Where there are more anomalies on earth. Unexplained anomalies of nature. Anomalous zones of Russia - the mysterious city of Arkaim

Anomalous zone - a piece of terrain, the characteristics of which, as well as the phenomena occurring inside the designated area, are difficult or impossible to explain with the current level of development of science.

An anomalous zone is a local area areas where long time there is a phenomenon that is not accepted, and in most cases denied official science. This also includes the actions of various kinds of poltergeists, who supposedly penetrate our world from a parallel, different reality. The time duration of such zones is relatively short.

Usually such phenomena as the poltergeist (lambs) are located in human dwellings. Both in inhabited and abandoned houses, often anomalous phenomena in abandoned houses are called ghosts - spirits of people who once died, but did not find shelter. In inhabited houses, invisible creatures of the other world are also called barabashki, brownies, dividing them into evil and good.

Already concept anomalous zone has some mysterious meaning. Speaking about something, and adding an anomaly at the same time, we put the meaning that an object, a piece of terrain, or some kind of phenomenon - contains the nature of origin unknown to us.

In fact in a sense, it is so, only the concept of an anomalous zone absorbs much more. Often, anomalous zones are areas of terrain where natural characteristics The lands have other indicators that change dramatically at the border of the anomalous area.

Eg, this may include a change in the radiation background of the Earth, on a site, or a change magnetic field, but these changes are easily explained scientifically. And they carry the concept of an anomalous zone only because they can affect measuring instruments. The origin of such anomalies is explained by the fact that the Earth contains large quantity iron, or natural source increased radioactivity.

However not all anomalous places on Earth can be so easily explained. There are real zones that rightfully bear this term of obscurity, and they are little studied. These are areas of the terrain on Earth where there is a distortion of such quantities as space, time - seemingly unshakable quantities. And they also have radiation harmful to living things, the nature of which is unknown. It is these places that are called the Anomalous Zone.

There are various versions of the formation of anomalous zones, these are the crash sites of UFOs - whose unknown equipment could produce a physical change in the terrain. As well as the landing sites of a different mind, which carried out work with devices, which led to changes in the nature of the site. Also, these are geopathic areas of the area, with places of release of power, which entail changes in the energy of the area.

Should to say that the anomalous zones will have a different effect on a person. Eyewitnesses-participants of some anomalies testify to temporary displacements. Eyewitnesses of another type of anomalies talk about moving in space. There are also anomalies that pierce the human energy frame, causing very serious harm to health.

Even for a short time, being in an anomaly of this kind, a person feels oppression, and a bad effect on the psyche. The pulse rate increases, the pressure may rise, the vestibular apparatus begins to malfunction. It happens that there is no one to tell about what happened in the anomalous area, people who get there die.

Another one from the versions, the origin of anomalous manifestations in the areas, this is contact different worlds. That is, if we assume for a moment that it is possible to be on Earth, and several worlds exist at the same time, but they are in different dimensions. Then, assuming that our dimension is three-dimensional, we can assume that there are worlds with a different number of dimensions.

But sometimes, as a result of some influencing factor, there is a convergence of dimensions, and possibly contact of different worlds. Which apparently leads to a kind of “breakdown between the worlds”, and in places where realities come into contact, while being completely different in structure, changes in time, matter, and space occur. What we observe as an anomalous zone with unknown properties.

Exactly about anomalies of this kind, the rubric will tell us. Where are you and I, dear Friends, we will not only learn about the anomalous zones of the planet, but also try to question the existence of some anomalies.

However, it should be noted that there are not so many places that can be said to be anomalous. Sometimes there are and, sometimes it's just myths, and in some cases it's just a bait for tourists.

Our planet is full of secrets and mysteries. It seemed that its surface had already been fully studied by man, and any processes and phenomena occurring on Earth had long been recorded and studied. However, our world hides many more secrets. And some places called " natural anomalies", still remain mysterious not only for ordinary people but also for scientists.

Photo: pictures-and-images.net

There is a waterfall in China aggregate states whose waters are not subject to any laws of physics. In winter, when the air temperature drops significantly, the overflowing stream does not freeze even at -30°C. However, contrary to common sense, in the midst of summer, the waterfall freezes.

Photo: tourismontheedge.com

Nyos and Monoun are two lakes that, at first glance, seem like a corner of paradise. There are picturesque landscapes around, untouched fields, hills that beckon with their appearance. However, all these neighborhoods are absolutely unsuitable for life.

The reason is hidden in the depths of the reservoirs. The fact is that Nyos was formed at the bottom of the crater of the volcano, which still has not completely stopped its activity. Due to the processes taking place underground, the lake emits gas into the atmosphere in truly huge quantities. Monoun is also a "gas storage", only it gets there through groundwater.

