Ancient Slavic alphabet. Successes of modern natural science Learn the Old Slavonic language

All Slavic languages: Russian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, Polabian, Slovak, Serbo-Croatian, Lusatian and Slovene, come from one, the roots of which come from, the language of the poetic hymns of the Rigveda. Originate from Vedic Sanskrit
Rus' in Vedic times was a single linguistic space on a vast territory and possessed a single great Old Russian language, which had a more developed phonetics and grammar than the modern Russian language.
ancient Slavic was common language communication for all Slavic tribes in the first half of the 1st millennium AD ...

The linguistic analysis of the Slavic LANGUAGES clearly proves that the process of separation of the Old Slavic language began in the middle of the 1st millennium AD. e. In the process of separation, the Old Slavic language changed, the pronunciation of words was distorted, turns of speech were simplified, new vocabulary was added, and grammar changed.

For 9 centuries Old Russian language changed a lot, but even in the 9th century, when separate Slavic peoples were mentioned in the ancient Russian chronicles - Bulgarians, Czechs, Poles, etc., the chroniclers noted that they all speak the same Slavic language. What does the word SLAVES mean?

Let's try to find the roots of the word SLAVES in the Vedic Sanskrit dictionary:

Shrava - śrava - Word.(The letters R and L are very often interchanged or rearranged, there are many examples of this: Bala-rai-ka \u003d bala-rai-ka - Balalaika. Ruch - rus - beam, shine. Lay, paradise, rayati - laj, rai, rayati - bark, bark.)

Shravakha - śravaḥ - laudatory word, loud praise (Glory)

The result of each stage of deep reading of the text became the "key" to the transition to the next stage. All levels of reading the text were combined into a single deep understanding of the text. Starting from simple reading, a person received everyday wisdom; deep reading - the highest order of wisdom, awareness of the deep information of the matrix. It turned out to be an “information matryoshka” for everyone: ordinary people repeated sacred texts in chants, hymns, glorifying the Gods from century to century, sacred (secret) information was preserved so simply and reliably in time. Sorcerers, sorcerers, priests kept the "keys" for deciphering ancient wisdom.

What is the principle of extracting information at different stages of EDUCATION?
For example, let's take the Old Russian Alphabet itself.
Stage 1: study of the name of the initial letter, its style, text recognition and reading. Az, Buki, Vedi - “I recognized the letters,” the child says, because “Buki” sounds clearer to him than “Gods”.

Stage 2: all the initial letters of the ABC - from Az to Yat - can be combined into a coherent instructive text:

AZ GODS VEDI \u003d I Learned the Letters
VERB GOOD ESTE \u003d The Word Is Property
LIVE GREEN, EARTH AND LIKE PEOPLE = Live by working hard, Earthlings, and those who are like people (those who consider themselves Humans)
THINK OUR PEACE = Comprehend Our Single Basis (Support)
RTSY WORD SOLIDLY = Carry (Rivers, Speak) Knowledge Convincedly.
OUK FERET HER = Knowledge Fertilizes the Almighty
TSY CHERVLE, STATE OF ERA YUS YATI = Dare, Sharpen, Worm, to comprehend the Light of Being!

Stage 3: other rows, columns and even diagonal letters have a hidden meaning, presented in the form of a 7x7 matrix, which is proof of the uniqueness of the Old Slavic language, which absorbed the ancient roots of the words of Vedic Sanskrit, the language of our ancestors from Arctida.

The Old Russian ABC is a coherent text that contains a message!
When reading the name of each initial letter of the Old Russian Alphabet, a hidden message appears in front of you, written in Old Russian:

, (the letter A means "tma" (thousand), A = legion (10 thousand) "We are Thousands"
- with God, with God's help

VERBS - the speech of the word of the letter, (God Verbs of the Creator - God created the speech)
GOOD - for Good.
IS - exist, exist
AM - "I am with God within me" know space
- exist for Life, for the meaning of Life is in Life itself
(very, strongly, DZELO - efficiently, diligently, WHOLE - holistically) (in English jealous - zealously)
- Earth
IZHE - in union, with the One,
IZHEI - ALL OF HER (Earth), the universal structure
INIT - permeated, community, communication, to unite
GERVE - to ripen, to ripen. (Yar, spring, ardent, heat, hot ..., love).
, how,
PEOPLE - people, laity, people
THINK - purpose, intention, determination, thought, reflection, when the flesh merges with the Spirit
- own, congenial
OH - "one", the only one
PEACE - calmly

SYLOVO - a word, an embodied thought
SOLID - a stronghold, the visible expanse of heaven
UK - Decree
OUK - Science
FERET - comprehend, understand (in Sanskrit - go ahead! Hooray!-a single cry of the attacking troops) TRANSFER- move forward
– divine()
OT - from here
TSY - (qi, tsti) - “sharpen, penetrate, delve into, dare”, as
CHRRVL - worm
SHA - what
ShTA - to, "in order to"
EP - ERY - EP = b, N, b - Hard and Soft efforts.
YUN - clear, light.
YAT - Yat (yati) - embrace, comprehend, take, have, withdraw.

