Stories about the army for children of the senior group. Our army. The Great Patriotic War

Dear Guys! Let's talk about the profession of a military man.

Who is a soldier? This is a man in the military.

I am sure that each of you has seen the military parade on TV, which takes place on May 9, on the Victory Day of our people in the war against Nazi Germany.

Representatives of all military branches walk in orderly rows along Red Square, minting a step. They are wearing dress uniforms.

The orders and medals of veterans who have gathered in the stands to watch the festive parade shine in the sun. And in the evening, when it gets dark, bright fireworks are lit in the sky.

Parade is a demonstration of the strength and power of our state, a manifestation of the patriotism of our military.

Like every state, Russia has an army, that is, armed forces.

The armed forces can be divided into three main groups - these are ground, or ground forces that operate on land, air Force— they defend the Motherland in the air; and naval - keeping watch in the seas and oceans.

Let's talk about ground forces. These include motorized rifle troops armed with machine guns, machine guns and grenade launchers. They travel in combat vehicles.

Tank troops fight on tanks protected by thick armor. These are self-propelled vehicles on caterpillar tracks, which allows them to pass through any terrain: along ravines and off-road. The tanks are armed with cannons and machine guns. There are people inside the tank - the crew.

Ground forces include artillery and rocket troops. Artillery mounts fire projectiles from cannons, and missile mounts fire missiles. The famous rocket launcher "Katyusha" smashed enemies during the Great Patriotic War. Artillerymen serve in the artillery.

Motorized riflemen, artillerymen and rocketmen serve in the Ground Forces.

To the military ground forces also include signalmen and sappers who can clear minefields, roads and bridges.

Each state also has border troops. They stand guard over the borders of the Motherland. Soldiers of the border troops are serving at border outposts. Their main task is not to let spies, terrorists, armed enemy groups, people transporting drugs through the border. Specially trained dogs help the border guards to carry out the difficult service.

The Airborne Forces (abbreviated as the Airborne Forces) are allocated to a special group. The military serving in these troops are physically strong and athletic. They undergo special multi-day training, mastering the rules of close combat, know fighting techniques, study different types confrontations.

Paratroopers are usually delivered by planes and helicopters to the places of hostilities. They descend to earth with the help of parachutes.

In addition to courage and bravery, the "blue berets" - the so-called paratroopers (after all, they wear blue berets as part of the uniform) - endurance, absolute health, agility and strength are needed.

Our army also has aviation - combat aircraft and helicopters. They are ready to defend, if necessary, our Fatherland from the air. The aircraft is controlled by a crew of pilots - this is the first and second pilots, the navigator, who plots the course of the aircraft in the sky, the radio operator, who keeps in touch with the airfield, and the mechanic responsible for the aircraft's serviceability. The pilots wear beautiful blue uniforms to match the color of the sky. In addition, in flight they have special high-altitude helmets. These military personnel must have excellent health, self-control, the ability to instantly assess the situation and make a decision, courage and determination.

A young man who dreams of becoming a pilot passes medical commission, then studies at a flight school, after graduating from which he can continue his studies at a military academy. After all, a pilot needs to know and be able to do a lot!

Our seas are protected by warships and submarines. Together they make up the navy.

Large surface ships - battleships - are armed with guns, machine guns, cruise missiles. A cruiser is a smaller ship, and a destroyer is a guard ship.

The military who serve in the navy are called sailors.

There is always a captain on the ship. He is responsible for the entire ship. He is assisted by an assistant captain and a navigator who plots a course at sea. The boatswain keeps order on the ship. The radio operator maintains contact with the ground and other ships. A ship's cook is called a cook. Each sailor in the team has his own duties.

My dad is a captain

Daddy knows everything

Knows where the wind will be born

How the ocean rages

After all, my dad is a captain!

We'll get a map of the world

Let's study together.

Here is the high peak of the Pamirs,

Here the seas turn blue.

This is southern Anapa,

This is northern Yamal.

Dad will tell you everything

Dad has been everywhere.

I will grow up and become

I, like dad, captain!

Russia has and submarine fleet- nuclear submarines. They hit enemy ships with special large projectiles - torpedoes. Submarines move under water, they go to the open sea for many months.

Many submarines help border guards if the border with other countries passes through the sea.

Soldiers of all branches of the military wear military uniform. It is casual and formal. The difference between the marine form is white and blue striped vest, and on the head a peakless cap with ribbons. On the shoulders, the military wear shoulder straps, on which the number of stars indicates the rank of the military personnel.

The famous commander A.V. Suvorov said: "The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad." But in order for a soldier to become a general, he must climb the ladder military ranks on many steps.

Higher naval rank— Admiral of the Fleet.

Let's remember the most prominent Russian military leaders. In the Navy, this is F.F. Ushakov, P.S. Nakhimov, N.G. Kuznetsov. In the ground forces - A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, G.K. Zhukov. The most fearless pilots are P.N. Nesterov, V.P. Chkalov, M.M. Raskov.

After listening to my story about military service, I think, dear guys, you understand that this service is "both dangerous and difficult." Military personnel often risk their lives and health, protecting peace and tranquility on earth. They are deep

they love their Motherland and their people, they have great knowledge, health, strength, readiness to fulfill any order.

If there are those among you who dream of serving in the army, they can be advised to enter military school- Suvorov or Nakhimov.

Who is called a soldier?

What three main groups can be divided into the armed forces of the state?

Tell us about the land, air and sea branches of the military.

What is the service of the border guards? Paratroopers? Sappers?

What qualities should a soldier have?

Would you like to become a soldier?

I sat somehow, once a bun on the porch and read a book about heroes. I read and read, but suddenly I thought: “But there are no heroes in our forest! Who will save everyone if the Serpent Gorynych attacks? he thought, thought, and began to gather in the army. And in order not to be bored, he called the wolf with him. “I don’t know how to do anything,” said the wolf. “They will teach us in the army,” Kolobok reassured him. And friends went to serve together.

And the Boar ran after them. He himself was afraid to go into the army, and he didn’t like the fact that a bun with heroes could become heroes. Let it not be better in the forest at all!

How long, how short, they got, a bun with a wolf to a military unit. The commander met them and said:

You will live in the barracks.

I want to live in the house, right away. - Under the roof. To keep warm and not dripping in the rain!

The barracks is the house, all the soldiers live there, - explained the beaver. “Now get to class!” You will push up.

The wolf did not know how to do push-ups. And he didn't succeed. He tried so hard that even his tail shook. The kolobok also failed, because it was round. He just lay down on his stomach and giggled.

Ha ha, you can't! - the boar began to tease from behind the bushes - maybe you don’t need to do push-ups? – . - I have never read about heroes who do push-ups.

Well, now I know what to do, - the boar was delighted and ran to the landfill to dig a ditch. He hoped that a heavy tank would get stuck in this ditch. It wasn't there! The tank on powerful caterpillars easily overcame this ridiculous obstacle.

Guard! - shouted the boar, running ahead of the growling. - Don't crush me!

Come with us to the army! shouted the bun from the hatch. Let's protect the forest from villains together!

And the boar remained to serve in the army along with the bun and the wolf. And by the return of the defenders, the squirrel and the fox really painted a picture of “Three heroes”, where they proudly sat on horses: a wolf, a wild boar and a bun!

The inhabitants of the forest could now be calm, because they had real defenders.

- additional material on the theme "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

New vocabulary

Nouns border guard, soldier, defender,army, Fatherland, infantry, tanker, patrol, service, fighter.

Verbs: protect, protect, guard, fight, fight, served

Adjectives: bold, courageous, daring.

Coordination of speech with the Dozor movement

Objectives: to teach to coordinate speech with movement, to developcreative imagination.

Your belt

gave me

Older brother.

All day

I made


And then -

Put on a pilot



gait: -

Left! Left!

Through the yard.

Got up

on patrol.




Behind -

Whole country.

G. Khodyrev

(Break and bred

fists in front of the chest.)

(beat rhythmically

fists against each other.)

(Put on a cap.)

(Put hands on belt.)

(March in place rhythmically moving hands .)

(stop,"keep automatic with two hands on right.)

(They turn their heads right.)


(Look ahead.)

(Apply right hand to the temple - “give honor".)

