September 1 in different countries of the world. When does the school year start around the world? September in other countries

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In many countries - Great Britain, Norway, Finland, France and others - only graduation is celebrated, and the first school day passes without celebrations. The kids just go to class. Today we want to tell you how the first day of school goes in 7 countries where the start of school is considered important event. Read to the end - and you will find out how the Israeli tradition of smearing a blackboard with honey arose.

Editorial website congratulates all first graders, high school students and their parents on the beginning of the school year. Good luck and be patient.

1. Germany

Dates summer holidays and the beginning of the school year differ in different regions of Germany. Holidays last approximately 6 weeks. Training can begin both at the end of July and in September.

The first day at school is a holiday for the Japanese. Families and friends congratulate schoolchildren and give them gifts. Parents and students must wear smart clothes, take pictures at the gate or at the front door of the school (most often under the sakura). After that, together with their parents, they go to the admission ceremony - nyugakushiki.

Among the events there is also a parade of new students to the applause of older students.

Afterwards, 5th or 6th grade students give the newly arrived children a tour of the school, decorated with welcome signs and cherry blossoms.

4. Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, children go to school from the age of 6. Classes begin on the first weekday of September, and Lessons last only 1 hour. Moreover, parents are also present at the first lesson. After the lesson, parents and their children go to pastry shops to enjoy ice cream and other sweets.

5. Russia

Now in Russia, Knowledge Day is celebrated on September 1, but this date was not immediately established. During the time of Peter I classes at school could begin both in August and September-October. Until 1935, there was no exact date for the start of studies. However, the laws stipulated that all children between the ages of 8 and 10 must be admitted to school in the fall.

Since 1984, the first day of school has become a holiday. The school held solemn rulers, followed by a peace lesson, and then all the other classes went on as scheduled.

Now the first day of school also begins with a line. On it, according to tradition, a high school student makes a circle with a first grader on his shoulder, who announces the school yard with the ringing of a bell.

6. Israel

In Israel great importance It is given to make children feel like part of one big school team. And the celebrations dedicated to the first day of school are designed for this very purpose.

Children go to school on September 1st. They are greeted with dances and the sound of double drums - bongs. The rabbi gives his blessing to the children, they sing a song and hug each other.

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It would seem, could there be a better time to start the school year than the arrival of autumn? However, September 1 has a special meaning mainly in Russia and in most of the post-Soviet states, as well as in Israel and the Czech Republic, while the rest of the world sends their children to school according to completely different rules.


For example, in Georgia, the school year does not even start at the beginning of the month - there children go to school on September 15th. In Singapore, classes begin in January. Even later, they begin to study in Australia - there the beginning of classes is conceived in February.

In many parts of the world, Knowledge Day falls in the spring. So, in Japan for April, in Thailand for May. In the Philippines, classes begin in June, in India in July, and in Denmark and Sweden in August.


However, if you think that Knowledge Day is a national holiday, then you are mistaken. There are plenty of countries where the start of classes is a floating date, and in some places the "starting point" of each educational institution is assigned independently.

Yes, and the day of knowledge is held in different ways. You will not see any events and flowers in the USA. There, on the first day of school, students come to school in casual clothes, no solemn line, and no one brings flowers to school. However, the lack of gifts for teachers is easily explained - the Americans are sure that such incentives simply spoil teachers.


Other countries try to make the beginning of classes associated with the students with a holiday and joy. For example, in Germany, Switzerland and Austria you can find the "first-grader bag".

This is a traditional form of a gift from parents to a first-grader child in the form of a paper cone with a soft top on a string, inside of which are things useful for studying and, of course, sweets. With this cone, children proudly go to school, measuring who has a larger, prettier and more elegant bag.


As you can see, the tradition of giving flowers is not widespread all over the world. By the way, if you have not yet decided how your children will present flowers to teachers, then we draw your attention to the fact that on September 1, you can bring 30 bouquets from the class to the teacher, and, perhaps, thereby saving someone's children's life.

Read: 4 min.

Every country has a different start to the school year. Somewhere on Knowledge Day they give gifts to children, and somewhere to teachers. In some countries academic year begins not in the fall, but in the spring. Compare?

In Russia the school year usually starts on September 1st, with a ruler, flowers, beautiful outfits and white bows. It may seem surprising, but in some countries September 1 is not celebrated. And in other countries they celebrate not September 1 :)
Let's figure it out traditional way to start the school year different countries .

In Great Britain The school year starts on or about September 1st. Local authorities may set the start date for the fall semester as August 30-31 or September 3-4, even if it is the middle of the week. The start date moves according to local holidays. Children at the age of 5 go to elementary school, pre-preparatory school, and to Northern Ireland- from 4 years old. The first day of school is no different.