At the end of the 20th century, cases of gas release were recorded near the lakes, which led to many deaths of local residents and all living things in the area.

Photo: eng.namonitore.ru

There is a small reservoir in Kazakhstan, the area of ​​which does not exceed 600 m 2 . But it surprises not with its size, but with geothermal anomalies in natural layers. Regardless of the season, the water in the lake remains icy.

No life forms were found, and attempts to explore the natural miracle were unsuccessful - not a single person could hold out under water for more than three minutes, even if they had an oxygen tank with them and dressed in a diving suit. Divers who dived into the lake began to suffocate almost immediately.

Photo: torrent-oyun.com

In the town of Taos, located in New Mexico, one of the states of America, a strange noise is heard. Its origin is a mystery to the entire scientific community.

Not everyone can hear the buzz. Only 2% of the indigenous population, due to some genetic characteristics, can pick up this sound. The "chosen ones" say that the buzz is most reminiscent of the sound that a car makes when it is idling.

Hearing such noise is a kind of test for people. It can cause headaches, nosebleeds and a general deterioration in well-being. Perhaps the Earth herself, through this sound, tells people about the suffering that she experiences from our activities?

Photo: phactual.com

In Mexico, 400 miles from El Paso, there is a so-called "zone of silence" located in the desert. Main Feature of this place is that any radio signal is silenced here.

Various anomalous phenomena were observed at the site as early as the 19th century, but true interest arose in the 70s, when the influence of the zone was reflected in military and space technology. After a series of incidents, several scientific expeditions were carried out. However, studies have not yielded any results.

The absence of a radio signal in this area is associated with the presence of a strong magnetic field. Scientists initially assumed that its occurrence is associated with ore deposits located nearby. However, given fact found no confirmation.

Photo: vsephotos.club

But interference in the signal is not the only oddity of the “zone of silence”. Locals tell stories about strange people who sometimes knock on their doors. Especially often they come to ranches that are far from other residential estates.

At first glance, there is nothing unusual about such visitors. And yes, they look like ordinary people, however, are distinguished by high growth, and hair color is almost always white. In fact, they do nothing strange: posing as social service employees, they politely talk to the owners, learn local news. Only the eyes, empty and cold, frighten the inhabitants of this area who meet them.

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Of course, when you read about such places on the Internet and look at the photos, it seems that this is a montage, or that people betray this place too much. great importance. But it’s a completely different matter when you find yourself in one of these very places, you see all this in reality and understand how many mysteries our planet hides.

Medveditskaya ridge - an anomalous zone of the Volgograd region

The Medveditskaya ridge is a chain of hills about 250 meters high. This place is considered one of the most anomalous zones in Russia. It is located 100 km from Saratov, in the Volgograd region. When you get there, you see hundreds of trees burned from the inside. There are also living ones, but they are incredibly twisted.

What caused such a strange appearance of the Medveditskaya ridge? There are many versions - from the strong activity of ball lightning to the landing of a UFO.

There is also evidence that under the Medveditskaya ridge, at a depth of 8-30 meters, there are unknown who and when built giant tunnels with a diameter of 7-20 meters (more than the tunnels in the subway), stretching perhaps for many kilometers.

During the war, the entrances to them were blown up by sappers. Again, there are legends about UFO bases or about the underground city of the Volga robbers who kept their stolen treasures there.

An idol on the Medveditskaya ridge

People who have visited the Medveditskaya ridge also testify to strange underground springs: distilled water comes from one, and radioactive water comes from the other.

By the number of fireballs appearing per year, the ridge ranks second in the world, and the first is in Malaysia. It is believed that it is lightning that can circle this place for hours, hitting trees in its path. Scientists who explored the area determined that the largest of all lightning reached two meters in diameter.

Perm anomalous zone, Molyobka

In the Kishertsky district of the Perm Territory, there is a real UFO base, the village of Molyobka. The name comes from ancient times: once this place was considered sacred for the Mansi and there was a prayer stone on which sacrifices were made.

Monument to the alien Alyosha in the village of Molebka

In 1983, Molebka became known to the whole country: a Permian geologist, Emil Bachurin, during a winter hunt, discovered a round footprint, 62 meters in diameter. After this discovery, an expeditionary group on an anomalous phenomenon arrived in Molyobka under the leadership of Eduarda Yermilov, Candidate of Technical Sciences. The group members interviewed local residents and found that the place here is indeed anomalous: saucers fly, balls spin, people behave anxiously. We bring you the testimony of a nuclear engineer with 20 years of experience, Pavel Gladyshev, a native of Molyobka, who, after retiring, returned to the village:

Now curious people from all over the country flock to Molyobka. The shaman Ingvar even works here. He conducts "sound therapy" with his tambourine. “Unusual sensations, pleasant vibrations throughout the body, total relaxation,” say the participants in this action.

