The historic estate, owned by Serdyukov's son, is being sold at Avito. Security and sound - a separate line

Komarovo is one of the most famous holiday villages on the northern coast of the Gulf of Finland. This year, we joined the number of vacationers in it. What to say? It is very quiet there, despite the fact that the village is crossed by a railway and two highways. There used to be academic dachas here - there are many of them now, but almost all of them have changed owners long ago. Next to small summer houses are impressive VIP residences. On the seaside - several restaurants with terraces, a hotel. Swimming is not recommended. But in the nearby forest is full of blueberries - it is not forbidden to collect.

Like most settlements located on the Karelian Isthmus near railway, Kellomyaki developed rapidly at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to the dacha boom. The railway platform was opened here in 1901, and in 1903 the Kellomäki station appeared. Before the construction of the railway, this area was completely uninhabited. She was called "Hirvisuo", "Moose Swamp". By 1916, there were already about 800 dachas in the village. The layout of the plots was drawn up in advance, which excluded chaotic development. Finns, Ingrians and Russians lived here. Among famous people who rested in Kellomyaki before the revolution were Matilda Kshesinskaya, Carl Faberge, Georges Bormann, Gavriil Baranovsky. In the village in 1908-1917. there was a Holy Spirit Orthodox Church which was destroyed by fire.

Kellomyaki 1912

Presumably Piotrovsky's dacha on 1st Dachnaya Street, section 455. Photo taken in 1914.

A volunteer fire brigade operated in the village. A summer amateur theater was located in its building on Peterburgskaya Street.

Fire brigade, 1911

Fire department, 2010

After the independence of Finland was declared, the development of summer cottages on the Karelian Isthmus slowed down. Back to top Soviet-Finnish war In 1939, 167 families lived in Kellomyaki. About 800 dachas were left without owners. Continued to live in the village first Nobel laureate Russian Academician Pavlov I.P.

Until recently, Reno's wooden dacha was preserved on Morskaya Street at the edge of the cliff, where relatives of Academician I.P. Pavlov lived in pre-war times. The house burned down in June 2006, but fragments of the forged fence are still intact (its gates have been transferred to the local museum of local lore for preservation).

Until 1939, the village of Kellomyaki was part of the Terijoki volost of the Vyborg province. The civilian population of the village was completely evacuated by the Finnish authorities for security purposes during the period of aggravation of relations with the USSR in October 1939.

Villa "Harp", 1938

On November 30, 1939, a flurry of fire hit the villages of Kuokkalu, Kellomyaki and Terijoki. In the middle of the day, the village of Kellomyaki was abandoned by the Finnish army.

The village of Kellomyaki remained a closed zone until the end of the war. One of the buildings was a hospital. The dead were buried nearby in a mass grave. Now there is a monument in this place.

War 1939-1940. Photo from Life magazine

Finland has joined new war against the USSR on June 26, 1941, and active fighting started in mid-July. In September, Kellomyaki was again occupied by the Finnish army. From September 1941 to the beginning of June 1944, units of the 10th Infantry Division of the Finnish Army were stationed near the village. There was also a secret battery of long-range Durlyakher guns, which was intended "for firing at the forts of Kronstadt", but it did not take any serious part in the hostilities. They say that its construction was a mistake, since only 30 shots were fired from it. None in Leningrad.
On June 10, 1944, units of the Red Army occupied Kellomyaki. At the end of the war, the village received Soviet settlers.

Mass grave in Komarovo

On October 14, 1945, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the construction of dachas for full members of the USSR Academy of Sciences." A plot was allocated to the west of the railway station, on which it was ordered to build 25 dachas and transfer them “free of charge to personal property” to members of the Academy of Sciences. One of the dachas was intended for the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, botanist VL Komarov. This fact was probably taken into account during the campaign of total renaming settlements Karelian Isthmus, which unfolded in 1948, the village was renamed in honor of Komarov.

Monument to Komarov

IN Soviet years Dmitry Shostakovich, Evgeny Schwartz, Nikolai Cherkasov, Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy, Ivan Efremov, Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, Yuri German and many others rested in Komarovo. Over time, not only the best mathematicians and physicists began to settle in Komarovo, but also artists, painters, musicians, and writers. The village became privileged. The very way of life that these people led, with their starched white tablecloths, long tea parties on the terrace and indispensable music playing, did not fit into the general picture of proletarian life. The village itself was called by its inhabitants “a dormitory of pundits” or “Academyaki” (the playful name of the village of academicians in consonance with Kellomyaki). But Komarovo, despite its elitism, was not a closed settlement. It has always been customary to receive guests here.

Shostakovich's dacha, 2011

Writers adored their House of Creativity, despite the fact that in terms of comfort it resembled a provincial hotel of not the highest rank. But each had its own number.

House of creativity of writers, 2009

Pushkin street

Cars chirped from morning to afternoon. Residents of the village, passing by, automatically lowered their voices: “The authors are creating!”. Life in Komarovo flowed measuredly and calmly. In the summer we rode bicycles. In winter - on a Finnish sleigh. They went to visit each other. We put on home plays. And with might and main observed the life of famous neighbors. Fortunately, no one then built solid fences. The whole life of scientists and artists was in full view.

Dacha building, 2010

In general, by the mid-50s, from a war-torn village, Komarovo turned into a cozy and well-groomed suburban village, in which the Leningrad (and not only) creative intelligentsia rested.


In 1955, the Literary Fund provided a small house for Anna Akhmatova. Anna Andreevna called the dacha “The Booth”. Her home was welcoming. Dmitry Likhachev, Lidia Chukovskaya, Faina Ranevskaya, Natan Altman, Alexander Prokofiev, Mark Ermler and many others have been there. Young poets came: Anatoly Naiman, Evgeny Rein, Dmitry Bobyshev.

Dacha Akhmatova

Anatoly Naiman and Anna Akhmatova. Komarovo, 1965

By the way, Akhmatova had one of the poorest dachas, since she received only 70 rubles of pension. And the rest of the cultural figures who had houses there had fairly well-equipped dachas. While the “booth” was being improved in 1955, Anna Andreevna lived with her friends Gitovichi. This house has been preserved, but rebuilt beyond recognition.

