University of Communications Sgups. Siberian State Transport University

On March 12, at the Center for Pre-University Education of the SSTU, the contest "Miss CDO" was held, in which six girls of specialized grades 10-11 took part. The competition program included: business card, creative and intellectual abilities of the participants, defile in evening dresses. The spectators unanimously greeted the participants of the competition, who presented the spectators with songs, dances, photographs, etc. As a result, Sofya Avramich, a student of class 10B, became Miss CDO. All participants were congratulated with flowers and friendly applause from the audience and the song of the contest host Georgy Khudyakov. It was an unforgettable celebration of beauty and grace.

from March 10 to March 13, the Days of the West Siberian railway. Employees and managers of linear enterprises told our students about the activities of Russian Railways. At the university, an exhibition about the history of the railway worked all the days, a quiz was held on the topic “Railroad workers in the Great Patriotic War”. The internal television of the university broadcast corporate video materials about road workers, mentoring, HR-specialists, and data on the Western Siberian Railway. This year the format of the event has changed. The “living library” worked in sections. At each section, students communicated with "living books" - university graduates working on the railway, and asked questions of interest. As a result, about 400 students of our university got acquainted with the "living books".

On March 16, the II Innovation Forum of the Western Siberian Railway was held at the Department of the West Siberian Railway. As part of the business part of the forum, a discussion platform was organized on the issues of rewarding employees for the implementation of innovative projects. Andrey Ivanovich Cherevko, Chief Engineer of the Western Railways, and Sergey Alekseevich Starykh, Deputy Head of the Center for Modeling Business Processes of Russian Railways, took part in the work of the site. The developments selected by the organizers as a result of the regional stage of the forum were presented at the exhibition site of the forum. It is worth noting that out of 11 projects placed at the exhibition in the format of stands, two projects were proposed by the staff of our university: “Way cleaning machine of the PSM-S type” (authors: V.A. Glotov, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of PSM-S ; N.V. Glotov, student of the faculty "Management of transport and technological complexes") and "Storage Point" (authors: M.V. Korneev, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Energy Management, A.A. Kazakova, student of the faculty "Management of the processes of transportation in railway transport"). Both projects received a positive assessment from the head of the West Siberian Railway, Alexander Valeryevich Gritsai. According to the results of the exhibition, the project teams were awarded diplomas of participants and commemorative cups. After the completion of the exhibition part, a working meeting was held with the participation of the heads of services and directorates of the Western Siberian Railway, universities and representatives of the external innovation environment, at which agreements were signed on mutual cooperation in the field of innovation activities of the West Siberian Railway with Academpark JSC, Kuzbass Technopark JSC and LLC Center for Cluster Development of the Tomsk Region.

On March 15, after the completion of the 80th Defense and Sports Relay Race, the traditional competitions in winter karting on spikes "SGUPS Rector's Cup" were held at the stadium of our university. The popularity of these competitions is growing, and this year 35 athletes from Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions in 5 classes: "Rocket-85", "Mini-200", "Rocket-120-U", "Rocket-120", "Free". Karts are divided into classes depending on the motor power and the age of the participants. Very young athletes competed for victory in the competition (the youngest athlete is 5 years old) in the Rocket-85 and Mini-200 classes, and juniors under 16 in the Rocket-120-Yu class, and experienced athletes in the "Rocket-120", "Svobodny", among which were girls. The most spectacular races were in the "Svobodny" class, where among 13 participants in a bitter struggle to the last meters the fate of prizes was decided. Ivan Sluzov, a 1st year student of the Faculty of Management of Transport and Technological Complexes, managed to win 2nd place in the Rocket-120 class in the four final races, despite technical problems. Ivan has been involved in this sport for 8 years and is a three-time champion of Siberia in ice karting. It was an honor for him to speak for the honor of his university. Athletes became the winners and prize-winners by class: “Mini-200” 1st place: Vsevolod Kirsanov, Novosibirsk; 2nd place: Ivan Kuznetsov, Novosibirsk; 3rd place: Ilya Fomichev, Novosibirsk "Rocket-85" 1st place: Mikhail Tenenev, Novosibirsk; 2nd place: Matvey Vedernikov, Novosibirsk; 3rd place: Daria Zakharova, Novosibirsk "Rocket-120 - Yu" 1st place: Nikita Artaev, Novosibirsk; 2nd place: Gleb Stein, Novosibirsk; 3rd place: Vadim Andrusenko, Orda "Rocket - 120" 1st place: Alexey Boroda, Novosibirsk; 2nd place: Ivan Sluzov, SGUPS, Novosibirsk; 3rd place: Natalia Kondakova, Novosibirsk "Svobodny" 1st place: Andrey Kornev, Kemerovo; 2nd place: Anatoly Povalyaev, Novosibirsk; 3rd place: Grigory Merkulov, Novosibirsk. All photos can be viewed here

