Teleportation - science fiction or reality? Scientific research on teleportation

As far back as the first century BC, paranormal phenomena occurred with different people and items. Many scientists have devoted their entire lives to studying these phenomena. The famous American researcher Charles Fort first coined the term "teleportation" in 1931 to describe certain paranormal events and phenomena. By this definition, he understood the movement of objects and people in time and space. Is it really possible? Has human teleportation been proven? How to learn to move in time? Let's consider these questions in more detail.

First teleportation

As mentioned earlier, as early as the first century BC, paranormal phenomena called teleportation were noticed. This happened, for example, with the famous scientific philosopher - Apollonius (1st century BC). Flavius ​​Domitian - the Roman emperor - tried him for sorcery and magic, when he at one moment evaporated from the courtroom and found himself on the other side of the world. And such disappearances were not uncommon. Prisoners disappeared in many prisons, with no signs of escape to be seen.

Experiments of Nikola Tesla

N. Tesla is a Serbian scientist and inventor in the field of radio and electrical engineering. Some of his discoveries were connected precisely with the movement of objects over a distance. He believed that teleportation was possible and conducted secret experiments with magnetic fields to prove it. The unit of measure for induction is even named after him. magnetic field- Tesla (Tl). He devoted his whole life to devices operating on alternating current. In his circles, he was often called a genius of all times and peoples and a superman. Indeed, many claimed that he had the gift of foresight, could read minds and even draw information from space. There is a legend that N. Tesla conducted experiments on a military destroyer called the Eldridge, and he managed to move this warship 320 kilometers in a split second. At the same time, along with the vessel, there was a movement in space and the entire crew in it. There are rumors that almost all the people on the ship died due to exposure to strong radio-magnetic waves. Those who survived went mad.

There is another legend associated with the great scientist N. Tesla. Rumor has it that he created a time machine and could move any person or object in space. Based on these assumptions, the film "The Prestige" was filmed in 2006. Opponents of teleportation stories believe that this is impossible from the point of view of physics, since in order to move from one place to another, it is necessary to move at super speed, and with such movement the object is destroyed. Accordingly, the question arises: how then everything comes together again?

Human Quantum Teleportation

A quantum is a very small indivisible particle in physics. Recently, many scientists have been experimenting with the movement of these particles in time and space. If you manage to move a small particle, then everything else will work too. Recently, Chinese and Canadian scientists have succeeded in teleporting encoded information into particles of light. Of course, quantum channels for data transmission were used for this, however, in the future, such experiments may lead to the transmission of information without the use of any transmitters.

Sufi miracles

The followers of the esoteric movement in Islam - the Sufis - also pay a lot of attention to such a concept as "human teleportation". Almost every famous Sufi teacher knew how to learn to move in space and time. They used this knowledge, as a rule, for the purpose of self-improvement, self-knowledge. Going back to the past allowed them to “learn” from certain situations, while they went to the future to see what events needed to be changed in the present. There are a huge number of records of how experienced Sufis traveled hundreds of kilometers in order to convey certain knowledge to people.

Reverend Mary and teleportation

It sounds incredible, but the Soviet historian writer A. Gorbovsky in his works describes that in the 17th century, the Reverend Mary, who never left the monastery where she lived, at certain points in time was not far from the Indian settlements in America and told them about Christianity . Later, one of the priests, who went to these tribes for the same purpose, found out that someone was ahead of him. In addition, it became known that the Reverend Mary not only told the Indians about her faith, but also presented them with a rosary, crosses and a bowl for communion. The inhabitants of these lands themselves later clearly described a woman from Europe as two drops similar to the Monk Mary. Can there be so many coincidences, one can only guess.

Spontaneous teleportation

If you believe everything that is written above, it actually turns out that cases of human teleportation occurred with different people, V different countries and completely in different time. Of course, there are a lot of opponents of this phenomenon, they are trying to explain this phenomenon from a scientific point of view, they refute certain events and, of course, they have every right to do so.

Supporters, on the contrary, are looking for evidence and trying to learn how to move in time. There is an opinion that the first practice of human teleportation, as a rule, occurs absolutely unexpectedly and spontaneously. Of course, before that, you need to study a lot of literature, learn how to enter a certain state. It also happens vice versa, when a person teleports completely consciously and understands exactly what is happening to him. For the first time, this phenomenon is accompanied by dizziness and nausea. In any case, an unprepared person is unlikely to be able to learn how to move.

