Mind blowing expressions. The patient is very weak. You do not love me

What do you mean:“Tell me about your experiences. I want to understand you."

What does he hear?"I want to know everything".

We need to talk.

What do you mean:"Let's discuss my new idea to conquer the world!"

What does he hear?"I know everything. You won't do well, bunny."

You do not love me.

What do you mean:"Tell me that you love me."

What does he hear?"You're not doing enough to make me believe in the sincerity of your feelings. A white gold ring would have saved the situation."

Why do you need a new TV?

What do you mean: You doubt the expediency of a new purchase, because the old TV is still working!

What he hears:"You're a stupid person who doesn't know how to manage money."


Act like a man!

What do you mean:"You're wrong, listen properly."

What does he hear?“Where are your balls, boy? You're behaving like a foolish girl."

You will do this for me, won't you?

What do you mean:“I need action. If you really love me, that's how it will be."

What does he hear?"I'm trying to manipulate you. And I'm very good at it, you won't risk doing it any other way."

Do you like her?

What do you mean:“Tell me that I am much better. And she sucks, even with her fourth size.

What does he hear?"Do you want to sleep with her?"

Wine shade or coral?

What do you mean:"Which color do you like best? I want to please you in a new dress,

What does he hear?"I want to torture you for the rest of my days with stupid questions about color shades."

What if we ever break up?

What do you mean:“I want to hear that this will never happen. I want to be sure of you."

What does he hear?"Give me a reason to call you a goat and a freak if something terrible happens."

Go for a walk with your friends, it's more interesting with them.

What do you mean:“Something we haven’t spent time alone for a long time.”

What does he hear?"You are a freak who does not understand his own happiness."

Why did you change your password? You are hiding something from me?

What do you mean:“Something is not clean here. Tell me your password. Now".

What does he hear?"I want to control your every move, whether you like it or not."

Well, then I would meet with her.

What do you mean:"What the hell, honey? I'm better, better than dogs."

What does he hear?“I don’t really need you, so roll away. No, come back."

No, I'm not offended.

What do you mean: Perhaps you are not offended.

What does he hear?"Absolutely, I was offended."

I am not like that.

What do you mean:“Such phrases are not about me, right?”

curator of belles-lettres

Clever words, borrowed from other languages, are designed to strike those around you with the intellect of the speaker or writer. And after all, many people want to know abstruse words for communication and their meaning, but they are too lazy to just look for them on the Internet and use them in simple speech. It's time to finally compile a dictionary of the most incomprehensible words in Russian and their meanings and memorize them! Where and how will it help you? For example, in reviews of new films, plays and books, in conversations with colleagues, in talk shows on TV and the blogosphere, here and there flicker with important view"insight", "kurtosis", "existential" and, of course, trendy "cognitive dissonance". And you do not understand a word, and no one wants to feel "close-minded" and ignorant.

Remember the proverb “The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won’t catch it”? Full list of the smartest words in the world that can be used for conversation, and we, of course, cannot give their meaning, but we bring to your attention a list of literate smart words for communicating with people (and their meaning) - a sort of mini-dictionary of popular clever expressions.

smart nouns

The most useful intricate words with meanings that everyone should know are nouns, because they are the basis of our speech. All these smart words, such as "insight", "collaboration", "frustration" ... So, we replenish the vocabulary with long smart words that you need to know by heart.


The English word addiction characterizes addiction, an addiction, a way of escaping from reality. Addictions are not only alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction, smoking. Psychologists assure: a similar addiction mechanism is found in those who overeat, live and burn at work, love extreme sports, spend days on the Internet, love creativity and ... fall in love. Another thing is that the forms of addiction are divided into acceptable by society, like the same workaholism or falling in love, and unacceptable, like excessive craving for alcohol.


Amphibolism is the ambiguity of a concept, its contradictory interpretation. As a rule, this word is rarely used - in dissertations, at court hearings, or in biochemical papers. But it’s not bad at all to understand if someone says “this is amphibolic” or “the amphibolic nature of this concept baffles me, because I adhered strictly to one line,” and you understand that it’s all just about the ambiguity of the concept you are discussing.


