Zhytomyr Higher Military School of Air Defense Radio Electronics. Moscow Military Institute of Radio Electronics of the Space Forces. The procedure for enrolling candidates as cadets in the institute

Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. The Queen of the National Aviation University trains bachelors in the following areas: Automation and control; Information Security; Radio engineering and communications; Electrical engineering and electromechanics. SPECIALTIES OF THE DIRECTION "AUTOMATICS AND CONTROL" System engineering Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or a foreign language*. SPECIALTIES OF THE DIRECTION "INFORMATION SECURITY" Security of information and communication systems Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or a foreign language*. SPECIALTIES OF THE DIRECTION "RADIO ENGINEERING, RADIO ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND COMMUNICATION" Radio engineering Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or a foreign language*. SPECIALTIES OF THE DIRECTION "ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ELECTROMECHANICS" Electrical engineering and electrical technologies Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or Chemistry*.* Competitive subjects for which the applicant must provide a certificate of external independent assessment are determined by the Conditions for admission to higher educational institutions in 2013, depending on the specialty chosen by the applicant. At the same time, two subjects are obligatory, and the third subject, in most specialties, is offered to the applicant to choose from, except when such a subject is clearly indicated in the admission rules of the university. This means that a higher education institution may, by its own conditions of admission, limit the choice of a third competitive subject to an applicant. One or two competitive subjects are determined by the higher educational institution as specialized.

Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. Queen State University telecommunications (ZHVI DUT)

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Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. Queen of the State University of Telecommunications (ZHVI DUT).

Air Force Shooting School
military school
Zhytomyr Red Banner Anti-Aircraft Artillery School

Previous titles:

bachelor, specialist

Skill level:

part-time, daytime

Form of study:

State Diploma, European Diploma (DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT)

Completion document:

Series AE No. 285122 dated 11/18/2013


From 6600 to 6900 UAH per year

Cost of education:

University characteristics

general information

The institute takes its historical beginning from the Air Force Shooting School, founded in 1919 in the city of Nizhny Novgorod. In the pre-war period military school was based in Moscow, Petrograd, Sevastopol, and in the spring of 1941 was evacuated to Ufa. In 1944, for outstanding achievements in the training of officers, as well as in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of its founding, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
In 1946, the school was transferred to the city of Zhytomyr and in 1947 it received the name of the Zhytomyr Red Banner Anti-Aircraft Artillery School and continued to train officers for anti-aircraft artillery. In November 1979, for great merits in the training of highly qualified personnel, the school was awarded the Order October revolution. Since 1992, officers for the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been trained at the school.
By Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 2221 dated December 8, 1999, the Institute was named after the outstanding scientist, creator of rocket and space technology, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, twice Hero of Socialist Labor Sergei Pavlovich Korolyov.
On June 26, 2013, at a meeting of the Government, the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On the formation of the State University of Telecommunications" was approved. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MON). According to the order, the State University of Telecommunications was created on the basis of the State University of Information and Communication Technologies (GUIKT), structural divisions of the National technical university Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (KPI) - the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization and the Institute for Special Communications and Information Protection, as well as the Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S. Korolev (ZhVI) of the National Aviation University (NAU). The order noted that students, adjuncts, cadets and students, including those studying under the training program for reserve officers of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization of NTU "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" and the Institute of Special Communications and Information Protection of NTU "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S. Korolev of the National Aviation University, continue their studies at the State University of Telecommunications.

Danika YURI GRIGORYEVICH - Head of the Institute, Major General,
Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Khabchuk ANDREY ALEKSEEVICH - Deputy Head of the Institute, Colonel

SHESTAKOV VALERY IVANOVICH - Deputy Head of the Institute for Educational and Scientific Work, Colonel

Nakonechny VLADIMIR DMITRIEVICH - Deputy Head of the Institute for Educational Work - Head of the Department for Educational Work, Colonel

TUCHEMSKY SERGEY PETROVICH - Deputy Head of the Institute for Armaments - Head of Armaments Colonel

YAKOBCHUK IGOR VLADIMIROVICH - Deputy Head of the Institute for Logistics -
head of logistics, colonel

High-quality training of military specialists at the Zhytomyr Military Institute is provided by modern classroom-laboratory and field bases, developed social infrastructure. All the necessary objects of the educational and material base are kept in good condition, their number and content meets the licensing requirements. The educational and material base is constantly updated and improved. To date, the institute's auditorium fund is:
7 academic buildings, 23 classrooms, 32 special classes ( classrooms), 50 laboratories, 5 training command (command - technical) points, 1 The educational center spacecraft flight control, 10 PC classes, 33 general purpose classes, 3 halls of engineering graphics and diploma design. The total number of study places in the classrooms is more than 2700.
A computer center has been created at the institute, which is used for better and more efficient training of cadets and students. A powerful social infrastructure of the institute, which includes: equipped barracks, a cadet canteen, a library, a club, a gym, a stadium with sports grounds for playing football, volleyball, basketball, handball, mini-football, gymnastic towns, a hand-to-hand combat ground, an obstacle course - satisfy needs of cadets and students.

The education of the future, a competitive graduate, a successful person - these are the words that express the essence of training at the Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. Korolev of the State University of Telecommunications, one of the leading higher military educational institutions in Ukraine. Within the framework of the university, which was recently created, the universities of the state, which occupy leading positions in the field of information and telecommunication technologies, are united, which makes it possible to create a large and powerful educational institution in the state in terms of its indicators.

Those who study at a military institute really receive an elite education in the most modern and important areas for the state and its defense capability.

The Institute has more than 90 years of experience in training specialists, and in 2014 it will celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the educational institution. Over the history of its existence, nearly 35,000 officers have been trained, among whom almost 400 have become generals.

Since 1946, the military institute has been the decoration and pride of the city of Zhytomyr. More than one generation of citizens of our state have connected their fate and life with this excellent higher military educational institution. Tens of thousands of its graduates are successfully working in the most important specialties for the state, for which there is and will be demand in the labor market, are highly valued and occupy a worthy place in various fields life activity not only in Ukraine, but also in the international arena.

Today, the military institute is an interdepartmental, multidisciplinary and multilevel university integrated into the system of national higher education, where military specialists are trained in high-tech areas of training for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other ministries and departments and civilian specialists for the national economy of Ukraine. The training of tactical-level command and control officers for radio engineering, information, communication and computerized systems has been and remains the main task of the military institute.

The educational process at the military institute is carried out by an experienced team of scientific and scientific - teaching staff, among them: 10 Doctors of Science and Professors, 88 Candidates of Science, 56 Associate Professors and Senior Researchers, Honored Educators of Ukraine, Laureates of the State Prize in Science and Technology Ukraine, Honored Innovator of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine and Honored Trainer of Ukraine .

We are proud of our financially - technical base. Deployed and actively used in the educational process, training and computing centers, 5 training command posts, 50 laboratories, more than 30 specialized classrooms, 19 computer classes, 3 platforms for practical work cadets on existing models of weapons and military equipment. IN educational process institute, modern information Technology with widespread use computer science, local networks with their connection to the Internet and the Ukrainian scientific and educational network URAN.

The institute conducts scientific and applied Scientific research on the issues of creation, testing, application, operation and modernization of dual-use electronic information systems, scientific support for the development of individual samples and elements of weapons and military equipment. By order of the departments of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and General Staff Armed Forces of Ukraine scientific center military institute, specialized software tools for automating information and analytical activities and generating management decisions in the field of defense. Promising scientific research is aimed at developing systems for the operational control of forces and means, robotic means (including unmanned aerial systems) and solving topical issues of cyber security and special operations. "Perspective - 2012", "Interdepartmental training on the implementation of measures for anti-terrorist support - 2012", anti-terrorist support for the final stage of the European Football Championship "Euro - 2012" in Ukraine, participation in exercises to conduct an anti-terrorist operation (January-February 2013 ), participation in research bilateral command and staff exercises " Milky Way- 2013 ", participation in the research exercises of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on the organization and conduct of an anti-terrorist reconnaissance and search operation (April-May 2013), as well as during the research bilateral command and staff exercises "Autumn Cyclone - 2013".

A feature of the organization of scientific and scientific - technical activities at the institute is its integration with educational work. That's why great attention is given to attracting cadets and students to scientific work in circles at departments and scientific divisions. The Institute annually holds reviews - competitions for the best organization of scientific work of cadets and students at the departments, conferences of military - scientific societies of faculties, competitions of cadets and students of the institute for the best scientific work and for the best software product, scientific and practical conferences, subject Olympiads. Cadets and students of the institute take part in city interuniversity scientifically -practical conferences teachers, students and young scientists, in all-Ukrainian events - olympiads, competitions scientific works. Many graduates of the institute became doctors and candidates of sciences, outstanding military leaders and statesmen.

