An estate in ancient Rus' is a definition - an estate is what an estate is: a definition is history.nes. What is a family estate? What estate


ESTATE, a type of land ownership in the late 15th - early 18th centuries. It was provided by the state to service people for carrying military and public service. Initially without the right to sell, exchange and inherit. In the 16-17 centuries. the hereditary possession of P. was established. The nobles who owned P. began to be called landowners. With the publication in 1714 of the Decree on the same inheritance, P. merged with fiefdom into a single type of land ownership - the estate.

Source: Encyclopedia "Fatherland"

one of the forms of land ownership in Ancient Rus'. In the 2nd floor. 15th century the expansion of the state territory of Muscovite Rus' required the creation of an extensive military force; this military force was a special class of the population, separate from the personal servants of the prince, although it was these latter that constituted its core. With the emergence of this class, special forms of land ownership also arose, caused partly by the official, partly by the economic needs of the country, in their legal nature very close to the forms of conditional ownership of palace servants. At the same time, the term “estate” began to be used for the first time (charter of 1470, Grand Duke Sudebnik 1497), understood as a personal gratuitous possession, due to the performance of certain official duties. Allotment of service people with plots of palace land has been carried out since the time of John III on a very large scale, and the most dense and numerous group of landowners endowed with land was the middle military service class of nobles and boyar children. Initially, an extremely uneven distribution of service from the earth caused in the middle. 16th century allocation of estates, and when assigning local salaries, in addition to the availability of the estate of a serviceman, the quality of his service, his performance of a certain position, rank, and, finally, the fatherland, were taken into account, and the most significant element that determined the amount of salary was "service", those. the degree of combat fitness of a serviceman, the degree of how good he is "by himself, and by service, and by his head." The normal salary of a boyar was 800-1000 four; roundabout and duma nobleman - 600 - 700 couples; children of elected boyars - 300 - 700, yard - 200 - 450, city - from 50 children and above.
The estate, as state property, could not initially be alienated by its owner, as he did not have the right to dispose. However, since the 17th century the government by a number of decrees violates this basic principle of manorial ownership. The Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich legitimizes the beginnings in relation to the inheritance of estates, which are identical with the beginnings of the inheritance of patrimonial lands: with the death of a serviceman, the estate passes to his family, in her absence - to the clan, and in the absence of the latter, it goes into distribution to the nobles of the county. Thus, the first and very significant steps were taken towards the equation of estates with estates; further legislation brought the two forms of land ownership even closer, allowing at first the nonmonetary alienation of half of the estates, and then selling it to the plaintiff or relatives of the defendant in the event of the latter's insolvency for debts. Peter's decree of March 14, 1714 on the majorate equalized estates with estates with one common name "immovable estates".

Source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"


See what "ESTATE" is in other dictionaries:

    - ... Wikipedia

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    1) in a broad sense, a complex of feudal land ownership and related rights to feudally dependent peasants, i.e. synonym for patrimony; in a narrower, special sense, a large or medium feudal economy, in which most of ... ... Law Dictionary

    ESTATE, conditional land ownership in Russia in the late 15th and early 18th centuries, was granted by the state for military administrative service. Not subject to sale, exchange and inheritance. In the 17th early 18th centuries. gradually became hereditary ... Modern Encyclopedia

    1) conditional land ownership in Russia in con. 15 early 18 centuries, provided by the state for military and public service. Not subject to sale, exchange and inheritance. In the 16th and 17th centuries gradually approached the patrimony and merged with it along ... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    ESTATE, estates, cf. 1. Land ownership of the landowner, estate. "Annibal retired to his estates." Pushkin. “For the summer he came to his estates.” Pleshcheev. 2. Under the feudal system, personal land ownership (as opposed to patrimony), complained of ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

    ESTATE, I, genus. pl. ty, cf. landowner's land. Large, small items | adj. local, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Conditional land ownership in Russia in con. 15 early 18 centuries, provided by the state for military and public service. Not subject to sale, exchange and inheritance. In the 16th and 17th centuries gradually approached the patrimony and merged with it along ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

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    - (estate) 1. The total assets of a person minus his liabilities (usually this term appears in the assessment of property produced for the purpose of taxing it with inheritance tax (Inheritance tax) after the death of this person). 2… Financial vocabulary

With many manors of the ancient noble families Russia is connected with mystical stories that happened and happen in these places to this day. The concept of "Russian estate" implies a complex of residential, outbuildings, with a backyard area and a park. Having such country estates, in the period from the seventeenth to the beginning of the twentieth century, was incredibly popular among Russian noble and merchant families. Of course, mysterious and mystical events sometimes happened in many of these estates, and they were the result of violent deaths, which were not uncommon in those days, or they were caused by the immoderate interest of their owners in the occult, which was then a fashionable trend, while others simply reflected the anomalies of their location. Today we have prepared for you a list of the most interesting mystical Russian estates of aristocrats and merchants in Russia.