On March 15, our university hosted the 80th Defense and Sports Relay Race, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. The grand opening began with the formation, the opening parade, commanded by the chief judge Yu.F. Danilevich. In honor of the celebration of the anniversary date from the day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, flowers were laid at the monument to the "Warriors-NIVITovtsy", a salvo of weapons and a minute of silence honored those who died during the war. WITH words of welcome speakers: the rector of our university A.L. Manakov, Deputy Head of the Western Railways for Human Resources and Social Affairs A.M. Teslevich. Also present were: Head of the Siberian Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for Railway Transport A.M. Budzdorovenko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Strizhi Group of Companies I.L. Polyakov, sports veterans of NIIZhT-SGUPS and the Department of Physical Education and Sports. The defense-sports relay race originated in the distant 30s of the last century. Sports in the pre-war time for students of our university began in military camps. Tents were set up there, and competitions were held in the summer after the exams. Today the relay helps in the education of patriotism, spirituality, collectivism. This year, 24 teams took part, including: faculty students, graduates, West Siberian Railway, Tomsk and Novosibirsk technical school s of railway transport, schoolchildren from the Center for Pre-University Education of the SSTU. The 80th Defense Sports Relay traditionally consisted of 23 stages. Among them: skiing, cross-country skiing, skating, disassembling and assembling a machine gun, putting on an OZK (combined arms protective suit), carrying mines and crawling with them under barbed wire, bandaging and carrying a wounded man, shooting at targets. Numerous fans accompanied the athletes at every stage of the relay, and in order to maintain the spirit of patriotism, they had a military field kitchen, where everyone could taste real soldier's porridge. The trade union committee of students organized a competition for fans. At the stages, they earned points, and also received vouchers, which they then exchanged for pies, non-alcoholic mulled wine and commemorative badges. Also, the team of fans had homework: to draw a wall newspaper dedicated to the 80th Defense and Sports Relay, to make a home-made flag with the theme of the relay, to prepare posters to support athletes, the mascot of the faculty. In addition, to win, it was necessary to prepare a “chant” and come up with attributes for each member of the fan team. According to the results of the competition, the faculty "Personnel Management" won. The second place belongs to the Faculty of Management of Railway Transportation Processes. The third is the Faculty of Engineering and Economics. During the day, exhibitions were organized: retro equipment, uniforms and weapons of the period of the Great Patriotic War, photos different years from the Defense-sports relay race (1940-2019). After the end of the relay race, the traditional competitions in winter karting on spikes "SGUPS Rector's Cup" were held right on the ice rink of the university. creative teams Cultural and leisure center and a video about the anniversary relay race. Winner of the 1st prize stage in the 1100m run, dedicated to memory Artem Korol, a student of the Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering, became Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Management of Transportation Processes in Railway Transport for Sports and Mass Work, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports T. N. Bakshevskaya. The winner of the 6th prize stage, cross-country skiing - 2 km, dedicated to the memory of the Hero Soviet Union V.N. Bezukladnikova - Galina Nechkasova (team No. 22 - Graduates). Andrey Volkov, a student of the Faculty of Construction of Railways, won the 8th prize-winning stage, cross-country skiing - 3 km, dedicated to the memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union Yu.I. Deryabin. At the 19th prize stage - skating, dedicated to the memory of the master of sports in skating, champion of Siberia and Far East, graduates of NIIZhT in 1968 T.A. Strashko, the first was a student of the Faculty of Personnel Management Yegor Kukharevich. The results of the teams that won prizes in the team competition: I place - team No. 4 (Department of "World Economy and Law"); II place - team No. 22 (Graduates); III place - team No. 33 (West Siberian Railway). By the sum of the time of the two teams, the places of the faculties were distributed as follows: I place - the faculty of "World Economy and Law"; II place - faculty "Management of the processes of transportation in railway transport"; III place - Faculty of Engineering and Economics. The relay left a lot of emotions, bright memories not only from victories, but also from sports tension, healthy communication and a sense of corporate unity. All photos can be viewed here