What is needed for teleportation

Most likely, many who want to learn this are wondering where to start after all. On the Internet there is a huge amount of different information, something is presented for a fee, something is free. Let's try to structure it and choose the most important points for an event such as teleportation. Learning these techniques is very important to achieve the best results.

First of all, in order to learn teleportation, you must be able to concentrate on a certain thought.

It sounds very simple, but in fact, when a person closes his eyes and tries to think only about one thing, a variety of plots and problems pop up in his head every now and then. Therefore, first you need to master the technique of complete relaxation and turning off absolutely all thoughts. When the “blank slate in front of your eyes” (which means no thoughts) can be held for at least 10 minutes, then the first step is already behind you.

Transferring the astral body

As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to start small, which means that time travel is not worth it yet. It is necessary to focus your thoughts on When completely relaxed, you must figuratively try to move "your double" to a very close distance. If, for example, you are meditating on a sofa, then imagine that the astral body gets up from the sofa and stands next to you. You should see the room with “different eyes”, look around: here is a chair, a wardrobe, here you are lying on the sofa, etc. When such an exercise is completely successful and you can clearly see all the objects in the room, you can start changing the distance - first kitchen, then to your street and so on.

Conscious human teleportation

Only a few know how to learn this technique, but if a person believes in his abilities, he can succeed. If teleportation physical body will be insurmountable, it is necessary to continue to train and not retreat. Even the time travel of the astral body is already a great success. When a person fully masters this skill, he can be with his thoughts anywhere on the planet and “see through” any situation. Teleportation in time, of course, is more difficult than movement in space, but a huge number of stories on the Internet on this topic still indicate that it is possible. Many practitioners - magicians, Sufis, shamans - claim that the first experience, as a rule, occurs in a dream. On the one hand, a person is already quite trained, but with a high concentration of attention, his body is so tense that he cannot teleport. The situation in a dream radically changes the matter. A person who has enough knowledge is in complete relaxation, which means that his body is ready to move for a fraction of a second to another place.

A lot of scientists and esotericists dealt in detail with such an issue as human teleportation. How to learn this technique has always been a closely guarded secret, and for good reason. Of course, everyone would like to be able to move, but is it really necessary for each of us? How, for example, to deal with criminals in prisons, who could teleport from there at any moment. In addition, if everyone could be transported to wherever they wish at any moment, how much theft would become more frequent in the world, and how would murders be investigated? There are no answers to these and many other questions yet. Of course, teleportation is very interesting and exciting, but we should not forget about real life.

The reality of teleportation remains one of the most controversial topics in the new era. Countless works, one way or another confirming or refuting the possibility of teleportation, are replaced by new ones, no less controversial and emotional.

To date, there are two camps - respectively, two types of teleportation.

The first way - more or less realistic - is called quantum.

Its meaning lies in the fact that a certain channel is created (while it is called quantum), through which object A transfers its properties to object A1, and A1 duplicates A in its parameters. Then A is destroyed, and its absolute twin continues to exist in the place chosen for transfer .

Experiments conducted by scientists at Aarhus University (Denmark) at the end of September this year proved the practical possibility of such teleportation.

Scientists have achieved a quantum (read energy) connection between gas clouds located at a considerable distance from each other.

During the experiment, the Danes managed to bind about a million cesium atoms. Communication should lead mutual influence. According to the experimenters, the impact on the original entails a similar change in the parameters of the copy.

Thus, the channel through which information flows, the nature of the mutual change of parameters and the purity of transmission will be investigated.

The next stage of research is the complete transfer of properties and the reconstruction of quantum particles at a distance. In other words, the formation of copies of elements without the direct movement of the elements themselves using a quantum communication channel.

It is clear that the results of such experiments can be called teleportation with a stretch. But the very possibility of ultrafast quantum information transfer means, at a minimum, new era in computer technologies.

About teleporting something more serious than gas clouds the quantum physics while silent.

In any case, for the future, it was found out that quantum teleportation takes place in four stages: (1) scanning-reading the original object, (2) its “disassembly”-splitting and transferring information about it into some information code, (3) code transmission to the place of "assembly", (4) in fact, the re-creation is already in a new place.