Dacha Gitovichi, 2010

Anna Akhmatova in Komarovo

In August 1961, in Komarov, Yevgeny Rein introduced Anna Akhmatova to Joseph Brodsky. In the autumn and winter of 1962-1963, Brodsky lives in Komarovo, at the dacha of the famous biologist R. L. Berg, where he works on the Songs of a Happy Winter cycle. Communicates with Akhmatova daily: “In conversations with her, just in drinking tea or, say, vodka with her, you quickly become a Christian - a person in the Christian sense of the word - rather than reading the relevant texts or going to church. The role of the poet in society is reduced to a large extent precisely to this.

Anna Akhmatova and Joseph Brodsky

In 1962, Brodsky met the young artist Marina (Marianna) Basmanova at Akhmatova's. The first verses with the dedication "M. B." - “I hugged these shoulders and looked ...”, “No longing, no love, no sadness ...”, “The riddle of an angel” date back to the same year. In 1964, Marina Basmanova came to Brodsky in exile, and they lived together. On October 8, 1967, Marina and Joseph had a son, Andrei. Because of the persecution of Brodsky, it was decided to give his son the name of his mother. Personal relations remained after Brodsky's expulsion in 1972, and in 1993, at the invitation of Brodsky, Andrei Basmanov came to New York and stayed with his father for several months. However, this has nothing to do with the topic.

Marina Basmanova and Anatoly Naiman. Photo by I. Brodsky

Anna Akhmatova died on March 5, 1966 in a sanatorium in Domodedovo. On March 6, the leadership of Moscow writers decided to send the coffin with her body to Leningrad, under the pretext that Akhmatova was a member of the Leningrad writers' organization.
In Leningrad, relatives had to determine a place for burial. According to Brodsky, the Punins did not want to deal with the funeral, and they told him: "Joseph, find a cemetery." Brodsky searched for the cemetery together with Zoya Borisovna Tomashevskaya. It was impossible to bury Akhmatova next to Blok and Lozinsky on Literary Mostki: for a funeral in such a prestigious cemetery, there had to be a sanction from the authorities. The Leningrad branch of the Writers' Union did not even apply such an initiative to the regional party committee. After all, the decree of 1946 continued to “hang” over Akhmatova, calling her poetry alien to the Soviet people.
But at the same time, it was unthinkable to imagine that Akhmatova would rest in the widely accessible Southern or Northern cemeteries, faceless and eerie. In the end, we stopped at a small Finnish cemetery of Russian emigrants in Komarovo: “Her grave will become the center of the cemetery. Everyone will strive for it. The cemetery will become Akhmatov's."

Grave of Anna Akhmatova

And so it happened. Back in the early 90s, the cemetery was modest and quiet. Now it is the "Komarovsky Necropolis": along with the locals, the most famous scientists, figures of literature and art, the elite of the intelligentsia, are buried here. Over 200 graves.
Nathan Alman, Veniamin Basner, Gennady Gor, Dmitry Likhachev, Viktor Reznikov, Yuri Rytkheu, Iosif Kheifits and others.

Sergey and Liza Kuryokhin

Russian theater director Zinovy ​​Yakovlevich Korogodsky

Alexander Nikolaevich Zhitinsky aka

Writer Ivan Antonovich Efremov

Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva. Scientific director of the Center "Brain" of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and since 1992 - the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg). Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Andrei Ivanovich Krasko

Vera Panova and Boris Vakhtin

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev

The oldest burial is the grave of the composer V. E. Savinsky

Today Komarovo is a very prestigious holiday destination. It is a pity that the once elegant houses, but they have to give way to summer residences, including the mansions of the Prime Minister Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and ex-governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko.

Residence of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev

Cottage of Valentina Matvienko

Many dachas passed to the heirs of famous owners, or even to people far from science and culture. In some places, “new Russian” mansions are springing up. The symbols of the new life were the cellular communication antenna rushing into the sky near the station and the veranda on the seashore...

1. For Medvedev's dacha in Komarovo, a country children's camp had to be demolished

To start construction of the dacha of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Komarovo, the buildings of the children's camp were demolished. As it turned out, the demolition of children's camps, as well as kindergartens for the construction of VIP residences, is a popular decision in Komarovo.

As a source told Neva24, familiar with the situation, on a plot of about 2 hectares in the village of Komarovo in the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg, on which, according to our information, Dmitry Medvedev's dacha is being built (Kudrinsky lane, 10), until 2010 a children's camp was located. According to the source, it was demolished specifically for the construction of the presidential dacha. Recall that Medvedev's dacha is being built with the money of Gazprom and consists of four wooden houses fenced with a high fence with video cameras around the perimeter. Construction began in October last year and should be completed in September 2011.

It turned out that the demolition of the children's the camps are far from the only episode in recent history Komarovo. At the moment, according to the source, the kindergartens, previously owned by the Ministry of Defense (Kavaleriskaya street, 6, letters A, B), have been sold to an unknown person. The camp, on the territory of which the dacha of the architect Baranovsky (Bolshoy Prospekt, 9) is located, became the property of the Constitutional Court, now it is built up with cottages. The mobile garden on Shkolnaya Street, 5 and 7, passed into private ownership (although the new owner is restoring a building from the beginning of the 20th century there). The kindergarten at 1st Dachnaya Street, 61, has not existed for 15 years. This is only a partial list of the demolished institutions intended for children's recreation.

Among the remaining kindergartens in Komarovo, one can single out an institution on 2nd Dachnaya Street, 5/1, however, according to the source, they plan to close and sell it, like three kindergartens on Vokzalnaya Street, as well as the children's neurological sanatorium "Mother and Child" on Bolshoy Prospekt, 15, although, according to the source, a monument of regional significance is “slowly collapsing” on its territory - the dacha of General Voronin built in the early 20th century.

Note that in Komarovo there is also a dacha of the governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko. It is interesting that all the entrances to it were hung with road signs in the form of "bricks". When asked by our colleagues from the media, the officials replied that the sign was put up because of “road repairs”, however, according to local residents, no repairs were made there. However, when the journalists informed the responsible persons about the absence of road repairs, they promised to remove the signs in the near future.