Congratulations from V. F. Mamatov (Soviet biathlete, two-time Olympic champion. Judge of the international category. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. Graduate of NIIZhT in 1964) Dear Alexei Leonidovich! I congratulate my native university on the anniversary of the 80th defense-sports relay race! This year, this glorious tradition not only contributes to the introduction to healthy lifestyle life of the younger generation, but also dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. Every year, thanks to the relay race, the entire university honors the memory of those who defended their homeland during the Great Patriotic War. This is a unique event that distinguishes SGUPS from all other universities. Once I myself was a member of the defense-sports relay race and now I remember those years with pleasure. Thanks to NIVIT-NIIZhT-SGUPS not only for training highly qualified personnel for the transport industry, but also for instilling patriotism and uniting the youth.

From March 10 in aud. 226 exhibition opened in SGUP creative works students and employees of the Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering. The exhibition is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. Here are the works of students - first-year students - Mikhail Vernikovsky (gr. C-112), Olga Filippova (gr. С-112), Artyom Bogdanov (gr. С-111), as well as our respected teachers - associate professor of the department. "Graphics" - B.A. Maslova, Associate Professor E.V. .Zhidkova, professor, head. department "Buildings, building structures and materials" - D.E. Abramenkov and others. The exhibition aroused interest among visitors, as evidenced by the reviews in the visitor's log. It will run until March 20, 2020.

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  • Information on the number of places in hostels for nonresident applicants
  • Schedule of entrance exams based on university materials
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  • Information about postal addresses for sending documents required for admission
  • Information about email addresses for sending documents required for admission in electronic form

    Dear friends! You now have a responsible time - it's time to choose your future specialty. Maybe you will choose one of those that train engineers, economists and managers at the Siberian State Transport University - SGUP.

    Transport is the most important industry National economy countries. Working here is interesting and honorable. The significant growth of Russia's transport infrastructure and the upcoming scientific and technological revolution of the 21st century obliges higher education to actively and purposefully train young personnel so that today they can fully answer the difficult questions of tomorrow.

    A significant contribution to the solution of this problem is also made by the Siberian State University means of communication is one of the oldest educational institutions Novosibirsk, the first transport university in the Asian part of Russia, one of the leading technical universities of the Russian Federation in the transport industry. It was founded on September 25, 1932. During its history, it has changed several names:
    - 1932-1933. - Novosibirsk Putysko-Construction Institute of Railway Engineers;
    - 1933-1934- Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Engineers named after the 15th Anniversary of October (NIIT);
    - 1934-1953- Novosibirsk Institute of Military Transport Engineers (NIVIT);
    - 1953-1993- Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Engineers (NIIZhT);
    - 1993-1997- Siberian state academy ways of communication.
    - since 1997- Siberian State University of Communications.

    Established as a railway construction institute of railway transport engineers, over its 80-year history it has come a long way of formation and development and has become the largest educational complex in Siberia, taking a leading position in the industry. Being engaged in the training and retraining of highly qualified specialists, the development high technologies, the university has always contributed to progressive changes in the field of transport and transport construction, and the achievements of the university staff are well known both in the country and abroad.

    In 2007, SGUPS became a laureate of the III National Public Prize of the transport industry "Golden Chariot", winning in the nomination "Leader of Transport Science and Education in Russia". In 2008, within the walls of this particular university, under the chairmanship of Prime Minister V.V. Putin, a meeting was held at which adopted the "Strategy for the development of transport of the Russian Federation until 2030".

