Extra-curricular event "initiation into first-graders". Festive event "initiation to first-graders" An event was held initiation to first-graders

Abstract open event"Dedication to First Graders"

School hello!
hello school
Change new one is coming
The cheerful bell rang
Has begun academic year.

Everyone is now my friends
Meet 1"a"

school-most best friend,
Our second friend is dear.
Here we comprehend the course of sciences
We are a friendly family

Dear Guys! Today we have a holiday "We became first-graders." Quite a bit of time has passed since we crossed the threshold of this wonderful world called "school". And so the 1st quarter is over. You got to know each other, learned the rules of school life and became real schoolchildren.
1. We are funny kids
Run into this class
Us Primer with pencils
Given for the first time.

2. There is a first time for everything:
first tooth and first class.
As the beginning of the first fights -
The first bruise caught.
First five.

3. And the first books,
And the first lesson
And the first flooded
School bell.

4. And the first mentor -
My first teacher
He opened the door
On the road to discovery.

5. Everyone knows the student
How difficult is learning.
But learning is light
All without exception.

6. We remember that cheerful call,
What rang to us for the first time,
When they entered the school with flowers
in your best first class.

7. The most difficult first class.
The first class is the hardest
Because for the first time.

8. We get used to the order,
In the morning we do exercises.
And we get up every time
When the teacher enters the class.

9. We live together in the class.
We read, we sculpt and we sing.
Learning to count, write,
Jump, run and play.

10. Books, pens, blotters.
We are no longer just children:
Now we are students!
(They teach a song at school)
Shapoklyak enters.
Shapoklyak: Wait! Wait! Why didn't you invite me?
Leading: Excuse me, but who are you and what are you doing here?
Shapoklyak: Well, if you don't know me, then the guys probably recognized me,
(with a threat) and if not...
Leading: Guys, do you recognize this lady?
Children: Yes! This is Shapoklyak!
Shapoklyak: So I can start re-educating these kids?
Leading: There is no need to re-educate anyone, because the guys have a holiday today.
Shapoklyak: As already New Year?
Children: No!
Shapoklyak: Well, it doesn’t look like March 8 at all ...
Leading: Today we have a celebration of dedication to first graders.
Shapoklyak: Are you guys already students?
Children: Yes!
Shapoklyak: I will check this now. I ask., and you, if we are talking about you, answer: “It's me! It's me! These are all my friends!”, and if not, then be silent.
Who walks to school like a merry gang every day?
How many of you come to class an hour late?
Which of you keeps books, pens and notebooks in order?
Which one of you kids walks dirty up to the ears?
Who completes their homework on time?
Which of you say aloud in the lesson catches flies?
Which of you decorates the classroom and the house with your work?
Who is not afraid of frost, who flies on skates like a bird?
Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
So you love exercise? Now let's check. Hey, fifth graders, do exercises with the kids! And I'll see what they can do.
Host: Well done guys! Sit down. And you, fifth graders, thank you for the warm-up!
Shapoklyak: It's not interesting for you, all your kids can do it. I'll go back to my cartoon
And in the morning, who wakes you guys up for exercises?
(Speech by Regina Safargalina)

Leading: Yes, our guys are no longer kids, but real schoolchildren! And today they will prove it. Solve the riddle.
Behind a huge house
And a pencil case, and books in it,
And notebooks, and an album -
This house goes to school. (Briefcase)
And there's a secret in that briefcase. And what is not in it.
The presenter takes out of the briefcase (riddles)

Here girls and boys
Take out notebooks, books,
Working diligently
They listen carefully.
Those children are one family.
Who are they? Will I ask you? (class, students, pupils)
Babies are the second mother.
She will give a lot of knowledge
Teach everyone how to work.
Learn - don't be lazy
And count and write
And sculpt and draw. (teacher)
Cell, ruler ...
Numbers, words...
How I try
She will show. (Notebook)
And you know how to pack a briefcase, and you run well, and you know a lot, but a real schoolboy must be able to behave correctly, be polite and know all the magic words. I will now check if all of you know what it means to be polite!
A courtesy contest is announced.

Even ice blocks melt
From a warm word...
(Thank you)

The old stump will turn green,
When he hears...
(Good afternoon)

The child is polite and developed
He says when he meets...

When we are scolded for pranks
We say: Excuse me...

Both France and Denmark
They say goodbye...

Leading: Well done guys, guessed all the riddles.
Leading: And now we will play one of our favorite games “For whom? For me!". Listen carefully and, where necessary, say the words: “For me!”
- Someone somewhere made a desk. For whom?
- Made a globe, a map. For whom?
- And you came at dawn for the first time!
Like all other children, in the first grade!
- There's a bell at recess. For whom?
- And the board hangs on the wall. For whom?
- Pen, pencil in a pencil case. For whom?
Who are the holidays for?
So that's how you have to learn
So you have to work hard
For people not to be ashamed. For whom?

What season is it now? (autumn) And in autumn we have such beautiful leaves !!!

Leading: Dear parents! It's your turn to take the oath of parents of first graders!
- We will always help children in their studies ... Yes!
- To make the school proud of the children ... Yes!
- We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks ... Yes!
- Formulas to remember are nonsense for us ... Yes!
- We swear never to beat children ... Yes!
- Just a little scold sometimes ... Yes!
- Let's be calm like water in a river ... Yes!
- We will be wise as a star in the sky ... Yes!
- We will get up in the morning in the cold ... Yes!
- To be in time both there and here... Yes!
- When will the study of suffering be completed,
Together with the children we will take a walk then ... Yes!

Presenter: Guys, I congratulate you! But today we have to celebrate one more event - the birthday of our class! Tell me, without which there is no birthday?

Children's answers. Among them is the answer: cake.

Presenter: Now let's bake a birthday cake.

Game "Cake"
All children join hands and line up in one long chain. If there are few children, involve adults. Leading in front of all, behind. On command, the children begin to "bake the cake": The leader turns around herself, winding the whole chain. The presenter spins until a big "cake" is obtained. Condition - do not disengage your hands. As soon as the whole chain wraps around the leader, you should stop. During the game, the melody of the song of the crocodile Gena sounds.

Guys, let's say goodbye to our 5th grade guys, they will say goodbye and sing us a song)
A parent in an autumn costume guesses a riddle about an apple. Treats children with apples. Gives beautiful notebooks

Nomination: Primary School, Extracurricular work, Scenarios of festive events, Grade 1

Position: teacher primary school highest qualification category
Place of work: MBOU "OOSH p. Shaturtorf"
Location: Shaturtorf village, Shatursky district, Moscow region

Methodological development of the event
moral and aesthetic orientation
"Panorama of Educational Ideas".

