Socio-cultural institutions. Social institutions Social and cultural institutions examples

The third group is social cultural institutions, predominantly manifesting themselves in the organization of various types of informal creative activities: family, club and garden and park institutions, folklore, folk art, folk customs, rituals, mass holidays, carnivals, festivities, initiative cultural protection societies and movements.

In theory and practice, many other grounds are often used for typology of socio-cultural institutions: 1) according to the contingent of the population served: mass consumer (public), certain social groups (specialized), children, youth (children and youth); 2) by forms of ownership: state, public, joint-stock, private); 3) by economic status: non-profit (non-commercial), profitable (commercial or semi-commercial); 4) by the scale of action and audience coverage: international, national (federal), regional, local (local).

The structure of the socio-cultural sphere includes cultural subjects that provide mass cultural activities: clubs, entertainment establishments, children's institutions, mass media, cinema, video rental, museums, libraries, parks, educational establishments and subjects of art: concert halls, theaters, circus, galleries and exhibition halls, film studios, folk arts and crafts, art groups, educational institutions.

Thus, in the socio-cultural sphere, there are: art, professional artistic creativity, education; cultural and leisure activities of the population, mass folk art, education and amateur performances; social protection and rehabilitation of certain categories of citizens by means of culture, art, leisure, sports; interethnic and interstate cultural exchanges and cooperation; production infrastructure for the creation and maintenance of the material and technical base of the industry.

It is quite obvious that each of these sub-sectors lends itself to further gradation and the allocation of narrower and more specific types of organizations and activities. This differentiation is embodied both at the level of the adoption of legislative documents and in the practice of managing industries (departments of museums, theaters, libraries, club activities, regional authorities for culture and art).

However, the level of interrelations of various socio-cultural institutions on the federal and regional scales is far from being the same. There are several most characteristic indicators of this level: connections are strong and permanent; connections are meaningful and substantive; contacts are episodic; partners hardly cooperate; partners work in isolation.

The reasons for the episodic contacts between the socio-cultural institutions of the region are, as a rule, the lack of a clear idea of ​​the content and forms joint work, little experience of this cooperation, lack of a clear program, inconsistency of plans, lack of attention from municipal authorities, etc.

In the modern process of development and strengthening of cooperation between numerous communities and structures of the socio-cultural sphere, two trends can be distinguished. On the one hand, each socio-cultural institution, based on its profile and character, seeks to maximize its own potential, its own creative and commercial opportunities. On the other hand, it is quite natural for this group of subjects to strive for social partnership. Their joint, coordinated and coordinated actions are being strengthened on the basis of common, coinciding functions of socio-cultural activity.

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SCS includes creative, communicative, service subsystems in its structure.

SCI is a kind of social institutions, SCI is the subject of sociology and in sociology SCI is understood in two ways: (family institution, natural language, folklore, art, literature). 2. Institutional SCI - a social institution appears as a formally organized set of institutions and professional groups that have self-reproduction and a certain social purpose. Institutional SCI grew out of normative institutions. SCI are those formal or informal institutions that provide for the implementation of professional or non-professional cultural activities. The definition of SCI is made difficult by the fact that all SCI are related to culture. SCI will be considered those social institutions that create, preserve, assimilate spiritual and cultural values. The criteria for recognizing SCI follow from the definition of SCI - social institutions that ensure the implementation of cultural activities. The first criterion for recognizing the SCI is by the subject of the SCI, by the composition of employees:

1. Socio-cultural workers who are engaged in the storage and dissemination of spiritual and cultural values

2. Creative workers who create spiritual values

In addition, anonymous creators of folk cultural values ​​and morality were represented among the subjects. As a result, 3 SQI groups are found that intersect

SKI- those formal and informal institutions that ensure the implementation of professional or non-professional cultural activities.

SKI classification:

Spiritual and industrial social institutions, in which professional creative workers are employed:

Social and communication institutions in which professional SC workers are employed.