    In 2012, the university celebrated its 80th anniversary.

    In 2013, according to the rating "Quality of admission to universities", prepared by high school economy and RIA Novosti on request Public Chamber Russian Federation, SGUPS among the railway universities of Russia in the technical profile took 1st place. Towards " vehicles» took 1st place among universities in Novosibirsk and among railway universities in Russia.

    In 2014, the construction student team "Echelon" became the best team of the All-Russian construction site "Cosmodrome Vostochny". This victory is not the first for the detachment, it has already become the best at the All-Russian student construction site "Sochi-2009", in 2012 and 2013 the SSO "Echelon" became the best detachment Novosibirsk region. In 2015, the student construction team "Steel Track" became the best at the All-Russian construction site "Cosmodrome Vostochny" at the first stage of the construction season.

    Behind last years the international fame of the university has increased: students and trainees from European and Asian countries come to study here. The prestige of the university is especially high in the countries East Asia: Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Chinese People's Republic, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Japan.

    SSTU students actively study foreign languages ​​and undergo internships abroad (Germany, China, France, Korea, Japan, etc.). To improve the quality of students' knowledge and motivation for learning, including foreign language in 2014-2015 foreign internships for students were organized in Japan, China, South Korea. It should also be noted the work of the university in the preparation of leadership classes with foreign business trips to Austria, Germany.

    SGUPS develops "double degree" programs with universities in China and the UK. Such programs are now being implemented by two universities in China: Beijing Transport University and Binhai University (Qingdao City). For the first two years, students study at their home university, then they change universities for the next two years. After completing their studies, they defend a diploma in two universities in Russian at SGUPS and at Chinese in China - and as a result receive two diplomas: Russian and Chinese.

    The same program is being implemented at the Faculty of Engineering and Economics. With 12 undergraduates under the program "Production Management", in addition to Novosibirsk teachers, the teaching staff of the University of West Scotland works. The graduate will simultaneously receive two diplomas of higher education: Russian and British.

    All conditions have been created at the Siberian State Transport University for the training of qualified specialists in the field of railway transport, transport construction, economics, management, service, transport law, and information technology.

    Currently, the university is a leading educational complex. It includes the Institute of Advanced Transport Technologies and Retraining of Personnel, the Novosibirsk College of Railway Transport. The university has 3 branches in Novoaltaysk, Belovo and Tomsk, where specialists with a secondary vocational education are trained.

    Today, students are trained at the university in 10 faculties. More than 11 thousand students study on a budgetary and contractual basis and gain knowledge under the guidance of highly qualified teachers, including professors and doctors of sciences, associate professors and candidates of sciences, as well as academicians and corresponding members of various academies. It is no coincidence that SGUP students are very actively involved in science events and take high places, become winners of all-Russian and international olympiads, competitions and conferences.

    More than 2,000 people graduate from SUPS every year. Throughout the years, the traditional distribution of young specialists and assistance in finding employment has been going on.

    The university has a well-equipped technical and laboratory base necessary for the training of engineering personnel and the implementation scientific research(numerous computer classes of general and special purpose, educational laboratories and classrooms equipped with technical means education - projection installations, audio and video equipment, language equipment, video library, as well as research laboratories and research centers).

    Pride of the university - library with several reading rooms and a million fund of educational, scientific and fiction. Information about the library and its collections is included in World Guide to Libraries.

    On the territory of the university campus there are compactly located educational and laboratory buildings, a training railway range with real railway equipment and a unique stand for shock testing of rolling stock, housing stock, sports and recreation centers, and business units. The university has dormitories, canteens and a clinic.

    In a picturesque suburban area there is a training geodetic range, where in summer period students undergo geodetic, geological and hydrometric practice.

    The university has created all the conditions for the development of creative abilities and talents of students: there is a student trade union organization and a cultural and leisure center, vocal and dance groups, a drama theater, newspapers are published, there is a television studio and a radio center.

    In the days winter holidays on a number of railways of the region lays its own route SGUP propaganda train, and its participants - students and employees of the university - conduct a large career guidance, educational and cultural work. The route, as a rule, includes large railway stations, where the participants of the propaganda train visit secondary general and vocational educational institutions.

