Life without limits c. Joe Vitale - Life Without Limits (Hooponopono). Are there exceptions

Published with permission from John Wiley & Sons International Rights, Inc. and agencies of Alexander Korzhenevsky

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. & Dr. IhaleakalaHewLen, 2007

© V. Nalivaichenko, translation into Russian, 2012

© Edition in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2018

represents priceless gift, which allows you to find and establish contact with the Lord within yourself, as well as learn to purify your thoughts, words, actions and deeds. In essence, this is a process of liberation, a complete liberation from the past.

Morrna Nalamaku Simeon, supreme teacher of Ho'oponopono, creator of the method of self-identity through Ho'oponopono

Ho'oponopono The Hawaiian method of Ho'oponopono, which you will learn about in this book, will clear blockages from your subconscious mind. This method helps to get rid of hidden programs that prevent you from realizing your desires for health, happiness, wealth, or anything of it. Everything happens in your head.

Joe Vitale

Dedicated to Morrna and Kaya

Dr. Hugh Lin

Dedicated to Mark Ryan and Nerissa

Dr. Joe Vitale


Secret of the Universe

In 2006, I wrote an article entitled "The World's Most Unusual Doctor". This article talked about a psychotherapist who helped cure an entire ward of mentally ill criminals without even examining them. In doing so, he used an unusual healing method that originated in the Hawaiian Islands. Until 2004, I had not heard of this doctor or his method. It took me two years to find this healer. As a result, I got acquainted with this method and wrote an article that received wide acclaim.

This article has gone all over the internet. It was published in newsgroups and forwarded to e-mail a huge number of people employed in completely different fields of activity. She also liked the visitors of my site and went to tens of thousands of addresses. Then this article came back from complete strangers to my friends and relatives. According to my calculations, about five million people have read it.

Anyone who has read it must agree that this story is hard to believe. She inspired someone. Some were skeptical of her. But everyone wanted to know more. This book is a response to that desire.

My audio program, The Power of Outrageous Marketing, came out with Nightingale-Conant after knocking on their doors for a decade without success.

How did I go from being homeless to a beggar, to a poor author, to a published author, and finally to one of the best-selling authors and internet marketing gurus, without any plan?

My desire to own a BMW Z3 sports car inspired me so much that I came up with a new internet marketing idea that one day brought me $22,500 and a recurring income of about a quarter of a million dollars a year.

When I divorced my wife, I wanted to buy property in a hilly countryside Texas. As a result of this desire, I created a new business, which I sold for $50,000.

I lost over 40 kg since I opened new way fulfillment of your desires.

My appearance in the film "The Secret" happened without any any requests, exhortations, persuasions or intrigues on my part.

My participation in The Larry King Show in November 2006 and March 2007 happened without any of my intentions and efforts.

As I write these words, Hollywood speculators are discussing the possibility of a film adaptation of my book, The Secret of Attraction, and others are suggesting that I create my own television program.

It's too early to draw any conclusions, but you should already get the idea. Many miracles have happened in my life.

But Why did they happen?

What happened to me that allowed me to be so successful?

Yes, I followed my dreams.

Yes, I did.

Yes, I was persistent.

But don't hundreds of other people do the same and still not succeed?

What is the difference between us?

If you take a critical look at all the achievements I have listed, you will see that none of them was the result of my direct efforts. In fact, they are all manifestations of God's plan, and I am only a participant in this plan (sometimes against my will).

I'll try to explain it in a different way. In late 2006, I hosted a seminar called Beyond Manifestation, which focused primarily on what I understood about the enigmatic Hawaiian therapist and his method of treatment. At this seminar, I asked those present to write down on paper all the ways and methods, the application of which allows you to achieve any results in life. Among these were goal setting, goal implementation, intentions, body control exercises, a sense of the end result, script development, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and many other methods. After the group listened to all the ways they came up with, I asked if all of the ways listed worked consistently, with no exceptions.

Everyone agreed that the methods do not always work.

"So why?" I asked.

Of course, no one could answer.

My conclusion startled the group.

“All of these methods have limitations,” I said. “They are just toys your mind plays with to keep you confident that you decide everything on your own. You don't really decide anything, and the real miracles begin when you throw away those toys and trust that place within you that has no limits."

Then I told the listeners that wherever you dream of being in life, this place is - outside of all these toys, outside of the possibilities of the mind, but next to the one we call God. I explained that there are at least three stages in our life: first we are victims of circumstances, then we become the creators of our own destiny, and we end up (with some luck) becoming servants of the Lord. In this last stage (which I will discuss later in this book), amazing miracles happen to us with little or no effort on our part.

Information from the publisher

Published with permission from John Wiley & Sons International Rights, Inc. and agencies of Alexander Korzhenevsky

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. & Dr. IhaleakalaHewLen, 2007

© V. Nalivaichenko, translation into Russian, 2012

© Edition in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2018

* * *

is an invaluable gift that allows you to find and establish contact with the Lord within yourself, as well as learn to purify your thoughts, words, actions and deeds. In essence, this is a process of liberation, a complete liberation from the past.

Morrna Nalamaku Simeon, supreme teacher of Ho'oponopono, creator of the method of self-identity through Ho'oponopono

Ho'oponopono The Hawaiian method of Ho'oponopono, which you will learn about in this book, will clear blockages from your subconscious mind. This method helps to get rid of hidden programs that prevent you from realizing your desires for health, happiness, wealth, or anything of it. Everything happens in your head.

Joe Vitale

Dedicated to Morrna and Kaya

Dr. Hugh Lin

Dedicated to Mark Ryan and Nerissa

Dr. Joe Vitale


Secret of the Universe

In 2006, I wrote an article entitled "The World's Most Unusual Doctor". This article talked about a psychotherapist who helped cure an entire ward of mentally ill criminals without even examining them. In doing so, he used an unusual healing method that originated in the Hawaiian Islands. Until 2004, I had not heard of this doctor or his method. It took me two years to find this healer. As a result, I got acquainted with this method and wrote an article that received wide acclaim.

This article has gone all over the internet. It was published in newsgroups and sent by e-mail to a huge number of people employed in completely different fields of activity. She also liked the visitors of my site and went to tens of thousands of addresses. Then this article came back from complete strangers to my friends and relatives. According to my calculations, about five million people have read it.

Anyone who has read it must agree that this story is hard to believe. She inspired someone. Some were skeptical of her. But everyone wanted to know more. This book is a response to that desire.

My audio program, The Power of Outrageous Marketing, came out with Nightingale-Conant after knocking on their doors for a decade without success.

How did I go from being homeless to a beggar, to a poor author, to a published author, and finally to one of the best-selling authors and internet marketing gurus, without any plan?

My desire to own a BMW Z3 sports car inspired me so much that I came up with a new internet marketing idea that one day brought me $22,500 and a recurring income of about a quarter of a million dollars a year.

When I divorced my wife, I wanted to buy property in the rolling Texas countryside. As a result of this desire, I created a new business, which I sold for $50,000.

I lost over 40 kg after discovering a new way to fulfill my desires.

My appearance in the film "The Secret" happened without any any requests, exhortations, persuasions or intrigues on my part.

My participation in The Larry King Show in November 2006 and March 2007 happened without any of my intentions and efforts.

As I write these words, Hollywood speculators are discussing the possibility of a film adaptation of my book, The Secret of Attraction, and others are suggesting that I create my own television program.

It's too early to draw any conclusions, but you should already get the idea. Many miracles have happened in my life.

But Why did they happen?

What happened to me that allowed me to be so successful?

Yes, I followed my dreams.

Yes, I did.

Yes, I was persistent.

But don't hundreds of other people do the same and still not succeed?

What is the difference between us?

If you take a critical look at all the achievements I have listed, you will see that none of them was the result of my direct efforts. In fact, they are all manifestations of God's plan, and I am only a participant in this plan (sometimes against my will).

I'll try to explain it in a different way. In late 2006, I hosted a seminar called Beyond Manifestation, which focused primarily on what I understood about the enigmatic Hawaiian therapist and his method of treatment. At this seminar, I asked those present to write down on paper all the ways and methods, the application of which allows you to achieve any results in life. Among these were goal setting, goal implementation, intentions, body control exercises, a sense of the end result, script development, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and many other methods. After the group listened to all the ways they came up with, I asked if all of the ways listed worked consistently, with no exceptions.

Everyone agreed that the methods do not always work.

"So why?" I asked.

Of course, no one could answer.

My conclusion startled the group.

“All of these methods have limitations,” I said. “They are just toys your mind plays with to keep you confident that you decide everything on your own. You don't really decide anything, and the real miracles begin when you throw away those toys and trust that place within you that has no limits."

Then I told the listeners that wherever you dream of being in life, this place is - outside of all these toys, outside of the possibilities of the mind, but next to the one we call God. I explained that there are at least three stages in our life: first we are victims of circumstances, then we become the creators of our own destiny, and we end up (with some luck) becoming servants of the Lord. In this last stage (which I will discuss later in this book), amazing miracles happen to us with little or no effort on our part.

Today I was interviewing a person applying for the position of a goal achievement expert for my Hypnotic Gold program. The challenger has written dozens of books that have sold millions of copies. He knows how to teach people to set goals for themselves. The main idea of ​​his philosophy revolves around a burning desire to act, to achieve something. However, this is an incomplete strategy.

I asked him what advice he gives when someone can't find the motivation to set a goal, let alone achieve it.

“If I knew the answer to this question,” he began, “I could solve most of the world’s problems.”

Then he began to tell you that you just have to burn with the desire to achieve your goal. If you don't do your best, you won't be able to maintain the discipline you need to concentrate and work.

