What to read to a girl of 14 years old from the modern. Parental divorce is stressful for children. Memories of upbringing

My story is very interesting. I'm with kindergarten was in love with Timur. He is nice and kind. I even went to school ahead of time for him. We studied, and my love grew and grew stronger, but Tima did not have reciprocal feelings for me. Girls constantly hovered around him, he used this, flirted with them, but did not pay attention to me. I was constantly jealous and crying, but I could not confess my feelings. Our school consists of 9 classes. I lived in a small village, and then moved to the city with my parents. Entered the medical college, and healed quietly, peacefully. When I finished my first year, then in May I was sent to practice in the area where I used to live. But I was not sent there alone... When I got by minibus to my native village, I sat next to Timur. He has grown older and prettier. These thoughts made me blush. I still loved him! He noticed me and smiled. Then he sat down and began to ask me about life. I told him and asked about his life. It turned out that he lives in the city where I live and studies in medical college where I study. He is the second student sent to our district hospital. During the conversation, I admitted that I love him very much. And he told me that he loved me himself ... Then a kiss, long and sweet. We did not pay attention to the people in the minibus, but drowned in a sea of ​​tenderness.
We are still learning together and going to be great doctors.

Teenagers are often not confident in their abilities, they cannot understand what they like. Many of them get lost among more successful peers and doubt their abilities.

To help your child survive such a difficult period, give him a book by Thomas Armstrong, a teacher with 40 years of experience. It will be the first manual on self-development and will help to understand that each of us is smart in our own way. And also the book will teach you to accept yourself as you are, better understand others and explain why IQ tests and fives at school are not always an indicator of a brilliant mind.

Be the best version of yourself

This book will teach a teenager about the true components of success and help them understand that it's not about diligence at all, but about who you are.

Under the cover - stories real people who survived serious illnesses, won the Olympics, who managed to open their own business from scratch. All these are stories about overcoming oneself, courage and determination.

Traps of thinking

This book is simply indispensable for both adults and teens. It teaches us to make the right decisions and avoid the traps that lie in wait for us at every turn.

The book not only teaches right choice but also promotes determination and self-confidence.

Transitional age

The best book on how to understand teenagers. The world's leading expert on adolescence Lawrence Steinberg uses the latest data and Scientific research about the teenage brain - including my own - to show in my book how you can build resilience, self-control, and other good habits in a child. His discoveries about how to educate, teach and treat teenagers will be useful to both teachers and parents.

Why me?

A kind and practical guide to dealing with bullying, written for children by a child who coped with it.

Thousands of children and teenagers suffer silently because they are being bullied by their classmates. Often even parents and school psychologists cannot help. But this book was not written by an expert, it was written by a simple girl who went through school bullying and managed, against all odds, to make a good career and succeed in doing what she loves.

Flexible mind

This book is for parents who want to raise successful and happy children. It is based on a revolutionary concept, open famous psychologist Carol Dweck is the result of 20 years of her own research. From it you will learn:

  • why intelligence and talent do not yet guarantee success,
  • how, on the contrary, they can stand in his way,
  • why rewarding intelligence and talent often jeopardizes achievement,
  • and how to improve a child's academic performance.

I refuse to choose

It is often difficult for a teenager to understand what he wants from life and what he wants to do. It's even harder to figure out who he really is. In this amazing book, Barbara Sher shows you how to adapt your wonderfully multifaceted mind to a world that has never really understood who you really are.

1 page per day

This creative notebook will help spark creativity in a teenager. It contains interesting ideas that will help you create all year round. Each new page is a chance to create something new.

Fill out a notebook every day, page by page, draw, sketch, write, take notes, create and complete lists, set goals, reflect, share ideas with friends.

"Write here, write now" is a creative notebook for kids aged 8-12. It helps teenagers better understand themselves, think about important things in game form and write down interesting thoughts on paper. The book inspires young writers, artists, collectors, inventors and explorers to discover and develop their talents.


Each blot is an inspiration. Every line is free. Give this book to a child. Open his imagination.

"Hirameki" in Japanese means "peculiar style", "special imprint", "a place where doodle and imagination meet". Simply put, it's the art of turning a random blob into something amazing with just a few dots and lines.

This is not only a fun activity that will completely captivate the child, but also very useful for developing creativity, for relaxation after a hard day.

Habit change

We all often operate on autopilot and do not want to change our habits. This also applies to teenagers, who, like adults, can make the same mistakes every day.

Read this book with your child and you will teach him from his youth to work on himself and improve his life every day.

Simple Questions

How do bees find honey? Why is sleep needed? And money? How does an airplane fly? And the balloon? How were they built Egyptian pyramids? Why is the world colorful? Is the sky blue? Why do we have five fingers? What is a blood group?

Most simple and naive questions do not have simple answers. Moreover, mankind did not know the answer to many of them for a very long time, and only the painstaking work of scientists made it possible to find them.

Vladimir Antonets, professor and doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, in his book answers dozens of simple questions that do not have simple answers in an accessible and popular way.

An excellent informative book for a teenager, fascinating and not at all like an encyclopedia.

Emotional Intelligence 2.0

A book that will help you and your child build relationships in any area of ​​life. It is about an important component of life - emotional intelligence.

In fact emotional intellect is the helmsman who controls our decisions, actions and deeds and helps to better use our mental potential. It affects the formation of personality, the development of empathy, the ability to communicate, create strong marital relationships and raise children properly.

Geniuses and outsiders

Book for parents. It will help you understand what success depends on and how to help your child achieve it. Why do some people get everything and others nothing? Is it right to reduce the reasons for success only to personal qualities bestowed by nature?

The book shows what Bill Gates, the Beatles and Mozart have in common and why they managed to outdo their peers. "Geniuses and Outsiders" is not a "how to become successful" manual. This is an exciting journey into the world of the laws of life, which you can use to your advantage.

Where is Warhol

A book that introduces a child to art in an unusual way.

If Andy Warhol were to travel back in time, where would they go? "Where's Warhol?" supplies him with his own time machine, and what do we see ... The book depicts interesting events in Andy's life and himself, and the reader needs to find him in the crowd. Each turn is incredibly interesting to consider. So many details that correspond to some event, era and setting. And if you don’t understand something, there is a description of each spread at the end of the book.

Andy has marked 12 significant moments in art history and invites readers to find him in each of them. From Michelangelo working on the Sistine Chapel to Jean-Michel Basquiat painting the streets of New York. Each scene is meticulously recreated by art historian Katherine Ingram and illustrated by Andrew Ray.