Moscow region - the building of the mansion with a beautiful adjacent territory originally belonged to the son of the famous Moscow baker Filippov - Dmitry. main house erected at the beginning of the last century according to the project of the architect Eichenwald. The eclectic style building is located in a very picturesque historical area, where the city of Przemysl of Moscow flourished in the twelfth century, but soon the locals left it, and the ancient wooden houses gradually collapsed and overgrown with forest. When Filippov visited these places, he was immediately fascinated by the beauty of the area: the river, framed by steep banks, ravines, overgrown with a carpet of herbs, and decided that he should build his estate here. He invited the architect and told him about his wishes, as well as that he would like to see a magnificent park around the mansion. The design of the building and the park embodies the harmony, romanticism and diversity of Dmitry Filippov's desires. They say that it could not be otherwise, because at that moment he was going through an acute period of falling in love with a girl from a gypsy tribe - Azu. Once he met her among the singers of the gypsy choir and immediately stole the beauty, confessing his ardent love. For her sake, Dmitry began the construction of a luxurious mansion on the banks of the river, lost in the forests. He was like a dragon trying to hide his treasure from the world. Their love story did not last long after the construction of this crooked noble estate, because Dmitry was an amorous and windy person, he fell in love with another beauty, began to cheat on Aze with her. She learned about the betrayal of her beloved and decided that she no longer wanted to live. Without thinking twice, the girl climbed onto the observation tower and stepped down. Then the revolution began, the estate building was empty for a long time without owners and collapsed, or rather, it had a hostess, but a ghostly one - the same gypsy Aza, whose soul, apparently, decided to stay in the place where she once was happy and loved. In the fifties of the twentieth century, a sports base was set up here, and vacationers often saw at night the transparent silhouette of a woman with long hair in a wide gypsy skirt, walking along the corridors of the building and along the paths of the park. Then a medical center was opened in the old mansion of the estate, but its patients also continued to meet the ghost of Aza on the territory. It is difficult to say whether the ghost is here now, since there are no witnesses to this due to the fact that the noble estate has long been abandoned, and the park is overgrown. From the ponds that once framed the entrance to the territory, there was one very shallow reservoir. The once magnificent building of the estate is still standing, but it is also beginning to rapidly collapse, although it still attracts with the magnificence of its architectural decor: elegant stucco molding, magnificent bas-reliefs decorating the balcony. The once wonderful backyard park area, which used to be decorated with alleys with fir trees, thujas, flower beds, was partially destroyed during the time of its placement here. medical center. However, the estate is still magnificent, both outside and inside. There are no organized tours here, only some desperate independent tourists, having made their way to the mansion through the wilds of the overgrown forest, admire the remnants of the former luxury, and try to see the ghost of the gypsy Aza.

- This old noble estate stands on the outskirts of the city in the area of ​​​​Suzdalka and Novoselok. Practically, like all Russian manor estates, this mansion has a difficult fate. The estate was built at the end of the eighteenth century for the family of Nikolai Ivanovich Kokovtsev - this man was the Minister of Finance of Russia and belonged to a famous ancient family. By his order, a magnificent mansion was erected, with additional outbuildings, stables, a beautiful regular park was laid out around, where cascading ponds were built, which have survived to this day. After the revolution, in 1919, the nest of nobles - the magnificent estate of Yaroslavl - was nationalized. IN different years it housed: a military regiment, a kindergarten, a library, then communal apartments, and the second floor was given over to children's circles and a disco. It must be said that the tenants who settled in this old building immediately realized that they shared shelter in their apartments with another otherworldly tenant - the ghost of Kokovtsev's daughter - Lydia, who almost every night came to one family, then to another, to ask candy.

According to local legend, Lydia fell in love with a young man, but he did not share her feelings, and the unfortunate girl drowned herself in the estate's pond. They say that this ghost is not so good-natured with strangers who are not residents of the communal apartment at the estate. If in the evening and at night men appear on the territory of the estate or in its vicinity, then she lures them to the water and drags them to the bottom. It is not known whether the rumors are true, but the fact that several young people drowned while swimming in this pond is true. As for the pond, for a long time its shores were overgrown with trees, only a few years ago they were cut down, clearing the shore. The pond itself has not been cleaned for a very long time, since the time of the tsarist government. Old-timers say that, at one time, the bottom of all three ponds was tiled, in those years it was a very common practice.

