Ushakov's dictionary first edition. Ushakov, Dmitry Nikolaevich - Big explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: modern edition. Approximate word search

The Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, work on which began in 1928, was published under the editorship of D. N. Ushakov in 1934-1940. (Volume 1 was radically revised and republished in 1935). Leading Russian linguists took part in compiling the dictionary. Ushakov's dictionary is of a normative nature and does not claim to fully cover all layers of the vocabulary of the Russian language, however, the compilers of the dictionary fully took into account the semantics of each included word, carefully recorded obsolete and newly emerging meanings. In terms of the correctness of definitions, the Ushakov dictionary to this day remains the best explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, an indispensable reference when working with texts of the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries.

The "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" pursues strictly normative lexicographic, stylistic, spelling and orthoepic tasks: to indicate the correct word usage, the correct formation of word forms, the correct pronunciation of words and individual forms.

The dictionary includes vocabulary of fiction (from Pushkin to Gorky), common scientific, industrial and socio-political vocabulary. From obsolete words, characteristic historical social and everyday names, known from works of art and popular science works, have been introduced into the dictionary. From the regional vocabulary, the dictionary includes words that are found in many dialects and have taken their place in fiction. Prefixes, word-formatively active parts of compound words, the most common parts of complex abbreviated words are distinguished into independent dictionary entries. The dictionary did not include abbreviations and highly specialized terms.

1. Tasks and scope. Produced Dictionary of the Russian language does not set itself the goal of embracing all the richness of the Russian language in all its historical and territorial scope. The tasks and scope of the dictionary are limited.

He gives an explanation of the meanings of the words of modern Russian literary language, and iod literary language is understood not as the language of fiction, but in general the bookish and colloquial speech of educated people.

According to the intended task of the dictionary, as a rule, it does not include some categories of words. Thus, with some exceptions (see §§ 13 and 15), it does not include local or regional words, obsolete words, and most obscene words. It also does not include words that are or the fruit of the invention of the authors in poetic language, such as Yesenin's "pigeon", "okoloshit" Ig. Severyanin, "night" A. Bely (modeled it was getting dark), etc., or the fruit of hasty writing with the inability to express one’s thoughts with generally accepted words and combinations of them, such as “rat-proof buildings”, “anti-fly moods”, “snow fighting”, “metal products” (examples from newspapers). The French dictionary "Small Larus" does the same with such words.

In addition, the intended volume of the dictionary makes it necessary to limit the number of words of certain categories, determining the choice by the degree of use of a particular word in the general language.

Thus, the narrowly specialized terms of the sciences, arts, and technology are not given. An exception is made for the terms of various industries: they are presented in the dictionary somewhat wider than others due to their wide penetration into the Soviet press in connection with the interest in our construction.

Excluded are proper names (of people, geographic, etc.), as well as the names of city dwellers (Kostromich, Kuryanin, Tverite, etc.).

Finally, many such derived words have been released that are easy to form and understand: some categories of derived nouns (see § 46 for details), adjectives (§ 56), verbs (§ 95), adverbs (§ 111), degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs (§ 128).

Mikhail Lvov: Explanatory dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language

-1940, 4 volumes of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language were published, which contains more than 90,000 dictionary entries and is designed for the widest range of readers.

History of creation

Work on the creation of the four-volume "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" was carried out under the leadership of D. N. Ushakov from 1934 to 1940. Such prominent scientists as V. V. Vinogradov, G. O. Vinokur, B. A. Larin, S. I. Ozhegov, B. V. Tomashevsky took part in its compilation. New dictionary filled a significant gap in the description of the development of the Russian language in the turbulent first third of the 20th century. By the time work on the dictionary began, D. N. Ushakov was known for his works on linguistics, including dialectology, spelling, orthoepy, lexicography, and the history of the Russian language.


“Based on the rich traditions of Russian lexicography, the compilers of the dictionary developed rational principles selection of vocabulary, methods of defining words, introduced an extensive system of stylistic marks that made it possible to correctly determine the appropriateness of using a particular word in various speech situations”, - states the doctor of philological sciences K. S. Gorbachevich.