From here to there

Under the cover of this book are 48 labyrinthine worlds that you can walk around.

Bright, detailed labyrinths reflect the beauty of nature, works of art and architecture. They give space to the imagination and let the mind fly freely while you take a leisurely walk through the village streets and park alleys, through the castle grounds, picturesque towns and even through futuristic landscapes. Let your thoughts wander, and let your hand follow the turns of the path.

Great book for kids and adults who love mazes and puzzles.

P.S. Do you want to learn about the most interesting children's books and receive discounts on the best novelties?Subscribe to our newsletter . The first letter is a gift.

Reading books is an important factor in the spiritual development of a person. Growing children develop a worldview and social behavior person. Literature selection plays important role in this formation and is based on age and genre styles.

Historical books for children 11-14 years old

Children are interested in historical fiction, because it combines the events of that era and the writer's invention. And the richer the author's imagination, the more interesting his work for the reader. In addition, the story with elements of adventure becomes more accessible for the perception of the child.

List of artistic and historical interesting works:

    1. “Cave Lion”, “Struggle for Fire” by J. A. Ronnie Sr.
    2. "Princes in the tower" K. Bulychev.
    3. “Scythians in pointed hats” S. Fingaret.
  1. “Island of Courage”, “Swamp Robinsons” S. Radzievskaya.
  2. “To the last sea”, “Genghis Khan”, “Batu” V. Yan.
  3. "The Prince and the Pauper" M. Twain.
  4. “The Tale of Manco the Bold” S. Pisarev.
  5. "Pharaoh" B. Prus.
  6. “The Adventures of a Prehistoric Boy” by E. D * Hervilli.
  7. “Son of Zeus” by L. Voronkov.
  8. "Quentin Dorward", "Ivanhoe" W. Scott.
  9. "Spartacus" R. Giovagnoli.
  10. “Crusade in Jeans” T. Beckman.

Interesting books for teenagers 12-14 years old

Books for teenagers 12-14 years old are divided into modern and classic by the time they were written. Both are of interest. Only age preferences differ.

Children will love the art classical literature:

  • "Robinson Crusoe" D. Defoe;
  • "The Last of the Mohicans" by D. F. Cooper;
  • "Children of Captain Grant" and "The Mysterious Island" by J. Verne;
  • "Dagger" A. Rybakov;
  • "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" M. Twain;
  • "Treasure Island" R.L. Stevenson;
  • "Two Captains" V. Kaverin;
  • "Headless Horseman" M. Reid;
  • The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo by A. Dumas;
  • "Stories about animals" E. Seton-Thompson;
  • "Vagabonds of the North" O.V. Curwood.

Books by contemporary writers are needed no less than the classics. They reflect inner world child, create a behavioral attitude, protect against mistakes.

  1. "Harry Potter" D. Rowling.
  2. "The Little Prince" A. Saint-Exupery.
  3. "The Hobbit, or there and back" D. Tolkien.
  4. "You never dreamed" G. Shcherbakov.
  5. "The True Story of Santa Claus" E. Pasternak.
  6. "I will never forget you" F. Pascal.
  7. "Shakespeare never dreamed" A. Zhvalevsky and E. Pasternak.
  8. "Eccentrics and bores" W. Stark.
  9. "Dandelion Wine" R. Bradbury.
  10. "The Worst Witch" D. Murphy.
  11. "Martin Eden" D. London.

Experts believe that the reader's taste is formed by the age of 11-12. Age variations in literary preferences are indicated conditionally, based on rating studies.

Books for children 12 years old

Popular works of Russian and foreign writers:

  • V. Rutkovsky "Dzhura";
  • R. Smith "39 Keys";
  • O. Zubchenko "Conquering fate";
  • S. Townsend "The Diary of Adrian Mole";
  • D. Toft "Silver Bullet";
  • D. London "Sea Wolf";
  • B. Schaefer "A dog named Mani or the ABC of money";
  • C. S. Lewis "The Chronicles of Narnia";
  • M. Pekarskaya "Class of Mrs. Chaika";
  • J. Verne "20 thousand leagues under the sea";
  • E. Veltistov "Adventures of Electronics".

Books for children 13 years old

The child does not like to read fiction recommended for extracurricular reading. First, according to her peers, she is uninteresting. Secondly, because a taste for your favorite genre has been formed, and you need to read all the material on the list. Seventh-graders like to read historical and adventure works, novels with a philosophical meaning, stories about love.

Fascinating novels and stories for children 13 years old:

  • "Sorcerers" N. Shcherba;
  • "Children's Book" B. Akunin;
  • "St. John's wort" F. Cooper;
  • "Aelita" by A. Tolstoy;
  • "Markus and Diana" K. Hagerup;
  • "Bad advice" G. Oster;
  • "Notes on Sherlock Holmes" by O. Henry;
  • "Amphibian Man" A. Belyaev;
  • "The Adventures of Oliver Twist" Ch. Dickens;
  • "Captain Nemo" J. Verne;
  • "King Solomon's Mines" Haggard;
  • "The Invisible Man" G. Wells.

The child should, having familiarized himself with the work, realize the meaning of the content and analyze his own attitude to what he read. There is a semantic load in any essay, be it a fairy tale or an interesting one. short story, and 14 years (phase of transition to adolescence) allows the correct perception of the material. At the age of 14, the love for fairy tales has not yet passed, but the love experiences of romantic heroes already attract.

The best works of fourteen-year-olds are winners of literary awards:

  • “Where there is no winter” by D. Sabitov;
  • "House of Peculiar Children" by R. Riggs;
  • "Night Watch" by S. Lukyanenko;
  • "Numbers" R. Ward;
  • "Thirteenth edition" O. Lucas;
  • "Sapphire Book" and "Ruby Book" by K. Gere;
  • "The Giver" by L. Lowry;
  • Maze Runner D. Dashner;
  • "Street cat named Bob" D. Bowen;
  • "Mefodiy Buslaev" D. Emets;
  • "The Endless Book" by M. Ende;
  • "Ulysses the Fox and the saber-tooth treasure" F. Adra;
  • "Carrie" and "It" S. King.

List of love drama novels for girls and fantasy stories:

  1. "Girls" E. Kline.
  2. "My best enemy" E. Frey.
  3. "Selection" K. Kass.
  4. "Howl's Moving Castle" D. Jones.
  5. "Alice's Journey" K. Bulychev.
  6. "Bride from 7 A" L. Matveeva.
  7. "Pollyanna" E. Porter.

