Slogans for May 9 Victory Day. Military mottos, airborne, special forces and police. Review of the combatant song contest

Since the opening in 1965 of the first nuclear reactor on the territory of the DPRK in the world, disputes about how dangerous the policy of Korea is are not subsiding. Pyongyang regularly makes statements that weapons of mass destruction are being developed and tested in the republic, which will be used in the event of a threat to the ranks. However, experts do not agree on how great the power of North Korea really is. Questions also arise as to whether the country is receiving outside help - and if so, who has become an ally in the development of a weapon capable of causing incalculable casualties.

The military potential of the DPRK

North Korea is one of the 20 poorest countries the globe. There are many reasons for this, and one of them is the Juche political system, aimed at militarizing the country.

The needs of the army are economically in the first place, and this is bearing fruit: the North Korean army is the most numerous in the world.

But the number of soldiers is no guarantee of success.. Insufficient funding leads to the fact that the army uses outdated equipment and weapons.

At the same time, the North Korean government has been claiming since 1974 that the country has been continuously working to create nuclear weapons. Since 2004, Pyongyang has been conducting tests, and this is becoming an additional reason for the discontent of countries trying to resolve the conflict. The DPRK claims that the weapons are created solely for defensive purposes, but confirming the veracity of the claims is difficult.

At a military parade in 2015 in Pyongyang, a thermonuclear weapon was demonstrated - a hydrogen bomb. The fact that it exists, the government claimed for ten years, but the world community was skeptical about the information. In January 2017, China recorded powerful earthquake near the border with North Korea. The Pyongyang authorities explained this by testing hydrogen bomb, and then its presence was confirmed by foreign intelligence data.

Sources of financing

The question of how the DPRK got nuclear weapons is closely related to the country's economic condition. The test requires money, with the help of which it would be possible to solve most of the humanitarian and energy problems of the peninsula. This raises thoughts of financial assistance from the outside. China is considered the official partner of North Korea, but during the reign of Kim Jong-un, relations between the countries deteriorated. The PRC does not approve of nuclear experiments conducted by Pyongyang.

It is assumed that a new alliance will enter the world political arena - the DPRK and Russia, but there are no solid grounds for this. Kim Jong-un shows respect to President Putin, but there are no more “courtesies” from Moscow in return. This means that funding comes from domestic sources.

Experts suggest that the money for the development of nuclear weapons is received from the following industries:

  • social;
  • agricultural;
  • energy;
  • heavy industrial.

There are claims in the media that North Korea energy crisis. Electricity in residential buildings is turned on only for 3-4 hours a day, the rest of the time people are forced to do without electricity. Night pictures of the DPRK from space confirm this information. Next to the electrified territory of China and South Korea, the North looks like a solid dark spot. The beginning of this phenomenon coincided with the start of the nuclear program.

Allegations that the inhabitants of the DPRK are starving are not substantiated. IN last decade there is an economic growth of the country, which is reflected in the food situation. The government has canceled the cards, which previously issued the norm of products. So the information that the missiles are being created at the expense of hungry Koreans is not confirmed.

Nuclear potential of North Korea

Gone are the days when threats of weapons of mass destruction were considered bluff. The presence of powerful weapons in the DPRK is a confirmed fact. Moreover, analysts claim that Korea has enough materials to create from 6 to 12 new missiles.

However, their production is associated with a number of difficulties:

  • materials required for assembly nuclear warheads, are not produced in North Korea, they must be imported into the country;
  • even when creating new charges, there remains a problem with the construction of carriers for them;
  • Waste produced during the production of nuclear fuel is not exported from the country, and the conditions for their safe storage can be met only with small volumes.

However, all these difficulties do not deter the DPRK from continuing the experiments. To date, at least six explosions have been confirmed in different parts of the country, mainly on the border with Russia, China and South Korea. Pyongyang claims there are more. The government's official line is defensive. Threatened by the United States, North Korea can afford only one position: balancing power. To Washington's latest aggressive statement, Kim Jong-un replied that the DPRK would strike if necessary.

Here we are engaged in the festive decoration of Perm for the Victory Day. And if the design decisions were unanimously approved by the organizing committee, then everything is not so simple with the holiday motto. Today, a regular meeting of the city organizing committee for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory took place, one of the main topics of which was the discussion of the proposed slogans. The following options were included in a kind of shortlist: “We swear to remember!”, “Perm. Everything for the Victory”, “Perm is a component of the Victory”.

