Formation of phonemic perception in preschool children through games and game exercises. Games and exercises for the development of phonemic perception

Currently, in the system of upbringing and education of children preschool age the number of children with deviations in speech development, is growing steadily. Among them, a significant part is made up of children of 5 years of age who have not mastered the sound side of the language in the normative terms. Having full-fledged hearing and intellect, they, as a rule, are not ready to master the school curriculum due to insufficient development of phonemic perception. These children constitute the main risk group for poor progress, especially when mastering writing and reading. The main reason is shortcomings in the development of the processes of sound-letter analysis and synthesis. It is known that sound-letter analysis is based on clear, stable and fairly differentiated ideas about the sound composition of the word. The process of mastering the sound composition of a word, in turn, is closely related to the formation of auditory-motor interaction, which is expressed in the correct articulation of sounds and their subtle differentiation by ear.

The prerequisites for successful literacy education are formed at preschool age. It has been established that the age of the fifth year of life is optimal for the development of phonemic perception. The accumulation of fuzzy ideas about the sound composition of a word delays the formation of phonemic perception, which is based on the operations of sound analysis and more complex operations of generalization and representations.



Games for the development of phonemic perception

Game "Silence"

Children, closing their eyes, "listen to the silence." After 1-2 minutes, the children are invited to open their eyes and tell what they heard.

Game "Guess what I play"

Purpose: development of stability of auditory attention, the ability to distinguish an instrument by ear by its sound.

The teacher puts musical toys on the table, names them, makes sounds. Then he invites the children to close their eyes (“night has come”, listen carefully, find out what sounds they heard.

Game "Recognize by sound"

Various objects and toys that can produce characteristic sounds: (wooden spoon, metal spoon, pencil, hammer, rubber ball, glass, scissors, alarm clock)

The game "Noise cans".

Purpose: to exercise in determining the type of cereal by ear.

The game "Where did you slam? ”, The game “Where they called”

Purpose: development of the direction of auditory attention, the ability to determine the direction of sound.

This game requires a bell or other sounding object. The child closes his eyes, you stand away from him and call softly (rattle, rustle). The child should turn to the place where the sound is heard, and with his eyes closed, show the direction with his hand, then open his eyes and check himself. You can answer the question: where does it ring? - left, front, top, right, bottom. A more complex and fun option - "blind man's buff".

The game "Polyanka".

Purpose: to learn the rhythmic pattern.

Wild animals gathered in the clearing. Each of them will knock differently: the hare-1 time, the bear cub-2 times, the squirrel-3 times, and the hedgehog-4 times. By knocking, guess who came to the clearing.

Differentiation by the strength of the sound (loud - soft)

High-low game

Children go in a circle. The musician reproduces low and high sounds (on any instrument). Hearing high sounds, the children rise on their toes, hearing low sounds, they squat.

The game "Snowstorm"

Purpose: to teach children on one exhalation to change the strength of the voice from quiet to loud and from loud to quiet.

The blizzards swept over and sang their songs: sometimes quiet, sometimes loud.

The game "The wind blows".

A light summer breeze is blowing: woo (quietly)

A strong wind blew: U-U-U (loudly) You can use pictures.

Loud-quiet game.

Purpose: development of the ability to change the strength of the voice: speak either loudly or quietly.

Paired toys: big and small. Big ones say words loudly, small ones - quietly.

Game "Three Bears".

Purpose: development of the ability to change the pitch of the voice

Say one of the phrases for a bear, a bear and a bear cub in a voice that changes in pitch.

Game "Close - far."

The teacher publishes various sounds. The child learns to distinguish where the steamer is buzzing (oooh) - far (quietly) or close (loudly). Which pipe is playing: big ( o-o-o low voice) or small ( woo high voice).

Differentiation of words similar in sound composition:

Game "Right or Wrong".

1 option. The teacher shows the child a picture and loudly, clearly calls what is drawn on it, for example: "Carriage". Then he explains: “I will call this picture either right or wrong, and you listen carefully. If I make a mistake, clap your hands.

Option 2. If the child hears correct pronunciation of the object shown in the picture, he must raise the green circle, if incorrect - red.

Baman, paman, bana, banam, vavan, davan, bavan.

Vitanin, mitavin, fitamin, withanim, vitamin, mitanin, phytavin.

The game "Listen and choose".

In front of the child are pictures with objects whose names are similar in sound:

Cancer, varnish, poppy, tank

Juice, bough

House, com, scrap, catfish

Goat, braid

Puddles, skis

Bear, mouse, bowl

The teacher calls 3-4 words in a certain sequence, the child selects the appropriate pictures and arranges them in the named order.

Game" "Which word is different? ".

Of the four words spoken by an adult, the child must choose and name the word that differs from the others.










Syllable differentiation

The game "Identical or different."

A syllable is said in the child's ear, which he repeats aloud, after which the adult either repeats the same or says the opposite. The task of the child is to guess whether the same or different syllables were pronounced. Syllables must be selected those that the child is already able to repeat correctly. This method helps to develop the ability to distinguish sounds uttered in a whisper, which perfectly trains the auditory analyzer.

The game "Clap".

An adult explains to a child that there are short and long words. He pronounces them, intonation separating syllables. Together with the child, he pronounces the words (pa-pa, lo-pa-ta, ba-le-ri-na, slapping syllables. A more difficult option: invite the child to independently clap the number of syllables in the word.

