The most famous military posters. Photo. The first posters of the Red Army. deserter, come back

The army was an important part of the structure of the Soviet Union. Service was considered an honorable duty, and the prestige of officers was undeniable. The military personnel had their own professional holiday in 1922, and it was called "Day of the Red Army and Navy". After the Great Patriotic War February 23rd holiday was renamed "Day Soviet army and the Navy. All solemn dates in the USSR were accompanied by colorful decorations and visual propaganda. Patriotic posters were a bright emotional message designed to raise the military spirit of soldiers and increase confidence in the power of their native country among ordinary citizens. The best graphic artists worked on them, setting a high standard in the art of the poster.

Moor Dmitry Orlov "Have you signed up as a volunteer?" 1920

One of the early posters dedicated to the Red Army was created by the artist Dmitry Orlov, who worked under the pseudonym Moor. In the army of a state not yet recognized by others, within which there was a civil war, there were desperately not enough soldiers. The call of the Red Army soldier, which has already become a textbook, “Have you signed up as a volunteer?” was created in 1920. The compositional solution of the poster is superb - in the foreground is the red figure of a man pointing his finger at the viewer and the same fiery smoking factories behind him. The eyes of the Red Army soldier are drawn in such a way that it seems that he is following every person passing by, addressing everyone personally. This poster has many prototypes. The most obvious of these is the World War I poster "I want you for the U.S. Army", in which artist James Montgomery Flagg embodied the famous image of Uncle Sam. Also, in 1919, a similar composition was used by the Whites, in propaganda poster“Why are you not in the army?”, Which in turn had an Italian prototype. But, no matter how many predecessors Moor's creation had, the poster with the Red Army soldier can rightly be called the strongest in terms of emotional intensity and psychological impact.

Poster by artist K. Vyaly "Long live our native invincible Red Army!" 1936

In the 1930s, artists choose optimistic themes to glorify the army. Artist Konstantin Vyalov in 1936 draws a poster "Long live our invincible Red Army!". This work still shows the artist's belonging to the OST group, whose leaders sought to reflect modernity with its scientific and technological progress. The poster depicts a kind of impromptu parade. Most of the sheet is occupied by the expanses of heaven, in which almost fantastic white and red domes of paratroopers soar. Airplanes are flying very high somewhere. Soldiers with red banners march along the ground, followed by heavy iron tanks emerging from clouds of dust. The army is greeted by peasants with tools and the results of their labor. Men and women with rakes stand near tight sacks filled with grain. People are waving handkerchiefs and sprigs of ears of corn. The artist in the poster emphasizes the strength of the army, the defenders peaceful life and the work of the peasants, their unity and striving for a common goal.

Poster by artist A. Kokorekin "Long live the invincible Red Army!" 1937

The military power of a huge country is emphasized in the poster by Alexei Kokorekin "Long live the invincible Red Army!" Created in 1937. The artist draws two border guards looking in opposite sides. The man depicted on the left, dressed in a light summer uniform, stands under a palm tree and symbolizes the protector. southwest countries. The border guard on the right is dressed in warm winter uniforms, he is vigilantly watching the northeastern border. Drawn in the background different types troops - planes are flying across the sky, columns of tanks are riding below and warships are sailing. In the center, behind a red star with a hammer and sickle, are the flags of the Navy, the Air Force and the flag of the USSR Army. Kokorekin was able to create a complex single composition, saturated with symbols and meanings, but at the same time remaining catchy and straightforward.

Poster by artist I. Semenov “We ​​meet the enemy simply from the track record of the Soviet Army” 1948

In the post-war years, posters were distributed showing all the defeated opponents of the Soviet Union. The drawing by Ivan Semenov “We ​​simply meet the enemy: from the service record of the Soviet Army”, created in 1948, depicts a simple soldier. This is a simple guy, with a worldly cunning on his face - the victorious country did not need to emphasize its merits with ostentatious pathos. The soldier listens attentively, but without fear, to see if the intruder is coming. Behind him on bayonets are comically drawn enemies of the Soviet Union, dating back to 1917. This poster was supposed to instill confidence in people - no one could and will never be able to defeat us.

Poster by artist K. Puss "For the sake of life on Earth!" 1978

A beautiful poster by Koit Püss "For the sake of life on earth!" Drawn in 1978. A little girl picks flowers. On a gentle sky-blue background, which occupies almost the entire space of the sheet, the silhouette of a defending soldier appears, protecting a child, a city that is whitening in the distance, and the whole country.