Even with the most successful developments of this particular type of teleportation, it will not work to “transfer” a person in this way. And here's why: firstly, the process of "encryption" and data processing already at the first stage is too long in time, and it is still difficult to say how long the connection between the "assembly point" and the "disassembly point" will last, because in Danish experiments the connection thousandths of a second remained between the gas clouds.

Secondly, the probability that the model-structure of the recreated object will retain the order and organics of the original is negligible. In addition, it is not known what happens to matter immediately before the transfer of information and immediately after materialization.

Further, how will non-material structures behave, for example, those connected with the neurons of the brain and, accordingly, with consciousness? Will the adequacy of the impulse connections in the body, the direction of the blood flow, and so on, be preserved, or will the output be something ugly and mutated, depending on the humidity of the air and the type of lighting?

This has yet to be clarified, and apparently, in the traditional way - mice will be the first to “fall” into the teleport from animate creatures.

The second method of teleportation is called hole teleportation, and it is generally considered more fantastic than scientific. The "white crows" who prove its feasibility are ridiculed and called charlatans.

Hole teleportation was just invented for a person. By the way, one of its “authors” is Russian Konstantin Leshan.

Hole - implies the direct movement of the object, without any copies and reconstruction. Was here - appeared there.

It can be accidental and, accordingly, provoked. In the first case, a person, as it were, falls out of the space-time continuum, in the second case, he is “expelled” by scientists or, of his own free will, steps into a hole in the continuum.

The hole theory, in contrast to quantum practice, proceeds from the fact that there are so-called zero-transitions, in other words, holes, which serve as “teleport doors”.

These holes are either discovered or created. Such mythological gaps in the smooth body of space-time are mentioned by most mystics and are associated with other dimensions inaccessible to human perception. So, smells and voices can be heard from them, but directly visual perception they are not available.

According to scientists, this is the safest method of teleportation for a person, since there is no “disassembly” of the body, the integrity and structure of the body is preserved.

One of its main shortcomings is the uncertainty of the place of materialization. According to the hole theory, an object cannot completely fall out of the continuum, based on the axiom of energy conservation, but it’s still difficult to say whether the teleporter will end up in the territory of the Teletubbies.

There is evidence of people returning aged after an accidental hole teleportation - they could not clearly tell anything.

The "hole" theory quite easily operates with hypothetical concepts, adjacent to the theory of the unevenness of space and time. Its spectacularity and artistry are captivating, but the simplicity of the description is alarming.

Regarding the unscientific nature of this theory, it can be noted that any discovery has the right to go from delirium to banality.

Be that as it may, it seems that the teleportation of objects in 50 years will still be possible, but expensive, and therefore will not spread among the masses.

But the man will have to wait. In the case of quantum teleportation - maybe before the advent of chips, in order to take them out before teleportation and insert them into a second copy after - the probability of errors in the reconstruction of the molecules of the teleported brain is too high. In the case of a hole, you will have to wait until the holes show themselves with at least some certainty - say, like in the movie "Window on Paris".

Avatar Sathya Sai Baba (1926 - 2011) who lived in India also performed real miracles. Many cases have been described in whichrevived the dead, healed the sick, easily and freely materialized various objects, about which American psychiatrist Samuel H. Sandweiss, professor at the University of San Diego in California, writes with indescribable amazement in his book "Sathya Sai, Saint and ... Psychiatrist".