The game "What's wrong? ".

An adult pronounces rows of syllables "pa-pa-pa-ba-pa", "fa-fa-va-fa-fa" ... The child should clap when he hears an extra (other) syllable.

The game "What the mouse asks for"

Purpose: to learn to highlight words with a given sound. Develop phonemic analysis and synthesis.

Equipment: toy "bee-ba-bo" - a hare, dummies of products.

Move: Show the children a toy, and say, depicting it: “I am very hungry, but I am afraid of a cat, please bring me products that have the sound A in the name.” Likewise with other sounds.

The game "Tell me a word."

The teacher reads a poem, and the child finishes the last word, which fits in meaning and rhyme:

Not a bird on the branch -

small animal,

The fur is warm, like a heating pad.

They call him. (squirrel) .

The game "The sound got lost."

The child must find the word that does not fit the meaning and choose the right one:

Mom with barrels (daughters) went

On the road along the village.

Game "Catch the sound". "Catch the Song"

Clap your hands if you hear the sound "m" in the word.

Poppy, onion, mouse, cat, cheese, soap, lamp.

Game "Find the sound"

1 Select subject pictures in the name of which the given sound is heard. The pre-pictures are called adult.

2 According to the plot picture, name the words in which the given sound is heard.

Ball game.

The teacher pronounces various syllables, words. The child must catch the ball at the given sound, if he does not hear the sound, then hit the ball.

teacher-speech therapist, MAOU “Gymnasium No. 6”, Gubkin, Belgorod region.


Goals of the game: development of active attention and phonemic analysis.

Each player is assigned a letter of the alphabet. Then one word or a phrase of two or three words is thought up. On a signal, the children begin to print: the first “letter” of the word stands up and clap their hands, then the second, and so on. When the word is printed, all the children clap their hands.

"Be careful!"

Objectives of the game: to stimulate auditory attention, to learn to quickly and accurately respond to sound signals, to develop phonemic hearing.

Children walk under the "March" by S. Prokofiev. Then, for a word that begins with one of the differentiable sounds (for example, when practicing the topic “Differentiation - [F]”, with the word “Bunnies”), pronounced by the leader, the children should start jumping, for the word Zhuki” - freeze in place, “Zina ” - jumping, “Giraffe” - froze in place, etc.

“Count the letters and make a sentence”

Play from 3 to 6 participants.

Goals of the game: development of skills in phonemic analysis, memory, distribution of attention, the ability to work with deformed text.

Children line up, count in order, loudly repeating their serial number. The speech therapist names any sound; the word that contains that sound.

Children must determine the place of the sound in this word, and the player steps out of the row one step forward, the serial number of which matches the serial number of the sound in the word. He must keep his word.

The children remaining in the row are once again calculated in order, and this is repeated anew until one player remains.

All children repeat their words loudly, and the last one must make a sentence out of these words and arrange the players accordingly.

“Listen to the claps and pick up the syllables”

Played by 2 people or 2 small teams.

Goals of the game: the development of the distribution of attention, phonemic hearing.

Letters denoting vowel sounds are placed on the typesetting canvas.


“If I clap my hands once LOUD (like this), you must quickly compose and say a syllable starting with 3, for example: ZA, ZU, ZI, etc.

If I clap once QUIETLY (like this), I need to compose and say a syllable ending in 3, for example A3, KZ, IZ, etc.

If I clap my hands twice LOUDLY (like this), I must quickly compose and say a syllable starting with Zh, for example: ZHA, ZHU, ZHI, etc.

And if I clap twice QUIETLY (like this), I need to compose and say a syllable ending in F, for example, AJ, UZH, IZH, etc. ”

The player or the team that made the fewest mistakes and picked up the most syllables wins.

"Repeat after me"

The purpose of the game: the development of motor-auditory memory.

Children stand near the leader's table. The host invites one child to slam everything that the host taps with a pencil. The rest of the children listen carefully and evaluate the performance with movements: they raise their thumb up if the claps are correct, and lower it down if they are incorrect.

Rhythmic phrases should be short and clear in their structure.

“Listen and repeat!”

Goals of the game: the development of phonemic hearing, the ability to regulate and control speech activity.

The speech therapist writes on the board 2 syllables with differentiable sounds, for example: FOR- and ZHA-.

One player must invite the other to repeat an arbitrary sequence of 3-6 repeating syllables, for example: FOR-FOR-ZHA-FOR.

His “opponent” must repeat this sequence exactly, and the tasker must evaluate the correctness. The judge is a speech pathologist.

With the complication of the game, syllables with differentiable consonants and their sequence are set by the players themselves.

“Hear - stop!”

Goals of the game: development of auditory attention, phonemic hearing, phonemic perception.

A forbidden sound is assigned (for example, [C]). Children stand in a line facing the speech therapist at a distance of 7-9 steps. The speech therapist says the words out loud. For each word, the players must take a step forward, except when the word has a C sound in any position. In this case, you must skip the step.

The students who are the first to reach a speech therapist lose.

Below is a collection of educational games that have proven to be the most effective in joint work speech therapist and educational psychologist.

"What do you hear?"

Purpose of the game: to develop the ability to quickly concentrate. 1st option. The facilitator invites the children to listen and remember what is happening outside the door. Then he asks to tell what they heard.

2nd option. At the signal of the leader, the attention of the children is drawn from the door to the window, from the window to the door. Then each child should tell what happened where.