"Give me a word"

Goals: develop auditory attention, a sense of rhyme.

PROGRESS of the game.

The teacher reads the poem, the children carefullylisten and have the last word.

Grow up and follow brother

I'll be a soldier too

I will help him

Protect your ... (country).

The brother said: “Don't hurry!

You're better off in school!

Will you be an excellent student -

You will become ... (border guard).

You can be a sailor


To protect the border.

And serve not on earth,

And on a military ... (ship).

Can you become a soldier

Swim, ride and fly

A hunting in the ranks -

Waiting for you soldier...(infantry).

The plane flies like a bird

There is an air border.

On duty day and night

Our soldier is a soldier...(pilot).

Again in the battle machine rushes,

Caterpillars cut the ground

That car in a clean field

Operated by ... (tanker).

Any military profession

You must definitely learn

To be a support for countries,

So that the world does not have ... (wars).

H . Maidanik

A game "Pick the sign"

Target: enrich and clarify the vocabulary of adjectives.

For example:

Defender of the Fatherland (what?) - Brave, courageous, courageous ...

Service dog (what?) - Loyal, loyal, brave, smart...

The game "What holiday?"

Goals: improve the grammatical structure of speech,word formation, to develop coherent speech, thinking.

Game progress. The teacher reads a riddle story to the children. Childrencomplement it. The teacher then reads the completed story.

again, asks questions and asks the children to retell it.

Today we have a holiday in the garden. Only came to visit usmen: dads, grandfathers and brothers. They told about

his service. Vasin grandfather said that duringwar, he walked from Moscow to Berlin. He served in

infantry, was (by whom?) ... (infantryman). And Vovkinded is oldsuch a small stature - but he drove a huge tank. He was

(by whom?) ... (tanker). And Mishkin's grandfather also came, hewent reconnaissance, was (by whom?) ... (scout). This is generally very

dangerous.landing troops. He (who?) ... (paratrooper). And Misha himself, when

will grow up, he will also go to the army. He wants to go on a submarineserve, will be (by whom?) ... (submarine). And we didn't expect at all.

that Yulkin's dad serves on the border, guards our Motherland, he(who?) ... (border guard). We began to respect her even more! Well

what, you guessed what holiday we had in the garden?

S. Chesheva, I. Mikheeva

Game "Make a diagram"

Goals: consolidate the skill of analyzing sentences into words.

HODgames. The teacher invites the children to listensentences, count the number of words and draw diagrams.

Reminds you that sentences may contain “smallwords" - prepositions that the first word in a sentence is spelled with

capital letters, at the end of the sentence you need to put a period.

For example :

Our soldiers are brave.

The border guard is serving the Motherland.

The pilot is flying.

Game "Military Professions"

Goals: enrich and activate children's vocabulary on the topic,consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables, develop auditory attention.

Hodigry. The teacher reads poems to children aboutmilitary professions. Offers to name the professions about which

said in poems, and remember other namesmilitary professions.


Protecting the border is important!

The border guards are called.

WITH faithful dog they bravely

They serve the motherland.

S. Chertkov


The pilot knows his stuff

IN an airplane drives the sky.

Above he flies boldly on the ground,

Making a flight.

S. Chertkov


A sailor is sailing on a ship

He does not yearn for the earth.

He is with friendly with the wind and the wave,

After all the sea is his home.

WITH . Chertkov

For example: pilot-chik, sailor, tank-kist, in-gra-nich-nick, sol-dat, Officer.

Poems to read and memorize


Let the icicles cry

Let the mists cry

leaky roofs

And old faucets

Thin troughs

window glass,

And a sad hat

What got wet in the rain:




But we are not icicles

But we are not fogs,

Not thin roofs

Not copper faucets

After all, we are with you

As you know, men

And we can't

For no reason -




O. Driz


On the high mountains

In the steppe

Guards our Motherland soldiers.

He takes off into the sky

He goes to sea

Not afraid of a defender

Rain and snowfall.

birches rustle,

The birds are singing,

children grow up

At home country.

Soon I'll be on guard

I'll stand on the border

To only peaceful

People dreamed.

V. Stepanov


forest paths,

Smelly herbs.

Behind the dark ravine

Field space.

Evening sometimes

On patrol from the outpost

The border guard is coming

Watch countries.

forest paths,

Smelly herbs...

The nightingale is ringing

Over a running stream.

There is a border guard

At the gate of the outpost

In any weather

Inochui by day .

A . Zharov

Text for retelling

The little fighter fell on one wing, then onanother, and lower and lower inclined to the ground. The second large

flew in circles over him, like a bird over another, lined.It probably cost the pilot a lot of strength to keep the plane from

fall. He finally managed to land the car on peatswamp outside the outskirts. When landing, the plane broke, but

The pilot managed to jump out of the cockpit.

The second plane landed nearby, in a meadow.left a friend in need. They spent the night, and in the morning both flew to

correct car.

"Die yourself, but save a comrade."

From the story of Y. Gagarin


What happened to the fighter?

What did the second fighter do?

Where did the pilot land the plane?

What happened on landing?

How did the pilot of the second plane act?

What proverb did you hear at the end of the story?

Text to retell


Two women were drawing water from a well. A third one approached them. ANDthe old man sat down on a pebble to rest. Here says one

other woman:

My son is agile and strong, no one can cope with him.

And mine sings like a nightingale. No one has a voice like that says the other.

And the third is silent.

What can you say about your son? - ask her neighbors.

What can I say, says the woman.there is no special.

So the women took full buckets and went. And the old mantake them. Women go, stop. Painful hands,

splashing water, aching back.

Suddenly, three boys run out to meet. One over the headsomersaults, wheel walks, women admire them. Another

she sings a song - she fills herself with a nightingale, the women listened. Andthe third - to his mother: he took heavy buckets from her and dragged them.

The women ask the old man:

Well? What are our sons?

Where are they? - answers the old man. - I only have one son see .

IN . Oseeva

Questions :

What were the women doing at the well?

What did each woman say about her son?

What did the sons do when they met their mothers?

Why did the old man say he only sees one son?

L. Kassil.

Monument to the Soviet soldier.

The war went on for a long time.

Our troops began to advance on enemy soil. The Nazis are already farther and have nowhere to run. They settled in the main German city of Berlin.

Our troops hit Berlin. The last battle of the war began. No matter how the Nazis fought back, they could not resist. The soldiers of the Soviet Army in Berlin began to take street after street, house after house. But the Nazis don't give up.

    suddenly saw one of our soldiers, a kind soul, during a battle in the street a little German girl. Apparently, she has fallen behind her. And they forgot about her out of fright ... The poor fellow was left alone in the middle of the street. And she has nowhere to go. There is a fight all around. Fire blazes from every window, bombs explode, houses collapse, bullets whistle from all sides. It’s about to crush it with a stone, crush it with a fragment ...

Our soldier sees - the girl disappears...

A soldier rushed across the street right under the bullets, picked up a German girl in his arms, covered her with his shoulder from the fire and carried her out of the battle.

    soon our fighters also raised the red flag over the main building of the German capital.

Fascists surrendered. And the war is over. We won. The world has begun.

    a huge monument has now been built in the city of Berlin. High above the houses, on a green hill, stands a hero made of stone - a soldier of the Soviet Army. In one hand he has a heavy sword, with which he defeated the Nazi enemies, and in the other - a little girl. She pressed herself against the broad shoulder of the Soviet soldier. He saved her soldiers from death, saved all the children in the world from the Nazis, and looks menacingly from a height today, whether the evil enemies are going to start a war again and disturb the peace.

Sergey Alekseev

First column.

(Sergey Alekseev's stories about Leningraders and the feat of Leningrad).

    In 1941, the Nazis blockaded Leningrad. Cut off the city from the whole country. It was possible to get to Leningrad only by water, along Lake Ladoga.

    November is cold. It froze, the waterway stopped.

The road has stopped - it means that there will be no delivery of food, that means there will be no delivery of fuel, there will be no delivery of ammunition. Like air, like oxygen, Leningrad needs a road.

There will be a road! people said.

Lake Ladoga will freeze, will be covered hard ice Ladoga (this is the abbreviated name for Lake Ladoga). Here the road will pass through the ice.

