A bachelor's degree is higher education or not. Bachelor is a higher education or not - what is the difference from a specialist

0 Every year, as if on schedule, new graduates appear from the school, and how do previous generations face the question of where to go, whether to get a job, or maybe take a break for a couple of years? If everything is clear with the last two options, then the first one is fraught with some surprises. After all, after 2011 higher education, thanks to our wise leaders, divided into "magistracy" and " undergraduate"..
However, before continuing, I would like to advise you to read a couple more interesting articles on random topics. For example, How to understand the word Impresses, which means Kosher food, which means For no reason at all; what is Sentimentality, etc.
So let's continue what does bachelor mean? This word comes from Western European languages, for example in French it means a person who has passed the exams for a course high school, and in English it is called the first degree.

Bachelor- this is a young specialist who strives for self-realization and building a great career, alas, not everyone succeeds without communication and money from their parents

Bachelor- this is 4 years of study, as a result, an incomplete higher education, and it is required to work out another 2 years in the magistracy

Bachelor is a qualification or academic degree awarded to individuals who have completed the required higher education programs

In the West " undergraduate", as the education system appeared in 1999, it was adopted at a conference in Bologna. This declaration spelled out special standards, which Russia joined in 2003.

The meaning of the word "Bachelor"

First version. If we open Vasmer's dictionary, then his connection with the word "laureate" is found there, that is, marked with bay leaves, which have long been a symbol of victory and success. However, in our case, it comes from "bacca and laureatas", the first word can be translated as "berry", and the second "laurel".

Second version. Other linguists believe that the term originated from in English"knight bachelor", which can be translated as "knight bachelor". This expression denoted knights who were subordinate to their lord, and had to carry military service. People who belonged to "knight bachelor" belonged to the lowest level in the hierarchy of knights. These were usually young landowners who wanted to become real knights.

Third version. The young landowner we talked about in the second version was trained in stick-fighting, which in Latin is "baculum". Swords at that time were very expensive weapons, and not everyone could afford them. Moreover, since this young man was just entering adult life, and was full of plans and desires, then in those dark ages it became synonymous with the word "bachelor".

Graduate bachelor receives a diploma of higher education in his hands, and if he wants to go to a magistracy, then after completing his studies he will receive another diploma, confirming its completion. For those who are used to learning and are not in a hurry to get a job, you can enroll in graduate school and defend your Ph.D. and doctoral degrees.

About the history of undergraduate studies in Russia

Now almost no one knows that a similar system of education existed in Russian Empire starting from the 18th century. At that time there was a clear division into candidates and masters. Concerning " candidates", then these are students who graduated from a higher educational institution, and with honors. If young people expressed a desire to continue their education, then they had to enroll in a master's program. Preparing for exams in a master's program took no less, but almost 4 years. Level of knowledge , required for admission to the magistracy corresponded to the European Ph.D. If we draw equality, then in the modern educational system the master corresponded to the candidate of sciences. Such a system existed for quite a long time, and was abolished only at the beginning of the 20th century, like other academic degrees. Why this was done, the topic is quite interesting, and suitable for another article. However, in 1934, the hierarchy among scientists was again stopped, which led to healthy competition among the eggheads.

Some inquisitive citizens, as well as students' parents, are wondering if undergraduate be considered a full-fledged higher education? The answer here will be clear and unambiguous - it can!
If a person has completed a bachelor's degree, then at this stage the process is fully completed, and the diploma is valid.

What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree?

As a rule, the difference here lies in the level of narrowly focused and theoretical knowledge. First of all, the bachelor is "sharpened" for specific practical skills that should be applied in a particular profession. Unlike the Bachelor's degree, the Master's degree immerses students more deeply into scientific aspects and theoretical hypotheses.

By reading this short article, you have learned what does bachelor mean, and how it differs from the master.

