The purpose of vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language. Methods of working with vocabulary words in the lessons of the Russian language. Techniques for Spelling Difficult Words

Course work

Methodology vocabulary work at Russian language lessons at school


Scientific and methodological foundations of vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language

1 Psychological and pedagogical justification of the problem under study

2 The development of students' speech through vocabulary work is one of the leading tasks of the Russian language teacher

3 Work on the word when getting acquainted with program works in literature

Chapter 2. Studying the experience of Russian language teachers on the problem under consideration

1. Vocabulary work in Russian lessons

2Approximate content of vocabulary work in Russian language lessons


List of sources used


Vocabulary work in the Russian language lessons is one of the ways to improve the language culture of students. Enrichment question vocabulary the modern student today is very relevant. In the conditions of scientific progress, more and more new words come into use, many of which are difficult and incomprehensible. Therefore, the primary task of a Russian language teacher is to work on enriching and clarifying the vocabulary of schoolchildren: the more words a person owns, the more accurately communication between people is realized.

This question has always attracted the attention of methodologists and teachers of the Russian language. So, F.I. Buslaev (1844) recommended that teachers of their native language "develop the child's innate gift for words." I.I. Sreznevsky (1860) advised teachers to enrich children with “words and expressions suitable for this”, to ensure that “there are no words left unknown to their memory and incomprehensible to their minds”, to teach them to use words and expressions, to pay reasonable attention to the meaning of words and expressions. K.D. Ushinsky wrote that it is necessary "through the word to introduce the child into the field of the spiritual life of the people."

Each teacher should organize the work in the Russian language lessons in such a way that the teenager learns to think, analyze, compare, draw conclusions on his own in the learning process. And for this he needs a rich vocabulary, well-developed coherent speech.

Goal of the work: to consider the directions and forms of vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language in grades V - IX as one of the ways to improve the language culture of students.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks:

1) study and analyze the methodological literature on the topic; 2) highlight directions in the organization of vocabulary work in Russian language lessons; 3) develop lesson plans using vocabulary work techniques; 4) formulate conclusions and recommendations.

Research problemconsists in updating the methods of vocabulary work of the traditional paradigm (technology) of teaching in the lessons of the Russian language.

Object of studyis the process of work on the development of speech, on the enrichment of the vocabulary of primary school students.

Subject of study- methods and techniques for using vocabulary work in Russian language lessons in order to improve the culture of students' speech.

Practical significanceof this work lies in the fact that it can be recommended to students doing practical work at school, as well as teachers of the Russian language as a teaching aid for preparing vocabulary work topics.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references. The introduction defines the relevance of the study, its goals, objectives, characterizes methodological framework work. The first chapter provides an overview of the methodological literature on vocabulary work in the Russian language lessons in grades V-IX; the main directions in the organization of vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language and literature are outlined - the study of the semantics of words, synonyms, antonyms, work on the word when studying program works of literature, improving the pronunciation culture of schoolchildren. The second part of the work is practical: here are detailed lessons, where vocabulary work is one of the main ones. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the need to improve vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language and literature.

1. Scientific and methodological foundations of vocabulary work in the Russian language lessons

.1 Psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the problem under study

The word is a tool for understanding the world. That is why special care should be taken in the organization of vocabulary work in the lesson of the Russian language and literature.

By and large, the entire language lesson is work with the word. Through the word, students learn and understand the laws of the language, are convinced of its accuracy, beauty, expressiveness, richness and ... complexity.

That's why it's important structural component a lesson that is subordinated to one goal - acquaintance with the word and awareness of all its components.

Combining the vocabulary-semantic and vocabulary-spelling directions in vocabulary work related to the enrichment of the vocabulary and the formation of spelling skills, we consider the word in the lesson simultaneously in four aspects: orthoepic, lexical-semantic, spelling and syntactic.

It is better to learn the semantics and spelling of an unfamiliar word with an etymological reference, which, as a rule, the teacher gives because students do not have the necessary reference material (etymological dictionary). This technique - etymological reference - forms the interest of children in the word, in the language, in its history.

The first acquaintance with the word provides an understanding of its meaning and memorization of its spelling. However, this memory is short-lived. Therefore, another step towards mastering the word will be subsequent lessons, in which such types of exercises are possible.

Orthoepic dictation (correct pronunciation of the words written on the board).

Dictation "Guess the word!" (the teacher gives an interpretation - the children write down the word itself).

Lexical dictation (students must give an interpretation of the dictated words).

These exciting tasks not only enrich the vocabulary of students, they cause a desire to learn as many words as possible for their free use and form students' exactingness, criticality towards themselves and their own speech.

The task “Explain the difference” (working with pairs of words similar in sound, but different in meaning: put on - put on, economical - economical, etc.; it helps to prevent errors in the use of these words caused by ignorance of their exact meaning).

This is how the assimilation of the lexical-semantic level of the word proceeds.

Visual dictations. They are especially useful when working with unchecked spellings, because vision comes to the aid of students' hearing and their knowledge of grammar as a serious factor, which helps to memorize the necessary spelling and develop spelling skills.

Work with spelling dictionary also relies on visual memory. A school spelling dictionary is a necessary tool for working in every lesson. Good knowledge of the alphabet, speed of reaction, skill, curiosity - help in this work. In addition to spelling, we also need explanatory and orthoepic dictionaries. The difficulty lies in the impossibility of having a complete set of dictionaries for the entire class.

K.D. Ushinsky wrote that "a child who is not accustomed to delve into the meaning of a word, understands or does not understand its real meaning at all, will always suffer from this fundamental defect when studying any other subject."

That is why so much attention is paid to the formation of the need for the use of reference literature. Working with the word, which is closely connected with the dictionary, contributes to the improvement of not only the linguistic, but also the general culture of students.

By including the new word in the context, i.e. having composed a phrase or sentence, the student does not complete the mastery of the word. The selection of synonyms, antonyms, the choice of a more accurate word for expressing one's thoughts, corresponding to the style of the statement, creative tasks - this is also work with a dictionary.

Lexical analysis of a word (as a rule, such a task has to be given at home) is also one of the methods of working with a dictionary. But even here there are difficulties associated precisely with the lack of explanatory dictionaries.

In addition to vocabulary words, we carefully consider spellings that are checked in the lessons. Working with them includes vocabulary dictations from words with one specific spelling, with different spellings, with spelling blocks, spelling analysis and training exercises that increase the overall literacy of students, work on mistakes and creative tasks.

Vocabulary as an important part of the lesson contributes to the development of students' speech, enriching their vocabulary.

But due to the fact that everything in the language is connected with the word and manifests itself in the word, the solution of this problem is combined with the study of all sections of the science of language, with teaching spelling and developing coherent speech skills, i.e. vocabulary work is carried out at each lesson, being an important element of its structure. Practical vocabulary work at different stages of the lesson is given at least 5-7 minutes.

Vocabulary work itself, limited by time, requires access to an extracurricular level and can be continued as an elective when studying the culture of speech or the history of the language.

It is only important to remember that carefully planned and well-organized vocabulary work helps to enrich the vocabulary of students, develop their spelling literacy, develop their speech and, in general, contributes to the improvement of language culture, the formation of attention, respect and love for the native language in the child.

The modern Russian language has a huge vocabulary. In the "Dictionary of the Russian language" S.I. Ozhegov contains 57 thousand words; in the seventeenth Dictionary of Modern Russian literary language» - about 130 thousand words. This is common vocabulary; These dictionaries include hundreds of thousands of professional words and scientific terms, names geographical objects, historical facts, many hundreds of thousands of names, surnames, nicknames, nicknames.

We must not forget that most of the words have ambiguity. For example, in the "Dictionary of the Russian language" S.I. Ozhegov, five basic meanings of the word "hand" are indicated and 62 phraseological units are given in which this word is used in phraseologically coherent meanings.

The methodology for the development of speech at the lexical level provides for four main lines:

Vocabulary enrichment, i.e. the assimilation of new words previously unknown to students, as well as new meanings of those words that were already in the vocabulary. This is achieved by adding 4-6 new vocabulary items to the child's vocabulary every day.

Vocabulary refinement is a vocabulary and stylistic work, the development of the flexibility of the dictionary, its accuracy and expressiveness, which includes:

filling the content of those words that are learned is not quite accurate, which is ensured by their inclusion in the context, comparison and comparison with other words;

mastering the lexical compatibility of words, including in phraseological units;

mastering the allegorical meanings of the word, the polysemy of words;

the assimilation of lexical synonymy and those shades of semantic meanings of words that are characteristic of individual synonyms in a synonymic group.

Dictionary activation, i.e. transfer as possible more words from the passive dictionary to the active dictionary. Words are included in sentences and phrases, are introduced into a retelling of what has been read, into a conversation, into a story, presentation and composition.

Elimination of non-literary words, their transfer from the active dictionary to the passive one. This refers to the words dialect, vernacular, slang, which children learned under the influence of the speech environment.

All these areas of work on the dictionary are constantly interacting. The main sources of enrichment and improvement of the dictionary are works fiction, texts of educational books, teacher's speech. All these are pedagogically controlled and organized sources of language enrichment. But the speech of students is also influenced by incorrect sources (the speech of parents, friends, etc.).

All directions of dictionary work are possible only on a practical basis, mainly based on the text, without theoretical information and even, as a rule, without terms. Dictionaries can be a very useful tool for vocabulary work.

Dictionary enrichment. The best interpreter of the meaning of a word is the context. It is no coincidence that explanatory dictionaries contain quotations-illustrations, in which both the main and additional meanings of words, their compatibility are highlighted.

In explaining the meanings of words, it is necessary to be guided by the general didactic task of increasing the degree of independence and cognitive activity of the students themselves. There are always at least a few people in the class who correctly understand all the words and turns of speech. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the students themselves are able to explain the meaning of the word, which ensures their mental development, fosters independence.

In the methodology of the Russian language, there are many methods of working on the meanings of a new word. The use of all techniques provides a variety of work, and also allows you to enter a new word in the most rational way for this particular word. Consider the main ones, arranged according to the degree of their developing potential:

Word-formation analysis, on the basis of which the meaning (or shade of meaning) of the word is clarified. The question is usually asked: "What word is this word derived from?" or: “Why did the fellow villagers call the boletus, lollipop like that?” This way of explaining words makes it possible to link vocabulary work with spelling, as it reveals the roots of words and helps to check unstressed vowels, voiced, voiceless and unpronounceable consonants.

Comparison of words in order to clarify differences, to distinguish between the meanings of paronyms: strawberry and countrywoman, silver and silver.

Explanation of meaning through context. Reading the passage "highlights" the meaning of the words; students understand more easily not only their direct meaning, but also the appropriateness of use, and compatibility, and expressiveness.

Finding out the meaning of a new word, according to reference materials, i.e. through dictionaries and footnotes in a reading book. In some cases, you can use explanatory dictionaries.

Showing an object, picture, model, stuffed animal or action as a means of developing the cognitive activity of students depends on the degree of independence of the students involved in the explanation: if the picture explaining the meaning of the word was chosen by the children themselves or drawn, then their cognitive activity is quite high.

The method of selecting synonyms is one of the most universal and frequently used techniques: grooming - caring, surrounded by care, called - named himself, knight - warrior. But when using this technique, a mistake often occurs: when analyzing the meaning of the words (good and beautiful), in both cases the children replace them with a neutral one (beautiful), completely erasing the expressiveness of the language. Such a replacement does not enrich, but impoverishes the speech of students, because. leads them away from emotionally colored, expressive words that have shades of meaning, to words that are stylistically neutral, devoid of shades and colors.

Reception of the selection of an antonymous pair: start - finish, good - bad.

A detailed description, consisting of a group of words or several sentences, as a technique for clarifying the meanings of words, is valuable in that it allows you to keep the conversation at ease.

The method of logical definition often helps to reveal the meaning of a word by summing it up under the nearest genus and highlighting specific features: cruiser - warship.

Textbooks on the Russian language in the national school contain vocabulary lists for grades V-IX. They determine the content of vocabulary and semantic work at each stage of learning.

The vocabulary lists include lexical material taken from program works on literature, as well as from current history, Russian language and literature textbooks for grades V-IX.

  1. the practical significance of the word, i.e. the role of the word in the cognitive and speech activity of students in the process of mastering the historical and literary course;
  2. the frequency of the use of the word, i.e., its relatively regular use in the speech practice of schoolchildren in connection with the study of program material;
  3. semantic accessibility of the word - a criterion that requires taking into account the ability of students to comprehend the essence of the phenomenon that is denoted by the word;
  4. qualitative usefulness of the word from the side of semantic, emotionally expressive, stylistic, grammatical and spelling.

