Kemerovo State Trade and Economic University

Kemerovo Institute(branch) REU them. G.V. Plekhanov Institute dates back to 1963, in December 1994 it received the status of an institute and for more than half a century has been producing highly qualified personnel for the basic industries and the sphere of commodity circulation of Kuzbass.

Kemerovo Institute (branch) of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov provides ample opportunities for students to realize their creative and professional aspirations within the framework of a multi-level system of continuous vocational education:

pre-university education (courses to prepare for entering a university for a period of study of 8, 6, 4, 2 months, 2 weeks);

secondary vocational education (economics and accounting (by industry), law and organization of social security, applied informatics (by industry), programming in computer systems, information systems (by industry), banking, commerce (by industry), merchandising and examination of the quality of consumer goods);

higher education - bachelor's degree (trade, law, economics, management, personnel management, business informatics, applied informatics);

higher education - specialty (economic security);

higher education - magistracy (economics, management, jurisprudence, applied informatics, state and municipal administration);

higher education - training of scientific and pedagogical staff in graduate school (economics);

additional vocational education (simultaneously with basic higher education, you can get additional vocational education in 40 programs with qualification).

The institute consists of 4 faculties (economics, management and business, law, distance learning), technical school of information technologies, economics and law, 11 departments, 4 centers and 10 departments. More than 3,000 students study at the university under the programs of secondary vocational education and higher education. Postgraduate studies are successfully working, every year more than 1 thousand students improve their qualifications within the walls of the university. The intellectual core of the university is highly qualified teachers, of whom more than 70% have degrees and titles, practical work experience.


  • get deep fundamental and practice-oriented knowledge, professional and general cultural competencies;
  • receive a diploma from the Russian Economic University. G. V. Plekhanov (Moscow);
  • undergo an internship and study abroad under the programs "Double Diploma", "Semester Abroad";
  • obtain additional professional qualifications during training;
  • use the electronic library system, electronic databases, software;
  • ·conduct certain types judicial and perform certain types of forensic examinations (in the direction of "jurisprudence");
  • participate in scientific, creative, sports events held in a single educational and cultural space of the university;
  • receive a European Diploma Supplement upon graduation;
  • receive organizational assistance and assistance in finding employment;
  • live in a hostel (for non-residents).

Detailed information - on the official website of the institute

Address admission committee: 650992, Kemerovo, Kuznetsky Ave., 39

Admissions office phone: (384–2) 754–774, 752–902

e-mail: kemerovo.[email protected]


City: Kemerovo
Region: Kemerovo region
Address: 650089 Kemerovo Region, Kemerovo, Kuznetsky Ave., 39
Telephone: (3842) 75-43-98, 75-43-66
Fax machine: (3842) 75-07-21
Email: [email protected]
Upstream: Russian State Trade and Economic University
Form: state
Section 1:
Section 2: universities economic
Section 3:
Section 4: economic universities in Russia

The Kemerovo Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Economics (PREU named after G.V. Plekhanov) advises applicants to understand the topic "economic" a little before starting their studies. In the event that you are afraid that your level allows you to delve into lectures at such a university, then look at neighboring articles, Kemerovo economic institutions are a wide area. Censors to future students in this institution are very traditional and soften as far as possible over the years, the region of the Kemerovo region stands out in this university for all ages.

the state economic institutions of Russia are described in detail on this site quite well. Search by subject economic institutions Kemerovo region, such institutions, without much difficulty. In this temple of knowledge, excellent specialists are trained for production in Russia and beyond.

Number of students studying at the university: 5175
University tuition fees: 47 thousand rubles

Address: 650992, Kemerovo, Kuznetsky Avenue, 39


Email: [email protected]

Social media In contact with:


About the university

Kemerovo Institute (branch) of the PRUE G.V. Plekhanov is one of the largest institutions within the Russian State University of Trade and Economics. The branch dates back to 1963, and received the status of an institute in December 1994.

In 2009, the institute successfully passed the next accreditation and licensing, as well as the recertification of the quality management system for compliance with the requirements of international quality standards. At the same time, not only higher professional education is certified, but also pre-university training, postgraduate and additional professional education, and, moreover, scientific and innovative activities.

The material and technical base of the Kemerovo Institute consists of 5 educational buildings with an area of ​​12,800 square meters, 17 lecture halls and 46 classrooms, computer and language laboratories, laboratories, a library with three reading rooms. At the service of students - a dining room, buffets, a hostel is provided to non-residents.

The institute includes 6 faculties, 21 departments. Training is provided in 13 specialties that the market of goods and services of the West Siberian region needs. In 2010, a set was opened in the direction of preparation of bachelors "Service".

Currently, more than 5,000 students are studying at the Kemerovo Institute in full-time and part-time forms.

The personnel potential of the university is 35 professors, more than 180 candidates of sciences, including 15 full members and corresponding members of the academies of sciences.
The institute carries out purposeful work to improve traditional teaching methods. Developed and implemented modern technologies education, including Remote education which is based on the use of a wide range of traditional and new information technologies and technical means learning.

The presence of a significant fleet of modern computers (there are more than 350 units at the institute) made it possible to saturate all the vocational educational programs implemented at the institute with disciplines based on the use of modern information technologies. (!)