2. 1.35 billion rubles were spent from the budget for the reconstruction, 150 million were spent on the purchase of furniture from the St. Petersburg company MTK

Inside the presidential residence: gilding, chandeliers worth 40,000 euros and a mirror in which Medvedev will look
44 photos from the most protected and expensive object in Yekaterinburg

"URA.Ru" was able to see from the inside how the Yekaterinburg residence of the President of the Russian Federation was reconstructed. Sevastyanov's house is a subject of constant discussion for residents of the capital of the Urals. Hundreds of millions from the regional budget have been spent on an amazing building in the center of Yekaterinburg, while mere mortals have no chance to look at the interiors of the miracle mansion. We will be able to see something during live broadcasts of federal channels from the SCO summit. But the readers of "URA.Ru" have a special opportunity to evaluate from amateur photographs how the work on creating chic interiors of Sevastyanov's house was going on. Chandeliers for 40 thousand euros, a toilet for the president, gilded bas-reliefs - this is amazing. Let's see together where our money went.

During construction, the interiors of the Sevastyanov house looked very romantic - like a tomb from the Indiana Jones movies

One of the interior, not front rooms. Embossed ceiling, carved doors, clean, tidy

The corridors are very narrow though.

Apparently a toilet. Possibly for the President

Ionic columns and an ornament on the ceiling… What is that, gilding?!


Against the background of the columns, you will get excellent photos of the heads of state

Each window is made with love.

They say that when the interiors of the Sevastyanov house were already ready, the presidential administration pointed out flaws: they forgot to stretch the necessary cables under the panels. They tore off the panels, laid the cables, attached them back

They decided to keep the stoves as an element of decor

One of the semicircular halls overlooking Lenin Street

Parquet - a separate song

The most beautiful thing is the drawings of old Yekaterinburg on the walls. This is what Plotinka once looked like... the artist depicted the Kharitonovs' estate

...and here is Sevastyanov's house itself! Just Venice

Parquet, as already mentioned, is amazing

Builders are the most common

Under the roof

Work in progress...

Look at the ceiling! And what windows!

The main feature of the restorers is the complete preservation of the original interior decoration of the XIX century

Wrought iron railings (this is not the most sophisticated yet)

Apparently, the main entrance

Radiators embedded in wooden panels

One of the stairs. Here the railing is already trickier

Everywhere marble

In the main hall, light effectively breaks through the upper windows.

Beautiful chandeliers - beautiful places

Here you can see that the parquet ornament is laid out manually

Even interior windows of stunning geometry

Fragments of the ornament are repeated on the walls, in the windows, on the parquet, on the railings.


In this mirror, perhaps, the president will look

And in this fireplace, in which case, you can burn confidential napkin correspondence with Hu Jintao

Here is an interesting point. Documentation for the Faustig chandelier. Model number visible - 77514

Here is the chandelier. Price according to the Faustig catalog - 39 thousand euros

Eight of these chandeliers were bought (320 thousand euros)

They look really fabulous

View from the balcony on Lenin street. It is unlikely, of course, that the FSO will allow the heads of state to walk along this balcony

From above, probably, all the same gilding

Light fixtures

Gilded column close up

Some even cooler chandelier

In such interiors, the word "too" does not exist.

Recall that 1.35 billion rubles were spent from the budget for the reconstruction of Sevastyanov's house, of which 150 million were spent on the purchase of furniture from the St. Petersburg company MTK.


Furniture ordered for the residence of the President of the Russian Federation in Yekaterinburg

“Working with this St. Petersburg firm was strongly recommended from the Kremlin…”

The SCO summit, which before the crisis seemed to Sverdlovsk residents as a pleasant and prestigious entertainment, in the conditions of austerity is beginning to look like a burden. Rejecting the important social projects At the same time, the government is forced to spend 1.2 billion rubles of taxpayers on the reconstruction of the Sevastyanov House (the so-called Yekaterinburg residence of the President of the Russian Federation) and another 150 million on furniture and interior items for it. It won't be cheaper: the presidential administration's requirements for SCO facilities are extremely high. At the same time, the fixed assets will be mastered not by Sverdlovsk companies, but by St. Petersburg furniture makers. They will have to make mirrors in walnut frames, sofas with hand-carved legs, bar counters with gilding, etc. We have on hand full list objects of some glaring chic.

Preparing for a difficult 2009, the Sverdlovsk government tightened its belt: they abandoned plans to build new gas pipelines, cut the allowances of policemen, reduced the traffic safety program, practically stopped the implementation of the advertised "Ural Village", and in general every penny counts. But the holding of the SCO summit has to be spent in full, although the event seems to be not regional, but federal and even international.

Ever since the economic crisis began, the ambitious building projects in Yekaterinburg have been blown away one by one. If back in the summer of 2008 the Demidov Congress Hall was called the "main object of the SCO", and in general business bore a significant part of the costs of the summit, now this burden has fallen on the shoulders of the regional budget. Because businessmen have the opportunity to refer to the lack of money and refuse construction, but the governor does not have such a right: all the promises have already been made, you need to at least get out of your skin - and hold the summit. The prestige of Russia is at stake.

Rossel regularly holds the regional headquarters for the preparation of the SCO and personally tours all the facilities under construction for the summit

The taxpayers of the Sverdlovsk region will pay for the prestige of Russia. For example, they will spend 1.2 billion rubles on the reconstruction of the Sevastyanov House - the new "main object of the SCO", also known as the "Yekaterinburg residence of the President of Russia." But this is at least an investment in the city: after the summit, the Sevastyanov House will not go anywhere, and will delight the townspeople with its appearance. But here's another interesting waste: the region will spend about 150 million rubles on the interior decoration of the House. The interior, judging by the tender documentation, will be very refined. But only the heads of the SCO states will see it, and ordinary Sverdlovsk residents will never know where their money went.

On January 15, the Sverdlovsk Region Governor's Administration of Administrative Buildings summed up the results of the auction and concluded three contracts worth about 150 million rubles, the subject of the transaction is the supply of interior items to the Sevastyanov House. Initially, it was planned to spend even more - 205 million, but the sellers turned out to agree to a slightly more modest amount.