Holiday in 1st grade
"Dedication to First Graders"

1. Explanatory note.

2. Scenario of the holiday.

3. List of references.

4. Application:

1) Poems, skits, songs for the script;

2) Musical accompaniment;

3) Photos for registration;

4) Feedback from parents about the event

Explanatory note.

An extracurricular activity is held after the education of children in the first quarter. This event was held in the form of a holiday. The organization of holidays unites first-graders and their parents, allows them to understand that now they are one friendly school family, which, with a joint effort, can achieve great academic and creative success.

Event goals: search for new, non-traditional forms in the conduct of traditional holidays

Event objectives:

1. Strengthening school traditions;

2. Cohesion of the class team;

3. Develop children's creativity;

4. Continue to introduce students to the traditions of elementary school;

5. Creation of conditions for creative self-realization of students;

6. Facilitate cooperation with parents to develop in children the desire for closer communication;

Preparation for the final holiday begins a month before it is held.

The organization and holding of the holiday is carried out on the basis of KTD (collective creative activity).

Students of the 1st grade, parents and guests of the holiday participate in the holiday, in order to maintain the continuity of education, at the holiday high school students act as fairy-tale heroes.

In the process of preparing for the holiday, the students learn skits, songs, poems, together with their parents, the students prepare the project “We are now students!”.

Parents help in decorating the class, preparing gifts and festive tea.

I believe that the technologies, forms and methods of work I have chosen contributed to the realization of the goal of the educational event, which became a real event for students and parents.

Equipment: briefcases for Malvina and Pinocchio, a bottle of water, a bag of sweets, a pillow, rattles, a plate, cubes, an envelope with tasks, pictures on school themes.


"Dedication to First Graders"

Leading: Hello adults!

Hello children!

An unusual day today in the world -

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened all the doors for everyone.

And do not be sad, girls, boys,

By games, undertakings and fairy-tale books,

It all starts with school life

We are going to the Land of Knowledge!

Two months have passed since you came to school for the first time, September 1, in 1st grade. It was difficult for you, interesting, and your parents were scared - what success will their children have? And now the school has become a second home for all of you. And today is a holiday in your house. And the holiday is called like this: “We are now not just children, we are now students.” We will be together 4 winters, 3 autumns, 816 days, 4 springs, 32 thousand lessons. 50 thousand hours Look, guys, how many guests have come to you to congratulate you, talented children, on the holiday!

Leading: Let's open our holiday with the song "Autumn has come" song number 1

1st student. Here we are, welcome us

We are your new first class!

We go to school

Early in the morning to the lesson.

2nd student: Look at me

That's how happy I am!

I'm already in first grade.

And I'm friends with the guys.

3rd student: I really like learning

I'm not afraid to answer

I can get the job done.

Because I'm not lazy.

4th student: I'm not up to toys now:

I am learning the alphabet.

I'll pick up my toys.

And I will give the kindergarten.

5th student. We all come with bows.

Trousers are ironed now!

Look, there are arrows

Maybe 5, maybe 6!

6 student:

I'm in a hurry, I rush to school

Hooray, I'm a student! I'm studying!

And here is my class, my 1st class

Here I studied a quarter,

I learned so much that my friends give you my word

I've become a scientist!

No time to be bored at school

After all, we were in 1st grade

Teach in a new way.

8 student: We live together in the class, have fun,

We read, sculpt and sing,

Write poetry and rhyme.

Very difficult, I must tell you.

9th student. We are accustomed to order

In the morning we do exercises.

And we get up every time

How does the teacher enter the classroom?

10th student. We are students now

We are not up to the party.

Hooks are set on the house -

Difficult task!

11th student. Everyone in the class is busy

From call to call.

It's just a pity that the change

Very short at school.

12th student. Here they draw and sing,

Here they read and count.

Fractions are calculated in school!

You can learn a lot

Unless you yawn.

13th student. At school they showed us

How to write a big "A"

At school they told us

What is number 2.

14th student"2" will put, he knows

It means you are lazy!

We just don't know yet

Who will be lazy.

15th student. How much do we learn in school?

How many books will we read!

We are on this path

Many more years to go!

16th student. Let your family glorify

Smart school our people!

Wait, like a holiday, a lesson,

Otherwise, there will be no use.

17- student: School is your best friend

Our second home,

Here we comprehend the course of sciences,

We are a friendly family.

I'll sign up for the library.

I study mathematics

I count everything at school.

Teacher:- I want you, my students, to study only for "4" and "5". I will convey to you, my dear girls and boys, everything that I myself know. I wish you to be kind, honest and hardworking. May success be with everyone and good luck never leaves! And let any difficult task resolved for the benefit of all.

- Guys, when I went to school in the morning I met the postman Pechkin. He gave me this letter. Let's open it. It contains telegrams sent to you by your friends. I think you can guess who they are from.

1 . I wish you health from the bottom of my heart, kids!

So that vaccinations are not afraid, daily tempered,

So that bronchitis does not torment you, good doctor ... / Aibolit/

2 . I wish you a huge cake as a gift,

Chocolate and cookies, marmalade and jam

Getting thicker, taller, waiting for your answer on the roof. / Carlson/

3 . I want to wish you only 5 to receive,

Love good books, be friends with mathematics,

On behalf of Piero, Malvina, your friend ... / Pinocchio/

— And the last telegram. She's kind of scary, bad. Come on guys, figure out who sent it, because it's not signed.

4. Let the school year bring you only nasty things,

Get only "2", very rarely you can "3",

Break windows and storefronts, don't go to classes,

Have more fights, Hello old lady... / Shapoklyak/

Leading: Guys, would you like to meet fairy-tale characters?

Leading: Guys, the heroes of your favorite children's books came to your holiday. Meet them.

Enter Malvina

Malvina: Hello guys!

I got up early today

I collected my portfolio.

I'm fine here:

Books, pens and notebooks.

(Puts content on table)

And I didn't forget the line

She was also taken.

Leading. Guys! Malvina did not come to us alone. And who else came to us, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

What a strange

Wooden man.

On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key?

Everywhere the nose sticks its long.

Who is this?

A fragment of the song "Bu-ra-ti-no" sounds

Pinocchio runs in. Behind him dangles a briefcase on one strap.

