Note the didactic rules for conducting the exercise. Exercise as a psychological, didactic and methodological concept. Didactic games are their essence

Victoria Glavatskikh
The concepts of "didactic game" and "didactic exercise"

concept« didactic game» And « didactic exercise» .

Didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon; it is both a game method of teaching children, and a form of learning, and an independent game activity, and a means of forming in children various qualities, skills, abilities.

The origins of the combination of teaching young children with play are in folk pedagogy. People created games like "Okay", "Magpie - white-sided", "Ghouls - ghouls" and many others. Mother, playing with a child, teaches to perform elementary game actions. Naming parts of the body, objects or play actions, gently saying, the mother lays the very first foundations of learning. mother tongue, creates the joy of communication. K. D. Ushinsky highly valued the games lovingly created by the people for children. He pointed out that games, maternal chants, nursery rhymes, jokes, little tales contain accessible forms of education, they are close to children in content, in game actions, images, and P. Usova, noting the educational impact of games, wrote: "Each a game, if it is within the power of the child, puts him in a position where his mind works lively and energetically, actions are organized. Folk pedagogy skillfully solved the problem of the connection between learning and play and made a well-known contribution to understanding the features of the learning game.

Didactic game as a teaching method is presented in two types: activity games and didactic, or autodidactic, games. The use of various components of gaming activities in the process of playing games alternates with questions, instructions, explanations, demonstrations. The basis of such games is a game plot, a variety of game actions.

Didactic game as a form of education contains two start: educational (cognitive) and gaming (entertaining). The learning process acquires an emotional-cognitive character. Learning takes place in the process of active and intensive play activities for children. A. P. Usova, estimating didactic game and its role in the education system, wrote: « Didactic games , game tasks and techniques can increase the susceptibility of children, diversify learning activities child, bring entertainment.

Didactic game It also acts as a means of developing individual qualities, skills, and abilities in a child.

In general, analyzing the works of Sorokina, Udaltsova, Avanesova, Bondarenko, etc., we can consider didactic such games, which have a special educational and gaming structure, It highlights the following elements: didactic task, game task, game actions, rules of the game.

Didactic the task is the first necessary element of the learning game and is aimed at communicating, consolidating, systematizing knowledge, mastering methods of action, shaping children's attitudes to objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, and developing cognitive activity.

The next important component didactic games is a game task. V. N. Avanesova points out that an educational, cognitive task should be set for children through a game task that is close to the motives of children's play.

Didactic task, thus, as if disguised, hidden from the child. Under these conditions, the relationship between children and adults is determined not by the educational situation (the educator teaches, and the children learn from him), but by the game, by the fact that the educator and children are primarily participants in the same game.

As soon as this principle is violated, i.e., the playful nature of the relationship between the teacher and children disappears, the educator takes the path of direct teaching, didactic game ceases to be itself, falls into the category exercises. To avoid this, every didactic the game should be presented with a detailed game action.

As noted in the works of F. N. Bleher, E. I. Udaltsova and other authors, didactic game becomes a game due to the presence of game moments: expectations and surprises, elements of a puzzle, movement, competition, allocation of roles, etc. “If there is a game action didactic games are clothed in game form. The child's attention is directed to the unfolding of the play action, and already in the process of play, he imperceptibly performs the learning task. Playful action creates interest in children didactic task of the game. Therefore, the more interesting the game action, the more successfully the children solve the learning task, ”I. Udaltsova pointed out. It is essential that the main stimulus for cognitive activity, the motive for performing didactic the task is not a direct indication of the educator and the desire of children to learn from him, but the natural for schoolchildren is striving not play, the desire to achieve the game goal, win, this is what makes children perceive better, listen carefully, quickly focus on the desired property, as required by the conditions and rules of the game, and thereby acquire the necessary knowledge and methods of action.

The basis of construction didactic game, the main tool management teacher cognitive and play activities of children are the rules of the game. “The rules take the lead in the game didactic value, through them the educator directs the game along a given path, connects didactic and game tasks, organizes the behavior and relationship of children in the game. Without pre-established rules, the game action unfolds spontaneously and didactic goals may remain unfulfilled,” V. N. Avanesova pointed out the importance of the rules. Didactic the appointment of rules is carried out due to the fact that they represent a fairly precisely fixed mode of action, develop in children the ability of self-organization and mutual organization.

Disclosure of features didactic game, the game character of its various sides, elements and links - setting and ways of solving educational goals, motives and results of the child's activity, the relationship between the teacher and children reveals the need to highlight another form of organized learning - didactic exercises, based didactic exercises lies repeated reproduction, repetition, training in one or another action. The child gets the opportunity to act with a specially designed didactic teaching material. Learning here acquires a kind of educational and practical character, different from the direct teaching impact in the classroom and the game impact in the classroom. didactic game. Inclusion in didactic The kindergarten process, along with classes, also significantly increases the effectiveness of learning, allows for a rational combination and change of activities, prevents fatigue, and maintains high performance of children throughout the entire study period.

By the nature of the material used didactic games are conventionally divided into games with objects and toys, desktop-printed and verbal. Games with objects and toys are most accessible to children, because they are based on direct perception, correspond to the child’s desire to act with things and thus get to know them, Play in these games the child begins in early age and does not lose his interest in them throughout the whole school age.

Board printed games, as well as games with objects, are based on the principle of visibility, but in these games children are given not the object itself, but its image.

The most difficult verbal games: they are not related to the direct perception of the subject, in them children must operate with ideas. These games have great importance for the development of the child’s thinking, because in them children learn to express independence of judgment, draw conclusions and conclusions, and notice logical errors. Consequently, these games develop the ability to listen carefully, quickly find the right answer to the question posed, accurately and clearly formulate one's thoughts, and apply previously acquired knowledge.

Thus, didactic game as a learning tool, it provides the formation of new and consolidation of existing knowledge, teaches children to use the acquired knowledge in various conditions, promotes the development of independence and activity of thinking, Consideration didactic game phenomena of organized learning, as one of the forms of organization of learning in kindergarten presupposes the existence and interrelation of the following components: didactic, game task and game action, rules.


1. Usova A. P. Education in kindergarten. Ed. A. V. Zaporozhets. M., Education, 1981

2. Udaltsova E. I. Didactic games in the education and training of preschoolers. Minsk, 1976

3. Udaltsov B.I. Didactic games. M.; Uchpedgiz, 1963

4. Lyurikova I., Role didactic games and exercises in the formation of grammatically correct speech children. Preschool education - 1988 No. 2

5. Tyurikova I. Role didactic games and exercises in the formation of grammatically correct speech of children. Preschool education - 1988 No. 3

Exercise - repeated repetition by the child of mental or practical actions of a given content. Thanks to exercises, children master various ways of mental activity, they form a variety of skills (educational, practical).

A significant part of the content of preschool education can be acquired by the child through exercises. To learn how to sing, dance, perform basic and sports movements, speak correctly, pronounce sounds clearly, draw, sculpt, a child needs to master the appropriate methods of action. Many exercises are subject-based, i.e. their implementation requires the use of objects, toys, didactic material. For example, children learn the concepts of equality and inequality of groups of objects by exercising on handouts (handing out balls to dolls, the child sets their equal or unequal number). The teacher teaches the child to pronounce, name the actions with the didactic material that he performs. This serves as a preparation for the "curtailment" of objective actions, their transfer to the internal plane, which makes the child capable of performing purely verbal exercises.

Different types of exercises are used in teaching preschoolers. In some cases, children perform exercises imitating the teacher (imitative exercises). These include exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus, for the consolidation of cultural and hygienic skills, with didactic toys, etc. Exercises of another type are called constructive, because in them the child realizes tasks similar to those that he solved under the guidance of a teacher.

Exercises are carried out in certain system, which is built on the basis of gradually becoming more complex knowledge and skills, and also corresponds to the training program for a specific age group. The complication of exercises occurs due to changes in the nature of knowledge and skills that are given to the child, as well as due to an increase (decrease) in the time for their implementation.

Didactic rules for conducting exercises are as follows:

- set a learning task for the children, say what they have to do (we will learn how to make clothes for a doll out of paper, make sentences, solve problems, replant plants, etc.);

- show how to perform actions with simultaneous verbal explanation. (Gradually, the child forms an image of the upcoming activity, in accordance with which he performs the exercise.) In case of difficulty, remind, with the help of a question, draw the attention of children to difficult, incomprehensible things, sometimes prompt, advise, encourage. If the method of action turns out to be difficult (wash and wipe the toy), allow the kids to perform it in stages immediately after the demonstration and explanation of the teacher;

- for the assimilation of knowledge and skills, repeated exercises are required, but with a gradually becoming more complex task, with the introduction of new methods of work, using other subject equipment. Repeated exercises should include conditions, tasks that require children to show creativity;

- the performance of exercises by children needs to be controlled by the teacher, otherwise erroneous methods of work, distorted knowledge may be fixed. To move from direct control (through a game image, analysis of activity products) to indirect control, gradually developing elements of self-control in children.

