Are scholarships paid to students on a paid basis? Social scholarship for students. Do they give scholarships to payers

Students who study on a budgetary basis ask themselves in the first year if they pay a scholarship in the summer. These payments are due only when the student successfully completes exams and credits in subjects. To receive academic payments at a university, a student must have only good grades in the test book and no debts.

Currently, there are four types of funding provided by the university:

  • Academic aids.
  • Personal one-time scholarship.
  • Nominal disposable.

If the session was passed to an unsatisfactory mark, payments will be made only until June inclusive, for the remaining two months students will not receive money into their personal account.

As a rule, students in the last year are expelled from the beginning of July, so the scholarship will not be paid in the remaining months. But many higher education institutions carry out the expulsion of graduates in the middle or end of the summer, but the accounting department works individually.

Each educational institution has its own rules for accrual and due payments. According to this scheme, the student is charged:

  • If a person successfully passed the session, then the scholarship for the remaining summer months will be paid to him immediately in the first month. In this case, a person receives payment all year round.
  • Some higher educational institutions pay for the summer directly in the autumn month.
An academic scholarship is obtained according to fewer nuances than the rest: you only need to pass the session positively and on time, and the next payments for the whole year are already automatically counted. This funding is received by students who are in another state, but this requires the conclusion of a special international agreement.

Social payments for students

To obtain information on payments, you should personally come to the financial information department or the dean's office of the university. These payments are due only when the student successfully completes exams and credits in subjects.

To receive academic payments at a university, a student must have only good grades in the test book and no debts. They continue to pay it after the student closes all the debts. This determines the time when the scholarship was not paid.

For example, a university student “flunked” the last exam of the summer session in June, so he will not receive a scholarship in the remaining months of the summer. The last accruals were made in May. The student is allowed to retake. But at the same time he receives the due money for the May and June periods.

How the allowance is calculated

Each university is given the opportunity to carry out the procedure for granting benefits according to its calculations, this does not mean that some higher education institutions do not pay benefits in summer period, in their relation, nuances are made in the calculations.

In most cases, the following scheme operates: with a positive completion of exams and tests, the student is given a scholarship for all three months. Those students who have C's in their gradebook only receive funding for the month they took their exams. In other institutions, accruals are made in the first month of autumn for the whole summer. In this case, the person is able to receive benefits in the triple amount.

This takes into account the fact that students are automatically and guaranteed to receive a scholarship if they study at a state institution. If this is a special case, then this issue is resolved on an individual basis.

They are also entitled to receive a scholarship if the student has managed to positively close all the necessary debts. Frozen payments are returned for the time while the person was solving problems with training. In this case, the return is carried out on the condition that the scores are from four points. Therefore, students try to improve their position in their studies.

Also special rules scholarship calculation is determined by:

  • colleges;
  • technical schools.

A number of states are also indicated where the student receives a scholarship for parallel studies, these are almost all European states.

The scholarship is increased annually depending on the decision of the special commission. The scholarship also varies for different groups of students, depending on the form of education, participation in the life of the university.

How are payments made in the summer?

In order for a student to receive summer benefits, a person must pass all exams and pass tests with a grade greater than four. These requirements are common to public institutions, and for non-state institutions of higher education.

Holidays are not only the summer months, so students immediately learn the principles of scholarships in the 1st year. This funding is provided throughout the year, there is no difference between whether the training takes place or during the holidays. The principle of operation of these payments is the same for everyone.

As a general rule, it is also indicated that the June payments are assigned as funding for the first semester, since the further months of the summer are designated as another half of the year, upon completion of it, accruals for the first semester of the next half year are determined, and the rest of the training time is also included here. There is a conclusion from this, after a session that has not been completed to the end, the student is still entitled to the June scholarship if he successfully completed past exams and tests.

It should also be noted that graduates do not receive benefits after completing the last exams and tests in the 5th year, due to the fact that the university excludes a student after graduation.

In most cases, students complete their contract with the university at the beginning of the summer, so they only receive funding for one month - June. After the student continues studying after the retake, payments from the new academic semester are returned to him.

social scholarship represents a payment due to students full-time learning. Only those students whose education is financed from the local, regional or federal budget are eligible for it.

