What is the Oxford test for? "Oxford Aptitude Test" or how we are made to doubt our ability to communicate and find a common language with other people. Other Ways to Check the Reliability of a Test Method

High, compared to the rest, G:
Conditional self-control "thanks" to a strict upbringing in an atmosphere where the person is not supposed to show any kind of emotion or express his opinion.
D is higher than others:
Struggling with life and doing almost nothing but that. The real social position allows you to disguise yourself well and wear the mask "nothing can happen to me."
E is higher than F:
A person does more than he could do without straining. D, E, F, located in one line, show that a person keeps his activity within the limits of his capabilities.
F is higher than E:
Doesn't do what it could.
I above the rest:
A man with a very soft heart. It's easier to call it "sucker".
C&D Syndromes
A, B and C are low:
Neurotic. Weighed down by past losses. Often indicates abandonment in childhood.
1. Ups & Downs. 2. Introspection.
A low, E high:
Low A, B and C, high E:
A person who may be suicidal.
Low A and J:
If the remainder of the graph is acceptable, this shows that the person is in a 1.1 environment that suppresses him and makes it impossible to communicate, because this will be distorted and used against him.
personal integrity.
A, C and G low, F high:
Explosive discontent. Very temperamental.
A high, H low:
High A, Medium D:
Individual calculation on stable data, rather than on personal certainty. Here is "Intellectual Understanding". Most students will think up data if it doesn't work for them.
B and G low, F high:
Feelings of inferiority.
B high, D low:
Prone to manic mad fun.
F1 G3-4
You are irresponsible in life and work. You blame others for your problems, and do not take into account the fact that you yourself bear some responsibility for what happened or will happen. the fact that you are capable enough and open man, but also irresponsible, says that you are able to do something without considering the consequences. This is a very dangerous position and you will be in trouble if you haven't already.
personal integrity.
G1 F3-4
You are not a very capable and open person. You are almost incapable of perceiving people and situations correctly. Although you consider yourself as a rather responsible and causal person, this is not entirely true. In some non-standard situations You take responsibility, but since you prefer to carefully monitor what you do, you run into difficulties. But the better you watch your steps, the easier it is for you to overcome difficulties.
H1 I3-4
You are incapable of being empathetic because you cannot put yourself in the place of another and therefore understand his views on things and situations. because of this, you are not as good as you would like. You are trying to be frank, but only superficially. In fact, the lack of understanding is very bad, and you only pretend to see it. good side.
I1 H3-4
You are extremely critical. You attack with words and put pressure on the psyche, and vilely and with anger. You think that you can see from the point of view and position of other people, but in reality this is only a pretense, since you really see only the bad sides in other people and in your environment. Perhaps you are a rather tough person.
ups & downs.
Syndrome Sections C
You have an unbalanced character, and you are too impulsive and scattered. You are not able to concentrate your attention, which either wanders somewhere or is forced to be fixed. You falsely see yourself as a completely dependent person, but such dependence and confidence is based on hypnotic decisions, judgments and opinions that you can neither control nor change.
E1 D3-4
You are independent, but only to some extent self-confident. You really have not decided for yourself what you need and what not, and besides, you are very active. However, not all of your actions are under your control, since you do not know what you want to achieve with your activities. You understand that doing something is much better than doing nothing, but working in vain (without any purpose) is unpleasant for you.
E1 F3-4
You are a reserved person and are afraid to face the management of people and situations where not everything is clear. This creates a lot of trouble for you. The fact that you are active, and sometimes obsessed, shows that you are doing things that are really beyond your capabilities. The result will be a lot of trouble in the future.
F1 E3-4
You are not very active. You find it difficult to solve problems on the go and continue them once you start. but you are a very capable and open person, and you can manage both people and situations. You, because of your great laziness, do not go for everything that you are really capable of doing and bury your talents.
Because you have some problems concentrating and you are impulsive and unbalanced, you do not happy man or feel like it. Your unreliability, treachery and the fact that you do not appreciate the trust placed in you upset those around you. Therefore, your enthusiasm and interest in life is greatly reduced.
B1 C3-4
It is easy for you to keep your composure and relax, which does not allow you to feel as happy as usual. Your habit of being nervous reduces your enthusiasm and lowers your zest for life more than you realize. You are too easily agitated and annoyed, this does not allow you to maintain an optimistic mood. With such an impact on you, your strength of mind drops.
You are unbalanced and scattered. You have almost no control over your attention, which either wanders somewhere or is occupied with some one problem. because of this, you are not as calm as you would like to be thought of. Your calmness is that external gloss for which you are trying to hide your instability and insecurity.
C1 B3-4
You are not completely satisfied with life. This makes you much more nervous than you think. Your problems and difficulties, which are the sources of your depression, lead to internal frustration, which you are desperately trying to hide with the help of an external manifestation of calmness and serenity. Your efforts to exercise your composure falter quickly if they don't lead to problem solving.
90 G, +90 I ? Martyr or suffering from a persecution complex. The person is most likely lying.
Two traits can be marked with a wavy line (trait B and E), this is explained in the test scoring chapter. On trait B, Happiness, put a wavy line if question #197 (Do you have periods of depression and sadness for no apparent reason?) was answered "YES". Also, if question #22 (Do you have periods of increased activity for several days in a row?) was answered "YES", trait E, Activity, is surrounded by a wavy line. The circled traits show the person's corresponding manik, and the correct cards must be drawn (Manik B or Manik E).
Syndrome Section B
A1 B3-4
You are depressed and unhappy, look at life from a pessimistic point of view. There are too many problems and difficulties for you to manage. This causes poverty in your judgment and distrust, and activates your ability to concentrate, although you consider this to be one of your best characteristics. Your family and friends find it difficult to communicate with you because of this.
A1 C3-4
You are a nervous and very excited person. Your worries and worries have a bad effect not only on others, but also on yourself. Your inability to relax and a constant state of nervousness lead to imbalance, reduce your ability to concentrate. This affects the stinginess of your judgments and leads to inconstancy in decisions, although you look at it as if you are fair enough in these matters.
C, H low - "Ups and downs". Auditing is contraindicated.
A, B, C low - 1. "Ups..." 2. "Introspection".
A low, E high - "Introspection".
A and J low - "Personal integrity".
D low, J high - Auditing.
B and G low, F high - Auditing.
A1 C3-4 - Auditing.
B1 A3-4 - Auditing.
B1 C3-4 - Auditing.
C1 A3-4 - "Introspection".
C1 B3-4 - Auditing.
D1 A3-4 - "Introspection".
F1 G3-4 - "Personal integrity".
I1 H3-4 - "Ups and downs".
G is higher than all the rest - "Introspection".
E above F - Auditing.
NB! Question #22 "+" - Manik E.
Question #197 "+" - Manik B.

