Plan for self-education “Development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age. A long-term plan for self-education in the senior group on the topic: "The development of coherent speech of preschool children

Isakaeva Ludmila Nikolaevna
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten of supervision and improvement No. 60 "Friendly family", Almetyevsk
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2016-09-20 WORK PLAN FOR SELF-EDUCATION on the topic: Speech development of children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Isakaeva Ludmila Nikolaevna The plan describes the future work of the teacher on academic year to improve the level of their own development and improve the quality of their work.

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WORK PLAN FOR SELF-EDUCATION on the topic: Speech development of children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Subject: Speech development of children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard


Federal state basic standard putting forward requirements for the structure of the main general education program preschool education reveals new directions in the organization of speech development of children 3-7 years old.

The following tasks are defined as priorities:

Speech as a means of communication

Active Vocabulary Enrichment

The development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic

and monologue speech

Development of speech creativity

Development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing

Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature

By age 7 speech development the child should be characterized by the ability to ask questions to an adult, in case of difficulty, turn to him for help, adequately use verbal means of communication, and also speak dialogically.

The world in which a modern child lives, the lifestyle of an average family, has changed significantly compared to the recent past. Socio-economic problems of society, deterioration environmental situation in Russia give rise to conditions under which the level of physical and neuropsychic health of children is significantly reduced. At the same time, the cognitive and speech development of children worsens.

I believe that the topic of self-education I have chosen is relevant, because it provides me with the necessary information on the development of speech in children in the context of the implementation of the program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

The purpose of the work on self-education: to improve professional qualifications on the development of the speech system in children preschool age in accordance with the FGOS.


1. To study educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature on the development and formation sound culture speech.

2. Development of children's speech in play activities.

3. Development of verbal-logical thinking; speech attention, phonemic hearing and perception, articulatory and vocal apparatus.

4. Maintain children's interest in the personality and activities of their peers, promote the establishment of their dialogical communication in joint games and activities.

5. The development of monologue speech in the preparation of a story - a description of the subject.

No. p / p

Work form


Expected Result

Information and analytical


Work with methodical literature. The study of monitoring under the program "From birth to school" author and compiler V.I. Lobodina. collection and processing of data. Monitoring by educational field"Development of speech"; The study of the project "Federal State educational standard preschool education".

Work with methodological literature on articulation gymnastics. Consultation of a speech pathologist. Parent survey

September-October 2016

Revealing the levels of speech development in children. To study for all age groups tasks, conditions, teaching methods for the development of speech. Improving the skill and ability to conduct articulatory gymnastics. Collection of information about family education of children. Reassessment of pedagogical values, one's professional purpose; desire to improve the educational process. Increasing professionalism in the development of various components of the child's personality.

Implementation in practice:

Carrying out OOD and regime moments. Conducting OOD on the sound culture of speech "Who lives here?". Conducting a problem situation of a narrative nature "Toys", "Stories for Krosh".Pronunciation and learning of tongue twisters, tongue twisters according to the plan of the sound culture of speech._ Carrying out gymnastics for the mimic muscles of the face, games for the development of auditory attention and hearing "Sound clock", "Do you hear the sound." Carrying out kinesiology exercises, a complex of articulatory gymnastics. Conducting speech development games “Who is this?”, “How to say this?”, “We pronounce words”, “What word is lost?” Carrying out OOD, articulation gymnastics, kinesiology exercises, speech didactic games“What does it look like?”, “Hello, I’m Pinocchio!”; conducting problem situations for compiling a descriptive story "What do I have and what do you have?", "Favorite toy". Preparing children for New Year's Eve. Learning poems, songs. Preparing children to perform at the holidays "Defender of the Fatherland Day". "March 8". Learning poems, songs. Conducting theatrical games: "Teremok", "Masha and the Bear"

Organization of a developing object-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard._ The study of the didactic manual "Educational games for children 2-7 years old. (E.N. Mikhina) Introducing parents to work preschool and tasks for the development of speech of preschoolers. Written recommendations for parents of preschoolers attending the senior group of kindergarten. Visiting OOD with educators of their preschool educational institution and the district; attendance of teachers' councils, seminars, conferences

October-April 2016

Development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus, motor activity children, fine motor skills fingers. The development of facial muscles and the preparation of the articulatory apparatus. Development of phonemic hearing and attention. Development of clear diction and intonation in children. Education of emotional responsiveness. Teaching children to correctly build sentences, developing the ability to correlate a word with expressive movements, develop attention, memory, an active vocabulary and sound pronunciation. Teaching children how to chart a narrative statement.. Acquaintance of parents with the conditions, content, methods of educating and developing the speech of children in a preschool institution. The development of the articulatory apparatus, thinking, memory, attention. Formation of phonemic hearing and perception. Teaching descriptive storytelling. Promotion of speech therapy classes.