    SGUPS has an excellent sports base, including ski bases; modern swimming pool; House of Sports (gaming room, wrestling room, weightlifting room, exercise room); stadium with football field; field for mini-football; running tracks and sports grounds; an open tennis court with two playgrounds and sports halls in educational buildings, a shooting range.

    What a big holiday traditional defense and sports relay race, in which several hundred students and fans of this interesting and exciting sporting event take part. . In 2015, the jubilee 75th defense industry was held, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. The SGUP defense and sports relay race is an event that has no analogues among educational institutions. The relay race includes more than 20 different stages, including running, crawling with mines, disassembling a machine gun, biathlon, carrying the wounded, etc. In addition to the teams of the faculties, graduates, employees of the West Siberian Railway, students of the university branches and students of the Center pre-university education SGUPS.

    Dear applicants! Come to the Siberian State Transport University and see for yourself!

  • Points of acceptance of documents by visiting selection committees
  • Hostel Information
  • Information on the number of places in hostels for nonresident applicants
  • Schedule of entrance exams based on university materials
  • Regulation on Appeal
  • Information about postal addresses for sending documents required for admission
  • Information about email addresses for sending documents required for admission in electronic form

    Dear friends! You now have a responsible time - it's time to choose your future specialty. Maybe you will choose one of those that train engineers, economists and managers at the Siberian State Transport University - SGUP.

    Transport is the most important branch of the national economy of the country. Working here is interesting and honorable. The significant growth of Russia's transport infrastructure and the upcoming scientific and technological revolution of the 21st century obliges higher education to actively and purposefully train young personnel so that today they can fully answer the difficult questions of tomorrow.

    A significant contribution to the solution of this problem is also made by the Siberian State Transport University - one of the oldest educational institutions in Novosibirsk, the first transport university in the Asian part of Russia, one of the leading technical universities of the Russian Federation in the transport industry. It was founded on September 25, 1932. During its history, it has changed several names:
    - 1932-1933. - Novosibirsk Putysko-Construction Institute of Railway Engineers;
    - 1933-1934- Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Engineers named after the 15th Anniversary of October (NIIT);
    - 1934-1953- Novosibirsk Institute of Military Transport Engineers (NIVIT);
    - 1953-1993- Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Engineers (NIIZhT);
    - 1993-1997- Siberian State Academy of Railways.
    - since 1997- Siberian State University of Communications.

    Established as a railway construction institute of railway transport engineers, over its 80-year history it has come a long way of formation and development and has become the largest educational complex in Siberia, taking a leading position in the industry. Engaged in the training and retraining of highly qualified specialists, the development of high technologies, the university has always contributed to progressive changes in the field of transport and transport construction, and the achievements of the university staff are well known both in the country and abroad.

    In 2007, SGUPS became a laureate of the III National Public Prize of the transport industry "Golden Chariot", winning in the nomination "Leader of Transport Science and Education in Russia". In 2008, within the walls of this particular university, under the chairmanship of Prime Minister V.V. Putin, a meeting was held at which adopted the "Strategy for the development of transport of the Russian Federation until 2030".

    In 2012, the university celebrated its 80th anniversary.

    In 2013, according to the rating "Quality of admission to universities", prepared by the Higher School of Economics and RIA Novosti by order of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, SGUPS took 1st place among the railway universities of Russia in the technical profile. In the direction of "vehicles" took 1st place among the universities of Novosibirsk and among the railway universities in Russia.

    In 2014, the construction student team "Echelon" became the best team of the All-Russian construction site "Cosmodrome Vostochny". This victory is not the first for the detachment, it has already become the best at the All-Russian student construction site Sochi-2009, in 2012 and 2013 the Echelon MTR became the best detachment of the Novosibirsk Region. In 2015, the student construction team "Steel Track" became the best at the All-Russian construction site "Cosmodrome Vostochny" at the first stage of the construction season.

    In recent years, the international fame of the university has increased: students and trainees from European and Asian countries come to study here. The authority of the university is especially high in the countries of East Asia: the Republic of Korea, Mongolia, the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Japan.

