How long should a class hour be at school? Methods of organizing and conducting a class hour in elementary school. Class hour on the topic: "The New Year is coming around the world"

Subject: Always walk the path of good

Target : to form in students a value orientation, the desire to do good deeds, to encourage good feelings, education of respect and good attitude towards other people.


Teaches you to think about moral essence deed;

To let children feel that kindness is a joy for others and for oneself;

To cultivate kindness and mercy, respect for each other and others, the desire to help.

Equipment: slide presentation, phonograms of children's songs, handouts.


Emotional mood

Hello guys! I am very glad to see your kind faces, radiant eyes again! Let's give a piece of our good mood to each other! Smile!

Read the epigraph to our lesson. What do you think, what will be discussed today?

Opening speech

Guys, listen to the story.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Love on Earth. It was boring for her to live in the world without a girlfriend. So she turned to the old, gray-haired, who had lived for a hundred years, the wizard.

Help me, grandfather, to choose a girlfriend so that I can be friends with her all the life God has given me.

The magician thought and said:

Come see me tomorrow morning.

In the morning, Love came to the appointed place and sees: 5 beautiful girls are standing by the pines, one more beautiful than the other.

Here, choose, - said the wizard grandfather. One is called Joy, the other is Luck, the third is Beauty, the fourth is Sorrow, the fifth is Kindness.

They are all beautiful, said Love. I don't know who to choose...

You're right, the wizard replied, they're all good. And you will still meet them in your life, and maybe you will be friends, but choose one of them. She will be your friend for life.

Love thought. Then she walked over to one of them and held out her hand.

The girl took her hand and led her along the road that goes beyond the horizon.

Which way do you think the girls went?(speculation)

But on which road they went, try to determine by listening to the verse from the song.

(Yu. Entin's song "The Road of Kindness" sounds)

What do you think the girl's name was?(Kindness)

Determining the theme and goals through listening to the song

Everyone wants to be happy and for this he tries to choose the right path. Today we will also set out on the same road. This will be the path of GOOD. The theme of our lesson is called "Always follow the path of good."

Our goal: (children's statements)

Recall what the concept of "kindness" includes;

Reflect on what it means to be kind;

Learn to see people next to you, especially in need of kindness;

Try to determine whether you need to wait for a request for help or do good yourself. And for this we will perform several tasks.

Analytical conversation

How do you understand what the word "KINDNESS" means?

There are many different dictionaries in Russian. Let's compare your understanding of this word with how Sergei Ozhegov's Dictionary of the Russian Language explains it.

KINDNESS - responsive, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

What does it mean to "do good to others"?

Did you know that in the Old Slavonic alphabet the letter "D" was called "GOOD".

Since ancient times, people have strived for good and hated evil, and they reflected this idea in a proverb that is passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation.

I offer you a task that will show your knowledge of proverbs about kindness.

Pair work

You need to connect the beginning of the proverb with its end with lines.


Good deeds make a person beautiful. If you do good, you will find good.

A good person brings peace. Life is given for good deeds.

He who has not met evil does not understand good.

What do these proverbs teach?

Do you follow these proverbs in your life? What good deeds have you done so far?

good and evil - these are the main, basic concepts of morality (morality). Everything that helps man and nature is good for them. What harms it is evil. Supreme Manifestation goodness: peace and love for the Motherland, for mother, other people, near and far, for the living and the dead, for business, nature, etc. The highest manifestation of evil is war, murder.

Look at the blackboard and choose the words to define the concepts of good and evil:


Indifference Mercy Aggression Love Hate Compassion Envy Sympathy Betrayal Empathy RudenessIndifference Caring Willingness to help

The game "Recognize the cartoon character"

Is this a good or evil hero and why did you decide that?

“But my health is not very good.

It breaks the paws

then the tail falls off.

… And the other day I started to shed.

Old wool is shedding off me, even though you don’t go into the house.

But the new one grows clean, silky,

so my anxiety increased.

(Ball from the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino")

2. His favorite song is:

And when it's the other way around, it's hard.
If you are kind, it is always easy,
And when it's the other way around, it's hard.

(Cat Leopold)

3. This heroine wanted to become the mistress of the sea and that she had a goldfish on parcels.

4. Beware of any disease:
Flu, sore throat and bronchitis.
Calls you all to fight
Glorious doctor....


5. A girl appeared in a cup of a flower.

And there was that girl a little more than a fingernail.

In a nutshell the girl slept,

What a girl, how small she is!

Who has read a book about this and knows a baby girl?


6 . He looks like a shepherd:
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs, baring his mouth,
Ready to attack the sheep

7. She often sang:

“He who helps people is wasting his time.
Good deeds cannot be celebrated.
Therefore, I advise everyone and everyone
Do everything exactly the same
How does the old woman named ... "


8. This hero said:

“Happiness is when everyone is at home!”

(Domovyonok Kuzya)

9. I fly in a mortar,

I kidnap children

I live in a hut on a chicken leg,

golden-haired beauty,

And my name is...


10. He lives in the wilderness of the forest,

My heart is a hero.

He shakes his bones

And scares everyone around.

What is this old man?

Well, of course, ...

(Koschei the Immortal)

11. An evil shard of cold ice

Stuck in the baby's heart.

Her reign is not long,

When there is a kind soul.

(The Snow Queen)

Through fairy tales, the human soul is brought up, the best feelings awaken. When we read fairy tales, watch, listen, we always worry about our heroes, rejoice for them, when everything works out for them, everything is fulfilled.

Everything works out in fairy tales, but in real life it doesn't. It is not for nothing that they say that soon a fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. And fairy tales are given to us so that we learn to live, learn goodness, love, beauty, joy.

Guys, do you always notice around you those people who especially need human kindness? Think about it.

Reading a poem. Content conversation.

Kindness last shirt

He will take it off his shoulders and give it to the beggar.

Will plant gardens that look like a fairy tale,

And in misfortune he will not betray a friend.

Do not offend the good old woman,

caresses a small child

And give the last piece

Leaving no crust for yourself.

Kindness is like the sun, warm wind,

You can't bill her.

Kindness comes to us as a gift

Valued above all bounties.

