Income to receive a social scholarship. Who is entitled to a social scholarship for students and how to get it. What documents are needed

For any student, one of the most important issues in education is the scholarship and its size. Usually scholarships are awarded to "good students" and "excellent students", but there are types of scholarships that are awarded regardless of the student's grades. These include social scholarship. But in order to get it, you need to collect a certain list of documents.

Only those students who study on a budgetary basis (for funds allocated from the federal budget) can count on receiving a social scholarship. The appointment of social Scholarship assistance only occurs if a person is in dire need of it.?

You need to start applying for this type of financial assistance only when you fall under the following categories of citizens of the country:

You need to know that social scholarship payments can be issued by the following categories of students if there are funds in the scholarship fund of a particular educational institution. Required list individuals may differ depending on the chosen educational institution. The additional list includes:

  1. citizens who are raising children at the time of study;
  2. children from large families;
  3. disabled people of group I;
  4. citizens caring for disabled parents;
  5. persons from incomplete families;
  6. family students.

The required main and additional list may include repetitive items. Thus, if you fit at least one point, then you can proceed to draw up the necessary documentation to obtain social data. payments.

Scholarship amount

State social assistance (social stipend) has a statutory amount, which is not less than 150% of the amount of the regular stipend paid. Each educational institution can independently determine the amount of the payment, but it cannot be lower than the minimum amount of scholarship assistance issued by the university.

The purpose of a social scholarship, especially with regard to its size, depends on the place of residence and study. So in Moscow, the size of this social payment will be much higher than in a provincial city. It should be noted that periodically there is an increase in the amount of this type of scholarship. Therefore, in order to find out the required amount of payments, you can contact the relevant authorities that deal with its registration and payments.

How to get

So we figured out what to get needed help in the form of social Scholarships can only be calculated by certain groups of people studying in higher education institutions. You should be aware that the accrual of this payment occurs regardless of the success of its designer in school. Thus, even “triple students” can count on receiving it. In addition, persons belonging to the required social category can apply for one-time material support. Funds for its issuance are allocated by the Foundation social protection for students. Graduate students can also count on receiving it.

To apply for this assistance, students who fall into the established categories must contact the dean's office of their faculty with the required list of documents.

If a student falls under a social category (an orphan, disabled person, low-income family, etc.), he should first contact the bodies that carry out social protection of the population. The necessary branches of this state structure for processing payments are located at the place of residence of the applicant. The following list of documents must be brought to these authorities:

After the above documents have been accepted, the applicant receives a certificate in his hands, which is drawn up in a certain way. It must contain the following information:

  1. FULL NAME. this citizen;
  2. his place of residence;
  3. the average per capita income of his family;
  4. the amount of the established subsistence minimum, which is valid at the time of issuance of the certificate;
  5. a phrase that confirms the fact that the recipient person is related to the poor category of citizens, as well as the fact that he has all the rights to receive such a form of material assistance as social. help;
  6. round seal and stamp of this department of the social protection body.

This certificate should be brought to the dean's office of the faculty of the university. After that, an appropriate order for the award of payments will be issued.

It must be remembered that payments are made only throughout the year. At the end of the period, the procedure should be repeated. Thus, a social scholarship differs from the usual one in that it is material support, which is designed to support people who need it. It is paid regardless of educational achievements citizen. Its payment is terminated only in the event of the expiration of the validity period, the disappearance of the reason for its appointment, as well as in the event of expulsion of a person.

But in the presence of academic debt, the payment of this assistance is suspended until it is repaid. The presence of such payments does not prevent a student from receiving an academic scholarship. Although the size of this state payment not big, you should take care of its design, since extra money will never be superfluous, and the registration procedure is not so complicated as to be simply neglected.

Video "How to get a social scholarship"

Watch this entry and you will find out which categories of citizens are eligible for social scholarships, about the changes in the Federal Law "On Education" that were made in 2014.

