Accession of Italy to the Anti-Comintern Pact. Meaning of the Anti-Comintern Pact in the Encyclopedia of the Third Reich

"ANTI-KOMINTERNOV PACT", an agreement between Germany and Japan, which issued a bloc of these states under the flag of the struggle against the Comintern to gain world hegemony. Signed on November 25, 1936 in Berlin. Under the Anti-Comintern Pact, Germany and Japan pledged to fight closely against the Comintern in close cooperation and invited "third states, whose internal peace is threatened by the activities of the Communist International, to take defensive measures in the spirit of this agreement or to join this pact." According to the “Signing Protocol” attached to the Anti-Comintern Pact, the parties agreed to “take severe measures against those who, inside or outside the country, directly or indirectly act in favor of the Communist International.” In fact, this provided for interference in the internal affairs of other countries. The tip of the "Anti-Comintern Pact" was directed against the USSR. Signed simultaneously with the pact, a secret additional protocol provided that in the event of a war or threat of war between the USSR and one of the contracting parties, the other side "will not take any measures, the implementation of which could ease the situation of the USSR." The parties also agreed not to conclude any political treaties with the USSR that contradict the spirit of the pact for the period of the Anti-Comintern Pact. The term of the "Anti-Comintern Pact" was initially set at 5 years, in 1941 it was extended for another 5 years. On November 6, 1937, Italy joined the Anti-Comintern Pact, on February 24, 1939 - Hungary and the puppet state of Manchukuo, on March 27, 1939 - Spain, in 1941 - Bulgaria, Finland, Romania, Denmark, the puppet governments of Slovakia, Croatia and Japanese-occupied part of China. Thus, " Anti-Comintern Pact"was a cover for the block of aggressors that had been taking shape since the mid-30s. Germany and Japan, under the guise of "fighting the Comintern," used the "Anti-Comintern Pact" to prepare for a war for world domination.

The ruling circles of the Western powers, by their policy of non-intervention, "appeasement" of the aggressors, inciting them against the USSR, actually contributed to the creation and strengthening of this bloc. Transformed in 1939-1940 into an open military alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan (the Italo-German agreement on May 22, 1939 and the tripartite pact on September 27, 1940), the Anti-Comintern Pact served as a contractual basis for a coalition of aggressors who, with the connivance of the Western powers, unleashed 2 -Yu world war. After the defeat of the block of aggressors in the 2nd World War, the Anti-Comintern Pact was liquidated.

E. M. Zaitsev.

Soviet military encyclopedia in 8 volumes, ed. Grechko A.A. Moscow, Military Publishing House, 1976-1980. Volume 1: A - Bureau of Military Commissars, 1976, pp. 208-209.


Reader by recent history. Documents and materials. T. 1. 1917-1939. M., 1960, p. 250-253.


History of diplomacy. Ed. 2nd. T. 3. M., 1965; Pozanov G. L. Germany under the rule of fascism (1933-1939). M., 1964. Bibliography: p. 480 - 499.

With the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany, France and Great Britain decided that the threat of the German-Soviet alliance had gone into oblivion. “The Asian revolt, multiplied by German industry,” as the British ambassador to Germany, Lord d “Abernon, put it in the early 1920s, retreated. So in the first half of the 1930s, Paris and London turned a blind eye to the remilitarization of Germany. Berlin in a favorable political environment The Anti-Comintern Pact between Germany and Japan was signed on November 25, 1936. Italy joined it in November 1937.

The Austrian epic of 1934, which outwardly had all the signs of the failure of the Nazi policy, gave additional political trump cards to the German dictator. The failure of the attempt to seize Austria was quickly used by Hitler as an advantage over France and Great Britain. Italy was the only country that came out decisively in defense of Austria. Rome finally felt like one of the key guarantors of the inviolability of the Versailles system in the region. This mission was tacitly delegated to him by the victorious states, which cheated Italy at Versailles and were not ready to teach the aggressor a lesson. Therefore, Mussolini launched the creation of a bloc: in 1934, the Rome Protocols were concluded between Italy, Austria and Hungary.

