a whip entered the classroom, dusty with earth; he bowed and said:

Hello hosts! And what if there is no kvass to drink or water. The road was dry...

And who are you, whose are you? asked Apollinaria Nikolaevna.

We are distant, - the old man answered. - We go forward through and through, we drive breeding bulls according to the plan. Hear how they hum. Beasts are fierce!

They can mutilate children, your bulls! - said Apollinaria Nikolaevna.

What more! - offended the old man. - Where am I? I will save the children!”

An old herdsman, straight from the boundless expanses of Russia, having stepped into the school to get drunk, treats his dear little man with an apple. For the hero of the story, this apple is a huge miracle, the greatest evidence of love for him not only by his own mother and “still mother”, but also by all the people of his homeland, whom Artyom did not know and was afraid of before. So in the story "Still Mom" ​​Andrey Platonov depicts the initial meeting of a person with his homeland.

In the process of this knowledge of the world, familiarization with the people, a person is revealed as a spiritualized person in “life with everyone and for everyone”.


Belomestnykh O. B., Korneeva M. S., Zolotareva I. V. Lesson developments Literature: Grade 5. M., 2004.

Sirotinina O. B. What and why the teacher needs to know about Russian colloquial speech: A guide for the teacher. M., 1996.

Elena Vasilyeva

Elena Anatolyevna VASILIEVA - teacher of Russian language and literature high school No. 117 of the SWAD of Moscow, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

We read the story of Andrey Platonov "Still Mom"

The story "Still Mom" ​​is studied in elementary school, and the program, edited by G.I. Belenky recommends it for independent reading in the 5th grade. I also suggest reading the story “Still Mom” in the 5th grade, and consider it in the aspect of the socialization of the individual. The image of Artyom, who for the first time left the care of his mother, is important for understanding the path of becoming a personality from little Nikita ("Nikita"), who knows the world, to Vasya Rubtsov - a "full man" ("Cow").

Plato's hero discovers the horizon of all people, going "for the first time to the first class." In order to understand the author's intention, we compare the heroes of the stories "Still Mom" ​​and "Nikita", based on the idea of ​​a single context of the writer's works.

The story reveals an important image of the mother in the writer's artistic system. Having started working on it while studying the story “Still Mom”, we will return to this image in the 6th grade (the story “The Cow”), as well as in the 8th grade (the story “Everyday business”). To identify the features of the style of A. Platonov, we propose to compare the stories “Still Mom” by A. Platonov and “Filipok” by L.N. Tolstoy, as well as recall the story of A. Platonov "Dry Bread" studied in elementary school.

We begin the conversation in the lesson by clarifying the initial impression of the story.

Did you like the story?

What is the main idea of ​​the piece?

Why is the story called "Still Mom"?

What is common and what is the difference between Artyom and Nikita, Artyom and Filipko?

Students love the writer's work. The fifth graders see the meaning of the title of the story in Artyom's meeting with the teacher Apollinaria Nikolaevna, who became "still a mother" for Artyom. This event they consider the main thing in the work. Speaking about the heroes of A. Platonov Nikita and Artyom, the students note the rich fantasy of the boys, which is played out when the heroes are left alone.

From the initial impression, we move to comprehend the ideas of the work, the features of the writer's style. The story "Still Mom", despite the small volume, is quite deep in content, in terms of the problems that are touched upon in it. Let's start by answering the questions.

What event is depicted by the writer in the story?

How does Artyom perceive the school? Why doesn't he want to go to school?

To answer this question, we invite students to read Artyom's dialogue with his mother in roles. The main goal of working with dialogue is to help fifth-graders to penetrate the psychology of the characters, to arouse interest in the problem raised in the work.

Before students start reading by roles, they have to determine the boundaries of the dialogue, its main idea, choose the performers of the readers, and exchange opinions about the characters. But the most important thing for schoolchildren in the preparatory work is to compose a kind of “score” of the characters’ feelings at each moment of the conversation, supplementing with explanations the remarks of the mother and son in the dialogue. As a result, students create a dramatization of one of the parts of the story. The work is guided by the following questions.

Why does the mother agree with her son's statement that he will not go to school? At what point did mother's soft hand become hard? What does A. Platonov emphasize with this detail in the character of the mother?

Why did Artyom change his mind and go to school?

What is the purpose of Artyom talking to his mother about death?

“- No, she won’t be for you,” Artyom said quietly. "She's a stranger." How does the hero perceive the world?

Replace the neutrally colored word “said” with expressive words. What is the tone of the dialogue between the characters?

The conversation between Artyom and his mother, for all its outward insignificance, is full of feelings of love. The mother, not wanting to traumatize her son prematurely, gently agrees with his statement that he will not go to school. However, when the time comes, she leads her son to school with firmness. The son dutifully agrees to go, not wanting to offend his mother. On the way, Artyom seriously, like an adult, punishes his mother so that she does not die while he is studying. These words of a boy who is afraid of an unknown and mysterious school have a double meaning: they simultaneously express the son's touching concern for his mother and hide a trick and cunning in themselves: what if the mother takes pity and does not lead to school. And of course, Artyom's words make his mother smile.

After such preliminary work role reading reaches its goal. Schoolchildren understand that the writer is concerned about deeply human problems. Artyom's unwillingness to study is connected not with a whim or negligence, but with a feeling of deep affection for his mother, a fear of being separated from her, of losing her. Artyom is still too small. He is afraid to break the original emotional connection with his mother, he wants to remain under the wing of maternal protection and guardianship. Comparison of Filipko's (L.N. Tolstoy. "Filipok") and Artyom's attitudes towards school makes it possible to understand that Artyom is much younger than Filipko, who has already broken away from his mother and rushed to the world.