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The uniform of the Red Army 1918-1945 is the result of the joint efforts of a group of enthusiastic artists, collectors, researchers who give their all free time and funds in tribute to one common idea for them. Recreating the realities of the era that disturbs their hearts provides an opportunity to approach the truthful perception of the central event of the 20th century of World War II, which undoubtedly continues to have a profound impact on modern life. Decades of deliberate misrepresentation experienced by our people

Insignia of the Red Army, 1917-24 1. Patch of the infantry, 1920-24. 2. Armband of the Red Guard, 1917. 3. Sleeve patch of the Kalmyk cavalry units of the South-Eastern Front, 1919-20. 4. Breastplate of the Red Army, 1918-22. 5. Patch of the escort guards of the Republic, 1922-23. 6. Patch internal troops OGPU, 1923-24 7. Patch of armored parts Eastern front, 1918-19 8. Commander's sleeve patch

Afghan slang name used by some military personnel for the name of a set of field summer winter uniforms for military personnel Armed Forces USSR, and later the Armed Forces Russian Federation and CIS countries. The field one was later used as an everyday military uniform due to poor supply of the military personnel of the Soviet Army and the Navy of the USSR, marines, coastal missile and artillery troops and the Air Force of the fleet, which was used in the initial period in SAVO and OKSVA

Name From a Bogatyr to a Frunzev world war in such helmets, the Russians were allegedly supposed to go through the victory parade through Berlin. However, no confirmed evidence of this has been found. But according to the documents, the history of the competition for the development of uniforms for the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army is well traced. The competition was announced on May 7, 1918, and on December 18, the Republican Revolutionary Military Council approved a sample of a winter headgear - a helmet,

The military uniform of the Soviet army uniforms and equipment of the military personnel of the Soviet army, formerly called the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army and the Red Army, as well as the Rules for their wearing in the period from 1918 to 1991, established by the highest government bodies for the personnel of the Soviet Army. Article 1

Front-line soldier Corporal 1 in the uniform of the 1943 model. The insignia from the buttonholes were transferred to shoulder straps. The SSH-40 helmet became widespread since 1942. Around the same time, submachine guns began to enter the troops in massive quantities. This corporal is armed with a 7.62 mm Shpagin submachine gun - PPSh-41 - with a 71-round drum magazine. Spare magazines in pouches on the waist belt next to the pouch for three hand grenades. In 1944, along with the drum

Metal helmets, widely used in the armies of the world long before our era, to XVIII century have lost their protective value due to the massive proliferation of firearms. By the period of the Napoleonic Wars in European armies, they were used as protective equipment mainly in heavy cavalry. Throughout the 19th century, military headdresses protected their wearers at best from cold, heat or rain. Returning to service steel helmets, or

As a result of the adoption of two decrees on December 15, 1917, the Council of People's Commissars abolished all the ranks and military ranks in the Russian army that remained from the previous regime. The period of the formation of the Red Army. First insignia. Thus, all the soldiers of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army organized as a result of the order of January 15, 1918 no longer had any uniform military uniform, as well as special insignia. Nevertheless, in the same year, a badge was introduced for the fighters of the Red Army

In the last century, during the Soviet Union, there was a higher rank of generalissimo. However, this title was not awarded to any person during the entire existence of the Soviet Union, except for Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. The proletarian people themselves asked for this man to be awarded the highest military rank for all his services to the Motherland. This happened after the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany in the 45th year. Soon that the working people asked for such an honor

PILOTKA Introduced by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR 176 of December 3, 1935. The cap for the command staff is made of woolen fabric, uniform with a French tunic. The color of the cap for the command staff of the air forces is blue, for the command staff of the auto-armored troops it is steel, for all the rest it is khaki. The cap consists of a cap and two sides. The cap is made on a cotton lining, and the sides are made of two layers of the main fabric. front

Oleg Volkov, senior lieutenant of the reserve, former commander tank T-55, 1st class gunner We have been waiting for her for so long. Three long years. They have been waiting since the very moment when they changed their civilian clothes for soldiers' uniforms. All this time, she came to us in dreams, in between exercises, shooting at ranges, studying equipment, outfits, drills and other numerous army duties. We are Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Uzbeks, Moldavians, Ukrainians,

INSTRUCTIONS FOR FITTING, ASSEMBLY AND SAVING THE SINGLE TRAVELING EQUIPMENT OF THE COMMANDER STRUCTURE OF THE RKKA order RVS USSR 183 1932 1. General provisions 1. The uniform equipment of the command staff of the land and air forces of the Red Army is supplied to the supply of a single size, designed for the greatest growth of the command staff and wear over an overcoat and warm overalls leather uniforms, fur clothing b with waist and shoulder straps in three sizes 1

INSTRUCTIONS FOR FITTING, ASSEMBLY AND SAVING THE UNIFIED TRAVELING EQUIPMENT OF THE COMMANDER STAFF OF THE RKKA RVS USSR Order 183 1932 1. General Provisions overcoats and warm overalls leather uniforms, fur clothes b with waist and shoulder straps in three sizes 1 height namely 1 Equipment

The entire period of the existence of the USSR can be divided into several stages according to various epoch-making events. As a rule, changes in the political life of the state lead to a number of cardinal changes, including in the army. The pre-war period, which is limited to 1935-1940, went down in history as the birth of Soviet Union, and special attention should be paid not only to the state of the material part of the armed forces, but also to the organization of the hierarchy in management. Prior to the beginning of this period, there was

