Why is World War 1 called World War I? Why is the war called the Great Patriotic War? And here, I would put it in a quote from the brilliant Leonid Filatov, from "About Fedot-Sagittarius, a daring fellow"

As you might guess, the name began to be used only after the Second World War began on September 1, 1939. World War. Prior to this, the name "Great War" was used more often than the West, somewhat less often - simply "World War". in Russia up to October revolution 1917, in addition to the name "Great War", such official names as "Second Patriotic War" and "Great Patriotic War" and such unofficial names as "Great War", "Great European War" and "German War" were in use.

The latter name emphasized that this was the first war against the German state after the Seven Years' War of 1756-1763, as well as the fact that in the First World War German Empire was the main enemy of the Russian Empire. After the revolution, the First World War in the USSR until the beginning of World War II was called the "imperialist war", and the name "World War I" was written with a lowercase letter, not with a capital letter. During the war, the propaganda of the tsarist government sought to liken it to the Patriotic War of 1812, which began to be called the "First Patriotic War". This was facilitated by the fact that shortly before the start of the First World War, in 1912, the 100th anniversary of the war of 1812 was celebrated on a large scale.

Modeled on the fight against great army» Napoleon tried to create equestrian partisan detachments from the regular and Cossack cavalry, which turned out to be almost useless in a positional war and, at best, could only carry out reconnaissance searches. Most importantly, the Russian army has changed a lot over the past hundred years, and has changed far from better side. In 1812, the Russian army was a professional army, consisting of recruits and noblemen, the vast majority of whom already had sufficient combat experience by the beginning of the war. This army numbered about half a million people and could practically fight on equal terms with the French army - at that moment the best army in the world.

The general social and economic backwardness of Russia from Western Europe then it did not yet affect the army, since the significant population and resources of the Russian Empire made it possible to maintain a strong army that was not inferior to the best Western European armies. Then there were enough manufactories to equip the troops and supply them with cannons and guns with a sufficient supply of cores and bullets. During the war of 1914-1918 the bare situation was quite different. Russian army by 1917, there were about 10 million people, and the regular army was knocked out almost completely in the first three months of the war. In 1917, the army consisted mainly of recruits who did not have much combat experience and had little understanding of the goals of the war, since most of them were illiterate or semi-literate. The officers were also to a large extent wartime ensigns and second lieutenants who did not have much authority with their subordinates.

In the war of 1812, at least, the officers were fully aware of the goals of the war - serving the emperor and preserving the greatness of Russia, for which it was necessary to crush the enemy's army, and they knew how to impress this on their subordinates. During the First World War, wartime officers, as a rule, were not hereditary nobles, had a very vague idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe goals of the war and did not have much respect for the last Russian monarch, and for the monarchy as a whole. And for millions of soldiers, the goals of the war in the form of conquering Constantinople and the Straits or helping “fraternal Serbia” were frankly alien, if only because few people knew who the Serbs were. And, unlike the war with Napoleon, Russia in the First World War could not put up millions of sufficiently combat-ready soldiers and hundreds of thousands of sufficiently trained ones.

And Russian industry, in terms of volume and quality of products several times inferior to the USA, Germany, England and France, and in terms of production per capita - also to Belgium, Italy and Austria-Hungary, was not able to provide the army with the necessary number of rifles, machine guns and guns , as well as ammunition for them, not to mention such modern weapons as aircraft. Russia was not able to maintain transport at the proper level, which played a fatal role before February Revolution. Finally, in 1812, Napoleon invaded the Russian provinces and reached Moscow, which caused a surge of patriotic feelings to protect native land and development partisan movement, to which the aggressor's army, especially after the burning of Moscow, turned out to be very vulnerable. A century later, the Germans reached the Russian provinces proper only in February 1918, when the resistance of the Russian army actually ceased. The development of the partisan movement was also out of the question. The patriotism associated with the declaration of war dried up by the end of 1914. As a result, the Russian army was able to fight on equal terms only with the Austro-Hungarian army, torn apart by ethnic conflicts, traditionally defeating the Turks, but completely losing to the German army. But the war led to the occupation of Russian Poland, Lithuania, large parts of Belarus and Latvia by the enemy, and ultimately to a revolution that ended the Romanov monarchy and brought the Bolsheviks to power, which determined the fate of Russia for almost the entire 20th century.