Locals warn visitors

The main places that tourists visit here are: Skopino - an Old Believer settlement, which has completely disappeared at the moment, Snake Hill, which offers a beautiful view of the Zone and the Sylva River, Vyselki - in the center of the meadow stands a tree twisted and twisted in the most unnatural way.

An eerie place, and tourists like to arrange various art exhibitions here.

Local residents themselves are not happy with such a large number of visitors, but nothing can be done.

Chertovo Irishche or Mars in the Volgograd region

Just imagine: on an area of ​​​​about 300 square meters. meters, you can see more than 50 shades of sand, ranging from boiling white to purple, maroon and even green. Every year, expeditions and scientists work in this place, but so far no one undertakes to explain how this is possible. The compass needle starts spinning here - this is, without a doubt, an anomalous zone.

The sand zone is located in a pit or crater. On the outskirts there are tall, slender birch trees, rich vegetation, a little lower - rare trees, like dwarf ones, leaning towards the ground. Not far from here flows the Chertoleyka River.

By the way, having decided to visit this place, you should be more careful, many cases of spontaneous combustion have been recorded here, and at a staggering speed. So the incinerated remains of a shepherd were discovered, judging by which, scientists came to the conclusion that he caught fire so quickly that he himself did not feel it and did not try to resist the fire.

Well, lovers of anomalies, and just romantics often visit this place. Often you can see wedding photographers here, seeking to get an unusual shot in their collection.

Arkaim - an ancient city in the Ural steppe

Perhaps this is one of the most mysterious archaeological sites in Russia. In 1987, a military satellite flying over the Southern Urals discovered strange circles here. It is also believed to have discovered ancient city a detachment of the Ural-Kazakhstan archaeological expedition, which consisted of two archaeologists (S. G. Botalov and V. S. Mosin), several students of an archaeological orientation and several schoolchildren. A reservoir was supposed to be built in this place, and they wanted to flood the found objects, but they survived thanks to the active position of the Director of the Hermitage, Academician B. B. Piotrovsky.

Aerial view of Arkaim

Many people consider Arkaim a unique place of power. Thousands of pilgrims from all countries come here - to the Chelyabinsk steppes, to recharge their batteries and say goodbye forever to illnesses. It is believed that this is a zone of increased anomalous activity. Time slows down here, and the compass needles go crazy. Moreover, in these places, people's blood pressure increased, their pulse quickened, hallucinations began.

In 2005, Vladimir Putin visited Arkaim. Scientists believe that Arkaim, built more than 40 centuries ago, is one of the first cities on Earth. It is even older than the Egyptian pyramids.

The ancient city itself was essentially a fortress, consisting of two apartment buildings. Here people lived and worked, and animals grazed outside the city and existed in special pens. There was a square in the center of the city, there was also a storm sewer with water diverted outside the city. The remains of the inhabitants of Arkaim testify that they were Caucasians.

It is believed that once there was a fire in Arkaim, as a result of which the city burned out. At the moment, Arkaim is a natural landscape and historical and archaeological reserve and is included in 7 places in Russia where you can feel the power!

Drunken Forest - an anomaly in the Ryazan region

Whoever believes that only mushrooms with eyes are among the anomalies in Ryazan is grossly mistaken! If you leave Shilovo in the direction of Kasimov, drive through Borok, Inyakino, Seltso-Sergievka, turn left at the sign to Dubrovka, on the outskirts of which turn south, you will notice how an amazing picture appears on the right hand. Pine trees, as if cut down, spread along the ground, bend into an arc and, as if on command, rush upwards one and a half meters from the surface.

And immediately several legends: someone believes that this place is associated with the birth of a whirlwind. Others believe that the forest in this area is under the intense influence of energy flows, which entail the refraction of space. Thanks to the unprecedented power of these energy flows, the “twisting” of the trees took place. There is evidence that people see mirages here, feel a breakdown, feel severe headaches. In the center of the anomaly, living organisms seem to lose energy, and their biofield decreases by 2 times ...

People also believe in the magical power of the “drunken forest” that if you collect twisted snags from this anomaly, you can use them to get rid of many ailments: for some it helped to cure rheumatism, for others to protect yourself from the evil eye.

Okunevo - a mysterious place in the Omsk region

In general, Omsk is a city of miracles, and there are so many of them in the Omsk region ... Here Okunevo, for example, is the navel of the Earth, where the fault is located earth's crust; The output energy has both a negative and a positive charge. At this place there is a temple, and a Kolovrat and a temple, where Saibabists, Babajists, Hare Krishnas and other confessions conduct their rituals.