  • Vinokur G.O., prof. Larin B. A., Ozhegov S. I., Tomashevsky B. V., prof. Ushakov D.N. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / Ed. D. N. Ushakova. - M .:; OGIZ (vol. 1); State publishing house of foreign and national dictionaries (vols. 2-4), 1935-1940. - 45,000 copies.(The 2nd edition of the dictionary was published in -1948.) The dictionary contains 85,289 words.
  • prof. Ushakov D.N. orthographic dictionary Russian language. - M .: Uchpedgiz, 1937. - 162 p.

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An excerpt characterizing Ushakov's Dictionary

He opened his eyes and looked up. The black canopy of night hung a yard above the light of the coals. Powders of falling snow flew in this light. Tushin did not return, the doctor did not come. He was alone, only some kind of soldier was now sitting naked on the other side of the fire and warming his thin yellow body.
"No one wants me! thought Rostov. - No one to help or pity. And I was once at home, strong, cheerful, beloved. He sighed and groaned involuntarily.
- What hurts? - asked the soldier, shaking his shirt over the fire, and without waiting for an answer, grunting, added: - You never know they spoiled the people in a day - passion!
Rostov did not listen to the soldier. He looked at the snowflakes fluttering over the fire and recalled the Russian winter with a warm, bright house, a fluffy fur coat, a fast sleigh, a healthy body, and with all the love and care of the family. "And why did I come here!" he thought.
The next day, the French did not resume their attacks, and the remnant of the Bagration detachment joined Kutuzov's army.

Prince Vasily did not consider his plans. He even less thought to do evil to people in order to gain an advantage. He was only a man of the world who had succeeded in the world and made a habit out of this success. He constantly, depending on the circumstances, on rapprochements with people, drew up various plans and considerations, in which he himself did not fully realize, but which constituted the whole interest of his life. Not one or two such plans and considerations happened to him in use, but dozens, of which some were just beginning to appear to him, others were achieved, and still others were destroyed. He did not say to himself, for example: “This man is now in power, I must gain his trust and friendship and through him arrange for a lump-sum allowance,” or he did not say to himself: “Here, Pierre is rich, I must lure him to marry his daughter and borrow the 40,000 I need”; but a man in strength met him, and at that very moment instinct told him that this man could be useful, and Prince Vasily approached him and at the first opportunity, without preparation, instinctively, flattered, became familiar, talked about that, about what was needed.
Pierre was at hand in Moscow, and Prince Vasily arranged for him to be appointed to the Junker Chamber, which then equaled the rank of State Councilor, and insisted that the young man go with him to Petersburg and stay at his house. As if absent-mindedly and at the same time with undoubted confidence that this should be so, Prince Vasily did everything that was necessary in order to marry Pierre to his daughter. If Prince Vasily had thought ahead of his plans, he could not have had such naturalness in his manner and such simplicity and familiarity in dealing with all people placed above and below himself. Something constantly attracted him to people stronger or richer than him, and he was gifted with a rare art of seizing precisely that moment when it was necessary and possible to use people.
Pierre, having suddenly become rich and Count Bezukhy, after recent loneliness and carelessness, felt himself surrounded and busy to such an extent that he only managed to remain alone in bed with himself. He had to sign papers, deal with government offices, the meaning of which he did not have a clear idea, ask the general manager about something, go to an estate near Moscow and receive many people who previously did not want to even know about its existence, but now would be offended and upset if he did not want to see them. All these diverse faces - businessmen, relatives, acquaintances - were all equally well, affectionately disposed towards the young heir; all of them, obviously and undoubtedly, were convinced of the high merits of Pierre. Incessantly he heard the words: "With your extraordinary kindness" or "with your beautiful heart", or "you yourself are so pure, count ..." or "if he were as smart as you", etc., so he he sincerely began to believe in his extraordinary kindness and his extraordinary mind, all the more so since it always seemed to him, in the depths of his soul, that he was really very kind and very clever. Even people who were previously angry and obviously hostile became tender and loving with him. Such an angry eldest of the princesses, with a long waist, with her hair smoothed like a doll's, came to Pierre's room after the funeral. Lowering her eyes and constantly flashing, she told him that she was very sorry for the misunderstandings that had been between them and that now she did not feel entitled to ask anything, except for permission, after the stroke that had befallen her, to stay for several weeks in the house that she loved so much and where made so many sacrifices. She could not help but cry at these words. Touched by the fact that this statue-like princess could have changed so much, Pierre took her by the hand and asked for forgiveness, without knowing why. From that day on, the princess began to knit a striped scarf for Pierre and completely changed towards him.