This is what a silver fork looks like for ... a lemon. There is such nobility - 640 rubles apiece. Only they will take 30 thousand 720 budget rubles

Lot No. 1 of the auction: "Supply of tableware and utensils". It was supposed to purchase dishes for 7 million 250 thousand rubles, including "high-quality Picadilly porcelain, special glaze composition, full firing, white, with gold underglaze edging along the edge of the product", bread baskets from Germany, Japanese chef's knives made of forged steel, buckets for champagne , silver-plated forks (for cake, for desserts, for oysters, for fish, for lemon; yes, a separate fork for lemon), etc. and so on. to infinity. Unfortunately for the summit and fortunately for the Sverdlovsk budget, the auction has not yet taken place (a single legal entity participated), but be sure that it will be held soon anyway.

Lot No. 2 of the auction: "Supply of tablecloths". The amount of the contract is 2 million 250 thousand rubles. The most impressive tablecloth is designed for a table for 28 people. You will need 8 of these for the summit, 8 more for tables for 26 people. All made in Germany, the color is “white, pearl”, or beige, or chocolate, but everywhere there is always a “large jacquard pattern”. In total, we will buy 24 huge tablecloths, 1,000 cotton napkins, 200 chair covers, and countless medium-sized tablecloths. The auction was successful, won by the Yekaterinburg firm Dolphin. But just the other day, she informed her customers that she could not supply the necessary tablecloths and napkins for the indicated amount due to the sharp rise in the euro exchange rate. This means that even more money will have to be allocated from the budget.

Lot No. 3 of the auction: "Delivery of curtains". Price - 8 million 850 thousand rubles. All curtains will be fire-resistant, with rich linings, various patterns. Fortunately, the order for the manufacture of curtains was received by the Kamensk-Ural garment factory - so the money spent will at least remain in the region.

And, finally, lot No. 4 of the auction: "Supply of furniture." This is the largest contract - 138 million rubles of our money will be spent on it (186 million was originally planned). I must say that even in the premises of security and administrators, the furniture will be, at a minimum, of very high quality. And the sofas and chairs, which will have to accept the sirloins of VIP guests, are completely chic.

This is how the tender documentation describes the armchair in the fireplace room: “A classic-style armchair, rectangular in shape. Comfortable, with increased seat depth. The upper part of the armrests and the back with a transition to the ends of the armrests and the base is decorated with wooden carvings with abundant floral ornaments. Solid oak, covered with patinated lacquer and lightly gilded on the carving, which is done by hand. The seat is filled with polyurethane of different hardness and down, the back is filled with polyurethane of different hardness and down. Comes with a set of two pillows.

Coffee table in the room for guests of honor: “Made in the classical Empire style, decorated with carved elements - knobs around the perimeter of the tabletop, chiseled legs with carved petals. Solid walnut + gilding, carving is done by hand.

Classical Russian Empire: expensively rich. One of the interpreters of the SCO summit will have such a desk. And in total, several dozens of various tables will be ordered, and each will be unique

The table is also there: “Made in the classical Empire style, decorated with carved elements - knobs around the perimeter of the tabletop, chiseled legs with carved petals. Panels of hinged doors, drawers, as well as panels decorating the side and back of the table, are made with a gilded carved panel in the shape of a rectangle (with carved inserts - tulips at the edges). The central part of the panel is decorated with radix veneer. The imposts of the table pedestals are made in the form of columns with flutes and carved inserts. Composition: one chest of drawers with a hinged door (with a key), one chest of drawers with three drawers (one with a key), two drawers under the table top (with keys). The decorative elements of the table are made of gilded myrtle wood; side panels, doors are made of MDF with natural walnut veneer and myrtle wood veneer. Classic metal handles with a gold finish. Leather on the tabletop, color by agreement.

Chairs in the toilet, sofas in the gazebo, desks, wardrobes, an office chair made of cherry, wall mirrors made of beech, negotiating tables with guilloche ornament - the full list takes up several dozen pages.

In addition, it is planned to order an impressive number of business card holders, pencils, knives, paperweights and watches, which will be made of natural stone and bronze, with gilding. Also on the list: magnifiers made of mahogany, lighters with gilding, sculptures "flutist", "lion" and much more (the full list of all joys is a link at the end of the text).

It is noteworthy that of the four companies applying for this order, only two were from Sverdlovsk (GUK-Invest and First Class), another was from Moscow (ArlenStar), and the winner was from St. Petersburg. This is MTK LLC.

An Internet search will turn up nothing about a company that will make furniture for Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Chinese President Hu Jintao and Central Asian leaders. They clarified the situation a little in the leadership of the Sverdlovsk region. A source close to SCO Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Gusev explained that the MTK company is a St. Petersburg company that once furnished the Konstantinovsky Palace, where the G8 summit events were held. In many ways, this is why she was given preference - she has experience working with objects for top officials. The interlocutor also added that the selection of all the furniture for the Sevastyanov House is under the strict control of the presidential administration, which is why there are such high requirements for the level of furniture.

As soon as it became known that the summit would be held in Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg businessmen, strongly recommended by the presidential administration, came to visit Rossel

One of the Yekaterinburg businessmen told URA.Ru that the St. Petersburg company MTK was well prepared for the conclusion of the contract. At one time, this businessman was engaged in the construction of one of the SCO facilities (as a result, the facility will not participate in the SCO, however). According to him, back in the summer, representatives of the St. Petersburg company came to Governor Rossel to get acquainted and traveled around the summit sites, preparing to supply them with furniture. “As I understand it, these are some St. Petersburg businessmen who are strongly recommended by the presidential administration,” our interlocutor explains. Then the St. Petersburg residents toured all the objects on the list of "SCO sites", got acquainted with their owners and prepared preliminary proposals.

Sergey Kozlov, deputy manager of the affairs of the governor and the government of the Sverdlovsk region, is the same person who drafted the application and monitored the results of the auction. He told URA.Ru that no one provided any patronage to the St. Petersburg company, it simply offered the cheapest price (the price is really 48 million rubles lower than the requested one). Kozlov also denied reports that the presidential administration controls purchases. “These are completely expenses of the regional budget, and the presidential administration does not interfere in them,” he assures.