The era, a couple of decades long, which begins after the Bolsheviks came to power, marked itself with numerous changes in the life of the former Empire. Reorganization of practically all structures of peaceful and military activities turned out to be quite a lengthy and contentious process. In addition, from the course of history, we know that immediately after the revolution, Russia was swept by a bloody civil war, in which there was intervention. It is hard to imagine that the original rows

Winter uniform of the Red Army 1940-1945 OVERCOAT Introduced by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR 733 of December 18, 1926. Single-breasted overcoat made of gray overcoat. Turn-down collar. Clasp hidden on five hooks. Welt pockets without flaps. Sleeves with stitched straight cuffs. At the back, the pleat ends with a slit. The strap is fastened to the posts with two buttons. The overcoat for command and command staff was introduced by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

Insignia and buttonholes of the Red Army 1924-1943 The Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army was abbreviated as the Red Army, the term Soviet Army SA appeared later, the beginning of World War II, oddly enough, was met in a military uniform of the 1925 model. The People's Commissariat of Defense, by its order of December 3, 1935, introduced new uniforms and insignia. The old official ranks were partially preserved for the military-political, military-technical.

Soviet system insignia is unique. This practice is not found in the armies of other countries of the world, and it was, perhaps, the only innovation of the communist government; otherwise, the order was copied from the rules of army insignia of tsarist Russia. The insignia of the first two decades of the existence of the Red Army were buttonholes, which were later replaced by shoulder straps. The rank was determined by the shape of the triangles, squares, rhombuses under the star,

Insignia of the Red Army military personnel by ranks 1935-40. The period under review covers the time from September 1935 to November 1940. By a decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of September 22, 1935, personal military ranks are established for all military personnel, which are strictly correlated with their positions. Each position corresponds to a certain rank. A soldier may have a rank lower than that defined for this position, or the corresponding one. But he can't get

Official insignia of the military personnel of the Red Army 1919-1921. With the advent of the RCP b to power in November 1917, the new leaders of the country, relying on the thesis of Karl Marx about replacing the regular army with the general armament of the working people, began active work to eliminate imperial army Russia. In particular, on December 16, 1917, all military ranks were abolished by the decrees of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars On the elective beginning and organization of power in the army and On the equalization of the rights of all military personnel.

The clothing of military personnel is established by decrees, orders, rules or special normative acts. The wearing of the naval uniform of the naval uniform is mandatory for the military personnel of the armed forces of the state and other formations, where it is provided military service. In the armed forces of Russia there is whole line accessories that were in the naval uniform of the times of the Russian Empire. These include shoulder straps, boots, long overcoats with buttonholes.

In 1985, by Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR 145-84g, a new field uniform was introduced, the same for all categories of military personnel, which received the common name Afghan, the first to receive units and subunits located on the territory of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. In 1988 In 1988, by Order of the USSR Ministry of Defense 250 of 03/04/88, soldiers, sergeants and cadets without a tunic in a green shirt are introduced to wear a dress uniform. From left to right

MAIN Quartermaster Directorate of the Red Army INSTRUCTIONS FOR LAYING, FITTING, ASSEMBLY AND PUTTING ON THE EQUIPMENT OF THE RED ARMY INFANTRY FIGHTER MILITARY ISSUES OF THE NPO USSR - 1941 CONTENTS I. General provisions II. Types of equipment and composition set III. Fitting Equipment IV. Packing equipment V. Making an overcoat roll VI. Assembly of equipment VII. The order of putting on equipment VIII. Instructions for the use of equipment IX.

Continuity and innovation in modern military heraldry The first official military heraldic sign is the emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation established on January 27, 1997 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in the form of a golden double-headed eagle with outstretched wings, holding a sword in its paws, as the most common symbol of the armed defense of the Fatherland, and a wreath is a symbol of special importance, significance and honor of military labor. This emblem was established to mark the belonging

Considering all the stages of the creation of the Russian armed forces, it is necessary to delve deeply into history, and although during the time of the principalities there is no question of Russian empire and even more so about the regular army, the birth of such a thing as defense capability begins precisely from this era. In the XIII century, Rus' was represented by separate principalities. Although their military squads were armed with swords, axes, spears, sabers and bows, they could not serve as a reliable defense against extraneous encroachments. United army

The emblem of the Airborne Forces - in the form of a parachute surrounded by two aircraft - is known to everyone. It became the basis for the subsequent development of the entire symbolism of the units and formations of the Airborne Forces. This sign is not only an expression of the serviceman's belonging to the winged infantry, but also a kind of symbol of the spiritual unity of all paratroopers. But few people know the name of the author of the emblem. And this was the work of Zinaida Ivanovna Bocharova, a beautiful, smart, hardworking girl who worked as a leading draftsman at the headquarters of the Airborne

This attribute military equipment deserved a worthy place among others, thanks to its simplicity, unpretentiousness and, most importantly, complete indispensability. The name helmet itself comes from the French casque or from the Spanish casco skull, helmet. According to encyclopedias, this term refers to a leather or metal headgear used to protect the head by the military and other categories of persons operating in dangerous conditions by miners,

Until the end of the 70s, the field uniform of the KGB PV was not much different from the one that was in the land Soviet Army. Unless green shoulder straps and buttonholes, and more frequent and widespread use of KLMK summer camouflage suit. At the end of the 70s, in terms of the development and implementation of a special field uniform, some shifts took place, which resulted in the appearance of summer and winter field suits with a hitherto unusual cut. 1.