Has it ever happened to you that an outwardly attractive candidate comes to an interview, competently says the right things, behaves confidently enough and you hire him ... During the trial period, he shows himself on the positive side and you enroll him in the state, and after a month - he is different suddenly, becomes inert, begins to make mistakes, and so that he completes instructions in a timely manner, his systematically do you have to push, push and remind him?

Then you know what outer shell and inner world human is not the same. Alas, most of us do not know how to read other people's thoughts and know what is going on in the minds of those who come to interviews. And many will be able to tolerate their laziness or some hidden manifestations during the probationary period.

So, having stumbled several times on such candidates and experiencing a slight misunderstanding of why this is happening, you stop believing people and already every such candidate causes doubt and suspicion in you. Isn't it?... Maybe not. But for the majority of personnel officers with whom we have to work, this leads to the fact that a normal, adequate person comes to the interview, with whom the personnel officer begins to behave incredulously, which causes suspicion in the candidate and, as a result, such a person himself refuses to work in this company. Have you ever had this?...

And what to do in such situations? Is there a way out? Yes, I have! This is a candidate test.

We do not hide the fact that we use a test based on the Oxford Personality Analysis Test, which is actively used in L. Ron Hubbard's organizations. But we use a secular commercial version of the test, developed by the American company Mastertech Computer Products International, Inc. And since the Oxford test is widely known and popular in the world, we use its name so that people have more reality about what is at stake. Unlike the original, the commercial version contains exclusively questions related to business qualities tested candidate.

And so, here is an example of three different tests:

Test 1:

Test 2:

Test 3:

The best test is test number 3. It was completed by a woman at the age of 42, whom we hired as the head of human resources in a large climate company, where she successfully completed a probationary period of 6 months and is still working there, maintaining a good relationship with us.