Purpose of the game: development of strong-willed attention.

Children stand next to each other. Hands rest on the shoulders of the person in front. Having heard the first command, the first child raises his right hand up, the second - the second, etc. When all the children raise their right hand, they begin to raise their left hand in the same order to the next command. Raising their left hand, the children also take turns lowering their hands down under the command.

The basic prerequisite for mastering writing is a developed phonemic ear. Phonemic hearing, the main component of speech perception, is understood as the ability of a person to hear and distinguish between individual phonemes, or sounds in a word, to determine the presence of a sound in a word, their number and sequence. So, a child entering school should be able to distinguish between individual sounds in a word. For example, if you ask him if there is a sound “m” in the word “lamp”, then he should answer in the affirmative.

Why does a child need good phonemic hearing? This is due to the method of teaching reading that exists today at school, based on the sound analysis of the word. It helps us to distinguish between words and forms of words that are similar in sound, and to correctly understand the meaning of what is said. The development of phonemic hearing in children is the key to successful learning to read and write, and in the future - to foreign languages.

By the age of five, children are able to determine by ear the presence or absence of a particular sound in a word, they can independently select words for given sounds, unless, of course, preliminary work was carried out with them.

How to develop phonemic hearing in a child? The best thing do it in the game. Many development games phonemic processes have a combined character, which is expressed not only in the enrichment of the dictionary, but also in the activation of higher mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, motor skills). I bring to your attention games that allow you to interesting form teach the child to listen to the sounds of speech.

  1. The game "Catch the right sound with a clap."

Instruction: If you hear the sound [k] in a word, clap your hands. Words: [K] wounds, pestilence [K] ov, hut, boots [K]. . .

The same with any other sounds:

Sh - cat, hat, mask, pillow ...; C - dog, paints, horse, socks, nose ...

P - hands, paws, Motherland, shelf, mug ...; L - shovel, bark, words, pilaf ...

  1. The game "Come up with words for a given sound."

To begin with, it is better to give only vowel sounds (a, o, y, and) - watermelon, hoop, snail, needle, etc.

Then consonants (p, s, w, l, p, b, etc.)

  1. The game "Determine the place of sound in the word."

Determine where: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word we hear the sound [K] in the words: mole, carrot, fist, sock. . .

Ш - hat, cat, shower; C - sun, paste, nose; H - teapot, bump, night; U - brush, puppy, help; L - moon, shelf, chair; P - locomotive, steam, rose; P - floor, foot, stop; K - falcon, varnish, roof, etc.

  1. Repetition of chains of syllables.

Syllables are given with different voice power, intonation. (sa-SHA-sa), (for-for-SA). Syllables can be set with any oppositional sounds, for example, s-sh, sh-zh, l-r, p-b, t-d, k-g, v-f (i.e. deaf-voiced, hard soft, whistling- hissing). Make sure that the child does not change the sequence in the chains. If it is difficult for him to repeat three syllables, give two syllables first: sa-sha, sha-sa,

sa-za, za-sa, la-ra, ra-la, sha-sha, sha-sha, etc.

Examples of syllable chains:

Sa-za-za, za-za-sa, sa-za-sa, za-sa-za

Sa-sha-sha, sha-sha-sa, sa-sha-sa, sha-sa-sha

La-ra-ra, ra-la-la, ra-la-ra, la-ra-la

Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha

Za-zha-zha, zha-za-za, za-zha-za, zha-za-zha (Similarly with other pairs of sounds)

  1. Clap syllables with sound "B" in the palms, and with the sound "P" on the knees (ba-pu-bo-po). The same with sounds, for example, s-sh, sh-zh, k-g, t-d, r-l, ch-sh, etc.
  1. Say a word with sound "B": duck - bow - whale; "P": bank - stick - squirrel. Those. three words are given, among which only one with a given sound.
  1. The game "Who is more attentive."

An adult shows pictures and names them (it is possible without pictures). The child listens attentively and guesses what common sound is found in all the named words.

For example, in the words goat, jellyfish, rose, forget-me-not, dragonfly, the general sound is “Z”. Do not forget that you need to pronounce this sound in words for a long time, highlighting it with your voice as much as possible.

  1. Game "Guess the word".

An adult pronounces a word with pauses between sounds, the child must name the whole word.

First, words are given from 3, 4 sounds, if the child copes, then it can be more difficult - from 2-3 syllables, with a confluence of consonants.

For example:

s-u-p, k-o-t, r-o-t, n-o-s, p-a-r, d-a-r, l-a-k, t-o-k, l- w-k, s-s-r, s-o-k, s-o-m, f-u-k, h-a-s

r-o-s-a, k-a-sh-a, D-a-sh-a, l-u-zh-a, sh-u-b-a, m-a-m-a, p- a-m-a, v-a-t-a, l-a-p-a, n-o-t-s, sh-a-r-s

p-a-s-t-a, l-a-p-sh-a, l-a-s-t-s, k-o-s-t, m-o-s-t, t-o- r-t, k-r-o-t, l-a-s-k-a, p-a-r-k, i-g-r-a, etc.