“Learning is light, and not learning is a SHADOW,” as he says main character series "Real Boys". But, now we will not talk about this, but about a more pressing issue regarding the material world. I think everyone knows that the Scholarship is an incentive for students of colleges, schools, institutes and universities. And that there are several types, the main and main one is academic, and if the student falls under the category of those in need, then additional social services are provided for such citizens. support regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

And today we would like to tell you what documents a poor student will need to receive a social scholarship in 2018. We will also consider a list of citizens who have the right to count on it and its size. But first, let's start with what it is? in plain language is a monthly cash payment, which is one and a half times more than the academic one, but at the same time comes to the account along with it. And hence the conclusion follows that financial assistance is provided only to state employees!

How to apply?

First of all, it is worth noting that on the basis of the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 No. 312-FZ, only those students who have received state social assistance can apply for it.

Who is supposed to?

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2013 No. 1000 and the approved Procedure, the following can apply:

  • Orphans and children left without parental care
  • Disabled children and disabled people of groups I and II
  • Students recognized as low-income, that is, the income of each family member does not exceed the subsistence level.
  • exposed to radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
  • became disabled due to injuries received during the passage military service
  • who have served at least three years in the RF Armed Forces under a contract

Also, do not forget that payments are possible only if you study at full-time department and budgetary basis. For correspondence students and evening students, this possibility is not provided.

Also, on the basis of paragraph 16 of this order, with academic leave, maternity and childcare leave until they reach 3 years of age, payments DO NOT STOP!

Let us dwell in more detail on the category of the poor. After all, it is precisely by this criterion that the vast majority of students apply, and at the same time, problems and questions always arise when applying for it.

Required documents

At first glance, it seems that only two certificates are required. But in order to provide them to your dean's office, you will need to work hard and collect several documents.

  1. Application (below you can find a sample)
  2. A certificate from the Social Security Authority indicating that you are a recipient of state assistance.

When applying to the social security authority, you need to provide a package of documents:

  • Personal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Certificate from the dean's office confirming that the student really is one
  • Information about registration at the place of residence
  • An extract from the accounting department of your university or secondary school for the last 3 months and a certificate of income of all family members for the same period
  • An extract on the composition of the family, which you can get on the website of the State Service, at the MFC or at the FMS at the place of registration.

Sample Application

After it is ready, you should take it to the dean's office and the money will be credited to your account from the next month.

Amount and exact amount of payments

Based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation under No. 899 dated 10.10.2013, the following minimum standards are established:

  1. For medium professional educational institutions, which should be attributed (colleges, schools, technical schools) - 730 rub.
  2. For universities - 2010 rub.

It is paid monthly for one calendar year, after which it is required to issue a certificate again and obtain the approval of the commission.

In the case of training in the regions of the Far North, any territories equated to them, payments can be increased by the size of the district coefficient (Law of the Russian Federation of February 19, 1993 No. 4520-1)


Also, students of the 1st and 2nd courses of universities, full-time students with "good" and "excellent" grades can count on increased social support in the amount of 6307 rubles., if they meet the necessary criteria specified above. The amount may vary depending on the place of study.

If your parents are divorced, then you will need to show a copy of the divorce certificate, and if your last name does not match the name of one of the parents, then your birth certificate and the same document of your parent will also be required. In the standard instructions and regulations, these documents are not spelled out, but it is better to have them with you if necessary.

Probably, most students have heard the expression “social scholarship” more than once, perhaps some even wondered what it is. But, unfortunately, so far not all students know that they, too, have the right to apply for such material assistance, paid monthly from the country's budget.

So, in accordance with the regulation of 2007 on providing students with scholarships, the following student scholarships are distinguished:

  • assistance of the President Russian Federation;
  • state academic scholarships;
  • state social scholarships;
  • personal allowances.

In particular, social scholarships are issued to those students and graduate students who study at universities for free. Interestingly, the student's grades do not affect the size and issuance of cash payments.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship

In accordance with Russian legislation, the following categories are established for young people who may qualify for this social benefit:

  • complete orphans, as well as children living without parental care;
  • disabled people who have received 1 or 2 disability groups;
  • students who have issued a disability after the hostilities;
  • those in need after loss of health due to radiation disasters (Chernobyl nuclear power plant).

