Kuzbass map with cities. Map of the Kemerovo region with settlements in detail. Districts of the Kemerovo region

The Kemerovo Region is located in the southeast of Western Siberia. On satellite map Kemerovo region, you can see that the region borders on the Republics of Khakassia and Altai, Altai and Krasnoyarsk territories, Tomsk and Novosibirsk regions. The area of ​​the region is 95,725 sq. km.

The territory of the region is divided into 18 municipal districts and 20 cities. The largest cities of the Kemerovo region are Kemerovo (administrative center), Novokuznetsk, Prokopievsk, Mezhdurechensk and Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

On the territory of the Kemerovo region there is one of the centers of the Russian coal industry - Kuzbass. The region's economy is based on coal mining, oil refining and metallurgy.

Kuznetsk Alatau

Brief history of the Kemerovo region

The development of the territory of the modern Kemerovo region began in the 17th century. In the 19th century, the region was part of Tomsk province. In 1930, the region became part of the West Siberian Territory, and in 1937 - Novosibirsk region. In 1943, the Kemerovo region was organized.

On September 18, 1984, a peaceful nuclear explosion was carried out 100 kilometers from Kemerovo, the power of which was 10 kilotons.

Kuznetsk fortress in Novokuznetsk

Sights of the Kemerovo region

On detailed map Kemerovo region from the satellite you can see some natural attractions: Shorsky national park, the reserve "Kuznetsk Alatau", the mountainous region of Mountain Shoria and the Kuznetsk hollow.

In the region it is worth seeing the most high point region - Mount Upper Tooth (2178 m), Mount Kul-Taiga, on top of which there is a mountain lake, the valley of the Mras-Su River with numerous caves, the Saga waterfall, Lake Berchikul, Gavrilov caves, rocks "Spassky Palaces" and "Royal gates".

Ski center Sheregesh

There are several well-known ski resorts in the Kemerovo region: Yugus near Mezhdurechensk and the village of Sheregesh on Zelenaya Gora. It is also worth seeing the Kuznetsk Fortress, the Transfiguration Cathedral and the Catholic Church of John Chrysostom in Novokuznetsk, the Znamensky Cathedral and the Red Mountain in Kemerovo.

Note to the tourist

Gulrypsh - holiday destination for celebrities

There is an urban-type settlement Gulrypsh on the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. Case decided the case.

Given array? You will find answers to these and other exciting questions in our article. We will also consider the sights of the city of Kuzbass. Where is he? More on this later in the article.

Between the middle highlands of Kuznetsk mountain range and the Salair mountain range, located in the southern part of Western Siberia, Kuzbass is located. Its official name is the Kuznetsk coal basin. The area is more than 95 thousand km².

Talking about where Kuzbass is located, I would like to say that its second name is the Kemerovo region, given that the main part of the coal basin belongs to it. The regional center of the region is the city of Kemerovo.

History of the Kemerovo region (Kuzbass)

Talking about where the Kuzbass basin is located, you need to remember its history. Representatives of the Turkic-speaking people (Shors), Siberian Tatars and Teleuts settled on the territory of the modern Kemerovo region several thousand years ago.

At that time, it became necessary to protect this region from external enemies, and at the beginning of the 17th century (in 1618) the Kuznetsk fortress was built. Around it, on the banks of the Tom River (a tributary of the Ob), the future city of Novokuznetsk grew.

Eighty years later, at a distance of 380 km from Kuznetsk, the city of Mariinsk appeared on the Kiya River. According to historical documents, these two cities are considered the oldest cities of the Kuzbass coal basin.

More than 300 years ago, the Emperor Russian Empire Peter I was informed that an expert in mining - a serf peasant Mikhail Volkov - discovered a coal deposit.

In 1821, Pyotr Chikhachev, an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, identified large deposits of coal in the Kemerovo region, which the scientist called the "Kuznetsk coal basin".

At the end of the 18th century, coal mining began. After some time, industrial metallurgical and silver-smelting enterprises were created.

The Ural industrialist Nikita Demidov, who created a whole network of metallurgical plants, became interested in the development of Kuznetsk coal. A big impetus to the development of the Kuznetsk basin was the construction in 1898 of the Trans-Siberian Railway (Trans-Siberian - Great Siberian Way).

Where is the Kuzbass coal basin located? Its development

The revolutionary events in Russia suspended the activities of Kuzbass factories. But since 1920, restoration work began at all factories, which became state-owned enterprises.