The ABC contains not only instructive instructions for all students of literacy.
Let's try to build phrases from 3-4 initial letters in order, we will start each line with a new initial letter in order, at the end of each new line we will add the next letter of the ABC in order.
Az Gods of Vda - I know the Gods
The Gods of the Vedas Say Good - The Gods in the Vedas Say Good.
Vda Verbs Good Is - The Vedas tell that there is good.
Verbs Good Is Life - Say that Good is Life.
Good is Belly Zelo - Good is a whole life (zealous)
There is Life Zelo Earth - There is a lot of life on Earth.
Zhivot Zelo Earth Izhe Izhei - There is a lot of life on Earth and the whole (universe)
Zelo Earth Izhe Izhei Init - The Earth is whole together with the entire Universe
Earth Izhe Izhey Init Gerv - Earth in union with it (the Universe) is ripening (Yar, heat)
Izhe Izhey Init Gerv Kako - Together with her, All permeated, like heat (YAR, Love)
Izhey Init Gerv Kako People - All of IT is permeated with heat (Love), like people
Init Gerv Kako People Think - There is Love in her, as in people's thoughts
Gerv Kako People Think Ours - Love, like people have in their thoughts
How People Think Our He - How people are united in their thoughts
People Think Our Peace On - Human thoughts are united about peace
Think Our Peace On Rtsy - Think all our peace in words (in speeches)
Our One Peace Rtsy Word - Our only peace in the spoken word
On the Peace of the Rtsy the Word is Firm - One peace in a firmly spoken word
Peace Rtsy Word Firmly Uk - Peace in the firmly spoken word of the charter
Rtsy Word Firmly Uk Ouk - Speak firmly the word of the charter and science
The Word Firmly Uk Ouk Faret - Comprehend the Word firmly of the charter and science
Firmly Uk Ouk Faret Kher - Firmament of the charter and comprehend the science of God
Uk Ouk Faret Kher Ot - You will comprehend the charter and science from God
Ouk Faret Kher Ot Tsy - Dare to comprehend science from God
Faret Kher Ot Tsy Chervl - Comprehend science from God, try like a worm
Dick Ot Tsy Chervl Sha Shta - From God you are a worm, because
Ot Tsy Chervl Sha Shta - From here, delve (sharpen) like a worm, because
Zi Chervl Sha Shta Yun - Delve into it like a worm to make it clear
Chervl Sha Shta Yun Yat - Tochi, the Tree of Knowledge to Take the Light.

In order to stop or, for a start, to slow down the process of savagery, simplification, disfigurement of the Russian language, one must return to one's roots, figuratively speaking, to one's origins. And for this you need to know the language of your fathers, Schurs, ancestors. And not only to know, but to be, to become full heirs rich heritage our ancestors, having mastered the knowledge mother tongue in full.


In ancient times, two languages ​​were used: internal figurative syllable and external phonetic (letter by letter).

The phonetic language describes the outer superficial visible world of the physical I-personality, i.e. the literal meaning of words. This language is very simple and is used as a communication ordinary people. Figurative language describes inner world Astral Essence, i.e. Divine language. Such a language is very complex and requires a consistent multi-level recoding of information.

Magi, sorcerers, sorcerers, priests spoke figurative language in their communion with God RA. In the Old Slavic figurative language, each letter of the ABC had its own internal image (meaning).

Letter "A" - image AZ means God ( Ra) or Essence of the Creator of life.

Letter "B" - image GODS (BUKI) means that many different Gods (physical, ethereal, astral, mental, causal, buddhic, atmic) participate in creation at different levels of consciousness of the Essence.

Letter "B" - image LEAD means that a person knows (knows) the true Essence

Creator of life.

Letter "G" - image VERB means that the Essence speaks (transmits) its knowledge to a person, etc.

At the second level, the image of the "WORD" is formed, which is a syllable-by-syllable one, made up of the images of the letters included in it.

At the third level, the image of "OFFER" is formed from the images of words.