Interesting books for teenagers 15 years old: list

The maximalism of fifteen-year-old boys and girls, who imagined the surrounding unjust world, leads to reading fiction novels with social problems. Fiction and love stories are also in vogue. At the age of 15, interest in reading cognitive literature (encyclopedias, reference books, historical books) increases.

List of books interesting for fifteen year old readers:

  1. “Make it louder” by D. Meno (about a young man looking for himself in the maelstrom of life).
  2. “Fifteen-year-old captain” and “Around the world in 80 days” by J. Verne (historical and adventure genre).
  3. "Princes in Exile" M. Schreiber (about the heroes of the book, overcoming the yoke of problems).
  4. "A Yankee in the Court of King Arthur" M. Twain (about the adventures of the era of kings).
  5. "Anne-Marie's Diary" M. Quast (about love and friendship).
  6. "XXS" by K. Kaspari (about a girl experiencing constant stress).
  7. "Greek Gods" R. Riordan (historical adventure novel).

Books for teenagers 14-16 years old

Boys and girls read modern editions and classics of domestic and foreign authors. A variety of plots and genres of literary works can give pleasure from reading to the most sophisticated consumer. More often they read the classics, it was created for all time and is constant.

Domestic classical compositions:

  • "Scarlet Sails" A. Green;
  • "Master and Margarita" and "Heart of a Dog" M. Bulgakov;
  • "Doctor Zhivago" B. Pasternak;
  • "Lolita" A. Nabokov;
  • "Head of Professor Dowell" A. Belyaev.

Foreign classics:

  • "451 degrees Fahrenheit" R. Bradbury;
  • "Notre Dame Cathedral" and "The Man Who Laughs" by V. Hugo;
  • "Time Machine" G. Wells;
  • "The Catcher in the Rye" D. Salinger;
  • "Lord of the Flies" W. Golding;
  • "Moby Dick" G. Melville.

Modern fascinating works of art for youth (14-16 years old):

  • The Black Book of Secrets by F. E. Higgins;
  • "Martian Chronicles" R. Bradbury;
  • "100 cabinets" N. Wilson;
  • "Little mistress of the big house" D. London;
  • “Kostya + Nika” by T. Kryukov;
  • "Before I Fall" by L. Oliver;
  • "Roni, the robber's daughter" A. Lindgren;
  • "Alchemist" P. Coelho;
  • "The Da Vinci Code" D. Brown.

These books will appeal to older youth and adults alike.

  • "Red and Black" Stendhal;
  • "Life on loan" E. M. Remarque;
  • "Jane Eyre" by S. Bronte;
  • "The Odyssey of Captain Blood" by R. Sabatini;
  • The Lost World and The Poisoned Belt by A. K. Doyle;
  • Wuthering Heights by E. Bronte;
  • "The Old Man and the Sea" by E. Hemingway;
  • "The Gadfly" by E. L. Voynich;
  • "Three Men in a Boat, Not Counting the Dog" by D.K. Jerome;
  • "White Fang" and "Call of the Wild" D. London;
  • "Black Arrow" by R. L. Stevenson.

Books for children aged 12-14 by genre

Popular among teenagers are literary genres - fantasy, legends and myths, detective, classics, western, comics, romantic novel. This list can be supplemented with humorous stories, Orthodox publications, stories from the Soviet era.

Funny books for teenagers 12-14 years old

Funny novels and stories for children:

  • "Djinn Seva" by A. Ignatov;
  • "My father-birds" D. Almond;
  • “No harm will be done to you here” I. Mytko, A. Zhvalevsky;
  • “About Babak Kostochkina-3, or All legs from childhood” A. Nikolskaya;
  • "Brownies" M. Kunnas;
  • “I am raising dad-2, or the Dog Waltz” M. Baranovsky;
  • "The book that tells everything about boys and girls" F. Bush.

Orthodox books for teenagers 12-14 years old

Christian fiction develops spirituality, light and pure feelings and thoughts. The narration in the publications is conducted in a modern logical style, teaching goodness and justice.

Orthodox compositions for children:

  • “Fear builds walls, love builds bridges” I. Kokin;
  • "Death of an old man" O. Ryabov;
  • “They came, they saw, they were baptized. Orthodox America Today. D. Khanikat;
  • "The Diary of a Former Atheist" by D. Kosintsev;
  • “Lateness and Unfulfilled Promises” by O. Krasnikov;
  • "Forester and his nymph" M. Nefedov.

Children's Soviet writings are called stories, poems, novels published in the USSR for children and adolescents. Soviet editions interesting. They are aimed at educating girls and boys in responsibility, honesty, mercy.

List of Soviet literature for children 12-14 years old, which is worth reading:

  1. "The Fourth Height" by E. Ilyin.
  2. "Only a few days" V. Zheleznikov.
  3. "Little ragamuffin" D. Greenwood.
  4. "House of Wanderers" A. Mirer.
  5. "Spring shifters" V. Tendryakov.
  6. "The Girl and the Bird" V. Kiselev.
  7. "Chick's Childhood" F. Iskander.
  8. "Celestine, or the Sixth Sense" M. Muserovich.
  9. "Lullaby for a brother" V. Krapivin.
  10. "The Secret of Zhenya Sidorov" A. Gladilin.

Reading also affects the child physiologically: brain activity improves, memory is trained, enriched lexicon and speech turns, attention is concentrated, a positive model of behavior is formed. A person who knows how to express thoughts in speech, who has oratorical abilities, makes a quick career. Erudition helps in communication, and therefore, the more diverse the material read, the more benefit the reader receives. You need to read a lot and the best books, making life brighter.

Today, the younger generation is not very fond of literature. Books are not in demand among young people, but in vain.

After all, reading not only contributes to self-development, but also improves logical thinking, develops fantasy and forms the correct concept of good and evil.

In adolescence, it is very important that the child develops diversified.

Psychologists say that in children over the age of 10, due to the huge amount of information, a wrong attitude to the world can form. Which then leads to problems later in life.

Teenagers still have a poorly formed psyche and their own outlook on life. She is easily influenced by others, often losing her own opinion.

Psychologists say that reading books helps to create a person's personality, set priorities correctly and understand why people do certain things.

Therefore, parents of teenagers need to insist that the child reads more and develops.

Reading books helps a teenager:

  1. Relax, protect yourself from everyday problems.
  2. Enjoy reading.
  3. Relieve stress.
  4. Get new information.
  5. Diversify leisure.
  6. Expand vocabulary.
  7. Make speech versatile.

