Commander of the Air Force. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces Sergey Vladimirovich Surovikin. Participation in military operations

Today, General Viktor Bondarev is the commander-in-chief of the Russian aerospace forces. It is difficult to overestimate the merits of this man, who repeatedly risked his life to defend his homeland. His exploits are evidenced by many awards and medals received from the hands of the president himself. And yet, what do we know about the life of Viktor Bondarev? How did he become a soldier? In what battles did the aviator participate? And who is he today?

Viktor Bondarev: early years and education

Victor was born on December 7, 1959. It happened in the small village of Novobogoroditsky, in the Petropavlovsk district, Voronezh region. From a young age, he dreamed of conquering the sky and did not see himself as anything other than a pilot.

That is why Viktor Bondarev, immediately after graduating from school, went to the Borisoglebsk Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots. In 1981 he successfully completed his studies, after which he went to serve at the Higher Barnaul Aviation School. Here he worked as an instructor pilot until 1989.

In 1989, he began attending courses at the Air Force Academy. Gagarin. Thanks to this training, in 1992, Viktor Bondarev became a squadron commander, as well as a part-time senior navigator in the Borisoglebsk flight training center. In the period from 2002 to 2004, the great pilot was studying at the academy at the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Military career

In the period from 1996 to 2000, Viktor Bondarev commanded the 889th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment in the 105th Aviation Mixed Division of the 16th Air Defense and Air Force Army. At that time, part of them was located near Buturlinovka, in the Voronezh region. In 2000, he was promoted to deputy commander, and in 2004 he became commander in the same aviation division.

In 2006, Viktor Bondarev became deputy commander in the 14th Air Force and Air Defense Army in Novosibirsk. And two years later he was appointed to the post of commander of this formation. In 2009, Bondarev became Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force Russian Federation. In June 2011, he is waiting for a promotion and the post of Chief of the General Staff and 1st Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force. May 6, 2012 Viktor Bondarev becomes Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force of the Russian Federation.

Participation in military operations

In the past, Bondarev was a participant in the hostilities in the North Caucasus. If we consider the First Chechen War, then during its period the aviator made about 100 sorties. But during the Second, this number more than tripled.

In particular, in December 1994, near the village of Shatoy, the Dudayevs shot down a Russian plane. Under a hail of bullets, the pilot was still able to eject, but was imprisoned in the ring by the enemy. Upon learning of this, Viktor Bondarev decided on a heroic deed: he independently disabled the anti-aircraft installations of the Dudaevites and covered the position of his fighter until the rescue helicopter arrived for him. For his heroism and courage, the President of Russia awarded Viktor Bondarev the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Great aviator today

Despite his age, Bondarev still skillfully pilots aircraft. In particular, it was he who drove the TU-160 at the military parade in honor of May 9 in 2015.

And now, in August 2015, Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces. According to the great aviator, this position was one of the greatest victories of his life. And in March 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave Bondarev another incredible gift. The head of state handed over to the great aviator the battle banner of his troops, which symbolizes the country's deep trust and respect for the merits of Viktor Bondarev.

The Independent Military Review continues to sum up the interim results of the reform of the Armed Forces that has been going on in our army and navy over the past three years. The main questions that we ask our interlocutors are what has changed during this time in the troops subordinate to them, what problems remain unresolved, what needs to be done to implement the plan.

Honored military pilot, Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, Colonel-General Alexander ZELIN, answers the questions of the editor-in-chief of the NVO.


- I want to start our conversation, Alexander Nikolaevich, with a message that was received on the news feeds on the eve of our meeting. It is that Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov signed a contract with Igor Ozar, General Director of the Sukhoi company, for the supply of 92 front-line fighters to the Air Force until 2020. What other planes and helicopters and in what quantities will go into service with our aviation before the twentieth year?

I will not name the number, but it is up to a hundred.

“Up to a hundred of each kind?”

Yes, for the Su-34, the figure has already been announced - this is 92 vehicles. But in total, the Air Force will have 124 such aircraft, and subsequently up to 140 aircraft. In principle, if we talk about the Su-34, we have received the presidential face of this aircraft, but at the same time we continue to build up the combat capabilities of this bomber.

What is it? We are installing a powerful airborne self-defense complex, developing new weapons with new, expanded combat capabilities. Mainly "air-to-surface", "air-radar", "air-to-ship" and we plan that it will become our carrier of other long-range missiles. Such work is underway, and I believe that this is the platform that is capable of solving this problem - that is, building up nuclear deterrence forces as part of the Air Force's strategic aviation.

Despite the fact that the supply contract was concluded, I signed the technical specifications for this contract, where I indicated the possibility of further modernization to increase the combat capabilities of this aircraft complex.

– In terms of its effectiveness?

In terms of its effectiveness and combat capabilities in a unified system of armed struggle, which is now being built by the General Staff, related to the issue of the fashionable concept of network-centric control systems. So that in this control loop with already installed means of communication and automated control systems, we solve this problem.

I recently arrived from St. Petersburg, where a meeting of the interdepartmental commission for the creation of the A-100 aircraft was held under my leadership, this is a continuation of the topic and further. There will be a machine with such combat capabilities that will create the opportunity not only to control crews in the air, but also to target all radio-contrast and other targets on the ground, but it is also supposed to control unmanned aircraft from this aircraft.

Such big planning. With tasks for the 2030s. As for other purchases that are supposed to be received by the Air Force. This is a Su-35 aircraft...

- The contract for it, as I remember, was signed at MAKS for 48 cars.

Yes, for such a quantity, but we will still buy. Somewhere up to a hundred units. I am considering this aircraft in conjunction with the Su-30SM aircraft. We do not currently purchase and do not plan to purchase, let it not seem unexpected to you, combat training aircraft. We buy combat aircraft with the ability of the machine to train flight personnel. The requirements for a combat training aircraft provide for a number of tasks that the pilot performs in the air. For example, the failure system, other problems ...

But now the cockpit has changed so much that we can work out all these actions on the ground. On the trainers. Since several multifunctional indicators can replace each other. And talking about the failure of some instruments and training the pilot to do without them in the air - this task goes away by itself. We will work it out on complex procedural simulators on the ground.

Understanding that a pilot needs to be taught to fly with failed instruments, but for this purpose we will not create an aircraft and do it in the air. This is not economically feasible, as we have many interchangeable multifunctional indicators. One refused, you can go to another and get all the necessary information.

Of course, several multifunctional indicators may fail if the aircraft is de-energized, but this requires the pilot to take completely different actions related to piloting.

- If I understand you correctly, you will not buy the Yak-130?

And in order to carry out tasks with the highly maneuverable Su-35 aircraft, in the future, we plan to purchase Su-30SM aircraft. This is an aircraft of the same highly maneuverable, two-cabin, but combat, capable of performing any combat missions, but as part of a crew of two.

