Rasputin French Lessons. The moral meaning of V. Rasputin's story "French Lessons"

Detailed solution Page 111-144p. in Literature for 6th grade students, authors Mushinskaya T.F., Perevoznaya E.V., Karatay S.N. 2014

1. What impression did the story leave on you? What did you find particularly interesting, memorable, liked?

The story left a strong impression, I really liked the main characters and his teacher. It was interesting to find out what games the schoolchildren had in postwar period what kind of life they lived. I liked it very much as a teacher main character played freeze.

2. What episodes from it would you like to retell to your relatives and friends? What thoughts were born in you in the process of reading or after it, what desires?

I would like to tell you about how a teacher helped her student not only learn French, but also not die of hunger.

It was amazing to know that there are such teachers who are ready to do anything to help their students. I wish we had the same ones.


1. You probably noticed that the main character and the narrator are the same person. What does he say about himself, his family, the life of the village, about people's relationships? How does he feel about studying? What is the character of the boy?

The protagonist is a clumsy boy from the village who came to study at the district school in the post-war period. “A skinny wild boy ..., untidy without a mother and alone, in an old, washed-out jacket on sagging shoulders, which was just right on his chest, but from which his arms protruded far; in branded light green trousers sewn from his father's breeches and tucked into teal" - this is how the main character can be described outwardly. In the village he was loved and respected for his talent for science. Due to this, the boy survived so as not to die of hunger, since his mother was unable to feed her family.

When he moved to the city to study, his life deteriorated significantly. Lonely, always hungry and distrustful, he is nevertheless attractive primarily for his character traits: honesty, conscientiousness, a thirst for justice and remarkable stubbornness, which helps him achieve his goals. Obviously, these features of his character were formed just against the backdrop of a dysfunctional post-war life, which is why he learned to appreciate and respect others. Knowing what sacrifices his mother made to ensure his studies at the district school, he is aware of the responsibility entrusted to him, which contributes to the development in him of a conscientious attitude to learning. He is successful in almost all subjects, except for "mysterious and incomprehensible" French taught by Lidia Mikhailovna.

2. How does he live in the city? Why is he sad? Why didn't you leave with your mother when she said: “Get ready. Enough..."? How is hunger handled? How does he try to find a way out of his difficult situation?

In the city he lives hungry and lonely. Where he lived in an apartment, the last grubs were stolen from him and the boy often remained hungry. He yearns for the village, for a simple and even relatively satisfying life there, because there one could fish or collect forest gifts. Missed my mother and home. And he did not leave because he was stubborn, conscientious, honest. He endures his hunger. And one day he agrees to play for money, realizing that it is forbidden, but he saw this as a way of getting a piece of bread for himself.

3. Why did the boy start playing for money? Do you agree that the rules of life and play in this group of teenagers are cruel? How could you prove it? Why boy; the narrator quickly figured out the intricacies of the game and began to win? Why was he treated so cruelly? Why wasn't he forgiven? What do Vadik and Ptah look like in this massacre? What is their relationship based on? What is this couple?

He began to gamble because of hunger. The rules of the teenagers were very cruel, they beat the hero several times, attacking a bunch of one.

They did not just play honestly, but on the contrary, they tried to cheat, they were terribly jealous if someone stole their "cash" from them.

The boy quickly figured it out, because he was quick-witted, dexterous and well-aimed, he was taught this while still living in the village.

In the case of Vadim and Ptah, the boy's great courage, his courage and bravery are revealed. After all, these guys were several years older than the narrator and stronger. When he decided to oppose the opinion of authority and defend the truth, he was beaten by the same boys. But the narrator did not lose heart, he did not bow to the strongest and stubbornly sought his truth.

Vadik and Ptaha are typical hooligans who lived on the principle of the rights of the one who is stronger. Their relationship is kept only on mutually beneficial terms (Ptakha played along with Vadik and did not lose out himself).

4. What did Lidia Mikhailovna understand and how did she try to help the boy? Why was he afraid that the teacher would take him to the director? Why did the boy go to the players again? Why did the last episode of the game end like this?

Lidia Mikhailovna saw him beaten and left him after school. The boy was afraid that she would take him to the director and that he might be kicked out of school, which he would not like at all. The hero honestly tells her about gambling and explains why. Lidia Mikhailovna asks him not to do this, but the boy could not keep his promise, because he did not know how else he could still get money for existence. And he was beaten again, as he was again able to win the ruble.

5. Humiliation. What is the meaning of this word and what situations are humiliating for a person? What is the feeling dignity? sense of honor? How does an uncorrupted person usually react to humiliation?