I like the option “Perm is a component of the Victory”. I consider this slogan the most modern, universal, short, capacious and sonorous motto. It is intended to emphasize that the Great Victory is not the merit of certain people, territories and enterprises. Each person who fought in those years on the front line or selflessly working in the rear made his contribution. One of the components was the people and enterprises of the Kama region, which made their significant contribution to the cause of the Victory. The motto accurately reflects the essence: Perm did no more, but no less than other regions for victory, but without the contribution of Perm, victory would have been impossible. This slogan could well form the basis of the federal celebration of Victory Day: “Moscow is a component of victory”, “Volgograd is a component of victory”, “Yekaterinburg is a component of victory”.

The following options were also considered: “Perm is a city of heroes!”, “Victory in every Permian heart”, “We honor the valor of countrymen”, “Perm. Land of courage and labor”, “Victory is you!”, “All generations remember!” and more-more-more. Most of them seem to me sometimes overly pathetic, sometimes too general, sometimes not quite clear. It would be interesting to know your opinion.

Returning to the corporate identity, it is worth saying that it was based on the image of a letter from the front. Recognizable triangle letters are still carefully kept in many families. Receiving such letters, and not official funeral envelopes, meant good news for the recipients. Front-line letters were written in the heat and cold by the hard-working hands of soldiers who did not release weapons. These documents keep the hot breath of battle and are not subject to time. The inscriptions use a typeface stylized as a handwritten text, the design uses postmarks from the war times.

During the war years, the field mail daily brought to Perm and sent back letters to and from the front, from which people learned about the approach of victory. And not only letters - during the war years, the workers of the Kama region sent 170 wagons with warm clothes and 280 wagons with holiday gifts to the front. Each of these parcels, each of the sent letters are the components of victory.

The compositions use black-and-white photographs of the war years, including those from the funds of the Perm state archive recent history. The use of these photographs is intended to demonstrate the contribution to the victory of the workers of Perm enterprises, the fighters called up from our city, the nurses and combatants trained here.

Already today, Perm is preparing for the anniversary of the Great Victory, which is celebrated next year. In order to emphasize this, the design uses elements of federal symbols designed to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory - the image of the order Patriotic War framed by a wreath.

Every year, on Victory Day, “creative minds” endow the cities of the country with idiocy varying degrees gravity. We have collected the most egregious congratulatory posters recent years.

The famous poster in Ivanteevka made a lot of noise. Under the caption "They fought for the Motherland!" the well-recognized crew of the German Junkers is captured.

In Orel, on Victory Day, they hung a poster "Grandfather's victory is my victory." Among all the "grandfathers" of the child. as you can see, not all are Soviet soldiers

In Barnaul, they decided that the best congratulations on Victory Day would be demonstrated by an American soldier among the palm trees of the island of Guam in pacific ocean.

And this poster appeared in 2015 in the Sverdlovsk region. It would seem that it is rather difficult to confuse a Wehrmacht soldier with someone else. But no, the creators succeeded.

IN Chelyabinsk region the words "This is our VICTORY" are pronounced by American soldiers hoisting the flag over the Japanese island of Iwo Jima. Yes, they had a victory there, but what does Chelyabinsk have to do with it?

In the Kaliningrad region, by May 9, congratulatory posters were hung with English soldiers in 1915 in the Dardanelles. The pith brains of the designer were not even embarrassed by the pith helmets on the heads of the military.

In this photo taken in Cheboksary, you can not immediately notice the Fritz in the background, trying to understand whether it is the Serbian flag or someone else's?

Krasnodar. Again, "Remember ..." what the flag of Russia looks like. Yes, what do we remember - we compare! He's half a meter to the right. In the photo, most likely the French Air Force, well, at least not Italian and not from the time of Mussolini.

In Kaliningrad, German "Tigers" are placed on congratulations. Although, perhaps, the authors of the congratulations were guided by those residents who call the city Königsberg in the old manner.

Voronezh region. Although a star is painted on the tank, it is clearly not Soviet. Most likely, the poster depicts an American Sherman tank or another tank of the former allies. This same any dog ​​understands!