Vocabulary lists for grades V-IX are dominated by words united by the theme “Man, his character, actions, attitude to the environment”, i.e. words that students need to assess the beliefs, character and behavior of a person, as well as words from the socio-political and a journalistic dictionary, used to name the phenomena of social and political life and evaluate them. In this case, according to M. A. Rybnikova, the socio-political development of the student will keep pace with his language development.

A large group consists of words that characterize the phenomena of life in the pre-revolutionary period, in particular the era of serfdom. As you know, the works of N. V. Gogol, T. G. Shevchenko, N. A. Nekrasov and other writers of the 19th century require a certain preliminary preparation, since the way of life described in them has long since passed into the past and is incomprehensible to the schoolchild of our days.

The importance of working on replenishing the dictionary of characteristics was noted by M. A. Rybnikova: “... the teacher systematically teaches his class to talk about the psychology of a person, about the motives of his actions, teaches him to clearly and definitely distinguish and name“ different aspects of character and behavior ".

The words included in the vocabulary lists by year of study are grouped by class as follows:

  1. Alphabetical dictionary.
  2. A dictionary of synonyms, the purpose of which is, firstly, to give the teacher the lexical material necessary in organizing work to expand the stock of synonyms in students' speech; secondly, to reveal the meaning of most of the words placed in the manual.
  3. Dictionary of antonyms.
  4. A thematic dictionary (conditional name), which includes words from program works in literature and words used in the process of analyzing these works.
  5. Didactic material for the course of syntax and punctuation (grades VIII-IX), consisting of sentences containing vocabulary from the vocabulary list.
  6. The section "From the history of words", which is excerpts from dictionaries and books for students, which tells about the meaning, history, use of some of the words included in the manual.

The alphabetical list of words offered in the dictionary is intended for carrying out dictionary and semantic work aimed at studying the meaning of a word and its use in speech.

The composition of this dictionary differs significantly from the alphabetic dictionary given in Tekuchev A.V.

In the named manual, a selection of words was made for conducting vocabulary- spelling work at school, so the vocabulary includes words with spelling difficult spellings (about 4 thousand words). The list of A. V. Tekuchev contains a small group of words with difficult semantics such as avant-garde, antagonism, selfless, dictatorship, etc., which students need to learn educational material and organization of their own statements. The volume of such words is limited by the tasks of conducting vocabulary and spelling work. According to A. V. Tekuchev, “from the group (nest) of related words, only the main or closest derivative word in its initial form was included in the dictionary,” since a student who has mastered the spelling of a word included in the dictionary “can write correctly still a huge the number of derived words, as well as their forms. The words included in the spelling minimum are not divided into classes.

The list of words proposed in the manual Lyubov Kuzminichna Skorokhod is intended for vocabulary and semantic work at school, distributed by class, and it includes not only basic words with semantics for students unfamiliar and unfamiliar, but also many derivative words that differ in meaning (cf. anarchy - anarchism, majestic - majestic, exact - exacting, false - deceitful, rebellion: - rebellious, etc.), in the use of which students make numerous mistakes (and often even bypass them in their statements), because they do not know the exact meaning of such words .

Groups of single-root words included in the vocabulary minimum are dispersed among "class" dictionaries, which creates favorable conditions for studying the meaning and using entire nests of related words in speech.

Classroom alphabetic dictionaries will help organize orthoepic work with the word. They contain information about correct pronunciation and stress of words, in some cases information is included on the formation of certain grammatical forms that cause difficulties for students.

The meanings of words, as a rule, are not explained, since the main task of the manual is to organize work with dictionaries. However, in rare cases, a brief explanation of the meaning of a word is given, when without it it is impossible to provide information about its pronunciation, stress or formation of forms.

In the alphabetical dictionary, the head word is in bold with an accent. Pronunciation marks are given in square brackets, for example: brochure[shu]

The dictionary includes:

  1. equal pronunciation options, for example: aggressor[with] and [her];
  2. valid options, for example: atmosphere, add. [s"f"];
  3. prohibition marks, for example: helpless, wrong, [w].

The alphabetical dictionary gives those grammatical forms of words that may cause difficulties for students: these are gender forms. p. units hours or them. and genus. n. pl. h. nouns (for example: barge hauler, barge hauler, aggressor, pl. -s, -ov); this is a short form of adjectives (for example: greedy, kr. f. greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy); separate personal or temporary forms of verbs (hoist up, -uzhu, -uzit; invade, past invaded and invaded), etc.

In alphabetical class dictionaries, an approximate list of words is given, so that the teacher has the right to reduce their number or replace them with other words at his discretion.

The dictionaries of synonyms for each class included words from the alphabetical list of the corresponding class. Synonyms are grouped by parts of speech. This arrangement of synonyms is convenient for the teacher, as it allows them to be included in the lesson when studying and repeating different parts of speech.

When compiling synonymous series, the definition of the concept of “synonym” given in the current textbook of the Russian language was taken as a basis: “Synonyms are words of the same part of speech that mean the same thing, but may differ from each other in shades of lexical meaning and use in speech." In the synonymic series, words are introduced mainly from the category of commonly used words, which for the most part do not need careful stylistic differentiation. Each row of synonyms begins with a word listed in the alphabetical list. Such an arrangement of synonymous material makes it easier to find synonyms necessary for exercises.

The antonym dictionaries for each class included words from the alphabetical list of the corresponding class. Only the most common words with opposite meanings were included. The thematic lists of words for each class include words contained in the alphabetical list of the corresponding class, and words that students met in previous classes, as well as those that were not included in the list, but are found in the work. As in a literature program, a large subtitle of the thematic list is the surname of the writer whose works are being studied, then the subtitle of the next level is given - the name of a particular poem, story, novel, etc. The words are arranged alphabetically. First (after the name of the writer) comes the vocabulary taken from the textbook article about the writer, then the vocabulary of his works and articles from the textbook devoted to the analysis of his work. In addition to words, individual phrases are also included in the thematic lists.

The didactic material allows the teacher to work with the words included in the alphabetical list when mastering program topics in the Russian language.

In the “From the History of Words” section, most of the passages on vocabulary included in the alphabetical lists are a story about words in an entertaining way. The words whose history is revealed are arranged alphabetically.

Referring to the above teaching aids, the teacher can choose from them information about other words and attach students to such a useful and exciting activity.

The most significant role in the formation of a positive attitude of adolescents to learning is played by the ideological and scientific content of educational material, its connection with life and practice, the problematic and emotional nature of the presentation, the organization of search cognitive activity, which gives students the opportunity to experience the joy of independent discoveries, arming adolescents with rational methods. academic work which are a prerequisite for success. A positive attitude towards learning, its high social motivation are absolutely necessary conditions for the full assimilation of educational material. Positive motives for learning are expressed in constant attention in the classroom, a steady interest in learning, and a willingness to expend volitional efforts to overcome difficulties.

The attention of students is a prerequisite for successful academic work. The usual reasons for schoolchildren's inattention are: fatigue, lack of interest in the subject, dryness and ambiguity of presentation.

The main means of increasing attention: dynamic teaching with the use of various methods of organizing student activity, liveliness of presentation, switching students from one type of activity to another, eliminating distracting stimuli, as well as the gradual formation of the ability to resist them, fight their distracting effect.

Otherwise, pampered, spoiled attention is formed - the habit of working only in absolutely favorable conditions.

Another form of expression of learning motives is the presence of learning interests. Curriculum interests are usually selective. They depend on how connected the material is with extracurricular interests, how clearly and understandably the teacher presents the material, how diverse teaching methods are.

Assimilation as a cognitive activity of a student includes the activity of perception, memory, thinking, and imagination. There are four main parts of the learning process:

  1. involuntary perception, observation (obtaining information);
  2. comprehension of the material, its mental processing (processing of the information received);
  3. memorization and preservation of material (storage of received and processed information);

4) application of knowledge in practice (application of information). For the first link, visibility is especially important. Distinguish subject, pictorial and verbal visibility. Object visibility involves direct perception of objects and phenomena by students. Visualization is done with the help of visual means- images of various kinds, drawings, dummies, transparencies, motion pictures. Verbal clarity is a bright, figurative, lively speech of the teacher, verbal examples that cause students to have specific ideas.

Making sense of learning material means incorporating new material into certain system, establishing intra-subject and inter-subject connections, linking unfamiliar material with already familiar.

The information received and processed must be stored in memory so that at any time it can be retrieved and put into practice. The most effective memorization occurs in vigorous activity with the studied material. The role of the teacher is to create an appropriate setting for students, indicating what needs to be remembered for a while, what is forever, and what should not be remembered at all, it is enough just to understand.

Knowledge of the psychological characteristics of adolescence, the motives for learning and mastering knowledge by schoolchildren of this age - necessary condition organization of the most productive educational work with them, including vocabulary work in Russian language lessons.

1.2 The development of students' speech through vocabulary work is one of the leading tasks of the Russian language teacher

vocabulary speech literature pronunciation

Need for special work to enrich the vocabulary of students is determined by the following factors:

  1. Exclusively important role words in the language.
  2. The need for constant replenishment of the vocabulary. After all, the richer the active vocabulary of a person, the more meaningful, intelligible, more beautiful his oral and written speech.

Glossaries for vocabulary work were created based on different goals. In some cases, the methodologists took the grammatical and spelling difficulties of words as a basis, others - their semantic value for enriching the vocabulary of students. The first approach to word selection is grammar and spelling directionin vocabulary work, the second - semantic direction.Both directions solve their specific problems. The grammar-spelling direction combined the following types of work on the word: dictionary-morphological, dictionary-spelling, dictionary-morphemic.

Semantic direction - dictionary-semantic and dictionary-stylistic. The last two types of work on the word form the basis for enriching the vocabulary of students, i.e. actual vocabulary work at school.

At present, in the process of enriching the vocabulary of students, teachers rely on the dictionary of texts of textbooks in the Russian language, on the studied literary works, on the dictionary of texts for presentations and a hypothetical dictionary of essay topics.

The selection of semantic topics for enriching the vocabulary of students must be made with the expectation of realizing the goals of preparing them for life. The role of didactic material in this case should not be exaggerated, however, as V.A. Zvegintsev, “language can and does have an impact on human behavior using the channels at its disposal” due to the fact that “human thinking mainly proceeds in linguistic forms”. Through a specially selected vocabulary of the language, the teacher in a certain way influences the thinking and emotions of children. The communicative act is carried out "always in public environment” and “requires mandatory coordination with a wide range of social institutions and “knowledge”, and is always goal-oriented.”

When determining thematic groups (ideographic themes) for organizing work to enrich the vocabulary of students in the Russian language lessons in grades V - IX through reference to dictionaries, it is necessary to proceed from the “social order”, which requires the upbringing of the younger generation, which has a comprehensive developed abilities. IN

in accordance with this provision, the first principle for the selection of thematic groups of words is social and communicative.

Interdisciplinary material is a rich source for replenishing the content of the work to enrich the vocabulary of students in the Russian language lessons. From here stands out interdisciplinary-communicativethe principle of selecting thematic groups of words for work on enriching the vocabulary of schoolchildren.

In accordance with these principles, the following thematic (ideographic) groups of words are relevant: socio-political vocabulary, moral and ethical, sports, vocabulary of hygiene and healthcare, arts and culture, military vocabulary, vocabulary of law, labor.

Each thematic group covers a huge number of words. Their minimization to enrich the vocabulary of students is based on several principles:

Frequency principle (vocabulary often used in texts of different styles is selected).

The communicative principle (the vocabulary associated with the preparation for the life of students is selected).

The systemic principle (obliges to include in the dictionary of the lexico-semantic group the dominants of the synonymic and derivational (word-forming) series of words, as well as antonyms placed in the dictionary).

The stylistic principle (ensures the inclusion in the dictionary of words expressing attitude to the subject and attitude to the word, i.e. emotionally colored and stylistically colored words).

The enrichment of students' vocabulary in Russian language lessons is based on the following background(conditions) implemented in educational process:

Linguistic background- this is the minimum of schoolchildren's basic knowledge of the language for vocabulary work and the basic teaching and language skills corresponding to them. The basic ones include those knowledge about the language that help to reveal the word:

a) as a unit lexical system language;

b) as an element grammar system language;

c) as an element of stylistic differentiation of the language.

Basic educational and language skills ensure the formation of the ability of schoolchildren to use words correctly in accordance with their meanings and areas of use.

In the process of vocabulary work, the teacher should pay special attention to the basic concepts, using them as a necessary background for enriching the vocabulary of schoolchildren.

Psychological background- this is a special psychological attitude of speakers (writers) to words. Psychologists have identified the following provisions that are important for the organization of vocabulary work: a word is acquired faster and stronger if learning to use it follows its semantization without interruption, if the perception of the world and the word is colored emotionally, if associative connections are established in the process of working on the word, if specially develops attention to unfamiliar words.