On the other hand, France, after Hitler's first revanchist steps, needed a decisive ally, so she draws closer to Italy, giving de facto consent to the conquest of Ethiopia. The basis for the agreements was to ensure the guarantee of peace and stability exclusively in Europe, as Mussolini clarified as a result of negotiations on January 4, 1935. So, he spared his new ally the need to give explanations about the passive position in the Italo-Ethiopian conflict. Italy triumphed: Mussolini seemed to put Hitler in the Austrian question and created a bloc in Central Europe. Until recently, the leading states of the Versailles system were looking for support for a country that was secondary in big European politics. Mussolini stepped up the creation of the "Mediterranean Empire", consolidating success and not suspecting that he was doing the dirty work for Hitler to destroy the Versailles system.

Italy's aggression against Ethiopia, a member of the League of Nations, effectively destroyed this organization as a guarantor of peace and demonstrated that the only guarantee against aggression is readiness for war. Therefore, Hitler's hands were untied, and no one showed a willingness to put forward counterarguments to his rhetoric about arming Germany.

The frenetic actions of France did not add the last confidence in international politics and alienated it from the traditional ally of Great Britain, which actively developed relations with Germany and saw in it the only guarantor of stability in Europe. The pro-German policy of Great Britain was well illustrated by the naval agreement of 1935. In fact, British policy was aimed at supporting Berlin in the process of remilitarization of the Reich. The British note about the introduction of universal conscription in Germany and the almost tripling of the army contained an unexpected call. Britain expressed hope for Germany's participation with its military aviation in ensuring air security in Europe?! And this sounded when the provisions of Versailles were still in force, forbidding Germany to maintain military aviation.

In 1934, a neutrality pact was concluded between Poland and Germany, which, at first glance, seemed like a solution to the global continental confrontation. But it became a maneuver, as a result of which Hitler received a buffer state with a potential enemy - the USSR. Now he could calmly demonstrate the anti-Soviet orientation of his own policy. Sometimes Hitler's rhetoric was supported by inspired rumors about an alliance between Germany and Poland against the USSR.

So, Poland left the orbit of the Locarno guarantees of 1925, securing itself, as it believed, with bilateral guarantees with Germany. Recall that in October 1925 in the Swiss city of Locarno, Germany settled its relations with France, and also came out of political isolation by concluding a guarantee agreement. The German-Polish treaty of 1934 contained a brilliant article, a creation of German diplomacy: all problems arising between Berlin and Warsaw should be the subject of only bilateral relations. This article excluded the receipt by Poland of any guarantees from outside and made the specified agreement incompatible with the guarantee agreement between Poland and France of 1925, and also actually canceled the military convention with Romania of 1926 (with the participation of France as a military consultant), we will especially note in part of it action against Germany. Hitler obtained an obedient ally against Czechoslovakia, given Poland's longstanding interest in Cieszyn Silesia.

The Polish side, in turn, was flattered by the agreement with Germany, because from a country that was hypothetically guaranteed by the states that created the Versailles system, it turned into a player with whom a powerful state is considered. The illusion so eclipsed Poland's eyes that she went further and herself began to break the foundations of the Versailles system, abandoning the obligation to guarantee the rights of national minorities. From a threat to Germany from the east, Poland turned into an obedient instrument of her policy.

German policy is pushing Czechoslovakia to look for a new allied configuration to guarantee security. Prague Castle is forced to move closer to the Kremlin. In parallel, Benes begins consultations with France in order to obtain additional security guarantees instead of Locarno. The latter gave a crack with the withdrawal of Poland from Locarno (Warsaw and Prague after the war for Teszyn in 1919 were actually in a state of war). Continental countries in the game on the European chessboard found themselves in a situation where each next move only worsened their position. Berlin acts in this game as the queen of the winning side.

Poland deliberately fails to conclude the Eastern Guarantee Pact, which could protect her from aggression. She expects to decide the fate of the countries of Central Europe. France, however, noticing the collapse of its geopolitical constructions, which were supposed to contain Germany, goes to the creation of a system of guarantee agreements with Czechoslovakia and the USSR. In this way, it is trying to save the remnants of its until recently strong positions in Central Europe.

It must be recalled that Western democracies found themselves in an extremely difficult situation after the economic crisis of the early 1930s. Their governments are faced with a complete lack of tools to influence society. The success of Nazi propaganda, aggressively spreading far beyond Germany, made Hitler more popular in most of Europe than their own politicians. Hitler only had to wait and not take openly aggressive steps, while maintaining the appearance of fairness and legitimacy of his demands.