Undergraduate - Bachelor's degree- the first stage of higher education in countries with the Bologna system. When people talk about higher education, most often they mean the bachelor's degree. Master's and doctoral studies are usually called postgraduate or postgraduate ( postgraduate) education.
The undergraduate program is designed for school graduates who want to get higher education in a particular specialty. The bachelor's degree is determined by the number of teaching hours. They are usually measured in educational credits (ECTS), where 1 credit is equal to 25-30 academic hours, depending on the country. To get a bachelor's degree, you need to collect 180-240 ECTS for the entire study period. The undergraduate studies themselves will take 3-4 years, with the exception of medical and legal specialties, where study lasts 5-6 years.

Types of bachelor's degree

There are several types of bachelor's degrees. On the websites of universities, next to the name of the educational program, there may be such abbreviations as BA, BSc, BAS, BFA and others. They denote the type of undergraduate degree.
  • Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Arts (BA). The BA degree is issued in the field humanities. The exception is the United Kingdom: in this country, the BA degree is awarded in all disciplines. The Bachelor of Arts program lasts 3 or 4 years. In most European countries, it will take 3 years to complete a BA degree, while in the US and Canada it will take 4 years to study. The main feature of BA educational programs is the emphasis on obtaining theoretical knowledge.
  • Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Science (BSc). Unlike BA, education under the Bachelor of Science program involves not only the development of theoretical material, but also research practice. The BSc degree is mainly awarded in the fields of natural sciences, computer science and mathematics. But it can also be found in social sciences and psychology - in this case, the theoretical content of the humanities will be supported by a strong natural science base. For example, a bachelor of science degree in psychology, in addition to being familiar with the basic theories, will involve the study of biology, chemistry, and even computer science. Studying at BSc, as well as at BA programs, lasts 3-4 years.
  • Bachelor of Engineering - Bachelor of engineering (BEng). The BEng degree is awarded in technical disciplines. The BEng program will take 3-5 years to complete. In some countries, this degree is equivalent to BSc. The main difference between a bachelor's degree in engineering is a strong emphasis on practical activities and subsequent employment in the relevant field. Most graduates of technical faculties quickly find a job in their specialty, and if they continue their studies in the magistracy, they do this at the same time as their professional activities.
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts - Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA). The BFA is awarded in the field of visual and performing arts. The main emphasis in the learning process is on the development of artistic skills, scientific disciplines are taught in a much smaller volume. The training program is designed for 4 years. This degree, depending on the country, may have a different name: BFA is common in the USA and Canada, in many countries this degree is called Bachelor of Creative Arts (BCA).

Most Popular Undergraduate Degrees

PopularityNameName in EnglishAbbreviationContinued
10.40 % Bachelor of Sciencebachelor of scienceBSc3-4
8.83 % Bachelor of Artsbachelor of artsBA3-4
6.37 % Bachelor of Business Administrationbachelor of business administrationBBA, B.B.A.3-4
4.31 % Bachelor of Engineeringbachelor of engineeringB.Eng.3-5
2.55 % Bachelor of Educationbachelor of educationb.ed3-4
1.71 % Bachelor of Lawsbachelor of lawLL.B.3-4
1.26 % Bachelor of Nursingbachelor of nursingBN, BSN, BScN, BSc Nursing3-4
1.22 % Bachelor of Computer Sciencebachelor of computer scienceBCompSc, BCS, BSCS3-4
1.12 % Bachelor of Medicinebachelor of medicineBM, Bmed5-6


The minimum package of documents required for admission to the bachelor's program includes:
  • Certificate of secondary education;
  • Language test results;
Depending on the country and the university itself, they may also require:
  • Results of a test (such as TestAS or SAT) that simultaneously tests proficiency foreign language and subject knowledge of the applicant;
  • Portfolio (for creative specialties).
Before submitting documents to the university, it is necessary to find out whether the certificate of the applicant is equivalent to the qualification of secondary education in the country of his choice for study. In countries such as Germany, the Czech Republic and Japan, the Russian certificate does not allow you to enter the university after school. In this case, the applicant can resort to one of the options below:
  • study for several years at a Russian university;
  • complete preparatory courses at a foreign university in which the applicant intends to enter, or at state educational centers(For example, Studienkolleg in Germany);
  • successfully pass the nostrification exam, which will confirm the compliance of the applicant's knowledge school education foreign country.
The selection of applicants at the university can take place on the average score (GPA) of the certificate or on the results of entrance exams. The test format is different and depends on the country: the exam can be a written work, a test or an interview.