The military institute is the center of the military patriotic education youth of the Zhytomyr region, the main place in which belongs to the education of a sense of patriotism among cadets and students, explaining to them the essence of the Ukrainian national idea, which is based on the principles of universal values. Carefully keeps the bright memory of the heroic pages of the past and promotes them among the youth of the city and the region. The People's Museum of Military Glory of the Military Institute, which has become one of the centers of education. The participation of personnel in solemn events on the occasion of milestone events in the life of the state, the graduation of young specialists is an important component of the education of a citizen-patriot.

The true examination of the institute is Practical activities graduates in the army after being appointed to primary officer positions. In recent years, the number of positive reviews from the command of military units and institutions on the performance of our graduates has exceeded 80 percent.

The image of the best military educational institution in Ukraine has been repeatedly noted by representatives of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. High scientific potential of the Institute, modern technologies learning, high level training of specialists, and positive reviews from the places of service and work of graduates are known far beyond the borders of our state.

The Military Institute actively participates in the implementation of international military cooperation programs in the areas of training, retraining and advanced training of foreign military specialists from other states. According to international agreements, the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are being trained in language for further service in peacekeeping contingents and performing tasks in the international missions of the UN and the OSCE. For this purpose, a specialized language laboratory and a center have been deployed at the institute. self-study By English language which are equipped with modern multimedia, audio and video teaching aids.

Those who study really receive an elite education in the most modern areas that are important for the state and its defense capability. For high results in studies and scientific work, the best cadets are awarded nominal scholarships of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, famous state figures.

The high level of professional training of the staff of faculties and departments, the initiative and creative energy of young people, combined with the experience of older generations of scientists and teachers, contributes to the achievement High Quality training of specialists.

If desired, students can study under the training program for reserve officers from specialized and related specialties. Upon graduation, they receive the officer rank of junior lieutenant of the reserve and have the opportunity to start service on a contract basis in the positions of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of emergencies, Security Service of Ukraine, State Border Service, etc. or make a more successful car "covering a civilian specialty. The term of study is 2 years.

Since 2012, the institute has been training specialists for military service under a contract in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other ministries and departments in the positions of officers according to the training scheme "4 years - student, 1 year - cadet". Military specialists, along with the main specialty, acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the operation of automotive equipment and receive a driver's license for the right to drive a car. Cadets in the 5th year are provided with free accommodation, uniforms, meals and receive financial support. For students at the military institute there is a hostel. Cadets and students who study "good" and "excellent" at the expense of the state budget receive an increase in monetary allowance.

Students of the military institute have at least 8 weeks of vacation leave per academic year. Cadets of the 5th year are given a winter vacation vacation lasting 14 days and a summer vacation lasting 30 days.

Training of military specialists is carried out in Zhytomyr in the following areas: radio engineering, systems engineering, electrical engineering and electrical technology. Recruitment is carried out according to the competition of certificates of external independent assessment, depending on the chosen direction of training, as well as according to the results of the entrance test in physical fitness, taking into account the results of a psychological examination and a medical examination. Documents for training are accepted through district (city) military commissariats from January 02 to June 1 of the year of admission.

Military servicemen under the contract of privates, sergeants and foremen, in order to obtain the educational and qualification level of a bachelor for places of state order without interruption from service, before August 10 of the year of receipt, submit a report on command.

Training of civilian specialists is carried out in Zhytomyr under the state order and means of legal entities and individuals in the following areas: radio engineering, system engineering, electrical engineering and electrical technology, security of information and communication systems. Acceptance of documents for training is carried out from 01 to 31 July of the year of admission.

Military specialists - graduates are guaranteed a place of service in officer positions in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other ministries and departments, decent financial and housing security, the possibility of further education and career. Civil graduates are valued by employers not only in the city of Zhytomyr and the Zhytomyr region, but also in other regions of Ukraine for their high professionalism, business and moral qualities, and focus on results.

Boys and girls! Studying at the Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. Korolev of the State University of Telecommunications is the key to rapid career growth and success in life.

Do not expect gifts of fate. Join the Sergey Pavlovich Korolev Zhytomyr Military Institute of the State University of Telecommunications and create the future with your own hands!

Program "Serving Ukraine"

Zhytomyr Military Institute

Issue 132 ZhVINAU 2012

1 of

  • Department of Physical Education, Special Physical Training and Sports
  • Department of Foreign Languages


  • Faculty of Electronic Intelligence and Electronic Warfare
  • Faculty of Geoinformation and space systems
  • Faculty of Information and Telecommunication Systems
  • Faculty of training students under the program of reserve officers ZhVI DUT

Directions of preparation:

  • radio engineering;
  • systems engineering;
  • electrical engineering and electrical technologies;
  • security of information and communication systems.

Contacts of the admission committee

Admission conditions

Rules for admission in 2014 to the State University of Telecommunications for the Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. Queen

Rules for admission to the State University of Telecommunications in 2014 (for the Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. Korolev) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for Admission) were developed by the Admission (Selection) Committee of the Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. Queen of the State University of Telecommunications (hereinafter - the Admission Committee) in accordance with the law of Ukraine "On military duty and military service", Conditions for admission to higher educational institutions of Ukraine in 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Conditions for admission), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated October 29, 2013 No. 1510 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 31, 2013, No. 1855 / 24387, Instructions on the procedure conducting military-professional orientation of youth and entrance examinations in higher military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and military educational units of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine dated 14.04.98 No. 152 (as amended), registered with the Ministry of Justice on 25.06.98 for No. 398/2838, Rules for Admission to the State University of Telecommunications.

1 . general provisions
1.1. The Military Institute is a separate military educational subdivision of the State University of Telecommunications.
1.2. The Military Institute announces admission for the training of specialists with higher education in educational and qualification levels, areas of training and specialties, forms of training in accordance with the license within the licensed volume (see Appendix 1) .
1.3. Citizens of Ukraine, foreigners, as well as stateless persons legally residing on the territory of Ukraine, have a complete general secondary education and have expressed a desire to get a higher education are admitted to the military institute. Foreigners and stateless persons who are legally in Ukraine have the right to receive higher education, except for the right to receive higher education at the expense of the State Budget of Ukraine, local budgets, unless otherwise established by international treaties, the consent to be bound by which is given by the Supreme Rada of Ukraine.
Admission to a military institute for higher education at the educational and qualification levels of a bachelor and a specialist is carried out on a competitive basis, regardless of the sources of funding for training.
1.4. Applicants are not provided with a place in the hostel upon admission.
1.5. The military institute has a modern educational and material base, which is based on existing models and models of equipment, training and computing centers, libraries with a reading room, training laboratories and computer classes with Internet connection and the Ukrainian scientific and educational network URAN, multimedia lecture audiences, classrooms equipped technical means learning and information display.
1.6. The Military Institute trains:
- Specialists for military service under contract in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other ministries and departments in the positions of officers on a separate competition for each ministry or department according to the training scheme "4 years - student, 1 year - cadet" in full-time education (hereinafter - training scheme "student - cadet");
- Specialists for other sectors of the Ukrainian economy (hereinafter referred to as the "student" training scheme):

Persons from among the military servicemen under the contract of private, sergeant and foremen to receive basic higher education in the correspondence form of education.
1.7. Cadets and students of the military institute are provided with every opportunity to receive a quality education, acquire the skills of scientific and rationalization work, spiritual growth, and improve their cultural and physical level. The libraries of the military institute are provided with a sufficient number of socio-political, scientific and technical and fiction. At the club of the military institute there are circles of amateur art, pop-sport and folk dance, a choir, a vocal studio, a team of the club of cheerful and resourceful people has been created, there is a National Museum of Military Glory. Future specialists have at their disposal a well-equipped sports complex with a stadium, a tennis court, a swimming pool, sports grounds for playing sports competitions, and gyms. Sports clubs for basketball, volleyball, kettlebell lifting, arm wrestling, aerobics, mini-football, hand-to-hand combat, table tennis, chess, judo are constantly operating.
1.8. Cadets of the military institute, along with the main specialty, acquire theoretical knowledge, practical skills in the operation of automotive equipment and receive a driver's license for the right to drive a car.
1.9. During their studies, cadets are provided with free housing, uniforms, meals and receive financial support. The barracks have the necessary household equipment and provide conditions for a good rest. For students at the military institute there is a hostel.
1.10. Cadets who study "good" and "excellent" receive an increased allowance.
1.11. Students who study at the expense of the state budget with an average score of 4.0-4.99 receive an academic scholarship in the amount established by law. Those who, according to the results of the semester, have GPA 5.0, the amount of the scholarship is increased by 25%. Meals for students are organized in a cafe at affordable prices.
1.12. Students of the military institute have at least 8 weeks of vacation leave per academic year. Cadets are annually provided with a winter vacation vacation of 14 days and a summer vacation of 30 days.
1.13. Medical care for cadets and students is carried out in the polyclinic of the military institute, which is provided with modern medical equipment and equipment.
1.14. Graduates of the military institute from among the cadets in accordance with the Regulations on the passage of military service by citizens of Ukraine in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, approved by Decree of the President of Ukraine dated 10.12.08 No. 1153 / 2008, are assigned the military rank of "lieutenant" and a diploma of the State University of Telecommunications of the state standard is issued. Graduates of the institute from among the students are issued a diploma of the State University of Telecommunications of the state standard.
1.15. Every year, open days are held at the military institute, during which everyone can get acquainted with the educational material base military institute, directions and specialties of training military and civilian specialists, conditions of training and service.
1.16. In the Admission Rules, the terms are used in the following meaning:

  • liable for military service - a person who is in the reserve for manning the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations for a special period, as well as for performing work to ensure the defense of the state;
  • soldier - a person who is doing military service;
  • a lyceum student - a graduate of the current year of a military lyceum, a naval lyceum and lyceums with enhanced military-physical training;
  • draftee - a person assigned to the recruiting station;
  • civilian youth - conscripts, lyceum students and females who meet the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On military duty and military service".

