Can salt corrode. Hydrochloric acid is one of the strongest acids, an extremely popular reagent. Maybe it's better to eat halit

Hydrochloric acid is an inorganic substance, monobasic acid, one of the most strong acids. Other names are also used: hydrogen chloride, hydrochloric acid, hydrochloric acid.


Acid in its pure form is a colorless and odorless liquid. Technical acid usually contains impurities that give it a slightly yellowish tint. Hydrochloric acid is often referred to as "fuming" because it releases hydrogen chloride vapor, which reacts with atmospheric moisture to form an acid mist.

It dissolves very well in water. At room temperature, the maximum possible mass content of hydrogen chloride is -38%. An acid concentration greater than 24% is considered concentrated.

Hydrochloric acid actively reacts with metals, oxides, hydroxides, forming salts - chlorides. HCl interacts with salts of weaker acids; with strong oxidizing agents and ammonia.

To determine hydrochloric acid or chlorides, a reaction with silver nitrate AgNO3 is used, as a result of which a white cheesy precipitate precipitates.


The substance is very caustic, corrosive to skin, organic materials, metals and their oxides. In the air, it emits hydrogen chloride vapors, which cause suffocation, burns to the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, damage the respiratory system, and destroy teeth. Hydrochloric acid belongs to the substances of the 2nd degree of danger (highly dangerous), the MPC of the reagent in the air is 0.005 mg/l. It is possible to work with hydrogen chloride only in filtering gas masks and protective clothing, including rubber gloves, an apron, safety shoes.

If acid is spilled, it is washed off with large amounts of water or neutralized with alkaline solutions. Victims of acid should be taken out of the danger zone, rinse the skin and eyes with water or soda solution, call a doctor.

It is allowed to transport and store a chemical reagent in a glass, plastic container, as well as in a metal container, covered from the inside with a rubber layer. The container must be hermetically sealed.


Commercially, hydrochloric acid is produced from hydrogen chloride (HCl) gas. Hydrogen chloride itself is produced in two main ways:
- exothermic reaction of chlorine and hydrogen - in this way a high purity reagent is obtained, for example, for the food industry and pharmaceuticals;
- from accompanying industrial gases - an acid based on such HCl is called off-gas.

It's curious

It is to hydrochloric acid that nature "entrusted" the process of splitting food in the body. The concentration of acid in the stomach is only 0.4%, but this is enough to digest a razor blade in a week!

The acid is produced by the cells of the stomach itself, which is protected from this aggressive substance by the mucous membrane. However, its surface is updated daily to repair damaged areas. In addition to participating in the process of digestion of food, acid also performs a protective function, killing pathogens that enter the body through the stomach.


In medicine and pharmaceuticals - to restore the acidity of gastric juice in case of its insufficiency; with anemia to improve the absorption of iron-containing drugs.
- In the food industry, it is a food additive, acidity regulator E507, as well as an ingredient in seltzer (soda) water. Used in the manufacture of fructose, gelatin, citric acid.
- In the chemical industry - the basis for the production of chlorine, soda, sodium glutamate, metal chlorides, for example zinc chloride, manganese chloride, iron chloride; synthesis of organochlorine substances; catalyst in organic synthesis.
- Most of the hydrochloric acid produced in the world is used in metallurgy to clean workpieces from oxides. For these purposes, an inhibited technical acid is used, which contains special inhibitors (retarders) of the reaction, due to which the reagent dissolves oxides, but not the metal itself. Metals are also poisoned with hydrochloric acid; clean them before tinning, soldering, galvanizing.
- Process the skin before tanning.
- In the mining industry, it is in demand for cleaning boreholes from deposits, for processing ores and rock formations.
- In laboratory practice, hydrochloric acid is used as a popular reagent for analytical studies, for cleaning vessels from hard-to-remove contaminants.
- It is used in the rubber, pulp and paper industry, in ferrous metallurgy; for cleaning boilers, pipes, equipment from complex deposits, scale, rust; for cleaning ceramic and metal products.

Question. Hello! In a private conversation with a neighbor building an extension to his house, I learned that he adds kitchen salt to the cement. True, from the answer to the question why he does this, the neighbor left. Tell me why he does this and in general, does the salt corrode the cement and what effect does it have on the solution itself ?

Answer. Good afternoon I want to immediately reassure - table (technical) salt ( chemical formula NaCl (sodium chloride) does not corrode cement. This is one of the most accessible and most inexpensive antifreeze additives that ensure the continuity of concrete work at low temperatures.

The physical essence of adding table salt to cement (concrete) is to lower the freezing point of the mixing agent (water). As is known from the course of physics high school, salt water has a lower freezing point. The freezing point of water depends on the concentration of salt. The result of such an operation is the following. Even at "minus" temperatures, the author is in a liquid state. This allows the cement to go through the stages of hydration, setting and hardening to the required value without additional heating costs.

Advantages of NaCl as an antifreeze additive

  • The most low price among other analogues;
  • Does not affect the setting speed of concrete or mortar. This allows you to prepare the material long before it is transported to the site and poured;
  • Table salt increases the mobility of the solution, which in turn increases its workability.

Proportions of adding NaCl depending on the expected temperature environment

  • Expected air temperature at the concrete work site at 0-5 degrees Celsius. The amount of salt added to concrete solutions is 2% of the total weight of the mixture. At the same time, the strength of the concrete structure will be: 30% of the branded strength for 7 days, 80% of the branded strength for 28 days and 100% of the branded strength for 90 days;
  • The expected air temperature at the concrete work site is at minus 6-minus 15 degrees Celsius. The amount of salt in the solution is 4% of the total weight of the mixture. The planned strength during hardening of concrete in frost is: 15% of the branded strength for 7 days, 35% of the branded strength for 28 days and 50% of the branded strength for 90 days after pouring.