Kindness in the eyes of a radiant light

Reflects the path of your soul.

In a good deed and a bold decision

All her actions are good.

We will live in harmony and faith,

Speak the truth and don't lie!

Let's spread kindness everywhere

To not reap evil later!

What is she calling for? Yes, we like to be in society good people but for this we must be good people ourselves.

Drawing up the rules of kindness

Let's make with you the rules of kindness, using which we will become truly kind.

  1. Help people.
  2. Protect the weak.
  3. Share the latest with a friend.
  4. Don't envy.
  5. Forgiving others' mistakes.


Try not to attack, but to yield.

Don't take, give.

Do not show a fist, but stretch out a palm.

Don't shout, but listen.

Do not tear, but glue.


REMEMBER: Good is what contributes to the moral perfection of a person and the salvation of his soul. Evil is something that contributes to the moral degradation of a person, pushes to evil deeds and, tempting to commit sin, destroys the soul. Evil usually appears under the guise of false good, trying to replace true good.


Our Classroom hour came to an end. Did you like it? Are you in a good mood? Let's use facial expressions to show our mood (smile), use gestures to thank each other for the work (applause) and say all together (thank you).

Guys let's take a lookcartoon just like that.

How do you know what this cartoon is about? (children's answers: that good deeds should be done just like that).


1. O.E. Zhirenko, E.V. Lapina, T.V. Kiseleva "Classroom hours on ethical and aesthetic education: grades 1-4" - Moscow: "VAKO", 2007.

2. S.O. Dombek, N.V. Lebedeva “Cool cool things in primary school"- M.: TC Sphere", 2007.

3. "Primary School" No. 8 2012

4. L.N. Yarovaya, L.N. Zhirenko. " extracurricular activities". Grade 3. - Moscow: "VAKO", 2005.


Name the opposite

Bad is good

Evil is good

War is peace

Greed - generosity

Rudeness - politeness

Cruelty - kindness

Lie is true

Betrayal - devotion

Evil and good live in our world.

Anger cannot be saved in oneself!

This feeling is terrible!

Know to be a villain in life -

The most horrible.

Touch each other's hands. What are they?

I wasn't wrong. Only good people have such palms. So let them always be like this, because a person with good hands cannot do evil.


A man must be judged by his deeds. Sometimes the germ of cruelty is so microscopic that it is sometimes very difficult to see it. "Well, beat, beat your grandmother," the old woman says with tenderness to the three-year-old strong man. And with such innocent amusements, the child is inspired with the idea that it is funny to hurt another and that this is your strength. What do you think will happen to this boy? Children's answers.

Moderator: And what is the custom in your class?(We analyze the situation together with the class)

  • 1. Your friend is ill, does not go to school, what will you do? (I will visit him, tell him about life at school, bring the assignment, explain, help him complete it, fulfill his requests, try to cheer him up)
  • 2. Tell me, how do boys in your class treat girls? Do we have knights in the class? (Sometimes boys offend girls. It seems to me that we have a “knight” in the class, he is always polite and attentive with the girls, he will help open the door, let the girls go ahead, help in everything)
  • 3. You are walking past two kids fighting. Your actions? (I will sort out the conflict, try to reconcile, explain who is wrong and how to do the right thing)
  • 4. Do you often insult each other in your class and how do you feel about it? (Sometimes they insult, most often boys. I don’t like this behavior. I try to explain that it’s not nice and very offensive to the one who was insulted)
  • 5. Boys play football. Andrei approached them and asked: “Can I play with you? Anton replied: "You will owe your bun for this." Is Anton right? (Of course, Anton is wrong. He himself may find himself in the same situation. I think that he would not like such a condition and then he will think about his bad deed)

Exercise "Zigzag"

Two people are called from each row. Everyone takes turns calling (1-good qualities, or good deeds; 2-qualities of an evil person or bad deeds)

The one who names positive qualities or actions moves forward, the one who names negative (negative) actions steps back.

Leading: Guys, look, in our exercise, those who called positive qualities were in front, and those who called negative ones were behind. Here, it is the same in life, those who do good deeds are always ahead. They develop, move forward, they are respected. And those who commit negative (negative) actions always end up behind, do not develop, do not move forward, they are not respected.

"Song of Kindness"

(Words and music by Tatyana Mukhametshina)

In this huge world in which you and I live,

Not enough warmth, not enough human kindness.

Together we will learn to protect and love each other,

Let's learn together to each other, like stars, to shine.

In the spring the water will rustle

In winter the winds will sing.

Come on, friends, always

Wish each other well!

Let them not give us marks at school for the generosity of the soul,

Once you take it and do good just like that,

And then in the cold it will smell achingly in spring,

And then there will be more than one smile on earth!

Hundreds of roads are waiting for us, but everyone will have their own,

And to reach the goal, of course, friends will help.

Good deeds

Do good -

a kind person

Who has not met with evil,

life is given

you will find good

brings peace

paint a person

for good deeds

he does not understand good

Methodology for organizing and conducting a class hour in

primary school.

One of the main forms of extracurricular educational work has been and remains the class hour.

A classroom hour is a form of educational work in which students, under the guidance of a teacher, are included in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of a system of relations to the outside world. V.P. Sergeeva

The class hour is a form of frontal, educational work that is flexible in composition, which is a communication of the class teacher with the students of the class, specially organized during extracurricular time, in order to promote the formation of the class team and the development of its members. E.N.Stepanov

The class hour performs various educational functions: educational, orienting, guiding and shaping.

    The educational function is to expand the information field of students on ethics, aesthetics, mathematics, about events and phenomena taking place in the country, in the world, in the city, in the family, i.e. any phenomenon of social life can become an object of consideration.

    The orienting function is the discussion of moral problems and moral values ​​that are relevant for a given age. If the educational function involves getting to know the world, then the orienting function implies its assessment. These functions are inextricably linked.

    The guiding function is the acquisition of practical experience by students in the discussion of moral and worldview problems; provides for the transfer of a conversation about life into the real practice of students, directs their activities. This function acts as a real impact on the practical side of the life of schoolchildren, their behavior, their choice of life path setting life goals and their implementation.