Fearing to upset his mother, out of love for her, Artyom goes to school; this is how a new quality of a person is born - courage. And this is a very important idea of ​​the story. Artyom's behavior is completely determined by his love for his mother, moreover, through the prism of this feeling, the whole world is refracted, evaluated, perceived.

The conversation could be continued teacher's word. Its purpose is to show the autobiographical basis of the work. It is necessary to draw the attention of students to the originality of the children's images of the writer. Sympathy and compassion for someone else's misfortune, someone else's grief, experienced as one's own, is characteristic of the heroes of A. Platonov. Children are especially sensitive to the world. In the image of the writer, children are some kind of small adults, serious and preoccupied, constantly thinking about how to ease the hard life of not only their loved ones - father, mother, brothers and sisters, but also distant, “strangers” (“Dry bread”, "Cow", "Still Mom").

The origins of such a kindred attitude towards people lie in the difficult working childhood of the writer.

A. Platonov in childhood knew so much grief that it did not let him go until the end of his days. In childhood, he had to beg (at one time the family reached ten people, and only his father worked), to experience the bitterness of irretrievable losses (little brothers and sisters died of starvation). The eldest son in a large family, he was forced to start working at the age of fourteen to help his parents raise their children. A tender feeling of love for mother Marya Vasilievna carried A. Platonov through his whole life.

Not only his parents, but also the first teacher, Apollinaria Nikolaevna, had a great influence on his formation. “Then the time came for me to study - they sent me to a parochial school. The teacher Apollinaria Nikolaevna was there, I will never forget her, because through her I learned that there is a fairy tale sung by the heart about a Man born to “every breath”, grass, beast. A declaration of love to the closest people is A. Platonov's story "Mom More".

And the analysis of the story continues with the identification of the main plot elements(exposure, tie-ins, climaxes and denouements), drawing up a plan for the work.

Conversation on the episodes of the work allows students to understand the author's intention. The plot of the work is the hero's independent path to school, the culmination of the work is the episode of salvation from the bull and the denouement is a conversation with his mother.

Story plan"Still Mom" ​​reflects its main plot elements.

1. Artyom's conversation with his mother.

2. Way to school.

3. Studying at school.

4. Conversation with mother.

However, the third point requires clarification: we draw up a complex plan with students. Studying at school is divided into the following episodes:

a) a conversation of smart children in the school yard;

b) getting to know the teacher;

c) the first lesson;

d) Apollinaria Nikolaevna's maternal care for Artyom;

e) calligraphy lesson;

f) salvation from the bull;

g) acquaintance with the old driver;

h) “Our entire homeland is still your mother.”

Analysis of the work goes to the following questions.

Who does Artyom meet on the way to school? Why does he take the Beetle for a wolf, and the geese for eagles? How can you explain the hero's fears and the hostility of the world around him?

Why did Artyom, having heard the conversation of the children in the school yard, want to go home?

How did the teacher Apollinaria Nikolaevna react to Artyom?

How does Artyom behave at school?

What is Artyom thinking about in class? How do these thoughts of the boy characterize him?

How was Apollinaria Nikolaevna able to interest the boy in studies?

At what point does the bull appear and then the old driver?

How does the teacher behave in the episode with the bull?

Which of the episodes (the episode with the bull or the episode with the old driver) can be considered the culmination of the story? What did this situation help Artyom understand?

Why has Artyom's attitude to studies, to school, changed?

In the dialogue between Artyom and his mother, at the beginning of the story, the word “bored” sounds, at the end of the work, in a dialogue with his mother, Artyom says that the teacher missed him. What meaning does the author put into the word "bored"?

How does Artyom feel about his mother? To the people around?

- “The love of one person can bring to life a talent in another person, or at least awaken him to action” (A. Platonov). How is this thought of the writer confirmed in the story?

Who is “still a mother” to Artyom? What is the meaning of the story's title?

What artistic technique underlies the work? What is the story idea?

The lesson is conducted working on a portrait of a teacher. The leading methods of work are “picking up” a “dispersed portrait” (selective reading); comparison (psychological portraits of the heroine); work with means of expression. You can ask the children the following questions.

How does Artyom see the teacher? What does he see in her eyes? What helped Artyom to see “more mother” in the teacher? Watch how Apollinaria Nikolaevna turns into a “still mother”. With the help of what techniques does A. Platonov draw this transformation?

What does Artyom consider “his” and what is “alien”?

What role do smells play in the work? Compare the smells in the stories "Nikita" and "Still Mom". How does this comparison help to understand the author's attitude towards the heroine?

Students come to the conclusion that in the portrait of the heroine A. Platonov highlights the eyes. Attention to them is not accidental: for a writer, the inner content of a person is important. “Her eyes looked at him cheerfully, as if she wanted to play with him like a little one” - this is how Artyom sees the teacher for the first time. He notes her childish look, “like a little one,” and this already disposes Artyom to the teacher.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the phrase: “The unfamiliar eyes that looked closely at him were not angry, as if they had been familiar for a long time. "It's not scary," thought Artyom. This phrase shows the gradual transformation of the teacher into “still a mother”. “Unfamiliar eyes” become “familiar” (mother’s), and the child calms down, being with a loved one, with “his own”, fear disappears, he “clung” to the teacher’s chest, who carries him in her arms like a mother. As a mother, Apollinaria Nikolaevna also follows Artyom's progress with “rejoicing eyes”.