Presentation of work experience

Speech at the pedagogical council

1. Enter into the speech zone:

- didactic games: "Speech therapy chamomile", "Opposites", "We read ourselves", "We read with stress";

- plot pictures ("Winter", "Winter fun");

- plot pictures with plot development of the action ("Skiing", "Winter fun");

- draw up and make homemade books on the topic "Winter", "Winter Fun";

- add stories to the didactic manual "Retelling": "Four Wishes" by K. Ushinsky, "How Sasha first saw the plane" E. Permyak, "What are the hands for" E. Permyak, "How Masha became big" E. Permyak. );

- in the didactic manual "Phonetic exercise" add pictures for the sounds "z", "g", "r", "e", "p", "c", "x";

- pictures-pictures according to Kosinova for articulatory gymnastics "Horse", "Swinging chair", "Snake", "Pussy is angry", "Watch", "Painter".

2. Acquaintance with proverbs and sayings about winter:

- Frost and iron breaks and beats a bird on the fly.

- What is born in the summer will come in handy in the winter.

- Without a fur coat and felt boots - and winter is endless.

-The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

-Good snow will save the harvest.

- Frost is enough for the nose of a lazy person.

-Sun for summer, winter for frost.

3. Acquaintance with the nursery rhyme "Bookseller", counting rhyme:

One two three four five!
We're here to play.
Forty flew to us
And I told you to drive.

4. Solving riddles about vegetables and fruits (for example):

One hundred clothes

And all without zippers.


A girl sits in a dungeon

A scythe on the street


5. Reading and talking about stories:

- "Four Wishes" K. Ushinsky.

- “How Sasha saw the plane for the first time” E. Permyak.

- “What are hands for?” E. Permyak.

- "How Masha became big" E. Permyak.

6. Storytelling based on pictures:

- "Winter".

- "Winter fun".


- "Skiing".

- "Winter fun".

8. Reading and memorizing poems:

- S. Yesenin "Winter sings - calls out."

- S. Yesenin "Powder".

- S. Yesenin "Birch".

- "Wintering of animals."

- "Snow Maiden".

- V. Suteev "Christmas Tree".

- "inflate the ball";

- "thrifty hamsters";

- "Snowflakes";

- "Warm up the fingers";

- "Father Frost";

- "Lanterns";

- "Lights".

- "Horse";

- "Kachalochka";

- "Snake";

- "Kiska is angry";

- "Watch";

- "Painter".

13. Didactic games:

- "We read ourselves";

- "Speech therapy chamomile";

- "Read with emphasis";

- "Compose a proposal";

- "Opposites";

- New Year's theatrical holiday.

- Table theater "Zimovie zvery".

- Fairy tale dramatization "Masha and the Bear".

- "Shadow play". Dramatization

- Teaching Responsibility in Children.

- "Shyness".

- "The role of fairy tales in the development of children's emotionality."

- "Reasons for unpreparedness of children for school".

- "The role of theatrical activities in the development of children."

16. Conversations with parents:

- « healthy image family life."

- "Questioning of parents on the topic "Family readiness for teaching a child at school."

17. Folder slider:

- "The development of speech breathing."

- Connected speech.

1. Enter into the speech zone:

- didactic games: "Lay down the word", "Compose a fairy tale", "ABC", "Primer book";

- plot pictures ("Weights", "Birds have arrived");

- plot pictures with the plot development of the action ("Fishermen", "Masha and the chickens", "Rescue of the chicks");

- draw up and submit homemade books on the theme "Spring", "Return of the Birds", "Drops";

- add stories to the didactic manual "Retelling": "Playing dogs" K. Ushinsky, “Sons” by V. Oseev, “Helper” by E. Permyak, “How Misha wanted to outwit his mother” E. Permyak, “Hurry Knife” by E. Permyak.