Summer uniforms of the Red Army for the period 1940-1943. SUMMER GYMNASTERIOR OF THE COMMAND AND COMMANDING STAFF OF THE RED ARMY Introduced by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR 005 of February 1, 1941 The summer tunic is made of a khaki cotton fabric with a turn-down collar fastened with one hook. At the ends of the collar, khaki buttonholes with insignia are sewn on. The gymnast has a chest strap with a clasp

Camouflage clothing appeared in the Red Army as early as 1936, although experiments began 10 years earlier, but it became widespread only during the war. Initially, these were camouflage coats and capes of spotted color spots in the form of amoebas and received the unofficial name of the amoeba of four colors for summer, spring-autumn, desert and for mountainous regions. In a separate row are white camouflage suits for winter camouflage. Much more mass-produced.

Even during the Second World War, detachments of marines instilled fear in German soldiers. Since then, the second name black death or black devils has been attached to the latter, indicating the inevitable reprisal against those who encroach on the integrity of the state. Perhaps this nickname is somehow connected with the fact that the infantryman wore a black pea jacket. Only one thing is known for certain if the enemy is afraid, then this is already the lion's share of victory, and, as you know, a symbol marines considered the motto

Patches of the states of the Navy of the USSR The information presented on this page is the number of orders, etc. , based on materials from the book by Stepanov Alexander Borisovich Patch of the Armed Forces of the USSR. 1920-91 I Patch of anti-tank artillery units ORDER OF THE PEOPLE'S COMMISSIONER OF DEFENSE OF THE USSR dated July 1, 1942 0528

Order for the Naval Forces Rab.-Cross. Red Army 52 of April 16, 1934 Specialists of ordinary and junior command personnel, in addition to sleeve official insignia, also wear signs embroidered on black cloth in their specialty. The diameter of the round badges is 10.5 cm. The circumference of the badges for specialties for long-term servicemen is embroidered with gold thread or yellow silk, for military servicemen with red thread. The drawing of the sign is embroidered with red thread.

June 3, 1946 in accordance with the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, signed by I.V. Stalin, the Airborne Forces were withdrawn from the Air force and are directly subordinate to the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Paratroopers at the November 1951 parade in Moscow. A sleeve badge is visible on the right sleeve of those marching in the first rank. The resolution ordered the head of the Logistics of the USSR Armed Forces, together with the commander of the Airborne Forces, to prepare proposals

By order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic 572 of April 3, 1920, sleeve insignia of the Red Army were introduced. A detailed analysis of the history of stripes and chevrons of the Red Army of all periods in the material of the Military Pro. Introduction of sleeve insignia of the Red Army stages, features, symbols Distinctive insignia of the sleeve type are used to identify servicemen of certain branches of the armed forces. To better understand the specifics of the sleeve insignia of the Red Army and the chevrons of the Red Army, we recommend

Soviet mountain gunners in ambush. Caucasus. 1943 Based on considerable combat experience gained during the Great Patriotic War, the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the GUBP of the Ground Forces of the Red Army undertook a fundamental solution to the issues of providing the latest weapons and equipment to the Soviet infantry. In the summer of 1945, a meeting was held in Moscow to discuss all the problems facing combined arms commanders. At this meeting, presentations were made by

In the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army of the Red Army, in the summer they wore half boots, they are also boots and boots, in the cold winter, felt boots were issued. The highest command staff in winter could wear winter cloak boots. The choice of shoes depended on the rank of the soldier; the officers always relied on boots and on the position he held. Before the war, there were many improvements and changes in the field

From buttonholes to epaulettes P. Lipatov Uniforms and insignia of the ground troops of the Red Army, internal troops of the NKVD and border troops during the Great Patriotic War The Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army of the Red Army entered World War II in the uniform of the 1935 model. At about the same time, they acquired the usual us the appearance of Wehrmacht soldiers. In 1935, by order of the People's Commissariat of Defense of December 3, new uniforms and insignia were introduced for the entire personnel of the Red Army.

They do not emit a warlike roar, they do not sparkle with a polished surface, they are not decorated with chased coats of arms and plumes, and quite often they are generally hidden under jackets. However, today, without this armor, unsightly in appearance, it is simply unthinkable to send soldiers into battle or ensure the safety of VIPs. Body armor is clothing that prevents bullets from entering the body and therefore protects a person from being shot. It is made from materials that scatter

Different kinds small arms and bladed weapons that were in service with partisans Trophy weapons of partisans Various independent alterations of copies of Soviet and captured weapons Actions of partisans behind enemy lines, damage to power lines, posting propaganda leaflets, reconnaissance, destruction of traitors. Ambushes behind enemy lines, destruction of enemy columns and manpower Undermining bridges and railways, methods

Personal military ranks of military personnel 1935-1945 Personal military rank of military personnel of the land and naval forces of the Red Army 1935-1940 were introduced by decisions of the Council of People's Commissars 2590 for the Ground and Air Force of the Red Army and 2591 naval forces Red Army of September 22, 1935. Declared by order of the People's Commissar of Defense 144 of September 26, 1935. Private and command staff Political composition

In the Red Army, two types of buttonholes were used - everyday color and field protective. There were also differences in the buttonholes of the commanding and commanding staff, so that it was possible to distinguish the commander from the chief. Field buttonholes were introduced by order of the USSR NKO 253 of August 1, 1941, which abolished the wearing of colored insignia for all categories of military personnel. It was ordered to switch to buttonholes, emblems and insignia of a completely green camouflage color.