A huge role in the work on enriching the vocabulary of students is played by the development of their interest in mastering the word, in replenishing their personal vocabulary. Children's lack of interest in unfamiliar words, inattention to them is one of the reasons preventing the enrichment of their vocabulary.

To develop the ability of students to see unfamiliar words, the following methodology is used: before completing the main task, students read the exercise and name incomprehensible words (usually these are professional, outdated, words with figurative meaning, stylistically colored words), their meaning is explained by the teacher; after completing the assignment and checking, the children are invited to explain some words that are not named among the incomprehensible ones, but the knowledge of which the teacher doubts the students. The meaning of the word is specified in the dictionary.

Of essential importance is the formation in children of the perception of the word as a special object of reality - a linguistic means of naming realities. To do this, use a special technique, including the following exercises:

  1. the name of the depicted objects and the reading of the words naming these objects (it is concluded that there are objects - we see them - and there are words for naming these objects - we hear, read them);
  2. drawing on the riddle of an object and signing a word under it that calls it;
  3. writing words that name objects;
  4. recognition of a word missing in a riddle;
  5. naming an object with different words;

6) naming different objects in one word.

In the Russian language lessons, students receive both linguistic and non-linguistic knowledge. Children acquire knowledge about the language in the process of learning it, and with them they replenish their vocabulary, assimilating linguistic terminology.

Extra-linguistic (extra-linguistic) knowledge (about the world) students at the Russian language lessons draw from dictionaries, partly from exercise texts, as well as on excursions into nature, as a result of acquaintance with works of art, participation in sports, visiting theaters, museums, production facilities and etc.

The task of the teacher is to use words in the educational process when studying grammar and in work in the development of children's speech.

The following knowledge about it: an explanatory dictionary, the purpose of an explanatory dictionary, a dictionary entry, grammatical and lexical marks in it. concept Dictionaryincluded in the program, other concepts are introduced into the educational process through the textbook.

It is most advisable to acquaint students with lexicographic concepts dispersed, in parallel with the study of lexicological concepts: for example, a word and its lexical meaning

  • explanatory dictionary, dictionary entry; with single-valued and polysemantic words - with a way of designating different meanings of a polysemantic word; with direct and figurative meaning - with litter trans.(portable); with homonyms - with a way of designating homonyms; with dialect words
  • with litter reg. (regional); with professional words - with a litter special. (special) or with the abbreviated name of the specialty: sea(marine), etc.; with obsolete words - with litter obsolete(obsolete); with a phraseological unit - with a special sign 0. To get acquainted with lexicographic concepts, either the teacher's message or an independent analysis of the relevant material in the textbook is used.
  • To consolidate the acquired knowledge, the following exercises are performed:
  • analysis of a dictionary entry aimed at finding the corresponding litter;
  • finding in the explanatory dictionary words that have the indicated marks;
  • - an explanation of the purpose of a particular litter in dictionary entry. At the same time, the ability to use an explanatory dictionary is formed. First of all, the need to turn to him for information develops. To this end, the teacher either specifically creates a situation of searching for the lexical meaning of a word, or uses the natural situation of analyzing unfamiliar words in the text of a textbook exercise.
  • The ability to refer to the explanatory dictionary is formed with the help of the following exercises:
  • finding a word in the explanatory dictionary;
  • reading in the dictionary entry the interpretation of the lexical meaning of the word;
  • finding in the explanatory dictionary words of a certain group according to the corresponding marks.

A very important role in the development of students' speech is played by the work with synonymous words. Their use makes speech bright, figurative, expressive.

Working with synonyms - the most important area vocabulary work. The lexical richness of the language is largely provided by its synonymy.

Synonyms are words denoting the same phenomenon of reality. However, they call the same thing in different ways - either highlighting its various aspects in the named object, or characterizing this object from different points of view. Synonyms may vary:

shades of lexical meaning;

emotionally expressive coloring;

stylistic affiliation;

degree of use;

compatibility with other words.

So, by the way, the stupid synonym stupid expresses some disdain, the synonym brainless is extremely rude and is used only in colloquial speech. Synonyms can denote various shades and variants of the phenomenon itself: to say - to pronounce, to say, to speak. In this synonymous series, all words denote the concept of "say" (speaking), but in different ways.

1.3 Work on the word when getting acquainted with program works in literature

The vocabulary of students expands significantly when studying fiction.

It is good if the teacher focuses the attention of schoolchildren on those lexical means of a literary work that carry a significant ideological and artistic load. Therefore, new words that occur in the text are, if possible, delimited.

One group includes words like redoubt, shako ("Borodino"), the introduction of which into the active stock of students is optional. The meaning of these words is explained before they start reading the work.

The other is made up of words like proud, wayward, meek (“The Tale of the Dead Princess ...”), which students must firmly grasp. They are adjoined by the words used in the analysis of the work, for example, "Borodino": an experienced soldier (veteran), a decisive battle, etc. Work on the vocabulary units of this group is carried out much earlier than the time when the work is studied: words are included in exercises in the Russian language, into creative tasks, and then into oral messages when analyzing the work itself.

The third group includes words used by the writer as a means of artistic representation. Many of them are well known to students, and the teacher organizes observation of the peculiarities of the use of these words in the context. The main thing is to show children that language analysis helps to reveal more deeply the ideological essence of a work or a separate episode. So, the power of the spirit of Gerasim, his readiness to go in his protest to the end is conveyed by I.S. Turgenev with the help of the phrase:

He walked along it with a kind of indestructible courage, with a desperate and at the same time joyful determination.

Here, words with the meaning "courage" (courage, determination), "brave" (desperate) are injected. These words express more a high degree sign (cf. courageous - “very brave”, determination - “courage, readiness to accept and implement one’s decision”, desperate - “recklessly bold, very brave”), which led the writer to choose them from a number of thematically close words. The significance of the highlighted words is set off by the adjective indestructible - "such that it is impossible to break, solid, steadfast." Regularly conducted language analysis of a work not only improves the speech culture of students, but also helps them clarify the semantics of many words, since the meaning of a word is often suggested by the context.

In the process of getting acquainted with program works in literature, students compile thematic dictionaries (in the form of working materials), including words, without which it is impossible to fully and deeply understand the works being studied.

The thematic inclusion of difficult words in an active dictionary ensures their strong assimilation by students, forms the skills of independent use of the studied words in a coherent statement.

All this allows organizing a purposeful study of lexical means used in a work of art.

2. Studying the experience of Russian language teachers on the problem under consideration

.1 Vocabulary work in Russian lessons

The effectiveness of training is manifested, first of all, in the activation learning activities schoolchildren.

The student should not just memorize the rules or definitions of concepts, not passively perceive the teacher’s explanation of new knowledge in a finished form, but “acquire” and comprehend this knowledge to the best of his ability. independent work. Knowledge obtained in this way is much better remembered and assimilated than mechanically memorized.

The activation of the activity of schoolchildren in lexical work is expressed mainly in the fact that the main ones in their work on the assimilation of new knowledge are the creative processing in the minds of students received scientific information and the solution of the cognitive tasks assigned to them. This is stimulated by such a presentation of educational material on the part of the teacher, which would exclude the possibility of students getting ready-made conclusions and arm them with material for independent conclusions, indicating the most rational ways of mastering this material. For this, personal observations of students on special assignments of the teacher, the involvement and analysis by students of facts from their personal life experience, the conduct of educational experiments in the classroom, the generalization of unambiguous but variable material on the issue under study, obtained from several sources, are widely used.

Activation of cognitive activity is achieved in conditions of close connection between theory and practice in teaching. Consolidation, enrichment and systematization of knowledge are carried out in the process of their conscious application, which involves theoretical background practical action, on the one hand, and the practical application of laws and regulations, on the other. Frequent transitions from theory to practice and vice versa are one of the conditions for the development of students, the successful acquisition of knowledge. The exercises should be preceded by the assimilation of those initial theoretical provisions that determine the content of the practical actions performed. Only in this case, during the exercise, the conscious application of theoretical knowledge is carried out.

The material of the exercises, - it is indicated in the psychological study already mentioned, - must be different in some respect, and those mental operations that are necessary for the successful solution of homogeneous, but not identical problems, must be repeated. Therefore, it seems very important in the selection of material for exercises, in accordance with the stage of training and general level class performance, gradually introduce such facts, examples that differ in their non-essential features from the original "samples" of the material. Consequently, the variability of tasks for exercises is required as one of the important conditions for the conscious assimilation of knowledge in the process of their application. It is advisable to consolidate knowledge not only in the form of exercises, but also by conducting demonstrations, frontal experiments, organizing observations that confirm the patterns being studied on material previously unknown to students, conducting exercises that require the use of the most rational ways to apply new knowledge, including in combination with previously learned.

A significant place in the educational process should be given to such types of exercises that would teach schoolchildren the basic logical operations, which were discussed in detail.

The activation of the activity of schoolchildren during lexical work is associated with the use of a wide variety of forms of testing knowledge, carrying out various exercises and types of work, control written and graphic works. It is important that verification work by their nature and content, they did not repeat training exercises, but put the student in a new situation, demanded from him to show a certain independence in the practical application and implementation of skills in a wide variety of cases.

The search for ways to intensify the activity of schoolchildren led didactists to the idea of ​​problem-based learning.

Vocabulary work occupies a large place in the work of each philologist.

The program provides for the assimilation of a certain number of words in each class. These words are taken out in all textbooks in the margins or enclosed in frames.

Working with these words makes it possible to expand the active vocabulary of students, clarify their knowledge of the meaning of the word, teach how to use the word in a new context, and improve literacy. But the words within the textbooks are given without any system, only in connection with the use on this page, and even then not always. Then these words are found only in the vocabulary dictation that completes the study of the topic. And a one-time meeting with a word, even if the teacher has done serious work, gives a small effect.

Of particular importance for enriching the vocabulary of students is vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading. “Vocabulary work is not an episode in the work of a teacher, but a systematic, well-organized, pedagogically expediently constructed work related to all sections of the Russian language course,” wrote the famous methodologist A.V. Tekuchev.

The stages of dictionary work can be represented as follows: 1) semantization of the word; 2) actualization of the word; 3) the use of the word in speech.

Vocabulary activation is one of the most important areas of vocabulary work in the classroom, so the teacher's task is to help students master the compatibility and scope of passive words in order to translate them into the student's active vocabulary. The word is considered activated if the student used it at least once in retellings, stories, dialogues, letters, compositions, etc. Ownership of a word implies knowledge of its semantics, compatibility and scope of use.

In order to activate the dictionary, the work can be presented in the form of the following main stages.

a) context;

b) selection of a synonym or antonym;

c) a turnover that includes an already known single-root word;

d) descriptive turnover.

Reading and writing a word (work on orthoepy and spelling);

Work on patterns of word usage (ready-made phrases and sentences),

The teacher introduces children to ready-made phrases and sentences that include the studied words. Some of them may be taken from dictation.

Exercises that teach children to identify and assimilate the paradigmatic connections of words contribute to the enrichment of their vocabulary. Such exercises develop the ability to choose the right word, accurately convey the meaning of the statement, understand the shades of meaning, and also develop speech based on the links between words objectively existing in the vocabulary.

When working on a selected thematic group, there are two possible ways leading to the enrichment of the vocabulary of schoolchildren with the necessary vocabulary: firstly, the introduction of the words of the specified thematic group into the exercises of the textbook, and secondly, the introduction of additional tasks with selected vocabulary during the lesson.

Let's give examples of some tasks.

Find the matching words in each line.

kind, sensitive, kindness;

gentle, affectionate, tenderness;

sympathetic, sincere, cordial;

indifference, indifferent, indifferent.

Write out the words with the same root, highlight the root. Make up sentences with any of these words.

Pick up words with the same root for the words respect, faith, responsive.

In the explanatory dictionary, find the meanings of these words and remember.

) Why can a person be respected?

) Is every person worthy of respect?

Determine what part of speech each word is.

Faithful, believe, attention, hospitable, benevolent, mock, offend, good-natured, heartlessness, hate, love, be friends, indifferent, respect, worry, kind, honest, true, cordial, cruel, humane.

Write the words in three columns: nouns, adjectives, verbs. Name the positive qualities of a person. How to understand the meaning of the words indifferent and good-natured.

Choose an antonym for the word good. Name and write out on the left - good, on the right - evil.

Choose adjectives that are opposite in meaning. Write. Underline the spelling.

A good person is an evil one ...; honest deed - ...; humane attitude - ...; tactful student - ...... ;.fierce look - ....

What do these adjectives have in common? How do they differ in meaning? Polite, well-bred, delicate, correct, sociable, obligatory, tactful.

Vocabulary dictation.

Write in the first column the words that indicate how people should be, in the second column the words - what people should not be.

Good, evil, deceitful, just, honest, diligent, courteous, compassionate, vindictive, patient, truthful, merciful, humane, sensitive, indifferent, cruel.