Despite the obvious advantages of adding salt to cement, there is a very, very significant disadvantage that limits applications. Given the high corrosivity to steel reinforcement, table salt cannot be added to concrete intended for the construction of structures reinforced with a reinforcing belt of steel elements. At the same time, table salt can be added to masonry mortars and mortars for pouring unreinforced structures, without any restrictions.

Lonely man in the supermarket. Common table salt. Fast things. Achievements of science, technology, mass consumption. Relax... In front of the guise of affectionate crocodiles. Poisoning us with cyanides, and treating washing machines with antidotes.

So, in part 1 it is shown that the ancients knew how to get tasty and healthy edible salt:

Just good "sea salt" (including saline),

Festive, especially tasty (Angel's Day),

Special (for various dishes and drinks, enriched with macro-microelements, bamboo, spices),

Therapeutic "salt of the earth" (volcanic, from magma or with the addition of volcanic clays or volcanic ash).

Now let's review modern salt production. The difference is striking. Instead of improving recipes, there is commercial degradation. The reason, obviously, lies in the separation of people into, on the one hand, neo-liberal "businessmen" - salt producers, supported by hired mass media, politicians-collaborators, strike-breakers-scientists, and, on the other hand, "consumers" of the technical nonsense that is called "edible salt", and even outright poison, known as "chemtrails". Good salt also remained, but it is “for their own”, including salt with antidotes.

Loose salt: think for three

In order to better understand the problem of ordinary consumer goods, store-bought salt, let's think about the situation from different positions.

Idealist thesis. Salt, along with sugar - "white death". All the necessary substances and various types of energies are contained in natural, natural, preferably raw products, which do not need to be added to anything. And if there is not enough salt, you should drink mineral water.

Materialist antithesis. Salt is a commodity product of mass consumption. If any fool does not want to eat salt, he will still eat it, using catering products. Or he will lose his culinary authority, stop going to friends for a feast. What gives the salty taste? First of all, NaCl. So we isolate and purify this cheap salt. It is more convenient to use how? Dosing-adding small grains. Here we grind into small grains. But NaCl is a substance that actively absorbs moisture (hydrophilic), and therefore quickly clumping. Doing what? We add a water repellent, only light, so that the view does not spoil. WITH mineral water and even simpler: poured technical salt into technically clean water, poured light brine into blown plastic, puffed carbon dioxide at will, and cloudy sludge into the sewer. Glue a label like "Blue Voter" or "Healing", well, shake off the wholesalers. And iodized salt (prophylaxis against goiter) is going well, for doctors to unfasten less dough for permission. With a VIP client - some troubles, but already - know-how.

Realist Synthesis. What role does salt play for health and joy of life? - this question cannot be put seriously in modern society secret dishonesty and obvious gain. Neither the salt producer interested in super profits, nor the oligarchic VIP consumer, nor his exclusive supplier of high-quality products, including salt, are interested in revealing the “salty truth” to the Slav. We'll have to figure it out ourselves.

With a stone heart - rock salt

Table salt (the one in the recipes of cookbooks, cookbook) salt is based on purified NaCl salt, sodium chloride. Mass production - from rock salt, the one that is mined in mines. Example: The Artyomovskoye deposit in the Donetsk region is the largest salt deposit in Europe, salt reserves are 15648 million tons. The design capacity is 2.25 million tons of salt per year. The content of NaCl in the salts of the deposit is 98-98.3%.

Rock salt has been mined for a long time, for example, in the mines near Salzburg (Austria), the Hallstatt salt mines are known - the oldest in Europe, they have been developed for three thousand years. Or ancient salt mines are located on the territory of Azerbaijan in the valley of the Araks River: the development of salt in Duzdagan began around 3500 BC.

It's just salt. Not improved, but not worsened by nature or malicious intent, a certain standard of cheap salt, suitable for technical needs, and, if necessary, for table needs. That is, salt as needed - for the poor. But, for the benefit of the rich.

The "mainstream" of the neoliberal salt business is based on deceit and desperation. Manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers are strenuously "pretending" that they offer "the best products", "fully compliant with standards" and "the most modern scientific developments", and keep a small, but not small price, holding an oligopoly of uncontested supply of people with a worthless product.

Wine clarification

Clarification of wines is the process of sediment formation, which consists mainly of harmful salts.

Under socialism, yellow blood salt (YKS) was actively used to demetallize wines. According to the Instructions for the processing of ZhKS wines, approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation on May 5, 1998, such processing is allowed solely for the purpose of removing excess heavy metal cations from wine, which adversely affect its taste properties and stability. Residues are not allowed in the received wine materials. Copper, iron and heavy metals get on grapes as a result of regular spraying of vineyards with copper sulphate containing them. Under the action of FAs on iron oxide salts, a blue precipitate of Prussian blue and other precipitates are obtained - FAs are taken in the calculation of its complete transformation into a precipitate.

That is, FCS, potassium ferrocyanide, more precisely potassium hexacyanoferrate(II), is a known toxic substance. Survived under the liberals a kind of "conversion". This toxin, specifically, slows down the flow of blood and oxidizes hemoglobin. When mixed with blood, metahemobgolin is formed - hemoglobin from three (and not two, as in normal forms) valence iron. And this form is not capable of gas exchange (replacement of oxygen by carbon dioxide and back).

Ferrocyanide - a poison that is poured into salt

A common harmful additive in salt sold in stores under the brand name "edible salt" is E-536, potassium ferrocyanide, yellow blood salt (YKS). Prevents caking and clumping of salt (anti-cake), water repellent, wine clarifier. Registered as a food additive, labeling is extremely rare. With skill, you can identify the taste of salt.

E-536 (K 3HO) is also used in the production of sausages (and then formed white coating on the sausage casing). Can be used to produce hydrocyanic acid.

“All compounds and derivatives of hydrocyanic acid are poisonous, namely, ferrocyanide belongs to them. Look for and take just “rock salt” as it is written on the package, it’s not scary that it is a little gray, which means that it is not refined and without additives. I came across a forum of aquarists, one of the participants asks for help. Apparently, his fish got sick, and he tried to cure them the old fashioned way by placing them in a weak salt solution (I asked for such a method of treatment), and so the fish died in salt with the addition of ferrocyanide.