It was decided to congratulate the inhabitants of Cheboksary on Victory Day with the help of a German mortar.

In Samara, an American Mustang-1 flies straight at a Soviet political officer who calls for an attack.

A few years ago in Kaliningrad, a greeting card to veterans had an advertisement for funeral services on the back. The ad block reads: “Funeral services, including for military personnel; monuments (to participants in the Great Patriotic War, military operations, pensioners of the Moscow Region and other law enforcement agencies at the expense of the budget); big choice natural stone; fences, laying tiles, caring for graves, etc.” Don't know what to give - give a certificate for a funeral!

This dwarf on horseback looks more like Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones than Marshal Georgy Zhukov. Perhaps because of this, it is not immediately evident that the fascist banners that the horse tramples are mirrored, so they are more similar to the symbolism of the solstice than Nazism.

But if somewhere the topic of fascism can be considered not fully disclosed, then obviously not here. The Ural Bank may have wanted to make a reference to the 1418 days of the Great Patriotic War, but the result was the code slogan of the nationalists 14/88 (If you want details, just google these four numbers). Although the interest on bank loans can indeed be called fascist, advertising for business is clearly not the best.

But if the last poster was, albeit not the worst example of event marketing, then we don’t even know here. No matter how much we love naked girls, but such posters and flyers cause only negative feelings.

