What is a presidential scholarship. Rules for her appointment. How to get a presidential scholarship for students Regulations on scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation

Everyone knows that a student's salary is a scholarship, but the existence of several types of scholarships is known only to a small circle of applicants. This material presents all types of scholarships that currently exist.

Types of scholarships

The following scholarships are currently available:

  • state academic scholarship;
  • state social scholarship;
  • state scholarship for graduate and doctoral students;
  • presidential scholarship;
  • government scholarship;
  • nominal scholarships;
  • scholarships from legal entities or individuals;
  • scholarships for students preparatory departments.

State scholarships

The most common scholarship is the state academic scholarship, which is paid exclusively to students of state educational institutions. Elementary, secondary students can count on it vocational education and higher educational institutions. This type of scholarship provides for the presence of four mandatory conditions, under which it is granted.

Firstly, the scholarship is provided only to students on a budgetary basis. Secondly, the student must study full-time. Thirdly, in order to receive a scholarship, you must pass the session without the grades "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory". The fourth condition is training in an institution that has state accreditation.

Each educational institution sets the amount of this scholarship independently, but on the basis of standards that have been approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

Social scholarship speaks for itself, providing funds to students in need of material support. The following categories of students can count on a social scholarship:

  • disabled and combat veterans;
  • children left without parental care and orphans;
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • persons affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Again, the educational institution sets the amount of the scholarship on its own, however, the amount social scholarship cannot be less than that established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The state scholarship for graduate students and doctoral students provides financial support to residents, graduate students and trainee assistants. This scholarship has its own unique feature, which is to establish its size. Thus, the amount of the scholarship is determined on the basis of the opinions of the council of students and the trade union organization, if any. However, the size of the scholarship (approved collectively) should not go beyond the available scholarship fund, as well as be less than the standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local governments.

Federal state organizations higher education establish scholarships for students of preparatory departments studying at the expense of the federal budget, for example, law enforcement officers. The amount of such a scholarship is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Presidential and government scholarships

Government and presidential scholarships awarded for merit in any activity have a special status. Not only students and graduate students, but also citizens who have achieved high results in their professional field, for example, people of working professions, can receive a scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation. As a rule, the amount of such scholarships is much higher. government scholarships and provides tangible financial support.

Named scholarships

Personal scholarships are similar to presidential scholarships in terms of their provision to citizens who are not students of educational institutions. The size and conditions for granting such scholarships are established by both state authorities and legal entities.

Legal entities and individuals have the right to establish their own scholarship on their own terms. Employees of enterprises can receive such a scholarship both for success in their professional activities and for the duration of training from the organization. The scholarship is provided solely at the discretion of legal entities or individuals and cannot be considered as a commitment.

Presidential Scholarship is not only material support for certain categories of university students, but also a way to celebrate special merits in the education of students and graduate students, designed to stimulate further interest in science. Who can get presidential scholarship and how to do it, we will consider in this material.

What is a Presidential Scholarship

Presidential Scholarship was established under Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin. It was he, being the head of state, who signed Decree No. 433 "On urgent measures of state support for students and graduate students of educational institutions of higher professional education" dated April 12, 1993.

According to this document, 700 scholarship payments for students and 300 for graduate students are provided for students in Russia, 40 and 60 scholarships for Russian citizens studying abroad, respectively. The scholarship is established for up to 3 years (one year for students and up to 3 years for graduate students). When changing citizenship, as well as on the proposal of the academic council of the educational institution, payment presidential scholarship terminated ahead of schedule.

The size of the scholarship payment, established by the President in 1993, periodically changes upwards, based on modern realities. The specific amount is determined by a separate normative act. To date, the Presidential Decree “On Presidential Scholarships” is in force. Russian Federation for students, graduate students, adjuncts, listeners and cadets of educational institutions of higher professional education "No. 182 of February 14, 2010 Based on this regulatory act, the amount of payment presidential scholarship per month is equal to:

  • students - 2,200 rubles;
  • graduate students - 4,500 rubles.

In addition, graduate students and doctoral students writing dissertations on certain topics can receive a larger scholarship, as established by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science "On approval of the list of specialties scientific works specialists in technical and natural sciences, in the preparation of dissertations for which postgraduates and doctoral students of federal state educational institutions of higher professional education, educational institutions of additional professional education and scientific organizations received scholarships in the amount of 6,000 rubles and 10,000 rubles, respectively” No. 654 dated August 24, 2012 G.

Scholarship payments that ensure the future development of the country

In the future, the course of state assistance to young scientists, set by the President in 1993, received a more in-depth development. Students and young scientists engaged in scientific research, designed to ensure the positive dynamics of the Russian economy, are provided with even more state scholarships.