A syllabic language consists of a combination of two syllables: a vowel (G) and a consonant (C). Here, each letter is a syllable (abbreviation) expressing its inner image. In this case, the main syllable is a consonant letter expressing an agreement, i.e. internal value image. The vowel expresses a surface phonetic sound, i.e. proclaims the image. IN ancient language only consonants were recorded, and in the process of pronunciation, various vowels were substituted that did not distort the internal image (the words Rus, Ros, Russia, Raseya had the same internal image). The use of two consonants and vowels in a row was not allowed. For example, the word "Boyarin" is a distortion of the ancient word "Bolyarin"; the word "Grad" is a distortion of the word "City"; "GAME" - a distortion of the word "IGORA", etc.

At present, in accordance with the Basic Rules of the game (life), we have forgotten the rules of the post-syllable language and in the phonetic (literal) meaning of words we began to use unambiguous invariable compounds in words of vowels and consonants. Words began to be used in which vowels were omitted (the words Look, Nonsense, Yard and many others).

In the Russian language, many words have been preserved that point to the internal images of the Astral Essence embedded in them. It follows that words are abstract symbols (signs). On the one hand, they act as information units that describe superficial formal knowledge (thought forms, information) in a phonetic language. On the other hand, as keys that reveal the internal images of the Essence (knowledge in the form of a holographic three-dimensional thought wave), describing true knowledge in a syllable-by-syllable language.

The key word "IMAGE" in the Old Russian (Old Slavonic) language meant:

O - designation (sign);

B - being (life);

RA - God (Essence);

З - knowledge of Essence (thought).

The word "IMAGE" on the spiritual plane means that the Essence Man or God RA in his thought-creation transforms (imagines, creates) his knowledge of being in the form of an idea with the help of signs - words of the language, into the information of the intellectual mind of the I-personality.

The word "FAITH" on the spiritual plane means:

B - to know (to know);

E - unity;

RA is the four-dimensional Astral Essence Man, who created the entire infinite set of three-dimensional physical I-personalities.

The internal image of the word "FAITH" means - "a person is aware of his unity with the Astral Essence."

Such knowledge belongs to the divine astral plane of the Essence and is perceived by the intuitive mind of man. The physical I-personality with its intellectual mind does not perceive true knowledge, which for it is meaningless, absurd.

The word DISSOLVE is perceived by the intellectual mind as a process of destruction, annihilation of physical forms of life.

On the spiritual plane, the word "DISSOLVE" means an internal image - "God RA creates physical worlds with his thought."

Word " JOY” on the spiritual plane means an internal image - “God RA gives life to all forms, endowing them with his knowledge (consciousness)”.

The word "WORK" on the spiritual plane means an internal image - "A person communicates with God RA", where the syllable "WORK" means - to communicate, to speak.

The expression used in the criminal world has been preserved - "Bot on a hair dryer."

The word "FEAR" on the spiritual plane means:

C - connection;

T - firmament (physical world);

RA - God;

X - being (true life).

The word "FEAR" on the spiritual plane means an internal image - "The Essence Man connects in his mind the physical world with the spiritual world."

On the physical plane, the I-personality with its formal discrete one-dimensional intellectual mind completely distorts the Divine knowledge of the Essence. I-personality interprets it in the form of information (formal knowledge) as an imperfect, hostile manifestation outside world in relation to it, in which evil triumphs over good.

The word "FAMILY" on the spiritual plane means seven levels of consciousness of the Essence of Man, which unfold into seven planes of existence of life forms of I-personalities, like a set of nesting dolls.

The word "GAME" on the spiritual plane means:

IGO - management (creation);

RA - God or Essence.

The internal image of the word "GAME" means - "Government of God RA".

Therefore, the word "IGOR" on the spiritual plane means - "Ruler".

The word "CHARACTER" on the spiritual plane means:

HA - the personification of the Essence Man - I-personality;

RA - God;

ACTOR- mask, role, mask.

The internal image of the word "CHARACTER" means- "The essence of Man plays all his roles, like an actor, using the I-personality as a conductor of his consciousness."

The word "ERASE" on the spiritual plane means - "Improve, purify":

C - thought (meaning) conveyed by words;

T - creation;

And - connect;

RA - God;

b - the life of the physical form I-personality.

The internal image of the word "ERASE" means - "The creation of God RA is connected with the creation of physical forms of life."

The word "ENEMY" on the spiritual plane means:

B - to know;

RA - God;

G - to speak.

The internal image of the word "ENEMY" means - "A person knows that the Essence speaks (transfers, communicates with him) his spiritual knowledge."