Humiliation- the behavior of a person, the purpose or result of which is a fall in the humiliated self-esteem and his dignity in the eyes of other people.

Situations can be different, it all depends on the person and his moral principles.

Self-esteem- a grateful and respectful attitude towards oneself, consciousness of one's own dignity, one's own value; self respect.

Honor- this is a readiness to defend one's interests and the interests of one's state, while neglecting even a threat to one's life.

The higher the self-esteem, the calmer the person reacts to such attacks of ill-wishers.

6. The boy's relationship with Lydia Mikhailovna. Why doesn't he want to accept the package? How does it feel in the teacher's apartment? Why?

In her desire to help him, the teacher gives a package of food, tries to feed him at home, where she called him under the pretext of additional French lessons. In her apartment, he hides in a corner and feels terribly cramped. And although he is hungry, a piece does not go down his throat. Being a proud and self-respecting person, the protagonist rejects all her attempts to help.

7. Why did Lidia Mikhailovna begin to play with the boy for money, not observing the rules of the game? Why was she not afraid to drop herself in the eyes of a student? Did she know that the director would not forgive her for this? What do the words fearlessness, spiritual generosity mean?

Seeing that all her attempts to help her student come to nothing, the teacher's next decisive step is to play for money with the boy. In the game, the boy sees her completely different - not as a strict aunt, but as a simple girl, not alien to the game, excitement, delight. She was not afraid of this, since she was driven by a sincere desire to help the boy, perhaps it could be realized only by giving him a sense of justice and honesty of the money received. In this case, by fair play in the "wall".

The fact that the director would not forgive her for this, she probably did not know, since he appeared completely unexpectedly, she did not foresee this. But she could not help but know that she could be fired. But still she took a chance for the help of her capable student.

Fearlessness- moral-volitional quality of a person, expressing the ability and ability of a person to suppress fear, fear, panic.

Spiritual generosity- this is the moral quality of a person to be attentive to other people and willingness to share their problems, empathy, compassion, readiness to listen, understand, help.

8. Why did the director react to the teacher's act in such a way? How does this characterize him? How else could he have acted? What unwritten rules did the teacher break, and in the name of what? And what did the director violate?

The director, who caught her in the midst of playing with a student for money, this whole situation was unambiguously negative: “This is a crime. Corruption. Seduction, ”he shouts, not intending to understand anything. Lidia Mikhailovna behaves with dignity in a conversation with her boss. She shows courage, honesty, self-esteem. Her act was guided by kindness, mercy, sensitivity, responsiveness, sincere generosity, but Vasily Andreevich did not want to see this. Although he was also a teacher and he did not want to fully understand what prompted the teacher to take such a step. He showed himself to be a heartless, inattentive person.


1. Why is the story so named? Did Lydia Mikhailovna teach the boy only French? How now, as an adult, does he understand the past, how does he evaluate what happened then?

The word "lesson" in the title of the story has two meanings. Firstly, this is an academic hour devoted to a separate subject, and secondly, it is something instructive, from which a conclusion can be drawn for the future. It is the second meaning of this word that becomes decisive for understanding the intent of the story. The lessons of kindness and cordiality taught by Lidia Mikhailovna, the boy remembered for the rest of his life. The act of Lydia Mikhailovna is higher pedagogy, it pierces the heart forever and shines with a pure, simple-hearted light of a natural example, ... before which one is ashamed of all one's adult deviations from oneself.

2. Compare the rules of the game for teenagers and the rules of the "game" of adults. Whose cruelty can be understood and explained and, perhaps, forgiven? Whose is not? What does the author think about this?

Childish cruelty can be explained and even forgiven - children survived as best they could in the post-war, hungry time. For many of them, this way of earning money became a way of subsistence.

In adults, the opposite is true. Here the director could have tried to sort out the situation, but he didn't want to. He judged superficially, not attentively, showed his indifference, as a person, as a teacher. He cannot be forgiven for this.

The author is trying to answer a lot of questions: was another outcome of this story possible? No. The actions of the director were conditioned by the norms of morality in society. Was this lesson helpful? Yes. The main character was finally able to open his soul to the teacher, realizing what exactly she had done for him. And at the end, the story is filled with nostalgia and kindness, which overwhelms the boy, forcing him to become even a little better.

3. Why is the story about the teacher? What is the meaning of the author's remark: at the beginning of the story - about guilt before teachers and parents (p. 112)?