Don't know your rights?

Presidential Decree No. 181 dated 13 February 2012 “On the Establishment of a Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for Young Scientists and Postgraduates Carrying out Advanced Research and Development in Priority Areas of Modernization of the Russian Economy” established financial incentives in the amount of 20,000 rubles per month. This scholarship payment is established and paid for up to 3 years. In a year, the number of people who receive such an incentive should not exceed 1,000.

Who is eligible for the Presidential Scholarship?

As already mentioned, the President's scholarship is paid to students, graduate students and doctoral students. But these payments are selective and are provided to a limited circle of people for special merits.

In accordance with the legislation of Russia on presidential scholarship The following students are eligible:

  1. Full-time full-time students at the budgetary department of an educational institution.
  2. Two sessions in a row passed more than half of the exams as "excellent".
  3. Having any achievements in the study of subjects of their specialization, documented.
  4. The winners of olympiads, competitions, scientific and creative reviews have advantages; authors of publications on a given specialty in various print media; authors of inventions or discoveries; students who are distinguished by erudition, competence, literacy, striving to study the necessary subjects.

The first two points are mandatory when determining worthy candidates for a scholarship. The rest of the criteria are desirable, but the more a student has these distinctions and benefits, the more likely they are to receive a Presidential Scholarship.

How to get a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation

After the end of the year of study, the academic councils of educational institutions draw up registers of applicants for the President's scholarship. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia reviews these lists and approves candidates for scholarships. The scholarship is awarded every year from September 1st.

To nominate its candidates for the Presidential Scholarship, the university must submit the following documents for candidates to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

  • Extract from the decision of the academic council educational institution on the submission of a student for a presidential scholarship. The extract must contain data on the candidate.
  • Characteristics of the applicant for a scholarship.
  • List of scientific works (articles) published in print media, including international ones.
  • Copies of certificates, diplomas and other documents evidencing the participation and victories of the candidate for a scholarship in competitions, at olympiads.
  • Copies of documents confirming the authorship of the candidate for discoveries and inventions.
  • Certificate of passed exams.

Documents are provided separately for each applicant.

For students abroad, an open competition is held, based on the results of which the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia decides to issue a Presidential scholarship to Russian citizens studying abroad. The announcement of such a competition is carried out through the mass media, including being published on the website of the Council for Grants of the President of Russia at: https://grants.extech.ru/.

The opportunity to receive a Presidential Incentive Scholarship has appeared for particularly distinguished full-time students since the time when B.N. Yeltsin. Graduate students and students still have the right to apply for it, since the support of gifted young people who strive for knowledge and high-quality professional activity that would benefit society is always relevant. Any student on a budgetary basis in a higher educational institution can apply for this type of incentive payments. Let's find out how to get the Presidential Scholarship in 2019.

What is the Presidential Scholarship

The funding of the Presidential Scholarship is to encourage students whose studies are related to the technological field, work in which would contribute to the development of Russia in the future.

In 2013, the Head of State approved a list of specialties of paramount importance. Based on the importance of any direction for the subject of the Russian Federation, the amount of budgetary funds allocated for the payment of scholarships is also determined. As a general rule, graduate students are entitled to a larger scholarship than undergraduate students. The first receive a payment of 14,000 rubles, the second - half as much.

The period of payment of the scholarship is also different - graduate students will receive accruals for 1-3 years, starting from September 1, and students - during the year. The decision to cancel payments can be made by the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as the academic council (commission).

Who can receive the Presidential Scholarship

Receiving a Presidential Scholarship entitles you to an internship in Sweden, Germany or France.

A university student can count on being considered for the Presidential Scholarship if:

  • he is studying in a specialty that is especially necessary for the Russian economy, and whose specialists are the most in demand in the country;
  • he has achieved success in his studies or has merits in his industry.

The grounds for accruing an incentive payment to a student will be:

  • training for day department(By full-time);
  • grades “excellent” in all disciplines for two semesters in a row;
  • the presence of diplomas and certificates, indicating active participation in scientific activity;
  • the presence of a theory independently derived by the student or an innovative development, which would be mentioned in a domestic or foreign publication.

Who decides on the payment of the Presidential Scholarship

The decision to assign this monetary incentive to any student or graduate student is made according to the following scheme:

  1. The Academic Council of a higher educational institution draws up a list of the most worthy, in their opinion, students and graduate students of the university.
  2. The decision to send the list is agreed with the council of rectors.
  3. The list is sent to the department, which is engaged in the selection of the most deserving candidates for scholarships throughout the country. On this stage those students and graduate students who, in terms of the level of achievements and success, turned out to be lower than the rest, are eliminated.
  4. A shortened list is sent to the Ministry of Education and Science. This is where the final decision on awarding the scholarship is made.