2. Requirements for the level of education of applicants
2.1. Persons with a complete secondary education are accepted for training to obtain the educational qualification level of a bachelor.
2.2. Persons who have received the educational qualification level of a bachelor are accepted for training to obtain the educational qualification level of a specialist.
2.3. To prepare for the positions of officers in military institute Ukrainian citizens who have expressed a desire to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other military formations formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, have a complete general secondary education and meet the established requirements for military service are accepted:
according to the scheme of training "student - cadet":
civilian youth under the age of 21;
conscripts under the age of 23.
2.4. The Military Institute accepts for training military personnel of privates, sergeants and foremen who do military service under a contract under a separate competition for places of state order for training specialists in the areas of educational and qualification level of a bachelor, determined annually by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
2.5. Female persons are accepted to the military institute for training according to the "student - cadet" scheme for training areas in accordance with the limit indicators approved by the Minister of Defense of Ukraine.
2.6. The Military Institute carries out admission to senior courses in the order of transfer and restoration within the vacancies of the state order and the licensed volume in accordance with the Instruction on the procedure for the transfer, expulsion and restoration of cadets (students) of higher military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine dated 24.12.97 No. 490, and the Regulations on the procedure for the transfer, expulsion and reinstatement of students of higher educational institutions, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine dated 15.07.96 No. 245. Exceeding the licensed volume is allowed only in case of reinstatement of persons returning after academic leave.

3 . Funding for specialist training
3.1. Financing of training at the military institute is carried out:
under the state order - citizens in the positions of officers for military service under the contract and specialists for other sectors of the economy of Ukraine of full-time education, as well as persons from among the military servicemen under the contract in the areas of educational qualification level of the bachelor, are determined annually by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, part-time education;
for vouchers - specialists for the national economy of Ukraine full-time and part-time education;
at the expense of individuals, legal entities - specialists for the national economy of Ukraine of full-time and part-time forms of education.
3.2. A citizen of Ukraine has the right to receive higher education free of charge at a military institute on a competitive basis, if the citizen receives a certain educational and qualification level for the first time.
3.3. A citizen of Ukraine has the right to receive free higher education at a military institute in the second direction (specialty) if, due to health reasons, he has lost the opportunity to perform official or official duties according to the previously obtained qualification, which is confirmed by the conclusions of the medical and social expert commission.

4 . Deadlines for accepting applications and documents, entrance examinations, competitive selection and enrollment for training
4.1. The procedure for the admission and selection committees:

Monday Friday
Start of work - 09.00.
End of work - 18.00.
Lunch break - 13.30-15.00;

Monday - Saturday
Start of work - 09.00.
End of work - 18.00.
Break for lunch - 13.30-14.30.

Start of work - 09.00.
End of work - 13.00.

The order of work of members of the selection and selection committees is carried out according to a separate schedule, the meeting of the Admissions Committee - if necessary on Thursday at 12.30.
4.2. Reception of applications and documents, entrance examinations, competitive selection and enrollment for training entering a military institute on the basis of complete general secondary education, as well as educational and qualification levels of a qualified worker and junior specialist, are carried out on time.
4.3. Acceptance of applications and documents, competitive selection and enrollment for training of applicants on the basis of basic higher education to obtain the educational and qualification level of a specialist in time.
4.4. Applicants who have expressed a desire to join a military institute according to the "student-cadet" training scheme, submit an application to the district (city) military commissariat at the place of residence from January 01 to June 01 of the year of admission to complete the personal file of the candidate for training.

5 . The procedure for accepting applications and documents for admission to the military institute
5.1. The procedure for receiving documents for admission to study according to the scheme "student - cadet"
5.1.1. Previous professional diagnostics and selection, paperwork for applicants from among civilian youth, those liable for military service and lyceum students is carried out in military commissariats until June 10 of the year of admission.
5.1.2. Applicants from among persons who are not military personnel personally submit an application to the district (city) military commissariat at the place of residence within the time limits specified in clause 4.5 of the Admission Rules.
The statement says:
- Full Name;
- Year, month and day of birth;
- Postal code, residential address and telephone number;

- A list of competitive subjects for which the applicant has registered for external independent assessment.
Attached to the application:
- Autobiography;
- A copy of a state document on the previously received educational (educational - qualification) level, on the basis of which admission is carried out, and an annex to it (graduates of educational institutions of the year of entry into training attach a certificate of current academic performance);

- Six color photographs (without headgear) 3 x 4 cm in size;
- Medical documents issued in the military commissariats;
- A copy of the certificate of registration to the recruiting station;

5.1.3. Upon arrival at the military institute, the applicant presents in person:

- Certificate(s) of external independent evaluation.
5.1.4. Before being sent to a military institute, all candidates undergo an initial medical examination at the district (city) military commissariat, and a second one - at the regional military commissariat with filling out a medical examination card for applicants entering a higher military educational institution of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine or a military educational unit of a higher educational institution Ukraine (Appendix No. 12 to the Regulation on military medical expertise in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine dated 14.08.08 No. 402).
Candidates for admission to a military institute are issued medical documents, as well as a protocol of a meeting of a commission for preliminary professional diagnostics, a name list and a professional selection card (for civilian youth), which are filled out by commissions that carry out professional selection candidates.
5.1.5. Documents for selected candidates are submitted by district (city) military commissariats to the regional military registration and enlistment offices, and the rest through the interested departments of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (at their request) - to the military institute before June 20 of the year of receipt, but no later than July 19 of the year of receipt.
5.1.6. If there is no order to the military institute in the military commissariat or it has already been completed, the candidate can submit an application directly to the head of the military institute before June 01 of the year of admission, in which he additionally indicates the postal address of the district (city) military commissariat in which he is registered.
5.1.7. Candidates from among civilian youth and those liable for military service are sent to the place of entrance examinations by district (city) military commissariats, and graduates of the military lyceum, naval lyceum and lyceums with enhanced military and physical training - according to the order of the Department of Military Education and Science of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
5.2. The procedure for accepting documents of candidates for training to receive basic higher education in absentia from among the military servicemen under the contract of privates, sergeants and foremen.
5.2.1. Military servicemen under the contract of privates, sergeants and foremen who wish to enter a military institute to obtain an educational and qualification level of a bachelor for places of state order without interruption from service, before August 10 of the year of admission, submit a report on command.
5.2.2. The report states:
- Military rank;
- Full Name;
- Position held;
- Year, month and day of birth;
- Education;
- The chosen direction of training;
- Form of education - part-time (on the job);
- A list of competitive subjects for which the applicant has registered for an external independent assessment (if such registration was made).
5.2.3. Attached to the report are:
- A copy of a state document on the previously received educational (educational - qualification) level, on the basis of which admission is carried out, and annexes to it;
- Autobiography, which indicates the postal code, address of residence and telephone number, as well as the postal code and address of the military unit where the soldier is serving;
- A copy of the service card;
- Extract from the track record;
- A copy of the contract;
- Medical certificate in form 086-y or a copy of it or a medical examination card (Appendix No. 12 to the order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine No. 402 dated 14.08.08);
- A copy of the birth certificate;
- Copy of passport (1, second page and place of registration);
- Six color photographs (without headgear) 3 x 4 cm in size, certified by the unit's chief of staff;
- Copies of documents that establish the right to benefits in accordance with applicable law and are specified in the Admission Conditions;
- A copy of the certificate of assignment of an identification code;
- Two postal envelopes with stamps.
5.2.4. Upon arrival at the military institute, the applicant presents in person:
- Identity and citizenship document (according to Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Citizenship of Ukraine");
- State-issued document (original) on the previously received educational (educational - qualification) level, on the basis of which admission is carried out, and an annex to it;
- Certificate (certificates) of external independent evaluation (if any).
5.3. The procedure for accepting documents for admission to study according to the "student" scheme
5.3.1. Applicants submit an application for participation in the competitive selection to the military institute (hereinafter referred to as the application) in paper or electronic form. An application in paper form is submitted by applicants personally to the Admissions Committee. It is processed in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data".
5.3.2. In the application, applicants indicate the direction (in case of admission to study to obtain the educational qualification level of a bachelor) or specialty (in the case of admission to study to obtain the educational qualification level of a specialist) and the form of education.
5.3.3. When applying in paper form, the applicant presents in person:
- Identity and citizenship document (according to Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Citizenship of Ukraine");
- Military ID or registration certificate;
- Birth certificate - for persons who, by age, do not have a passport, or another document proving identity and citizenship;
- State-issued document (original) on the previously received educational (educational - qualification) level, on the basis of which admission is carried out, and an annex to it;
- Certificate(s) of external independent evaluation;
- Medical certificate in form 086-o (original).
5.3.4. To the application submitted in paper form, the applicant adds:
- A state document on the previously received educational (educational - qualification) level, on the basis of which admission is carried out, and an annex to it, at personal choice, originals or copies;
- Certificate(s) of external independent assessment, originals or copies of personal choice;
- A copy of the identity and citizenship document;
- Medical certificate in form 086-y or a copy thereof;
- Six color photographs sized 3 x 4 cm;
- A copy of the certificate of assignment of an identification code;
- A copy of the certificate of registration to the recruiting station;
- Copies of documents that establish the right to benefits in accordance with applicable law and are specified in the Terms of Admission.