The person who completed test #1 is the most problematic. The person who completed test #2 is also problematic, but his test is better than #1.

And so, 3 people came, all well dressed, smiling, communicating in approximately the same way, etc., but at the exit 2 of them are problematic and only 1 is quite productive.

If you do not use testing when selecting candidates as an additional tool for assessing the quality of people, then you will constantly run into those who will create more problems for you than help you.

There are no perfect people! But there are people who can help achieve the goals set, and there are people who will take away part of the energy of the team and greatly slow it down. What do you need?...

We now do not have the task of explaining in detail the essence of each of the above graphs. If you are interested in this service, you can contact us and we will give you more reality about the testing technology we use.

And if you are interested in our service for testing your candidates or already working employees, then it is worth 1 500 rub. for one person.

If someone signs a contract with us for the “HR support” service, then, in addition to other services on personnel matters, it also includes testing of up to 30 candidates per month. Also testing service can be purchased in packages - 10,000 rubles. for 10 people.

Prices are excluding VAT 18%. Payment is possible, both according to the usual tax scheme, and according to the simplified one.

As an additional free Bonus, together with the Personality Analysis test, we offer an additional Professional Suitability Test, which you can learn more about by contacting us.

The article will focus on the OCA test - the Oxford personality assessment test: where you can take it, whether there are “correct” answers in it, and how to decipher the graph with the indicators of this test for the psychological state of a person. And of course, you can immediately contact our organization to get a professional transcript of the results.

For more than 60 years, this test has been successfully used to help people solve their personal problems and determine the best route for self-improvement. Thanks to accurate diagnostics (200 questions are used), many people continue to receive serious success.

Indeed, exactly personal qualities first of all, they determine the level of not only well-being, but also the happiness of a person as a whole. Therefore, at least to broaden our horizons, each of us must imagine what it is and be able to receive such a service for very little money, or even for free.

What does the OCA Test actually show?

The graph reflects an examination of the set of solutions that a person has developed in order to solve problems in life.

An interesting point with the solutions is that they work when when applied to a problem they are supposed to solve. If a person tries to apply to a problem for which it is not suitable, such a solution will become part of the problem.

For example, you are playing basketball. Then you play hockey. And after that, maybe you decided to play beach volleyball. No problem. But what if you didn't take off your basketball uniform before putting on your hockey protection and then just put on beach shorts over everything? See how much we carry around with us and how it negatively affects the games we play?

The dentist is very good at finding what can be fixed in the patient's mouth. Find the hole and fix it. Find another hole and fix it. Years later, this person becomes very good at finding something wrong and fixing it.

But he fails to notice that such a "solution" drives his employees and his family members crazy, because he applies it to them too. He had long ceased to pay attention to what was RIGHT in his employees, his wife and children.

This set of “solutions” forms the personality. They are the results of a person's trial and error, and they taught him to behave the way he behaves - these are the rules of his universe.

How can a person help the opportunity to see himself from the outside?

In fact, it begins to act on the basis of the "stimulus-response" mechanism. Man becomes a button mechanism, and his environment begins to press his buttons. He lives his life within boundaries that he dares not violate, and beyond which lies something that makes him wince.

These winces are nothing more than remnants of an experience he had that he doesn't want to have again. These are his buttons.

After years of "learning" using his buttons, he finds himself in the middle of a comfort zone he has created himself. He sacrificed his knowledge, intellect, and true ability in favor of the comfort pod.

The test allows you to see this capsule. This test also allows you to predict what actions a person needs to take in order to reverse the process and restore their true potential.

Test does not allow understand whether a person has the knowledge and experience necessary to perform a particular job. The graph does not reflect a person's favorite color or their concept of an ideal husband or wife. The schedule touches the very BASICS.

The test allows you to see how a person is actually coping with the events of their life. It allows you to see whether a person creates his life, or life creates him. It shows you an "emotional footprint" and describes the person's comfort zone and how they deal with the challenge of life.

Overview of the graph with the results of the Oxford Personality Analysis Test

There is a lot to be said about this personality analysis test. But let's start with a definition:

Word "Personality" (" Personality”) goes back to Latin word persona: The character of the play; actor's mask, person ("Concise Oxford Dictionary").