To create portraits of the heroine, the author uses comparisons (“like a little one”, “as if she had been known for a long time”): after all, the portraits of the heroine are given through the perception of little Artyom, who constantly compares the teacher with his mother and concludes: “It’s not scary, it means he’s his own.”

For the hero of the story “Still Mom”, “the whole world” is still limited by the narrow framework of the family circle, where his father and mother, grandfather and grandmother, brothers and sisters live, as well as the house as a settled, developed space. Around this familiar, "one's own" stretches the mysterious world of other, "foreign" people, creatures and objects. “The whole world” is perceived, evaluated, considered through the opposition “own - alien”, “native - non-native”, “familiar - unfamiliar”, “good - not good”. Everything that surrounds the native house, garden, yard and garden from all sides causes anxiety, inspires fear. Having created an acutely dramatic situation in the exposition of the story, A. Platonov shows step by step how a child who perceives the world through the opposition “one’s own - another’s” gradually becomes convinced that where he expected to meet a hostile attitude towards himself from “strangers”, on the contrary, it meets the good, the maternal. By removing the opposition “one's own - someone else's”, the writer from episode to episode leads the hero to the idea that there is no such opposition, that there is one pair of identical concepts “one's own - one's own”.

Smells play an important role in the writer's artistic system. With their help, he often creates portraits of heroes. To understand the author's position, we invite students to compare the smells in the works "Still Mom" ​​and "Nikita".

When Artyom first meets Apollinaria Nikolaevna, she takes him in her arms, and the boy feels that “she smelled” just like her mother, “ warm bread and dry grass ”(italics hereinafter ours. -E.V.). The second time, again in the hands of the teacher, Artyom “felt the same quiet and kind the smell he felt near his mother.” In the story “Nikita”, the boy smells his father: “The soldier smelled warmth, something kind And meek, bread and earth", - and calms down, like little Artyom. Bread, earth, mother, father - Platonov puts these concepts on a par, because without this a person cannot live.

Match the path to school between Filipko and Artyom. Why do writers introduce obstacles on the way to school and the realities of rural life into their works?

What is the form of narration in the story of A. Platonov “Still Mom” and L.N. Tolstoy "Filipok" How does the form of the narrative reveal the intent of the authors?

A. Platonov, depicting the hero's path to school, pursues a different goal than L.N. Tolstoy. L.N. Tolstoy draws the realities of rural life and obstacles on the path of Filipko to school in order to depict the will of the hero, the desire for knowledge, the high spiritual inclinations inherent in the soul of a Russian person. A. Platonov depicts the inner world of the hero in all its completeness and authenticity. This goal is also served by the forms of speech organization of works. Filipka is narrated in the third person. In the story "Still Mom", the narrative is driven by a dialogue in which the hero reveals himself. The narrator appears in remarks, mostly neutral in content ( said - answered), and in extra-plot elements (portraits, interiors), which are given through the eyes of the boy Artyom.

Working on the speech organization of the work, we analyze the image of the hero, in addition, students consolidate the skill of working with indirect speech in the work, obtained by studying the story "Nikita".

Follow the speech of the hero in the work. How does Artyom's speech characterize him? Highlight in the speech of the hero “signals of colloquialism” ( Sirotinin O. pp. 160–163). What are they talking about? What is the inner world of the hero?

- “Artyom did not listen to what the teacher said in the lesson. He looked at a distant white cloud, it floated across the sky to where his mother lived in their native hut. Is she alive? Didn't she die for some reason - Grandma Daria died at once in the spring, they didn’t look forward, they didn’t guess. Or maybe the hut caught fire without him, because Artyom left the house a long time ago, you never know what happens. From what perspective is the story being told in this passage? What feeling is imbued with the thoughts of the hero? What do they reveal in the character of the boy? Prove that these are the thoughts of Artyom. Pay attention to colloquial vocabulary. What is she talking about?

And the analysis of the speech organization allows us to highlight the main feeling of the child - the feeling of love for the mother, through the image of which he tries to comprehend and accumulate all the diversity of the world.

In the feeling of love for the mother, according to Platonov, lie the origins of the spirituality of man. Little Nikita, overcoming fear, tries to propitiate imaginary snakes and protect his mother. Artyom, not wanting to upset his mother, out of love for her, overcoming the fear of "strangers", goes to school. Mitya works alone in the field in the heat, helping the bread grow. To the suggestion of the teacher to go on an excursion to the forest with the children, he replies: “I love my mother all the time, it’s not boring for me to work. Bread is dying, we have no time.” In the name of the mother, the child puts the good of all people above his own. Overcoming the egocentrism inherent in the age of early childhood, and reaching the horizon of all people, the awareness of “life with everyone and for everyone”, the process of changing a child under the influence of mother and father into a “spiritualized” personality - this movement interests the writer.

The growth of "spirituality" in a person under the influence of the mother. How does this happen? “Mother smiled at him, and from her, from mother, everything suddenly became kind around: snuffling sweaty oxen, gray earth, a blade of grass trembling in the hot wind, and an unfamiliar old man wandering along the boundary. Mitya looked around, and it seemed to him that kind, loving eyes were looking at him from everywhere, and his heart shuddered with joy.