Make up sentences with any word orally.

Compare the meanings of the word faithful in the sentences.

A faithful comrade will never leave you in trouble. Masha has the correct answer.

Which words are suitable for the first sentence, which for the second: reliable devotee, accurate, correct.

Which of the following nouns can be combined with the words cruel and tough"?

Man, words, violence, wind, frost, soil, mattress, hair, hand, deed, terms.

Write it down by filling in the missing adjectives.

My mom.

I sleep, I see in a dream a sun-drenched meadow, many, many butterflies .... And I hear how it touches me .... ... mother's hand. I recognize her hand. ... ... my mother takes me, hugs me, carries me somewhere, and I swim, swim. And I'm so happy, so pleased. I want this moment to last forever.

Words for reference: warm, maternal, tender, caring, affectionate.

Choose antonyms for the word friendly. Explain how the word friend can be formed from the word friend, and from the word enemy - hostile; benevolent?

Write words with opposite meanings and explain them.

cruel - ... ;

affectionate - ...;

indifferent - ...;

attentive - ... ;

polite - ... ;

From the foregoing, we can conclude that in order to activate the dictionary, the work can be presented in the form of the following main stages:

Interpretation of a word using one or more techniques:

context selection of a synonym or antonym; turnover, which includes an already known single-root word; descriptive turn.

Reading and writing a word (work on orthoepy and spelling) .;

Work on patterns of word usage (ready-made phrases and sentences);

Work on the semantic connections of the word.

Turning to the origin of a word makes it possible to realize the meaning of the historical root to which it goes back, and thus to better understand the semantics of a given lexical unit and the reasons for its modern spelling. As a result, in linguodidactics, along with the generally accepted ways of interpreting the meaning of a word, an etymological method is singled out.

A systematic appeal to etymology at the interdisciplinary level is necessary, first of all, in cases where the word is difficult for children not only in spelling, but also in semantic terms.

Help in such types of work, first of all, creative cheating, written answers to questions, the game "Is it true?", dictionary dictations based on etymology, etymological crossword puzzles.

Creative writing.

Creative cheating is well known in the methodology of the Russian language. In our case, it is used to fix the meaning of the studied words in the memory of students.

Creative cheating is used in the process of consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities on different lessons in such school disciplines as the Russian language, mathematics, natural history, fine arts, music, history. For the work, words and some scientific terms are used, the meaning and spelling of which were studied based on etymology. Let's give examples.

Task: write in place of the dots the words that fit the meaning.

) The letter or part of the word where the danger of error arises is called .... .

) The section of the science of language that studies the origin of words is called ....

) ... are words that coincide in sound, but completely divergent in meaning.

) ... are words that are opposite in meaning.

) ... are words that are the same or close in meaning.

Students write off sentences, sequentially inserting words: spelling, etymology, homonyms, antonyms, synonyms.

Written responses to questions.

This type of work is also well known in the methodology of the Russian language. It is used in this case to consolidate in the memory of students the meaning of words learned based on etymology. Let us give examples of such questions. They are of the same type and begin with one phrase: what is the name of ...

A hardcover notebook for drawings, collections, photographs? (Album.)

A form of activity in which the participants strive to outdo each other? (Competition.)

A complex sports facility with stands for spectators and specially equipped areas for training and competitions? (Stadium.)

competition of sports teams - running, movement at a distance, in which at a certain stage one athlete, changing, passes the agreed object to another? (Relay race.)

Stationary institution for treatment, disease prevention and recreation? (Sanatorium.)

A short break between the actions of the performance or sections of the concert, circus performance? (Intermission.)

Game "Is it true?" Game "Is it true?" helps students to consolidate the skill of correlating consonant words by meaning, to update in memory scientific information about the etymology of words they already know. Here are some questions for this game.

Is it true that...

Do the words tailor and briefcase come from the same historical root?

(Incorrect. The word tailor is originally Russian and goes back to the word port in the meaning of “canvas.” The word briefcase goes back to the French porter, which means “to wear.”)

Do the words veteran and ham come from the same historical root?

(True. The words veteran and ham come from the Latin vetus, which means old.)

The word newspaper is derived from the word gas?

(Incorrect. The word newspaper is derived from the Italian gas, which means "magpie" - the image of a bird on a small coin, which was given for a sheet of paper with printed information. The word gas goes back to the Greek chaos in the meaning "primary, formless state of the world.")

The word melody can be checked with the word cute?

(Incorrect. The word melody arose on the basis of the addition of two Greek words: melo - “song” and ode - “song”. The word cute goes back to the Latin “milis” - “gentle, calm.”)

Does the word oculist go back to the same word as the word eye?

(True. The words oculist and eye are derived from the Latin oculus meaning "eye".)

The word autograph - they call the car in which the graphs drive?

(Incorrect. In the word autograph, the part graph - is not related to the word graph in the sense of "a title of nobility or a person having this title", it is formed from the Greek element graphe - in the meaning of "I am writing." The auto part in both words is formed from the Greek auto in the meaning "self" The word autograph means "a handwritten, usually commemorative inscription or signature.")

Are the words carpenter and raft historically related?

(True. In ancient times, the word raft was used to refer to the log walls of houses connected to each other. Such rafts were made by carpenters.)

The described types of work contributed to the consolidation of the knowledge gained by schoolchildren about the etymology of words, the ability to divide words into morphemes both in modern and historical terms, the ability to compare consonant words by meaning (and derive the meaning of a word from its origin).

Dictionary dictations based on etymological analysis.

The vocabulary dictations developed by us based on etymology allow us to actively enrich the vocabulary of students. Such dictations include only those words whose etymology the children have already met.

Thus, the system of vocabulary work based on etymology and, in particular, the described methods of consolidating vocabulary mastered with the help of etymological analysis, contribute to the formation of schoolchildren's ability to notice new words and explain their meaning and spelling based on the meaning of historical roots to which they ascend, or the elements of which they are composed. The consequence of this is the following positive changes in the direct speech activity of students: firstly, spelling literacy is significantly increased in cases where the meaning of a given lexical unit is analyzed based on its etymology, and secondly, the syntactic structure of speech is improved. In addition, due to the enrichment of the vocabulary based on etymology, schoolchildren form an idea of ​​the language as a developing phenomenon, the connection of the language with the history of the country, the people, the interaction of the languages ​​of the world, and the foundations of linguistic thinking are laid. Etymological analysis contributes to the development of students' logical thinking, activation cognitive processes, fostering interest in the language.

2.2 Approximate content of vocabulary work in Russian lessons

In order to enrich the vocabulary of students with a variety of vocabulary, you can use the tasks of the following nature:

) selection of synonyms for the word and finding them in the text, finding out similarities and differences in meaning;

) selection to given word antonyms, finding antonymic pairs in the text and finding out their meanings;

) work on the direct and figurative meaning of words;

) the use of speech turns;

) work with proverbs and sayings;

) work with dictionaries;

) performing various types of creative work.

These tasks should be complex in order to make the child see, think, compare, reason at the same time.

Read the words.

Frost, agronomist, driver, kindness, respectful, frost, cares, harvester, ship, honest, engineer, indifference, care, attentive.

Follow the example:

Natural phenomena: frost ...,

Professions: agronomist,...,

Machines: harvester....,

Human Relations: Kindness.....

Read. What questions do the words in each column answer?

What do they stand for?

Kindness, mandatory.

Gratitude, hostile.

Conscience, mocking, cared, ridiculed, offended.

Determine what part of speech each word is.

Faithful, believe, attention, hospitable, benevolent, mock, offend, good-natured, heartlessness, hate, love, be friends, indifference, respect, worry, kind, honor, truth, cordial, cruel, humane.

Write the words in three columns: nouns, adjectives, verbs. Name the positive qualities of a person.

Find in the proverbs words that are close in meaning.

The stingy one looks - how not to give to another, and the greedy one looks - how to take away from another. 2. Slander and lies are not the same thing. Lies can be simple, but slander is always intentional.

Write off, inserting the phrase - a kind person. Define cases.

Does not remember evil (who?) ... . It is bad for the place where there is no (who?) ... . Bow at the waist (to whom?) ... . Remember good (whom?) .... It's good to deal (with whom?) ...Remember more often (about whom?) ....

Choose the appropriate noun for each adjective.

Loyal - ... , attentive - ...., kind - ...., cruel - .... , indifferent - ..., hospitable - ...., caring - ...., gentle - . ..., affectionate - ....

Write phrases. Determine the gender of nouns.

Write the adjectives together with the appropriate nouns.

(Friendly, friendly) class; (cruel, tough) person; (secret, hidden) character; (touchy, offensive) woman; (hospitable, indifferent) treat; (humanitarian, humanitarian) aid.

Rewrite, choosing antonyms for the underlined words. In case of difficulty, use the "School Dictionary of Antonyms" by M.R. Lvov.

Polite answer. True words. Treat with confidence. Make fun of a person. Cruel act.

Name the synonyms and antonyms of the word cruel.

She seemed unkind. (F. Gladkov.) 2. Terentiev was rude, unfriendly. (I. Goncharov.) 3. You have to be merciful, dad! (A. Chekhov.) 4. The hard-hearted old man glared at us. 5. Let every day and every hour you get something new. Let your mind be good, and your heart be smart. (A. Marshak.)

What do these adjectives have in common? How do they differ in meaning?

Cruel, ruthless, heartless, inhuman, fierce, ferocious.

Form pairs of words with opposite meanings by adding the negation not (written together) to the words.

Hearty - not ... .

Kind - not ....

Sensitive - not ... .

Responsive- ... .

Make sentences with the words in the first column. Change these sentences by entering the words from the first column into them.

Read the proverbs. Explain their meaning. Write the verbs of the 1st conjugation in one column, the verbs of the 2nd conjugation in the second.

Old friendship does not burn in fire, and does not sink in water. 2. Suddenly you will not become a friend. 3. Money can't buy a friend. 4. Russian people remember well. 5. Not clothes make a person, but good deeds. You recognize a friend in danger. 6. Don't wave your fists after a fight.

Write adjectives in combination with nouns. Explain the meaning of the adjective in each case.

Sample: soft (bread, character);

soft bread (what is this?) fresh;

soft character (what is it?), flexible, compliant, accommodating.

Solid (stone, character).

Warm (evenings, relationships).

Callous (baton, man).

Dry (wind, sight).

At present, in addition to the existing ones, more and more new dictionaries are being published. Working with them makes life easier for people in many ways, since they contain hundreds of thousands of words, explain their lexical meanings in the sphere of use, etc. You can invite the guys to make some non-existent dictionary. This type of work involves long, hard work, because only in this case it is possible to achieve the desired result.


The problem of using vocabulary work in Russian language lessons has become relevant in our time. The main task of the teacher - to help enrich the vocabulary of students, to make their speech literate, cultural - has remained the same. But still it is necessary to look for new methods, techniques and means of improving the culture of speech of schoolchildren.

Studying the experience of the best teachers of the Russian language, we can say that vocabulary work in the Russian language lessons, work on the development of speech in general, should occupy a leading place. The effectiveness of this work depends on the professionalism of the language teacher. The use of new technologies increases the interest of children in the lesson. And working with dictionaries is one of the new technologies in teaching the Russian language - cultural studies. It is necessary to form in students the ability to use all types of dictionaries, which, of course, will increase the level of their culture, ensure the intensive intellectual and speech development of schoolchildren. For this you need to know psychological features children, to be able to build correctly pedagogical process, organize collective and independent activities of schoolchildren, create favorable conditions for work. Special attention should be given to stimulating learning motives: the more interested the student is in the knowledge gained, the more strength and patience he will apply to master it.

Based thesis it can be concluded that, subject to the systematic use of vocabulary work in the classroom, it is possible to achieve a significant enrichment of the vocabulary of schoolchildren, to increase the level of their speech development.

Status upgrade mother tongue in society is considered in direct connection with the spiritual revival and renewal of our state. And the tasks of improving the quality of teaching the Russian language, strengthening the rule-making work and creating teaching aids in speech culture stand out as key. After all, it depends on how the teaching of native literature is organized at school and university, whether new educational technologies or everything goes the old fashioned way, the literacy of the population largely depends. Especially since modern facilities mass media, unfortunately, have long ceased to be the standard of correct speech for readers, listeners and viewers, are saturated with jargon and vulgarism, and are full of ridiculous borrowings.

The modern Russian language, apparently, no less than any other national property, needs our daily protection and attention today. So that we do not completely lose our wealth, or, according to N.V. Gogol, “the treasures of our language: every sound is a gift; everything is grainy, large, like pearls themselves, and rightly, a different name is even more precious than the thing itself.