The word "SEVENTY" on the spiritual plane means:

K - the unification of man with God (the connection of the physical and spiritual worlds);

RA - God;

MOLA - prayer (appeal to God).

The internal image of the word "SEVENTY" means - "In his prayer to God, a person unites with him in his mind."

The word "FOOL" on the spiritual plane means:

D - spirit (good);

U - message (creation);

RA - God;

K - the connection of man with God.

The internal image of the word "FOOL" means - "Man receives the message of God, that he is connected with the spirit of Essence." Such a message is an impulse to awaken a person from a spiritual sleep.

The word "FREAK" on the spiritual plane means:

U - message;

ROD - the beginning of life (birth).

The internal image of the word "FREAK" means - "Message about the origin of life on the physical plane." Recall the expression: “There is a black sheep in the family”, which in the ancient language meant - “The first-born, the successor of the family”.

Each 3D physical I-personality says, "I am human." This means that each I-personality unconsciously intuitively knows that it lives in the consciousness of the four-dimensional Essence Man. Having lost the knowledge of the connection with the Astral Essence, we, in our Everyday life we use absurd expressions of spiritual knowledge and are not aware of it. We say, "Thank you," which is a corruption of the ancient saying, "Thank you." More precisely - the Essence gives people its benefit. Osho said about gratitude: Gratitude is the best prayer. The expression "Thank you" is a distortion of the ancient expression - "God save you."

In the 9th century, Saints Cyril and Methodius translated the Gospel into Slavonic. Old Slavonic was similar to the Old Russian language, it was understood in Rus' without translation.

Here is a fragment of the Gospel in Old Slavonic and modern Russian. In Russian, a translation of the Gospel was published in the middle of the 19th century.

Gospel of Mark Chapter 1

1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,

2 as it is written in the prophets: Behold, I am sending my angel before your face, who will prepare your way before you.

3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight his paths.

4 John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

5 And all the land of Judah and Jerusalem went out to him, and they were all baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.

6 John wore a garment of camel's hair and a leather belt around his loins, and ate locusts and wild honey.

7 And he preached, saying, The strongest of me is coming after me, of whom I am not worthy, stooping down to untie the strap of his sandals;

8 I baptized you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

Slavic letters

1. The capital of Ancient Rus'.
3. The name of the city in Macedonia, where the holy brothers Constantine and Methodius, the Enlighteners of the Slavs, were born.
5. Bread, which is consecrated in the church at Easter.
6. The name of the Patriarch of Constantinople during the life of the holy brothers Constantine and Methodius.
8. The head of the region in the Byzantine Empire during the life of the holy brothers.
9. What does the Greek word "sophia" mean?
2. Type of painting on wet plaster.
4. Writing material used in the time of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
6. What was the name of Constantine among the people?
7. What was the name of St. Cyril before becoming a monk?
9. What was the name of the Byzantine emperor who sent Constantine to preach to the Slavs?
10. The name of the prince under whom Rus' was baptized.
11. A set of rules.



(Materials for the lessons: in sections 1 and 3 of this collection, as well as in the textbook N.G. Gorelova, B.I. Pivovarov "Native History", - Novosibirsk: "Ekor", 1995)

Lesson #I

Dialogue with students, introduction to the topic.
5 minutes.

What is literacy? The beginning of national writing is the most important milestone in the history of every nation. The origin of Slavic writing. The names of the creators. The contribution of Russian literature to world culture. historical sources.

For materials, see pages 9-13 of the section! of this collection.

Historical excursion.
Orientation along the time axis.
10 min.

The desire for enlightenment by the faith of Christ led the Slavs to the need for a bookish language. Who are the Slavs? What do they have in common? Slavs in the 10th century What can become a unifying principle for peoples?

Information on the topic of the lesson.
20 minutes.

Life of brothers Cyril and Methodius. Konstantin Philosopher. Translation of the word philosophy ("love of wisdom"). Enlightenment by the faith of Christ in the Slavic lands. Creation Slavic alphabet. Death of Konstantin (Cyril) and testament to his brother. Translation Holy books into Slavonic by Saint Methodius.

A visual aid is an icon, see the intro on page 53 of this collection.

Add. material 10 min.

Prince Vladimir and the Baptism of Rus' Page 72-79 textbook N.G. Gorelova, B.I. Pivovarov "Native History".

Lesson #2

Basic information on the topic. 20 minutes.

Slavic alphabet. What alphabet did Constantine create? Cyrillic and Glagolitic.

Page 12 of this collection.