Not everyone believed in such a path. Restless, capricious Ladoga. Blizzards will rage, a piercing wind - siverik - will sweep over the lake, - cracks and gullies will appear on the ice of the lake. Ladoga breaks his ice armor. Even the most severe frosts cannot completely bind Lake Ladoga.

Capricious, insidious Lake Ladoga. And yet there is no other way out. Nazis around.

Only here, along Lake Ladoga, the road to Leningrad can pass.

The most difficult days in Leningrad. Communication with Leningrad was cut off. People are waiting for the ice on Lake Ladoga to become strong enough. And this is not a day, not two. Look at the ice, at the lake. Ice thickness is measured. Old-timer fishermen also watch the lake. How is the ice on Ladoga?

Is growing.

Takes strength.

People are worried, time is running out.

Faster, faster, they shout to Ladoga. - Hey, don't be lazy, frost!

Hydrological scientists arrived at Lake Ladoga (these are those who study water and ice), builders and army commanders arrived. The first decided to go through the fragile ice.

Hydrologists passed - the ice withstood.

The builders passed - the ice withstood.

Major Mozhaev, commander of the road maintenance regiment, rode on horseback

Withstood the ice.

The horse-drawn cart marched across the ice. The sleigh survived on the road.

General Lagunov, one of the commanders of the Leningrad Front, drove across the ice in a passenger car. It crackled, creaked, the ice got angry, but let the car pass.

On November 22, 1941, the first automobile column went on the still not fully strengthened ice of Lake Ladoga. There were 60 trucks in the convoy. From here, from the western shore, from the side of Leningrad, cars left for cargo on the eastern shore.

Ahead is not a kilometer, not two - twenty-seven kilometers of an icy road. They are waiting on the western Leningrad coast for the return of people and convoys.

Will they return? Get stuck? Will they return? Get stuck?

Days passed. And so:

That's right, cars are coming, the convoy is returning. In the back of each of the cars there are three, four bags of flour. Haven't taken more yet. Fragile ice. True, sleds were pulled by cars in tows. The sleigh also contained sacks of flour, two or three.

From that day on, constant movement began on the ice of Lake Ladoga. Soon severe frosts hit. The ice is strong. Now each truck took 20, 30 bags of flour. Transported on the ice and other heavy loads.

The road was not easy. There were not always good luck here. The ice broke under the pressure of the wind. Cars sometimes sank. Fascist planes bombed columns from the air. And again we suffered losses. Motors froze on the way. Drivers froze on ice. And yet, neither day nor night, neither in a snowstorm, nor in the most severe frost, the ice road across Lake Ladoga did not stop working.

The most difficult days of Leningrad were standing. Stop the road - death to Leningrad.

The road didn't stop. "Dear life" Leningraders called it.

Sergey Alekseev

Tanya Savicheva.

Hunger death goes through the city. Leningrad cemeteries do not accommodate the dead. People were dying at the machines. They died in the streets. They went to bed at night and didn't wake up in the morning. More than 600 thousand people died of starvation in Leningrad.

Among the Leningrad houses, this house also rose. This is the Savichevs' house. The girl was bending over the sheets of the notebook. Her name is Tanya. Tanya Savicheva keeps a diary.

Notebook with alphabet. Tanya opens a page with the letter "Zh". Writes:

Zhenya is Tanya's sister.

Soon Tanya again sits down at her diary. Opens a page with the letter "B".

Page on the letter "L". Reading:

Another page from Tanya's diary. Page on the letter "B". Reading:

“Uncle Vasya died on April 13. at 2 am. 1942". One more page. Also the letter "L". But it is written on the back of the sheet: “Uncle Lyosha. May 10 at 4 p.m. 1942. Here is the page with the letter "M". We read: “Mom May 13 at 7:30 am. morning 1942. Tanya sits over the diary for a long time. Then opens the page with the letter "C". He writes: "The Savichevs are dead."

Opens the page to the letter "U". Clarifies: "Everyone died."

I sat down. She looked at the diary. She opened the page with the letter “O.” She wrote: “Tanya is the only one left.”

Tanya was saved from starvation. They took the girl out of Leningrad.

But Tanya did not live long. From hunger, cold, loss of loved ones, her health was undermined. Tanya Savicheva was also gone. Tanya passed away. The diary remains. "Death to the Fascists!" shouts the diary.

Sergey Alekseev

Fur coat.

A group of Leningrad children was taken out of Leningrad besieged by the Nazis "Dear Life". The car took off.

January. Freezing. The cold wind is whipping. The driver Koryakov is sitting at the steering wheel. Leads exactly one and a half.

Children hugged each other in the car. Girl, girl, girl again. Boy, girl, boy again. And here is another one. The smallest, the most puny. All the guys are thin, thin, like children's thin books. And this one is completely skinny, like a page from this book.

Guys gathered from different places. Some are from Okhta, some are from Narva, some are from the Vyborg side, some are from Kirovsky Island, some are from Vasilyevsky. And this one, imagine, from Nevsky Prospekt. Nevsky Prospekt is the central, main street of Leningrad. The boy lived here with his father, with his mother. A shell hit, there were no parents. Yes, and others, those who are now traveling in the car, were also left without mothers, without fathers. Their parents also died. Who died of starvation, who was hit by a fascist bomb, who was crushed by a collapsed house, whose life was cut short by a shell. The boys were all alone. Aunt Olya accompanies them. Aunt Olya herself is a teenager. Less than fifteen years old.

The guys are coming. They hugged each other. Girl, girl, girl again. Boy, girl, boy again. In the very middle is a crumb. The guys are coming. January. Freezing. Blows children in the wind. Aunt Olya wrapped her arms around them. From these warm hands it seems warmer to everyone.

There is a lorry and a half on the January ice. Ladoga froze to the right and left. More and more, stronger frost over Ladoga. Childish backs stiffen. Not children are sitting - icicles.

Here would be a fur coat now.

And suddenly... She slowed down, the lorry stopped. The driver Koryakov got out of the cab. He took off his warm soldier's sheepskin coat. He threw Olya up, shouting: . - Catch!

Olya picked up a sheepskin coat:

But how can you ... Yes, really, we ...

Take it, take it! shouted Koryakov and jumped into his cabin.

Guys look - a fur coat! From one kind it is warmer.

The driver sat down in his driver's seat. The car started up again. Aunt Olya covered the children with a sheepskin coat. The children huddled closer to each other. Girl, girl, girl again. Boy, girl, boy again. In the very middle is a crumb. The sheepskin coat turned out to be big and kind. Warmth ran down the children's backs.

Koryakov took the guys to the eastern shore of Lake Ladoga, delivered them to the village of Kobona. From here, from Kobona, they still had distant - distant path. Koryakov said goodbye to Aunt Olya. I started saying goodbye to the guys. He is holding a sheepskin coat. He looks at the sheepskin coat, at the guys. Oh, if the guys had a sheepskin coat on the road ... So, after all, it’s official, not your sheepskin coat. The authorities will immediately remove the head. The driver looks at the guys, at the sheepskin coat. And suddenly...

Oh, it wasn't! Koryakov waved his hand.

He was not scolded by his superiors. Got a new coat.

Stories by Sergei Alekseev


The soldiers of one of the Siberian divisions in those days when the division went to the front, fellow countrymen gave a little bear cub. Mishka got used to the soldier's car. Importantly went to the front.

Toptygin came to the front. The teddy bear turned out to be extremely smart. And most importantly, from birth he had a heroic character. Not afraid of bombings. It did not clog into corners during artillery shelling. He only grumbled with displeasure if the shells were bursting very close.

Mishka visited the Southwestern Front, then - as part of the troops that crushed the Nazis near Stalingrad. Then for some time he was with the troops in the rear, in the front-line reserve. Then he got into the 303rd rifle division to the Voronezh front, then to the Central, again to the Voronezh. He was in the armies of generals Managarov, Chernyakhovsky, again Managarov. The teddy bear grew up during this time. It resounded in the shoulders. The bass cut through. It became a boyar fur coat.

