Recalculation of primary exam scores in Russian. Unified State Exam. Validity of the certificate of the results of the exam

Each graduate who wants to become a student of one of the universities of the Russian Federation in 2018 faces a difficult task - to successfully pass the exam, as well as to choose the right educational institution and faculty for submitting documents. The majority of 11th graders and their parents are faced with the final exam grading system for the first time and often find it difficult to find answers to the questions that arise. Therefore, we decided to shed light on important points.

In 2017-2018 the main rules passing the exam will not change significantly. This means that the 100-point system for grading final tests will still be relevant for graduates.

How is everything going?

During the verification examination papers for each correctly completed task, the graduate is credited with the so-called " primary scores”, which, upon completion of the work check, are summed up and converted into a “test score”, which is indicated in the USE certificate.

Important! Since 2009, the scale for converting primary and test USE scores into traditional five-point grades for schools has not been officially used, because in 2017 and 2018 final exams are not included in the certificate.

Checking work is done in two ways:

  • automatically (with the help of special programs and technical means);
  • manually (the correctness of detailed answers is checked by two independent experts).

It is quite difficult to challenge the result of an automatic check. If the basic rules were not followed when filling out the answer table, the computer may not protect the result, and only the graduate himself, who did not follow a number of mandatory rules, will be to blame for this.

If controversial issues arise during the expert review, a third specialist is involved, whose opinion will be decisive.

When to expect results?

The following time limits apply by law:

  • data processing (for compulsory subjects) at the RCSC should not last longer than 6 calendar days;
  • for data processing (subjects of choice) RTsOI give 4 days;
  • check in federal center testing should take no more than 5 working days;
  • approval of the results by the State Examination Commission - 1 more day;
  • up to 3 days to send the results to the USE participants.

In practice, from the moment of passing the exam to receiving the official result, it can take from 8 to 14 days.

Converting USE scores to grade

Despite the fact that officially in 2018 the scale for transferring points according to USE subjects in a five-point assessment is not used, many still want to interpret their result in a more familiar "school" system. To do this, you can use special tables or online calculators.

Table for converting OGE test scores into grades

Russian language


Computer science

Social science

Foreign languages




The second method is a little easier and more convenient than searching for the desired values ​​in the cells of a huge table. It is enough just to choose a subject (mathematics, Russian, chemistry, physics, history, English language, social studies ... and other subjects), enter data and get the desired result in a matter of seconds.

We suggest trying how simple and convenient it is to use in practice the online calculators of the USE score and its conversion to a 5-point grade.

Transfer of points from primary to test

Converting USE scores to grades

Internet systems for applicants

The academic year 2017-2018 is over, the exam has been passed, the results are known, and even the interactive scale for transferring primary scores showed that the USE result is in a fairly good range ... But, is this enough to enter the desired university?

Assess the real chances of entry, based on test scores and the minimum passing threshold set by the university.

Important! The minimum passing score is formed by the university itself. It will directly depend on the scores of applicants who apply in 2018. The more popular the specialty, the higher the passing score will be.

Often, at the TOP faculties, even 100-point results are not enough for admission to the budget. Only winners of the Olympiads, who give significant additional points, have a chance to see their last name in the lists of applicants for such areas.

In 2018, the most popular services for selecting a university and monitoring the entrance score threshold for various specialties will be:

  2. Apply online
  3. Calculator high school economy
  5. Typical entrant

Finding these services is very easy. It is enough to enter their name into any search engine.

Surely, from the first days of the school year, not only future school graduates think about the USE, but also their parents, who are worried about their children, about whether their children will be able to successfully pass a difficult test in the form of mandatory exams and certifications in school education.

And probably not in vain they are worried, because this is a kind of pass to higher educational establishments and a rather difficult test for which you need to prepare hard - sit down more closely at textbooks, forget about evening adventures at discos, and attend additional classes and go to courses, especially in those subjects that are in question.

All of the above takes a lot of time, diligence, effort and patience.

That is why future graduates of school institutions who have to take exams should set themselves up with responsible preparation for future exams, from the very first days of the upcoming academic year.

But we are with you this stage Interested in a few other questions that do not relate to preparation, but to passing average scores, what will they be? website

Mandatory minimum and average passing scores for the exam in 2017 academic year, as well as transitions with a scale of ratings and points, that's what we'll talk about below.

Also about what a future university entrant needs, how many points he will have to score in one or another subject, and so on.