"URA.Ru" failed to contact the company "MTK" - it was not possible to find out its phone number (only the address in St. Petersburg is indicated in the procurement documentation). Unfortunately, it also failed to find companies that tried to compete with it - although they may have their own opinion about the honesty of the competition.

But the main question is not even who will master the money. The main question is whether the Sverdlovsk budget is ready for such spending in a crisis? And how fair is it to carry them alone, paying for the gilding for presidential chairs from the pocket of Sverdlovsk? Perhaps the Sverdlovsk government found itself between two fires. On the one hand, there are Sverdlovsk residents who are losing their right to travel free of charge, craving unemployment benefits and asking for new kindergartens. On the other hand, the administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the dreams of Eduard Rossel about the great Sverdlovsk region, hosting the leaders of half the world. It is a pity that these dreams appeared at one time, and they have to be paid for at a completely different time.

Dmitry Kolezev

Source: URA.Ru, 05/20/2009


Fourteenth estate of the Russian president

What are the other 13 residences of Dmitry Medvedev?

The presidential administration is going to build a residence for the country's top officials on the Gamow Peninsula in the Khasansky district of Primorsky Krai. This was reported by the newspaper "Vedomosti".

Country residence "Valdai"

Its construction will cost 7.7 billion rubles. The residence can be located on a land plot with an area of ​​1141.8 hectares, and the area of ​​buildings will be 26.5 thousand square meters. m.

The new estate of Dmitry Medvedev in the Primorsky Territory will become the 13th country residence of the president. Three of them have official status - "Gorki-9" in the Odintsovo district, "Bocharov creek" in Sochi and "Valdai".

The structure of presidential estates is still practically unknown to Russian citizens. However, in November last year, information appeared on the public procurement website about a tender for the right to conclude a state contract for the equipment of a residence on Lake Valdai (it has three official names - Valdai, Long Brody and Dinner). It was planned to spend 77.5 million rubles for these purposes. It turned out that on the territory of the estate with an area of ​​930 hectares there is a presidential church, a bathhouse, two restaurants, a cinema hall, and a bowling alley.

Especially loved by President Medvedev (and before him by Presidents Putin and Yeltsin) is the summer residence Bocharov Ruchey. In it, he holds both official meetings and rests on vacation. But when alpine skiing became the presidential sport, Medvedev and Putin began visiting Bocharov Ruchey in the winter as well, from where they fly by helicopter to the track in Krasnaya Polyana.

Summer residence "Bocharov Ruchey"

The residence has 2 floors. The decoration of the first floor has not changed since the time of Stalin - here, for example, massive oak furniture and hunting trophies are placed. The President's servants and guards live on the same floor. The second floor is more modern, with Italian furniture and light-colored wallpaper. It has a living room, an office, a bedroom, an apartment for guests.

There are several other buildings on the estate: a dacha for the head of the presidential administration and a cottage for the prime minister (Vladimir Putin also uses the residence). There is also a helipad, two swimming pools (with sea and fresh water), sports ground, indoor tennis court.

residence "Gorki-9" in the Moscow region

On the beach there is a pier for the presidential boat "Caucasus".

The territory is surrounded by a double fence - the first, reinforced concrete, about 2.5 meters high, the second - from the chain-link mesh. From the sea, the estate is guarded by ships of the Black Sea Fleet.

The residence has a garden with feijoa and peaches. However, as they say, Dmitry Medvedev prefers to work himself in a glass greenhouse where kiwis and lemons grow.

But most often the president spends time at the Gorki-9 residence in the Moscow region (it is the largest of all). Dmitry Medvedev did not move here immediately after his election - for some time the Yeltsin family freed her, and then the house was repaired.

The most expensive building in the list of unofficial residences is Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna near St. Petersburg (territory area - 140 hectares).

Konstantinovsky Palace

Its reconstruction cost about 200 million dollars, but the money was not spent from the budget - several Russian raw materials companies dumped on the estate. Formally, in the palace there is only a "working office of the president" (as well as in the library named after Yeltsin in St. Petersburg).

residence "Shuyskaya Chupa"

However, the head of state both rests on the estate and holds official meetings. Last year, paintings purchased at an auction for $20 million were purchased for the palace.

Other presidential residences are much less visited. For example, in Karelian "Shuyskoy Chupe"(in the late 90s, its construction cost $50 million, the area of ​​the estate is 50 hectares) Boris Yeltsin has been several times, Vladimir Putin - once, Dmitry Medvedev - not a single one yet.

Quite unpopular with Dmitry Medvedev are such residences as "Volzhsky cliff" on the banks of the Kuibyshev reservoir, "Tantalum" on the banks of the Volga, 40 km from Saratov, "Angara farms" 47 km from Irkutsk, "Small source" in Yekaterinburg in a forest on the shore

residence in the Krasnoyarsk Territory "Sosny"

Malo-Istoksky Pond, "Pines" in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The peak of their use came during the presidency of Boris Yeltsin. So, in the "Volzhsky Cliff" the first president liked to fish - he boasted more than once that he fished 10-20 kg of trout there.

Last year, a residence was built for the president in Yekaterinburg(palace with an area of ​​10 thousand square meters). He stayed there 1 time.

Also last year, the castle was included in the list of presidential residences. "Mein Dorf" at Rublyovka. The peculiarity of this place is that it is the only one that a Russian citizen can rent for events. Basically, the castle is rented for weddings by high officials and businessmen.

More beloved by Medvedev residence "Rus" in the Tver region, located on the territory of the hunting farm "Zavidovo". In fact, this is the main hunting ground for all Russian presidents. The guard of this estate in one interview described the local life of high officials as follows:

"Volzhsky cliff"

“Yeltsin came to the dacha much more often than Putin. He is an old man, he needs to rest. For a year and a half, Putin came ten times. At first, he didn't come at all. And then I liked it, I began to fly - he always arrives by helicopter. Once I flew in for 15 minutes: I changed clothes, walked the dog for a bit and flew away again. And we were preparing for his arrival for two months: the grass was cut, not a single piece of paper, not a leaf - and so on all 15.5 hectares.