The rules for issuing social scholarships are stipulated in federal law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012. More details about this can be found in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1000 dated 08.28.13.

Here are the following items:


  • The amount of the scholarship is determined by the educational institution itself. The trade union (if there is one), as well as the student council, is involved in the decision.
  • It is important to know that the amount of payment should not be less than that fixed by Russian law. When setting these values, the legislature takes into account the level of inflation in the country. Scholarships are set for different categories of students.

You can learn more about the amounts of student payments in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 899 dated 10.10.13. It was adopted to fulfill the requirements of paragraph 10 of Article 36 of Law No. 273-FZ.

In Russia, a full-time student is a certain status that allows in many cases to equate a student at a university until he reaches the age of 23 with minors. This indicates the recognition of full-time students as more socially vulnerable strata of society. But there are special categories of students who need permanent support measures of a financial nature due to the extreme degree of need, for them a state social stipend is established.

This is the allowance provided for by the Federal Law “On Education” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, paid to special categories of students receiving education on a budgetary basis. Beneficial students can study both at the highest level - a university, and at the middle level - at a secondary school (college, vocational school, technical school).

The procedure for assigning and issuing social benefits to students is detailed in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1000 dated August 28, 2013 (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science).

A student applying for a scholarship and a college student who is entitled to material assistance from the budget should be paid, as a rule, in the form of a monthly payment to a special bank account.

A scholarship that has the nature of social support does not replace an academic scholarship, its payment does not in any way affect the remuneration due for good academic performance.

Who is eligible to receive

The list of persons entitled to receive social financial assistance is determined at the federal level. Despite the limited list, the regulation provides educational institutions with some freedom in this matter. The management has the right to decide on additional measures to support those in need at the expense of funds from the off-budget fund of the institution. These may be:

  • Expanding the circle of scholarship holders by including additional groups of people in need (for example, members of large families, young parents);
  • Increasing the federally mandated monthly payment.

The following categories are legally established:

  1. Orphans, as well as children left without guardians, including those whose both parents died during the period of study or who raised a single parent;
  2. Disabled children from childhood, as well as those who became them with the assignment of the first and second groups of disability, who also received disability due to illness or injury while serving in the army;
  3. Veterans of military operations (more details in the law "On Veterans");
  4. Contract servicemen who have served in the ranks of the armed forces for at least 3 years are equated with the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian Guard, civil defense, state security, the FSB;
  5. Persons exposed to radiation or injured during man-made disasters;
  6. low-income citizens.

The social stipend provided for the poor is assigned only with documentary confirmation by the applicants for the allowance of their need, namely, the level of income in terms of one family member must be less than the subsistence minimum adopted in each particular region of the country.

  • Children from a large family;
  • young parents;
  • Children whose parents are recognized as disabled non-working groups (I and II).

To receive monthly social assistance, a student must verify their status. The state social scholarship, in accordance with the current legislation, is granted to persons who have submitted documents to the educational institution - grounds, for each category of beneficiaries they are different.

The termination of the payment of a scholarship does not depend on the student's academic performance, since the measure is not stimulating, but financially supportive. If a person has confirmed his right to receive this benefit, the educational institution cannot refuse him. Termination is only possible:

  • upon graduation from an educational institution (including upon expulsion);
  • in the case when the status that affects the receipt is lost (the student ceases to be considered poor, a decision is made to remove the disability).

On the grounds specified in the second paragraph, the recipient of the benefit must notify the dean's office about this, since if the student receives the benefit without justification, he may be held liable.

Are social stipends due to payers?

In addition to the established list of persons applying for social scholarships, the legislation establishes two mandatory conditions. First, training should be provided on a budgetary basis. Secondly, the form of study chosen by the student is only full-time.

However, if the student is in academic leave or leave to care for a child until he is 3 years old, this will not be a legitimate reason for interrupting the transfer of social scholarships. If the student is asked to write any kind of refusal for the period of absence, this will be illegal.

Students of evening and correspondence faculties are deprived of receiving benefits, because the development of educational programs for them takes place on the job.

Paying students are also not eligible for this benefit. If the student's education is paid for by him or his parents, then if he becomes an orphan or is recognized as disabled, some universities provide for transfer to free education. But this becomes possible with high performance. Also, given the financial difficulties of students, management educational institution goes forward and provides deferred payment.