Reading has a positive effect on brain function, improves visual memory and helps a person to develop as a person.

Important! Many teenagers claim they don't like to read, but that's not true. It is likely that the wrong book was chosen by the parents or the child himself.

Literature should be selected based on the hobbies, temperament and interests of the teenager. Only in this case, the child will prefer reading to games on a computer or tablet.

Literature review

Today, parents are confused when it comes to choosing a publication for a teenager.

They do not know which book to focus on, because they want it to be not only interesting, but also useful for the child.

What to look for when choosing a book:

  1. Content. The publication should be meaningful and carry a positive message.
  2. Age category. Remember, only a small number of teenagers will be interested in scientific books or manuals on psychology.
  3. Interests. Choose literature based on your child's preferences.

For teenagers aged 12-14, it is better to choose books written in the following literary genres:

  1. Fantasy.
  2. Detective.
  3. Western film.
  4. Heroic fantasy.
  5. Drama.
  6. Classic.
  7. Legends and myths.
  8. Books are motivators.
  9. Poem.
  10. Parable.

Domestic classics

Classical literature is extremely necessary for children. It helps to know the world, to discover in yourself all the facets of skills and talents.

The works of foreign and domestic classics help to reveal the inner potential, to understand how the world works correctly, to draw parallels between good and evil.

Note! Masterpieces of classical literature must be known to every schoolchild.

But if a person was not familiar with this type of literary genre, then it is better to start “acquaintance” with the works of domestic classics.

After reading which, it will be much easier to understand the metaphors of foreign authors.

Table - top 5 famous classical works of Russian authors:

Book title, author Short description
Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" The work of the most mystical Soviet author M. Bulgakov is suitable for children from 15 years old.

This is a slightly scary, but very interesting work, which simultaneously describes the life stories of Jesus Christ and an ordinary writer.

The work has many mystical moments that make it unlike other literary masterpieces.

Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" This is a classic novel that highlights historical events Russia in the 16th century and the life of over 500 characters
Alexander Grin "Scarlet Sails" Great educational book for girls. It describes romance and Assol's desire for happiness and love.

According to the story, she goes to the ocean every day and waits for her prince on a ship with scarlet sails.

This novel teaches teenagers not to give up their aspirations and believe in miracles.

Alexander Pushkin "Dubrovsky" Many literary critics call this novel not only instructive, but also philosophical. The plot describes the moral decay of the Russian nobility and its opposition to the people
Nikolai Gogol "Viy" Viy is one of the most mystical books. This is a story of horrors that happened to a student-philosopher in the walls of an old church during the funeral of a young lady.

This book has a sad ending main character dies, so it is not recommended to read it to children under 14

Contemporary artistic works

Teenagers often suffer from low self-esteem and feelings of unworthiness, so they need to read motivational books.

Hawking's disease deprived him of speech, the ability to move, but he managed to become famous and achieve heights in science.

Interesting books about love:

  1. Chelsea M. Cameron "My Favorite Mistake".
  2. Colleen Hoover "Hopelessness"
  3. Yulia Kolesnikova "I allow myself to hate."

These books, with a gripping plot, describe the adventures of the main characters and highlight their aspiration and willpower.

Best detectives:

  1. Arthur Conan Doyle "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes". The story of a brilliant detective and his unsolved crimes.

    Many advise reading the book in the original, that is, on English language. It is noted that in the translations, funny and incidental moments are not so clearly outlined, which diversify the seriousness of the plot.

  2. Eugenios Trivisas "The Last Black Cat" The plot of this new detective novel is about missing animals on a Greek island.

    The cats begin to disappear, but no one can figure out where until one of the black cats reveals the truth to his owner.

  3. Alan Bradley "Sweetness on the pie crust". This is a detective story of an 11-year-old girl, the daughter of an English aristocrat, who decides to solve a crime on her own.

Important! An important place in a person's life is played by his spiritual development, therefore, along with the classical and fiction It is recommended to read books on religious topics.

The best Orthodox book is Not by Bread Alone. These are parables and Christian legends that help to realize the importance and role of the Lord in the fate of every person.

Today actual problem among girls, it is weight loss. But many do not suspect that the passion for excessive thinness and diets leads to a deadly disease - anorexia.

To understand how to overcome the disease and not fall for the tricks of the fashion industry regarding the new canons of female beauty and slimness of the body, it is recommended to read the book "Girls in pursuit of fashion" by Jacqueline Wilson.

Books for self-development

Editions for self-development help a person realize his importance in the world, understand what he wants to achieve in life and how to do it.

Such works are suitable for reading every day. After them, I want to analyze and draw conclusions about the material read, as well as try on situations from the work.

List of popular modern books for self-development:

  1. J. Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye". This book is a must read for all teenagers under the age of 16.

    The work describes the life of a teenager who faces many social and psychological problems.

  2. J. Rowling "Harry Potter". The book is about friendship, betrayal, first sympathy and hobbies of young magicians.

    Harry Potter is a collection of books and stories that take place in a magical school.

    These are good and useful works that teach to understand people, to understand the importance of family values.

  3. Chris Mooney "In memory of Sarah". This is one of the best books for self development. The work teaches to find positive aspects even in hopeless situations.

One of the coolest books for self-development is Robert Anthony's Master Secrets of Absolute Self-Confidence.

The product helps to increase self-esteem and get rid of insecurity.

Useful video

The problem of choosing books at this particular age is connected, in my opinion, with two things. Firstly, with the internal state of a single child (some grow quickly and have long been torn, and even adults can read books, while others will not grow out of childhood in any way); secondly, with the inevitable, but painful transition from a complete ban on reading (watching) anything about “adult” love to the ability to read (watch) about it calmly, without “going in cycles”, that is, in an adult way. It is impossible to save children from this threshold. Keeping them in blinders until the appearance of their own children is not very reasonable, to put it mildly. Just from the age of 14 to 17, you need to somehow be able to take teenagers across this reading line, and each child probably needs to pave some way into the wilds of purely “adult” books, in which there are already a hundred years, as if nothing had stopped. no matter how shy.

When compiling conditional lists of books for this age, I did not try to embrace the immensity. I asked my friends, added their opinion to my memoirs and tried to build some system, however, not too logical and academic. I had, strictly speaking, one criterion - how much these books were loved, "readable". No "rules" (if we read "this" - why don't we read "that" and violate historical justice?) are not recognized here. If “then” is unreadable for a teenager, then that’s why we don’t read it. At the age of 14 - 15, the task is still relevant not to scare away from reading, but, on the contrary, in every possible way to make people want to read this activity. Only really favorite books, read several times, were included in the list - strange as it may seem in some cases.