Impossible to imagine bookshelves houses where there are schoolchildren, applicants, philologists or just lovers of solving crossword puzzles, on which the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by D.N. Ushakov would not have stood. This popular manual has taken a worthy place in the list of dictionary publications, without which the Russian-language reform could not have taken place, in which this author and well-known Soviet scientists became an active participant. The electronic version of the dictionary contains explanations of words that are used in modern life. Rare words that are practically not used in modern speech are also subject to interpretation. The explanatory dictionary of D. N. Ushakov online repeats all the designated words and concepts that the authors performed in the paper edition. Due to the fact that the dictionary has been of great help in bringing the Russian language into line with the norms, it is quite popular and highly appreciated by scientific criticism.

This dictionary saw the light in the nineteenth century. Leading Russian linguists were engaged in its compilation. Given the semantics of each word, they prescribed its meanings, both outdated and newly emerging. The objectives of this manual are to recommend the correct use of the word and its word forms in ordinary speech, as well as its correct pronunciation. The creators have developed rational principles of lexical selection.

Explanatory Dictionary edited by D.N. Ushakov includes all types of vocabulary. The electronic version does not exactly repeat the printed edition. The content does not consist of four volumes, but is presented in the form alphabetical list articles. This dictionary can be of invaluable use to philologists, translators and everyone who has an interest in the Russian language and lexicography. The dictionary can be of great help to schoolchildren and applicants, and it can also become a reference book for everyone who is fond of crossword puzzles.

The explanatory dictionary edited by D. N. Ushakov is a very valuable book for a schoolchild, as it has great importance to learn about the different variants of words. Phrases and expressions extensively cover the vocabulary of the Russian language. The manual helps schoolchildren to master the basic norms of Russian speech, as well as the relevance of a particular word in relation to all kinds of speech situations.

This dictionary is designed for big circle readers and is the realization of the task set by the great leader, which consisted in creating a dictionary according to the new scripture. Its electronic version is the best option Dictionary of Russian words and expressions of the present tense. The search engine allows you to quickly find necessary word, spelling techniques and cardinal rules pronunciation, helping to develop the literary speech of people.

I was able to gather a lot of interesting information on the site about Ushakov's explanatory dictionary, my students and I examined the dictionary together and came to the conclusion that using it in work will help develop beautiful speech, the methods of his spelling are relevant today. It is worth studying more carefully in the online dictionary to use it in your work, improve the quality of literate writing and presentation of thoughts. Svetlana

I recently learned about Ushakov's explanatory dictionary online about colleagues. After reviewing the information, I realized that it is very convenient for me to use it for work. Ushakov's dictionary is of value for Russian grammar and the information collected in it is still relevant. An erudite person must be familiar with this dictionary. With confidence I can recommend this dictionary on the site for connoisseurs of the Russian language. Vitaly

Dictionary of Dmitry Ushakov is a very significant edition of explanatory dictionaries for Russian-speaking users. It is often used by students, philologists and people associated with the Russian language by professional duties. The world wide web has an explanatory dictionary of Ushakov in the online version. It is convenient to use it if you have a connection to the Internet, and you can also download off-line versions to your electronic gadget. As in all explanatory dictionaries, this dictionary explains in great detail the meanings of many words in the Russian language. DictionaryOnline

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To narrow the search results, you can refine the query by specifying the fields to search on. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search across multiple fields at the same time:

logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all the elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search based on morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is based on morphology.
To search without morphology, it is enough to put the "dollar" sign before the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, put a hash mark " # " before a word or before an expression in brackets.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with no-morphology, prefix, or phrase searches.

# study


Parentheses are used to group search phrases. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate search words

For an approximate search, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word in a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can optionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1, or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

The default is 2 edits.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression relevance

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ " at the end of an expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the given expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, you should specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
A lexicographic sort will be performed.

Such a query will return results with the author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to escape a value.