He succeeded brilliantly in this. After all, since 1932 the regular international conferences on disarmament have produced no results. At the same time, huge amounts of money were spent on the maintenance of the military armadas of European states against the backdrop of economic collapse and poverty in France, mass unemployment and stagnation in the UK. Hitler condemned the refusal to disarm and grant Germany equality in armaments with the victorious countries in the First World War, which was perceived by the public opinion of European states as a fair reproach to their governments. Hitler's pacifist rhetoric at the NSDAP congress in 1934 is vividly recorded in L. Riefenstahl's film Triumph of the Will. The dictator talked about cultivating peacefulness and, at the same time, stamina. These speeches, which delighted the inhabitants of all European states, were a continuation of his policy of discrediting inefficient and militarized democracies. And this at a time when Nazi Germany was building up the latest weapons. The USSR also militarized its economy, spreading rhetoric about the direction of its military machine against the fascists and Nazis. However, these actions fully worked to justify the German militarization and played their role when Germany introduced on March 16, 1935, universal conscription.

The reaction of the countries of the Locarno system was almost instantaneous. On April 14 of the same year, a conference of representatives of the governments of Italy, France and Great Britain is held in Stresa (Italy). The resolution adopted at this conference declared the interest of the participants in preserving the independence of Austria. For the sake of this, it was supposed to convene a conference of all the states that were parties to the Rome Protocols of 1934 (Italy, Austria, Hungary), and develop an agreement on Central Europe. In addition, the inadmissibility of unilateral termination of treaty obligations and readiness to revise the military provisions of all post-war peace treaties was stated. In Stresa, a desire was declared to preserve the validity of the Locarno Treaties. On April 17, 1935, at the Extraordinary Session of the Council of the League of Nations, the practice of unilateral revision of the provisions of international treaties introduced by Germany was condemned. Berlin protested, accusing the League of Nations of discrimination.

In 1935, treaties were concluded between the USSR and France (May 2) and the USSR and Czechoslovakia (May 16) on mutual assistance in case of aggression. The motive for such steps on the part of Paris and Prague was the disruption of work on the Eastern Pact. But the Soviet-Czechoslovak treaty contained an article according to which the USSR agreed to provide military assistance to Czechoslovakia only if such assistance was provided by France.

Berlin reacted sharply to the move by Paris, motivating the inadmissibility of concluding a guarantee agreement with Moscow by the fact that it contradicts Locarno. After all, as the German government justified its position, France has guarantees of its security within the framework of the Locarno Treaties, therefore all issues related to guaranteeing the security of France should be resolved exclusively within the framework of relations between the signatory countries of the treaty, i.e. without the involvement of other states. Great Britain also supported the German position regarding the conclusion of an agreement with the USSR by France.

March 7, 1936 German troops entered the demilitarized Rhineland; in fact, the Locarno agreements were terminated. The basis for such a step on the part of Hitler is the ratification by the French Parliament of the guarantee agreement with the USSR. The entire security system in Europe was under threat. One of the countries of the Locarno system of guarantees, Belgium, on October 14, 1936, decides to renounce its neutral status. But Brussels is playing along with Berlin's policy of curtailing the system of collective guarantees and replacing it with bilateral interstate guarantees. Belgium makes it clear that it does not consider the guarantees it received 11 years ago in Locarno to be reliable and wants to guarantee its own security on its own. The new format of relations imposed by Germany allowed her to fight her potential enemies one by one.

France and Belgium proposed to the Council of the League of Nations a draft resolution on Germany's action on the Rhine, which was adopted by a majority of votes. And already at the London Conference on March 19, 1936, the representatives of Belgium, France, Great Britain and Italy supported proposals for further joint actions. The draft resolution condemned unilateral acts in international relations. A desire was expressed to resolve the situation, which had gotten out of control of the Versailles institutions, and it was decided to convene an international conference.

One of the points for discussion at it were the proposals of the German government from
On March 7, 1936, regarding the conclusion of non-aggression pacts with neighboring states on the eastern border of Germany (Austria and Czechoslovakia), similar to the one concluded by it with Poland on January 26, 1934, Berlin also expressed a desire to return to the League of Nations, since with the restoration of Germany's equality by establishing full sovereignty throughout its territory, the main obstacle to the stay of the state in this international organization was removed. Hitler intended to continue the revision of the provisions of the Versailles system in a non-military way, at the same time securing himself from military opposition with a mutual non-aggression pact. Germany would have been able to neutralize the possibility of using force against Berlin within the framework of the Charter of the League of Nations.

