Can a full-time student work. Employment of a full-time university student. Hiring a full-time student

Many students in universities not only study, but also work. This is a common practice, especially in summer period. Employers offer temporary or permanent part-time jobs for students. Therefore, both full-time and part-time students can work. What papers should a student bring when applying for a job:

  • identity card or similar document;
  • certificate from the university;
  • medical insurance;
  • labor if available;
  • Pension insurance certificate and TIN (if any).

If this is the first place of employment, then the design of the book is the employer's concern, and the SNILS and TIN are issued by the future employee.

As an option, a student can register with the Employment Center and undergo retraining for another specialty. Details are described in the article at the link.

Full-time student recruitment

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation spells out how to hire a full-time student. Article 59 specifies that the employer has the right to sign a temporary work contract with a full-time student employee. Indeed, most often this type of applicants is not looking for the main employment, but temporary, while they last summer holidays. A student under the age of 18 must work on a reduced schedule. (Article No. 92 of the Labor Legislation).

This is one of the clauses of the labor contract for students and underage employees. A full-time student who is over 18 can send a petition to the supervisor asking for a reduced work week. In addition, the head must give student-students study leave, paid at his expense, for the student to pass the study tests. The length of the vacancy depends on which course the employee is studying and which exams you need to take. (Article 173 of the Labor Code and Article No. 17 of the Federal Law).

At the same time, the employer pays not only holidays, but also half or full price for transportation costs if the educational institution is located in another locality. Half the fare for students in colleges and technical schools, and full fare for students in higher education.

If a full-time student is sent to the enterprise as a trainee, then the contract is drawn up between the head and the university or technical school, college. Exception if the workshop is production. Otherwise, students have the same guarantees and obligations as typical employees.

By the way, details about working under an employment contract are available in this article.

Employment of a part-time student

The procedure for hiring part-time students is similar to the registration of full-time students. But there is a difference if he studies again, gets a second higher education.
If the student has a first education, then all types of security and social guarantees specified in Article 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are provided. If he receives the second, then the head does not give additional days off for passing exams and does not issue monetary compensation for travel expenses.

Student Job Application

This document is not mandatory, it is rather confirmatory. A strict sample is not established by law. The document indicates to whom the document was sent and from whom, below is a statement with a request to accept the number, type and conditions of work for the specified position. Below is the date of compilation, the signature of the candidate and the specialist of the personnel department.

Filling out a work book when hiring a student

The entry in the student's work book should be if this is his main place of work, and he works more than five workdays. (Article No. 65 of the Labor Code). When filling out the column on the education received, it is necessary to rely on a certificate of completion of secondary education and a certificate from the university stating that the employee is still studying at the moment. Therefore, the title page contains data on the completed secondary and incomplete higher education, which are supplemented by data from the diploma after graduation.

The student must provide a certificate from the place of study, a ticket or other documentary evidence that he is studying and will soon receive a diploma. Then everything is filled in the usual way. Full name is indicated. employee, full date of birth, position. Full name of the hiring party, initials of the head, date of enrollment in the state. Signature and visa of the personnel department or manager.

What do you need to know about hiring a student? What list of documents will be required when hiring a student? Pros and cons of hiring a student.

Many students get their first job while studying at the university. For those who have already encountered hiring students, there are no problems with registration, but it will be useful for a person who does this for the first time to learn all the features of the procedure, as well as the pros and cons of using students as a workforce.

The procedure for hiring a student

The formalization of working relations with full-time students is regulated by the Labor Code. Therefore, the conclusion of an employment contract must strictly comply with the laws of the code. Absolutely all the features of the execution and conclusion of the contract are described in detail in chapters 10 and 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

When drawing up a contract with a student, you need to remember that, according to Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he has the right to a part-time work week. And if he has not yet turned eighteen, then, according to Article 92, he cannot work more than 35 hours a week. In this case, the working hours with the student must be agreed in advance. No less important is the fact that a person who is not yet eighteen is forbidden to appoint a probationary period in accordance with Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

According to Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the contract is drawn up in writing, and its content must be drawn up in accordance with Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

There are also personnel nuances that should be taken into account in order not to run into problems from the labor inspectorate when carrying out a scheduled or unscheduled inspection.

Full-time students have the same rights and obligations as regular employees. At the same time, a full-time employee has the right to work part-time. Such a student is hired in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In the event that a student is registered for practice, then the basis for employment is an agreement between the employer and the educational institution. But an employment contract must be concluded only when the practice is production.