Pinocchio: Hello guys!

My nose is sharp

My nose is long

I am a cheerful Pinocchio.

I didn't yawn either.

He quickly threw everything into the briefcase:

Cubes, plates, cups.

Multicolored papers.

Pyramids, rattles -

In general, all your toys!

Pinocchio puts toys on the table next to Malvina's school supplies.

Malvina: What are you, what are you, Pinocchio!

What is this strange picture?

Well, why do you need toys:

Pyramids, rattles?

You go to school to study

Don't be naughty and don't be lazy

You learn a lot of new things

You read many books.

Pinocchio: And what do I have! Here, admire: this is so that after answering the question of the teacher, the throat does not dry up! (Pulls out a bottle of lemonade from his briefcase.) This is enough sweet for the whole day! (Pulls out a candy bag.) I almost forgot the most important thing! (Pulls out a pillow.) I will need this when I get tired in class and want to sleep. I'll put a pillow under my head to make it softer.

That's how good I am!

Malvina: Yeah, "well done!, do not say anything! And what are you going to wear textbooks? Guys, let's tell Pinocchio what to take with you to school.

Pinocchio: Well, first-graders, can you help me? Then tell me, should I take a pen to school? And the penalty? What about toys? What about books? What about a bottle of lemonade? Thank you, now I know what I will take with me to school. Well, aren't you confused yourself? Maybe you take toys along with books? But this is what Malvina and I will now check!

Let's play the game "Collect a briefcase blindfolded"

A first grader comes to the table. He is blindfolded, and he begins to collect a portfolio of those things that Malvina and Pinocchio posted.

Well done, you know what to carry with you to school!

Pinocchio: For you to be successful,

There's a lot to learn

For starters, you guys

Guess the riddles!

Pinocchio and Malvina read in turnpuzzles.

Footsteps in the hallway

He calls everyone to class. (call)

The white stone melted

Left footprints on the board. (Chalk)

Who will color our album?

Well, of course … (pencil).

So that suddenly he does not disappear,

We'll take it to... (pencil case).

Presenter: Thanks Pinocchio, Malvina! And now our first-graders will tell how they will study at school.

First graders read poetry.

Carefully we entered

In this wonderful school house.

And in time we'll get used to it

We will be comfortable in it.

We will always try

Only get fives.

We promise teachers

Only bring joy.

And they will teach you Russian

Soon we will write a dictation.

In the choir we will sing together,

Developing your talent.

And may not be near mom -

Let's learn the lessons ourselves.

And wherever we have to live -

We value the school.

We will all have books.


Let's know, we'll know

Everything adults know!

We will be diligent

Diligent and diligent.

And we will study

Just great.

Why is the school good?

Whatever your heart desires:

You can choose what to learn:

Falling in love with math...

And study nature.

And learn English!

How can we not get lost.

Everything is taught in school:

Account, letter, letter.

We learn a lot here

School is just the beginning.

Teacher:- Guys, but you and I are engaged not only in studies. We are still learning to be friends, because it is here that we will become the most faithful friends for life.

1 student: Friendship is real

Starts at school

To never end.

2 student: Friendship is real

Checked by the heart

So this friendship is forever.

3 student: Let them run up the school stairs

September after September

Our friendship will not be divided

And multiply over the years.

4 student: Our friendship is with us to learn.

Resting with us

You can't get bored with her.

As with a good ringing song.

Teacher: But still, sometimes we are naughty!

song number 2 "Naughty"

MALVINA and BURATINO: And now let's check your attentiveness. We will read the text, and if you agree with it, you will answer us "It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!", If not, then stomp your feet.

Who is a gang of cheerful

Walking to school every day?

Which of you by your labor

Decorates the classroom and the house?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

Which one of you, say in unison,

Busy talking in class?

Which one of you is so smart?

Best ball thrower?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

Which one of you, tell me, brothers,

Forgetting to wash?

Who home their lesson

Does it perform right on time?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

Which of you comes to class

An hour late?

Which one of you, playing football,

Scores a goal out the window?

Which one of you, say out loud

Catching flies in class?

Which one of you is on the bus

Giving way to seniors?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

Which of you does not look gloomy,

Loves sports and exercise!

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

Leading: Well done! That's the kind of attention you need to be in the classroom.

Children perform the dance "Little Ducklings" with Malvina and Pinocchio

MALVINA and BURATINO: You guys are great! We checked your attentiveness, but you still don’t know how to solve problems!

1. Stumps have 5 mushrooms

And under the tree - 3. How many mushrooms will there be?

Well, look! (8)

2. In the meadow, by the stump,

He found another one.

Who has the answer

How many mushrooms did the hedgehog find? (3)

3. One birch grew

It has 8 branches.

Each one has an orange.

How many oranges were on the birch? (0)

MALVINA and BURATINO: Yes, MALVINA, because the guys came only from children. garden and I thought that they only play at school! But I was very wrong! Guys, will you take me to 1st grade?

Teacher: And now comes the solemn moment - the taking of the oath.

First grader's oath

I swear to everyone to try, be healthy,

Go to the first school regularly!

And in a knapsack to wear "good" and "excellent."

I swear!

I swear that I will try hard

No more fighting with my friends!

I swear!

I swear to be a child brought up

Do not run around the school, but walk in steps.

I swear!

And if I break my oath,

Then I give my milk tooth,

Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,

And I will not play on the computer!

I swear!

I will always be perfect as a child

And I will never forget my vow!

I swear!


Leading: Your elders came to congratulate you fifth grade students.

Account 1 Here comes the desired hour -

You are enrolled in 1st grade!

You, my friend, listen to us.

We will give you orders.

Study 2 Tell everyone about school

Treasure the honor of the school!

Keep always in order:

Books, copybooks, notebooks!

Be careful, be polite

Don't forget to say hello!

Study 4 You should know perfectly well:

Fighting at school is indecent!

So that you are always cheerful

Sing more good songs!

Lot 5 To be always healthy

Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf!

Listen to dad, listen to mom

And the teacher too!

Study 6 You get the program

If so, we can help!

If you follow orders

Get ready for class two!

Study 7 In a public place

Be polite to elders

Remember honor!

In the theater, in the tram,

In the reading room, in the cinema

Be humble-

Fine, smart!

song number 3 "First time, first class"

Teacher: It's hard to raise your children

There is a lot to know for this:

I would like to wish my parents:

Always help children in everything,

To collect the child to school in the morning,

Good parting words to give in time,

Don't forget to take a walk on the weekend.