“But what if you don’t have such a strong desire?” I asked.

"Then you will never reach your goal."

“How did you make yourself feel so strongly and be so motivated?”

He couldn't answer.

Therein lies the problem. At some point, all self-improvement and goal setting programs fail. If someone is not ready to achieve something, then these programs are not able to maintain energy in a person to achieve the goal. This terminates the program. Each of us is familiar with the situation when we make cardinal decisions on January 1 and forget about them on January 2. Some of these intentions are very good. But something deep within us is out of alignment with these conscious desires.

What to do with this deeper state of lack of strong desire?

This is where the Hawaiian method, which you will learn about in this book, comes in handy. It helps to clear the subconscious, in which our blocks are fixed. This method helps remove hidden programs that prevent you from realizing your desires for health, wealth, happiness, or anything else. Everything happens in your head.

All this I will explain in the pages of the book you now hold in your hands. For example, consider the following phrase.

Thor Norrettranders, in The User Illusion, sums up the essence of the mental rollercoaster ride you are about to ride: "The universe begins when nothing sees itself reflected in a mirror."

In short, this book is about returning to the zero state, where nothing is, but everything is possible. In the zero state, there are no thoughts, words, actions, memories, programs, beliefs, or anything else. Just nothing.

But one day nothing sees itself in the mirror and you are born. From this moment you are created and begin to unconsciously accumulate and perceive beliefs, programs, memories, thoughts, words, actions, etc. Many of these programs are rooted in the origins of existence.

The purpose of this book is to help you experience the wonder of existence in every moment. From now on, the miracles that I describe will happen to you. It will be unique, only yours, miracles. And they will be delightful, magical and unique.

My own experience of traveling on this spiritual ship beyond human understanding into the realm of the unbelievable is very difficult to describe. I have reached heights that I could not even dream of. I have mastered new skills and my level of love for myself and for the world around me is beyond words. I live in a state close to reverence.

I'll try to express myself differently. Each of us looks at the world through our own glasses. Religious figures, philosophers, healers, book authors, lecturers, gurus and other sages look at the world through the prism of personal perception. In this book, you will learn how to use your own glasses to eliminate all others. And if you succeed, you will find yourself in a place where there are no restrictions.

Please note that this is the first book in history to describe an updated Hawaiian healing method called Self-Identity Through Ho'oponopono. But also keep in mind that this is the experience of one person using this method - my own experience. Although this book was written with the blessing of a healer who taught me this amazing method, everything written was refracted through the prism of my own perception, my view of the world. In order to fully understand the Ho’oponopono Self-Identity Method, you must complete the exercises yourself and gain your experience (the classes and exercises are described on the websites And

The whole point of this book can be summed up in one phrase—a phrase that you will learn to use, a phrase that reveals the ultimate secret of the universe; phrase that I want to say to you and God right now.

"I love you".

Buy tickets and take your seats. The train to the depths of your soul is ready to depart.

So, go!

I love you

Aloha know wow ia oi

Dr. Joe Vitale

The adventure begins

Peace be with you. All my world.

Oh ka Malukhia know mi oi, Ku'u Malukhia e pow loa

In August 2004, I worked at the booth at the annual meeting of the National Guild of Hypnotists. I enjoyed the interaction with people, this meeting, the spirit of the meeting and the exchange of information. But I was not ready for the event that changed my life, the beginning of which can be considered this very day.

My friend Mark Ryan worked with me. Mark, like me, is a hypnotherapist. He is an open, interesting person with active gestures. His appearance always brings animation and an element of magic. Our conversations often go on for hours. We discuss the most prominent doctors, from Milton Erickson to unknown shamans. During one of these conversations, Mark surprised me next question: "Have you heard of a doctor who treats people at a distance without even seeing them?"

The question puzzled me. I've heard of healers who heal from a distance before, but Mark seems to have something completely different in mind.

“He is a psychotherapist who has healed many people. His patients would have been enough for an entire hospital for the mentally ill. However, he did not see any of his patients.”

"How did he do it?"

"He uses a Hawaiian healing method called ho'oponopono." "Ho op... What?"I asked. I asked Mark to repeat the term ten times. I had never heard him before. Mark didn't know enough about this method or process to tell me more. I must admit I was intrigued, but also very skeptical. I thought it was some kind of hoax. Heal people without seeing them? So I believed!

Mark told me the following story.

“I've been going to Mount Shasta in California for 16 years for the purpose of self-discovery,” Mark explained. “There, one of my friends gave me a little booklet, the contents of which I will never forget. The text was printed in blue letters on white paper. The booklet told about the Hawaiian doctor and his method of treatment. I have read the booklet many times. I can’t describe what exactly this doctor does, but it is said that he healed people by this method.”

“Where is that booklet now?” I asked. I wanted to read it.

"I can't find it," Mark replied. “But something tells me I should tell you about it. I know you won't believe me, but I'm just as intrigued as you. And I'd like to know more too."

There was a whole year left until the next meeting. During this time, I searched all sources of information, but did not find any information about a doctor who heals people without seeing them. Of course, I found stories about healing at a distance, when the doctor is not near the patient, but I understood that the Hawaiian doctor is doing something completely different. As far as I understood, distance did not play any role in his method. Also, I didn't know how to pronounce "ho'oponopono" (ho'oponopono) in order to use the term in conversation. So he stopped trying.

At the next hypnotherapist meeting in 2005, Mark mentioned this healer again.

"Did you find anything about him?" - he asked.

“I don't know his name and I don't know how to pronounce the name of the method he uses,” I explained. “That’s why I didn’t find anything.”

Mark is a very enterprising person. We took a break from work, took my laptop, found a wireless internet connection and started looking. We quickly found the main and only official site dedicated to the Ho'oponopono method - After browsing the site, I found several review articles on what I wanted to learn.

There I found a definition of the ho'oponopono method: "Ho'oponopono is the process of releasing the negative energy within you and opening yourself up to thoughts, words and deeds. deities».

I had no idea what that meant, so I decided to look further. And I found this: “To put it simply, ho’oponopono means “do the right thing” or “correct a mistake.” According to ancient Hawaiian beliefs, mistakes are caused by thoughts that bring back painful memories. Ho'oponopono offers a method to release the energy of these painful thoughts or mistakes that lead to imbalances in the body and diseases.

Yes, it is interesting. But what does it mean?

As a result of researching the site in search of information about a mysterious psychotherapist who heals people without seeing them, I discovered that there is an improved form of Ho'oponopono called self-identity through Ho'oponopono(SPH).

I was even more intrigued. Mark too. We were explorers. Our laptop became the horse on which we raced across the prairie of an unknown country. We were looking for answers to questions. We eagerly moved on.

We soon discovered another article that clarified the meaning of some concepts.

100% Responsible for Solving My Clients' Problems with the Self-Identity Method Through Ho'oponopono

In traditional methods of solving problems and healing the sick, the doctor is guided by the belief that the source of the problem is in the patient himself, and not in him, the doctor. The doctor believes that it is his responsibility to help the patient in solving his problems. Can these beliefs lead to a general depletion of the patient's body due to the actions of the healer?

In order to learn how to effectively solve the problems of his clients, the doctor must be willing to take 100% responsibility for creating a problem situation, that is, to consider that the source of the problem is his wrong thoughts, and not the patient's mistakes. Doctors don't seem to notice that a problem exists at any given time, and yet problems exist all the time!

Taking full responsibility for the occurrence of a problem allows the physician to become fully responsible for solving the problem. Using the updated Ho'oponopono method, a process of repentance, forgiveness and change developed by Simeon's kahuna Lapa'au Morrna Nalamaku, the therapist is able to change wrong thoughts within himself and within the client and turn them into perfect thoughts of LOVE.

Tears glitter in her eyes. There were deep wrinkles at the corners of her mouth. “I'm worried about my son,” Cynthia takes a deep breath. "He's on drugs again." As she tells her sad story, I begin to clear the wrong thoughts within myself that have materialized as her problem.

Wrong thoughts were replaced by thoughts of love inside the doctor, in his family, relatives and his ancestors. These thoughts also changed in the patient, in her family, relatives and ancestors. The updated Ho'oponopono process allows the physician to work directly with the Primal Source, which is able to turn wrong thoughts into LOVE. And now:

The tears in her eyes dried up. Wrinkles near the mouth smoothed out. She smiles, relief shining on her face. "I don't know why, but I feel better." I really don't know why. Really. Life is a mystery, except for LOVE, which knows everything. I just let go of negative thoughts and give thanks to LOVE from which all blessings come.

When solving problems with the updated Ho'oponopono process, the doctor first of all connects his personality, his Mind to the Primal Source, which many call LOVE, or GOD. After establishing this connection, the doctor calls for LOVE to correct the erroneous, harmful thoughts in him, which embodied as a problem for him first and for the patient second. This call is a process of repentance and forgiveness for the doctor himself: "I repent of my wrong thoughts that caused problems for me and my patient: please forgive me."

In response to the doctor's repentant prayer asking for forgiveness, LOVE begins the magical process of transforming sinful thoughts. During this process of spiritual interaction, LOVE first neutralizes negative emotions that led to the problem: resentment, resentment, fear, anger, condemnation or confusion. Then LOVE sends out the neutralized energy of thoughts, leaving them in a state of emptiness, vacuum, true freedom.

After the thoughts are released from the negative load, become free, LOVE fills them with itself. What is the result? The doctor or healer is renewed, restored in LOVE. The same thing happens with the patient, and with everyone to whom this problem is related. Where the patient had despair, LOVE now settles. Where it was dark in the soul, now lives the healing light of LOVE.