In the Tver region, Bologovsky district, it was built at the end of the nineteenth century according to a project that Alexander Sergeevich Khrenov, an outstanding architect, personally created. This completely extravagant ensemble does not look like a classic Russian noble estate, rather it is a European castle from the Middle Ages. And the symmetry of the building, its design with turrets and the use of not only bricks, but also stone boulders in the laying of the walls create such a feeling. In addition to the main manor house built on a hill, there is a residential outbuilding, outbuildings, even a hunting lodge located next to the pond. The architect Khrenov decided in 1904 to start breeding thoroughbred horses in the estate, setting up a stud farm there. But this was not for long, because a revolution began, during which the son of Alexander Sergeevich, a white officer who served in the tsarist army, was killed. The architect understood that if he remained in Russia, he would most likely be shot, then at the age of fifty-seven, he was forced to emigrate from Russia to China, where he died a few years later. But before leaving his beloved offspring - a beautiful estate in which so much effort and love had been invested, he cursed it with tears in his eyes, saying that no one could ever be happy and calm here. In 1918, the Bolsheviks nationalized this noble estate and organized a pioneer camp there at first, where it was possible to get into it only through a big “pull”. At this time, the territory of the estate was decorated with sculptures "a la pioneer". Then a tuberculosis sanatorium was located here, during which time several awkward outbuildings were installed here, which can still be distinguished with the naked eye against the backdrop of an elegant ensemble of architecture created by Khrenov. But the mysticism of this place lies in the fact that both the pioneers who came to rest in the camp, and tuberculosis patients who arrived in Conclusion for treatment, never stayed here until the end of the agreed period. They say that people saw some mysterious shadows at night, it seemed to them that someone was looking at them from the darkness, and the atmosphere of this place was somehow painful. They say that none of those who came to the sanatorium of the Conclusion to be treated experienced relief in their condition, but, on the contrary, they only got worse. Until now, this abandoned mystical noble estate of Tver has a bad reputation. Tourists who tried to get here on their own often wandered around, as the navigator led them to completely different places in the vicinity. As if the curse of the architect protects this piece of land from strangers. Probably, only thanks to the notoriety and mysterious stories about the estate, as well as the fact that people disappear here, which scares off marauders, it remained in a more or less decent condition. They say that today the Khrenov estate was bought out by a private entrepreneur, and he tried to carry out restoration work there, but something seemed to drive the workers out of the protected area. Therefore, restoration work has been suspended. Local residents say that sometimes mushroom pickers wandering through the forest accidentally come to the estate, but despite the fact that this building looks sunny, sweet and romantic in the photographs, some unknown force causes panic and unreasonable anxiety in people, and they run out of there, head over heels. No one can give an explanation for this fear, so they say that this territory is occupied by ghosts who have found here, in silence, a refuge for their restless souls.

Lipetsk region - located on the banks of the beautiful river Vorgol. This estate was built in 1867 by order of the merchant Taldykin. This noble estate is interesting not only for the fact that mystical legends circulate about it, but for its unusualness and originality against the background of other noble nests in Russia. Here nature is unusual for this area: sheer Vorgol rocks, overgrown with mountain vegetation. It is not surprising that this area is recognized as a reserve, and it is called "Galichya Mountain". Here stands the amazing architectural complex of the Taldykin estate, including the manor house, a number of outbuildings, the ruins of a mill, and the "quay" zone. The main house of the estate, erected in 1868, is in excellent condition to this day. The strength of its walls is explained by the fact that egg mortar was used when laying bricks, and also by their width, reaching a meter. Unfortunately, the Taldykin couple could not live in their magnificent estate because of their insidious murder, which shocked the entire district. The merchants Taldykins have always been very generous and kind-hearted people, ready to help everyone and everyone: they gave a lot of money for charitable purposes, they always helped their neighbors, the poor from the villages in the vicinity, people could come to them for help at any time, and would not be refused not with anything. Their distant relative was seduced by the wealth of the merchants, who decided that if the Taldykins died, he would be recognized as the legitimate heir, and he entered the mansion, brutally killing the spouses, breaking their heads with a weight.

The death of the good benefactors of the Taldykins was mourned by all the people who knew them during their lifetime, the fate that befell this couple seemed too unfair to them. Several years passed, and according to the stories of local residents, miraculous healings began to occur at the Taldykins' grave, after which people flocked here. But when Soviet power was established in Russia, its representatives in Yelets decided to overcome these superstitions and prejudices, moreover, this was done in the most inhumane and horrifying way: in 1931, the merchants' graves were defiled, and the bodies were abused. It is said that compassionate people moved the remains to bury them elsewhere, but when they put the coffins in dug holes, they fell into the abyss that suddenly formed under them. The earth shook around, they say, it was the Taldykins who were angry at such an unfair attitude towards them even after death. Since then, no one knows where the final resting place of the merchants Taldykins is located, but after this incident, many karst failures appeared in the area and new caves began to appear regularly. But that's not all, because according to locals, the estate has become a haven for a ghostly married couple. As for the further history of their mansion, it suffered significantly during the Great Patriotic War, the mill burned down in 1941. Then the estate was partially restored, and a rest house was opened there, which did not last long. When it was closed, the building was empty for a long time and collapsed. Locals say that mystical stories and paranormal phenomena often take place on the territory of the abandoned Taldykin estate, and people walk around the manor house at night former owners who do not allow bad people here. The ghosts of the Taldykins will be happy only for a person with a pure heart and soul who will come here to restore the magnificent estate and breathe into it new life.