Non-state higher education institutions that have passed state certification send the list directly to the Ministry of Education and Science.

Students and graduate students studying abroad are also entitled to receive a Presidential scholarship - they are mentioned in the lists of the Interdepartmental Coordinating Council in terms of cooperation between peoples and the Ministry of Education.

In the case of athletes and coaches, the decision to pay the scholarship of the Head of State is made by the Ministry of Sports, or rather, the commission organized by it.

How to get a Presidential Scholarship for undergraduate and graduate students

Only those students and graduate students who study free of charge at the expense of budgetary funds can receive a Presidential scholarship, subject to the following requirements:

  • a student must be at least in the third year of study, a graduate student - at least in the second year;
  • two consecutive sessions must be passed on "excellent" and "good" (maximum 50% of marks "good");
  • the student had to distinguish himself by an outstanding result of research, scientific research, and so on (the proof will be the prize of the participant in the Olympiad, diploma, grant, scientific publication);
  • the specialty chosen by the student should be useful to the country (students who have devoted their work to efficient energy consumption technologies, nuclear and space development, and medicine have the most chances for a scholarship).

How to get a Presidential Scholarship for Athletes

Athletes are those who not only play sports, but also take part in various competitions. Athletes are also eligible to receive incentive payments as an encouragement. The purpose of the scholarship here is to improve athletic performance, push for new awards and improve skills.

The presidential scholarship for athletes is 32,000 rubles per month.

Rules for the payment of the Presidential Scholarship:

  1. Athletes who have won gold medals at the Olympic Games are eligible to receive a scholarship for an unlimited period of time.
  2. Athletes who win silver and bronze receive payments throughout the year.
  3. The participants of the World Championship who took first, second and third place will receive a scholarship for one year.

Athletes, coaches and other specialists from the national sports team of Russia in para-, surd- and Olympic Games can receive the President's scholarship. The appointment of payments becomes known on February 15 and June 15 (for summer and winter sports, respectively).

What documents are needed to apply for the Presidential Scholarship

If the scholarship period has ended, you can apply again.

Before a list of students worthy of a scholarship is compiled, a competitive selection is carried out. Students of any university have the right to apply and wait for the decision of the academic council of the university. You need to collect the following papers:

  1. An extract about a student or graduate student with his personal data.
  2. A copy of the record book with the seal and signature of the dean of the faculty.
  3. Certificate of successful completion of examinations.
  4. Copies of any documents evidencing prizes.
  5. Detailed description of scientific activity.
  6. Published articles, publications in publications (Russian and foreign) about the theories and developments of the student.
  7. Documents confirming the authorship of the competition participant regarding discoveries, developments and inventions.

What are the conditions for the Presidential Scholarship?

The start of the competition will be officially announced through the media by the Ministry of Education and Science. Students submit their applications to the academic council of the university, which, in agreement with the council of rectors, approves the list of applicants for scholarships from their university. The winners will be determined by the employees of the Ministry of Education and Science.

What is the size of the Presidential Scholarship in 2019

In 2017, the government proposes to increase the size of the Presidential Scholarship to 22,800 rubles. But this applies only to areas of education that involve scientific research necessary for the development of the country's economy.

The minimum scholarship amount is:

  • 2.2 thousand rubles for students;
  • 4.5 thousand rubles for graduate students.

The final amount of the scholarship will depend on the region where the higher education institution is located, the student or graduate student of which won the competition and became the recipient of the payment.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common Mistakes

Error: A student who received a Presidential Scholarship in the past did not reapply for it, because he believed that it was impossible to receive it again.

The main state and social measure to support students is the payment of scholarships. At the same time, some students, in addition to the usual (which may also be), or for those in need, may qualify for special payments - nominal, on behalf of the government or the president of the Russian Federation. The amount of such payments is much higher, however, not everyone is entitled to receive them.

Who can apply for a presidential scholarship and what is its size - the answers to these questions will be useful to students and graduate students who study at higher educational institutions.

Since the presidential scholarship is a special payment, not everyone can receive it. To encourage this kind of applicant must have certain qualities, because the number of scholarships is limited.

The scholarship of the President of Russia can be received by:

  • student;
  • graduate student.