As a reaction to the Rhine action of Germany, the so-called Stresa Front was formed, which included France, Great Britain, Belgium and Italy. This format of diplomatic opposition to the policies of the Nazis was a continuation of the consultations begun in Stresa regarding the introduction of universal conscription by Germany. At the same time, Polish Foreign Minister J. Beck confirmed to France his intention to remain faithful to treaty obligations: in the event of a war with Germany, Poland would support its ally.

This position of Poland had serious consequences in the completion of the process of destruction of the Locarno system, since the declared allegiance of Poland to allied relations with France was not realized due to the lack of reaction from Paris to a clear violation of the principles declared in Locarno. Therefore, this precedent exempted both Poland and France from mutual obligations under the Locarno Treaties. Italy, in turn, is practically "washing its hands", motivating its position by the fact that it is busy with obligations in the Mediterranean region.

So France and Great Britain are left alone against Germany. Berlin is striving to form its own aggressive bloc, which, in contrast to the practically denounced guarantees of the Versailles and Locarno systems, would guarantee the realization of the aspirations of its participants. Italy sought to become the ruler of the Mediterranean, Japan - the Far East, and Germany - the hegemon in continental Europe. Therefore, in 1936 favorable conditions developed for the formation of such a bloc.

Timely for the appearance of the subject of the formation of a new aggressive bloc was the Spanish problem, closely connected with the activities of the Comintern. The transition of the process of solving Spanish internal social problems into a hot phase in 1936 became symbolic. For the Pyrenees, a desperate struggle ensued between two models of the unification of society within one state: fascist / Nazi and communist. The result of the civil war in Spain was a matter of principle for everyone: for the USSR and the Comintern, and for Italy, and for Germany. Mussolini was trying to dominate the Mediterranean, and Hitler was trying to use the opportunity to test the latest weapons.
The fight against the Comintern was a good occasion for the alliance of Italian fascism, German Nazism and Japanese traditionalism. Hitler strongly supported the Italian policy of active intervention in Spanish affairs. Mussolini, in his characteristic victorious pathos, got bogged down in the struggle for illusory goals, and his Mediterranean adventurous policy created the prerequisites for Germany's final denunciation of Locarno's provisions.

On the basis of the Spanish political foothold, the Anti-Comintern Pact completed its formation. This pact had an ambiguous orientation, given the ratification by France on March 7, 1936 of the guarantee agreement with the USSR. The provisions of the pact provided for the coordination of actions by Germany and Japan directed against the Comintern. This international organization, according to the signatories, was a system of political agents of the USSR abroad. An additional secret treaty to the pact assumed that its participants, in the event of a war of one of the states with the USSR, should refrain from actions that could alleviate the situation. Soviet Union. Accordingly, indirectly, this secret treaty provided that the signatories of the pact should also refrain from all kinds of relations with the states with which the USSR maintained allied treaty relations. Therefore, regarding them, the countries of the Anti-Comintern Pact had to adjust their policies in accordance with the provisions of the secret treaty and in consultation with a partner.

France was in allied relations with the USSR on the basis of the system of treaties of 1935, respectively, and the additional treaty to the Anti-Comintern Pact was directed against allied relations between the USSR and France. And to the French colonial possessions in pacific ocean and Japan was interested in Indochina. Thus, based on the fact that Japan, as a result of its expulsion from the League of Nations, found itself isolated from active politics within the institutions of the Versailles system, it gained influence on European politics through the mediation of Germany. At the same time, Germany sought to monopolize the initiative to revise the provisions of Versailles, so Japan and Italy were its most successful allies. Germany had the opportunity to initiate a revision of the provisions of the Versailles system, being at the center of the functioning of its provisions and institutions. In turn, Italy and Japan withdrew from active participation in political processes under the provisions of Versailles. Consequently, they were not Germany's competitors in the initiative of revisionist measures.

The nullification of the Rhine articles of the Treaty of Versailles was reinforced by Germany with the Anti-Comintern Pact (November 26, 1936), which was officially directed against the USSR: with this pact, Germany responded to Japan's loyalty in the Rhine issue. In November 1937, Italy joined the pact, and the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo axis was created. In fact, as J. von Ribbentrop declared to J. Stalin in 1939, the Anti-Comintern Pact was directed against England.