The task of the teacher of Russian literature with each lesson is to prove to schoolchildren the importance of correct word usage and the art of speech. For many in today's society, the acquisition of literacy and beautiful speech is a necessary condition for them professional growth, success in life. It has always been so. All of us, one way or another, would like to express our thoughts accurately, vividly, and convincingly. And skills are just often not enough!

The practice of teaching the Russian language is still largely focused on the formation of ideas about the Russian language, its rules and laws, on the assimilation of the norms of spelling and punctuation. At the same time, the communicative function of the word is completely ignored. In the now popular Russian language textbooks for high school students, we read: "The book will help in improving spelling skills, in the practical repetition of everything that was previously studied." Again generalize, repeat and consolidate the material covered? But how to learn to enjoy the language, communicate, conduct business conversations, speak to an audience, discuss, draw up business papers, write essays? The Russian language lives and develops according to its internal laws, combining and absorbing two cultural traditions: oral folk and literary.

Lexical compatibility is another subtlety of the native language. It is known, after all, that one incorrectly chosen word can irreparably distort the meaning of the message, create a double interpretation, give undesirable stylistic coloring, even hurt and offend inadvertently. Dozens of examples, tasks and exercises with words used by the teacher in Russian lessons will help students avoid such speech errors. For example, they will teach you to “distinguish white linen from black” and at the same time “distinguish both”. Or “warn against danger” and “warn about it”, “pay the fare” and “pay for it”, etc. And such pleonasms and tautologies as "memorable souvenir", "torrential downpour", "drawn picture" or "the best" and "more beautiful" should forever disappear from our lives.

The word is the most important unit of language, the bearer of meanings. Words and their combinations denote specific objects and abstract concepts, while words express emotions. The richer a person's vocabulary, the wider his options for choosing a more accurate and expressive formulation of thought.

The effectiveness of training is manifested, first of all, in the activation of the educational activities of schoolchildren. The activation of the activity of schoolchildren in lexical work is expressed mainly in the fact that the main ones in their work on the assimilation of new knowledge are the creative processing in the minds of students of the received scientific information and the solution of the cognitive tasks assigned to them. This is stimulated by such a presentation of educational material on the part of the teacher, which would exclude the possibility of students getting ready-made conclusions and arm them with material for independent conclusions, indicating the most rational ways of mastering this material. For this, personal observations of students on special assignments of the teacher, the involvement and analysis by students of facts from their personal life experience, the conduct of educational experiments in the classroom, and the generalization of unambiguous but variable material on the issue under study are widely used.


  1. Bulatov M., Porudominsky V. A man of words collected ...: The Tale of V. I. Dal. - M.: Det. lit., 1969. 300s.
  2. Baranov M.T. On working with explanatory dictionaries in the lessons of the Russian language in grades IV-VIII // РЯШ. - 1989. - No. 6. - p. 38-42.
  3. Vartanyan E.A. Travel in a word. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1982. 245s.

4. Developmental and pedagogical psychology / Ed. A.V. Petrovsky 2nd ed., add. and reworked. - M., 1999. - 548 p.

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Golovin B.N. How to speak correctly. - 3rd ed. - M., 1988. 306s.

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.Kazbekova A.Zh. Developmental teaching methods. A., 1997. 87p.

15. Kashkarova T.N. Vocabulary work at the lessons of the Russian language // РЯШ. - 1991.-№2. -With. 41-44.

16. Karavaev A. Game lessons in high school. // Teacher. 2006, No. 1, p. 3-6.

Kerimbayeva M.S. "Innovative processes in school: problems, prospects, search" - A.1999. 235s.

.Kobdikova Zh.U. Pedagogical technology level differentiation of education in high school. A. 2000. 195s.

Krupennikova M.I. Effective methods and techniques for organizing a lesson. // Russian language at school. 1997, no. 4; With. 9-13.

Kulagin P.G. Interdisciplinary connections in the learning process. - M., 1998.

Krutetsky V.A. Psychology: Textbook for students ped. schools. - M., 2002. - 352 p.

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23. Lushagina I. "Salt of the Earth" and other secrets of speech. // Public Education No. 5, 1998.

Methods of teaching the Russian language / M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.R. Lvov and others; Ed. M.T. Baranov. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990. - 366 p.

New dictionaries // РЯШ -1995. - No. 3. - p. 102-106.

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Types of vocabulary work in Russian lessons

Russian language in skillful hands and in experienced lips - beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and roomy.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

Primary education is the primary stage of a child's education. It gives him a system of knowledge for their further use in the process of life. The perception, accumulation and understanding of information directly depends not so much on the type of occupation, but on the method, quality and form of their presentation from teacher to student.

The most important aspect of speech development is enrichment vocabulary. This is essential at any age. It's no secret that remembering dictionary words presents a significant difficulty.

Mastering writing difficult words requires repeated systematic exercises that are associated with all types of written student work. The skill of writing these words On the one hand, it largely depends on children's vocabulary, their active dictionary, on the other hand, the study of such words and holding vocabulary- spelling exercises should revitalize dictionary junior schoolchildren .

vocabulary words, like the multiplication table, you need to know by heart. That's just the multiplication table is placed on half of the notebook page, and dictionary words - a huge thick dictionary. They need to be taught and taught, often returning to the same word. This Job- difficult and painstaking.

Based on my experience work I can say that it is not difficult for children to determine the spelling. However, the need to apply a long-familiar rule in somewhat unexpected conditions turns out to be a daunting task for many.

Vocabulary work in the lesson is one of the means of improving the spelling literacy of students.

Flipping through the pages of the textbook « Russian language» for grade 3, you can see that in one case on lesson There are several dictionary words, and in the other - for several vocabulary lessons are not addressed at all - they are absent on the pages of the textbook.

Considering all of the above, I began to study the issue " Vocabulary work in Russian lessons as a means of improving spelling literacy "

my goal work: identify the most effective forms of techniques, memorization methods words with unverifiable spellings for the implementation of which certain tasks:

Study the methodological literature on the topic;

Conduct vocabulary work in each lesson;

Include working with vocabulary words at various stages lesson;

Reveal effective ways memorization and spelling dictionary words;

To generalize the methodology of vocabulary work and develop various types of tasks for working with vocabulary words in Russian language lessons.

I have my own spelling system. words. It is necessary that the child use the same word 5-8 times in a variety of exercises. This results in the student becoming fluent in vocabulary material and unerringly applies it in practice.

I propose types of vocabulary work at Russian language lessons in elementary school.

1. Submission words(Puzzles, proverbs, sayings, demonstration of a picture depicting an object, solving a rebus, encryption, charades.

2. Lexical meaning words.

3. It's interesting to know...

4. Complete the task.

Undoubtedly learning new things is a complex and contradictory process. Any methods, techniques only become effective when they are naturally woven into the already established methodological system.

Stage 1 Submission words

Children can independently identify word:

With a riddle

little boy

In a gray coat

Sneaking around the yards

Collects crumbs.


This little bird

Wears a gray shirt

Picks up crumbs fast

And escape from the cat.


Demonstration of a picture of an object.

Solving puzzles, encryption, charades.

Stage 2 Lexical meaning words.

Step 3 Interesting to know...

On this stage children learn about word.

Stage 4 Complete the task.

write down word;

put the accent;

Write down the transcription words;

stripped word for syllables;

stripped word to transfer;

Pick up single-root words;

Compose and write a sentence with the given word, underline the spelling;

Compose and write with data word combination.

In the future, all Job aimed at fixing spelling dictionary word. At this stage, various types of work:

Creative Job

Attention task

search engine Job

Many tasks provide an opportunity for mutual learning, as they involve group forms. work, work in pairs

Therefore my Job to fix spelling dictionary words is aimed at the accumulation, systematization and application of these various types of work.

Student mindset primary school is visual-figurative in nature, so I paid attention to visual memorization words.

One of the techniques, presentation and memorization, is:

method of graphic associations.

The essence of this method is that the memorized letter is encrypted in the form of a graphic image - a picture.

Lexical exercises

In connection with the study of grammar, lexical exercises are carried out, i.e. children explain the meanings words as straight, and figurative, clarify the ambiguity words, make up with them phrases and sentences.

Note "Creation free association» is a creative process. The value of this technique is that everyone has dictionary word his associative image.

cabbage - hare



TO vocabulary words choose synonyms and antonyms.

Manifold figurative meanings words good show on examples:

Winter - ___ (cold, spring, snow, summer)

Quiet - ___ (dark, children, loud)

End - ___ (break, start, all)

Deep - ___ (bottomless, shallow)

To make it clearer the difference in the meanings of similar words, synonyms are selected for them.

Storm, hurricane, storm;

Cloudy, rainy, gloomy, gray;

enemy, adversary, adversary, foe

Traditionally I use thematic crossword puzzles

Exercises for the formation of phonetic concepts.

A game "Guess what word»

I distribute cards - tables on which the letters of the desired words

I suggest doing this task in pairs.

2. Game "Guess word» .

I show the cards on which the first or last syllable of the desired words. Students write down their words.

Bo (swamp, boots)

OE (animal, ice cream)

spelling exercises.

I attach great importance work on the composition of the word. As a result, the ability to recognize and select cognates is improved. words develops the ability to accurately use in writing dictionary words with prefixes and suffixes. These skills are developed through a variety of exercises.

Education related words.

Selection words to these diagrams.

Finding differences of single-root words and forms of the same words.

Finding cognates in the text words.

Morphological exercises are part of vocabulary work


Selective working with a dictionary

Job with catchphrases

Single-root selection words of different parts of speech.

For example: address (address, address, address; wind (breeze, windy, windy).

Syntactic exercises

In the process of syntactic exercises, too working with vocabulary including them in assignments.

I suggest to the guys dictionary words make sentences that differ in purpose.

Make proposals with phrases.

Isographs are words, which are depicted by letters, the image of which resembles the image of the subject in question.

The task of the child is to make words from the letters found in the isograph, a sketch of the isograph, drawing up your own isograph. Tasks of this type are offered for group work.

Of course, such Job requires the teacher to spend time, effort, and the availability of visual material. That's why vocabulary work I plan to take classes extracurricular activities Seeing the first results of my students, we can say with confidence that I am going in the right direction.

Article for primary school teachers "Vocabulary work in Russian language lessons in primary school"

The article summarizes the experience of working with vocabulary words.
Topic: Vocabulary work at Russian language lessons.
Target: The development of memory in children. Identification of the most rational teaching methods
when working with vocabulary words.
Tasks: 1. Develop visual and auditory memory of students in each lesson.
2. Consider new approaches to vocabulary and spelling work.
3. Improve the literacy of oral and written speech of students.
4. Work on the development of attention, thinking, speech, observation.
5. To instill love for the native word, for the Russian language.
Expected results: Achieve error-free writing with difficult writing,
using memorization techniques, diverse, interesting
non-traditional methods when working with vocabulary words.
“The problem of mastering words with unverifiable and difficult to verify spelling is close to all primary school teachers. Special exercises for working with such words have to be prepared for almost every lesson. Teachers use many interesting and effective methods doing vocabulary work. But kids keep making mistakes. Why can't children learn the spelling of such words? While working on this problem, I found several reasons:
1. Low level of memory development.
2. Insufficient development of the presentation of a new word.
3. Work is sometimes carried out in a formally monotonous manner.
4. There is no single purposeful process, which would provide a complex of knowledge in a certain sequence and relationship, as well as the formation of practical skills on this basis.
In my opinion, when studying checked and unchecked unstressed vowels, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of phonetic hearing, attention, thinking and memory of students. It is known that the memory of elementary school students is in the process of formation. The degree of its development even among students of the same age is not the same. Memory types are also not the same for everyone. Therefore, the teacher in the process of teaching children should not forget about the development of various types of memory in students and maximize the facilitation of the formation of spelling skills through the most developed type of memory.
At first school year I conducted a simple test in order to have information about the volume and main type of memory of students in my class. The test showed that the level of memory development in the class is low, especially in the visual type (only three students are normal, and the rest of the students are lower). In most children, motor memory predominates. To memorize, they need to say aloud each word quietly in syllables. This method is the most effective because it involves a combination of three factors: vision (the child looks at the words), motor skills (the words are pronounced) and hearing (the child hears what he says).
For students with auditory memory, you need to pronounce the words syllable by syllable to your desk mate or listen to how the neighbor pronounces the words. With visual memory - silently look at the words, reading them to yourself in syllables; then close your eyes to imagine it written; open your eyes again and check yourself.
The information obtained can be used in other lessons. For the development of memory, I conduct special exercises in each lesson.