"Frenchman" vis-a-vis in Russian can be both an adverb ("sit vis-a-vis", that is, opposite each other), and a noun, moreover, masculine and female(“my smart counterpart”, “your beautiful counterpart”). You have every right to call your counterpart the one who is opposite you, with whom you are sitting face to face.


What did Stirlitz mean when he said: “I have an idiosyncrasy for rhyme”? The fact that he is completely devoid of a poetic gift. He was modest, of course ... The word with ancient Greek roots (idos - “separate, special”; synkrasis - “mixing”) was familiar only to physicians for a long time, but came into wide use as a synonym for the words “allergy”, “rejection”: “Yes, he has idiosyncrasy for everything new!”, “I have an idiosyncrasy for empty talk.”


Translated from English, "insight" (insight) literally means insight, insight. This concept is used in philosophy and psychology to convey insight, a sudden understanding of something that is not inferred from past experience. So someone will say: “And then it dawned on me!” – and someone will proudly say: “I had an insight!”


The association of several equal, independent participants in order to achieve common goals in fashion, art, business, science and education is called (from English collaboration - cooperation). For example, at the end of March in honor of the 50th anniversary of the fantastic franchise " Star Trek The cosmetics company MAS has announced the release of the Star Trek beauty collection. The make-up options will be borrowed from the movie characters of the franchise and brought to life with 25 limited-edition products for lips, eyes and face. The start of sales is in August 2016.


A phenomenon in which the interlocutor asks you a question again, although he heard it perfectly. Why is he doing this? Scientists say that a person does this consciously or subconsciously in order to have more time to formulate an answer. They (or their colleagues) are still arguing about the origin of the word. Many associate him with the American politician John Kerry, who at the end of 2015 could not immediately answer the question of a Russian student and asked him several times. If someone wants to accuse you of being slow to respond, tell him that this is nothing more than carrilism, and you need a couple of seconds to formulate an answer.


Remember this: "Do not touch me, old woman, I am in sorrow." It was not Ivan the Terrible who said this, but a lipophrenic. In more detail, a lipophrenic is a person who feels irresistible sadness, melancholy and does not know the reasons for the appearance of this condition. Lipophrenia, which is also called apathy, depression, melancholy, usually appears from being alone for a long time, from routine activities or insufficient activity (which is relevant for today's youth), as well as from a lack of positive emotions. If you don’t want to wear the not-so-proud name “lipophrenic”, do your favorite things more often, prefer live communication to virtual communication, walk more in the fresh air.


Have you ever met stones in the form of a heart or a tomato with a nose? If yes, then you are halfway to understanding the word “natiform”. But here is a more particular case, because a natiform is a natural formation that resembles the outlines of a female body or part of it. It could be a tree that you looked at from a certain angle and saw shoulders, chest, waist, hips… Or rocks in a rock looking so bizarre that it reminded you of your ex. These are all natiforms.


Have you noticed for some people that they repeat one word or phrase in almost every sentence? If not, you are lucky, and if you have met with this, congratulate your friend: he has palinphrasia. It is not contagious, but it is absolutely unpleasant when in every sentence you will be told "sir" or "I told you that ...". And so in a circle. As a result, you will not hear other words, lose the essence of the narrative and generally lose any interest in the conversation.


When this word is called, they usually remember its arithmetic “formula”: 1 + 1 = 3. The ancient Greek synergeia is translated as “cooperation, commonwealth”. It means an amazing effect that occurs when several subjects or objects interact. This summed effect exceeds the return from the actions of each participant in the process separately. An example of synergy: you have mastered a few secrets of applying concealer, and your friend knows all the intricacies of mascara. By sharing life hacks, both of you, without losing your previous experience, will gain a new one, that is, you will grow up in the art of makeup.