Part-time students are issued on the same terms as full-time students. In the event that a part-time student receives education for the first time, he is entitled to all compensation and guarantees, which are listed in Articles 173 and 174 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. And if we are talking about obtaining education of the same level for the second time, then the employer may refuse to provide paid leave for sessions and travel expenses.

List of documents when hiring a student

In order for the employer to correctly register the student, the latter must provide documents such as:

  • passport;
  • a document confirming the completion of training;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • work book, TIN and SNILS if any.

According to the current legislation, at the first employment, the employer draws up a work book for the employee, but he receives the TIN and SNILS himself.

If you need to hire a foreign student receiving education in our country, then for employment you will need a passport and a certificate of education. At the same time, the registration procedure is exactly the same as in the case of your students.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that the registration of students is more complicated, if only because it is not so common and requires studying all the nuances, by accepting such an employee, the employer receives some advantages.

First of all, it is worth saying that after graduating from the university, most likely, the former student will remain working in the same place. In this case, the employer will receive an employee with a higher education.

An equally important advantage, in which employers are very interested, is that a student can be paid less than an employee occupying the same position, but with a higher education.

The disadvantages include the fact that the student may be required to work part-time. In addition, he must be released at the session, while study leave cannot be combined with the main one. Consequently, the student will work less than everyone else, but his vacation according to the law must be paid in the same way as the rest of the employees. At the same time, the duration of the vacation directly depends on which course the employee is studying. The smallest vacation is required for first-year students, and the longest is needed for graduate students - it can be four months.

The disadvantage of using students as workers is that they have no experience. And this means that they will study and work right at their workplace. Therefore, at first, it is naive to expect a quick and high-quality performance of duties. In addition, since we are talking about young people, there is a high risk that the student will quit work even before they learn how to do it well.

Attached files

  • Regulations on industrial practice (form).doc
  • Characteristics of the student passing industrial practice in the organization (form).doc

Available only to subscribers

  • Regulations on industrial practice (sample).doc
  • Characteristics of a student undergoing an internship in an organization (sample).doc
  • Order on granting additional leave while maintaining average earnings (study leave) (sample).doc

Is it possible to hire a full-time student who is a full-time student? What documents are required to apply for a new employee?

Question: What are the features when hiring full-time students under a contract? For how long can they be involved, under what contract, what documents should they provide?

Answer: As a general rule, apply for a job of a student who is 18 years old possible in the usual way. There are no restrictions for this category of workers. They can set normal working hours.

The legislation does not establish restrictions on the ability of a student to work during study hours. At the request of an adult student and with the consent of the employer, an employee can be established an incomplete work time or flexible working hours (Art. 93, Part 1, Art. 102 of the Labor Code). If you hire a minor student, then set a reduced working time - no more than half the norm for employees of the appropriate age (part 2 of article 92 of the Labor Code). Thus, an employer can take on a full-time student who combines work with study.

If the employer has vacancies that students can fill, they are hired in a general manner. That is, then employment contracts are concluded with students. If they have not worked anywhere before, they issue work books and insurance pension certificates for them. In this case, the norms and guarantees of labor legislation apply to students. Such conclusions follow from paragraphs 15-18 of the regulation approved by , and paragraph 15 of the regulation approved by .

An employment contract with students can be concluded for an indefinite or fixed-term an agreement, as with persons studying full-time education (paragraph 9, part 2, article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When applying for a job, a future employee must present:

passport or other document that proves your identity. For example, a minor employee who has not reached the age of 14 can show a birth certificate, and a citizen permanently residing abroad has the right to present a foreign passport;

employment history. Only part-time workers or those who getting a job for the first time, last you must issue a work book yourself and make the first entries in it;

insurance certificate of state pension insurance (SNILS), of course, if it has already been received at another job. A if not, then get it for the employee;

clause 18 of the regulation, approved);

a document on education, qualifications or the availability of special knowledge. It is mandatory if such requirements are imposed on the specialist holding the position.. For example, a pharmacist needs a valid specialist certificate to work;

Art. 331 TK).

You can learn more about this by clicking on the link:


How to register a student for an educational or industrial practice

The procedure for registering interns as a whole does not differ from the general procedure for hiring. But there are some peculiarities. It is not always necessary to draw up an employment contract, in some cases it will be replaced by the GPA, and sometimes it is not needed.

The practice of university students is an integral part of the program of higher professional education. Practice is educational, industrial and undergraduate. Often students are sent to enterprises, where they receive the necessary skills and experience. The duration of the practice is set by the university. This follows from paragraphs,, and the provision approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated November 27, 2015 No. 1383.