In general, the villagers notice a lot of strange things: for example, they observed a mysterious round dance here, over which women in mournful figures appeared in the air. And the local teacher said that she heard the ringing of bells, and, raising her head to the top, saw golden horses rushing across the sky.

Not far from Okunevo there are lakes - Linevo, Shchuchye, Danilovo, Shaitan Lake, where both water and healing mud. Locals believe that this is a gift from the cosmos. Allegedly, these lakes appeared as a result of a meteorite falling into these lands.

Patomsky crater in Siberia

Well, where, pray tell, did such a stone mountain with a cut off top form in the middle of the Taiga? There are many versions here: from secret "Gulag" mines to a spontaneous nuclear explosion of uranium ores in the bowels. The Yakuts compare this crater with an eagle's nest, in the center of which lies a stone egg, 40 meters in diameter.

For all the time since its discovery, the Patomsky crater has attracted scientific groups. In one of them, there was even a fatal accident - the researcher of the Institute of Geochemistry of the SB RAS Evgeny Vorobyov died. The cause of death was a massive heart attack. Scientists believe that something lies under this crater. The processing of magnetometry data showed that this "something" lies at a depth of 100 - 150 meters. And it changes the magnetic field so much that instruments feel changes in an area twice the size of the crater. Maybe it's a meteorite.

The approximate age of the crater is 250 years. It is still changing its shape, now lowering, then becoming higher. During the expedition, at the very foot of the “nest”, three larches were cut down. Studies have shown that since 1842 the width of annual rings has increased significantly. And it is surprising that, having held out at the level of such a high increase for about 40 years, the rings have sharply narrowed. Trying to explain this, scientists remembered the Chernobyl disaster, when the growth of trees increased sharply due to the release of radiation, but the background in the Patomsky crater is very low. A riddle upon a riddle. Such an anomaly does not exist anywhere else in the world.

Anomalous zones To this day, Russia is worried about the minds of domestic and foreign scientists. Even the most dangerous of them attract the attention of magicians, psychics, tourists and just curious people. The anomalous places of our country are fraught with many mysteries, and most of them are still not solved.

In the article:

Anomalous zones of Russia - the mysterious city of Arkaim

One of the most interesting anomalous zones in Russia is Arkaim. These are the remains of an ancient settlement that was built before our era. It is located in Chelyabinsk region, and access to this mysterious place is open to anyone. This is an archaeological monument, so you should not try to find a treasure there or conduct illegal excavations, but every guest or resident of the country can see Arkaim with their own eyes.

ruins of Arkaim

You can look at the open-air museum, the exposition of which will tell about the finds of archaeologists in this area, excursions are offered, and even organized trips from major cities Russia. It is allowed to stay overnight in a tent, and more comfortable options for spending the night are offered.

The ancient city consists of a square, residential buildings, two necropolises and pastures. The city was well fortified and had a radial layout. Simply put, from a height in its place you can see concentric circles. It is believed that these are the remains of fortifications and buildings, but legends say otherwise. There are even theories about ancient runways for aircraft of a vanished civilization. The inhabitants of Arkaim knew pottery and metal processing. It is known that the city was destroyed by fire.

Now Arkaim is considered a place of power, which is safe for humans. If you are going to study anomalous places and phenomena, you should start with it. Arkaim is considered the cradle of civilization, which keeps the knowledge of distant ancestors. It is called the birthplace of the Slavs and Aryans. Psychics say that Zarathusra was born here. They believe that the place has spiritual power. According to magicians and sorcerers, tourists on an intuitive level tend to touch the unique energy of Arkaim, to receive and recharge with the power that attracts positive events to people.

Regular trips to Arkaim can completely change a person's life. Tourists who try to visit there as often as possible claim that after these trips, health is strengthened, well-being improves, and life changes for the better. It is believed that a trip to such a place of power helps to achieve spiritual balance.

There are several areas within the reserve. different properties. Money wishes are made on the Field of Miracles, it is supposed to meet the dawn on Mount Anael for far more than one thousand years, the Spiral of Life is a place for the rite of repentance, the Pegasus ledge relieves diseases and restores energy, the ledge of the Priestesses helps to remember past lives, and Mount Shamanka cleanses from any negativity. The Mount of Reason is a place through which powerful energy flows pass. Prolonged stay in this place leads to a deterioration in well-being.

Dead places of Russia - Devil's Polyana

One of the most disastrous places in Russia is considered Devil's Glade. It is also called the Devil's Cemetery and the Glade of Death. This anomaly appeared after the fall Tunguska meteorite. It is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, not too far from the place where the meteorite fell. The glade is marked on the map, however, unlike Arkaim, they will not offer an excursion and a hotel room. The locals prefer to stay away from the dead place. There are guides among them, but even they do not approach him closer than two or three kilometers, explaining the way and allowing him to overcome the further distance on his own. Not every group of researchers managed to find an anomaly. Many returned with nothing.