5.4. Other documents or their copies are submitted by applicants, if this is caused by special conditions for enrollment in the relevant areas (specialties) established by law, within the time limits specified for accepting documents, no later than the deadline for the Admissions Committee to make the first decision on recommending applicants for enrollment.
At the request of the applicant, the admission (selection) committee certifies a copy of the state document on the previously received educational (educational - qualification) level, on the basis of which admission is carried out, annexes to it, certificate (s) of external independent evaluation and other documents.
Applicants have the right to submit an external independent assessment certificate issued in 2014, or certificates or their duplicates issued in 2013, or 2012, or 2011, or 2010, or 2009, or 2008.
5.5. All copies of documents are certified according to the originals by the Admission (Selection) Committee or in the manner prescribed by law. Copies of documents without presenting the originals will not be considered.
5.6. Persons with physical disabilities (disabled groups I and II, disabled children) submit documents certifying their right to pass entrance exams at a military institute for admission under the "student" training scheme.
5.7. Persons who do not submit certificates (certificate) of external independent assessment submit documents certifying their right to pass only entrance exams at a military institute:
- Citizens of Ukraine, dismissed from compulsory military service in 2014;
- Enlisted men, sergeants and foremen who do military service under a contract, upon admission to correspondence form learning;
- Persons with diseases indicated in the list of diseases that may be an obstacle for citizens to pass an external independent assessment, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, for whom the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment cannot provide an independent external assessment educational achievements, for admission to training under the scheme " student " .
5.8. Persons who received complete general secondary education in 2007 and earlier submit documents confirming their right to participate in the competition based on the results of an external independent assessment or on the results of entrance examinations in competitive subjects at a military institute of their choice.
5.9. Citizens of Ukraine, who in 2014 received a complete general secondary education abroad, submit documents confirming their right to participate in the competition based on the results of an external independent assessment or on the results of entrance examinations in competitive subjects at a military institute of their choice.
5.10. Applications in electronic form can be submitted by applicants who wish to take part in the competitive selection based on a certificate of complete general secondary education, a certificate (s) of external independent assessment in competitive subjects defined by the Admission Rules.
5.11. An application in electronic form is submitted by an applicant filling out an electronic form online in accordance with the Procedure for submitting and considering applications in electronic form for participation in competitive selection at a military institute, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated October 29, 2013 No. 1510 and registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 31, 2013 under No. 1856 / 24388 (see Appendix 7) .
5.12. An applicant can submit an application (applications) in paper or electronic form to no more than five higher educational institutions of Ukraine and no more than three applications for participation in the competitive selection for areas of training and forms of education in each of the universities.
The fact of each submission of an application in paper form (indicating whether the originals or copies of documents are attached to the application) is recorded by an authorized person of the selection committee in the Unified Database immediately at the time of acceptance of the application. Applications submitted by applicants in paper form and registered in the Unified Database are processed by the Admissions Committee.
An application registered in the Unified Base can be canceled by a military institute on the basis of a decision by the selection committee until the applicant is included in the lists recommended for enrollment for training, provided that a technical error is made when entering the relevant data into the Unified Base, confirmed by an act of a technical error that has developed in Single base. A canceled application is considered submitted, and the fact of such filing is canceled in the Unified Database.
5.13. Applicants who submit a certificate with a score in certain subjects below the minimum number of points established by the Terms and Conditions of Admission are not allowed to participate in the competition and are not counted for training (except as provided for in the second paragraph of paragraph 6.1 of the Admission Rules).
5.14. The Admissions Committee checks the accuracy of the data submitted by applicants for participation in the competitive selection in the Unified Database or in the database of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment.
The selection committee checks the average score of the document on education (calculates in case of absence), the result of which is approved by the decision of the selection committee and entered into the Unified Database.
5.15. The admission committee considers applications and documents of applicants and makes a decision on admission to participation in the competitive selection for admission to study at a military institute within three working days from the date of registration of the application in the Unified Database or receipt of the results of entrance exams, but no later than July 31. Promulgation of the relevant decisions is carried out at the information stands of the selection committee and the website of the military institute.
5.16. The fact of acquaintance of the applicant with the Admission Rules, the existing license and certificate of accreditation of the relevant field of study, as well as the provision of their consent to the publication of the results of external independent assessment (entrance examinations), the existence of grounds for admission out of competition and for the processing of his personal data in the Unified Database is recorded in application of the applicant and is confirmed by his personal signature when submitting an application in paper form.
5.17. When admitting to study at a military institute of persons who submit a document on the educational and / or educational qualification level obtained abroad, the procedure for recognizing and establishing the equivalence of the document on the educational and / or educational qualification level received is mandatory, carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in accordance with the Procedure for the recognition and establishment of equivalence in Ukraine of education documents issued by educational institutions of other states, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine dated May 28, 2012 No. 632, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 14, 2012 under No. 960/21272. Recognition and establishment of equivalence of these documents are carried out during the first year of study.
5.18. The admission committee checks in the Unified database the list of applications of the applicant submitted by him to other educational institutions.