Experiences and experimentation. Elementary experiences and experiments that are used in preschool education are aimed at helping the child acquire new knowledge about a particular subject. In the course of experiments and experiments, the child acts on an object in order to learn its properties, connections, etc.

In domestic science experimentation is regarded as a special form of the child's search activity.

For the assimilation of certain features and properties of objects, it is effective search actions of the child aimed at a certain result. For example, the educator organizes a simple experiment, during which preschoolers, through search actions, identify the properties (swim-sink) of various objects: they lower a button, a plank, a boat, a nail in turn into a basin of water, having previously made assumptions about their ability to swim. Thanks to search actions, visual-effective thinking develops. Search actions that are stimulated by the teacher in the learning process are aimed at a cognitive result, this is their pedagogical value.

Many objects, substances (water, sand, etc.) have signs that are directly perceived with the help of the senses (color, size, shape, smell) and hidden, not amenable to such direct perception (fragility, the transition of water from one state to another, etc. .).

Identification of hidden signs is carried out with the help of elementary experiments. During their course, the teacher, together with the children, creates special conditions that help to identify one or another hidden feature. Such are the experiments of turning water into steam, snow into water; experiments with sand and clay, with wax.

Experiments help children to better comprehend the phenomena that occur in the world around them, to find out the connections between them. Through experiments and experimentation, the child develops observation, the ability to compare, compare, make assumptions, and draw conclusions.

Modeling - a visual-practical teaching method. The model is a generalized image of the essential properties of the modeled object (room plan, geographic map, globe, etc.).

The modeling method developed by D. B. Elkonin, L. A. Venger, N. A. Vetlugina, N. N. Poddyakov, is that the child’s thinking is developed using special schemes, models that are visual and accessible to him. form reproduce the hidden properties and relationships of an object.

The modeling method is based on the principle of substitution: the child replaces a real object with another object, its image, some conventional sign. Initially, the ability to replace is formed in children in the game (a pebble becomes a candy, sand becomes a porridge for a doll, and he himself becomes a dad, a driver, an astronaut). The experience of substitution is also accumulated during the development of speech, in visual activity.

IN preschool pedagogy models for teaching children have been developed sound analysis words (L.E. Zhurova), designing (L.A. Paramonova), for the formation of natural history knowledge (N.I. Vetrova, E.F. Terentyeva), ideas about the work of adults (V.I. Loginova, N.M. . Krylova), and others. The main purpose of models is to facilitate the child's knowledge, to open access to hidden, not directly perceived properties, qualities of things, their connections. These hidden properties and connections are very essential for a cognizable object. As a result, the child's knowledge rises to a higher level of generalization, approaches concepts.

IN preschool education different types of models are used. First of all, subject, in which design features, proportions, the relationship of parts of any objects are reproduced. These can be technical toys that reflect the principle of the mechanism; building models. At present, a lot of literature has appeared, manuals for children, where models are presented that, for example, introduce the sense organs (device of the eye, ear), with internal structure organism (the connection of vision, hearing with the brain, and the brain with movements). Education using such models leads children to realize their capabilities, teaches them to be attentive to their mental and physical health.

Senior preschoolers have access to subject-schematic models in which essential features and relationships are expressed using substitute objects, graphic signs. An example of such a model is the calendar of nature kept by children, using special symbolic icons to designate phenomena in inanimate and animate nature.

It should be borne in mind that the use of models is possible provided that preschoolers have the skills to analyze, compare, generalize, and abstract from non-essential features when cognizing the subject. Mastering the model is associated with active cognitive exploratory activities, with the ability to replace objects by means of conventional signs and symbols.

Game Methods: The advantage of game methods and teaching methods lies in the fact that they arouse increased interest in children, positive emotions help years and techniques to focus on the educational task, which becomes not imposed from the outside, but a desired, personal goal. The solution of a learning problem during the game is associated with less expenditure of nervous energy, with minimal volitional effort.

Game methods and techniques are characterized by a number of features. First of all, they transfer the learning action to a conditional plan, which is set by the appropriate system of rules or scenario. Another feature is that the child is required to fully enter the game situation. Consequently, the teacher must also play with children and refuse direct teaching influence, remarks, censures.

Game methods and techniques are quite diverse. The most common is didactic game. It has two functions in the learning process(A.P. Usova, V.N. Avanesova). First function- improvement and consolidation of knowledge. For example, children distinguish and name colors, and in the didactic game "Traffic Light" this knowledge is rebuilt in accordance with the assimilation of traffic rules. The essence of the second function of the didactic game is that children acquire new knowledge and skills of different content.

As game method uses an imaginary situation in expanded form: with roles, play activities, appropriate play equipment. For example, to improve knowledge about plants, to develop coherent speech, the game "Flower Shop" is played, to clarify knowledge about hometown- a game-journey, to enrich ideas about arts and crafts - games "Exhibition", "Souvenir Shop", "Journey to the Past". Sometimes it is advisable to use such a component of the game as a role in teaching. Grandmother Riddle makes riddles, the Distracted Man, as always, confuses everything, and the children correct him. The role can be "performed" by a toy. For example, Petrushka asks children to teach him polite words, rules of conduct.

Important for increasing the activity of children in the classroom are such playing tricks, as the sudden appearance of objects, toys, the performance of various game actions by the educator. These techniques, by their unexpectedness, unusualness, evoke a keen sense of surprise, which is the prologue of any knowledge (suddenly the teacher “turned” into Chanterelle with a rolling pin and on her behalf talks about his “adventures”, suddenly there was a knock on the door and Winnie the Pooh entered).

On a great emotional upsurge, classes are held, including dramatizations short stories, poems, everyday scenes, elements of dramatization.

Game techniques include guessing and guessing riddles, introducing elements of competition (in older groups), creating a game situation (“Let's show our toys to the bear”; “Let's teach Parsley to wash our hands”; “Let's help the bunny arrange the pictures”).

Verbal methods and techniques allow in the shortest time transfer information to children, set them a learning task, indicate ways to solve it. It was noted above that verbal methods and techniques are combined with visual, game, practical methods, making the latter more effective. Purely verbal methods in teaching preschoolers are of limited value. Working with children preschool age When only initial ideas about the world around are formed, it is not enough just to read, to tell - it is necessary to show the objects themselves or their image. As children gain experience, the volume of visual material may be reduced, as they gradually develop the ability to understand educational material, which is presented mainly in verbal form.

The teacher's story is the most important verbal method , which allows children to present educational material in a form that is accessible to children. In the story, knowledge of different content is conveyed in a figurative form. These may be stories about current events; about the seasons; about writers, composers, artists; about your hometown, etc.. Literary works are used as material for stories (stories by K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy, V.V. Bianka, V.A. Oseeva, etc.). The stories of the teacher from personal experience are very interesting for preschoolers.

The story is one of the most emotional methods of verbal learning. Usually it has a strong impact on the child, as the educator puts his attitude to the events that he tells about. Fluency in educational material gives the teacher the opportunity to communicate with children at ease, notice their reaction, strengthen or, on the contrary, extinguish it using facial expressions, gestures, and speech expressive means.

The story achieves its goal in teaching children if the main idea, thought is clearly traced in it, if it is not overloaded with details, and its content is dynamic, consonant with the personal experience of preschoolers, evokes a response and empathy in them. Of no small importance for the perception of the story are the artistry of its form, the novelty and unusualness of information for children, the expressiveness of an adult's speech. Before the story, the teacher sets an educational and cognitive task for the children. In the process of telling the story with intonation, rhetorical questions, he draws their attention to the most essential.

The ability to understand a story, i.e., the ability to listen, respond to content, answer questions, and simply retell, develops in the third year of life. In younger groups, the story is accompanied by a demonstration of visual material (objects, their images). So the images of the characters are clarified, the perception of the sequence of events is facilitated. Visual material is also used in teaching middle-aged and older children, when the story tells about events that were not in personal experience children (feats of Russian heroes, space flights and so on.). In such cases, verbal images are based on visual ones. But in older groups it is not recommended to abuse visual material: children should be taught to think on the basis of words, develop the ability to learn orally, without relying on visuals, when it comes to those objects that they are familiar with from past experience.