1. Alabugina Yu.V. Orthographic dictionary. Dictionary. Basic rules of Russian spelling: 3 books in one / Yu.V. Alabugin. - M.: AST, 2018. - 18 p.
2. Alabugina Yu.V. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language for schoolchildren / Yu.V. Alabugin. - M.: AST, 2019. - 416 p.
3. Alabugina Yu.V. Orthographic dictionary. Dictionary. Basic rules of Russian spelling: 3 books in one / Yu.V. Alabugin. - M.: AST, 2015. - 304 p.
4. Alabugina Yu.V. Orthographic dictionary. Dictionary. Basic rules of Russian spelling: 3 books in one / Yu.V. Alabugin. - M.: AST, 2018. - 352 p.
5. Arkhipov, A.P. Foreign terms in the tourist industry: A brief explanatory dictionary / A.P. Arkhipov. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2008. - 128 p.
6. Babenko, V.S. Virtual Reality: Explanatory Dictionary of Terms / V.S. Babenko. - Magadan: Magadan, 2012. - 86 p.
7. Baskakova M.A. Explanatory legal dictionary: law and business (Russian-English, English-Russian) / M.A. Baskakova. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2009. - 704 p.
8. Batovrin, V.K. Explanatory Dictionary of System and Software Engineering: Tutorial for universities / V.K. Batovrin. - M.: DMK Press, 2012. - 280 p.
9. Batovrin, V.K. Explanatory Dictionary of System and Software Engineering / V.K. Batovrin. - M.: DMK, 2012. - 280 p.
10. Bleer, A.N. Sports Terminology: Explanatory Dictionary-Reference. More than 10,000 terms / A.N. Blair. - M.: ITs Academy, 2010. - 464 p.
11. Borzova, L.D. Explanatory Dictionary of Chemical Terms: Educational and Reference Edition for the Main Branches of Modern Chemical Science and Technology / L.D. Borzova, E.V. Meshcheryakova, N.Yu. Chernikov. - M.: Lenand, 2015. - 240 p.
12. Vasilevsky, Yu. Technique of audio and video recording Explanatory Dictionary / Yu. Vasilevsky. - M.: GLT, 2006. - 303 p.
13. Vasilevsky, Yu.A. Technique of audio and video recording. Explanatory dictionary / Yu.A. Vasilevsky. - M.: GLT, 2006. - 304 p.
14. Vasilevsky, Yu.A. Audio and video recording technology. Dictionary. / Yu.A. Vasilevsky. - M.: GLT, 2006. - 303 p.
15. Voroisky, F.S. Computer science. New systematized explanatory dictionary-reference book / F.S. Voroisky. - M.: Fizmatlit, 2003. - 760 p.
16. Ginzburg, S.E. English-Russian Explanatory Dictionary of Hockey Terms / S.E. Ginzburg. - M.: Infra-M, 2018. - 32 p.
17. Godes, B.E. Explanatory dictionary-reference book on construction in the aquatic environment and protection from aquatic environment/ B.E. Godes. - M.: Petropolis, 2007. - 492 p.
18. Gomonov, K.K. Explanatory dictionary of schoolchildren in physics / K.K. Gomonov, M.F. Kesamanli. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2001. - 384 p.
19. Dal, V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. Modern writing. In 4 vols. V.3 / V.I. Dal. - M.: AST, 2004. - 928 p.
20. Dal, V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / V.I. Dal. - M.: AST, 2018. - 736 p.
21. Dal, V.I. Illustrated explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Modern spelling / V.I. Dal. - M.: AST, 2007. - 352 p.
22. Dal, V.I. Children's explanatory dictionary in pictures / V.I. Dal. - M.: AST, 2019. - 128 p.
23. Dal, V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Contemporary version for schoolchildren / V.I. Dal. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 160 p.
24. Dal, V.I. Illustrated explanatory dictionary of the Russian language in modern writing / V.I. Dal. - M.: AST, 2018. - 560 p.
25. Dal, V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Illustrated edition / V.I. Dal. - M.: Eksmo, 2016. - 64 p.
26. Dal, V.I. Illustrated explanatory dictionary of the Russian language in modern writing / V.I. Dal. - M.: AST, 2018. - 18 p.
27. Dal, V.I. Children's explanatory dictionary in pictures / V.I. Dal. - M.: AST, 2018. - 18 p.