6. Entrance examinations and competitive selection
6.1. The Admissions Committee allows to participate in the competitive selection for admission to study applicants on the basis of complete general secondary education, who submit certificates of external independent assessment (or their copies) in the relevant general education subjects, defined by the List of competitive subjects of certificates of external independent assessment (entrance examinations) (see . . Appendix 3), not less than 124 points in non-core competitive subjects and not less than 140 points in specialized competitive subjects.
The military institute, by decision of the admissions committee, admits to participation in the competitive selection for admission to training an applicant who submits a certificate of external independent assessment, the number of points for which in one of the non-core competitive subjects determined by the Admission Rules is below 124 points, provided that the number of points for profile competitive subject indicated in the certificate is not less than 170 points.
6.2. For the competitive selection of persons who, on the basis of complete general secondary education, enter to obtain the educational qualification level of a bachelor, the competitive score is calculated by adding the scores of the certificate in competitive subjects (entrance examinations), the average score of the document (attachment to the document) on complete general secondary education and additional points provided for by the Terms of Admission and these Rules.
6.3. At the same time, the average score of a document on complete general secondary education is calculated on a 12-point scale rounded to tenths of a score and converted to a 200-point scale according to the correspondence table given in Appendix 5 to the Admission Rules, and entered into the Unified Database. Grades from the document on complete general secondary education, which are set on a 5-point scale, are taken into account as follows: "3" corresponds to "6", "4" corresponds to "9", "5" corresponds to "12".
6.4. For the preparation of citizens for the positions of officers for military service under a contract at the educational and qualification level of a specialist, cadets are accepted who have successfully passed state certification and received an educational and qualification level of a bachelor in the relevant areas.
6.5. To train specialists for the national economy of Ukraine, the admission of persons who have received the educational qualification level of a bachelor, regardless of sources of funding and forms of education, for training in educational - professional programs specialist is carried out according to the general competition.
6.6. Competitive selection of candidates for training according to the educational and qualification level of a specialist is carried out by a functional unit of the selection committee - a professional attestation committee.
6.7. For the competitive selection of applicants for training according to the educational and qualification level of a specialist, their rating list is compiled according to the competitive score.
6.8. To participate in the competition and to enroll in training at the educational and qualification level of a specialist, an applicant submits an application within the time specified in clause 4.3 of the Rules for Admission, in which he indicates the chosen specialty of training. The application is accompanied by the original document on the received educational and qualification level.
6.9. The competitive score for each candidate is determined on the basis of the marks obtained for the entire previous period of study at the educational and qualification level of the bachelor. The competitive score is determined as the average weighted score of diploma marks on the national scale. When determining the competitive score, grades in academic disciplines, academic and industrial practices. The results of the state attestation are taken into account as a professional test and are attached to the applicant's competitive score. Grades received for completion term papers and projects are not taken into account if they are integral parts of the respective disciplines.
6.10. The professional attestation commission, on the basis of the rating list, forms proposals for enrollment in training at the educational and qualification level of a specialist, taking into account related areas of training for applicants (see Appendix 2) .
6.11. For the competitive selection of applicants for training according to the educational and qualification level of a specialist, a rating list of applicants for the 5th year according to the competitive score is developed in accordance with clause 6.8 of the Admission Rules.
6.12. The results of entrance examinations for those who enter on the basis of complete general secondary education are evaluated on a scale from 100 to 200 points.
6.13. The competitive score of a candidate for training under the scheme "student - cadet" does not take into account the sum of points for assessing individual psychological qualities and level physical fitness.
6.14. For applicants specified in paragraphs 5.6-5.9 of the Admission Rules, the general educational level can be assessed in the form of entrance examinations in competitive subjects (see Appendix 3).
6.15. The programs of entrance examinations to the military institute correspond to the programs of general educational institutions and external independent evaluation, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The content and complexity of the test tasks corresponds to the State Standard for Basic and Complete General Secondary Education, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 24 dated January 14, 2004 (as amended).
6.16. Evaluation of the general educational level of candidates in competitive subjects is carried out by testing.
6.17. Testing in mathematics and physics is carried out by the method of performing original tasks (problem solving) in the form of a written work.
Scope and content test task in mathematics or physics is designed for 180 minutes independent work applicant.
A test task in mathematics or physics contains:
10 tasks of the first level of complexity (2-4 points each);
8 tasks of the second level of complexity (5-6 points each);
2 tasks of the third level of complexity (10-16 points each).
Tasks of the first level are exercises and tasks for 1-2 logical steps (mainly of a reproductive nature), to answer which it is enough to know the rules, formulas, simple properties objects. Tasks of the second and third levels include more than challenging tasks 3-5 logical steps. Solving them requires deeper knowledge, skills and abilities.
The sum of points for completing one test task in mathematics, physics is from 100 to 200.
6.18. The volume and content of the test task for Ukrainian language and literature is designed for 120 minutes of independent work of the applicant.
The test task contains 15 tasks. In each task from 1 to 5 points. There are 35 items in the test, each of them is accompanied by 5 answers, of which only one is correct, and all the rest are false. The correct answer affects the applicants in the answer sheet.
The tasks include tests of various levels of complexity:
1 - 4th task (of the first level of complexity) consists of 10 points, 1 point for each correct answer: the first task (1 point) - 1 point, the second task (2 points) - 2 points, the third task (2 points) - 2 points, 4th task (5 points) - 5 points;
5 - 8th task (of the second level of complexity) consists of 6 points, 2 points for each correct answer: the fifth task (1 point) - 2 points, the sixth task (1 point) - 2 points, the seventh task (1 point) - 2 points, the eighth task (3 points) - 6 points;
9th - 10th task (of the third level of complexity) consists of 6 points, 3 points for each correct answer: the ninth task (3 points) - 9 points, the tenth task (3 points) - 9 points;
11 - 12th task (fourth level of complexity) consists of 5 points, 4 points for each correct answer: the eleventh task (2 points) - 8 points, the 12th task (3 points) - 12 points;
The 13th - 15th task (of the fifth level of complexity) consists of 8 points, 5 points for each correct answer: the thirteenth task (2 points) - 10 points, the 14th task (3 points) - 15 points, the 15th task ( 3 points) - 15 points.
The sum of points for completing one test task is from 100 to 200.
6.19. In the case of entering a military institute, based on the results of an interview, applicants who are granted such a right solve problems for an interview, which includes several tasks and questions that are based on educational material secondary school in mathematics, physics, Ukrainian language and literature.
The entrance test in the form of an interview with each applicant is conducted by at least two members of the commission for each subject.
No more than 60 minutes are allotted for preparation for the interview, the interview usually lasts no more than 20 minutes.
Based on the results of the interview, the mark "passed" or "not passed" is given. In case of receiving the mark "not passed", the applicant participates in the competitive selection for common grounds in accordance with paragraph 8.3 of the Admission Rules.
Information about the results of the interview is announced to the applicant on the day of the interview.
6.20. Applicants for training for the training of persons for the positions of officers must pass the entrance examinations:
- Psychological examination, which includes an assessment of the individual psychological qualities of candidates based on determining the level of military orientation of the individual, nervously - mental stability, identifying professionally important qualities and abilities in candidates that ensure successful mastery throughout the training of a military specialty;
- Assessment of the level of physical fitness;
- Final medical examination by the military medical commission.

6.21. psychological examination
6.21.1. A psychological examination is carried out in order to identify the compliance of the mental properties and psychophysiological characteristics of the applicant with the requirements of the educational and qualification characteristics for the corresponding military specialty, predicting professional suitability for successful training at a military institute, and later on for military service in the army.
6.21.2. The assessment of individual psychological qualities includes assessments of: the military motivational orientation of the individual, the level of neuropsychic stability, professional suitability for successful training at a military institute and mastery of the corresponding military specialty.
6.21.3. The study of individual psychological qualities is carried out in accordance with the Instructions for organizing and conducting professional psychological selection of candidates for training in higher military educational institutions and military educational units of higher educational institutions, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine dated 09.07.09 No. 355, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 22.09 . 09 according to No. 893/16909, Order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine No. 152 dated March 22, 2010 "On approval methodological recommendations on the assessment of the individual psychological qualities of candidates for training in higher military educational institutions and military educational units of higher educational institutions, as well as students of higher educational institutions for training under the training program for reserve officers "and Instructions on the procedure for conducting military-professional orientation of youth and entrance examinations in higher military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and military educational units of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine dated 14.04.98 No. 152 (as amended), registered with the Ministry of Justice on 25.06.98 under No. 398/2838.
6.21.4. The candidate's individual psychological qualities are assessed as "passed professional psychological selection" or "did not pass professional psychological selection". Candidates who, according to the results of testing individual psychological qualities, have neuropsychic instability, as well as those who scored less than 50% of the maximum number of points (less than 35 points), are considered not to have passed the professional psychological selection, they are deducted from the number of candidates for admission to military institute and to the subsequent assembly of tests and participation in the competitive selection are not allowed. The decision of the selection committee on such candidates is drawn up in a separate protocol.
6.21.5. For candidates who are not enrolled based on the results of an assessment of individual psychological qualities, in the documents that are handed out or sent to the military registration and enlistment offices at the place of residence, the following wording of the refusal to enroll is recorded: "I did not pass the entrance test."

6.22. Assessment of the level of physical fitness
6.22.1. The level of physical fitness is determined by the results of the practical implementation of three physical exercises. All exercises are taken within one day in the following sequence: first - speed exercises, then - strength exercises, at the end - endurance. Before the start of each exercise, the applicant is given at least 10 minutes to warm up.
One attempt is allowed to complete the exercises. In some cases (during a breakdown, fall, etc.), the inspector may allow you to perform the exercise again. Repeated performance of exercises in order to improve the obtained score is not allowed.
Exercises are evaluated according to the standards for determining the physical fitness of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
6.22.2. The fitness test program includes:
for boys:

strength - exercise number 1 "Pulling up on the crossbar" (1-2 people each);
endurance - exercise No. 28 "Running for 3 km" (8-10 people each);
for girls:
speed - exercise No. 23 "Running for 100 meters" (1-2 people each);
strength - exercise number 5 "Complex strength exercise"(consists of two parts: the first - flexion and extension of the torso, the second - flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position. For 1 minute, lying on the back, bending the maximum number of times - unbending to reach the elbows of the arms of the knees of the legs, then without interruption for the next 1 minute the maximum number of times to push out from the ground.The total number of flexion - extension and push-ups in 2 minutes corresponds to the assessment defined in the table) (1-2 people each);
endurance - exercise No. 26 "Running for 1 km" (8-10 people each).
6.22.3. The assessment of physical fitness of candidates for training consists of the sum of points received by them for the performance of all exercises intended for testing, and is determined according to the Table of scoring for physical exercises.