Conversation It is used in cases where children have some experience and knowledge about the objects and phenomena to which it is dedicated. During the conversation, the knowledge of children is clarified, enriched, systematized. Participation in a conversation instills a number of useful skills and abilities: listening to each other, not interrupting, supplementing, but not repeating what has already been said, tactfully and kindly evaluate statements. Conversation requires concentration of thinking, attention, the ability to control one's behavior. It teaches to think logically, to speak out definitely, to draw conclusions, generalizations. Through the content of the conversation, the teacher brings up the feelings of children, forms an attitude to the events in question.

Conversation is a dialogic teaching method, which assumes that all participants in the conversation can ask questions and answer, express their point of view. The task of the teacher is to build a conversation in such a way that the experience of each child becomes the property of the entire team.(E. A. Flerina).

Ethical conversations are aimed at educating moral feelings, the formation of moral ideas, judgments, and assessments. Ethical discussion topics may include:

“About politeness”, “How to behave at home and on the street”, “About a friend and friendship”, “My beloved grandmother”, etc. It is advisable to combine ethical conversation with reading a work of art, showing illustrative material, and showing a film.

The topics of cognitive conversations are determined by the training program. It is also closely connected with the content of children's lives, the events of current life, with the surrounding nature and the work of adults.

According to didactic purposes, introductory and generalizing (final) conversations are distinguished. The purpose of the introductory conversation is to prepare children for the upcoming activities, observation. To this end, the teacher reveals the experience of children, actualizes the knowledge that will become the basis for the perception of new objects, phenomena, arouses interest in upcoming activities, sets practical or cognitive tasks.

A generalizing (final) conversation is conducted with the aim of summarizing, clarifying, systematizing the knowledge acquired by children on a particular topic of educational work over a sufficiently long period of time. During the conversation, children are asked questions aimed at establishing connections, relationships, generalizing the acquired knowledge. Such techniques as the stories of the teacher and children, reading poems, listening to music, commenting on visual material are also effective.

Reading fiction. Fiction- a source of knowledge about the world around, the most important means of educating the child's feelings, developing thinking, imagination, memory. In preschool education, reading works of art pursues another task, namely: the formation in children of the ability to perceive and comprehend a work of art. This task is connected with the development of the child's visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking. Its solution largely depends on the level of emotional development of children: the impact of a literary work is the stronger, the thinner and deeper baby feels, understands the experiences of other people, imbued with them.

Reading works of art for educational purposes involves the observance of a number of didactic requirements. It is necessary to select works that are valuable in educational terms, corresponding to the age and level of development of children. The teacher prepares children for the perception of the work with a short conversation, sets them an educational and cognitive task. Combinations of reading with other methods, in particular with visual ones, should be considered (here, the same rules apply to the storytelling method). After reading, a conversation is held that helps the child to better understand the content of the work. During the conversation, the teacher tries to strengthen his emotional and aesthetic impact on the pupils.

In the learning process, verbal techniques are used: questions to children, instructions, explanations, explanations, pedagogical assessment.

In teaching preschoolers, it is necessary to combine different types of questions (A.I. Sorokina):

Requiring a simple statement known to the child facts (such as who?, what?, what?, where?, when?);

Encouraging children to mental activity, to the formulation of conclusions, conclusions (such as why ?, why ?, why ?, for what purpose?).

Questions should be specific, suggesting one or another answer of the child; precise in wording concise.

Choosing a teaching method depends primarily on the purpose and content of the upcoming lesson. When teaching drawing, designing, singing, exercise will become the leading method, because without this it is impossible to learn to draw, design, sing. The exercise method also prevails in physical education classes. In the lessons of natural history content, the “first violin” is played by the methods of observation, conversation, experimentation, etc.

The teacher prefers one or the other method, based on the equipment of the pedagogical process. If in preschool there are few manuals, handouts or demonstrations, it is impossible to use many teaching methods. For example, in kindergarten there are no reproductions of paintings, filmstrips, slides, therefore, the opportunity to acquaint children with the outside world, the work of artists is narrowing. As a result, preference is given to verbal (verbal) methods.

The choice of teaching method also depends on personality of the teacher, from his abilities, responsibility. The educator is creative, with a "zest" brings a lot of his own into the methods and techniques of teaching. For example, in a lesson in the second junior group, the purpose of which is to introduce kids to nursery rhymes, pestushki, the teacher will change into a white-sided magpie, invite the children to visit, feed porridge, etc. - in a word, play folklore works together with them so that they will remain in the memory, imagination, speech of the child for a long time. And the teacher, who works formally, will place the children at the tables, read the nursery rhymes, and try to learn them with the children. Various teachers - different methods learning, and as a result, results incomparable in terms of effectiveness in the development of children.




The game occupies a special place in the life of children of preschool and primary school age. It is a natural state, the need of the child's body, a means of communication and joint activities of children. The game creates that positive emotional background against which everything mental processes are the most active. It reveals the individual abilities of the child, allows you to determine the level of his knowledge and ideas.

Didactic games and exercises are effective tool solving problems of the development of figurative speech.

Let us recall some essential provisions regarding the construction of the methodology for conducting didactic games.

The structure of the didactic game

The structure of the didactic game includes:

  1. didactic task;
  2. content;
  3. game actions;
  4. game rules.

Didactic task

The game used for learning should contain, first of all, a teaching, didactic task. While playing, children solve this problem in an entertaining way, with the help of certain game actions.

The educational content in didactic games covers different aspects of introducing children to the environment and includes: strengthening children's ideas about household items, toys, objects and natural phenomena. For example, plants, animals, seasonal changes; about the work of adults, their professions, about means of transportation; exercises in recognizing, distinguishing, naming objects by appearance, by individual qualities; clarification of concepts, methods of generalization, classification of objects, phenomena, etc.

The content of the didactic game will be the means of figurative expressiveness of the language. Provided that the teacher has knowledge about the structure of the didactic game, the nature of the game rules and actions, he can independently come up with a significant number of games aimed at developing figurative speech in preschoolers. Their content could be as follows:

■ selection of definitions, comparisons, epithets, etc.;

clarification of ideas about the genre features of proverbs and sayings;

■ strengthening the ability to form words in various ways, etc.

Game actions

Avanesova V.N. emphasizes that a game action should not be understood as any action performed in a game, but mainly one that has a truly game character, creates a game situation, game relationships.

The nature of game actionscould be next;

  1. folding,
  2. depiction of plot-role relations,
  3. movement,
  4. hiding, searching,

■ acting out roles and plots based on literary works,

  1. selection of examples
  2. guessing and guessing
  3. competition,
  4. playing forfeits, etc.

The more diverse the game actions, the longer you can keep the child's attention on solving didactic problems. The incentive for solving the learning task in the game is not the direct instruction of the educator, but the natural desire for the preschooler to play.

Game rules

The main purpose of the rules of the game is to organize the actions and behavior of children.The implementation of the rules ensures the implementation of the game content. The rules in the game can be different: some determine the nature of the game actions, and their sequence, others regulate the relations of the players. There are rules that restrict or prohibit certain acts and activities, or provide for "punishment" for breaking the rules and committing prohibited acts. Rules can prohibit, allow, prescribe something to children in the game, make the game entertaining, tense. Through the rules of the didactic game, the educator directs it along a given channel.

Game rules may be, for example, the following:

■ whoever makes a mistake pays a forfeit;

■ whoever notices a fable in a story or a poem must put a chip in front of him, and at the end of the game name all the fables noticed;

■ you can only select cards for printed board games
at the signal of the driver.

Between there is a close relationship between the game concept, game actions and rules. Game design determines the nature of game actions. The presence of rules helps to carry out game actions and solve the game problem. Thus, the child in the game learns unintentionally.

Didactic games and exercises

Didactic exercises differ from didactic games in that they do not have game rules and game actions.

"Paired Pictures"

Target. Exercise children in composing phrases with wordsas, as if, as if.Encourage the use of comparisons in speech describing autumn nature.

Move. On the board are pictures depicting an autumn maple, leaf fall, an autumn cloud, a red mountain ash, red apples, an autumn forest covered with leaves of the earth.

Children have pictures depicting a red fire, fluttering butterflies, a gray cat, red beads, red balls, a fairy-tale palace, a colorful carpet.

Children are invited to pick up paired pictures and make a phrase. For example, the autumn forest is like a fairy-tale palace; leaves fly, as if multi-colored butterflies flutter, etc.

"What does it look like"

Target. Teach children to select comparisons; make sentences using wordsas, as if, as if.

move, On the board are pictures depicting the sun, snow, clouds.

Children have cards with a picture of a white lace scarf, a white sheet, white sugar, feathers, an orange orange, a red ball, a sunflower, etc.

Children are invited to find objects similar to the sun, cloud, snow. For example, the sun is like a red apple; clouds, like cotton wool, etc.