These SQIs are considered formal, because they have a certain material and technical base, are regulated by legislatively adopted legal norms (for example, "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture 1992").

in number cultural and leisure institutions type includes objects: functioning on an administrative-territorial basis, with a universally complex nature of activity: centers of culture and leisure, cultural-sports and socio-cultural complexes; rural

focused on the cultural interests of certain professional, national, cultural and other socio-demographic categories of the population (for example, clubs, centers and houses of the intelligentsia, books, cinema, aesthetic education of children, women, youth, pensioners; folklore, musical culture, technical creativity; national cultural centers

Cultural and leisure institutions: theaters, museums, cinemas, exhibition halls, concert halls, conservatories, discos, parks of culture and recreation, a park at the place of residence, a palace and a house of culture, clubs of interest.

SC centers can be: social and humanitarian (including rehabilitation and corrective); artistic and aesthetic; sports and recreation; scientific and technical.

In my work leisure centers should aim to achieve the following goals:- meeting the needs of all socio-demographic groups of the population, regardless of the level of their readiness for active leisure activities; - providing a set of activities that provides each of the visitors of the center with a full opportunity to implement leisure activities; - ensuring the progressive process of including the population in the modern sphere of leisure, fostering a culture of rational use of free time;

Activation of the activities of all existing public service institutions by developing and setting on their basis high-quality, modern leisure programs that are in demand among the population.

SKI functions:

Creative, individualization function, socialization function (dissemination of cultural values, providing access to them), social memory function (ensuring the preservation of cultural values).

SKD Decembrists

In the case of the Decembrists, 579 people were involved in the investigation and trial. 121 Decembrists were exiled to Siberia, five were executed. The word "Decembrist" comes either from the fact that the events took place in December (December 14, 1825) and this is bureaucratic slang, or this term was invented and written by Herzen A.I.

The Decembrists believed that Russia could be changed for the better by: the abolition of serfdom, the introduction of a constitutional monarchy, freedom of speech. This can be achieved by enlightening Russian society(it was assumed that the situation could be corrected in 20 years of enlightenment).

The victory of the Russian people in the Fatherland War of 1812 had not only military significance, but it had a huge impact on all aspects of the social, political and cultural life of the country, contributed to the growth of national self-consciousness, and gave a powerful impetus to the development of advanced social thought in Russia. The Decembrists believed (content of ideas): “ by the gradual improvement of morality and the spread of enlightenment ... society hoped to achieve a quiet and inconspicuous revolution in the government of the state».

The main means of disseminating advanced social ideas the Decembrists believed education and printing. The Decembrists sought to educate the people in the spirit of high morality, true patriotism, and love for freedom. In Russia, the system developed by the English teachers A. Bell and J. Lancaster, the system of mutual education (the elders help the younger ones), for the first time, since 1818, was used by the Decembrists in soldier's schools. Petersburg, the Decembrists founded Free society - establishment of schools according to the method of mutual education, which was led by the active figure of the Union of Welfare F.N. Glinka. This society coordinated the work of other "Lancaster schools" that arose in different cities of the country. The Decembrists always gave great importance public education children.(home schooling does not temper). The views of the Decembrists on education and pedagogy received
the most vivid reflection in the “Russian Truth” by P.I. Pestel
, which was, as it were, a project for the state transformation of Russia. According to the Decembrists, in the future state education should be public, universal and accessible to all citizens. Along with education Russkaya Pravda also speaks of other means of educating the people: mass holidays and educational events.

The condemned Decembrists tried by all available means to make their contribution to the education of the people, to the study of the region where they lived.
turned out to be, and the lives of the people inhabiting Siberia. The Decembrists proposed to use the desire of Siberians for education and allow the opening of schools everywhere primary education on
donations from the people.
The Decembrists proposed to open a museum of natural history in Irkutsk for a wide viewing and to organize a scientific committee to collect scientific information about Siberia. Of particular importance in the field of raising culture, the Decembrists proposed
education of the aboriginal peoples of Siberia.
Thus: They were "enlightened" by: joining in secret unions and societies. They began to conduct agitation and propaganda, based on the system of Lancaster education: a system of mutual education. Launched agitation work in the regiments. (PR. Semenovsky).

They tried to propagandize by means of the press, periodicals (did not work out).

They created the Union of Salvation, the Union of Welfare, the Northern Society, the Order of Russian Knights (based on the model of a Masonic organization).

Conclusion: The main SKD of the Decembrists was already carried out in Siberia. Engaged in the creation of schools, libraries.

Spread economic knowledge among the people.