Why is that? Because our flight crew staffing ratio is one and a half. And in order to give everyone the opportunity to fly with the current staffing strength, a two-cabin machine allows the entire flight crew to carry out combat flights. Train with both. Thus, everyone will be constantly in training, and we will follow the instructions of the boss General Staff so that we have more than 130 flight hours. This is a very real challenge. When changing the aircraft fleet in tactical aviation, we will solve this problem easily, having two-cabin machines in the combat version.

– I wanted to ask you about flying, but I will do it a little later. For now, I would like to ask you what will happen to other aircraft? For example, with the MiG-31.

The MiG-31 is a wonderful aircraft. He has a great future. We have now decided. According to the list, we have about 300 such aircraft, more precisely, 252 in the Air Force. We plan to have up to 100 such aircraft in combat strength. We decided on its modernization for new tasks in the MiG-31BM version. We decided that we are modernizing the MiG-31BS, and we have, in addition to the MiG-31B, the DZ series and the BS series.

We decided that the BS series would remain without aerial refueling, the DZ series with refueling, and the B series also with aerial refueling. At the same time, the DZ series will perform its special tasks. And we will have up to 100 aircraft. With the new armament, a long-range air-to-air missile, in fact, to realize the combat capabilities of the airborne complex, then a combination of old and modern weapons and new system navigation.

Today we are moving all aviation to a different range. From decimeter to meter. All our near navigation will go to this range. This is due, first of all, to the decision of the government to switch all television to digital communications. And in this case we will leave the decimeter range. But in this case, we will implement the possibility of landing at any civil airfield. And since 2014, this possibility will be enshrined in law.

Now not from the budget, but funds are allocated for air navigation services. And from the 14th year, we will be exempted from paying for airfield services - for parking and airport services. We will be able to safely fly across the entire territory of the Russian Federation, using the entire airfield network, both military and civil aviation. And the MiG-31 is one of the first aircraft to receive such an opportunity. He has to fly in high latitudes.

This is an aircraft that is practically designed for autonomous operations outside the radar field - it has such capabilities. Therefore, he must use any airfield that he needs. Both beyond the Arctic Circle and in the south of the country. In Kamchatka, Chukotka, the Far East - wherever you need.

The automated control system on it is quite advanced, it allows the aircraft to land at the border of 50 meters of cloud cover and visibility of about 800 meters. Aircraft equipment allows all this, as well as airfield equipment. And he will very well solve all the tasks assigned to him.

- We talked about the Su-34. But in theory, it should replace the Su-24 bomber in the future.

Not in theory, but he really goes to replace him.

- And what will be the fate of the Su-24 until all the Su-34s arrive?

We have upgraded the Su-24 aircraft. And we already have two squadrons of new upgraded versions of this machine. This is the ROC "Gusar" - we have 24 units in the Far East. And directly in the European part and in the Urals in Shugol, modernization is being carried out directly according to the Metronome R & D. It is conducted by the company of the famous Alexander Nikolaevich Panin.

We can say that the results that we got on this machine are completely satisfied with us. And we will be engaged in both modernization and downsizing of the simple Su-24s that we still have in service. They naturally serve their life cycle, this is a wonderful soldier aircraft that solved its tasks. And we will supply high-series aircraft to the troops. Until by 2020 we will completely switch to Su-34 aircraft, which we will have in our fleet of more than 120.

We, in fact, get four commands, the state center - five main base points, where we will create flying groups of 24–28–30 Su-34 aircraft. The Far East is Khurba, this is Chelyabinsk, this is Krymsk and Voronezh and Lipetsk.

“I remember how you and I stood side by side in Farnborough and watched the F-22 fly. You then did not respond very favorably about him, noting that he did not reach those advertising materials in which his unsurpassed merits were painted.

I didn't tell you that then. I said, “You see, I'm smiling. I am very pleased that it flies like this.” We then stood next to Pogosyan Mikhail Aslanovich, therefore, apparently, we were not shown all the capabilities that this machine has, but Pogosyan and I realized that our partners are also trying to move to those highly maneuverable parameters that we have.

They denied this fact for a very long time, apparently because there were some technical problems with solving this problem. And secondly, we fly no worse than they do. You were convinced of this more than once at MAKS. And in 2009 and in 2011, when they demonstrated the MiG-29 with OVT, the Su-35th ... I then told Vladimir Putin that we had not even found a name for the maneuvers that our aircraft performs.

- I remembered the F-22 in connection with the T-50. Should it be better than an American fighter?

I have already told one of the foreign correspondents: in order to determine whether it is better or worse, you need to look at how the car behaves in the air. At one time we were told that the F-15 is an unsurpassed aircraft. When I studied at our Gagarin Academy, we were told that it was just a "superplane".

And when fate allowed me to fly the latest modification of this F-15E aircraft, we flew in Ramstein with General Kharchevsky - he was in one car, I was in another, I then realized that even on the MiG-23MA at that time it was possible to fight calmly with this plane. Calmly. Everything is relative. This is where our proverb comes into play: “It is better to see once than hear a thousand times.”

“But the T-50 is already flying. Three cars, if I'm not mistaken, are being tested.

T-50 flies. The flight performance is being tested, we are moving on to testing the onboard complex, and a machine is being built that will go into combat use. All within. I say this all the time. There are technical problems. It is clear that when creating such a machine, everything does not go smoothly. But I am satisfied with the chief designer Alexander Nikolayevich Davidenko.

When I visit Komsomolsk-on-Amur, I never pass by the workshop where the fighter is assembled. The topic is closed and everything else, but the director, respected Alexander Ivanovich Pekarsh, and I regularly discuss the progress of work on the aircraft. So far, there are no fundamental questions.

“So everything is going according to schedule.

Yes, Vladimir Putin was there recently, we showed him everything, he asked a lot of questions. And when we start using the T-50 for its intended purpose, and it is intended to gain air supremacy, this is one of its main tasks - to conquer the combat area, air supremacy (in the GPV we have somewhere up to 60 such machines), I believe that only first class pilots will fly these planes.

We understand that it will be a special aircraft, we know where it will be stationed and for what tasks. And there will already fly, let's say, high-class professionals. This will be an elite unit that will carry out the most responsible and complex tasks and which is able to complete them. We are not talking about young pilots here. I don't even set myself such a task.


- Our conversation is very interesting and informative. But you haven't said a word about military transport aviation or helicopters yet. What plans await us here?

There are plans to create a promising long-range aviation complex. We have returned to this issue.

- Vladimir Putin also spoke about this in his article.

Yes. Sometime in the 2030s, we should have in the Air Force a new aircraft with combat capabilities that will adequately allow it to play one of the main roles in the Air Force nuclear deterrence forces in the strategic nuclear forces triad of all the Armed Forces.

As for military transport aviation. Here I cannot but rejoice at the decisions that have been made. Here the restoration of the production of An-124-100 in the version of An-124-300, and the restoration of the production of An-124-100 is going on with leaps and bounds in accordance with the capabilities of the plant.

– Will it be in Voronezh?