28. Dal, V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: an illustrated edition / V.I. Dal. - M.: Eksmo, 2015. - 896 p.
29. Dal, V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: modern spelling / V.I. Dal. - M.: AST, 2019. - 224 p.
30. Dal, V.I. Illustrated explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language / V.I. Dahl; Ed. V.P. Butromeev. - M.: Olma Media Gr., 2013. - 448 p.
31. Ermakova, O.P. Life of a Russian city in the vocabulary of the 30-40s of the XX century: A Brief Explanatory Dictionary of Departed and Outgoing Words and Meanings / O.P. Ermakov. - M.: Flinta, 2011. - 192 p.
32. Ermakova, O.P. The life of the Russian city in the vocabulary of the 30-40s of the XX century. Brief explanatory dictionary of bygone words and meanings / O.P. Ermakov. - M.: Flinta, 2011. - 192 p.
33. Efremova, T.F. Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. T.3. R - I / T.F. Efremov. - M.: AST, 2006. - 976 p.
34. Zhmurov, T.A. Big explanatory dictionary of terms of psychiatry / T.A. Zhmurov. - Elista: Dzhangar, 2010. - 864 p.
35. Zelensky, V.V. Explanatory Dictionary of Analytical Psychology (with English and German equivalents) / V.V. Zelensky. - M.: Kogito-Centre, 2008. - 336 p.
36. Zemlyanova, L.M. Communication and media. English-Russian explanatory dictionary of concepts and terms / L.M. Zemlyanova. - M.: MGU, 2004. - 416 p.
37. Kagan, B.V. Printing terms until 2014: Explanatory dictionary of printing terms (with English equivalents) / B.V. Kagan, S.I. Stefanov. - M.: Lenand, 2017. - 1184 p.
38. Kayan, E. Information Technology. Explanatory dictionary of abbreviations / E. Kayan. - M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2003. - 646 p.
39. Kirsanova, A. Explanatory dictionary of winged words and expressions / A. Kirsanova. - M.: Martin, 2014. - 320 p.
40. Kozlova, T.I. Explanatory dictionary for schoolchildren. Grammar. Word formation. Spelling. / T.I. Kozlov. - M.: Iris-press, 2010. - 320 p.
41. Kolesnikov, V.I. Explanatory dictionary of audit, tax and budget terms / V.I. Kolesnikov. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2003. - 272 p.
42. Korotyaeva E.V. Dictionary. 1-4 cells / E.V. Korotyaev. - Rn / D: Phoenix, 2018. - 670 p.
43. Koryachkin, V.A. Explanatory dictionary of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator / V.A. Koryachkin. - St. Petersburg: Spetslit, 2007. - 272 p.
44. Krasnykh, V.I. Paronyms in Russian: The most complete explanatory dictionary: more than 3500 paronyms, about 1500 paronymic series / V.I. Krasnykh.. - M.: AST, Astrel, 2010. - 591 p.
45. Kunihiro, T. Ideal explanatory dictionary: Problems of modern JAPANESE lexicography. (Riso no kokugo jiten) / T. Kunihiro. - M.: KD Librokom, 2013. - 256 p.
46. ​​Kunihiro, T. Ideal Explanatory Dictionary (Riso: no kokugo jiten): Problems of modern Japanese lexicography. Per. from Japanese / T. Kunihiro. - M.: KD Librokom, 2017. - 256 p.
47. Kutishchev, G.P. Explanatory express dictionary of foreign physical and technical and mathematical terms and general scientific words (for engineers) / G.P. Kutishchev. - M.: Lenand, 2015. - 312 p.
48. Lachinov Yu.N. Definiteness of entities in economics: Explanatory textbook-dictionary / Yu.N. Lachinov. - M.: LKI, 2008. - 112 p.
49. Lebed, K.A. Explanatory Dictionary of Civil Procedure / K.A. Swan. - M.: Gorodets, 2007. - 208 p.
50. Levikov, G.A. Brief explanatory dictionary on logistics, transport and forwarding. Russian-English and English-Russian/ G.A. Levikov. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2012. - 304 p.
51. Levikov, G.A. Brief explanatory dictionary on logistics, transport and forwarding (Russian-English and English-Russian) / G.A. Levikov. - M.: TransLit, 2012. - 304 p.
52. Levikov, G.A. Brief explanatory dictionary of logistics, transport and forwarding (Russian-English and English-Russian) / G.A. Levikov. - M.: TransLit, 2012. - 304 p.