Learning process

Of course, each country has its own special learning atmosphere, which may or may not be to the liking of a foreign student. Despite this, two main trends in the educational process can be identified. The first is maximum freedom for the student. The student himself chooses subjects (with the exception of three or four compulsory ones), teachers and forms his own schedule. This can be found, for example, in educational institutions in England, Norway and Italy. The second trend is a more classic version of learning. Almost all subjects are compulsory, the university offers only a few elective courses. Students do not participate in the selection of teachers and the preparation of the study schedule. This approach is common in many countries, such as Poland, Japan and South Korea.
Many universities provide an opportunity for students to simultaneously study in two bachelor's specialties (programs double degrees or joint degree), which allows them to receive two bachelor's degrees upon graduation (for example, a bachelor of engineering in education).

Cost of education

Tuition prices vary. According to THE 2016 rankings, the most expensive countries to graduate are the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Hong Kong. Budget education available in Hungary, India and other countries. In some countries, for example, in France, Germany and Sweden, higher education is absolutely free even for foreigners (students pay only an entrance fee, which is about €150).
The applicant has the opportunity to receive a scholarship, which often covers the cost of not only studying, but also living in the country. The government can provide financial assistance to the student, public organizations or even the university itself. Also in some countries, such as the United States and Norway, you can study on a government loan, which must be repaid later (usually a few years after graduation).

Prospects after Bachelor's Degree

A bachelor's degree is enough to start building a career. In many countries, in the last year of study, student practice in large companies takes place, which can last from two weeks to a whole semester, which gives the student the necessary work experience and helps him find a job after graduation. However, there are exceptions everywhere. For example, in

Bachelor, Master, Specialist, PhD student
... Definitions that seem very distant and insignificant to the applicant now, when choosing a university and entering. Nevertheless, as practice shows, think about the type of specialty even before the start of studies, because it depends on what diploma a graduate will receive. And in order to do right choice, it is important to understand how a bachelor differs from a specialist, and a specialist from a master. Understanding the difference makes it much easier to make the right decisions and plan for several years ahead.

Domestic higher education: bachelor, specialist, master in the Bologna system

Large-scale changes in the educational system of Russia began in 2003, when Russia joined the Bologna Process. Innovations have touched on many issues of higher education, but perhaps the most noticeable innovations are related to the type of specialty and, accordingly, the diplomas that university graduates will receive. So, instead of the traditional three-tier system bachelor-specialist-master diplomas comes from the 2-level system adopted in most countries of the world, in which there was no place for a specialist. So since 2010 Russian universities do not receive licenses to use specialist training programs, and from 2015 this level will completely drop out of the educational process. Simply put, they will no longer train students with a specialist diploma.

Reference: Bologna Process

– a plan for convergence, standardization and harmonization of higher education systems in European countries. The main objectives of the Bologna Process:

  • ensuring greater access to higher education;
  • the possibility of employment in other countries with a foreign diploma;
  • increasing the mobility of students when choosing universities;
  • accelerating the modernization and improvement of higher education in different countries Europe and Asia.

What is the difference between a bachelor and a specialist?

As we have already found out, specialist as a concept will be abolished in Russia in 2015. Diplomas of this type will be quoted on a par with any others, but they will no longer be issued. Thus, it is unlikely that it will be possible to enter a university with the intention of obtaining such a diploma (with the exception of certain types of state universities), but those who now just have to make a decision will have to understand the difference between a bachelor and a specialist: to continue studying or not. Applicants to military universities should also think about this, most of which continue to adhere to the 3-level education system. Of course, you can act according to the principle “life will show”, but it is always better to set a very specific goal.

So, what is the difference between a bachelor and a specialist? Contrary to popular misconception, bachelor's degree is a completed education but only its first step. Many employers will certainly not perceive such a diploma as a confirmation of higher education with all the ensuing consequences. But there are also pluses. Firstly, you will have to study for only 4 years, which will allow you to gain financial independence earlier, begin professional development in practice and generally say goodbye to the university as soon as possible. The difference between a bachelor and a specialist lies in the fact that a bachelor's degree is accepted in most European countries, which will allow you to conveniently continue your education there. A specialist diploma will be useless: there is simply no such type of specialty abroad, and its “happy” owner will again be on the same level as bachelors.