We buy a fairly large number of such machines, and it will be our main carrier for the special tasks that I spoke about earlier. The same, for example, refuelers will fly on this machine, which will allow the D-90 engine to perform refueling tasks without changing the flight altitude. Now, for objective reasons, we need to descend lower to carry out such an operation. Because of the engine. And with the new economy, we will solve these problems easier.

Further. I am the chairman of the commission to complete the creation of the An-70 aircraft. I was in Kyiv, we removed all the contradictions that were there. The Ukrainians are assembling the car that they have, and also in June-July they must present it to us, and we must fly. Apparently, we will carry out all finishing work on the territory of Ukraine in order to quickly eliminate all the shortcomings that, of course, will be at this stage. And in the future, both on the territory of Ukraine and on the territory of Russia, we will complete the R&D work on this aircraft.

– Will it be collected in Omsk?

While preliminary in Voronezh. "Antonovtsy" very actively interact with this plant on the An-148 aircraft, there are other projects on the An-158, An-178 - there are well-established ties, engineering, technical, organizational and technical, purely organizational, there is mutual understanding. In addition, Voronezh is not so far from Kyiv. And from Kharkov as well. And I think that a short distance will allow them to quickly resolve all issues.

Now about the light military transport aircraft. For now, we have settled on the An-140-100 variant. And we do not impose such a military task on the transfer of equipment to him. This aircraft will be designed primarily for the transport of personnel and small cargo within the districts, which will save both time and fuel. And then we have an intergovernmental agreement and a joint project with India on the creation of a joint military transport aircraft with a payload of up to 20 tons - MTA. We are ready to purchase up to one hundred such machines.

The issue of mobility cannot be solved without military transport aircraft. And I believe that the aircraft fleet for these purposes should be at least 300 aircraft of various classes. Superheavy, heavy, operational-tactical, light, each for its own task.

The General Staff set a task for us: for those troops that are in the combat composition of the Armed Forces, we need to have aircraft for the transfer of heavy brigades, medium and light. Easy to instantly in any corner of the country or abroad, due to our international obligations to solve their problems. How? Only using military transport aviation.

What about helicopters?

My favorite army aviation (they say that front-line pilots do not like army aviation - this is a deep delusion). We, like no one else, understand the role and place of army aviation in modern armed conflicts that are taking place and will continue to take place. And its role is understood by the leadership of the Ministry of Defense. Including the minister and the chief of the General Staff.

We have stated that by 2020 we are purchasing a thousand helicopters. This includes the Mi-26 heavy helicopters in the Mi-26T variant, this is a helicopter that has already taken place, we have more than a hundred of them. We are improving and received a modified Mi-8 helicopter, the latest modification of AMTSh, MTV-5. Further, we are making an all-weather, round-the-clock helicopter with advanced combat capabilities. Again, based on the Mi-8. The industry offers us a transitional helicopter, between heavy and medium - Mi-38. This car also has a certain perspective.

- And what role will the Mi-38 play?

Mi-38 is a medium helicopter between Mi-26 and Mi-8. These are different engines, different payload. Some states say that the Mi-26 is too heavy, they don't need it. But with a payload of 12 tons, 15 tons, 8 tons, it would be very useful. That's the class this helicopter will be.

Russian Helicopters is dealing with this problem. We told them: you first create this product, and then we will see for what purposes and for what tasks to use it.

Now about combat. You know, for a long time in the press and among experts there was a debate about which is better - or. In my opinion, a very competent state decision was made to make both cars. In fact, they complement each other. Mi-28 as a linear main helicopter on the battlefield.

IN modern conditions, and here I am grateful for the support of the Minister of Defense, that all aviation, with the exception of fleet aviation and everything related to solving the problems of the fleet, everything is concentrated in the Air Force. On the one hand, there are more tasks, and on the other, all local interests have gone, especially since all management is now under the leadership of the General Staff. And the planning of the application, and the organization of combat training. I believe that this is a very correct decision made by the leadership of the Ministry of Defense. This is my personal conviction. Although, as always, we like something, we don’t like something, but life will show.


- In connection with this remark, we moved on to the important question that I wanted to ask you. How is aviation managed today? It is known that all of it was transferred to the districts or to the operational-strategic command, 7 air bases were created, 28 airfields were repaired, and other, frankly speaking, revolutionary transformations were carried out. What is the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force and his headquarters doing now?

I would say so. If the intended control system with instruments and systems is implemented, an automated control system (ACS) is created, then everything is built correctly. Now, in my opinion, we have acted somewhat revolutionary on many issues. And these revolutionary steps are keenly felt in planned work. Without completing the creation of one technically, organizationally, we may have completed it, we have to manually adjust and correct something. But we do not refuse to solve these problems.

I have buttons here on the remote control to call all four district commanders. We often talk to them online. And most importantly, combat training remained with the Air Force High Command. Construction of the species and combat training. And without combat training, what can be the application?

There are disputes. We prove something to each other. I don't think all issues have been resolved. And the minister is talking about it. Yes, we have completed all organizational arrangements. Let's figure it out. If something does not suit someone, prove, show, tell. We will correct. Either agree, or come and prove that something is wrong.

We held a meeting today on this issue. I am not criticizing the decisions that have been made. Yes, at the decision-making stage, I proved my point of view, a vision of solving upcoming problems, somewhere I had to agree, somewhere they listened to me on some issues, but since we are at the stage already decisions taken, they must be fulfilled. Work.

And in matters related to the problems of technical support for control (an automated control system is being created, which has not yet fully worked, but it starts from the Central Command Post of the General Staff), errors are now being eliminated. The central command posts of the species have been liquidated, but so far the automated control system has not started working, we have come to the conclusion that the command of the commander in chief, the organization and control of combat training, must be restored.

Now all decisions have been made, coordinated and control is being restored. The Chief of the General Staff supported us. But, I think, this governing body will become obsolete when others appear. technical means, which will allow me, as commander-in-chief, to deal with the main issue online - the organization of combat training.

More than 70–80 of our units fly daily. All this must be monitored, coordinated, controlled, the Air Force is the kind that is constantly in motion and constantly requires control. Not just set a task and forget, but set a task, then you control how it is carried out and control its results. On another it is impossible.

- In continuation of this problem, the question arises with air defense. You transferred not only aviation to the districts, but also air defense brigades to the Aerospace Defense.

We have not transferred all air defense brigades to the Aerospace Defense. We handed over only the central industrial region to the East Kazakhstan region. The one that once covered the Moscow Air Defense District, then the Special Purpose Command, then the Operational-Strategic Command as part of the Air Force. In the end, we transferred this USC to the new branch of the Aerospace Defense Forces. And, in fact, they are now engaged in air and missile defense of the Central Industrial Region. Moscow and everything that surrounds it.

The rest of the air defense tasks are assigned to the commanders of the districts. But again, the high command is engaged in the combat training of these troops. We are preparing the troops, we are preparing the entire regulatory framework, the methodological framework, we are conducting exercises, preparing the troops for the exercises, and everything else. And district commanders receive troops and use them for their intended purpose. Here is such a subtlety.