Philosophical movement in Ancient Greece, whose followers were famous for their ability to cunningly conduct scientific disputes, gave the name to verbal statements based on the juggling of facts, simplifications, and violations of logic. Another sophist (from the ancient Greek sophia - “skill, skill, cunning invention, trick, wisdom, knowledge”) is brilliantly able to prove obvious absurdity: “Half-empty is the same as half-full. If the halves are equal, then the whole ones are equal. Therefore, the empty is the same as the full. Therefore, sophistry in a figurative sense is called any speech that is built on false conclusions, but disguises itself as correct, logical.


Borrowed from the sports sphere, the word “touché” (touchér in French - touch) draws a line to a certain dispute, when one of the interlocutors recognizes the correctness, superiority of the other after a decisive argument or a verbal injection - what if you competed not in knowledge of the topic, but in wit? Touche, the argument is counted, as fencing injections or throws on the back of wrestlers, performed in accordance with all the rules, are counted.


Falling into a state of frustration (Latin frustratio - deceit, failure, futile expectation) means experiencing a whole range of negative feelings due to the inability to achieve what you want. For example, you were planning a vacation at sea, you had already packed your suitcase, and suddenly your boss postpones your vacation a month later because of an important project that you cannot do without. Naturally, you feel anger, despair, anxiety, irritation, disappointment and hopelessness ... Frequent experience of such states, psychologists say, spoils the character, strikes at self-esteem.


The namesake of the egoist, the egocentric (from the Latin words ego - "I" - and centrum - "center") is still not similar to him. The egocentric is self-centered inner world, point of view, his interests, needs and does not notice others, but is able to "move", help others, hear them if he is asked for support. Egocentrism in one way or another is inherent in everyone. The egoist sees other people's interests, but deliberately ignores them, opposes himself to others, always putting his person in the first place.


Latin excessus means "exit, evasion". In Russian, the word consonant with “process” has two meanings. The first is an extreme manifestation of something: “This is not literature, but graphomaniac excess!” The second is an emergency, a violation of the normal course of events: "Her gossip caused a real excess in the team."


A daring, shocking, provocative, headstrong stunt in the style of Salvador Dali, Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus, for example, a rotten herring on a hat or a dress made of raw meat - this is an escapade. The French word escapade also has a second meaning - an adventure trip - not in demand in our language.

Smart adjectives

After nouns, it's time to see a dictionary of smart adjectives for every day and their meanings, because it is the presence of adjectives in your speech that will distinguish you from other interlocutors. Decorate your speech with little-known smart words, believe me: this will help you in all areas of life. Such unfamiliar intelligent words (and their meanings) will help raise your status both among friends and among colleagues.


Formed from English adjective upscale - "high-quality, first-class, exclusive." Characterizes the absolute embodiment of the desired properties in any subject, object: upscale interior design, upscale sound, upscale image.


This adjective has nothing to do with a tree with fluffy buds, but very much so with our speech. Latin verbum is translated as "word", so "verbal" is verbal, oral. For example, verbal thinking, verbal intelligence, verbal method. There is also the adjective "non-verbal" - not having a verbal expression: non-verbal communication, non-verbal signals.


What do they mean when they talk about deviant behavior? The French word deviation characterizes a deviation from the norm, whether it is the position of a compass needle, the course of an aircraft or a ship, as well as a feature of the human psyche. In other words, deviant behavior destroys the personality and health of the one who prefers asocial image life, and also causes moral and material harm to others.


Translated from Latin, cognitio is knowledge, knowledge. The adjective "cognitive" describes a person's ability to acquire knowledge, the world and himself. This psychological term would not be so popular without its companion, the "Frenchman": dissonance means "discord, disharmony, inconsistency."

It turns out a kind of situation “you don’t understand mine”, when previous experience, already accumulated knowledge conflict with new information, new circumstances. There are two opposite ideas about the same thing in your head at once. Let's say your friend emphasizes that he really appreciates punctuality, you like it, and at the same time you do not remember a single meeting when he would not be late. So consider him punctual, organized, true to word and justify his behavior by chance or not? The need to choose one thing, evaluate and interpret the newly received picture becomes a cause of mental discomfort.