Main part
There are many different methods for studying unchecked spellings. There are many ways to work on difficult words. All techniques are well known in the methodology and are widely used in elementary school. I believe that all the variety of techniques can be divided into groups.
At the first stage primary perception of a word or a group of words, you can use techniques aimed at:
-to memorize the spelling of a word
PENCIL This word is easy to remember - pencils and a box for them.
A HER There is no alley without trees.
B R B N And what a drum without sticks
- Grouping by spelling for example, by initial letter o: father lunch nut; or class, Saturday, Russian; month, hare, tongue, strawberry)
This stage of the initial perception of a group of words is, of course, the most important because
an erroneous entry at the first acquaintance makes subsequent work with the text meaningless.
I carry out this work in the following stages.
1. Orthoepic reading of the word aloud.
2. Brief spelling analysis.
3. Memorization based on the main type of memory (30-60 sec.) It is at this moment that it is activated, short-term memory is included in the work.
4. Recording from dictation.
5. Spelling self-control (checking according to the model with mandatory spelling pronunciation).
Stage of primary perception of the word
Traditional approach.
At the first stage of introducing a new word, the following types of work can be used.
Riddles: I've been catching bugs all day
I eat worms.
I don't fly to a warm land
I live here under the roof
Chick - chirp! Don't be shy
I'm seasoned (sparrow)
Proverbs: Moscow is the mother of all cities.
Sayings: Magpie on the tail brought.
Tongue Twisters. Soon, no doubt.
The raven raven crowed.
Poems: Suddenly from my mother's bedroom
Crooked and lame……
Songs: It's fun to walk together ...
Description of the item: a tool with a long, usually wooden handle and a wide, flat
(metal or wooden) end for digging the earth,
spreading, raking (shovel)
But such work often gives us a ready-made word. Meanwhile, the introduction of a new word is designed to form an interested attitude of students to the upcoming activity. At the same time, the proposed exercises and tasks should ensure the simultaneous development of a number of intellectual qualities of the child: attention, memory, different kinds thinking, speech, observation.

New Approach
Very interesting shape I found work with vocabulary words in Zh. Primary School No. 3 2000 in the article A new approach to vocabulary and spelling work in Russian language lessons by G. A. Bakulina and in the book of the same author Intellectual development of younger schoolchildren in Russian language lessons.
All exercises on the presentation of a new word can be combined into several groups. Within each group, from lesson to lesson, tasks change and become more complicated.
For 2nd grade I divided the words into three groups:
1. Identification of a new word through work with its constituent letters. With their implementation, children develop stability, distribution and amount of attention, short-term arbitrary memory, speech, thinking, quick wits.
2. Identification of a new word through symbols, ciphers, codes. These exercises allow you to abstract thinking and along with it to improve a number of other qualities of intelligence.
3. Identification of the desired word through exercises related to linguistic material.
The first group includes exercises:
Try to guess what words I have encrypted.
N D R E V E I (village)
L M AND E S D I V T E A D (fox, bear)
P O A D E L J D T A O (coat, clothes)
A E Z T R B (Guys)
The second group includes exercises of the form:
Each letter corresponds to a certain number.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...... 7 3 5 3 1 (frost)
Z A O S R G M P U D..... 8 3 4 9 10 2 (dishes)
.... 4 2 8 3 6 (boot)

Encrypt words: hero, motherland, victory
3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. 10
1.. V.. L.. T.. R.. J.. A.. S.. P
2.. M.. O.. E.. N.. U.. H.. K.. B

1-3, 2-4, 1-6, 2-4, 2-10, 2-5, 1-7 (SPAROW)
or you can give the children the task to encrypt the following words: rooster, crow, magpie, dog, fun, Moscow.
1.. M.. H.. L.. P..
2.. R.. O.. A.. D..
3.. K.. L.. W.. Z..
4.. T.. C.. G.. I..
The third group includes exercises of the form:
1. Cross out the letters denoting deaf consonants in this chain, and you will recognize the word ПБКТХЕШ СРЧЁШЧЗЦА (birch)
2. Find the syllables in the following order: sg, sgs, sgs-klmnst tka in g d sh r a n x s b v f p p da s n n (pencil).
3. Read the words written on the board: ex.vit, protect.nyat, b.lesn, red.sitel, value, multiply, ab.zhur, sl.malal, l.skaet. Connect the first letters of words that have the vowel a at the root, and you will learn a new word. (railway station)

Training - fixing stage.

The second stage of the system of work on vocabulary words is training and fixing.
Its purpose: the correctness and awareness of the spelling of the word. It takes 3-4 days. At this stage, one has to use multiple, short-term repetition of words with clear articulation. Wherein great importance have visual, hand-moving, auditory-articulatory sensations. This means that the exercises should be quite varied. For example: Dried up in the hot sun
And breaks out of the pods ... (peas)
I ask you to name all the words
Where -oro- should be written

You can also use joke questions and assignments.
In what words are the notes hidden? Tomato, guys, road ...
In what words does the spruce grow? Monday teacher...
A game. What words are intended? Each of them has three syllables, the third syllable is ta.
Compose two proverbs from these words: to, bring, Kyiv, .zyk. R.bota, masters, everyone, praises.

During my work, I have accumulated quite a lot of exercises on working with words with difficult spelling. I believe that it is advisable to organize the learning process in such a way that, in a certain relationship, work is carried out on phonetics, spelling, word formation, morphology, vocabulary and syntax, so that all aspects of the word are considered in unity.
The main point of phonetic exercises is that children learn to hear easily sounding word were able to analyze the sound form of words during their internal pronunciation. All this contributes to the formation phonemic hearing and speech skills.
For example:
1. Write out the words that have soft consonants: ber.g, v.kzal,, g.rokh, .sina, uch.nik, pl.tok,, k.empty.
2. Write the words in two columns: in the first with voiceless consonants at the end of the word, in the second with voiced consonants at the end of the word: breakfast, people, address, drawing, carrot, portrait, luggage, pencil.
3. Write down the words, arranging them in alphabetical order: g.roy, adr.s, ur.zhai, r.keta, apple.k., p.nal, t.por, p.suda,
4. Give examples of words that are stressed on the first, second, third syllable.
5. Game. What words are missing vowels?, M.L.T.K., K.NK., P.R.T.T., S.L.M., T.L.P.S.
6. Game: Guess the word.
The teacher shows a card on which the first syllable of the desired word is written go (city, peas, burn, horizon)
And vice versa, you can give the end of the word, and the children come up with the beginning (.. court, .. cut, .. squa)
7. Game. Collect words.
Pus, ka, that; roses, mo; same, in, ner; torus, truck,
8. Chineward.
In the cells of a square, circle, etc. In the direction indicated by the arrow, enter vocabulary words. The last letter of the previous word is the beginning of the next.
9. Write out from the dictionary in alphabetical order the words on the topic: Birds, Vegetables, Clothes, Animals.
10. Find vocabulary words for a given letter of the alphabet, remember their spelling and write it down from memory in a notebook.
11. Game. Who will come up with more words.
L e s i g o a i t
12. Game. Decipher the words.
Replace the numbers with the letters of the alphabet and read the word.
2 10 13 6 20 26 16 22 7 18
(ticket) (chauffeur)
13. Puzzles.
Rhona ma 40a coro
14. Letters crumbled.
K Y Y Z (language) A Z Y C (hare) T E R E V (wind) M O Z O R (frost)
Students are very interested in working on the composition of the word. Children improve their ability to recognize and select single-root words, disassemble words by composition, accurately use dictionary words with prefixes and suffixes in written speech. These skills are developed through a variety of exercises.
For example:
1. From the words birch, holiday, straw, apple, form related words. State how they were formed.
2. Choose words for the diagrams:
3. Game. Find the extra word.
Birch, birch, birch forest, boletus, birch, birch, birches.
Goose, goose, caterpillar, goslings, goose.
4. Make phrases.
The guys are joyful .., the perikidn calendar .., the street is crowded .., the birch is curly ...
5. Make words according to the schemes: fox ..a, ... nickname.
6. Charade. Find out the word that is intended.
The conceived word has the same root as the word beautiful. The prefix, as in the word turn, the suffix, as in the word color, the ending, as in the word carrot.
7. Restore offers. What part of the word will help?
My dad advertised in (newspaper).
8. Find words with the same root.
The station is the city gate. If the city is small, it has one or two stations. There are cities with many railway stations. Luggage offices are located at the stations. You can send a telegram from the station post office.
Morphological exercises.
1. Pick up dictionary words denoting objects, signs, actions.
2. Write out from the dictionary five words of the 1st declension, 2nd declension, 3rd declension.
3. Write out the words in three columns: g. r., m. r., cf. R.
4. Insert prepositions.
The car stopped ...... (house).
The hare quickly rushed ... (forest).
5. Answer in one word.
- Who lives in the forest?
- Where are the pens and pencils kept?
syntactic exercises.
1. Make sentences with these words: wind, cabbage, aspen, comrade.
2. With dictionary words, make sentences that are different in purpose of the statement: narrative, interrogative, exclamatory.
3. Replace sentences with one dictionary word. Make up your own sentence with this word.
School room.
4. Make a sentence from the words: vegetable garden, growing, potatoes.
5. Write out a phrase with a dictionary word.
Andryusha took a handkerchief out of his pocket.
6. Make a proposal according to the schemes: Who? ……what do they do? …… In which? ….. into what? (Sparrows gather in noisy flocks.)
Lexical exercises.
Children explain the meaning of words, both direct and figurative, find out the ambiguity of words, understand the relationship between synonyms and antonyms.
1. Find an extra word.
Car, crop, tram, plane.
Cabbage, tomato, straw, carrot.
Pencil case, notebook, phone, pencil.
2. Complete the sentences with appropriate words from the right column.
On the shore rises the ancient stands
The apartment was closed
Ticket to the theater ... .. ten rubles castle
Phone …….. lock on the bedside table
3. Group the words by topic:
Raspberry, fox, strawberry, hare, notebook, pencil case, cow, pencil.
4. Based on the key words, make up a short story on the topic: School. Apartment.
5. To the words luggage, together, the road, pick up synonyms.
6. Game. Who is giving voice?
P.tukh chirps
S. rock barks
S. tank lows
K.rova crows
V.rona chirps
V. Robey croaks
7. For the words fun, girl, pick up good antonyms.
8. Choose the most appropriate word.
From the (dilapidated, old, ancient) iron we made a bucket.
M.tvedi were very frightened and (went, ran, rushed) towards the forest.
. 9. In this text, insert the most appropriate, similar words in meaning: splash, pour, pour.
The waves are quiet……near the shore.
Milk…….. from a bucket.
The worker continues……steel.
10. Explain the meaning of the highlighted words.
And the king of the side of that sovereign enters the room.
And the princess found herself in a bright room.
11. Do you know?
Do you know the origin of the word library?
12. It's interesting!
How did the word agronomist appear in our language?
13. When do they say so?
Disappear from the horizon, appear on the horizon, the bear stepped on the ear.
14. Insert words.
Tractor, noisy like ….. . Aspen fell with a crash, as if .... .
At the training-fixing stage The most common type of vocabulary spelling exercises are dictations (visual, with commentary, explanatory, selective, warning, pictorial, from memory, creative), rebuses, creative work.
Introduction of a new word into the active vocabulary of students.
Third stage of work– introduction of a new word into the active vocabulary of students. At this stage, I include exercises that improve a certain side of the child's thinking.
1. Compare words with each other. Find common essential and non-essential features.
For example words: pencil and pencil case.
Pencil and pencil case - school supplies. Pencil and pencil case do not sink in water. Pencil and pencil case can be made of wood.
2. Name the objects opposite words bear in various ways. Give a complete answer.
The bear and the bird are opposite in the way they move: the bear walks and the bird flies. The bear and the stone are living and inanimate objects. The bear and the snake are opposite in terms of the features of the body cover: the bear has shaggy hair, and the snake has smooth skin.
3. Make a sentence in which the words student and notebook would be connected to each other using any third word.
The student took the notebook.
The student writes in a notebook.
The notebook is with the student.
The student hid the notebook.
4. What is the semantic similarity of the words cow and dog.
Cow and dog are pets.
5. Read written proverbs and sayings. Fill in the missing word that makes sense. Explain these expressions.
How ...... licked off with her tongue.
Sits like on ... ..saddle.
...... barks, the wind wears.
Cheerful ... .. God does not give horns.
6. Make sentences with the words cow, dog, fox, highlighting the common feature in two of them and the reason for excluding the third word from this group.
The cow and the dog are domestic animals, the fox is a wild animal. The fox and the dog are carnivores, while the cow is a herbivore. The dog and the fox do not have horns, but the cow does.
7. Make a sentence with the simultaneous inclusion of two or three studied words in it.
Good in the cold outside.
8. Match the meaning of what is written on the left and right.
Starve, eat poorly. The bear stepped on his ear.
Remote deaf place. Suck paw.
Lack of musical ear. Disservice.
Trying to do something good with
Bad result. share the skin unkilled bear.
Before the time to talk about the results
A job that hasn't been completed yet. Bear corner.
9. Come up with examples of a fantastic character.
The coat can be used as a carpet - an airplane. From the coat you can build a self-assembly tablecloth.
The rational use of these techniques serves for the intellectual development of younger students.
Lexico-spelling exercises are of great importance at this stage as a means of enriching, clarifying and activating the vocabulary of students, as well as developing a culture of speech and fostering love for the native word.
Accounting - control stage.
The fourth stage of the system is accounting and control. Its purpose is to test the ability of students to correctly write the studied words in written work.
I conduct control vocabulary dictations as the number of learned words, determined by the program (for such a dictation), is accumulated. In grade 2 - 8-10 words, grade 3 - 10-12 words, in grade 4 - 12-15 words.
Thanks to systematic, purposeful work with vocabulary words, almost all children in my class cope with control dictations. On average, 4 and 5 - 70-80%.
My children really like dictionary dictations based on associative links. For such dictations, I select the required number of words, arranging them in pairs.
For example: cow - milk work - shovel
Plant - worker crow - sparrow
Student - notebook clothes - coat
Class - teacher frost - skates
I pronounce each chain consisting of two words once, about which I warn the students in advance; I pause, during which the children write down what they remember. After the end of the dictation, the children count the number of words and check the spelling.
Gradually, the order of words can be complicated.
1. Increasing the number of words in the chain while maintaining the association.
For example: collective farm - village - milk
Bear - hare - fox
City - factory - car
Rooster - dog - cow
Pencil case - pencil - notebook
2. An increase in the number between which the associative connection is weakly perceptible or not visible at all.
For example: duty officer - Moscow - shovel
City - rooster - worker
Work on thematic groups.
By the beginning of the 3rd quarter of the second grade, we had learned all the words provided by the program. For further work I combined them into thematic groups (blocks) as follows.
1. pencil.. 2. Moscow.. 3. berry
notebook.. Motherland.. cabbage
pencil case .. city ..
Russian.. village.. birch
language.. surname.. aspen
4. good 5. class 6. duty
fun comrade
fast guys teacher
soon girl student
all of a sudden
7. plant 8. rooster 9. wind
forty frost car
work crow skates
working sparrow saturday
nightingale people
10. dishes 11. cow
milk dog
clothes bear
bear coat
scarf fox
boots hare
At the beginning of each subsequent lesson for one school week repeated perception of the studied group of words is provided. Each perception is carried out in new conditions, i.e. in the process of solving phonetic, lexical, speech problems.