The columns that we will look at when evaluating the test reflect the basic parameters of a person's states and the basic abilities that a person needs in order to act in a survival manner. Each of the columns will be described below.

These characteristics can be grouped as follows:



Graph Reliability






The first group has to do with Personality. It reflects Attention, Emotion and Balance. All of them are related to the person himself.

The characteristic "Confidence" reflects the duration of the chart. Does the person trust their own decisions, or jump from one decision to another like a frog on a hot plate?

The second group refers to the Environment - the universe surrounding the Personality, which is described by the first three characteristics. The characteristics of the second group indicate the level and nature of the competence with which the Personality manifests itself in the world.

The third group of characteristics reflects how a person creates personal and relationships.

When we talk about individual characteristics, we often refer to them by the letters that appear next to the name of the corresponding characteristic. This corresponds to the sequence in which the characteristics are presented on the graph. The assessor can be heard saying, "She had a very high D, a lower E, and a perfect H. She's the perfect candidate for this position!"

Each column reflects a specific primary parameter. When we look at the combination of characteristics, we see the character of the individual.

Please note that it is not enough to consider each column individually to score the test correctly: it is very important to consider them as a whole. The following are general concepts for each of the characteristics.

A - Attention; FOCUS: Ability to direct attention for long (high A) or short (low A) periods of time

B - Happiness; FOCUS ON WHAT?: Solutions or Problems? Is this person goal oriented?

C - Composure; BALANCE: Can this person maintain composure in a difficult situation? Is he confident?


D - Confidence; CONFIDENCE: (Determination or hesitation?)

Category 2: Environment, Activity, DO

E - Activity; ENERGY: Is he active or lazy?

F - Persistence; DRIVING FORCE: Strength, intention.

G - Responsibility; BEING CAUSE: Endurance or Vulnerability?

Category 3: Other people, Results, HAVE

H - Validity of assessment; CONFRONT: Independent thinking or the influence of other people?

I - Empathy; DISTANCE: Warmth or coolness in relationships, ability to listen or ignore.

J - Communication; SIGNIFICANCE: Chatterbox or observer.

Psychotype test - reading the picture as a whole

The Personal Matrix Profile shows us the results of ten different tests in one graph, and looking solely at the values ​​of individual characteristics will invariably lead to a misunderstanding of the entire graph.

Therefore, you should be careful when you show a person his graph - he invariably comes to the wrong conclusions. The true picture is visible from the combination of characteristic values.

As appraisers, we are not interested in the brush strokes of the painting, but in the effect of the painting. When we want to improve a case or train a person to work in a particular area, we look at individual characteristics.

IN GENERAL, the higher the value of a particular characteristic, the greater the ability associated with this characteristic, the person shows.

The lower the value of the characteristic on the scale, the bigger problem becomes this characteristic, and the greater the negative effect that such a characteristic has on the whole picture.

For example, a very high (+30) Accuracy rating tells us that we have an excellent ability to be present and face what is happening. A low H (-50) tells us that a person's opinion is influenced by other people, and he is constantly guided by the past when judging what is right and what is wrong.

This, in turn, leads to this person constantly re-creating his own past, because he constantly places it in the present moment. Therefore, it suffers from fixed states for which there is no obvious solution.

Is it possible to improve the characteristics of a person's personality test

Taken individually, the ten columns can be considered as individual wheel spokes. Together they form a "matrix" that reflects the predictable type of behavior.

Personality can change. "Better" or "worse" are terms we'll leave to the critics. We are interested in whether the person is helpful or destructive in a particular context.

For example, a person shows an inability to stick to one decision. This is good for an actor or designer as they can change their minds quickly and are creative people. They can easily accept new ideas and show spontaneity.

However, an incumbent who constantly changes his mind can destroy a company in record time.

A person with a low Empathy score is difficult to get along with, but can be an excellent debt collector.

It must always be remembered that any characteristic can be improved through training. Therefore, you do not need to think that the cards that you received at the beginning of the game will remain with you forever.

Very high schedule

Sometimes we come across graphs in which the values ​​of all characteristics are at the top. Such a chart is either an incredibly good sign or a terrible sign. There is NO “in-between” here.