- in the didactic manual "Phonetic exercise" add pictures for the sounds "d", "b", "l", "h", "f", "c", "k", "g";

- pictures-pictures according to Kosinova for articulatory gymnastics: “Dough”, “Brushing teeth”, “Rcheska”, “Komarik”, “Pancakes”, “Frog”.

2. Acquaintance with proverbs and sayings about spring:

- There are no three fine days in a row in the spring.

- Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.

- Spring rain is never superfluous.

- In the spring, it wets the day, and dries for an hour.

- In the spring it bakes from above, and freezes from below.

Whoever works hard in the spring will have fun in the fall.

- Mother spring is red for everyone.

- Martok came - put on seven trousers.

  • - How many thawed patches, so many larks.
  • - I saw a rook - meet spring.
  • - Good year visible in the spring.
  • - March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.
  • 3. Acquaintance with the nursery rhyme "Who will I be?", Rhyming rhyme:

The sun rose over the mountain
An apple fell from the sky
Through the azure meadows
Rolled right to us!
It rolled, it rolled
Fell into the river from the bridge,
Who saw - do not sleep,
Hurry up and catch him!
Whoever caught, well done
After all, the counting is over!

3. Solving logical riddles (for example):

How many peas can go into one glass?

(Not at all, because peas do not go)

- How to say correctly: “I don’t see a white yolk” or “I don’t see a white yolk”?

(The yolk cannot be white)

- From what dishes you can not eat anything?

(From empty.)

4. Compilation of stories based on plot pictures:

- "Spring".

- The birds have arrived.

6. Compilation of stories based on plot pictures with plot development of actions:

- "Fishermen".

- "Masha and chickens."

- Rescuing Chicks.

7. Reading and talking about stories, retelling:

- "Playing dogs" K. Ushinsky.

- "Sons" by V. Oseev.

- "Helper" E. Permyak.

- "How Misha wanted to outwit his mother" E. Permyak.

- "Hurry Knife" E. Permyak.

8. Reading and memorizing poems:

- F. Tyutchev "Winter is not angry for nothing."

- E. Uspensky "If I were a boy."

9. Reading and discussion, retelling of fairy tales:

- "Crane and heron."

- D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Grey Neck".

- Cockerel and beanstalk.

- "Gingerbread house".

10. Breathing exercises for the development of speech breathing without the use of objects:

- "inflate the ball";

- "thrifty hamsters";

- "Bubbles";

11. Games for the development of speech breathing and fine motor skills of the hands:

- "Flower";

- "Freeze the palm";

- "Trumpeter";

- "Candle".

12. Articulation gymnastics:

- "Dough";

- “Brushing teeth”;

- "Rscheska";

- "Komarik";

- "Lugushka";

- "Pancakes".

13. Didactic games:

- "Come up with a story about ...";

- "Lay down the word";

- "ABC";

- "Primer book";

- "Compose a fairy tale";

- What does the expression mean? or proverb";

14. Theatrical activities:

- Table theatre.

- Theatrical week (last week of March).

15. Advice for parents:

- "Speech readiness of the child for school."

- "Choosing a school for children going to the 1st grade."

- "Adaptation of children to school."

- "Portrait of a future first-grader."

- "13 bad advice for parents

future first graders.

16. Conversations with parents:

- "Reminders for parents on teaching coherent speech."

- "Reading circle for children of seven years of age."

17. Folder slider:

- "What is the readiness of the child to study at school?".

- "How to avoid school failures".

The following forms and methods of work with children and parents were used:

- classes;

- excursions;

- conversations;

- games - dramatizations;

- leisure games;

- outdoor games;

- musical round dance games;

- visual - informational method;

- survey of parents;

- holding parent meetings;

- design of the corner "For you, parents";

- participation of parents in preparation for the holidays and entertainment.

Continue work on the development of coherent speech of children in the preparatory group for school: conduct breathing and articulation exercises. Play didactic, mobile, musical round dance, theatrical games that took place in previous months. Continue to retell and compose stories and fairy tales. Continue to conduct consultations and individual conversations for parents.

Elena Mayorova
Self-education plan "Development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age"

Self-education plan

for 2013-2014 academic year G

caregiver: Mayorova. E.A.