  1. Say all the sounds in the word in order. We start with short words, for example: HOUSE - d, o, m
  1. A game " The fourth extra "

For the game, you will need four pictures with the image of objects, three of which contain the given sound in the name, and one does not. The adult lays them out in front of the child and offers to determine which picture is superfluous and why. The set can be varied, for example: a cup, glasses, a cloud, a bridge; bear, bowl, dog, chalk; road, board, oak, shoes. If the child does not understand the task, then ask him leading questions, ask him to carefully listen to the sounds in the words. An adult can highlight the identified sound with his voice. As a variant of the game, you can select words with different syllabic structures (3 three-syllable words, and one two-syllable), different stressed syllables. The task helps to develop not only phonemic perception but also attention, logical thinking.

  1. Ball tossing game “One hundred questions - one hundred answers with the letter A (I, B ...) - and only with this one.

Throw the ball to the child and ask him a question. Returning the ball to an adult, the child must answer the question so that all the words of the answer begin with a given sound, for example, with the sound [I].


-What is your name?


-And the surname?


-Where are you from?

-From Irkutsk

-What grows there?

- Figs.

  1. Game "Chains of words"

This game is an analogue of the well-known "cities". It consists in the fact that the next player comes up with his own word to the last sound of the word given by the previous player. A chain of words is formed: stork - plate - watermelon. Remembered?

  1. Game "Fix broken phone"

It is best to play with three or even more. The exercise is a modification of the famous game "Broken Phone". The first participant quietly and not very clearly pronounces a certain word in his neighbor's ear. He repeats what he heard in the ear of the next participant. The game continues until everyone has passed the word “on the phone”.

The last participant must say it out loud. Everyone is surprised, because, as a rule, the word is noticeably different from those transmitted by the rest of the participants. But the game doesn't end there. It is necessary to restore the first word, naming in turn all the differences that “accumulated” as a result of a phone breakdown. An adult should carefully monitor that the differences, distortions are reproduced by the child correctly.

  1. Make no mistake game.

An adult shows the child a picture and loudly, clearly calls the image: "Car". Then he explains: "I will call this picture either right or wrong, and you listen carefully. When I make a mistake, clap your hands." Then he says: "Wagon - wakon - fagon - wagon." Then the adult shows the next picture or a blank sheet of paper and calls: "Paper - pumaga - mumaga - pumaka - bumaka." The game is very popular with children and is fun.

It must be emphasized that it is necessary to start with words that are simple in sound composition, and gradually move on to complex ones.

  1. Game "Be careful" An adult lays out pictures in front of the child, the names of which sound very similar, for example: cancer, varnish, poppy, tank, juice, bough, house, lump, scrap, catfish, goat, scythe, puddle, ski. Then he calls 3-4 words, and the child selects the corresponding pictures and arranges them in the named order (in one line or in a column - according to your instructions).
  1. The game "Pick by sound » An adult puts the following pictures in one line: lump, tank, bough, branch, skating rink, slide. Then, giving the child one picture at a time, he asks to put it under the one whose name sounds similar. The result should be approximately the following rows of pictures:
    com tank bough branch ice rink slide
    house cancer bow cell handkerchief crust
    catfish poppy beetle heel leaf mink
    scrap lacquer beech lash skein mark
  2. Game "SHOP"

Games to highlight the sound on the background of the word.

Exercise: Dunno went to the store for fruit, came to the store, but forgot the name of the fruit. Help Dunno buy fruits that have the sound [l'] in their names. Subject pictures are exhibited on the typesetting canvas: apples, oranges, pears, tangerines, plums, lemons, grapes. Children select pictures that have the sound [l '] in the name.

Show the child the products you bought at the store and let him list those that have the sound [P] or another sound in their names.

  1. Game "Live ABC"

Game for the development of sound discrimination

Cards from pairs of letters: 3-Zh, Ch-Ts, L-R, S-Ts, Ch-S, Shch-S, S-3, Sh-Zh are laid out in front of the children on the table with the image up. Two cards with the image of letters are also used. On command, the children must choose objects (pictures) whose names include this letter and arrange them in piles. The one who picks up the most cards wins. The game continues until they are all taken apart.

The development of phonemic hearing in children

Phonemic hearing is responsible for distinguishing phonemes (sounds) of speech. It helps us to distinguish between words and forms of words that are similar in sound, and to correctly understand the meaning of what is said. The development of phonemic hearing in children is the key to successful learning to read and write, and in the future - to foreign languages.

If a child has poorly developed phonemic hearing, he may confuse phonemes that are similar in sound. This can hinder the development of coherent speech, learning to read and write, because if a child is not good at distinguishing sounds, he will perceive (remember, pronounce, write) what he heard, and not what he was actually told. Hence the errors in speech and writing.

The development of phonemic hearing in preschoolers can be “spurred on” with the help of special exercises. These exercises will help children recognize a given sound in words, determine the place of a sound in a word, distinguish between words and word forms that differ in only one phoneme.

The game "Noisy bags".

Together with the child, pour cereals, buttons, pebbles into the bags. He must guess by the sound what is inside.

Game "Magic Wand"

Taking a pencil or any stick, tap it on the table, vase, cup. The wand can bring any object to life. Have the child close their eyes and guess which object sounded.

The game "Zhmurki"

The child is blindfolded, and he moves to the sound of a bell, a tambourine, a whistle.

The game "Clap"

The child repeats the rhythmic pattern of clapping. In a more complicated version, the child repeats the rhythm with his eyes closed.

Distinguishing speech sounds by timbre, strength and pitch.

Loud and quiet game

Agree that the children will perform certain actions - when you speak loudly and quietly.