  • Loyalty and patience
    The motto of the family coat of arms of the Russian Prince Barclay de Tolly
  • The honor of the unit is my honor
    Military motto
  • For faith and loyalty
    Motto of the Russian Order of St. Andrew the First-Called
  • Honor and Motherland!
    We won't leave without a win!
    Increase vigilance, reliably ensure the security of the Motherland!
    Military mottos
  • I remember! I'm proud!
    May 9 - in the hearts of generations!
    Thank you for the peaceful time!
    Slogans for Victory Day
  • Honor, Navy, Fatherland!
    The motto of the Moscow Maritime Assembly
  • Video - the territory of the law
    The motto of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to combat video piracy
  • Only forward, only to the line of fire, only through difficulties to victory and only to victory - and nowhere else!
    Motto of Grigory and Zinaida Ostrovsky
  • Help - Protect - Heal
    Motto of the Teutonic Order
  • Through friendship to cooperation
    Motto of the International Police Association in Russia
  • Nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten.
    Their victory is your freedom.
    Glory to the warrior-liberator!
    Slogans for Victory Day
  • From the masters in the calculation - the calculation of the masters!
    Motto missile troops strategic purpose
  • The armor is strong and our tanks are fast!
    The motto of the tankers
  • It is better to lose the object of surveillance than to be discovered
    Police motto
  • A soldier's feat is a labor feat!
    Competition - to the service of combat readiness!
    Let's continue and multiply the traditions of the fathers!
    military chants
  • Work rhythmically, efficiently, without lagging behind!
    Motto of War Trade Workers
  • We protect you and your business
    The motto of the private security agency "Centurion", Moscow
  • Courage, faith, honor, victory
    The motto of the special forces of the Russian Federation
  • Eternal memory to the departed! Honor and glory to the living!
    We are the heirs of victory!
    The victory of the united brotherhood.
    Slogans for May 9
  • hope dies last
    We serve the people!
    Military slogans
  • One Witness, No Witness
    Motto in jurisprudence
  • Military slogans. Minimum risk, maximum security!
    The motto of the operational headquarters for the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident
  • Not a single intruder nearby!
    Motto of the border guards
  • Anything, Anytime, Anywhere, Anywhere
    United States Special Forces motto
  • You may not have brains, but you must carry a gun!
    Motto of the bodyguards
  • Every day of study is a great result!
    The motto of the crew of the missile boat under the command of Captain-Lieutenant Bondarenko
  • Save every minute of study time high quality flight preparation
    The motto of the specialists of the engineering and aviation service
  • Went out to sea - learn!
    Motto of military sailors
  • An important day for the whole planet, He is eternal, invincible! We celebrate Victory Day! We know! Remember and Grieve!
    The saved world remembers them!
    Let there be peace and no war, glory to the heroes in our country!
    Slogans for May 9
  • Achievements of science - in military practice!
    The motto of the military newspaper "Red Star"
  • From heaven to earth - and attack!
    Motto of the paratroopers
  • Where the division advances, the enemy will not stand!
    The motto of the military personnel of the Taman division
  • We are everywhere where victory is expected!
    The motto of the Airborne Forces of the 76th Pskov division
  • Honor to yourself, glory to the Motherland!
    104th Ulyanovsk division
  • There are no impossible tasks!
    106th Tula division
  • Onslaught, courage, victory!
    Ryazan Higher Airborne School
  • Rise up with the heroes!
    Military motto
  • Thank the granfather for the victory!
    This is our Victory!
    Feat, duty, perseverance.
    Mottos for Victory Day
  • Every launch is amazing!
    The motto of the anti-aircraft missile division
  • Let the other side be heard!
    Police motto
  • Don't retreat!
    Military motto
  • New technology - more high level its development!
    The motto of the competition of warriors of the Armed Forces
  • Honor and Motherland - above all!
    The motto of the Airborne Forces of the 98th Ivanovo division
  • Decent people should work honestly, and a thief should go to jail
    Motto of American detective Allan Pinkerton
  • Great day - May 9 - Holy and at all times! Happiness, joy let them expect, the native country prospers!
    Victory Day is a national holiday. Victory Day is a holiday of gray hair.
    In a world without shooting and pain, it has become better and warmer. And now everything is in our will - let's save the World for children!
    Chants for May 9 - Victory Day
  • Every day of training is a great result!
    At the military exercises "Neman"
  • Every lesson is highly effective!
    The motto of the military personnel of the battalion of Major E. Shchelkanov
  • Every projectile is right on target!
    Motto of the Artillerymen
  • Each missile is on target!
    The motto of the competition of warriors-rocketmen of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet
  • Every hiking day is a great result!
    The motto of the competition on the ships of the Mediterranean squadron
  • Every school day is a great result!
    The motto of the motorized rifle battalion of the guards of Major V. Semenchuk
  • Loyalty and patience
    The motto of the family coat of arms of the Russian Prince Barclay de Tolly
  • Unit honor is my honor
    Military motto
  • For faith and loyalty
    Motto of the Russian Order of St. Andrew the First-Called
  • Honor and Motherland!
    We won't leave without a win!
    Increase vigilance, reliably ensure the security of the Motherland!
    Military mottos
  • I remember! I'm proud!
    May 9 - in the hearts of generations!
    Thank you for the peaceful time!
    Slogans for Victory Day
  • Honor, Navy, Fatherland!
    The motto of the Moscow Maritime Assembly
  • Video - territory of the law
    The motto of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to combat video piracy
  • Only forward, only to the line of fire, only through difficulties to victory and only to victory - and nowhere else!
    Motto of Grigory and Zinaida Ostrovsky
  • Help - Protect - Heal
    Motto of the Teutonic Order
  • Through friendship - to cooperation
    Motto of the International Police Association in Russia
  • Nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten.
    Their victory is your freedom.
    Glory to the warrior-liberator!
    Slogans for Victory Day
  • From the masters in the calculation - the calculation of the masters!
    Motto of the Strategic Missile Forces
  • The armor is strong and our tanks are fast!
    The motto of the tankers
  • It is better to lose the object of surveillance than to be discovered
    Police motto
  • A soldier's feat is a labor feat!
    Competition - to the service of combat readiness!
    Let's continue and multiply the traditions of the fathers!
    military chants
  • Work rhythmically, efficiently, without lagging behind!
    Motto of War Trade Workers
  • We protect you and your business
    The motto of the private security agency "Centurion", Moscow
  • Courage, faith, honor, victory
    The motto of the special forces of the Russian Federation
  • Eternal memory to the departed! Honor and glory to the living!
    We are the heirs of victory!
    The victory of the united brotherhood.
    Slogans for May 9
  • hope dies last
    We serve the people!
    Military slogans
  • One Witness, No Witness
    Motto in jurisprudence
  • Military slogans. Minimum risk, maximum security!
    The motto of the operational headquarters for the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident
  • Not a single intruder nearby!
    Motto of the border guards
  • Anything, Anytime, Anywhere, Anywhere
    United States Special Forces motto
  • You may not have brains, but you must carry a gun!
    Motto of the bodyguards
  • Every day of study is a great result!
    The motto of the crew of the missile boat under the command of Captain-Lieutenant Bondarenko
  • Save every minute of training time with high quality equipment preparation for flights
    The motto of the specialists of the engineering and aviation service
  • Went out to sea - learn!
    Motto of military sailors
  • An important day for the whole planet, He is eternal, invincible! We celebrate Victory Day! We know! Remember and Grieve!
    The saved world remembers them!
    Let there be peace and no war, glory to the heroes in our country!
    Slogans for May 9
  • Achievements of science - in military practice!
    The motto of the military newspaper "Red Star"
  • From heaven to earth - and attack!
    Motto of the paratroopers
  • Where the division advances, the enemy will not stand!
    The motto of the military personnel of the Taman division
  • We are everywhere where victory is expected!
    The motto of the Airborne Forces of the 76th Pskov division
  • Honor to yourself, glory to the Motherland!
    104th Ulyanovsk division
  • There are no impossible tasks!
    106th Tula division
  • Onslaught, courage, victory!
    Ryazan Higher Airborne School
  • Rise up with the heroes!
    Military motto
  • Thank the granfather for the victory!
    This is our Victory!
    Feat, duty, perseverance.
    Mottos for Victory Day
  • Every launch is amazing!
    The motto of the anti-aircraft missile division
  • Let the other side be heard!
    Police motto
  • Don't retreat!
    Military motto
  • New technology - a higher level of its development!
    The motto of the competition of warriors of the Armed Forces
  • Honor and Motherland - above all!
    The motto of the Airborne Forces of the 98th Ivanovo division
  • Decent people should work honestly, and a thief should be in prison
    Motto of American detective Allan Pinkerton
  • Great day - May 9 - Holy and at all times! Happiness, joy let them expect, the native country prospers!
    Victory Day is a holiday of the whole country. Victory Day is a holiday of gray hair.
    In a world without shooting and pain, it has become better and warmer. And now everything is in our will - let's save the World for children!
    Chants for May 9 - Victory Day
  • Every day of training is a great result!
    At the military exercises "Neman"
  • Each lesson - high efficiency!
    The motto of the military personnel of the battalion of Major E. Shchelkanov
  • Each projectile is right on target!
    Motto of the Artillerymen
  • Each missile is on target!
    The motto of the competition of warriors-rocketmen of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet
  • Every hiking day is a great result!
    The motto of the competition on the ships of the Mediterranean squadron
  • Every school day is a great result!
    The motto of the motorized rifle battalion of the guards of Major V. Semenchuk