To avoid all diseases,

We still need to temper the children,

Meetings also all attend,

Help the school as much as you can.

And most importantly, without a doubt -

I wish you patience!

TEACHER Yesterday only you were told: "Baby".

Sometimes called: "Prankster".

Today you are already sitting in this class,

Everyone calls you: "First grader!"

Serious, diligent, indeed a student,

Notebook, page after page.

And there are so many wonderful books around.

Great thing to learn.

Holiday ends

It's time for everyone to go home.

But here you guys learned a lot.

How to learn and how to play.

AND school rules everyone to study.

Leading: Well, friends, now you are real first-graders: brave, sympathetic, ready for great feats. And you have a long and difficult path ahead of you, but if you are always diligent, cheerful, then this path will be filled with bright events. Good luck, dear first graders! Thanks guys! We will try to fulfill your order. Promise?

Leading: Well, now to class. A sweet table awaits you. Our holiday “Now we are not just, we are now students” continues!


Lyrics of Song "Autumn Came After Summer"

Came after summer

Autumn, autumn.

We tell her about different colors

Let's ask, let's ask.

Leaf fall swirled in the sky,

Again the leaves from the trees are flying.

Birds fly away.


Autumn, autumn, one, two, three,

You give us colors.

Rainbow-arc colors

Bright, colored.

Autumn, autumn, one, two, three,

You give us colors.

So that we can color

Leaves and mushrooms in the forest.

So that we can color

Leaves and mushrooms in the forest.

It pours from the sky more often, more often

Rain, rain.

We will open soon

Umbrella, umbrella.

Clouds are crying


Moms and dads have sad faces.

Children's faces are sad

From the autumn slushy pores.


Came after summer

Autumn, autumn.

We tell her about different colors

Let's ask, let's ask.

Leaf fall swirled in the sky,

Again the leaves from the trees are flying.

It's a pity to say goodbye to summer

Birds fly away. - 3 times


1 contest "Artists" 2 people.

Exercise: draw a cat with closed eyes.

- Draw a large circle, a small one on top, two ears on the top, this will be the head, we will draw for beauty, a mustache mustache is more magnificent, here the fluffy tail is ready. You are more beautiful than all cats.

2 contest "Straw" 4 people /2 dev. And 2 small /

Exercise: Who will drink juice faster through a straw.

3 contest "Who is faster" 3 pers.

Exercise: who will quickly remove all the clothespins with their eyes closed.

4 competition: "Sweet competition" 4 people. /2 dev. And 2 small /

Exercise: who will eat the banana faster.

5 contest "Who will burst the balloon faster" 4 people. /2 dev. And 2 small /

Exercise: who will burst the balloon faster.

6 contest "Who is faster"/with chairs/ 9 people

7 competition "Sharp eye, clean ears, quick hands"

Exercise: who will take the prize faster 3

I'll tell you a story in a dozen phrases,

I'll just say word 3. Take the prize immediately.

Once we caught a pike, gutted it inside,

We saw small fish, and not one, but whole ... two!

A seasoned boy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion, look, do not be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command one, two ... march!

When you want to memorize verses, do not memorize them until late at night, but repeat them to yourself once, twice, or better ... five!

Recently, I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours,

Well, the prize, friends did not take it, when was the opportunity to take it?


Review of the holiday "Dedication to first graders."

The annual joyful event of every school is the arrival of first-graders. They have studied for almost two months, are already accustomed to the rules of the school and at the right time to solemnly call them STUDENTS. In class No. 6 of the MBOU "OOSH p. Shaturtorf" of the school, the initiation into first-graders took place, and here are the reviews about the event that parents left us.

On October 23, to the sound of a song about the school, students of the 1st grade gathered in anticipation of the holiday “Initiation to First Graders”.

The holiday began with the fact that the leader of the holiday greeted everyone: students, teachers and parents present. The holiday was continued by first-graders, they recited poems by heart. Many obstacles and trials met the first-graders on the way. Dunno, Malvina - they checked the guys for a long time. First-graders adequately coped with all the proposed tasks.

The presenter and the senior students made parting words, telling the first-graders about the traditions of the school, namely how to behave at school, how to respect the elders, how to collect a portfolio on their own, how to communicate with classmates, etc. The time has come for the most culminating moment of initiation into first graders. For this, first-graders were asked to stand up and take an oath. Each student was awarded diplomas "Initiation into first-graders" and S.P. Pail, a guest of the holiday, presented memorable gifts. The children were very happy!

We believe that this event was exciting for all the guys. First graders actively participated. Each question was answered, answered in chorus, amicably. It was felt that the students were interested, they were looking forward to new tasks.

First graders got a lot positive emotions. We hope that in real school life they will also famously overcome all obstacles.

For every parent it is very an important event. After all, our children have entered a new phase of their lives. And the guys confirmed this when they read poems that they are no longer just children, but students. Now they know what to do to study well. I liked the idea of ​​taking an oath, as well as a warm-up in game form what to put in a briefcase. I was pleased that our children answered all the questions in unison.

The holiday was interesting and informative. Thank you class teacher E.V. Bychkova and the children for a fun children's holiday!
Sincerely, 1st grade parents.


Nomination: Kindergarten, Extracurricular activities, Scenarios of festive events, Grade 1

Scenario of the event "Dedication to first graders"

Target:- team building and building
- instilling the skills of correct behavior at school
- development of artistry, creative abilities.

Leading. Hello, dear children, fathers and mothers, guests of the holiday. Here comes the long-awaited day. I wonder if everyone is here? Let's check! Hardworking girls here?

Girls. Here!

Leading. Are the smart boys here?

Boys. Here!

Leading. Are caring mothers here?

Moms. Here!

Leading. Are the smart dads here?

Popes. Here!

Leading. Strict but fair teachers here?

Teachers. Here!

Leading. And yet, someone is missing on our holiday.

At school we have turmoil and noise.
- It will start soon!
- Whispers, movement, disputes, chuckles.
- What kind of holiday is being prepared here?
“Is it clear that guests of honor will come?”
“Maybe the generals will come?”
- No!
“Maybe the admirals will come?”
- No!
“Maybe a hero who has circled the whole world?”
- No!
- Quit guessing in vain - look, here they are - guests!
- Honorary, most important.
Our first graders!

Music sounds - "First grader". First graders enter the hall.

Leading. Meet this - our first graders.

First graders come in and sit down.