The story is autobiographical. Lidia Mikhailovna is named in the work by her own name (her last name is Molokova). In 1997, the writer, in an interview with a correspondent for the Literature at School magazine, spoke about meetings with her: “Recently she was visiting me, and we long and desperately remembered our school, and the Angarsk village of Ust-Uda almost half a century ago, and much of that difficult and happy time."

At the beginning of the story, the author writes: “It is strange: why do we, just like before our parents, every time feel guilty towards teachers? And not for what happened at school, no, but for what happened to us later. So the writer begins his story "French Lessons". Thus, he defines the main themes of the work: the relationship between the teacher and the student, the image of life illuminated by the spiritual and moral sense, the formation of a hero, his acquisition of spiritual experience in communication with Lidia Mikhailovna. French lessons, communication with Lydia Mikhailovna became life lessons for the hero, education of feelings.

4. Look at the composition of the story. Try to explain the expediency of such placement of its parts, the artistic significance of one; two of them. What sound do a few remarks give to the told story, by which it is clear that the narrator is already an adult? Find these notes.

The composition is outwardly quite simple. The story begins with the author's remark "Strange ...". Further, the author gradually, part by part, leads the story of a case from his life. The plot begins from the moment when a boy from the village finds himself in difficult living conditions in the city. The climax is when the director catches the teacher playing with the student for money. The denouement - Lidia Mikhailovna leaves the city. Auto consistently tells us this good and sad story. Each of the parts has its own important artistic significance.

One of the remarks sounds at the very beginning of "Strange ..."

“Hunger that year has not yet let go, and my mother had three of us, I am the eldest. In the spring, when it was especially hard, I swallowed myself and forced my sister to swallow the eyes of sprouted potatoes and grains of oats and rye to dilute the plantings in the stomach, - then you won't have to think about food all the time. All summer long we diligently watered our seeds with pure Angarsk water, but for some reason there was no harvest."

So is his remark before the climax of the story: “If only we knew how it would all end…”


1. What illustrations would you like to draw for V. Rasputin's story? Describe in words what you think is especially meaningful. Which episodes would you like to see illustrated in the textbook?

I would like to see illustrations from the scenes when the boy plays for money with the teacher, or how the hero confronts Ptakh and Vadik, The boy is at Lidia Mikhailovna's house.

2. Find and examine the illustrations for the story "French Lessons" by artists B. Alimov, V. Galdyaev, Y. Trizna, A. Shapirko and others. Which of them do you like best? Why? Justify your answer.

Most of all I liked the illustrations by Galdyaev, Trizna and Shapirko.

Each of the artists reflected the vision of the main characters in their own way. For everyone, details are important, the poses of the characters, their facial expressions are not particularly expressive, but the figures, gestures and the general plan immediately lead to thoughts about what is happening in the room.

3. Watch the TV movie French Lessons. What scenes from it made the biggest impression on you? How can you explain this? Are there discrepancies between the author's text and the script? How could you explain this?

Fil made a general good impression and it was interesting to watch him, especially the moments when Lidia Mikhailovna tried to help the boy Vova, the landscapes were beautifully shot. At the end of the work, a parcel with apples is shown in close-up. The director of the film is Yevgeny Tashkov (this is a film story), there are not many discrepancies here, only some new characters are introduced. This is due to the fact that the main thing in cinema is dialogue and action.

V. Rasputin "French Lessons".

(literature lesson in grade 6)

Subject: Hunger for knowledge young hero, his moral stamina, self-esteem. The role of a teacher in a boy's life

Target: To acquaint students with the content of the story, its characters, show the boy’s great desire to learn, his desire for independence, find out what role the teacher played in the boy’s life, form the skills and abilities to characterize the hero, evaluate his actions, develop the ability to generalize, draw conclusions, express their opinion, to cultivate a love for learning, for teachers, to prevent fatigue in the classroom.

During the classes

I.Org. moment

II. Reading a poem about a teacher

You are needed, needed forever

Both youth and old man

To enrich them stubbornly.

This is how ore is mined.

So springs always bring light

And that's how grains are grown.

Your labor...

So the jeweler sometimes

Grinding a tiny diamond

This is how the brilliance of damask is reported.

Yes, the main thing in the current fate

The earth owes you

And the sky, opened to the eye.

You, like a mother above the cradle,

When again, again, again

flipping through school notebooks,

At night without closing your eyes.

You feed us with knowledge

Goodness and happiness in the world for the sake of.

Teacher! Let you a hundred times

Praise, give thanks

And they will lift you to the throne of songs,

So that with every generation

From now on, you will be magically younger,

In work, which is so wonderful!