In the village of Petrovsky, Naro-Fominsk district, Moscow region - an old mansion, with a beautiful surrounding area, was built in the eighteenth century. Initially, the plot for the estate was bought by Baron Pyotr Pavlovich Shafirov from the Borovsky-Pafnutiev Monastery. But he resold it to Nikita Akinfievich Demidov, who decided to build a noble estate among these beautiful natural places - a gift for his beloved beautiful wife Alexandra Evtikhievna, because she bore him an heir and two daughters. While the construction of the Petrovskoye estate was underway, his wife died. Demidov decided that if she had not been here during her lifetime, then after death she should find peace on the territory of her estate. He brought the body of his beloved wife to Petrovsky and buried her in the Church of St. Peter the Metropolitan. But, everything did not end there, because local residents and people from the estate very often began to see a translucent female phantom moving through the estate's linden park. Demidov himself followed his wife in 1789, he was also buried next to her in the local church, and the estate was inherited by their son Nikolai, who died in 1852 without heirs. For a short time the estate belonged to the landowner V.N. Zharkov, but then was bought out by Prince Alexander Vasilyevich Meshchersky. He was already seventy-three years old, and he was a widower, but he decided to marry his pupil and the daughter of his deceased friend, twenty-four-year-old Ekaterina Prokofievna Podborskaya. It was she who owned the estate in Petrovsky until the revolution of 1917. From Prince Meshchersky, the princess gave birth to a daughter, who was also named Catherine in honor of her mother. The Bolsheviks allowed them to live in a small outbuilding for a while, but then they were kicked out of there as well. In 1921, old paintings were taken from the noble estate to the Museum Fund, and bronze sculptures were given to the Naro-Fominsk club. The estate was transformed into a sanatorium, a hospital, but since no one repaired it, the building fell into disrepair and began to collapse. Then the local authorities decided that the house should be blown up, and the bricks should be used for the needs of the peasants and workers. But, the walls of a strong and high-quality structure survived the explosions, so the idea with building materials was forgotten, like the former Russian manor estate itself. In the nineties, the last descendant of the Meshchersky princely family appeared in the estate, he settled in an empty outbuilding and began to study the historical past of the estate in order to learn more about his family estate and even opened a family museum here. But, in addition to historical research, he was engaged in esotericism and occultism, as the locals say, he summoned spirits, communicated with them, and with their help created a map of the site, where he marked springs with living and dead water. The local population began to complain to the authorities about the devilry that began to happen in the oldest estate and its environs. Then the authorities evicted Meshchersky from his family noble estate, but the paranormality of this place, according to eyewitnesses, is felt to this day.

In the Kuzminki-Lyublino park, this is one of the most mystical places in Moscow, which has a bad reputation, which applies not only to all household buildings, but also to the Kuzminsky forest park. There is always something anomalous and terrible going on. According to statistics, it is here that most crimes occur, including murders, suicides, people and animals disappear without a trace, and psychics claim that there is a giant energy funnel in Kuzminki. But let's get back to historical facts. The Kuzminki estate is the most beautiful noble estate in Moscow, in 1702 it was donated in the form of, then just a land allotment, to Grigory Dmitrievich Stroganov for excellent service by the Emperor of Russia Peter the Great himself. Then the estate passed to the Golitsyn princes, who erected a chic mansion here at the end of the eighteenth century, laid out elegant parks around it, dug ponds, made islands on them, uniting them with bridges. The Kuzminki estate became one of the most exemplary noble estates in Russia, it was even called the "Russian Versailles", so emperors and persons close to them often visited here.

And yet, this place never ceased to be mystical and fanned notoriety. Why? It is worth telling a couple of versions of where the name "Kuzminki" came from. According to one, in ancient times, the miller Kozma lived on these lands, who had a passion for killing people, and he ruined a lot of innocent people for fun. His mill stood on the banks of the Goledyanka River, and he buried the bodies of the dead here, burying them in the ground. Today this is the most anomalous place of all Kuzminki, there is a small outbuilding where the servants who worked in the noble estate used to live. They say that even despite the fact that the room is almost destroyed, it is always uncomfortable to be near it, it seems that someone is watching you from the gaping eye sockets of the windows. Some especially sensitive people they experience here not only unreasonable fear, but also real panic, they want to run away from here, headlong. There were eyewitnesses who noticed flying luminous balls here, saw ghostly figures. Ghost hunters also came here, who measured the electromagnetic background, it turned out that the device went off scale here, so it was concluded that the wing was on a tectonic fault earth's crust.