We will have to start the story about the introduction of insignia in the Soviet army with some general questions. In addition, a small digression into history will be useful. Russian state not to formulate empty references to the past. The shoulder straps themselves are a kind of product that is worn on the shoulders in order to indicate the position or rank, as well as the type of troops and service affiliation. This is carried out in several ways by fastening straps, stars, making gaps, chevrons.

On January 6, 1943, shoulder straps for the personnel of the Soviet Army were introduced in the USSR. Initially, shoulder straps had a practical meaning. With their help, the belt of the cartridge bag was held. Therefore, at first there was only one shoulder strap, on the left shoulder, since the cartridge bag was worn on the right side. In most of the fleets of the world, shoulder straps were not used, and the rank was indicated by stripes on the sleeve, the sailors did not wear a cartridge bag. In Russia, shoulder straps

Commanders IVAN KONEV 1897-1973, commanded the Steppe Front during the Battle of Kursk. He left school at the age of 12, then became a lumberjack. He was mobilized into the royal army. During the civil war, he joined the Red Army and fought as a commissar for Far East. In 1934 he graduated from the Frunze Academy and became a corps commander. In 1938, Konev commanded the Separate Red Banner Army as part of the Far Eastern Front. But lead the military action against

Commanders Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov Born on February 12, 1900 in Serebryanye Prudy, near Venev, Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov was the son of a peasant. From the age of 12, he worked as an apprentice saddler, and when he was 18, he joined the Red Army. In 1918, during civil war, he participated in the defense of Tsaritsyn later - Stalingrad, and in 1919 joined the CPSU b and was appointed regiment commander. In 1925 Chuikov graduated military academy them. M.V. Frunze, then participated

Even before the First World War, a uniform appeared in the Russian army, consisting of a protective color of trousers, a shirt-tunic, an overcoat and boots. We have seen her more than once in films about the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. Soviet uniform from World War II. Since then, several uniform reforms have been carried out, but they mainly affected only the dress uniform. The edgings, shoulder straps, buttonholes changed in uniforms, and the field uniform remained practically unchanged.

MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE USSR RULES FOR THE WEARING OF MILITARY UNIFORM CLOTHING BY SERGEANTS, STARSHIN, SOLDIERS, SAILORS, cadets AND PUPILS OF THE SOVIET ARMY AND NAVY IN PEACETIME Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR. General provisions. The uniform of sergeants of long-term service. The uniform of sergeants of conscripts and soldiers of extra-conscripts and conscripts. The uniform of cadets of military schools. The uniform of pupils of Suvorov

MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE UNION OF THE SSR RULES OF WEARING THE MILITARY UNIFORM OF CLOTHES BY THE SOVIET ARMY AND NAVY SERVICE PERSONNEL IN PEACETIME I. GENERAL PROVISIONS II. MILITARY UNIFORM Clothing uniform for marshals of the Soviet Union, marshals of military branches and generals of the Soviet Army Clothing uniform for admirals and generals Navy The uniform of the officers of the Soviet Army The uniform of the female officers of the Soviet Army

MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE UNION OF THE SSR RULES FOR WEARING THE MILITARY UNIFORM OF CLOTHING BY MILITARY PERSONNEL OF THE SOVIET ARMY AND NAVY Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR 191 Section I. GENERAL PROVISIONS Section II. MILITARY UNIFORM Chapter 1. Uniform of the Marshals of the Soviet Union, marshals of the military branches and generals of the Soviet Army Chapter 2. Uniform of officers and sergeants of the long-term service of the Soviet Army Chapter 3. Uniform of female officers

MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE UNION OF THE SSR RULES FOR THE WEARING OF THE MILITARY UNIFORM OF CLOTHES BY SERVICE SERVICE PERSONNEL OF THE SOVIET ARMY AND NAVY Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR 250 Section I. MAIN PROVISIONS Section II. CLOTHING FORM OF SOVIET ARMY SERVICEMEN. Chapter 1. Dress uniform of the Marshals of the Soviet Union, generals of the army, marshals of the armed forces and generals of the Soviet Army Chapter 2. Dress uniform of officers, warrant officers and military personnel

MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE UNION OF THE SSR RULES FOR THE WEARING OF THE MILITARY UNIFORM OF CLOTHES BY SERVICE SERVICE PERSONNEL OF THE SOVIET ARMY AND NAVY Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR 250 Section I. MAIN PROVISIONS Section II. CLOTHING FORM OF SOVIET ARMY SERVICEMEN. Chapter 1. Uniform of marshals and generals of the Soviet Army Chapter 2. Uniform of officers, ensigns and servicemen of the long-term service of the Soviet Army Chapter 3. Uniform

We continue to talk about the uniform of the Red Army. This publication will focus on the period 1943-1945, that is, the very height of the Great Patriotic War, paid attention to the changes in the form of the Soviet soldier that occurred in 1943. Senior sergeant of the Air Force with his father, who is a major. Winter and summer uniform clothes, 1943 and later. The winter tunic looks neat and clean, the summer one is dirty

The military uniform, which includes all items of uniforms, equipment, insignia established by the highest government bodies for the personnel of the armed forces of the state, not only allows you to determine the servicemen's belonging to the types and branches of the troops, but also distinguish them by military ranks. The uniform disciplines military personnel, unites them into a single military team, helps to increase their organization and strict fulfillment of military duties.

So, the unloading system of the Soviet motorized rifle of the 1950 model is a system of a field belt and a field soldier's belt for easy carrying of equipment when performing combat training tasks. In the common people it is called unloading. The field belt is canvas, covered with brown polystyrene and a galvanized buckle, sometimes mistakenly called a construction battalion belt, but this is wrong - this is a field belt, model 1950. The soldier's harness consists of

1. FIGHTER'S RACK CAMPING EQUIPMENT - INFANTRY ARROW stocks are not taken. ASSEMBLY AND ADJUSTMENT OF ASSAULT EQUIPMENT On the waist belt, put on the following items in sequence, winding them

Knapsack of a soldier of the Red Army 1. Knapsack TRAVELING EQUIPMENT OF THE FIGHTER - INFANTRY ARROW Camping equipment fig. with the calculation of wearable reserves is not taken. ASSEMBLING AND FITTING THE ATTACKING EQUIPMENT On the waist belt, put on the following items in sequence,

Each army has its own system military ranks. Moreover, rank systems are not something fixed, set once and for all. Some titles are canceled, others are introduced. Those who are at least seriously interested in the art of war, science, need to know not only the entire system of military ranks of a particular army, but also to know how the ranks of different armies correlate, which ranks of one army correspond to the ranks of another army. There is a lot of confusion in the existing literature on these issues,

The image shows two infantrymen of the Red Army, a Red Army soldier on June 22, 1941 and a victorious sergeant on May 9, 1945. Even from the photo you can see how the shape and equipment were simplified over time, something turned out to be too expensive to manufacture in war time, something did not take root, something the soldiers did not like and was removed from the supply. And individual items of equipment, on the contrary, were spied on by the enemy or taken as a trophy. It's not all about item placement

The first mass-produced Soviet steel helmet SSH-36 appeared in the Red Army in 1936, and by the end of the year it became obvious that it had a lot of shortcomings. The most fundamental of them were the brittleness of steel and low bullet resistance in bending places. Attempts to improve the helmet led to the emergence of a number of experimental samples, some of them were military tests. Red Army soldiers at the parade in steel helmets SSH-36. http In June

TABLE OF RANKS OF THE USSR MILITARY SERVICE 1935-1945 1935 1 By the Decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of September 22, 1935, on the introduction of personal military ranks of the commanding staff of the Red Army and on the approval of the regulation on the service of the command and command staff of the Red Army for the military personnel of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, command and special military ranks of the commanding composition Military ranks of command and command staff of land and air

By order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR 005 dated February 1, 1941, a new Standard list of items of clothing items that make up the attire of the junior commanding and rank and file of the Red Army for summer and winter in peacetime and wartime was introduced. FOR PRIVATE COMPOSITION IN THE SUMMER in peacetime I. Uniform 1. Khaki cloth cap. 2. Khaki cotton cap only in combat units for field exercises. 3. Cloth gray overcoat

Soldier from the poster “Glory to the Red Army! We've arrived!" never been to Berlin and died before the release of the legendary poster.

The brave fighter with swirling bangs on the famous poster by the Soviet artist Leonid Golovanov is not an ordinary soldier, but one of the best snipers of the Great Patriotic War, who, alas, in reality did not reach Berlin. He himself had never seen this work, and he had never been to Berlin - few people know that when the poster was created, the "merry soldier" was no longer alive - he died two years before the Victory.

To become a sniper, the shooter had to own a rifle with a telescopic sight, says historian Roy Medvedev. - During the war, there were entire schools of snipers, where they taught not only to shoot, but also to disguise themselves, navigate the terrain, track down the enemy.

According to the historian, snipers during the Great Patriotic War were considered the elite. War correspondents wrote a lot about them, newsreels were filmed about them. So it was with Vasily Golosov. In the winter of 1943, he distinguished himself in combat and has since become a regular feature in the newspapers.

Golosov himself, according to his recollections, did not boast of glory, but he was very kind to his award - a personalized rifle, which he received during a gathering of snipers in the summer of 1943 from the command of a personalized rifle, which he received from the Southwestern Front.