In order to understand whether a schedule is great or bad, you need to look at how productive this person is. Evidence of performance - or lack of it - will be evident. Performance will be either high or zero.

We call this terrible state “peace and quiet”. The person is incapable of living in the real world and lives in a fantasy land, and honestly believes everything he says, despite the fact that none of this can be verified.

A person with such a "terrible" schedule can bring. He will not even know that he is the cause of them. This is a completely compulsive person who, without receiving therapy, will fizzle out and eventually have a nervous breakdown.

It's sad, but such people do not seek help, because their problems are "other people's problems." These rose-colored people are unable to see for themselves how they behave.

Such graphs are not common, but it is better to know about them. When such people go through auditing programs, their schedules skyrocket.

When the best becomes the enemy of the good and why it happens

When we say that some characteristic is "compulsive", we mean that there is something that this person should do. A person does not have a solution that has an analytical nature.

The values ​​of compulsive characteristics are higher than the value of the CONFIDENCE characteristic, with a Confidence value of +32 or higher. Thus, if Attention is at plus 80, then it is compulsive if Confidence is at 60.

Compulsive characteristics are interesting from the point of view that they work without the person himself realizing it. In other words, they are indicators of “now I have to do this” behavior that worked for the person in the past, but is currently continuing at an unanalyzed level.

This model still "works" for humans, but on an automatic level. It may not work at all, but the person does not know about it and continues to automatically show compulsion.

A person who talks all the time and never listens is compulsive in this area and will never even think about the fact that people don't like to start a conversation with him. The compulsion is meant to solve a problem from his past, but he does not recognize that it is creating problems for him in the present.

Another aspect of the compulsive characteristic is that it turns OFF like a bathroom faucet when the person reaches the limit of their tolerance level.

How you can really improve your mental health test

For example, a person with compulsive C - Composure - self-poise and presence exactly until he gets a nervous breakdown, which can last 30 seconds, ten minutes or a year - depending on what marks the rest of the characteristics on his chart are at.

One such person I knew snapped right in the middle of a meeting that was being held in the presence of four other people. This woman just fell apart emotionally, got up and left the room. Everyone was worried about this fact, but I saw her schedule and assured them that she would be back in a few minutes looking happy. And so it happened.

These people looked at me like I was an Indian sage and I had a towel wrapped around my head, but I knew this was going to happen and I used this event to sell them a recruitment program using the OCA Test.

Their recruitment problems were solved. (We also dealt with the compulsive characterization of this lady, but that's another story!).

As for correction, when a person with a compulsive characteristic enters an effective personality auditing program, his formerly compulsive characteristic will drop to its present level. It will be at a lower mark, but the person will feel a greater "connection" with this zone and feel more relieved.

Analytical Thinking Ceiling in Test Scores

The characteristic "Confidence" reflects the "ceiling analytical thinking» on the chart. A person will be aware of their behavior patterns below the Confidence mark on the graph, and will not necessarily be aware of how they behave in characteristics above D (until they are pointed out).

We don't really care when one or more stats are above the Confidence mark. Activity and Perseverance, for example, are often higher than Confidence in travelers and test pilots. These people discover new lands as part of their activities and live outside their comfort zone.


And to pass the OCA test in our Scientology organization "MAYAK" - the Oxford personality assessment test and get a transcript of the graph with the indicators of this test for the psychological state of a person.

Of course, it is no secret at all that the OCA Test was originally designed to determine the most optimal auditing program. Thanks to this procedure, a person restores his original level of vital energy and becomes really happy.

This technology for the restoration of human abilities was not casually published on a special date on May 9, 1950. Dianetics Book: modern science Mental Health” was published on the 5th anniversary of the Great Victory of our People over fascism.

The book contains a specific description of the auditing technology that you yourself can apply with your partner. Therefore, do not forget to download this book - an amazing adventure awaits you!

Be happy! J

This is the most valuable and professionally designed test. It is rightfully considered the most respected among specialists and most accurately and fully characterizes personality traits.