- A military equipment who orders?

ordering management. But its ideology is being built by the Air Force Command.

- That is, you determine how many S-300s are needed, how many S-400s, S-500s ... Should I use S-300V or S-300VM?

So far, this ideology belongs to the Air Force. Bye. But we'll see what happens next. I emphasize once again that the troops of the Aerospace Defense are dealing with the problems of the Central Industrial Region.

And everything that will be connected with strategic missile defense and theater missile defense will also, of course, be closed to the leadership of these troops. They will build an ideology here. But in any case, all decisions will be taken by the General Staff. Naturally, with the active participation of all species and genera.

Because you can’t talk about air defense without understanding what role aviation and fleet play here, especially in coastal areas where it plays leading role, is a complex task. And it can be solved by only one governing body - the General Staff.

- It's clear. But here the question arises with the air defense of the Ground Forces. Should they also be included in this system or remain under the jurisdiction of the commanders of combined arms brigades?

There are a lot of opinions about this. I believe that in modern conditions, covering troops on the battlefield is the task of the air defense of the Ground Forces. But, in addition to this, one cannot help but talk about the organic incorporation of them into other systems. We need to look at our military doctrine. If we plan to conduct military operations outside the Russian Federation, this is one approach. If we say that we will defend ourselves, then this is a different approach.

But they, the Air Defense Forces and the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces, complement each other. By tasks. And, of course, you need to create single system Air Defense Directorate of the Russian Territory in order to eliminate all these discrepancies.

On the territory of the district, the commander is in command, for God's sake. I argued on this topic for a very long time, I argued and told that this, apparently, was a mistake. I do not want to say whether I am right or not, but I have my own opinion. But all decisions have been made, and we are obliged to fulfill them.

At the same time, whether we want it or not, this task will be solved from the Central Command Post of the General Staff, and it is one of the main tasks of the strategic actions of the Armed Forces, there is no doubt. And it is spelled out in such a way that the main executor of this task is the central body of military command represented by the General Staff.

Once fully completed technical management, what we talked about - network-centric management has been created, then everything will fall into place. And the decision-making system and the organization of the decision-making of all strategic actions will naturally fall into a different plane. This is our near future. We see it, we understand it, but it has not yet arrived.


You have already touched on this issue. But I asked you to talk about it in more detail a little later. About the flying habits of pilots. I remember the story of Major Troyanov, when he got lost in the sky over the Baltic and was forced to eject over Lithuania. It turned out that his flying time did not exceed seven hours. You said that the task was set to fly 130 hours. How to solve this problem? And further. 130 hours - is it only for fighter and attack aircraft or for strategic and military transport? Are there rules like that too?

No, there is an order of the Minister of Defense on the norms of the raid. They are defined. And depending on the type of aviation, on the position of the pilot, there are different flight rates. For example, the leadership staff has half or one and a half less than the rest of the pilots, the commander does not need such a raid. Although, due to instructor flights or training flights, the senior staff will have much more flight time than an ordinary pilot who is engaged in his personal improvement. And if we talk about Major Troyanov, then I would not so much blame the pilot and recall his raid ...

By the way, what was his fate?

He retired from flying work after that incident. In fact, no organizational or administrative measures were taken against him. And the flight qualification was retained for him. Although, in principle, a 1st class pilot could not be so mistaken. But I believe that the main mistake there was in the organization of the flight and in the unsatisfactory organization of management. In fact, the crew was lost, and no one controlled it. This is what we talked about a little earlier, about the management system.

The control system and the organization of the control system, some do not understand this, but by the nature of its activity, the aircraft just like that, having risen into the air, does not fly. The aircraft at all stages, from takeoff to landing, is controlled by people on the ground, controlled by the bodies that are directly responsible for this control. And the aircraft is controlled at three measurement points - altitude, azimuth and so on. And if someone thinks that it is so easy to take it and fly somewhere there, he is greatly mistaken and does not understand anything. Moreover, now the whole world has switched to dependent automatic surveillance.

Appropriate means are deployed in space, on the ground, on aircraft - I saw this, for example, when I was in Japan, at the civil aviation control center. At Tokyo's main airport, planes were seen flying in the skies over Australia. It would seem that there are no ground-based surveillance facilities in this Asia-Pacific space, however, an aircraft was visible on request over the fifth continent. This is a huge distance. And the whole world is now moving to this method of airspace control.

Yes, that's right, we are not giving up radar, location, we will see an aircraft if the pilot turns it on, if he turns it off, we will not see it. But for reliable security and clear control in peacetime, such a system is essential in order to qualitatively improve flight safety and the aviation management system. Including general aviation.

Now the entire aviation control system in the United States and Europe is based on the fact that the aircraft is still taxiing on the ground, and a signal has already appeared on the locator screens that the application has passed, the aircraft has been approved, its flight mission has been agreed, that it can safely fly upon notification . Notification is a completely different approach.

But for reliable security and clear control in peacetime, such a system is essential in order to qualitatively improve flight safety and the aviation management system. Including general aviation.

– Well, anyway, if we return to the problem of flying.

As for material support, there are no questions here. I am only concerned about the resource support for aircraft and helicopters, which is equipped to solve this problem.

- So everything is in order with kerosene?

The presence of kerosene, fuels and lubricants and other means does not bother me at all. Everything is there, these are not those years. Airfields, fuels and lubricants, we even signed agreements with CJSC Gazpromneft-Aero, we have this network deployed at 12 airfields - the so-called outsourcing. He is already at work. The main concern is serviceability and resource provision. Unfortunately, our Aviaremont structure does not respond as pragmatically to all the needs that we need as it should. I still can't figure out what is the reason.

Money for repairs and restoration has been allocated. And a lot. If you compare with the time of the 90s, then at times. There are financial opportunities, responsibilities are defined, the specification is also. There is a lack of promptness and responsibility of officials who are obliged to do this. Unfortunately, only the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, which is responsible for combat training, cares about the serviceability of military equipment. For some reason, our other structures are only responsible for financial flows.

Hence the problems. But if last year we flew about 340,000 hours, we flew more than 90 hours per pilot. This is a different raid - depending on the type, type of aircraft. This year I set the task, especially in relation to young pilots, to fly at least 100 hours.

Last year, 80% of young people fulfilled these standards. Some lieutenants sagged, but through no fault of their own, but because there was no resource support. And most importantly, they did not respond in time to sending them to other units where this task could be solved. Subsequently, we solved this problem, but they received not 100 hours, but a little more than 50. But this is not five, not seven, not two hours, which were in the 90s.

- But your pilots fly not only to improve individual training, but also, apparently, to solve complex problems as part of exercises in districts? Do you take part in these events?

Of course, in all large-scale exercises, if you have noticed, aviation plays an important role. If not main. Everyone is looking at what is happening in the air.

- And what are the most important exercises this year you will take part in?