The second version is even worse. Old-timers say that the mystical history of this Russian estate began even earlier and it was the killer blacksmiths. Even the ancient pagan Slavs formed the temple of Chernobog in these places, where they worshiped him. In Slavic culture, it was an analogue of the Christian devil. Blood sacrifices were held here in his honor. One of the types of sacrifices was such a ritual: when people in the family grew old, turning into a burden for their relatives, the Slavs killed them, but not themselves, because this ritual was traditionally performed by blacksmiths. They gathered old people on a hill and beat them on the head with their hammers, killing them, and dumped the bodies into a ravine, as a sacrifice for Chernobog. From there, the name Kuzminki came from, as the place of residence of people engaged in blacksmithing. Often during excavations, amateur archaeologists found old human skulls and bones here, perhaps these were the victims of the bloody rituals of the pagan Slavs. Although, some argue that many soldiers died here during the Great Patriotic War.

They say that on the wooded territory of the Kuzminki estate there is a “suicide tree” - an old thick elm leaning towards a pond, where hangmen are very often found. Locals say that people can hang themselves there even against their will, because the cursed tree pulls them to mystically commit suicide. According to legend, a sorceress used to live in Kuzminki, who fell in love with a young man, but despite all her knowledge of magic, she could not achieve his favor, because that guy already loved another girl whom they secretly met under a spreading elm. The sorceress found out about their meetings and cursed this old tree in her hearts. Since then, it has not brought happiness to anyone, only death.

The Moscow estate Kuzminki began its revival twenty years ago, it was restored, buildings, ponds, and a park were restored, which became a favorite recreation area for Muscovites. Entertainment events began to be held here, several interesting museums were opened: the Museum of Russian Estates Culture, the Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky Literary Museum, the Honey Museum, the Carriage Museum, the Automobile Museum, the Golitsyn Estate Museum. Everything has been done here to make people interested, but this place is still considered unclean and mystical to this day, and some out of the ordinary stories constantly happen here.

Iskon. Suf.-pref. derived from the place "position in the service." The original estate (as opposed to ancestral patrimony) was not hereditary, but was given as a salary, for service. Etymological Dictionary of Shansky

  • ESTATE - ESTATE - 1) conditional land ownership in Russia in con. 15 - beg. 18 centuries, provided by the state for military and public service. Not subject to sale, exchange and inheritance. In the 16th - 17th centuries. Big encyclopedic dictionary
  • estate - 1) in a broad sense - a complex of feudal land ownership and related rights to feudally dependent peasants, i.e. synonym for patrimony; in a narrower, special sense - a large or medium feudal economy ... Big Law Dictionary
  • estate - orff. estate, -i, r. pl. -ty orthographic dictionary Lopatina
  • estate - -I, genus. pl. -ty, date. -tyam, cf. 1. Landed property of a landowner, usually with a manor; estate. Noble estate. Large estate. □ Several years ago, an old Russian gentleman, Kirila Petrovich Troekurov, lived in one of his estates. Small Academic Dictionary
  • estate - POM'ESTIE, estates, cf. 1. Land ownership of the landowner, estate. "Annibal retired to his estates." Pushkin. “For the summer he came to his estates.” Pleshcheev. 2. Under the feudal system - personal land ownership (as opposed to patrimony), granted by the sovereign to the vassal for service ( ist.). Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov
  • estate - estate cf. 1. Personal - in contrast to the patrimony - land ownership in feudal Russia, granted by the sovereign for service. 2. Land ownership of the landowner, estate. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  • The estate - (in Russian history) - P. was called real estate, given by the state for use, as a salary for service. Origin... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • estate - Estate / e [y / e]. Morphemic spelling dictionary
  • estate - Estate, estates, estates, estates, estates, estates, estates, estates, estates, estates, estates, estates Zaliznyak's grammar dictionary
  • estate - ESTATE -I; pl. genus. -ty, date. -tyam; cf. 1. Landed property of a landowner, usually with a manor; estate. Noble settlement. Large, small settlement. Bogatoye settlement. 2. In Russia until the 18th century: personal land ownership granted by the sovereign for service (as opposed to patrimony). Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • estate - Initially, the so-called non-inherited land ownership, which the king granted for service; if we remember that one of the meanings of the noun place is "position", then the meaning of the word estate - "something ... Etymological Dictionary of Krylov
  • estate - ESTATE, I, genus. pl. ty, cf. landowner's land. Large, small items | adj. local, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • Knowing that I am creating my Family Homestead, my friend Irina recently asked me the following question:

    “Eugene, is the Family Homestead generally accessible to a simple family? Or is it a dream for entrepreneurs and for those who have a decent amount of money to realize it?

    While I was thinking about how to answer her, I had the idea that perhaps my answer to this question would be of interest not only to Irina, but also to my other acquaintances and to all those who would like or are just planning to start creating their Family Homestead. Therefore, I decided to write a detailed answer in the form of a separate article.