A synonym for "cognitive dissonance" can be called another stable phrase, the meaning of which not everyone knows. This is a pattern break. This is a broader concept, but the essence is the same: you had some kind of scheme in your head regarding a person, concept, phenomenon, and overnight this scheme collapses due to new knowledge. It turns out that twice two is not always four. Like this?..


WITH English word"Smart" is translated as "smart", "smart". It is this meaning of the word "smart" that is now used in Russia. It cannot be said that it is firmly planted in the minds of Russians, but if you do not know what a “smart watch” or “smart television”, and even more so a “smartphone”, is shame and shame on you. Simply put, the prefix (or part of the word) “smart” means “smart”: smartphone = smart phone, smart watch = smart watch, etc. As you probably noticed, the word "smart" is used specifically with high-tech items, so when using it, follow the context.


An adjective with English roots (transparent - transparent) is held in high esteem by politicians, bloggers and even cosmetologists. The former conclude transparent agreements and voice transparent positions without secrets or omissions, while the latter swear to be as open and sincere with the audience as possible. And transparent, that is, transparent powder does not look like a mask on the face and at the same time perfectly mattifies it. Yes, she can’t hide skin imperfections, but that’s another topic for conversation.


There is a good understandable word "incomprehensible". And when, outside of philosophical debate, one wants to give speeches intellectual depth, some flaunt the Latin "transcendent" (transcendentis) with the same meaning. And now the speaker or writer and his audience begin to search for and discuss transcendental meanings, connections, feelings...


Banal, boring, ordinary, primitive, ordinary - that's how many synonyms the adjective "trivial" has. It is of French ancestry, and mother tongue trivial means the same thing - something ordinary. Fewer interlocutors for you with trivial thoughts and anecdotes, theatrical productions and a movie premiere with a trivial plot!


Another philosophical concept associated with being, human life. latin word existentia is translated as "existence". There are many things that influence our days, but the use of the epithet "existential" adds to these "agents of influence" of universal scale. existential problems, crises, experiences - these are phenomena that exist at the basis of the world, manifested in reality and often beyond the control of the will of man.


In general, if not all new words could immediately fit into your head, we advise you to compile a dictionary of complex intellectual words for conversation that few people know, with their meaning, of course, and use them as often as possible - in correspondence, when writing in a diary, in a conversation . Only in this way it will not become empty information that you will forget about when you close this page. And by the way: do not think that this is shameful or feigned. It is not at all shameful to look for and memorize tricky words with definitions in order to seem smart. After all, the request Difficult words with explanations for smart people” is found in Runet very often. Note that for already “smart people”, stupid people will not even look for this.

So much has been said about the uniqueness of the Russian language that it can be quite forgivable that it is impossible to form equally powerful artistic images in other languages. In fact, this is not true, people generally tend to exaggerate their own exclusivity in any field. For example, the ability to compose a variety of abstruse phrases is characteristic of the vast majority of languages, but this in itself is so interesting phenomenon which requires close study.

What is "zaum"?

The very concept of "abstruse" implies something that is beyond the mind and standard logic. Abstruse phrases are expressions where the semantic component is violated or completely absent, even if the general context seems extremely intellectual. In this case, the meaning can be violated both accidentally and intentionally. Ideally, this is a kind of mental gymnastics, a game with testing the capabilities of the language, contributing to its development. Otherwise, we are talking about demagogy, when the interlocutor tries to manipulate listeners, giving them a false impression of their own education. A striking example is Golokhvastov's monologue from the film "Chasing Two Hares" with the refrain "this is very, very".

Abstruse phrases and their role in communication

Many authors are happy to use such a technique as zaum in literary works. This is done not at all in order to confuse the reader, but rather to connect intuitive-emotional understanding. The absence of the usual elements of the language makes the reader turn off rational thinking as unnecessary, this reveals new facets of understanding.