This test is a modern, scientific fortune telling. The test speaks about the past, present and future. This test is not psychological. The essence of the test is to apply it to explain the past and avoid difficulties in the future. When it comes to predictions, people have many prejudices. The popularity of astrology today far surpasses that of psychology, although psychology is the brainchild of astrology. And this is because astrology pretends to predict the future. Here, with the help of the test results, one can say with great certainty what the future of a person will be. Will the future of man be measured by all the catastrophes of the past, or will this exact scientific testing help to attract the interest of all people in their destiny.

10 main Characteristics presented in the test:


Shows your level of confidence in what you are doing, the ability to concentrate and plan, organize your actions, as well as the level of self-control and how you react to the environment.


It shows how satisfied you are with life, your level of optimism and well-being in various life situations - in relation to yourself and to others.


Shows the level of your self-control, the ability to control your behavior, voice and thoughts.


Shows your level of confidence in your actions, life principles, values, as well as how confident you are in what you know.


Measures the level of activity and initiative, readiness to take responsibility and perform this work.


Shows your level of conviction and determination in what you do, the degree of assertiveness and faith in your strengths and abilities.


Shows the degree of responsibility for their actions, objectivity, openness, correctness of judgments.


Shows constructiveness in evaluating events, the ability to rationalize what is happening, the level of critical attitude towards events and people.


Shows friendliness, ability to get along with people, truthfulness and consideration towards others.


Shows the level of your communication skills, the ability to establish friendships, as well as the ability to express your point of view and feelings.

Test yourself and test your loved ones. This will to some extent indicate to you your own strengths and weak sides character, and perhaps encourage you to make changes in order to improve your future and the future of those close to you.


Don't stay too long on one question. Answer it as soon as you understand it and move on to the next one. When the answer is different, depending on whether you are considering the past or the present, answer in relation to the present.

Definition 1

The Oxford Personality Analysis Test is a test that asks you to answer questions about yourself.

Test characteristic

This test is considered to be an effective method for studying personality parameters in a person. It is unique in its own way, covering various areas spheres of life. It is an extensive complex used tools and techniques that help to analyze in depth mental processes, the human subconscious and determine the real state. At the same time, find problems and determine the direction for getting out of them.

A famous American test in which you need to answer 200 questions. It was created by Scientologist Ron Hubbard. Hubbard is the founder of the Church of Scientology and has adopted this technique to attract new followers to his ranks.

Nowadays, this method is used when applying for a job or to determine the level of stress in a person. At the same time, the test gives most often negative results for almost everyone. On this point, there are conflicting negative feedback people who, after passing the test, learned a lot of unpleasant things about themselves.

Basic concepts of the test

By analyzing the available information related to the Oxford Personality Analysis Test, the fundamental postulates can be identified. This test shows the various aspects of a person's character, his weaknesses and strengths.

The test is based on 10 main personality characteristics, such as:

Degree of confidence. Reflects a person's ability to concentrate, plan and organize their own actions, as well as the degree of self-control and response to the world around them.

Contentment with life. Reflects the degree of optimism and perception of various life situations relating to oneself and to those around them.

Degree of self-control. Reflects the ability to control one's behavior, voice and thoughts.

degree of certainty. Reflects stability life principles, values, as well as a person's confidence in their own knowledge.

Degree of initiative and activity.Shows willingness to take responsibility and do the necessary work.

Degree of conviction and determination. Reflects the level of perseverance, faith in one's own strengths and capabilities.

Level of responsibility and measure of objectivity. Reflects the ability to take responsibility for one's own thoughts, feelings and actions.

The effectiveness of evaluating an ongoing event. It reflects a person's ability to consistently understand and justify real events, as well as the degree of a critical look at events and people around.

Friendliness. Reflects a person's ability to find mutual understanding with people and be attentive to others.

Sociability. Reflects the ability to find friendly understanding and openly show their worldview.

Practical application of the test

Practical use this test to detect psychological problems such as problems with the environment, depression and mental disorders.

Many questions are related to the elucidation of emotional manifestations during communication and experiencing unpleasant states.

About 80 questions are related to anxiety, about 30 questions are devoted to aggression and conflict. The questions are often repeated. By positive emotions and pleasant situations, there are 23 questions.

One gets the feeling that the questions in this text are formulated in an accusatory form that causes guilt and anxiety. Many questions are rated as tactless and meaningless.

Psychological analysis of questions for the test shows a lot of inconsistencies in them with standards and professional level.