    My opinion is based on personal experience and my observations of how my neighbors create their estates. More than 80 families create their family homesteads in our settlement!

    I can be wrong about something, not know something, be mistaken in some moments, so everything written is just my personal opinion, but not the ultimate truth.

    Yes, of course, the Family Homestead is available for a simple family!

    I understand that the question is more related to finances, but I will allow myself a small preface ...

    Anyone can start creating their estate for themselves, their families, their children and subsequent generations of their descendants. Even alone, if he or she has not started a family yet, or is an elderly person who wants to start creating an estate for their children or grandchildren.

    In order to start, each of us has the most important and main tool. And you don’t need to buy it, look for it, borrow it from someone for a while, or somehow get it. We all have it from birth. I will not say anything new, this instrument is the Thought of Man.

    You just need to allocate time, sit down (well, or lie down, get up - whatever is more convenient for you) and think. Think about what exactly you want to create, create.

    First of all, the idea is to create an image of your estate, what it will be. Then it will be the turn to think about how to embody this image in the material plane of being.

    In fact, I myself was not very aware of the importance of this moment, arguing - “what is there to think about, waste time, we need to act faster, saw, plant, dig, etc.”. After a while, I was more than once convinced of the fallacy of such reasoning, observing the disappointing result of my hasty actions.

    And only after all these mental exercises, you have to start moving your arms and legs, so that everything you think up still materializes, and does not remain Pink dreams and fantasies.

    What options does a “simple family” have?

    You need to decide at what pace you will move to the land. What level of comfort do you need. Are you ready to live in a change house for the first time or do you immediately want a house with all communications.

    We all have different capabilities, abilities, requirements and circumstances. Therefore, everyone needs to choose the most suitable scenario for him personally.

    Regarding time, there are two options: quickly and gradually. It also matters: there is a “gold reserve” or not.

    If you want fast, then you need the energy of money, you can’t do without it at all. Its partial absence can replace your monstrous inner fuse, your dream of great power and strength, which will help you move mountains, will move you forward, in spite of any difficulties. You will do almost everything yourself, spending time at work from morning to evening, forgetting to straighten up and look at the beauty surrounding you.

    So you can, but it’s better not to, there is a risk of quickly burning out. Better to play long!

    What options does a “simple family” have? The term "simple family" means a family that does not have millions of capital and an established business that brings a stable good income.

    Option 1. There is no capital, there is a husband who knows how to work with his hands and a desire to move to the land as soon as possible.

    If you already have experience of living outside the urban environment, for example, in the countryside; If you are not afraid of the lack of comfortable living conditions and other difficulties, then you can move immediately. Live for the first time in a tent or change house.

    Yes, it is possible, but it is hard, difficult and not for everyone. I'll clarify why.

    In this case, the process for the initial arrangement of the estate will stretch for a long time. It will be necessary to go to work in order to earn money for living and for construction, and after work to have the strength and time to build the economy.

    If you want to move and live in a tent for the first time while you build a house, then think a hundred, or better, a thousand times before doing this!

    It must be remembered that when you go hiking in nature with a tent for a couple of days, in good weather this is one thing, but living in a tent for a long time, and even if you have a family with children, is completely different.

    When summer is warm, the grass turns green, the sun shines, the birds sing, in general, beauty and the soul sing all around, then, of course, it is fun and joyful to live in camping conditions in nature, resting from the city.

    But such good weather will not always be. Imagine that autumn is approaching, gloomy dull weather, it rains for a week, it’s damp and slushy, you get wet, and there’s really nowhere to dry your clothes, but you still need to cook food somehow and somewhere and do some things.

    Feelings of life will be completely different. And besides, the house has not yet been completed, and it is not clear when it will be possible to move into it from the street. In such cases, family scandals, mutual reproaches very often begin, and a complete breakdown in relations occurs.

    You should not risk your family and rush to move to the land without preparing conditions acceptable for your family.

    But there are living examples of how people go through such temporary difficulties and settle down, settle down and begin to live on earth right away.

    Therefore, if such a thought came, then it is better to first try such an extreme option on yourself, without leaving the life you are used to and without burning bridges behind you.

    Because there are some very sad stories. Some, after reading books, having no idea about life outside the city, having fun at some seminar in one of the settlements, famously decide to move to virgin lands, having sold an apartment in the city and having no idea how they will earn money on their estate, which first need to somehow equip for life.

    The earth can feed, but for this you need to be able to handle it.

    Dreams are broken, illusions are dispelled, the reality turns out to be different (no, not bad, hard and difficult, you just weren't ready for it), people return to the city.

    Option 2. There is a desire to move to the land, but there is no million-dollar capital. Nevertheless, you move to live "on the ground" immediately, but having previously prepared for this event.

    If there is no stock, then you still need to try and save up a certain amount for the first time. So you will have the opportunity to calmly settle in a new place, without being distracted by earnings.