Given the focus social policy in Russia, in 2018 it is planned to establish new benefits for families with children. It is possible that this will also apply to student support measures.

When can payments be suspended?

The main reason for suspending payments or not making them at all is low attendance. In some cases, the reason for this may be debts for one or more items. Fortunately, the law reserves the right for the student to correct the situation and insist on reimbursement of the entire amount that was not transferred to him for the entire period of debt.

How is a social scholarship awarded?

The obligation to compile a list of recipients (recipients) is assigned by law to the leadership of universities. They are also obliged to determine the required frequency of payments - most often this period is one month. Based on this, a social scholarship is assigned for a calendar year, and after two semesters, a representative of the “optional” category may lose material assistance by decision of the rectorate or dean’s office.

Other types of assistance, such as nominal or academic scholarships, do not deprive the student of the right to receive a social scholarship for students in 2017.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the provision on the appointment of material assistance at the very beginning of the academic year, since the deadline for submitting documents (certificates) to confirm your status is also indicated there. In most cases, the student will have about one month to collect the necessary paperwork.

What documents are required to receive a social scholarship?

The list of documents directly depends on which category of the above the student belongs to. The payment of social scholarships to students in 2017 is due:

  • for disabled people - a certificate of disability, made according to a standard model and issued by a medical and labor expert commission;
  • for orphans and those who have lost their guardians - an appropriate document from the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

A little more complicated is the procedure for obtaining scholarships for representatives of low-income families. To apply for this type of financial assistance, they will need a certificate from the Office social protection the population that territorially serves the place of registration of the student. This organization will need to provide the following list of documents:

  1. Copies of passports (or documents replacing them) and birth certificates of all family members.
  2. Extract from the house book or financial and personal account. Both documents are provided by multifunctional centers, as well as passport offices.
  3. A certificate from a university or college, which indicates enrollment or education on a budgetary basis.
  4. Copies of a work book or certificate from the labor exchange for all unemployed able-bodied family members.
  5. Statement of the confirmed total income of all family members for the last quarter.

Receipt process

Simultaneously with the provision of all the above documents, the student will be asked to fill out an application for a certificate. After its adoption, employees of the Department of Social Protection of the Population will check the information given to them and calculate the average income and compare it with the minimum indicators for your subject of the Russian Federation.

If this figure is lower, the family is recognized as low-income and the student receives an appropriate certificate. This document must be submitted to the management of the faculty (institute), or to the accounting department. In the same place, the student will be asked to complete an application for a social scholarship.

An important point: the validity of a certificate of low-income family is one calendar year from the date of receipt. That is, to receive a social scholarship two semesters later, you will have to repeat the above procedure again.

The amount of the social scholarship

The size of the state social scholarship for students is determined, paid and determined directly educational organization(school, technical school, university) and cannot be less than its minimum size established by the Government of the Russian Federation for each level vocational education and categories of students, taking into account the level of inflation. In 2018, the size is next.

First and second year students studying in federal state educational institutions of higher education in educational programs of higher education (bachelor's degree programs, specialist's programs), having grades of "excellent" or "good" or "excellent" and "good" and related to the categories of persons Those who are entitled to receive a state social scholarship, or who are students under the age of 20 who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, are assigned a state academic and (or) state social scholarship in an increased amount.

Increased social scholarship

The amount of these increased scholarships cannot be less than the subsistence minimum per capita for the whole of the Russian Federation, established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the fourth quarter of the year preceding the year in which the formation of the scholarship fund of this federal state educational organization of higher education was carried out.

State social scholarships are paid to students educational organization monthly.

The fact that a student is on academic leave, as well as maternity leave, leave to care for a child until he reaches the age of three years, is not a basis for terminating the payment (appointment) of a state social scholarship.

Scholarship deadlines

If successful, the student will be awarded a social scholarship for a period of one year from the date of registration and only in school time(June-August pause). After that, the entire registration process will have to go through again.
In order to find out more precisely about the terms and rules for obtaining a social scholarship, the student should go to the dean's office and ask there. And also read the content of the Federal Law "On State Financial Assistance".

How to get an increased social scholarship for students

Size: not less than the amount missing to the subsistence level.
Payment frequency: monthly, throughout the year.
Submission: at the beginning of each semester.