Russia suffered a general defeat, and the glorious victories of the Russian army over the Austrians and Turks served as little consolation. For all the above reasons, the First World War was not perceived by the overwhelming majority of the population, with the possible exception of a rather narrow stratum of Russian officers, as domestic. Therefore, the term "Great Patriotic War" or "Second Patriotic War" in relation to the First World War was used only in official publications, but practically did not become widespread among the general population, in diaries, private correspondence, etc.

One hundred great secrets of the First World War / B.V. Sokolov. - M .: Veche, 2014. - 416 e. - (100 great).

Modern young people often do not understand why the war was called the Patriotic War, and even the Great. And how is World War II different from it?
Maybe these are completely different historical events that do not intersect with each other? And what other patriotic wars were on Russian soil? And why are they called that? There are a lot of questions. To find the answer to them, it is worth looking into the history of Russia.

Patriotic War of 1812
Every patriot should know the history of his Motherland. To find the answer to the question of why the war was called Patriotic, you need to understand what this word itself means. In another way, the country in which a person was born and lives is called the Fatherland. And all wars aimed at protecting their homeland bear this proud title.
In 1812, Napoleon attacked Russia in order to conquer and enslave the Russian people. But he didn't succeed. This war entered the history of Russia as the Patriotic War of 1812. Naturally, things were different for France. Even now they will not understand why the war was called the Patriotic War, because for them it was aggressive.

The Second World War

In September 1939, the first day, fascist Germany, together with its henchmen - Italy, Japan and some other states - unleashed a world fire in which 1.7 billion people took part. This is almost eighty percent of the entire population of the planet. And almost one hundred and ten million people fought directly in the armies of all the countries involved in this horror.
In 1941, Hitler attacked the Soviet Union. That is how our Motherland was called in those years. And the entire Soviet people stood up to defend the Fatherland.

On the part of the Nazis, it was a war of conquest. The Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler, did not understand why the war was called Patriotic War. Many still argue, arguing that it was an action to liberate peoples from communist terror. But in fact, there was no question of any liberation. The Nazis were simply trying to carry out a new division of land, to enslave other peoples.
But our people waged a liberation struggle, defended their Motherland and other countries. Now it is clear why the war of 1941-1945 was called the Patriotic War? Although it is worthwhile to understand well that the name of the event depends on from whose point of view it is considered.

The perfidious attack in 1941 on the Soviet Union
Although the world war was already raging on earth, the Soviet people were sure that Hitler would not dare to encroach on our Motherland. Moreover, a non-aggression pact was concluded between the Soviet Union and Germany.
However, Hitler vilely violated it. On the night of June 21-22, a graduation ball was celebrated for everyone who graduated from school. No one could have thought that it was at dawn after such a wonderful holiday that shots would thunder, bombs would fall from the sky, blood would flow. And yet it happened. On June 22, 1941, at four o'clock in the morning, without warning, Germany made a treacherous attack on the Soviet Union. Immediately in a vast area, from the Carpathian Mountains to the Baltic Sea, the fascist troops crossed the border of our Motherland.

The Nazis planned to destroy the culture of a huge country, and turn its people into slaves who would work for Germany. The invaders bombed cities and villages, railways and ports, airfields and railway stations. A great many people, including children, the elderly and women, were killed in the most cruel ways: burned alive, buried, shot, torn to pieces.
But the people did not want to give up. Even the smallest settlements were heroically defended. Many beautiful songs about the exploits of unknown soldiers were invented by people. “At an unfamiliar village on a nameless height,” the heroes laid down their heads, the memory of which will live for centuries. That is why the war of 1941-1945 was called the Patriotic War. After all, the Soviet people fought for their Fatherland.