On the rifle, a mistake crept into the name of Vasily Ivanovich. It was written "To Kolosov V.I.". It upset him terribly,” says Miroshnichenko.

The nominal rifle did not last long. In August 1943, Golosov died. He was at the headquarters of the regiment in the forest near the village of Dolgenkoye when the German aircraft made a raid. Golosov was mortally wounded in the chest and was buried in a mass grave. In October of the same year, he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The poster was written according to a sketch.

The author of the poster, Leonid Golovanov, did not have the task of perpetuating Golosov in particular. In 1944, Golovanov received an order from the studio to write a poster on the theme "Let's get to Berlin!" In the materials, he found a portrait of Golosov.

Many artists created a generalized image on the posters, and Golovanov wanted to paint a specific person, because the attitude towards such work is warmer, Sokolov explains. – Especially since they knew Golosov.

On the poster of 1944 - a smiling fighter against the backdrop of a column Soviet troops heading west. After the end of the war, Golovanov wrote another poster, which became one of the symbols of the Victory and became known simply as the “Jolly Soldier” among the people. On it is a fragment of an old poster and the same handsome fighter, but already against the background of a wall with the inscription "Got it!"

Thus, the dream of Lieutenant Vasily Golosov, who died in 1943, came true.

The Red Army was not a voluntary army for a long time - as required by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR "On the organization of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA)". As soon as the first shots fired, the Bolsheviks faced the fruits of their own propaganda against the tsarist army - the Red Army volunteers fled home. Then the Council of People's Commissars in 1918 revived the district and volost military commissariats, which began to deal with the old regime mobilization. But the recruitment system immediately ran into the problem of desertion: statistics show that, on average, 90% of recruits ignored the mobilization decree. The authorities acted in a variety of ways: from propaganda and agitation, exposing "traitors to the revolution" to intimidating the population harboring deserters, and from confiscation of property to capital punishment. In the military registration and enlistment offices established special structure- commissions to combat desertion (district and volost). Armed formations are sent to catch evaders. In fact, a special front of the Red Army arose - wars with deserters. Armed detachments could not cope with the task of detaining deserters, and then they mobilized everyone who could carry out orders. Here is a circular from Moscow to the Russian provinces: “I prescribe the use of the work of food detachments to catch deserters and evaders ... They must cordon off the volosts, villages, villages where the food detachment works.”
In order to force deserters to "voluntary" appearance, the confiscation of property in their families was used, while benefits and all types of assistance were stopped.

Soldiers fought on the fronts, partisans and scouts fought in the occupied territory, and home front workers assembled tanks. Propagandists and artists turned pencils and brushes into weapons. The main task of the poster was to strengthen faith Soviet people into victory. The first poster thesis (now it would be called a slogan) was a phrase from Molotov's speech on June 22, 1941: "Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours." One of the main characters of the military poster was the image of a woman - mother, motherland, girlfriend, wife. She worked in the rear at the factory, harvested, waited and believed.

“We will mercilessly defeat and destroy the enemy”, Kukryniksy, 1941

The first military poster, pasted on the walls of houses on June 23, was a sheet by the Kukryniksy artists, depicting Hitler, who treacherously broke the non-aggression pact between the USSR and Germany. (“Kukryniksy” are three artists, the name of the team is made up of the initial letters of the names Kupriyanov and Krylov, and the name and first letter of the surname of Nikolai Sokolov).

"The Motherland Calls!", Irakli Toidze, 1941

The idea of ​​creating the image of a mother calling for help from her sons arose by chance. Hearing the first message from the Soviet Information Bureau about the attack of fascist Germany on the USSR, Toidze's wife ran into his studio shouting "War!" Struck by the expression on her face, the artist ordered his wife to freeze and immediately began to sketch the future masterpiece. The influence of this work and the song "Holy War" on people was much stronger than the conversations of political officers.

"Be a hero!", Viktor Koretsky, 1941

The slogan of the poster became prophetic: millions of people stood up for the Fatherland and defended their freedom and independence. In June 1941, Koretsky created the composition "Be a Hero!". The poster, enlarged several times, was installed along the streets of Moscow, along which columns of mobilized residents of the city passed in the first weeks of the war. In August of this year, the postage stamp "Be a Hero!" Both on the stamp and on the poster, the infantryman is depicted in a pre-war SSH-36 helmet. In the days of the war, helmets were of a different form.

“Let's have more tanks…”, Lazar Lissitzky, 1941

A wonderful work by the outstanding avant-garde artist, illustrator Lazar Lissitzky. Poster “Let's have more tanks... Everything for the front! All for victory! was printed in thousands of copies a few days before the death of the artist. Lissitzky died on December 30, 1941, and the slogan "Everything for the front!" throughout the war was the main principle of the people who remained in the rear.

"Warrior of the Red Army, save!", Viktor Koretsky, 1942

A woman, clutching a child to herself, is ready with her breasts, with her life, to protect her daughter from the bloody bayonet of a fascist rifle. One of the most emotionally powerful posters was published in 14 million copies. The front-line soldiers saw in this angry, rebellious woman their mother, wife, sister, and in the frightened defenseless girl - their daughter, sister, blood-drenched Motherland, her future.