"Chip": only 1-2 year students can apply, subject to receiving a social scholarship. Also, to receive it, you need to study for “good” or “excellent”.

Who will determine the amount of the increased scholarship

University, based on the student's income statement. As for the size of the subsistence minimum, it is established by the state. At the same time, the indicator for the IV quarter of the year before the formation of the scholarship payment fund is taken, for students in 2018 it will be the fourth quarter of 2017 and the indicator is 9786 rubles. That is, if a student receives a social scholarship of 2,227 rubles, the usual 1,484 rubles, this income is deducted from the subsistence level and a potential “increase” of 6,075 rubles is received.

For migrants

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2013 N 1000, foreigners, migrants and stateless persons have the full right to provide social scholarships in the general manner. At the same time, they should also be trained at the expense of the federal budget. All of the above requirements apply to them as well.

Also, the provision of material assistance may be regulated by international treaties concluded by Russian Federation with other countries. Consequently, along with other students, a social stipend is also due to immigrant students. 2017 did not bring any changes to the current state of affairs in this context.

Can I get financial aid for a scholarship?

Yes, a student has the right to request material assistance from the university budget in the amount of a multiple of up to 12 social scholarships. At the same time, it will be paid once a month, but within 1 semester, after which you need to apply again. You can find out about the deadlines for applying in the dean's office of your university.

Requirements for applying for financial aid

The requirements here are higher than for applying for a regular social scholarship. Since we are talking about accrual from the budget of the university, the amount of material assistance may vary. For example, depending on how many students receive it.

In what situations can a student request financial assistance?

  1. single parents;
  2. Students from an incomplete family;
  3. With the loss of a breadwinner;
  4. Students from a large family;
  5. When you lose your parents during your studies;
  6. Victims of catastrophes, natural disasters and accidents;
  7. In case of a serious illness, when there is not enough money for medicines (you need to present checks for medicines);
  8. At the birth of a child (you must provide a birth certificate).

Some universities add their own items to this list. For example, St. Petersburg State University can pay students from other cities the way home, and St. Petersburg State University of Economics pays a sum of money to students at the wedding.

Scholarship "Five with a plus"

Size: 3500 rubles.
Payment frequency: monthly throughout the year.
Submission: in the summer, from July 10 and possible until September 10.
"Chip": a scholarship from the "Creation" charitable foundation is designed only for students under 21 years old.

Usually this scholarship is awarded to the winners of the Olympiads, round honors students. Also, laureates of sports competitions and various competitions can count on it.

However, you must provide a certificate stating that the student has an income below the subsistence level or otherwise prove that he is from the poor. The submission should include a letter describing yourself, your family, and your interests.
Other documents for applying for a scholarship for a student 2018 "Five with a plus":

  • Application (may be in electronic form);
  • Certificate of grades with the seal of the university;
  • Copy of the passport;
  • If the student is under guardianship, is classified as a refugee, is disabled, confirmation of status is required;
  • It already requires a certificate of income of all family members in the form of 2-NDFL.
  • This impressive package should be accompanied by a certificate from the house book on the composition of the family with a seal.
  • As well as all diplomas and other student award documents for the last 2 years at the university. Plus, attach your own photo, in a normal setting - that is, not on documents.

The nuances of the appointment of social scholarships

Law No. 273-FZ provides for the case when a social stipend can be paid in excess of the established standards. This case includes needy students of the 1st and 2nd courses who study full-time, budgetary department and receive higher education undergraduate and graduate programs. At the same time, these persons must have grades in their academic performance of at least “good and excellent”. The social stipend for such students is increased to 6,307 rubles (excluding the district coefficient). And it is appointed according to the results of the intermediate certification.

But in order to receive this scholarship, you need to document the financial situation of the student's family.

If a student goes on leave in connection with caring for his child (until the baby reaches the age of three), for pregnancy and childbirth, or takes an academic leave, then the payment of a social scholarship does not stop for this period. So it is established in paragraph 16 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1000 dated 08.28.13.

As for the receipt of scholarships by nonresident students, in Law No. 273-FZ and in others adopted in accordance with it normative documents there is no restriction on receiving social scholarships based on the criterion of residence. Therefore, the specified student receives a social scholarship on a general basis.