Potassium ferrocyanide is detected by adding water and adding ferric chloride - a blue precipitate of "Prussian blue" precipitates.

Analog - sodium ferrocyanide E535, anti-caking agent, clarifier. In the Russian Federation, it is allowed as an additive that prevents caking and clumping, in table salt and salt substitutes in an amount of up to 20 mg / kg, individually or in combination with other ferrocyanides in terms of potassium ferrocyanide.

Salt instead of meat

In meat products, in order to increase the volume of "meat", freezing and thawing them, add a viscous liquid - phosphoric acid E338 and its salts such as E340, E341, E342. Meanwhile, livestock breeders add tricalcium phosphate, salt nitric acid, hormones and others, including those prohibited, and additives that remain during cooking, including those prohibited, increasing the meat volume, to the detriment of the quality of the meat.

Orthophosphoric acid - used as an anti-corrosion coating; as a food additive is registered as E338. A well-known component of "meat salt" - increases the volume of minced meat, sausages and other meat products. Included in a variety of drinks "kol". Orthophosphates (salts of phosphoric acid) are also found in food additives E340, E341, E342 and others.

Tricalcium phosphate Ca3 (PO4) 2 - a salt of orthophosphoric acid, is actively used in agriculture as a feed additive and as a phosphate fertilizer.

Harass - deliberately?

“It can't be!” – people confused by the ideals of the consumer society will say – “choose carefully, try the salt…” …and meat… without leaving the cash register?! If a chemical product says “food”, then this is a deliberate misleading of the consumer. Maybe the consumer is “a fool himself”, he wants to take exactly loose-loose, finely ground salt (and there is a lot of ferrocyanide there)? Of course he wants, but not at the expense of health. Why is there no corresponding marking on the packaging, such as “Industrial loose salt. Caution, contains potassium ferrocyanide, E-536. Hide from children, prevent consumption by pregnant women”?

The alleged "safety" of sodium ferrocyanide as a food additive was provisionally accepted by the US Toxic Committee in 1988. Yes, yes, this is the case here: there is nothing more permanent than temporary.

But why do ombudsmen stick their noses where they don’t ask, and don’t protect the right to healthy salt and high-quality meat for unborn children and little silly babies.

"Technocrats" tried for everyone. What about "managers"?

While entrepreneurship was mainly in the hands of "technocrats", there was no such disgrace. Anti-caking chemical agents for salt have been known for 100 years. As early as 1911, magnesium carbonate, as a water repellent, was already being added to salt to make it more crumbly. But magnesium carbonate is just very useful! It contains a magnesium cation (Mg2+) and an anion of carbonic acid, which is converted in the body first into bicarbonate (HCO3-), then into escaping carbon dioxide. Thus, a person, along with such a well-known supplement, could now receive not only magnesium for bones, teeth, etc., but also alkalize his body, oxidized by unhealthy modern food. But he does not receive, does not become alkaline if he is “not in the know” and does not eat American kosher salt or its Russian substitutes (we will dwell on these points below). There are other salt additives that have long been used empirically useful for humans that can be used, and until recently they were still used as anti-caking agents:

1. Acid calcium salts. For example, calcium lactate is the calcium salt of lactic acid (calcium lactate); used as an acidity regulator, water-retaining agent, antioxidant synergist. Emulsifier E327

2. Acid salts of magnesium. For example, magnesium citrate is a magnesium salt of citric acid C6H6O7Mg, a source of magnesium, one of the most important intracellular macronutrients. White powder, odorless, slightly acidic taste. Prevents the formation of kidney stones.

3. Magnesium oxide (burnt magnesia, periclase) - absorbs moisture, but does not dissolve in it, prevents caking and clumping, gives products a white color. Preference for use by people with increased acidity of gastric juice, but undesirable with low acidity. Emulsifier E530.

4. Silicon dioxide, an amorphous non-porous silica, is used to avoid clumping and caking, and is also used in toothpaste and pharmaceutical industries, as a food additive or medicinal product- enterosorbent. Auxiliary additive E551.

5. Calcium silicate - used to prevent clumping and caking in the following products: granulated sugar, milk powder, and other powdered products, sliced ​​cheeses, confectionery. Apply in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical industry and so forth. E552 emulsifier.

Phosphates: food additives that have lost their usefulness

Previously, useful additives such as phosphates could be added to table salt to prevent clumping:

1. E-343 - magnesium phosphate, anti-caking additive.

2. Tricalcium phosphate, precipitate.

3. Sodium phosphate (Bone phosphate, Essentiale Calcium Phosphate, Tribasic) - bone phosphate, 3-substituted calcium phosphate. It is used as an anti-caking agent, a source of phosphorus in food additives, and also in cosmetics (eg toothpaste). It is made from animal bones, so the second name is bone phosphate. Emulsifier E542.

But now in foods - and without that an overabundance of phosphates. And an excess of phosphorus inhibits the flow of calcium and magnesium from the intestines.

Foods that are too high in phosphorus and should be avoided: processed cheese, boiled cheese, meat, sausages, offal, cola drinks, soy products, legumes, prepared meals with phosphorus additives.

Allergy to phosphates

The consequence of an allergy to phosphates in children is an altered mental reaction, for example, hyperactivity, motor restlessness, impulsivity, impaired concentration, and sometimes increased aggressiveness. When children stop taking phosphate-containing foods, these symptoms improve and may disappear completely over time.

If an adult healthy man receives too much phosphate from food, calcium metabolism is disturbed in his body, osteoporosis begins (calcium is "washed out" of the bones, they become brittle, break relatively easily).

People who are sensitive to phosphate should not eat processed cheese, canned milk, drink cola and eat many "industrial" sweets. By the way, all phosphates usually contain heavy metals and other poisonous substances.

