What does a student portfolio folder look like? Portfolio. What is a portfolio? How to make a portfolio? What teachers need to know to maintain a children's portfolio

student portfolio- a collection of data on the achievements and successes of the student, the bright moments of life in the first years of schooling. It will store information about the results of the child's work, his interests and favorite activities.



How to make a student portfolio primary school.


Create a title page. Indicate in it the last name, first name, age of the student. Paste the photo. On the second sheet, the material of the school's activities is drawn up. Write down the name educational institution what grade the child is in. You can describe the biography of the institution or write about your favorite teachers.

The third page should have an autobiography. The student is given the opportunity to present skills independent work. In this section, the importance analytic skills, the ability to correctly express their thoughts, evaluation of events.

All thanks in the form of certificates for success in academic disciplines must be reflected in the portfolio in the section of creative works. If the student participated in Olympiads in subjects, then this should also be noted. You can put all letters of thanks and diplomas in the piggy bank of documents.

Reflect on the student's hobbies in his spare time. Perhaps he attends ballroom dancing classes or studies music. All creative work(appliqués, embroideries) attach to the document files. Write what kind of music and movies the student likes. If he writes poetry or prose, then post them too. It is necessary to prepare questionnaires that will be filled out by classmates. They can write reviews about a friend and comrade.

Ask the class teacher to write a good review about the child. This will perfectly complement the information about his personality in the "Reviews and Recommendations". It assumes the presence of feedback from the organizers of various school events about the efforts of its participant. Attached is a summary sheet of progress.

Student Portfolio elementary school.

student portfolio- a collection of data on the achievements and successes of the student, the bright moments of life in the first years of schooling. It will store informationabout the results of the child's work in various areas, his interests and hobbies.How to make a portfolio for an elementary school student, what sections will be there and how to place information on the pages of sections?
Not all parents understand what the portfolio of a newly-born primary school student should consist of, how to start working on it and what is needed for this. Asking someone to do it for you is impossible, because no one can describe the virtues of an unfamiliar child. Let's take everything in order.

In fact, there is nothing complicated here. It is necessary to scan letters, drawings, various works of an elementary school student, select the most significant photos in electronic format, type a couple of sentences to describe each section and place all the information on the portfolio template page. Then all the information is loaded into specialized graphic editor, is selected ready sample whichever the child likes best. Now you need to place the prepared data on the pages of the electronic portfolio, it is easy to figure out in the graphic editor where the image should be and where the text should be. Immediately make a reservation that many parents prefer to placeinformation on student portfolio templateswithout application modern technologies- just cutting, pasting, signing the information on the sheet.

It will be more convenient if you first download and upload to the editor portfolio templatesfor elementary grades. You can copy text elements from any editor. It is better to take several offers; it is not recommended to transfer large volumes. If you want to add handwritten text, take a photo of it. With a graphic editor, you can select a part of the photo where the ratings are located,.
The work done must be saved in order to be able to replenish and expand the portfolio for several months in a row.

When a student participates in the development primary school student's own portfolio, his self-esteem rises, there is motivation to achieve new goals, so that the results are placed in the collection,the student will strive for greater development in creativity, science and other areas. It is necessary to explain to the student that a portfolio is not a set of letters, the main thing is to work on yourself and participate in events, this deserves more praise than a stack of diplomas earned to the detriment of your own interests and desires.

After many tests and studies by psychologists, it was recognized that the main indicator of development creative person not knowledge, but the presence of motivation and desire to comprehend new horizons. If a child sets a goal, he will definitely achieve it, he will be able to fulfill himself.

Elementary School Student Portfolio- this is not only a beautifully designed set of information about the personality and interests of the student, but also a very useful document for people who are directly involved in shaping the personality of the child - for teachers, psychologists, school administration, the head of a circle or sports section. Gradually, the portfolio of a primary school student is filled with important information and the potential and dynamics of the student's development begin to be seen.
Below you can
Download Elementary School Student Portfolio Templates, with which you can draw up all the necessary sections and conveniently enter all the information about the child into them.