Social scholarship is one of the forms of social assistance for students of higher secondary educational institutions. Only those who study full-time at the expense of state appropriations, including migrants, can count on receiving it. Foreign citizens and stateless persons. State social scholarship is assigned to students from the following population groups:

  • disabled people of I and II groups;
  • orphans;
  • affected by radiation and natural disasters;
  • low-income;
  • past 3 years of contract service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

In all cases, confirmation of belonging to one of these categories falls on the shoulders of the student himself. A certain period is allotted for the submission of documents (mainly a month from the beginning of the academic year), registration is required every two semesters, regardless of whether you received payments in the past.

Among all the benefits that student life brings with it, the scholarship is far from the last among them. Material remuneration must be provided for academic excellence and other activities in higher education educational institution. This contributes to the motivation of young people for further improvement in the sciences they study, volunteer and administrative activities, as well as to manage their first significant funds wisely.

Often, mostly among freshmen, the question arises: Is it possible to receive a scholarship while studying at a university on a contract basis? At the moment, the answer to this question is unequivocal - no, you cannot receive a scholarship on a contract.

The selection for the budgetary form of education is mainly based on competitive scores and the achievements of the applicant himself. Evaluating all his work done (in particular, in studies), state undertakes the payment for the higher education of such a student. At the same time, monthly giving him an academic scholarship and for further efforts and successes.

The contract form of education assumes that for the student's education natural or legal person. The amount of tuition fees varies depending on the university itself and the chosen specialty.
If the student proves himself well in training and proves his efforts by the results of the sessions passed, he will be able to apply for a transfer from a contract form of education to a budget one (subject to availability). To do this, you will need to collect several documents and certificates and take them to the dean's office.

However, education on a budgetary basis is not the only way receiving financial assistance. As you know, the scholarship is several types: academic scholarship, social scholarship, government scholarship, presidential scholarship, scholarships from legal entities or individuals.

Academic Scholarship designed for students on a budget, for academic excellence. Government and presidential scholarships are paid for special merits and achievements in the studied sciences. A social scholarship is charged to a certain list of categories of students: from among orphans, children deprived of parental care, victims of a disaster at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, from low-income families, from the group of disabled people of I-III groups and other categories.

A social scholarship can be paid to both a student with a budget form of education, and a student with a contract. And receiving an academic scholarship does not overlap with receiving a social scholarship, since both of them have a different goal.
To receive such a social scholarship, a student also needs to apply to the dean's office and provide a certain list of documents.

Sometimes some students try to get a social scholarship in an unfair way, because they do not want to spend their energy on getting an academic one. You can, of course, find an excuse for them (material assistance is never superfluous), but by their actions they actually take away material assistance from those who need it more, for whom receiving a scholarship can at least help a little in overcoming the difficulties of life and the blows of fate.
Therefore, each university tries to motivate its students for a serious attitude to learning and gaining knowledge. After all, this path leads not only to transferring education to a budgetary basis and receiving a monthly academic scholarship, but also to acquiring skills that will help to cope with future problems in the professional field and in life.

The scholarship is a form of incentive for students.

The purpose of its provision is to support students in their development educational program.

However, this form of incentive is not available to everyone!

What it is?

This type of scholarship is one of the payment options that are due to full-time students only. In addition, a social scholarship is issued only to those students who study at the expense of appropriations provided from the federal and/or regional and/or local budgets.

The procedure for its issuance regulated primarily by Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012. (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 273-FZ) paragraph 5 of Art. 36. In more detail, the procedure for providing these payments was approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in Order No. 1000 dated 08.28.13.

This regulatory document In particular, it says that:

  • the amount of the scholarship is assigned by the educational institution, but taking into account the opinion of the trade union of this institution (if any) and the opinion expressed by the student council of the same institution;
  • at the same time, the amount of the scholarship cannot be less than the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation. These standards are established taking into account the current inflationary level, for each category of students and the level of their vocational education.

Познакомиться with the size of the social scholarship it is possible in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 899 dated 10.10.13. This Decree was adopted to fulfill the requirements of paragraph 10 of Article 36 of Law No. 273-FZ.