Subject: The development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age.

Target: - increase your theoretical level, professional excellence and competence.

Tasks: - development free communication with adults;

Improve your dialogue speeches.

-develop monologue form speeches;

Learn connected, consistently and expressively retell short tales, stories;

Learn (By plan and pattern) talk about the subject, the content of the plot picture; write a story with pictures

successively developing events;

- develop the ability to compose your own stories personal experience.


Currently in connections with the introduction of federal state requirements, the problem of speech development of preschool children.

Connected speech development the child is the most important condition for his full-fledged speech and general mental development, since language and speech perform a mental function in development thinking and speech communication, V planning and organization of the child's activities, self-organization of behavior, in the formation of social connections. Language and speech are the main means of manifestation of the most important mental processes of memory, perception, thinking, as well as development of other areas: communicative and emotional-volitional. This is the reason for choosing my topic.

Month Topic Work content Practical output

September Selection and study of literature on the topic; didactic games and exercises; plot pictures; compiling a bibliography. Reminders for Parents on Education coherent speech.

October Work on retellings using reference diagrams.

"Fluff" G. Skrebitsky. Education liaison sequential retelling with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams showing the sequence of events;

Education children planning techniques own retelling;

Activation and enrichment of vocabulary children. Advice for parents on topic:

« Age features of perception of literary works preschoolers and familiarization tasks children with a book».

November The development of speech and personality of a preschooler in fairy tale therapy.

Fairy tale therapy "Bunny - a know-it-all", "Naughty Vanya". Help children imagine their own position in choosing the way to implement actions, the image of a literary character; encourage the ability of expressive transmission in facial expressions and movements of emotional states; develop the ability to make verbal descriptions of the perception of pantomimic studies; step up in speech phraseological units. Consultation for preschool teachers "Fairytale Therapy" in class on speech development».

December Games and exercises for development of speech of children of senior preschool age.

(O. S. Ushakova). Improve speech hearing, consolidate the skills of a clear, correct, expressive speeches. Differentiation of sounds, words, sentences. Practice tempo, voice power, diction. To acquaint parents with games (didactic and lexical-grammatical, influencing children's speech development.

January Work on compiling stories based on plot pictures. Learn children examine the picture and highlight its main characteristics; learn children research actions when considering a picture; form analysis, synthesis; learn children make up a connected a story based on a picture based on an example of a teacher. Replenish and activate lexicon children. Parents visiting activities of educators and children to work on compiling stories from pictures.

February Work with riddles. Making riddles. Show the role of the riddle on the formation of expressiveness speeches. Learn children solve riddles with diagrams. Develop monologue speech children. Consultation for parents: "The use of riddles as a means of forming expressiveness speeches».

March Work on speech development through theatrical activities. staging fairy tales: "Turnip", "Kolobok". Development of creative independence, aesthetic taste in the transfer of the image; children's speech development, emotional orientation. Disclosure of creative abilities children. Showing a fairy tale "Kolobok" children of the younger group.

April Work on intonation, diction, expressiveness speeches while memorizing poetry. Learn children recite poems expressively in front of the audience. Get interested in poetry. Replenish and activate in children's speech vocabulary on the topic"Spring".

Reading competition.

May Open viewing of OOD for parents on the topic "Book of Fairy Tales".Education to compose fairy tales. Learn children compose a fairy tale according to the model - scheme; consistently and connected tell each other their stories; learn to come up with a name for a fairy tale; work on the dictionary - to learn to select signs of objects (adjectives to nouns); educate interest in fairy tales and their writing. OOD for parents.

List of used literature:

1. Bazik I. Ya. Development ability for visual spatial modeling upon familiarization children of senior preschool age since 1986.

2. Vachkov I. V. Fairy tale therapy: Development of self-awareness through a psychological story. M., 2001.

3. Lapteva G. V. Games for development emotions and creativity. Theater classes with children 5 - 9 years old. - St. Petersburg: speech; M.: Sfera, 2011.

4. Lebedeva L. V., Kozina I. V., Kulakova T. V. et al. children retelling using reference schemes. Senior group. Educational - Toolkit. – M., Center teacher education. 2009.

5. Shorokhova O. A. Playing a fairy tale. Fairy tale therapy and classes in development of coherent speech of preschoolers. - M.: TC Sphere. 2007.