Game "Three Bears"

The child guesses for which of the characters you pronounce certain words. A more complicated option - the child himself speaks with the voices of bears, changing the strength of the voice.

Who will hear what?

A screen, various sounding objects: a bell, a hammer, a rattle with pebbles or peas, a trumpet.

Description of the game.

An adult behind a screen knocks with a hammer, rings a bell, etc., and the child must guess what object made the sound. Sounds should be clear and contrasting.

Distinguishing similar-sounding words.

Play "Listen and choose"

Pictures with words similar in sound (com, house, catfish) are placed in front of the child. The adult calls the object, and the child must raise the corresponding picture.

Game "True or False"

An adult shows the child a picture and names the object, replacing the first sound (forota, gate, short, borota ...).

The child should clap their hands when they hear the correct pronunciation.

Someone messed something up

This exercise helps to learn to distinguish between words that differ in one phoneme. To do this, you need to read nursery rhymes to the child, replacing one letter in a word (or removing it, or adding an extra one). The child must find a mistake in the poem and correct it. Poems can be very different, for example:

I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll ride into the bones.

Let's build the plane ourselves

Let's go over the scales.

Let's go over the scales

And then back to mom.

Bunny gray sits

And wiggles his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

We need to warm up the lights.

Jokes are minutes.

You read lines from poetry, deliberately replacing letters in words. Children find a mistake in a poem and correct it.


Tail with patterns

boots with curtains

Tili-bom! Tili-bom!

The cat's volume caught fire.

Outside the window is a winter garden,

There the leaves are sleeping in barrels.

Boys joyful people

Skates cut honey loudly.

The cat swims in the ocean

A whale eats sour cream from a saucer.

The doll, dropped from the hands,

Masha rushes to her mother:

There are green onions

With long mustaches.

god box,

fly to the sky

Bring me some bread.

Find the mistake and say the correct word.


Description of the game.

In other verses Dunno confused the sounds in words. What sound should be set to make it right?

Oh! - they shout around the hostess - T-shirts climbed into the garden.

We are taking the board to the mountain, we will build a new lump.

A stormy cheek flows from afar between the mountains.

The bear cries and roars, asks the bees to give ice.

We did not write letters - we were looking for a cloud all day.

Curious monkeys collect chips from the Christmas trees.

Here is a good place - the stove flows past.

Tears flow from Oksanka: her jars are broken.

Cold. Snow. Blizzards are blowing. Doors roam in the dark at night.

An onion flew in from the forest and climbed under the old bough.

The mouse hid under the hill and quietly gnaws at the mink.

In the morning the bones came to us, they brought gifts to everyone.

The kitten sewed slippers for himself so that hats would not freeze in winter.

Cancer lives under water, red varnish grows in the field.

Mom gave the night multi-colored handkerchiefs.

I am very pleased with the barrel of small handkerchiefs.

What sound is missing from the word?


Development of phonemic and speech hearing.

Description of the game.

Dunno wrote a letter to the bunny in verse, but in some words he missed the sounds.

Guess what words he wanted to write? What sound is missing? Where is this sound located (beginning, middle, end of a word)?

  1. I wrote a letter to a bunny, but I forgot to glue ... the arches.
  2. Mom braids her youngest daughter Tosya ... wasps.
  3. They gave us toys: they fired ... ears all day.
  4. The earth is digging by the old k... from, he lives underground.
  5. He lives in the zoo with ... he is like a huge house.
  6. Mom knitted a ball for a doll, Natasha helped her.
  7. A gray wolf... hungry, angry, walks through the woods in winter.
  8. We are dark. We ask dad to turn on brighter la ... pu.
  9. The chick jumped along the path and pecked at big cats.
  10. On the arena ... the games came out, we all fell silent from fear.

Distinguishing syllables.

The game "Clap"

The adult explains that there are short and long words, pronounces them together with the child, intonation dividing them into syllables. Then, having heard the word, the child picks up a long, short strip.

The game "Hear too much - clap"

An adult pronounces a series of syllables “pa-pa-ba”, “ku-ku-gu”, etc. The child should clap if he hears another syllable.

Distinguishing sounds. The child needs to be explained that words are made up of sounds.

Game "Who is it?"

The mosquito squeaks “zzzz”, the wind blows “ssss”, the beetle buzzes “zhzhzhzh”, the tiger growls “rrrr”. The adult makes a sound, and the child guesses who makes it or shows the corresponding picture.

Game "Catch the Sound"

The adult utters a series of sounds, and the child, having heard the given one, clap. (A-u-i...)

Mastering by the child the skill of analysis and synthesis.

Game "How many sounds"

An adult calls 1,2,3 sounds, the child determines their number by ear and calls 1,2,3, etc. sound.

Game "Hear the Word"

The adult pronounces a series of words, the child should clap if he hears a word that begins with a given sound.

Exercise "Echo"

You throw the ball and say, for example: “Ah-ah ...” The kid catches the ball and, returning it, repeats the sound he heard. Sort through all the vowel sounds. Has the baby already mastered their sound well? Then let's continue.

What common?

Say three or four words, each of which has a certain sound, and ask the child what sound is common to all these words. It is desirable that the given sound be in words in different positions - at the beginning, in the middle and at the end. For example: heron, narcissus, well done.

Who can come up with more words?

Description of the game.

The teacher names a sound and asks to come up with words in which this sound occurs.