During this period, schools, institutes, theaters were built in the cities, museums and many others were opened. cultural institutions. In the period from 1931 to 1939, where Kuzbass is located, eight modern educational institutions for that time in the city were built.

Until 1942, the regional center was the city of Novokuznetsk. By decision of the government of the USSR, since 1943, on the territory where the city of Kuzbass is located, which used to be part of the Novosibirsk region, the Kemerovo region was created with the regional center Kemerovo.

Now there are 20 cities in the region. Where Kuzbass is located, there are 58 mines, coal and metallurgical plants and 36 open-pit coal mining enterprises (quarry method).

In addition, Kuzbass, where all conditions have been created to be the first in the Russian ranking in coal mining and fourth in steel production, has four universities, nine institutes and twenty colleges in various specialties.

In our time major cities in terms of population and area, the cities of Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk are considered. They are home to over a million indigenous people.


On the banks of the rivers Bolshaya Kamyshnaya and Tom there is a regional center - Kemerovo - with an area of ​​280 km².

There was a Russian settlement on the territory of the future administrative center of Kuzbass.

Historical documents testify that it was formed from the junction of two small villages - Shcheglovo and Kemerovo. This happened in 1734.

The mining village has become popular among lovers of skiing and those who want to relax in the silence of untouched taiga nature.

Ecomuseum "Tazgol"

There is another attraction in the Tashtagol region - the open-air ecological museum "Tazgol". It is located in the village of Ust-Anzas.

Museum founded in 1992 by archaeologists and ethnographers Kemerovo University located on an area of ​​5 hectares. Here are collected monuments of culture and life of the population of the region of past centuries.

Kuznetsk fortress

On the territory of Novokuznetsk is the main attraction of the city - the Kuznetsk fortress. The fort was built in 1800 at the direction of the Russian Emperor Paul I. The bastion is a complex of buildings located on an area of ​​22 hectares.

The peculiarity of this structure lies in the fact that throughout its history the fortress did not take part in military events. After 70 years, the citadel was converted into a Kuznetsk prison.

Since 1917, the buildings of the fortress have been used for various city institutions. And after the last restoration, carried out on the eve of the 390th anniversary of the city, the fort is open to history buffs.

Lakes of Kuzbass. Photo

Where is Kuzbass located in Russia? This we have already found out. It should be noted that hundreds of lakes are located throughout the territory of the Kemerovo region, mainly floodplain reservoirs (which arose as a result of laying new channels by rivers).

Among guests and indigenous people of the region, Lake Bolshoy Berchikul (Tisulsky district) is considered the most popular for recreation.

There is a legend that says that so many gold nuggets were found here that one of the gold miners exclaimed: “There is so much gold here, take a sack (bag) and collect it!” The merger of these words gave the name of the reservoir, which is considered the largest in terms of area in the region.

Big Berchikul thanks to the unique natural landscape rightfully included in the list of "Seven Wonders of Kuzbass".


Now you know what Kuzbass is, where the region is located. We looked at the sights of this place. We hope that the article was interesting and informative for you.

In Western Siberia, in its southern part between the spurs of the Altai and Sayan Mountains. Kemerovo region is located. This is the most densely populated territory of Siberia. Using a satellite map of the Kemerovo region, you can find the main city - Kemerovo, as well as the largest settlement in terms of area occupied by the territory - Novokuznetsk.

Modern online maps help to get an idea about the region, to consider its cities and villages. Moving through the online service with the mouse, you can see that the borders of the Kemerovo region limit the borders of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Altai, as well as the Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions.

The region is located in a mountainous and hilly area and is distinguished big amount reservoirs. Hydrography is represented by small rivers belonging to the Ob basin. Moving along the map of the Kemerovo region by district, you can find the most important river in the region - the Tom, as well as small water arteries:

  • Condoma;
  • Mrassu;
  • Sary-Chumysh;

Districts of the Kemerovo region on the map

The region occupies about 100 thousand km2. If we consider the districts on the map of the Kemerovo region, we can see that it is divided into 18 administrative districts. The largest in terms of area are Novokuznetsk and Tashtagol districts. They occupy the southern part of the region. The main part of the small foothill areas is located in the northern and western parts of the region. The most sparsely populated and northern region is Izhmorsky. The number of people living here does not exceed 10 thousand people.

In the northern part of the region, as the map of the Kemerovo region shows in the form of a diagram, the main line of the Siberia highway passes. On the territory of the region, it begins in Yurga, and ends near Tashtagol.