Review of the combatant song contest

Scene (A melody sounds - children portray peaceful life. Livitan's words are heard. Boys under the march of the Slavyanka go to war)

Leading: May 9, 1945, the German command signed the act of unconditional surrender of Germany. July 24 in Moscow, on Red Square, the Victory Parade took place. The parade was commanded by Marshal Rokossovsky, and the parade was hosted by Marshal Zhukov. At the parade, the consolidated regiments of the fronts marched in a solemn march. For the first time there were commanders of fronts and armies. The heroes carried the banners of famous military units. The parade ended with a march of two hundred standard-bearers, throwing fascist banners to the foot of the Mausoleum.

Today we will have a parade of detachments dedicated to the 69th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Child: May holiday- Victory Day

The whole country celebrates.

Our grandfathers put on

Military orders

The road calls them in the morning

To the solemn parade

And thoughtfully from the threshold

Grandmothers look after them

Leading: Get ready for the Parade! Equal! Attention! The parade opens the squad "Russians" (senior group) March on the spot! Start the speech!

One, two, together in step,

Three four, firmer step.

Sound the alarm if necessary

We do just that.

Our motto: "Always ready,

More action, less words!

Children perform song"Solar Circle"

Leading: Parade continues squad "Pilots" (middle group)

Who walks together in a row

Fighting squad guys.

Good afternoon everyone!

Get out of the way of our laziness.

Children perform song"Good Soldiers."

Leading: Squad starts the speech "Paratroopers" (preparatory group)

Three four.

Three four,

Who walks together in a row?

This is our friendly team!

Strong, brave.

Dexterous, skillful.

You walk, don't fall behind

Loud sing a song.

Who goes? We are going!

Who sings? We sing!

Who walks together in a row? - This is our agile squad!

Friendly, funny, we are always right there -

Cheerful, skillful, soldiers are coming!

Children perform song song: Let's protect our native country.