Which contract to conclude with an intern depends on several factors:

how the student got an internship with the employer - under an agreement with his educational institution, or he was attracted directly;

what labor function will the trainee perform, or will he only be shown production and taught the necessary skills;

whether the employer has vacancies or accepts an intern even when the staff is fully staffed.

Let's look at each of these cases.

The employer has an agreement with the university where the trainee is studying

Usually, universities conclude special agreements with employers on the practice of students. Under such an agreement, enterprises are required to accept interns educational institutions that have state accreditation. In this case, the presence of vacancies does not matter. This procedure follows from paragraph 11 of the regulation approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of November 27, 2015 No. 1383.

If the employer has vacancies that trainees can fill, they are hired in the general manner. That is, then employment contracts are concluded with students. If they have not worked anywhere before, they issue work books and insurance pension certificates for them. In this case, the norms and guarantees of labor legislation apply to students. Such conclusions follow from paragraphs 15-18 of the regulation approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of November 27, 2015 No. 1383, and paragraph 15 of the regulation approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of April 18, 2013 No. 291.

An employment contract with students can be concluded only for the duration of practice or indefinitely.

Before starting the practice, some students are required to undergo a preliminary medical examination. If an organization allows a student to work without a medical examination, it faces a fine of 110,000 to 130,000 rubles, and a manager - from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles. (). You need to undergo a medical examination if:

work will be associated with harmful and dangerous working conditions (clause 20 of the Regulations, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of November 27, 2015 No. 1383);

trainee under 18 years of age (st. and TC).

The rules for sending trainees for a medical examination are established in the Procedure approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of April 12, 2011 No. 302n.

How to apply for an employee to work

To hire an employee, get from him the documents that are necessary for personnel records. Then conclude an employment contract, issue an employment order, issue a personal card and make an entry in the work book. How to act at each stage - in the recommendation.

How to register a new employee

To apply for a new employee, first of all, receive from him all the necessary documents, including a pension certificate.

Once the working conditions are agreed, write them down in the employment contract. Sign it in duplicate - one for the employee, the other for the organization. This must be done no later than three days from the moment the person starts work.

When the contract is signed, you need to issue an order from the head to include a new employee in the staff.

insurance certificate of state pension insurance (SNILS), of course, if it has already been received at another job. And if not, then get it for the employee;

military records. For those liable for military service - a military ID or a temporary certificate instead of it, and for conscripts - a registration certificate (clause 18 of the regulation approved by Government Decree No. 719 of November 27, 2006);

a document on education, qualifications or the availability of special knowledge. It is mandatory if such requirements are imposed on the specialist holding the position. For example, a pharmacist needs a valid specialist certificate to work;

certificate of the presence or absence of a criminal record or criminal prosecution. This document is mandatory only when it is impossible to allow convicted and suspected of crimes to work. And this is directly established by law. For example, such a condition is established for teachers (Article 331 of the Labor Code).

Such a mandatory minimum of documents that the applicant must submit when applying for a job is prescribed in the Labor Code.

Other documents can be required only if it is expressly provided for by law. For example, if an organization hires an employee with harmful or dangerous working conditions, he must submit an appropriate conclusion based on the results of a preliminary medical examination. The conclusion must be signed by the doctor and certified by the seal of the medical institution ().

Additional documents are also Foreign citizens depending on their status. So, temporarily residing foreigners additionally present a temporary residence permit, and permanent residents of Article 327.3 of the Labor Code.

Make copies of the submitted documents and keep them, for example, in the employee's personal file. You can also keep an employment contract, an employment order and all subsequent orders that relate to an employee there. Keep the work book as a strict reporting form with special precautions.

Is it possible to hire a full-time student who is a full-time student

The legislation does not establish restrictions on the ability of a student to work during study hours. At the request of an adult student and with the consent of the employer, the employee can be assigned part-time or flexible working hours (part 1, article 102 of the Labor Code). If you hire a minor student, then set a reduced working time - no more than half the norm for employees of the appropriate age (part 2 of article 92 of the Labor Code). Thus, an employer can take on a full-time student who combines work with study.