Slavic alphabet and Greek alphabet. Where do Greek words come from in our language? Words-tracing paper. See article "Greek Around Us", p. 18.
Church Slavonic language and its role in the formation of the literary Russian language. . See section 3, pages 59-65.

Practical lesson. 20 minutes.

Reading some words in Slavic Text for the language, reading the text in Church Slavonic, writing Slavic letters and numbers in a notebook. See text for reading on page 35, lettering and numbers - pages 15-17 of the collection.

House. exercise

Learn the names of Slavic letters.

Lesson #3

Information on the topic. 35 min.

Commemoration of Saints Cyril and Methodius. Glorification of the holy brothers Orthodox Church(commemoration day May 24). Icon of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius.

Icon - on page 57.
Hymn to Cyril and Methodius: Listen to a tape or sing along with the piano.
Celebration of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture in Bulgaria.

See pages 33-34 of this collection.

Ancient book. What were the first books in Rus', when did they appear, how and by whom were they written? In the 11th century Rus' was one of the most literate countries in Europe. Yaroslav the Wise. High level book art in Rus'. Love for the book. Decoration of ancient books. Statutory letter. Textbook N.G. Gorelova, B.I. Pivovarov "Native History", pp. 261-266.
Additional material. 10 min Archive. Who are archaeologists? What is an archive, and what can its documents tell about? The first archives in Rus' (XVIII century). Textbook "Native History", pp. 261-266.

The article provides basic knowledge, rules that help in the study of the Old Slavic language. In the Old Slavic language, alphabetic characters had their own figurative meaning, sound, and some numerical meaning. The words were abbreviations. The combination of the images of initial letters in the word gave it a certain meaning. The replacement of the initial letter in the word also changed its semantic image, although the phonetics of the word could remain the same. In ancient times, initial letters were also used to write numerals. By calculating the alphanumeric code of a word, you can find out one of its deepest meanings. The article discusses the methods of interpreting words: by the images of initial letters; direct and reverse reading of the word; according to the images of syllables; according to the numerical value of the word and the alphanumeric code, made up of the serial numbers of the initial letters. A matrix of Letters with basic images and numerical values ​​has been compiled.

Old Slavonic

alphanumeric word code

deep meaning

1. Garyaev P.P. Linguistic-wave genome: theory and practice. Institute of Quantum Genetics. - Kyiv, 2009 - 218 p.

2. The role of linguistics in the study of the fundamental principles of life on earth / Shevchenko N.Yu., Neumoina N.G., Lebedeva Yu.V. // Collection scientific papers sworld. 2014. V. 21. No. 1. S. 18-25.

3. Shevchenko N.Yu., Lebedeva Yu.V., Neumoina N.G. The role of language in spiritual development personality //APRIORI. Series: Humanitarian sciences [Electronic resource]. 2014. No. 2. URL:

4. Linguistic picture of the world / Shevchenko N.Yu., Lebedeva Yu.V., Neumoina N.G. // Collection of scientific papers Sworld. 2014. V. 21. No. 1. S. 6-11.

Any word reflects a deep image. This image is multifaceted and therefore it can be conditionally represented as a cube. Each face of such a cube expresses only a part deep image. Unfortunately, its imagery has been lost in modern Russian. We are accustomed to perceive only one of the facets of the word (that is, to give a superficial explanation of the nature of things), without penetrating into its deep image. And what lies on the surface was previously called a “bed”, that is, a superficial perception of the image can be called a lie.

Only imaginative thinking can unite people. You need to learn to see the deep meaning of the word, its true meaning, then there will be no disagreements between people. “Look at the root” is a Russian proverb.

To understand the images of words will help the study of the proto-language, the language of Old Slavonic (Old Slovenian). Its basis is the Old Slovenian Letter.

In table. 1 shows a matrix (7x7) of the Old Slavic Letter. Spellings, names, numerical values ​​(on the right), serial numbers (on the left) and the main images of initial letters are given.

Each letter character in it has its own images. The lettering also had its own hidden meaning. The sound of drop caps creates sound vibrations that affect the world. It is known that sound waves have their own frequency, therefore, their own color, taste and smell.

When syllables and words are formed from individual initial letters, there is an interaction between the faces of their images and a new multidimensional, multifaceted integral image is obtained.

In order to learn to see the whole image of a word, one must first comprehend and feel each initial letter.