In all. Everything that is planned, everything is related to aviation. We have a plan for aviation support for all events. He was approved by the Chief of the General Staff, and we take a very active part in all the exercises.


- The question of the social problems of the Air Force. Increased the salaries for pilots by two or three times.

We deal with them. A single settlement center was created, it was only the second month since they began to pay increased salaries, something didn’t work somewhere. We'll figure it out and fix everything. People understand: everything that is declared, they will receive. Not now, then later.

- And did the salary increase, for example, of the squadron commander?

This is comparable to the payments that the pilots received under the 400th order. And this is many times more than it was before the increase. Specific figures can be clarified so as not to deceive readers.

- What about housing?

A lot of housing has been set up. You drove through Balashikha, you saw how much it is. More than 6 thousand apartments. And they are building in the Moscow region. But this account of ours has been ruined, it was in the apartment-operational parts, now they have made a single bank. We often have crashes. Every Friday, including yesterday, Nikolai Yegorovich Makarov holds a meeting on this issue. I don’t know when this failure will pass, but I have already told my people that if we don’t correct the situation on the ground, starting with subdivisions and higher, we don’t understand what is happening with us, then what can we expect from above ?! You have to figure it out at the level of the part.

Unfortunately, part of the aviation units went to the districts, as we talked about earlier. I, as commander in chief, cannot influence the state of affairs there. But I don't have to do this job either. There are territorial bodies that are called upon to solve these problems. But it is impossible not to say that some officers are also irresponsible about these issues - a notice has come, but they do not draw up documents. On purpose or through thoughtlessness, time is being dragged out. They do not present in full those documents that should be.

The situations are different. Someone has housing, but tries to grab more. There are many temptations. The armed forces today are the only structure where people legally receive housing from the state. Service housing has already been planned for the main bases, in fact, we will have seven aircraft base airfields and 14 army aviation base airfields, service housing will be created there. Everything else, whether we like it or not, will eventually go over to the municipality. We will transfer all towns there.

Another question is to allow the officers - well, he does not want to stay in Morozovsk or Millerovo, where excellent apartments were built after the withdrawal from the Western Group of Forces, but there is no industry - to leave for another place. I believe that such an opportunity can be given to officers. Although, on the other hand, a person is provided with housing.

Here we have the village of Zarya, there are also a lot of people who want to get housing in the Moscow region. We were allowed to transfer apartments from office to municipal. And the tension here is mostly removed. Under me, as I became the commander-in-chief, three houses have already been built here. It remains only to arrange these houses, and 100 people in the main command will find a roof over their heads. Plus parts of the provision, and I completely remove the task of office housing.

– Another acute issue is about education. Including related to the scandal that erupted due to the transfer of the Academy of Zhukovsky and Gagarin to Voronezh. What is the reason for this and what will happen to the excellent Aviation Museum, which is located in Monino?

The museum is as it was, and will remain. It will enter the Central Museum of the Armed Forces as a branch, and no one encroaches on it in any way.

About the academy. I answered this question a lot. Why is it that such a rich country as the United States of America has only three military universities for the training of officers. Has anyone asked this question? Why can't they spread a network all over the country educational institutions? Why is it like this in England?

On behalf of the minister, I am with my subordinates, and this famous people- General Kharchevsky, General Gradusov, Colonel Bareev, God willing, will soon be a general - this is the elite of the modern Air Force, we went on a business trip and watched the organization of combat training of the US Air Force for almost a week. Were in the Pentagon, in all commands, including at the airbase in Nelis. By Soviet standards, it can be compared with the base in Mary, where I once served.

We were also in Colorado Springs and at that academy, where 4,000 cadets are studying at the same time in four courses. And where every year out of 1,000 graduates, 500 become pilots. 500 they recruit from other universities. I studied their experience in great detail, surprisingly, my colleagues also provided me with a training program, even under the heading “Official literature”, the conversation was absolutely open. And I agree that everything should be concentrated in one place. Including both financial and material resources.

Yes, where are we losing? The fact that, for example, all the guys from Siberia do not have the opportunity to come and enter the Voronezh university, but this is our task. Organize visiting commissions, conduct competitive tests and find guys who are not only from the European part of Russia, but also from Far East will study with us. It is the task of the species to engage in the selection of cadets. Including outreach work. To recruit healthy, strong guys, and such people are needed in the Air Force. We once joked: they recruit according to health, but ask according to the mind.

This is a different task. But having a network and spraying money is not smart. Yuri Petrovich Klishin, this is the former deputy chief for armaments, when he got to modern Voronezh, he called from there and said: “ Alexander Nikolaevich, I never expected what Vasily Zibrov and his team did there in such a short time". And still this is not enough. The minister says to me: You go to cadet colleges and see what's done there. What means are created there to prepare the boys. And it's quite possible to do so.».

One more moment. There, near Voronezh, 90 kilometers away is Lipetsk, the Lipetsk Training Center, which allows for internships and training of officers of the operational-tactical level. All the cutting edge technology is there.

I don't want to offend anyone. But for last years our science, including that of professors and teachers, has aged very well and has lagged behind the modern demands that the past five revolutionary years have presented us with. Especially the last three years. And we, as the press likes to write, continue to fight according to the experience of past wars. And I do not want to fight according to the experience of past wars.

I have respect for the teaching staff, we really need to keep it, we need to create some kind of center - we made such a proposal to the head of the Department of Education of the Armed Forces, such studies are underway. But, to be frank, the training base, with the exception of building "T" (training building at the Gagarin Academy. - V.L.), is as old as this world. Yes, and there are all the aircraft simulators that leave this life.

Everything new is created in Voronezh. All modern automated control systems, modern simulators, modern ... So I graduated from college, there were already MiG-23 and MiG-25, missiles for them and everything else. And we all flew the MiG-21, studied the US, RS2S missiles, which were no longer in the army. That's what the system was like. All the equipment that then entered the school was the one that left the troops.

And we say no. We must teach what is and will be in the troops. Now we are finishing training at the school on an advanced training aircraft. This does not apply to the air defense forces, everything is already up-to-date there. They do not need to fly, they must come to the troops and immediately sit down at the control panels of the combat crew and begin combat work.

The pilot has a different system. We give him flying hours and a high combat training vehicle. Then he comes to the state center, where we teach him how to fight. And from there - to the troops, where he was already trained and taught everything. And on the technique of combat use, it begins to fly and perform a combat mission.

As a young pilot, I was lucky enough to listen to Pavel Stepanovich Kutakhov. I remembered his words for the rest of my life. I was in the 3rd squadron as Lieutenant Zelin. 1976 The marshal took the chalk and began to draw on the blackboard. " Here is such a task, I send her to carry out a pilot of the first class. To solve another problem, the link of pilots of the second class. And for this I need to send the entire squadron of pilots of the third class". Even then it was clear what a pilot of one class or another meant, how pilots should be encouraged to improve their class qualifications. When they paid for classiness, for clouds, for that, for that ...