    Formative function - the development of students' self-esteem and self-control, analytical skills when discussing a particular topic of the classroom.

Most often, the class hour simultaneously performs all functions: it enlightens, orients, shapes, and directs students.

Topics and content class hours classroom teacher determines when he will study the level of upbringing of schoolchildren, their moral ideas, views, interests, desires, judgments (using a questionnaire, conversation), identify problems of education and relationships in the team. The teacher can involve children and their parents in identifying the most important topics for class time.

Preparation of the class teacher for the classroom hour involves the following actions:

1) defining the theme of the class hour, formulating its purpose based on the tasks of educational work with the team;

2) careful selection of material, taking into account the goals and objectives set, based on the requirements for the content of the class hour (relevance, connection with the life, experience of students, compliance with their age characteristics, imagery and emotionality, logic and consistency);

3) drawing up a plan for preparing and conducting a class hour;

4) involving schoolchildren in active activities during the preparation period and during the classroom, using a variety of methods and techniques that affect the consciousness, feelings and behavior of students, increasing interest and attention to the problem under discussion;

5) selection of visual aids, musical arrangement, preparation of the premises, creation of an environment conducive to a frank, relaxed conversation;

6) determining the expediency of participation in the class hour of students and their parents, friends, older and younger comrades, school employees, specialists on the topic of the class hour;

7) determination of their role and position in the process of preparing and conducting an educational hour;

8) identifying the possibility of consolidating the information received at the classroom hour in the future practical activities children.

In order for the class hour to turn out, it is necessary that its content meets the following requirements:

    Classroom hours should be built in such a way that in their content they go from simple to complex, from information to assessments, from assessments to judgments.

    During the class hour, the class teacher should not impose his opinion and his judgments on the students, but he should tactfully correct the opinions of the students and assist in finding the right solution.

    Should be considered psychological features students in the construction of the content of the class hour. The class content should include different kinds activities.

    The class hour should carry a positive emotional charge, develop the feelings of students, positive emotions.

    The class hour should contain a reflective (final) part. This is the moment when the child will be able to evaluate the class hour itself, and the time spent on it, and their attitude to this class hour.

When preparing and conducting class hours, various methods are used: a) storytelling, reading newspaper and magazine materials, followed by discussion, reviews of periodicals; b) lectures conducted by invited experts; c) questioning and analysis of its results; d) round table discussions, discussion of specific events; e) acquaintance with works of art, elements of the artistic and creative activity of the students themselves (when they sing, draw, compose during the classroom hour); f) appeals to the statements of prominent people with subsequent discussion; and) , brainstorm'', work in creative groups.

Practice shows that the methods and elements of the methodology of collective creative activity are the most effective and interesting for children.

Depending on the method of conducting class hours are divided into three types.

TOfirst kind include class hours, which require wide knowledge, life and pedagogical experience from the class teacher. In the course of their conduct, children are only involved in the discussion of certain issues, the presentation of facts and examples. Such, for example, are class hours on the topics: “What is self-education?”, “How to develop memory?”, “On individuality and individualism”, etc. It is advisable to conduct some class hours of this type, involving specialists - a doctor, psychologist, lawyer. The task of the class teacher is to assist them in preparing a conversation or speech.

Second view classroom hours is characterized by the joint activities of the class teacher and students. The definition of the main ideas and content, as a rule, belongs to the teacher, and the teacher develops the ways and methods of their implementation together with the children. Under the guidance of a teacher, schoolchildren prepare separate fragments of an educational hour, the teacher leads a class hour, involving children in a discussion of the problem, combining the performances of schoolchildren and individual groups into a single whole. Approximate topics of such class hours: “About culture appearance”, “On the beauty of internal and external”, “Do good for the sake of good”, etc.

Third view classroom hours involves an active independent work the students themselves. Responsibility for their preparation and implementation rests with a group of schoolchildren. The class teacher, together with the students, thinks over only ideas, the general composition of the class hour, helps the micro-teams to compose creative tasks. At self-training in groups, students show a creative approach, a lot of fiction, fantasy, a spirit of competition arises between groups. The students themselves lead the educational hour, the teacher only occasionally directs them. After class hours of this type, it is advisable to sum up, evaluate the work of the groups.

The choice of the type of class hour depends on the topic, the content of the material, the age of the students, their level of knowledge on this issue, the experience of collective activity, and also pedagogical excellence And individual characteristics class teacher, the nature of his relationship with students.

For the preparation and conduct of a classroom hour, there is an algorithm that allows the most rational and competent organization of the educational process.Algorithm elements:

    Definition of the topic, goals and objectives.

    Choice of format and title.

    Preliminary preparation:

Select appropriate material, visual aids, musical arrangement, etc. on this topic;

Make a plan for conducting;

Give homework students for preliminary preparation for the classroom;

Determine the degree of expediency of participation in the class hour of other teachers or parents.

4. Holding the event itself.

5. Pedagogical analysis is performed at two levels:

Discussing with students the success (not success) of the objective result of designing more productive activities in the future;

Actually pedagogical analysis- analysis of the educational result, carried out by adult participants.

Structurally, the class hour consists of three parts: introductory, main and final.

The purpose of the introductory part: to activate the attention of students, to ensure a sufficiently serious and respectful attitude to the topic of conversation, to determine the place and significance of the issue under discussion in human life, production, the development of society and science

The goals of the main part are determined educational tasks class hour.

During the final part, it is important to stimulate the need for self-education of schoolchildren, their desire to make changes in the work of the class.

Class 1-4 class hour can last up to 15-20 minutes.

Organization and conduct of the classroom.

1. Title (the title displays the theme of the class hour, it should not only accurately reflect the content, but also be concise, attractive in form).

2. Purpose, tasks (tasks should be very specific and reflect this content).

3. Equipment (extracurricular equipment includes various means: manuals, toys, videos, transparencies, literature, etc.).

4. Form of holding (for example, an excursion, a quiz, a competition, a performance, etc.)

5. Move

1. Organizational moment (0.5 - 3 min.) Purpose: to switch children from learning activities to another type of activity, arouse interest in this type of activity, positive emotions.

Common Mistakes: duplication of the beginning of the lesson, protracted time.