The region is connected with the cities and neighboring regions by the Trans-Siberian Railway, which is assigned important role not only in passenger traffic, but also in the delivery of goods, materials, military communications in the Central part of the country and Siberia. You can see the direction of all transport routes on a detailed road map of the Kemerovo region.

Main railway stations:

  • Novokuznetsk;
  • Artyshta;
  • Yurga;
  • Mariinsk;
  • Belovo;
  • Fireboxes;
  • Taiga.

If we consider the map of the Kemerovo region in detail, we can see the airports near Novokuznetsk and Kemerovo. The air gates of the region operate mainly domestic flights, but in the summer season they open routes to international destinations.

Map of the Kemerovo region with cities and villages

There are 20 cities of regional subordination in the region, in 7 of them the population is more than 100 thousand people. On the map of the Kemerovo region with cities and villages, you can find any city of interest, see its location, neighboring settlements, streets and houses. Most of the large settlements "grew" from mining villages, in which coal and other minerals were mined. Today, the main wealth of Kuzbass is mined in 13 cities of the Kemerovo region. Among them:

  • Prokopyevsk;
  • Mezhdurechensk;
  • Kemerovo;
  • Guryevsk;
  • Belovo;
  • Kiselevsk.

If we consider the map of the Kemerovo region with villages, then medium and small settlements fall into the field of view. IN countryside about 15% of the total population of the region lives - more than 400 thousand people. They are mainly located near cities in more flat terrain. There are very few settlements in the mountains.

Rural residents are engaged in their usual activities of cattle breeding and arable farming. Traditionally agricultural areas on the map of the Kemerovo region with settlements are considered:

  • Chebulinsky;
  • Promyshlenovsky;
  • Izhmorsky;
  • Krapivinsky.

There are large livestock farms that produce meat, poultry, eggs, and milk.

Economy and industry of the Kemerovo region

The main backbone industry of the region is mining. There are 2 largest coal basins in the region, which produce about 200 million tons of raw materials per year. Kuzbass also produces:

  • ore;
  • gold;
  • silver;
  • clay;
  • sand;
  • aluminum;
  • limestone;
  • lead;
  • quartzite.

The industry of the southern part of the region is represented by enterprises of the machine-building industry and processing plants. Yandex maps of the Kemerovo region allow you to consider the location of industrial zones. In the south of the region, there are several large metallurgical plants that supply the country with non-ferrous and ferrous metal.

A modest share of the budget is tourism and the service sector. But with the development of eco-tourism, more and more people prefer to come to relax in the foothills in summer or go skiing in winter. On the territory of the Kemerovo region there are several sources of water that are considered healing and attract entire buses of tourists.

→ Kemerovo Region

Detailed map of the Kemerovo region

Map of the Kemerovo region with cities, districts and towns

1. 11. () 21. 31. ()
2. () 12. () 22. 32. ()
3. () 13. () 23. 33.
4. () 14. () 24. 34.
5. () 15. () 25. 35.
6. () 16. () 26. 36.
7. () 17. () 27. 37.
8. () 18. () 28. 38. ()
9. () 19. () 29.
10. () 20. () 30.

Satellite map of the Kemerovo region

Switching between a satellite map of the Moscow region and a schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.

Kemerovo region - Wikipedia:

Date of formation of the Kemerovo region: January 26, 1943
The population of the Kemerovo region: 2 717 176 people
Telephone code of the Kemerovo region: 384
Area of ​​the Kemerovo region: 95,500 km²
Car code of the Kemerovo region: 42

Districts of the Kemerovo region:

Belovsky, Guryevsky, Izhmorsky, Kemerovo, Krapivinsky, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Mariinsky, Novokuznetsky, Prokopevsky, Promyshlenovsky, Tashtagolsky, Tisulsky, Topkinsky, Tyazhinsky, Chebulinsky, Yurginsky, Yaysky, Yashkinsky.