War is not a game, it is death and pain...
The search for an answer to the question of why the Great Patriotic War was called "Patriotic" makes us go back to those distant terrible years. Not liberation came to the Soviet Union, but a terrible monster called "fascism", insatiable and cruel. Nothing was sacred to him.
The fascists rampaged on the occupied lands as if they themselves had never been people. A huge part of the population was taken out and imprisoned in concentration camps. There, the atrocities of the invaders were especially sophisticated. Blood was taken from children for transfusion to the wounded, terrible diseases were instilled in people and they were observed. They even tried to create a new creature that would be a carrier human gene and an animal, using prisoners for their inhuman experiments.

Not only Patriotic, but also Great.
Not only men of military age went to the front. Volunteers simply blocked all the points that were engaged in mobilization. There were elderly people, and very young boys, and girls. There were many respectable elders and snotty children. These, at first, were immediately driven home, to their mother under the hem. "This war will not be cursed for long!" - everyone was talking.
However, after the first two years, it became clear that the end of these horrors would not come soon. And everyone remembered about the old people and the children who were so eager to fight at the beginning of the war. Now it became clear that each pair of hands is valuable. Twelve-year-old boys got up to the machines next to elderly men and women. All together they worked eighteen hours a day, releasing ammunition and military equipment.
Thus, having rallied against fascism, our Motherland managed to clear its lands of fascist cholera. But the Red Army did not stop there. We reached Berlin soviet tanks, along the way freeing other countries from the fascist yoke. Our country has done a great job. She saved a huge number of people, of various nationalities and religions. That is why the war is called the Great Patriotic War.

1914 THE SECOND PATRIOTIC WAR - This is what contemporaries called the First World War .. WHO CHANGED this NAME and why? The Past of the Once Global World.. WHAT DO WE KNOW about our PRESENT HISTORY?

With calmness and dignity, Our great mother, Rus', met the news of the declaration of war on us. I am convinced that with the same sense of calmness We will bring the war, whatever it may be, to the end.
I solemnly declare here that I will not make peace until the last enemy warrior leaves Our land. strong as a granite wall, my army and I bless it for military labor.

Here's what's interesting - "until the last enemy warrior leaves our land"

How did the 2nd Patriotic War, or the 1st World War (as we are used to) begin, according to official history?

On August 1, Germany declared war on Russia, the same day the Germans invaded Luxembourg. On August 2, German troops finally occupied Luxembourg, and an ultimatum was put forward for Belgium to allow the German armies to pass to the border with France. Only 12 hours were given for reflection.

On August 3, Germany declared war on France, accusing her of "organized attacks and aerial bombardments of Germany" and "violation of Belgian neutrality."

On August 3, Belgium refused the German ultimatum. On August 4, German troops invaded Belgium. King Albert of Belgium appealed for help to the guarantor countries of Belgian neutrality. London sent an ultimatum to Berlin: stop the invasion of Belgium, or England will declare war on Germany. After the expiration of the ultimatum, Great Britain declared war on Germany and sent troops to help France.

An interesting story turns out .. The king probably would not have thrown words like that - "until the last enemy warrior will not leave our land" etc..

But the enemy, at the time of the speech, invaded Luxembourg ..What does it mean? Is that what I think, or do you have other thoughts?

Let's see where we have Luxembourg?

Nice deal - Luxembourg is oriented in color with the Netherlands, it turns out that all the land belonged to Russia? Or was it a kingdom of a different kind, World and Global, with Russia as its flagship? And the rest of the countries were not countries, but counties, principalities, regions, or God knows what it was actually called ..

Because the Patriotic War, and the second (the first, I think so, is 1812) And then after 100 years or so, again - 1914 .. You say - "Nuuuu, you never know what is written on the picture, so now, build a theory out of this?"But no, my friends .. There is not one picture here .. But two .. Or three .. Or thirty-three ..

The question is - who and when began to call the Second Patriotic War, the First World War? If this is being hidden from us (those who are involved in informing the population about the events of history - x / zTORIKI), then perhaps there is a reason for this? They will not foolishly do nothing to change names historical events? What a bummer..