In 2019, it is planned by state regulatory legal acts gradation of social scholarship accruals, based on the indicators of the success of the training process with reference to the grounds for its accrual:

  1. Social Academic Scholarship- due to all first-year students who entered the budget and continue to study successfully. For the 2018-2019 academic years, the amount will be 1482 rubles. This value is fixed and does not require the provision of additional documents and certificates.
  2. Basic social- due to all students, starting from the second semester of the 1st year and until the moment of graduation from a higher educational institution, provided that all session exams are passed not lower than "4". This year, such a payment is equivalent to 2,227 rubles. Unlike academic, it will need to be regularly confirmed after each credit semester.
  3. Social- for students whose marks in all subjects are only "4" and "5". Its value is determined by the educational institution independently, based on the internal documentation and powers of the university within the framework of the regional legislative acts in this area. However, it cannot be less than the basic scholarship.
  4. Increased social This is the privilege of excellence. As a rule, its size is equivalent to the minimum subsistence level in the region where the student is studying.

Thus, the academic social payment is guaranteed to the student in any case, even if the grades are not very good. But the possibility of increasing this amount will need to be confirmed meritorious learning outcomes.

Those categories of citizens who are brought up in an incomplete family, or one of the parents is a disabled person of the 1st group, are entitled to an increased scholarship.

At the end of each semester, progress is evaluated, and if its result allows you to increase the scholarship without supporting certificates, this is done in automatic mode. All documents - about income, benefits are relevant throughout the year. If a student takes an academic leave, accruals are suspended and will resume when he returns to study.

As for secondary specialized educational institutions, there were no significant changes in the order of accrual of scholarship payments and their amount. As before, in 2019 this amount will be 730 rubles monthly. This applies to those who are trained as part of the training of specialists of the middle category, skilled workers and employees. 2010 rubles for students in higher education.

Who is eligible to receive

Paragraph 5 of Article 36 of Law No. 273-FZ presents a large list of those persons who are eligible for this scholarship. These persons include, in particular:

This list is closed. But in addition to this list, there are also two conditions, which determine the right to receive social scholarships and must be observed at the same time:

  • full-time education;
  • and in the budget department.

If the above persons study at a paid department and (or) they have an evening or extramural education, they are not entitled to count on a social scholarship. However, when assigning social scholarships to students, there are some nuances.

The nuances of the appointment of social scholarships

Law No. 273-FZ provides for the case when a social stipend can be paid in excess of the established standards. This case includes needy 1st and 2nd year students who study at the full-time, budgetary department and receive higher education under the bachelor's and specialist's programs. At the same time, these persons must have grades in their academic performance of at least “good and excellent”. The social scholarship for such students is increased to 10,329 rubles (excluding the regional coefficient). And it is appointed according to the results of the intermediate certification.

But in order to receive this scholarship, you need to document prove financial position student families.

If a student falls into (before the child reaches the age of three), due to pregnancy and childbirth, or takes an academic leave, then for this period the payment of a social scholarship does not stop. So it is established in paragraph 16 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1000 dated 08.28.13.

Regarding the scholarship nonresident students, then Law No. 273-FZ and other regulatory documents adopted in accordance with it do not establish a restriction on receiving social scholarships based on the registration criterion. Therefore, the specified student receives a social scholarship on a general basis.

Design rules

First of all, a scholarship is awarded from the date when the student submitted a document to the educational institution, which confirms his compliance with one of those categories of persons specified in Law No. 273-FZ in Article 36. This document is Certificate issued by the local social security authorities.

To get this help required:

  • passport (or other identification document);
  • a certificate indicating the form of study, course and other similar data. This document is issued by the educational institution where the student is studying;
  • certificate of the amount of the scholarship for the last three months. It is issued by the accounting department of an educational organization.

For nonresident students additionally required:

  • a copy of the certificate of registration in the hostel, or a certificate in the form No. 9. This form is a document confirming the local registration of a nonresident person. Receive it at the place of registration;
  • receipts confirming payment for accommodation in the hostel. Or you need to submit a certificate issued by a passport officer at the student's place of residence, stating that he does not live in a hostel.

For poor citizens Additionally, you must submit:

As soon as everything is collected, the social security authority draws up a certificate for receiving a social scholarship, which is transferred by the student to his educational institution. It is worth noting that very often it is required to submit the specified certificate during September so that the student can quickly receive the necessary assistance. These terms should be clarified with the educational institution itself.