"Choose a proverb"

Target. To intensify the use of proverbs and sayings in children's speech.

Move. The children are given pictures and asked to match them with a suitable proverb or a proverb.


Target. To intensify the use of figurative vocabulary in children's speech.

Move. The teacher offers the children such questions;

  1. What snow in winter?Sparkling, White, sparkling, cold, icy, fluffy, burning etc.
  2. What makes snow? Whitens, sparkles, cools, crunches, fluffs etc.
  3. What does snow look like when it covers everything around?On the bedspread, on a warm, snow-white blanket, the snow dressed the trees in warm snow coats, the snow falls in flakes, the snow lies as if bewitched and dreams of a beautiful spring; when the trees are frosted and you touch a branch, diamond dust will fly from it.


Target. Activate the use of figurative vocabulary in speech


Move. The teacher asks the children the following questions:

  1. What is the sun in spring?Radiant, golden, bright, orange, hot, spring etc.
  2. What is the wind in spring?Warm, fresh, pleasant, refreshing, uplifting, gentle, cheerful, etc.
  3. What is the grass in spring?Young, thick, juicy, green, fluffy, emerald, etc.

Imagine a birch grove in spring, what is it like?Green, lush, curly, white-trunked, her braids loosened, beautiful girls whisper. in white sundresses, extended branches-arms to each other, stood in a round dance, etc.

"Guess by Action"

Target. To teach children to select verbs for nouns, to cultivate the ability to respond quickly.

Game rules.For each correct answer, the child receives a chip; the one who collects the most chips wins.

Move. Guys, all objects, phenomena, animals, birds, fairy-tale characters perform some actions. For example, the sun, what does it do?It shines, warms, caresses, dazzles, amuses, etc.Now we will play the game "Guess by actions". I will think of a word, and you must guess this word by actions. For example, snow. It goes, flutters, spins, lies down, melts, shimmers, sparkles, etc.

Then the role of the leader is offered to the child.

"Choose a picture"

Target . Continue to acquaint children with phraseological units to the figurative meaning of words and phrases.

Equipment . Pictures illustrating phraseological units (hang your nose, get exhausted, freeze to the bone, keep your mouth shut, lift your braids, roll with laughter, etc.).

Move. The sorceress has bewitched all the pictures. To disenchant them, you need to name and explain what these expressions mean. Select only those pictures that are suitable for the heroes of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood", "Snow Queen", "Flower-seven-flower", "Scarlet Flower", etc.

"Black Raven"

Target. Exercise children in word formation.

Equipment. Flannelgraph with raven outline, split picture with raven outline.

Move. The teacher asks the children to name the body parts of the crow. They are black. If you add up the words denoting the parts of the body of a raven, and the word black, then you get a new word. For example, a raven has a black head, so what is it? Blackhead.

Take any part of the raven's body from the cut pictures and come up with a word with it.

A raven has a black beak... A raven has a black wing... A raven has a black chest... A raven has a black neck... A raven has a black tail... A raven has a black belly... A raven has black paws...

"Dwarfs and Giants"

Target. Teaching children to form nouns with suffixes - ik, - search; develop logical thinking, attention.

Equipment. Cut pictures depicting plots of various literary works.

Move. Children are invited in small groups (2-3 people) or individually to collect a picture and find out: “What fairy tale are these heroes from? What are their names?" Then the children are invited to dream up and imagine the heroes from this fairy tale, and then turn them first into “dwarfs”, and then into “giants”.

For example, according to the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio":

Artemon - Artemonchik - Artemonishche;

Duremar - Duremarchik - Duremarishche;

  1. Karabas Barabas - Karabasik - Barabasik - Karabasishe Barabasishche;
  2. Cat - Cat - Cat.

“This is very good, but this is bad”

Target. Teach children to reason, grammatically build statements.

Move. An adult suggests thinking and answering the question: “What is good about winter?” Children express their opinionin winter it is very beautiful, in winter there is a lot of snow, you can ride down the mountain, etc.Then he asks, "What's wrong with winter?" Children's answers:very cold, you have to wear a lot of clothes, it gets dark very early etc.

You can connect the content of this game with the lexical topic that is being studied. For example, what is good and bad in transport, in glassware, in every season, in some fairy tale hero etc.

"Live Barometers"

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about living organisms that predict the weather with their behavior; improve the ability to use complex sentences in speech; learn to compose stories of different types (description, narration, reasoning), using a variety of means of communication between parts of the statement.

Equipment. Two large pictures with the same landscape on one of them the sun is shining, and on the other it is cloudy; small pictures of insects, birds, plants, and their characteristic state or behavior in different weather.


1 option

First, the children are invited to place small pictures of "living barometers" on one of the two large pictures in accordance with their behavior depending on the weather.

Then preschoolers are invited to compose a story based on one or two pictures. Pay attention to the children that the beginning of the statements should be different.

For example:

  1. “If you are observant, you will notice that the spider spins a web only in sunny weather, and sits under the foliage before the rain, because it feels the approach of rain by the humidity of the air and does not want the rain to break the web.”
  2. “Pay attention to the ants. If you see them at work, it will be sunny, and if you see that they are all in an anthill, then it will soon rain, because they feel the humid air and are in a hurry to close their entrances from water, ”
  3. "Listen tonight. If you hear the chirping of grasshoppers, then it will be sunny tomorrow, and if you don’t hear them, then most likely it will rain, ”etc.

Option 2

Children themselves draw “live barometers” on large pictures, and then compose various monologues in the same way as inthe first version of the game.


Target. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​children about the property of water when the temperature changes, to move from one state to another: activate figurative speech; learn to understand figurative expressions b riddles and. in a poetic text, independently select epithets, comparisons to describe water indifferent states. Equipment. Pictures with a schematic representation of water in three states or pictures with landscapes where water is present in all states; cards with riddles and poems; chips.

Move. The teacher or child makes a riddle or reads an excerpt from a poem with interesting comparisons. Children should find comparisons in the text and pick up their own. The child who completes the task receives a token. An additional chip is given to the one who picks up at least 3-4 definitions for water (in any state).

For example, a teacher reads a poem by A. S. Pushkin.

Here the north is catching up with clouds: He died, howled, and now the winter sorceress herself is coming. Came. crumbled, shreds Hung on the branches of oaks, lay downwavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills. Brega with The immovable river Leveled it with a puffy veil. Frost flashed. And we are glad for the leprosy of mother winter!

Then he invites the children to choose their own definitions for words,

highlighted in the text: “like cotton wool”, “spread”, “tablecloth”, “wedding outfit”, etc.

Snowflake what? Fragile, fluffy, shinyetc. What is he doing?Falling, spinning, laying down etc.

What ice? Strong, shiny, slipperyetc. What is he doing?Shines, crunches, crackles etc.

Riddle: As across the sky from the north

A gray swan swam

Down threw, poured

On the lake fields

White fluff and feathers.(Cloud)

What cloud? Heavy, gray, gloomyetc. What is he doing?Blackens, creeps, hangs etc.

What snow? White, fluffy, wet, sparkling, sparkling, shinyetc. What is he doing?Goes, falls, covers, falls, lays down, covers, sparkles etc.

Riddle: Look! Look!

Threads hang from the gray clouds!

Who surprised us all

Clouds sewn to the ground?

What rain? Mushroom, torrential, lingering, annoying, autumnal etc. What is he doing? It pours, whips, drizzles, drips, knocks etc.

Other riddles:

There's a commotion in the yard

Peas are falling from the sky.


Not prickly, light blue Hanging in the bushes...


Pisces live warmly in winter: The roof is thick glass.(Ice)

The children sat on the ledge

And grow all the time down.


Fluffy cotton wool Floats somewhere. The lower the cotton wool, the closer the rain.



Target. Clarify ideas about changes in inanimate nature depending on the season; learn to describe the state of the weather; to consolidate the ability to compose stories of various types (description, narration), using a variety of means of communication between parts of the statement; select definitions, synonyms and antonyms for objects and phenomena of inanimate nature; use verbs.

Equipment. 4 cards, divided into large cells. In the center of the cards are pictures of different seasons (1 card - winter, 2 - spring, etc.), small pictures with images of clouds, clouds, various precipitation, wind.

Move. Children are invited to arrange small pictures in empty cells around pictures of the seasons and make up a story about the weather at that time of the year. The state of the weather may be different, in accordance with this, small pictures may change. For images in small pictures, children select definitions, comparisons.

For example: “In summer, the sky is high, clear, blue. Fluffy, cirrus, light clouds can float (fly) across the sky. They are driven (driven) by a fresh wind. But in summer the sky can be dark, low. The sky was overcast (veiled) with heavy, bluish clouds. blowing wet, clean wind, etc.”