Mother! Mitya exclaimed. - What should I do? And then I love you!” ("Dry bread"). A caring attitude to the world is born from the love and care of a mother.

“Artyom picked up the beetle, put it on the burdock.

It was you who fell on me from the wind. Live now, live soon, otherwise winter will come. From these lines of a caring attitude towards all living things, the image of Vasya Rubtsov (“The Cow”) grows. These lines serve as a kind of roll call between the images of the characters.

An attentive attitude to the world, grown out of a feeling of motherly love, expands the horizon of a small person. The author focuses on the image of the complex process of human socialization. A. Platonov shows how a person, in a tense struggle with his age-related egocentrism, overcomes psychological barriers with difficulty and difficulty, rethinks himself and his place in the world. We see how the hero, “entering into life”, for the first time leaves the care and protection of his mother, crosses the border of the family space and enters the big social world of his people and homeland. Before us is a kind of act of the initial introduction of man to life. This initiation occurs through fellow students, and through the acquisition of the native language, and through “still mother” - a spiritual mentor and teacher. The whole unhurried and attentive to the smallest details course of narration and story is a gradual realization of a simple and capacious concept of a mother: from a mother to a “still mother” - a teacher, and then to a universal mother - the motherland.

“Do I also have a mother? - Asked Artyom. - Far far away, somewhere?

Yes, the teacher replied. - You have a lot of them.

Why so many?

And then, so that the bull does not gore you. Our entire homeland is still your mother.”

The theme of the path “from the horizon of one to the horizon of all people” sounded especially bright in one of the final episodes of the story.

“An old man with a whip entered the classroom, dusty with earth; he bowed and said:

Hello hosts! And what if there is no kvass to drink or water. The road was dry...

And who are you, whose are you? asked Apollinaria Nikolaevna.

We are distant, - the old man answered. - We go forward through and through, we drive breeding bulls according to the plan. Hear how they hum. Beasts are fierce!

They can mutilate children, your bulls! - said Apollinaria Nikolaevna.

What more! - offended the old man. - Where am I? I will save the children!”

An old herdsman, straight from the boundless expanses of Russia, having stepped into the school to get drunk, treats his dear little man with an apple. For the hero of the story, this apple is a huge miracle, the greatest evidence of love for him not only by his own mother and “still mother”, but also by all the people of his homeland, whom Artyom did not know and was afraid of before. So in the story "Still Mom" ​​Andrey Platonov depicts the initial meeting of a person with his homeland.

In the process of this knowledge of the world, familiarization with the people, a person is revealed as a spiritualized person in “life with everyone and for everyone”.


Belomestnykh O.B., Korneeva M.S., Zolotareva I.V. Lesson developments in literature: Grade 5. M., 2004.

Sirotinina O.B. What and why the teacher needs to know about Russian colloquial speech: A guide for the teacher. M., 1996.

Literary reading.

Topic: A.P. Platonov's story "Mom".

Purpose: to teach children to understand the lyricism of Andrey Platonov's story "Still Mom", to appreciate the kindness, warmth that they radiate; exercise in selective retelling; to form the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes; develop thinking, memory; to cultivate respect for the family hearth, mother, teacher.

Equipment: presentation, short biography Platonov

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II Patter Speaking in rows.

Why is it very important in primary school pronounce and read tongue twisters?

III. Learning new material.

Today we will analyze the work. Where do we start? We name the author, the title of the work, the genre of the work. Who is ready to answer?

Do you think a writer's biography can influence his works?

We listen to the retelling.

Andrei. Platonov in childhood knew so much grief that he remembered this end of days. In childhood, he had to beg (at one time the family reached ten people, and only his father worked), to experience the bitterness of loss (little brothers and sisters died of starvation). The eldest son in a large family, he was forced to start working at the age of fourteen to help his parents raise their children. A tender feeling of love for mother Marya Vasilievna carried A. Platonov through his whole life.

Not only his parents, but also the first teacher, Apollinaria Nikolaevna, had a great influence on his formation. “Then the time came for me to study - they sent me to a parochial school. The teacher Apollinaria Nikolaevna was there, I will never forget her, because through her I learned a lot ... ”, Platonov writes. A declaration of love to the closest people is A. Platonov's story "Mom More".

"Still Mom" ​​was first published in the magazine "Vozhaty", in 1965, No. 9. The image of the mother in Platonov's prose is a symbol of the soul, a feeling of love for the family. Motherland. That is why "still mother" - the one who introduces the child to the "beautiful and furious" world, teaches to walk along its roads, gives moral lessons. Teaches kindness, overcoming obstacles. How, the hero of the story “Still Mom” - Artem “works” his way into Big world of people.

The most important moral problem in the first part of the story is the problem of the love of a mother and a boy, and love, according to Platonov, is care, and here it is not so much the mother who cares about her son, but rather the son about his mother.

In the second part of the story, the problem of the development of the personality of a seven-year-old child is touched upon. Platonov shows how difficult it is for little Artem to enter the adult world. But, despite the boy's fear of learning, the fear of "foreign" people, Appolinaria Nikolaevna was able to find an approach to him. He wanted to go to school himself. There are books that we read in one gulp: it is interesting to know how it all ends. Platonov's works should be read calmly and carefully, because every word is important to him. Only with careful reading will we be able to learn about people and about ourselves such things that we would never have thought of on our own.

Conclusion: Platonov touches on problems: the problem of love between mother and son, the problem of the transition of a seven-year-old child to school life.