Download Primary School Student Portfolio Templates. In the file you will find page templates , with which you can arrange sections of your child's portfolio with textual information and photos. It will be difficult for a primary school student to design a portfolio on his own, so at the initial stage he can help his parents in compiling sections and gradually learn to work with a graphic editor on a computer.

making out elementary school boy student portfolio, focus on his achievements in sporting events, relationships with friends and schoolmates. INPortfolio of an elementary school girlyou can turn on the needlework section, which will contain information about the schoolgirl's home hobbies and photos of her work (knitting, embroidery, beading, paper crafts, doll clothes and so on).

A few years ago, a significant change was made to the school curriculum, the essence of which is that each student must submit his own portfolio. Moreover, students need to draw up it already when they enter the first grade. Of course, it will not be easy for a child to complete such a task. In this regard, it is the parents who will have to deal with this matter. And, of course, most will want to know how to make a portfolio for a student.

What does a student's portfolio look like?

Before proceeding to consider how to make a portfolio for a student, it does not hurt to talk about what it is. As a rule, a portfolio is understood as a set of documents, photographs, examples of work performed, showing the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of a person in a particular activity. With the help of a children's portfolio, you can get an idea about the child, the people with whom he communicates, find out if he studies well, whether he is active in school and extracurricular activities. Thanks to him, you can find out how talented a child is in creativity, sports and hobbies. From the school's perspective, the student's portfolio high school it is necessary for the student to be able to realize his first successes and opportunities, to be able to acquire an incentive to work on the development of his talents.

Having a portfolio will make it easier for him to transfer to another school. If the child has outstanding abilities in some area, then due to the portfolio, he will increase the chances of being accepted into a higher educational institution.

To date, the student's portfolio can be divided into the following types:

  • portfolio of documents - it contains information about the success of the student, confirmed by certified documents (certificate, awards, etc.);
  • portfolio of work - includes a set of creative, educational or design work made by the child;
  • portfolio of reviews - contains the opinion of the student about various types activities.

However, the most commonly used is a complex portfolio. The fact is that it contains a maximum of information about the child, as it provides for all these types of portfolio.

How to make a portfolio for a student?

In principle, it is possible to make a portfolio for a student at home, even if some efforts will have to be made here. The main thing is the presence of imagination and the desire for creativity. Moreover, it is important that parents take part in this process together with the child.

Each portfolio must include:

  • Title page;
  • Sections;
  • Applications.

The easiest way is to purchase ready-made forms in a bookstore, and then enter the necessary information there. If you have the desire and opportunity, you can come up with a design yourself using a specialized computer program(for example, Photoshop).

So what should a student's portfolio look like?

  • The first is the title page, where the following information should be present: the surname and name of the student, age, name and number of the educational institution, class. All this information should be supplemented with a photo.
  • Then comes the "My World" section, which should contain the student's biography, information about his name, family, friends, hobbies, city, etc. All information should be presented as a capacious essay and supplemented with photographs.
  • Next comes the “My Study” section, where information about the student’s progress should be given, a list of teachers and favorite school subjects should be listed, along with which there should be examples of various works completed with an “excellent” rating.
  • Each portfolio should contain information about how actively the child participates in school and extracurricular activities, competitions, competitions, etc. And each of them should be presented, indicating the name, time of the event, and also providing it with a photo. Also, the portfolio should include originals or copies of medals, certificates and diplomas, which the student was awarded for academic excellence. All of the above should be presented in the "My Achievements" section.
  • The "My Hobbies" section allows the child to reflect in the portfolio the successes that are associated with any kind of creativity. It can be poems or stories of one's own composition, drawings, etc.
  • The portfolio may also contain such a section as "My impressions", in which the child can leave an opinion after going to the play, to the cinema, to the exhibition.
  • The "Reviews and wishes" section is designed for posting feedback from teachers, as well as organizers and other students.
  • Each portfolio must necessarily include a sheet that lists the page numbers corresponding to a particular section.