Anti-Comintern Pact. Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact

The help of the USSR to Republican Spain led to an aggravation of relations with Germany and Italy. against the USSR in

Red flag on the hill Zaozernaya

Germany and Japan in 1936 created an alliance - anti-comintern pact, in 1937, Italy joined them, and later a number of states that shared the ideology of Nazism (Hungary, the Franco government, Manchukuo). These countries, seeking to prevent the further spread of Soviet influence in the world, began to pursue an aggressive policy.

In July 1938, Japanese military units crossed Soviet border in the lake area hasan, but as a result of a series of battles, they were driven back by units of the Red Army. In May 1939, Japanese troops again tried to invade Mongolia in the area Khalkin-Gol river. In accordance with the agreement between the USSR and Mongolia, the Red Army, together with the Mongolian units, defeated the Japanese troops.

After the capture in March 1939 by Germany of the Czech Republic and Moravia (Munich Agreement, 1938), the Soviet government attempted to conclude an agreement with England and France on joint actions to repel German aggression in Europe. In April 1939, the Soviet government proposed that these countries conclude a tripartite treaty of mutual assistance and a military convention. But France and England did not want to assume obligations in the event of an attack on one of the parties. On August 2, 1939, the USSR announced that it would conduct political negotiations only after a military agreement was reached. British and French delegations arrived in Moscow for negotiations. Despite the fact that the USSR at the talks presented specific plans for participation in possible military operations

120 infantry, 16 cavalry divisions, 9-10 thousand tanks, 5 thousand artillery pieces, England and France, not believing in the potential capabilities of the USSR, not only did not prepare such plans, but also did not secure the consent of the Polish government to pass through Poland to in the event of a military conflict with Germany, units of the Red Army. The negotiations ended in failure.

In July-August 1939, negotiations were held in London between Germany and England, at which the possibility of signing a non-aggression agreement between these countries was discussed. In the event of successful negotiations in London, the USSR was threatened with a war without allies on two fronts - European and Far Eastern.


Under these conditions, the Soviet government accepted the proposal of the German government to hold negotiations. A German delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in Moscow I. Ribbentrop. From the Soviet side, the negotiations were led by the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs V. M. Molotov. During the negotiations, the parties came to an agreement on concluding a treaty for a period of ten years, according to which the USSR and Germany assumed non-aggression obligations. The treaty had a secret protocol on the delimitation of spheres of influence between Germany and the USSR.

August 23, 1939 the agreement that went down in history as "Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact", was signed. The sphere of interests of the USSR included the Baltic States, Bessarabia. The treaty made it possible for the USSR to postpone the war with Germany for two years.

Having secured itself from the USSR, a few days after the signing of the treaty, Germany attacked Poland on September 1, 1939. On September 3, in accordance with the guarantees issued to Poland, her allies England and France declared war on Germany. started The Second World War.

The Polish army, having received no real help from its allies, was defeated. German troops captured almost all of Poland.

  • On September 17, 1939, the USSR sent troops into Poland, declaring the Soviet-Polish non-aggression pact of 1932 invalid. On the same day, the states that were in diplomatic relations with the USSR, including the Baltic states, were handed a Soviet note stating that "in relations with them, the USSR will pursue a policy of neutrality."
  • On September 17, 1939 (after the defeat of the Polish army), the USSR sent its troops into Western Ukraine and Western Belarus. On September 28, 1939, the Soviet-German Treaty "On Friendship and Borders" was signed, according to which western border The USSR passed along the rivers Western Bug and Narew.

WITH Latvia, Lithuania And Estonia pacts of mutual assistance and treaties of friendship and borders were concluded, in accordance with which Soviet armed forces were deployed in these countries. Until the beginning of the summer of 1940, the troops of the USSR remained in the form of garrisons, without interfering in the internal life of these countries. But after the decisive offensive of the German troops on France and the fall of Paris (June 14, 1941), the Soviet government presented the Baltic countries with an ultimatum to bring governments friendly to the USSR to power. At the early elections held in these states, the communists came to power, and the governments headed by them made decisions on the entry of these countries into the USSR.

In order to ensure the greater security of Leningrad and to remove the Soviet-Finnish border from the city, the Soviet government offered Finland, for territorial compensation in another area, to move the USSR border on the Korelsky Isthmus to the west of Leningrad. In connection with Finland's refusal to satisfy this request, on November 30, 1939, the troops of the Leningrad Military District began military operations against Finland ( Soviet-Finnish war).

