Fairytale story about sounds. Russian lesson on the topic "fairy tales about vowels and consonants". Tale of living sounds

Konstantin Paustovsky is a classic in the literature of the twentieth century. All works are read with pleasure by adults, and children embody human and literary nobility. Paustovsky was born in Moscow in an intelligent family, theatergoers who love to play the piano and sing. He died at seventy-six. He studied in Kyiv in a classical gymnasium. His parents divorced and he had to work as a teacher.

After graduating from high school, he entered the Kiev University at the Faculty of Law, but dreamed of becoming a writer. For himself, he decided that for writing, you need to "go into life" and gain life experience. In Moscow, he works as a carriage driver, then gets a job as an orderly on a rear train, changes many different professions, was even a fisherman on the Sea of ​​Azov.

In his free time, he wrote short stories. During the revolution, he worked in Moscow as a reporter for a newspaper and described events. During Patriotic War he is a war correspondent. After the war, Paustovsky was engaged in literary activities and wrote: novels, short stories, as well as stories and fairy tales for children. The book "Stories and tales about animals and nature." Famous stories included:

  • Adventures of a rhinoceros beetle;
  • tree frog;
  • steel ring;
  • Badger nose and other works.

Read Paustovsky's biography for grade 3

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky was born on May 31, 1892 in Moscow. He grew up in the family of Georgy Maksimovich Paustovsky and Maria Grigoryevna Paustovskaya, had two brothers and a sister. In 1904 he entered the Kyiv gymnasium. Geography and literature were my favorite subjects at the gymnasium.

In 1912, having changed his place of residence and schools many times, the young man began his studies at the Faculty of History and Philology of Kyiv University, finishing 2 courses. After the outbreak of the First World War, he was transferred to Moscow University, but soon left it and began to work. Having changed many professions, he gets a job as a nurse at the front, participates in the retreat of the Russian army. After the death of his brothers, he returns to Moscow to his mother and sister, but does not stay there for a long time. The young man travels all over the south of Russia, lives in Odessa for two years, working in the Mayak newspaper, and then leaves Odessa, leaves for the Caucasus, also visiting northern Persia.

In 1923 he returned to the capital. For a couple of years he worked as an editor in a telegraph agency and began to publish. He also spends the 1930s traveling around the country, releasing many essays and stories. During the Great Patriotic War, he became a military journalist and served on the Southern Front. In August 1941, he completed his service in order to work on a play for the Moscow Art Theater, moved to Alma-Ata, where he sat down to write the play “Until the Heart Stops” and the novel “Smoke of the Fatherland”.

In the 1950s he lived in Moscow and Tarusa, becoming one of the compilers of the collections Literary Moscow and Tarusa Pages. After receiving worldwide recognition, he travels around Europe, living on the island of Capri. In 1966, he signed a letter from scientists and cultural figures about the inadmissibility of Stalin's rehabilitation. Dies July 14, 1968 in Moscow after a protracted illness with asthma.

For children grade 3, grade 4, grade 5.

Biography by dates and Interesting Facts. The most important.

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The writer's grandfather Maxim Grigorievich Paustovsky was a soldier, and Honorata's grandmother, before the adoption of Christianity, bore the name Fatma, and was a Turkish woman. According to the memoirs of Konstantin Paustovsky, his grandfather was a meek, blue-eyed old man who loved to sing old thoughts and Cossack songs with a cracked tenor, and told many incredible, and sometimes touching stories"out of life itself."

The writer's father, Georgy Paustovsky, was a railway statistician, behind whom the fame of a frivolous person was established among his relatives, with a reputation as a dreamer who, according to Konstantin's grandmother, "had no right to marry and have children." He came from Zaporozhye Cossacks who moved after the defeat of the Sich on the banks of the Ros River near the White Church. Georgy Paustovsky did not get along for a long time in one place, after serving in Moscow he lived and worked in Pskov, in Vilna and later settled in Kyiv, on the South-West railway. The writer's mother, Maria Paustovskaya, was the daughter of an employee at a sugar factory, and had an imperious character. She took the upbringing of children very seriously, and was convinced that only with strict and harsh treatment of children could “something worthwhile” be grown out of them.