And one more consideration. An adult philologist, compiling such a list, willy-nilly begins to look around in embarrassment: how can I mention a book that has long been considered rather mediocre, or even does not stand up to any artistic criticism? Am I spoiling the taste of the young reader? Such prejudices were not taken into account in this list. The point, in my opinion, is that in childhood and adolescence one must read a lot not for the sake of aesthetic pleasure, but for the sake of horizons. Once I read a very apt remark from S. Averintsev: if a person knows only his time, his narrowly modern range of concepts, he is a chronological provincial. And if he does not know other countries and customs - a geographical provincial (this is my extrapolation). And in order not to be a provincial, you need to read a lot of all sorts of books by the age of 17 - just about life, about “life and customs” different peoples and epochs.

The books in this list are grouped rather conditionally, and the groups are arranged according to increasing "adulthood". So, in my opinion, it will be easier to choose. As the texts are being presented, I will sometimes allow myself some comments.

More "children's" books

A. LindgrenSupersleuth Kalle Blomkvist. Roni is the daughter of a robber. Brothers Lionheart. We are on the island of Saltkroka.

The last book is the most "adult" on the list, but, strictly speaking, all this should have been read by the age of 12-13. As, however, and other books in this section. But if a teenager lingered in childhood, did not read everything that was necessary, then these books will not irritate with “smallness”. They are for teenagers.

V. KrapivinKnee-deep in the grass. Shadow of a caravel. Armsman Kashka. Sailor Wilson's White Ball. Portfolio of Captain Rumba.(And also a fairy tale about a poplar shirt - I don’t remember the exact name)

Krapivin has written many books, and someone may prefer his "mystic-fantastic" cycles. And I love most of all those of his books, where there is almost (or not at all) science fiction, but there are real memories of childhood. The story about Captain Rumba is funny and cheerful - artistically, without effort, and this is not enough for teenagers, like vitamins.

R. BradburyDandelion wine.

Just a story about how difficult it is to get out of childhood - even from the point of view of childhood, not youth.

Alan MarshallI can jump over puddles.

Everyone suddenly remembered her with love.

R. KiplingPack from the hills. Awards and fairies.

England would have to add history to this, or just an encyclopedia, where you can clarify who is who and what is where ...

Cornelia FunkeKing of thieves. Inkheart.

This is already an "arbitrary" part of the list. The fact is that every reader needs (except for masterpieces) a layer of medium books - for a snack, for a break, just so as not to lift weights all the time. And more for correct understanding scale. Those who have been fed only masterpieces since childhood do not know the value of books. Constantly reading texts written for children, you forget some, but still highlight others, although they are not masterpieces. But you can probably replace them with something else, I just came across these.

Lloyd AlexanderA cycle of novels about Taren (Book of Three. Black Cauldron. Taren the Wanderer, etc.).

History, geography, zoology and more

D. LondonNorthern stories. Smoke Bellew. Smoke and Baby.

D. CurwoodRogues of the North(and so on - until you get bored).

Jules Verne Yes, everything that is read, if not already read.

A. Conan DoyleLost World. Brigadier Gerard(and that's history).

W. ScottIvanhoe. Quentin Dorward.

G. HaggardDaughter of Montezuma. Mines of King Solomon.

R. StevensonStolen. Catriona. St. Ives(alas, not finished by the author).

R. KiplingKim.

Boys love it very much if they have the ability to read a book that is not the easiest. You can slip it with a brief comment: this is a story about how an English boy became a spy, and even in India. And he was brought up by an old Indian yogi (“O my son, didn’t I tell you that it’s not good to conjure?”).

A. DumasCount of Montecristo.

The Musketeer epic by this time should have been read a long time ago. And "Queen Margot", probably, too. But you can't read it.

S. ForesterThe Saga of Captain Hornblower.(three books published in " Historical Library for youth).

The book was written in the twentieth century: the history of an English sailor from midshipman to admiral during the Napoleonic wars. Meticulous, adventurous, authentic, very charming. The hero causes great sympathy, remaining an ordinary, but very worthy person.

T. HeyerdahlJourney to Kon-Tiki. Aku-aku.

D. HarriotNotes of the veterinarian and so on.

The books are autobiographical, funny and curious, full of everyday details. For lovers of all living creatures - a great consolation.

I. EfremovJourney of Bourjed. On the edge of the ecumene. Stories.

For some reason, even historians do not know these books now. And this is such a help in history ancient world(Egypt, Greece), and geography (Africa, Mediterranean). And the stories are rather "paleontological" - and also very interesting. This is the early Efremov, there are no (or almost no) seductive ideas - about yoga, the beauty of all kinds of bodies, etc., as in the later "The Razor's Edge" and "Thais of Athens". And there is no politics, as in the "Hour of the Bull" (this is hardly worth giving to children). On the other hand, it may be interesting and harmless to read the Andromeda Nebula - it is, of course, a very outdated utopia, but it successfully eliminates ignorance in the field of astronomy. Efremov is generally good (in my opinion) precisely as a popularizer of science. He has a documentary story about paleontological excavations in Mongolia, "The Road of the Winds" - very curious.

M. ZagoskinYuri Miloslavsky. Stories.

And I don't like Roslavlev at all.

A.K. Tolstoy"Prince Silver".

After all, they have already read it, and no one especially likes it - so, in moderation. And the ghoul stories (“The Ghoul Family” especially) are seductive - but you probably need to read them - for general development.

What girls love

Sh. BronteJane Eyre.

E. PotterPollyanna(and the second book is about how Pollyanna grows up, although, of course, this is read by the age of 10).

D. WebsterLong-legged uncle. Dear enemy.

Fascinating, albeit simple, books. And the rarest form - novels in letters, witty and quite action-packed.

A. MontgomeryAnne Shirley of Green Gables.

Nabokov himself undertook to translate ... But the book is weak. There is a wonderful Canadian TV movie. And a cool Japanese (they say) cartoon - but I haven't seen it yet.

A. EgorushkinaA real princess and a vagrant bridge.

Fantasy, pretty mediocre, and sequels are generally weak. But the girls of 12-13 years old are completely delighted with her.

M. StuartNine carriages. moon spinners(and other detectives).

And this reading is already for young ladies 14-16 years old. Also very beloved, informative and, it seems, harmless. English life after the war, Europe (Greece, France), marvelous landscapes and always love. M. Stewart's detectives are average, but solid. Here is the story of Arthur and Merlin - a masterpiece, but about him in another section.