Old-timers say that the glade has a round shape. However, sometimes there are references to the fact that it can take an L-shape, that is, it slightly changes its shape, and maybe even its size. Judging by the stories of people who visited this terrible place, the diameter of the anomaly can be from a hundred to three hundred meters. This also confirms that it changes dimensions from time to time.

The glade is not covered with grass, in this place you can see absolutely bare ground. Plants are said to die there. This applies to both animals and people. More than once cows wandered into the anomalous territory. They were found dead. Despite the fact that the corpses do not decompose for a very long time, animal bones were seen in the clearing. Local residents pulled out with hooks the corpses of animals that did not have time to go far. According to them, the meat of cows acquired an unnatural scarlet color. Nobody tried to eat it.

Trees that stand too close to the geopathogenic zone are charred. Vegetation languishes not far from it. On the way to the Devil's Cemetery, people develop unreasonable fear and anxiety, their health worsens, headache. Several times the hunter's dogs accidentally ran onto the bare scorched earth. After a few seconds, they squealed and turned back, and after a couple of days the animals died.

Representatives of the search groups claim that there are interruptions in the operation of equipment near this strange anomaly. One of the expeditions found that the clocks of all participants in the campaign were twenty minutes behind. The cessation of the work of mechanisms - clocks and research instruments - is also noted. After the change of location, they return to normal, which means that there are several anomalous places with unknown properties near Chertovaya Polyana.

Local small anomalous areas have been repeatedly found by researchers in these places. In particular, these are magnetic anomalies, getting into which is fraught with deterioration of health and headache. There are also large areas of several kilometers in size. Staying on one of these, the tourists noted that their pulse dropped to 40 beats per minute and appeared great weakness. After leaving the strange terrain, a sharp surge of strength appeared, the group walked 20 km without halts.

Particularly curious locals tried to throw fresh green branches plucked from trees from afar onto the empty ground of the Devil's cemetery. According to their stories, the greenery immediately wilted. It looked as if fire had been brought to the branches. This area is poorly explored - few willing to risk their lives. It is interesting that researchers who decide to travel to a terrible place always go to the local church on their way back and.

Anomalous zones of the Moscow region - ghosts and UFOs

Residents of a village near Moscow are sure that the area is inhabited by ghosts, and from time to time UFOs appear in the sky. Ufologists and psychics agree with them. They believe that an evil spirit has been living near the village for a long time, which from time to time approaches people. It is she who is the source of strange sounds in the cemetery. Local residents know that it is impossible to look at the sources of such sounds - the unclean one can steal or scare them to gray hair. A couple of years ago, an explosion was heard in the forest, but law enforcement agencies did not find traces of the incident.

The anomalous zone called the Chapel is considered the richest in visual effects among the mysterious places near Moscow. It bears this name because of the abandoned chapel, which is the epicenter of the anomaly, as well as the name of the village. Several hundred expeditions came here in total. Anomaly Chapel is of interest to both Russians and guests from abroad. Psychics say that near the Chapel village there is a powerful geopathic node.

Locals and tourists notice strange sounds, bent trees, creases in the grass, moving shadows, flashes and UFOs. Away from human habitation, the goblin can induce fornication - this is the name of the phenomenon when a person in three pines is lost and cannot find his way even in well-known places. The forests in this area are considered dangerous, because evil spirits rarely come close to the village, but where there are few people, you can expect anything.

Anomalous zones of Moscow - secrets of the capital

One of the anomalous areas of Moscow can be called the house in which Mikhail Bulgakov lived. His works are shrouded in mysticism. It is difficult to find a person who would not read "The Master and Margarita" or at least did not watch the series, filmed exactly according to the book. Now a museum dedicated to him is open in the writer's communal apartment. Psychics claim that all the things that belonged to Bulgakov have a special energy. People who are sensitive to such things notice that this apartment is very different from all the others.

47th kilometer of the Yaroslavl highway

The 47th kilometer of the Yaroslavl highway is one of the favorite places for Ufa tourists from the capital. You can get there by metro or commuter train. It is believed that the aliens somehow fell in love with the area half a kilometer from the pillar with the sign. Triangular UFOs have been repeatedly spotted there. In 1990, pilot A. Semchenko received an order to shoot down an aircraft, but after its departure, the UFO disappeared from the radar.

In Moscow there are many strange and mysterious places covered with legends. One of them is Tsaritsyno, this area is considered cursed even under the tsars. About five hundred years ago, among the forest in this area was the village of Black Dirt. The name is based on healing springs, the action of which was reinforced by a place of power, the energy of which helped to get rid of diseases and cleanse oneself of negativity.