Renowned paranormal researcher, biologist Lyall Watson, writes about Sai Baba: During my trip to India, I saw a man who could perform almost all the miracles of Christ... He transforms stones into sweets, flowers into jewels, air into sacred ashes, capable of curing many diseases, and heals by touch or from a distance. together to form matter. He is able to give information to electrons and protons so that they combine in a certain way and create different elements. The wisdom and knowledge of this man exceeds all our expectations. ".
In the newspaper Chas Rush, No. 42 of October 27, 1993, an interview was published with the director of the St. Petersburg Satya Universal Fund, Alexander Tseyko, who had repeatedly visited India and talked with Sai Baba. " He asked me if I was a Christian, and in front of my eyes an amazingly beautiful ring with a golden cross materialized. - How? - He makes a movement with his hand and takes out various objects right out of the air".
This is confirmed by a world-famous scientist, ophthalmologist, doctor of medical sciences, Professor Ernst Muldashev in his interviews with AiF correspondents ("Where are the origins of mankind" No. 23, 1998 and "Why "dead" water should be washed down with "live"" No. 44, 1998 ). He says " But the main feature of Sai Baba is the ability to "materialize" a thought. On one of my expeditions to the south of India, I myself saw how Sai Baba (he is also called a modern saint) "materialized" ashes and rice. I watched this man very carefully. I was struck not so much by the process of "materialization" of thought as by the eyes of Sai Baba - they were so unusual for me as an eye specialist. Each person has a glare on the cornea of ​​​​the eye when photographing. This highlight is usually located above and to the side of the pupil. Do spiritually strong people, for example, Osho, there can be two or three or more such highlights at the same time. The pupil never glares. In Sai Baba, the glare is located right in the pupil and occupies almost its entire area. Every day I looked into his eyes and became more and more convinced that this man possesses some kind of powerful inhuman spirit.".
Hundreds filmed about Sai Baba documentaries, which show and
his ability to dematerialize himself, and be in several places at the same timeand other miracles. On this phenomenon, independent scientists conducted studies that only confirmed his supernatural abilities, but did not give any scientifically based explanations for what was happening. Of course, the traditional Indian guru in the old days was a hermit, to whom only the closest disciples had access. At present, unfortunately, we do not see this. Not only in India, but all over the world one can observe different attitudes towards Sai Baba - from admiration to sharp criticism of his tricks. Yes, Sai Baba extraordinary personality, and he deserves to be studied in detail and scrupulously his activities.
The biologist Lyall Watson, mentioned above, in one of his books described a meeting with an Indonesian female shaman who, performing a ritual dance,
was able to make an entire grove of trees disappear in an instant.Watson writes that while he and another surprised bystander continued to watch her, she caused the trees to disappear and reappear several times in succession.
To date, hundreds of articles have also been written about the miracles performed by Indian yogis and Tibetan monks, many films have been made about their ability to teleport, send thoughts at a distance, walk on water and get off the ground, dematerialize, move tens of kilometers in a minute, etc. P.
In the "Interesting newspaper" No. 2 (77) there was a message that the famous master of martial arts from Seoul, Kim Doo Ok, who died a few years ago, had the ability to teleport. This small, frail old man laid the most healthy sparring partners on the carpet in a matter of moments. The Chinese newspaper "China Herald" reported that when viewing frame-by-frame video recordings that were made during the fights of this master, it is clearly seen how Kim disappears in one place, leaving only a melting silhouette there, and immediately appears in another. And while the enemy continued to attack the "mirage", the maestro had only to make a light cut ...
In 1982, a fighter plane disappeared from the radar screens in Belarus at the Air Force base during a flight. After, according to all calculations, the fuel in the car ran out, searches began, but they did not give a result. Imagine the astonishment of the airfield workers when the missing plane landed on the runway the next day. The pilot behaved as if nothing had happened - for him the flight lasted exactly 12 minutes planned ...
In the Moscow region in 2008, an electric train with its arrival in Moscow was delayed for several hours. At first she was on schedule, then she just disappeared. One girl was seeing off her friend, and they were standing on a platform near Moscow. The girls decided to take pictures of each other while they were waiting for the train. When the girl took photos, she was very surprised to see a train passing by in one of the photos. After all, at that moment there were no electric trains! Probably, the same disappeared electric train was captured in the photograph. Passengers on this late train were also surprised to learn that they had arrived in Moscow several hours late.
It is probably worth mentioning that many researchers or journalists are trying to collect a whole collection of such facts. However, many of them later turn out to be fake.
You can give a large number of examples of teleportation in our time, which are described in the press, the Internet and shown on TV. We all know to some extent about Bermuda Triangle, now more and more information about contacts with UFOs. An important feature of all UFO-related teleportation cases is the return of the victim in a state of shock, trance and semi-amnesia, which is exactly the same as the stories that dealt with fairy abductions in more ancient times.
More than a thousand people go missing worldwide every year. Perhaps many of them do not become victims of violence at all, as their relatives and some experts believe, but fall into the labyrinths of time (teleport). Some of them manage to get out of the web of time, others remain in the unknown, others surprisingly manage this process themselves. In world folklore and literature, there are many descriptions of movement in time and space (teleportation): flying in a whirlwind, on a genie, on a magic carpet. For example, the blacksmith Vakula, the hero of The Night Before Christmas, used a trait to fly to St. Petersburg. Of course, this can only be regarded as an artistic fiction of the writer. And yet it is worth asking the question: maybe N. "V. Gogol knew much more than he wrote?

