Gatchina Pedagogical College: life in step with the times. Gatchina Pedagogical College: life in step with the times Gatchina Pedagogical College

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education Leningrad region

Registered by the Committee for General and Vocational Education of the Leningrad Region, license RO No. 012499 dated March 25, 2011, certificate of state accreditation OP No. 013068 dated May 4, 2011.

On October 15, 1871, the Gatchina Teachers' Seminary was opened. Subsequently, it is a pedagogical technical school, a college, a college.
For great success in the training of teachers and in connection with the 100th anniversary of its foundation in October 1971, the educational institution was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. In October 2001, in connection with the 130th anniversary of the founding, the college was named after K.D. Ushinsky. In 2006, the college was awarded the gold medal "European quality - 100 best secondary schools in Russia." In 2008, the college won the IX All-Russian competition"1000 best enterprises and organizations of Russia - 2008" in the nomination "Active participant in the implementation of priority national projects in Russia". In October 2010, the college became the winner of the contest for the best educational institution in the Leningrad region, which develops physical culture and sports.
The college has a good material and technical base. Equipped with 25 classrooms, 2 computer classes, a library, a reading room, an assembly hall, a sports hall, a sports complex with a gym, a stadium, a ski base, a shooting range. Functioning the local network with Internet access. There is a hostel for non-resident students.
Today the college is a modern educational institution of secondary vocational education with a rich history and traditions of training highly qualified teaching staff for schools in the Leningrad region.

In the 2011 - 2012 academic year, the college trains teachers in the following specialties:


Entrance tests: Russian language (G(I)A or presentation with essay elements), mathematics (G(I)A or written exam).
Qualification: "Teacher primary school».

Base 9 classes, training period - 3 years 10 months. Full-time form of education.
Entrance tests: Russian language (G(I)A or presentation with essay elements), biology (G(I)A or test), sports disciplines - athletics, gymnastics.
Qualification: "Physical education teacher".

Base 9 classes, term of study - 3 years 10 months. Full-time form of education.
Entrance tests: Russian language (G(I)A or presentation with essay elements), biology (GIA or test). Qualification: "Educator of children preschool age».

Base 11 classes, duration of study - 3 years. Correspondence form of education.
Entrance tests: Russian language (USE or presentation with essay elements), biology (USE or test).
Qualification: "Educator of preschool children."

Base 9 classes, training period - 3 years 10 months. Full-time form of education.
Entrance tests: Russian language (G(I)A or presentation with essay elements), literature (G(I)A or test).
Qualification: "Teacher of additional education". Areas of activity:
- musical activity;
- visual activity and arts and crafts;
- physical culture and health-improving activities.

Gatchina Pedagogical College. K. D. Ushinsky is not the place where a ninth grader can go if his grades leave much to be desired. College teachers tried to convey this idea to everyone who came on November 12 to the traditional Open Day.

But first, an introduction. A tour of the museum, which contains unique documents relating to the history of the college, was conducted by students. In the museum, it somehow immediately becomes clear: the Gatchina Pedagogical College has every right to be proud of both teachers and students. In addition to numerous victories in various competitions, attention is drawn to unusual facts, for example, like this: different years 5 sisters of the Shtarevs graduated from the college, and all of them successfully realized themselves in the profession.

The Pedagogical College, which recently turned 145 years old, trains primary school teachers. In addition, for 40 years from the walls of this educational institution experts come out physical education. Not so long ago, the college began to prepare educators of preschool children. Appeared in curriculum Another specialty, which at first glance does not have a direct relation to pedagogy, is applied informatics. The qualification that graduates receive in this specialty is a software engineer. However, students studying at the Faculty of Applied Informatics also gain knowledge in pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods.

German Rozov from Pudostskaya high school is going to enter the Faculty of Applied Informatics next year, and his classmate Anton Konstantinov hopes that he will become a student at the Faculty of Physical Education. They have already realized that their main task now is to fit in to study and finish 9th grade with good grades.

Applicants to the Gatchina Pedagogical College named after K. D. Ushinsky does not pass entrance exams. But with a certificate of a "solid C student" there is nothing to even think of becoming a student of this educational institution. Last year, for example, GPA certificates of applicants entering the faculty of preschool education amounted to 4.7. It is even more difficult for those wishing to study at the Faculty of Physical Education. They need to pass entrance tests in athletics and gymnastics.