1. surprise in organizational moment, i.e. the use of a riddle, problematic issues, game moment, sound recording, etc.

2. changing the organization of children (the location of children on the carpet, around) or moving to another room (school museum, library, music class, etc.)

2. Introductory part (from 1/5 to 1/3 of the time of the whole lesson).

Purpose: to activate children, arrange them for educational influence, determine the level of children's awareness on this topic, "throw a bridge" from personal experience child to the topic of the lesson. At this stage, the teacher needs not only to “ignite” the children, but also to determine whether adjustments need to be made during the lesson. For example, the teacher counted on the novelty of his message and planned a story, and the introductory conversation showed that the children are familiar with this problem. Then the teacher needs to replace the story with a conversation or a game situation.

Typical mistakes:

1. The teacher builds the introductory part not on children's activity, but on his own, excluding feedback.

2. The teacher does not attach importance to the emotional mood of the children.

In the introductory part, the teacher forms the primary ideas of children about the upcoming lesson, organizes their activities, i.e. introduces the assessment system, informs the lesson plan, breaks it into teams, explains the necessary rules.

If children are divided into teams, then it is necessary to build their actions not on rivalry, but on cooperation. In this case, the following technique is effective: instead of points for correct answers, teams are given parts of a cut picture. When summing up in the final part, the overall picture is collected from these pieces and it becomes obvious that it is not the number of points that matters, but the overall result. In the introductory part, you can use a variety of methods and means of activating children: a conversation, a rebus, a crossword puzzle, a task for ingenuity.

3. The main part (in terms of time, the longest 2/4 of the time).

Purpose: implementation of the main idea of ​​the lesson.

Typical mistakes:

1. The activity of the teacher with partial or complete passivity of children.

2. Monotony of methods - only conversation or story.

3. The predominance of methods for the formation of consciousness over the methods of formation of behavior.

4. Creation of the educational atmosphere of the lesson.

5. Edifying.

Recommendations: 1. The educational effect will be higher if the children are as active as possible in the lesson. In activating children in the classroom, the creation of a special emotional atmosphere that is different from the lesson is of paramount importance. For example, children are not required to raise their hand and stand up. To maintain discipline introduced special rules: answers the one to whom the arrow showed, a phantom fell out, etc.

2. The creation of a warm atmosphere is facilitated by the absence value judgments in the speech of the teacher: “correct”, “wrong”, “well done”, and the use of benevolent, emotional reactions instead of assessments: “How interesting”, “Thank you for new version"," Wow! ", Wow!"

4. The final part (from 1/5 - 1/4 of the time).

Purpose: to set children up for practical use acquired experience and determine how successful the idea of ​​the lesson was realized.

Typical mistakes: this part is ignored altogether or reduced to two questions: “Did you like it?”, “What did you learn new?”.

1. Test tasks in an attractive form for children: a crossword puzzle, mini-quiz, blitz, game situation and more to determine the primary results.

2. A variety of recommendations for children on the application of the experience gained in their personal lives (this may be a show of books on this issue; a discussion of situations in which children can apply the skills or information gained in the lesson; advice - what they can tell their loved ones, what to ask on this topic; where you can go, what to look for, what you can play, what you can do yourself).

Forms of the class hour can be very different. The choice of the form of the class hour depends on the level of development of the team, on the characteristics of the class, on the age characteristics of the children.

The following classroom forms are distinguished:

class meeting;

Conversation (ethical, moral);


Meetings with interesting people;

Quizzes by various areas knowledge;

Discussions (discussions can be free, or there can be discussions on a given topic);


Interactive games;

travel games;

Theatrical premieres;


Reader conferences.

Tips for organizing a class hour:

    The content of class hours should be built in such a way as to gradually move from subject information to its assessment, from general assessments to detailed judgments.

    In the process of discussing the questions posed, the class teacher should be very attentive to the students' performances, should make the necessary adjustments, raise additional questions, focus on important points, reflect together with the children and help them find the right solutions to the moral problem.

    It is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of the perception of the material by students, monitor their attention and, if it decreases, use material that is interesting in content or raise a sharp question, use musical break, change the type of activity, etc.

    The amount of time spent on a class hour depends on the topic of the hour, its purpose, the intended result, the age of the participants in the class hour, the form of its conduct, the situation of life and the development of the class team.

    The class hour should not be held in an edifying tone, the class teacher should not suppress the initiative of students during the class hour, their desire to express their opinion, to criticize.

    In order for the class hour to be interesting to all students, and they have a desire to take part in its preparation, the children are recommended to name the topics of all class hours planned in the class. Each student is given the right to participate in the preparation and conduct of that class hour, which is somehow interesting to him.

Criteria for the effectiveness of the class hour:

personal significance for students

comfort, favorable psychological climate

an opportunity for the manifestation and development of individual and creative abilities of schoolchildren.

enrichment of life experience of students

spiritual and moral value

involvement of students in the preparation and conduct of the classroom


The moral hour of communication requires a good preparation of an adult for such a conversation. After all, a class hour devoted to moral problems should prepare students for adulthood. Formed moral values will become the basis and basis for the adult moral behavior of pupils.

Goals of the moral classroom:

1. Education of students in order to develop their own moral views, judgments, assessments.

2. Study, comprehension and analysis of the moral experience of generations. 3. Critical reflection and analysis of their own moral actions, as well as the actions of peers and classmates,

4. Development of moral personal qualities such as kindness, the desire to help other people, the ability to admit one's mistakes, analyze them and draw conclusions, the ability to forgive and be forgiven, the ability to prove one's case and recognize the rightness of other people, etc.

When preparing for a moral class hour or a series of moral class hours, the class teacher can conduct a preliminary diagnosis of students' understanding of moral concepts and moral situations.

For example, you could invite students to reflect on (interpret) the following moral concepts:freedom, good, evil, responsibility, independence, duty, honor, dignity, obligation, right, love, friendship, obligation, openness, etc.

The ability of students to give an explanation of such concepts determines the choice of the class teacher of the future topics of moral class hours.