These disciplines include: "Fundamentals of e-commerce", "Office software", "Information systems in the economy", "Automation accounting"," Accounting "1-C enterprise", " Information Technology in commercial activities”, “Internet marketing”, “Information management”, “Information management technologies”, “World informational resources”, “Design of information systems”, “Intelligent information systems”, “Development of Internet applications in the field of commerce”, “Programming in C ++”, “Information security”, “Development and standardization of software and information technologies”, “ Information Technology”, etc. When studying these disciplines, such software products are used as components of the Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel, Access), packages “1-C”, “Best-4”, “Galaktika”, “Kasatka”, StatGraph , Statistica, Matgraph, ProjectExpert and others.

Since 1995, the institute has been working on the creation and development of a multi-level, continuous system of personnel training through the implementation of programs not only for university, but also for pre-university, postgraduate (postgraduate) and additional professional education.

Within the framework of the system of pre-university education and vocational guidance, a multi-variant integration of the university with institutions of primary and secondary vocational education is being developed.

The Center for Professional Training, Retraining and Advanced Training (CPPP and PC) is successfully implementing a system of additional professional education.

CPPP and PC was established in December 2001, and represents a kind of experimental platform for the implementation of new educational technologies and innovative approaches to training and retraining of specialists employed in the business sector. The Center successfully solves the problems of updating knowledge in the field of economics, personnel management and marketing, improving business qualities personnel to prepare for the implementation of new labor functions. Students of the institute, starting from the first year, can also receive additional competencies and qualifications at the TsPPPiK.

Graduates of higher educational institutions have the opportunity to continue their studies in the postgraduate course of the Institute in the specialties: "Economics and Management national economy"and" Technology and commodity science of food products for functional and specialized purposes and Catering". At the moment, the number of graduate students and applicants of the institute exceeds 90 people. The system of postgraduate professional education is actively developing, which is associated with a well-organized work to promote scientific activity among university students. (!)

In order to activate student scientific research and the formation of an active life position in the direction of the development of a scientific and innovative environment, a scientific student society operates at the institute, more than 20 student scientific discussion clubs work, and the magazine "Youth in Science" is published. The institute ranks 7th among Russian universities for the best organization of research work of students and active participation in competitions held by the Youth Union of Economists and Financiers (Moscow) in economic, financial disciplines and management issues.

extracurricular life

One of the main tasks at the Kemerovo Institute of Russian Economic University is the task of educating students. The team of teachers strives to form in students a creative approach to professional activities, high moral and ethical qualities, an active life position, and patriotism.

Great importance in the educational process is given to extracurricular work with students, which has the following goals: to help students develop their creative abilities and inclinations; develop in students a sense of responsibility for their team, for the university as a whole; to instill in students the skills of independent organizational work through student self-government bodies. To date, every fifth student of the institute is involved in some form of extracurricular work.

The Institute has already established and actively operates whole line student bodies and associations. This is, first of all, the Student Council of the Institute, which organizes all extracurricular activities of students in the areas necessary, according to students, at the moment, and also publishes its own newspaper. The student council of the hostel helps the administration of the institute to improve the living conditions of students, organize the life of those living in the hostel, and make it more saturated with social events.

Our young and talented guys have a unique opportunity to take part in the creative and scientific events of the Russian University of Economics, which involve university students from 22 regions of Russia from Far East to the western borders of our country. This not only makes the years of study at the institute bright and memorable, but also allows you to develop competencies that are important for further professional activity: communication skills, teamwork, social adaptability, flexibility, readiness for migration.

Much attention is paid to aesthetic education, introducing students to high art. To this end, classes in musical art are held at the regional philharmonic society with the participation of the Governor's Symphony Orchestra.

Students can develop sports abilities in the sections working at the Department of Physical Education, in the combined institute teams in team sports. Institute football, volleyball, basketball teams constantly participate in intercollegiate competitions.

Promotion of employment and mobility of graduates

One of the priorities of the university is to promote employment and professional development graduates, including conducting individual consultations for students on employment issues, holding annual alumni fairs, publishing collections of undergraduate resumes, organizing presentations of specialized companies, etc. Courses “Fundamentals of career planning. How to start your own business” students learn how to correctly write a resume, form a portfolio, acquire the skills of self-presentation and interviewing, learn the features of creating and running their own business.

The presence of stable strategic ties with employers (the Institute has concluded more than 80 strategic partnership agreements with enterprises of the public and private sectors of the economy) allows us to provide students not only with places of practice, but also with further employment.

The growth of graduate mobility is facilitated by European Diploma Supplements, which allow them to find a job or continue their studies abroad.

Competitiveness of graduates of the Kemerovo Institute of Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov in the labor market is reinforced by the program "Semester Abroad", implemented jointly with the Russian Economic University. In addition, fourth-year students of the Institute can take part in the "Double Diploma" program - parallel education at the University of Canterbury (UK), which allows you to get a diploma from the PRUE plus a British master's degree in business MSc in BUSINESS, or in Lyon high school management (France). After completing the latter, our students receive a French master's degree in management (MSc in management).

Upon completion of training, graduates of the Kemerovo Institute of Russian Economics University receive a diploma federal university(there are only 14 of them in the country), behind which are years of hard work, at the same time full of bright events associated with the educational process that draws its focus on practice, interesting meetings with practitioners and business leaders Kemerovo region, active creative, scientific and sports activities.

This is the approach to organizing educational activities allows students of the Kemerovo Institute of the Russian State Technical University to say: “We are confident in the future!”.