"Don't talk!", Nina Vatolina, 1941

In June 1941, the artist Vatolina was offered to graphically draw Marshak's famous lines: “Be alert! On days like these, the walls eavesdrop. Not far from chatter and gossip to treason, ”and after a couple of days the image was found. The model for the work was a neighbor, with whom the artist often stood in the same line at the bakery. The stern face of an unknown woman became for many years one of the main symbols of the fortress country, located in the ring of fronts.

“All hope is on you, red warrior!”, Ivanov, Burova, 1942

The theme of revenge on the invaders becomes the leading one in the work of poster artists at the first stage of the war. Instead of collective heroic images, faces resembling specific people come to the fore - your girlfriend, your child, your mother. Revenge, release, save. The Red Army retreated, and the women and children who remained in the territory occupied by the enemy silently cried out from the posters.

"Avenge the grief of the people!", Viktor Ivanov, 1942

The poster is accompanied by poems by Vera Inber “Beat the enemy!”, after reading which, perhaps, no words are needed anymore ...

Beat the enemy to make him weak,

To choke on blood

So that your blow is equal in strength

All my motherly love!

"Fighter of the Red Army! You will not give your beloved to shame”, Fedor Antonov, 1942

The enemy was approaching the Volga, a huge territory was occupied, where hundreds of thousands of civilians lived. The heroes of the artists were women and children. The posters showed misfortune and suffering, calling on the warrior to take revenge and help those who are unable to help themselves. Antonov addressed the fighters on behalf of their wives and sisters with a placard "... You will not give your beloved to the shame and dishonor of the Nazi soldiers."

"My son! You see my share...”, Antonov, 1942

This work has become a symbol of people's suffering. Maybe mother, maybe an exhausted, bloodless Motherland - an elderly woman with a bundle in her hands, who leaves the burnt village. She seemed to stop for a second, mournfully lamenting, she asks for the help of her son.

“Warrior, answer the Motherland with victory!”, Dementy Shmarinov, 1942

The artist very simply revealed the main theme: the Motherland grows bread and puts the most perfect weapon into the hands of a soldier. A woman who assembled a machine gun and gathered ripe ears of corn. The red dress of the color of the red banner confidently leads to victory. The fighters must win, and the home front workers must give more and more weapons.

"A tractor in the field is like a tank in battle", Olga Burova, 1942

Bright optimistic colors of the poster assure - there will be bread, victory is not far off. Your women believe in you. There is an air battle in the distance, an echelon with fighters passes, but faithful friends do their job, contributing to the cause of victory.

“Red Cross Vigilantes! We will not leave on the battlefield either the wounded or his weapons, Viktor Koretsky, 1942

Here the woman is an equal fighter, a nurse and a savior.

“We drink the water of our native Dnieper…”, Viktor Ivanov, 1943

After winning in Battle of Stalingrad it was obvious that the advantage was on the side of the Red Army. Artists were now required to create posters that would show the meeting of the liberators of Soviet cities and villages. The successful forcing of the Dnieper could not remain aloof from the artists.

"Glory to the liberators of Ukraine!", Dementy Shmarinov, 1943

The crossing of the Dnieper and the liberation of Kyiv is one of the glorious pages in the history of the Great Patriotic War. Mass heroism was adequately appreciated, and 2438 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. For crossing the Dnieper and other rivers, for the feats accomplished in subsequent years, another 56 people received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

“Join the ranks of front-line girlfriends ...”, Viktor Koretsky, VeraGitsevich, 1943

The front needed reinforcements and female forces.

"You gave us life back"Viktor Ivanov, 1944

This is how a soldier of the Red Army was greeted - as a native, as a liberator. The woman, without restraining a burst of gratitude, hugs an unfamiliar soldier.

"Europe will be free!", Viktor Koretsky, 1944

By the summer of 1944, it became clear that the USSR could not only expel the enemy from its own land, but also liberate the peoples of Europe and complete the defeat of the Nazi army. After the opening of the Second Front, the theme of the joint struggle of the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States for the liberation of all of Europe from the "brown plague" became relevant.

“We have one sight - Berlin!”, Viktor Koretsky, 1945

There is very little left. The goal is close. No wonder a woman appears on the poster next to the soldier - as a promise that they will soon be able to see each other.

“We reached Berlin”, Leonid Golovanov, 1945

Here is the long-awaited victory... The posters of the spring of 1945 breathe spring, peace, the Great Victory! Behind the hero's back is a poster by Leonid Golovanov "Let's get to Berlin!", published in 1944, with the same main character, but so far without an order.

“They Waited”, Maria Nesterova-Berzina, 1945

Front-line soldiers returned home with consciousness dignity people who have done their duty. Now the former soldier will have to restore the economy and establish a peaceful life.

The father of the hero-son met,

and the wife embraced the husband,

and children look with admiration

for military medals.