And now they tell us: guys, we pay you too much. We won't pay for excellence. I think this is absolutely wrong. The motivation of the flight crew in last turn related to performance evaluation. I don't think in Soviet time they didn’t think about it and just paid the money.

We were talking about pilots. But you also have meteorologists, navigators, weapons specialists. Where to teach them?

All in one Voronezh University. It is planned to create a military scientific center there or State University for the training of aviation specialists.

Where are the technicians? Tech specialists?

And the technicians are there. All in Voronezh. Everyone is currently studying there. All the engineering schools that were, in 2009, began training there. Irkutsk, then Stavropol, then Tambov School of Communications... All concentrated in one place. Our only branch will be the Krasnodar School, which will train pilots. Flight personnel and officers of combat control.

- And foreigners?

And foreigners. Our Voronezh trains all the personnel who are connected with the issues of comprehensive support of aviation activities. Rear, technical. Everything related to it. We train pilots directly in Krasnodar.

And the academic education, I didn't specify, which we received at the Academy of Zhukovsky and Gagarin, is being abolished. We are moving into coursework. We will not issue a second diploma. We will issue the relevant document at the end of the course. And further on, for each upcoming position, the officer will be trained specifically at such courses. This will take place in Voronezh and Lipetsk at the operational-tactical level. And, accordingly, in the Academy of the General Staff.

- The very last question. "Swifts" and "Russian Knights" remain?

Nobody touches them. No one has ever had such an idea.

- Will they fly the Yak-130?

On the Yak-130, as soon as we get them, we will also create a squadron to fly colorfully with smoke, like, say, Patrol de France or Triche de Color, others. We often claim that we are the only ones who fly combat aircraft. But in life this is not so. I traveled around the world, looked.

Americans fly Air Force F-16s, Navy F-18s, demonstration flights. The Air Force used to fly on the T-50, but after the whole group crashed, such was a heavy tragedy, they all switched to the F-16. And naval pilots both flew the F-18 and continue to fly. The Japanese also fly combat aircraft. The South Koreans flew combat, but now they have created their own T-50. This is practically the prototype of the F-16, they created a training vehicle for it. And they buy, if I'm not mistaken, the Italians.

When I was at their 60th anniversary, I asked them: why don't you buy our planes? They took it and wrote that we put up our T-50 for tender. Ours immediately refused.

Bondarev Viktor Nikolaevich - commander of the 899th Guards Orsha twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov, 3rd degree assault aviation regiment named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky of the 105th mixed aviation division of the 16th Air Force and Air Defense Army, Colonel.

Born on December 7, 1959 in the village of Novobogoroditskoye, now the Petropavlovsk district of the Voronezh region. Russian. Graduated in 1977 high school in Novobogoroditsky.

Since August 1977 - in the Air Force of the USSR. In 1981 he graduated from the Borisoglebsk Higher Military Aviation School named after V.P. Chkalov. Since 1981 he served in the 44th aviation training regiment, which provided educational process Barnaul Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots (Kalmanka station Altai Territory): instructor pilot, senior pilot, flight commander. In 1989 he was sent to study at the academy.

In 1992 he graduated from the command department of the Air Force Academy named after Yu.A. Gagarin. Since 1992, he served in the Borisoglebsk training center for the training of flight personnel: senior navigator, squadron commander. Then he served as commander of an assault aviation squadron, deputy commander, and from September 1996 to October 2000 - commander of the 899th Guards assault aviation regiment of the 105th mixed aviation division of the 16th Air Force and Air Defense Army stationed at the Buturlinovka military airfield in Voronezhskaya areas.

Participant of hostilities in the North Caucasus region during the first and second Chechen wars. In the first Chechen war he made over 100 sorties. In December 1994, during the attack on the positions of the Dudaevites near the village of Shatoy, the plane of one of the pilots of the regiment was shot down by fire from the ground. Then V.N. Bondarev suppressed the militants' anti-aircraft weapons and, before the rescue helicopter arrived, drove the militants away from the pilot's landing site with fire from the sky. During the second Chechen war made over 300 sorties against illegal armed gangs.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 709dsp of April 21, 2000, for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in conditions involving a risk to life, to Colonel Bondarev Viktor Nikolaevich awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

From November 2000 to 2002 - Deputy Commander of the 105th Mixed Aviation Division of the 16th Air Force and Air Defense Army (Voronezh). Graduated in 2004 military academy General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Since June 2004 - commander of the 105th mixed aviation division. Since May 2006 - Deputy Commander, and since June 2008 - Commander of the 14th Air Force and Air Defense Army (Novosibirsk).

From July 17, 2009 - Deputy Commander-in-Chief, from July 15, 2011 - Chief of the General Staff - First Deputy Commander-in-Chief, and from May 6, 2012 to August 1, 2015 - Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force of the Russian Federation. From August 1, 2015 to September 26, 2017 - Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation.

He mastered the aircraft L-29, MiG-21, Su-25 and others. Has a total flight time of over 3000 hours. He was allowed to fly day and night, in any weather conditions. May 9, 2015 during the aviation part of the military parade in Moscow to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic war piloted the Tu-160 aircraft.

On September 26, 2017, he was relieved of his post and dismissed from military service. Prior to that, on September 19, 2017, as a representative of the executive body of state power of the Kirov Region, he was appointed a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. On September 27, 2017, he was approved as Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security.

Lives and works in Moscow.

Military ranks:
major general (2005);
lieutenant general (08/09/2012);
colonel general (08/11/2014).

He was awarded the Orders "For Merit to the Fatherland" 4th degree (2016), Courage (01/04/1995), "For Service to the Motherland in Armed Forces USSR "3rd degree (1984), medals, including the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland" 2nd degree with swords (01/06/1995), as well as orders and medals of foreign states.

Honored Military Pilot of the Russian Federation (2010).

Candidate of Technical Sciences.

It is not the first day that the news has been spreading in the media that the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces has been appointed and General Surovikin S.V. will become it. He will take this post instead of General Viktor Bondarev. The Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces received a new distribution and will work in the Federation Council. The former commander of the Russian Aerospace Forces will work with the committee in the field of defense and security and is currently preparing to begin new position. The new appointment of the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces and the reshuffle in the leadership were not unambiguously perceived by everyone.

How military personnel in the VKS reacted to the appointment

The military personnel of the Aerospace Forces reacted especially negatively to this appointment. Although the dismissal of Bondarev, the commander of the VKS, is also due to the fact that his leadership has distinguished itself by an increased number of air accidents. But unlike his predecessor, Sergey Surovikin never had anything to do with the air force, he commanded motorized rifle formations for most of his military career, and in recent years he led the work of the detachment in Syria. According to the pilots, entrusting the command of the Aerospace Forces to a person who had no experience at the helm of an aircraft is an extremely reckless decision.

Major General of the Air Force Alexander Tsialko also took this news without much enthusiasm. In his opinion, the commander-in-chief of the VKS should be a professional in his field. With such assignments, it often happens that the commander has to be taught basic knowledge first. It will be difficult for him to delve into the documents, the organization of work and simply understand the life of the pilots. The command of such troops is trained in specialized military educational institutions.