The preparation of a moral class hour should be accompanied by serious preliminary work, namely:

I. Definition of the topic

Having determined the topic of the class hour, the class teacher asks the students to find an interpretation of the moral concepts written on the blackboard in the dictionary and give their explanation to the teacher. Of course, not all the guys in the class will start looking in dictionaries for explanations of moral concepts, but those guys who can do this should become assistants in preparing such class hours.

P. Material selection

Periodicals, events and facts can serve as material for preparing a moral class hour. real life countries, schools, classes, as well as plots of feature films, fiction.

It also happens that a moral class hour is held unplanned, as it is associated with the current situation in the class or school. The main thing is that such a meeting with the guys does not turn into edification and lecturing. The moral class hour is the time of the search for truth, the meaning of one's own existence, both for an adult and a child, together with students; extraction moral lessons which will become the general line of behavior in adult life.

It should be noted that the moral class hour cannot be held often. In this case, moral class hours cease to be interesting and meaningful for children. It is enough to hold such a class hour once every quarter: the main thing is that it be significant in the life of the children, a noticeable event in the life of the class, arouse in the children a desire to participate in such events in the future.



Goals and forms of intellectual-cognitive class hours

intellectual development students is an integral part of the educational work of the class teacher. Today, the school faces new tasks - not only to give the student a certain amount of knowledge, and then evaluate how well and skillfully he manages this knowledge, but to teach him to independently receive various knowledge in accordance with his intellectual data. Extra-curricular activities should be aimed at developing the intellectual skills of students, at developing personal structures of consciousness - a reflection of self-awareness of their capabilities and the desire for their self-improvement.

The following forms of work with schoolchildren can serve the development of the intellectual sphere of students, their self-knowledge and self-actualization:

Intellectual marathons;

Days of intellectual creativity;

Protection of intellectual projects;

Intellectual rings and quizzes;

Meeting of clubs of intellectuals;

School of Intellectual Development.


The purpose of the thematic class hour is to develop the horizons of students, to promote the spiritual development of students, the formation of their interests and spiritual needs, the ability to self-development and self-expression.

Thematic class hours require serious preparation from the teacher and can be united by a specific topic for a long time. These hours can be the beginning and end of serious classroom work that can be supplemented by other forms of extracurricular work.

Thematic class hours give a greater result if they are built taking into account the age of students, the needs of an educational nature in the class team.

Information class hour

The information class hour should broaden the horizons of children, acquaint them with periodicals and extract from it a lot of interesting and useful things for their own development, form the inquisitiveness of the mind and research skills of students. Information hours can be thematic and overview.

Overview information hours introduce students to current events in the world, country and city.

Thematic information hours acquaint students with the problems of today, with interesting phenomena and events of our life, anniversaries of memorable events in the life of the country.

When preparing an information class hour, the class teacher may be guided by the following rules.

Rule one. The information class hour should be relevant and up-to-date.

Rule two. The information that the guys discuss should be interesting and entertaining, taking into account the age of the students.

Rule three. The information must be known to the whole class in advance.

Rule four. The information that the class teacher offers to students must be impartial.

Rule five. The information class hour should develop the intellectual skills of students (the ability to compare, generalize, draw a conclusion).

The main forms of work during the information hour can be the following:

*newspaper reports;

* retelling of events in the world and the country using newspaper texts;

* travel on maps and globes;

*commented reading of newspaper and magazine materials;

*watching and discussing TV materials.

An information class hour can take the form of:


    information ring;

    erudite competition;

    competition of cartoonists and poster artists;

    meetings and excursions;

    holidays of newspapers and magazines;

    time travel.

The classroom plays a big role in the lives of students. This is a form of mass educational work that is flexible in content and structure, which is a specially organized communication of the class teacher with the students of the class during extracurricular time in order to promote the formation, development of the class team and self-actualization of participants in educational interaction.

Methodical development of a class hour « 9th May - Victory Day"

"The girls go to war ..."

No, it's not the huts that are burning -

That my youth is on fire ...

Girls go to war

Similar to guys.

Julia Drunina

Purpose of the event - patriotic education of students

Event objectives:

expansion of children's ideas about the Great Patriotic War;

education of a value attitude to the heroic past of our Fatherland;

knowledge national heroes and the most important events in the history of Russia;

encouraging students to study the history of the country.

Conduct form - hour of communication

Preparatory work - distribution among children of information material

Equipment - presentation, music recordings, film stills

Class hour progress

I. Introductory speech of the teacher:

WITH ancient times, it so happened that a defender, a warrior, a soldier was a man. purpose

women - wait for a husband, father, brother from the war. Keep the hearth, raise and educate children.

However, if you turn to history, you can find out that the representatives the weaker sex was accepted

participation in battles and battles.

According to historians, in IV BC women fought in Athens and Sparta.

Russian historian Nikolai Karamzin noted: “Slav women sometimes went to war with their fathers and

spouses without fear of death. So during the siege of Constantinople in 626, the Greeks found among the dead

Slavs many female corpses.

IN XX century, in the first world war, in England, women were already taken into the royal military air

strength. A women's legion of vehicles was formed in the amount of one hundred thousand people.

During the Second World War, women already served in all branches of the military in many countries of the world:

in the English army 225 thousand, in the American 450 -500 thousand.

IN Soviet army, according to various estimates of historians, fought from eight hundred thousand to a million women.

They owned all military specialties, including the most "male". Even arose

language problem: the words "tanker", "infantryman", "submachine gunner" did not have a feminine gender,

because this work has never been done by a woman. These words were born there, in the war ...

Huge losses Soviet troops at the beginning of the war, they forced the commander-in-chief I.V. Stalin publish

protection. There were few women's units: three air regiments (the only case in history),

women's volunteer rifle brigade, separate women's reserve rifle brigade

regiment, Central Women's School of Sniper Training. Separate women's company

seafarers. Women accounted for 41% of all doctors, 43% of paramedics, 100% of nurses.

II. Main part

(Two prepared students read a poem by Lyubov Lodochnikova )

War and woman - words are incompatible,

But life dictates its rights to us.

And how many of them, beloved, tender, sweet,

That terrible year took away.

Fragile, thin and in the lowest rank,

You worked miracles in the war.

She was the support of a strong man,

You can't be weak next to you.