Leading. Let the holiday "Initiation into disciples" be considered open.

Our youngest, our first graders ,

Dedicated to today is a holiday.

How endlessly, swiftly time

September is here already.

We remember moments today

As the children gathered in the first class.

Dear first graders! Two weeks ago you came to our school without knowing its rules and laws. And today, when you have already plunged into the "sea of ​​knowledge", experienced the first difficulties and did not flinch, did not ask to go home - you can be called real students.

Who knows, maybe today a future cosmonaut will perform on this stage, a future poet or teacher will read a poem, a future singer or doctor will sing a song.

So, look at them carefully and remember.

Readers take the stage.

Student 1.

School! The best friend,
Our second home!
Here we comprehend the course of sciences
We are a friendly family.

Student 2.

I grew up by entering this house.
Here I learn to read and write.
But furtively under his desk
I continue to play with toys.

Student 3.

We all come with bows.
Trousers are ironed now!
Look, there are arrows.
Maybe 5, maybe 6.

Student 4.

New uniform put on

white shirt,

Look at me

Now I am a first grader.

Student 5.

Look at me:

That's how happy I am!

I'm already in first grade

I wear a strict uniform!

Leading. Since you have already become students, then show how you know how to collect a portfolio. (competition "Collect a portfolio")

Leading. Well done boys! Keep it up! Hooray! Well, now the guys are on their way to the country of Knowledge!

(Words interrupted by music, Dunno appears to the music)

DON'T KNOW . Well, this is a disgrace! You can't get through! And they say that access to knowledge is open to everyone.

Leading. Of course, everyone. What do you, Dunno, want to study at our school?


Leading: That's right, come to us, you will learn.

DON'T KNOW: Study? Is it to work and work or what? Ha! And why do I need it? I'm so smart!

Leading: What, you don't like studying?


I love to be lazy
I don't want to study at all
That's the kind of student I am.
Check out my diary!

I tear textbooks, notebooks,
I forget order.
I don't like comments
I often sleep in class.

I confess, homework
I'm too lazy to do it.
I don't need to read books
I will walk all day!

Leading: In vain, you are so Dunno! The kids at our school love to learn! Read, write, count, sing and even dance. Do not believe!? But look!

The song Natasha-first-grader is performed

Leading: Well, how? Liked? Will you study?

DON'T KNOW: Liked. I will definitely dance and sing! But I don't want to read or write.

Leading: Dunno, look how many children came to study with us! They all want to get knowledge!

DON'T KNOW: Let them say it themselves!

First-graders come out to the tune of the song “teach at school”, read poetry.

Look at me:

That's how happy I am!

I'm already in first grade.

And I'm friends with the guys.

I really like to study

I'm not afraid to answer.

I can handle the task

Because I'm not lazy.

I don't care about toys now

I'm learning alphabet.

I'll pick up my toys

And I will give the kindergarten.

I hid the dolls

I don't want to play.

I don't have much time -

I am learning letters.

Happy mom and grandma

My dad is happy

And I myself like

In our bright school.

DON'T KNOW: Well, you definitely convinced me! Will you take me to first class? And I have a task for you too! Do you like to solve riddles? (referring to children) Now let's check


Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.

Feel free to write on me.

You can also draw.

What am I? ... (Notebook)

If you sharpen it

Draw what you want

Sun, sea, mountains, beach,

What is this? ...(Pencil).

If you know everything

You will get it at school ... (Five).

Footsteps in the hallway

That calls everyone to the class ... (Call).

The long-awaited call is given,

It's over... (Lesson).

Well done! Now I will definitely go to study, I want to be as smart! ( rises to the children)

Music saver.

First graders take the stage and take the oath

Oath of the first graders

I, the student, solemnly promise:

Always come to school with lessons learned.

Do not forget notebooks, pens, pencils at home.

Don't be late for lessons.

Respect elders, be worthy of the title of a student.

I swear! I swear! I swear!

Leading: Well, guys, have a good time!

Our road is long

We'll be holding hands

And we will get knowledge at school!

First grade certificates are awarded

Children sing the song “………………….”

Leading. The holiday "Initiation into disciples" is declared closed. Goodbye friends.

The course of the holiday

slide 1 Holiday"Dedication to First Graders"

slide 2 ( the song sounds - "First grader" )


Follow me with a brisk step
Get going, friends
To us for the holiday of dedication,
You can't be late
We are very glad to all guests!
The holiday knocked on our house!
First graders, come in!
We look forward to seeing you!

First graders enter to the music.

Teacher : Dear children, dear parents, guests! Today we have a big holiday, a holiday of initiation of first-graders into first-graders. It's been almost three months since you guys have been getting to know school life, and now it's time to become full members of our school family.

Slide 3. First graders read poetry.

Student 1:

We are very happy today
To all parents, children,
We welcome guests
Dear teachers!
All acquaintances, strangers,
Both serious and funny.

Student 2:

We were preschoolers
We went to kindergarten.
We made clay
And horses, and bunnies,
And now, and now
The school opened the door for us.

3.School is the best friend

Our second home

Here we comprehend the course of sciences

We are a friendly family

Song hello school

Student 3:

I entered in the fall
School in 1st grade.
I am considered a student
From the first number.

Student 4:

Even a small child
Unable to read
Just out of diapers
He asks to see the book.

Student 5:

We are friendly with printed word,
If it weren't for him,
Neither old nor new
We wouldn't know anything.

Student 6:

Carefully we entered
In this wonderful school house.
And in time we'll get used to it
We will be comfortable in it.

Student 7:

We will always try
Only get fives.
We promise teachers
Only bring joy.

Student 8:

And they will teach you Russian
Soon we will write a dictation.
In the choir we will sing together,
Developing your talent.

Student 9:

And let mom not be there
Let's learn the lessons ourselves.

Student 10:

And wherever we have to live -
We value the school.

Song "First Grader"

Teacher : But before we perform the rite of passage and assign you, first-graders, the proud title of first-grader, you will have trials. You must show ingenuity, attention, dexterity, ingenuity when performing various tasks.

slide 4 - Guys, the heroes of your favorite children's books came to your holiday. Meet them.

Malvina enters to the music of Pinocchio

Malvina: Hello guys!

I got up early today
I collected my portfolio.
I'm fine here:
Books, pens and notebooks.

(Puts content on table)

And I didn't forget the line
She was also taken.

slide 5

Teacher: Guys! Malvina did not come to us alone. And who else came to us, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

What a strange
The little man is wooden.
On land and underwater
Looking for a golden key?
Everywhere the nose sticks its long.
Who is this?