Konstantin Paustovsky had two brothers and a sister. Later, he told about them: “In the autumn of 1915, I moved from the train to the field medical detachment and went with him a long retreat from Lublin in Poland to the town of Nesvizh in Belarus. In the detachment, from a greasy piece of newspaper that came across to me, I learned that on the same day two of my brothers were killed on different fronts. I was left completely alone with my mother, except for my half-blind and sick sister. The writer's sister Galina died in Kyiv in 1936.

In Kyiv, Konstantin Paustovsky studied at the 1st Kyiv classical gymnasium. When he was in the sixth grade, his father left the family, and Konstantin was forced to independently earn his living and study by tutoring. In his autobiographical essay “A Few Fragmentary Thoughts” in 1967, Paustovsky wrote: “The desire for the extraordinary has haunted me since childhood. My state could be defined in two words: admiration for the imaginary world and longing for the impossibility of seeing it. These two feelings prevailed in my youthful poems and in my first immature prose.

A huge influence on Paustovsky, especially in his youth, was the work of Alexander Green. Paustovsky later told about his youth: “I studied in Kyiv, in a classical gymnasium. Our graduation was lucky: we had good teachers of the so-called " humanities» - Russian literature, history and psychology. We knew and loved literature and, of course, spent more time reading books than preparing lessons. best time- sometimes unbridled dreams, hobbies and sleepless nights - there was a Kiev spring, a dazzling and tender spring of Ukraine. She was drowning in dewy lilacs, in the slightly sticky first greenery of Kievan gardens, in the scent of poplars and the pink candles of old chestnut trees. In such springs, it was impossible not to fall in love with high school girls with heavy braids and write poetry. And I wrote them without restraint, two or three poems a day. In our family, which at that time was considered progressive and liberal, they talked a lot about the people, but they meant by it mainly the peasants. The workers, the proletariat, were rarely talked about. At that time, with the word "proletariat" I imagined huge and smoky factories - Putilovsky, Obukhovsky and Izhora - as if the entire Russian working class was assembled only in St. Petersburg and precisely at these factories.

The first short story by Konstantin Paustovsky "On the Water", written in the last year of study at the gymnasium, was published in the Kiev almanac "Lights" in 1912. After graduating from the gymnasium, Paustovsky studied at Kiev University, then transferred to Moscow University, in the summer he still worked as a tutor. First World War forced him to interrupt his studies, and Paustovsky became a leader on the Moscow tram, and also worked on an ambulance train. In 1915, with a field sanitary detachment, he retreated along with the Russian army across Poland and Belarus. He said: “In the autumn of 1915, I moved from the train to the field medical detachment and went with him a long retreat from Lublin in Poland to the town of Nesvizh in Belarus.”

After the death of two older brothers at the front, Paustovsky returned to his mother in Moscow, but soon began his wandering life again. During the year he worked at metallurgical plants in Yekaterinoslav and Yuzovka and at a boiler plant in Taganrog. In 1916 he became a fisherman in an artel on the Sea of ​​Azov. While living in Taganrog, Paustovsky began writing his first novel, The Romantics, which was published in 1935. This novel, the content and mood of which corresponded to its title, was marked by the author's search for a lyric-prose form. Paustovsky sought to create a coherent storyline about what he had seen and felt in his youth. One of the heroes of the novel, old Oskar, resisted all his life that they tried to turn him from an artist into an earner. The main motive of "The Romantics" was the fate of the artist, who sought to overcome loneliness.