Protects the residence of 600-700 people.

"Mein Dorf"

There is a hotel for VIPs, two tennis courts, two swimming pools, shelter, two artificial lakes: in one trout, in the other sterlet.

I really like the way they hunt: they don’t get out of the cars at all. They drive up to the clearing, where the animals are specially fed. There are towers with searchlights.

Palace in Yekaterinburg

A spotlight illuminates the clearing, they shoot and immediately leave.

Yeltsin, when he was president, liked to listen to the soldiers sing. He will come out to the attic, sit down, the battalion commander will give orders and the company will walk around, singing songs until Yeltsin leaves the attic again.

Despite the fact that Vladimir Putin stepped down as president, he, as the prime minister, also has official residences - "Riviera" in Sochi and Novo-Ogaryovo in outskirts of Moscow. Officially, however, "Novo-Ogaryovo" is considered a state project. According to the law “On Guarantees to the President of the Russian Federation, who has terminated the exercise of his powers, and to members of his family”, the former head of state is provided with one of the state dachas for life use (the Yeltsin family has “Barvikha”).

residence "Rus"

In Novo-Ogarevo there are buildings for official meetings, a guest house with a cinema hall, a gym, a swimming pool. Putin drives around the residence in a jeep. On the territory of the estate there are greenhouses, a poultry house, a swimming pool, a church. But Putin is especially proud of the large stable (it accommodates about 10 horses).

For reference: in the USA there is only one presidential country residence in Camp David, the Prime Minister of England lives and works in a 2-storey house at 10 Downing Street, and has one country residence in Checkers.

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Description of the presidential dacha posted on the public procurement website


The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation announced a competition for the right to conclude a state contract for the maintenance of a recreation center located on Lake Valdai. From the tender documentation published on the public procurement portal, it follows that we are talking about the maintenance of buildings, including elevators, sewers, audio and video equipment, etc.

The address indicated in the documents is the Novgorod region, Valdai district, 15 km from the city of Valdai, 0.7 km south of the village of Roshchino, between the lakes Valdai and Dinner. It is there that the presidential dacha is located, which is called differently: “Valdai”, “Dinner” or “Long Beards”. It is planned to spend 77.5 million rubles for the maintenance of the facility.

"Public Procurement" told about the VIP-cottage

The technical documentation for the competition, announced on November 17, describes what objects the residence consists of and what it is equipped with. To begin with, it turns out that in addition to the road, the residence can be reached via a floating pontoon bridge across the lake, in which a bath is equipped. There are two restaurants on the territory of the holiday home, one of which has a cinema room with a projection screen, DVD player, satellite and cable TV system. Also in the residence there is a bowling alley and a billiard room - both there and there plasma panels hang on the walls.

Residences and gambling are not alien to guests - a mini-casino is provided for them. According to the documents, you can relax in the guest house, which includes two living rooms - a regular one and a music one, as well as a TV room, standard and VIP bedrooms, a library and a gazebo with a barbecue equipped with all-weather acoustics.

Security and sound - a separate line

In general, the sound in the presidential house is treated with increased attention: stereoacoustic systems are installed even in the toilets and the wine cellar. In the building, where there are several living rooms (“white”, “gold” and “silver”), bedrooms (“pistachio”, “turquoise”), there is also a swimming pool and two showers - Charcot and Vichy, a solarium and a spa.

great attention given to the protection of the residence. This purpose, in addition to a large number of locks of various types, is served by a light barrier and radars with infrared sensors that determine the direction of movement. Of course, no one relies entirely on technology: a kilometer from the presidential residence is the Sosnovy Bor rest house, which does not have a VIP status. On ordinary days in Sosnovy Bor, you can rent a boat or a catamaran and swim on the lake near the presidential dacha. But when VIPs arrive, neither boats nor catamarans are issued.

From Khrushchev to the present day

IN Soviet time the residence in Valdai was intended for the rest of senior government officials. There were even rumors that it was Stalin's dacha, but according to archival data, Stalin never visited it. Nikita Khrushchev and Nikolai Ryzhkov rested there, and already in the post-Soviet period, Boris Yeltsin liked to come.

The village of Long Beards, adjacent to the residence, got its name under Peter I. According to legend, when the tsar taxed men wearing beards, bearded men dissatisfied with the innovation hid here from the royal publicans. The residence covers an area of ​​about 930 hectares. In the immediate vicinity of it is the Valdai Reserve, in the forests of which lynxes, wild boars, wolves, elks, bears, squirrels and raccoons are found.

5. In the garage - under the fence of the Sochi dacha of the President - a large family is homeless!

In 1980, the parents of Pavel Bozhkov received from the state a new spacious 3-room apartment on Sevastopolskaya Street. In 1989, Pavel brought his young wife Svetlana to the parental home, who, with the consent of all family members, registered at the place of residence of her relatives. Pavel and Svetlana have four children. When Svetlana was pregnant with her fourth child, the relationship between Pavel's parents and the young family deteriorated sharply.

In 2007, Pavel's parents and his brother Mikhail demanded that a large family with a pregnant Svetlana be evicted and deregistered.

Judge Nikolai Vashchenko spared neither young children nor a pregnant woman and satisfied the claim. So a family of five people from Sochi became homeless with a stroke of a werewolf pen in a mantle. As soon as the Bozhkovs were removed from registration, the door to their room was broken open and all their belongings were thrown out into the street. Due to nervous experiences, Svetlana gave birth to a disabled girl. Now they are all homeless.

Now the Bozhkovs live in a garage on the street. Sanatorium. Under the fence of the state dacha of President Dmitry Medvedev - near Bocharov stream. The family has been on the waiting list for housing since 1990. Now - there is no registration, there is no apartment!

The Bozhkov family applied to the city department of social protection. She asked for housing or at least subsidies for its purchase. The Bozhkovs wrote to the head of the city of Sochi, Pakhomov, and appealed to the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Tkachev, three times. They even sent their complaint to the Prosecutor General's Office. In response - at best unsubscribe.

We live in an amazing country. In it, you can safely take legal housing from a large family in the Olympic city of Sochi. Here it is so easy to make children homeless in hometown deprive them of benefits, benefits, social rights, health care options.