53. Lopatin, V.V. Explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian language / V.V. Lopatin, L.E. Lopatin. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 928 p.
54. Lvov, M.R. Explanatory dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language / M.R. Lvov. - M.: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2012. - 512 p.
55. Magauenov, R.G. Burglar alarms and other elements of physical protection systems. Brief explanatory dictionary / R.G. Magauenov. - M.: GLT, 2007. - 97 p.
56. Magauenov, R.G. Burglar alarm and other elements of physical protection systems: A short explanatory dictionary / R.G. Magauenov. - M.: Hotline-Telecom, 2007. - 97 p.
57. Magauenov, R.G. Burglar alarm and other elements of physical protection: A Brief Explanatory Dictionary / R.G. Magauenov. - M.: Hot line -Telecom, 2007. - 97 p.
58. Mazurina, O.B. English-Russian explanatory dictionary / O.B. Mazurin. - M.: Prospekt, 2015. - 160 p.
59. Mazurina, O.B. English-Russian explanatory dictionary / O.B. Mazurin. - M.: Prospekt, 2016. - 160 p.
60. Maslova, V.M. Personnel management: explanatory dictionary / V.M. Maslova. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2014. - 120 p.
61. Mirkin, Ya.M. English-Russian explanatory dictionary of financial markets. Over 13,000 terms / Ya.M. Mirkin. - M.: Alpina Business Books, 2008. - 778 p.
62. Naumov, V.D. Soil geography: Explanatory dictionary / V.D. Naumov. - M.: Infra-M, 2018. - 208 p.
63. Nelyubin, L.L. Explanatory translation dictionary, erased / L.L. Nelyubin. - M.: Flinta, 2016. - 320 p.
64. Nelyubin, L.L. Explanatory Translation Dictionary / L.L. Nelyubin. - M.: Flinta, 2016. - 320 p.
65. Neroda, V.Ya. Explanatory Dictionary of English Terms for Fuzzy Control / V.Ya. Neroda, S.F. Proskuryakov. - M.: KD Librokom, 2019. - 200 p.
66. Nikolaeva, O.E. Explanatory English-Russian dictionary basic terms of financial and management accounting / O.E. Nikolaev. - M.: KD Librokom, 2014. - 120 p.
67. Nikrevich, L.V. Explanatory dictionary: 1-4 cells / L.V. Nikrevich. - Rn / D: Phoenix, 2016. - 240 p.
68. Nikrevich, L.V. Explanatory dictionary: grades 1-4 / L.V. Nikrevich. - R&D: Phoenix, 2018. - 199 p.
69. Nikrevich, L.V. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language for elementary school/ L.V. Nikrevich, I.L. Kopylov. - Rn / D: Phoenix, 2013. - 220 p.
70. Novodranova, V.F. Explanatory English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary metaphorical terms of cranio-maxillofacial surgery and dentistry / V.F. Novodranova, S.G. Dudetskaya. - Yerevan: MIA, 2007. - 344 p.
71. Ozhegov, S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov. - M.: AST, 2018. - 736 p.
72. Ozhegov, S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: Ok. 100,000 words, terms and phraseological expressions / S.I. Ozhegov. - M.: AST, 2018. - 282 p.
73. Ozhegov, S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: Ok. 100,000 words, terms and phraseological expressions / S.I. Ozhegov. - M.: AST, 2018. - 319 p.
74. Ozhegov, S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: about 100,000 words, terms and phraseological expressions / S.I. Ozhegov. - M.: AST, 2017. - 320 p.
75. Ozhegov, S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: About 100,000 words, terms and phraseological expressions / S.I. Ozhegov; Ed. L.I. Skvortsov. - M.: ONIX-LIT, World and Education, 2012. - 1376 p.
76. Pevzner, M.E. Explanatory Dictionary of Mining Engineer. Mine Surveying / M.E. Pevzner. - M.: Mining book, 2007. - 179 p.
77. Pertsovsky, N.I. Marketing: a brief explanatory dictionary of basic marketing concepts and modern terms / N.I. Pertsovsky. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2016. - 140 p.