Cities of the Kemerovo region - a list of cities in Kuzbass in alphabetical order:

City of Anzhero-Sudzhensk founded in 1897. The population of the city is 71787 people.
Belovo city founded in 1726. The population of the city is 72843 people.
City of Berezovsky founded in 1949. The population of the city is 46859 people.
Guryevsk city founded in 1816. The population of the city is 23089 people.
City of Kaltan founded in 1946. The population of the city is 20947 people.
City of Kemerovo founded in 1701. The population of the city is 556920 people.
City of Kiselevsk founded in 1917. The population of the city is 90980 people.
City of Leninsk-Kuznetsky founded in 1763. The population of the city is 96921 people.
City of Mariinsk founded in 1698. The population of the city is 39091 people.
City Mezhdurechensk founded in 1946. The population of the city is 97895 people.
City of Myski founded in 1826. The population of the city is 41628 people.
Novokuznetsk city founded in 1618. The population of the city is 552445 people.
City of Osinniki founded in 1926. The population of the city is 43008 people.
City of Polysaevo founded in 1940. The population of the city is 26510 people.
City of Prokopyevsk founded in 1650. The population of the city is 196406 people.
City of Salair founded in 1626. The population of the city is 7589 people.
City of Taiga founded in 1896. The population of the city is 24183 people.
Tashtagol city founded in 1939. The population of the city is 23107 people.
City of Topki founded in 1914. The population of the city is 27963 people.
City of Yurga founded in 1886. The population of the city is 81733 people.

Kemerovo region- Russian region in Western Siberia. Due to the rich deposits of coal, this region of Russia has a second unofficial name - Kuzbass. Administrative center - city Kemerovo. In addition to it, there are 6 more large cities in the region.

The climate of the Kemerovo region: for the climate of the region, the character is pronounced continentality, namely, sharp and frequent temperature fluctuations - both during the year and during the day. The main natural attractions of the region are concentrated in the western, eastern and southern parts. Noteworthy are such natural monuments as the Rocky Mountains canyon, the rocks of the Spassky Palaces, the Pamyatnaya Cave and various tracts and archaeological complexes.

Sights of the Kemerovo region: Tomsk Pisanitsa, Itkarinsky Falls, Tutalsky Rocks, Linden Island, Tsarskie Vorota, Museum of Ethnography and Nature of Mountain Shoria, Poklonny Cross, Cholkoy Museum, Kuznetsk Fortress, Coal Museum, Dostoevsky Museum, Novokuznetsk Drama Theater, Memorial Museum of Military and Labor Glory of Kuznetsk Metallurgists, Miracle Park, Kuznetsk Alatau, Gornaya Shoria, Kuzbass cuts, Celestial Teeth, Krasnaya Gorka Museum-Reserve, Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral.

On the satellite map of the Kemerovo region you can see big number rivers and lakes. The most significant reservoirs are:

  • Berchikul;
  • Tom;
  • Condoma;
  • Sary-Chumysh;
  • Chumysh;
  • Mrass.

Subject is rich mineral resources. On the territory of the Kemerovo region, gold, iron and polymetallic ore, brown coal, phosphorites and other minerals are mined. There are fertile chernozems in the region used in agriculture. The climate in the region is continental. Summers are short but warm, while winters are long and cold.

  • The coldest month is January. The temperature drops to minus 20 degrees;
  • The warmest is July. The air warms up to +20 degrees.

The flora of the subject is diverse. Tundra plants, alpine meadows grow in the mountains, fir-aspen and pine forests grow in the foothills. There are steppes and forest-steppes. There are many nature reserves in the region. The fauna of the region is no less interesting. There are more than 20 species of animals, 120 species of birds.

Road communication of the Kemerovo region, routes

  • Federal P255 "Siberia". Novosibirsk - Irkutsk;
  • P384. Novosibirsk - Yurga;
  • Novokuznetsk Ring Road (NKAD);
  • P366. Altai region- Novokuznetsk;
  • P400. Tomsk - Mariinsk;
  • Kemerovo Ring Road (KKAD).

There are also other highways in the region. On the online map of the Kemerovo region with borders, it is noted that the Trans-Siberian Railway passes through its territory. There is a branch of the West Siberian railway. There are more than ten stations in the region. There are airports in Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk, there are 4 more airfields in other settlements. During navigation on the Tom River, water transport runs.

Kemerovo region with settlements and districts

On the map of the Kemerovo region with districts, it is indicated that there are 19 cities of regional subordination in this region. The capital of the subject is Kemerovo. Over 550 thousand people inhabit this city. In total, there are 19 districts in the region:

  • Belovsky;
  • Krapivinsky;
  • Leninsk-Kuznetsky;
  • Kemerovo;
  • Izhmorsky;
  • Guryevsky;
  • Mariinsky;
  • Topkinsky;
  • Chebulinsky;
  • Yurginsky;
  • And others.

2 million 709 thousand people live in the region. They are mostly Russians, as well as Shors, Tatars, Teleuts and citizens of other nationalities. There are 20 urban and over 150 rural settlements on the territory of the subject.