In Germany studies begin at the end of August or the first weeks of September. The administration of the federal state independently establishes Knowledge Day every year. Senior students arrange a festive concert for first-graders, where kids receive flowers and gifts. A mandatory attribute of every first-grader in Germany is a gift "school bag" Schultüte. You can buy a bag in the store, but it is much more interesting to make and decorate it with your parents. In the bag they put stationery, the necessary things for school and, of course, a sweet gift.

In Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun, the year generally begins in April. At this time, cherry blossoms bloom throughout the country. What could be better than starting school life at the moment when all nature is renewed! They go to the first class from the age of 6, after kindergarten. They come on April 1 to a meeting with, and a week later, together with the whole school, they begin to go to classes.

IN THE USA each administrative district sets its own start date for the academic year and semester schedule. In some schools, studies begin in August, in others - 1-2 days after Labor day - a labor holiday that is celebrated on the first Monday of September. There are no lessons on the first day of school. First-graders and their parents come to school to get acquainted with the teacher and the class. Everything is very ordinary, without flowers and bows.

Studies in China It starts, like ours, on September 1. And even their ruler, according to all the rules, is very even, "communist". True, they give flowers not on September 1, but on Teacher's Day. In China, students go to first grade at the age of 6. From this moment on, the Chinese student embarks on a thorny path to knowledge. Compared to Russian schoolchildren, Chinese students study 2-3 times more, and they rest only 2 times a year - on the Chinese New Year and in the summer, from July 15 to September 1. But such a system is bearing fruit: the average results of schoolchildren in Shanghai are the highest in the world.

In the Netherlands the child goes to school the day after he is 4 years old. And if this time falls on vacation, then the "yuf" (teacher "yuffrau") or "meister" (teacher) gives the child a tour of the school, and after the holidays he joins his peers. The first classes of the Dutch elementary school (they are called "groups") are very similar to our kindergarten: children play more, glue, sculpt, draw, only under the guidance of not, but a teacher. The first day of school comes after 6 weeks of summer vacation, most often it is a Monday in late August or early September. Moreover, in different regions of the country, studies begin with a difference of several weeks. This helps to slightly reduce traffic jams and distribute the flow of vacationers during the holidays. The academic year begins with a general meeting and a speech by the principal. Some Dutch schools have a tradition of giving away free ice cream to all students on this day.

What about South America? In Argentina to study go with 6-7 years. Primary school (premaria) is preceded by compulsory preparatory group kindergarten (preescolar). The academic year begins, as in Russia, at the beginning of autumn, only they have it in March! In private schools, students wear uniforms with the emblem educational institution. But in public schools in Argentina, the uniform for schoolchildren is very practical and neat white robes that are worn over clothes.

Let's look at Africa. In South Africa, schooling begins at 5.5-6 years. The first day of school falls on the second or third Wednesday of January. In South Africa 4 state languages, but teaching is conducted in English and Afrikaans (a type of Flemish). The first day of school is not a holiday at all, there is no first call, flowers and parental tears. Sometimes the unusual environment causes only tears in the first-graders themselves. Schoolchildren immediately sit down at their desks and start learning from the first day. But as our compatriots in South Africa say, despite the gloomy start, children quickly get involved and go to school with pleasure.

Perhaps the most unusual September 1 is in Russia, on Yamal. In order for first graders to Yamal-Nenets District could, like all Russian children, go to school, first school teachers must find them. Children of reindeer herders roam with their parents across the endless tundra. The location of a family of reindeer herders can be difficult to ascertain because the family lives where the herd of reindeer took them. In search of fresh grass, reindeer move from pasture to pasture, and every two weeks reindeer herders collect their tent and go to a new place. Little nomads are searched for and taken to the boarding school by helicopter. They will return to the family only during the holidays, and again by helicopter.

We wish that the first of September will always remain a holiday for you!

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September 1, the beginning of the school year, Knowledge Day- This holiday can take place on different dates and be called differently in different countries. And it is so interesting to find out what other traditions of the First Bell holiday are.

Beginning of the school year in the USA

Schools in the United States are free to choose the start date of the school year within a set period - from mid-August to mid-September. On the first day of school, you will not meet schoolchildren in uniform. Jeans, T-shirt, sneakers, favorite hairstyle (even with colored strands dyed) - the child goes to school in a free style. A festive line with the first bell - this tradition does not exist in American schools.

Home schooling is common in the USA - home schooling, so not all first-graders rush to school on this day. This may well be healthy child, but the parents decide not to send him to school. Teaching a child at home most often becomes the concern of parents, not tutors. For organization home schooling parents submit the child's education program to the appropriate authority. There they will also be required to submit reports on the success of the child in learning.