The Ho'oponopono Self-Identity Method opens people's eyes to who they are and how they can solve problems that constantly arise, as well as teaches the process of renewal and restoration in LOVE. The training begins with a two-hour lecture. Participants are given a brief overview of how their thoughts translate into mental, emotional, physical, financial, and relationship problems. These problems can arise both in your life and in the lives of your family members, relatives, parents, friends, neighbors and colleagues. During weekend training, students learn what a problem is, where it lives, and how to solve problems of various types using 25 problem-solving processes. Students will learn how to take care of themselves. The inner meaning of this training is to become completely responsible for yourself, for what is happening in your life, and for simply solving problems.

The magic of the revamped Ho'oponopono process is that you see yourself in a new light each time you pass and you begin to appreciate each application of the renewed miracle of LOVE more and more.

I am guided in my life and in my relationships with people by the following principles.

1. The physical universe is the embodiment of my thoughts.

2. If my thoughts are harmful, they create a harmful physical reality.

3. If my thoughts are perfect, then they create a physical reality exuding LOVE.

4. I am fully (100%) responsible for the creation of my physical universe.

5. I bear full (100%) responsibility for the transformation of harmful thoughts that create a harmful reality.

6. Nothing exists apart from me. Everything exists as thoughts in my mind.

Ihaliacala Hugh Lin, Charles Brown

Mark and I read the article and began to wonder which of them is the doctor of interest to us - Charles Brown or Ihaliacala Hugh Lin? We did not know. We couldn't say for sure. And who is, or is this, Morrna mentioned in the article? And what is Ho-opo's self-identity...

We continued our research. We managed to find a few more articles that lifted the veil of secrecy over the issues of interest to us. Among the findings were clarifying statements, such as: “In the process of reclaiming self-identity through Ho’oponopono, each problem is seen not as a test, but as an opportunity. Problems only reproduce the memories of our past, giving us more opportunities to look at ourselves through the eyes of LOVE and act on inspiration.”

I was very interested, but the meaning still eluded me. Problems "reproducing the memories of our past"? Really? What are the authors trying to say? How will this Ho'opono method... what's his... help doctors heal people? And who is this doctor, after all?

I found another article, this time by journalist Darrell Sifford, who met with the creator of this Ho'opono method... The creator turned out to be a woman named Morrna. She is the keeper of secrets, or kahuna (a shaman among the inhabitants of Hawaii). When healing people, Morrna suggests "praying to the Divine Creator of the patient's choice "with the help of the divinity that is present in every person ... the real successor of the Divine Creator."

Maybe you get the point. I didn't succeed the first time. As did Mark. Apparently, this Morrna pronounces some words as a prayer that help people heal. I mentally tied a knot in memory to learn this prayer, but at that moment I was more interested in another task - to find this healer and study her method of treatment. My desire to learn more and meet this shamanic healer grew stronger. Although Mark and I should have returned to our work duties at the meeting long ago, we did not and continued our search.

Based on the information provided in the articles and on the website, we assumed that the name of the doctor we are interested in is Ihaliakala Hugh Lin. Difficult name. I couldn't figure out how to pronounce it correctly. I didn't know how to find a doctor. There was no contact information on the site. We tried to use a Google search, but to no avail. We decided that this wonderful healer was just a fantasy or no longer practicing, or maybe even died. I slammed my laptop shut and returned to the meeting.

But the adventure has already begun.

“All of these methods have limitations,” I said. - They are just toys that your mind plays with to keep you confident that you decide everything on your own. You don't really decide anything, and the real miracles begin when you throw away those toys and trust that place within you that has no limits."

In the zero state, there are no thoughts, words, actions, memories, programs, beliefs, or anything else. Just nothing.

In order to learn how to effectively solve the problems of his clients, the doctor must be willing to take 100% responsibility for creating a problem situation, that is, to consider that the source of the problem is his wrong thoughts, and not the patient's mistakes.

Life is a mystery, except for LOVE, which knows everything. I just let go of negative thoughts and give thanks to LOVE from which all blessings come.

When solving problems with the help of the updated Ho "oponopono process, the doctor, first of all, connects his personality, his Mind to the Primary Source, which many call LOVE or GOD. After establishing this connection, the doctor calls on LOVE to correct the erroneous, harmful thoughts in him, which were embodied as a problem for him in the first place, and for the patient - in the second place.

"I repent of my wrong thoughts that have caused problems for me and my patient: please forgive me."

In response to the doctor's repentant prayer asking for forgiveness, LOVE begins the magical process of transforming sinful thoughts. During this process of spiritual interaction, LOVE first neutralizes the negative emotions that led to the problem: resentment, resentment, fear, anger, judgment or confusion. Then LOVE sends out the neutralized energy of thoughts, leaving them in a state of emptiness, vacuum, true freedom.

After the thoughts are released from the negative load, become free, LOVE fills them with itself. What is the result? The doctor or healer is renewed, restored in LOVE. The same thing happens with the patient, and with everyone to whom this problem is related. Where the patient had despair, LOVE now settles. Where it was dark in the soul, the healing light of LOVE now lives.

Problems only reproduce the memories of our past, giving us more opportunities to look at ourselves through the eyes of LOVE and act on inspiration.

Talk to your body. Tell him, “I love you. I like the way you look. I thank you for being with me. If I offended you in any way, please forgive me." Stop and examine your body. Let your eyes be full of love and gratitude. “Thank you for being in you. Thank you for moving me. I thank you for the fact that I breathe, for the fact that my heart beats.

When you drink Blue Solar Water, your memories change, problems disappear from your subconscious (Child), you help the body "work and accept God." Take a glass bottle blue color. Fill it with tap water. Stopper. Place the bottle in the sun or under an incandescent lamp for at least one hour. Then drink some water. Rinse your body with this water after taking a shower or bath. Use "blue solar" water for cooking, washing clothes and for any other purpose.

When I relive painful memories, I have a choice. Either I can stay with them, or I can ask God to release me from them by transforming these memories and returning my mind to its original state, unburdened by problems. To a state of zero or emptiness... to a state of free memory.

Instead of letting my memories guide me, I choose purity of mind in alignment with God. If there is no Coordination, then there is no Inspiration. If there is no Inspiration, then there is no Goal.

“What did you do with yourself that allowed all these people to change?”

“I was just clearing a part of my soul that I shared with these people,” he replied.

However, if you take full responsibility for your life, then whatever you hear, taste, feel, or in any way, is your responsibility, because it is part of your life.

I asked Dr. Hugh Lin how he came to this understanding of healing himself. What exactly did he do, looking at the history of patients?

"I just kept saying 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you' over and over," he explained.

It turns out that self-love is the best tool for self-improvement. And when you improve yourself, you improve the whole world around you.

“What caused this problem in me, and how can I eliminate this problem in myself?”

We don't have to worry about what is happening to us at any given moment. We just have to accept everything as it is and trust in a Higher Power. This is where the question arises about 100% responsibility for your life - responsibility for everything that happens.

The doctor says that his work is like cleansing himself. This is true. During self-purification, his world becomes pure, because he is this world.

For him, the only way to correct another person is to say the phrase “I love you” in relation to the Divine Essence, which can be called God, Love, the Universe, or any other word for the Higher Powers.

“POI stands for Peace Of I,” he explained. “It is a world beyond all comprehension.”

“You can choose one of two paths in life,” explained Dr. Hugh Lin, “to be guided by memory or inspiration. Memories are a reproduction of old programs. Inspiration is a message from God. You need to learn to act on inspiration. The only way hear God and get inspired - erase your memories. All you have to do is free your memory."

There are four affirmations that you must repeat over and over again, non-stop, turning to God. "I love you". "I'm really sorry". "Please forgive me". "Thank you".

I didn't understand this concept until I bought Guy Claxton's The Wayward Mind.

In this book, Claxton describes experiments that prove that our brain tells us what to do before we consciously make a decision.

It was found that a burst of brain activity occurred before a person consciously paid attention to anything. This allowed us to suggest that the intention was caused by the subconscious and only then attracted the attention of consciousness.

According to William Irwin, in his book On Desire: Why We Want What We Want, “Experiments like this suggest that our choices are not shaped in the mind, in a rational way. It pops up in our subconscious, and when it reaches the surface of consciousness, we accept it.”

Worrying about the need to lose weight is a simple replay of memory programs, and these memories replace Zero, i.e. you. To return to the zero state, to oneself, requires God to erase the memories before the weight anxiety arises.

Only two laws govern events: Inspiration from God and Memory stored in the subconscious, the original New and the later Old.

Consider excess weight as a memory. The only thing to do is love him, forgive him and even thank him for him. By clearing the memory of being overweight, you provide the opportunity for the Divine Essence to come to you in the form of inspiration.

Instead, erasing memories can make them disappear one day. The desire to eat will no longer appear on the surface of consciousness. Only peace remains.

When you operate from a zero state where there are no limits, you don't need aspirations or intentions. You simply receive signals and act.

Free will plays the role of a watchman for the thoughts that arise in the mind, and only lets through the moral embodiments of these impulses.

In other words, the desire to overeat was a memory, not an inspiration. It appeared as a result of the execution of the program, and not from God. I ignored the program or overcame it. I realized that Dr. Hugh Lin offers a better method: love the program until it dissolves and everything else becomes God.

For the ancestors of the Hawaiians, all problems began with a thought. However, the thought itself does not create a problem. So what is its source? The fact is that all our thoughts are permeated with painful memories of people, places and events.

The mind alone is not able to solve these problems, because the mind only manages. To manage is not to find solutions to problems. You want to get rid of them! When you apply Ho "oponopono, the Higher Power takes away your negative thoughts, neutralizes and purifies them. You do not purify a person, place or event, but neutralize the energy associated with this person, place or event. So, the first stage of Ho" oponopono is purification energy.