What and who will we talk about in class?

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of V. G. Rasputin “French Lessons and Its Heroes”.

1.Text conversation.

Let's turn to the work and read 1 paragraph. What is it the main idea? What mood does it give to the whole work?

Tell us about the life of a boy in the village.

The hard life of the post-war village. What are her signs in the story. Examples.

When did the boy start an independent life?

2.Brainstorm” .

An adult from a village who enters a city cannot always adapt to city life; it is also difficult for a child like the hero of the story “French Lessons” to do this. Advise a young villager on how to behave when they are in the city. (write on the board)

3. Text conversation.

Let's see how our hero leads in the district center

Why did the “worst thing” start when he came home?

The boy once had the opportunity to leave. Why did he refuse?

Tell me about the game of chica. What made our hero take part in it?

How does our hero behave? What does this indicate? Character traits.

4.Situation: if you were in such a situation with a game for money, like the hero of Rasputin's story, what would you do: would you play by the rules of Vadik and Ptakhi or not? Have you had such situations? Give examples.

5.Work with text. (portrait, characterization)

Why did L.M. choose the narrator? For individual lessons? Is it by chance?

Let's see what portrait characteristics the author gives to the boys.

Assignment by options:

    Find and select the characteristics of the boys who surrounded the hero.

    Find and write down the characteristics of the main character.

Read out.

What is the difference?

6.Continuation of work with the text.

Read the scene "Returning the Parcel". Why did the boy bring her back? What feelings will he experience at this moment? How does the teacher feel?

What is the purpose of L.M. began to play "zameryashki"? What betrayed her during the game?

- “.. The director was suffocating, he did not have enough air. - I am at a loss to immediately tell you the deed ... This is a crime. Corruption, seduction.”

Do you agree with this assessment of LM's act? How do you rate her performance?

7.Situation: Imagine yourself as the main character of Rasputin's story “French Lessons” and imagine how your life in the city would have been if there had not been such a teacher as L.M. in your school?

    Checking d / z.

Memories of parents about their teachers.


"Microphone ” .

What role does a teacher play in a person's life? What are they teaching?



    Average level: prepare a retelling of the text.

    Sufficient level: draw up a plan for a story about the life of a boy.

    High level: do you agree with the idea that the trials that fall to the lot of a person temper his character? Can it be argued that this happened to the hero of Rasputin? Justify your answer.

In the story "French Lessons", the author reveals to the readers the life and spiritual world of a village teenager, whom hard fate and hunger force him to seek different ways way out of a difficult situation.
The hero of the work is a smart boy who "in the village was recognized as a literate man." He studies well and goes to school with pleasure. Therefore, the parents decided to send him to the district school. At the new place, the boy also continues to successfully study. In addition, he feels that he has been given great confidence, hopes are pinned on him. And he was not accustomed to treat his duties carelessly. The boy lives, constantly malnourished, in addition, he is very homesick. However, when his mother came to visit him, he does not betray his difficult situation, does not complain and does not cry. The products that are sent to him from the village are not enough for a long time. In addition, most of what is sent to him "disappears somewhere in the most mysterious way." Since a lonely woman lives next to him with three children who themselves are in the same, if not more hopeless, situation, the boy does not even want to think about who is carrying food. He is only offended that these products of the mother have to be torn away from the family, from his sister and brother.

In difficult times, the main character of the story had to learn. The post-war years were a kind of test not only for adults, but also for children, because both good and bad in childhood are perceived much brighter and sharper. But difficulties temper character, so the main character often shows such qualities as willpower, pride, sense of proportion, endurance, determination. Responsibility and a sense of duty do not allow the boy to drop out of school and return home.
Surely, many in his place would have given up long ago or would have found other, dishonorable ways to earn money and food. However, a developed sense of self-worth does not allow
the protagonist even take advantage of his ability to play the "forbidden" game and win more than the amount needed to buy milk daily. Overdoing himself, he does not even give in to the persuasion of the teacher, who by hook or by crook is trying to help him, to feed him. Without a shadow of a doubt, the boy returns to her a package with precious pasta and the hematogen he needs so much. At the same time, the main character does not complain to anyone about his troubles and problems, he hides them in every possible way.

Despite the fact that the hero of the story "French Lessons" gets involved in the game for money, he causes deep sympathy. By nature, he is a good, smart boy, honest and fair, with a good heart, with pure soul who loves his family, respects the people around him, shows care and sympathy for those suffering from poverty and hunger. And only extreme necessity forces him to do not quite good deeds.