6.22.4. According to the results of the assessment of the level of physical fitness, "pass" or "fail" is set.
To receive a “pass” grade, a candidate for studying at a military institute must score an amount from 35 to 70 points.
A candidate for training at a military institute is assessed as "failed" if:
- Less than 35 points scored for 3 physical exercises;
- Strength (No. 3, No. 7) or Endurance (No. 26, No. 28) exercises were not performed for any reason;
- The threshold level was not met in exercises for strength or endurance.
Candidates for training at a military institute who received a "failure" mark for entrance examinations in physical training are not subject to enrollment in a military institute.

6.23. Final medical examination
6.22.1. The final medical examination of candidates is carried out at the military institute in accordance with the Regulations on the military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine dated 14.08.08 No. 402.
6.22.2. The candidate is examined by a surgeon, general practitioner, neuropathologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, otorhinolaryngologist, dentist, dermatologist, and, according to medical indications, by doctors of other specialties.
6.22.3. According to the results of the final medical examination of each applicant, a decision is made "fit" or "unfit" for training at a military institute.
6.23. Persons who are not certified in the Ukrainian language submit a certificate of the Ukrainian Center for Assessing the Quality of Education in Language, the grades for which are set in the document on the educational level (pass the entrance exam, taking into account the availability of relevant scientific - teaching staff who are members of subject committees).
The result of the exam is evaluated on a scale from 100 to 200 points and is credited instead of a certificate score in Ukrainian language and literature.
6.24. To conduct entrance examinations, the following commissions are created:
- Subject examination commissions on the assessment of the general educational (professional) level (for each subject separately);
- Commission for psychological examination;
- Commission for assessing the level of physical fitness;
- Military medical commission.
6.25. Persons who, without good reason, did not appear at the entrance examinations at the time specified in the schedule, as well as those whose knowledge was assessed with points below the minimum level established by the Admission Rules, and persons who took the documents after the deadline for accepting documents, to participate in the following entrance examinations and are not allowed in the competitive selection.
6.26. Appeals against the results of entrance examinations conducted by the military institute are considered by the appeal commission of the military institute, the composition and procedure of which is approved by the head of the military institute.
6.27. The applicant's appeal regarding the examination mark obtained by him in the exam must be submitted personally within 24 hours after the announcement of the test results.
6.28. The appeal is considered at a meeting of the Appeal Commission no later than the next working day after its submission in the presence of the applicant. Outsiders (including the parents of applicants) are not allowed to consider the appeal.
6.29. An additional survey of applicants when considering an appeal is not allowed.
6.30. Appeals regarding the removal of an applicant from the test are not considered.
6.31. Retake of entrance examinations is not allowed, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 7.2.5 of the Guidelines for physical training in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine dated December 30, 2009 No. 685.

7. Target admission to the military institute
7.1. Target admission is organized in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, according to which graduates of the current year of the military lyceum, naval lyceum and lyceums with enhanced military physical training are enrolled in a military institute to prepare citizens for military service under the contract in officer positions.
7.2. The established quota should not exceed 25 percent.
7.3. Participants of the targeted admission are enrolled in training to obtain the educational qualification level of a bachelor in a separate competition.
7.4. Persons not enrolled in the target places in a separate competition may participate in the competition in accordance with the competitive score of the general rating list.

8 . Enrollment by interview
8.1. Based on the results of the interview, persons who are granted such a right by the Law of Ukraine "On the status and social protection of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster" are enrolled in the military institute. This category includes persons who graduated from secondary and vocational schools with honors (excellent grades) if they:

- Children who have grounds for installation of the 2nd, 3rd or 4th category under the law of Ukraine "On the status and social protection of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster", until they reach the age of majority (Article 30).
8.2. The interview program with the specified categories of persons is approved by the head of the selection committee.
8.3. Persons who, based on the results of the interview, are not recommended for enrollment in training and who have submitted certificates of external independent assessment in competitive subjects with results not lower than those stipulated by the Admission Rules, have the right to participate in the competition on a general basis.
8.4. On the recommendation of the health and social protection authorities, the selection committee is considering the possibility of enrolling in the "student" scheme in excess of the state order based on the results of an interview with the right to study at the place of residence of disabled people who are not able to attend an educational institution, and also creates conditions for passing them an external training course.

9 . Enrollment of applicants on the basis of basic and complete general secondary education who have achieved outstanding success in the study of specialized subjects
9.1. Enrolled in a military institute in accordance with Section 12 of the Rules for Admission, subject to the presentation of a certificate (certificates) of external independent assessment with a score not lower than the minimum level for admission to participation in the competitive selection of participants in international Olympiads, provided that they enter the areas for which the profile is the entrance exam in the subject in which they took part in the international Olympiad.
9.2. Prize-winners (persons awarded with diplomas of I - III degrees) of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiads in basic subjects of the competitive score upon admission on the basis of complete general secondary education are additionally awarded points, provided that they enter the areas of training for which the profile is the entrance exam in the subject , in which they are winners, including information technology - upon admission to the direction of "systems engineering".
9.3. Winners of the III stage of the All-Ukrainian competitions-defenses of scientific research works of students-members of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are additionally awarded points in accordance with the section in which the applicant participated in the competition-defense. The correspondence of the sections to the areas of training is determined according to the list of sections in accordance with the areas of training, for which, upon admission to higher educational institutions for training at the educational and qualification level of the bachelor, competitive points are additionally credited to the winners - persons awarded diplomas I-III degree- Stage III of the All-Ukrainian competitions - defense of research works of students - members of the IAS in sections of the scientific departments of the IAS of Ukraine, given in Appendix 8 to these Rules.
9.4. The provisions of paragraphs 9.1, 9.2 of this section apply to persons who have the best intellectual achievements by decision of the Expert Council for determining the best intellectual achievements of children, adopted in accordance with the Regulations on the Expert Council for determining the best intellectual achievements of children, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 27.08.13 No. 1236, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 16.09.13 under No. 1596 / 24128, and in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 467 of 26.04.13 "On the establishment in 2013 of the Program of the President of Ukraine for talented children" Intellectual the future of Ukraine "", participants of international Olympiads, winners of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiads and prize-winners of the III stage of the All-Ukrainian competitions-defenses of research works of students - members of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which took place in the current academic year, according to the list determined by the Ministry education and science of Ukraine.
9.5. The amount of the additional point is set:
persons who have the best intellectual achievements - 70 points;
persons awarded with diplomas of the 1st degree - 50 points;
persons awarded with diplomas of the II degree - 40 points;
persons awarded with diplomas of the III degree - 30 points.
Additionally, points are awarded only for one of the above grounds.
9.6. For persons from among professionally oriented youth who completed the preparatory courses of a military institute in the year of admission, for admission on the basis of complete general secondary education for training in the natural, mathematical and engineering and technical areas of training, upon admission to the corresponding area of ​​training, up to 20 points are added based on the results of the final certification (see Appendix 4) .
9.7. The provisions of paragraph 9.6 of these Rules apply to the preparatory courses of a military institute, provided that the volume of training hours is at least 150 classroom hours, the training period is at least three months.
9.8. Graduates of the preparatory courses of the military institute are issued a certificate indicating the period of study at the preparatory courses, the number of hours provided for by the training work program from educational general education disciplines, the number of points based on the results of training in courses for each of the academic disciplines. In case of full completion of the program by the graduate academic discipline preparatory courses, he receives 10 points. According to the results of the final certification, the graduate has up to 10 points.
9.9. The number of additional points determined by clause 9.6 of the Rules for Admission and accrued to persons based on the results of training is published by the Admissions Committee before the start of accepting applications for participation in the competition.