6. Ushakova O. S. Program speech development of preschool children in kindergarten . M., 1994.

7. Ushakova O. S. The development of speech and creativity of preschoolers:. Games, exercises, notes of occupations. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007.

8. Ushakova O. S., Gavrish N. V. Acquaintance preschoolers with artistic literature: Summaries of classes. M, 1998.

Marina Vygetova
Self-education work plan Topic: "Development of coherent speech of preschool children"

Relevance of the topic:

Currently in connections with the introduction of federal state requirements, the problem of speech development of preschool children.

Development of coherent speech the child is the most important condition for his full-fledged speech and general mental development, since language and speech perform a mental function in development thinking and verbal communication planning and organization of the child's activities, self-organization of behavior, in the formation of social connections. Language and speech are the main means of manifestation of the most important mental processes of memory, perception, thinking, as well as development of other areas: communicative and emotional-volitional. The speech of the child is a key moment in his development. This is the reason for choosing my topic.

Student success in coherent speech provide for the future and to a greater extent determine success when entering school, contribute to the formation of a full reading skill and improve spelling literacy. As a teacher, this is very important to me. After all speech development work is the ability to choose the right words and use them correctly in speeches, build sentences and coherent speech.

As practice has shown, children are very fond of creativity, as well as independence and the ability to compose and tell friends.

I strive for the children to show their attitude to what they saw, what they especially liked, what interested them and why, what conclusions they made. All this prompted me to pay much more attention the development of coherent speech in children.

self-education teacher is included in the mandatory part of the additional teacher development. Without daily self-education there are no daily positive results, both on the part of the teacher and on the part of children.

Subject« The development of coherent speech of preschool age» chosen by me, allows me to explore the relevance of using various techniques, both in the classroom and in independent activities of children.

At the development of coherent speech in children, it is important to properly systematize educational work, reflecting the effectiveness of this activity, allowing work out the prospect of further communication, work with the children of my group.

Actively influence the comprehensive child development- became important task my self-education on the above topic.

Working on a chosen topic, I enrich myself and enrich children new ideas and concepts, thereby activating the mental and conversational activity of pupils.

IN plan contained a program of my methodological activities for the past, present and future academic year. Based on this, your work I divided it into steps.

I decided to analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on this topic. I worked on it every day, exploring the effectiveness of using various techniques in the process development of coherent speech in children, thus my self-education happened regularly.

Having justified my choice, I chose this topic for self-education and work with children.

I conducted a fruitful, thorough preliminary work to the beginning of self-education.

I reviewed several programs from experience work teachers and got acquainted with the methodology of their implementation. I have been considered guidelines for a number of programs, their direction was taken into account and taken into account.

I tried to put theory into practice working with children. Various forms interactions with children were selected me: in the classroom, outside the classroom, in joint activities with children. Own methodological developments made during work on the above topic, helped me to approach this topic in more depth. Drawing conclusions about the positive dynamics development in children, I continued to study in more depth the effect of different techniques on speech development in children. I thought about the prospects for further related work how can it be improved work? Carried out the results for myself self-education.

In preparation self-education plan I had a lot of questions. The first problem I faced was choosing a topic. The topic I chose on one's own. It was important for me to decide how I I will plan my development and self-education this year on this topic, taking into account the results last year's development. Analyzing your work with children, substantiating its relevance and practical significance for improving the educational process, I decided to choose this topic.

I scheduled work over the topic for several years. In the future, I intend to refine the old theme every subsequent year, introducing new ideas into it, work in accordance with the age of children. I am sure that my chosen subject raised topical issues preschool education.

During this time, I tried to increase my own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature, sharing my experience work educators of other groups, listened to the reports and speeches of my colleagues at meetings and pedagogical councils held at MBDOU No. 19.

Having developed a long-term plan for working with children, prepared for myself diagnostics at the beginning and end of the school year.

By organizing work with children during joint activities, outlining for myself what I owe more work, day by day I drew the appropriate conclusions and tried self-educate.

During the last academic year, I prepared didactic material on various topics. Entertaining didactic tasks were made, educational cards, scheme. Cards with tasks for the formation of a recreative and creative imagination in speech activity were made. In this work partially connected children, the parents themselves, students - trainees.