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Recently, more and more people are interested in the question " how to make portfolio. Portfolio used by people of various professions: actors, photographers, web designers, fashion models, artists, musicians, copywriters, students, teachers, educators. Recently, even schoolchildren and parents for children in kindergartens have made up a portfolio.

What is a portfolio?

Portfolio is a properly designed collection of photographs, projects, orders made by a specialist, artist, student. Portfolio- a kind of analogue of a resume, with visual examples of work and experience, revealing a person.

The most important thing when preparing a portfolio is to compose it correctly, thereby demonstrating your exclusivity and unique experience for potential clients. In the portfolio of a specialist, it is important to show responsibility and efficiency, the ability to fulfill client orders accurately and on time, which would not be superfluous to write in a cover letter or resume. Do not be shy about talking about business and professional benefits.

If you offer multiple services and perform multiple types of work, your portfolio should include winning examples of those activities. However, you should not include only one super-successful projects in the selection - let there be several average works in the selection so that customers do not expect constant masterpieces from you.

Popular portfolio options

Portfolio for actors

Actor's portfolio should contain as much information as possible about the actor's appearance from all angles, full-length photographs and, preferably, without makeup. The director should be able to fully appreciate both the external data of the actor and the role, the ability to get used to the role, to show the various emotions of the characters with their facial expressions.

By the way, how to make an acting portfolio so that it “clings” the director, see the following video:

Portfolio for photo models

Model portfolio should contain photos from different angles, but show the model in the most advantageous poses. The task of the photographer is to make an incredible beauty out of an ordinary girl, to show how much she knows how to work for the camera, take the right poses, change her facial expression.

Model portfolio should be fundamentally different from similar ones, have 1-2 unusual photographs. Also, do not forget to put in such a portfolio photos of magazine covers, commercials in which you starred.

This video will show you how to create a photo model portfolio:

Portfolio for a web designer

Web designer portfolio contains samples of the most successful sites created by the designer, as well as logos, advertising banners, presentations. If you have been working for a long time and have hundreds of completed projects, increase the number of works of your portfolio.

If you are a beginner, then it is best to post 2-3 of the highest quality and most successful projects.

When placing a portfolio on the Internet, do not forget about freelance sites. These sites can attract up to 80% of your customers. A detailed example of creating a portfolio for a web designer is presented below:

Teacher portfolio, class teacher portfolio, first grader portfolio, class portfolio

teacher's portfolio contains a description of the teaching experience and experience of an educator, data additional education, about the advanced training courses in which the teacher was trained. Indicate what teaching methods you own, tell us about your experience in writing articles and material base. And if you also received thank you letters, be sure to include them in your portfolio. Also, the quality of a teacher's work is characterized by the success of his students, so the teacher's portfolio should include information about the participation and victory of his students in various competitions and olympiads.

Pupils in their portfolio need to indicate their qualities of character and achievements, and in class portfolio you can talk about each student and describe the overall achievements and cultural life. You can learn more about how to create a student portfolio and what to do for this in this video:

Also, a student's portfolio can be created on a special resource portshkolio.ru. How to do this is described in this video:

Portfolio- this is, in a way, about a professional, so indicate in the portfolio only your advantages and achievements. Composing portfolio, you will be able to evaluate your professionalism, learn how to profitably present your skills, experience and personal qualities.

If you are a designer, artist or photographer by profession, then it is quite possible that you need to submit samples of your work online. There are plenty of sites where you can post a portfolio, but the services they offer do not always meet your needs.

What follows are twelve tips for building a better portfolio site. They apply to any type of portfolio, no matter what kind of creative activity you are involved in. It also provides examples and a whole gallery of great portfolio sites with explanations of their strengths and weaknesses.