In the battles near Kharkov, the bear distinguished himself. At the crossings he walked with a convoy in an economic column. So it was this time. There were heavy, bloody battles. Once the economic column came under a strong blow from the Nazis. The Nazis surrounded the column. The forces are unequal, it's hard for ours. The soldiers took up defense. Only the defense is weak. Wouldn't leave Soviet soldiers.

Yes, but suddenly the Nazis hear some kind of terrible roar! "What would it be?" - guess the Nazis. Listened, watched.

Ber! Ber! Bear! someone shouted.

That's right - Mishka got up on his hind legs, growled and went to the Nazis. The Nazis did not expect, they rushed to the side. And ours hit at that moment. Escaped from the environment.

The bear walked in heroes.

He would be rewarded, - the soldiers laughed.

He received a reward: a plate of fragrant honey. Ate and growled. I licked the plate to a shine, to a shine. Added honey. Added again. Eat, eat, hero. Toptygin!

Soon the Voronezh Front was renamed the 1st Ukrainian. Together with the troops of the front, Mishka went to the Dnieper.

Bear grew up. Quite a giant. Where are the soldiers during the war to mess with such a bulk! The soldiers decided: we will come to Kyiv - we will settle him in the zoo. We will write on the cage: the bear is a well-deserved veteran and participant great battle.

However, the road to Kyiv passed. Their division passed by. The bear was not left in the menagerie. Even the soldiers are happy now.

From Ukraine Mishka got to Belarus. He took part in the battles near Bobruisk, then ended up in the army, which was going to Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a paradise for animals and birds. The best place on the entire planet. The soldiers decided: this is where we will leave Mishka.

That's right: under his pines. Under the fir.

That's where he is expanse.

Our troops liberated the area of ​​Belovezhskaya Pushcha. And now the hour of parting has come.

Fighters and a bear are standing in a forest clearing.

Farewell, Toptygin!

Play freely!

Live, start a family!

Mishka stood in the clearing. He got up on his hind legs. Looked at the green bushes.

The smell of the forest inhaled through the nose.

He went with a rolling gait into the forest. From paw to paw. From paw to paw. The soldiers look after:

Be happy, Mikhail Mikhalych!

And suddenly terrible explosion thundered in the meadow. The soldiers ran to the explosion - dead, motionless Toptygin.

A bear stepped on a fascist mine. We checked - there are many of them in Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

The war goes on without mercy. War has no weariness.

Stories by Sergei Alekseev


Our troops liberated Moldova. The Nazis were pushed back beyond the Dnieper, beyond Reut. They took Floreshty, Tiraspol, Orhei. We approached the capital of Moldova, the city of Chisinau.

Here two of our fronts advanced at once - the 2nd Ukrainian and the 3rd Ukrainian. Near Chisinau Soviet troops were supposed to surround a large fascist group. Fulfill the fronts of the indication of the Rate. To the north and west of Chisinau, the 2nd Ukrainian Front is advancing. East and south - the 3rd Ukrainian Front. Generals Malinovsky and Tolbukhin were at the head of the fronts.

Fedor Ivanovich, - General Malinovsky calls General Tolbukhin, - how is the offensive developing?

Everything is going according to plan, Rodion Yakovlevich, - General Tolbukhin answers General Malinovsky.

Troops march forward. They bypass the enemy. Ticks begin to squeeze.

Rodion Yakovlevich, - General Tolbukhin calls General Malinovsky, - how is the environment developing?

The encirclement is proceeding normally, Fyodor Ivanovich, - General Malinovsky answers General Tolbukhin and clarifies: - Exactly according to plan, on time.

And then the giant pincers closed. Eighteen fascist divisions turned out to be in a huge bag near Chisinau. Our troops began to defeat the fascists who fell into the bag.

Satisfied Soviet soldiers:

The beast will be slammed again with a trap.

There was talk: now the fascist is not terrible, at least take it with your bare hands.

However, the soldier Igoshin had a different opinion:

A fascist is a fascist. The serpentine character is serpentine. A wolf and a wolf in a trap.

The soldiers laugh

So it was at what time!

Now another price for a fascist.

A fascist is a fascist, - again Igoshin about his own.

That's because the character is harmful!

Everything is more difficult in the bag for the Nazis. They began to surrender. They also surrendered at the site of the 68th Guards Rifle Division. Igoshin served in one of her battalions.

A group of fascists came out of the forest. Everything is as it should be: hands up, a white flag is thrown over the group.

Clear - go to surrender.

The soldiers revived, shouting to the Nazis:

Please, please! It is high time!

The soldiers turned to Igoshin:

Well, why is your fascist terrible?

Soldiers are crowding, they are looking at the Nazis going to surrender. There are newcomers in the battalion. For the first time, the Nazis are seen so close. And they, the newcomers, are also not at all afraid of the Nazis - after all, they are going to surrender.

The Nazis are getting closer, closer. Close at all. And suddenly burst burst.

The Nazis began to shoot.

A lot of ours would have died. Yes, thanks to Igoshin. He kept his weapon at the ready. The retaliatory immediately opened fire. Then others helped.

The firing went off on the field. The soldiers approached Igoshin:

Thank you brother. And the fascist, look, with a snake indeed, it turns out, a sting.

The Chisinau “cauldron” brought a lot of trouble to our soldiers. The fascists rushed.

They rushed in different directions. Went to deceit, to meanness. They tried to leave. But in vain.

Soldiers clamped them with a heroic hand. Clamped. Squeezed. The snake's sting was pulled out.

Mityaev A.V.

Bag of oatmeal

That autumn there were long cold rains. The ground was soaked with water, the roads became muddy. On the country roads, bogged down along the very axis in the mud, there were military trucks. With the supply of food became very bad. In the soldiers' kitchen, the cook cooked only cracker soup every day: he poured cracker crumbs into hot water and seasoned it with salt.

On such and such hungry days, the soldier Lukashuk found a sack of oatmeal. He was not looking for anything, just leaned his shoulder against the wall of the trench. A block of damp sand collapsed, and everyone saw the edge of a green duffel bag in the hole.

Well, what a find! the soldiers rejoiced. There will be a feast on the mountain of Kashu sva-rim!

One ran with a bucket for water, others began to look for firewood, and still others had already prepared spoons.

But when it was possible to fan the fire and it was already beating at the bottom of the bucket, an unfamiliar soldier jumped into the trench. He was thin and red. Eyebrows above blue eyes are also red. Overcoat worn, short. On the legs are windings and trampled shoes.

Hey brother! he shouted in a hoarse, cold voice. “Give the bag over here!” Do not put do not take.

He simply stunned everyone with his appearance, and the bag was given to him immediately.

And how could you not give up? According to the front-line law, it was necessary to give. Duffel bags were hidden in trenches by soldiers when they went on the attack. To make it easier. Of course, there were bags left without an owner: either it was impossible to return for them (this is if the attack was successful and it was necessary to drive the Nazis), or the soldier died. But since the owner has come, the conversation is short to give.

The soldiers watched in silence as the redhead carried the precious sack over his shoulder. Only Lukashuk could not stand it, he quipped:

Wow, he's skinny! They gave him an extra ration. Let it pop. If it doesn't break, it might get fatter.

The cold has come. Snow. The earth froze, became solid. The delivery has improved. The cook cooked cabbage soup with meat, pea soup with ham in the kitchen on wheels. Everyone forgot about the red-haired soldier and his oatmeal.

A big offensive was being prepared.

Long lines of infantry battalions marched along hidden forest roads and ravines. At night, tractors were dragging guns to the front line, tanks were moving. Lukashuk and his comrades were also preparing for the offensive. It was still dark when the guns opened fire. Airplanes hummed in the sky.

They threw bombs on Nazi dugouts, fired machine guns at enemy trenches.

The planes took off. Then the tanks roared. Behind them, the infantrymen rushed to the attack. Lukashuk and his comrades also ran and fired from a machine gun. He threw a grenade into the German trench, wanted to throw more, but did not have time: the bullet hit him in the chest. And he fell. Lukashuk lay in the snow and did not feel that the snow was cold. Some time passed, and he stopped hearing the roar of battle. Then the light ceased to see him, it seemed to him that a dark, still night had come.