I. Ilf, E. PetrovThe twelve Chairs. Golden calf.

L. SolovyovThe Tale of Khoja Nasreddin.

The text is charming and mischievous. Perhaps the most suitable one to get used to adult conversations “about life” without unnecessary torment.

V. LipatovVillage detective. Gray mouse. Tale about director Pronchatov. Even before the war.

V. AstafievTheft. Last bow.

"Theft" is a very scary story about an orphanage in the Arctic Circle, where the children of exiled and already dead parents survive - an antidote to Soviet utopias.

V. Bykov

The dead don't hurt. Obelisk. His battalion.

E. KazakevichStar.

And a very interesting book "The House on the Square" - about the Soviet commandant in the German occupied town, but this, of course, is social realism with all its cunning. I do not know more lyrical prose about the war. Is it B. Okudzhava's "Be healthy, schoolboy"?

N. DumbadzeMe, grandmother, Iliko and Illarion.(And the film is even better - with Veriko Anjaparidze it seems). white flags(relatively honest with respect to exposure of the Soviet completely bribed system).

Ch. AitmatovWhite ship.

However, I don’t know ... I’ll definitely say “no” about the later Aitmatov, but I can’t say with certainty about this one that it’s worth reading. I only know for sure that some idea of ​​life in Soviet times children should have. Wrong, if it just remains a failure and emptiness. Then it will be easy to fill it with all sorts of lies. On the other hand, we could read Soviet books, putting the lies out of brackets, and the children no longer understand the conventions that are obvious to us.

Memories of upbringing

A. HerzenThe past and thoughts (vols. 1-2).

As a child, they read with pleasure, precisely in these years.

E. VodovozovaThe story of a childhood.

The book is unique: memoirs of a graduate of the Smolny Institute, who studied with Ushinsky himself. She writes very impartially both about Smolny and about her childhood on the estate (she is generally a "sixties"), but intelligently, accurately, reliably. I read it as a child (the edition was very dilapidated), but about five years ago it was reprinted.

V. NabokovOther shores.

A. TsvetaevaMemories.

K. PaustovskyTale of life.

A. KuprinJuncker. Cadets.

A. MakarenkoPedagogicalpoem.

F. VigdorovaRoad to life. This is my home. Chernigovka.

This is the same Vigdorova who recorded the trial of Brodsky. And the books (it's a trilogy) are written about orphanage, created by a student of Makarenko back in the 30s. A lot of interesting details about life, schools and problems of that time. It reads very easily. The Soviet is noticeable, but the anti-Soviet too.

A. CroninYoung years. Shannon's way(continuation).

And you can probably "Citadel". "Young Years" is a very nice book, however, all sorts of problems with faith arise there. The poor child grew up an Irish Catholic surrounded by English Protestants and eventually became a positivist biologist.

D. DarrellMy family and other animals.

A. BrushteinThe road goes into the distance. At dawn time. Spring.

The memoirs have a revolutionary accent, which is peculiarly combined with the Jewish view of the Russian-Lithuanian-Polish reality. And it is very interesting, informative and charming. I don’t know how it will be perceived by modern children, but the mass of realities of the beginning of the 20th century was reflected so clearly in few other places. Unless A. Tsvetaeva - but she rather emphasizes the exclusivity, and not the typicality of their way of life.

N. RollechekWooden rosary. Chosen ones.

The books are rare and probably enticing. Memoirs of a girl given by her parents to be brought up in a shelter at a Catholic convent. The case takes place in Poland after its separation from Russia, but before the war. The life and customs of the shelter (and the monastery) are quite unattractive; it seems that they are described truthfully, albeit impartially. But they show life from a side unknown to us.

N. KalmaChildren of mustard paradise. Verney rooks. Bookshop in Place de l'Etoile.

What is called - under the asterisk. The author is a Soviet children's writer who specialized in describing the life of "your peers abroad." Very politicized, with class struggle, of course, strikes and demonstrations, but still, to some extent, the realities of a life completely unknown to us are conscientiously depicted. For example, the election of a "president" in an American school or the life of a French orphanage during the war. Or the participation of still teenagers in the French Resistance. It would be nice to read something more reliable - but for some reason, no. Or I don't know. Yes, and these books are hardly easy to get. But the author, for all his Soviet naivety, has some kind of peculiar charm, especially for teenagers. And I loved her, and quite recently one of our children suddenly brought me to show ("Bookshop") as something cherished and expensive.

A. Rekemchukboys.

It is possible earlier, of course; quite a children's story about a music school and a boys' choir. By the way, there is also such an author M. Korshunov, he also wrote about the students of a special music school at the conservatory, then about the railway vocational school. Not really all this is serious, but very curious at the appropriate age. I don’t remember any other books of this kind, but there were quite a few of them in Soviet times.

Science Fiction and Fantasy

A. BelyaevAmphibian Man. Professor Dowell's Head(and everything else - if for some reason it has not been read yet, it is not harmful to children).

A. TolstoyHyperboloid engineer Garin. Aelita.

The latter is more strange than interesting. And the "Hyperboloid" strikes again with the reliability of pre-war Europe - which is extremely rare in our books.

G. WellsWar of the Worlds. Green door.

And other optional. It seems to me that his stories are generally stronger than novels.

S. LemStories about pilot Pirx. (Magellan cloud. Return from the stars. Star diaries of John the Pacific).

Clever stories with good humor. And very sad novels, unusual for that time, with some disturbing lyrics. Diaries is a funny book, teenagers appreciate it. And it is impossible to read his later books - it is complete, creepy and, most importantly, boring darkness.

R. Bradbury451 Fahrenheit. The Martian Chronicles and Other Stories.

A. and B. StrugatskyPath to Amalthea. Noon XXIIcentury. It's hard to be a god. Escape attempt. Inhabited island. Monday starts on Saturday.

These things are not surprising. The first two are utopia, very curious and charming, humorous and sad. In my youth, I myself loved the practically forbidden "Inhabited Island" - a deeply anti-Soviet thing. And "Monday" all the guys love.

G. GarrisonInvincible planet.

This is a very prolific author. Boys (even adults) love a lot from him, because he has a fantasy of a physicist and an engineer. Which is exactly why I'm not very interested in it. And this is an “ecological” novel, wise in its main idea and charming thanks to the rogue hero.