In addition, each educational institution has the right to replenish this list with persons belonging to low-income families. As a rule, the average income per family member in size ratio is the subsistence level, which entitles the student to apply for social assistance.

Thus, the following can also compete for a social scholarship:

  • adult invalids of the 3rd group;
  • students living in an incomplete family that has lost its breadwinner;
  • students living with a single mother or one father;
  • students, if one of the parents is recognized as a disabled person of group 1 or 2;
  • students who are in an officially registered marriage, preference is given to those who have children born in a family union.

Other critical factors may also influence the decision to assign payments. life situations considered on an individual basis.

Where is the state social scholarship issued

To apply for this scholarship, you must:

  1. To apply, the applicant should check with the social security authorities at the place of residence full list required documents, of which the mandatory ones are:
    • identity document of a citizen;
    • information about in full force families or an extract from the house book (for students living in the private sector) - issued by the housing and communal authority;
    • a receipt of personal income of all family members for the last three calendar months - taken from the accounting department at the place of work;
    • a paper indicating that the applicant is a student on a free form of study;
    • document confirming that the applicant received additional paper.

It is advisable to ask the staff in advance public institution how much is the living wage at the moment.

  1. After the application is accepted by a specialist, the documents received are entered into the register, and after a while, social security workers calculate the total income of the applicant's family and fill out a receipt proving the right to apply for assistance.
  2. Next, the student should bring this receipt to the dean's office of the faculty, where he will be asked to fill out an application addressed to the dean in the form approved by Russian law.
  3. At a meeting of a specially assembled commission, a final decision is made on the appointment of state social benefits.

The assigned social scholarship is valid for one school year and issued every month. In this case, if the family income rises and goes beyond the subsistence level, the student undertakes to notify the administration of the university where he is studying.

Payment can be suspended in accordance with the arisen debt and the passage of a repeated course in a particular subject after the end of the session, and comes into force again after the cancellation of the "tails". In the summer, the student continues to receive a scholarship, as well as the entire past academic year.

He may permanently lose the right to receive material assistance from the state if an order is signed on his expulsion from the university, or if the family no longer belongs to the category of the poor.

How much is a social scholarship in 2019

The state social scholarship in Russia in 2015 amounted to 730 rubles a month for secondary education and 2010 rubles for university students. The social scholarship in no way interferes with the issuance of an academic allowance in accordance with common grounds. In 2019, the social stipend is expected to increase to the subsistence level.

Students of the 1st and 2nd year of study with marks "good" and "excellent" can also apply for increased social assistance from 6,000 rubles to 13,000 rubles. It is desirable that such a student not only shows excellent results in studies, but also takes an active part in holding holidays, concerts, KVNs and sports competitions of the educational institution.

In order to qualify for the issuance of increased social assistance, you must:

  • receive education at the expense of the state budget;
  • be a university student;
  • undergo full-time training.

social scholarship poor students in 2020 will be provided along with other types of state support. The Government of the Russian Federation provides comprehensive assistance to applicants in the formation of appropriate conditions for admission, as well as in the field of education away from home. Thus, the state encourages young people to learn and acquire useful skills and abilities for further employment.

Legislative regulation of the issue

The possibility of obtaining scholarships for low-income students in 2020 is fixed by the norms of the current legislation. In particular, the articles of federal regulations set out the grounds and conditions for the implementation of all types of support from the state. It was also established that regional authorities can make changes to the size, as well as to the list of beneficiaries claiming preferences.

In addition, the title “ ” is assigned at the local level, based on the indicators of the subsistence minimum in the territory of the subject of the Federation. As for the administration of educational institutions, they also take an active part in the formation of the amounts of social. scholarships for underprivileged students. Representatives of the university administration, the trade union committee, and the student council take part in the procedure. At a meeting of the commission, a decision is made on the amount of benefits.