When Lukashuk regained consciousness, he saw an orderly. The orderly bandaged the wound, put such plywood sledges in Lukashuk's boat. The sleigh slid and swayed in the snow. Lukashuk's head began to spin from this quiet swaying. And he didn't want his head to spin, he wanted to remember where he had seen this orderly, red-haired and thin, in a well-worn overcoat.

Hold on brother! Do not be shy to live! .. He heard the words of the orderly. It seemed to Lukashuk that he had known this voice for a long time. But where and when he heard it before, he could no longer remember.

Lukashuk regained consciousness when he was transferred from the boat to a stretcher to be taken to a large tent under the pines: here, in the forest, a military doctor was pulling out bullets and shrapnel from the wounded.

Lying on a stretcher, Lukashuk saw the sled-boat on which he was taken to the hospital. Three dogs were tied to the sled with straps. They lay in the snow. Icicles are frozen on the wool. The muzzles were overgrown with frost, the eyes of the dogs were half closed.

The nurse approached the dogs. In his hands was a helmet full of oatmeal. Steam poured from her. The orderly stuck his helmet into the snow to cool the dogs harmfully hot. The orderly was thin and red-haired. And then Lukashuk remembered where he had seen him. It was he who then jumped into the trench and took the bag of oatmeal from them.

Lukashuk smiled at the orderly with his lips and, coughing and choking, said: - And you, red-haired, have not grown fat. One ate a bag of oatmeal, but still thin. The orderly also smiled and, stroking the nearest dog, answered:

They ate oatmeal. But they got you on time. And I recognized you right away. As I saw in the snow, I recognized it.

"Tankman's Tale" Alexander Tvardovsky

What's his name, I forgot to ask.

Ten or twelve years old. troublesome,

Of those that are the leaders of children,

Of those in the front-line towns

They greet us like honored guests.

The car is surrounded in parking lots,

Carrying water in buckets for them is not difficult,

They bring soap with a towel to the tank

And unripe plums stick ...

There was a fight outside. The fire of the enemy was terrible, We broke through to the square ahead.

And he nails - do not look out of the towers - And the devil will understand where he hits.

Here, guess what house

He perched - so many holes, And suddenly a boy ran up to the car:

    Comrade Commander, Comrade Commander!

I know where their gun is. I unraveled...

I crawled up, they are over there, in the garden ...

    But where, where? .. - And let me go On the tank with you. I'll bring it straight.

Well, the fight doesn't wait. - Get in here, buddy! -

And here we are rolling to the place four of us. There is a boy - mines, bullets whistle,

And only a shirt with a bubble.

We drove up. - Here. - And with a turn We go to the rear and give full throttle. And this gun, along with the calculation,

We sank into loose, greasy black earth.

I wiped off the sweat. Smothered with fumes and soot: From house to house there was a big fire.

And, I remember, I said: - Thank you, lad! - And shook his hand, like a comrade ...

It was a difficult fight. Everything is now, as if awake, And I just can’t forgive myself:

Of the thousands of faces I would recognize the boy,

But what's his name, I forgot to ask him.

Conversations about War


Dear guys, you were born and live in peacetime and do not know what war is. But not everyone can experience such happiness. In many places on our Earth, military conflicts are taking place in which people are dying, destroyed residential buildings, industrial buildings, etc. But this is nothing compared to what the Second World War.

World War II is the most major war in the history of mankind. It was unleashed by Germany, Italy and Japan. 61 states were involved in this war (14 states on the side of Nazi Germany, 47 on the side of Russia).

In total, 1.7 billion people or 80% of the entire population of the Earth participated in the war, i.e. out of every 10 people, 8 participated in the war. Therefore, such a war is called a world war.

110 million people participated in the armies of all countries. World War II lasted 6 years - since September 1, 1939 to May 9, 1945

The German attack on the Soviet Union was unexpected. It was struck by an unknown force. Hitler attacked the Soviet Union (as our Fatherland used to be called) immediately on large space- from the Baltic Sea to the Carpathian Mountains (almost throughout our Western border). His troops have crossed our border. Thousands and thousands of guns opened fire on peacefully sleeping villages and cities, enemy planes began to bomb railways, railway stations, airfields. Germany prepared a huge army for the war with Russia. Hitler wanted to turn the population of our Motherland into slaves and force them to work for Germany, he wanted to destroy science, culture, art, to prohibit education in Russia.

The bloody war continued for many years, but the enemy was defeated.

The Great Victory that our grandparents won in World War II over Nazi Germany has no analogues in history.

The names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are forever preserved in the memory of the people.

This year 2016 marks the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory in World War II. It is called the "Great Victory" because it is the victory of sane people in the most terrible world war in the history of mankind, which fascism imposed on him.

Why is the war called the Great Patriotic War?

THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR is the largest war in the history of mankind. The word "great" means very large, huge, enormous. In fact, the war captured a huge part of the territory of our country, tens of millions of people took part in it, it lasted four long years, and victory in it demanded from our people an enormous effort of all physical and spiritual forces.

It is called the Patriotic War because this war is just, aimed at protecting the Fatherland. Our entire vast country has risen to fight the enemy! Men and women, the elderly, even children forged victory in the rear and on the front lines.

Now you know that one of the most cruel and bloody wars in the history of Russia was called the Great Patriotic War. The victory of the Red Army in this war is the main event in the history of Russia in the 20th century!

The German attack on the Soviet Union was unexpected. In these June days, tenth-graders were finishing school, graduation balls were held in schools. Boys and girls in bright elegant clothes danced, sang, met the dawn. They made plans for the future, dreamed of happiness and love. But the war severely destroyed these plans!

On June 22 at 12 noon, Minister of Foreign Affairs V.M. Molotov spoke on the radio and announced the attack on our country by fascist Germany. Young people took off their school uniforms, put on overcoats and went straight from school to war, became soldiers of the Red Army. Soldiers who served in the Red Army were called Red Army men.

Every day the echelons took the fighters to the front. All nations Soviet Union rise to fight the enemy!

But in 1941, the people wanted with all their might to help their country, which was in trouble! Both young and old people rushed to the front and signed up for the Red Army. Only in the first days of the war, about a million people signed up! Queues were gathering at the recruiting stations - people were striving to defend their Fatherland!

In terms of the scale of human casualties and destruction, this war surpassed all the wars that were on our planet. A huge number of people were destroyed. Over 20 million soldiers were killed on the fronts in combat operations. During the Second World War, about 55 million people died, almost half of them were citizens of our country.

Fascist Germany.

    When did WWII start?

    Why is she called that?

    Which country started the war?

    What did Hitler want to do with our people?

    Who stood up to defend the Fatherland?


Difficult, hungry and cold war years are called military dashing, evil years. They were hard for all our people, but it was especially hard for small children.

Many children were left orphans, their fathers died in the war, others lost their parents during the bombing, the third lost not only their relatives, but also their home, the fourth ended up in the territory occupied by the enemies, the fifth were captured by the Germans.

Children - weak, helpless, found themselves face to face with the cruel, merciless, evil force of fascism.

War is no place for children

War is no place for children!

There are no books or toys here.

Explosions of mines and the roar of guns,

And a sea of ​​blood and death.

War is no place for children!

The child needs a warm home

And mothers tender hands,

And a look filled with kindness,

And songs lullaby sounds.

And Christmas tree lights

Happy skiing from the mountain, Snowballs and skis, and skates, And not orphanhood and suffering!

Here is the story of two little girls whose fate is engulfed by war. The girls' names were Valya and Vera Okopnyuk. They were sisters. Valya is older, she was already thirteen years old, and Vera was only ten.

The sisters lived in a wooden house on the outskirts of the city of Sumy. Shortly before the war, their mother fell seriously ill and died, and when the war began, the girls' father went to the front. The children were left completely alone. Neighbors helped the sisters to enter the vocational school at the tractor factory. But soon the plant was evacuated beyond the Urals, and the school was closed. What was to be done?

Vera and Valya did not lose their heads. They began to be on duty on the roofs of houses, extinguishing incendiary bombs, helping the sick and old people go down to the bomb shelter. A few months later, the city was captured by the Germans. The girls had to see and experience all the horrors of the occupation.

One of them recalled: “People were kicked out of their houses and driven on foot, taken away in cars. Some never returned to their home. The Germans drove the people to the square and forced them to watch how our people were hanged. The city was hungry, cold, there was no water.”