Child: All those who defended the Fatherland

Glorifies our people.

About the heroes who fell in battles,

The memory lives on

Let them shine in the clear sky

Stars of the world over the country.

Let everything bloom more beautifully

Our Russian region native!

Leading: Parade continues squad "Eaglets" (middle group)

Be ready always ready!

Be healthy - always healthy!

We are good guys

Burn yourself, set others on fire, be ahead - period.


Remember the feat of our people

Soldier who died in a fiery battle

With victory they brought freedom

Saving the world in a brutal war.

Leading: No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. With pain in our souls, we mourn those who did not return from the battlefield. Equal! Attention! We will honor their memory with a minute of silence, and everyone will thank them in their hearts for the happy world in which we live. (Moment of silence)

Through the centuries, through the years, remember, never forget the terrible years of the war.

Children release balloons into the sky.

Leading: Dear guys, in memory of our parade, we give you St. George ribbons as a symbol of victory over the enemy.

We want the birds to sing

So that spring streams ring,

For the sun to warm the earth

So that the birch turns green!

So that all dreams come true

To make everyone around laugh

To make children dream

Let there be no war!

Sounds like song"Victory Day!"

Leading: squads on the right step march!

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May 9 is one of the most popular holidays in Russia and former countries Soviet Union. Every year on this day, each of us remembers the horrors of the war that Soviet soldiers managed to overcome.

70 years ago, after long and bloody battles, on May 8, 1945, in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst, in the building of a military engineering school at 22:43 CET (in Moscow it was already May 9), the Act of unconditional military surrender of Germany was signed.

About 2.5 million soldiers were involved in the war with Germany. The losses suffered by the Soviet Union were enormous, according to some sources, our army lost up to fifteen thousand people per day. In just a few weeks, 1997 tanks, 2108 guns and 917 aircraft were lost in the Berlin operation.

But the losses did not affect the course of events, Soviet troops anyway, they defeated the enemies, capturing about 480 thousand people and destroying 70 infantry, 11 motorized and 12 tank divisions enemy.

On May 9, 1945, a plane landed on Red Square, which delivered the German Surrender Act.

Already on June 24, 1945, the first Victory Parade took place, which was hosted by Marshal Zhukov, Marshal Rokossovsky commanded the parade. The regiments of the Belorussian, Leningrad, Karelian, Ukrainian fronts marched along Red Square, as well as consolidated regiment Navy. The commanders of these regiments, Heroes of the Soviet Union, walked ahead of everyone, carrying the flags and banners of the units that had distinguished themselves in the war. At the end of the parade, 200 banners of defeated Germany were carried, which were dropped at the Lenin Mausoleum.

The first Victory Day was celebrated in the way that, probably, very few holidays were celebrated in the history of the USSR and Russia. People on the streets congratulated each other, hugged, kissed and cried.

On May 9, in the evening, the Victory Salute was given in Moscow, the largest in the history of the USSR: thirty volleys were fired from a thousand guns.

Stalin signed a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR that May 9 becomes a public holiday - Victory Day and is declared a day off. At 6 o'clock in the morning Moscow time, this Decree was read out on the radio by the announcer Levitan.

However, May 9 was a day off for only three years. In 1948, the war was ordered to be forgotten and all forces to be thrown into the restoration of the national economy destroyed by the war. But as before, May 9 retained the status of a holiday: holiday cards were issued, front-line soldiers received congratulations.

And only in 1965 the holiday was again given its due. May 9 again became a day off, parades resumed, large-scale fireworks in all Hero Cities and honoring veterans.

On May 9, 1995, Russians could witness two parades in Moscow at once: the first took place on Red Square, and the second, using armored vehicles, on Poklonnaya Gora. From that moment on, military parades on Red Square, which do not take place every year, have become an annual event. But for some time the parades were held without military equipment - this tradition was restored later, in 2008.

However, one should not forget that for the front-line soldiers May 9 is not just Victory Day, but also a day of bitter memories. On the day of May 9, it is worth thinking about the feats that the soldiers performed for the sake of victory, about the horrors of the war that they managed to survive. On this day, both joy and sadness are read in the eyes of millions of people. There are no families in Russia who would be spared by the war. Therefore, on this day - May 9, every family remembers those who remained on the battlefields and those who established a peaceful life. And, of course, they congratulate those soldiers of the Great Patriotic War who are with us today.