And there are many such testimonies .. So there is something to hide.! What exactly? Probably the fact that our Fatherland was much wider at that time, so much so that Luxembourg was our territory, and perhaps it was not limited to this. We all know about the global nature of the world in the 19th century - when was this global world divided and severely demarcated?

Who lived in the Russian Empire?

"On the number of measures included in the draft lists of 1904 on the basis of Article 152 of the military regulations of the edition of 1897"

Materials of the Samara recruiting presence. According to the materials of the Samara recruiting presence - Germans and Jews - religion

So the STATE was one but recently it was divided.

There were no nationalities back in 1904.

There were Christians, Mohammedans, Jews and Germans - this is how the masses were distinguished.

In "Saint John" by B. Shaw, an English nobleman says to a priest who used the word "Frenchman":

"Frenchman! Where did you get this word from? Have these Burgundians, Bretons, Picards and Gascons also begun to call themselves French, as ours have taken the fashion to be called English? They speak of France and England as if they were their own countries. Yours, do you understand? What will happen to me and to you if this way of thinking is spread everywhere?”

(see: Davidson B. The Black Man's Birden. Africa and the Cigse of the Nation-State. New York: Times B 1992, p. 95).

"In 1830, Stendhal spoke of a terrible triangle between the cities of Bordeaux, Bayonne and Valence, where "people believed in witches, could not read and did not speak French."

Flaubert, walking through the fair in the commune of Rasporden in 1846, as if through an exotic bazaar, described the typical peasant he came across in the following way: "... suspicious, restless, stunned by any phenomenon incomprehensible to him, he is in a great hurry to leave the city" ""

D. Medvedev. France of the 19th century: the country of savages (instructive reading)

So what was it about...
And where is she, this "EARTH OUR" ?


"Brotherhoods" on the Eastern Front began already in August 1914, and at the beginning of 1916, hundreds of regiments from the Russian side already participated in them, writes "Interpreter".

On the eve of the new, 1915, year, sensational news spread around the world: a spontaneous truce and "fraternization" of soldiers of the warring British, French and German armies began on the Western Front of the Great War.

Soon the leader of the Russian Bolsheviks, Lenin, declared "fraternization" at the front as the beginning "transformations world wars into civil war"(note!!!)

Among these news about the Christmas truce, scant information about "fraternization" on the Eastern (Russian) front was completely lost. "Brotherhood" in the Russian army began in August 1914 on the Southwestern Front.

In December 1914, on the North-Western Front, cases of already massive "fraternization" of soldiers of the 249th Infantry Danube and 235th Infantry Belebeevsky regiments were noted.


One thing is clear - PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DRIVED TO THE SLAUGHTER by their leaders, GOVERNMENTS, who received the task from a certain "center" .. But WHAT kind of "CENTER" IS THIS?


Read the names of the settlements in Germany.. We rightfully considered this land to be ours!!!

Read it, and you will immediately understand "what" Emperor Nicholas II was talking about when he said "Our land" I mean myself, or the society headed by him (this is a question of a different nature) ALL THIS WAS "EARTH OUR"(in addition to the Benelux countries - Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium, etc.)

It turns out, if you follow the logic (why was it necessary to hide the name of the Second Patriotic War?), then the goal-setting was precisely the concealment of the Global (at that time) World, the Fatherland, which this war "finished off"?


Even during the Great Patriotic war, the Nazis, in turn, considered our territory their, AND THE POPULATION BY ITS CITIZENS - they behaved as if they had equal rights with the Bolsheviks at least they thought so..Yes, and part of the population was quite loyal, especially at the beginning of the war ..




If we go back to the times of unrest (17th century), or rather after its end, then several foreign princes and even the King of England Jacob (with what such joy?) Claimed the Russian throne, but the Cossacks managed to "shove" their candidate, Mikhail Feodorovich, by truth or falsehood, what were very dissatisfied with the rest of the applicants -

DOES THEY HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS..? And the Polish Tsarevich Vladislav never recognized Michael as king, not showing due respect, according to etiquette, calling him illegally elected, considering his rights to the Moscow throne more solid ..