Losinoostrovsky Triangle

The Losinoostrovsky Triangle is also within the boundaries of Moscow. Park employees Moose Island it is said that birds and animals avoid this place. People often disappear there and unusual optical phenomena are noticed. There are many places in the capital where people disappear, but Elk Island is considered the most dangerous place for walks, if we take into account only the mystical stories of eyewitnesses.

The intersection of Pokrovka and Chistoprudny Boulevard is known to all doctors. From time to time people die there for no apparent reason. Pathologists record the cause of death as heart failure, as the real cause cannot be determined. Doctors say that not a single patient could be saved.

At the address Autumn Boulevard, 16с1 is the so-called suicide house. He stands near an abandoned building. According to the inhabitants of the house, approximately once a year one of the tenants dies after a suicide attempt. People are sure that the building or it is inhabited by evil spirits. Those who have such an opportunity have found another place of residence. The Suicide House is one of the most terrible geopathic zones in Moscow, it is undesirable to stay in it for a long time.

Anomalous zones of the Nizhny Novgorod region - strong holy places

Seraphim stones

The most famous anomalous zone of the Nizhny Novgorod region are Seraphim stones. They are located in the city of Pervomaisk. According to legend, Seraphim of Sarov lived here and "acquired the spirit of God." The place attracts pilgrims from all over the country who believe that the miraculous energy of the elder has survived to this day.

There are two stones here - Big or Bear and Small or Cell. According to legend, the hut of Seraphim of Sarov stood on big stone. People come here to lie on the rocks soaked in positive energy and recharge their batteries. Sarov is famous for its healing springs, as well as breadcrumbs, which are consecrated in the cauldron of Seraphim of Sarov. It is believed that they help to find peace in the soul and strengthen spirituality.

In the village of Gnilitsy there is the grave of Fr. Gregory. The holy elder lived for almost a hundred years and died in 1996. Faith did not leave people even after the death of Father Gregory. You can almost always see pilgrims at his grave. The sand from it is considered healing.

Anomalous zones of the Leningrad region

Sablinsky caves

Lake Blyudechko is a small body of water in the west of the Leningrad region. Locals claim to have seen an underwater monster that attacked the fishermen. The latter managed to survive, the monster managed to get only to the nets with fish. Eyewitnesses note that it was of considerable size, at least this could be said about the head and mouth of the monster.

UFOs are often seen in the cities of Pavlovsk and Pushkin. The lakes of the Leningrad region are also of interest to aliens. Flying saucers were noticed near the Yellow Bay, Cheremenets Lake, and also the Luga reservoir.

Another anomalous zone of the Leningrad region is the Sablinsky caves. Strange sounds are heard inside, and mysterious optical effects are noted when photographing. However, many of these sounds and lighting effects are due to the fact that the far corners of the cave, which cannot be reached without equipment and preparation, are examined by diggers, and their activities are mistaken for the work of ghosts or other manifestations of the supernatural by tourists.

Although you and I live in a developed society, in the age of high technology, there are still many places on earth that have not been studied and explored by man. Such places are called anomalous. What is happening there defies scientific explanation. Scientists and experts in various fields are trying to unravel the mysteries of these places, but all efforts are in vain. There are many of these places on our planet. Let's look at the most famous anomalous zones in Russia.

Map of anomalous zones of Russia

Death Valley

Death Valley is an anomalous area in Yakutia. It is located near the Vilyui River, in the Mirny district. This place has its own legend and many mysterious rumors that circulate among the locals. According to legend, mystical metal objects in the form of original boilers are buried in this zone. Under the ground there are several rooms of a strange design, and a small arch can be seen above the ground. It is always warm in these rooms, even when there are severe Yakut frosts on the surface. According to legend and numerous rumors, this place kills all living things that get there.

These places are completely deaf. Local residents try to bypass them several miles away. According to their stories, everyone who tried to enter these rooms began to experience health problems, and those who tried to repeatedly spend the night in these rooms soon died for unknown reasons.

Expeditions of ufologists, geologists and all those who are not indifferent to this place were made repeatedly, however, it was not possible to find these secret rooms. In 2002, Yakut students, having heard legends and stories about Death Valley, decided to make an expedition. Almost all members of the expedition felt a slight malaise as soon as they got to these places. This was manifested by slight weakness and dizziness. Not far from the flowing river, they managed to find a mysterious metal structure, similar to a huge cauldron. The dimensions of the boiler were somewhere around 8-10 meters in diameter. But they could not find any underground rooms. The students tried to chip off at least a piece from the structure, but the metal was so strong that it did not even have dents from the strongest blows with an ax. Unusually tall grass and huge burdocks grew around this structure.

mountain of the dead

This is one of the most famous places with incomprehensible anomalies in Russia. Recently, there are a lot of legends and rumors about this place. The media and television very often tell stories related to this zone. This place is located in the northern part of the Urals in the Sverdlovsk region.