Together with the parent committee, we designed flip-books, storage folders, demonstration material, supplementing our knowledge with new information.

I made a progress report work for the last academic year parent meeting and intends to continue this work, but with more significant additions.

Setting a goal - to increase my theoretical level, professional skills and competence on this topic, I studied methodological literature on this topic, studied articles and journals

"Educator of preschool educational institution", « preschool education» . The use of the methodology in the classroom, in free activities, in the game, in individual work, in joint activities with children allowed me to study the methods and technologies of teachers from other regions in depth.

At a group meeting with parents, the issue was discussed on the topic "Your Child's Speech". Consultation with parents allowed me to continue work in this direction. I applied my acquired knowledge in this area to child development, and having made the appropriate conclusions for herself, she continued to equip the group in detail - development environment.

Efficiency work teacher largely depends on his experience, available material base both in kindergarten and in the group. So I had to choose topics many didactic games, plot pictures, thematic and visually - demonstration cards.

made by me handouts for classes, games.

Through the activities entertainment, production of visual - illustrative material, consultations for parents, messages at the parent meeting, I managed to understand the importance of this topic.

For this reason, it is important to remember that self-education educator is not a boring filling out of reports and papers, but one of the necessary steps for opening a new, priority direction in working with children.

Pedagogical Assessment Card and self-assessment of readiness for self-educational activity(developed by G. M. Kodzhaspirova).

After evaluating myself for each indicator, I determined the level of formation of my skills and abilities self-education. Based on this, I drew the appropriate conclusions for myself.

Motivational component

1. Awareness of personal and social significance continuing education in pedagogical activity.

2. The presence of persistent cognitive interests in the field of pedagogy and psychology.

3. Sense of duty and responsibility.

4. Curiosity.

5. The desire to get high marks for your self-educational activities.

6. Need for self-knowledge.

7. Self-confidence.

cognitive component

1. The level of general educational knowledge.

2. The level of general educational skills.

3. The level of pedagogical knowledge and skills.

4. The level of psychological knowledge and skills.

5. The level of methodological knowledge and skills.

6. Level of special knowledge.

Moral-volitional component

1. Positive attitude towards the learning process.

2. Criticality.

3. Independence.

4. Purposefulness.

6. Ability to work.

7. The ability to bring the work started to the end.

8. Courage.

9. Self-criticism.

V. Gnostic Component

1. The ability to set and solve cognitive problems.

2. Flexibility and efficiency of thinking.

3. Observation.

4. Ability for pedagogical analysis.

5. Ability to synthesize and generalize.

6. Creativity and its manifestation in pedagogical activity.

7. Memory and its efficiency.

8. Satisfaction from knowledge.

9. Ability to listen.

10. Ability to master different types of reading.

11. The ability to isolate and assimilate certain content.

12. Ability to prove, justify judgments.

13. systematize, classify.

14. Ability to see contradictions and problems.

15. Ability to transfer knowledge and skills to new situations.

17. Independence of judgments.

V. Organizational component

1. Skill plan time.

2. Skill plan your work.

3. The ability to rebuild the system of activity.

4. Skill work in libraries.

5. Ability to navigate the classification of sources.

6. Ability to use office equipment and a bank of computer information.

V. Ability to self-government in pedagogical activity

1. Self-Assessment of Independence own activities.

2. Ability to introspection.

3. Ability to self-organization.

4. self control.

5. Diligence and diligence.

V. Communication skills

1. Ability to use experience self-educational activities of colleagues.

2. The ability to cooperate and mutual assistance in professional pedagogical self-education.

3. The ability to defend one's point of view and convince others in the process of discussion.

4. The ability to avoid conflicts in the process of joint activities.

Target: Development skills of free communication with adults and children;

Tasks: - improve the dialogical form speeches;

- develop monologue form speeches;

Learn connected, consistently and expressively retell short tales, stories;

Learn to talk about the subject, the content of the plot picture; make up a story using pictures in sequence developing events;

- develop the ability to compose your stories from personal experience.

Form self-education: individual, group.

Actions and activities carried out in the process work on the topic:

study of literature on the topic;

visits to the GCD with educators of their preschool educational institution and the city;

visiting teachers' councils, seminars, conferences;

self-analysis and self-assessment of GCD in their group;

practical output: matinees in front of parents; report and presentation for students - interns of Kanashsky College of Education;

Since 2015, I have gone through the following stages self-education:

Term Topic Content of the work Practical output


2015 Selection and study of literature on the topic; didactic games and exercises; plot pictures; compiling a bibliography. Reminders for Parents on Education coherent speech.