4. Work with the work.

While reading, you probably noticed that there are a lot of dialogues in this work. (What is a dialogue?) Now our students will try to convey the character of the characters, their feelings in the scenes. The role of Artem is played by: Vinogradov Misha, Zeynalov Elsun. The role of the mother is performed by: Alekseeva N. The role of the teacher Apollinaria Nikolaevna is performed by: Samarets Rimma. And now a word to our artists. After watching, we will answer questions.

Teacher's conclusion:

Artyom's unwillingness to study is connected not with a whim or negligence, but with a feeling of deep affection for his mother, a fear of being separated from her, of losing her. Artyom is still too small. He is afraid to break the original emotional connection with his mother, he wants to remain under the wing of maternal protection and guardianship.

Fearing to upset his mother, out of love for her, Artyom goes to school; this is how a new quality of a person is born - courage. And this is a very important idea of ​​the story. Artyom's behavior is completely determined by his love for his mother, moreover, through the prism of this feeling, the whole world is refracted, evaluated, perceived.

What other story can this story be compared to?

When did Filippok live, and when did Artem?

(In the 19th century in Tsarist Russia, in the 20th century in the USSR in postwar period)

What is the difference between boys' attitudes towards school?

Comparison of Filipko's (L.N. Tolstoy. "Filipok") and Artyom's attitudes towards school makes it possible to understand that Artyom is much younger than Filipko, who has already broken away from his mother and rushed to the world.

How does Artem first talk about the teacher?

And then with whom does he compare Apollinaria Nikolaevna?

How does the teacher remind him of his mother?

Why did Artem get ready for school early the next morning?

Determine the main idea of ​​the story. (Last sentence in the story.) Have you heard these words addressed to you?

Do you remember your first day at school? What feelings did you experience?

Work with essays. "First class for the first time." Reading some essays.

5 Summary of the lesson. Watch the video "On the steps of Knowledge"

IV. Summary of the lesson.

What particularly touched you, excited you?

What memories did the lesson bring to you?

Whose work in the lesson would you like to highlight?

Homework. Make a plan, write in a notebook.

” is studied in elementary school, and the program edited by G. I. Belenky recommends it for independent reading in the 5th grade. I also suggest reading the story “Still Mom” in the 5th grade, and consider it in the aspect of the socialization of the individual. The image of Artyom, who for the first time left the care of his mother, is important for understanding the path of becoming a personality from little Nikita ("Nikita"), who knows the world, to Vasya Rubtsov - a "full man" ("Cow").

Plato's hero discovers the horizon of all people, going "for the first time to the first class." In order to understand the author's intention, we compare the heroes of the stories "Still Mom" ​​and "Nikita", based on the idea of ​​a single context of the writer's works.

The story reveals an important image of the mother in the writer's artistic system. Having started working on it while studying the story “Still Mom”, we will return to this image in the 6th grade (the story “The Cow”), as well as in the 8th grade (the story “Everyday business”). To identify the features of the style of A. Platonov, we propose to compare the stories “Still Mom” by A. Platonov and “Filipok” by L. N. Tolstoy, and also recall the story “Dry Bread” by A. Platonov studied in elementary school.

We begin the conversation in the lesson by clarifying the initial impression of the story.

Did you like the story?

What is the main idea of ​​the piece?

Why is the story called "Still Mom"?

What is common and what is the difference between Artyom and Nikita, Artyom and Filipko?

Students love the writer's work. The fifth graders see the meaning of the title of the story in Artyom's meeting with the teacher Apollinaria Nikolaevna, who became "still a mother" for Artyom. This event they consider the main thing in the work. Speaking about the heroes of A. Platonov Nikita and Artyom, the students note the rich fantasy of the boys, which is played out when the heroes are left alone.

From the initial impression, we move to comprehend the ideas of the work, the features of the writer's style. The story "Still Mom", despite the small volume, is quite deep in content, in terms of the problems that are touched upon in it. Let's start by answering the questions.

What event is depicted by the writer in the story?

How does Artyom perceive the school? Why doesn't he want to go to school?

To answer this question, we suggest that students read Artyom's dialogue with his mother in roles. The main goal of working with dialogue is to help fifth-graders to penetrate the psychology of the characters, to arouse interest in the problem raised in the work.

Before students start reading by roles, they have to determine the boundaries of the dialogue, its main idea, choose the performers of the readers, and exchange opinions about the characters. But the most important thing for schoolchildren in the preparatory work is to compose a kind of “score” of the characters’ feelings at each moment of the conversation, supplementing with explanations the remarks of the mother and son in the dialogue. As a result, students create a dramatization of one of the parts of the story. The work is guided by the following questions.

Why does the mother agree with her son's statement that he will not go to school? At what point did mother's soft hand become hard? What does A. Platonov emphasize with this detail in the character of the mother?

Why did Artyom change his mind and go to school?

What is the purpose of Artyom talking to his mother about death?

“- No, she won’t be for you,” Artyom said quietly. "She's a stranger." How does the hero perceive the world?

Replace the neutrally colored word “said” with expressive words. What is the tone of the dialogue between the characters?

The conversation between Artyom and his mother, for all its outward insignificance, is full of feelings of love. The mother, not wanting to traumatize her son prematurely, gently agrees with his statement that he will not go to school. However, when the time comes, she leads her son to school with firmness. The son dutifully agrees to go, not wanting to offend his mother. On the way, Artyom seriously, like an adult, punishes his mother so that she does not die while he is studying. These words of a boy who is afraid of an unknown and mysterious school have a double meaning: they simultaneously express the son's touching concern for his mother and hide a trick and cunning in themselves: what if the mother takes pity and does not lead to school. And of course, Artyom's words make his mother smile.