In communication, abstruse phrases are used for entertainment or as an expressive device. You can also manipulate the impression of the interlocutor, here the principle of action is based precisely on the predominance of the intuitive-emotional spectrum, the meaning becomes secondary. Around the eighties of the last century, a phrase that began with the words "from the point of view of banal erudition" gained popularity. This was followed by a heap of any pseudo-scientific nonsense, the main thing was that the phrase sounded impressive and allowed to demonstrate the remarkable intelligence of the speaker.

Types of abstruse expressions

Zaum lends itself to a very conditional classification, since semantic connections are deliberately destroyed in it. The famous doctor of philology, Gerald Janechek, at one time proposed four categories depending on the level at which each particular expression violates the academic language norm: phonetic, morphological, syntactic and supersyntactic zaum. At the same time, the studied strange phrases can combine all four categories without any system.

If we consider these expressions without delving into philology, then they can be conditionally divided into strange, smart, pseudo-intelligent, stupid and completely meaningless. There is a lot to do with puns, wordplay, and aerobatics is the compilation of a harmonious linguistic construction, even if these are phrases without meaning. “Pig Latin” or “bird language” has a very distant resemblance to zaum - the encryption of a message that creates the illusion of meaningless abracadabra.

A special category of zaumi includes all kinds of slanders that have mystical or religious significance. In this case, the intuitive component of reason, emotions, also becomes the main one. Shamanic recitative helps to enter a trance, a meditative state. Some experts consider such practices useful, they see them as a relaxing activity for the brain, tired of mental efforts in a rational plane. Meditation itself is really beneficial, clearing the mind, renewing and restarting the ability to think constructively. Voice accompaniment and spells in this case are only an auxiliary element.

Attractive nonsense

The classic "glocked buzzard" that "curls the bokren" is not the only strange creature invented by the masters of the language. Lewis Carroll at one time pleased with a poem about the Jabberwock, in which some "flimsy shorts poked around the nave." These abstruse phrases, despite the presence of incomprehensible creatures, are built according to the connections of semantics and morphology. They can be summarized by the scheme "a certain creature performed some action in relation to someone or in a certain place."

Another thing is a set of vague words that are woven into an absolutely meaningless message. Quote from the Soviet comedy of 1959 "The Unyielding": "Of course, well, not without that, it is, of course, actually literally, if you raise the question and immediately drop it, then raise it and immediately sharpen it, then it is, of course, that and! Not without it! Then it is, of course, actually, literally!” - a vivid example of malice using classical zaumi. Another similar work begins with the words “it is, of course, it is understandable, it is not something, or how, or in any way, or what.” In this case, the interpretation is read exclusively through intonation, facial expressions, gestures, or additional context.

Sometimes such expressions are obtained by chance, if a person cannot immediately find words, but they need to speak. At the same time, speech does not keep up with thoughts, excitement affects. A striking example is an interview with young fashion model Yulia Golubtsova, which instantly came under the crossfire of commentators on the Internet. “I'm going to win. I'm into myself if something, I still think that some may be something. But I'm still going to win." The incoherent phrase, escaping solely because of excitement, instantly became a popular meme.

Another category of nonsense is abracadabra children's counting rhymes. They may be wholly meaningless, or only partially. “Eni beni slave, quinter finter toad” is a well-known rhyming counting rhyme, one of many. Rhyming word formations that do not make sense, among themselves or with already familiar words, is not just child's play, but a real training that brings up a "sense of language". Kids, pronouncing funny rhymes, train to perceive the meaning, draw conclusions, and all this in a playful way.

Popularization of philosophy

If earlier philosophy was the lot of the elite, then with the advent of the Internet it became accessible to the general public, and this led to the inevitable simplification, the emergence of pseudo-philosophical reasoning. Of course, interesting statements can delight, encourage reflection on eternal topics, spur curiosity.