2015 Job

retelling literary fairy tale "Fedorino grief" K. Chukovsky;

"Sparrow" M. Gorky; "Foundling" V. Bianchi;

"Fluff" G. Skrebitsky. Education liaison

Education children planning techniques own retelling;

Activation and enrichment of vocabulary children. Advice for parents on topic:

« Age features of perception of literary works preschoolers and familiarization tasks children with a book».

November December

2015 The development of speech and personality of a preschooler in

fairy tale therapy: "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk", "Little Red Riding Hood". Help children imagine their own position in choosing the way to implement actions, the image of a literary character; encourage the ability of expressive transmission in facial expressions and movements of emotional states; develop the ability to make verbal descriptions of the perception of pantomimic studies; step up in speech phraseological units. Consultation for preschool teachers "Fairytale Therapy" in class on speech development».

2015 Job children children research actions when considering a picture; learn children make up a connected a story based on a picture based on an example of a teacher. Replenish and activate vocabulary children. Parents visiting activities of educators and children at work on making up stories from pictures (in joint activity).

2015 Working with riddles. Show the role of the riddle on the formation of expressiveness speeches. Consultation for parents: "The use of riddles as a means of forming expressiveness speeches».

2015 Compilation of riddles. Learn children solve riddles with diagrams. Develop monologue speech children.

Thematic lesson"In the World of Mysteries".

2015 Job in compiling stories based on plot pictures. Learn children examine the picture and highlight its main characteristics; learn children research actions when considering a picture; generate analysis; learn children make up a connected a story based on a picture based on an example of a teacher. Open viewing for students - trainees of the Pedagogical College of Kanash.

2015 Work on the development of speech through theatrical activities. staging fairy tales: "Fox - sister and wolf", "Three piglets". Development of creative independence, aesthetic taste in the transfer of the image; children's speech development, emotional orientation. Disclosure of creative abilities children. Showing a fairy tale "Fox - sister and gray wolf" children on scheduled class.

September 2016 Job over retellings using reference schemes.

Education liaison sequential retelling with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams showing the sequence of events;

Holding thematic lesson.

October-November 2016 Games and exercises for.

(O. S. Ushakova) speeches. Differentiation of sounds, words, sentences. Open lesson for the attestation commission; Preparation of didactic material.

December - January

2016 Work on intonation, diction, expressiveness speeches children recite poems expressively in front of the audience. Get interested in poetry. Replenish and activate in children's speech vocabulary on the topic"Winter".

Matinee dedicated to the New Year.

2016 Job in compiling stories based on plot pictures. Learn children examine the picture and highlight its main characteristics; learn children research actions when considering a picture; develop children's storytelling skills: describe an object, a picture; exercise in compiling stories according to the picture; form analysis, synthesis; learn children make up a connected a story based on a picture based on an example of a teacher. Open viewing for students - trainees of the pedagogical college.

2016 Work on the development of speech through theatrical activities. Fairy tale dramatization "The Fox and the Jug" Disclosure of creative abilities and independence of children. Showing a fairy tale "The Fox and the Jug" parents at parent meeting.

April 2016 Learning to write stories Learn children compose a fairy tale according to the model - scheme; consistently and connected tell each other their stories; learn to come up with a name for a fairy tale; Job over the dictionary - to learn to select signs of objects (adjectives to nouns); educate interest in fairy tales and their writing. Thematic lesson"In the world of fairy tales"

2016 Open viewing of OOD for parents on the topic "Book of Fairy Tales". Learn children improve the dialogue speeches, when staging a fairy tale. Form skill connected retell stories in a consistent and expressive way. OOD for parents.


2017 Job in compiling stories based on plot pictures. keep learning children examine the picture and highlight its main characteristics. Thematic lesson"Hello, autumn!".

October December

development of speech of children of senior preschool age.

(O. S. Ushakova). Improve speech hearing, consolidate the skills of a clear, correct, expressive speeches. Differentiation of sounds, words, sentences. Practice tempo, voice power, diction. To acquaint parents with games (didactic and lexico-grammatical, influencing children's speech development.