78. Ponkratov, P.V. Corporate and project management: explanatory English-Russian dictionary-reference book. / P.V. Ponkratov, O.A. Barteneva, V.D. Shapiro, N.G. Olderogge. - M.: Omega-L, 2018. - 63 p.
79. Ponkratov, P.V. Corporate and project management: explanatory English-Russian dictionary-reference book... / P.V. Ponkratov, O.A. Barteneva, V.D. Shapiro and others - M.: Omega-L, 2010. - 348 p.
80. Prostakov, I. Foreign terms in the tourist industry: A brief explanatory dictionary / I. Prostakov. - M.: FiS, 2008. - 128 p.
81. Rivkin, V.L. Medical explanatory dictionary / V.L. Rivkin. - M.: Medpraktika-M, 2010. - 268 p.
82. Rivkin, V.L. English-Russian explanatory medical dictionary / V.L. Rivkin. - M.: Medpraktika-M, 2012. - 332 p.
83. Robert, I.V. Explanatory dictionary of terms of the conceptual apparatus of informatization of education / I.V. Robert. - M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2012. - 69 p.
84. Rose, T.V. Big explanatory dictionary of proverbs and sayings of the Russian language for children / T.V. Rose.. - M.: Olma Media Gr., 2013. - 224 p.
85. Rychkov, V. English-Russian explanatory dictionary-reference book for PC, laptop, tablet users. computer / V. Rychkov. - St. Petersburg: Science and technology, 2013. - 304 p.
86. Rychkov, V.N. English-Russian explanatory dictionary-reference book for users of PCs, laptops, tablet computers and digital technology / V.N. Rychkov. - St. Petersburg: NiT, 2013. - 304 p.
87. Rychkov, V.N. English-Russian explanatory dictionary-reference book for users of PCs, laptops, tablet computers and digital technology. / V.N. Rychkov, M.V. Cerebral. - St. Petersburg: Science and technology, 2013. - 304 p.
88. Saltykova, L.A. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / L.A. Saltykova and others - M.: AST, 2012. - 144 p.
89. Sinyaeva, I.M. Public relations: explanatory dictionary / I.M. Sinyaev. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2016. - 200 p.
90. Slepov, N.N. English-Russian explanatory dictionary of abbreviations in the region. communications and new information. technologies / N.N. Slepov. - M.: Technosphere, 2013. - 800 p.
91. Slepov, N.N. English-Russian explanatory dictionary of abbreviations in the field of communications and new information technologies: About 42,000 terms and a dictionary of Russian abbreviations about 7400 terms / N.N. Slepov. - M.: Technosphere, 2013. - 800 p.
92. Slepov, N.N. English-Russian explanatory dictionary of abbreviations in the field of communications and new information technologies / N.N. Slepov. - M.: Technosphere, 2013. - 800 p.
93. Smirnov, S.N. Information technologies in banking: explanatory dictionary / S.N. Smirnov, O.M. Ostrovskaya. - M.: Helios ARV, 2013. - 544 p.
94. Stefanov, S.I. Names of color and its shades: Explanatory dictionary-reference book. More than 2000 terms with English equivalents / S.I. Stefanov. - M.: Lenand, 2018. - 248 p.
95. Ushakov, D.N. Explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian language: About 100,000 words / D.N. Ushakov. - M.: Adelant, 2013. - 800 p.
96. Fedorov, A.I. Explanatory dictionary of obsolete words and phraseological turns of the Russian literary language: about 20,000 words and expressions / A.I. Fedorov. - M.: East-West, 2012. - 894 p.
97. Chetyrkin, E.M. Physics: an explanatory dictionary of schoolchildren and students. / EAT. Chetyrkin, N.E. Vasiliev. - M.: Prospekt, 2010. - 485 p.
98. Shalaeva, G.P. Explanatory dictionary for modern parents/ G.P. Shalaev. - M.: AST, 2017. - 224 p.
99. Shalaeva, G.P. Explanatory dictionary for modern parents / G.P. Shalaev. - M.: AST, 2010. - 320 p.
100. Shakhov, V.V. Explanatory legal dictionary: law and business / V.V. Shakhov. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2009. - 704 p.
101. Shchapova, I.A. English-Russian explanatory dictionary of optics and optoelectronics / I.A. Shchapova. - M.: KD Librokom, 2012. - 248 p.