The popularity of social networks has led to the fact that many quotes are attributed to people who never said it, there are distortions of meaning, new variations, stopping part of the expression or other changes. For example, Karl Marx did call religion the opiate of the people, but he borrowed this from earlier writers. Charles Kingsley, the Anglican priest from whom Marx took this comparison, was referring to opium as a pain reliever. Why did all sorts of philosophical phrases become so popular?

Why is it often precisely philosophical reasoning that can be called abstruse? In fact, there is a substitution of meaning here, which often happens in the everyday use of various words. It turns out that in a number of cases the word "abstruse" is interpreted as "too smart, the smartest, simple reason cannot understand, you need to have an outstanding intellect to make out the meaning."

Illusion of intelligence: to be or to seem?

Forming an image for many people is a rather painstaking task; not only a carefully worked out appearance is brought to the public, but also scrupulously selected speech techniques. It cannot be unequivocally stated that this is bad, but quoting interesting statements and deep philosophical reasoning, people just demonstrate a good memory. If the blanks are pronounced in the topic of conversation, it is appropriate, then this already indicates the work of the intellect.

With memorizing other people's wise thoughts, you should be more careful. It is not enough to memorize, it is desirable to understand the meaning of the phrase, be able to build your own judgment on it and apply it in time. If you quote out of place, you can get a diametrically opposite result, even if you reason "from the point of view of banal erudition."

In order not to spoil the image with an unsuccessfully chosen quote, it is worth training. Practice actually helps to master the primary techniques of rhetoric, and if there is a desire to develop this talent, then it makes sense to take courses in oratory.

How to use philosophical phrases?

Perhaps the safest option is to quote with a preliminary pronunciation like "this reminded me of a statement." In no case do not try to attribute other people's phrases to yourself, the interlocutors may be aware of the authorship, and it will turn out awkward.

In most cases short sentences can be used as an epigraph, a signature on a forum or a status in social networks. The Internet allows you to share a phrase that is successful in your opinion without the obligatory justification of citation. In real communication, this does not look so organic, and it needs to be tied to the context of the conversation or to the situation, but the ability to actively use non-verbal signals is added.

A timely quote as a facet of wit

Not every person is able to generate unique witticisms - impromptu masters are not as common as we would like. Therefore, there is nothing reprehensible in using some funny abstruse phrases solely as a way to defuse the situation, add a little humor and positive to the conversation. Perhaps the Internet has made its contribution here too - the abundance of citation opportunities in social networks very quickly penetrated into real life. People use funny memes in everyday speech, quote something they read on the web or in fiction.

Interestingly, sometimes stupid phrases give a better result than another verse by Omar Khayyam or a wise thought from the works of Kant. The secret lies in the harmonious combination of the purposes of quoting, the successful choice of expression, accompanying facial expressions and intonation, as well as relevance.

Learning to be timely is not as easy as it seems. This requires persistent training, and mistakes cannot be avoided. In a similar way, teachers foreign languages It is recommended that communication with native speakers be included in the study program. Mistakes are inevitable, but if you don't practice, you won't succeed. In the vast majority of cases, the interlocutors are tolerant of the mistakes of beginners, many patiently correct them, give advice, gently “drawing” neophytes into the language environment.

Sarcasm or trolling tool

Zaum and pseudo-philosophy are successfully used as weapons during disputes both in real communication and on the Internet. Perhaps, on the Internet, the quoted phrase can be even more successfully colored if appropriate emoticons or illustrations are used. Sometimes a randomly found picture with a caption turns out to be so consonant with the mood or some life events that it becomes much easier and more logical to simply repost. Of course, an abstruse phrase for a joke can also be used unsuccessfully, but in the vast majority of cases, it is possible to correct the impression with additional messages or a sign with the inscription "sarcasm".

Very often zaum is used as an element of trolling. It is possible to crush the interlocutor with intelligence only if there is one, but the abundance of well-memorized preparations can create the impression of a superior mind and make the victim more vulnerable. Another variant of manipulation is pressure with the help of a senseless flood, any expressions are quite suitable for this. The success of trolling is measured by the intensity of the victim's emotional response.