As for our country, here is the answer to the question “What is higher: a specialist or a bachelor?” unambiguous. The diploma of a specialist, as before, is perceived as a full-fledged confirmation of higher education.. And although you will have to spend another 1-2 years in the walls of the university to get it, most students decide to take this step. The only thing that confuses is the uncertain status of the specialist after 2015 and the uselessness of such a diploma in Europe.

What is the difference between a specialist and a master?

We have already talked about the advantages and disadvantages of a specialty, but now it’s worth figuring out which is better: a specialist or a master? Some inexperienced applicants raise the question even more broadly: what is higher, a master or a specialist? The answer to both questions is the same. Certainly, master's degree is better and more prestigious. The main difficulty is that admission to this level of higher education will have to pass a competition, and the cost of an additional two years (or even more!) Can be an unpleasant surprise for students and their parents.

A significant difference between a master's degree and a specialist is also that the second type of diploma can be accepted by employers and educational institutions abroad. This fact is far from guaranteed, but the fact that the master's qualification is quoted and identified in Europe gives some hope. Especially if the student was lucky enough to get an education in a reputable, large university. This difference between a specialist and a master is an important incentive for anyone who expects to continue their education / research activities abroad or get a prestigious job in Europe.

We hope that after reading our review of how a specialist, master, bachelor differs, the difference has become more obvious to you. In any case, we wish you to make the right decision and not stop cultivating under any circumstances!

Master's degree

(Chapter 8, Article 69 of the Law "On Education")

1. Higher education aims to ensure the training of highly qualified personnel in all major areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, meeting the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development, deepening and expanding education, scientific and pedagogical qualifications.

Persons with a secondary general education are allowed to study undergraduate or specialist programs.

3. Persons with higher education of any level are allowed to master the master's programs.

What is a "bachelor", "master", "specialist"?

Bachelor(English) bachelorsdegree) is an academic degree or qualification awarded to persons who have mastered the relevant educational programs of higher education. Completed higher education in countries that participate in the Bologna process (incl.

Undergraduate- higher education, confirmed by a bachelor's degree with the award of an academic bachelor's degree or a bachelor's qualification.

Bachelor's degree when applying for a job, it gives the right to occupy a position for which the qualification requirements provide for higher education.

A bachelor's degree also gives the right to continue studying at a master's program in the field, funded from the federal budget.

A bachelor's degree is a document that confirms the completion of higher education.

In Russia, this level of training was introduced in 1996. The normative period of study for obtaining the qualification (degree) "Bachelor" is not less than 4 years. The qualification is awarded based on the results of the defense of the final work at a meeting of the State Attestation Commission. A bachelor's degree in Russia is higher education. Persons with a bachelor's degree may also be admitted to the defense of a dissertation for the degree of candidate of science.

After December 31, 2010, the qualifications (degrees) of bachelor and master became the main ones for graduates of Russian higher educational institutions.

Master(from lat. master- mentor, teacher) - academic degree, qualification (in some countries - academic degree), acquired by a student after graduation.

Master's degree(called in some countries masterate) - the level of higher education, following the bachelor's degree, allowing you to deepen your specialization in a particular area.

The "master's" degree provides for a deeper mastery of the theory in the chosen field and preparation of the student for research activities in the chosen direction.

In North America and the European Union, the majority of university graduates do not go on to graduate studies after bachelor's because the bachelor's degree is proof of a full higher education.

More often students who plan to study scientific research or pedagogical activity at the university.

Specialist(certified specialist) - a qualification acquired by a student after mastering a special training program.

The normative term of the training program for obtaining the degree of "specialist" in Russia is at least five years. The qualification is awarded based on the results of defending a diploma project or thesis at a meeting of the State Attestation Commission and gives the right to enter the magistracy and graduate school.

Levelshigher education: where did they come from?

Introduction of new educational standards connected with Russia's international obligations to participate in the Bologna process.