And those who were not taken to the front forged the Victory in the rear. Women, replacing the departed men, built tanks and planes, plowed and sowed, and also raised children, saved the future of the country.

The victory of 1945 is a great historical event in the life of our country.

In spring, postcards with spring flowers, the flag and coat of arms of the USSR, star badges and, of course, with the image of the two-color St. George ribbon appeared in the Soyuz Print kiosks. Instead of words of congratulations, slogans were often printed on postcards for May 9, glorifying the courage of soldiers and the invincibility of the Motherland.

Postcards with Victory Day, like other Soviet postcards, were usually sent by mail. Surprisingly, even today, when you can call and send a postcard by e-mail, postcards still live. Elderly veterans who are far from the Internet, like 30, 40, 50 years ago, congratulate their comrades, relatives, friends with them.

Of course, postcards for May 9 have changed somewhat. Only the flowers remained St. George Ribbon, gratitude to the winners and joyful feelings that live in the heart of every citizen of our country on Victory Day.

Every year, on Victory Day, “creative minds” endow the cities of the country with idiocy of varying severity. We have collected the most egregious congratulatory posters of recent years.

The famous poster in Ivanteevka made a lot of noise. Under the caption "They fought for the Motherland!" the well-recognized crew of the German Junkers is captured.

In Orel, on Victory Day, they hung a poster "Grandfather's victory is my victory." Among all the "grandfathers" of the child. as you can see, not all are Soviet soldiers

In Barnaul, they decided that the best congratulations on Victory Day would be demonstrated by an American soldier among the palm trees of Guam Island in the Pacific Ocean.

And this poster appeared in 2015 in the Sverdlovsk region. It would seem that it is rather difficult to confuse a Wehrmacht soldier with someone else. But no, the creators succeeded.

In the Chelyabinsk region, the words "This is our VICTORY" are pronounced by American soldiers hoisting a flag over the Japanese island of Iwo Jima. Yes, they had a victory there, but what does Chelyabinsk have to do with it?

In the Kaliningrad region, by May 9, congratulatory posters were hung with English soldiers in 1915 in the Dardanelles. The pith brains of the designer were not even embarrassed by the pith helmets on the heads of the military.

In this photo taken in Cheboksary, you can not immediately notice the Fritz in the background, trying to understand whether it is the Serbian flag or someone else's?

Krasnodar. Again, "Remember ..." what the flag of Russia looks like. Yes, what do we remember - we compare! He's half a meter to the right. In the photo, most likely the French Air Force, well, at least not Italian and not from the time of Mussolini.

In Kaliningrad, German "Tigers" are placed on congratulations. Although, perhaps, the authors of the congratulations were guided by those residents who call the city Königsberg in the old manner.

Voronezh region. Although a star is painted on the tank, it is clearly not Soviet. Most likely, the poster depicts an American Sherman tank or another tank of the former allies. This same any dog ​​understands!

It was decided to congratulate the inhabitants of Cheboksary on Victory Day with the help of a German mortar.

In Samara, an American Mustang-1 flies straight at a Soviet political officer who calls for an attack.

A few years ago in Kaliningrad, a greeting card to veterans had an advertisement for funeral services on the back. The ad block reads: “Funeral services, including for military personnel; monuments (to participants in the Great Patriotic War, military operations, pensioners of the Moscow Region and other law enforcement agencies at the expense of the budget); a large selection of natural stone; fences, laying tiles, caring for graves, etc.” Don't know what to give - give a certificate for a funeral!

This dwarf on horseback looks more like Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones than Marshal Georgy Zhukov. Perhaps because of this, it is not immediately evident that the fascist banners that the horse tramples are mirrored, so they are more similar to the symbolism of the solstice than Nazism.

But if somewhere the topic of fascism can be considered not fully disclosed, then obviously not here. The Ural Bank may have wanted to make a reference to the 1418 days of the Great Patriotic War, but the result was the code slogan of the nationalists 14/88 (If you want details, just google these four numbers). Although the interest on bank loans can indeed be called fascist, advertising for business is clearly not the best.

But if the last poster was, albeit not the worst example of event marketing, then we don’t even know here. No matter how much we love naked girls, but such posters and flyers cause only negative feelings.