According to ancient beliefs, this is a dead place, and from the language of the ancient Mansi, this place is translated as "Do not go there." In these places, inexplicable paranormal phenomena are very often noticed, someone writes it off for the tricks of the mystical evil spirits that live there, and someone for the frequent UFOs there.

This mountain is famous for the fact that 2 groups of tourists died there. Their death occurred under mysterious circumstances. The bodies were found near the tent where they wanted to spend the night. All had a strange reddish skin tone and multiple internal injuries. It was suggested that something frightened them, and they rushed in wild horror in all directions. Until now, the mystery of their death has not been solved.

Lavozero tundra

Another anomalous zone, which is located on the Khibiny mountain range, on the Kola Peninsula in the Murmansk region. This place is famous for its rock called Angvundaschorr. There is a whole legend around it about how the giant Kuyva left the imprint of his huge body on this rock. According to the legend, the pagan gods burned it, because it brought a lot of trouble to the settlers who lived in those places. Since then, this place has been shrouded in secrets and mysticism, and causes fear among the locals.

The top of the cliff Angvundaschorr began to attract climbers. And many who tried to subdue her, but she did not submit to anyone. Most of the attempts ended in the death of experienced climbers. And in 1965, a group of people went on an expedition to these places. The group disappeared, and a few years later their remains were found. What caused their death is still a mystery. A few years later, history repeated itself with another group, only now eleven people have died. After this incident, all routes to those parts were strictly prohibited. More recently, the Lavozero tundra has become open again and has begun to attract climbers.

This strange cave is located in the Moscow region near the Silikatnaya railway station. That is why the cave got its name. During the war, the cave was equipped as a bomb shelter to protect civilians.

The legend about this place is as follows. After the bombing, the shelter was badly damaged. One of the soldiers knew that his family was there and arrived there after the bombing. He saw a picture of people crawling out of the ruined narrow entrance one by one. Suddenly, a block of stone began to descend on the crawling people. The soldier rushed under it and held this huge block with himself until everyone crawled out. At the end, a block crushed him, however, when people moved this block, they did not find the remains of a soldier under it. Since then, the ghosts of the soldier and his family have roamed the corridors of this cave. A lot of extreme sports enthusiasts who wandered along these corridors met with ghosts. And everyone, as one, claims to have seen the ghost of a soldier and an elderly woman.

Lake Pleshcheyevo

In the Yaroslavl region, near the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, there is a lake called Pleshcheyevo. The lake itself is unremarkable, but strange fogs often appear in its vicinity. According to eyewitnesses, these fogs are so thick that nothing can be seen beyond the outstretched hand. Getting into such a fog, a person begins to see only one path that leads him strictly straight, without turning anywhere. Walking along this path, various hallucinogenic messages begin, which do not frighten, but have a positive connotation. The person falls into a kind of euphoria. When a person comes to his senses, he finds himself thrown back from his original place for 20 kilometers, and sometimes even 30.

On the lake itself, sometimes I also observe paranormal phenomena. So, for example, quite recently a group of tourists rested on the shore of this lake. Suddenly, they all noticed how a huge stone finger began to slowly grow out of the water. Vacationers were fascinated by this phenomenon. They all claimed that the finger appeared and disappeared within one minute, however, in fact, three days had passed.

Ufologists say that a powerful bio-information field is hidden in the depths of this lake.

blue stone

Another anomalous place in the Yaroslavl region near the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. There are many legends and stories associated with this stone. According to old legends, an unbroken spirit lurks in this huge stone, which helps everyone to make their dreams come true.

Initially, it was a sacred relic of the pagans, they worshiped it before baptism in Rus'. Early 17th century Orthodox Church decided to get rid of the stone. It was buried in a very deep hole. But after a few years, this stone was on the surface. How this could happen remains a mystery. A century later, people decided to lay this relic at the base of the church under construction. The stone had to be moved to the other side of the lake. He was loaded onto a large sled and taken across the ice. The ice could not stand it and the hulk went to the bottom of the lake. Over time, local residents who fished on the lake began to notice how the stone moves towards the shore. A few decades later, the stone ended up on the shore, where it lies to this day.

Popov bridge

An interesting building in the form of a bridge across the Pesochnaya River, which is located in the southern part of the Kaluga region. According to legend, this bridge was cursed by an old witch, and not far from the bridge is an old cemetery.