From the answer "What citizens can be hired"

Answered by Alexander Sorokin,

Deputy Head of the Operational Control Department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

“CCP should be used only in cases where the seller provides the buyer, including its employees, with a deferral or installment plan for paying for their goods, works, services. It is these cases, according to the Federal Tax Service, that relate to the provision and repayment of a loan to pay for goods, work, and services. If an organization issues a cash loan, receives a return of such a loan, or itself receives and repays a loan, do not use the cash desk. When exactly you need to punch a check, look at

The first month of school is coming to an end. Relaxed during the two vacation months, young people began to get used to a busy schedule, life began to boil in institutes and universities. True, many young people did not manage to relax in a normal way over the summer. After all, according to statistics, more than 50% of former and current students have combined and combine their studies at the university with work. Is it good or bad?

As you know, too active guys who get a job almost from the first semester are usually strongly disliked by professors and teachers. Like, he entered the institute - if you please, get knowledge. And if you want to earn money, transfer to an account. But, oddly enough, guys who, due to a busy work schedule, are forced to skip lectures and master the program on their own, sometimes absorb new things with much greater pleasure and even close the session faster than those who are only busy with university affairs. Paradox? But it’s not: work teaches you to be independent, use your time efficiently and just have an adult outlook on life. This was proved by a study that was recently published by the All-Russian Center for the Study public opinion(VTsIOM), Komsomolskaya Pravda reports.

As it turned out, over the past 15-20 years, the attitude of adults to the fact that smart students have time here and there has changed a lot. It is understandable: no distribution has existed for a long time. And finding a job after the fifth year, if you don’t have at least a minimum work experience in your specialty, is almost unrealistic. Even with a red diploma.

School students are not paid

Contrary to popular belief, studying full-time and working at the same time is not as convenient and profitable as it seems at first glance! Firstly, study holidays last almost two to three times less than those provided to correspondence students and evening students. Compare: part-time students, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, can carelessly prepare for a session for forty or even fifty (in the last courses) days. And the diaries are given such a vacation only for fifteen. And besides, these "holidays" are not paid!

Secondly, not four, like an ordinary correspondence student, but only three months, you can ask your boss to prepare and defend a diploma. Or take a vacation at your own expense for a month in order to come to the state exams fully armed.

Thirdly, when the whole country and all ordinary clerks celebrate the New Year holidays for more than a week, the full-time student is busy giving up the winter session. And during the holidays he relaxes, because he only has to work!

And fourthly: in the summer, when most of the employees either leave or return from vacations, a full-time student works at full strength. Because in the absence of colleagues, you can prove yourself perfectly, having coped with their work with a bang.

What College Students Should Do

If you entered not an institute, but a full-time department of a college, technical school or college, you can also count on some benefits.

For example, you have every right to ask your boss to provide you study leave. Of course, unpaid. True, you will be allowed to prepare for the session only 10 days, for state exams - exactly a month, for the defense thesis- two.

Combining a session with a work rush is difficult, but necessary. To get legal study leave for the period of passing exams, you must at least study well.

What are the benefits for working students?

1. Is it possible to study at two faculties or at two universities at once?

Yes. Federal law "On higher and postgraduate vocational education"(dated August 22, 1996 125-FZ) does not prohibit this. But you will receive the guarantees and compensations required by law (see below) only once.

2. Are there any benefits for working students?

Yes. An employee who combines study at a correspondence or evening department with work can, at his request, be given an abbreviated work week. During the period of release from work, 50 percent of the average salary is due, but not less than the minimum wage.

3. Should the university provide textbooks for part-time students and evening students?

Yes. Students of state universities, regardless of the form of education, have the right to use libraries and information funds free of charge, that is, they can count on full provision with all types of teaching aids(Clause 5, Article 16 of the Federal Law).

4. What should I do if my boss or work rush at work does not allow me to pass exams on time?

You shake this problem at the university. Usually such cases are considered by the deputy dean for academic work. And if you are in good standing, then you will almost certainly meet halfway and find a compromise solution. If not, you will most likely earn disciplinary action for not showing up for your exam on time.

5. How long is the study leave?

In accordance with the Labor Code, university students who combine study with work are entitled to study leave. At the same time, the student employee retains his average salary.

But to get a vacation, you need:

  • successfully study (that is, have no debts) at the correspondence or evening department;
  • it must be the first higher education;
  • educational institution must be state accredited.

As for the duration of the vacation, then:

  • for passing exams at the 1st and 2nd courses - 40 each calendar days during the entire period of study on each course;
  • on the third and each of the subsequent courses - 50 calendar days;
  • for the preparation, defense of the thesis and passing the final state exams - 4 months;
  • for passing only the final state exams - 1 month.

The employer is obliged to provide leave to both the employee-applicant and the student preparatory departments– 15 calendar days. True, unpaid.