Then the children form a circle. One of the players throws the ball to someone. The one who catches the ball must say the word with the agreed sound. The one who did not come up with a word, or repeats what has already been said, is out of the game.


Remember, you and I were in the forest and heard the echo? Let's play echo. I will say something, and you repeat everything after me exactly like an echo. Ready? Repeat after me!

What sound does the word start with?

You throw a ball to a child and say a word that starts with any vowel. For example, stork, wasps, duck, echo, frost, better - with an emphasis on the first vowel. Then it is easier for the child to identify it, and for the mother to single it out with a voice. Hearing the word and catching the ball, the child will think for a while, what is the first sound? Let him repeat the word several times and, imitating you, highlight the initial vowel. Then he will clearly pronounce it and return the ball to you.

“What is the sound hidden in the middle of the word?”

The game is similar to the previous one, but the vowel is already in the middle of the word: hall, beetle, house, sir, cheese, world, etc. Attention! Take words with only one syllable. Do not include words such as forest, ice, hatch in the game. One vowel sound is heard in them, but the vowel is written quite differently. The difference in the concepts of sound-letter is still unknown to the child.

What is the sound at the end of a word?

The rules are the same, only the vowel sound must be looked for at the end of words: bucket, leg, tables, take, karate, etc. The stress again falls on the desired sound. And it is no coincidence: in an unstressed position, some vowels, such as “o”, “e”, change their sound. Consonant sounds can be distinguished in the same way. To work with them, we take only the first and third of the games mentioned above ("What sound does the word begin?" and "What is the sound at the end of the word?"). The conditions for choosing words are the same: the sound should sound clear, not deafen and not disappear when it is pronounced. Words can be: poppy, chair, baby, mole, tank, wolf, house, goal, etc.

“Choose a syllable with the sound “y”

You say, for example: ta-tu-ti, and throw the ball to the child. Having repeated a number of syllables to himself or aloud, the child must find the syllable with the desired sound “y”, say it out loud and return the ball. Does the kid find it difficult to make a choice from three syllables? Cut the row to two. Well, if the situation is the opposite and three syllables is too easy, let him look among four to six syllables. You can go for such a trick: say a series of syllables, among which there will be no syllable with the desired sound. I wonder if the little smart guy will guess that he was tricked?

"Choose a word with the sound "y"

Offer the baby the following, for example, rows of words: duck-Ira-stork, wasps-dinner-echo, etc. Difficult to choose from three? Let's leave two words. If it's easy - let's increase it to four or five: frost-snail-cloud-Emma, ​​elf-donkey-ear-army-Ira. Let's not forget the provocative series of words, where there will be no word for the sound "y".

Lost sound game

The child must find the word that does not fit the meaning and choose the right one:

Mom with barrels (daughters) went

On the road along the village.

They sat in a spoon (boat) and - oh yes!

Back and forth along the river.

Bear cries and roars:

Asks bees to give ice (honey).

We carry boards to the mountain,

We will build a new room (house).

“Stringing rings (beads, etc.)”

“We call in turn the words with the sound c and string one ring at a time. I say the word "dog" and string the ring. You repeat my word (there is one ring - a dog) and name a new one, put on your ring (soup) at this time. Now again I (or dad, or sister, etc.): dog, soup, sun (put on a ring). We collect a garland (beads).” Words must be called in the order of the dressed rings. Every time you play, try to increase the number of memorized words. (We use any other sounds)

Remember and repeat the syllable rows:

Ac - os - us - ys, os - us - ys - ac, us - ys - ac - os, ys - ac - os - us

For a walk in the forest

Visual material: toys (dog, elephant, fox, hare, goat, goose, chicken, chicken, basket, saucer, glass, bus, etc., in the names of which there are sounds c (s), z (z), c. Similarly, you can pick up toys or pictures for other sounds.

The adult puts toys on the table and asks the child to name them. Then he invites the child to go for a walk in the woods and take toy animals with him. The child chooses the right toys, names them, puts them in the car, and takes them to a predetermined place.

Games and exercises that develop

phonemic skills perception.

The formation of grammatically correct, lexically rich and phonetically clear speech in children is one of the critical tasks in the child's education system mother tongue in preschool, in the family. It is possible to prepare a child well for school, to create a basis for teaching literacy, only in the process of serious work on the development of phonemic perception. Theory and practice pedagogical work convincingly prove that the development of phonemic processes has a positive effect on the formation of the entire speech system as a whole. With systematic work on the development of phonemic hearing and perception, preschoolers perceive word endings, prefixes, common suffixes much better, highlight prepositions in a sentence, etc., which is so important when developing reading and writing skills.

Phonemic perception - this is the ability to distinguish phonemes and determine the sound composition of a word. How many syllables are in MAC? How many sounds does it have? What consonant is at the end of the word? What is the vowel in the middle of a word? It is phonemic perception that helps to accurately answer these questions.

By the age of five, children are able to determine by ear the presence or absence of a particular sound in a word, they can independently select words for given sounds, unless, of course, preliminary work was carried out with them. But not all children clearly distinguish certain groups of sounds by ear, they often mix them up. This applies mainly to certain sounds, for example, they do not differentiate by ear. s-c sounds, s-sh, w-zh and others.

The development of phonemic processes is divided into several sections.