You pulled out so many strong ones from death,

You will be remembered by the one you saved

We understand what you experienced

For which the motherland gave awards.

Radio operator, nurse, partisan

And she was a brave pilot.

Everywhere needed: on land and at sea -

You went where the country called.

War for everyone is a harsh time,

In captivity, in the rear, war is war for everyone.

We will sing glory to you separately:

You were a brave soldier.

teacher's word :

Of course, it is impossible to grasp the immensity - talk about all the women - military.

Here are stories about just a few of them.

1. Marina Mikhailovna Raskov- pilot, hero Soviet Union, installed several

women's longest flight records. Created a female combat

light bomber regiment.

The girls of the air regiments flew on light night bombers. - 2 (On - 2). girls

affectionately named their cars " swallows". Plywood airplane with low speed.

Every flight to - 2 was fraught with danger. But neither enemy fighters nor

anti-aircraft fire that met " swallows» on the way could not stop their flight to the goal.

I had to fly at an altitude of 400 - 500 meters.

Our little Po - 2 haunted the Germans. In any weather they appeared over

enemy positions at low altitudes and bombed them. The girls had to do

8 each - 9 departures per night. But there were nights when they received the task: to bomb " By

maximum ". This meant that there should be as many sorties as possible. And then

their number reached 16- 18 in one night. Le tchits were literally taken out of the cabs and carried

on hands, - they fell off their feet. The Germans also appreciated the courage and bravery of our pilots:

the fascists called them " night Witches ».

In total, the aircraft were in the air for 28,676 hours (1,191 full days).

(Demonstration of frames from the film "Only Old Men Go to Battle", a scene with women -


A student tells :

2. Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlichenko - outstanding sniper, destroyed 309 fascists,

including 36 enemy snipers.

Once Sergeant Pavlichenko was transferred from her native regiment to a neighboring one. too im

annoyed by the Nazi sniper, he had already killed two of ours. Lyudmila spent the day in ambush.

Early in the morning, she saw the fascist crawling towards her. She moved forward. IN

through the scope of the rifle, she saw blond hair and a protruding jaw.

The enemy caught her eye , and bewilderment froze in his eyes - a woman! This

a second delay was enough for Pavlyuchenko, she fired. A little later from the sniper

books of the Nazi Dunkirk, she learned that he killed more than four hundred Frenchmen and


After being wounded, Lyudmila Pavlichenko was recalled from the front line. As part of the delegation, she

visited the US and Canada.

After the war, in 1945, Lyudmila Pavlichenko graduated from Kiev University. From 1945

until 1953 she was a researcher at the General Staff of the Military - Marine fleet. Later

worked in the Soviet Committee of War Veterans.

Teacher's word:

And the women - doctors and nurses? These are angels - keepers of ordinary soldiers and officers,

invisible war heroes...

In the book of Svetlana Aleksievich “War has no female face» with your memories

shares Alexandra Ivanovna Zaitseva, military doctor, captain: “For days we stood at

operating table. They stood, and the hands themselves fall. Our legs were swollen, they did not fit into

tarpaulin boots. The eyes are so tired that it is difficult to close them. Worked day and night

were hungry fainting. There is something to eat, but no time ... "

3. Zinaida Alexandrovna Samsonova Hero of the Soviet Union, sanitary


Zina went to war when she was only seventeen years old. Fellow soldiers affectionately

They called her Zinochka. In 1942 she appears at the forefront. With your fighters

Zina went through the most terrible battles, participated in Battle of Stalingrad. She also fought

Voronezh Front, and on other fronts. In autumn, during the battle on the right bank

Dnieper, Zina took out more than thirty soldiers from the battlefield and transported them to another

River bank.

1944 Belarus. Battle for the village of Holm. The commander died, and Zina accepted

command of the battle for yourself. Eagles! Behind me!" - friends heard her voice - fellow soldiers.

Ozarichi, Gomel region. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded posthumously.

(U the chenik reads an excerpt from Yulia Drunina's poem "Zinka")

Every day it got worse

They marched without rallies and banners.

Surrounded by Orsha

Our battered battalion.

Zinka led us on the attack,

We made our way through the black rye,

Through funnels and gullies,

Through the frontiers of death.

We did not expect posthumous glory,

We wanted to live with glory.

Why in bloody bandages

The light-haired soldier lies?

Her body with her overcoat

I hid, clenching my teeth,

Belarusian winds sang

About Ryazan deaf gardens .

The student tells.

The class hour is one of the most important forms of organizing educational work with students. It is included in the school schedule and takes place every week on a certain day. Usually, a class hour takes the form of a lecture, conversation or debate, but it can also include elements of a quiz, competition, game, and other forms of educational work.

According to N.E. Shchurkova and N.S. Findantsevich, the class hour performs the following educational functions: educational, orienting and guiding.

The educational function is that the class hour expands the circle of knowledge of pupils in ethics, aesthetics, psychology, physics, mathematics, literary criticism and other sciences. The subject of the class hour can also be knowledge from the field of technology, National economy, as well as information about the events taking place in the village, city, country, world, i.e., any phenomenon of social life can become an object of consideration.

Sample topics: "How etiquette appeared", "Our Constitution", "Problems modern society" etc.

The orienting function consists in the formation of a certain attitude among schoolchildren to the objects of the surrounding reality, in the development of a hierarchy of material and spiritual values. If the enlightening function involves getting to know the world, then the orienting function implies its assessment. These functions are inextricably linked. So, it is difficult or even impossible to instill in children a love for classical music, which they have never heard.

Often classroom hours help students navigate social values. The topics of such class hours: "How to become happy?", "Who to be?", "What to be?", "About masculinity and femininity", etc.

The guiding function of the class hour provides for the transfer of a conversation about life into the real practice of students, directs their activities. This function acts as a real impact on the practical side of the life of schoolchildren, their behavior, their choice of life path, the setting of life goals and their implementation. If there is no certain direction in the process of conducting a classroom hour, then the effectiveness of its impact on pupils is significantly reduced, and knowledge does not turn into convictions. For example, a class hour on the topic " International Year child" may culminate in a collective decision that involves the collection of books for babies from the Orphanage.