In 2003, Russia ratified the Bologna Convention, an agreement that higher education diplomas obtained in a member country of the convention will be recognized in all other member countries. Such standards in education have been adopted in more than 50 states, primarily in Europe. For Europe, the two-stage system of higher education is traditional, the undergraduate program there lasts 3-4 years, the master's program - 1-3 years. Both are considered high-grade higher education. If desired, bachelor students can continue their studies in the magistracy, or they may not continue, but immediately go to get a job.

In Russia, there are the following levels of higher education:

  1. higher education, confirmed by the award of degrees " bachelor" And " master»
  2. qualification " certified specialist».

We can say that the new system is conditionally called two-level, since the “old” one-level system of training specialists also fits into it. The latter has not been abolished, as it is necessary in medical, military And technical universities. Provided next dates education:

  • at least 4 years for a bachelor,
  • at least 5 years for a graduate,
  • at least 6 years for a master's degree.

enroll to study on specialist and bachelor possible by USE results or Olympiads included in the official list of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Degree bachelor the student acquires after mastering the basic educational program. He is issued full diploma general higher education. After five years of study, a specialist is also issued a diploma, but not about general higher education, but By chosen specialty. Master - expert in certain scientific field . A master's degree can be obtained by both a bachelor and a specialist. In order to continue studying at the magistracy, a bachelor must enter there by passing exams in specialized subjects. At the same time, a bachelor can go to a master's program both at his own university and at any other. Both the specialist and the master can go on to graduate school. Difference between specialist And master lies in the fact that the first is prepared For practical work V industries by chosen direction, and the second For scientific work . The master's program includes a bachelor's program plus two years of specialized training, including practice that involves research or teaching activities.

NovoTsNIT, 2017


Summer is coming soon. And school graduates will have to pass entrance tests to the chosen university and get a profession that will accompany them to life path. If before 2011 everything was clear with this in principle, now higher education is divided into “bachelor's” and “master's”.

Who are bachelors? Is a bachelor's degree a completed higher education? What are the benefits of this degree when applying for a job? These moments are confusing for parents and applicants, and coupled with pre-exam jitters, they can lead to a slight panic. The reader can find answers to these and some other questions in this article.

Bologna system

First, you need to figure out where the idea of ​​a two-level education came from.

This model was approved at a conference in Bologna in 1999. Russia signed the Bologna Declaration on Education in 2003, becoming the fortieth country in a row.

The Bologna two-tier system is successfully operating in Canada, the USA and a number of other countries, providing not only high level education, but also helping young professionals to more easily adapt to the mobility of the market and conditions of uncertainty.

The meaning of the word "bachelor"

The very word "bachelor" can be translated as a young legionary knight, a bachelor. In fact, this quite accurately describes young boys and girls who are at the beginning of their professional path and the search for their place in the sun.

System and conditions

A student receives a bachelor's degree after four years of successful studies in higher education. educational institution. The focus can be very different: bachelor of architecture, bachelor of economics. Not all universities have switched to a two-tier system. The exception is medical universities and art institutions.

During the undergraduate studies, the student receives fundamental knowledge on the basic general education disciplines and special items.

There are advantages to this. The narrow specialization, which is now being studied in the magistracy, was previously sewn into general program. This made it difficult for university graduates to get another profession and retrain.

Path choice

After graduating from a bachelor's degree, a newly-minted bachelor has a choice.

  1. He can get a job, and a bachelor's degree is equivalent to obtaining a complete higher education. Therefore, in the competition for a position of interest, a bachelor can participate on an equal basis with masters.
  2. The second option: admission to the magistracy.

    A master's degree is, in fact, an intermediate link between a university graduate and an academic degree.

    Exams are required for graduate school. The term of study will be 2 years. A master's degree can hypothetically be completed at any university in the country or abroad. The difficulty here arises when taking into account the quality of knowledge gained during undergraduate studies. The fact is that a bachelor's degree can be completed in non-state university, the quality of education in which, in some cases, leaves much to be desired. At what the magistracy at these educational institutions is not present. This can become an obstacle in passing exams for continuing education and obtaining the second stage of higher education.