Image element

The ability to briefly and succinctly formulate one's own thoughts is not really innate. It can be brought up, reading is perfect for this - whole verbal constructions are subconsciously remembered. So popular short statements found on the Internet can also be useful. Of course, this is not reading literature, but it is very close to it in terms of the technique of memorizing whole expressions. A person who learns enough philosophical statements may eventually begin to formulate his own. This is also the gymnastics of the mind, a way to hone it.

Abstruse phrases, which are somehow present in speech, allow you to form a certain image. An excess of pseudoscientific zaum will lead to the fact that someone will consider a person boring, but there will certainly be people tuned to the same wavelength.

Valued in any society. It is easier for a person who knows how to correctly and competently compose a dialogue to find a job, get a promotion, make new acquaintances. Others listen to him more often, his monologue will never seem inappropriate or stupid.

But the paradox is that in order for others to perceive you as an intelligent and educated person, it is enough to replenish your vocabulary with only about fifty words. It is enough to use some for communication in order to appear in the eyes of others as an extraordinary, creative person.

The art of competent communication

It will not be difficult to master if desired. A confident voice will be much more important, clear diction and the appropriateness of the use of certain words. Surely you have come across a situation in life when a person, while conducting a dialogue, is struggling to use abstruse words for communication, sometimes applying them completely out of place and in the wrong declension. Such attempts look ridiculous and ridiculous. To prevent this from happening to you, armed vocabulary for all occasions, do not be too lazy to find out the exact meaning of words, their synonyms and antonyms, declension, gender and stress. Only in this way will you be able to correctly and competently use them in a conversation.

Getting rid of banality

The first thing you should do is to try to minimize the use of hackneyed expressions and words that you use in your everyday life. For example, a banal set of words like “good”, “beautiful”, “smart”, etc. can be replaced with less hackneyed, alternative options, because for each of them you can use explanatory dictionary pick up at least a dozen synonyms.

For example, the word “beautiful”, depending on the situation, can be replaced by “bright”, “graceful”, “luxurious”, “incomparable”, “magnificent”, “delightful”. "Useful" in daily conversation can be used as "profitable", "fruitful", "expedient", "practical", "necessary". Even to simple word"smart" has many synonyms. They should be remembered and appealed as needed. Here are some of them: "witty", "resourceful", "quick-witted", "worthy", "wise", "intelligent".

It also does not hurt to learn some thanks to which you can produce the desired effect on others:

Idiosyncrasy - intolerance.

Transcendental - abstract, mental, theoretical.

Esotericism is a mystical teaching.

A truism is a well-known fact, statement or opinion.

Euphemism is the replacement of harsh, rude words and expressions with more acceptable and softer ones.

Sophistry - the ability to bitingly argue, skillfully juggle words.

Eclecticism is a combination of diverse theories, views or things.

Homogeneous - homogeneous.

Invective - abuse, obscene abuse.

Decadence is a decline.

Hyperbole is an exaggeration.

Frustration is disappointment.

Discourse - conversation, conversation.

At first, using smart words for communication, you may experience some awkwardness in conversation, your tongue will seem to be weaving and stumbling over “new expressions”. It's not scary, a new colloquial form, like a new pair of shoes, should be broken in. After a while, without hesitation, you will pick up more successful synonyms and expressions to express your opinion.

Speech-cluttering expressions

The most difficult thing in this process can be learning to notice them in your own speech. If you cannot notice them on your own, you may need the help of loved ones with whom you often communicate, or a voice recorder. At the next stage, you should learn to either skip them or replace them with smart words for communication; to consolidate the result, you also need to periodically listen to your own monologue recorded on a voice recorder. In the process of mastering the organization and setting up your own speech, try to speak thoughtfully, logically building each phrase, only in this way after a while you will be able to master the art of competent dialogue.

By learning how to clearly build sentences, using smart words for communication, getting rid of clogged expressions, you can make an excellent impression, because the more competently a person speaks, the more reasonable and successful he seems to his interlocutors.