    SSTU students actively study foreign languages ​​and undergo internships abroad (Germany, China, France, Korea, Japan, etc.). To improve the quality of students' knowledge and motivation for learning, including a foreign language, in 2014-2015 foreign internships for students were organized in Japan, China, and South Korea. It should also be noted the work of the university in the preparation of leadership classes with foreign business trips to Austria, Germany.

    SGUPS develops "double degree" programs with universities in China and the UK. Such programs are now being implemented by two universities in China: Beijing Transport University and Binhai University (Qingdao City). For the first two years, students study at their home university, then they change universities for the next two years. After completing their studies, they defend a diploma in two universities in Russian at SGUP and in Chinese in China - and as a result receive two diplomas: Russian and Chinese.

    The same program is being implemented at the Faculty of Engineering and Economics. With 12 undergraduates under the program "Production Management", in addition to Novosibirsk teachers, the teaching staff of the University of West Scotland works. The graduate will simultaneously receive two diplomas of higher education: Russian and British.

    All conditions have been created at the Siberian State Transport University for the training of qualified specialists in the field of railway transport, transport construction, economics, management, service, transport law, and information technology.

    Currently, the university is a leading educational complex. It includes the Institute of Advanced Transport Technologies and Retraining of Personnel, the Novosibirsk College of Railway Transport. The university has 3 branches in Novoaltaysk, Belovo and Tomsk, where specialists with a secondary vocational education are trained.

    Today, students are trained at the university in 10 faculties. More than 11 thousand students study on a budgetary and contractual basis and gain knowledge under the guidance of highly qualified teachers, including professors and doctors of sciences, associate professors and candidates of sciences, as well as academicians and corresponding members of various academies. It is no coincidence that SGUP students are very actively involved in science events and take high places, become winners of all-Russian and international olympiads, competitions and conferences.

    More than 2,000 people graduate from SUPS every year. Throughout the years, the traditional distribution of young specialists and assistance in finding employment has been going on.

    The university has a well-equipped technical and laboratory base necessary for training engineering personnel and performing scientific research (numerous computer classes for general and special purposes, educational laboratories and auditoriums equipped with technical teaching aids - projection installations, audio and video equipment, language equipment, a video library, and also research laboratories and research centers).

    Pride of the university - library with several reading rooms and a million fund of educational, scientific and fiction literature. Information about the library and its collections is included in World Guide to Libraries.

    On the territory of the university campus there are compactly located educational and laboratory buildings, a training railway range with real railway equipment and a unique stand for shock testing of rolling stock, housing stock, sports and recreation centers, and business units. The university has dormitories, canteens and a clinic.

    In a picturesque suburban area, there is an educational geodetic training ground, where students undergo geodetic, geological and hydrometric practice in the summer.

    The university has created all the conditions for the development of creative abilities and talents of students: there is a student trade union organization and a cultural and leisure center, vocal and dance groups, a drama theater, newspapers are published, there is a television studio and a radio center.

    During the winter holidays, a number of railways in the region lay their own route SGUP propaganda train, and its participants - students and staff of the university - carry out a lot of career guidance, educational and cultural work. The route, as a rule, includes large railway stations, where the participants of the propaganda train visit secondary general and vocational educational institutions.

    SGUPS has an excellent sports base, including ski bases; modern swimming pool; House of Sports (gaming room, wrestling room, weightlifting room, exercise room); stadium with football field; field for mini-football; running tracks and sports grounds; an open tennis court with two playgrounds and sports halls in educational buildings, a shooting range.

    What a big holiday traditional defense and sports relay race, in which several hundred students and fans of this interesting and exciting sporting event take part. . In 2015, the jubilee 75th defense industry was held, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. The defense and sports relay race of SGUP is an event that has no analogues among educational institutions. The relay race includes more than 20 different stages, including running, crawling with mines, disassembling a machine gun, biathlon, carrying the wounded, etc. In addition to the teams of the faculties, graduates, employees of the West Siberian Railway, students of the university branches and students of the Center pre-university education SGUPS.

    Dear applicants! Come to the Siberian State Transport University and see for yourself!