If a person has an allergy to phosphates, then in the food he eats, in no case should there be additives E220 (sulfur dioxide), E339 (sodium orthophosphate) and E322 (lecithin), because these substances can cause severe reactions within half an hour.

Bone tissue is built from compounds of phosphorus with calcium. If too much phosphorus is supplied with food, calcium is excreted in the urine, and this happens even if there is not enough “free” calcium in the body, and to maintain required level in the blood - calcium is washed out of the bones. The level of calcium in the blood is maintained at the cost of the fact that the bones become weaker, more porous and brittle - osteoporosis develops, with all the ensuing troubles. The system of regulation of the balance of phosphorus and calcium in the body is designed in such a way that when excess phosphorus is excreted, “deficient” calcium is consumed: phosphorus is excreted in the urine in the form of calcium phosphate salts.

To maintain an optimal balance of minerals, phosphorus intake should not be more than 2 times the amount of calcium consumed; however, today in the diet of phosphorus, sometimes 10 times more!

Human bone is a target for salts

Muscles can be pumped up, we get beauty from our ancestors. And the "basis" of human health is a strong flexible skeleton, healthy teeth, elastic skin, silky hair.

And it turns out that this "base" consists of salts of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon and others. Moreover, we get these salts with food, and the regulation of the composition of these salts in the body is most convenient through adding salt to food. That is, to maintain the “basis” of health, there is no need to buy expensive medicines, dietary supplements, “fifth generation vitamins” and so on, if edible salt is good.

Salt and sugar are sometimes referred to as "white death". Death is not death, but two well-known diseases are acidosis and osteoporosis.

Acidosis - chronic acidification of the body

Usually, people who traditionally eat seafood, for example, residents of ocean islands, where the content of calcium and magnesium in water is the highest in the world, do not suffer from acidosis, have the highest life expectancy, and the lowest incidence of chronic disease. And vice versa, consumers of refined salt, sweet and sour “chemical” drinks and sweets get sick, often chronically, suffering from salt and acid-base imbalance in the body.

Ordinary sodium chloride is actively involved in digestion - salt helps to denature proteins to amino acids and dissolve fats, facilitating digestion, participates in the formation of hydrochloric acid - the basis of gastric juice, but ... In addition to NaCl, the body needs Ca and Mg, as well as maintaining acid-base balance.

Acid-base balance, as nutritionists have found out, is the main thing that determines how healthy, cheerful and cheerful a person will be.

The human body is a self-regulating system that maintains balance. But the imbalance towards acidification is acidosis, that is, an excess of acids, for example, from overeating sweets. And now, acids begin to corrode salts from the inside, for example, calcium and magnesium are “washed out” of bones - a kind of alkaline “buffers” that neutralize acids, but they themselves are mostly lost, excreted in the urine.

When digesting what we have eaten, in the metabolic processes in the body, either acid (uric, lactic, etc.) or alkali is formed. For example, a sweet and sour carbonated drink, thrown into the stomach after natural or soy meat, cheese, quickly begins to ferment with the formation of excess acids, moreover, against the background of magnesium deficiency.

And there is almost no magnesium in the current refined food, say, in polished grain, at the same time, the current Shirpotrebovskaya “edible salt” is actually technical, and practically does not contain magnesium.

So, if there is more acid in the body than it is ready to tolerate painlessly, and magnesium and calcium are not enough to neutralize, then the acid-base balance (pH) will be disturbed, and health problems will happen. This situation is widespread in the world of fast food and sweets. Initially - malaise, headaches, insomnia, lethargy, sometimes vomiting. Chronic acidification leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, kidney disease and even cancer, and also leads to the development of osteoporosis.

Due to acidosis - many diseases of our century: stomach problems, hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes, diabetes, metabolic disorders with all the ensuing consequences: disability, early death.

Acidosis ( reduces the ability of hemoglobin to bind oxygen, that is, leads to oxygen starvation of tissues. With acidosis, as a rule, respiratory function and the work of the heart are disturbed. The brain is especially sensitive to acidosis, as a result of which various adverse changes occur in the central nervous system. With uncompensated acidosis, the activity of tissue enzyme systems is disrupted - the path to numerous chronic diseases and acidification of the blood, weakening of the immune system.

Saccharomyces - acidosis enhancers

In addition to an excess of sweet and sour drinks and sweet desserts in food modern man, the body also suffers from the replacement of healthy intestinal microflora with "bad" saccharomycetes (thermophilic yeasts that rapidly oxidize sugars).

Healthy microflora is

1. Natural yeast - used to be common in homemade rye bread, with regularly updated "cold" sourdough.

2. Lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli) - producers of "homemade" sour cream, curdled milk and other traditional Russian products.

3. Bifidobacteria

Meanwhile, Saccharomycetes (another name is thermophilic yeast) are artificially bred strains bred to increase the speed of industrially baked bread. And, at first, to reduce the cost of sourdough, Saccharomycetes were grown on bone broth with the addition of sugar. Not surprisingly, as a result of a long directed selection, microorganisms were obtained that "highly efficiently ferment" sweets and corrode the bones, producing excess acids in the intestines. In fact, normal digestion is disturbed - food rots inside the intestines, resulting in acidosis and osteoporosis.

Acid load scale

Overeating meat and its substitutes, the fashion for protein diets also shift the pH to the acid side and increase the excretion of uric acid salts. And the acidic environment of urine is an ideal condition for the formation of kidney stones.

The acidic environment of saliva already at an early age "helps" to destroy teeth, gives impetus to the development of stomatitis.

American researchers proposed to evaluate food not only by its calorie content, the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins, but also by the acid load that is formed in the body as a result of the processing of everything eaten (see 10877.html). Computer analysis of the acid load of staple foods (in milliequivalents per 240 kilocalories).