For example, the main image of the letter A (Azъ) is God, who lives and creates on Earth. He is the beginning, the source of our Family, which appeared in the "beginning" of time. This is our Ancestor, a man who lived according to the divine "KON", in harmony with nature and with his conscience. The expression “man is created in the image and likeness of God” says that each person is able to reflect divine qualities: love, wisdom, strength, co-creation, mercy. Now an ace is called a master of his craft, who puts his soul into his work. Start; source; origin; single; the only one; Human; movement; direction to this image; the point from which the vectors of the direction of movement went - all these are deep images of the initial letter, which have a single shape: what was, first of all. Therefore, the numerical value of the initial letter Azъ is one (1).

Table 1

Old Slavic (Old Slovenian) Letter

The outline of the initial letter and its name give Additional information about the deep image of the letter.

Аzъ = А (Аzъ) + Z (Zємлѧ) +Ъ (Єр).

Azъ - a person;

Zєmlѧ - planet Earth; cosmic universal structure; the soil; life form; living organism.

Єр - hardness; approved action; creation in the process (creation, connection, deeds); ongoing actions over time. Pronounced "o" is short.

From these images, we got that "Azъ", a person living and creating on planet Earth.

When considering the numerical values ​​of each initial letter that is part of the name of the letter, you can find out another hidden meaning, reveal another facet of the whole image. All images of initial letters in numerals are interconnected informationally at the level of vibrations. The numeral form was written with a numeral title, for example, the numeral nine was written as an initial letter fita with a title. Numbers 11-19 were written in the following order: first ones, then tens. The number was written as it is pronounced, for example, seven-over-tsat, seven is above ten:. The rest of the numerals were also recorded by sound. For example, twenty-one: .

Let us determine the numerical value of the word Аzъ using the numerical value of each of the initial letters indicated in the upper right corner of Table 1.

Аzъ = 1(А) + 7(Z) +0 (Ъ) =8 (, ilk) - Connection, unity with nature, balance, harmony.

No. 1 (A) + No. 10 (Z) + No. 33 (b) \u003d 44 \u003d 40 + 4.

The number 40 (forty) corresponds to the letter M (Thinking) - Thinking, thought, wisdom.

Number 4 (four) - letter D (Good): goodness, development, prosperity, accumulation, prosperity.

Therefore, Аzъ (Азъ), a person (A), living on earth (Z) and creating (b), thinking (M) about good (D), living in harmony and unity with nature (I).

Initial letters Z (Zєmlѧ); Ъ (Єр) are also words and considering them according to the images of initial letters, we get other facets of the word - the letters A (Аzъ).

Let's calculate the numerical value of the initial letters included in the word "Azъ".

A (Azъ) \u003d 1 (A) + 7 (Z) + 0 (b) \u003d 8 () - harmony, balance;

Z (Zєmlѧ) \u003d 7 (Z) + 5 (Є) + 40 (M) + 30 (L) + + 0 (Ѧ) \u003d 82 \u003d 80 + 2 () peace of mind, or obtaining knowledge in a state of peace of mind.

Ъ (Єр) \u003d 5 (Є) + 100 (Р) + 0 (b) \u003d 105 \u003d \u003d 100 + 5 () - delimitation (ordering) of the space of being. Let's unite all received images of initial letters.

8 (I) +82 (PV) + 105 (R Є) = = 195 = 100 + 90 + 5 () - differentiation (separation, selection of certain facets, ordering) of the facets of being. For example, the separation of good from evil, the divine from the earthly, etc.

Therefore, a person can receive universal wisdom (B) only in a state of peace of mind (P). In a state of rest (P), a person comes to harmony, balance (I) and is able to streamline (RF) being (Є) in accordance with the knowledge gained (B).

As can be seen from the above example, it is possible to learn the deep meaning of a word almost endlessly.

To understand how images interact in a syllable and a word, Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Connection of initial letters in a word

Each initial letter, or rather its whole image, will be represented as a ball, then the areas of intersection of the spheres will show the interaction and influence of initial letters in a syllable and word on each other.

ABV = Аzъ (source) - Gods (God) - Vedi (wisdom).

Letter B (Gods). Initial letter image: set; superior form; dominance over something. The initial letter "B (Gods)" has no numerical value, since the set cannot be specified.

In (Vѣdi). The spelling of the initial letter shows that the vertical bar connects two spheres (two structures). There was a relationship, fullness. Vedi is wisdom; knowledge; the whole spectrum of everything: colors, smells, tastes, sensations. The numerical value of the initial letter corresponds to the number of connected systems "and is equal to two (2).

From fig. 1 it follows that God (B) connects the source (A) and wisdom (C). God (B) is the conductor of wisdom (C) through the source (A).

There is a rule: the second letter in a word (syllable) is both the cause and effect of the first, and the first letter is the road (ladder) to the second (to the second floor).