There is not just a neutralization of energy, but its release, as a result of which space is released. In Buddhism, this is called the Void. At the final stage, you allow God to come and fill this void with light.

Supreme Creator! If I offended you with my thoughts, words or deeds, I ask your forgiveness. Let me clear, extract and release all negative memories, blocks, energy, associations and transform this unnecessary energy into pure light... So be it!

The main obstacle to our well-being was the lack of love. Forgiveness made it possible to make up for this deficiency.

“But how to prove to people that we are 100% responsible for our own problems? - he asked. - If you want to solve a problem, work on yourself. For example, if it is in another person, just ask yourself: “What is going on in me that causes this person to go into conflict?” People always show up in your life to hurt you in some way. Realizing this, you can find a way out of any situation. How? Just say, “I’m sorry this happened. I'm sorry".

In the ancient Hawaiian method of treating Ho "oponopono, a person turns to Love with a request to correct the shortcomings in him. He says: "I'm sorry. I apologize for what is happening in me and manifests itself in the form of this problem." Then Love is responsible for something to correct his inner delusions that are causing the problem.”

But if you accept it, the next question arises; how to change yourself so that the world around you changes?

The only possible way is to say "I love you". This is the key to healing. But you need to apply it to yourself, and not to others. Remember, their problems are your problems. Therefore, working on them, you will not get results. They don't need to be healed, but you. You must heal yourself. You are the source of everything that happens.

With this perception of the world, God sends messages to our minds. If your memory is active - and most often it is - you will not feel inspired, let alone follow it. As a result, the words sent from above will not be heard. The constant interference of our mind prevents us from hearing them.

The Higher Power does not take orders. It requires constant concentration on purification, purification, purification.”

"You will always be surrounded by beautiful, pure, high and beneficial for you when you follow the path of your own "I". To follow this path means to consciously live a perfect life filled with divine thoughts, intentions and actions. And vice versa, putting on the first place your sinful thoughts, you choose with your own hands an imperfect life filled with illness, confusion, resentment, oppression, condemnation and poverty"

We are not given to understand everything that happens in the world around us. Let everything take its course. You need to be able to trust.

I kept repeating "I'm sorry" and "I love you" to myself without addressing anyone in particular. I simply invoked the spirit of love to heal in me that which was creating or attracting negative external circumstances.

Applying a method does not always mean getting immediate results. The point is not to achieve results, but to find harmony. When this succeeds, often the desired results come by themselves.

My book was a bestseller, it was published in large numbers by various publishers. I was worried about the people who had already purchased it.

“These books are not for readers,” explained Hugh Lin, once again striking my imagination with his mystical wisdom. "They're still in you."

The bottom line is that everything always remains in us.

"Resist not evil."
"The world starts with me."

I've already learned that you don't have to actually feel love for "I love you" to work. You just need to say it. That's what I said. After a few repetitions, you begin to really believe in what you say.

“What each of us holds within ourselves, our memories and desires, have an immediate and all-encompassing effect on everything from humans to the inorganic, plant and animal world,” he said. “When a memory is nullified in one’s subconscious by God, it is nullified in all subconscious minds—everyone!”

And it is even more wonderful to appreciate that you can turn to the Creator and ask to reduce these memories in your subconscious to zero, and replace them in your soul and the souls of those around you with divine thoughts, words, actions and deeds.

“When your mind goes to the zero state, there is a place for creativity, which we call inspiration.

And it is important to understand that this mind is empty!

“What is going on in me that caused this woman pain?” And then he asked: “How can I solve this problem within myself?”

"Thank you. I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you".

First, I need to understand that I created this situation myself. This is not an easy decision, but it is important to make it. Then I must forgive myself, my co-worker, and the energy that fills this problem. Then I need to determine how I think the situation should develop and repeat the healing words of Dr. Hew Lean: “I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you".

I often use Ho'oponopono's "Eraser Method" to expand my business and look forward to seeing what else I'll create by going back to the board and erasing, erasing, erasing.

people have always felt a lack of energy and tried to control each other in order to access the energy that circulates between people.”

ancient masters martial art discovered that there are universal laws operating in our bodies. When we learn to move our internal energy in a circle, we can greatly improve our health and expand our consciousness tremendously. This process is often referred to as the microcosmic orbit.

(In a nutshell, we inhale and direct the life energy as we inhale down into the lower abdomen (an area known as Dan Tien). Then we direct the energy up the spine and back forward. This continuous process creates a microcosmic orbit within our energy body, leading to an improvement in our health and consciousness.)

“I love and support you. Forgive me for being cruel to you. How can I help you feel safe, help both of us to/learn what we are striving for?”

Now, instead of saying, "Why me?" (answer in terms of guilt), I choose the answer: “I am responsible for this” (no guilt). I just use the suggested techniques and leave everything to God's will.

It’s just that we cannot understand everything that is happening, because in one time frame there are so many realities that are parallel to ours. We should not lose the burden on the questions "how?", "why?" and “when?”, you just need to act.

When I call the voices of the past to the court of silent, secret thoughts, - Losses all come to my mind, And I am ill again with the old pain.

I keep an account of what I have lost, And I am horrified again by the loss of each, And again I pay a dear price For what I paid for once already! (Shakespeare, Sonnet 30**)

The problem lies in the erroneous memories recurring in the subconscious (unihipili) that "healers" share with their patients.

Self-authenticity through Ho "oponopono is a process of solving problems in the form of repetition, forgiveness and transformation of everything that each of us can apply to ourselves. It is a process of turning to God, designed to transform erroneous memories in the subconscious into zero, i.e. into nothing .

Expectations and desires have no effect on God. God will do what he wants, when he wants, in his own way and in his own time.

“In order to open the way for the entry of divine welfare, one must first give up memories. As long as memories (blocks/restrictions) are present in the subconscious, they prevent God from giving us our daily bread.”

I'm just saying that cleansing is much more important than anything else. As you clear, ideas begin to come to you. And some of these ideas can make you very rich.

"It's a cleanser," Dr. Hugh Lin said after examining the business card. - You can clear memories and eliminate negativity by fanning your business cards objects, people, or yourself.

“Problems are memories that are replayed,” he said. - Memories are programs. These programs are not only yours. They are common. To free your memory, you need to send love to God. God hears and answers in the best way for us at the right time. You choose, but you don't decide. God decides."

Marvin, a bubbly, broad-smiling guy from the Philippines, stood up and said he had sold more than $150 million worth of luxury cars in a year, but he didn't try to sell as many as he could. He was just cleaning up.

"I was just saying 'I love you' all day long," he explained in bad English. - I cleansed myself when I listened to people. I was just cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Constantly cleansed."

“Have you set any goals for yourself at all?” I asked skeptically, implying that he at least wanted to sell cars because that was his job.

“Never,” he replied. - With no exceptions. I just came to work and cleaned up."

“You are completely responsible for everything that happens,” said Dr. Hugh Lin. - Everything is in you. Everything. With no exceptions. You must purify yourself of this, or you will never purify yourself."

You can choose, but you cannot decide.

“Mentally dip the book into a glass of water and put some fruit on top,” he advised. - I know it sounds weird. But remember today, put the book in the water and see what happens.”

“You have to drop the idea that people do things for you. They make them for themselves. All you have to do is purify yourself."

What did I do for this as a staff psychologist? I applied the method of self-identity through Ho "oponopono. The method of repeating, forgiving and transforming everything that was happening in me and that manifested as my conscious and unconscious problems before, during and after my work in the hospital at every moment of my life.

I was created by the one who "Azm is", and I am perfect, like all his other creations. Only the memories that make us act are imperfect, they are repeated as condemnation, indignation, anger, irritation and what only God knows and what we carry in our Soul.

When he worked in a psychiatric hospital, he read patient records. When he felt disgusted with any actions of patients or events in their illness, he did not begin to work with patients, but began to work with feelings that he himself experienced. When he cleared these feelings, the patients became clearer and healed.

“It doesn't matter what the buyer and seller do in this situation. It matters what you do. Dr. Hugh Lin simply repeats "I love you", "I'm sorry", "Please forgive me", and "Thank you". He doesn't say it to people, he says it to God. The idea is to clear the overall energy."

God is already pouring out his love on you. This process never stops. Zero state, where there are no limits, we can describe as a state of pure love. She is there. But you are not there. So by saying "I love you", "I'm so sorry", "Please forgive me" and "Thank you", you are clearing the programs that are in you that do not allow you to be in a pure state - a state of love.

All I can do is purify myself. When I cleanse myself, they become purer. When we clean general programs, then they disappear from the life of all mankind. Here's what I'm doing now. This is what Dr. Hugh Lin said to me during our first phone conversation, which was so long ago: "All I do is cleanse, cleanse, cleanse."

All I do is say "I love you", "I'm sorry", "Please forgive me" and "Thank you". Everything else is done by God.

I felt great regret that I turned my back on my "child" for falling behind in the school of life. In my mind, I began to repeat the words to God: "I love you", "I'm sorry", "Please forgive me" and "Thank you", keeping the feeling for my book in my heart. Later, when I came home and saw my book, I held it to my chest, hugged it, expressing my love and asking for forgiveness for not appreciating it simply for its existence.

“I used to try to solve problems, whether they were about me or anyone else. Now I allow them to remain unresolved, but I clear the memories that cause these problems. When I do this, problems are solved, and I become happy because problems are solved.”

There are three elements in the simple phrase "I love you" that can transform anything. He said it was gratitude, respect and transformation.