  3. The third option: a bachelor can get a job in his specialty, gain experience, establish himself in the correct choice of profession, and only after that enter a master's program and graduate from it already consciously.

At the end of the bachelor's degree, he issues a diploma of higher education, at the end of the master's degree - another diploma, but already about the completion of the master's degree.

Those who wish can continue their career by enrolling in graduate school and defending candidate and doctoral dissertations.

A bit of local history

Everything new is well forgotten old.

Few people know that a two-tier education system existed in Russia as early as the 18th century. There was a division into candidates and masters of science. Candidates are graduates who graduated with honors from a higher educational institution. If desired and striving for science, they had the right to enter the magistracy. Preparation for the exam took quite a serious period of time - about four years. The level of students who passed the exam for a master's degree was equal in qualification to the level of European doctors of philosophy. In fact, the master of that time was a candidate of sciences of the present time. The system did not last long and was abolished at the beginning of the 20th century, like all scientific degrees. The hierarchy among pundits was restored only in 1934.

Controversy around bachelors

A bachelor's degree generates controversy among employers, parents and applicants.

Incomplete higher education is two years of study at a higher educational institution, four successfully passed sessions in a row and a certificate from the dean's office confirming the terms of study and the disciplines studied by the student. Certificate of incomplete higher education - a document that can be presented to a potential employer. In addition, if a student, after two years of study, came to the conclusion that the chosen university or profession has lost all charm and charm for him, they do not motivate and burden him with exploits, then with this certificate you can apply to another university. Thus, significantly reducing the training time and avoiding re-study of the disciplines passed.

In the case of a bachelor's degree, the learning process for this stage considered completed, the diploma is valid.

Differences between masters and bachelors

Bachelors differ from masters in the level of theoretical and narrowly focused knowledge. The bachelor's degree is primarily focused on skills that have practical use in the chosen profession. The master's program immerses students deeper into theoretical aspects and scientific hypotheses.

It should be remembered that a person receives basic professional knowledge and skills with experience in a particular field. Theoretical dogmas are good in sterile conditions, subject to all parameters. In practice, everything is different. Therefore, being face to face with a specific practical problem at work, you will have to not only rely on the knowledge gained at the institute, but also rely on your internal personal qualities. This is taken into account by employers when selecting candidates. Since such traits as sociability, responsibility, empathy, stress resistance depend only indirectly on the degree of education, and are character traits of the candidate, instilled by parents, developed in the process of self-improvement or received at birth.

Two-stage education system: pros and cons

A bachelor's degree is convenient. Reducing the time spent on obtaining higher education, the possibility of choosing a further path, mobility. These are additional opportunities for successful self-realization and a conscious path not imposed by society or internal authorities. Streams of information fall on the world, new technologies appear, professions arise, the existence of which people did not even know. And here the bachelor's degree gives odds to the specialist, which today is becoming a fragment of the past.

Today, when the system is still in its infancy, there are doubts and hesitations.

Parents who want their children to have a successful career and the very best still call a bachelor's degree a technical school.

Employers whose HR department employs HR directors who remember Lenin are wary of accepting bachelors for leading positions. But this is the stage of implementation of changes, the uncertainty of which will come to naught in the near future. As well as the disadvantages of a bachelor's degree in general. Although it is worth noting that the leadership positions related to highly specialized moments, it will not be easy for a bachelor to apply. Most likely, in this case, during the competitive selection, this position will be given to the master.

The education system, standardized according to the Western model, opens up the opportunity for graduates to continue their studies in the magistracy outside their homeland.

It should also be remembered that a bachelor who has not completed a master's degree cannot enter graduate school.

A bachelor is a young specialist with an open road to self-realization and building an excellent career. To enroll in a magistracy or not is the choice of everyone. The main thing is to be and feel like a competent specialist in the chosen field. Confidence and openness to new knowledge, the desire for success and readiness for change are the qualities of people who achieve success not only in their careers, but in life in general.

How to write a bachelor's degree

Many students entering a university do not think about who they are going to study, who they will be in the end: bachelors or masters. Most are likely to stop at the undergraduate level, completing a Bachelor of Science degree and graduating. The bachelor's final thesis (VRB) can be considered as the first part of a specialist's thesis (master's thesis) for those students who plan to continue their studies after completing the bachelor's degree.