Now about fantasy or about what preceded it

A. GreenGold chain. Running on the waves. Shiny world. Road to nowhere. Fandango.

D.R.R. TolkienLord of the Rings. Silmarillion.

C.Lewis, probably, everyone has read before - "The Chronicles of Narnia". And the "Space Trilogy" or "Dissolution of Marriage" is probably too early to read. About the "Letters of Balamut" I don’t know at all when they should be read.

K. SimakGoblin sanctuary.

Amazingly cute book. He never wrote anything like it again, although in general the science fiction writer is even and pleasant. His stories are better, his novels are worse (in my opinion). Is that the "City" ...

Ursula Le GuinWizard of Earthsea(the first 3 books are very strong, then worse).

It's kind of embarrassing to advertise, but I know there's a middle-aged generation that missed these books, and they're very good. “Space Stories”, in my opinion, hers is still weaker (Haine cycle), but they are also suitable for teenagers. But the texts-studies of family, marriage, the psychology of male and female and other difficult things ("The Left Hand of Darkness") - although they are also disguised as science fiction - these are first-class books, but, of course, more than not for children.

Diana W. JonesHaul's walking castle. Air castle. Worlds of Crestomancy. Merlin's conspiracy.

In my opinion, the best of the books is Castle in the Air. There, humor is built on stylization and word play. But in general, this is a children's author, always quite interesting and not serious enough. To make a deep film based on it, H. Miyazaki had to add so many things ...

M. and S. DyachenkoMage of the road. Oberon's word. Evil has no power.

Very worthy fantasy for teenagers, written by "adult" authors. What they do for adults is uneven, but serious and interesting. Sometimes too hard and too frankly. Don't give them away without looking back. And this is just right.

S. LukyanenkoKnights of the Forty Islands.

A book about growing up and moral problems that have to be solved in artificially constructed conditions. The influence of Krapivin and Golding is noticeable. And I think that's enough. You can, however, read his more “adult” books, but “The Boy and the Darkness”, in my opinion, is just not necessary to read, although it seemed to be written for children. The author is quite charming, but there is such a mess and confusion in his head ...

M. SemenovaWolfhound.

A very strange mixture. folk tales, myths and oriental "practices". Worldview cocktail. Terrible confusion of heaped plots. Love for paganism with a hostile misunderstanding of Christianity (and any world religions, probably excluding Buddhism). Expertly described oriental martial arts. Lots of sensibility. All in all, the books are cute. I, however, became bored by the end of the first (and best) part ...

D. RowlingHarry Potter.

If they want to read it, well, let them read it. There is a lot of interesting stuff there, a lot of alien stuff, but in general, the popularity of these books is as much a mystery as Charskaya's popularity, it seems to me. I honestly read it, not so long ago, and I don’t remember it well.


A. Conan DoyleTales of Sherlock Holmes.

E. Bystories(it is better to read The Golden Bug first - it is not so gloomy).

W. CollinsMoon rock.

Somewhat girlish reading, but entertaining. The Woman in White is noticeably worse.

A. ChristieDeath on the Orient Express.

The choice is not mine, but just a familiar young lady who has recently left the named age. You have to read something from a famous lady. But I don't like her at all.

G.K. ChestertonStories about Father Brown(and other stories).

He teases, of course, but does not repel.

M. Cheval and P. ValeThe death of the 31st department. And any other novels.

We have rare Scandinavians with a good sense of humor and a sober look at modern civilization. Reading them, of course, is optional, but you can - if someone really loves detective stories.

Dick FrancisFavorite. Driving force.

Painfully went through all the other works of this author in search of decent ones. I don't remember, unfortunately. The point is that it is very helpful writer. And I, for example, think that I clearly lacked his books in my youth. Not the detective side, but an amazing attitude to life: courageous, direct, very interested, the opposite of weakness and despondency. And above all else, Francis's novels are an encyclopedia of reality. A man who went through the war (military pilot) enthusiastically mastered everything new that he saw in life: computers, and yachts, and the banking system, and tax accounting, and glass blowing, and photography, and ... She wrote all this, as if it turned out that his wife - she just knew how to write better. In general, for the outlook and the formation of life attitudes, the author is amazing, but not even trying to be “decent”. Well, adult author, what are you going to do here?

A. HaileyAirport. Wheels. Hotel. final diagnosis.

Almost the same story, only the books are many times weaker: there is no accurate and deep depiction of characters. But there is knowledge about reality (a kind of natural school), which is so lacking in youth. By the way, he is “more decent” than Francis in details.

Great novels and serious stories (stories)

V. HugoOutcasts. Notre Dame Cathedral.

The rest is for inspiration. At the age of 14 she loved Les Misérables passionately. And then you won't read them seriously anymore. I liked the “Cathedral” less, but this is a personal matter, and you need to know it first of all.

Ch. DickensOliver Twist. David Copperfield. Cold house. Martin Chuzzlewit. Our mutual friend. Dombey and son(and so on. All the names are inaccurate, because he always has them twisted).

In general, I read Dickens from the second grade. Most of all she loved "David Copperfield" - in the fourth grade. Later - "Bleak House", but here, too, everyone has their own addictions. Usually, once you get into the taste of Dickens, you won't come off. "Martin Chuzzlewit" is a heavy, evil book (as far as Dickens can be evil), anti-American, by the way. I liked Dombey and Son perhaps less than the others. But there is a radio play with Maria Babanova as Florence, with a marvelous song about the sea. Now radio books are in vogue - so, maybe there is an opportunity to track down this old production? A very worthy option. And there are English films: Great Expectations and the old musical Oliver! - absolutely amazing. I didn’t see the new film, but the American David - well, someone might like it, he’s nothing, only very short. We also read Thackeray's Vanity Fair - but that's for Anglophiles.

D. AustinPride and Prejudice.

It would be my will, I would force the whole Austin to re-read - to add intelligence. But, unfortunately, children do not understand this subtle and mocking analysis. They expect from her passions in the spirit of Sh. Bronte, and here is a cold irony. But this can wait.

G. SenkevichFlood. Fire and sword. Crusaders.

The most reading at that age. Romantic, militant, charming, emotional ... Not that very deep, but it adds horizons.

D. GalsworthyThe Forsyte Saga.

Maybe it’s a graduate of an English school speaking in me who read it without fail, but for some reason it was this “average” book that gave something like a coordinate system to navigate at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and beyond - before World War II. A sense of time as a change of styles - that's what he can give, in my opinion. Popular, superficial, but for starters - very reliable bindings. Recently, I have come across the fact that children do not distinguish between the 19th and 20th centuries, do not feel the difference between pre-war and post-war culture. This is a serious problem, and it seems to me that straws should be laid here. We had a completely different story at that time, and her style was different.