1. A portfolio site should draw attention to your work.

One of the basic rules for developing a portfolio site is that the focus should be on the work on display, and not on the design features of the site. Of course, you can create an interesting-looking and aesthetically pleasing site, but its purpose is to present your work in the most favorable light, helping potential clients remember them better. If it doesn't do the job, then it doesn't help promote your business or your creativity.

The work is the center of attention, as it should be.

2. Portfolio site should be easy to navigate

The navigation system on any commercial site should be as straightforward as possible. And the portfolio site is designed specifically for commerce; through it you offer yourself as a performer and your skills to potential clients. Make sure that access to view your work, your contact details and other important sections of the site is easy and simple. Potential customers should not puzzle over how to get from point "A" to point "B". If you force them to do this, they will most likely take it and go to your competitors.

The familiar navigation bar at the top of the page is convenient for most visitors.

3. Make sure it's easy for potential customers to contact you

I have seen countless portfolios where it was almost impossible to find the author's contact details. At a minimum, provide an email address or post a feedback form on the site. Better yet, add a work phone number to them where you can be reached.

There are two contact options available here: a standard contact form and a "request for quotation" form.

4. The portfolio site must contain some of your personal data and your personal characteristics, but within reason

The task of your portfolio site is to promote you in the service market. On this site, in addition to your work, there should be something that distinguishes you from fellow competitors. How you achieve these differences will depend on your targeted consumer audience. It is worth considering her conservatism or the leisure orientation of her business when starting to develop a sketch of your site.

A well-designed author introduction page that provides full information about this designer.

5. Portfolio site should be user-friendly for potential clients

This has already been mentioned in passing, but making sure that your site does not scare away potential customers is really important. If they are primarily artists or people of art, you might want to be more creative with your own page design. If you're looking to appeal primarily to investment bankers or lawyers, you may need to be more conservative or you risk alienating your target audience or appearing to be an under-professional designer.

The welcome page on the home page helps visitors feel at home on the site.

6. Portfolio site should be easy to update

Use a content management system (CMS) on your site, or at least an XML file, to add new content elements. You need to find a way to easily put your best work on the site without spending half a day doing it. There are many CMS options available with add-on modules to create great image galleries.

Portfolio powered by WordPress.

7. Portfolio site should contain only your best work

You don't have to put on the site all the pictures you've ever taken or thumbnails of all the websites you've designed. Most people, in any case, are too lazy to watch everything from beginning to end. Present a dozen of the most successful examples in each of the main categories of your application of creativity. Leave the rest behind the scenes.

This page uses a complex solution, the best works are posted, but links are given to almost all the rest.

8. Portfolio site should include references or testimonials from grateful clients

Many designers and artists overlook this point, but referrals can go a long way in generating leads. They care not only about your professional competence but also the ability to meet deadlines and get along with people.

9. Add your website profiles social networks, but only if they are professionally submitted

Adding links to your LinkedIn profile, Twitter blog or Facebook page is a good idea, you become more real, closer to potential customers (especially those with whom you do not have to meet in person). However, remember that by posting links to these sites, including personality traits in your professional image, you will be forced to maintain your publications on these resources within a professional framework. Otherwise, customers may be put off by your views, language, or other aspects of your publications. Good practice: if a certain statement is inappropriate for you in a business meeting, avoid it wherever you have to care about image.

10. File your resume as a separate download

Sometimes, potential performers are selected for the decision maker by someone else. A resume in the form of a separately downloadable file makes it easier for this person to promote you as a candidate. Be sure to write a professional and detailed resume, but don't be afraid to show your personality and imagination as well.

A summary is posted below the works, along with other main navigational links.

Tags and categorization make it easy for potential clients to view your work that demonstrates skills in creating projects of the type they are interested in. If you're designing samples of different media formats (print, web, interactive, etc.), post each one in its own category. If you work with only one format, but with a wide range of topics (health, government, retail, etc.), then assign a category to each of them. Communicate additional information about your work through tags, as well as access examples of work through narrower requests.