At the same time, the payment is due not only to students in Russia - a certain quota of scholarships has been allocated for those who receive education abroad. Requirements for applicants can be divided into two groups:

1. General - are clearly defined and binding on all:

  • place of study - higher education institution;
  • Full-time form of education;
  • payment for education - at the expense of public funds (that is, the budget form);
  • the number of years of study - more than two (third or fourth year students, graduate students - the second year of study and more);
  • learning outcomes - applicants must receive two or more semesters in a row only "good" and "excellent" grades, and the percentage of the latter should be at least 50% of the total number.

2. Special - these requirements are less specific, which allows in some cases to interpret them differently. These include conditions regarding whether the applicant has any outstanding achievements in studies or scientific activities, for example:

  • victory (or a prize) in the Olympiad - international, state, regional or taking place within the framework of a particular university (scientific organization);
  • victory (or prize) in a competition or competition, the purpose of which was to determine intellectual abilities and educational achievements applicant;
  • the applicant has a document confirming the achievement of certain scientific results of intellectual activity (for example, a patent);
  • obtaining a grant for research work;
  • publication of articles or research results in educational or scientific publications (international, state, regional or university level);
  • the presence of a prize for the results of research work;
  • presentation with reports or reports on the results of the work done at scientific events (seminars, conferences) of various levels.

Each of these deliverables has a time frame that must be received within a period of no more than two years before the application is submitted. The more advantages and characteristics of this kind a student (postgraduate student) has, the more chances he has to receive a scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation. All existing achievements must be documented - with letters, diplomas, certificates, etc.

Additionally, it is worth considering the appointment of a scholarship to those students whose outstanding work is related to priority areas. development various industries countries. For the Russian Federation, these areas are:

  • nuclear technologies;
  • space technologies;
  • energy saving;
  • medical technologies;
  • energy efficiency;
  • creation of new medicines;
  • Computer techologies;
  • developments in the field of information support.

Scholarships for achievements in these areas are set for students at an increased rate - in this way, the state encourages young scientists to conduct research in the priority areas of economic modernization. At the same time, the same person can receive a scholarship several times - in this case there are no restrictions on the number of payments, the main thing is to confirm the existence of grounds for them.

The procedure for awarding the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation

Competitive selection for scholarships is held annually in the largest universities in the country, so everyone can apply for participation in it, provided that they meet mandatory requirements. At the same time, specific applicants for the competition are selected Academic Council university - it is this body that decides whether a student or graduate student meets the criteria put forward. After the council makes a positive decision, the student can apply for competitive selection. For this you will need:

  1. A completed application for participation in the competition, which contains all the basic information about the applicant: name, age, date of birth, place of study, etc.
  2. A documented decision of the academic council on which the applicant was selected.
  3. A copy of the student's record book with the results of training for the entire period.
  4. Help with the results of exams passed by postgraduate students.
  5. Characteristics of the applicant, signed by the dean of the faculty (director of the institute).
  6. Copies of certificates, diplomas, diplomas and other documents confirming victory or prize-winning in olympiads and competitions.
  7. List of articles (if possible and their copies) published by the applicant in special scientific and educational publications.

If a student or graduate student has evidence of other achievements that are the basis for a scholarship, he can provide them. After that, the submitted applications, together with the documents, are considered by a special commission, which makes the final decision on the award of the scholarship. The list of approved candidates is publicly available on the websites of the universities where they study.

Number and size of presidential scholarships

As already noted, in order to receive a scholarship set quota. Its size is:

  • for students of the Russian Federation - 700;
  • for foreign students - 40;
  • for graduate students of the Russian Federation - 300;
  • for foreign graduate students - 60.

How much is the amount of the presidential scholarship? In 2015 it is:

  • for students - 2200 rubles;
  • for graduate students - 4500 rubles.

However, this amount of payments is established for general cases. Those students who are engaged in the study of priority areas of science can apply for a higher size of the President's Scholarship - 7000 rub. monthly. As for graduate and doctoral students, the amount of payments for them can reach RUB 20,000.

Termination of the scholarship

The scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation, like any other payment from the state, is established only for a certain period. Its duration is:

  • for students - one academic year;
  • for graduate students - from one to three academic years.

After the expiration of this period, the payment stops - it will be renewed only if the student or graduate student proves his right to receive it again. Other grounds for termination of scholarship payments (including early termination) are:

  1. Change of citizenship- although the payment is due to students who study abroad, they must still be Russian citizens. Otherwise, they cannot claim to receive any payments from the budget of the Russian Federation.
  2. Recommendation of the academic council (management) of the university - Russian or foreign. If such council decides that the student should not receive the scholarship, it may request that payments be terminated early.
  3. Termination of training- in this case, the student loses the right to receive not only the presidential, but also the usual scholarship. Since there is no main reason for receiving a payment - studying at a university, then the scholarship itself will not be paid.