After this preliminary work Role Reading Achieves its goal. Schoolchildren understand that the writer is concerned about deeply human problems. Artyom's unwillingness to study is connected not with a whim or negligence, but with a feeling of deep affection for his mother, a fear of being separated from her, of losing her. Artyom is still too small. He is afraid to break the original emotional connection with his mother, he wants to remain under the wing of maternal protection and guardianship. Comparison of the attitude towards the school of Filipko (L. N. Tolstoy. “Filipok”) and Artyom makes it possible to understand that Artyom is much younger than Filipko, who has already broken away from his mother and rushed to the world.

Fearing to upset his mother, out of love for her, Artyom goes to school; this is how a new quality of a person is born - courage. And this is a very important idea of ​​the story. Artyom's behavior is completely determined by his love for his mother, moreover, through the prism of this feeling, the whole world is refracted, evaluated, perceived.

The conversation could be continued teacher's word. Its purpose is to show the autobiographical basis of the work. It is necessary to draw the attention of students to the originality of the children's images of the writer. Sympathy and compassion for someone else's misfortune, someone else's grief, experienced as one's own, is characteristic of the heroes of A. Platonov. Children are especially sensitive to the world. In the image of the writer, children are some kind of small adults, serious and preoccupied, constantly thinking about how to ease the hard life of not only their loved ones - father, mother, brothers and sisters, but also distant, “strangers” (“Dry bread”, "Cow", "Still Mom").

The origins of such a kindred attitude towards people lie in the difficult working childhood of the writer.

A. Platonov in childhood knew so much grief that it did not let him go until the end of his days. In childhood, he had to beg (at one time the family reached ten people, and only his father worked), to experience the bitterness of irretrievable losses (little brothers and sisters died of starvation). The eldest son in a large family, he was forced to start working at the age of fourteen to help his parents raise their children. A tender feeling of love for mother Marya Vasilyevna carried A. Platonov through his whole life.

Not only his parents, but also the first teacher, Apollinaria Nikolaevna, had a great influence on his formation. “Then the time came for me to study - they sent me to a parochial school. The teacher Apollinaria Nikolaevna was there, I will never forget her, because through her I learned that there is a fairy tale sung by the heart about a Man born to “every breath”, grass, beast. A declaration of love for the closest people is A. Platonov's story "Mom More".

The analysis of the story continues by identifying the main Plot elements(exposure, tie-ins, climaxes and denouements), drawing up a plan for the work.

Conversation on the episodes of the work allows students to understand the author's intention. The plot of the work is the hero's independent path to school, the culmination of the work is the episode of salvation from the bull and the denouement is a conversation with his mother.

Story plan"Still Mom" ​​reflects its main plot elements.

1. Artyom's conversation with his mother.

2. Way to school.

3. Studying at school.

4. Conversation with mother.

However, the third point requires clarification: we draw up a complex plan with students. Studying at school is divided into the following episodes:

A) the conversation of smart children in the school yard;

B) getting to know the teacher;

C) the first lesson;

D) Apollinaria Nikolaevna's maternal care for Artyom;

D) calligraphy lesson;

E) salvation from the bull;

G) acquaintance with the old driver;

H) “Our entire homeland is still your mother.”

Analysis of the work Goes to the following questions.

Who does Artyom meet on the way to school? Why does he take the Beetle for a wolf, and the geese for eagles? How can you explain the hero's fears and the hostility of the world around him?

Why did Artyom, having heard the conversation of the children in the school yard, want to go home?

How did the teacher Apollinaria Nikolaevna react to Artyom?

How does Artyom behave at school?

What is Artyom thinking about in class? How do these thoughts of the boy characterize him?

How was Apollinaria Nikolaevna able to interest the boy in studies?

At what point does the bull appear and then the old driver?

How does the teacher behave in the episode with the bull?

Which of the episodes (the episode with the bull or the episode with the old driver) can be considered the culmination of the story? What did this situation help Artyom understand?

Why has Artyom's attitude to studies, to school, changed?

In the dialogue between Artyom and his mother, at the beginning of the story, the word “bored” sounds, at the end of the work, in a dialogue with his mother, Artyom says that the teacher missed him. What meaning does the author put into the word "bored"?

How does Artyom feel about his mother? To the people around?

- “The love of one person can bring to life a talent in another person, or at least awaken him to action” (A. Platonov). How is this thought of the writer confirmed in the story?

Who is “still a mother” to Artyom? What is the meaning of the story's title?

What artistic technique underlies the work? What is the story idea?

The lesson is Working on a portrait of a teacher. The leading methods of work are “picking up” a “dispersed portrait” (selective reading); comparison (psychological portraits of the heroine); work with means of expression. You can ask the children the following questions.

How does Artyom see the teacher? What does he see in her eyes? What helped Artyom to see “more mother” in the teacher? Watch how Apollinaria Nikolaevna turns into a “still mother”. With the help of what techniques does A. Platonov draw this transformation?

What does Artyom consider “his” and what is “alien”?

What role do smells play in the work? Compare the smells in the stories "Nikita" and "Still Mom". How does this comparison help to understand the author's attitude towards the heroine?