January February

2017 Games and exercises for development of speech of children of senior preschool age.

(O. S. Ushakova). Improve speech hearing, consolidate the skills of a clear, correct, expressive speeches. Differentiation of sounds, words, sentences. Thematic lesson"Winter Fun".

2017 Work on intonation, diction, expressiveness speeches while memorizing poetry. Learn children recite poems expressively in front of the audience. Get interested in poetry. Thematic lesson"Soon to School".

List of used literature:

1. Bazik I. Ya. Development ability for visual spatial modeling upon familiarization children of senior preschool age since 1986.

2. Vachkov I. V. Fairy tale therapy: Development of self-awareness through a psychological story. M., 2001.

3. Lapteva G. V. Games for development emotions and creativity. Theater classes with children 5 - 9 years old. - St. Petersburg: speech; M.: Sfera, 2011.

4. Lebedeva L. V., Kozina I. V., Kulakova T. V. et al. children retelling using reference schemes. Senior group. Educational - methodical manual. - M., Center for Pedagogical Education. 2009.

5. Shorokhova O. A. Playing a fairy tale. Fairy tale therapy and classes in development of coherent speech of preschoolers. - M.: TC Sphere. 2007.

6. Ushakova O. S. Program speech development of preschool children in kindergarten. M., 1994.

7. Ushakova O. S. The development of speech and creativity of preschoolers:. Games, exercises, notes of occupations. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007.

8. Ushakova O. S., Gavrish N. V. Acquaintance preschoolers with artistic literature: Summaries of classes. M, 1998.

It's no secret that today there are many problems in the speech of children. A speech therapy examination of the children in my group showed a number of difficulties in the development of coherent speech:

  • insufficient vocabulary
  • monosyllabic, consisting only of simple sentences speech
  • inability to grammatically construct a common sentence
  • inability to build a monologue: for example, a plot or descriptive story on a proposed topic, retelling the text in their own words, they cannot independently compose a story based on a picture or a series of pictures, they do not remember poems well.

Working with children suffering from various speech pathologies, I noticed that without joy they are included in learning activities and, as a rule, such children have insufficiently developed memory, reduced attention, are not so mobile mental processes. Therefore, children do not show interest in search activities and hardly plan any of its types, are not ready to complete tasks, and are not distinguished by high efficiency. For these and other reasons, children with speech pathology do not like to learn poetry, retell texts, compose stories, do not know the techniques and methods of memorization. All this causes them great difficulties, rapid fatigue, negative emotions.

Based on the peculiarity of the development of children's visual-effective thinking, I decided to use the modeling method in my work on teaching children coherent speech. This allows children to more effectively perceive and transform visual information, transcode, save and play it.

A feature of this technique is not the image of objects, but symbols, which facilitates the search and memorization of words.

Purpose: to reveal the effectiveness of the use of modeling techniques in the development of coherent speech in children.


  1. Increase your own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature.
  2. Use the modeling method in your work as effective remedy development of coherent speech: dialogical and monologue speech; compiling stories based on subject, plot pictures, pictures with successively developing events, creative storytelling, from personal experience, retelling of fairy tales and stories, memorizing poems.
  3. Prepare:
  • presentation or master class for teachers on the topic: "Using the modeling method in the classroom for the development of coherent speech"

Card files: tables, mnemonic tracks, pictograms, subject pictures for compiling descriptive stories, plot pictures in Russian folk tales, "Works for retelling" , "Subject, landscape paintings" .

Studied scientific and methodological literature:

  1. Ageeva E.L. "The formation of ideas about logical relationships in older preschoolers based on visual spatial modeling» , - Moscow, 1984
  2. Zhukova N.S. "Formation of Oral Speech" , - Moscow, 1994
  3. Wenger L.A. "Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children" , - Moscow, "Education" , 1989
  4. Maletina N, Ponomareva L. "Modeling in the descriptive speech of children with ONR" , - magazine "Preschool education" No. 6 2004
  5. Lebedeva L.V., Kozina I.V. and etc. "Teaching preschoolers to retell" , - Moscow, Center for Pedagogical Education, 2015
  6. Strogova S.Yu. "Development of coherent speech of children using the modeling method" , magazine "Speech therapist" No. 8, 2010