And here, I would put it in a quote from the brilliant Leonid Filatov, from "About Fedot-Sagittarius, a daring fellow"



(wiki) According to the famous Soviet historian, professor A. L. Stanislavsky, a well-known specialist in the history of Russian society of the 16th-17th centuries, the key role in the accession of Michael instead of foreign princes and the king of England and Scotland, James I, whom the nobility and boyars wanted to elect, was played by the then united with the Moscow common people the Great Russian Cossacks, whose liberties the tsar and his descendants subsequently took away by all possible means. The Cossacks received a grain salary, and they feared that the bread that was supposed to go to their salary would instead be sold by the British for money around the world ..

That is, the Cossacks-Great Russians "stirred" fearing that the English king, sitting on the Moscow throne, would take away their grain salary, and why didn’t they embarrass the very fact that an Englishman would rule in Rus' !? Was it normal, okay?

Interesting why the Cossacks did not participate in wars led by Rus'? THE ARMY OF MICHAL FEODORICHA WAS HALF .... FOREIGN, GERMAN !!

S. M. Solovyov. Works in 18 volumes. Book V. History of Russia since ancient times, volumes 9-10.

..But we saw that in addition to hired and local foreigners, during the reign of Michael there were regiments of Russian people trained in a foreign system; Shein near Smolensk had: hired many German people, captains and captains and soldiers on foot; Yes, with them were Russian people with German colonels and captains, children of boyars and all sorts of ranks, people who were written for military doctrine: with the German colonel Samuil Charles Reiter, nobles and children of boyars from different cities were 2700; Greeks, Serbs and Voloshan fodder - 81; Colonel Alexander Leslie, and with him his regiment of captains and majors, all sorts of clerks and soldiers - 946; with Colonel Yakov Sharl - 935; with Colonel Fuchs - 679; with Colonel Sanderson - 923; with colonels - Wilhelm Keith and Yuri Mattheyson, initial people - 346 and ordinary soldiers - 3282: German people from different lands who were sent from the Ambassadorial order - 180, and all hired Germans - 3653;

Yes, with the colonels of the German Russian soldiers, who are in charge of the foreign order: 4 colonels, 4 large regimental lieutenants, 4 majors, in Russian large regimental watchmen, 2 quartermasters and captains, in Russian large regimental roundabouts, 2 regimental quartermasters, 17 captains , 32 lieutenants, 32 ensigns, 4 people of regimental judges and clerks, 4 wagon officers, 4 priests, 4 court clerks, 4 profosts, 1 regimental battalion officer, 79 Pentecostals, 33 ensigns, 33 watchmen over a gun, 33 company borrowers, 65 German capors, 172 Russian caporals, 20 German guards with a flute, 32 company clerks, 68 Russian guards, two German undersized children for interpretation; total German people and Russian and German soldiers in six regiments, and Poles and Lithuanians in four companies 14801 people ...


From the beginning of the 19th century .. Opposite ends of the world - from Vietnam to South Africa and Indonesia - what ends, it would seem! But no - the same architecture, style, materials, one office built everything, globalization, however .. In general, there are a small fraction of photos, for overclocking, and at the end of the post, there is a link to MORE, for those who cannot stop right away)) for the stopping distance for the sake of For..


Kyiv, Ukraine

Odessa, Ukraine

Tehran, Iran

Hanoi, Vietnam

Saigon, Vietnam

Padang, Indonesia

Bogota, Colombia

Manila, Philippines

Karachi, Pakistan

Karachi, Pakistan

Shanghai, China

Shanghai, China

Managua, Nicaragua

Kolkata, India. The Prince of Wales entered with an army. The palace in the "colonial" style is already standing

Kolkata, India

Calcutta 1813, India

Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa

Seoul, Korea

Seoul, Korea

Melbourne, Australia

Brisbane, Australia

Oaxaca, Mexico

Mexico City, Mexico

Toronto, Canada

Toronto, Canada

Montreal, Canada

Penang Island, Georgetown, Malaysia

Penang Island, Georgetown, Malaysia

Bangladesh, Dhaka

Phuket, Thailand


Subparagraph Brussels, Belgium


Kolkata, India

Vendôme Column in Paris. You can see the doors and people are standing at the top.

were destroyed low air burst, unknown, terrible WMD..Look - top completely removed cities..and where are the wreckage? But it's up to 80% destroyed array!Who, when and where, and most importantly - with what, removed so much construction waste?