The last letter in the word is the ultimate goal, and the first is the means to achieve it; but when interacting with other letters.

In the Letterhead and in the runic forms of writing, each subsequent image influenced the previous one. Therefore, the words were read in two rows (from left to right and from right to left).

Let's read the first line of the Initial Letter (Table 1) "ABVGDE" in two strands.

When reading from left to right:

1) A-B - arising at its source (A), a person begins to perceive divine categories (B)

2) A-BV - God is a colossal source of knowledge and wisdom for man.

3) A-BVG - cognizing divine wisdom, a person begins to transmit this wisdom

4) A-BVGD - by passing on the received divine knowledge, a person confirms this knowledge in practice in the form of good deeds.

5) A-BVGDE - by doing good deeds, a person better knows the obvious world (Є).

6) А-БВГДЄ - deeper knowing the obvious world and embodying good deeds in it, a person comes to expanding his worldview.

When reading from right to left:

1) - Є - more multidimensional worlds of Slavi () determine the processes that take place in the explicit world (Є).

2) E-D - the clear world is the basis for the creation of good deeds.

3) ED-G - good deeds are the basis for the transfer of divine knowledge for the world of Reveal.

4) EDG-B - when transferring knowledge, wisdom is accumulated.

5) EDGV-B - through wisdom comes the realization of the divine essence. (The way to God lies through the acquisition of wisdom).

6) ЄDGVB-A - Gods are in our source. (IN multidimensional world Praise () are our patron gods who give people the wisdom of knowledge).

Consider some of the meanings of frequently occurring syllables.

For example: the syllable "not" consists of initial letters: H (Our) + Є (Is).

The main image of the initial letter N (Our) is ours, native: what was known to our ancestors.

The image of the initial letter Є - being, the obvious world, the form of life on earth.

According to the rules for reading words, the last letter in a word (in our case, in a syllable) is the end result of the action, the goal. The means to achieve this goal is the first letter.

In the syllable "NOT", the goal is being, and the means of achieving this goal are the knowledge of the ancestors. So, from the point of view of mundane perception (Є), people are trying to understand the lofty knowledge of their ancestors (H). Therefore, there is a lack of understanding, a wrong approach to the ancient heritage. This means that the word "not" does not mean a form of negation, but a form of non-perception, isolation. This is a foreign form, "not ours."

Let us consider in more detail how the syllable "NOT" affects the image of the word.

Non-existence is not our existence. A life alien to us, unfamiliar.

Weakness - not ours is power (strength) - weakness (not strength).

Examples of reading other syllables.

The syllable PE means: delimitation, repetition, ordering (P) of the manifest world of being (Є). Image: repetition of something (reconstruction); one of the facets of something (religion); sorting form (middle).

RO (OR) - ordering (P) of an independently existing structure (O), that is, strength, power.

For example, OR-DA - the power of God's goodness (order).

Rb is the accepted decision.

The syllable Yes is good (D) coming out of the source (A). Image: fulfillment of life purpose; deed of God.

HELL - the original (source) is above the predominance (D). Therefore, Hell can be translated as deviation from life's purpose.

The syllable DU - good deeds (D - what is being done now), which bring (U) closer to something (relationship). Image: two or more, multiple structure.

GA is a stream coming from its source. Image: path, movement (for example, a leg is the movement of our structure).

Therefore, the ARCH is a multiple structure emerging from its source.

AG is that which is below our source. Image: no way.

GO - a divine structure (O) from where knowledge (G) was transferred to us so that by knowing this wisdom we would expand the measure of our understanding of celestial structures. Image: life lesson.

Example: grief - re-passing a life lesson.

GOR - desire for something; strength in motion; the vector along which the force moves.

RA - radiance, light. Recommended (P) by the source, beginning, God (A), is light. For example, the word rainbow means "radiant arc". And in syllables: radiance (RA), which has a multiple (DU) flow structure (GA). RAINBOW - the transmission of the image when we see many shining paths.

AR - space for human creativity; cultivated land.

ARRA - the earth in which the light (soul) is embedded; improved land.

AR - protector, keeper (for example, the primer retains the form in which all images exist), belonging to a profession (baker, doctor, plowman, etc.).

AL - accommodating a multitude; all that is; volume density and all image information. English - all and German - ale, are translated as "everything". The material embodiment of fullness, density is a stone, for example, a diamond.

AM - guard.

UR - inhabited land. For example, the Amur River is the guardian of the inhabited land of the UR.

BA - surprise at contact with something big. Divine source.

BO is a divine structure.