"Encrypted Wisdom"

Target. To consolidate the ability to recognize proverb plots in drawings; continue to learn to comprehend figurative meaning figurative words and phrases, proverbs and phraseological units.

Equipment. Pictures, each of which depicts the characters of several proverbs, sayings, phraseological units.

For example: a bird in a cage - “Not sweet for a bird in a golden cage”; fish with an umbrella - “Like an umbrella for a fish”, etc. Sayings, proverbs and phraseological units in one picture should be at least 10.

Move. Invite children to learn proverbs, phraseological units, sayings from the images in the picture. The game is played in the form of a competition. With one picture - "Who will name more?" With two pictures (command) “Name all the proverbs and phraseological units depicted. Who is faster?"

"Choose a proverb for a fairy tale"

Target. Clarify children's ideas about the genre features of proverbs; to teach to comprehend the figurative meaning of figurative words and phrases; to consolidate the ability to select a proverb to the main idea of ​​a fairy tale.

Equipment, Illustrations for various fairy tales, cards with proverbs printed on them.

Move. Children are invited to read the proverb; explain its meaning and choose a fairy tale to which it fits. Find definitions for the characters in the story.

Didactic games and exercises based on

works of art

and Russian folk tales

In didactic games based on works of art

didactic task can be aimed at consolidating children's ideas:

  1. about the content of works of art;
  2. about the heroes of familiar works;
  3. about the structure of the work;

about the characteristic features of the vocabulary of works, etc.

Here are some examplesdidactic games and exercises to consolidate children's ideas about Russian folk tales.

Target . To consolidate children's ideas about Russian folk tales.

  1. "My Favorite Fairy Tale"The teacher says:“All children love fairy tales and adults too. My favorite fairy tale ... ”Then the children name their favorite fairy tales, while simultaneously passing the ball to each other.
  2. "Mysteries about fairy tales" The teacher asks the children riddles about fairy tales such as:

- In what fairy tale do they live; old grandmother, laughter granddaughter,
chicken - kvohtushka, mouse-norushka?
"Fear has big eyes".

- In what fairy tale do they live: a mouse-louse, a frog-frog, a bunny-runaway, a fox-sister, a wolf-teeth click? Teremok.

- In which fairy tale did the fox outsmart the goat?"The Fox and the Goat".

  1. In which fairy tale did the fox outsmart the wolf?"The Fox and the Wolf".
  2. Name the fairy tales in which the fox is found (wolf, bear, etc.).
  3. In which fairy tale is the number three found?
  4. In which fairy tale does the fox sing a song:

Cockerel, cockerel, golden scallop,

Look out the window.

I'll give you peas.("Cat, rooster, fox")

« Riddle about your favorite fairy tale.Children themselves make riddles about their favorite fairy tales. riddles about your favorite fairy tales.

"Guess the tale from the passage."The teacher reads to the children excerpts from familiar fairy tales, the children must name the fairy tale.

"A Visual Mystery"The teacher puts objects from a particular fairy tale in front of the children, the children must name the fairy tale.

  1. "Fix the confusion."The teacher says: "In magical land fairy tales got their names mixed up. And now the fabulous inhabitants cannot find their fairy tale. They need help. And he suggests the wrong names for fairy tales. For example, “Frog Geese” (“Geese Swans”, “Frog Princess”, etc.).
  1. "Fabulous edible-inedible".There may be different versions of this game.

■ The teacher throws the ball to the child and at the same time names the hero (several heroes) from a fairy tale, the child must name the fairy tale.

■ The teacher throws a ball to the child and calls a fairy tale, and the child - a hero from this fairy tale (several heroes).

  1. "Book Shop".This game involves a seller and buyers. To buy a book, you need to talk about it without naming it. The seller will sell the book if the buyer has correctly told the content of the tale (similar to the game "Toy Store").
  2. "Journey through fairy tales». The teacher selects illustrations from different fairy tales in advance and lays them out on tables in different places in the group. Children are divided into subgroups, each of which is given the name of a fairy tale. Whoever collects illustrations for his fairy tale faster, he will win.

The use of didactic games and exercises in working with children allows you to pedagogical process interesting, achieve high level speech development of preschoolers.

"Exercise", as a genuine term, has reached high degree generalizations and found itself in the center of a vast terminological field, giving rise to a significant number of specific terms, the relationship between which is in the nature of both hierarchical dependence and binary opposition.

In the domestic methodological system the exercise is considered as a) a structural unit of methodological organization educational material and as b) a unit of teaching foreign language speech activity. Exercises implement a variety of teaching methods, create conditions for speech practice (Kolesnikova I.L., Dolgina O.A.).

When considering the term "exercise", it should be borne in mind that in psychology it is understood as the repeated performance of actions or activities aimed at mastering them, based on understanding, conscious control and adjustment; in didactics - training, i.e. a regularly repeated action aimed at mastering some kind of activity; in the methodology - specially organized and purposeful activities (E.I. Passov), learning activities aimed at the formation and improvement of speech skills and skills and constituting the main part of the educational work in the lesson (M.S. Ilyin), the process of solving conditionally communicative or communicative tasks (I.L. Bim), “one-time or multiple-time performance of a separate operation, a number of operations or actions of a speech (or language) nature specially organized in educational conditions” (Shatilov S.F.). “... The main content of teaching a foreign language is educational exercises,” says E.P. Shubin. However, not all "doing" something is an exercise. Analysis of the psychological and methodological interpretation of the term "exercise" allows us to identify the structure of the exercise:

a) the presence of a goal (to learn, master) - the exercise, of course, can simultaneously work on those mechanisms, the formation of which it is not directly aimed at, but it is still important to determine the main goal of each exercise;

b) the presence of content, i.e. what is digested;

c) the presence of real learning activities as an objectified process of solving the educational and communicative task, the implementation of methods and techniques of educational work;

d) taking into account the conditions (the student's awareness of the purpose of educational activities, reflection in the mind of the content of educational activities and the current situation in which these actions are performed);

e) implementation of control and self-control (comparison of performed educational action with a sample, standard, as well as making corrections, amendments) (V.M. Filatov, T.A. Ulanova).

Exercise is the true means of learning. Only the performance of exercises leads to the goal, and their absence is the absence of any purposeful training. Indeed, most often the goal in the lesson is not achieved precisely because there are no bad or good exercise, but there are teachers who either use them well or incorrectly. The same exercise in different conditions, at different stages and stages, differently organized, can be varying degrees adequate to the development of one or another quality of a skill or ability. There is no doubt that success in training depends on the adequacy of the means. To determine the degree of adequacy of the exercise, you need to know its methodological characteristics, i.e. what and under what conditions this exercise is capable of.

E.I. Passov identifies three main components that determine the adequacy of using a particular exercise: first, this is a specific goal that needs to be achieved through the exercise; secondly, these are the qualitative parameters of the exercise that create its potential; thirdly, these are the specific conditions for using the exercise.

The first component - the goal - is very multifaceted. It could be:

a) skill (lexical, grammatical, pronunciation);

c) skill quality (stability, flexibility, etc.);

d) the quality of skill (independence, dialogue, etc.);

e) the mechanism of speech utterance (anticipation, combination, etc.);

f) the quality of speech as a process or product (speed, expressiveness, consistency);

g) action to form a skill (imitative, transformational, etc.).

The second component - the parameters of the exercise - is determined primarily by the composition and nature of the action that the student performs during the exercise (the action of the constructive plan, the combination of speech means or their transformation, etc.).

The third component, the condition, can be of two types: external and internal conditions. External conditions are determined by the exercise organization factor:

- installation before the exercise, its nature;

- verbal reinforcement different types;

– schematic reinforcement;

– illustrative reinforcement in different forms;


- preparation time;

– use of TCO;

- volume of exercise;

- the ability of the student;

- the level of his skills and abilities;

- life experience;

- the interests of the student;

- student's attitude foreign language;

- the speech status of the individual in the class.

The methodological significance of internal conditions for the level of exercise adequacy is very important. External conditions always act in unity with internal ones, because every exercise is organized somehow. All of these conditions affect the parameters of the exercise in different ways. This or that factor can make the exercise more or less adequate to the intended goal.


Didactic basics

conducting physical education lessons

Compiled by:

Semibolomut N.Yu.,



1. Teacher preparation for the lesson

Successful conduct of physical education lessons is possible only if the teacher is seriously prepared for them. Even highly qualified teachers cannot neglect this condition.