Meat 67.9
Cereals 13.8
Cheese 4.2
Milk and yogurt 2.8
Eggs 2.5

Neutral Products
Legumes 0.8
Nuts 0.1

alkaline foods
Fruit -5.8

Tubers -10.6

Vegetables -14.3

Roots -26.4

Vegetables from the fruit group: tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants, watermelons, melon, pumpkin -46.5 Leafy greens -59.1

Bones are like stalactites in caves - this is a natural building material inside us.

The physicochemical processes associated with human bones are very similar to the natural processes of accumulation and washing out of deposits of calcium and magnesium salts in nature, such as cave stalactites and stalagmites, or the formation and flushing of scale from water heating systems. Even their crystal structure is similar - these are interconnected plates of calcium and magnesium salts with the addition of silicon, sulfur, phosphorus and other components.

In technical systems against scale, too aggressive substances such as concentrated sulfuric acid are rarely used. Since the goal is twofold: to remove unwanted scale and protect the product from corrosion. So, to combat corrosion, mortar mixtures are used, consisting of weak acids mixed with inhibitors that prevent corrosion.

acids: acetic, oxalic, lemon.

Inhibitors: sodium thiosulfate, trilon B, urotropin.

Now let's see how acids that corrode scale on coolants affect the human body.

Lemon acid

Additive E330 (Citric acid) is of artificial origin and has a very low level of danger (does not have a significant negative impact to health).

In the food industry, it is used as an acidity regulator and preservative.

When designating the E330 additive on product packages, the following names can also be used: citric acid, citric acid. It is a natural preservative, esters and salts of citric acid are called citrates.

Widespread in nature, found in all citrus fruits, berries, stems of tobacco crops, needles. It is especially abundant in unripe lemons and in Chinese lemongrass.

Now citric acid is mostly obtained by biosynthesis fungus Aspergillus niger sugar and sugary foods. In addition, part of citric acid is extracted from plant products, and synthetically.

Citric acid is a participant in metabolic processes that provide the body with two-thirds of the energy it needs. This series of reactions is called the tricarboxylic acid cycle or the Krebs cycle.

Citric acid salts such as potassium citrate, sodium citrate, and calcium citrate are food additives used to regulate acidity, enhance flavor, and as a preservative. They are especially widely used in the beverage industry.

Excessive consumption of citric acid can damage tooth enamel.

Mainly found in soft drinks, confectionery and bakery products.

Oxalic acid

If “Schava” is mentioned in the Veles Book, this does not mean that all products based on sorrel are approved by the ancestors. The largest amount of organic oxalic acid is found in fresh spinach, in the leaves of beets, turnips and mustard, in garden cabbage, broad-leaved French sorrel, in rhubarb, cocoa.

It is generally accepted that located in raw vegetables and their juices, oxalic acid is necessary for the implementation physiological functions our body. Oxalic acid easily forms salts - oxalates, for example, by combining with calcium. And if both of these substances are organic, then this combination is useful - it promotes the absorption of calcium, stimulates peristalsis.


Table vinegar, aka food additive E260, acetic acid C2H4O2, its 70-80% is known as vinegar essence and 3-9% water solution- as food or white vinegar. So, what happens to our bones under the influence of this acid can be observed by pouring table vinegar into a glass, and throwing a little eggshell into it.

Derivatives of acetic acid help break down carbohydrates and fats in the body that enter the body with food. Acetic acid is formed in nature during the oxidation (souring) of alcohols, as a waste product of bacteria such as Clostridium acetobutylicum and bacteria of the genus Acetobacter.

In the food industry, the E260 additive is used for baking confectionery, canning vegetables, producing mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish and other food products.

Acidity regulator E260 is approved for use in food products in all countries (does not have a significant negative impact on health).

At the same time, white vinegar spoils teeth, quickly destroys red blood cells, causes anemia, cirrhosis of the liver, indigestion and peptic ulcers.

From this it is clear that “table vinegar” is a trade name that deliberately misleads the consumer: it is inappropriate to serve this technical acid, which is harmful to health, to the table. At its best, it's "kitchen vinegar" used to pre-treat raw meat and liver to extinguish baking soda or remove odors in a food container. Or "homemade vinegar" - for rinsing hair, clothes, removing rust, fighting fungus, against insect bites, and more. That is, white vinegar E260 should not fall directly on the table for dinner.

Malic and pear acids

But, what about marinades, mustard, horseradish and other victuals, how easy is it to neutralize the excess spices in the product? For this, there is a natural, natural alternative - malic and pear acids, obtained by fermenting fruits of the same name.

In moderate doses, apple cider vinegar is beneficial to humans and animals. It increases blood clotting, normalizes the menstrual cycle, heals blood vessels, an active antiseptic. With a lack of hydrochloric acid in the digestive system, proteins are poorly digested, which in turn causes hypertension. In this case, drinking one to three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before meals can markedly lower blood pressure.

Now consider inhibitors of acid erosion processes, again, moving from scale to a living organism.

Urotropin - be careful!

Urotropin, food additive E-239 "Hexamethylenetetramine", chemical formula C6H12N4. Preservative of limited use, antiseptic (restrains the reproduction of microorganisms). A white crystalline substance, in everyday life is known as "dry fuel".

E-239 as a food additive was excluded from the list of "Food additives for food production" to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations (SanPiN in 2008.

Since June 10, 2009, hexamethylenetetramine (E-239) has been temporarily allowed for use as an auxiliary agent, for example, E-239 is used in the preservation of granular salmon caviar and for the cultivation of certain yeast cultures, in the manufacture of cheese. The rule was valid until July 1, 2010. At the moment, the legal status of the additive is not clear.

Additive E-239 has been tested by the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) and is included in the list of safe additives. However, E-239 is banned for use in a number of countries, the reasons are: carcinogenic properties and skin manifestations of allergic reactions.

Industrially, urotropin is obtained by evaporating a mixture of formaldehyde (CH2O) and ammonia (NH3) in a vacuum. Rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, hexamethylenetetramine is cleaved in the kidneys to form formaldehyde, which denatures protein structures. This property of urotropin is used in medicine for the treatment (resorption foreign bodies, tumors) of the urinary tract.