12. A portfolio site should help you stand out from the competition, make your work stand out.

Your portfolio site should emphasize your difference from your competitors. Study other people's achievements in your direction of creativity, and then do something different from them. You should not invent some completely unique techniques that no one has used before, but you need to try not to confuse your portfolio with the work of your main competitors. And in no case do not copy the portfolio of another designer from your field of activity. This will only reduce your professional level in the eyes of the customer. You can't beat a leader just by repeating his creativity.

A very original website that showcases the artist's skills both through the design of the page itself and through examples in the portfolio.

Great Portfolio Sites:


* Works are presented on the home page, as well as separately on the portfolio page
* Strict and simple site design, giving a central place to work
* The page contains links to social networking resources
* Resume is uploaded as a separate file
* Works are given by category



* page thumbnail overloaded with details
* Works are not divided into categories


* Simple and rigorous design that puts the focus on work
* easy way contact with the author
* Division of works by main categories
* High professionalism of performance


* Weakly expressed individuality, little information about the author
* Works could be divided into narrower categories, especially design projects



* By default, a fairly modest number of works are displayed
* Unable to view all works at once


* All attention is focused on the work
* The navigation system is not overloaded with visual elements
* An easy way to contact the author


* The only way communications - email
* Virtually no information about the author


* Attention is focused on the works
* Simplicity of design
* Ease of feedback
* Links to profiles in social networks are given



* Easy to navigate, the site consists of one page
* Ease of feedback
* Contains a "Best of Work" section at the top of the page



* The central place is given to works
in the sidebar
* Pictures are given by category
* Easy to design



* Insufficient number of works on the site



* Works stand out brightly
* Simplicity of design
* Contact details are easily visible


* Communication only by e-mail
* Works are not divided into categories, are not provided with tags (moreover, there are a lot of works)


* Slide projector on homepage showcases works in a favorable light
* Simplicity of design leaves the focus of work
* Contact details are clearly visible



* Best works moved to home page
* A large number of works on the site
* Contact details are clearly visible
* Links to social media resources are given


How to make a portfolio for junior and senior students?

The purpose of creating a portfolio for schoolchildren is to identify the main abilities and collect information about the achievements of the child.
Creative work, in this regard, should be carried out jointly with parents. Not every parent, when starting to create a resume for their child, knows how to arrange it beautifully and correctly. Consider this issue on the examples given in the proposed article.

The best portfolios for junior schoolchildren for girls: an example, a sample, a photo

Portfolio is made out in free form.

But it is advisable to follow the basic rules:

  • We start with the design of the title page. We give the schoolgirl the opportunity to choose her favorite photo for the most important part of the document. Together with the child, we beautifully enter: last name, first name, patronymic, and all the necessary additional contact information.
First sheet of portfolio
  • Let's move on to the "My World" section. This topic includes extensive material about the personal life of a little student.

Name- its meaning and origin. Whose initiative was it to name the child like that?
List famous people with this name.

Family- Tell us a little about the composition of the family: brother, sister, mother, father.

A short story about the family

Friends- photo, name, how long they have known each other, their favorite activities.

Place of residence- name, main attractions (river, bridge, museum). A very important element in this place will be a drawn diagram of the road to the school. Specify dangerous places road crossings, traffic lights.

I live here

Favorite activities- all the girl's hobbies: music school, sports club, reading books, etc.

My home leisure

School- a story about teachers, place of study. Describe the location, number of storeys of the building, trees, flowers, school town. Tell us briefly about class teacher: age, name, work experience, what subject he teaches.

All about school and teachers

School items- favorite lessons. Why do some people like it and others not so much?

The story of the best lessons
  • The next stage of registration is my school success. Specifically focus on the most successful control work and completed tasks.

Best results during study
  • Next, we make a paragraph about extracurricular activities. Describe everything the child does in his spare time: participation in school plays, concerts , sports competitions between classes, various olympiads.