To ensure sufficient readiness for the upcoming educational work, it is necessary: ​​a) to determine its content, relevant organizational measures, as well as the structure of the lesson; b) make a summary; c) bring yourself into a state of readiness for work (meaning motor, speech and other preliminary preparation); d) prepare for the upcoming actions of their assistants; e) prepare places for classes; f) check the condition of equipment, training equipment, etc.

Determining the content of the lesson is a decisive part of the preparation of the teacher for its conduct. The actual educational content of the lesson is determined by developing clear pedagogical tasks. These tasks should be extremely specific, accurately defining the impact of the lesson on the body, the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities (or their elements), the desired changes in the behavior of those involved, etc. As a rule, these tasks are relatively narrow, particular, since they should provide only what can actually be achieved within a particular lesson.

Each such task is solved with the help of certain physical exercises, the totality of which constitutes the subject content of the lesson and determines the forms of motor activity of those involved. The selection of these exercises should be carried out very thoughtfully, since it is necessary to choose the most effective, quite accessible to those involved and applicable in given working conditions. The selection of exercise material should be supplemented with a well-thought-out indicative system of own actions of the organizational, methodological and methodical nature aimed at guiding the activities of those involved in the lesson. Particularly important in this part preparatory work is the choice of methods and methodological techniques of training and education, as well as the definition of loads.

After determining the content of the lesson, it is necessary to develop its structure, i.e., determine the sequence and relationship of both the exercises and the actions of the trainees and their own actions. In this case, it may be necessary to make some changes in the content of the lesson.

Such preparation for the lesson is carried out on the basis of the plan of educational work planned for the given period, but taking into account the degree of its implementation, the specific state of the students and the conditions for the next lesson. At the same time, it is advisable to first develop the main part of the lesson, and then, based on the characteristics of its content and intended loads, the introductory and final parts.

The results of the development of the content and structure of the lesson must be formalized in the form of a lesson summary, which more or less fully sets out the particular tasks of the work, a list of the exercises corresponding to them and indicative loads, and organizational and methodological instructions.

In the title part of the abstract, the number of the lesson, the date of its holding, the name of the group of students, the leading or 2-3 main tasks are indicated. Next, the place of the lesson and the necessary educational and technical support for it are indicated. Particular tasks (in the second column) are listed in the order in which they will be solved, moreover, on the same level as the name of the corresponding exercises in the third column. The dosage of exercises (in the fourth column) should be indicated so that both the volume (number of repetitions, total duration, distance) and the intensity of efforts (tempo, speed, weights, size of obstacles, etc.), as well as the size of the intervals, are visible. rest, if they are scheduled between individual exercises or series of exercises. The fifth column indicates the planned place and methods of placing and moving students, methods of distributing small educational equipment between them, the procedure and methods for installing shells; the organization of the work of those involved is determined, the methods and methodological techniques of training and education are listed; it is fixed who and how should be checked to assess knowledge, skills, quantitative achievements; the names and nature of homework are noted, etc. The last, sixth, column is not filled in when developing the abstract, since it is intended to record comments on the implementation of what was planned after the lesson.

The development of such a detailed outline is very laborious, but it is mandatory for students of physical education. educational institutions, passing pedagogical practice, for each novice teacher; it is also useful for a highly qualified teacher in those cases when he has to prepare for lessons that are in some respect new to him or conducted for demonstration purposes, sometimes in connection with failures in work.

In broad teaching practice it is convenient to use less detailed outline plans, in which only tasks are formulated (or the planned exercises are listed), and the organizational and methodological aspects of the work are determined only partially, in relation to the most crucial moments. Experienced teachers may be limited short plans works that list only tasks (or exercises) with an approximate definition of the load. To reduce the notes and make the notes more clear, schematic drawings of exercises, diagrams of the location and interaction of students, symbols and other abbreviations can be used.

You should never mechanically use old notes when working with a new group of students, since there can be no coincidence of the characteristics and condition of students, the conditions for conducting classes and the capabilities of the teacher himself. Old notes (as well as notes of other teachers) can only serve as material for the development of new ones, otherwise the work will inevitably become formal and not be effective enough.

An important place in the preparation for the next lesson is occupied by the actual speech and motor training of the teacher, since the successful management of the students' work largely depends on it. In this regard, it is necessary to test yourself in the pronunciation of commands, in calculating the pace of movements; formulate and memorize in advance the definitions that should be learned by those involved; think over the statement of the rules for performing movements; determine the content and form of the proposed conversation, the story of the game, the coverage of a sporting event, etc. At the same time, attention should be paid to the figurativeness of the presentation, intonation of the voice and other speech techniques.

The motor preparation of the teacher for the lesson is reduced to the trial performance of those movements, actions that are planned to be demonstrated to the students, as well as support and insurance techniques. In case of insufficiently correct or uncertain execution of them, it is necessary to work on them specially, since an uncertain and even more inaccurate display will play a negative role in training and education. In addition, the opportunity to feel your movements is very useful in a methodological sense.

Of no small importance in the preparation of the teacher for classes is his appearance. The suit and footwear must comply with the conditions for conducting classes and the exercises performed, meet all hygienic requirements and testify to the good aesthetic taste of the teacher. It is necessary to work out the manner of holding on to those involved, use gestures, etc.

Preparation for the upcoming classes of assistants (group leaders, judges, duty officers, etc.) most often comes down to transferring or testing those knowledge and skills of an organizational and methodological nature that they will have to be guided by in the performance of their duties. This, for example, is knowledge of the purpose of the exercises and the ability to perform them correctly, knowledge of the mistakes specific to these exercises and the ability to correct them, the ability to insure and provide physical assistance to those involved, knowledge of the rules of the game, requirements for the installation of projectiles, etc. Such training is the nature of brief instruction and is usually carried out immediately before the lesson.

When preparing places for classes, equipment and training equipment, it is necessary to keep in mind the requirements for the logistics!) of classes. A particularly responsible task is to ensure the safety of classes. Every time it is necessary to check the technical serviceability of projectiles, small sports equipment, the condition of mats, landing sites in sectors for jumping, running tracks, fencing places for throwing, learning to swim in open water, etc.

Lesson methods refer to the ways in which students are organized in the classroom to complete the exercises in accordance with the teacher's plan. The main methods used in the primary grades of the school are: frontal, in-line, shift, group and individual.

With two and three streams, the density of the lesson increases, and, consequently, the load. The flow method is convenient when performing acrobatic exercises, exercises with a long rope, climbing on benches and a gymnastic wall, climbing, balancing, vaulting and long and high jumps, as well as skiing down and up.

The division into groups is most often carried out by calculating in twos, in threes, or by rebuilding from a column of one into a column of two, three in successive turns. It is possible to divide into groups, which will be based on pioneer links.

In the process of methodically correct teaching of students primary school physical exercises ensure not only mastering the necessary motor skills and abilities, but also the development of physical qualities to the level required for their age. Therefore, there is no need to use the circuit training method when conducting classes with younger students.

1.1 Ways of organizing the educational and motor activity of students in the lesson

Lesson methods refer to the ways in which students are organized in the classroom to complete the exercises in accordance with the teacher's plan. The main methods used in schools are: frontal, flow, shift, group and individual.

Frontal method - exercises are performed simultaneously by all students. Its advantage is a large coverage of children, the achievement high density lesson and heavy workload. The frontal method is the best for the collective execution of exercises, when all children simultaneously follow the teacher's order or command. This method can be used when teaching most of the exercises of the school curriculum (gymnastic constructions and rebuildings, walking, running, some types of jumps, throwing, posture exercises, with balls, sticks, short ropes, games, skiing and elements of the ski system).

This method is widely used in working with students of all primary grades of the school, especially when familiarizing themselves with educational material.

Flow method - students perform the same exercise in turn, one after the other, in a continuous stream. There can be two or three such streams, depending on specific conditions. For example, when teaching an exercise in balance, two or three flows can be in the presence of two or three logs or gymnastic benches, etc.

The advantage of a single stream is a greater opportunity to observe individual exercise performance.

With two and three streams, the density of the lesson increases, and, consequently, the load. The flow method is convenient when performing acrobatic exercises, exercises with a long rope, climbing on benches and a gymnastic wall, climbing, balancing, vaulting and long and high jumps, as well as skiing down and up.

A variation of the in-line method will be to alternately perform several different exercises. For example, at first, the students walk along the bench, and then climb over the log, then jump over the bar. Such a production line does not allow the teacher to observe the performance of all the exercises by the students, so he will be where his presence is most needed.

The flow method is most often used when conducting exercises in order to improve skills and abilities, as well as to increase the load.

The shift method consists in the fact that all students in the lesson are divided into shifts, in line to perform exercises. In each of the shifts, there are as many students as they can do the exercise at the same time. During one shift, the rest watch their comrades. For example, if there are 10 spans of the gymnastic wall in the hall, and there are thirty students in the class, then three shifts are formed to perform exercises in climbing or posture, etc.