Students and graduate students who receive education in higher educational institutions should remember that behind outstanding achievements in studies and science, they can apply for a special presidential scholarship. For this you need:

  • Correspond general requirements– successfully study full-time for more than two years, preferably at the expense of the state budget.
  • Have outstanding academic achievements - prizes in olympiads, competitions, recognized scientific discoveries or theoretical research.
  • Submit an application and documents confirming the right to a scholarship - diplomas, certificates, published articles and research results. The success of the applicant depends on the data of other applicants - the stronger they are, the greater the merits you need to have.

We also invite you to watch a video about the increase in the presidential scholarship:


about open public competition for scholarships

of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists and graduate students,

carrying out promising scientific research and development

on priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy

(Competition for 2015 - 2017)

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is the organizer of the competition, together with the Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists and for state support of leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation (hereinafter, respectively - the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Council on grants) announces an open public competition for scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists and graduate students carrying out promising research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy (hereinafter, respectively - Competition, Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation ) for 2015-2017.

The competition is held in pursuance of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2012 No. 181 "On the establishment of a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists and graduate students carrying out promising scientific research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy" and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 7, 2012 No. 563 “On the appointment and payment of a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation to young scientists and graduate students carrying out promising research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy”.

Candidates for the scholarship can be young (under 35 years old) scientists and graduate students who are citizens of the Russian Federation and carry out promising research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy, have published scientific works in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications that reflect the main scientific results of the work of a young scientist or graduate student, work as teachers and researchers in Russian scientific organizations or educational institutions of higher education (hereinafter - organizations) or study in postgraduate studies of organizations in full-time education (hereinafter respectively - young scientists, graduate students).

Appointment and payment of Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation are not made to recipients of grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of scientific research of young (under 35 years old) Russian scientists - candidates of sciences and young (under 40 years old) Russian scientists - doctors of sciences, as well as recipients of scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation - full-time students educational organizations, full-time graduate students of educational organizations and organizations of additional professional education and scientific organizations studying in specialties corresponding to the priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy, according to state accreditation educational programs, and scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation for students of educational institutions and graduate students of educational institutions, organizations of additional professional education and scientific organizations studying full-time in state-accredited educational programs that correspond to the priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy.

Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation are awarded in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy:

1. Energy efficiency and energy saving, including the development of new types of fuel;

2. Nuclear technologies;

3. Space technologies related to telecommunications, including both GLONASS and the ground infrastructure development program;

4. Medical technologies, primarily diagnostic equipment, as well as medicines;

5. Strategic information Technology, including the creation of supercomputers and software development.

Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation are established in the amount of 20,000 rubles each and are paid monthly, are appointed for a period of up to three years, and can be appointed to the same person more than once.

The total number of persons selected on a competitive basis for the right to receive the Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation in 2015 - 2017 - no more than 600 people.

The payment of the Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation is carried out within the budgetary allocations provided for in the federal budget for the corresponding financial year and for the planning period of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for these purposes.

The payment of the Stipend of the President of the Russian Federation is made in excess of the established official salaries, additional payments, allowances, bonuses and other payments.

Organizations for the Competition submit a Set of documents provided for by the Competition Documentation.

Competitive selection of submitted documents is carried out by the Competition Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia based on the results of an examination conducted by the Grants Council.

The decision of the Competition Commission is formalized by the Minutes of the meeting of the Competition Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, on the basis of which the lists of winners of the Competition are approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. A copy of the order is sent to the relevant organizations by e-mail.

Information about the results of the Contest is published in the Poisk newspaper and posted on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and on the website of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Research Institute RINKCE within 5 working days after signing the Protocol.

This Notice and the Tender Documentation are posted on the websites of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Research Institute .

A set of documents for participation in the competition is submitted electronically on the specialized website of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Research Institute RINKCE. Registration of an applicant for the Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation on the website of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Scientific Research Institute RINKCE and filling in interactive forms on his personal page are obligatory . Completion of work on the site must be done on time until 16:00 Moscow time on September 30, 2014 .

In accordance with the requirements of the Competitive Documentation, it is necessary to prepare an Application in printed form (1 sheet) from the organization that submits the work of a young scientist or graduate student to the Competition.

The envelope with the Application in printed form (addresses of the recipient and the sender must be printed from the site) must be sent by ordinary mail, delivered by courier or express delivery service with the condition that it will be received by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Research Institute RINKCE until 16:00 Moscow time on September 30, 2014 at the address: 123995, Moscow, GSP-5, st. Antonova-Ovseenko, 13, building 1.