They acted as researchers of Siberia: they wrote popular science works.

Subject: Socio-cultural institutions of the club type

Leonova Olga 111 group

Socio-cultural institutions- historically established stable forms of organization of joint activities of people, predetermining the viability of any society as a whole. They are formed on the basis of social connections, interactions and relations of individuals, social groups and communities, but they cannot be reduced to the sum of these individuals and their interactions. Social institutions are of a supra-individual nature and represent independent public formations with their own logic of development.

Club- (from the English club - an association of people connected by common goals). A form of voluntary society, an organization that brings people together for the purpose of communication based on common interests (political, scientific, artistic, etc.)

The club has always been and remains a socio-cultural institution, a center of leisure activities. This activity is carried out in free time, is completely self-managed, and its results are, as a rule, non-commercial. As a voluntarily united community of people, a club can acquire the status of a public organization, the status of a legal entity. In this case, he refers to himself all the rights and obligations inherent in the club institution and at the same time any small business.

Thus, a club in a broad sense is a state, public, commercial, private organization that has or may have the status of a legal entity, created and functioning on the basis of joint professional activities of cultural workers or a voluntary association of citizens. The main task of the club as a socio-cultural institution is to develop social activity and creativity of the population, the formation of cultural demands and needs, the organization of various forms of leisure and recreation, the creation of conditions for spiritual development and the most complete self-realization of the individual in the field of leisure. In accordance with its tasks and in accordance with the procedure established by law, a club or any other structure of a club type is granted the right to make various kinds of transactions and other legal acts necessary for the implementation of activities: alienate, take and lease movable and immovable property, have bank accounts institutions, stamps, letterheads and other requisites, act as a plaintiff and defendant in courts and arbitrations, as well as have their own publications and participate in all kinds of enterprises and promotions of a socio-cultural, leisure nature.

The structural units of the club as an institution are educational and creative studios, amateur associations, amateur art and technical creativity groups, interest clubs and other initiative formations, including cooperative ones, which are usually part of the club on the terms of an agreement or collective contract.

Clubs and similar structures of the club type can operate both independently and under state, cooperative, public organizations, enterprises, institutions. By decision of the labor collective and in agreement with the founding organization, club structures on a voluntary basis can be part of socio-cultural complexes as the main structural unit, ordinary subdivision, creative formation, as well as other structural units of the complex. http://new.referat. ru/bank-znanii/referat_view?oid=23900

Only a part of the country's population constitutes the real audience of clubs, that is, they are among those who are significantly involved in the activities of clubs and are influenced by them. The rest of the population is the potential audience.

The scope of influence of clubs of different groups of the population is very different. The most active in this regard are rural high school students and relatively young city dwellers with a lower than secondary education. People over 30, especially those with higher education, are in clubs much less often. 62


Sasykhov A.V. Club audience // Club studies: Tutorial for institutes of culture, arts and faculty. cult.-clearance. work ped. in-tov / Ed. S.N. Ikonnikova and V.I. Chepelev. - M.: Enlightenment, 1980. - S. 62-78.


N.V. Sharkovskaya

The article presents the author's definition of the concept of "socio-cultural institution", within the framework of pedagogical paradigms of socio-cultural activity, the role of socio-cultural institutions as the main mechanisms for regulating the manifestation of socio-cultural activity is shown. The problems facing modern institutions in terms of personality development, its cultural activity are revealed.

Key words: socio-cultural institution, personality activity.

This article is devoted to the consideration of the content essence of institutions that act as a special external mechanism through which the structure of socio-cultural activity affects the functioning of the structure of socio-cultural activity as an integral part of it.

It should be noted that in modern society, every person throughout his cultural life uses the services of countless socio-cultural institutions as a means of obtaining an initial orientation in his perception of the world. It is in this sense, in our opinion, that one should approach the understanding and disclosure of the essence of sociocultural institutions in the main areas of sociocultural activity.

Providing spiritual support to a person, realizing his ability to learn and advance to freedom, sociocultural institutions thereby free up significant temporary resources for him to display social and cultural activity in leisure creative pursuits. Therefore, a person needs sociocultural institutions, first of all, to stabilize his life, and most importantly, to free himself from the need to display disordered activity.