T. MannBuddenbrooks.

I didn't read it at school, but if it came across, I'd probably really like it. A book that pretends to be sedate and solid, but in fact rests on such a young and desperate nerve. It is gloomy, however, towards the end, like an evil hunted teenager. Mann also has a rather easy item "Royal Highness". The rest of it is no longer for children.

R. PilcherShell seekers. Homecoming. September. Christmas Eve.

Bytopistelnye charming books (women's prose). England during the Second War - we knew too little about that, by the way. And quite modern (that is, 1980s) England. And we don't know much about it either. IN last book a kind of parish utopia, however, something there will be strange for us. Easy to read, girls will probably like it more. It was published with us quite recently in the “By the Fireplace” series (such checkered volumes, they are most often exhibited in sentimental sections, sometimes in modern prose: the books are quite serious).

Now less weighty texts

Alain FournierBig Moln.

Such a young, sad, poignant, romantic tale.

Harper LeeTo Kill a Mockingbird.

Everyone loves her, I don't, but that's not an argument. Children can love.

S. LagerlöfThe saga of Jost Beurling.

In her own way, she is no worse than Niels with wild geese. And creepy, and beautiful, and very curious. We never imagined such Scandinavia.

R. RollanCola Breugnon.

As opposed to any modern-decadence. And, by the way, for the habit of adult frankness: here it is stylized as a common folk rude frankness.

L. FrankDisciples of Jesus.

Germany after the war. Restoration of justice, boys - Robin Hoods and all sorts of serious problems. The book is more than average (and even translated not so hot), but I'm all about my own: horizons to us, horizons ... But it is easy to read, the plot is dashing.

W. GoldingLord of the Flies.

Be sure to slip it - at least as an inoculation against bestiality.

D. SalingerCatcher in the rye. Stories.

The last one on the list, because it causes shock to many. If the child is still quite small, it is better to hold on, it seems to me, for a year or two. But it's a must read, of course.

Books "already over the edge"

E. RemarqueThree comrades. On western front no change.

In fact, very young books. But some people are shocked by the abundance of alcohol and so on.

E. HemingwayA Farewell to Arms! Stories.

The stories are better, in my opinion. Yes, you can read everything.

G. BöllHouse without an owner.

Everything else is not for children, of course. And this is where you can start. Still "Billiards at half past nine", it seems to me, will pass without a serious shock.

M. MitchellGone With the Wind.

On the one hand, who else will tell us about this war? On the other - well, non-childish details, of course ... On the third - a not very charming heroine (especially for readers of this age), it will probably be boring ... But the movie is even more boring.

T. Wilder

Theophilus North. Day eight. Ides of March.

Yes, you can read everything. But "Theophilus" is so charming and sympathetic that you can't tear yourself away from him. Otherwise, there are a lot of mental schemes that are not so easy to deal with (and you don’t always want to agree). And so - a great writer something.

I. VoReturn to Bricehead.

I don’t know of any other book where student life is so nostalgically and described in detail. Then, however, the question arises, where does hypocrisy and rebellion against him lead ... But this is also a problem for teenagers.

M. StuartCrystal grotto. Hollow hills. The last magic.

The story of Merlin and through him, Arthur. The books are magnificent, the reconstruction is historically very detailed, reliable - how reliable is our knowledge of these times. And traces of Roman life in good old England... And a visit to Byzantium... And a guide to various cults in that era, when there was a hodgepodge of beliefs everywhere... And what landscapes she has... And Merlin, what a charming storyteller... In general, try not to fall in love. True, the third book is already weaker, and attempts to continue are even paler.

G.L. oldieOdysseus, son of Laertes.

If someone else is not in the know: this is not an Englishman, these are two Russian-speaking authors from Kharkov (Gromov and Ladyzhensky). They write fantasy and such novels are reconstructions of myths. Very high quality writing and very unusual, unexpected. If a legitimate doubt arises (why do we need a reconstruction when there is an Odyssey?), it is worth taking a book, opening the first page of the text: “Do not compare life with death, a song with weeping, inhalation with exhalation and a person with a deity - otherwise you will be like you then blind Oedipus of Thebes ... "- and decide. But it is written quite in an antique way - without discounts for any decency. These authors have a lot of books, they are uneven. Maybe it's better to start not even with the Odyssey, but with the Nopperapon. The book is lighter, more modern (pale...).

Finally, about the three "epics"

These books are for "adult" children - of course. The humor is that it was the children who introduced me to two of them - they brought me to show, because it was worth it. And I am grateful to the children, but I don’t know when it is reasonable to start reading.

R. ZelaznyThe Chronicles of Ember.

The first five are especially good, where the narrator is Korvin, a European and an aesthete. Somehow, behind his every word, one feels that he has lived through the entire European culture - that's just like his awkward life (as it, in fact, was). The most charming book. And the idea of ​​the true world, in relation to which everything else is a pale cast, is shown very convincingly. It makes no sense to advise translation: it is unlikely that now it will be possible to get a version of a Russian-speaking Chinese who tried to adequately convey language tricks and games (“Nine Princes in Amber”, “burnt lizard legs”, etc.).

V. KamshaRed on red (cycle "Reflections of Eterna").

The book about which I cried out (having finished reading at night): “Yes, this is some kind of War and Peace!” This, of course, is not "War and Peace" - it ended up being too long (and heaped up). But this is the most sober and adequate understanding of our current vague life - albeit in fantasy clothes, with swords, sails, mysticism and horror. And the war is very intelligibly, meaningfully described. Even I was interested and understandable. The book is smart, tough, but in some places naturalism is still over the edge. And the author has a general modern resentment against faith and believers. There's a lot to talk about and think about, by the way.

Max FryEcho labyrinths. Echo Chronicles.

I myself did not dare to “slip” this into any of my classes to any, even the most obscene readers. So they read it on their own, without asking anyone and without discussing it with anyone. You can consider this my whim and sedition, but still it seems to me that this is our highest quality literature for recent years 10. True, very childish. And adults, as experience shows, often do not understand it - they consider it low-grade entertaining reading matter.

The list, of course, turned out whimsical and incomplete. It makes sense to add to it what you remember later. Or throw something away. However, this is nothing more than a cheat sheet, from which you can simply push off when looking for a book for a particular child.

O.V. Smirnova