A fragment of the song "Bu-ra-ti-no" sounds.
Pinocchio runs in. Behind him dangles a briefcase on one strap.


Hello guys!
My nose is sharp
My nose is long
I am a cheerful Pinocchio.
I didn't yawn either.
I quickly threw everything into the briefcase:
Cubes, plates, cups.
Multicolored papers.
Pyramids, rattles -
In general, all your toys!

Pinocchio puts toys on the table next to school supplies Malvina .


What are you, what are you, Pinocchio!
What is this strange picture?
Well, why do you need toys:
Pyramids, rattles?
You go to school to study
Don't be naughty and don't be lazy
You learn a lot of new things
You read many books.

Pinocchio . And what do I have! Here, admire: this is so that after answering the question of the teacher, the throat does not dry up!(Pulls out a bottle of lemonade from his briefcase.) This is enough sweet for the whole day!(Pulls out a candy bag.) I almost forgot the most important thing!(Pulls out a pillow.) I will need this when I get tired in class and want to sleep. I'll put a pillow under my head to make it softer. That's how good I am!

Malvina. Yes, "well done", do not say anything! And what are you going to wear textbooks?

Guys, let's tell Pinocchio what to take with you to school.

Pinocchio . Well, first-graders, can you help me? Then tell me, should I take a pen to school? And the penalty? What about toys? What about books? What about a bottle of lemonade? Thank you, now I know what I will take with me to school. Well, aren't you confused yourself? Maybe you take toys along with books? But this is what Malvina and I will now check!

( Music .)

Let's spendthe game "Collect the briefcase" blindfolded.

A first grader comes to the table. He is blindfolded, and he begins to collect a portfolio of those things that Malvina and Pinocchio posted.

Teacher: Testing continues.

The one who passes all the tests will be awarded the proud title of "First Grader".

slide 6 So, on the way, ahead of you is an exciting journey on the ship.

Slide 7 We must follow the map to the city of Pervoklassnik.

Teacher: And so we set off on a journey along the River of Knowledge. First test:

slide 8. Do you like to solve riddles?

1. ThenFountain "Mysterious" invites you to solve riddles.

If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this? (Pencil ) Slide 9

So that suddenly he does not disappear,
Let's take it to…(pencil case). Slide 10

In a black field, a white hare
Jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this Hare? (Chalk ) slide 11

Who walks with a bag of books
School in the morning? (Student ) slide 12

The birds sat on the pages
They know the truth and fables. (Letters ) slide 13

Who is the smartest in the world
Who knows and knows everything
And in any free hour
Who will teach us everything? (Book ) Slide 14

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.
Feel free to write on me.
You can also draw.
What is me? (Notebook ) slide 15

slide 16

Teacher: And we swim towaterfall "Mathematical".

Math is hard
But I will say with respect:
Math needed
Everyone, without exception.

2 . - I propose to solve very interesting tasks.
A magpie, a sparrow, a butterfly and a bumblebee flew across the sky. How many birds were there?

Children: Two.

Teacher: 4 legs and 4 paws are visible from under the fence. How many living creatures are under the fence?

Children: 2 people and a dog.

Teacher: How many girls are in your class? boys?

The children answer.

Student 1:

Complete the proverbs using numbers.
Measure seven times, and ... cut off once.
Mind is good, but... better.

Student 2:

Decidepuzzles in verse
Vadim found six mushrooms,
And then another.
You answer the question:
How many mushrooms did he bring? (7)

Three daisies - yellow eyes,
Two funny cornflowers.
The children were given to the mother.
How many flowers are in the bouquet? (5)
Mom baked us four pies in the morning
We ate three of them right away.
How much did we eat? (1)

Teacher : Well done! You think well, but at school you will be taught to solve more difficult problems.

3 . Slide 17 - Now we are sailingto the pier "Igrovaya ". So let's play a little.

Game 1: collect the leaves (to the music)
The envelopes contain painted pictures of autumn leaves (the children painted them themselves at the drawing lesson), cut into pieces. On command, the children collect leaflets in parts to the music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaflet from disparate particles.

Slide 18–27 (automatically)

Game 2 for attention: repeat the movements of fairy-tale characters. (physical pause )

4. Slide 28 - We move on. We are approachingto the "Fairytale" pond - so we will visit fairy tales and remember them

1. What fairy-tale hero is being talked about here?

Walks to school with the Primer
Wooden little boy.
Falls into the place of the school
In a linen booth
What is the name of this book?
What is the boy's name? (Pinocchio ) Slide 29

A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,
And there was that girl a little more than a fingernail,
In a nutshell, that girl slept.
What a girl, how small she is!
Who has read such a book, knows a little girl? (Thumbelina ) slide 30

Grandma baked grandfather -
Grandfather was left without lunch:
That ball ran into the forest
Got on the toe of the fox? (Kolobok ) Slide 31

Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs.
Three beds, three pillows.
Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)slide 32

2. Tell the name of the literary hero.

Dad...(Carlo)Slide 33
Cat ... (Leopold, in boots, Matroskin)
slide 34
Grandfather ... (Frost, Mazai)
Slide 35
Baba ... (Yaga)
slide 36
Uncle ... (Fyodor, Styopa)
Slide 37
Crocodile Gena)
Slide 38
Postman Pechkin)
Slide 39
Dr. Aibolit)
Slide 40
Little Red Riding Hood)
Slide 41
Koschei the Deathless)
Slide 42
Fly Tsokotukha)
slide 43
Winnie the Pooh)
Slide 44

5 . Slide 45 - We are sailingto the pier "Correct".

Slide 46 - One of my acquaintances, grandfather Arkhip, likes to ask tricky questions very much, and you must answer them correctly.

Guys, today I
I'll ask tricky questions.
If the answer is negative,
Please answer with "no"
And affirmative - then
Say the word "yes" out loud.

Tell me one secret:
Do giraffes live in the tundra? ...
YOU WILL SEE a mole on a clear day,
Soaring in the SKY, right? ...
Cars are given the green light
IS IT POSSIBLE TO WALK on a zebra? ...
In the window in the morning - the sun's light,
NIGHT is coming, right? ...
Reader, having read, always
EATS a book, right? ...
Skinny boy, like a skeleton
EASY to lift the barbell? ...
Take off along the strip? ...
Pedestrians have a dream -
Stumbling, collapse IN THE PIT? ...
When the cold comes
Do all moose fly south? ...
You will answer me without difficulty:
Do cherry blossoms bloom in winter? ...
After Tuesday comes Wednesday
After Thursday - Saturday? ...
To your friends you say: "Hi!"
And the head teacher will say so? ...
In a trolleybus, having bought a ticket,
ON THE ROOF need to go? ...
The questions are over, friends!
And I praise everyone, guys, I.