In general, in these statements we will touch upon both the social image of institutions - the reinforcement of a person's personal motivation from the outside, i.e. from the environment, and the internal one, which prevents the inappropriate use of its capabilities in the process of socio-cultural activity. All this emphasizes the complexity of studying this phenomenon, which cannot be easily explained.

To comprehend the actual complexity of the essence of a socio-cultural institution in the form of an activity outline of the socio-cultural activity of an individual, we conduct a theoretical analysis of this concept and, accordingly, its structure.

Thus, the initial concept of an institution that had a legal origin was presented by M. Orliu in the work “Fundamentals of Public Law”, translated into Russian in 1929. According to M. Orliu, who is considered the founder of the methodology of institutionalism, the concept of “institution” has several meanings. In the first meaning, it denotes any organization created by custom or positive law, the second meaning is associated with the presence in the concept of the institution of elements of social organization.

Comprehension of the presentation of the fundamental principle of the concept of institution, presented by M. Orliu, is essential for us not only in terms of directed consideration of the concepts of "social institution", "socio-cultural institution", but also the creation of the author's definition.

It should be noted that already in the XIX century. the methods of extracting the concept of an institution from scientific social knowledge were aimed at improving the ways of applying new methodological structures that explain its essence. All these techniques became the basis of the sociological approach (E. Durkheim), and then the concept of the institution began to be used and rethought as its methodological tools by representatives of other approaches, including cultural (B. Malinovsky), systemic (O.I. Genesaretsky ) and etc.

In modern humanities, there are several meanings of a certain

definition of the concept of "institution", including: a certain group of people performing public functions (J. Shchepansky); a set of roles and statuses designed to satisfy a certain social needs(N. Smelser); fundamental meaning-forming center human hostel(F. Heffe).

Using in the implementation theoretical analysis the concept of "social institution" the principle of consistency, we note the significance of not only the existence of different definitions of this concept in sociology, cultural studies, but also the existence of their complex subordination in the construction of general cultural and subjective reality. In addition, the ability of social institutions not only to contribute to the functioning of the life of society at a historical stage, but also to ensure its progressive development, guarantee the continuity of generations, the preservation of moral values ​​(N. Smelser) is directly projected onto the processes of personality development, its life choices, in the implementation of which social and cultural activity is manifested.

In socio-cultural activities, in particular in one of its predecessors - cultural and educational activities, the socio-cultural institute, according to E.M. Clusko is intended to be studied as a concept that includes a specific set of cultural and educational institutions that have peculiar features that allow them to be considered as a kind of unity and at the same time distinguish this institution from other social institutions of culture.

Actually, in the theory and organization of social and cultural activities, according to Yu.D. Krasilnikov, a socio-cultural institution should be understood as an active subject of a normative or institutional type, which has certain formal or informal powers, specific resources and means (financial, material, personnel, etc.) and performs an appropriate socio-cultural function in society.

In general, the given definitions of the concepts “social institution”, “sociocultural institution”, contained in the works of J. Shchepansky, N. Smelzer, E.M. Klyusko, Yu.D. Krasilnikov, are objective, although they leave out thinking, its types: conceptual, artistic, visual, visual-figurative. However, without them, it is impossible to recreate not only social norms and rules, but also cultural standards, interpersonal relations, because all of them in their integrity regulate the socio-cultural activity of the individual.

From this position, it seems to us methodologically sound approach to the definition of the concept of "sociocultural institution", based, on the one hand, on the functional aspect, reflecting a significant function or a set of social functions derived from the system of social relations that have developed in pedagogical process socio-cultural activities; and on the other - on the implementation, existing in relationship with role models social behavior subjects determined by the rules of institutions.

In our opinion, a socio-cultural institution is a complex social formation, the content of which is social relations and concerted collective actions, ordered for the purposes and means by the establishments existing in a particular environment, as well as forms of association of subjects in socio-cultural activities, expressed by systems of social rules, including .h the concept of resources. As a rule, in their totality, they are organizationally designed to perform certain functions in the field of active leisure that have social significance.