Paustovsky met the February and October revolutions of 1917 in Moscow. After the victory of Soviet power, he began working as a journalist and "lived the busy life of newspaper editors." But soon the writer left for Kyiv, where his mother moved, and survived several upheavals there during civil war. Soon Paustovsky ended up in Odessa, where he found himself among young writers like him. After living in Odessa for two years, Paustovsky left for Sukhum, then moved to Batum, then to Tiflis. Wanderings in the Caucasus led Paustovsky to Armenia and northern Persia. The writer wrote about that time and his wanderings: “In Odessa, for the first time, I found myself among young writers. Among the employees of the "Sailor" were Kataev, Ilf, Bagritsky, Shengeli, Lev Slavin, Babel, Andrey Sobol, Semyon Kirsanov, and even the elderly writer Yushkevich. In Odessa, I lived near the sea, and wrote a lot, but have not yet published, believing that I have not yet achieved the ability to master any material and genre. Soon the “muse of distant wanderings” took possession of me again. I left Odessa, lived in Sukhum, Batumi, Tbilisi, was in Erivan, Baku and Julfa, until finally I returned to Moscow.”

Konstantin Paustovsky. 1930s.

Returning to Moscow in 1923, Paustovsky began working as an editor for ROSTA. At this time, not only his essays were published, but also stories. In 1928, the first collection of Paustovsky's stories "Oncoming Ships" was published. In the same year, the novel Shining Clouds was written. In this work, detective-adventurous intrigue was combined with autobiographical episodes related to Paustovsky's trips around the Black Sea and the Caucasus. In the year the novel was written, the writer worked in the newspaper of the water workers "On Watch", with which at that time Alexei Novikov-Priboy, Paustovsky's classmate in the 1st Kyiv gymnasium Mikhail Bulgakov and Valentin Kataev. In the 1930s, Paustovsky actively worked as a journalist for the Pravda newspaper and the magazines 30 Days, Our Achievements and other publications, visited Solikamsk, Astrakhan, Kalmykia and many other places - in fact, he traveled all over the country. Many of the impressions of these "hot pursuit" trips, described by him in newspaper essays, were later embodied in works of art. Thus, the hero of the essay of the 1930s "Underwater winds" became the prototype of the protagonist of the story "Kara-Bugaz", written in 1932. The history of the creation of "Kara-Bugaz" is described in detail in the book of essays and stories by Paustovsky "Golden Rose" in 1955 - one of the most famous works Russian literature devoted to understanding the nature of creativity. In "Kara-Bugaz" Paustovsky's story about the development of Glauber's salt deposits in the Caspian Bay is as poetic as about the wanderings of a romantic youth in his first works. Transfiguration historical reality, the creation of man-made subtropics is dedicated to the story "Colchis" in 1934. The prototype of one of the heroes of Colchis was the great Georgian primitive artist Niko Pirosmani. After the publication of Kara-Bugaz, Paustovsky left the service and became a professional writer. He still traveled a lot, lived on the Kola Peninsula and Ukraine, visited the Volga, Kama, Don, Dnieper and other great rivers, Central Asia, in the Crimea, Altai, Pskov, Novgorod, Belarus and other places.

Having gone as an orderly to the First World War, the future writer met with sister of mercy Ekaterina Zagorskaya, about whom he said: “I love her more than my mother, more than myself ... Hatice is an impulse, an edge of the divine, joy, longing, illness, unprecedented achievements and torment ... ". Why Hatice? Ekaterina Stepanovna spent the summer of 1914 in a village on the Crimean coast, and the local Tatars called her Hatidzhe, which in Russian meant "Catherine". In the summer of 1916, Konstantin Paustovsky and Ekaterina Zagorskaya got married in Ekaterina's native Podlesnaya Sloboda in Ryazan near Lukhovitsy, and in August 1925, the son Vadim was born to the Paustovskys in Ryazan. Later, throughout his life, he carefully kept the archive of his parents, painstakingly collected materials related to the Paustovsky family tree - documents, photographs and memoirs. He loved to travel to the places where his father visited and which were described in his works. Vadim Konstantinovich was an interesting, selfless storyteller. No less interesting and informative were his publications about Konstantin Paustovsky - articles, essays, comments and afterwords to the works of his father, from whom he inherited a literary gift. Vadim Konstantinovich devoted a lot of time as a consultant to the literary museum-center of Konstantin Paustovsky, was a member of the public council of the magazine "The World of Paustovsky", one of the organizers and an indispensable participant in conferences, meetings, museum evenings dedicated to the work of his father.