And most importantly, officials are not afraid of a damn thing, they make people homeless right next to the President. And they get away with everything.

Today, the Bozhkov family appealed to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. I'm afraid the letter is unlikely to reach the addressee. I suggest you make some noise! Thanks to the Democrat portal for contacting us. All documents can be viewed on their website here:

Another VIP-residence, threatening problems for ordinary citizens, came to the attention of bloggers. According to them, in the city of Pleso Ivanovo region the tuberculosis sanatorium is being closed next to which the residence of President Dmitry Medvedev is being built.

Employees of the sanatorium and observers find a direct relationship between the construction and re-profiling of the sanatorium. Meanwhile, since 2010, it has been forbidden in Russia to convert medical institutions involved in the treatment of tuberculosis, writes

What makes it difficult to understand the situation is that information about it disappeared from the site of the company servicing the object in a matter of hours (bloggers managed to save the screenshot), and the director "half a minute" was going on vacation. By tradition, the president's manager has already attributed everything to "the indefatigable imagination of people."

Medvedev is a "secret regular" of Ples cafes and restaurants

On May 12, opposition politician Marina Litvinovich announced the situation with the sanatorium in her blog, saying that she had received a letter asking for help from the employees of Plyos, which was going to be repurposed to treat diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system. Doctors believe that "reprofiling" means "closing", since there is no material base for conversion, nor suitably trained personnel.

Litvinovich cites the text open letter employees of the sanatorium to the Minister of Health and social development Tatyana Golikova, where they say that they received a formal answer to the first request for reprofiling. It gave two reasons why it makes no sense to leave the sanatorium with the old specialization. The first is the presence in the nearest regions of four more anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums - one in the Yaroslavl region and three in the Nizhny Novgorod region. In addition, in recent years there has been a marked decrease in mortality and incidence of tuberculosis in the Russian Federation.

"Both arguments cannot withstand elementary criticism. Firstly, why close the anti-tuberculosis sanatorium now? Perhaps there has been some decrease in mortality and incidence of tuberculosis in recent years, but this absolutely does not mean that the situation with tuberculosis in the Russian Federation has now become satisfactory "Are you satisfied with the incidence of consumption at the level of 82 per 100 thousand of the population? Are you satisfied with the death rate from tuberculosis of 15 per 100 thousand of the population?" - indignant doctors ask.

At the same time, on May 18, 2010, the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation 58 "On approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities" came into force. Clause 10.8.4 of this document prohibits the conversion of organizations involved in treatment tuberculosis, draws the attention of

Therefore, the employees of the sanatorium are sure that it is closed not just like that, but because it is planned to build the residence of the President of Russia nearby. Rather, the Milovka estate, owned by the Dar non-profit initiatives fund, will be reconstructed into a residence.

The manager denies everything, information and photos disappeared from the site in a day

The administration of the president's affairs denies that the work in "Milovka" is carried out on his order. "Management of affairs has nothing to do with this. We have not, are not, and will not conduct any construction in the Ivanovo region," said Viktor Khrekov, press secretary of the department manager, commenting on Litvinovich's statement. Such reports are "from the category of indefatigable fantasies of people who are inclined to see the residences of the first persons of the state everywhere," he added.

However, Marina Litvinovich cites one interesting fact. On the website of the company SVEL, which is engaged in the installation of power supply systems, in the section "completed projects" there is work on the installation of a "Centralized uninterruptible power supply system 100 kVA of the Cultural Heritage facility, reconstructed by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation" in the Ivanovo region, the village of Milovka.

“Since such a thing, I tried to call this company and clarify whether they really carried out work in Milovka for the Administration of the President of Russia. I was going to talk to the general director of SVEL LLC Oleg Valeryevich Zelenkov. Even at the beginning of my call, he seemed to be in place. However, just half a minute later, the general director found himself on "a vacation for 2 weeks," writes Litvinovich.

In addition, the plan and description of the residence disappeared from the company's website within a few hours. Fortunately, the bloggers had the foresight to take a screenshot of the missing page.

The President liked it very much in Plyos

Rumors that Dmitry Medvedev really liked Plyos have been circulating for quite some time. According to the Ivanovo-Voznesensk newspaper, on July 28, 2010, the head of state "secretly" arrived in Plyos late in the evening to see with his own eyes how the construction of the residence was progressing.

According to the newspaper, one of the directors of a well-known construction company later noted in his Internet diary: "I heard from one contractor from a dacha in Milovka - Medvedev himself came behind the wheel and even went to Ples on foot. I liked the dacha."

During his visit, the president allegedly also visited the Yacht Club, famous for its collection of homemade liqueurs and liqueurs, and dined at the well-known private hotel "Private Visit". The restaurant "Private Visit" kept silent about the taste preferences of the guest of honor, answering: "We will not give any comments until a special order from the government of the Ivanovo region." It is interesting that on this day, allegedly due to the heat, large cafes and restaurants extended their work until 24:00.

And for the first time Medvedev visited Ples in 2008. On August 4, the 100-meter presidential yacht "Rossiya" stood at the main berth in Plessk opposite the same restaurant "Yacht Club". After a short tour of the Assumption Cathedral, the Levitan House Museum and the Flour Rows, this restaurant hosted a dinner for the head of state in the company of the Ivanovo and Kostroma governors.

The President even took a picture with the waitresses of one of the cafes - the photo is available on the Internet at


Milovka is a manor in the Ivanovo region, Privolzhsky district, Plyos. Date of foundation: 1775. Milovka Manor is 1 km away. from the city of Plyos on the right high bank of the Volga River, near the former tract from Plyos to Nerekhta. The estate is a complex monument of history, architecture and gardening art of the late XVIII - early XX centuries, typical example"ancestral noble nest" of the heyday of the Russian noble estate. The estate "Quiet pier" is located on the right bank of the Volga River, 4 km. below the town of Plyos. The bank of the river, in this area, is high, steep, indented by numerous ravines, densely overgrown with mixed forest.