    You will need money for 3, and preferably 5 years of life. During this time, you will calmly build up, come up with and launch your own business, your project, which will bring you income.

    Calculate your household running costs, multiply by time, add construction costs and find out the amount you need to save. (It is clear that the cost of living in the city and in the countryside is different, but even an approximate calculation will give at least some guidelines).

    There is an example of a couple who acted in a similar way, accumulating a reserve of necessary funds, and then moving to a settlement. you can read their story.

    Option 3. If you don’t want to wait, save, your hands itch, and your legs dance with impatience, then it’s better to move gradually. Do not save money, but invest as much as possible in your estate, without living there permanently.

    In my opinion, it is good if the selected piece of land is not very far from the place where you live at the moment. You constantly, as if in a piggy bank, invest in your estate all your free time, labor and material resources.

    Master it step by step. In the process of creating an estate, there are many things that can be done without permanently living on the land.

    We arrived for the weekend, planted part of the hedge - returned to the apartment, where there are conditions familiar to you and you can wash yourself with hot water and wash.

    And planting a hedge is important, and doing it better in the first place. In order for the boundaries of your space to be marked not only somewhere on the map, but created by your hands with the help of living plants.

    In our settlement, for example, people live long enough, but few have planted a full-fledged hedge. I myself have not fully planted it, then there is no time, then things are different, then one thing, then another, a lot of things need to be done, but my hands don’t reach the hedge or my legs don’t reach, I don’t know, but so far things are going on with the hedge So.

    And you will come with a very specific, definite goal: to plant 20 bushes, for example, spirea. And it turns out faster and more efficiently, create something that many permanent residents of the estates cannot reach in any way.

    If you already have children, then for me, so definitely, it is necessary to prepare a room for all-season living in advance.

    Yes, equipping the estate in this way will take more time. But on the other hand, there will be no drastic change in your lifestyle, there will be no revolution and the discomfort associated with it.

    It is better not to risk your family and your relationship with your half. Why do you quarrel because of the lack of acceptable living conditions?!

    By the way, a lot will depend on the woman as the keeper of the harmony in the family. In the sense that she will need to learn not to nag her husband for the lack of something, but to morally support and inspire him.

    Because a lot of things will need to be done, because we want in a very short time - in our one life, to create a grandiose creation - a self-sufficient Family Homestead.

    This option of gradual land development and relocation is more comfortable, but has its drawbacks. For example, in your absence, thieves can drop in on your estate and steal everything that they liked.

    It's good if you have neighbors, they can look after your household. But you really need to not delay the move at all, otherwise your neighbors may not like your summer resident style and the fact that you only come for the weekend.

    Or maybe they miss you and want to see you more and more often; Yes, and joint, public affairs must be done, but it is difficult to count on you.

    These are the options for moving to the land and creating an estate, I can outline ...

    How did it happen to me

    Why did I even decide to start creating my Family Homestead?

    I was inspired to do this by the books of Vladimir Megre “Ringing Cedars of Russia”.

    They say, and sometimes they also write that a real man must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. A good plan of action, but very truncated and limited!

    The fact that a man can actually do for his descendants is described in the books of V. Megre.

    I will not go into details and try to make brief retelling content of books. I still cannot better than the author, to convey to the readers, in my humble opinion, a brilliant and grandiose idea about the need for each family to recreate their Family Homestead.

    Whoever wants to, he will read and draw his own conclusions and his own judgments. It is better to get information from the original source, and not through an intermediary.

    I, after reading the books, had an understanding that it makes no sense to complain about a hard life, bad government, and so on.

    It is foolish to hope that someone for you and for you will suddenly change everything around for the better.

    Instead of ranting about patriotism and love for the Motherland, it is better to take a very specific and material piece of land under your responsibility, and in this small Motherland, by your actions, create a beautiful Garden of Eden for your children and future descendants.

    I began to explore our estate alone in 2009. I chose a place to create an estate in the settlement of the Milyonki Family Homesteads.

    The settlement is located in the Dzerzhinsky district of the Kaluga region near the villages of Milenki, Luzhnoye, Potapovo, about 40 km. northwest of Kaluga and 25 km. from the regional center Kondrovo. It is located in an ecologically clean area and borders on the territory national park"Ugra".

    It was lucky for me that the settlement is located an hour's drive from the village of Tovarkovo, where I was born, grew up and lived at that time. Therefore, I had the opportunity to gradually equip my plot of land.

    The size of the estate is 1.98 hectares. At that time, the total entry fee amounted to about 90,000 rubles. (at the moment the entrance fee is 260,000 rubles)

    Thus, for this money, I received a piece of land for the realization of all my dreams, plans and fantasies; I got the opportunity to start creating my own personal Garden of Eden.

    He worked, came to the settlement for the weekend, went to subbotniks, built.