I propose to discuss the topic of teleportation on , as well as a related topic "

Perhaps, any of us at least once in our lives dreamed of moving from one place to another in an instant, so as not to waste time and energy on the road. Only you were sitting in your office - and in a couple of seconds you suddenly found yourself on the warm sea coast ...

Dream! But, as supporters of the existence of teleportation prove, there are numerous historical facts the mysterious and inexplicable disappearance of objects or people in one place, and their unexpected appearance in another. Here are some amazing facts about teleportation and about people's attitude to this unknown phenomenon.

"Nonsense! It can not be so!" - exclaim opponents of the instantaneous movement of a person in space. "Unbelievable but true!" its supporters say. In their opinion, the history of mankind knows many cases when people, without realizing it, moved great distances.

The first case of teleportation allegedly happened in the 1st century AD. Apollonius of Tyana lived in Rome, who could move from Rome to Ephesus in a split second to help sick people. Emperor Domitian found out about this, considered Apollonius a sorcerer and sentenced him to death. But at the moment of execution, the doctor exclaimed: “No one can keep me!” Following his words, something flashed brightly, and Apollonius disappeared. As it turned out later, it was at this moment that Apollonius was seen far from the place of execution.

At the end of the 16th century, a soldier appeared in Mexico City, whose garrison at that time was very far from Mexico - in the Philippines. It is clear that he was considered a deserter and did not believe his story about an unexpected thousand-kilometer movement. According to the soldier, he was on guard at the governor's palace in Manila when he was killed by rioters. Almost immediately after that, the man felt dizzy, lost consciousness and woke up already in Mexico City. Nobody believed him, and the judge sentenced the poor fellow to prison. But a couple of months later, a ship arrived from the Philippines, the passengers of which (and these were other witnesses to the murder of the governor) confirmed the veracity of the soldier’s words.

In the 17th century, in the monastery of the town of Agreda, in Spain, the Monk Mary lived. According to the testimonies of the nuns, she never left the monastery walls. But the facts prove that in the period from 1620 to 1631, Mary moved to America at least five hundred times, where she converted the Yuma Indians to Christianity. Nobody believed in the words of Mary, rumors reached Pope Urban VIII. He decided to check the facts and turned to the Spanish king Philip IV with a request to find out the details. As a result, the "alibi" of Reverend Mary was confirmed by the Indians of the tribe themselves. According to them, a nun from Europe periodically “appeared” to them (the described appearance coincided with the appearance of Mary), taught them the faith and left them a rosary, crosses and a chalice - a vessel for communion. Moreover, Maria was also able to describe in detail the appearance of the Indians, their lifestyle and clothing. How can this be if teleportation is impossible?

There are known cases of teleportation in the recent past. In 1968, the Argentine Vidal family decided to drive their car to visit friends. The path went from the town of Chaskomus to the town of Maitsu, but the couple did not arrive at their destination. They called their friends, worried about their absence, from Mexico ... According to them, on the road the car was covered with a white and very dense fog, and people lost their sense of the reality of what was happening. When everything passed, they were at a distance of four thousand kilometers from the "foggy place".

Supporters of teleportation believe that he was able to overcome distances, freely passing through walls, and the great magician Harry Houdini. Jailbreak is his signature stunt. Once Houdini was locked in a cell in a prison in St. Petersburg, from where he safely disappeared. When asked to reveal the secret of the trick, Houdini said that he could not do it, since it was not his secret.

According to allegedly declassified data, during the Second World War, Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla conducted an experiment on the teleportation of a large object. The order for this was made by the American military. Tesla was opposed to man's influence on the power of nature, he believed that this would not lead to good. But no one listened to his opinion, and Albert Einstein allegedly was able to combine all the fields of the Earth - gravitational and electromagnetic.