From the essence this definition it follows that the socio-cultural institution, being an open system for the formation of the socio-cultural activity of the individual, exists and develops according to the general formula: cultural needs - socially significant functions. However, it is important to take into account the fact that the process of development of these functions is carried out according to the internal laws of sociocultural institutions, including through overcoming their inherent contradictions. For example, a content block of external pro-

contradictions between “the fundamental ideas of a given society and the specific forms of existence of these ideas” (F. Heffe) in social institutions, including contradictions between differences in the requirements for subjects of socio-cultural activity from diverse institutions, between the value systems of new types of socio-cultural institutions and traditional ones, as well as internal contradictions, that is, within the same institution, as a whole contributes to their cultural change and, accordingly, the hierarchy of socially important functions.

From these general methodological positions, we can conclude that it is the subject himself, his activity, that is able to bring the above differences to some unity and find a mediating link between them and their own cultural desires and social interests. The possibility of achieving this is based on the freedom to choose one or another socio-cultural institution in the sphere of leisure, psychological and pedagogical trust in it.

Despite the fact that the sociocultural institution correlates with certain system the needs that it must satisfy (B. Malinovsky), including on the basis of their synthesis, the content of cultural needs often ambiguously reflects the essence of the conditions that caused the emergence of institutions in the social and cultural environment. To “remove” this contradiction, it is important to turn to the consideration of the socio-pedagogical component of the conditions that contribute to the emergence and successful functioning of socio-cultural institutions.

Based on the study of sociological, socio-pedagogical works by N. Smelzer, J. Shchepansky, A.V. Mudrik, we have identified the conditions that determine pedagogical success the actions of the system of institutions in terms of the formation of the socio-cultural activity of the individual. Among them, we will designate the priority ones: equal representation of the coexistence of traditional and innovative forms of organization of socio-cultural institutions to achieve the continuity of their use in the process of forming the socio-cultural activity of the individual; reasonable organization of sociocultural

institutions of free creative space for collective actions of representatives of social and cultural communities: small groups, corporate teams, public associations and formations, depending on specific situations.

In their unity, these conditions, which determine the progressive development of socio-cultural institutions, are in most cases subject to changes from the side of socio-historical time, which also does not always coincide with the time of the emergence and development of the cultural needs of society that give rise to certain institutions.

Thus, we approached the problem of integration of socio-cultural institutions, which allows us to identify their most effective forms and methods, the use of which, in turn, is designed to stimulate the manifestation of the socio-cultural activity of the individual.

According to what has been said, the process of integrating socio-cultural institutions into the pedagogical system of socio-cultural activities can be based on taking into account the initial provisions of the structural-functional approach, including:

structural elements personality as a subject of socio-cultural activity, its cultural needs and social interests, because in order to satisfy them, the subject is called upon to take an active part in the activities of socio-cultural institutions related both to the production, preservation of cultural values, and their distribution in society;

The logic of the main socially significant functions performed by sociocultural institutions, including the function of uniformity in the implementation of the sociocultural activities of subjects, on the basis of which the process of forming their role behavior in the sphere of leisure time takes place;

The dominance of "fundamental" (B. Malinovsky's term) sociocultural institutions as carriers of social experience and continuity to maintain the stability of cultural activities in society;

Schemes of the composition of a socio-cultural institution based on an institutional idea, an action procedure (goal, tasks, principles), in their totality expressed in rules, technologies, the structure of cultural values ​​and traditions as the spiritual image of the institution.

The discrepancy between sociocultural institutions that takes place in reality according to one or another of the indicated provisions leads to a change in the cultural component, as well as in the forms and methods of action, which is why, according to J. development.

We believe that the disclosure of the problem of the so-called. The “flexibility” of institutions acting as the main controlled mechanism through which the processes of formation and manifestation of the socio-cultural activity of an individual are carried out is quite possible when referring to pedagogical paradigms - models of socio-cultural activity developed by N.N. Yaroshenko. Existing in the paradigms of private initiative in the theory of out-of-school education, collective influence in the theory of cultural and educational activities and social activity of the individual, institutions fully reflect the dependence on the contexts of their formation: political, cultural, economic, socio-pedagogical, and therefore are the so-called their fragment .