In 1936, Ekaterina Zagorskaya and Konstantin Paustovsky broke up, after which Ekaterina confessed to her relatives that she gave her husband a divorce herself, because she could not bear that he “got in touch with a Polish woman,” meaning Paustovsky’s second wife. Konstantin Georgievich continued to take care of his son Vadim even after the divorce. Vadim Paustovsky wrote about the breakup of his parents in the comments to the first volume of his father’s works: “The Tale of Life and other books of my father reflect many events from the life of my parents in early years but, of course, not all. The twenties were very important for my father. How little he published, wrote so much. We can safely say that then the foundation of his professionalism was laid. His first books went almost unnoticed, then the literary success of the early 1930s immediately followed. And so, in 1936, after twenty years of marriage, my parents separated. Was the marriage of Ekaterina Zagorskaya with Konstantin Paustovsky successful? Yes and no. In youth, there was great love, which served as a support in difficulties and instilled cheerful confidence in one's abilities. Father was always rather inclined towards reflection, towards a contemplative perception of life. Mom, on the contrary, was a person of great energy and perseverance, until her illness broke her. In her independent character, independence and defenselessness, benevolence and capriciousness, calmness and nervousness converged in an incomprehensible way. I was told that Eduard Bagritsky greatly appreciated the quality in her, which he called "spiritual dedication", and at the same time he liked to repeat: "Ekaterina Stepanovna is a fantastic woman." Perhaps, the words of V.I. Nemirovich Danchenko that “a Russian intelligent woman could not be carried away by anything in a man so selflessly as by talent” can be attributed to it. Therefore, marriage was strong as long as everything was subordinated to the main goal - literary creativity father. When this finally became a reality, the stress of difficult years affected, both were tired, especially since my mother was also a person with her own creative plans and aspirations. In addition, frankly speaking, my father was not such a good family man, despite his outward complaisance. Much had accumulated, and much had to be suppressed by both. In a word, if spouses who value each other nevertheless part, there are always good reasons for this. These reasons aggravated with the onset of serious nervous exhaustion in my mother, which developed gradually and began to manifest itself precisely in the mid-30s. My father's traces of difficult years also remained until the end of his life in the form of severe asthma attacks. In Distant Years, the first book of The Tale of Life, a lot is said about the breakup of the parents of the father himself. Obviously, there are families marked with such a seal from generation to generation.

K. G. Paustovsky and V. V. Navashina-Paustovskaya on a narrow gauge railway in Solotch. In the car window: the writer's son Vadim and adopted son Sergei Navashin. Late 1930s.

Konstantin Paustovsky met Valeria Valishevskaya-Navashina in the first half of the 1920s. He was married, she was married, but they both left their families, and Valeria Vladimirovna married Konstantin Paustovsky, becoming the inspiration for many of his works - for example, when creating works " Meshcherskaya side” and “Throw to the South” Valishevskaya was a prototype of Mary. Valeria Valishevskaya was the sister of the famous Polish artist Sigismund Valishevsky in the 1920s, whose works were in the collection of Valeria Vladimirovna. In 1963, she donated over 110 paintings and drawings by Sigismund Waliszewski to the National Gallery in Warsaw, keeping her favorite ones.

K.G. Paustovsky and V.V. Navashina-Paustovskaya. Late 1930s.

A special place in the work of Konstantin Paustovsky was occupied by the Meshchera region, where he lived for a long time alone or with fellow writers - Arkady Gaidar and Reuben Fraerman. About his beloved Meshchera, Paustovsky wrote: “I found the greatest, simplest and most unsophisticated happiness in the forested Meshchera region. The happiness of being close to your land, concentration and inner freedom, favorite thoughts and hard work. Central Russia- and only to her - I owe most of the things I wrote. I will mention only the main ones: “Meshcherskaya Side”, “Isaac Levitan”, “The Tale of the Forests”, a cycle of stories “Summer Days”, “Old Boat”, “Night in October”, “Telegram”, “Rainy Dawn”, “Cordon 273”, “In the depths of Russia”, “Alone with autumn”, “Ilyinsky pool”. The Central Russian hinterland became for Paustovsky a place of a kind of "emigration", a creative - and possibly physical - salvation during the period of Stalin's repressions.