1. Perception and discrimination of non-speech sounds.

2. Perception and differentiation of speech sounds:

*Exercises to identify the shortcomings of sound-letter analysis.

a) Come up with words or select pictures whose name begins with a certain sound, for example, with the sound “s”.

* Comparison of words (identification of orientation to the form of a word in a situation where the comparative length of words is opposite to the comparative length of objects indicated by these words).

    Let's compare words with you. I will give you two words, and you must answer me, which of these words is longer, which is shorter?

    Compare the words "pencil" and "pencil". Which of these words is shorter? Why?

    Which of the two words is longer: the word "boa constrictor" or the word "worm"?

    Which word is longer: the word "minute" or the word "hour"? Why?

    Which word is shorter: the word "tail" or the word "tail"? Why?

* Soft sounds.

3. Development of skills in elementary sound analysis and synthesis:

How to help a child with this?

Playfully, of course!

Speech is complex function, and its development depends on many factors. The influence of others plays a big role here - the child learns to speak on the example of the speech of parents, teachers, friends. Surrounding should help the child in the formation of correct, clear speech. It is very important that a child from an early age hear correct, distinctly sounding speech, on the example of which his own speech is formed.

Target the games and exercises given below are to develop phonemic perception, elements of sound analysis.

Exercise "Clap your hands."

Target: develop phonemic hearing skills, the ability to distinguish [a] from a number of vowels, syllables, words (initial stressed position).

Speech material: o, a, y, and, o, a, and, o, s, uh;

al, mind, in, ap, ut, he; arch, ears, stork, angel, Alya.

Description. The child is invited to clap his hands when he hears [a].

Say the first sound in the word.

The teacher shows a toy, for example, Pinocchio and offers to determine with what sound his name begins. After the answers, the teacher gives the task to the children to determine with what sound the names of their neighbors begin, the name of certain animals, objects. Draws attention to the fact that sounds must be pronounced clearly (you cannot pronounce syllablesze in a word Zoya, ve - in a word Vadik ).

Say the last sound in the word.

visual material: pictures (bus, goose, chick, raincoat, house, key, table, door, samovar, bed, hippo, etc.)

The teacher shows a picture, asks to name what is shown on it, and then say what is the last sound in the word. At the same time, attention is paid to clear pronunciation isolated sounds, differentiation of hard and soft consonants (in the word door the last soundp, but not R). When all the pictures have been considered, the teacher suggests putting pictures on which the names of objects end in a hard consonant in one direction, in the other - in a soft one. Children who do not clearly pronounce sounds are encouraged to clearly pronounce the consonants at the end of the word.

The game "Colorful baskets".

Target: develop the skills of phonemic representations, differentiation of sounds [a], [y] in words.

Material: pictures of storks, asters, arches, ducks, beehive, ears (hare), pike, clouds, potatoes, eyes, spoons

Description. On a type-setting cloth - red and yellow baskets. The letter A is depicted on the handle of the red basket, and U is depicted on the yellow one. Subject pictures stand separately. The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures, think about whether there are sounds in their names [a], [y]. Children are invited to silently arrange the corresponding pictures in baskets. The teacher interrupts the game only if the child makes a mistake. Once it's fixed, the game continues.

Exercise "Raise the signal."

Target: to teach children to distinguish the sound [b] from a number of sounds, syllables, words (beginning and middle).

Speech material: b, t, k, b, m, n, b, p, t, b;

pa, boo, but, mu, ba, bo, pu, boo;

bun, stick, barrel, current, flour, fish, bun, puma.

Description. Children are invited to raise the letter B or chip when they hear the corresponding sound.

Exercise "Duckling walks."

Target: develop the skill of positional analysis in words.

Speech material: words: tail, moss, bathrobe, bay, ottoman, withered, bread, brushwood, fir, ailment.

Description. In front of each child is a strip divided into three parts. Children each receive a small plastic duck. The teacher explains that he will pronounce the words, and the children will put the duckling at the beginning, middle or end of the strip, depending on where the sound [x] is in the spoken word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end).

Exercise "Magic Clock".

Target: develop the skills of differentiating consonants [v], [f] in words.

Description. Pictures are fixed on a large magnetic clock, in the name of which there are sounds [v], [f]: a wagon, a flag, an apron, a wolf, a pheasant, a uniform, a gate, a football player, water, a crow. The speech therapist invites the children to look at the images, go to the clock and show with one arrow a picture with the sound [v] in the title, the other with the sound [f].

Exercise "Multicolored circles".

Target: to improve the skill of sound analysis of words, the ability to differentiate vowels and consonants, to teach children to work with handouts (plastic circles of red and blue colors).

Speech material: words: mouth, juice, smoke, varnish, cancer.

Description. The speech therapist shows the children pictures, asks them to name the picture and offers to complete it. sound analysis of these words. Children perform analysis and lay out word schemes.

Exercise "Name the vowels."

Target: improve the skill of phonemic perception, the ability to differentiate vowels and consonants.

Speech material: words: thread, scissors, spool, needle, thimble, typewriter, knitting needles, chalk.

Description. The teacher invites the children to listen to the words and name the vowels.

Balloon game.

Target: develop auditory differentiation in words.

Material: glass, castle, rose, cactus, star, vase, beads.

Description. The picture shows girls (Zoya and Sonya) holding balloons in their hands. Children are invited to decorate balloons by choosing from handout corresponding pictures: Zoya - with sound [h], Sonya - with sound [s].

Let's build a pyramid game.