We talked about concepts that changed the way of thinking, and women easily perceived them. I couldn't figure it out, but I assumed they resonated with Dr. Hew Lean's tone, the way a tuning fork resonates.

There is only one choice in our life: to be purified or not to be purified.

“You can either act from memory or from inspiration,” he explained. - That's all".

“I have always told people that they can act on inspiration or not. This is what free will is. God sends a message, and you can act or not act. If you act, everything will be fine. If not, you may be in trouble."

If you are pure, then inspiration comes and you act. You don't think about it. If you think about it, you are comparing inspiration to something else, and what you are comparing to is memory. Clear your memory and you won't have a choice. You will be left with only inspiration and you will act without thinking.”

Free will means you are stuck in memory. When you find yourself in a zero state where there are no limits, you will not do anything except what you have to do.

“Memories can repel money,” he said. - If you are clean about money, you will have it. The Universe gives them to you if you accept them. It's the replaying memories that push the money away from you or you from understanding it."

“You can love money, but it's better to say it to God. When you are in the zero state, then you have no restrictions, and even money can come to you. But when you act from memory, you block these possibilities. There are many memories of money. When you cleanse them, they are cleansed for everyone."

Too many people get locked into one idea and strive to make it live up to their expectations. By doing this, they only block the true wealth that they could achieve.

It is important that you love the person because they are part of you. And this love of yours will help to erase and clean up, clean up the programs running in his life.

You have to understand that what she or someone else says is not a real problem. Their history is their conscious interpretation of events. What actually happened remained beyond their comprehension. But their story is a starting point."

Doctors think their job is to help people or save their lives. But in reality, their job is to heal themselves of the programs they see in their patients. Once these memories are destroyed by the doctor, they will also be neutralized in the patient.

In short, you will become a puppet in the hands of God, but a puppeteer in your life.

An inscription is carved on his tombstone: "Not of my own will, but because Yours must be fulfilled."

“He will never succeed,” said Dr. Hugh Lin. - His role is to play golf, not to teach it. This role belongs to someone else. Each of us has a role to play."

"Even the janitor?"

"Yes! There are janitors and garbage collectors who love their jobs,” he said. “You don’t think so, because you imagine yourself fulfilling their role. But remember, they don't play your part."

When you love, things change. Smoking is bad when you think it's bad. And like everything in the ancient Hawaiian traditions, everything begins with a thought, and love is the great healer.

There is nothing outside. Everything is in you. Whatever happens, it happens within you.

"It's like a riddle: does a tree fall in the forest if no one is around to hear the sound of it falling?"

“No one can predict their future thought,” I explained. - You can verbalize it after it comes to you, but the thought itself arises in your subconscious.

You cannot control it. The only choice you have when a thought comes is to act or not to act.”

“You can do any number of things after a thought arises, but the thought itself is generated in your subconscious. To clear your subconscious so that you only have good thoughts, you need to do something else.”

If you act from the zero state, then events occur in a timely manner.

I started by saying that thoughts are not as important as their absence. I tried to talk about the zero state of no limits, when you allow God to heal you.

When the camera was turned off, the presenter said that she heals people by entering the zero state. It turned out that she is a doctor and now treats animals by going to the zero state of no thoughts and limitations. Sick animals should simply be present at the same time. She showed me pictures of dogs with cataracts, and then pictures of those animals completely healed.

Once again God proved that He has all the power, not me. I can only purify myself so that I can hear Him and obey Him.

They get to the point where they think their past accomplishments will work for them for the rest of their lives. But life makes adjustments. We are all different and life is constantly changing. As soon as you start thinking that you know everything, a new challenge arises - and your life falls out of your hands again.

“God is not a concierge. You don't have to ask for things, you have to purify."

Always, always, always the same refrain that heals all wounds: “I love you; I'm really sorry; Please forgive me; thank you".

People do not consider themselves the source of their own life experiences. Very few of those who pray turn to what is going on in themselves.

When most people pray, they act as if they have no power of their own and no responsibility. But, according to the Ho "oponopono method, you are completely responsible for your life. The "prayer" must ask for forgiveness for what happens in him and leads to external circumstances. He restores contact with God. It remains only to trust God to heal you. When you heal, the same will happen to the world around you.Everything, without exception, is within you.

Agreeing with life's events and circumstances is the great secret to happiness. Happiness comes when you don't try to control your life. Too many people, myself included, represent and assert things in an attempt to rule the world. Now I know it's not necessary. It is better to go with the flow, cleaning everything that comes in the way.

I wanted to withdraw my books. I thought they were embarrassing people. I told Dr. Hugh Lin that I felt like I was doing harm to the world.

“Your books are like stones to cross a river,” explained Dr. Hugh Lin. -People are at different stages of the journey. Your books say where they are. After using one book for their cultivation, they will be ready for the next one. You don't have to recall the books. They are perfect."

“I had to take full responsibility for the manifestation of problems in the world outside of me,” he said. “I had to purify my own harmful thoughts and replace them with love. The patients were all right. I was wrong."

As Dr. Hugh Lin explained, the patients, and even the wards, did not feel love. He just loved everything and everyone.

I'm more interested in this moment than the next.

"Now my intention is to follow the purposes of God."

When you get out of your head your Ego and the desires of this Ego, you get something better - the will of God.

I realized that there are at least three stages of enlightenment, and this is practically a map of the spiritual journey in your life. Here are the three stages.

1. You are a victim. We are all born with a sense of our own helplessness. Most of us remain in this state. We believe that the world controls us: government, neighbors, society, i.e. bad guys in one form or another.

2. You are in control. You have realized the power of intentions and goal setting. You realized that you can turn what you want into reality, take action and achieve a result. You start to feel some kind of magic. You are getting results. Life starts to look good.

3. You are awake. At a certain point after reaching the second stage, you begin to understand that your desires and intentions are limitations. You begin to understand that, despite all your revealed power, you are not able to control everything that happens.

You begin to understand that when you submit higher power. Miracles begin to happen. You let things take their course and trust that power. Step by step, you begin to practice realizing your connection with God. You learn to recognize the inspiration that comes to you and act on it. You understand that you have a choice, but you are not in control of your life. You realize that the best thing you can do is to accept every moment of your life.

The signal from zero, if we want to call it words, is "love". Therefore, repeating the phrase “I love you” allows us to tune in to the right wave. The repetition of this phrase helps to neutralize memories, programs, superstitions and limitations that prevent you from awakening. When I clear, I tune in to a wave of inspiration. When I act on this inspiration, miracles more beautiful than I could imagine begin to happen.

Key points

1. You have no idea what's going on.

It is impossible to know about everything that is happening around you. Your body and brain are self-regulating right now, without any input from you. There are numerous invisible signals in the atmosphere, the range of which is very wide - from radio waves to thought forms. You cannot perceive all these signals. You are indeed taking part in the creation of your own reality right now, but this is happening unconsciously, without any awareness or control on your part.

2. You don't control everything.

Obviously, if you are not aware of everything that is happening, then you cannot control it. This is just a trap for your ego to think that the world is governed by your orders. Since your ego is unable to see what is happening in the world at the moment, it is not entirely wise to let it decide what is best for you. You have the right to choose, but you cannot control events.

You can use your consciousness to choose what you prefer to experience (experience), but you must let it decide for you whether these events will happen or not, how they will happen and when. Submission is the key here.

3. You have the ability to heal everyone you meet in your life.

"If you can spot it, then you've got it."

The more you heal what is in your way, the purer you become and the closer you are to manifesting what you desire, as you release energy now available to use for other issues.

4. You are solely responsible for all of your life experiences.

Thus, you do not have the right to blame anyone or anything for what is happening. You can only take responsibility, which means accepting what is happening, owning it and loving it.

5. Your ticket to no limits is repeating "I love you"

The pass that takes you to a world beyond comprehension, from healing to wish fulfillment, is the simple phrase "I love you." Repeating this phrase to God cleanses everything in you, which allows you to experience the miracle of this moment - the absence of restrictions. The idea is to love everything around. Love your extra weight, your problem child, neighbor or spouse, love them all. Love transforms energy and releases it. The phrase "I love you" serves as a magical password to experience God.

6. Inspiration is more important than intention.

Intentions are the playthings of the mind, but inspiration is a command from God. At some point, you give in and start listening instead of asking and waiting. Intention is an attempt to manage your life based on the limited vision of your ego. Inspiration is receiving a message from God and acting on that message. Intentions work and produce results, inspiration works and works wonders. What do you choose?

How to heal and gain wealth and happiness

The way Dr. Hugh Lin likes it starts with him saying "I'm sorry" and "Please forgive me." You say this with the knowledge that something (you don't know what) has entered your body and mind. You have no idea how it happened. And you don't need to know. If you are overweight, then you have simply "picked up" a program that makes your body behave in this way. By repeating "I'm sorry," you're telling God that you're asking for forgiveness for letting this get into you. You are not asking God to forgive you, you are asking God to help you forgive yourself.

After that, you start repeating "Thank you" and "I love you." When you say "Thank you," you are expressing gratitude. You demonstrate your belief that the problem will be solved in the way that is best for everyone affected by it. The phrase "I love you" turns stagnant energy into a flow. This phrase allows you to reconnect with God. The zero state is a state of pure love and no restrictions, so you start the journey to this state by expressing your love.

Everything that happens afterwards depends on God. You may be inspired to do something. Whatever it is, do it. If you are in doubt about what action to take, use the same healing method to clear your doubts. When you're clean, you'll know what to do.

Problems can be solved without knowing what exactly is going on! Understanding and acknowledging this brings me comfort and fills me with joy.

Intelligence or Consciousness believes that it is capable of solving the problem, that it controls the events that occur.