During the Great Patriotic War, Paustovsky worked as a war correspondent and wrote stories, among them was "Snow", written in 1943, and "Rainy Dawn", written in 1945, which critics called the most delicate lyrical watercolors.

In the 1950s, Paustovsky lived in Moscow and in Tarusa on the Oka. He became one of the compilers of the most important collective collections of the democratic trend Literary Moscow in 1956 and Tarusa Pages in 1961. During the years of the thaw, Paustovsky actively advocated the literary and political rehabilitation of writers Isaac Babel, Yuri Olesha, Mikhail Bulgakov, Alexander Grin and Nikolai Zabolotsky, who were persecuted under Stalin.

In 1939, Konstantin Paustovsky met the actress of the Meyerhold Theater Tatyana Evteeva - Arbuzova, who became his third wife in 1950.

Paustovsky with his son Alyosha and adopted daughter Galina Arbuzova.

Before meeting Paustovsky, Tatyana Evteeva was the wife of the playwright Alexei Arbuzov. “Tenderness, my only person, I swear by my life that such love (without boasting) has not yet been in the world. It was not and will not be, all the rest of love is nonsense and nonsense. Let it beat calmly and happily your heart, my heart! We will all be happy, everyone! I know and believe ... ”- wrote Konstantin Paustovsky to Tatyana Evteeva. Tatyana Alekseevna had a daughter from her first marriage, Galina Arbuzova, and she gave birth to a son, Alexei, to Paustovsky in 1950. Alexei grew up and took shape in the creative atmosphere of the writer's house in the field of intellectual searches of young writers and artists, but he did not look like a "home" child spoiled by parental attention. With a company of artists, he wandered around the outskirts of Tarusa, sometimes disappearing from home for two or three days. He painted amazing and not understandable paintings, and died at the age of 26 from a drug overdose.

K.G. Paustovsky. Tarusa. April 1955

From 1945 to 1963, Paustovsky wrote his main work - the autobiographical Tale of Life, consisting of six books: Distant Years, Restless Youth, Beginning of an Unknown Age, Time of Great Expectations, Throw to the South" and "The Book of Wanderings". In the mid-1950s, world recognition came to Paustovsky, and the writer began to travel frequently around Europe. He visited Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Turkey, Greece, Sweden, Italy and other countries. In 1965, Paustovsky lived on the island of Capri. The impressions of these trips formed the basis of the stories and travel essays of the 1950s and 1960s "Italian Encounters", "Fleeting Paris", "Channel Lights" and other works. In the same 1965, officials from Soviet Union managed to change the decision of the Nobel Committee to award the prize to Konstantin Paustovsky and achieve its presentation to Mikhail Sholokhov.

Most modern readers know Konstantin Paustovsky as a singer of Russian nature, from whose pen came wonderful descriptions of the south and central strip of Russia, the Black Sea region and the Oka region. However, few people now know the bright and exciting novels and stories of Paustovsky, the action of which takes place in the first quarter of the 20th century against the backdrop of terrible events of wars and revolutions, social upheavals and hopes for a brighter future. All his life Paustovsky dreamed of writing big book dedicated to remarkable people, not only famous, but also unknown and forgotten. He managed to publish only a few sketches of short but picturesque biographies of writers with whom he was either well acquainted personally - Gorky, Olesha, Prishvin, Green, Bagritsky, or those whose work especially fascinated him - Chekhov, Blok, Maupassant, Bunin and Hugo. All of them were united by the “art of seeing the world”, so valued by Paustovsky, who lived at a difficult time for the master of belles-lettres. His literary maturity came in the 1930s and 1950s, in which Tynyanov found salvation in literary criticism, Bakhtin in cultural studies, Paustovsky in the study of the nature of language and creativity, in the beauties of the forests of the Ryazan region, in the quiet provincial comfort of Tarusa.