The sisters decided to flee to Kyiv. They made their way along the paths along the highways, collected spikelets that fell out of the cars during transportation. We spent the night in bales of hay. The girls wandered for a long time, until, finally, they ended up on the outskirts of Kyiv.

Some kind old woman took pity on the hungry, ragged and dirty children. She warmed them, washed them, gave them boiling water to drink, and treated them to boiled beans. The sisters stayed with this grandmother. Her sons beat the enemy at the front, the old woman lived alone.

But our troops entered the city. How many tears and joy! All young people - boys and girls - ran to the military registration and enlistment offices. The sisters also ran, but they were told that they were still too small. However, they had such a bitter childhood that the girls considered themselves quite adults. They wanted to work in the hospital - but they refused here too. But once many wounded soldiers were brought to the city, and the doctor said to the sisters: “Come on, girls, help.”

“That's how it happened that we stayed in the hospital,” Vera recalled.

The girls began to help the orderlies, learned how to make dressings, and fed the wounded Red Army soldiers. If there was a free hour, the sisters arranged a concert for the fighters: they read poetry, sang songs to the guitar, and danced. They wanted to cheer up, cheer up the wounded soldiers. The soldiers loved the girls!

One day, Vera saw her uncle, her father's brother, among the soldiers walking through the city. She rushed towards him. And soon the girls received the first letter from their father. The father thought that the sisters had died, and was infinitely glad that Vera and Valya were found, asked them to take care of themselves, wrote that when the war was over, they would be together again. The whole hospital cried over this letter! Vera recalls.

The war distorted the fate of not only the children who ended up at the front, but also those who were in the rear. Instead of a carefree happy childhood with fun games and amusements, small children spent ten to twelve hours working on machines, helping adults make weapons to defeat the enemy.

Everywhere in the rear, industries producing defense products were created. Women and children aged 13-14 worked on the machines. “Children, poorly dressed, swollen from hunger, never getting enough sleep, they worked on a par with adults. As a shop manager, my heart sank when I saw them warming themselves by the stove or taking a nap at the machine tool, ”recalled a veteran of a military plant in Korolyov near Moscow. V.D. Kowalski.

Another veteran, N.S. Samartsev, said: “We did not reach the workbench, and we were made special coasters from boxes. They operated by hand - a hammer, a file, a chisel. By the end of the shift, they fell off their feet. Just to sleep 4-5 hours! They didn’t leave the workshop for two weeks, and only at the beginning of the month, when the tension was less, did they sleep at home.

The schoolchildren did their best to help the front-line soldiers to raise their morale, to inspire faith in victory, to encourage them with a kind word.

They wrote letters to the fighters, collected parcels for them. They sewed and embroidered tobacco pouches, knitted warm woolen mittens, socks, scarves.

The song "Little Valenka" sounds, music. N. Levy, ate. V. Dykhovichny.

    Tell us about the life of children in difficult war years.

    How did children help adults in the rear?

    What did schoolchildren send to soldiers at the front?


On the way to the Great Victory of the Russian people, there were defeats in battles and many important victories, events: The defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow, the liberation Russian cities, allied countries, but one of the main ones is the signing of an act of unconditional surrender between Nazi Germany and the victorious countries (Great Britain, the Soviet Union, the United States of America and France).

This happened on May 9, 1945 in the capital of defeated Germany - Berlin. From that day on, the whole world became aware that fascist Germany was completely defeated. Every year on May 9, people solemnly celebrate this date. In our country, May 9 is a public holiday, which is dedicated to the Victory Day. On this day, people do not work, but congratulate war veterans and celebrate.

A bloody war continued for many years, but the enemy was defeated, and Germany signed an act of unconditional surrender.

May 9, 1945 has forever become a great date for Russia. For the sake of this happy day, millions of people died fighting for the freedom of Russia and the whole world. We will never forget those who burned in tanks, who threw themselves out of the trenches under hurricane fire, who lay down on the embrasure with their chest, who did not spare their lives and overcame everything. Not for the sake of awards, but so that you guys and I can live, study, work and be happy!

The names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are forever preserved in the memory of the people. Alexander Matrosov sacrificed his life, closing the embrasure of an enemy pillbox. Alexander Matrosov saved the lives of his comrades.

General D.M. Karbyshev, being in the clutches of the enemy, did not give up, did not betray the Fatherland and was cruelly tortured by the Nazis. After much torture, he was taken out undressed into the bitter cold and doused with water until the general turned into an ice statue.

The young partisan Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was brutally tortured by the Nazis, but did not betray her comrades.

There are a lot of heroes of the Great Patriotic War. But the names of many thousands of soldiers who accomplished feats and gave their lives for their homeland, unfortunately, remained unknown.

An “eternal flame” burns near them, flowers are laid on them by those whose peaceful life they held out in battle.

No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten! A great victory great war victory We must not forget!

Grandfathers defended in battles

Holy Motherland.

She sent to battle

The best of my sons.

She helped with prayer

And righteous faith.

In the great war we must not forget the victory

For us grandfathers defended

And life, and Motherland!

On May 9, 1945, the first Victory Parade took place in Moscow. Thousands of people with bouquets of flowers took to the streets of the capital. People laughed, cried, strangers hugged each other. This, in fact, was a holiday of the whole people "with tears in their eyes"! Everyone rejoiced at the greatest victory over the enemy and mourned the dead.

The victorious warriors walked in orderly rows along the streets of the capital. They carried the banners of the defeated enemy to Red Square and threw them on the paving stones of the ancient square.

Women, children, youth and the elderly greeted the brave fighters with tears of joy, gave them flowers, hugged them, congratulated them on their victory.

On this day, a solemn parade of troops took place on the Red Square of the capital, and in the evening the sky over Moscow flared up with bright lights of victorious salute.

Since then, the Victory Day - May 9 - has become a truly national celebration! The streets of the capital bloom with smiles of joy, lush bouquets of flowers and bright balloons, solemn music sounds.

In the memorable places of the capital - on Poklonnaya Hill, at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, on the square in front of the Bolshoi Theater veterans gather. Their breasts are adorned with orders and medals received for heroic deeds in the Great Patriotic War. They share with us, their grateful descendants, stories about the dashing wartime, meet with their fighting friends. Celebrations are held in all cities of Russia!

Years go by. Sixty years have passed since the Great Victory. Alas! The war veterans have grown old, many of them over eighty years old. There are fewer and fewer survivors of the war.

Dear friends! We will be grateful to them for the fact that they won the fierce battle with the enemy, defended our native land and peaceful life for us. We will be worthy of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers!

The song "Victory Day" sounds, music. D. Tukhmanova, sl. V. Kharitonov.

1. When do we celebrate the Victory Day of our people in the Great Patriotic War?

2. Tell us about the heroes of the war.

3. How is Victory Day celebrated in our country?

4. What monuments and memorials to fallen soldiers do you know?


In terms of the scale of human casualties and destruction, the Great Patriotic War surpassed all the wars that were on our planet. A huge number of people were destroyed. Over 20 million soldiers were killed on the fronts in combat operations.

During the Second World War, about 55 million people died, almost half of them were citizens of our country.

The horror and losses of the Second World War united people in the struggle against fascism, and therefore the great joy of victory in 1945 swept not only Europe, but the whole world.

In the battles for their homeland, Soviet soldiers showed amazing courage and fearlessness. The battle was for every piece of land.

The enemy has been defeated!

May 9, 1945 we celebrate Victory Day over Nazi Germany. This is how a war veteran recalls this day: “It was Victory Day. It is truly a joy with tears in my eyes. Everyone jumped out of the dugouts because there was shooting all around. But then there were shouts: “The war is over!” All strangers to each other, strangers, hugging, crying, laughing. With fire from a thousand guns, machine guns, machine guns, rifles, like a salute, our soldiers marked the end of the Great War. And then there was an amazing silence. Not a single shot... Millions of people, already accustomed to bombings, explosions, the howl of sirens, the roar of guns, were waiting for this peaceful silence. Listen to how the first day of peace was met by a Russian soldier who found himself in a foreign land, not far from a German city.