In his book The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size, journalist Top Nsrretranders paints a completely different picture of Consciousness. He refers to Scientific research, in particular on the research of Professor Benjamin Libet of the University of California at San Francisco. These studies have shown that a decision is made by a person before he realizes it, and the Intellect knows nothing about it, believing that it acts on its own.

Replaying memories govern what consciousness perceives.

Consciousness perceives substitute, imitative and reflected reproducing memories. It behaves, sees, feels and makes decisions as memory dictates. Consciousness operates without awareness of what is happening, based on memories. Memories dictate perception, studies show.

The body and the world are perceived by the Consciousness in the form of creations of reproducing memories and very rarely in the form of Inspiration.

The Subconscious and Consciousness that make up the Soul do not generate their own ideas, thoughts, feelings and actions. As stated above, life experiences and perceptions in the mind are either replayed memories or Inspiration.

But we interpret things in our own way, Distorting the true meaning of events. Shakespeare. "Julius Caesar"*

In solving problems, it is important to realize that the body and the world are not problems in themselves, in fact the problems are the consequences of the memories replaying in the Subconscious!

Cleanse, wash, wash and find your very own Shangri-la. Where? Inside yourself.

Neither bronze walls, nor dungeons, nor stone towers, nor shackles Can not curb the strength of the spirit.

1. "I love you."

When the Soul perceives replaying memories as problems, silently tell these problems to yourself, “I love you, dear memories. I appreciate the opportunity to free you and me." The phrase "I love you" can be repeated to yourself over and over again. Memories never go on vacation, and never leave you until you give them up. The phrase "I love you" can be used even when you don't know the cause of the problems. It can be used before starting any business, for example, before answering a phone call or before driving a car.

2. "Thank you."

These words can be said together or instead of the phrase "I love you." Like the words "I love you", this phrase can be repeated to yourself over and over again.

One of the best ways to solve problems is to drink plenty of water, in particular blue solar water. Take a blue glass container with a non-metal lid and fill it with water. Place this container in sunlight or under an incandescent lamp (not a fluorescent lamp) for at least an hour. Once the water is filled with light, it can be used in several ways. Drink it. Cook food on it.

Fruits and vegetables love being washed in blue solar water! As in the process of repeating "I love you" and "Thank you", blue solar water erases memories that reproduce problems in Consciousness. So drink some water and wipe them off forever!

From the book by Joe Vitale
"Life Without Limits (Ho'oponopono)"

"Ho'oponopono is a term that can be interpreted as a liberation from all kinds of negative energy inside a person and an associated search for thoughts and ideas of good deeds in oneself."

If you try to explain the meaning of this word more plain language, then the wording will look like this: at a certain moment a person must do the right thing and correct the mistakes that he is now aware of. It is noteworthy that the belief of the Hawaiians is that any mistakes in a person's life arise due to thoughts in his head, which later lead to the emergence of painful and harmful memories.

It is Ho'oponopono that suggests a way out of this painful condition or its prevention. In addition, this term implies a long and thorough work on oneself, in order to get rid of such negative thoughts that carry a threat to both the mind and the body.

If we analyze the generally accepted methods of solving problems with physical and spiritual health, then any doctor will assure until the last moment that it is the patient who is to blame for the lack of a positive trend.

From this, the doctor deliberately comes to a false judgment, which says that the duties of the doctor include only banal assistance to the patient to resolve issues regarding his ailments. Is such an approach capable of enabling the doctor to completely heal the patient from any negative manifestations that constantly destroy his body? To achieve effective work with their patients or clients, any doctor must learn to look for new ways of self-improvement and methods of modernizing treatment. Sometimes it is necessary to consider whether the obstacles that arise are really entirely due to the patient's mistakes. Sometimes doctors simply do not pay attention to such a simple factor as the temporal variability of diseases, causing symptoms to manifest themselves in the form of periodic problems.

If, in the course of treating a patient, the doctor knows in advance this cunning principle used by diseases to mask, then in order to prevent this or that problem, he will devote himself entirely to eliminating it. Through the use modern methodology Ho'oponopono, which was developed by Simeon's Morrna Nalamaku, gives the doctor the ability to control and identify the harmful flow of thoughts both within himself and within his patient, simultaneously translating negative energy into thoughts of love that are pure and perfect in their form.

If, in order to solve the health problems of his client, the doctor will work according to the Ho'oponopono method, then he will first of all have to analyze his mind and personality and connect it to that same legendary source of primordial purity, bearing a thousand names, the main of which are God and love.

When this connection is reached, the doctor will begin to call for Love to eliminate all his erroneous thoughts that are present inside him and are embodied in problems, first of all, which are dangerous for the patient, and only then for the doctor himself. This call can be positioned as repentance and forgiveness of the doctor himself. At this stage, he must repent of his negative and wrong thoughts, which are now harming his patient.

Love, in response to the doctor's appeal, begins to reproduce the process of transformation of those very sinful thoughts, and the patient's condition should soon improve. During the passage of the process of spiritual interaction, love initially begins to neutralize all the negative emotions present in the doctor, which actually became the cause of the patient's health problems. We are talking about such emotions as resentment, fears, anger or condemnation of someone. After that, Love sends the already neutralized energy of the doctor's thoughts, plunging them into a state of vacuum and true freedom.

What result can be achieved in the end? The doctor or healer gets the opportunity for a holistic spiritual renewal and restoration in Love. The same phenomenon occurs both directly and with the patient, as well as all the people to whom this or that problem was related. Where previously there was despair in the patient, there is now Love. In the places of the soul, where relatively recently there was complete darkness, now the light of Love has settled.

When interacting with people in your life, you need to be guided by the following principles and canons:
1. The physical universe must be the embodiment of the thoughts of each of us.
2. If a person's thoughts are harmful, they will form a negative physical reality around them.
3. When a person's thoughts are perfect, the surrounding physical reality will exude Love.
4. Each person is responsible for creating their own physical reality.
5. We are responsible for the transformation of all negative thoughts within us that prevent us from creating a positive reality.
6. Nothing should exist separately from each individual. Everything comes from each of us and every person in the world is important.

It would be appropriate to recall the words of Carl Jung now: “A person who sees only what is outside of him is in a state of sleep, and one who is used to looking only inside himself is only waking up.”

All my problems stem solely from the brain's replaying of bad memories. At the same time, all these negative situations have nothing to do with some strangers or situations. They are not even tied to one or another physical place.

At the moment when painful memories have to be relived, there is always some choice. On this stage I can simply stay with these negative thoughts and get a harmful effect from them, or I can ask God to release me from these thoughts and transform them into memories, returning my mind to its primary state, which is not burdened by anything and makes it possible to live in complete harmony with yourself and everyone around you. At the moment of liberation of memory, I myself will be able to become the Divine myself, like the very essence that once created me in its own image.

My subconscious mind can stay in the zero state, to which it is eternal, unlimited and not constrained by anything. If a person begins to be guided by memories, including negative ones, then with his mind he involuntarily moves to certain places and points in time. This state causes a feeling of uncertainty and the mind tries to take measures to avoid the occurrence of this or that situation, which negatively affects the state of a person spiritually. I must always choose the purity of mind given to me by God, and not those very harmful thoughts. If there is no coordination, then there is no reason for inspiration to manifest. A pattern follows from this: without inspiration, there can be no goal.

At the stage of working with sick people, I constantly turn to God with requests to transform all my memories and thoughts that cause certain reactions to them inside me. Further, God gives me the opportunity to fill the subconscious with inspiration, which gives my Soul the ability to read the feelings of another person, as God can do.

At the stage of subconscious communication with God, all my memories begin to transform, while they are transformed not only in the minds of other people, but also in everything around, for example, stones, animals. It is very interesting to realize that it is with you that freedom and peace begin.

Humanity is constantly accumulating in itself certain memories that people need to provide assistance to others and support life. The technique based on Ho'oponopono makes it possible to abstract from these memories at a subconscious level. Ultimately, we come to the realization that the problems are outside of us, and not inside the person.

Each of us from time to time faces the suffering that he previously had to endure. It is worth noting that memories of certain problem situations have nothing to do with specific people, places or situations. This is a kind of opportunity that can give a person spiritual freedom. If we talk about the main goal of the SPH technique, then it comes down to giving a person the opportunity to restore self-authenticity, as well as to feel their own rhythm through the wisdom of God. At the stage of restoration of the primary rhythm, purity appears, which further accompanies the filling of the soul with inspiration.

If a person wants to free himself from all the suffering that he has to experience repeatedly, then everything will begin to improve and contribute to the improvement of the condition of the people around him. Ultimately, we completely eliminate any fear in strangers of sharing the SPH technique with other individuals and thereby spreading it. We give each person the opportunity to find freedom for himself and at the same time show other people the methods of achieving this goal. Here again it is appropriate to recall that the whole world begins precisely with each of us.

Arthur Schopenhauer said that each of the people limits the limits of our world only to the possibilities of their own vision.
Remarkably, he never gave any traditional advice. Special attention he devoted himself to the case histories of his patients, that is, he studied his patients with the utmost care. This made it possible for him to act directly on himself, but at the same time, his patients quickly embarked on the path of recovery.

He was often asked about what he was doing to heal his patients, to which he replied: “I am engaged in cleansing this or that part of my spiritual world, which is directly related to one or another of my patients.

Dr. Hugh Lin said that under the full responsibility of each person for his life, he must understand the responsibility for everything and all those around him. It should be understood that, to some extent, the entire surrounding world can act as your creation.