During the offensive, the Red Army had to break through the enemy's well-fortified line of defense (the "Mannerheim Line"). In March 1940 a peace treaty was signed with Finland. In accordance with its terms, the Soviet-Finnish border was moved from Leningrad to 150 km.

In addition, the territory on the Sredny and Rybachy peninsulas was transferred to the USSR, and the Khanko peninsula was leased for 30 years.

USSR stamp 1939

The last pre-war action of the USSR in the international arena was the demand to Romania for the return of the army captured by it in 1918. Bessarabia. In July 1940 it was

an agreement was signed between the USSR and Romania "On the reunification of Bessarabia and the northern part of Bukovina with the USSR."

By 1941, the borders of the USSR in the west had moved to a distance of 300 to 600 km. Due to the new territories, the population of the USSR increased by about 14 million people. At the same time, the circle of potential opponents of the USSR in a future war expanded. In 1941, not only Germany, but also Finland, Romania and Hungary entered the war against the USSR. Although Japan and Turkey did not declare war, they took a position hostile to the USSR.

An agreement between Germany, Italy, Japan and other states directed against the USSR and the Communist International.

The signing of the treaty was the result of a rapprochement between the two aggressive states on the basis of the desire to revise the results of the First World War. Germany, after A. Hitler came to power on January 30, 1933, set a course to overcome the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles, militarization and territorial expansion - primarily in Europe. The establishment of the Nazism regime in Germany was accompanied by an anti-communist campaign, the Comintern was accused of preparing a revolution in Germany and setting fire to the Reichstag on February 28, 1933. In preparing for a clash with Great Britain and France, Hitler tried to create the impression that his main foreign policy goal was to fight communism and expand into east, as mentioned in his book Mein Kampf. Without abandoning the task of destroying the USSR, Hitler actually did not consider it a priority, but used the banner of anti-communism for his domestic and foreign policy goals.

Japan also used anti-communism to cover up its expansionist intentions. Since the intervention in the Far East in 1918-1925. Japan considered the eastern part of Russia as an object for its expansion. But China and Southeast Asia were more attractive to her.

On September 18, 1931, the Japanese military organized a sabotage in the area of ​​the South China railway, which was used as an excuse to invade the territory of the Republic of China. As a result of the Japanese-Chinese conflict of 1931-1933. The Japanese army captured Manchuria, where on 03/01/1932 the puppet state of Manzhou Guo was created. The League of Nations protested against Japanese aggression, but Japan withdrew from this international organization on March 27, 1933. In the same year, Japan annexed several more regions of China, approaching Beijing. Japan's desire to get "its own China" in Manchuria, Shanghai and other regions of the country closed the rest of China to Japanese goods, which began a campaign to combat the aggressor's goods, focusing on Western imports, which undermined the hopes of Japanese leaders to turn China into their economic appendage. Japan, which was industrializing, was in dire need of Chinese raw materials. Now for Japan, the path to China lay only through a big war.

All this was very important for the USSR, which, since the civil war and intervention, feared a repetition of the Japanese landings in the Far East. Now Japan could attack the USSR from land.

On October 30, 1933, Germany also withdrew from the League of Nations. Relations between Germany and the USSR continued to be hostile due to the Soviet Union's policy of "collective security" and the Comintern's "popular front".

Under these conditions, joint hostility to the USSR and the communist movement was a good reason for an alliance between Germany and Japan, which should not have disturbed Great Britain, France and the United States.

The A.P. consisted of three articles and a signing protocol. The contracting parties pledged to fight against the Comintern, declaring that a tolerant attitude towards the Communist International threatens the "tranquility, social and social order" of third states, and also represents a "threat to world peace." The first article obliged the parties to the Agreement "to inform each other about the activities of the Communist International and to consult on the adoption of the necessary defensive measures and to maintain close cooperation in the implementation of these measures." In the second article, the contracting parties pledged to "jointly recommend to any third state whose internal security is threatened by the subversion of the Communist International to take defensive measures in the spirit of this agreement or to accede to it." The agreement was concluded for a period of 5 years and entered into force from the date of its signing. In an additional protocol to the Agreement, the contracting parties pledged to take "severe measures against those who, inside or outside the country, directly or indirectly act in favor of the Communist International." At the same time, a secret military agreement was signed, in which they pledged "not to take any measures that could help alleviate the situation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" in the event that one of these countries is subjected to an "unprovoked attack" by the USSR or it is threatened by such an unprovoked attack"; not to conclude with the USSR "any political treaties that would be contrary to the spirit of this agreement."