Lesson 46 RESISTANCE OF THE HERO, Thirst for Knowledge, Sense of Self Dignity (according to V. Rasputin's story "French Lessons")

01.02.2012 15637 1582

Lesson 46 Hero's resilience, thirst for knowledge, self-esteem(according to the story of V. Rasputin "French Lessons")

Target: show complex inner world hero, to help the children discover in themselves inexhaustible reserves of kindness and true beauty.

During the classes

I. Checking homework.

Reading session.

How did the boy behave during the fight? How does this characterize him?

– And again, a landscape sketch helps to understand, to convey the state of the hero, to characterize him. Find and read it. “I stood for about five minutes and, sobbing, looked at the clearing where the game began again, then I went down the other side of the hill to a hollow covered around with black nettles, fell on the hard, dry grass and, not holding back any longer, wept bitterly, sobbing.” )

- Why does the hero, despite the threats of the guys, come back to play in the meadow? Find the answer in the text.

II. Learning new material.

Conversation-reflection on the composition of the story.

- Let's analyze the episode "Conversation with Lydia Mikhailovna after school." What does the boy feel when he is waiting for the teacher in the hallway? (Waited "freezing with fear.")

- How did Lidia Mikhailovna start the conversation? The tone of her questions? What is her goal?

Expressive reading on the roles of the conversation between the teacher and the boy. The "author" reads portrait descriptions of the characters.

- Which artistic technique uses Rasputin in portrait descriptions of heroes? (Antithesis: "... all neat, smart and beautiful ..." and "... a skinny wild boy with a broken face ...", "... in altered father's breeches ...".)

- Why did Lidia Mikhailovna choose the hero of the story for special classes? Is it by chance? After all, as the hero of the story claims, “there were as many guys as you like at school who spoke French no better than me, but they walked free, did what they wanted, and I, like a damned one, took the rap for everyone.” (The boy did not yet understand that the teacher felt something was wrong with her student. She saw him beaten, and his classmate Tishkin blabbed that the guys were playing for money. When Lidia Mikhailovna saw her student beaten a second time, she decided to intervene at all costs help him. And when the boy figured out the secret with the package, she explains to him: "How many well-fed loafers we have at school, who don't understand anything, and you are a capable boy, you can't leave school.")

III. Summing up the lesson.

Homework: tell about the hero according to the plan given in the textbook (p. 156); answer in writing the question: “Why didn’t the starving boy accept the parcel with food?”.

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“French Lessons” by V. G. Rasputin is an autobiographical story, memories of the childhood years of the author himself, therefore the images of the writer and his hero are merged into one in my mind.

In difficult times, the main character of the story had to learn. The post-war years were a kind of test not only for adults, but also for children, because both good and bad in childhood are perceived much brighter and sharper. But difficulties temper character, so the main character often shows such qualities as willpower, pride, sense of proportion, endurance, determination. Responsibility and a sense of duty do not allow the boy to drop out of school and return home.

Surely, many in his place would have given up long ago or would have found other, dishonorable ways to earn money and food. However, the developed self-esteem does not allow the protagonist even to use his ability to play the "forbidden" game and win more than the amount necessary for the daily purchase of milk. Overdoing himself, he does not even give in to the persuasion of the teacher, who by hook or by crook is trying to help him, to feed him. Without a shadow of a doubt, the boy returns to her a package with precious pasta and the hematogen he needs so much. At the same time, the main character does not complain to anyone about his troubles and problems, he hides them in every possible way.

Reading the story of V. G. Rasputin “French Lessons”, you understand that every day in our life gives us many lessons that not only add knowledge, but are also a kind of strength test. And from every step, from every word depends: will we become brave, decent, kind people or we will constantly regret the deeds committed yesterday and in the distant past.

The stories of V. G. Rasputin are distinguished by a surprisingly attentive and careful attitude to a person, to his difficult fate. The writer's works captivate us with interesting details of the inner life of an ordinary, modest, almost imperceptible person. The author draws images ordinary people who live an ordinary life with its sorrows and joys, in constant work and worries. At the same time, he reveals to us the rich inner world of these people. So, in the story “French Lessons”, the author reveals to readers the life and spiritual world of a village teenager, who is forced by hard fate and hunger to look for different ways out of a difficult situation.