Trilon B (EDTA) - little by little

Calcium-sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) is a dietary supplement of the antioxidant group. Registered under code E-385.

Organic substance EDTA is known for its ability to bind transition metal ions like iron, copper and cobalt, that is, it has the properties of a chelate (metal ion coater). This is used, for example, to preserve mayonnaise: egg white always contains iron ions, which, without EDTA, are able to catalyze the lipid (fat) oxidation reaction. It is also used to prevent oxidation of metals in products and, as a result, a change in the color of the product.

Additive E-385 is a salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). In the food industry, EDTA is used as calcium-sodium salts, but it does not lose its main properties - to absorb metal ions such as calcium, iron and others.

In addition, the additive E-385 is added to soft drinks containing ascorbic acid (E-300) and sodium benzoate (E-211) to reduce the formation of the carcinogen benzene in them. It can bind and remove heavy metals from the body - this property is used in medicine to treat metal poisoning.

By itself, EDTA is not useful, especially for young children. But its concentration in mayonnaise is so small that it cannot bring harm. The problem is that EDTA does not degrade well and can accumulate in living organisms, becoming more and more toxic as the concentration increases.

Sodium thiosulfate - an antidote, at the same time preventing salt from clumping

Sodium thiosulfate (antichlor, hyposulfite, sodium sulfidotrioxosulfate) - Na2S2O3, sodium salt and thiosulfuric acid. Wide technical application: inhibitor for descaling, removal of traces of chlorine after fabric bleaching, silver extraction, additive in concrete, reagent in iodometry.

Sodium thiosulfate is registered as food additive E539. Antioxidant, complexing agent, pH adjuster and anti-caking agent.

So, translated into common Russian, a means for protecting technical products from excessive aggression of citric acids, it turns out, prevents caking, including clumping of edible salt - and at the same time serves as an antidote and regulator of acid-base balance.

The conclusion is paradoxical: the power holders of the “consumer society” are poisoning us with cyanides, and washing machines are treating us with antidotes.

Maybe it's better to eat halite?

What is halite? And here: “Rock salt for technical use, self-setting salt, mineral halite concentrate - all this is the name of the same natural mineral intended for use as an anti-icing material, for the preparation and purification of water used for technical purposes, for the preparation of drilling fluids, production of chlorine and caustic, and other technical purposes. Main chemical element which is sodium chloride (sodium chloride) NaCl.

Self-planting technical salt - or lake salt. This salt is in the form of layers at the bottom of lakes and is the main source of salt production in the Russian Federation. Self-planting salt is obtained by natural evaporation of saline solutions obtained by dissolving salt layers lying close to the surface of the earth with water. Basically, the extraction of self-planting technical salt is carried out in salt lakes. The most important place for the production of self-planting salt in Russia is Lake Baskunchak. When collecting salt from the bottom of lakes, various equipment is used: scrapers, tractor loaders, bulldozers, salt pumps and milling machines.

Self-planting or garden salt is a “good” salt, in its composition there are impurities of magnesium, potassium and residues of useful halophilic algae, in other words, salt like the Australian delicacy Darling, only with a large texture.

By the way, it is this large garden salt that is advertised in all neo-liberal countries as "religious food", under the name "kosher salt".

But still, is it possible to somehow improve salt, make it life-giving? It is possible, but for this you need to deal with acids, vitamins and phytin.


The high absorption of calcium and magnesium from fresh dairy products is due to the presence of substances such as lactose, phosphopeptides and amino acids in them. The absorption of calcium in our usual food is minimal. The absorption of calcium increases the use of vitamin D, but, according to experts, it is necessarily natural, which is found in fish oil. Vitamin D increases the permeability of the intestinal epithelium for Ca++ ions

Under the liberals, there is no fish oil for sale. On occasion, he cooked it himself: he butchered sharks that accidentally got into the net, took out the liver, and, cutting it into pieces, melted it in a water bath, draining the fat that had surfaced.


Phytin is a plant material that forms an insoluble compound with calcium that is not absorbed by our body. But during processing, calcium is still released. So, the preparation of bread destroys the connection of phytin with calcium at the baking stage, therefore, calcium is absorbed from bread, especially rye, with bran.

raw food diet

During heat treatment, organic calcium instantly passes into an inorganic state and is practically not absorbed by the body. Even in pasteurized milk, calcium is already in an inorganic form, or rather associated with denatured proteins. So dairy is best consumed raw.

But you can’t “nibble one carrot with cabbage”: protein (mainly of animal origin) included in the diet affects the absorption of calcium. With a high-protein diet, about 15% of the calcium received in food is absorbed; and with a low-protein diet, about 5% is absorbed.

Paradox: consuming "live" acids - we alkalize the body

Natural, "raw" (normal composition and proportions) organic acids are found in almost all fresh fruits and vegetables, giving them a pleasant taste, they quench thirst, dissolve unwanted salt deposits in the body, retard the development of bacteria, and have a beneficial effect on acid-base balance. , on the work of the gastrointestinal tract and other body systems.
The most common acids are malic, citric, and tartaric, while oxalic, salicylic, formic, succinic, benzoic, and others are found in smaller amounts.
By enhancing the secretion of digestive juices, organic acids promote digestion, which is especially great importance for persons suffering from low acidity of gastric juice, and the elderly.

Organic acids play important role in maintaining the acid-base balance in the body, since, being completely oxidized, they provide a large amount of valuable alkaline components. In our modern conditions sedentary lifestyle, stressful situations, environmental pollution, leading to the accumulation of acidic products in our internal environment, the alkalizing effect of organic acids is important in the improvement of the human body. Carboxylic acids are essentially carbonic acid. Most of which, in the process of metabolism, turns into ordinary carbon dioxide, which leaves the body in the usual way - through the lungs.
That is, consuming acids - we alkalize.