Beginning of the school year in Israel

In Israel, the first day of school is September 1st. But for Israeli schoolchildren, September is sometimes full of days off due to the Jewish New Year and other traditional holidays. The festive line takes place during the second lesson. But children come to school for the first lesson at 8:15 and get acquainted, communicate with their classmates. On the ruler every year you can watch the flight of balloons in the sky. Children write their wishes on balloons and release them into the sky. Israeli schoolchildren usually wear a T-shirt with the school's logo on it. On weekdays, it can be of any color, and on a holiday - only white. In cool weather, children wear branded bikes.

Beginning of the school year in Germany

In Germany, as in the United States, there is no single start day for classes. In some areas of Germany, the school year may begin in August, in others in September. There is no set age limit either. You can send your child to school at 5 or 6 years old - as soon as the child is ready. The Germans pay attention to the readiness of the child great attention. In the first academic year, German schoolchildren come to grade 1 with a bag of a first grader. This tradition has its roots in early XIX century. Before opening the bag, a photo for memory is required. Previously, a bag of a first-grader was filled with sweets. Today, for the sake of children's health, it is filled with stationery, toys and even books. Well, of course, there is also a little sweet surprise. The children themselves pre-glue the bag, and the parents fill it. The first day at school in Germany is usually a holiday. A divine service can be held, an excursion to grades 3-4 for first graders. An obligatory solemn moment is the festive exit of new students, accompanied by class teacher to classes from the common room.

Beginning of the school year in Japan

The first day of the school year in Japan usually falls on April 1st. Japanese first graders come to school dressed up. The festive line is held only for first-graders in the assembly hall. They are greeted by teachers, they solve organizational issues with their parents, and in the first half of the day the children go home. Then first-graders and parents have a week to prepare for school. And a week later, all schoolchildren go to school. Compulsory school uniforms are usually only in private schools. And for a regular school, some kind of distinctive headdress may be enough. For girls, it can be a panama hat, and for boys, a cap. They will certainly have the emblem of the school.

So, each country has a different attitude and organizes start of the school year. Let's note the dates of the beginning of the year for some other countries:

  • Czech Republic, Belarus and the Baltic States - September 1;
  • Italy - October 1;
  • Sweden - August 15;
  • Greece - August 12;
  • Australia - February 1st.

In France and Spain there is no single clear deadline for the start of the school year.

For example, in African countries start school at a very early age. As a rule, at the age of 4, children already go to the first grade! But before becoming a full-fledged schoolchild, the child undergoes an interview, which assesses the level of his knowledge and preparedness. If the kid does not know the letters, then they do not take him to school. In order to increase the child's chances of entering school, he is sent to a preparatory studio in advance. There are classes in game form for children from three years old. Unfortunately, not all children receive education, since it is not compulsory in African countries.

Knowledge Day in South Korea is celebrated in March. Children enter school at the age of eight and take an entrance exam at the same time. Those who pass it better have the right to choose an educational institution at their discretion, while the rest - by distribution. That is why parents who want to send their child to an elite school are actively involved with him, starting from the age of 5-6.

In the UK, Knowledge Day is celebrated, like ours, in early September. Children go to school at the age of five. Classical British education means studying in boarding schools. This means that children leave the territory of the educational institution only during the holidays. The rest of the time they live in special school dormitories, and only occasionally do their parents come to visit them.

In Norway, the school year starts at the end of April. Children go to first grade at the age of six. A feature of Norwegian schools is the lack of canteens and school meals. Only the youngest are given yogurt and juice, and even then not in all schools. The rest of the children take food with them from home. Traditionally, a student brings classic sandwiches, an apple and a pack of juice or iced tea from home.

Like here, in the Czech Republic, Knowledge Day is celebrated on the first of September, and the age of those entering the first grade is six years. At the same time, no special knowledge and skills are required from first-graders. It is not necessary to read and write at all - everything will be taught in primary school. A conversation with a psychologist is obligatory, during which a conclusion will be made about the emotional readiness of the child for school workloads.

An unusual date for us to start the school year was chosen in India. Children go to school on June 1st. Moreover, in India it is not customary to vigorously celebrate Knowledge Day: there are no bouquets of flowers, no music, no white bows. But with early years children are instilled with a love of work and needlework. In Indian schools there are special workshops with looms, and each student must pass his "norm" of his own woven fabric! The money from the sale of the fabric goes to the needs of the school.