6. Is it possible to transfer a session?

Only contract servicemen have the right to do so. In other cases - at the discretion of the university. Many educational establishments give the opportunity to take exams ahead of schedule, for academic excellence, as well as non-resident students-part-time students.

7. What can they deduct for?

  • for failure;
  • for violation of discipline (for example, if during the year he received 3 reprimands);
  • if you study at a paid department - for non-payment;
  • for appearing at the university in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;
  • for committing immoral acts (rudeness towards teachers, a fight, etc.).

It is not allowed to expel students during their illness, holidays, academic leave or maternity leave.

If a student believes they have been unfairly kicked out, they can appeal this decision:

  • at the rector of the university;
  • apply to the state agency in charge of the university;
  • in a court.

8. Can a second higher education be free?

No. An exception is only for military personnel transferred to the reserve after 15 years of service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff activities.

Only a few students can afford to study and do nothing else. The rest have to somehow survive: to earn for themselves, if not for food, then at least for a little bit of entertainment. But how do you balance work and study? Where to find time and energy for both vital areas?

A working student is a god!

If a student works, this automatically increases his prestige in the eyes of not only himself, but also in the eyes of his friends and relatives.

Moreover, work gives such a young man not only financial support, but also experience (of course, if he got a job in his specialty). So when graduating from the university, such a valuable staff will already have something to brag to employers. In addition, he will already have a significant advantage over competitors: youth and enthusiasm, experience and higher education.

However, even if you work during your studies not at all in your specialty, this gives you the same experience, but in a different area. If later, after receiving a diploma, you cannot find a job in your specialty, you can go to where you have already worked.

Disadvantages of working while studying

Any work is, of course, good. Even if it is a remote work for students at home. But even here there is a fly in the ointment.

Paying attention (albeit very little) to some other area besides studying takes time, which means it takes away knowledge.

Even if the job gives you a stable and very large income, it will deprive you of something more: knowledge, skills, abilities that can only be obtained at a university.

We do not forget about one very important component of a student's life: when you study at the university, entertainment is vital for you. Only having experienced this stage of your life like everyone else, you will not regret it in old age. And combining work with study makes us sacrifice this precious time.

So how to be? Working is good, not working is also good. Or it’s the other way around: if you work, it’s bad, if you don’t work, it’s also bad.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with those types of work that will minimally distract you from your studies, and most likely will bring more benefits than the usual part-time job as a waiter for the summer, courier or accounting activities during your studies.

By the way! For our readers there is now a 10% discount on any kind of work

The best job for students that does not interfere with their studies

So, if working from home for students is starting to get in the way of your studies, take a look at the following list of the best jobs.

Work at the department of your own university

A laboratory assistant, a programmer, a secretary, a curator - you can get a job with anyone you like, as long as they arrange it. First, it oh-how helps study. Secondly, you will have concessions, because teachers are well aware of how hard it is to study and work at the same time, especially to work at a university.

Temporary almost purely physical work

Couriers, loaders, waiters - all those activities that students usually get a part-time job in the summer are also suitable. True, you need to choose those places that you can go to not at a fixed time, but in your free time from study.

Also try to choose places to work that are close to home or university.

Work in the specialty

Here you will have to be patient. Get ready: working and studying at the same time will be very hard, but it's worth it. And we have already listed all the advantages of this state of affairs above: entry into the labor force even before graduation, experience, acquaintance with the team of a new, possibly permanent place of work.

One time job

By the way, one-time earnings are much higher than regular ones. The only disadvantage of this type of making money is that it is inconsistent, irregular. Today you can be attacked by 50 orders, and tomorrow there will be none.

Today, large companies constantly arrange exhibitions, events, promotions, tastings. And they need promotional staff. For a full-time employee, this work is too irregular, but for a student it is just right.

Work and personal problems

Many students come to universities from other cities, which is why they have a lot of their own problems: no housing, not enough food, and so on.

IN major cities a lot of opportunities to get a job that will not only be paid financially, but also solve some of these problems. For example, many restaurants feed their waiters for free. There are also firms that pay for a rented apartment (at least partially) for their employees.

Work and study at the same time

Night watchmen, watchmen, duty officers - all these working specialties will allow you not only to receive your own earnings, but also to study right at the workplace.

Do not hesitate to get a job - the sooner you understand how and why money is earned, how painstaking and complex the process is, how everything works in this world, the easier it will be for you when you get a diploma.

As a bonus, the service for students offers not to puzzle over how to devote time to writing tests during work and study, but to order the writing of study papers from those who will do everything 5+.