Average and passing scores of the USE 2017 - minimum

The grading system proposed below and the scale for transferring USE scores in 2017, as well as knowing about the minimum, average and passing scores, are necessary for those students who are not yet accustomed to innovation, it is difficult for them to adapt to new system scoring and scoring, it is inconvenient to translate the points of the unified state exam into their usual grades.

Indeed, schoolchildren have a certain confusion in their heads, they get lost and cannot determine exactly how many points they need to score in a particular subject during the exam, as well as how much they will receive for solving some problem. website

In a word, this article is proposed in order to understand this, in principle, not a difficult problem. Remember that in any business you need the accuracy and reliability of the information that we present to you.

The benefits of the USE score transfer scale for a student in 2017

The proposed scale for transferring grades and accrued USE scores in the 2017 academic year will help future students quickly and accurately translate the points they have earned into grades they understand in order to summarize and comprehend the result, to understand the new one hundred (100) point system evaluation of the knowledge gained by schoolchildren.

So we come to the main topic of this article - below we present to you, as future students Russian universities an updated version of the scale of translation and assessment of the results of state exams, which will be used in the 2017 academic year, and which has already passed the "tests" in the last academic season and was generally liked by both students and teachers.

Scale for converting USE grades 2017 into points - Table

Subject - exam in the USE 2017

Grading table 2017 - USE translation jackal





Russian language(mandatory exam)

from 72

and higher




Mathematics(mandatory exam)

from 65

and higher




Social science

from 67

and higher





from 73

and higher





from 67

and higher





from 72

and higher




Foreign languages(required - ?)

from 84

and higher





from 67

and higher




Story(required - ?)

from 68

and higher





from 68

and higher




Computer science

from 73

and higher




USE scores 2017 - what's new in exams, useful?

It is so customary in our country that with the onset of the new school season, we are expecting some new products with a “chill in our souls”, which, as you know, do not make life easier for the student, but only complicate it. What to expect in the new academic year, for example, from passing the final and mandatory state exams, or attestation?

Specialists from the Ministry of Education Russian Federation and relevant departments are constantly studying their own and world experience, trying to take into account the mistakes of previous test campaigns at school.

It also analyzes the abilities of schoolchildren, their potential and interest in studying at universities, as well as the ability of the latter to "process" the number of future students that is planned in the near future.

In the future, all the information received is processed and corrected in accordance with the results obtained, which makes the examination process in schools more efficient (according to experts from the Ministry of Education). website

But all of the above does not please schoolchildren - future students, because in the desire of officials to "make their lives easier", to make passing exams more effective, like everything they have proposed, only creates unnecessary problems and considerable difficulties.

As for the holding of the unified state exam in the 2016-2017 academic year, it will most likely remain the same as it has been discussed recently. Almost all the nuances of the future examination campaign are known, although some of them are still in the plans and proposals.

Specialists from the Ministry of Education, as well as leading teachers of the country, are still discussing and finalizing the future examination company. At the moment, it is known for certain about the innovations that are guaranteed to be and which are expected.

New in the USE 2017 - innovations in exams

In the past academic years, graduates of school institutions were required to take two mandatory state exams - in mathematics and the Russian language. From the upcoming academic season, there will be one more of them, i.е. three, which we will discuss below ...

Officials from the Ministry of Education claim that the third subject as a compulsory State exam it will definitely be and it is absolutely necessary. But what kind of exam graduates will have to take in 2017 is still not exactly clear.

If you believe the rumors that have been spreading for a long time, then this will be the subject - History, although there are also such suspicions that it will become - Foreign Language. website

The choice in favor of history will most likely be justified, because it is known that the level of knowledge of the history of Russia, including world history, among modern youth is quite low, and, to put it mildly, wants some changes for the better.

On the other hand, the compulsory state exam in a foreign language is also justified and relevant. After all, in modern world without knowledge of a foreign language it is very difficult to reach some heights, to fully express yourself.

So, it is not yet clear and unknown in favor of which particular subject Russian officials will choose. But in any case, the third mandatory state exam (USE) in the 2017 academic year will definitely be ...

USE subjects in 2017 - at the choice of the student

As in previous academic years, students will be able to take exams in 1 (one) subject (previously there were 2), which they choose at their discretion.

The total number of exams in 2017 remains the same - there will be 4 (3 mandatory).

If earlier a student could choose 2 exams at his own discretion, now, due to the fact that 3 (three) became mandatory, he has only 1 (one) exam to choose from.

