Story: graduated from the military department and received the military rank of lieutenant of the reserve in 2012, at the beginning of 2013 he received a military ID of a reserve officer at the military registration and enlistment office. I have excellent characteristics military department, all exams during training and graduation passed with excellent marks.

When I was at the military registration and enlistment office, I asked the head of the department for registering reserve officers (I don’t remember exactly what this department is called), then - lieutenant colonel whether I will be awarded the military rank of "senior lieutenant" 3 years after the award military rank"lieutenant". I referred to article 24 of the Regulations on the procedure for performing military service ( Article 24):

3. To stay in the reserve in the following military ranks, the terms are established:

h) senior lieutenant - three years;

7. The next military rank may be awarded to a citizen who is in the reserve of the Armed Forces Russian Federation:
a) up to and including the senior lieutenant - with a positive attestation;

And also to the fact that my father, also a reserve officer, was awarded the military rank of “senior lieutenant” in the late 80s 3 years after being awarded the rank of “lieutenant” and without going through the training camp.

The lieutenant colonel replied that without going through military training at the moment, the assignment of the next ranks to reserve officers is not carried out. Hence the first question - is it true that 1. the assignment of the next rank to reserve officers, including the title of "senior lieutenant", is carried out only after passing the training camp?

Then I asked him about the military training camp, and he answered me that even when passing the training camp, the rank is awarded only if I receive a positive motivated reference from the head of the training camp and an indication that I am worthy of the next military rank. It is not clear how well the leadership of the military training camps of officers who pass them can evaluate in 2-3 weeks and make a positive decision. In this regard, the question arises: 2. How difficult is it to get a positive reference with a referral for the assignment of the next military rank during the training camp? What is the proportion of citizens who receive a positive reference What is the practice on this issue

Now I am a student of the magistracy and therefore I am exempted from fees. But in the summer I will have time, and I am ready to go to the training camp. 3. Is it possible to go to the training camp, being a student (that is, as if forgetting about it and not telling the military registration and enlistment office). In case this is found out in the GUK MO, can it have Negative consequences in the form of a refusal to assign another title?

There are also additional restrictions on passing fees: for example, citizens cannot be called up for them more often than once every 3 years. 4. Is it possible to violate them of your own free will, that is, to come to the draft board and ask for training, even if less than 3 years have passed since the previous ones?

In order to receive the next rank, the fees must be completed in a position for which the desired rank is required according to the staffing table. The lieutenant colonel assured me that the rank of "senior lieutenant" would be easy to obtain in this way, and then it might be more difficult with positions. 5. What are the practical limits to growth in military rank for reserve officers? Is it possible in practice to obtain the ranks of "major", "lieutenant colonel" and "colonel" in this way?

Please be as careful as possible when answering. practices and practical opportunities, because I have already studied the regulatory legal acts on this issue quite well on my own and can almost work as a lawyer in this specialization. :) Thank you all in advance for your answers!

Added after 17 minutes
Yes, in addition to question 2. Is it difficult to pass tests and exams at the training camp at a level that would be enough to award the next title?