10 . Enrollment out of competition
10.1. Enrolled out of competition:
a) persons who, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection", are granted such a right. This category includes:
- Participants in hostilities on the territory of other states (clause 22 of article 12);
- Children of combatants on the territory of other states who died (missing) or died as a result of injury, concussion or injury received during military operations and conflicts on the territory of other states, as well as due to illness associated with staying on the territory of other states during the time of these actions and conflicts (paragraph 23 of article 15);
b) orphans and children deprived of parental care, as well as persons from among them aged 18 to 23 in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 05.04.94 No. 226 "On improving education, training, social protection and material security orphans and children deprived of parental care "(with changes);
c) disabled people of groups I and II and disabled children under the age of 18, who are not contraindicated for studying in the chosen direction (specialty), in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Fundamentals of Social Protection of Disabled Persons in Ukraine";
d) persons who, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Status and Social Protection of Citizens Affected by the Chernobyl Disaster", are granted such a right. This category includes persons who have graduated from secondary and vocational schools if they:
- Referred to the 1st and 2nd categories by the Law of Ukraine "On the status and social protection of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster" (Articles 20, 21);
- Minor children of citizens assigned to the 1st category (Article 20);
- Minor children of deceased citizens classified as categories 1 and 2 by the Law of Ukraine "On the status and social protection of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster", whose death is related to the Chernobyl disaster (Articles 20, 21);
- Minor children of deceased citizens from among the participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, referred to the 3rd category by the Law of Ukraine "On the status and social protection of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster", whose death is associated with the Chernobyl disaster (Article 22);
- Children with disabilities associated with the Chernobyl disaster (Article 30);
- Children who have grounds for the installation of the 2nd, 3rd or 4th categories under the law of Ukraine "On the status and social protection of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster", until reaching the age of majority (Article 30);
e) persons who, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On increasing the prestige of mining work", are granted such a right. This category includes (Article 5):
- Miners who have at least three years of underground work experience;
- Within three years after receiving general secondary education, children whose parents have at least 15 years of underground work experience;
- Children of miners who died in an accident at work;
- Children of disabled miners of groups I and II;
f) children of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other military formations, law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty, in accordance with Decree of the President of Ukraine dated February 21, 2002 No. 157 "On additional measures to strengthen care for the defenders of the Motherland, their legal and social protection , improvement of military - patriotic education of youth " ;
f) family members of miners and mine rescuers who died as a result of an accident at the leased enterprise "Mine named after A.F. Zasiadko", in accordance with Appendix 4 to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 09.01.08 No. 6 "Some issues of social protection of family members of dead miners and mine rescuers" .
10.2. The number of places for persons specified in paragraph 10.1 of the Admission Rules is established by the Admissions Committee based on the results of monitoring the admission campaign of previous years and should not be more than 25 percent of the volume of the state order for each area of ​​training brought to the higher education institution (see Appendix 3) .
In the event that such a quota is established, the enrollment of persons specified in clause 10.1 of the Rules for Admission takes place according to the competitive score of the applicant.

eleven . Right to priority enrollment
11.1. The right to priority enrollment in a military institute have:
1) persons who, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Child Protection", are granted such a right. This category includes disabled children, orphans, children deprived of parental care, and other categories of children in need of social protection (Article 19);
2) persons who, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the social and legal protection of military personnel and members of their families", are granted such a right upon admission to higher military educational institutions and military educational units of higher educational institutions. This category includes (article 13, paragraph 5):
- Children of military personnel with a length of service in calendar terms of 20 years or more;
- Children of citizens dismissed from military service due to age, health reasons or in connection with a reduction in staff or organizational measures, whose length of service in calendar terms is 20 years or more;
- Children of military personnel who died in the performance of military service duties, died or went missing or became disabled due to a disease associated with military service;
3) persons who, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Fundamentals of Social Protection of Disabled Persons in Ukraine", have been granted such a right. This category of persons includes persons with disabilities and children from low-income families, in which (Article 22):
- Both parents are disabled;
- One of the parents is disabled, and the other has died;
- A single mother from among the disabled;
- Disabled father raising a child without a mother;
4) persons who, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated February 21, 2002 No. 157 "On additional measures to strengthen care for the defenders of the Motherland, their legal and social protection, and improve the military-patriotic education of young people", have been granted such a right. This category includes citizens of Ukraine who have completed military service or contract service and have positive references from the command of military units (paragraph 3);
5) persons who, in accordance with Decree of the President of Ukraine dated September 12, 2007 No. 849 "On the decision of the Council national security and Defense of Ukraine dated September 4, 2007 "On the main directions of financial support for measures to improve the living standards of the population in 2008" such a right was granted. This category includes children from large families with five or more children (subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2);
6) graduates of high school (complete general secondary education), awarded with a gold or silver medal, upon admission on the basis of complete general secondary education;
7) an applicant who has a higher score in a profile subject;
8) an applicant who has a higher average score of a document on complete general secondary education;
9) an applicant who completed the preparatory courses of a military institute in the year of admission.
11.2. The specified right is granted, ceteris paribus, in the order determined by clause 11.1 of the Admission Rules.

12 . Formation and publication of the rating list of applicants
12.1. The list of applicants entering under the conditions of targeted admission is ordered by competitive score from higher to lower in accordance with the procedure for the formation of the rating list without taking into account the categories of applicants defined in sections 9, 10, 11 of these Rules.
12.2. The list of applicants recommended for enrollment is formed by category in the following sequence:
- Applicants recommended for enrollment out of competition;
- Applicants recommended for admission to places of targeted admission;
- Applicants recommended for enrollment based on the results of the interview;
- Participants of international Olympiads;
- Applicants recommended for enrollment by competition.
12.3. Within the framework of each category specified in clause 12.2 of the Admission Rules, the rating list of applicants is ordered:
- By competitive score from highest to lowest;
- Taking into account the right to priority enrollment with the same competitive score in order to comply with the grounds for its acquisition.
12.4. The list of applicants recommended for enrollment includes:
- Surname, name and patronymic of the applicant;
- Competitive score of the applicant;
- Availability of grounds for admission out of competition;
- Availability of grounds for enrollment in places of targeted admission;
- Availability of grounds for enrollment based on the results of the interview;
- Availability of grounds for enrollment as a participant in international Olympiads;
- Availability of the right to priority enrollment.
12.5. Rating lists of applicants are formed by the Admissions Committee and made public by posting on the information stands of the admissions committee (scheme "student" and "student-cadet") and the website of the military institute (scheme "student").

13 . Providing recommendations for enrollment
13.1. The decision on the recommendation for enrollment of applicants to the places of the state order is made by the Admissions Committee within the time period specified in paragraph 4.2 of these Rules, and in accordance with the procedure for the formation of the competitive list, defined in chapter 12 according to the competitive score of the applicant from the highest to the lowest.
The formation of lists of applicants recommended for enrollment is carried out in the Unified Database within the scope of the state order, in its absence - within the licensed scope. Recommendations for the enrollment of applicants for training under the "student" scheme at the expense of individuals and legal entities are provided after the enrollment of applicants for the budgetary form is completed.
13.2. The selection committee makes a decision on the recommendation for enrollment in state order places in three stages: on the first, fifth and eighth days after the last day of receiving applications.
13.3. The official announcement of the provision of recommendations for enrollment is considered to be the publication of the relevant decision at the stands of the selection committee.
Recommended for enrollment applicants can send a message by means of electronic and mobile communications.

14 . Realization of the right of applicants to choose the place of study
14.1. Persons who have submitted applications in paper or electronic form and take part in the competitive selection, after the Admissions Committee decides on a recommendation for enrollment in accordance with the first deadline for publishing the rating list of applicants, specified in paragraph 4.2 of these Rules, are required to fulfill the requirements for enrollment in places of state order: personally submit the originals of the document on the educational (educational - qualification) level and its annex, medical certificate, certificates of external independent assessment and other documents stipulated by the Admission Conditions and Admission Rules to the Admissions (selection) committee. Individuals who have applied electronically are required to sign their own electronic application printed at the admissions office.
14.2. Persons who, within the established deadlines for publishing and updating the rating list of applicants, specified in paragraph 4.2 of these Rules, did not submit to the Admissions Committee the original document on the educational (educational - qualification) level and its annex, medical certificate, certificates of external independent assessment and other documents , provided for by the Admission Conditions and the Admission Rules (did not fulfill the requirements for enrollment), lose the right to enroll in education under the state order.

15 . Correction of the list recommended for enrollment
15.1. Correction of the list recommended for enrollment is carried out when applicants choose a place of study in accordance with the requirements of clause 14.1 of these Rules.
15.2. The Admissions Committee cancels the previously provided recommendations to applicants who have not met the requirements for admission (have not submitted the original document on the educational (educational - qualification) level and its annex, medical certificate, external independent assessment certificates and other documents stipulated by the Admission Conditions and Admission Rules, to the Admissions Committee), and gives recommendations to applicants following the rating list.
Applicants under the "student" scheme, whose recommendations for admission to places of state order have been canceled, do not lose the right to participate in the competition for places financed at the expense of individuals and legal entities.
15.3. The decision on the participation of an applicant in the competition for training under the "student" scheme at the expense of individuals and legal entities from among those who had their recommendations for admission to study under the state order canceled is made at the request of the applicant submitted to the Admissions Committee.
15.4. Applicants recommended for study at the expense of individuals and legal entities under the "student" scheme are required to fulfill the requirements for enrollment in accordance with clause 14.1 of these Rules.
An agreement with the customer on training at the expense of individuals and legal entities under the "student" scheme is concluded after the order for enrollment is issued.
Payment for training is carried out in accordance with the agreement concluded by the parties.
15.5. When studying in several forms at the same time (except for two daytime forms), the originals of the document on the educational (educational - qualification) level, state-approved annexes to it, as well as the originals of certificates of external independent assessment are stored in a higher educational institution at the place of study by state order or at the expense of state preferential long-term loans throughout the entire period of study.
When studying simultaneously in two educational and professional programs in areas or specialties at the place of study at the expense of individuals and legal entities, certified copies of a state document on the educational (educational - qualification) level and its annexes, copies of certificates of external independent assessment are stored in a higher educational institution . The specified copies of documents are stored in the higher education institution during the period of study together with the original certificate of the higher education institution, in which the originals of these documents are stored. The certificate is issued at the request of the student by the higher educational institution in which the originals of these documents are stored.