If in the upcoming academic year the third mandatory exam is History or a Foreign Language, then one of them will fall out of the list of possible options (choose a subject of your choice). In this case, the student has the following subjects that he can choose:

Subject - Physics
--- : --- Computer science;
--- : --- Chemistry
--- : --- Story
--- : --- Biology;
--- : --- Social science;
--- : --- Geography;
--- : --- Russian literature;
--- : --- Foreign language (English, German, French or Spanish).

There is still enough time before the USE-2017 to prepare well, and it is obvious that schoolchildren - future students, are waiting for the third mandatory exam, which one is still unknown. website

First of all, they are interested in the question of whether History or Foreign Language will become the third mandatory test, and if neither one nor the other, which subject in this case will be the third and take the currently empty place in the "cherished" trio.

Did you know that one of the reasons for the introduction of the third additional state exam was the fact that schoolchildren began to successfully pass state exams on the first try much more often ...

Good luck to all schoolchildren and future students in the 2017 academic year - successfully pass everything, not only the mandatory state exams, and enter the university where you dream of studying and gaining knowledge!

USE 2017

Criteria for assessing USE scores in 2017

Some students perceive to some extent minimum scores on the unified state exam as an opportunity to feel relaxed, because in fact, as he believes, he passed the exam, i.e. passed this mark. But there is also back side- in no case should you underestimate the minimum mark on the exam.

This does not even mean such a phrase as "it will do" or "and that's enough. This means that a given student who thinks like this is not interested in anything, but in his own future fate for sure.
He argues in this way - he passed the required mathematics and the Russian language somehow, which means I am free and will do what I want. If earlier it was possible to somehow justify such an approach, to understand to some extent a schoolboy, albeit with a huge stretch, then at the moment it is impossible to say so, everything has changed dramatically recently.

After all, no one will argue that the information age is in the yard with rapidly changing technologies, where hard labour, and to a greater extent, knowledge of a person, his ability to act and make the right decisions, as well as responsibility and professional attitude to his work are in demand.

Where do you get responsibility from that boy or girl of high school students who treat the exam in this way. And from this it all begins, how do you feel about yourself, gaining knowledge, passing exams, future studies at a university or college, mastering future profession and your life will be.

Nobody hides that today in Russia big problems with professionals in their field, experts in various fields, and this is an excellent occasion to declare yourself, for which, first of all, you need to take up your mind and show what you are capable of, and above all in state exams, achieve not the minimum, but the maximum mark scores on the exam.

After checking the USE tasks in the Russian language, the initial score for their implementation is set: from 0 to 57. Each task is evaluated by a certain number of points: than harder task the more points you can get for it. For the correct performance of tasks in the USE in the Russian language, from 1 to 5 points are given, depending on the complexity of the task. At the same time, you can get from 0 to 24 points for an essay.

After that, the primary score is converted into a test score, which is indicated in the USE certificate. It is this score that is used for admission to higher educational institutions. Translation of USE scores carried out using a special scoring scale.

Also, by the score for the USE, you can determine the approximate mark on a five-point scale that a student would receive for completing tasks in the Russian language in the exam.

Below is USE scores translation scale in Russian: Primary scores, test scores and a rough estimate.

USE score translation scale: Russian

The minimum test score for admission to higher educational institutions in the Russian language is 36.

Primary score Test score Grade
0 0 2
1 3
2 5
3 8
4 10
5 12
6 15
7 17
8 20
9 22
10 24 3
11 26
12 28
13 30
14 32
15 34
16 36
17 38
18 39
19 40
20 41
21 43
22 44
23 45
24 46
25 48
26 49
27 50
28 51
29 53
30 54
31 55
32 56
33 57 4
34 59
35 60
36 61
37 62
38 64
39 65
40 66
41 67
42 69
43 70
44 71
45 72 5
46 73
47 76
48 78
49 81
50 83
51 86
52 88
53 91
54 93
55 96
56 98
57 100

Next year, the Russian government decided to amend the state compulsory USE exam. It is planned to introduce the oral part of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language 2017. There are already algorithms for the oral part. As with surrender foreign languages orally, the student listens to the task for twenty minutes and answers five questions, describing the picture and asking questions. Next, the inspectors listen to the student's recording and give a grade. This model of conducting the oral part of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language suits the experts. The only thing that is required from the government of the country is to quickly and efficiently equip the premises for passing this type of exam. Because, unlike foreign languages, Russian is taken by about 700 thousand applicants annually. The only aesthetic inconvenience is the passing of an oral exam for children with speech defects, but now this is under consideration by teachers to improve the delivery system in general.