The shift method is usually used when jumping from a height, climbing, hanging, throwing at a distance and at a target, and acrobatic exercises. With the shift method, the teacher has the opportunity to better observe the work of students.

The group method consists in the fact that students are divided into groups, each group, on the instructions of the teacher, studies independently. This method is used in the main part of the lesson in cases where there is not enough equipment and inventory for practicing one type of exercise. Therefore, in order to make better use of time, two or three types of exercises are studied simultaneously. Groups change places after a certain period of time so that during the time allotted for the main part of the lesson, everyone has time to complete the task of the teacher.

In each group, a leader is assigned to supervise the children during classes.

The division into groups is most often carried out by calculating in twos, in threes, or by rebuilding from a column of one into a column of two, three in successive turns. It is possible to divide into groups, which will be based on pioneer links.

In the lesson, the groups are arranged so that one group does not interfere with the other.

The group method can be used only after the children are sufficiently prepared for independent studies.

The individual way is that each student performs the exercise, and the rest observe. This method is used in accounting lessons. It allows the teacher, after completing each exercise, to summarize, draw the attention of children to the best performance of the exercise, to shortcomings and mistakes, which is very important in terms of education and upbringing.

In educational work with high school students, in addition to the methods indicated above, the method of circular training is used. The essence of this method is that at a certain point in the lesson, students are divided into several groups, 4-8 people in each, take places at the teacher's direction at certain different equipment or training places, and at the signal of the teacher begin to perform exercises independently. After a certain time (30-40 s), the teacher gives a new signal, according to which the students move in an organized manner to another projectile or place of employment. This continues until all students have completed all the activities in the lesson plan. This method is called circular because the students, moving from one projectile to another and having completed all the exercises, seem to complete the circle of exercises. Often, the shells or places of employment are located in the hall or on the site in a circle. And this method is called training because the main purpose of this method is to increase the level of development of physical qualities and improve the functional capabilities of the organism of those involved, which can be achieved by repeatedly repeating exercises, in a certain sequence, at an arbitrary and given pace, for a certain time or a certain number of times.

Therefore, there is no need to use the circuit training method when conducting classes with younger students.

The methods of conducting a lesson depend on the tasks set, specific conditions, the contingent of students and their preparedness. In addition, the use of various methods diversifies the lesson, and this is always positively perceived by children.

1.2 Rationing of loads in the lesson depending on the tasks of physical education

In preparation for the lesson, the teacher solves issues related to physical activity. Physical activity is understood as a certain effect on the body of those involved, caused by the entire process of the lesson and physical exercises.

Physical activity is largely determined by the dosage of physical exercises, i.e. the number of exercises, their repetition, the time allotted for the exercise, as well as the conditions for their implementation.

All physical exercises have an effect on the body involved - more days, others less strong. A lesson consisting of a large number of exercises also gives a lot of physical activity. Consequently, the load in the lessons can be different, and the teacher is obliged to regulate it. Students should not be overloaded. This can cause fatigue and affect their performance. At the same time, one should not limit oneself to a very weak load, since then the effect of physical exercises on the body will be insufficient.

The teacher at each lesson should achieve sufficient physical activity on the body of students, which, in parallel with the solution of educational problems, will provide the necessary improvements in the functional activity of the body. To do this, you need to skillfully use physical exercises and know what effect they have on the body of those involved. There are many ways to determine the effect of exercise on the body. These include: measuring blood pressure, body temperature, pulse, blood composition studies, etc. Of these methods, the teacher can most often use pulse measurements.

An example easy way determining the effect of physical activity can be as follows.

Before running, walking in alternation with running, overcoming an obstacle course or other exercises, the student's pulse is measured. Then exercises are carried out, after which the pulse is measured again (two or three times for 2-3 minutes). The heart rate before and after the exercise is compared. If the pulse is usually rapid, within 3 minutes. does not come to the indicators that were before the exercises, or become more rare, then this is considered as an unfavorable signal, indicating a large load or deviations in the activity of the cardiovascular system of this student. Both should attract the serious attention of the teacher.

The teacher constantly monitors the well-being of students.

There are many external signs that determine the state of students: trembling of hands and feet, tired facial expression, deterioration in posture, decreased activity, blanching of the face, lethargy, deterioration in the quality of exercise, students' complaints of fatigue, etc. All of these symptoms are indicators of excessive physical activity and oblige the teacher to immediately limit the amount and intensity of exercise or stop it completely.

The teacher determines the physical load in advance, when drawing up the lesson plan, and in the course of the lesson, in accordance with the observations, makes some corrections. At the same time, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the increase in load is as gradual as possible. The greatest load, as a rule, should be given in the middle of the main part of the lesson.

There can be no practically absolute gradualness in increasing the load, since there will necessarily be short breaks between individual exercises, and the exercises themselves cannot be the same in their effect on those involved. Therefore, when composing a lesson and determining physical activity, it must be taken into account that new and difficult exercises, games with great mobility, exercises that require determination and courage, as well as exercises such as tasks and with elements of competition are always associated with increased load. In order to prevent overloading students, it is necessary to alternate difficult exercises with less difficult ones, and familiar ones with unfamiliar ones.

The difficulty in regulating the load is a significant number of simultaneously engaged children with different physical training. IN practical work it is necessary to focus on children with average physical training.

Stronger students should be given individual sessions, offering them additional exercises, and carefully protect weakened children from overload, limiting them in performing exercises.

a) changing the number of exercises and games;

b) different number of repetitions of exercises;

c) increase or decrease in the time allotted for the exercise;

d) using a different pace of execution;

e) increase or decrease in the amplitude of movements;

f) complication or simplification of the exercises;

g) the use of various objects in exercises.

1.3 Activation of the educational and motor activity of students in the lesson of physical culture

Activation of educational and motor activity of students at the lesson of physical culture is achieved by competitive - game method.

Ample opportunity to use more diverse means and methods that allow most physically difficult exercises to be performed easily, as if playing and competing, thereby overcoming the monotony of classes, the presence of which makes the process of physical education boring and monotonous. Therefore, in the classroom and extracurricular activities - sports sections use the most effective method in physical education - competitive game. Together, it is multifaceted and is a proven means of activating motor activity both in a physical education lesson and in physical training(training sessions) by connecting the emotions of students. An important advantage of this method is also the possibility of introducing it into all types of curriculum and application with equal success in non-game types of physical training.

Application of the competitive-game method in educational process in physical education allows you to achieve higher rates in the physical development and training of students compared to conventional methods at the same cost and time, and make the classes themselves more interesting.

The use of the competitive-game method in the educational process in physical education allows you to achieve higher rates in the physical development and training of students, and make the classes themselves more interesting. It helps to revive the lessons, and most importantly: to solve the main problem of motor activity (activity) of students of any age and gender difference.

In the process of methodically correct training of primary school students in physical exercises, not only their mastery of the necessary motor skills and abilities is ensured, but also the development of physical qualities to the level required for their age.

The competitive game method is a method that excludes coercion to study, where learning takes place through play and competition. It causes joy in children, promotes movement in learning forward; ensures the gradual development of volitional qualities, personal responsibility, faith in the ability to overcome difficulties. For notorious children, the task is given easier, which allows the student to consistently advance in learning, work with an increase in the amount of material to be learned. The control form of this method is new approach to academic performance (assess the motor activity of the child in the lesson).

This method is focused on learning without coercion, which is considered important in the physical education of students. His salient feature- the obligatory presence of the competitive-playing activity of the two opposing sides, which requires the maximum psychological and physical efforts from the children. The desire of students to achieve victory while observing the agreed rules of the game or competition. Sometimes a child has to conquer himself, i.e. to show those best physical and mental qualities that he does not suspect or is embarrassed to show in front of outsiders. This method helps the child to fully open up.

Application of the method in the classroom. A certain scheme-model of the relationship between the teacher and students helps in this when improving the competitive-playing motor action. This scheme is used both for each part of the lesson, and for the lesson as a whole.

If there is no such relationship, then it is difficult to achieve any result.

And so, each lesson begins with a preparatory part, that is, in a physical education lesson, everything begins with the construction of students. They give the task of rebuilding in time, who is faster in the departments. Structural and ordinal exercises are given for the execution technique in groups (whose group will make the fewest mistakes).