The experiment was carried out with the American warship Eldridge, which disappeared before the eyes of astonished witnesses, appeared at the same moment at a distance of several hundred kilometers, and then returned to its original place. No one could then explain this, although for many people who were on the Eldridge, the journey ended in failure. Someone disappeared, someone was moved by the mind, and someone was literally pressed into the hull of the ship by an unknown force. All data of the experiment were classified, but the idea of ​​teleportation did not leave the minds of American researchers.

And in 1983, it was decided to conduct another experiment, this time with the Montauk military base. The experience was called "Phoenix-2" and it began to be implemented. According to those who conducted the experiment, a powerful electronic tornado arose from nowhere, swallowing up the base and the people who were on it. The conclusion of scientists - the entrance to a parallel world, where the Montauk base ended up.

Skeptics consider such stories to be tales of mentally ill people.

But even some scientists admit the possibility of teleportation of large bodies (objects or people), because during the experiments they made sure that the smallest particles can teleport. Physicists at the Niels Bohr Research Institute in Copenhagen proved this in 1997. And since small bodies can, then, albeit with great difficulty, this can happen with large objects! Although this is contrary to common sense and the laws of physics, because in order to instantly move over long distances, the body must develop super speed, which will lead to the destruction of the structure of the object being moved. And in a new place, the body must be re-assembled, which is impossible!

Recently Luc Montagnier, laureate Nobel Prize in medicine in 2008, said that he and his associates were able to move DNA from one tube to another by teleportation during the experiment. How did it happen? The researchers took two test tubes, one contained water, and the other contained DNA molecules. Then an energy source was turned on, the radiation of which first passed through a test tube with DNA, and then entered a test tube with water. After a while, DNA molecules were found among the water molecules in the latter.

It is known that such experiments have been repeatedly carried out by Russian and Chinese scientists. Moreover, Dr. Jiang Kanzheng was able to transfer DNA from one living object to another. Once he managed to transfer the DNA of a melon to cucumber seeds under the influence of an electromagnetic field, as a result of which cucumbers with a melon taste grew. Then, in the same field, Jiang Kanzheng transferred duck DNA to chicken eggs. The hatched chicks had duck-webbed feet!

Be that as it may, it is impossible to unconditionally accept this or that point of view today. It is necessary to study teleportation further in order to get a clue to this phenomenon. In the meantime, we just have to believe in it and dream about the possibility of moving in space, bypassing traffic jams and saving time!

To two independent groups of physicists - from National Institute standards and technologies of the United States and from the University of Innsbruck in Austria - it was possible for the first time to realize the teleportation of the quantum state of ions. Their achievement can be an important step towards the creation of quantum computers and other devices for processing and transmitting quantum information.

Teleportation is one of the most beloved Vehicle storytellers and fantasy. However, in this form, it contradicts all the laws of science, which says that teleportation should be understood not as a transfer, but as a re-creation at another point. physical properties and characteristics of the object. Quantum teleportation, unlike the one described by science fiction writers, takes place in four stages: reading the original object, splitting it and converting information into some code, transferring the code to the "assembly" place and recreating the object in a new place. Sadly, quantum teleportation is not yet suitable for transporting a person from one place to another. First of all, because the process of data processing and decryption takes an immeasurably longer time than thousandths of a second, in which the connection between the assemblage point and the disassembly point is maintained even in the best experiments. For this reason, the likelihood that a copy will be similar to the original is too risky. In addition, it is completely unclear how the structures associated with consciousness will behave. The slightest fluctuation in temperature or humidity can lead to unpredictable changes in the psyche. There are more questions than with cloning. Are connections in the body broken during teleportation? Will not, say, the blood flow in the opposite direction and will we get up when we want to sit down? Are the innate reflexes that guarantee the biological stability of homo sapiens preserved? Research on teleportation in last years conducted in 40 laboratories around the world. And not empty. Quantum physics, which seemed to be an abstruse abstraction, finally switched to applied rails. On April 21, 2004, the first commercial transaction using quantum cryptography was carried out in Australia. Professor Anton Cajlinger from the University of Vienna transferred three thousand euros received from the mayor from the town hall to the nearest bank branch via optical fiber with a code packed in a quantum state of a photon. This is the most secure of all possible ways to transfer information.

Modern teleportation is not a hefty game of the mind: research in this area is of great practical importance for the creation of a fundamentally new generation of quantum computers of immeasurably higher power than the current ones. Information will be transmitted in them in the described way and will be measured not in bits, but in qubits.