Students come to the conclusion that in the portrait of the heroine A. Platonov highlights the eyes. Attention to them is not accidental: for a writer, the inner content of a person is important. “Her eyes looked at him cheerfully, as if she wanted to play with him like a little one” - this is how Artyom sees the teacher for the first time. He notes her childish look, “like a little one,” and this already disposes Artyom to the teacher.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the phrase: “The unfamiliar eyes that looked closely at him were not angry, as if they had been familiar for a long time. "It's not scary," thought Artyom. This phrase shows the gradual transformation of the teacher into “still a mother”. “Unfamiliar eyes” become “familiar” (mother’s), and the child calms down, being with a loved one, with “his own”, fear disappears, he “clung” to the teacher’s chest, who carries him in her arms like a mother. As a mother, Apollinaria Nikolaevna also follows Artyom's progress with “rejoicing eyes”.

To create portraits of the heroine, the author uses comparisons (“like a little one”, “as if she had been known for a long time”): after all, the portraits of the heroine are given through the perception of little Artyom, who constantly compares the teacher with his mother and concludes: “It’s not scary, it means he’s his own.”

For the hero of the story “Still Mom”, “the whole world” is still limited by the narrow framework of the family circle, where his father and mother, grandfather and grandmother, brothers and sisters live, as well as the house as a settled, developed space. Around this familiar, "one's own" stretches the mysterious world of other, "foreign" people, creatures and objects. “The whole world” is perceived, evaluated, considered through the opposition “own - alien”, “native - non-native”, “familiar - unfamiliar”, “good - not good”. Everything that surrounded on all sides the native house, garden, yard and vegetable garden causes anxiety, inspires fear. Having created an acutely dramatic situation in the exposition of the story, A. Platonov shows step by step how a child who perceives the world through the opposition “one’s own - another’s” gradually becomes convinced that where he expected to meet a hostile attitude towards himself from “strangers”, on the contrary, it meets the good, the maternal. By removing the opposition “one's own - someone else's”, the writer from episode to episode leads the hero to the idea that there is no such opposition, that there is one pair of identical concepts “one's own - one's own”.

Smells play an important role in the writer's artistic system. With their help, he often creates portraits of heroes. To understand the author's position, we invite students to compare the smells in the works "Still Mom" ​​and "Nikita".

When Artyom first meets Apollinaria Nikolaevna, she takes him in her arms, and the boy feels that “she smelled” just like her mother, “ Warm bread and dry grass ”(italics hereinafter ours. -E.V.). The second time, again in the hands of the teacher, Artyom “felt the same Quiet and kind The smell he felt around his mother.” In the story “Nikita”, the boy smells his father: “The soldier smelled warmth, something Kind AND Humble, bread and earth", - and calms down, like little Artyom. Bread, earth, mother, father - Platonov puts these concepts on a par, because without this a person cannot live.

Match the path to school between Filipko and Artyom. Why do writers introduce obstacles on the way to school and the realities of rural life into their works?

What is the form of narration in A. Platonov's story "Still Mom" ​​and L. N. Tolstoy "Filipok"? How does the form of the narrative reveal the intent of the authors?

A. Platonov, depicting the hero's path to school, pursues a different goal than L. N. Tolstoy. L. N. Tolstoy draws the realities of rural life and obstacles on the path of Filipko to school in order to depict the will of the hero, the desire for knowledge, the high spiritual inclinations inherent in the soul of a Russian person. A. Platonov depicts the inner world of the hero in all its completeness and authenticity. This goal is also served by the forms of speech organization of works. Filipka is narrated in the third person. In the story "Still Mom", the narrative is driven by a dialogue in which the hero reveals himself. The narrator appears in remarks, mostly neutral in content ( Said - answered), and in extra-plot elements (portraits, interiors), which are given through the eyes of the boy Artyom.

Working on the speech organization of the work, we analyze the image of the hero, in addition, students consolidate the skill of working with indirect speech in the work, obtained by studying the story "Nikita".

Follow the speech of the hero in the work. How does Artyom's speech characterize him? Highlight in the speech of the hero “signals of colloquialism” ( Sirotinin O. pp. 160–163). What are they talking about? What is the inner world of the hero?

- “Artyom did not listen to what the teacher said in the lesson. He looked at a distant white cloud, it floated across the sky to where his mother lived in their native hut. Is she alive? Didn't she die for some reason - Grandma Daria died at once in the spring, they didn’t look forward, they didn’t guess. Or maybe the hut caught fire without him, because Artyom left the house a long time ago, you never know what happens. From what perspective is the story being told in this passage? What feeling is imbued with the thoughts of the hero? What do they reveal in the character of the boy? Prove that these are the thoughts of Artyom. Pay attention to colloquial vocabulary. What is she talking about?

An analysis of the speech organization allows us to single out the main feeling of the child - the feeling of love for the mother, through the image of which he tries to comprehend and accumulate all the diversity of the world.

In the feeling of love for the mother, according to Platonov, lie the origins of the spirituality of man. Little Nikita, overcoming fear, tries to propitiate imaginary snakes and protect his mother. Artyom, not wanting to upset his mother, out of love for her, overcoming the fear of "strangers", goes to school. Mitya works alone in the field in the heat, helping the bread grow. To the suggestion of the teacher to go on an excursion to the forest with the children, he replies: “I love my mother all the time, it’s not boring for me to work. Bread is dying, we have no time.” In the name of the mother, the child puts the good of all people above his own. Overcoming the egocentrism inherent in the age of early childhood, and reaching the horizon of all people, the awareness of “life with everyone and for everyone”, the process of changing a child under the influence of mother and father into a “spiritualized” personality - this movement interests the writer.