As soon as the certificate is submitted, the scholarship is awarded. The basis for the actual payment of this income is the administrative local act issued by the head of the educational institution. The scholarship is paid every month. But the certificate confirming the right to a social scholarship is valid for only one year. And so the next academic year will have to make it up again.

It is worth noting that the scholarship payment can be terminated if the student is expelled or there is no reason to receive it (i.e., a certificate from the social security authority is not submitted).

Who can receive this type of state assistance is described in the following video:

IN Russian universities and colleges, some categories of students can receive a so-called social scholarship. This is a monthly cash benefit that is paid to those in special need. In this article, we have analyzed who is entitled to such a scholarship, how to achieve it and in what amount it can be received.

In Russia, a full-time student is a certain status that allows in many cases to equate a student at a university until he reaches the age of 23 with minors. This indicates the recognition of full-time students as more socially vulnerable strata of society. But there are special categories of students who need permanent support measures of a financial nature due to the extreme degree of need, for them a state social stipend is established.

This is the allowance provided for by the Federal Law “On Education” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, paid to special categories of students receiving education on a budgetary basis. Beneficial students can study both at the highest level - a university, and at the middle level - at a secondary school (college, vocational school, technical school).

The procedure for assigning and issuing social benefits to students is detailed in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1000 dated August 28, 2013 ( Order of the Ministry of Education and Science).

A student applying for a scholarship and a college student who is entitled to material assistance from the budget should be paid, as a rule, in the form of a monthly payment to a special bank account.

A scholarship that has the nature of social support does not replace an academic scholarship, its payment does not in any way affect the remuneration due for good academic performance.

Who is eligible to receive

The list of persons entitled to receive social financial assistance is determined at the federal level. Despite the limited list, the regulation provides educational institutions with some freedom in this matter. Management has the right to decide on additional measures to support those in need at the expense of funds from off-budget fund institutions. These may be:

  • Expanding the circle of scholarship holders by including additional groups of people in need (for example, members of large families, young parents);
  • Increasing the federally mandated monthly payment.

The following categories are legally established:

  1. Orphans, as well as children left without guardians, including those whose both parents died during the period of study or who raised a single parent;
  2. Disabled children from childhood, as well as those who became them with the assignment of the first and second groups of disability, who also received disability due to illness or injury while serving in the army;
  3. War veterans ( Read more in the Veterans Law);
  4. Contract servicemen who have served in the ranks of the armed forces for at least 3 years are equated with the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian Guard, civil defense, state security, the FSB;
  5. Persons exposed to radiation or injured during man-made disasters;
  6. low-income citizens.

The social stipend provided for the poor is assigned only with documentary confirmation by the applicants for the allowance of their need, namely, the level of income in terms of one family member must be less than the subsistence minimum adopted in each particular region of the country.

  • Children from a large family;
  • young parents;
  • Children whose parents are recognized as disabled non-working groups (I and II).

To receive monthly social assistance, a student must verify their status. The state social scholarship, in accordance with the current legislation, is granted to persons who have submitted documents to the educational institution - grounds, for each category of beneficiaries they are different.

The termination of the payment of a scholarship does not depend on the student's academic performance, since the measure is not stimulating, but financially supportive. If a person has confirmed his right to receive this benefit, the educational institution cannot refuse him. Termination is only possible:

  • upon graduation from an educational institution (including upon expulsion);
  • in the case when the status that affects the receipt is lost (the student ceases to be considered poor, a decision is made to remove the disability).

On the grounds specified in the second paragraph, the recipient of the benefit must notify the dean's office about this, since if the student receives the benefit without justification, he may be held liable.

Are social stipends due to payers?

In addition to the established list of persons applying for social scholarships, the legislation establishes two mandatory conditions. First, training should be provided on a budgetary basis. Secondly, the form of study chosen by the student is only full-time.

However, if a student is on academic leave or parental leave until he is 3 years old, this will not be a legitimate reason for interrupting the transfer of social scholarships. If the student is asked to write any kind of refusal for the period of absence, this will be illegal.

Students of evening and correspondence faculties are deprived of receiving benefits, because the development of educational programs for them takes place on the job.