Thus, in order to successfully master the correct spelling of words with difficult-to-verify and unverifiable spellings, you need to:
1. To develop students' auditory and visual memory.
2. To diversify work with the word with exercises that develop the intellectual qualities of children.
3. Work should be carried out in the system in stages.
4. Use rich illustrative material.

G. A. Bakulina Intellectual development of junior schoolchildren in Russian lessons
language M., 2001
V. P. Kanakina Work on difficult words in primary school.
M., Enlightenment 1991
G. E. Okulova Vocabulary work in the lesson
Wasp 1993
O. V. Uzorova Dictionary work
M., 2002
O. A. Andreev Train your memory
M., Enlightenment 1994
Newspaper Primary School No. 4 2000, No. 5 2000
Magazine Primary School No. 3 2000, No. 3 2000
Journal A B C D E No. 4, No. 5 1998
126 effective exercises to develop your memory M., Uchitel 1993

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

State educational institution

higher professional education

"Udmurt State University"

Essay on pedagogical practice




Izhevsk, 2010

Introduction 2

Chapter I. Methods and techniques of vocabulary work in the Russian language lessons

1.1 History of issue 4

1.2 The principles of organizing work on the vocabulary of students ...... .7

Chapter II. Experienced pedagogical work 14

Conclusion 19

References 21


Today, education is an indispensable condition for the formation of a person as a full-fledged personality. School is the first step in this long and difficult ascent. It is at school that a child builds a system of knowledge, skills, abilities and values ​​that he will use throughout his life.

One of the global problems modern society is the inability to clearly and competently express their thoughts. And therefore, in our opinion, the main task of the language teacher is to teach how to correctly and freely use all the riches of the native language.

The quality of oral and writing lies in the abundance of vocabulary, turns of speech and the ability to build a harmonious, logically correct syntactic unity (text). And from this point of view, vocabulary work with students in grades 5-8 is the best means of mastering literate speech, as it solves several problems at the same time:

    firstly, it expands the vocabulary of students;

    secondly, it translates words from a passive dictionary into an active one;

    and, thirdly, teaches you to correctly and competently express your thoughts when writing.

In this paper, we will consider various methods of vocabulary work in Russian language lessons at school. The object of our study was the problem of organizing vocabulary work in Russian language lessons in primary school.

Objectives of the study: to acquaint students with the richness of the Russian language and to form the ability to write correctly.

Research objectives:

    to analyze the literature on this topic;

    consider various approaches to vocabulary work and identify the most relevant of them;

    apply these methods in the process of teaching schoolchildren in grades 5-8 and identify the most effective ones.

ChapterI. Methods and techniques of vocabulary work in Russian language lessons

1.1 History of the development of the issue

IN last years the interest of scientists-methodologists and practicing teachers has increased in the methodology of teaching the Russian language at school, especially in the problems of vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language. This is due, firstly, to the achievements of modern psychology and psycholinguistics in the field of speech development of the child and the psychology of speech activity (A.A. Leontiev, N.I. Zhinkin, A.K. Markova), and secondly, the school has undergone truly radical transformations . Modernization of the content of curricula and forms of student activity, opening the way to great activity and independence of the child, to the development of his creative abilities and harmony, has led to the appearance on the market of educational services of many new and different textbooks and teaching aids. Thirdly, the fact that in the methodology of teaching the Russian language much attention is paid to grammatical and commutative areas.

The question of studying vocabulary work was raised by the largest methodologists in the last century: F.I. Buslaev, I.I. Sreznevsky, K.D. Ushinsky, D.I. Tikhomirov. In particular, F.I. Buslaev draws attention to the need for vocabulary work in the classroom, not only for the purpose of teaching literate writing, but also for a better understanding of the lexical meaning of words by students. It is this understanding that guarantees an accurate and conscious choice of words in the conditions of natural speech. The importance of vocabulary work at the initial stage of teaching the Russian language, its developmental nature, was also noted by Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky. He believed that creative exercises during vocabulary work are interesting for children, "presenting for them something like a word game." Such exercises prepare students for spelling, and also give children "power over the vocabulary that lies unconsciously in their memory."

Supporter and follower of K.D. Ushinsky D.I. Tikhomirov pointed out the need to organize observations on the composition of a word already in the elementary grades in order to penetrate deeper into its meaning. Such work, as noted by D.I. Tikhomirov, will point out "where and how the rough matter of the word stores the germ of meaning, the grain of the concept", will contribute to the fact that "the student will partly see the origin of the word, the relationship between words, get acquainted with the family of words from one common root."

I.I. Sreznevsky also believed that vocabulary work on the formation of words "naturally combines" with "attention to the meaning of words and expressions."

Thus, methodologists associated vocabulary work with the development of mental abilities, from which it can be concluded that specially organized observations of vocabulary work help to learn vocabulary more deeply, contribute to sharpening attention to the word, the development of linguistic instinct and linguistic thinking.

Vocabulary work at school cannot be limited solely to exercises. There is no doubt that synthetic activity is closely related to analytic activity. Word-formation analysis allows one to penetrate into the essence of the semantic relations between words, both in language and in speech.

"Vocabulary work is not an episode in the teacher's work, but a systematic, well-organized, pedagogically expediently constructed work related to all sections of the Russian language course," wrote the famous methodologist A.V. Tekuchev.

M.R. provided invaluable assistance in improving the methods of studying the Russian language. Lvov. He said that the word is the most important unit of language. The modern Russian language has a huge vocabulary. In the "Dictionary of the Russian language" S.I. Ozhegov contains 57 thousand words, in the seventeen-volume Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language - about 130 thousand words. This is common vocabulary. The assimilation of a huge vocabulary cannot take place spontaneously. One of the most important tasks in the development of speech at school is the streamlining of vocabulary work, the identification of its main directions and their justification, and the management of the processes of enrichment of the vocabulary of schoolchildren.

Vocabulary work is one of the problems of the school in general. If the problem is not solved, then it turns into a heavy burden, which at a crucial moment in a person's life can fail him.

There is nothing natural in "natural" literacy. It appears only in children who have already learned to read well, who read a lot and willingly. At the same time, this literacy is not an automatic consequence of being well-read: among well-read children there are quite a few spelling illiterates, and their illiteracy usually turns out to be quite persistent. (Veretennikov I., Benkovich I.) In the 60s, the RO laboratory (Repkin V.V., Repkina G.V.) specifically investigated and found that these two groups differ from each other in the way of reading. All of them are well oriented in the semantic structure of the text, but in children with a high level of literacy, semantic orientation is accompanied by spelling orientation: in the process of reading, they single out words that are complex in spelling and accurately record the features of their spelling. In children with low literacy, no signs of spelling orientation were found in the text.

In order to understand why a significant part of children do not have spelling orientation in the process of reading, one should pay attention to the mechanisms for its implementation. Back in the 1940s, the prominent neuropsychologist A.R. Luria established that writing is regulated not by visual images or the “mechanical” memory of the hand, but by the work of the speech-motor apparatus: when writing down a text, a person dictates it to himself, as it were, usually without realizing it. But if the letter is based not on the graphic, but on the sound image of the word, then in order for the letter to be literate, the sound image of the word must be built not according to pronunciation, but according to spelling norms, which is achieved by a special, "spelling" reading.

Such a spelling orientation is relatively easy to organize according to the methodology proposed by the Moscow teacher Pyotr Semenovich Totsky.

Many years of practical activity allowed P.S. Totsky to conclude that it is necessary, starting from elementary school, to develop articulatory memory based on spelling reading (Totsky P.S. Spelling without rules. M., 1991). The author has developed a system for training spelling vigilance. A great contribution to the solution of this problem was made by the most prominent Soviet psychologist N.I. Zhinkin (Zhinkin N.I. Mechanisms of speech. M., 1958).

Misunderstanding of the role of speech movements in the process of assimilation of the literal image of a word is one of the main methodological failures in teaching spelling, as a result of which the assimilation of a spelling skill is delayed for a very long time. It is necessary to develop such a system of speech movements that would be fully equivalent to the alphabetic series. In other words, it is necessary to introduce spelling pronunciation by students of all words before they are written. It is this methodology that we took as a basis in our pedagogical activity.

Methods of vocabulary work in the Russian language lessons are closely related to the study of unstressed vowels, unverifiable unstressed vowels of the root.

The question of unstressed vowels, as one of the most important problems of dictionary work, according to the universal vocation, is the main one in Russian spelling. To study unstressed vowels in word roots, in prefixes, suffixes and endings, in connecting vowels, etc. the greatest amount of time is spent in the school course of the Russian language. When mastering the spelling of words with unstressed vowels, students experience the greatest difficulties. This is evidenced by the numerous errors in unstressed vowels found in the written works of students of all ages, up to those graduating from high school.

For most students who make such mistakes, the teacher's request to formulate the spelling does not cause much difficulty. However, the need to apply a long-familiar rule in somewhat unexpected conditions that require not a mechanical repetition of the usual algorithm, but a conscious approach, turns out to be an almost insoluble task for many.

This is due to the very nature of vowels. Unlike consonants, which, according to the figurative expression of one of the grammarians, are the banks of our speech, vowel sounds flow into the speech channel, like water, in barely distinguishable jets, taking various forms.

Within the same language, its various dialects differ mainly in vowel sounds. Even in the roots of words, which are the main elements of our language, they are pronounced quite definitely and distinctly only under stress, and in an unstressed position they change their sound. Therefore, in words between vowels and the sounds that are indicated by these letters, there is often no correspondence.

Therefore, the teacher of grades 5-8 faces a very serious task - to ensure that students master the spelling skills of unstressed vowels. On the one hand, stress serves as a starting point, on the other hand, inflection and word formation. It is necessary to teach children to see their mistakes, to develop in them the so-called "spelling vigilance", to achieve a certain independence of spelling thinking. lessons Russian language as a means of developing cognitive interest in Thesis >> Pedagogy

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  • It's no secret that the Russian language is considered one of the most difficult school subjects. On the one hand, knowledge of the native language is given to a child from childhood, he masters it as naturally as he breathes and grows. On the other hand, it is a complex discipline that requires a lot of work, aimed primarily at memorizing individual lexical units called “vocabulary words”.

    Sending a child on a voyage across the boundless ocean of words, we often hoped for a chance. But the drill of memorized lexemes does not help the child to develop a linguistic instinct, to become literate. The traditional method of formal memorization of words from a dictionary does not provide a sufficiently fast and stable memorization, as evidenced by the mistakes made by younger students both in memorized words and in words related to memorized ones.