The growth of "spirituality" in a person under the influence of the mother. How does this happen? “Mother smiled at him, and from her, from mother, everything suddenly became kind around: snuffling sweaty oxen, gray earth, a blade of grass trembling in the hot wind, and an unfamiliar old man wandering along the boundary. Mitya looked around, and it seemed to him that kind, loving eyes were looking at him from everywhere, and his heart shuddered with joy.

Mother! Mitya exclaimed. - What should I do? And then I love you!” ("Dry bread"). A caring attitude to the world is born from the love and care of a mother.

“Artyom picked up the beetle, put it on the burdock.

It was you who fell on me from the wind. Live now, live soon, otherwise winter will come. From these lines of a caring attitude towards all living things, the image of Vasya Rubtsov (“The Cow”) grows. These lines serve as a kind of roll call between the images of the characters.

An attentive attitude to the world, grown out of a feeling of motherly love, expands the horizon of a small person. The author focuses on the image of the complex process of human socialization. A. Platonov shows how a person, in a tense struggle with his age-related egocentrism, overcomes psychological barriers with difficulty and difficulty, rethinks himself and his place in the world. We see how the hero, “entering into life”, for the first time leaves the care and protection of his mother, crosses the border of the family space and enters the big social world of his people and homeland. Before us is a kind of act of the initial introduction of man to life. This initiation occurs through fellow students, and through the acquisition of the native language, and through “still mother” - a spiritual mentor and teacher. The whole unhurried and attentive to the smallest details course of narration and story is a gradual realization of a simple and capacious concept of a mother: from a mother to a “still mother” - a teacher, and then to a universal mother - the motherland.

“Do I also have a mother? - Asked Artyom. - Far far away, somewhere?

Yes, the teacher replied. - You have a lot of them.

Why so many?

And then, so that the bull does not gore you. Our entire homeland is still your mother.”

The theme of the path “from the horizon of one to the horizon of all people” sounded especially bright in one of the final episodes of the story.

“An old man with a whip entered the classroom, dusty with earth; he bowed and said:

Hello hosts! And what if there is no kvass to drink or water. The road was dry...

And who are you, whose are you? asked Apollinaria Nikolaevna.

We are distant, - the old man answered. - We go forward through and through, we drive breeding bulls according to the plan. Hear how they hum. Beasts are fierce!

They can mutilate children, your bulls! - said Apollinaria Nikolaevna.

What more! - offended the old man. - Where am I? I will save the children!”

An old herdsman, straight from the boundless expanses of Russia, having stepped into the school to get drunk, treats his dear little man with an apple. For the hero of the story, this apple is a huge miracle, the greatest evidence of love for him not only by his own mother and “still mother”, but also by all the people of his homeland, whom Artyom did not know and was afraid of before. So in the story "Still Mom" ​​Andrey Platonov depicts the initial meeting of a person with his homeland.

In the process of this knowledge of the world, familiarization with the people, a person is revealed as a spiritualized person in “life with everyone and for everyone”.


Belomestnykh O. B., Korneeva M. S., Zolotareva I. V. Lesson developments in literature: Grade 5. M., 2004.

Sirotinina O. B. What and why the teacher needs to know about Russian colloquial speech: A guide for the teacher. M., 1996.

The protagonist of Andrei Platonov's story "Still Mom" ​​is a boy Artem, who lives in the village. Artem did not want to go to school, so as not to part with his mother, whom he loved very much. But the mother took her son to school and said that the teacher would be like a mother to him.

At school, Artyom was afraid of everything and at first sat in the arms of the teacher, and only then sat down at the desk. He did not listen to the lesson and all the time thought about his mother and worried about her. The teacher even asked him what he was so worried about, and Artyom told her that he was afraid of a fire in his house. But the teacher reassured him.

After the lessons, when all the children ran away, the teacher began to teach Artyom how to write the word "mom". Artem tried very hard, and he began to succeed in writing this word correctly. He enjoyed learning so much that he asked the teacher to show him other letters.

And then Artyom got scared again, because a huge bull looked in the classroom window. But the teacher told him that she would protect him from the bull. To this, Artem objected that the teacher was not a mother, and would not be able to protect him.

The teacher did not agree with him and said that now she is his mother. Artem did not understand this, how does it happen: mom at home and mom at school? The teacher said she was another mother.

Artem asked the teacher if he still had mothers, and she replied that there were, there were many of them, and that Artem’s entire Motherland was still a mother.

The next day, he went to school so early that his mother was surprised. Artem said that a teacher was waiting for him at school and she missed him. Mom kissed her son and wished him to learn and grow big.

Takovo summary story.

The main idea of ​​Platonov's story "Still Mom" ​​is that caring for children is one of the main concerns of a developed state. And in such a state, children believe that the people who take care of them are still mothers.

The story teaches to take care of all children, to treat them as if they were their own, relatives.

In the story, I liked the teacher, who treated the first grader Artyom well, and he began to consider her another mother. School is a second home, and a teacher is another mother. In a calm, friendly environment, the assimilation of new material occurs better.

What proverbs fit Platonov's story "Still Mom"?

There is no sweeter friend than a mother.
One per person own mother, he has one homeland.
Motherland is the mother of all mothers.