Thus, the analysis of scientific materials from encyclopedic publications, magazines on the philosophy of culture (“Logos”, etc.) of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, covering the implementation of methodological concepts of out-of-school pedagogy, confirmed the significant representation in the educational process of mobile museums, folk exhibitions, clubs, folk houses of ideas of neo-Kantian philosophy. The most common of them were: the culture of the people and the freedom of the individual (P. Natorp), the active assertion of the individual within the boundaries of the metaphysical vision of the world (B.V. Yakovenko), the diversity of the creative aspirations of the individual in culture (I.I. Lapshin, F. Stepun) . The study of the pedagogical experience of the Lithuanian National House named after the Emperor

Torah Alexander III showed that a significant role in organizing the educational process for the development of social and cultural activity of adult workers, adolescents, and children belonged to the founder of this people's house, Countess S.V. Panina.

Between the 1930s and the early 1950s. 20th century as a result of the “coloring” of the goals of education with the ideas of party philosophy, not only the transmission of cultural values ​​through museums, exhibitions, libraries, but also the organization of the creative activity of the individual through clubs, educational societies were characterized by a stable politicized orientation. At the same time, the emergence of such new types of socio-cultural institutions as the all-Union society "Knowledge", modified forms of public universities - home universities that had a club model, etc., enriched the pedagogical fund of the theory and practice of cultural and educational work in terms of the development of socio-cultural activity. The reasons for their reorganization were directly related to the socio-political processes that took place in society in the late 1980s. 20th century

At the present stage of development of socio-cultural activities, among the most significant problems facing socio-cultural institutions in terms of personality development, its cultural activity, the following stand out:

- “blurring” of the essence of social guidelines in the system of interdependencies of modern models of education that ensure the management of the processes of cultural development of the individual;

Underestimation by young people of the role of folk art, the non-triviality of its types in the cultural life of society;

Difficulties in creating public youth unions of artistic, environmental and legal orientation, including due to insufficient exchange of social information between institutions and the individual;

Weak cognitive motivation of the younger generation to assimilate social and cultural programs, projects offered by socio-cultural institutions,

including institutions additional education;

Uneven representation and, accordingly, the implementation of the constructive parts of the methodological support of sociocultural institutions: education, psychological and pedagogical diagnosis and counseling, as well as management.

Inattention to the solution of the identified problems leads to a delay in the development of an individual's activity in the sphere of sociocultural institutions or makes it insufficiently complete.

1. Orliu M. Fundamentals of public law. M., 1929. S. 114.

2. Klyusko E.M. Ways to increase the social activity of workers in the management of culture

3. Kiseleva T.G., Krasilnikov Yu.D. Socio-cultural activities. M., 2004. S. 295-296.

4. Yaroshenko N.N. Socio-cultural activity: paradigms, methodology, theory: monograph. M., 2000.

Received August 15, 2008

Sharkovskaya N.V. Social-cultural institutes - behavioral base of personality's social-cultural activity. The article gives the author's definition of the notion “social-cultural institute” is presented in the article. Within the framework of pedagogical paradigms of social-cultural activeness, the role of social-cultural institutes as the main mechanisms of social-cultural activeness manifestation is shown. The problems the modem institutes face from the point of personality development are revealed.

Key words: social-cultural institute, personality activeness.


SOUTH. Deryabin

The article is devoted to the experimental consideration of the problem of the formation of the spiritual and moral qualities of young people in the conditions of a modern museum. The paper notes that the museum is both a social institution and a special, unique means of transmitting social experience, the connection of history, the past with the present and the future in being. modern society. In such a situation, it is necessary to take into account and create the necessary socio-cultural conditions for the formation of the spiritual and moral qualities of young people in the activities of a modern museum, which has great potential.

Key words: youth, museum, morality, spirituality.

One of the most significant tasks of modern Russian society is to ensure his self-identification and spiritual and moral self-determination in accordance with the realities modern world. Obviously, it can be achieved only in the course of such a revival of the country, which would be oriented not only towards the goals of the present and future, but also take into account the influence of the past, the traditions of domestic and world culture. And this is impossible without the formation of new spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.

diverse forms of translation and inclusion of socio-cultural experience in the being and institutions of society. Thanks to these forms, a special “fabric” of society and its space is created, in which the past acquires the status of a cultural and semantic code of the present. In the context of the process of social reproduction, the role and features of the existence of a modern museum as a specific "part" and function of society are revealed. The fact is that “in the museum, a person is connected to the cultural code of his contemporary culture and actualization of the socio-cultural experience necessary for this culture” .

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