The final work of the bachelor is defended by students at the end of the fourth year. An applicant for a bachelor's degree must demonstrate the ability to analyze current scientific problems, solve the tasks assigned to him and master the basics of the disciplines studied during the training.

A bachelor's degree should have internal unity and completeness, it should reflect all stages of research activities, the topic of the work must necessarily be relevant at the present stage of development of science and technology.

For research VRB it is necessary:

  • Formulate a statement of the problem;
  • Gather the necessary theoretical base (often students are allowed to submit the collected material in the form of an abstract);
  • Analyze existing analogues and solution methods;
  • Bring the mathematical apparatus (models, algorithms, techniques, formulas, calculations);
  • Conduct detailed analysis results of the first stage of the study;
  • Decompose the main goal into several subgoals.

The result of the research is algorithms, models, research methods, analysis results developed by the student.

Based on the analysis of systematized information, a certificate of analysis of patent literature is compiled. If a student proposes a solution that is significantly different from the analogues found, then he fills out an application for the alleged invention to register his intellectual property.

Bachelor's thesis must contain:

  • Rationale for relevance;
  • Elements of analysis (is an integral part, lack of analysis is unacceptable);
  • Justification of the choice of design solutions;

Bachelor's graduation work does not necessarily have to be scientific and technical novelty.

In other words, the work may contain the study of ways to solve a problem for which there is at least one ready-made solution.

Persons who have fully and successfully completed their studies at the university are issued a diploma of the appropriate level vocational education: bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree.

The fact of non-completion of education at the university is confirmed by other documents, depending on the year of completion of studies.

1. Documents issued for incomplete and incomplete higher education until 24.10.2007

According to the previous legislation on higher and postgraduate professional education, persons who did not complete their education in the main educational program of higher professional education before October 24, 2007 could receive one of the following documents:

  • diploma of incomplete higher education. It was issued to persons who successfully passed the intermediate certification (for at least two years of study);
  • academic certificate of incomplete higher professional education. It was issued to persons who did not complete the development of the main educational program of higher professional education.

The academic certificate indicated: the period of study, information about the passed tests, intermediate and final exams, about the practice passed (Appendix N 6 to the Decree of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated November 30, 1994 N 9).

To obtain these documents, it was necessary to apply to the educational institution in which the training was conducted.

Note: Incomplete higher education is not considered as a level of higher professional education (Determination of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2012 N APL12-398).

When an employee presented a diploma of incomplete higher education, the employer entered in the information about the employee indicated on the first page of the work book an entry about incomplete higher education, since the training did not continue, but was interrupted (clause 2.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by the Decree Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.2003 N 69).

For an employee with an academic certificate, the employer made a note in the work book about incomplete higher education, since the citizen had the right to continue his studies at an educational institution (clause 2.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books).

2. Documents issued for incomplete higher education from 27.10.2007 to 01.09.2013

In October 2007, the concepts of incomplete and incomplete higher education were abolished.

All persons, regardless of the period of study and the number of intermediate certifications passed, who did not complete the development of the main educational program of higher professional education, from 10/27/2007 to 09/01/2013 could only receive an academic certificate.

In the period from 10/27/2007 to 09/01/2013, before receiving a diploma of higher education, when applying for a job, an entry was made in the work book of the employee about incomplete higher professional education (clause 2.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books).

Documents issued for incomplete higher education from 09/01/2013

From 01.09.2013 higher educational institutions instead of academic certificates, they issue certificates of study or of the period of study to the following persons (part 12 of article 60 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ):

  • did not pass the final certification;
  • who received unsatisfactory results at the final certification;
  • who have mastered part of the educational program;
  • expelled from the organization carrying out educational activities.

These certificates are issued according to the model established by the organization conducting educational activities (part 12 of article 60 of Law N 273-FZ).

Directions for the preparation of masters of RosNOU

What is a master's degree?

Master's degree is a part of higher education, its second level. Previously, higher education was "continuous": 5 years - and you are a graduate.