Marina Vorontsova, director of the Gatchina Pedagogical College. K. D. Ushinsky:

This year, the competition for the Faculty of Physical Education was 3 people per place. Not all the guys successfully coped with sports standards and for this reason were not accepted to college, even despite good grades in the certificate. So, if you want to study at this faculty, please contact Special attention on your physical training. If somewhere you do not reach - train, there is still time.

The director was supported by the responsible secretary of the selection committee, Stepan Alexandrovich Ogorodnishchuk, emphasizing that a high average score in the certificate is not a guarantee of admission to the college at the Faculty of Physical Education. As it is impossible to hope for guaranteed education on a paid basis.

Stepan Ogorodnishchuk, executive secretary of the selection committee:

Next academic year we plan to recruit 5 new groups, each of which will have 25 budget places and 5 commercial, that is, with tuition fees. But keep in mind, admission on a commercial basis also involves a competition. That is, grades in the certificate will be decisive in any case.

Gatchina Pedagogical College named after K. D. Ushinsky, traditionally, many non-resident children enter, all of them are provided with a hostel. As for the academic scholarship, all students without exception receive it in the first semester. After the winter session, only those who did not have “triples” in the standings remain among the scholarship holders.

College students have a good practice during their studies, and after receiving a diploma, those who wish to continue their education without any difficulties enter higher pedagogical educational institutions.

Julia Kolbeneva

October 15 marks the 145th anniversary of the Gatchina Pedagogical College named after K.D. Ushinsky. We have already written about the history of discovery and stages of development educational organization, noting the fact that the college, despite all the difficulties associated with political reforms and military conflicts, managed to maintain its status so that today, like many years ago, to educate future teachers.

How does the college live today, named after the great Russian teacher Konstantin Ushinsky?

Gatchina Pedagogical College named after K.D. Ushinsky trains in five specialties: teaching in primary school, preschool education, physical education, library science, applied informatics. To date, on full-time department The college has 572 students.

Correspondence form of education is presented only in the specialty of preschool education. students correspondence department are 321 people. Two years ago, another direction of work with the adult population appeared in this specialty - advanced training and professional retraining. Last year, professional retraining courses for kindergarten teachers were completed by 54 people, this year 65 people have already become students of the additional program.

Of the 121 college employees, 84 are teaching staff. By the way, 23 of them are college graduates who decided to connect their professional activities with their native educational organization. In the basic school, which is a structural subdivision of the college, 25 teachers work with children, of which 18 are also college graduates.

The most experienced teacher who has been working at the school since its opening, since 1994, is the primary school teacher, an excellent student of public education, Elena Soldatova, whose teaching experience exceeds 40 years. The youngest specialist, Victoria Vasilyeva, has been working at the school for the first year, but she has already perfectly joined the team.

When asked whether there is a staff turnover in an educational institution, the director of the Gatchina Pedagogical College, Marina Vorontsova, answered in the negative. “At the same time, every year we hire young specialists,” she said.

Former college graduates enjoy working in their educational organization, which allows them to continue further education in higher education. educational institutions and gain experience pedagogical activity. “They stay with us because they know how and how their native college lives. They are devoted to their profession and are truly passionate about it,” added Marina Yunusovna.

Good and friendly relations have developed between students and teachers at the Gatchina Pedagogical College. Together they are engaged in sports sections - they play badminton and volleyball. In a mixed team of teachers and students, they successfully take part in the Spartakiad of labor collectives of the Gatchina region. They spend their leisure time together: they visit theaters, arrange joint holidays.

The teaching staff of the college are educated and highly qualified teachers who constantly improve their professional level. The team consists of four candidates of sciences, four teachers are postgraduate students, seven people have undergone professional retraining in various directions, 48 teachers and teachers of the basic school have the highest qualification category.

College teachers take part in competitions professional excellence Leningrad region "Teacher of the Year". So, in 2014, the teacher of social disciplines Lyudmila Ekshtein became the winner of the competition. In 2015, physical education teacher Alexei Belousov was recognized as a laureate. This year the teacher foreign language Olga Alexandrova also became a laureate of the Teacher of the Year competition.

Students are also involved in the competitive movement. In 2013, Egor Pertsev won the regional stage of the Student of the Year competition. In 2016, Elena Nikishkova, Anzhelika Repnik and Olga Usoeva became laureates of the regional stage of the competition.

Throughout its history, the college has provided high culture vocational training, which is calling card educational organization. In the process of learning, students learn using the knowledge gained and based on the acquired knowledge. personal qualities, to be attentive, tolerant, able to empathize and help people.