The hero of the work is a smart boy who "in the village was recognized as a literate man." He studies well and goes to school with pleasure. Therefore, the parents decided to send him to the district school. At the new place, the boy also continues to successfully study. In addition, he feels that he has been given great confidence, hopes are pinned on him. And he was not accustomed to treat his duties carelessly. The boy lives, constantly malnourished, in addition, he is very homesick. However, when his mother came to visit him, he does not betray his difficult situation, does not complain and does not cry. The products that are sent to him from the village are not enough for a long time. In addition, most of what is sent to him "disappears somewhere in the most mysterious way." Since a lonely woman lives next to him with three children who themselves are in the same, if not more hopeless, situation, the boy does not even want to think about who is carrying food. He is only offended that these products of the mother have to be torn away from the family, from his sister and brother.

It is under such circumstances that the boys offer the hero to play for money. Having studied the rules of the game, he agrees. And soon he begins to win. However, he needs money not for some trinkets and not even for sweets. The boy needs to drink milk, as he suffers from anemia. Yes, and he only plays up to the amount that would be enough for a jar of milk. Possessing modesty and pride, he would never agree to take food from the teacher or even have dinner with her after class. Therefore, Lidia Mikhailovna has only one way to help him - to give him a chance to honestly win his ruble.

Despite the fact that the hero of the story “French Lessons” gets involved in a game for money, I have deep sympathy for him. By nature, he is a good, smart boy, honest and fair, with a kind heart, with a pure soul, loving his family, respecting the people around him, showing care and sympathy for those suffering from poverty and hunger. And only extreme necessity forces him to do not quite good deeds.

The system of images and the ideological content of the story.

"It's strange: why do we, just like before our parents, every time feel guilty before our teachers? And not for what happened at school, no, but for what happened to us after."

Valentin Rasputin's brilliant story "French Lessons" begins with such a moralizing judgment.

With wise humor, kindness, humanity, and most importantly, with complete psychological accuracy, the writer describes the relationship between a hungry student and a young teacher. The narrative flows slowly, with everyday details, but its rhythm imperceptibly captures the reader, just as it does not capture another adventure novel of modern "hacks".

"I went to the fifth grade in the forty-eighth year. It's more correct to say, I went: in our village there was only Primary School, therefore, in order to study further, I had to equip myself from home fifty kilometers away to the regional center.

With the meticulousness of the essayist, Rasputin explains the reasons that prompted the mother to let her son go on an independent life, about how she agreed with a friend about this, about how he was left alone. "... and on the last day of August, Uncle Vanya, the driver of the only lorry on the collective farm, unloaded me on Podkamennaya Street, where I was to live, helped bring the bundle with the bed into the house, patted me encouragingly on the shoulder and drove off. So, at eleven years, my independent life began.

“Hunger that year has not yet let go, and my mother had three of us, I am the eldest. In the spring, when it was especially hard, I swallowed myself and forced my sister to swallow the eyes of sprouted potatoes and grains of oats and rye to dilute the plantings in the stomach, - then you won't have to think about food all the time. All summer long we diligently watered our seeds with pure Angarsk water, but for some reason there was no harvest."

Here the author is humane and truthful. Without a shadow of falsehood, without exaggeration, he shows the natural contradictions between the characters, drawing an imperceptible parallel between the general contradictions of the city and the countryside, their difficult understanding of these contradictions, their gradual rapprochement, their general confusion from an unexpected turn in relations.

The climax of the story comes after the teacher began to play with the Boy in the wall. The paradox of the situation sharpens the story to the limit. Those who lived and studied during the period of the “triumph of communism” should feel this aggravation especially acutely, when “hazing” relations between a teacher and a student could lead not only to dismissal from work, but also to criminal liability.

The teacher could not help but know that, if her colleague, the "public", got to the bottom of what was happening, she was provided with a wolf's ticket. The boy did not fully understand this. But when the trouble did happen, he began to understand the behavior of the teacher more deeply. And this led him to realize some aspects of the life of that time.

The ending of the story is almost melodramatic. The parcel with Antonov apples, which he, a native of Siberia, never tried, seems to echo the first, unsuccessful parcel with city food - pasta. More and more strokes are preparing this, which turned out to be not at all unexpected finale, which puts all the points over i. Something unworthy, shameful for a person is accumulated in the story, which is contrasted with the purity of the urban French teacher, still a girl, and the heart of a fuzzy, distrustful village boy opens before this purity.

It would seem that everything that the writer told about is a distant past. What do we care about him?.. But the story is still fresh, socially hot.

It has the highest human values”, weighed with jeweler's precision. It contains the great courage of a little woman, the insight of a closed, ignorant child, and the lessons of humanity.