KG Paustovsky with a dog. Tarusa. 1961

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky died in 1968 in Moscow and, according to his will, was buried in the city cemetery of Tarusa. The place where his grave is located - a high hill surrounded by trees with a gap to the Taruska River - was chosen by the writer himself.

About Konstantin Paustovsky and Ekaterina Zagorskaya, a television program from the cycle “More than Love” was prepared.

In 1982, a film about Konstantin Paustovsky was filmed. documentary"Konstantin Paustovsky. Memories and meetings.

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The text was prepared by Tatyana Khalina

Used materials:

K.G. Paustovsky "Briefly about myself" 1966
K.G. Paustovsky "Letters from Tarusa"
K.G. Paustovsky "Sense of history"
Site materials www.paustovskiy.niv.ru
Site materials www.litra.ru

Works on the site Lib.ru in Wikisource. Konstantin Paustovsky at Wikimedia Commons

Writer's autograph in the 1940s-1950s

Autograph in the 1960s

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky(May 19 (31), Moscow - July 14, Moscow) - Russian Soviet writer, who wrote in the genre of romanticism, is best known to the modern reader as the author of stories and stories about nature for children.


In 1898 the family returned from Moscow to Ukraine to Kyiv. For almost a quarter of a century, Paustovsky, "a Muscovite by birth and a Kyivian by heart," lived in Kyiv. It was here that he took place as a journalist and writer, which he repeatedly admitted in his autobiographical prose.

In the metric church book: "the father is a retired non-commissioned officer of the II category from volunteers, from the townspeople of the Kiev province, Vasilkovsky district, Georgy Maksimovich Paustovsky and his legal wife Maria Grigorievna, both Orthodox." Mother, Maria Grigorievna, nee Vysochanskaya.

Grandfather, Grigory Moiseevich Vysochansky, a notary in Cherkasy, another grandmother, Vincentia, is a Polish gentry.

The genealogy of the writer is connected with the name of the famous Zaporozhye hetman Sahaidachny. This and much more explains the special deep attachment of the classic to the Ukrainian theme, folklore, language... “I have always carried the image of Ukraine in my heart,” wrote Konstantin Paustovsky. Paustovsky studied at the Kyiv classical gymnasium. After graduating from the gymnasium in 1912, he entered the Kiev University at the Faculty of History and Philology, then transferred to Moscow University, at the Faculty of Law. The First World War forced him to interrupt his studies. Paustovsky became a leader on a Moscow tram, worked on an ambulance train. In 1915, with a field sanitary detachment, he retreated along with the Russian army across Poland and Belarus.

After the death of his two brothers on the same day on different fronts, Paustovsky returned to Moscow to his mother, but after a while he left there. During this period, he worked at the Bryansk Metallurgical Plant in Yekaterinoslav, at the Novorossiysk Metallurgical Plant in Yuzovka, at a boiler plant in Taganrog, and in a fishing artel on the Sea of ​​Azov. IN free time began to write his first story "Romantics", which was published only in the 1930s in Moscow. After the start of the February Revolution, he left for Moscow, began working as a reporter in newspapers, being a witness to all the events in Moscow during the days of the October Revolution.


Father, Georgy Maksimovich Paustovsky, was a railway statistician, a descendant of the Cossacks.

Grandfather, Maxim Dmitrievich Paustovsky - single palace; grandmother Honorata Vikentievna is a Turkish woman, baptized into Orthodoxy. Paustovsky's grandfather brought her from Russian-Turkish war, from Kazanlak.

Mother, Maria Grigorievna, nee Vysochanskaya.

Another grandfather, Grigory Moiseevich Vysochansky, a notary in Cherkassy, ​​another grandmother, Vincentia, is a Polish gentry.

Ekaterina Stepanovna Zagorskaya (1889-1969) - first wife, maiden name Gorodtsova

Father: Stepan Aleksandrovich, priest, died before the birth of Catherine.

Mother: Maria Yakovlevna. Paustovsky met his future wife when he went as an orderly to the First World War,

Ekaterina Stepanovna spent the summer of 1914 in a village on the Crimean coast, and the local Tatars called her Hatidzhe (in Russian "Ekaterina"). Paustovsky did not find the bride's parents alive. The father died before the birth of the youngest daughter.