Very strange things happen on this bridge. Engines of cars on the bridge stall, horses and other animals, for unknown reasons, refuse to go on it. Locals very often see ghosts on it. Once a story happened to a local resident. He was driving a car across this bridge, an old man stopped him on the bridge and asked him to drive him to the village. Before reaching the village, the old man began to turn into a ghost, and soon completely disappeared from the car. A few months later, that driver died.

Several night observations of the bridge were made, however, no anomalies appeared during the observation. But the locals unanimously claim that they regularly see all sorts of devilry there and hear strange sounds.

Shushmor tract

There is another anomalous place in the Moscow region, which is called "Urochishe Shushmor", abbreviated as "Ushmor". This is a very old and scary place. For centuries, people have been missing there. They don't find any remains or bodies. There have been many attempts to somehow explain this, but nothing concrete has been put forward.

Ushmore also amazes with anomalous vegetation. So, for example, grass, which usually does not grow higher than a human knee, grows up to two meters here. Some trees have square trunks or trunks of incredible thickness. There is no near this place settlements, absolute wilderness.

Ufologists and other specialists constantly record anomalies here. Ball lightning, lights and incomprehensible sounds.

Solovetsky labyrinths

On the border of the Republic of Karelia and the Arkhangelsk region, there is a huge Solovetsky archipelago, which includes more than a dozen islands of different sizes. An anomalous feature of these places are the Solovetsky labyrinths. By historical information they were built in the Stone Age.

By appearance they resemble peculiar spirals built of stones. In the central part of this spiral there is a small hill of stones. There are many versions of what these labyrinths can mean. According to one of them, these are old burial places of people, and they symbolize the transition of the soul from the world of the living to the world of the dead, and also, they prevent the entry of evil spirits from another world into ours.

Myasnoy Bor

This is a large forest with swampy terrain in the Nizhny Novgorod region. This anomalous place received the name "meat" due to the fact that during the Second World War a lot of soldiers died here. About a thousand of our compatriots and a little less German soldiers. In the quagmire of these swamps, hundreds of corpses remain to this day. All this creates a terrible and oppressive atmosphere.

According to eyewitnesses, ghosts, terrible screams and other sounds are found in these places. All these are the souls of restless soldiers. Birds do not fly in these places, even animals bypass this place for kilometers. Residents of nearby villages say that only the burial with honors of all the soldiers who died there will help get rid of these anomalies in the forest. But this, unfortunately, cannot be done.

Medveditskaya ridge

This place is a small bunch of dilapidated hilly mountains in the Volgograd region. The height of these mountains is small, does not exceed 400 meters. These places are full of mystical secrets, there are various legends and rumors of local residents about them.

Not far from this place, an ancient burial place of large people was discovered. The approximate height of a person according to the found skeleton was 2 meters 60 centimeters. And on the opposite bank of the river that flows there, burials of very small people (60 centimeters) were found.

This place is very famous due to the statements of eyewitnesses who regularly observe UFOs there. Large signs scorched on the grass constantly appear various forms. The Medveditskaya ridge is also famous for the accumulation of ball lightning. They form here very often, even in sunny weather. Fireballs sometimes behave very intelligently (move on favorable trajectories, stop for a while, combine into huge balls and set fire to trees). These are the favorite places of ufologists and hunters for the paranormal.

Triangle of Molebs

This anomalous zone in the Perm region. One of the first to become officially anomalous in former USSR. This triangle is often compared with all known bermuda triangle. A huge number of secrets and mysticism are hidden in these places.

Local residents have repeatedly observed UFOs of various shapes and sizes there. The sounds heard in these places are carried for kilometers. Many claimed that time stopped in these places. In these surroundings there is a special place that people called "Vyselki". Those who have been here claim to have seen mystical creatures and they were constantly haunted by nightmarish visions.

Many expeditions went to these places. And all the people who visited there claimed that they were enveloped in an inexplicable fear, and their health was deteriorating.

Devil's meadow

This anomalous place is located in the taiga of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. As the old-timers of these places say, this glade appeared relatively recently, about a hundred years ago. Here is how her appearance is described. A huge crack appeared in the ground, which began to blaze with strong fire and burn everything around it. From this place for several weeks poured thick smoke of bright black color. When the flame subsided, a burnt out glade with a black crevice formed. Since then, inexplicable phenomena began to occur in this place.

All animals that fell into the clearing immediately died. Birds flying over it fell dead. Over time, this place became strewn with the bones of animals and birds, which created a very creepy picture. People approaching this place, a few kilometers before it, were already beginning to experience fear and malaise.

Several dozen people died in these places. Several expeditions that were heading to the clearing for research were missing. This anomalous zone is full of secrets and mysteries that even modern man with its technology and scientific experience.