Timgad, Algeria, Africa

The most interesting thing is that the entire territory with a diameter of 25-30 km from the conditional city center is studded with ruins - a real metropolis of the type of modern .. If Moscow is already 37-50 km. in diameter..

That is, it becomes clear that the cities were destroyed by low air explosions of enormous destructive power - COMPLETELY DEMOLIED ALL THE TOP PARTS OF THE BUILDINGS..

Here you can clearly see both the territories of the city center covered with sand, and the mainland - even the pits of former reservoirs (greenish) are the remnants of the former luxury .. Palm trees grew here (hence the name - Palmyra) and so on and so forth .. It was an earthly paradise for enlightened people ..

In the photo above, I deliberately spaced the photographs of the objects into their locations in order to clearly demonstrate their remoteness from the center of Palmyra (let it be, for example, an amphitheater) and this is about 30 km in diameter ..

Compare buildings. Their design and original functionality is identical:

For example, look at the pictures for the following keywords:

sidney old buildings / calcutta old buildings / boston old buildings
rangoon old buildings / manila old buildings / melbourne old photos


======================================== ==========

More related materials -


Dear guys, you were born and live in peacetime and do not know what war is. But not everyone can experience such happiness. In many places on our Earth, military conflicts are taking place in which people are dying, destroyed residential buildings, industrial buildings, etc. But it does not go to any comparison with what was the Second World War.

The Second World War- the most major war in the history of mankind. It was unleashed by Germany, Italy and Japan. 61 states were drawn into this war (14 states on the side of Nazi Germany, 47 on the side of Russia).

In total, 1.7 billion people or 80% of the entire population of the Earth participated in the war, i.e. out of every 10 people, 8 participated in the war. Therefore, such a war is called a world war. 110 million people participated in the armies of all countries. World War II lasted 6 years - from September 1, 1939 to May 9, 1945

The German attack on the Soviet Union was unexpected. It was struck by an unknown force. Hitler attacked the Soviet Union (as our Fatherland used to be called) immediately on large space- from the Baltic Sea to the Carpathian Mountains (almost throughout our Western border). His troops have crossed our border. Thousands and thousands of guns opened fire on peacefully sleeping villages and cities, enemy planes began to bomb railways, railway stations, airfields. For the war with Russia, Germany prepared a huge army. Hitler wanted to turn the population of our Motherland into slaves and force them to work for Germany, he wanted to destroy science, culture, art, to prohibit education in Russia.

The bloody war continued for many years, but the enemy was defeated.

The Great Victory that our grandparents won in World War II over Nazi Germany has no analogues in history.

May 9, 1945 has forever become a great date for Russia. For the sake of this happy day, millions of people died fighting for the freedom of Russia and the whole world. We will never forget those who burned in tanks, who threw themselves out of the trenches under hurricane fire, who lay down on the embrasure with their chest, who did not spare their lives and overcame everything. Not for the sake of awards, but so that you guys and I can live, study, work and be happy!

The names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are forever preserved in the memory of the people.

This year 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory in World War II. It's called "A great victory" because this is the victory of sane people in the most terrible world war in the history of mankind, which fascism imposed on him.

Why is the war called the Great Patriotic War?

GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR - the largest war in the history of mankind. The word "great" means very large, huge, huge. In fact, the war captured a huge part of the territory of our country, tens of millions of people took part in it, it lasted for four long years, and victory in it demanded from our people an enormous effort of all physical and spiritual forces.

Patriotic War it is called because this war is just, aimed at protecting the Fatherland. Our entire vast country has risen to fight the enemy! Men and women, the elderly, even children forged victory in the rear and on the front lines.