Current page: 1 (total book has 13 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 3 pages]

From the author

This book owes its existence primarily to two people: Mark Ryan, my priceless friend who told me about the unusual therapist you are reading a book about, and Dr. best friend. I want to say thank you, Nerissa, my love, my support and my faithful companion life. Thanks to Matt Holt and all my friends at the publishing house John Wiley & Sons Inc. I have enjoyed meeting and working with you. Thanks to Suzanne Barnes, my main assistant and proofreader of the first versions of the manuscript for this book. Among the contributors to this book, I would like to highlight Julian Coleman-Willer, Cindy Cashman, Craig Perrin, Pat O'Brien, Bill Hibler, and Nerissa Auden. The first readers of the book who helped improve it were Mark Weiser and Mark Ryan. I also want to give praise to God for guiding the creation of this book. I am very grateful for the instructions given to me.

Dedicated to Morrna and Kaya

Dr. Hugh Lin

Dedicated to Mark Ryan and Nerissa

Dr. Joe Vitale

Ho'oponopono is an invaluable gift that allows you to find and establish contact with the Lord within yourself, as well as learn to purify your thoughts, words, actions and deeds.

In fact, this is a process of liberation, a complete liberation from the past.

Morrna Nalamaku Simeona, Ho'oponopono Supreme Master, originator of the Ho'oponopono method of self-identity, recognized as a Living Treasure of the State of Hawaii by the Hongaji Honolulu Mission in 1983 and legislature state of hawaii


Our dear Morrna Nalamaku Simeon, the creator and first teacher of the Ho’oponopono method of self-identity, had a sign on the table that read “Peace begins with me,” which can be translated as “The world begins with me.”

I was a witness to this world around us during our joint work and travel from December 1982 to that fatal day in Kirchheim, Germany, in February 1992. Even as she lay on her deathbed in the midst of total chaos, she radiated a calmness beyond human comprehension.

It has been a great fortune and honor for me to have been trained by Morrna for ten years. Since then, I have been practicing the Ho'oponopono method of self-identity. I am glad that with the help of my friend, Dr. Joe Vitale, the message of this method can spread throughout the world.

The truth must reach you through me, because we are all one, and everything happens within this whole.

Peace me

Ihaliacala Hugh Lin, Ph.D.

retired chairman

The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos


Secret of the Universe

In 2006, I wrote an article entitled "The World's Most Unusual Doctor". This article talked about a psychotherapist who helped cure an entire ward of mentally ill criminals without even examining them. In doing so, he used an unusual healing method that originated in the Hawaiian Islands. Until 2004, I had not heard of this doctor or his method. It took me two years to find this healer. As a result, I got acquainted with this method, and wrote an article that received wide acclaim.

This article has gone all over the internet. It was published in newsgroups and sent by e-mail to a huge number of people employed in completely different fields of activity. She also liked the visitors of my site and went to tens of thousands of addresses. Then this article came back from complete strangers to my friends and relatives. According to my calculations, about five million people have read it.

Anyone who has read it must agree that this story is hard to believe. She inspired someone. Some were skeptical of her. But everyone wanted to know more. This book is a response to that desire.

– The release of my audio program “The Power of Outrageous Marketing” at Nightingale-Conant came after ten years of unsuccessfully knocking on their doors.

“How I went from being homeless to a beggar without any plan, to a poor author, a published author, and finally one of the best-selling authors and internet marketing gurus.

“My desire to own a BMW Z3 sports car inspired me so much that I came up with a new internet marketing idea that one day brought me $22,500 and a recurring income of about a quarter of a million dollars a year.

“When I divorced my wife, I wanted to buy property in the rolling Texas countryside. As a result of this desire, I created a new business, which I sold for $50,000.

- I lost over 40 kg after discovering a new way to fulfill my desires.

- My appearance in the film "The Secret" happened without any requests, exhortations, persuasions or intrigues on my part.

– My participation in the Larry King show in November 2006 and March 2007 happened without any of my intentions and efforts.

As I write these words, Hollywood speculators are discussing the possibility of a film adaptation of my book The Secret of Attraction: Five Steps to Financial (and More) Well-being, and others are suggesting that I create my own television program.

It's too early to draw any conclusions, but you should already get the idea. Many miracles have happened in my life.

But Why did they happen?

What happened to me that allowed me to be so successful? Yes, I followed my dreams.

Yes, I did.

Yes, I was persistent.

But aren't hundreds of other people doing the same thing and still not succeeding? What is the difference between us?

If you take a critical look at all the achievements I have listed, you will see that not one of them was the result of my direct efforts. In fact, they are all manifestations of God's plan, and I am only a participant in this plan (sometimes against my will).

I'll try to explain it in a different way. At the end of 2006, I was leading a seminar called "Beyond Manifestation" (, which was mainly about what I understood about the enigmatic Hawaiian therapist and his method of treatment. At this seminar, I asked those present to write down on paper all the ways and methods, the application of which allows you to achieve any results in life. Among these were goal setting, goal fulfillment, intentions, body control exercises, a sense of the end result, script development, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and many other methods. After the group listened to all the ways they came up with, I asked if all of the ways listed worked consistently, with no exceptions.

Everyone agreed that the methods do not always work.

"So why?" I asked. Of course, no one could answer.

My conclusion startled the group.

“All of these methods have limitations,” I said. “They are just toys your mind plays with to keep you confident that you decide everything on your own. You don't really decide anything, and the real miracles begin when you throw away those toys and trust that place within you that has no limits."

Then I told the listeners that wherever you dream of being in life, this place is - outside of all these toys, outside of the possibilities of the mind, but next to the one we call God. I explained that there are at least three stages in our life: first we are victims of circumstances, then we become the creators of our own destiny, and we end up (with some luck) becoming servants of God. In this last stage (which I will discuss later in this book), amazing miracles happen to us with little or no effort on our part.

Today I was interviewing a person applying for the position of a goal achievement expert for my Hypnotic Gold program. The challenger has written dozens of books that have sold millions of copies. He knows how to teach people to set goals for themselves. The main idea of ​​his philosophy revolves around a burning desire to act, to achieve something. However, this is an incomplete strategy. I asked him what advice he gives when someone can't find the motivation to set a goal, let alone achieve it.

“If I knew the answer to this question,” he began, “I could solve most of the world’s problems.”

Then he began to tell you that you just have to burn with the desire to achieve your goal. If you don't do your best, you won't be able to maintain the discipline you need to concentrate and work.

“But what if you don’t have such a strong desire?” I asked.

"Then you will never reach your goal."

“How did you make yourself feel so strongly and be so motivated?”

He couldn't answer.

Therein lies the problem. At some point, all self-improvement and goal setting programs fail. If someone is not ready to achieve something, then these programs are not able to maintain energy in a person to achieve the goal. This terminates the program. Each of us is familiar with the situation when we make cardinal decisions on January 1, and forget about them on January 2. Some of these intentions are very good. But something deep within us is out of alignment with these conscious desires.

What to do with this, deeper, state of absence of strong desire?

This is where the Hawaiian method, which you will learn about in this book, comes in handy. It helps to clear the subconscious, in which our blocks are fixed. This method helps remove hidden programs that prevent you from realizing your desires for health, wealth, happiness, or anything else. Everything happens in our head.

All this I will explain in the pages of the book you now hold in your hands. For example, consider the following phrase.

Thor Norretanders, in The User Illusion, sums up the essence of the mental rollercoaster ride you are about to ride: "The universe begins when nothing sees its reflection in a mirror."

In short, this book is about returning to the zero state, where nothing is, but everything is possible. In the zero state, there are no thoughts, words, actions, memories, programs, beliefs, or anything else. Just nothing.

But one day nothing sees itself in the mirror and you are born. From this moment you are created and begin to unconsciously accumulate and perceive beliefs, programs, memories, thoughts, words, actions, etc. Many of these programs are rooted in the origins of existence.

The purpose of this book is to help you experience the wonder of existence in every moment. From now on, the miracles that I describe will happen to you. It will be unique, only yours, miracles. And they will be delightful, magical and unique.

My own experience of traveling on this spiritual ship beyond human understanding into the realm of the unbelievable is very difficult to describe. I have reached heights that I could not even dream of. I have mastered new skills and my level of love for myself and for the world around me is beyond words. I live in a state close to reverence.

I'll try to express myself differently. Each of us looks at the world through our own glasses. Religious figures, philosophers, healers, book authors, lecturers, gurus and other sages look at the world through the prism of personal perception. In this book, you will learn how to use your own glasses to eliminate all others. And if you succeed, you will find yourself in a place where there are no restrictions.

Please note that this is the first book in history to describe the updated Hawaiian method of healing called Self-Identity Through Ho'oponopono. But also keep in mind that this is the experience of one person using this method - my own experience. Although this book was written with the blessing of a healer who taught me this amazing method, everything written was refracted through the prism of my own perception, my view of the world. To fully understand the Ho’oponopono Self-Identity Method, you must do the exercises yourself and gain your own experience (the activities and exercises are described on English language on sites

The whole point of this book can be summed up in one phrase—a phrase that you will learn to use, a phrase that reveals the ultimate secret of the universe; phrase that I want to say to you and God right now.

"I love you".

Buy tickets and take your seats. The train to the depths of your soul is ready to depart.

So, go!

I love you

Aloha know wow ia oi

Dr. Joe Vitale

Austin, Texas

Chapter 1

The adventure begins

Peace be with you. All my world.

Oh ka Malukhia know mi oi, Ku "u Malukhia e pow loa

In August 2004, I worked at the booth at the annual meeting of the National Guild of Hypnotists. I enjoyed the interaction with people, this meeting, the spirit of the meeting and the exchange of information. But I was not ready for the event that changed my life, the beginning of which can be considered this very day.