Target: to form the ability to determine the number of sounds in words.

Material: 1) Pyramid drawing made of squares. At the bottom of each square are pockets for inserting pictures. At the base of the pyramid - 5 squares, the top is two squares. 2) Subject pictures, the names of which include from two to five sounds: hedgehog, mustache, poppy, cancer, beetle, cheese, ear, lump, catfish; fish, vase, rose, fox, duck, toad; bag, hat, branch, cup, shoes, jacket, bowl, cat, mouse.

Description. The teacher demonstrates a pyramid, explains: “We will “build” this pyramid from pictures. At the top there should be pictures whose names consist of one syllable, below - from two, even lower - from three. How many pockets are at the base of the pyramid? How many syllables are in these words?

Exercise "Listen and add."

Target: develop the skill of sound-letter analysis, and reading confluences of vowels.

Description. Each child has plastic letters on the table: A, U, O. The teacher pronounces the fusion of vowels: [AU], [UA], [AO], [OA], [UO], [OU], and the children lay out these combinations from letters and read. They say which sound they uttered first, which - second.

Exercise "A vowel is lost."

Target: develop visual attention, sound-letter analysis skills.

Description. On a magnetic board - pictures depicting a poppy flower, a cat, a whale and a card:

A ) with vowels a, i, o:

b) with the words: m.k., k.t., k.t.

The speech therapist invites the children to think about which vowels should be inserted into words. When the children insert the letters, the cards are placed under the corresponding pictures.

Exercise "Live letters".

Target: to consolidate the skills of sound-letter analysis of words: poppy, cat, whale, cook, com.

Description. The teacher attaches cards with letters on the chest of the children. Children name them. Then the teacher shows the picture, the children name it and line up so that its name is obtained.

Exercise “Divide and take away”.

Target: develop the skill of syllabic analysis of words.

Description. A set of pictures depicting a table, a chair, a wardrobe, a sofa, a bed, an armchair, a sideboard, a curbstone, a chest of drawers is exhibited on the typesetting canvas. The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures, pronounce the words, slapping the number of syllables in the names of the furniture. The picture is received by the one who correctly divides the word into syllables.

Playing with ball "Catch and count."

Target: develop the skills of dividing words into syllables.

Speech and didactic material: words: willow, poplar, ash, pine, spruce, maple, oak, aspen, birch; ball of small diameter.

Description. Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to one of the children, saying the name of the tree. The child catches the ball and, throwing it to the teacher, pronounces the word by syllables and names the number of syllables in it.

Find and say the right word.

The teacher suggests highlighting and naming only those words that have the given sounds.

WITH Dad bought Lena a sled.

A bus is moving along the road.

Nature comes alive in spring.

House over the river, Light stripe

There is a light in the windows, He lay down on the water.

( A. Pleshcheev. " On the shore")

W There is a lock on the door.

Thunderclouds appeared in the sky.

Why is the dog barking

For someone you don't know?

That's why she barks

Wants to meet.

(A. Vlasov. “Why?”)

Who listens better?

Option 1.

The teacher calls two children to him. He puts them back to each other, sideways to the whole group, and gives the task: “I will name the words, and Sasha will raise his hand only when he hears words with soundw . Which sound? And Larisa will raise her hand only when she hears words that have a soundand . Once again, the children are invited to repeat who and when should raise their hand. Children count the number of correct answers, mark the incorrect answers. The teacher calls words with a short interval (15 words in total: 5 - with soundw, 5 - with sound and , 5 – where these sounds are absent). Approximately the following set of words is offered: a hat, a house, a beetle, a fox, a hedgehog, a cat, a plate, a hanger, skis, a pencil, a barrel, scissors, a castle, a puddle, a roof.

Everyone monitors whether the guys are doing the task correctly, correcting mistakes by pointing to the given sound in the word or its absence. At the end, the children name the child who was the most attentive, correctly identified all the words and never made a mistake.

Option 2.

The teacher offers two children to pick up words: one with soundsh, another with soundand. The winner is the one who names the most words without making a single mistake in pronunciation.

The same can be done with other pairs of sounds.

What sound is in all words?

The teacher pronounces three or four words, each of which has one of the practiced sounds:fur coat, cat, mouse - and asks the children what sound is in all these words. Children name the soundw . Then he proposes to determine what sound is in all the words below:beetle, toad, skis - and; kettle, key, glasses - h; brush, box, sorrel - sch; braid, mustache, nose With; herring, Sima, elk - s; goat, castle, tooth - h; winter, mirror, vaseline - sz; flower, egg, chicken - c; boat, chair, lamp - l; linden, forest, salt - le; fish, carpet, wing - R; rice, fortress, primer - p.

The teacher makes sure that the children clearly pronounce sounds, correctly name hard and soft consonants.

Think, take your time.

The teacher offers the children several tasks for ingenuity and at the same time checks how they learned to hear and highlight certain sounds in words:

Choose the word that starts with the last sound of the wordtable.

Remember the name of the bird, which would have the last sound of the wordcheese. (Sparrow, rook ...)

Choose a word so that the first sound would beTo, and the last - sh. (Pencil, reeds ...)

What will be the word ifBut - add one sound?(Knife, nose...)

Make up a sentence in which all words begin with a soundm. ( Mom washes Masha with a washcloth.)

Find objects in the room that have a second sound in their name.y. (Paper, pipe, Pinocchio ...)