Salt Deposition: The Paradox of Calcium Deficiency

Calcium deposits due to magnesium deficiency can be found in the skeletal muscles, in the kidneys and in the walls of the arteries. These symptoms, including tissue calcification, are observed not with excessive, but with insufficient intake of calcium into the body. The likelihood of soft tissue calcification - calcium deposits in them, increases in the absence of calcium in the diet, since magnesium deficiency is also noted sooner or later with calcium deficiency.

In the recent past, the Slavs had wide access to natural milk, a reliable source of calcium and magnesium, but now it has been replaced by ersatz based on soy milk powder mixtures.

In those places on our planet where they are used to doing without milk, special, calcium-rich foods are traditionally used as sources of calcium: in Hawaii, this is poi - a dish prepared from taro root, the Eskimos “extract” calcium by eating the bones of fish and animals . Mexican Indians consume daily the amount of calcium contained in 8 liters of milk, since millstones made of soft limestone are still used to grind grains.

Calcium deficiency is inevitably accompanied by magnesium deficiency.

life-giving salts

Life-giving salts are salts that are easily assimilated where necessary and do not “stale where they are not needed.

There is a legend among raw foodists about oxalic acid: living food boil or subject to any other processing, as the same oxalic acid becomes a sparingly soluble ballast, destroying a living organism. And if it forms compounds with living calcium, which entered the body with other food, then this living calcium loses all value and is not absorbed by the body. All this leads to a serious deficiency of calcium, and consequently, to the destruction of bone tissue.

But, besides a raw food diet, there is another way out: the consumption of vitamin B6, with sufficient magnesium intake - and then the metabolic balance is normalized. With a lack of B6 and magnesium, the enzyme transaminase loses activity, and without it, oxalic acid cannot be converted into soluble compounds. And then oxalic acid combines with calcium and forms oxalates, which are deposited in the form of sand and kidney stones.

That is, oxalic acid + calcium + vitamin B6 = life-giving salt.

calcium citrate (calcium citrate), E333 - acid salt, colorless, obtained in the reaction of citric acid with calcium hydroxide. It is used in the food industry as an acidity regulator, stabilizer, color fixer, source of digestible calcium. Calcium provides the ability of muscles to tighten and relax. It plays an important role in blood clotting and other enzymatic processes and is essential for stabilizing blood pressure. Research has shown (Coder S, Edelstein S. Calcium Citrate. - The World of Food Ingredients. Journal of the Practising Food Technologist, Oct/Nov 2001, p. 66-69), calcium is absorbed better in the form of an organic acid salt than in the form of inorganic phosphates or carbonates. The most preferred source of calcium is the salt of citric acid - calcium citrate, since its absorption, in this case, does not depend on the secretion of gastric juice and its prolonged use does not lead to the formation of kidney stones. Vitamin D increases the bioavailability of dietary calcium and potentiates the uptake of calcium by bone tissue.

That is, citric acid + calcium + vitamin D = life-giving salt.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). High doses of vitamin C can eliminate bleeding gums in no time, as it can strengthen countless small vessels in the gum tissue in just half an hour. Calcium, the highest content of which, unlike other bones of the body, is found in the gums and jaw bones, alone too slowly makes its way to the cells of the body, especially when a lot of it is required. With vitamin C, it forms chemical complexes, the so-called chelates, and with their help is delivered to the right place with truly courier speed. This is especially noticeable when supplying calcium to the dentin. Without vitamin C, calcium loses half of its useful qualities. Calcium and vitamin C are the secret rivals of dentists. Vitamin C also carries sulfuric acid salts through the cells of the body. Vitamin C also carries sulfuric acid salts through the cells of the body. If these salts are not enough, microscopic tears occur in the connective tissues, which most often manifests itself in bleeding gums and poorly healing wounds. What is very important: if the gums begin to bleed, then in most cases, hidden internal bleeding appears throughout the body.

That is, ascorbic acid + calcium + sulfur = life-giving salt.

Vitamin B5 (calcium salt of pantothenic acid) Vitamin B5, when it enters the body, turns into pantethine, which is part of coenzyme A. This is one of the key compounds for the life of the body, which links together the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats and plays a very important role in energy processes. In addition, pantothenic acid is involved in the metabolism of cholesterol and neurotransmitters and the synthesis of hemoglobin. It should be remembered that vitamin B5, like all B vitamins, is destroyed by heating and exposure to sunlight. Therefore, a significant part of the need for vitamin B5 is covered by the body due to the fact that vitamin B5 in large quantities is produced by the intestinal flora. The lack of vitamin B5 in developed countries is mainly associated with a violation of the synthesis of vitamin B5 by the intestinal microflora. This is usually associated with long-term use of antibiotics, sulfonamides and drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis, operations on the gastrointestinal tract. It should also be taken into account that vitamin B1 (thiamine) is necessary for the normal absorption of vitamin B5.

That is, pantothenic acid + calcium = life-giving salt.

Also known is the active complex of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) and its hydroxyalkylammonium salt, used for healing and beauty of the skin. The list goes on, I hope the principle is clear. But, vitamins should not be abused, it is better to use them as part of a healthy diet. For example, just fresh bran of cereals (wheat, rice, barley and oats), or bran expanded on an extruder is an excellent source of salts and vitamins, and rye is also an acid.

Vitamin Salt

A useful addition to table salt is folic acid, (vitamin B 9), also found under the name "folic acid salts" or "folate". Such fortified salt gives table salt yellow. It is especially useful for pregnant women, helps prevent defects neural tube(DNT) and anemia.

iodized salt

Iodized table salt is table salt with the addition of a strictly defined amount of iodine-containing salts: potassium iodide or potassium iodate. When taken orally, it helps prevent the development of iodine-deficiency diseases.

But this salt is not suitable for seaming-salting. In fact, it is better to at least occasionally consume seaweed, soup seaweed (anfelcia), nuts and other iodine-containing foods.

American style osteoporosis

The fragility of bones due to a lack of calcium leads to frequent fractures in older people due to falls or other injuries. This condition is called osteoporosis (from the Greek osteon - bone, poros - time, hole). This is when the bone is spongy, like a washcloth.