It is because of the incompetence of the leadership that there are cases of death of pilots on duty. The VKS commander must listen to his deputies in order to avoid mistakes in leadership. Tsialko believes that Surovikin will not always do this. Therefore, problems cannot be avoided.

It's no secret that pilots dislike infantry. This is not due to great pride, but due to the fact that you need to understand the flying business. Pilots have their own special language for orders. Thanks to this, the generals put all the necessary tasks to their subordinates. For this reason alone, the new GK VKS may have problems with interaction and management.

What is known about the new boss

Commander-in-Chief of the VKS S.V. Surovikin went through a difficult military path. His biography has difficult moments. The new head of the Aerospace Forces is 50 years old, he is a regular professional military man who graduated from the military combined arms command school located in Omsk. Sergei Vladimirovich began his service back in the days of Soviet army. Immediately after graduation, he was sent to serve in Afghanistan. He served during the war on the territory of Tajikistan, as well as in the North Caucasus. In 2002 he became a graduate of the military academy at the General Staff.

In the period 2002-2004, he headed the 34th motorized rifle division stationed in Yekaterinburg. Then he served in the 42nd division during the period of hostilities during the military conflict in the Republic of Chechnya. There he held mainly command positions and took part in the work of the headquarters. Since October 2013, he has led military formations as part of the Air Defense Forces. Since 2017 led the work Russian troops in Syria. He has military awards, was awarded orders such as "for courage" and "for courage".

At the age of 90 in Tajikistan, he delivered at the risk of his life military equipment and personnel to ensure the liquidation of serious consequences of natural disaster in the affected regions of this country. Many of the general's colleagues speak of him as an experienced and professional military man.

But not everything is so smooth in the biography of the future commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces. There was a moment in his life when he was taken into custody after the death of civilians. This happened in 1991, when he was still the captain of the Toman division. By order of the State Emergency Committee, he was to participate in restoring order in troubled Moscow. On August 21, at night, he was ordered to break through the barricades of civilians set up near the Garden Ring. He led the BMP column. As a result of the collision, three picketers were killed.

After this tragedy, he was forced to spend seven months in Matrosskaya Tishina, but, later, the charges were dropped, and the rank was raised to major, with the light hand of Boris Yeltsin.

Another case occurred with Sergei Surovikin in 2004. His subordinate wrote a report to the prosecutor's office about beating him by his commander, because of the wrong vote in the elections, and a month later his subordinate shot himself. But in both cases, the fault of the division commander was not proven.

Creation of military police

Sergei Vladimirovich Surovikin stood at the origins of the creation of the structure of the military police, it was he who opened this structure. The authority of this unit includes the activities of the FSB and military counterintelligence. The military police not only carry out patrol tasks, but also carry out operational activities. The servicemen of these units are also required to monitor the maintenance of the Guardhouse.

Creating this structure S.V. Surovikin was supposed to become its head, but due to the fact that a long-standing conviction surfaced, for which he received 1 year probation, his candidacy was removed from consideration.

He received a criminal record as a result of a case where he was found guilty of trafficking in firearms. Later it turned out that he was set up, the conviction was canceled, but such an incident was not forgotten in the prosecutor's office. The chief military prosecutor of the Russian Federation opposed his candidacy and in 2011, in his letter to the Minister of Defense, he expressed his position. The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Federation, in order to avoid conflict, sent Surovikin to the post of Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Military District.

Last appointment

Information that Surovikin will be appointed commander-in-chief of the VKS troops has been discussed among the military for a long time. It is believed that he received such an appointment after his excellent work carried out in the Syrian conflict. Despite the fact that he is a typical ground commander, he managed to organize the work of aviation, air defense systems, space troops and motorized rifle formations.

Two other candidates were considered for this position:

  1. Lieutenant General Igor Mokushev;
  2. representative of the Space Forces Alexander Golovko.

S.V. Surovikin was not considered with particular seriousness among the possible candidates. Both candidates went through their military career and were associated with activities in the field of rocket and air forces, but the choice was made on this issue for other reasons.

The pilots did not want to see the candidacy of Alexander Golovko. Since at the time of the creation of the Aerospace Forces, the rocket and space forces very actively began to master the budget allocated to the entire structure. For this reason, Golovko, as a representative of the rocket and space forces, was not the most the best option. Therefore, the choice not in his favor only pleased the representatives of the Air Force.

General Sergei Surovikin was chosen due to his rich combined arms experience. In such a position, a representative of one type of troops will experience difficulties. The example of his predecessor, Viktor Bondarev, is illustrative. There is an opinion that the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces, Lieutenant General Viktor Bondarev, is leaving precisely because of the plane crash that happened in 2016 in Sochi. This tragedy influenced the decision not in his favor.

For Surovikin, the news of the appointment also came as a surprise, but he has good experience in command different types troops and acts as a good manager. Therefore, despite all the complexity, there is hope that he will perfectly understand this issue, as he always did. Due to the fact that the Aerospace Forces is becoming a real inter-arms structure, it includes not only the Air Force troops, but also the Air Defense Forces and the Space and Rocket Forces. This is a structure that acts in the interests of all troops of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

The military experience of General Surovikin in commanding a combined arms military district, which includes such military formations as a fleet, air defense systems and other various types of troops, has great importance to work in this position.

The general got good experience in Syria, where he had to manage various systems and organize work on their interaction. Examples of the appointment of commanders from other military structures have already been in the history of Russia. There was a case of the appointment to the most important post of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, who has nothing to do with the army. But, despite this fact, he was able to get in the know and even began a large-scale military reform.

Therefore, it was logical to make such a decision, to appoint the commander of the Aerospace Forces, by decision of the commander-in-chief, combined arms general, Sergei Vladimirovich Surovikin, because his experience in the interaction of various troops will provide efficient work in the position held.

Designed to protect the centers, regions of the country (administrative, industrial and economic), groupings of troops and important objects from enemy strikes from air and space, ensuring the actions of the Ground Forces and delivering strikes against the enemy’s aviation, land and sea groupings, its administrative-political and military and economic centers.

The main tasks of the Air Force in modern conditions are:

  • opening the beginning of an attack by an air enemy;
  • notification of the main headquarters of the Armed Forces, headquarters of military districts, fleets, civil defense agencies about the beginning of an enemy air attack;
  • gaining and maintaining air supremacy;
  • covering troops and rear facilities from aerial reconnaissance, air and space strikes;
  • air support for the Ground Forces and the Navy;
  • destruction of objects of the military-economic potential of the enemy;
  • military and government controlled enemy;
  • the destruction of nuclear missile, anti-aircraft and aviation groups of the enemy and his reserves, as well as air and sea landings;
  • defeating enemy ship groupings at sea, in the ocean, at naval bases, in ports and bases;
  • dropping military equipment and landing troops;
  • transportation by air of troops and military equipment;
  • conducting strategic, operational and tactical air reconnaissance;
  • control over the use of airspace in the border zone.