6. Slide 47 - And finally, we arrive in the city that is waiting for us today.

This is the city of First Graders.
- Okay guys! You have completed my assignments. I believe that all of you can be accepted into the school fraternity and given the proud title of FIRST GRADE. And now the moment has come for the solemn pronunciation of the oath of the first grader, after which you will become members of a large and friendly school family!
7. Oath (children get on stage)

Take an oath.

FIRST GRADE Oath ( in turn )

We are first graders
Girls, boys.
We swear to be obedient
Cheerful, boring,
Help mom and dad
Don't offend kids
Always be diligent

And our friendship is true,
Discover the world of knowledge
To serve the Motherland!

Teacher: Dear Guys! Do not forget the oath you made today and try to follow it until the end of your studies. Allow me to perform the obligatory school ritual, without which initiation into first graders is impossible. This is the presentation of a first-grader diploma and a souvenir to each student. .

Teacher: A fairy-tale heroes read you an order.

Malvina and Pinocchio: (in order)

1. The desired hour has come:
You are enrolled in first grade.
You, my friend, listen to us,
We will give you an order:

2. Tell everyone about the school,
Treasure the honor of the school!
Keep always in order
Books, copybooks, notebooks.

3. Neat, be polite.
Don't forget to say hello!

4. You must know perfectly well
It's not nice to fight at school.
So that you are always cheerful
Sing more good songs.

5. To be always healthy,
Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf.
Listen to dad, listen to mom
And our teacher.

Teacher: Well, friends, now you are real first-graders: brave, sympathetic, ready for great feats. And you have a long and difficult path ahead of you, but if you are always diligent, cheerful, then this path will be filled with bright events. Good luck, dear first graders.

8. Slide 48 The matinee ends with the song "Teach at school."

Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school No. 34 Tomsk

Scenario extracurricular activities

"Dedication to First Graders"


primary school teacher

Popova I.G

Tomsk 2011

Initiation into first graders

Purpose: to organize and hold the first school holiday.


    promote cohesion between the student team and parents;

    to cultivate love for school, for school traditions;

    to develop creative abilities, the ability to stay on stage, to instill communication skills.

Leading. Follow me with a brisk step

Get going, friends
To us for the holiday of dedication,
You can't be late.
We are very glad to all guests!
The holiday knocked on our house!
First graders come in!

We look forward to seeing you!

To the solemn music, first-graders enter and take their seats. Leading. Dear children, mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers! Today we are gathered for a celebration. We dedicate the first-graders to the children who crossed the school threshold for the first time on September 1.

Students. On this holiday on an October day

We will call our parents

So, it's time to start. Our holiday is open, we are glad to see you, friends!

We are very happy today

To all parents and kids. We welcome guests. Dear teachers!

We went to kindergartenA month or two agoWe played and sang a lot. We really wanted to grow up.

We are quite big now. We came to school. And now no one will say that we are kids.

We want to learn quickly. Make friends with the alphabet! From page to page We will read it by spring!

On this wonderful bright day We are not too lazy to go to school. We say: "Cozy class. Make us feel welcome!"

Our school bell is cheerful In the morning it rings for us. We came to school

In the best first class.

We were met at the door by the teacher. Our new friend for many days. And a big noisy family of new girlfriends and friends.

No, school is better than kindergarten! I'm happy to go to school! Leaving class after class

And no "quiet time"!

And I'm not just a girl. Now I am a student. I'm not wearing a dress - a uniform. That's what they say in school.

Not bags, but briefcases.

Not a room, but a class. Not books, but textbooks We leaf through for the first time.

It's not hours - lessons. And everything must be remembered. And all the same, and all the same Chorus: We are very, very happy!

The song "Song of the First Grader" is performed

For the first time, in the first class - the kids are walking.

Everything for the first time for us - a uniform and a portfolio.

And mothers secretly wipe away tears.

These are their kids, schoolchildren now.

Chorus: Today the school welcomes us warmly,

She opened the door, she calls us to her.

Hello school! Hello, hello, school, dear!

We dedicate this song to you.

The dolls look sad and the toys are bored.

They now have to wait a long time for our weekend.

Do not be sad friends, we need to study,

So that when we grow up, to teach others.


For the first time, in the first class - it's interesting.

We waited a long time and now the hour has come.

The whole new world is for us, what is unknown there

We just believe that everything will be fine.


Leading. Yes, you are no longer kids, but real schoolchildren. And today you will prove it - complete all the tasks!

We are on holiday your teacher

Passed the briefcase, look

And there's a secret in that briefcase!

Well, what is not in it:

It contains pictures, and notebooks,

Where are the mysteries written?

And interesting puzzles...

Games, songs are wonderful ...

Let's play these games

And solve riddles.

Task cards are taken from the school bag. (Puzzles)

1.You colored pencil

Color all the drawings

to correct them later.

Very useful ... (eraser)

2. I'm ready to blind the whole world -

House, car, two cats.

I am the master today

I have ... (plasticine)

3. I'm big, I'm a student!

In my satchel ... (diary)

4. The line is straight, come on,

You can draw yourself!

It's hard science!

Useful here ... (ruler)

5. Now I'm in a cage, then in a line

Feel free to write on me

You can also draw

What is it, I - ... (notebook)

6. I look like a box

You put your hands on me.

Student, do you recognize me?

Well, of course, I - ... (pencil case)

7. Glue a ship, a soldier,

Locomotive, car, sword,

Help you guys

Multi-colored ... (paper)

Leading. Well done boys! You know that a real student must learn to collectbriefcase quickly and accurately. Now we will practice with you.

Game "Collect a portfolio".

The game is played by two students. On command, they assemble a briefcase to the music: they put a pencil case, plasticine, a ruler, etc. into it. (On the table, lay out items that you don’t need to take to school: toys, magazines, games, etc.)

Leading. Guys, why did you come to school? (Children's answers are heard, and one of the students gets up and is about to leave).

Leading. Sasha, wait, where are you going?

Sasha. I? Home!

Leading. How to go home?

Sasha. And I don't have to go to school. I can read, write, and count.