And whence such troubles?

Hormonal drugs (such as birth control) impair the absorption of calcium. Abuse of coffee increases the excretion of calcium by the kidneys. Medications such as cortisone (cortisone and related drugs), anticonvulsants, and thyroidin can decrease the absorption of calcium in the intestines. But the liberal press is silent about this - on guard of the interests of the oligarchs-pharmacists.

Bone is a "good" (appropriate) deposit of salts of calcium, magnesium and some other metals, chemically combined with carbonic acid. These salts come with "good" salt - one that has enough calcium and magnesium, and with "good" food - natural milk, whole grains, aspic. And these salts are lost with “bad” food, which provokes acidosis (sugar and Saccharomycetes) or directly dissolves the bone (vinegar, oxalic, excess citric acid).

Until the late 1970s, osteoporosis in the United States was considered an extremely rare disease that only occurred in very old people...

And already in the early 1980s, an “epidemic” of osteoporosis began in America ... In just a couple of years, the bulk (77%) of women over 50 years old, who had never been afraid of this condition before, turned into a large group of patients who needed constant and aggressive medical treatment.

In 1992, osteoporosis became a recognized disease of Western culture, the cause of which, paradoxically, remains unknown to mainstream medicine...

In 2005 Physicians wrote 39 million prescriptions for osteoporosis drugs, and pharmaceutical giant Merck alone made $3.2 billion in profits from their sale. Bussiness Week Online has valued this market at $6 billion with an annual growth rate of 25%.

Americans now have a government program to reduce their sodium intake from salt. Indeed, people with high blood pressure, overweight, profuse sweating and lovers of salt (especially blacks) are prone to developing osteoporosis, often have high blood pressure and heart attacks, early mortality associated with excess sodium intake. But still, it is more reasonable to associate osteoporosis with an excess of sugar and acids (saccharomycetes, acidosis), an excess of phosphate drinks such as cola, than with an excess of sodium. Some medications, such as hormonal medications, also affect the amount of calcium in the bones and therefore can contribute to its excessive excretion. So this is more of a PR stunt to divert attention than a health concern: of course, it is better to replace excess sodium with potassium, magnesium and calcium, but this replacement is far from a fact in this setting of the problem (an advertisement for a low-sodium diet).

Pyramid of Deception

How to be? Can support bones and stuff in more or less good condition paying attention to it. But it is somehow inconvenient to organize it alone in the face of the products of the “consumer society” that are hostile to the population. Health clubs?

Please! And then we or ordinary Americans, in short - all the suckers of the world, fall into another trap. Health clubs in neo-liberal practice are "tightly" connected to business like network marketing. The consumer (loh) and his dream of health, of a better future are flattered by offering to “buy a dream” for big money, selling (or supposedly selling) it to others, along an endless (in dreams) supply chain, a pyramid.

And now we see that the “golden billion” is blurred here. Ordinary Americans are the same suckers in favor of the salt oligarchs. And the salt oligarchs offer a unique, amazing product: magnesium from a storehouse of ocean health - from coral. Excited information sponsors and sponsors prone to artistry sweetly spread. Bewitched Loch Lohovich is thrilled, dreaming about diving, about how he personally observes, studies and collects corals in the depths of tropical seas, opening the way to the health and material prosperity of himself, his family and friends, of all mankind...

And another Loch Lohovich at the same time is thrilled, immersed in the discussion of the idea of ​​​​calcium "from pure mother-of-pearl."

Why add calcium and magnesium salts to table salt - it's too cheap, and for everyone. And so for units per million, health and wealth, but in what a grandiose contrast!

Now let's see how to actually keep the health of salt metabolism.

Specifically, which "agents" help a healthy salt metabolism.

People - on pills

The body needs ~ half as much magnesium as calcium. The daily norm of magnesium is 150 mg per day, calcium is 300 mg. Until relatively recently, there was no “magnesium problem” at all, since plant products were much richer in magnesium. But the modern Liberian chemicalization of agricultural production (“agribusiness”) leads to a sharp drop in the absorption of magnesium by cultivated plants.

The level of magnesium in the body decreases with increased mental and physical stress, stress. Magnesium is lost if vegetables are soaked in water or boiled, without then using infusions and decoctions. Cooking refined food (peeling grain shells, cooking with draining water) leads to a loss of 70-80% of magnesium. And even with a sufficient intake of magnesium from food, its loss, for example, due to alcohol abuse, or the use of diuretics, antibiotics, laxatives, contraceptives and other drugs can cause a pronounced deficiency of this mineral. So, daily consumption of 60 or more grams of pure alcohol leads to the fact that magnesium is lost in the urine 3-5 times more!

Paradox: magnesium is necessary for the muscular work of the body, including for the work of the heart muscle. But taking heart medications, normalizing the current state of the heart muscle, leads to a loss of magnesium - that is, the consumer is "put on pills." Due to magnesium deficiency, tissue cells also lose potassium, and this can cause painful intestinal colic. Infants have increased physical activity, they become extremely susceptible to noise, wake up at the slightest sound, suffer from convulsive disorders.

Magnesium - cattle

The lack of magnesium entails a deficiency of zinc, copper, calcium, potassium, silicon and their further replacement with toxic heavy metals: lead, cadmium, aluminum. Sunflower and pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds are especially rich in magnesium; figs, almonds, beans, lentils, and buckwheat also contain it.

But the usual source of both calcium and magnesium for the people until recently was whole grains.

Now the grain is polished, the flour is bleached, and bread with bran is now sold more expensive than white.

If possible, get bran, say, in the village market. They can be eaten raw - churning with boiling water, insisting, and adding milk. You can bake bread (only not on industrial thermophilic saccharomycetes, but on natural yeast). But everything should be consumed quickly: germs (leaves of cotyledons) of wheat are really useful only for three days, processed oat grain and bran are well preserved for about three months.