First day of peace Fragrant thick silence,

No gunshot sounds, no explosion. This morning the war ended, And even though there is a foreign side around me, I miraculously survived, I'm alive!

Friends I remembered those who never

Will not come out at dawn for mowing

Who does not throw seine into the river,

Who will not be doused with dew in the spring.

I didn't want to kill or burn

I only felt the call native land,

But in memory I swore to save Friends,

that they perished in a foreign land!

The song “We need one victory” by B. Okudzhava sounds.

1. When do we celebrate Victory Day over Nazi Germany?

2. Ask your mother, father, grandmother to tell you about who from your family took part in the Great Patriotic War.

3. What is their fate?

"Symbols of Victory - Orders, Medals and Banners".

Target: To introduce children to the military awards that were awarded to soldiers during the Great Patriotic War, with the banner of Victory, which was hoisted over the Reichstag; to cultivate respect for the feats of arms of fighters and commanders, pride in their people, love for the Motherland.

Equipment: a collection of stories "Children-heroes of the Great Patriotic War"; a stand with photographs of orders and medals; the image of the Banner of Victory, the visual and didactic manual "The Great Patriotic War in the Works of Artists" (Mozaika-Synthesis Publishing House), reproductions of paintings by O. Ponomarenko "Victory", V. Bogatkin "Storm of the Reichstag", musical recordings of songs from the times of the Great Patriotic War.

Course progress.

At the beginning of the lesson, we listen to a fragment of the song "Victory Day" (music by D. Tukhmanov).

Educator: What holiday is this song talking about? (This holiday is called Victory Day.)

What was this victory? (It was a victory in the war.)

What is this war called? (This war is called the "Great Patriotic War".)

What do you think the word "country" means? (The country in which we were born and live. The country of our parents - fathers and mothers and our ancestors. Our homeland is Russia.)

Educator: Children, soon our country will celebrate the Victory Day. On this day, on the streets of the city you can meet veterans - warriors of that distant war. May holiday- Victory Day - Celebrates the whole country. Our grandfathers put on. Military orders. Today we will see awards - orders and medals that were awarded to soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. (Looking at photographs with orders.) Educator: The Great Patriotic War lasted for four and a half years. It brought a lot of trouble and grief to the Russian people - many cities and villages turned into ruins, thousands of people died. Defending their homeland, soldiers and commanders fought without sparing their lives.

Educator: What do you think, for what a warrior could receive an order or a medal?

In the first years of the war, soldiers and commanders were awarded the Orders of the Red Banner, the Red Star, the medals "For Courage", "For Military Merit." (See illustrations.)

During the battles, it was required to highlight the feats of the fighters, to celebrate the art of military leaders. Then the orders of the Patriotic War, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Alexander Nevsky and others were approved.

For the valiant defenders of the hero cities, special medals "For the Defense of Leningrad", "For the Defense of Sevastopol", "For the Defense of Moscow" were made.

Even children were awarded orders and medals (photos of children).

Educator: Guys, what do you think, awards were presented only at the front? Did those people who worked in the rear also perform feats? Were there women heroines among the defenders of the Fatherland? Today we have learned a lot about the awards that were used to mark heroes during the Great Patriotic War. We will keep the memory of these people forever.

To preserve the memory of the heroes of the war, monuments were erected in cities and towns, the Eternal Flame burns near the Kremlin wall in the capital of our Motherland, the hero city of Moscow, at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This is the fire of our memory, a symbol of what we remember about those events. There is another very important symbol - this is the Banner of Victory.

Educator: Let's look at the image of the Banner of Victory.

What color is the banner of victory? (The Victory Banner is red.)

What is on the banner? (On the Banner of Victory are depicted: a star, a sickle and a hammer, inscriptions.)

In those days, our country Russia was part of a state called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The national flag of the Soviet Union was red with a gold star and a gold hammer and sickle. The hammer and sickle are symbols of labor and workers, those who work in factories and plants, grow bread, the star is a symbol of the defenders of the Fatherland. These symbols are also depicted on the Banner of Victory, only they are applied to the cloth with white paint. The inscriptions on the Banner of Victory indicate which military unit this banner belonged to.

The events associated with the Banner of Victory took place at the very end of the Great Patriotic War. And before that, in heavy battles, Soviet troops liberated their homeland from cruel invaders. They also liberated many other countries: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Austria - and, finally, they stormed the capital of Nazi Germany - the city of Berlin.

In the center of the city, fighting broke out for every house, for every street. The assault on the building of the fascist government - the Reichstag - was especially difficult. To overcome the stubborn resistance of the Nazis, one had to fight for every floor, for every room. And finally, the assault groups of Soviet soldiers climbed onto the roof.

The Banner of Victory fluttered over Berlin - this meant that the war was over, the long-awaited victory had been won. Then the Banner of Victory was transported to Moscow to participate in the Victory Parade. I propose to draw the Banner of Victory.


Why are you keeping your overcoat? - I asked my dad. - Why don't you tear it, don't burn it? - I asked my dad.

After all, she is dirty and old,

take a closer look better,

There's a hole in the back

Take a better look!

That's why I keep it,

Dad answers me

Therefore, I will not tear, I will not burn, -

Dad answers me. -

Because she is dear to me

What's in this overcoat

We went, my friend, to the enemy

And he was defeated!

War. brutal war

It's not the first month...

Life, like a string, is tense,

The capital is in danger.

The country flourished. But the enemy from around the corner

He made a raid, went to war with us.

In that terrible hour, Becoming a steel wall, All youth took up arms,

To defend the Fatherland.

Let there be peace

Let the sky be blue

Let there be no smoke in the sky

Let the formidable guns be silent

And machine guns do not scribble, So that people live, cities ...

Peace is always needed on earth!


Hurry, get dressed!

Call the guys soon!

In honor of the holiday, the big guns are fired.

Everything was quiet around

And suddenly - fireworks! Firework! Rockets in the sky flashed

Both there and here!

over the square,

over rooftops,

Over festive Moscow

Rising higher

Fire fountain alive!

To the street, to the street

Everyone runs happily

They shout: "Hurrah!"


For the festive

Peaceful rhyme

One two three four five!

Red, white, yellow, blue!

Copper, iron, aluminum!

Sun, air and water!

Mountains, rivers, cities!

Work, fun, sweet dream!

Let the war come out!

Victory Day

May holiday -

Victory Day

The whole country celebrates.

Our grandfathers put on

Military orders.

The road calls them in the morning

To the solemn parade

And thoughtfully from the threshold Grandmothers look after them.

Forever remember! (excerpt)

Wherever you go, wherever you go,

But stop here

Tomb this road

Bow with all your heart.

Whoever you are -

fisherman, miner,

Scientist or shepherd, -

Forever remember: here lies

your most best friend.

And for you and for me, He did everything He could: He did not spare himself in battle

And saved the Motherland.

Glory monument

In the clearing, close to the camp,

Where rosemary blooms all summer,

Looking at the road from the obelisk

Infantryman, sailor and pilot.

Imprint of a happy childhood

Preserved on the faces of the soldiers,

But there's nowhere for them to go

From the military severity of dates.

“Here in the same green June, -

We were told by an elderly foreman, -

I took them, cheerful and young,

And the war did not return home.

At dawn, pressing machine guns,

The soldiers went to storm the heights ... ".

To our ageless counselors

We put flowers at our feet.

We are not here because of the date.

Like an evil fragment, the memory burns in the chest.

To the grave of the unknown soldier You come on holidays and weekdays. He protected you on the battlefield, fell without stepping back,

And this hero has a name - Grand Army simple soldier.

No, the word "peace" will hardly remain,

When the war will not people know.

After all, what used to be called the world,

Everyone will simply call life.

And only children, connoisseurs of the past, Playing merrily at war, Having run, will remember this word, With which they died in the old days.

Didactic and outdoor games.

Didactic game"Name a proverb"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge of proverbs about soldiers, military duty, about the Motherland, to cultivate interest in Russian folklore.

Each child, to whom the ball falls into his hands, remembers and pronounces the proverb about courage, strength, courage, explains its meaning. "Die yourself, but help out a comrade",

"From your native land - die, do not go",

"For the edge of your death stand,"

"For a just cause, stand boldly,"

"To live - to serve the Motherland",

"Happiness of the Motherland - dearer than life»,

"Not the hero who is waiting for a reward, but the hero who goes for the people."