Leading. Sasha, wait. It's very good that you can do so much. But it seems to me that you still don't know much. For example, do you know how much it will be if 835 is divided by 5.

Sasha. No!

Leading. And how will it be in English: I'm glad to see you?

Sasha. No! And what, all this is also taught in school?

Leading. Certainly! And not only that, but much more.

Sasha. Well, then I'll stay!

Leading. That's good. Sit down soon. And now a cheerful bell will call us to the lesson.


Math is my favorite lesson.

And the scientist Lomonosov is right,

Right, of course, as always:

What is the science of mathematics

Mind recharge!

Leading. Well, now let's do exercises for the mind (reads tasks from the portfolio)

The apples are ripe in the orchard.

We managed to taste them:

Five ruddy, bulk,

Three with sourness. How many are there? (8)

Come on, how many guys

Riding on the mountain?

Three are sitting in a sledge,

One is waiting. (4)

Here are four beautiful pears

They lie on a plate.

Do not eat, but listen:

If one of them gets a brother,

How much will be left on your plate? (3)

Under the bushes by the river

May beetles lived.

Daughter, son, father and mother.

First graders perform ditties.

1. Oh, stomp, foot.

Topni is right.

I came to school to learn.

Even though it's small.

2. The uniform is new put on,

White shirt.

Admire me.

What a first grader I am.

3. I am carrying a heavy briefcase:

I am in first grade.

I'm afraid until I finish school.

I'm tired of studying.

4. We will overcome all sciences.

Everything will work out for us

Because our mothers

They study with us.

5. You don't discuss us.

No controversy.

We are first graders.

Not academics.

6. We sang ditties to you

Is it good, is it bad.

And now we ask you

For you to clap.

Student. AND the bell rings again

He calls us to class. (The bell rings.)


I left the doll, I don't want to play.

I don't have much time, I'm learning letters.

If you want to know a lot, achieve a lot,


I already know all the letters

I even read the signs

And newspaper titles

And candy wrappers.


Books can tell about everything in the world. Adults and children love to read them.

Leading. Well, now we will hold a contest to guess the heroes of fairy tales and their authors.

My father had a strange boy, cute, wooden,

And the father loved his son -

Shalunishka... Pinocchio (A. Tolstoy).

He is the best in the world. He heals sick animals

And once a hippo, he pulled out of the swamp.

He is famous, famous. This is a doctor ... Aibolit (K. Chukovsky).

He is a friend to animals and children, he is a living being,

But there is no one else like it in the world.

Because he is not a bird, nor a kitten, nor a puppy,

Not a wolf cub, not a groundhog.

And you have known this cute face for a long time.

He is called ... Cheburashka (E. Uspensky).

Unknown to many for a long time, he became everyone's friend.

According to the fairy tale, an interesting onion boy is familiar to everyone.

It is called very simply and not long ... Cipollino (J. Rodari)

Student. Well, I like getting to know the world around me. It's so interesting to learn about what surrounds you.

Smile in the morning puppy

And the dewdrop, and the flower,

A motley butterfly in the meadows,

Sun in blue clouds.

And then you will know:

So much beauty in the world.

Leading. Now let's play the bird game. (He takes out the next task from the briefcase.) If I name a bird, clap your hands.

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, pasta.

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits, flies and swifts.

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits, lapwings, siskins,

Jackdaws and swifts, mosquitoes, cuckoos,

Even from a spy owl.

Student. And I like the physical education class!

Guys, repeat after me! (Spends a physical minute with first-graders)

What is physical education? Training and play.

What is physical education? Physical, and -cul-, and -tu-, and -ra. 1

Hands up, hands down - it's physical, ,

We twist the neck, like a steering wheel - this is a cul-,

Dexterously jump in height - this is -tu-,

Run for half an hour in the morning - this is - pa.

Being engaged in this business - you will become dexterous, strong, courageous.

Plus a good figure. That's what physical education means!

Student. And I love music lessons.

The music teacher entered the spacious classroom,

And with music we enter the class together.

And pure sounds are pouring from us,

And we sing better every time.

The song "Schoolchildren" is performed

First time, first time with serious faces

On this day, we stood on a par with adults.

On this day, let gardens and courtyards not wait for us

The first time, the first time we sit at a desk

And for us the globe turned into a map.

And like a compass for us primers and collections

We are now, we are now schoolchildren, schoolchildren.

First time, first time we'll go on a long journey

Let the ocean roar, we can handle the helm.

Let the Bermudians wait somewhere for triangles

We are now, we are now schoolchildren, schoolchildren.

Leading. It seems to us that our guys have proved that they are worthy of the title of "Student". You have passed all the tests with dignity. And now all first-graders must take an oath. I ask everyone to stand up! Get ready to take the oath!

First grader's oath

I swear to be diligent before everyone,

And go to school regularly!

I swear!

And in a knapsack to wear "good" and "excellent."

I swear!

I swear it. that I will try very hard

No more fighting with my friends! I swear!

I swear to be a child brought up

Do not run around the school, but walk in steps. I swear!

What if I break my oath?

Then I give my milk tooth,

Then I promise to wash the dishes forever.

I won't play computer for a whole year! I swear!

I will always be perfect as a child

And I will never forget my vow!

I swear! I swear! I swear!


It's hard to raise your children

There is a lot to know for this.

I want to wish my parents.

Always help children in everything,

To collect the child to school in the morning,

Good parting words to give in time.

Don't forget to take a walk on the weekend

To avoid all diseases,

We need to toughen up more children,

Meetings also all attend,

Help the school as much as you can.

And most importantly - without a doubt -

I wish you patience!

Dear parents! It's your turn to take the oath of parents of first graders!

Oath of parents

Will we always help children in their studies?


Do we swear never to scold children?


Just a little scold sometimes?


Will we be wise, like a star in the sky?


Leading. Now, dear children, you can be considered real students.

School glorious, good home,

You will be fine in it.

Step by step every year

Let's start the journey to knowledge.

Pupils are awarded the “Student Medal”

List of used literature

1. Elzhova N.V. Holiday all year round. Toolkit for teachers, educators and educators-organizers. - Rostov n / a: publishing house "Phoenix", 20052. Uzorova O.V. Sketches - minutes at a school lesson - M .: AST Publishing House LLC, 20043. Ageeva I.D. 500 new children's ditties - M.: Sfera shopping center, 2009

Internet resources

1. 2. http://www.proshkolu.ru/user/Laryhina/blog/55826/