16 . Order of admission
16.1. Orders for admission to study are issued by the head of the military institute on the basis of the decision of the selection committee. Orders for admission to study with annexes to them are formed in the Unified database (scheme "student") and according to the forms of orders and applications to them of the Unified database (scheme "student - cadet") in accordance with the lists of applicants recommended for enrollment, and are made public on information stand of the Admissions Committee (scheme "student" and "student - cadet") and the website of the military institute (scheme "student"). in the form of a list of those enrolled within the time limits established in paragraphs 4.2 - 4.3 of these Rules.
16.2. The decision of the Admissions Committee on the admission of an applicant may be canceled by the Admissions Committee in case of violations of the law by the applicant, provided for in paragraph 19.6 of these Rules.
Applicants can be expelled from a higher educational institution of their own free will, about which an appropriate order is issued, which is verified in the Unified Database, and documents that were submitted by applicants are returned to such persons.
To the space(s) vacated at the same time before the start training sessions additional competitive selection may be carried out for the enrollment of persons, including from another direction of training (specialty) of this higher educational institution, provided that the competitive subjects coincide, in the absence of applicants for enrollment from among the persons who participated in the competition for this area of ​​training (specialty ).
16.3. An order to enroll an expelled person entering the place is issued upon personal fulfillment by the applicant of the requirements of clause 14.1 of these Rules.

17 . Features of admission and education of foreigners and stateless persons in higher educational institutions of Ukraine
17.1. Only citizens of Ukraine are accepted for training under the "student - cadet" scheme.
17.2. The procedure, list of documents and deadlines for admission to study of foreigners and stateless persons who are legally in Ukraine are defined in section 18 of the Rules for Admission to the State University of Telecommunications.

18 . Enrollment in a military institute for vacant places during the first days of training and storage of works of applicants
18.1. Persons who, without good reason, did not start classes within 10 days from the date they began, are expelled from the military institute, about which an appropriate order is issued, which is verified in the Unified Base (scheme "student").
Enrollment of expelled students takes place within the next five working days, subject to the provisions and requirements of paragraphs 16.2-16.3 of these Rules. At the same time, orders for the enrollment of such persons are formed and found in the Unified Database until 18.00 on September 17 of the year of receipt.
18.2. The works of applicants (including sheets of preparation for an oral answer, interview sheets), performed by them at entrance tests, interviews that were not accepted for training, are stored for one year, then destroyed, about which an act is drawn up. If he is recommended for enrollment in another educational institution based on the results of the current entrance examinations, then his entrance papers are sent to this institution of higher education upon request.
18.3. Applicants who are not enrolled in training for officer positions in the chosen area of ​​training have the right to:
- Submit an application for participation in the competition for enrollment for training for positions of officers in another direction of training;
- Submit an application for participation in the competition for enrollment under the "student" training scheme at a military institute for one or another area of ​​training for a competitive score of external independent assessment certificates or entrance exams within the deadlines for receiving documents defined by the Admission Rules.
18.4. Persons from among the civilian youth who are not accepted for study at a military institute for training for the positions of officers are sent to the district (city) military commissariats at the place of residence.
18.5. Personal files and other documents indicating the reasons for the refusal to enroll in a military institute, as well as a certificate of the results of entry, are issued to candidates on receipt, which is notified to military commissariats and military units no later than 10 days after the end of admission to a military institute (for applicants to training for officer positions).

19 . Ensuring openness and transparency in the conduct of admission to the military institute
19.1. Representatives of the media have the right to attend the meeting of the selection committee (no more than two people from one media outlet).
19.2. For accreditation of journalists, a registered application for accreditation is submitted to the Admissions Committee in the name of the chairman, sealed and signed by the head of the media.
19.3. The application for accreditation must contain:
- Full name of the media;
- Postal address, telephone (fax) number, e-mail address of the mass media;
- Information about the founders or publishers of the media, the frequency of release, circulation at the time of filing the application (for print media); sphere (region) of mass media distribution;
- Surname, name and patronymic of media workers who are accredited, belonging to creative or technical workers.
Attached to the application for accreditation:
- A copy of the certificate of state registration of a print media outlet, a news agency or a copy of a broadcasting license;
- The last two copies of the printed media edition.
Note: the online edition additionally in the application for accreditation informs about the founders, address, telephone numbers of the management, telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail address of the information service.
19.4 . Public organizations can apply to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with an application for granting them the right to monitor the work of the selection committee. Public organizations that have been granted such a right by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine may send their observers to the meetings of the selection committee. The selection committee is obliged to create appropriate conditions for the presence of public observers at its meetings, as well as to provide them with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the documents that are provided to members of the commission before the meeting.
19.5. The chairman of the selection committee, as a rule, announces the meeting of the commission no later than the day preceding the day of the meeting. In special cases - no later than three hours before the start of the meeting. The announcement, together with the draft agenda of the meeting, shall be made public.
19.6. Providing applicants with inaccurate personal data, inaccurate information about the right to enroll out of competition, the right to priority enrollment, the right to enroll by interview, about previous education, about participation in olympiads and competitions of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, about passing an external independent assessment is the basis to be excluded from the student body.
19.7. Informing the public about the submission of applications for joining a military institute is carried out by information systems based on the data entered by the selection committees into the Unified Database.
The selection committee is obliged to submit, in the prescribed manner, the information received from incoming applicants to the Unified Database.
19.8. All issues related to admission to the military institute are decided by the Admissions Committee at its meetings. The decision of the selection committee should be published on its information boards and on the official website of the military institute, as a rule, on the day of adoption, but no later than the day following the adoption.
19.9. The decision of the selection committee, taken within its powers, is the basis for issuing the corresponding order by the head of the military institute.

For more information about the preparation and entry into the Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. The Queen of the State University of Telecommunications can be obtained from the website of the Military Institute www.zvir.zt.ua or by e-mail by the address: [email protected].

PhD Contacts

Website: http://zvir.zt.ua/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=98&Itemid=102&lang=ru

Entrance exams in postgraduate course

Admission conditions, procedure for registration and deadlines for submitting documents for admission to the postgraduate course at the Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. Korolev of the National Aviation University
The conditions for admission, the procedure for processing and the deadlines for submitting documents for admission to postgraduate studies are set out in the Regulations on the training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 01.03.1999 No. 309, and in the Instruction on organizing the training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel, approved by the Order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine and the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 194/265 dated June 30, 2000 (as amended by Order No. 662/771 of the Ministry of Education and Science of November 14, 2006)

Officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (other central executive bodies) who are in military service, have a complete higher education at the educational qualification level "specialist" or "master", who have shown the ability to teach or scientifically - research work and have experience of service in the troops (forces) for at least 2 years, not older than 40 years.
The report for joining the postgraduate course is submitted by subordination to
February 1 of the year of admission. The following documents are submitted along with the report:
1. List of published scientific papers and inventions (in case of their absence, they submit scientific reports (abstracts) on their chosen scientific specialty).
2. A copy of the officer's diploma of graduation from a higher military educational institution indicating the qualifications of a specialist or master and the grades received.
3. Certificate of passing the candidate's exams (in the presence of passed candidate's exams).
4. Service characteristic (with a characteristic of scientific and pedagogical (scientific) activity).
5.Copy of service card.
6. Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the academic council of the university (for officers entering the postgraduate course immediately after graduating from the operational-strategic or operational-tactical faculties).

A diploma of higher education is submitted personally by applicants.

The decision on admission to the postgraduate entrance exams or refusal is made admission committee based on the results of the interview, review of the abstract and submitted scientific papers, taking into account the written conclusion of the proposed supervisor (head of the department).
Applicants to the postgraduate course take exams in the specialty (in the scope of the curriculum for a specialist or master, which corresponds to their chosen scientific specialty), in philosophy and one of the foreign languages ​​to choose from (English, German, French), in the scope curricula for higher educational institutions of the 4th level of accreditation, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Officers admitted to take entrance exams, in addition to the next vacation, are given an additional leave of 30 days to prepare and pass entrance exams.

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    First aid post.


    The library of the military institute is provided with a sufficient amount of socio-political, scientific-technical and fiction literature and is one of the largest in the city. At the club of the military institute there are circles of amateur art, pop-sport and folk dance, a choir, a vocal studio, a team of the club of cheerful and resourceful people, there is the National Museum of Military Glory.