Software - harmonious (P), consistent with the given sphere (O). For example, if strength is power, then in its absence, we need to transfer it to another sphere. The word is help.

TA - what is approved by the source; doing something right.

TAI - top; completion (example, taiga is the limit of movement).

Bb - ready-made wisdom, i.e. intuition.

BE - incomplete, mundane, not deep perception of knowledge.

SVA - the word of wisdom came from the source. From the runic script it is translated as heaven.

MA - thoughts are consistent with the source, and their materialization occurs. Image: manifestation of thought; materialization process.

SHA - expanse (space) original; space. The ability to work with this space (shaman: a person (man) who knows how to work with space).

Let's take the word SCIENCE.

1. According to the images of initial letters:

N - ours; what was known to our ancestors;

A (Azъ) - a person living on earth;

U (Uk) - call; message; approximation;

K (kako) - comparison, volume, enlightenment; touching the divine flow.

The image of the letter K (Kako) - touching the divine stream (i) follows from its spelling (Fig. 2). i - the flow of divine energy;< прикосновение к нему. Следовательно, при прикосновении к божественному потоку наступает просветление (информация становится знанием).

The dot above the initial letter i (izhei) can be represented as a lantern, from which a stream of light comes down. Approaching this flow gives reflected light in two directions (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Figurative representation of writing the initial letter K (kako)

The second syllable (ko) in the initial letter “Kako” indicates that a person eventually receives volumetric (O), deep perception (judgment).

Therefore, another image of the letter K (Kako) is volume, full perception.

A (Azъ) - source, beginning.

The image of the word SCIENCE: what was known to our ancestors at the beginning brings us closer to enlightenment, to knowledge of the source.

2. Let's analyze the word SCIENCE by syllables. Consider the meanings of syllables: -na; -y; -ka.

The syllable HA: N (Nash) + A (Az) - our source, partially perceived by man, i.e. superficial judgment.

U (Uk) - approximation.

The syllable KA \u003d K (Kako) + A (Az).

The syllable KA is taken from the runes and means union, connection, unity into an integral system. The syllable "KA" at the beginning of a word occurs as a form of concealment. For example, Karuna - hidden runes. The syllable KA at the beginning of a word can also mean the conjunction form "as".

Therefore, the syllable "KA" can be deciphered as a complete, integral perception of the source, which is now hidden from us.

If KA is at the end of a word, then it means something specific, a specific goal, one of the sets.

The image of the word "science", compiled according to the images of syllables: a flat (not deep) judgment about one of the sets.

Each science is engaged in the study of one phenomenon and opens one of the many facets of the universe. That's why most discoveries occur at the junction different sciences(metaphysics, linguistic genetics, etc.), when the image of a phenomenon is obtained as a result of the intersection of its various facets.

Parsing the word by letter and syllable reveals only one layer of the hidden (deep) image. To reveal the second layer, it is necessary to carry out a numerical analysis of the word.

Let's continue the analysis of the word "science". According to Table. 1, we write the numerical value of the initial letters and, adding them up, we get a new image.

SCIENCE = 50 (Our) + 1 (Azъ) + 0 (Ukъ) + 20 (Kako) + 1 (Аzъ) =72 () = 7+2 = = 9 () - the divine structure of knowledge (OV) is concentrated in nature ( ).

Those. a person can get all the necessary knowledge by studying the elements of nature and nature itself, its laws.

Another image of the word "science" can be found by adding up the serial numbers of the initial letters located in the 7 × 7 matrix (Table 1, upper left corner).

SCIENCE: No. 18 (H) + No. 1 (A) + No. 24 (U) + No. 15 (K) + No. 1 (A) = 59 () - our harmony with nature = 5 + 9 = 14 () - practical experience \u003d 1 + 4 \u003d 5 () - being.

Only in the process of harmony with nature () can one get practical experience of life (Dİ), the multiplication of goodness (D) and divine knowledge (İ).

It is possible to increase (i.e. obtain) divine knowledge about the world order only through balance and harmony with nature. Therefore, scientific discoveries should be in harmony with nature, and not destroy it. Science should be done by highly moral people.

Conclusion: it is necessary to teach people to think deeply, returning the true meaning to words. Only return to figurative thinking bring back harmony and understanding between people.

Bibliographic link

Lebedeva Yu.V., Shevchenko N.Yu., Neumoina N.G., Korbakova T.V. ELEMENTS OF THE OLD SLAVIC LANGUAGE // Successes of modern natural science. - 2014. - No. 11-1. - P. 98-103;
URL: (date of access: 04/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"