How good is it to have it installed Knowledge Day- judged by educators. But how wonderful it is to see schoolchildren from all over the country in festive uniform, with bouquets of flowers, with parents by the hand, going to school for their first school holiday of the year.

This is an old tradition associated with the annual cycle. Once upon a time, children helped adults to harvest, and they could only sit down at their desks after the entire harvest was harvested.

And on September 1, the new year once began, and this was enshrined in the church calendar. By the way, New Year in January - relatively " new date”, thanks to Tsar Peter, we celebrate it for only three hundred years, and humanity celebrates the September New Year for more than three thousand years (3000).

A hundred years ago rural schools they began to teach literacy on December 1, parochial - on September 1. City private schools, colleges, opened from August to October. And only state gymnasiums strictly adhered to the date - September 1.

This tradition, the universal beginning of education on the same day, was revived in 1930, and has been preserved to this day. In many neighboring countries - republics former USSR children start school as usual, on September 1, but in Georgia on the third or fourth Monday of September, and in Azerbaijan on September 15. Apparently, it is still too hot for residents of the Caucasus to go to school in early September.

How is the first day of school celebrated in different countries?

Sometimes they don’t celebrate in any way, but before that, they go to class with mom (dad) for a week, like in Palestine, to get used to school. Often on the first day, the kids do not have any classes - they have a tour of the school and its environs.

An interesting tradition among the Germans and Austrians is the “first-grader bag”, or, as it used to be called, the “sugar bag”. Previously, they put sweets, tasty surprises in it, now - not only. This bag may contain school supplies, gifts, toys.

This is a large paper bag, like a bag, which the first-grader brings sealed from home and opens only at school. The Austrians still like to make a bag in their national colors - red and white.

Israeli schools have their own traditions - the launch of balloons in the school yard. You write a wish on the balloon and release it into the sky!

Is there really so little holiday in the whole world on this day?

Of course not! The fact is that in many countries today children begin to study in kindergartens, in preparatory schools, and at 3 and 5 years. For them, September 1 is a transition from “class to class”, and study itself up to 9 years old is a continuous holiday.

And, of course, all over the world on this day they welcome a first grader, pay attention to teachers and parents, and how exactly - ice cream, flowers, fireworks - differs not even by country, but by schools and families.

When does the academic year start in different countries?

It is not so easy to answer this question, because in many countries the beginning of the school year is not such a clear date as it is in ours. And you can assign it yourself!

For example, the country of Germany consists of federal states, and Canada - of provinces, and each province, or land - as a small state - itself appoints itself the beginning of the school year.

If there are private schools and colleges in the country, they calmly push back the dates for the start of classes - we have a day earlier, and we have a week later! They do this for the convenience of children and parents, agreeing on this in advance.

Although schools are free to choose a specific day, in the US they must meet the period from mid-August to mid-September, in Spain, Italy - everyone must go to school before October 1. The beginning of the school year is often associated with the end of the harvest. We harvested, had fun - and now for the desks! In the lands of Germany, the date is more vague: during August-September, something like this in Hungary.

The distribution of "the first of September" for a whole month is convenient - parents are not in a hurry to "all of a sudden" return from holidays, there is no fuss in shops, trains, and workplaces.

The beginning of the school year in many countries is tied not to the date, but to the day of the week, for example: the second Monday of September, or "immediately after the holiday." It was on the first Tuesday of September, following Labor Day, that little Englishmen, Canadians, Americans went to school ...

As you can see, in many countries the “fruitful” August-September is a sure sign of the start of classes.

But not in Japan! Cherry blossoms in spring, the financial year begins in April, and on April 6-8, Japanese kids go to school.

In India, classes can start - in August, June, July, and even April. In the Philippines, classes begin in June, in Thailand - in May, in Singapore - in January.

On the other side of the Earth, in Australia, the school year starts in late January or early February, for example, on January 23rd.

In February, studies begin with little Brazilians, in March - with Argentines, in general, in the countries of South and Central America, “the first of September” in January, February, March, April is a normal thing.

Schoolchildren from South Africa also begin their studies in January.

Hobbit country New Zealand opens its doors to students in February.

Pupils South Korea will come to school in March.

First-graders are 6-7 years old, we think, but not necessarily! At what age does school start?

In Japan - from the age of 6.

In India - from the age of 5, from the age of 3 - "kindergarten-school".

In the Netherlands - from 4 - 5 years.

In Australia - from the age of 5.

In Hungary - you can do it for 6 years, you can later - when you are ready.

In Austria - from the age of 6.

Can you go to school at 10? At 9 years old?

Each country has a law according to which, starting, for example,from the age of 6, like ours , you have to start studying somewhere - at home, at school, at a boarding school, at a school for special or gifted children.