Most often, a class hour simultaneously performs all three of these functions: it enlightens, orients, and guides students.

Class hours are held with various educational purposes:

  1. Creation of conditions for the formation and manifestation of the individuality of the student, his creative abilities.
  2. Enriching the student with knowledge about nature, society, man.
  3. Formation of the emotional-sensual sphere and value relations of the child's personality.
  4. Formation of a classroom team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.

Forms and technologies can have many options depending on the goal, the age of the students, the experience of the class teacher and school conditions. Classroom is not a lesson. But usually he is given a place in the school schedule to make it mandatory for the weekly meeting of the form teacher with his class. This requirement is not present in every school today. Maybe this is correct, where the class teacher himself determines when and where he will hold a meeting with the class. It is best if the class hour is put in the school schedule on Saturday, between 3 and 4 lessons. This allows the class teacher to meet with parents of students who have more free time to attend school on Saturday. Sometimes you hear that at school they require that the class hour last 45 minutes, like a lesson. But it doesn’t always work out that way, sometimes you can talk for 20 minutes, and sometimes you can talk much longer, it depends on the topic and purpose, age, form of the class hour.

The main components of the classroom.

Target- goals should be associated, first of all, with the development of the child's individuality, with the design and establishment of his unique way of life.

Organizational and active- students are full-fledged organizers of the class hour. The actual participation and interest of each child, the actualization of his life experience, the manifestation and development of individuality.

Estimated-analytical- as criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of a classroom hour, there are the manifestation and enrichment of the child's life experience, the individual-personal value of the acquired information that affects the development of the individuality and creative abilities of students.

After describing the main components of the class hour, it is advisable to pay attention to technological aspects his organizations:

  • drawing up the teacher, together with students and parents, the topics of class hours for the new academic year;
  • clarification of the topic and the purpose of the class hour, the choice of the form of conduct;
  • determining the time and place of the class hour;
  • identification of key points and development of a plan for preparing and conducting a class hour;
  • select appropriate material, visual aids, musical arrangement on the topic;
  • determination of participants in the preparation and conduct of the class hour;
  • distribution of tasks between participants and groups;
  • holding a class hour;
  • analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the class hour and activities for its preparation and conduct (which is often absent in the work).

Classroom topics are varied. It is determined in advance and reflected in the plans of class teachers. Class hours can be dedicated to:

  • moral and ethical issues. They form a certain attitude of schoolchildren to their homeland, work, team, nature, parents, themselves, etc.;
  • problems of science and knowledge. In this case, the purpose of class hours is to develop the correct attitude of pupils to study, science, literature as a source of spiritual development of the individual;
  • aesthetic problems. In the process of such class hours, students get acquainted with the main provisions of aesthetics. Here we can talk about beauty in nature, human clothing, everyday life, work and behavior. It is important that schoolchildren develop an aesthetic attitude to life, art, work, themselves, develop their creative potential;
  • issues of state and law. It is necessary to develop students' interest in political events taking place in the world, a sense of responsibility for the actions of the Motherland, its successes in the international arena, to teach students to see the essence of state policy. Class hours on political topics should be held in direct proportion to the saturation of the year with various political events;
  • questions of physiology and hygiene, healthy lifestyle life, which should be perceived by students as elements of human culture and beauty;
  • psychological problems. The purpose of such class hours is to stimulate the process of self-education and the organization of elementary psychological education;
  • environmental problems. It is necessary to instill in students a responsible attitude towards nature. As a rule, conversations about the animal and plant world are organized here;
  • school-wide problems (significant social events, anniversaries, holidays, etc.).

Classroom organization begins with psychological preparation students for a serious conversation. An important part of the overall organizational work is the preparation of the premises for this event. The room in which the class hour will be held must be clean and ventilated. It would be nice to put flowers on the table. The topic of the class hour can be written on a blackboard or poster, where, in addition to it, the questions to be discussed are indicated. On a piece of paper, as an aphorism, you can quote the words of an outstanding person or a quote from a famous book.

At the classroom hour, the pupils are seated as they want.

Before holding a class hour, the class teacher must solve a number of tasks: determine the topic and methods of conducting the class hour, the place and time of its holding, draw up a plan for the preparation and conduct of the class hour, involve in the process of preparing and holding as much as possible more members, distribute tasks between creative groups and individual students. As in any educational event, it takes into account age features children, features of the class team, the level of its development.

During the classroom, it is important to stimulate the need for self-education of schoolchildren, their desire to make changes in the work of the class.

Class hour "The road will be mastered by the walking one."

Class: 7th grade

Event duration: 45 min.

Classroom functions.

1. Formative - the class hour forms the skills of students to think about and evaluate their actions and themselves.

2. Educational - class hour expands the horizons of students. The subject of discussion was the issues related to the volitional qualities of the individual.

3. Orienting - the class hour forms the value orientations of students, a certain attitude to the world around them, to what is happening in it.

Target: to acquaint students with the volitional qualities of the individual and how to cultivate willpower.


1. Bring students to the idea of ​​the need to develop volitional qualities in themselves;

2. Expand students' knowledge of such psychological concepts as will, volitional effort, willpower, lack of will.

3. Determine how you can cultivate volitional qualities in yourself.

Decoration and equipment:

1. Presentation.

2. Clippings from newspapers and magazines.

3. Exhibition of drawings and literature "Strong in spirit".

Form of class hour:information and practical conversation.

Expected results: class hour will help children realize the importance of educating their own strong-willed qualities.

Personal: conscious, respectful and benevolent attitude towards another person; willingness and ability to engage in dialogue with other people and achieve mutual understanding in it.

Cognitive: the ability to present the information received, interpreting it in the context of the problem being solved; the ability to establish causal relationships, build logical reasoning and draw conclusions.

Communicative: the ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express one's feelings, thoughts and needs.

Regulatory: search, analysis and selection of the necessary information.

Classroom script.

Writing on the board.

"The road will be mastered by the walking one."

"If you can't take a hundred steps, at least take a step."

Hello guys! Now I will smile at you, and you at me. And then we take a deep breath and exhale. Let's exhale yesterday's resentment, anger and anxiety. Let's breathe in a good mood, cheerfulness and energy.