    Subbotniks at that time were held very often in our country, they cut down a young forest, made clearings to create roads through the settlement.

    My site is half overgrown with young forest. It was necessary to cut a road to enter the estate and clear a site for the house. Initially, I planned to make a change house measuring three by six meters.

    Later, on the advice of neighbors, I decided to increase the living space, and I got a small house 4.5 by 6 meters, with an insulated attic - a bedroom. I will tell you more about how I built our house a little later.

    He brought in building materials, made a foundation, laid the walls out of timber, the draft floor, and the roof. In this form, my structure stood for a long time. Here I made a mistake by not processing the walls in any way, as a result of which the wood burned out in the sun and turned gray. Later I installed windows and doors.

    When it was built, I didn’t write down the expenses, but I can approximately say that I spent about 500,000 rubles on the house.

    Since one was settling down, things progressed slowly - there was no one to rush me!

    That's when I got married, then there was a wonderful incentive in the face of my beautiful wife. We almost immediately moved to permanent residence on the estate in a still unfinished house. They lived in it and completed it. It was inconvenient, but I really wanted to. We made an extension, spending about another 200,000 rubles.

    We can say very lucky. Our parents, although not fully understanding our choice, still support us financially. My own sister also gave us quite good financial assistance.

    Thanks to such support, we immediately ordered

    After the wedding, the money received as a gift, we also directed to the improvement of the house and estate.

    Now I am doing construction work. After work, I finish the house, continue clearing the territory overgrown with forest and do other necessary things for the development of the estate.

    Since we recently had a daughter, my wife devotes almost all the time to her. In parallel with my work, I am studying how to make money on the Internet, gaining knowledge on how to earn money remotely.

    I think that while still living in the city, it is best to get such a skill - knowledge that allows you to work remotely. Then it will be possible to earn money on the estate with the help of gray matter, and direct physical strength to work to create beauty in your estate.

    It is naive to expect to immediately start earning on the estate in any craft!

    In more detail about where and how I learn to earn money remotely, about the options for earning money on the estate, about the costs of construction and home improvement, I will gradually describe in the following articles on the blog.

    If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, I will be glad to help and get to know you. I wish you a good day and see you in other articles on the blog!

    Many people face the question of how to create your own estate? The creation of an estate is the creation of one's country life, only the expanses are wider. Create an estate today.

    How to choose a place for an estate

    Let's talk about how to choose a place for the Estate, and how much land is needed.

    The easiest.

    1. Open satellite map, we choose the area according to our landmarks - a forest, a lake, a pond, a river, settlements, and study everything that is nearby.

    2. We open it, find the selected places on it and check the availability of ownership of the selected land.

    3. If we see that the land is owned, we are looking for advertisements for the sale. Here you have to work hard. If the land is for sale, you will definitely find it. Maybe not all, but half of the selected places you will find on sale. Try to find an ad from the owner, call him, find out the price.

    4. If we see that the land is not owned, we find which rural settlements the land belongs to. Need to get in touch with the leaders rural settlements, clarify the category of land, the type of permitted use and the possibility of acquiring land on lease.

    Departure to the place

    And only when the above work is done, organize a visit to the place.

    On the spot, look not only at the land, but also pay attention to the following factors:

    1. where are the power lines,

    2. determine the distance from the main road,

    3. check all access roads, you will know them on the map.

    4. what kind of soil the roads have, what will happen to it after the rain,

    5. what is the condition of the reservoirs and approaches to them,

    6. what kind of vegetation is on the land, determine the fertility of the soil by vegetation

    7. what trees grow in the area and in the nearby forest

    8. go to the nearest locality see infrastructure.

    Before you go to make a deal, develop your strategy for the development of the future Estate. Two hectares of land is not enough, believe me. But for the organization and development of the estate, one hectare is enough.

    We are already used to the fact that 20 acres are enough for a country house. This is a house and a garden with a garden, neighbors behind a fence, a road under your feet.

    The estate will also have neighbors, only not 5 meters from the house, but at a distance of 200-300 meters.

    How to get neighbors, we analyze this in detail in the training on creating an Estate.

    Estate Structure

    The estate must have a certain structure. Mandatory conditions: a hedge, a house for year-round use, a garden, a kitchen garden and the creation of a pond on the estate. All this is written in the Land Code.

    Try to think over the issue of generating income in the Estate. Ask yourself: “And what will I live on in the Manor? Where will I work to provide my family not only with products grown and produced on the estate, but also not to deprive them of all the delights of life?

    Do you know that in the Manor you can become a wealthy person, and at the same time work 2-4 hours a day?

    I have developed a whole . Why am I so smart?

    How can you not become smart here, when for four years everything Agriculture turns inside out with all the techniques and technologies. And I can tell you that small lands have advantages over industrial scale.

    Remember the saying...? "Small spool but precious." This is 100% applicable to Estates.