    The relevance of working on the dictionary of younger students is also due to the low level of their speech development: in the lessons of the Russian language and reading, we often meet with answers that are poor in lexical terms. But the problem of the lexical organization of speech has recently occupied one of the leading places in the general list of topical issues in the methodology of teaching the Russian language.

    Developing children's speech means systematically working on its content, consistently teaching children how to build sentences, thoughtfully choosing the right word and its form, and constantly working on the correct formulation of thoughts.

    Vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading is of particular importance for enriching the vocabulary of students, since, up to grade IV, half of the new words enter the vocabulary of younger students through these lessons. “Vocabulary work is not an episode in the work of a teacher, but a systematic, well-organized, pedagogically expediently constructed work related to all sections of the Russian language course,” wrote the famous methodologist A.V. Tekuchev.

    The stages of dictionary work can be represented as follows: 1) semantization of the word; 2) actualization of the word; 3) use of the word.

    M.R. Lvov singled out the following ways of interpreting the meaning of a word: visual, contextual, method of substituting synonyms, logical definition, detailed description, selection of antonyms, analysis of the morphological structure of the word and word formation.

    The explanation of the word is only the first stage in the process of enriching the vocabulary of students. In order for the word to become “one’s own” for the student, i.e. entered the active vocabulary, we need consistent, flexible, constant work on the word, which is planned for each lesson.

    After analyzing the entire complex of spelling work on vocabulary words offered by the methodology, we can conclude that students have difficulties for the following reasons:

    • any algorithm for working on a dictionary word is quite laborious, and the attention and volitional sphere of younger students is still poorly developed;
    • prolonged work on memorizing these words is not always effective;
    • visual - illustrative material from the school "Picture Dictionary" only draws the attention of students to work, and it does not contribute to memorizing an unverifiable letter;
    • a letter for a 7-year-old child who has just learned to write is just a set of elements, it is “lifeless”, “uninteresting”, besides, he writes it crookedly. And it still needs to be remembered with the help of repeated spelling of the word.

    It must be remembered that the more analyzers a word is perceived, the stronger it is remembered by children. Therefore, it is necessary to pass each word through the consciousness of the student several times and in different contexts, so that sight, hearing, hand, memory, and, of course, consciousness take an active part in the assimilation of the word.

    It should be noted that successful memorization is facilitated by the observance of certain conditions:

    1) setting for memorization: the student must remember what he needs to remember;
    2) interest: it is easier to remember what is interesting;
    3) brightness of perception: everything that is bright, unusual, that causes certain emotions is better remembered;
    4) imagery, imprinting: memorization based on images is much better than mechanical memorization.

    I divided my work on vocabulary words of each class into thematic groups. Depending on the number of groups and the number of words in each of them, work with them lasts 1-2 weeks.

    The first step is the introduction or presentation of words. Here I am using:

    1) riddles,
    2) rebuses (40 a, distance, etc.),

    • looking at subject pictures
    • listening to humorous poems, etc.

    The next step is to write the word with the “difficult” place omitted, or write with the “window:”. Here, it is important that the students themselves identify the “difficult” place, as in this case, the writing process becomes more conscious for them, spelling vigilance improves.

    After the children have written down the word with the “window”, they try to identify the correct letter. When this fails, authoritative sources come to the rescue: a teacher or a dictionary.

    The teacher either shows the spelling of the word himself, or presents a card, or offers to look at the word in the textbook.

    Turning to the dictionary contributes, firstly, to the accumulation of experience in working with the dictionary, and secondly, to the formation of the ability not only to set a spelling problem, but also to solve it independently. At this stage of the work, it is useful to use etymological analysis (if it helps to explain the spelling of the word).

    Let's take the word "raspberry" as an example. “Some scientists associate the origin of the word with the root small: raspberry berry consists of small berries - grains. What letter should be written in the first syllable?

    After a letter is inserted into the “window”, the word is read orthographically.

    Thus, at the stage of introducing a new word, work on an unverifiable spelling includes: oral presentation of the word, setting a spelling problem, choosing a solution method, and actually solving the spelling problem. The final step is writing the word.

    A good assimilation of the correct spelling of a word is facilitated by the use of emotional-figurative memory of children, one of the properties of which is the ability to memorize an object at the first presentation, without repeated repetition. For successful work it is necessary Nothing connect information elements that are not significant for the child with emotionally significant ones that generate emotions that arouse interest. Curiosity, and even better - a smile and laughter. By the way, laughter not only activates emotional memory, but also provides an additional supply of oxygen to the brain cells, which also has a positive effect on the assimilation of the material.

    An associative connection can be played in a comic poem, a funny fairy tale, etc. It is important that the associative image must: 1) be associated with the dictionary word by some common feature (color, shape, action, location, material, etc.), 2) had in its spelling an undoubted letter, which is doubtful in the word.

    Such a word becomes, as it were, a “foster relative” for a dictionary word. Moreover, the more unexpected, comical, absurd the connection between words in an associative pair, the higher the efficiency of memorization. Let's look at this with an example. When introduced to words sparrow And crow you can use the poem “About two thieves”.

    Like ours at the gate
    Bird people gathered.
    They don’t yawn at the feeder,
    and the treats are flying,
    They take from each other.
    You listen soon
    And you will hear: “Thief, oh, beat!”
    I will answer slowly:
    “Don't fight! Crow!"

    I. Konkov's poem can help in learning the word rooster.

    The children asked the rooster:
    - Why is your name Petya?
    - So Petya answered the children:
    - I can sing well.

    And the word "nightingale" can be supported by a poem:

    Do you hear the solo between the branches?
    The trill is brought out by the nightingale.

    A solo is a performance by one performer. Perhaps, because the nightingale loves to sing alone in the morning and evening dawn, he was called that.

    Examples of vocabulary words and associative images:

    nightingale - solo, notes,
    newspaper - paper,
    cabbage - hare,
    ship - sea, waves
    Clothes, shoes.

    Another technique that affects the quality of memorization is the use of assonance (“K A someone in b A r came b A R A n, b A R A b A nya in b A R A b A n”). This technique activates auditory memory: some part of the text is saturated with the sound that corresponds to the memorized letter.

    When studying dictionary words, you can use the method of sound (phonetic) associations with a successful consonance of the phrase and the dictionary word:

    Tomorrow cancer cancer.

    Shout at ra. (From the book by V. Volina “Merry Grammar”)

    Kostya in to style, and Pa led in pa summer

    Or: de d in de jealous,

    children de mournful,

    tomorrow on behind water.

    Another option for working with dictionary words is to make drawings on letters that cause difficulty in writing. Children enjoy doing this exciting activity.

    (Examples of vocabulary words with pictures).

    After getting acquainted with the dictionary word, the next stage of work begins - training and fixing. At this stage, it is necessary to use multiple, short-term repetition of words with clear articulation, while visual, hand-moving, and auditory articulation sensations are of great importance. This means that the exercises should be based on different perceptions of words, be quite diverse, i.e. must necessarily contribute to the active memorization of the difficulties contained in the word.

    In the 1st grade, at this stage, I often use games in literacy lessons.

    Game 1. The syllable is lost.
    The words lived quietly in the book,
    But the book was suddenly gnawed by mice.
    Bitten off from the words of the beginning,
    They dragged them out of the book into a mink.
    ... baka (dog)
    ...radi (notebook)
    ...skva (Moscow)

    Game 2. Collect the syllables.
    cash, pe (pencil case)
    ro, ka, so (magpie)
    che, u, nick (student)

    Game 3. The vowels “rolled away”.
    s...b...k... (dog)
    in ... r ... n ... (crow)
    .. .ch.. .t.. .l (teacher)

    Game 4. Tell me a word.
    Dried up in the hot sun
    And breaks out of the pods ... (peas).
    I ask you to name all the words,
    Where - oro- it is necessary to write.

    In writing lessons, you can offer the children a letter through tracing paper on stencils, copying with skipping letters, translating printed words into capital letters, etc.

    From class to class, the knowledge of the children expands, which makes it possible to use a large number of various exercises when working on words with unverifiable vowels. All exercises can be classified according to the directions that traditionally make up the system of the Russian language.

    I will give examples of phonetic exercises.

    1. Write down words that begin with the letter O (r, k, m, etc.)
    2. Write down words with stress on the first (second, third) syllable.
    3. Write out the words in which all consonants are solid: p.. .nal, s.. .roka, uch.. .nick
    4. Write down the words that end in a voiced (deaf) consonant.
    5. Write the words in alphabetical order.
    6. Make a chain of words so that the last letter of the previous word is the beginning of the next.
    7. "Through letter".

    Oh ... oh ... a (magpie)
    ...oh...oh... a (cow)
    ...oh...oh... a (crow)

    8. "Ladder".

    Write the words in a column so that each next word has 1 letter more. hare wind crow sparrow

    9. “Collect a basket”

    Subject pictures on the board: tomato, cucumber, carrot, cabbage, peas, potatoes, raspberries. Pupils should put vegetables in the basket, in the name of which, for example, the letter “o” is written.

    10. "Who said that?"

    Drawings of a crow and a chicken are hung on the board, as well as cards with vocabulary words in which letters are missing: k ... rtina, k ... mnata, k ... ditch, k ... potato, k ... r. ..ndash, k...nki ..

    Children should distribute the words based on the fact that the crow says “kar!”, And the chicken “ko-ko-ko!”.

    10. Puzzles

    Morphological exercises are aimed at students' awareness of the morphological structure of the language. When studying parts of speech, various types of practical exercises help to combine individual words into certain groups; to distinguish and determine the forms of parts of speech: declension, case, time, number, in order to consciously use words with unverifiable spelling in oral and written speech in the correct form.

    1. Write out dictionary words denoting objects, signs of objects, actions of objects.

    1. Write out vocabulary words of the 1st declension, 2nd and 3rd.
    2. Write out from the dictionary the words f.r., m.r., cf.r.
    3. Match the vocabulary words with the same root words of different parts of speech.
    4. Insert appropriate vocabulary words.

    ... came on the ear.
    The word is not ... you won’t catch it.

    6. Answer the question in one word. Change this word by case.

    Who lives in a den?

    In connection with the study of grammar, lexical exercises are conducted, where children explain the meanings of words, both direct and figurative, find out the polysemy of words, understand the relationship between synonyms and antonyms.

    1. Write out the words from the dictionary on a given topic: “School”, “Birds”, etc.

    2. Find an extra word.

    pencil case, notebook, phone, pencil
    magpie, hare, crow, sparrow

    3. Distribute the words by topic.

    Tomato, cucumber, student, pencil case, pencil, cabbage

    4. Pick up antonyms for words

    sad, boy, bad, slow

    5. The game “Who is doing what?”

    Syntactic exercises help children to understand the syntactic structure of their native speech and correctly express their thoughts in the form of sentences. Here are some exercises that can be used in the lesson when learning vocabulary words.

    1. Make sentences with these words.
    2. Compose with vocabulary sentence words, different in purpose of the statement.
    3. Match the words in the left column with the correct words in the right column. Make suggestions.

    1. Select from the sentence a phrase with a dictionary word. Identify the main word in the phrase.
    2. Arrange the sentences to make a coherent story.

    He put on boots and a coat.

    The worker got into the car and drove to the factory.

    In the morning, the worker began to get ready for work.

    1. Make up a story using vocabulary words.

    Weather, road, vegetable garden, vegetables, carrots, peas, tomato, cucumber

    Dictionary words are well remembered with the help of the mnemonic system of “connections”, which is as follows:

    • memorization is easier if a person mentally imagines objects, phenomena or actions that denote words;
    • objects united in groups should “come to life”, “move”.

    For example, a group of vocabulary words: in front, behind, left, right - can be associated with a Russian hero who drove up to a stone at a crossroads.

    And the words fast, soon, fun, good will help to remember the bike, or rather, its wheels, which look like the letter “o”.

    The most common type of vocabulary and spelling exercises are dictations (visual, explanatory, with commentary, picture, selective, from memory, creative).

    To work with difficult words, the minutes allotted for calligraphy are also used: That hero- who is for the motherland.

    When summarizing the knowledge gained about a group of words, you can use this type of grammatical game as a crossword puzzle. It contains great opportunities for the development of the child's creative abilities, memory training. The use of thematic crossword puzzles in the classroom helps to improve literacy, activates the attention of children, and diversifies the lesson.

    The next stage of work on vocabulary words is accounting and control, the purpose of which is to test the ability of students to write the learned words correctly. It uses control vocabulary dictations, cards, punched cards, which can be made in the form of various objects.

    Vocabulary and spelling work carried out in this way helps to achieve the desired results, captivates and develops students, and contributes to the deep assimilation of program material.