Fascist Italy showed interest in joining the A.P. Despite the disagreements between A. Hitler and B. Mussolini, especially because of the fate of Austria, thanks to the joint intervention in civil war in Spain 1936-1939 there was a rapprochement between the positions of the two fascist states. 10/21/1936 Germany and Italy signed a protocol on the coordination of their foreign policy. Despite the fact that the protocol was secret, Mussolini on January 1, 1936 spoke about the new alliance at a rally in Milan: “This is mutual understanding, this Berlin-Rome diagonal is not a dividing line, but an axis around which all European states, inspired will for cooperation and peace. Germany, Italy, and later Japan also came to be called the Axis states because of this.

11/6/1937 Italy joined the A.P. Germany and Japan recognized this protocol as "equivalent to the signing of the original text of the pact", thus emphasizing that they recognize Italy as an equal partner. Thus, the A.P. and the Axis merged. On February 24, 1939, Hungary and Manchukuo joined the A.P., on March 27. 1939 - Spain.

A.p. design happened when the members of the military were actually fighting against the communists: Italy and Germany in Spain, where on the other side of the front were Soviet military personnel (see also “Operation X”) and communists of the “international brigades”; Japan - in China, where she unleashed the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945. China was helped by the USSR, which carried out "Operation Z". Soviet pilots participated in the battles on the side of China. There were also direct Soviet-Japanese military clashes: at Lake Khasan in 1938 and on the Khalkhin-Gol River in 1939. But Germany and Italy did not help their partner, and the defeat of the Japanese army on the Khalkhin-Gol River took place during the Soviet-German convergence.

Although A. p. helped Hitler during the Anschluss of Austria, sanctioned by Mussolini, and the “Sudet Crisis”, where Italy acted as an intermediary, on the whole, the pact did not provide a strong alliance of its participants in Europe either. In May 1939, the "Steel Pact" was concluded between Germany and Italy, in which the two countries pledged to fight together against common enemies in Europe, but Mussolini entered World War II only after the defeat of the Allies in June 1940.

At the same time, Japan was dissatisfied with the conclusion of the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact in violation of the A. p. After that, the German-Japanese-Italian pact could no longer be considered anti-Comintern, since Germany officially had good relations with the USSR, and Japan was also forced to improve its relations with the USSR. After that, A. p. had to be re-signed on a new, non-anti-Soviet basis.

September 27, 1940 Germany (J. Ribbentrop), Italy (G. Ciano) and Japan (S. Kurusu) signed the Berlin (tripartite) pact. It provided for the division of the world between the participants in order to maintain "long-term peace." Japan recognized the leading position of Germany and Italy in establishing a "new order" in Europe, having received from them the same right to East Asia. The parties agreed on mutual assistance, including military assistance, in the event of an attack on one of them by other states not yet participating in the war. Hungary (20.11.1940), Romania (23.11.1940), Slovakia (24.11.1940) and Bulgaria (1.3.1941) joined the pact. During the Berlin negotiations in 1940, an offer to join the pact was made by the USSR, but it put forward counter demands, which were not accepted by Germany. On March 25, 1941, Yugoslavia joined the pact, but this decision was not approved, since on March 27, 1941, the government of D. Cvetkovic was overthrown, and on April 5, 1941, Germany attacked Yugoslavia. The European parties to the pact (except Bulgaria) attacked the USSR together with Germany on June 22-23, 1941, but Japan did not do this, hoping to wait for the defeat of the USSR. After the outbreak of World War II, the now anti-communist pact was joined by Manchukuo, Spain, Finland, Croatia, Denmark, Wang Jingwei's puppet pro-Japanese Chinese government, and Thailand. After the Japanese attack on the United States on December 7, 1941, Germany and Italy also declared war on the United States. But Japan again refrained from attacking the USSR. The Soviet-Japanese war began only in August 1945. In 1944-1945, the participants in the pact, except for Spain, were defeated during the final campaigns of World War II.

Prisoner on 25.XI.1936 between Germany and Japan, had as his official goal cooperation in the fight against the Communist International.

The pact consisted of three articles and a "signing protocol" attached to the pact. In Art. The parties mutually pledged to inform each other about the activities of the Communist International and to fight against it in close cooperation.

In Art. II Germany and Japan invited "third states, whose internal peace is threatened by the activities of the Communist International, to take defensive measures in the spirit of this agreement or to accede to this pact."