Exhaled all the bad!

Take a deep breath!

Sit down. Today at the class hour I wish all of us good communication!

Mini-workshop No. 1 "Find the word."

Teacher. I suggest you do one simple task. Find the word in the given text.

For work, each student receives his own small piece of text from a newspaper or magazine. The text is written in small print. The volume is half an A4 page. You need to find a specific word in the text. The word must be written in advance on a piece of paper. The trick is that this word is not in the passage.

Students. Carry out the task.

Teacher. You had a different reaction to this task. Someone quickly guessed that it was impossible, someone decided that he could not cope, because the teacher was to blame, because he made a mistake when compiling the text, someone blames himself for inattention. So, it turned out three groups of guys.

Group 1 - those who carefully read the text, realized that the right word was not in it, and calmly said about it.

Group 2 - those who explained the impossibility of completing the task by external signs (small text, compiler error, etc.)

Group 3 - those who quickly gave up, deciding that they could not complete the task, because they could not read quickly, did not understand the task, i.e. blamed himself.

Accordingly, one can speak of varying degrees development of your willpower.

Group 1 - those who fell into this group have high level development of volitional qualities. They are emotionally stable, proactive, persistent, independent.

2 group - average level development of volitional qualities. Such people are decisive, emotionally unstable, impulsive. They have a high level of development of courage, initiative, independence, efficiency, but they cannot use these qualities when overcoming difficulties. As a rule, they look for the cause of failure not in themselves, but in others.

Group 3 - weak development of volitional qualities. Such people are unsure of themselves, in their abilities, require support from comrades or adults. They are emotionally unstable.

Don't be discouraged if the result doesn't suit you. The task you performed was more of a joke than a serious one. But there is some truth in every joke. If you are too emotional and impulsive when faced with difficulties, then try to be calm, act reasonably. The cultivation of willpower is entirely up to you and your desire. A person can win many victories in life. But the most important victory is a victory over yourself and your weaknesses. It is necessary to learn from childhood to command oneself. If you, your actions will be controlled by others, if you obey only the will of other people, then you will grow up dependent on other people. This is where the man shows his will. He thinks, analyzes and makes the right decision. They talk about such people as strong personalities. And they become so thanks to self-education, thanks to the fact that they learned to control themselves (their thoughts and actions) from childhood.

So what does it take to become a strong-willed person? First, let's find out what will, willpower and willpower are.

Will- this is a form of mental reflection, manifested in the ability to choose actions related to overcoming external and internal obstacles.

Willpower- this is the experience of effort, which is a subjective component of volitional action.

Strength of will- the degree of necessary volitional effort to achieve the goal.

Mini discussion.

What qualities characterize willpower? What kind of person can be called strong-willed?

Discussion. The students express their opinion. They argue. They draw conclusions.

Willpower is characterized by purposefulness, determination, independence, perseverance, discipline, endurance.

What do you think, what kind of person do we call weak-willed?

The students express their opinion.

A person who, when obstacles arise, refuses the previously set goal, is called weak-willed. Ignorance is the opposite state. It manifests itself in such qualities as: stubbornness, compliance, suggestibility, indecision, cowardice, timidity, prowess.

In order to achieve something, you need constant, inexhaustible curiosity, diligence, perseverance. And of course, you need to make great efforts and diligence in order to achieve your goal. If you have a big difficult task in front of you, it is useful to remember the wise sayings: “The one who walks will master the road”, “If you can’t take a hundred steps, take at least a step.” Force yourself to feel all the negative consequences of procrastination and distraction. And imagine the positive emotions that the completed work will bring. Then the task that you need to complete will acquire a different emotional coloring, become more attractive. Once you've made your decision, come up with a realistic plan of action and start implementing it.

Little tricks.

1. Take on the less interesting first, so that the interesting is left for last.

2. Get involved immediately, which will save you from the effect of lengthy preparation.

3. In the process of work, be sure to persuade yourself, convince, encourage.

4. Celebrate your small victories. Praise yourself.

In general, it must be remembered that the effort of will itself does not give a person pleasure, but if, with the help of will, he brings the work he has begun to a victorious result, then he experiences a feeling of pride.

In a number of strong-willed qualities, purposefulness is in the first place. Purposefulness is: the ability to set clear goals and objectives, the ability to plan one's actions; the ability to carry out the planned, to subordinate oneself to the achievement of the goal. For example, observe a strict regimen if necessary to achieve a goal.

I suggest you do one more task. It will help you cultivate willpower in yourself, and teach you how to plan your time.

Mini-workshop No. 2 "My day".

1. Think about what activity you enjoy the most. How much time (in minutes, hours) would you like to spend on this activity every day? Write it down on a piece of paper.

2. What other business attracts you? Note how much time you would spend on this second important task.

3. Continue the list in the form of a table until you list all your favorite and interesting things to do.

4. At the end, add time for food and sleep, walks and trips, study and cleaning.

5. An important condition: do not count the time until you have compiled the entire list.

The outcome may be unexpected. Someone dreams of a day of a hundred hours, and someone is enough for nine. The more hours in your day, the more you are cut off from real life, from your inner possibilities. Those who have few hours can be suggested to be more active in life. Plan your time and enjoy it!

Mini discussion. So what does it take to become a strong-willed person?

1. use your time wisely;

2. show patience and perseverance;

3. follow the rules of conduct, discipline and daily routine;

4. think over, analyze your actions, be able to draw the right conclusions;

5. learn to overcome your difficulties.

What do you expect from the manifestation of your strong-willed qualities?

Students discuss the question and draw conclusions.

I agree with you. As a result of strong-willed efforts, you will achieve success in your studies, respect adults and friends, learn to overcome difficulties, fight your shortcomings. Remember "The road will be mastered by the walking one"!

And so that you do not forget about our conversation, I want to give you one wonderful drawing. If you have any difficulties, look at him, "gather your will into a fist" and take a step!


1. G.I. Shevchenko Fundamentals of life safety grade 8. / Lesson plans / Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.-222p.

2. The picture "Decision-making ladder" is taken from the published materials of the member of the community "My Education" Shabanova A.