My friend Mark Ryan worked with me. Mark, like me, is a hypnotherapist. He is an open, interesting person with active gestures. His appearance always brings animation and an element of magic. Our conversations often go on for hours. We discuss the most prominent doctors, from Milton Erickson to unknown shamans. During one of these conversations, Mark surprised me with the following question: “Have you heard of a doctor who treats people from a distance without even seeing them?”

The question puzzled me. I've heard of healers who heal from a distance before, but

Mark seems to have had something completely different in mind.

“He is a psychotherapist who has healed many people. His patients would have been enough for an entire hospital for the mentally ill. However, he did not see any of his patients.”

"How did he do it?"

"He uses a Hawaiian healing method called Ho'oponopono."

“Ho opo… what?” I asked.

I asked Mark to repeat the term ten times. I had never heard him before. Mark didn't know enough about this method or process to tell me more. I must admit I was intrigued, but also very skeptical. I thought it was some kind of hoax. Heal people without seeing them? So I believed!

Mark told me the following story.

“I've been going to Mount Shasta in California for 16 years for the purpose of self-discovery,” Mark explained. “There, one of my friends gave me a little booklet, the contents of which I will never forget. The text was printed in blue letters on white paper. The booklet told about the Hawaiian doctor and his method of treatment. I have read this booklet many times. I can’t describe what exactly this doctor does, but it is said that he healed people by this method.

“Where is that booklet now?” I asked. I wanted to read it.

"I can't find it," Mark replied. “But something tells me I should tell you about it. I know you won't believe me, but I'm just as intrigued as you. And I'd like to know more too."

There was a whole year left until the next meeting. During this time, I searched all sources of information, but did not find any information about a doctor who heals people without seeing them. Of course, I found stories about healing at a distance, when the doctor is not near the patient, but I understood that the Hawaiian doctor is doing something quite different. As far as I understood, distance did not play any role in his method. Also, I didn't know how to pronounce "ho" oponopono (ho" oponopono) to use the term in conversation. So he stopped trying.

At the next hypnotherapist meeting in 2005, Mark mentioned this healer again.

"Did you find anything about him?" - he asked.

“I don't know his name and I don't know how to pronounce the name of the method he uses,” I explained. That's why I didn't find anything.

Mark is a very enterprising person. We took a break from work, took my laptop, found a wireless internet connection and started looking. We quickly found the main and only official site dedicated to the Ho "oponopono method - After browsing the site, I found several review articles on what I wanted to learn.

There I found the definition of the Ho'oponopono method: "Ho'oponopono is the process of releasing the negative energy within you and opening yourself up to the thoughts, words, and deeds of the Divine."

I had no idea what that meant, so I decided to look further. And he found this: “To put it simply, ho’oponopono means “do the right thing” or “correct a mistake.” According to ancient Hawaiian beliefs, mistakes are caused by thoughts that trigger painful memories. Ho'oponopono offers a method to release the energy of these painful thoughts or mistakes that lead to imbalances in the body and diseases.

Yes, it is interesting. But what does it mean?

As a result of researching the site for information about a mysterious psychotherapist who heals people without seeing them, I discovered that there is an improved form of Ho'oponopono called self-identity through Ho'oponopono (SPH).

I was even more intrigued. Mark too. We were explorers. Our laptop was the horse on which we raced across the prairie of an unknown country. We were looking for answers to questions. We eagerly moved on.

We soon discovered another article written by Ph.D. Hugh Lin and Charles Brown, which clarified the meaning of some concepts.

100% Responsible for Solving My Clients' Problems Using the Self-Identity Method Through Ho'oponopono

In traditional methods of solving problems and healing the sick, the doctor is guided by the belief that the source of the problem is in the patient himself, and not in him, the doctor. The doctor believes that it is his responsibility to help the patient in solving his problems. Can these beliefs lead to a general depletion of the patient's body due to the actions of the healer?

In order to learn how to effectively solve the problems of his clients, the doctor must be willing to take l00% responsibility for creating a problem situation, i.e., to consider that the source of the problem is his wrong thoughts, and not the patient's mistakes. Doctors don't seem to notice that a problem exists at any given time, and yet problems exist all the time!

Taking full responsibility for the occurrence of a problem allows the physician to become fully responsible for solving the problem. Using the updated Ho'oponopono method, a process of repentance, forgiveness and change developed by Simeon's kahuna Lapa'au Morrna Nalamaku, the therapist is able to change wrong thoughts within himself and within the client and turn them into perfect thoughts of LOVE.

Tears glitter in her eyes. There were deep wrinkles at the corners of her mouth. “I'm worried about my son,” Cynthia takes a deep breath. "He's on drugs again." As she tells her sorrowful story, I begin to clear the wrong thoughts within me that have materialized as her problem.

Wrong thoughts were replaced by thoughts of love inside the doctor, in his family, relatives and his ancestors. These thoughts also changed in the patient, in her family, relatives and ancestors. The updated Ho'oponopono process allows the physician to work directly with the Primal Source, which is able to turn wrong thoughts into LOVE.

The tears in her eyes dried up. Wrinkles near the mouth smoothed out. She smiles, relief shining on her face. "I don't know why, but I feel better." I really don't know why. Really. Life is a mystery, except for LOVE, which knows everything. I just let go of negative thoughts and give thanks to LOVE from which all blessings come.

When solving problems using the updated Ho'oponopono process, the doctor, first of all, connects his personality, his Mind to the Primal Source, which many call LOVE or GOD. After establishing this connection, the doctor calls for LOVE to correct the erroneous, harmful thoughts in him, which were embodied as a problem for him in the first place, and for the patient - in the second place. This call is a process of repentance and forgiveness for the doctor himself: "I repent of my wrong thoughts that caused problems for me and my patient: please forgive me."

In response to the doctor's repentant prayer asking for forgiveness, LOVE begins the magical process of transforming sinful thoughts. During this process of spiritual interaction, LOVE first neutralizes the negative emotions that led to the problem: resentment, resentment, fear, anger, judgment or confusion. Then LOVE sends out the neutralized energy of thoughts, leaving them in a state of emptiness, vacuum, true freedom.

After the thoughts are released from the negative load, become free, LOVE fills them with itself. What is the result? The doctor or healer is renewed, restored in LOVE. The same thing happens with the patient, and with everyone to whom this problem is related. Where the patient had despair, LOVE now settles. Where it was dark in the soul, the healing light of LOVE now lives.

The Ho'oponopono Self-Identity method opens people's eyes to who they are and how they can solve problems that constantly arise, as well as teaches the process of renewal and restoration in LOVE. The training begins with a two-hour lecture. Listeners are given a brief overview of how their thoughts translate into mental, emotional, physical, financial, and relationship problems. These problems can arise both in your life and in the lives of your family members, relatives, parents, friends, neighbors and work colleagues. During weekend training, students learn what a problem is, where it lives, and how to solve problems of various types using 25 problem-solving processes. Students will learn how to take care of themselves. The inner meaning of this training is to become completely responsible for yourself, for what is happening in your life, and for simply solving problems.

The magic of the renewed Ho'oponopono process is that you see yourself in a new light every moment of time, and you begin to appreciate each application of the renewed miracle of LOVE more and more.

I am guided in my life and in my relationships with people by the following principles.

1. The physical universe is the embodiment of my thoughts.

2. If my thoughts are harmful, they create a harmful physical reality.

3. If my thoughts are perfect, then they create a physical reality exuding LOVE.

4. I am fully (100%) responsible for the creation of my physical universe.

5. I am fully (100%) responsible for the transformation of harmful thoughts that create a harmful reality.

6. Nothing exists apart from me. Everything exists as thoughts in my mind.

Mark and I read the article and began to wonder which of them is the doctor of interest to us - Charles Brown or Ihaliacala Hugh Lin? We did not know. We couldn't say for sure. And who is, or is this, Morrna mentioned in the article? And what is Ho-opo's self-identity...?

We continued our research. We managed to find a few more articles that lifted the veil of secrecy over the issues of interest to us. Among the findings were clarifying statements, such as: “In the process of reclaiming self-identity through Ho’oponopono, each problem is seen not as a test, but as an opportunity. Problems only reproduce the memories of our past, giving us more opportunities to look at ourselves through the eyes of LOVE and act on inspiration.”

I was very interested, but the meaning still eluded me. Problems "reproducing the memories of our past"? Really? What are the authors trying to say? How will this Ho'opono method... what's his... help doctors heal people? And who is this doctor, after all?

I found another article, this time by journalist Darrell Sifford, who met with the creator of this Xo'opono method... The creator turned out to be a woman named Morrna. She is the keeper of secrets, or kahuna (a shaman among the inhabitants of Hawaii). When healing people, Morrna suggests "praying to the Divine Creator of the patient's choice" with the help of the divinity that is present in every person ... the real successor of the Divine Creator.

Maybe you get the point. I didn't succeed the first time. As did Mark. Apparently, this Morrna utters some words, like a prayer, that help people heal. I mentally tied a knot in memory to learn this prayer, but at that moment I was more interested in another task - to find this healer and study her method of treatment. My desire to learn more and meet this shamanic healer grew stronger. Although Mark and I should have returned to our work duties at the meeting a long time ago, we did not, and continued our search.

Based on the information provided in the articles and on the website, we assumed that the name of the doctor we are interested in is Ihaliakala Hew Lin. Difficult name. I couldn't figure out how to pronounce it correctly. I didn't know how to find a doctor. There was no contact information on the site. We tried to use a Google search, but to no avail. We decided that this wonderful healer is just a fiction, or is no longer practicing, or maybe even died.

I slammed my laptop shut and returned to the meeting. But the adventure has already begun.