In peacetime Air Force carry out tasks to protect the state border of Russia in the airspace, notify about the flights of foreign reconnaissance vehicles in the border zone.

The air force includes the air armies of the Supreme High Command strategic purpose and the Supreme High Command of Military Transport Aviation; Moscow Air Force and Air Defense District; armies of the Air Force and Air Defense: separate corps of the Air Force and Air Defense.

The Air Force includes the following types of troops (Fig. 1):

  • aviation (types of aviation - bomber, assault, fighter, air defense, reconnaissance, transport and special);
  • anti-aircraft missile troops;
  • radio engineering troops;
  • special troops;
  • units and institutions of the rear.

bomber aviation It is armed with long-range (strategic) and front-line (tactical) bombers of various types. It is designed to defeat groupings of troops, destroy important military, energy facilities and communication centers mainly in the strategic and operational depth of the enemy’s defense. The bomber can carry bombs of various calibers, both conventional and nuclear, as well as air-to-surface guided missiles.

Attack aircraft designed for aviation support of troops, destruction of manpower and objects mainly at the forefront, in the tactical and immediate operational depth of the enemy, as well as orders to combat enemy aircraft in the air.

Rice. 1. Structure of the Air Force

One of the main requirements for an attack aircraft is the high accuracy of hitting ground targets. Armament: large-caliber guns, bombs, rockets.

Fighter aviation air defense is the main maneuvering force of the air defense system and is designed to cover the most important directions and objects from enemy air attacks. It is capable of destroying the enemy at maximum ranges from the defended objects.

Air defense aviation is armed with air defense fighter aircraft, combat helicopters, special and transport aircraft and helicopters.

reconnaissance aviation Designed to conduct aerial reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and weather, can destroy enemy hidden objects.

Reconnaissance flights can also be carried out by bomber, fighter-bomber, attack and fighter aircraft. To do this, they are specially equipped with photographic equipment for day and night shooting at various scales, radio and radar stations with high resolution, heat direction finders, sound recording and television equipment, and magnetometers.

Reconnaissance aviation is subdivided into tactical, operational and strategic reconnaissance aviation.

Transport aviation designed to transport troops, military equipment, weapons, ammunition, fuel, food, airborne landings, evacuation of the wounded, sick, etc.

Special aviation designed for long-range radar detection and guidance, refueling of aircraft in the air, electronic warfare, radiation, chemical and biological protection, control and communications, meteorological and technical support, rescue of crews in distress, evacuation of the wounded and sick.

Anti-aircraft missile troops designed to protect the country's most important facilities and groupings of troops from enemy air strikes.

They constitute the main firepower of the air defense system and are armed with anti-aircraft missile systems and anti-aircraft missile systems for various purposes, which have great firepower and high accuracy in destroying enemy air attack weapons.

Radio engineering troops- the main source of information about an air enemy and are designed to conduct its radar reconnaissance, control over the flights of its aviation and compliance with the rules for the use of airspace by aircraft of all departments.

They issue information about the beginning of an air attack, combat information for anti-aircraft missile troops and air defense aviation, as well as information for managing formations, units and subunits of air defense.

Radio-technical troops are armed with radar stations and radar complexes capable of detecting not only air but also surface targets at any time of the year and day, regardless of meteorological conditions and interference.

Units and divisions of communications are intended for the deployment and operation of communication systems in order to ensure command and control of troops in all types of combat activities.

Units and subdivisions of electronic warfare designed to interfere with airborne radars, bomb sights, communications and radio navigation means of enemy air attack.

Units and divisions of communications and radio engineering support designed to provide control of aviation units and subunits, aircraft navigation, takeoff and landing of aircraft and helicopters.

Units and divisions of engineering troops, and units and divisions of radiation, chemical and biological protection designed to perform the most challenging tasks engineering and chemical support, respectively.

The Air Force is armed with Tu-160 (Fig. 2), Tu-22MZ, Tu-95MS, Su-24, Su-34, MiG-29, MiG-27, MiG-31 aircraft of various modifications (Fig. 3), Su -25, Su-27, Su-39 (Fig. 4), MiG-25R, Su-24MP, A-50 (Fig. 5), An-12, An-22, An-26, An-124, Il -76, IL-78; helicopters Mi-8, Mi-24, Mi-17, Mi-26, Ka-31, Ka-52 (Fig. 6), Ka-62; anti-aircraft missile systems S-200, S-300, S-300PM (Fig. 7), S-400 "Triumph", radar stations and complexes "Opponent-G", "Nebo-U", "Gamma-DE" , "Gamma-C1", "Casta-2".

Rice. 2. Strategic supersonic bomber Tu-160: wingspan - 35.6 / 55.7 m; length - 54.1 m; height - 13.1 m; maximum takeoff weight - 275 tons; maximum combat load - 45 tons; cruising speed - 960 km / h; range - 7300 km; ceiling - 18000 m; weapons - missiles, bombs (including nuclear); crew - 4 people

Rice. 3. Multipurpose fighter MiG-31F / FZ: wingspan - 13.46 m; length - 22.67 m; height - 6.15 m; maximum takeoff weight - 50,000 kg; cruising speed - 2450 km / h; range - 3000 km; combat radius of action - 650 km; ceiling - 20,000 m; armament - 23-mm six-barreled gun (260 rounds, rate of fire - 8000 rounds / min); combat load - 9000 kg (UR, bombs); crew - 2 people

Rice. 4. Attack aircraft Su-39: wingspan - 14.52 m; length - 15.33 m; height - 5.2 m; maximum speed near the ground - 2450 km / h; range - 1850 km; ceiling - 18,000 m; armament - 30 mm cannon; combat load - 4500 kg (ATGM with ATGM. RCC, NUR, U R. bombs - conventional, induced, cluster, nuclear)

Rice. 5. A-50 long-range radar detection and control aircraft: wingspan - 50.5 m; length - 46.59 m; height - 14.8 m; normal takeoff weight - 190,000 kg; maximum cruising speed - 800 km / h; range - 7500 km; ceiling - 12000 m; target detection range: air - 240 km, surface - 380 km; crew - 5 people + 10 people tactical calculation

Rice. 6. Combat attack helicopter Ka-52 "Alligator": rotor diameter - 14.50 m; length with rotating screws - 15.90 m; maximum weight - 10,400 kg; ceiling - 5500 m; range - 520 km; armament - 30-mm cannon with 500 rounds of ammunition; combat load - 2000 kg on 4 hardpoints (ATGM, unified containers with machine-gun and cannon weapons, NUR, UR); crew - 2 people

Rice. 7. Anti-aircraft missile system S-300-PM: hit targets - aircraft, cruise and tactical missiles of all types; affected area - range 5-150 km, height 0.025-28 km; the number of simultaneously hit targets - up to 6; the number of simultaneously aimed missiles at the target - 12; readiness for combat work from the march - 5 minutes