The estate occupies part of the plateau of the root bank and descends down the slope to the river. From the west, it is bounded by the opening of the Maksimtsevsky ravine, and from the east by Khmelitsky, which serves as a natural border between the Quiet Quay estate and the former dacha of F.I. Chaliapin, the Khmelnitsy estate.

On opposite side the ravine housed the estate "Khmelnitsy" (Khmelitsy). The time of its occurrence, apparently, refers to XVIII century. For the first time this estate is mentioned in a document of 1775, where it is registered with the nobleman Myachkov Nikolai Grigorievich.

Manor at the beginning of the 20th century. bought F.I. Chaliapin, where he built a wooden house. Of the natural monuments, the following are especially distinguished: “Mount Levitan”, “Birch Grove of Levitan”, the territory of the sanatorium “Plyos”, “Cedar Grove”, etc.

And now there is a "Gift" for the President...

I myself saw the magazine of the restoration organization - Ivanovorestavratsiya, there is a plan of the estate in Miltsevo

in addition to the estate, there are several outbuildings that look more like cottages, a stable, a bathhouse with 4 ponds, and so on ...

Fragments of what only monuments of St. Petersburg were found on the site of free ads "Avito"! But the announcement, which appeared online on January 27, still surprised. After all, an entire historic estate, which used to belong to the Ministry of Defense, was put up for sale. And the current owner of which is the son of Anatoly Serdyukov.


- Object for sale cultural heritage"Yukhnevich's dacha," the announcement immediately reads. - The area of ​​the house is 218 square meters, at the moment there is a restoration repair for modern living. There are "spots" under which you can build up. The land is two hectares. All communications. Untouched nature. The last section before the bay.

The price is "negotiable". However, even this morning, the initial price was indicated in the announcement - 350 million rubles.

Photo: Screenshot of the Avito free classifieds board

The contact person is Nikolai, an employee of the Kraft agency. Apparently, the company works mainly through free sites. So, on Avito, she has three dozen active posts: they sell and rent housing, offices, and simply “free premises”.

“I don’t run this facility: I only answer phone calls,” Nikolai explained to Komsomolskaya Pravda. - And the person who deals with it went on a business trip.

“That guy”, according to Nikolai, is the only one in the company who knows at least something about the unusual object of sale, including the price and condition of the building. You can come and see. But only in a week.


The two-story cottage is located in the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg, in the village of Komarovo: Morskaya street, house number 5. Figuratively speaking, for a meter of land, one of the most expensive in the city on the Neva, you can buy a cast-iron bridge.

The manor was built at the beginning of the twentieth century by an unknown architect. Its owner was Alexander Yukhnevich, head of the theatrical commission of the Nevsky Society for the Arrangement of Popular Entertainment. Later, the dacha became the property of one of the Finnish families, they called it "Allila". At that time, there were three houses and two outbuildings on the site.

But only one house survived the Great Patriotic War. After the war, it housed a visiting kindergarten of the Ministry of Defense. By the end of the nineties, the "amber house" fell into disrepair.

In 2010, the Ministry of Defense sold a collapsing dacha along with two hectares of land to a certain Peter Usov for 155 million. The new owner had to put the building (at that time a newly identified object of cultural heritage) in order: develop a project on the instructions of the Committee for the Protection of Monuments of St. Petersburg, conduct a survey, restore, adapt for modern use.

But Usov did not complete any of this on time. In February 2014, KGIOP sued him with the Kuibyshevsky District Court - and won. And soon a new owner appeared at the dacha: on December 30, 2014, it was “found under the Christmas tree” by Sergey Serdyukov, the son of the ex-Minister of Defense of Russia.

By the way, Usov got caught twice for his carelessness and slowness: in 2015 he was again fined under the KGIOP lawsuit for delay. Here are just fines in comparison with the price of the cottage and its deteriorating condition look ridiculous. Yes, and, as they say, Usov was an affiliate of the Serdyukovs, so "he was not going to do anything."


Serdyukov Jr. had to put the estate in order. At the beginning of 2016, it was finally announced that the dacha would be renovated with partial disassembly and replacement of wooden structures. Developed a project. The building was hung with a net, a beautiful construction fence was put up around.

“In December, the first information appeared about the possible sale of the dacha,” Elena Travina, a local historian and coordinator of the Starye Dacha research group, told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - I turned to KGIOP, but they said that they were in control of the situation, that the restoration was on schedule, that an inspector went there in November, and there were no complaints.

What they managed to do during the year is known only to the Committee, which has so far refrained from commenting. Because of the fence and scaffolding, you can only see that the later Soviet extension was demolished.

“Serdyukov invested money in the dacha, almost earned wings behind his back as a conscientious owner,” Travina notes. “But why he is getting rid of her now is a mystery. As well as why he bought it ... 350 million is the price of land. These guys don't give a damn about a cultural heritage site, and even more so about old dachas Silver Age: only important to them square meters. Now the land is valuable, so they buy it. And the cottage itself is a burden in every sense of the word: it will burn, rot, collapse - and thank God!

Photo: Board of free announcements "Avito"

Experts fear that the change of ownership will not benefit the century-old wooden building. While they are looking for a buyer, they will hardly restore the cottage. Who knows how long the search will last? And how long will the paperwork take? At the same time, KGIOP will not be able to help the monument wait out the changes, even with all the desire: the property is private. So, locals are afraid, snow and rain will fly into the windows, and water will wash away the foundation.

Even if the sale goes through quickly, the fate of the dacha remains murky. After all, the new owner can "restore" it in other materials and with many distortions.

“The sale of the dacha raises concerns,” Travina sums up. I think we've lost her.


Head of the Department for Public Relations and Work with Citizens of the Committee for State Control, Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments of St. Petersburg Ksenia Cherepanova:

- According to the law, objects of cultural heritage, regardless of the category of their historical and cultural significance, may be in federal ownership, property of subjects, municipal property, private property and other forms of ownership. This property is private.

Now the object is being restored and adapted for modern use. In particular, they arrange recessed strip foundations with waterproofing, strengthen the foundations of stone fireplace stoves, and restore their tiles.

This is done on the basis of the KGIOP permission issued in August 2016. It was issued in accordance with the documents that were agreed upon earlier, including technological recommendations.