Table No. 1 "Legal regulation of the issue"

Date of adoption of the Law and assigned number Name of the document and main provisions
“On Education in the Territory of the Russian Federation” - fixes whether a social scholarship is due to large families, as well as students from low-income families. Establishes the conditions for assigning payments, as well as the procedure for implementing social policy.
“On the amount of scholarship payments to privileged categories of the population” - approves the list of types of financial assistance that a university student can count on, as well as their sizes.
"On the rules for the provision of social assistance" establishes an algorithm of actions within which social politics in the field of financial support for students.

In addition, it is necessary to additionally take into account regional regulatory legal acts, as well as administrative documents of higher educational institutions.

Social scholarship - what is it?

According to the norms of federal legislation, students studying in higher educational institutions at full-time education, may qualify for the payment of a regular financial allowance - a scholarship. Social scholarships for low-income and large families is one of the categories of scholarship payments.

The difference between this type of allowance and general scholarships lies in the amount of banknotes, as well as in who can claim the allowance. Among the common features - compensation for payments is carried out from the state budget or from the municipal treasury.

Despite the fact that the amount of the social scholarship is fixed individually by each university, it cannot be lower than the total amount of payment.

Who is entitled to cash payments

Social Scholarships for students from low-income families are provided only to those students who are trained on a full-time basis and on a budget. Additionally, you need to get a certificate of privilege. This requires at least one of the following conditions to be met:

  • official recognition of children as orphans (only in the event of the death of their mother and father or their recognition as missing);
  • deprivation of both parents of parental rights;
  • students with a status (regardless of the group and circumstances of getting the disease);
  • employees of military units or law enforcement agencies;
  • children whose family income does not reach the subsistence level.

The list of applicants for social payments cannot be supplemented, so other categories of students will not be able to apply for such payments.


Social The 2020 underprivileged student scholarship will be awarded to applicants based on individual academic achievement. Therefore, an excellent student will receive much more than students with mediocre grades.

Table No. 2 "How much is the social income of students in 2020"

Name Order of implementation
Academic Since there are no academic results yet at the time of enrollment, every first-year student is guaranteed financial aid. Support is provided until the close of the first session and amounts to one and a half thousand rubles. The amount is standard and does not differ depending on the institution. No additional documents are required to obtain privileges.
Basic After passing the full package of exams at the first session, the amount of deductions is recalculated. So, if the session is handed over only with marks "4" and "5", the amount of payments will be two thousand rubles. Deductions will be provided prior to graduation, subject to satisfactory marks in the exams.
Social Depending on the average score based on the results of the session, the amount of deductions may be increased by the administration of the educational institution. There are no uniform requirements for the amount of payments, but they cannot be lower than 2000 rubles.
Increased Excellence students may qualify for higher payments. As a rule, the amount of assistance reaches the level of the regional subsistence minimum. Therefore, the social scholarship for poor students in 2020 in Bashkortostan will differ from the amount of deductions paid in the capital.

Important! Social are not related to the total amount of deductions during study. Therefore, students who do not belong to privileged categories of the population receive smaller amounts of assistance.

How to issue

According to the norms of federal legislation, scholarships are provided to students regardless of the residence address of a citizen. Therefore, even non-resident students will receive compensation immediately after entering an educational institution. In order to qualify for support, the student must provide documents confirming preferential status to the educational institution.

To obtain a beneficiary certificate, you must complete the following steps:

  • collection of documents confirming the legality of applying for an additional scholarship;
  • obtaining a certificate from an educational institution, which indicates the form of study, as well as the amount of payments received;
  • independent appeal to the bodies of social protection of the population, located at the place of residence of the citizen.

After social security prepares a certificate confirming large families or low family income, you need to transfer it to the university administration, which decides on the advisability of increasing the allowance.

What documents are needed

Social scholarship for low-income students in 2020 will be provided upon presentation of the following necessary documents:

  • passport;
  • an extract from the educational institution indicating the period and form of study, as well as the amount of deductions for the previous three months (this document is necessary to calculate the average per capita income of the student's family);
  • a document from the municipality confirming the composition of the student's family;
  • statements of income of all members of the student's family.

If the child came to study from another region, then he must confirm the place of his temporary residence in the city where the university is located.