Over the past few years, the college has been participating and holding regional events aimed at shaping spiritual and moral values ​​among young people. This includes the preparation and holding of the regional competition of the patriotic song "Victory Salute", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic war, and participation in the campaigns "Immortal Regiment" and "Victory Banner - to every school", regional and all-Russian competitions for pre-conscription youth.

The college is actively developing student self-government, represented by a wide range of associations: student council, student scientific society, council of the College History Museum, theater-studio "Experiment", student sports club "Phoenix", many sports sections and creative workshops.

The main partners of the educational organization are the pedagogical colleges of St. Petersburg, general education and sports schools in Gatchina and the Leningrad Region, the Committee for Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Gatchina District.

The popularity of the educational organization is not fading, but on the contrary, it is growing. In many ways, this is the merit of its leaders.

For 29 years, the educational institution was headed by Viktor Parshikov. Viktor Mikhailovich graduated from the Gatchina Pedagogical School in 1968, Leningrad State pedagogical institute them. A.I. Herzen in 1975 with a degree in History. In 2001 he defended his dissertation on the topic "Methodology of management of secondary vocational education on the example of a teacher training school." In addition to working in his specialty at the Gatchina Pedagogical College, from 1969 to 1984 he worked in the offices of the Gatchina city committees of the Komsomol and the CPSU. In 1984 he headed the Gatchina Pedagogical College. K.D. Ushinsky.

Viktor Parshikov is a candidate of pedagogical sciences, an honorary citizen of the city of Gatchina. He was awarded the Order of Honor, the medal "For Contribution to the Development of Education", has the title of Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation and Honorary Worker of Secondary Vocational Education, is included in the encyclopedia " The best people Russia". In 2009, Viktor Mikhailovich became the winner of the Leningrad regional competition "The Best Head of an Educational Institution" in the nomination "Director of an Institution of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education".

To date, Viktor Parshikov is a member of the board and the Public Council of the Committee for General and Vocational Education of the Leningrad Region, a member of the Public Council of the Committee for social protection population of the Leningrad region.

Viktor Mikhailovich is remembered at the college as a strict but certainly talented teacher who knows his subject. He is still a welcome and respected guest in the educational organization. Viktor Mikhailovich enjoys well-deserved prestige among the staff and students of the Pedagogical College.

It was thanks to his efforts that in 1994 the former building of the Pedagogical College on October 25 Avenue was restored, where today the basic school is located. The new college building on Roschinskaya Street was also built with his direct participation.

Last year, including on his initiative, funds were allocated from the regional budget for the design and construction of a hostel for the Pedagogical College. The new house for Gatchina students is designed for 300 people and will be connected to the educational building by a ground gallery.

In 2013, the college was headed by Viktor Parshikov's successor, Marina Vorontsova. Marina Yunusovna graduated from the Gatchina Pedagogical School in 1983. For more than 20 years she worked as a primary school teacher in Gatchina school No. basic school. In order to head a teacher training college, she received additional education at Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin.

Traditions that have been established over many years do not prevent the educational organization from constantly developing and keeping up with the times. Moreover, the teaching staff accepts all innovations and ideas with joy and readiness for self-development. So, for the second year in a row, college students take part in the championship of professional skills among students "Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)", which was held at the end of September at the Expoforum in St. Petersburg.

By the way, in May 2015, a 3rd year college student Alexandra Maslova took part in the Russian championship of professional skills, which was held in Kazan. In the autumn of the same year, she defended the honor of her educational organization already at the St. Petersburg Expoforum at the WorldSkills standards championship.

After the successful performance of Alexandra, it was decided to hold an internal competition among students of the Gatchina Pedagogical College according to the standards of the WorldSkills Russia championship in the specialties "Teaching in primary grades", " Preschool education", "Physical Culture".

The teachers of the college responded vividly to this proposal and were actively involved in the work. They helped students prepare for the competition, which lasted for a week. The teachers and the contestants themselves were satisfied with the new experience. During the discussion of the results of the competition, the idea was voiced to conduct a final certification of students in the form of a similar demonstration exam.

The new experience will be useful for students next year, when the Gatchina Pedagogical College will become a venue for the regional stage of the Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia) championship, which will also be attended by college students from St. Petersburg and neighboring regions. Including for this, on the basis of the college, in February of this year, a Specialized Center competencies in pedagogical specialties.

In general, all the activities of the teaching staff of the Gatchina Pedagogical College named after K.D. Ushinsky is aimed at further providing High Quality preparation of competitive graduates in demand on the labor market of the Leningrad region.

We wish them good luck in this and congratulate the college on its 145th anniversary!