Now you know that one of the most cruel and bloody wars in the history of Russia was called Great Patriotic War. The victory of the Red Army in this war is the main event in the history of Russia in the 20th century!

The German attack on the Soviet Union was unexpected. In these June days, tenth graders graduated from school, graduation balls were held in schools. Boys and girls in bright elegant clothes danced, sang, met the dawn. They made plans for the future, dreamed of happiness and love. But the war severely destroyed these plans!

On June 22 at 12 noon, Minister of Foreign Affairs V.M. Molotov spoke on the radio and announced the attack on our country by fascist Germany. Young people took off their school uniforms, put on overcoats and went straight from school to war, became soldiers of the Red Army. Soldiers who served in the Red Army were called Red Army men.

Every day the echelons took the fighters to the front. All nations Soviet Union rise to fight the enemy!

But in 1941, the people wanted with all their might to help their country, which was in trouble! Both young and old people rushed to the front and signed up for the Red Army. Only for the first time during the war, about a million people signed up! Queues were gathering at the recruiting stations - people were striving to defend their Fatherland!

In terms of the scale of human casualties and destruction, this war surpassed all the wars that were on our planet. A huge number of people were destroyed. Over 20 million soldiers were killed on the fronts in combat operations. During the Second World War, about 55 million people died, of which almost half were citizens of our country.

The horror and losses of the Second World War united people in the struggle against fascism, and therefore the great joy of victory in 1945 swept not only Europe, but the whole world.

Help answer please! Why the war of 1914-1918. called the Great, Great, First World? and got the best answer

Answer from Elena Polishchuk[newbie]
This war was called the First World War because all countries took part in it, even those that were not part of the military-political blocs, and after its end, as a result of the Versailles Peace Treaty, many countries replenished their resources and embarked on the path of economic development

Answer from Ylkhan Aliyev[guru]
It is called so because 38 countries out of 59 independent states that existed then in the world (now there are 192 members in the UN) formally participated in it. But the Entente countries (France, Russia, England + Italy) actually fought against the countries of the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire).
World War I destroyed the old feudal Europe. Three major European monarchies perished - German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian. The machine guns of World War I mowed down not just the color of the European nobility - it rotted in the trenches, was killed, eaten by lice, the very principle of a class society. He was replaced by a new society - MASS. The aristocracy was primarily a MILITARY (Guards) caste - and this caste perished "along with the cavalry." Construction begins in Europe new army- without the nobility, and when this supporting support was taken out, all the other aristocratic decorations collapsed. This did not happen in one day - almost the entire twentieth century was spent on the fact that Europe of mass society emerged from class Europe, and then today's POLITICALLY CORRECT Europe. But Christian-aristocratic Europe received the first, mortal wound (more precisely, IT CAUSED ITSELF!) precisely in 1914.
I became the world highest point imperialist division of the world. One of the reasons for the war was considered the desire of Germany to redistribute the colonies. As a result, all the colonies were taken away from the losing Germany, and England and France also divided the carcass of the dead Ottoman Empire in the Middle East.
So, ALL the political history of Europe to this day is a consequence of World War I.
This is an infrequent war that has OBVIOUSLY been unwinnable. Germany, Austria-Hungary - lost. Russian empire died from military overexertion and exhaustion ("the Russian cruiser sank when the harbor was already visible" - Churchill). England and France dragged themselves to their Victory - and collapsed. They were morally broken by this massacre, their elites were drained of blood and lost a sense of moral rightness... . Trophies - unnecessary colonies, meaningless reparations from Germany - looked like a Mocking. The uninvolved won - the United States, which first came to Europe, as well as the Russian Bolsheviks, who came to power ... This "defeat in victory" changed the militant psychology of the ruling classes of Europe - something broke in them. They "vomited victory." The paralyzing fear of war led to the fact that in 1939-1940. when they simply COULD not force themselves to REALLY fight Hitler ...
The history of "warlike Europe" is over. The history of "peace-loving Europe" began.

Answer from Ѐozá Kaf[newbie]
It is so called because 38 countries formally participated in it.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Help me answer, please! Why the war of 1914-1918. called the Great, Great, First World?