Art. III established the duration of the pact - 5 years. The pact was signed in Berlin - on behalf of Germany by Ribbentrop and on behalf of Japan - by Viscount Kintomo Musyakoji.

The "Signing Protocol" contained 3 points. Paragraph "a" obliged the parties to exchange information about the activities of the Communist International and jointly develop measures to "protect against its activities."

Clause "b" committed the parties "to take severe measures ... against those who, inside or outside the country, directly or indirectly act in favor of the Communist International."

Point "c" provided for the creation of a permanent commission, which should take any other measures to combat the Communist International.

6. XI 1937 to "A. p." Italy joined.

On 24. II 1939, Hungary and the puppet state of Manchukuo joined the pact, and a month later - on 27. III 1939 - Francoist Spain.

25. XI 1941 the pact was extended for 5 years. It was also joined by Bulgaria, Finland, Romania, Denmark, the puppet governments of Slovakia, Croatia and Nanjing.

"A.p." was the official design of the block of aggressors that was taking shape in the mid-30s. It was designed to play on anti-Soviet sentiments and prejudices in different countries under the pretext of fighting the Comintern, in fact, to conduct intensive preparations for war not only against the USSR, but also against England, France, the USA and other states. On this occasion, I. V. Stalin said: “In our time it is not so easy to break free from the chain and rush straight into the war, regardless of various kinds of agreements, regardless of public opinion ... Therefore, the fascist bosses, before rather than rush into the war, they decided in a certain way to process public opinion, that is, mislead him, deceive him ... A war against the interests of England, France, the USA? Trivia! "We" are waging war against the Comintern, not against these states. If you don't believe me, read the "Anti-Comintern Pact" concluded between Italy, Germany and Japan."

The events that followed the signing of the A.P. confirmed the true intentions of the aggressors. Italy and Germany declared their solidarity with the aggressive policy of Japan in Far East, while Japan recognized the annexation of Ethiopia and the Francoist government of Spain. Germany and Italy officially recognized the government created by the Japanese in Manchuria, which they had conquered.

Further acts of aggression followed one after another. In 1937 Japan, after seizing Manchuria, invaded Northern and Central China. On March 12, 1938, Germany captured Austria, and on March 15, 1939, Czechoslovakia. In 1939-40 "A. p." was turned into an open military alliance between Germany, Italy and Japan. 22. V 1939 an agreement was signed between Germany and Italy, according to which the parties pledged not to conclude any agreements directed against one of them, and to render assistance to each other in the event of their war with a third power. On 11.XII 1940 Japan acceded to this agreement.

  • - The treaty signed on November 25, 1936 in Berlin between Germany and Japan, which formalized a bloc of these states under the flag of the struggle against the Comintern to gain world domination ...

    Encyclopedia of the Third Reich

  • - English. pact is an important international treaty affecting issues of interstate or international security...

    Glossary of business terms

  • Glossary of legal terms

  • - prisoner on 25.XI 1936 between Germany and Japan, had as his official goal cooperation in the struggle against the Communist International...

    Diplomatic Dictionary

  • - one of the names of the international treaty ...

    Political science. Dictionary.

  • - Pactum, in a broad sense, any contract is called, and in a closer sense, such a contract, which, according to Roman civil law, usually could not be challenged by a judicial procedure ...

    Real Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

  • - international treaty

    Big Economic Dictionary

  • - one of the names of the international treaty ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - an agreement concluded on November 25, 1936 in Berlin between Germany and Japan, which formalized a bloc of these states under the flag of the struggle against the Comintern in order to fight for the establishment of world hegemony ...
  • - a term used to refer to various kinds of international treaties, as a rule, of great political importance on issues of mutual or collective security, mutual assistance, ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - an agreement concluded on November 25, 1936 in Berlin between Germany and Japan and formalized a bloc of these states in order to gain world domination ...
  • - one of the names of the international treaty ...

    Big encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - Borrowed from German, where Pakt goes back to the Latin pactum - "agreement", derived from pacisci - "negotiate, put up", going back to pax - "peace" ...

    Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Krylov

  • - Loans. in the 20th century from it. lang., where Pakt lat. pactus "agreement", suf. formations from pacisci "negotiate, put up", derived from pax, pacts "peace, tranquility"...

    Etymological dictionary of the Russian language

  • - See ethics...

    Word history

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary


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