Didactic game "Before and now"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the history of Russia and the way of life of our ancestors; to acquaint children with antiquities; learn to find an analogue in the modern world; educate interest in the past of our country; develop speech, logical thinking preschoolers.

Equipment: 10 A4 size cards depicting antiques and modern world; Cardboard circles with a diameter of 4 cm in two colors: blue and red.

Play from 2 to 10 players. Each player has one large card depicting antiques and objects of the modern world; cardboard circles in two colors. The role of the leader is played by the educator. Children are invited to close the pictures with the image of objects with red circles. modern life; blue circles to close pictures depicting antiquities. Consider the objects of the modern world depicted in open pictures; give them the correct name and explain their purpose.

Didactic game "Defenders of the Fatherland"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the different types of troops of the Russian army; to consolidate knowledge about the features military service And necessary conditions for its successful completion; to cultivate a sense of pride in the defenders of the Fatherland; to develop speech, the ability to classify objects.

Equipment: 9 A3 format cards. In the center of each card is an image of a soldier of various branches of the armed forces (pilot, artilleryman, paratrooper, sailor, submariner, tankman, border guard), as well as a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. The free space around the warrior is divided into 6 squares. Handout cards depicting various items and events of a military theme (tank, cannon, machine gun, binoculars, peakless cap, ship, tablet, parade, Eternal Flame, etc.).

From 1 to 9 children can take part in the game. The facilitator (teacher or child) distributes large cards to the participants in the game, shuffles small cards among themselves and shows the children one at a time. The task of the children is to determine whether the displayed object or event belongs to a representative of one or another military branch, to argue their answer. If the child answers correctly, he receives a small card and covers the empty square on the large card with it. The game continues until all the small cards have been dealt.

Didactic game "Great people of Russia"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about great compatriots; to teach to select the necessary items for the corresponding portrait that relate to this person, his type of activity; to cultivate interest and respect for the historical past of Russia, pride in great compatriots and their achievements; develop speech and logical thinking of preschoolers.

Equipment: 11 cards (25x20cm) in different colors, on which in the center

portraits are depicted: A.V. Suvorov, M. I. Kutuzov, I. N. Kozhedub, A. P. Maresyev, A. M. Matrosov. Under each portrait - 3 free white circles.

Up to 11 children can take part in the game. The teacher distributes large cards, which depict portraits of great people. Shows the children small circle cards, where objects are drawn that are characteristic of a particular type of activity.

The teacher invites the children to determine which of the historical characters depicted in the portraits will suit this item, and explain why. The child who answered the question correctly takes the card for himself and closes the circle under the portrait with it. The game continues until all circles on the cards are closed.

Mobile game "Who is faster?"

On the chairs, arranged in several rows, as in the army, are a tunic, overalls, a cape, a budenovka, a peakless cap. On command, the children should get dressed or dress the dolls as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who does all the actions faster than others and correctly. The winner is appointed by the commander. He opens the envelope and announces which military unit the children will visit next.

Mobile game "Peretyazhushki"

Children of both teams are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a gymnastic stick.

Members of one team stand on one side of the designated line. At the signal of the leader, the team members try to pull the enemy to their side.

Mobile game "Sappers"

Two teams move from one side to the other, stepping only on the planks.

Interesting, documentary stories for schoolchildren about the battles near Kursk.

Black day. Author: Sergey Alekseev

The battle hums, rumbles with metal. Two forces converged on the Russian field. The avalanche of steel converged with the avalanche. Mixed in the fight fire and people. The sky was covered with an ominous fumes.

On July 12, 1943, near the village of Prokhorovka, south of Kursk, the greatest event in the history of the Great Patriotic War took place. tank battle. Almost 1,200 combat vehicles and self-propelled guns took part in this unprecedented battle.

Passed through Prokhorovka Railway from Belgorod to Kursk. This is where the fascists now rushed. Fascist tanks - "tigers", "panthers" and self-propelled guns - "Ferdinands" are moving towards Prokhorovka. Meanwhile, the Soviet tank army is coming towards the Nazis. Tanks met. We went into battle.

Ours broke into the ranks of the Nazis. Close combat is beneficial to our tanks. In close combat, the fascist "tigers" lose their advantage. From close range, it is easier for the "tiger" to break through the armor, it is easier to go in and hit from the side.

Soviet tankers are skillfully fighting. Gets the fascist "tigers". But ours are also losing. The battle rages brighter.

Aircraft came to the aid of the tanks. They hung over the field. Fighters, attack aircraft,

bombers. Ours and fascists mixed up in the sky. And there, under the sun, the battle rumbles.

Artillery came to the aid of the tanks. Ours and fascist. Shooting guns with direct fire. Calculations stand firm. Shells pierce the sky and the earth.

The sun has long been at its zenith. The battle is in full swing.

The bridgehead on which the battle is taking place is quite small. River Psyol on one side. On the other side is the railway embankment. With difficulty, so many tanks were placed here. Closely colossus in a cramped field. They almost rub against the sides. More and more destroyed tanks. The field blazes with bonfires - then the tanks burn out. Smoke rose above the ground, enveloping the field like a veil. The sun is in a chad, in the fog, as if wearing a veil.

Does not subside, the battle rumbles. Planes are still in the sky. All the same, the roar of guns does not stop.

The sun was sinking towards the grass, towards sunset. Tired people, earth and sky. And the battle went on, it did not end. And it remained so far unclear who to be in the first place, behind whom the power is here. But then it flashed over the field: the "tigers" were leaving. And then like thunder:

- Victory!

The Nazis lost the tank battle near Prokhorovka. It was a sunny summer day. The Nazis called it "Black Day".

Generals against field marshals. Author: Sergey Alekseev

The Kursk salient was defended by two fronts. North of Kursk was the Central Front. They were commanded by General Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky.

Rokossovsky became famous in many battles. He was among those who detained the enemies near Smolensk, among those who smashed the Nazis near Moscow. Rokossovsky commanded Soviet armies who finally defeated the Nazis near Stalingrad. It was his troops who captured Field Marshal Paulus.

The soldiers of General Rokossovsky knew. They loved and respected him.

South of Kursk was the Voronezh Front. This front was commanded by General Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin.

And Vatutin is an illustrious general. It was he who commanded the Southwestern Front near Stalingrad. It was this front that then launched the first crushing blow against the Nazis. It was he, along with another front - Stalingrad - that surrounded the fascist army between the Don and the Volga.

Against our fronts on the Kursk ledge stood the Nazi troops, which made up two groups of armies. These are Army Group Center and Army Group South.

Fascist troops from Army Group Center fought against the troops of General Rokossovsky. The fascist field marshal von Kluge commanded this group.

Troops from the Army Group "South" fought against the troops of General Vatutin. The fascist field marshal Manstein commanded this group. Manstein in translation means "man-stone". In 1943, he vowed to free the fascist army encircled near Stalingrad.

Our soldiers know that against the Soviet generals on Kursk Bulge fighting fascist field marshals.

- Let's see. Let's see. Well, beware, field marshals!

The soldiers began to remember where and when Rokossovsky and Vatutin had already met with Manstein and Kluge.

- Against Rokossovsky - Kluge. So-so!

The soldiers remembered that in 1941 the background

Kluge was among those fascist field marshals who advanced on Moscow with their troops. Our troops then beat von Kluge and other fascist field marshals.

The soldiers began to remember who had beaten. They remembered General Zhukov, they remembered General Govorov. They also remembered Rokossovsky.

Then the soldiers started talking about Manstein.

— Manstein vs. Vatutin. So-so!

The soldiers remembered Stalingrad, the beginning of 1943, the unsuccessful attempt of Field Marshal Manstein to come to the aid of Field Marshal Paulus.

We then beat Manstein.

The soldiers began to remember who had beaten. Among those who beat Manstein was General Vatutin.

- Our generals have already beaten field marshals. They beat me, the soldiers concluded. "They'll beat you near Kursk too," the soldiers concluded.

The soldiers were not mistaken. The Soviet generals beat the fascist field marshals.