Ekaterina Zagorskaya is a relative of the famous archaeologist Vasily Alekseevich Gorodtsov, the discoverer of the unique antiquities of Old Ryazan.

Paustovsky and Zagorskaya got married in the summer of 1916, in Ekaterina's native Podlesnaya Sloboda in the Ryazan province (now the Lukhovitsky district of the Moscow region). It was in this church that her father served as a priest.

In 1936, Ekaterina Zagorskaya and Konstantin Paustovsky broke up. Catherine confessed to her relatives that she gave her husband a divorce herself. She could not bear that he "got in touch with a Polish woman" (meaning Paustovsky's second wife). Konstantin Georgievich, however, continued to take care of his son Vadim even after the divorce.

Vadim Konstantinovich (08/02/1925 - 04/10/2000) - son from his first wife Catherine

Tenderness, my only person, I swear by my life that such love (without boasting) has not yet been in the world. There was not and will not be, all the rest of love is nonsense and nonsense. Let your heart beat calmly and happily, my heart! We will all be happy, everyone! I know and believe...

Paustovsky wrote about her.

Alexei Konstantinovich (1950-1976) - son from the third wife Tatyana.

Alexey was born in the village of Solotcha, Ryazan Region. Died at the age of 26 from a drug overdose. The drama of the situation is that he did not commit suicide or poison himself alone - there was a girl with him. But her doctors resurrected, but he was no longer saved.


Paustovsky's first story "On the Water" (), written in the last year of his studies at the gymnasium, was published in the Kiev almanac "Lights".

Regardless of the length of the work, Paustovsky's narrative structure is additive, "in selection", when episode follows episode; the form of narration in the first person prevails, on behalf of the narrator-observer. More complex structures with the subordination of several lines of action are alien to Paustovsky's prose.

In the mid-1950s, world recognition came to Paustovsky. Paustovsky got the opportunity to travel around Europe. He visited Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Turkey, Greece, Sweden, Italy and other countries; lived for a long time on about. Capri. Also in 1965, he was a likely candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature, which was eventually awarded to

Konstantin Paustovsky worked in factories, was a tram driver, a nurse, a journalist and even a fisherman ... Whatever the writer did, wherever he went, whoever he met, sooner or later all the events of his life became the topics of his literary works.

"Youthful poems" and the first prose

Konstantin Paustovsky was born in 1892 in Moscow. There were four children in the family: Paustovsky had two brothers and a sister. Father was often transferred to work, the family moved a lot, in the end they settled in Kyiv.

In 1904, Konstantin entered the First Kyiv Classical Gymnasium here. When he entered the sixth grade, his father left the family. To pay for his studies, the future writer had to earn extra money as a tutor.

In his youth, Konstantin Paustovsky was fond of the work of Alexander Green. In his memoirs, he wrote: “My state could be defined in two words: admiration for the imaginary world and longing because of the inability to see it. These two feelings prevailed in my youthful poems and in my first immature prose. In 1912, Paustovsky's first story "On the Water" was published in the Kiev almanac "Lights".

In 1912, the future writer entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Kyiv University. After the outbreak of the First World War, he moved to Moscow: his mother, sister and one of the brothers lived here. However, during the war, Paustovsky almost did not study: at first he worked as a tram leader, then he got a job on an ambulance train.

“In the autumn of 1915, I transferred from the train to a field medical detachment and went with him a long retreat from Lublin in Poland to the town of Nesvizh in Belarus. In the detachment, from a greasy piece of newspaper that came across to me, I learned that on the same day two of my brothers were killed on different fronts. I was left completely alone with my mother, except for my half-blind and sick sister.

Konstantin Paustovsky

After the death of the brothers, Konstantin returned to Moscow, but not for long. He traveled from city to city, working in factories. In Taganrog, Paustovsky became a fisherman in one of the artels. Subsequently, he said that the sea made him a writer. Here Paustovsky began to write his first novel, Romantics.