Since 2011, Russia has switched to the Bologna system: 4 years of bachelor's degree plus 2 years of master's degree.

In a nutshell, a master's degree is:

  • opportunity to extend studentship for two more years;
  • an opportunity to get another profession/qualification, or to deepen knowledge and improve training in an already obtained profession.

And if you pass through the competition, you will be able to study at the expense of the state budget, since the master's program is not considered the second higher education, it is a continuation of the first higher education.

Important! Only 1) bachelors and 2) graduates who entered the specialty before the start of the two-level system "bachelor's degree - master's degree" can apply for budgetary places in the magistracy.

What is the difference between bachelors and masters?

Undergraduate is the first a basic level of higher education, magistracy - the second (a special case is the modern specialty, which starts as the first level, while the specialist graduate is quoted as a master graduate). In addition to the fact that the master's degree is a more systematic approach to the chosen field of activity, there are also other career prospects. There are already positions for which a bachelor's degree is enough, and positions for which only a specialist or master will be appointed.

As an example, let's take the minimum level of vocational education required by a candidate applying for a civil service position.

Level of professional education

Category "heads" of the highest, main and leading groups of civil service positions
Category "assistants (advisors)" of the highest, main and leading groups of civil service positions
Category "specialists" of the highest, main and leading groups of positions

Higher education - specialty, magistracy

Category "specialists" senior groups posts

Higher education - bachelor's degree

Category "providing specialists" senior and junior groups posts

Secondary vocational education

Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (clauses 2, 3, part 5, article 10) determines that higher education in Russia is divided into the following levels: bachelor's and specialist's, as well as master's.

In this article, we will tell what is the difference between bachelor, specialist and master. Law No. 273-FZ (clause “b”, clause 2, part 3, article 12, part 5, article 69) says that training in programs of each of these levels is conducted separately for each program. In other words, each program - master's, specialist's and bachelor's programs - is separate view professional education programs.

Who can get an education under the bachelor's, master's and specialist's programs

According to Law No. 273-FZ (parts 2 and 3 of article 69), in order to receive education in a bachelor's and specialist's program, it is necessary to have a general secondary education. Admission to master's programs is open to persons with higher education at any level.

Educational program of the specialist

A specialist was called a standard program of higher education, which was formed during the Soviet era and has all the features characteristic of higher education of that time. Thus, the training period for specialists is five years, and specialists are trained for professional activities in each individual sector of the economy.

In Russia, the transition to the Bologna system of education is currently underway, which has only two levels - bachelor and master.

If the university has switched to the Bologna system, then only those graduates who enrolled before the transition will receive a specialist diploma. After this moment, the university will produce only bachelors and masters.

Bachelor's and Master's educational program

The first stage of higher education in the Bologna system is called the bachelor's degree. A student enrolled in this program will receive a bachelor's degree upon graduation from the university, which will be indicated in his diploma.

The term of study in the program of primary higher education (bachelor's degree) is four years. its owner (see Law No. 273-FZ, clause 2, part 5, article 10). This degree is a basic higher education. To obtain specialization, the next degree of higher education is required - a master's degree.

Those bachelors who have a desire to continue their studies in more depth or in a narrower specialty can study for another two years on a master's program and receive a master's degree upon graduation (Law No. 273-FZ, part 3, article 69).

It should be clarified that persons with a bachelor's degree can continue their studies in the master's program of any university, including another. Upon admission to the magistracy, the student passes a competitive selection.

The Bologna system of education is very different from the system adopted in the Russian Federation in the 80s. For this reason, the specialist's program level is not equal to the bachelor's degree, and it is also not equal to the bachelor's and subsequent master's programs. The difference between these degrees is visible even in the terms of study: if a specialist degree ends in five years, then a bachelor's degree takes four, and a master's degree takes two, which must be counted after four years of bachelor's degree (Law No. 273-FZ, part 4 of article 11).

Since it takes only four years to complete a bachelor's degree, many employers who have studied for five years at one time believe that bachelors are undergraduates. However, a bachelor's degree gives every reason to occupy positions of technical specialists, as well as to continue education to the next stage - a master's degree.