School life outside the curriculum
  • Now let's focus on creative successes and achievements. Any crafts, drawings, everything that can be placed on the sheet - we attach. Too big options - take a picture and apply. Will be appropriate in this section: certificates, awards, letters of thanks.

What can I do?
  • Reviews and wishes. IN primary school this item may contain feedback from teachers or parents.

Recommendations from parents and teachers
  • final stage- content. This is a summary sheet with the name of each section. It may change over time.

We summarize at the end in one list all the items of the portfolio

Choose any theme to decorate your achievements diary.

Luntik on the portfolio of a little schoolgirl

Favorite heroes


Mickey and Minnie Mouse

The best portfolios for junior schoolchildren for boys: an example, a sample, a photo

With boys of the primary school age category, we prepare a creative model of a folder with documents in the same way.

Only change:

  1. Portfolio theme. Girls have some favorite characters against the background of the document, boys have others
  2. The individual characteristics of the boy. The interests of the sexes, at this age, in babies, as well as in any other, are very different. It is important to take this into account when designing a portfolio for boys. Mom should not do all the work for the child, based only on her emotions in the perception of the world.

The meaning of the boy's name

Favorite hobby

I like sports

A sample of filling out a folder of documents for elementary school student

beautiful portfolio

Sample for filling out a folder of personal documents

The best portfolios for high school students for girls: example, sample, photo

Passing from class to class, the personal file acquires vast dimensions. You can create a new portfolio for a young lady. But it is better to add additional sheets with new information and photos to the existing one.

  • The rules of school etiquette, it does not hurt to approve a growing baby

  • New information about the preferred fashion direction will be very interesting: romantic, casual, vamp, sports, marine, ethnic. After all, at this age, girls love to dress up so much.
  • Or maybe idols appeared: singers, actors and actresses. Reflect it in "My World".
  • By this time, girls can acquire skills: modeling, sewing, cooking. Make a photo report of your progress with a description.
  • An existing store of travel experiences can be added to an additional travel section. Tell us here: about your favorite places to visit, about the customs of this region, about nature, animals.

All about travel
  • The life of a teenager is filled with many new discoveries. Parents and teachers, preparing a portfolio with a growing child, it will be easier to understand and direct its main features in the right direction.
  • In reviews and suggestions, in this case, the opinions of friends and girlfriends are added. They can leave advice on what positive aspects and achievements they like about the portfolio owner, and where she should pull herself up.

For example: “You are great at roller skating. But now, English should be tightened?

The overall design may depend on the taste of the owner:

  • Still cartoon characters in the corners
  • Photos of adult idols
  • modest flower decoration

flower decoration

The best portfolios for high school students for boys: example, sample, photo

  • All the same general design principles remain in the personal file of a teenage boy.
  • Expanding horizons, changing interests. At the same time, it changes general form portfolio.
  • A teenager talks about his new favorite films with superheroes in his diary.
  • Opens knowledge in such sciences as physics, chemistry.
  • Studying the historical moments of your country, with few known facts, can make portfolio content very interesting.
  • Add information about new hobbies.

We reflect all interesting news in our business diary
  • Don't forget to take pictures of the certificates and awards that have appeared.

  • Paste a photo of your class, with a description of the merits of each of the students and teachers. This will serve as a good basis for establishing good relations, in case of tense ones, with some of them.

General photo of senior students
  • Use templates, fill pages with the most interesting and significant events of your life.

Approximate contents of a senior student's portfolio

Not many kids enjoy filling out a portfolio. A few tips to read before embarking on this creative work:

  1. Notice any small accomplishments. Add them to your portfolio. Enjoy them with pride!
  2. Fantasize, draw, add interesting photos - after all, your life path cannot be the likeness of someone else. Reflect it in your portfolio.
  3. Fill in the section pages carefully and with great care.
  4. A personal matter is not a competition for great awards and diplomas. Participation itself is the most important aspect, although being the first is great.
  5. Start with information about yourself and your family. Tell us briefly what you like, what you are fond of.

Video: Student Portfolio