Then there are general developmental exercises. Children compete to complete more exercises in a given amount of time. Execution occurs on command - independently, without counting the teacher. Children count themselves. When performing any complexes, the guys compete for the quality of performance. Here a teacher demonstration is required. Then a small number of repetitions are performed, mistakes are corrected, followed by a “best performance” competition. To do this, I use the following rearrangements: I put the weak opposite the strong, or I line up the girls opposite the boys. Children visually follow each other's exercises, learn from each other, which has a positive effect on the technique of performing general developmental exercises, especially with objects. Further in the preparatory part of the lesson, be sure to give exercises in motion. Those that will contribute to the implementation of more difficult task in the main part, i.e. leading. And here there is a competitive method. Students compete in the technique of mastering and performing this exercise and correcting mistakes. Everything is done unobtrusively. It is proposed: who will do it better, who will quickly find a common or individual mistake. For example, if in the main part of the lesson the children need to show speed qualities, the task is given as follows: to catch up, overtake who is faster, and special running, jumping exercises for the execution technique.

Main part of the lesson:

There is a solution of the main task - training in any motor action or its improvement. It is believed that a clear explanation of the technique for performing any exercise and the correct demonstration by the teacher is required (especially if the lesson is conducted in the primary and secondary levels). In older grades, the teacher may rely on a well-prepared student who can correctly perform the demonstration of the exercise after a methodically correct explanation of the teacher. It is necessary to present the task to the student in such a way that its correct comprehension occurs. Then comes the distribution of the sequence of the task by students, phased learning from simple to complex. Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities corresponding to this topic of the lesson, children can apply them in practice. We compete: who will complete the task faster and more technically (better quality). And if this is a game, then with the study of the rules and the correction of errors.

In the final part of the lesson, after the recovery exercises. Offer children a competition in theoretical knowledge. For example: in the ability to explain the technique of the main exercise studied in the lesson.

So, all students or most of them are evaluated in the lesson. If the guys complete the tasks correctly, then there is a transition to a new one according to the scheme - the model. If someone could not complete the task, there is a correction of errors with a demonstration and analysis of the teacher or student who has mastered the exercise to perfection.

Reach motor activity(activities) the children are helped by the competitive-game method, which is present in all types of the curriculum. It is applicable with equal success in non-game types of physical education.


You can play and compete in gymnastics just as successfully as in other types of physical training. The essence of the method is, first of all, the comparison of forces in the process of rivalry, struggle for superiority, victory, or perhaps a higher achievement, both for individual students and teams. So, in order to increase the interest of students in the quality performance of ordinal and drill exercises. They give a task for their implementation in a competitive game environment. Divide the class into separate teams and hold a competition for the best performance of these exercises, while students evaluate each other. Competitions are held in parallel columns or ranks with the elimination of participants who violated the formation or made mistakes, and without elimination, but with penalty points, which will ultimately determine the winner of the game or competition.

In order to increase attention at the beginning of the lesson, a game is played where students must follow the teacher’s drill commands when the words “class” or some kind of preliminary gesture are present at the beginning of the command. For example: raising your hand up.

When performing general developmental exercises, teams compete to perform more exercises for a certain period of time, both in place and in motion. For example, they give a task: who will complete 10 tilts, push-ups, squats earlier, which team will perform more tilts, push-ups, etc. in total. I include general developmental exercises in relay races. After moving on one or two legs, after a certain number of steps, students must perform any exercises without a cumulative total and with a cumulative total in arithmetic progression, after which they can move to their column, passing the baton to the next student.

When performing complexes, a competition is held. Both for the quality of execution and for synchronicity. The students themselves are involved in the judging. Performing exercises on the apparatus, students compete for the best performance of the exercises themselves, as well as evaluate the approach to the apparatus and the departure from it. In the final part of the lesson, in addition to outdoor games, it is effective to use dance elements with musical accompaniment.


Athletics, as a means of physical education, contributes to the comprehensive physical development and health of students. Track and field exercises, along with gymnastic exercises, are leading in physical education.

However, athletics exercises are characterized by cyclic activity, consisting of monotonous movements, dulling students' interest in classes. This monotony can be broken by using a competitive game method, the purpose of which is to increase students' interest in performing monotonous exercises. The varied use of competitive exercises and various game tasks allows boring monotonous work in athletics to be made exciting and interesting. At the lesson, students are given the following task: running with the definition of a leader, changing the increase in the volume and intensity of physical activity in a competition or game; conduct competitions in conditions close to real, with a mandatory assessment of the level achieved; encourage students to use a variety of techniques, as well as ways to complete the task. Regularly encourage not only strong, but also weak students who have managed to achieve their personal results.

ski training

Ski training is an important applied type of physical education associated with the ability to ski on snow. The use of competitive gaming tasks is an effective tool in teaching and improving skiing technique, as well as developing physical qualities in ski training lessons. While playing and competing, students successfully acquire the necessary skills to move along the distance, which includes descents and ascents, as well as the ability to apply the technique of skiing, taking into account the terrain. Competitive exercises are given to students in the training circle, such as the technique of sliding, overtaking. At long distances, children are taught to tactfully confront an opponent, as well as develop endurance.

Sport games

At first glance, it may seem that the role of the competitive game method in the development of sports games is insignificant and its use is ineffective, since sports games are very emotional and contribute to the physical development of students by themselves. But this is not so, because in order to master the skills and abilities of games to perfection, the development of special, physical and psychological qualities is required. To do this, the elements of the studied sports game are included in competitive exercises, outdoor games and relay races (fifteen balls, throws on equipment, hitting the target, stuffing, carrying balls, passing). Tasks complicate, change games: “don’t give the ball to the driver”, “fight for the ball”, etc. Also, studying each sports game separately, they select competitive gaming tasks that contribute to the development of certain skills and abilities.


1 The concept of "content of a physical education lesson" is diverse. It makes up a certain set of physical exercises, students' activities, the work of the teacher and the result that reflects this work. All elements of the content of the lesson must be designed by the teacher in the process of constructing the lesson. The basis for the construction of the lesson are the biological laws of the functioning of the organism, which determines its performance, and the logic of the deployment of the educational process. The great diversity of the contingent of those involved, programs, conditions for conducting classes and many other factors corresponds to a huge variety of content and forms of physical exercises, in particular, a lesson. In order to correctly navigate this diversity, plan lessons correctly and skillfully highlight the main thing when developing the content and structure of regular lessons, it is necessary to rely on a reasonable classification of the lesson.

In the system of physical education, all lesson lessons are divided, first of all, in accordance with the general orientation of the process of physical education into five main types - lessons of general physical education (at school they are called lessons of physical culture), sports training, applied physical training, therapeutic and methodical.

Each physical education lesson must meet the following requirements:

have certain tasks;

be properly methodically constructed;

Be a consistent follow up previous lessons, should largely provide for the tasks of the content of the next regular lesson;

be interesting for students, encourage them to be active;

correctly combined with other lessons in the schedule of the school day;

be educative.

2 The structure of a physical education lesson includes three parts:

Preparatory, main, final.

Each of them has its own justification and contributes to the solution of the tasks of the lesson. The purpose of the preparatory part is to organize students, activate their attention, prepare the body for physical activity.

Solution most challenging tasks lesson is carried out in its main part. Here, training is carried out for new motor actions, repetition of the consolidation of the passed educational material, education of physical qualities and development of abilities.

The final part of the lesson aims to restore the functional activity of the body of schoolchildren and ensure their transition from an excited state to a more calm and balanced one. Relatively calm, low-intensity exercises are used here. Then the teacher sums up the results, gives homework.

3 The use of the competitive-game method in the educational process in physical education allows you to achieve higher rates in the physical development and training of students, and make the classes themselves more interesting. It helps to revive the lessons, and most importantly: to solve the main problem of motor activity (activity) of students of any age and gender difference.

List of sources used

1. Weinbaum Ya.S. Dosing of physical activity of schoolchildren. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

2. Derkach A.A. Creativity of the trainer / A.A. Derkach, A.A. Isaev. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1995.

3. Kachashkin V.M. Methods of physical education. – M.: Enlightenment, 1980.

4. Kuznetsova Z.I. Physical culture at school: methods of lessons in grades 9-10. – M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

5. Meikson G.B. Methods of physical education of schoolchildren / G.B. Makson, L.E. Lyubomirsky. - M .: Education, 2001.

6. Pogadaev G.I. Handbook of a teacher of physical culture. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 2004.

7. Sidorov L.K. Formation and implementation of needs in the movement of children and schoolchildren in the system of continuous physical education: concepts, conditions, structure / L.K. Sidorov, V.L. Vysotsky, E.Yu. Emelyanchik, V.A. Ivanov. - Krasnoyars: KSPU, 2001.

8. Perevashchikov Yu.A. Homework By physical culture. For students 1 - 4 cells. - Minsk: Polymya, 1988. - 183 p.: ill.