During his travels, the writer met Ekaterina Zagorskaya. When she lived in the Crimea, the inhabitants of the Tatar village called her Hatice, and Paustovsky also called her: “I love her more than my mother, more than myself ... Hatice is an impulse, an edge of the divine, joy, longing, illness, unprecedented achievements and torment ...” In 1916, the couple got married. Paustovsky's first son, Vadim, was born 9 years later, in 1925.

Konstantin Paustovsky

Konstantin Paustovsky

Konstantin Paustovsky

"Profession: to know everything"

During the October Revolution, Konstantin Paustovsky was in Moscow. For some time he worked here as a journalist, but soon he again went to fetch his mother - this time to Kyiv. Having survived several upheavals of the Civil War here, Paustovsky moved to Odessa.

“In Odessa, I first got into the environment of young writers. Among the employees of the "Sailor" were Kataev, Ilf, Bagritsky, Shengeli, Lev Slavin, Babel, Andrey Sobol, Semyon Kirsanov, and even the elderly writer Yushkevich. In Odessa, I lived near the sea and wrote a lot, but I have not yet published, believing that I have not yet achieved the ability to master any material and genre. Soon the “muse of distant wanderings” took possession of me again. I left Odessa, lived in Sukhum, Batumi, Tbilisi, was in Erivan, Baku and Julfa, until finally I returned to Moscow.”

Konstantin Paustovsky

In 1923, the writer returned to Moscow and became an editor at the Russian Telegraph Agency. During these years, Paustovsky wrote a lot, his stories and essays were actively published. The author's first collection of short stories "Oncoming Ships" was published in 1928, at the same time the novel "Shining Clouds" was written. Konstantin Paustovsky during these years collaborates with many periodicals: he works in the Pravda newspaper and several magazines. The writer spoke of his journalistic experience as follows: "Profession: to know everything."

“The consciousness of responsibility for millions of words, the rapid pace of work, the need to accurately and accurately regulate the flow of telegrams, to select one of a dozen facts and switch it to all cities - all this creates that nervous and restless mental organization, which is called the “temperament of a journalist”.

Konstantin Paustovsky

"Tale of Life"

In 1931, Paustovsky finished the story "Kara-Bugaz". After its publication, the writer left the service and devoted all his time to literature. In the following years, he traveled around the country, wrote many works of art and essays. In 1936, Paustovsky divorced. The second wife of the writer was Valeria Valishevskaya-Navashina, whom he met shortly after the divorce.

During the war, Paustovsky was at the front - a war correspondent, then he was transferred to TASS. Simultaneously with his work at the Information Agency, Paustovsky wrote the novel "Smoke of the Fatherland", stories, plays. The Moscow Chamber Theater, evacuated to Barnaul, staged a play based on his work Until the Heart Stops.

Paustovsky with his son and wife Tatyana Arbuzova

The third wife of Konstantin Paustovsky was the actress of the Meyerhold Theater Tatyana Evteeva-Arbuzova. They met when they were both married and both left their spouses to start a new family. Paustovsky wrote to his Tatyana that "such love has not yet been in the world." They married in 1950, and their son Alexei was born the same year.

A few years later, the writer went on a trip to Europe. While traveling, he wrote travel essays and stories: "Italian Encounters", "Fleeting Paris", "Channel Lights". The book "Golden Rose", dedicated to literary creativity, was published in 1955. In it, the author tries to comprehend "the amazing and beautiful area of ​​\u200b\u200bhuman activity." In the mid-1960s, Paustovsky completed his autobiographical Tale of Life, in which he talks, among other things, about his creative path.

“... Writing has become for me not only an occupation, not only a job, but a state own life, my inner state. I often found myself living as if inside a novel or a story.

Konstantin Paustovsky

In 1965, Konstantin Paustovsky was nominated for Nobel Prize in literature, but Mikhail Sholokhov received it that year.

IN last years Konstantin Paustovsky suffered from asthma during his life, he had several heart attacks. In 1968, the writer died. According to the will, he was buried in the cemetery in Tarusa.