We can reassure those upset readers about the impossibility of instant travel to distant lands. In addition to the teleportation described above, there is also the so-called hole teleportation, when an object falls into another dimension.

Such teleportation is already quite suitable for us humans. But regarding this subject, not only experiments, but even a convincing theory has not yet been created. Some vague guesses.

A bit of theory for the curious about quantum computers

Two interesting articles - theoretical and experimental - were recently published in the journal Nature. They lead in different ways, but to one cherished goal - the creation of a quantum computer capable of solving problems that are fundamentally beyond the power of modern computers.

In the first, theoretical article, Emanuel Knill, a professor at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, proposed a new hierarchical architecture for a quantum computer. According to the author, this architecture, in principle, makes it possible to build a quantum computer based on the components already implemented in the experiment.

As you know, the main obstacle to the creation of quantum computers is the rapid destruction of delicate quantum information by external noise. A unit of quantum information, a qubit, capable of representing either a logical zero, or a unit, or both at the same time, is realized in the form of a quantum state of a photon, atom, ion, or other microparticle. This is the basic building block of a quantum computer. So far, it has been possible in scientific laboratories to carry out quantum calculations for only a few qubits, which, of course, is not enough for practical calculations. And the more qubits in a quantum computer, the faster information is destroyed.

To get around this difficulty, Neill proposed to organize all the qubits of a quantum computer into a simple pyramidal structure of small blocks of qubits. Quantum data will be teleported from level to level and constantly checked for integrity. With such a hierarchical structure of the computer, calculations can be carried out even if the probability of a single qubit error during the calculation is three percent. And this level has already been reached in experiments on ion quantum computers. There are no problems with the teleportation of quantum information.

Today, to ensure reliable operation of just a couple of qubits, it will be necessary to create three levels of hierarchy and operate with 36 qubits only at the lower level. However, it's still better than nothing. And the balance between redundancy and computational reliability in Nill's scheme is noticeably better than in other approaches. Moreover, the requirements for redundancy of the computer architecture can be significantly reduced by reducing the level of errors.

So far, the efficiency of the new architecture has been tested only in many months of computational experiments on a conventional workstation. The author's conclusions still need rigorous mathematical proofs and experimental verification.

In another work of a large group of European scientists, coordinated from the University of Vienna, for the first time it was possible to experimentally implement the "unidirectional" quantum computing proposed by theorists Raussendorf and Briegel in 2001.

A unidirectional quantum computer is fundamentally different from a conventional quantum computer and even forces scientists to rethink the very concept of quantum computing. In a conventional quantum computer, the initial quantum states of the qubits are first prepared, then the calculation algorithm is implemented by a sequence of time-reversible manipulations with the states of the qubits, and the result of the calculations is measured. It is the implementation of reversible manipulations, that is, "entanglement" of the states of qubits, which are easily destroyed by any noise, that causes the main difficulties.

In a unidirectional quantum computer, a cluster of quantum particles is initially prepared in a highly "entangled" state, and the quantum computing algorithm is reduced to a sequence of irreversible measurements of the states of qubits.

The irreversibility of calculations, which are much less spoiled by noise, makes such a computer be called unidirectional. Theorists have shown that it is possible to implement Grover's search algorithm in a unidirectional way, and, as is known, it is possible to reduce all other "unbearable" algorithms to it, which can be solved on a conventional computer only by direct enumeration of all answer options. In the experiment, a unidirectional computer was built on four qubits, physically realized by the states of polarization of four photons. The experimental setup is a complex combination of pulsed lasers, polarizing filters, nonlinear optical crystals, and photodetectors. Four photons were prepared in an "entangled" quantum state, and then a series of measurements of their polarization allowed Grover's algorithm to be successfully executed. Of course, four qubits is not much, but on this stage most important is experimental proof of concept.

So far, the relatively young direction of unidirectional quantum computing is less developed than the traditional one. However, it is with him that a number of specialists place great hopes for the creation in the foreseeable future of quantum computers for practical calculations. It is difficult to say whether scientists will succeed in this, but judging by the fact that new solutions to old problems are constantly being proposed, their hopes are by no means groundless.

Based on the materials of the newspaper Annons (for Russian speakers in Germany). Sent by ELEM. Computerra, Nature, etc.