Paying students are also not eligible for this benefit. If the student's education is paid for by him or his parents, then if he becomes an orphan or is recognized as disabled, some universities provide for transfer to free education. But this becomes possible with high performance. Also, taking into account the financial difficulties of students, the management of the educational institution meets halfway and provides a deferred payment.

Taking into account the direction of social policy in Russia, in 2019-2020 it is planned to establish new benefits for families with children. It is possible that this will also apply to student support measures.

Amount of financial assistance

The amount of material assistance is established by government acts. Minimum values ​​are set, which depend on the level of the educational institution:

  • 730 rubles - for students in colleges;
  • 2010 rubles - for students in state universities.

Less than the above indicators, the amount of social scholarship cannot be assigned. From the educational program: bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree does not depend. The payment is made in one payment per month.

Regulatory acts stipulate that some students are guaranteed an increased social scholarship. Only students who meet the following conditions are eligible to receive it:

  1. Freshmen and sophomores;
  2. Education goes on undergraduate and specialist programs;
  3. They have good academic performance, there are no "satisfactory" points in the record book;
  4. They belong to one of the categories of the legislative list of students-beneficiaries, considered earlier;
  5. Does not belong to the specified categories, but has not reached the age of 20 at the time of awarding the scholarship and the only parent of the student has a group I disability.

According to Government Decree No. 679, the amount of the allowance is 6307 rubles. The specified value is an irreducible minimum, institutions have the right to increase it. The order of the Ministry of Education contains a rule according to which: the amount of scholarships, including increased social ones, must be greater than or equal to the subsistence minimum per person in the whole country.

This indicator is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for each quarter of the calendar year. For appointment higher scholarship the educational institution forms its scholarship fund, taking into account the subsistence minimum for the 4th quarter of the previous year. The increased amount of cash payments is established at the end of the session.

In case of termination of studies, the social stipend, including the increased one, is paid in proportion to the time that the expelled student devoted to study from the first day of the calendar month to the day of expulsion.

Who makes the appointment

The state social scholarship is appointed by order of the head of the institution, the rector of the university or the director of a vocational school, college. The order specifies the date from which payments begin. This is the date of presentation to students required documents confirming his right to receive social scholarships.

A document certifying that a student belongs to one of the preferential categories must contain a period for maintaining such status. If we are talking about an indefinite certificate (for example, a veteran's certificate, a certificate of disability, about the absence of a guardian), then the appointment of a preferential scholarship occurs before graduation. Since January 1, 2017, the procedure for awarding scholarships has changed for low-income citizens. They were obliged not only to confirm the lack of income, but also to receive state assistance. For those students who are recipients of state social assistance ( the poor), the scholarship is awarded exactly for 1 year, as well as social assistance from the state.

You will need this information:

The procedure for assigning any kind of payments is fixed in the relevant local act of the educational institution. The decision on the amount of social benefits from the budget for students is made by the Academic Council, taking into account student opinion and representatives of the students' trade union (when it is established in an educational institution). The accepted level of the scholarship should not be less than the normatively established one.

How to apply for

In order to apply for a social scholarship, you must first worry about the availability of all necessary documents. In the Department of Social Policy, certificates are prepared from 2 weeks to a month, and documents on the basis of which social payments are made must be submitted to the dean's office until the beginning of October while writing a statement.

The status of an orphan and a person left without care is confirmed by a certificate from guardianship, veterans provide a certificate, for persons with disabilities, the certificate indicates the duration of the restrictions.

To go to the district Department of Social Policy, a student needs 2 types of certificates from an institute or college: about receiving a scholarship and about studying at this institution. Based on these papers and a copy of the passport, the applicant will be issued an appropriate certificate for receiving a social scholarship.

Also, the state agency will additionally request the following documentation if the student is a low-income student:

  1. Certificate No. 40, which is taken at the place of residence and reflects the composition of the family living at a specific address;
  2. 2 personal income tax with data for the previous 3 months for all working family members, as well as other documents evidencing the total family income (it also includes pensions, benefits, maintenance payments). If a healthy, able-bodied family member has no earnings, he brings a certificate stating that he is registered with the labor exchange;
  3. Copies of passports, birth certificates of younger family members.

The status of a poor citizen is confirmed annually. Social stipend for other reasons is assigned before graduation.